Mnthnl ÖTnimty 3SEpuhlican. VOLUME 22. PLYMOUTH, INDIANA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, t878. NUMBER 50. THE REPUBLICAN. BY X W. SEDERS Sc CO. RATES OF ADVERTISING. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. SPECIAL Space. lw. 3 w. 4 w.i S m. 3 m. tin i-w 1 on i no 4 .v 4 uo r, - " inc . . 3 00 4 00! 4 60i 50, 9 W It 'Ml W 4 Inciws 4 00 5 50 00 9 OOjlO (X. 14 00, tt M V colama 5 M 7 00 - 90 to 00 12 00 20 0? 33 00 W column 7 n.1,10 00 11 50 1 0 20 ' 00, 60 00 1 c ln an l v v ft r v jTimvT i i veai m I II U IIU I I 1 I IUI II iHi VI Hi I 3 5 ; II il II U U II Uli JIUil I 4 4 VI.1W W 1 av aw v ' -I - " If 00. 13 00 40 00.30 00 40 00 0 OOilOO 00 Four cuanres allowed, if reasonable time is gir . Kxtrs changes by paying for type-setting. Bnsinsas card, 5 lines, $6.00 per ananw. Business notice, so headed, set solid, to cents .per line for flrst insertion, and S cents for each abseqnrt insertion. (Jener J Legal Advertiaements at legal rate. Special rate given to regular advertisers. Mo -leviation will be made from these rules. Communications upon subjects of general o." lo cal tn to rest are solicited. Oar Job Rooms are supplied with every facility JTor doing printing neatly, cheaply and promptly mod wt respectf-illy sblic:; year patronage, g-iaran-iteeiac satiifactlin. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. T. A. BORTOM, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Offlc in PoarOttct iT.ock. Dwelling on East Side South Michigan Street, PLYMOUTH, INDIANA. Or. J M .ENNINC3. I PHYSICIAN AND 8UEOEON. office with Dr N. Hbcrmaa over Lawer's Htore. on Michigan street, Flrmouth. Ind. Residence on Center street. oopoalt Catholic ehuroh. bm no AMASA JOHNSON ATTORN KV AT LA W . Prompt attention given t collections, settlement of decedei-ta' estates and guardifc-ishipa, deeds, mortgages, and other con .ftcts drawn op and acknowledgments taken. Of oaovrr Back A l oan's Hardware Store, Six IU WEEKLY IBS Donnths FREE to Subscri ber0 to P O. JONES, Attorney at Law A Notary Public Prompt attention given to all claims and col Tctions left in his care. Office in corner ol ear'a brick block Plymouth Ind. C. M REEVE, ATTOUXEt Al LAW. Located In 184. Collections and conveyancing a speei üty. Buy and sella real estate on commis ion. Insures lire and property In A. l com panies. Desirable real estate for sale In the alt" and adjolnlctr. Novl-76 DR I. BOWER. IfTTSICIAN AND SURGEON, will be pleased to re 4iro patients at his office. No. 1 (.ichigan street, where he mar be Soünd a all timet.. x-ept when professional ly absent, his residence beimc at the same PC' aw. July 1st 187. Wm. M. BAILEY. M. D.. H)HTKICIAN & SURGEON". Thirty years A. pravtifj. Graduate of two Medical eol ifges. ami six years .inrg"Q m the army of the Ü. 8. (vol. serv.) Can compete success fully with any quuck in the United States. Thankful for pas favors, is still ,n regular .ractlce, and only requires to be better known lo'fcave an extensive oee. Office in Sears new brick, cor. of Afi -higan and UaPorte fltrwtf Is Plymouth. In 1- aiy 1st. 187. ly THE REPUBLICAN! We take pleasure in Announcing that we have made arrangements with the publish er of the CaiCAoo Weekly News which enables us to offer that paper to our sub scribers as a premium, at no additional costovor the regular subscription price the Repcblican. For one subscription price we thus fur nish our subscribers with two papers a metropolitan and a home weekly. By this arrangement our subscribers are pla ced in command ot the whole situation. All events of Interest, local, national and foreign will be presented, completely and promptly, by the one or the other ot these two publications. The single feature ol tull and trustworthy Chicago market quo tations will be worth, to many of our readers, the entire subscription price. To those who are not familiar with the Chicago Nkws, we would say it is the best lepresentative of independent Jour nalism In the west. The Weekly Nkws is a large eight column folio, "cruni lull" of telegraph and general news, short aud pithy editorials on the topics of the day, written in a very familiar, incisive style, aud in all its departments evidently aims to give facts in few words, without the verbiage and fine writting which render so many of the large metropolitan jour nals "a weariness to the flesh." Fati, not words appear to be its mattn. All new subscribers to the RarcnMCAN and all old subscribers who renew betöre the first of January, will receive the Weekly Nkws six months as premium J. W. SIDERS 4 CO.. Pub. Republican, Plymouth. PATENT MEDICINES. " Vegetine," Says a Boston physician, "has no equal as blood purifier. Hearing of its many wonderful cur js after all other remedies had faihM, I visited the tabora tory, and convinced myself of Its cetmine merit, it is prepared from harks, roots and herbs, each of which is highly effective, and they tro cotnjiounded in such a manner as to produce astonishing results." Vegetine Is the great Blood PurileT. Vegetine Will cure the worst case of Scrofula. Vegetine Is recommended by physicians and apothecaries. Vegetine Has effected some marvellous cure in cases of Cancer. Vegetine Cures the worst caee of Canker. Vegetine )feet. with wonderful success la Mercurial dis eases. Vegetine Will eradicate Salt Rheum from the system. Removes Fluiples and Humors from the lace. Vegetine Cares (Constipation and regulates the bowels. Vegetine Is a valuable remedy fr Headache. Will cure lvspewia, J. O , S. D- at J- W. PARKS, TTOR.NEYS AT LAW, yotaries Public and A. Authorized War Claim Agents; Offices at Bourbon and Plymouth. Indiana. Espeetal attention ciwn to the --ttlemnat of deeedente Estates. Conveyancing, and the collection or Soldiers' Claims for Peusjons: will attend rruoaptly to ail professional business eu-tcuM'-d to them, and gravetie in Marshall and adjoining coanties. Plymouth offie on Oauo alroet. between Miehuanand Center street. Bourbon office i tSkd f ifiil la4 offti'e.iötf Restores the entire system to a healthy condition. Vogetin Remoye the cause of Oizziness. Vegetine Relieves Faintness of the Stomach. Vegetine Cures Tain In the Bark. Vegetine Effectually cures Kidney Complaint. Vegetine Is effective in Its cure ot Female Weakness. Vegetine la the graet remedy fur (Jcneral Debility. Vegetine Is acknowledged by all clssses of people to b. the beat and niosl reliable blood pnr:fler ia the wurld. VEGETINE. Prepared ny The Dest That I Can. " I can not do mru-h." said a little s'ar, " To make the dark world bright 1 My silver beams cannot strnggle far Through the folding c'oom of night ; But I'm only a part of (Jod'n great plan, And I'll cheerfully do the best I can." " What is the use," said a fleecy cloud, " Of these few drops that 1 hold ; They will hardly bend the lily proud, Though caught in her cup of i;old ; Yet I am part ot (,od's gr at plan. So uiy treasure I'll ive a well as I can." A child went merrily forth to play ; But a thought, like a silver thread, Kepi windiwtr in and out all day l'hrough the happy, golden head. Mother said, " larling. do all yon can. For you are a part of (tod's great plan." 9be knew no more than Hie glancing star, Nor the cloud uith it- chaüce full. Dow, why, and foi what all strange things ' 8 a war only a child at scikh 1 Bn he thought, "It is part of i od's great plan That even I should do all I can." She helped a younger child along Vbe the road w:u rough to the feet. And blie aaas sj her heart a little song That we all thought parsing sweet ; And h r father, a weary, toil ncru man. Said, ' 1 wiU do likewise the heat that I can." Our best? Ah. children ! the best of us Must hide our faces away, 1 hen the Lord of the vineyard comes to looa At our task at the dose of the day ; But for strength i rom above ('tis the Master's plan) We'll pray, and we'U Jo the best we can. were. CONFEDERATE PAPER Ü05EY. much I am to receive from the sum- husband and wife sat together in the mer crops falls far short of the inter- cheer ol sitting room, and yet, spite e3t due to Squire Forbes." Of it all, the Newton children said: "Do not look at it to night," Mrs. "We neyer had such a good Thanks Newton pleaded; "do not let Mon- giving before." And at nightfall, day's cares creep into Sunday's peace, when they had gone to sleep, Farmer Andrew." Newton and his wife repeated the "Why, Molly," the farmer replied, : children's words; for it was thn that j 8aid he to the negress, "now I know looking at the little woman tenderly, j Andrew told Molly of the night when that you have heaps of paper money "the care has been in my heart all temptation had assailed him, when, laid up in your chest, and I want you day; omehow I coutd not put it j because he had at first tiied to resist away when I ended Saturday work." i in his own strength, he had almost No! for he only tried in his own yielded. "You see, if I had, Molly," strength, he said, "the old farm house might The V ay the Bottom waa Enocked Oat of the Fiat. Miss N. C. Wentworih, in Zion's Herald. The cabin of our old cook was vis ited by a Confederate soldier bearing a heavy pair of blankets. "Aunty." to buy these nice blankets from me and give me your money. Seel you'll never have another chance to buy one mustnt be too peaceable, as the Quaker said when betook up a pitch fork as ho saw the mad bull coming. "Jack-in-the-Fuljnt," St. Nicholas for December. such a puir of blankets; I can't carry '1 tell you, Molly," he continued, i still have been our home, but ttwoufd ; them with me, and when the Yanks come your money will be good for nothing only so much waste paper." "What good will it do you. den?" "Oh. I and the hard look came into his face ! have been by tue loss or my honor again, "I have thought and thought, ; and my truth; nd as that voice in and no way can I And to make up the i my heart, which sounded so like needed sum" and then, suddenly as yours, though I know tt was the j said the suspicious old cook. a flash of lightning darts across the voice of conscience, kept repeating: can use it all the way down South; I ber 31 summer sky, the gleam of a new j W lthout honor there can be no : it will be pood till the Yanks get thonght ahoue in Farmer Newton's I Thanksgiving for you, your wife, or there," said the soldier. "Weil! if it eyes. But be eald no word of what it 1 your cnuaren;- ana yet 1 reoeiieu will be good for you it will be good Items of Interest. Dallas, Texas, is puzzled by the disappearance in one night of a large pond that has for many years exis ts! in the lin;; s of that town. It is said that Congressman Tay lor, of Tennessee, will be the youngest member of the next congress, he be ing but twenty-five years of age. Spurgeon will be presented by his congregation with $25,000 on the completion of his twenty-five years' labor as a Baptist minister, Decern HARD TI M KS. A THANKSGIVING STORY. BY MISS ROSE POSTER. Vegetine is sold by all DrugRists. C. R. CHANEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice In all the court in th state. Oftce in Wheeler's Mock, over Becker A Woll'i dry goods store, Plymouth, aaa;i'iji M KS. E. W. Dl-NLAf, HOMEOPATHIC Physician and Dentist, in. 1 Dr. J. A. Dunlao. reaular physieian and mrreuu. reapeettully ofler their services to the publii". Office in Oorbin's block; resi dence on East Oano street. WILLIAM - B HESS, TTORNEY AND C0ÜN8EL0K AT LAW. JTl Plymouth, inaiani Harper's 1879- tt .t .tt STRATED. WtHTWKB OF TMM MM$& Harper's Majazine is the Ameri an Magazine ihke iu literature awl in art. Boston Traveller. The most popular Monthly in the world A. i' Observer. . it ia an excellent companion for the yciing, a de Ihjht 10 the mature, a solace tor tieclt lug age. Louisvill Courier Journal So other Monthly iu ih world can show so bril Itaut a list of contributors; nor does any furnish its reailets with so grvat a variety and so superior a quality of literature. W'atcUman, Boston. The volumes of th Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and DwsaslMt ot each year. When no time is sperined, it will be understood that the sabscribcr wishes to begin with the cur rent X umber. BiirairaBLS, B pel's. Mitgn.tlltr, one cai $4 OO lbu-iWs Weekly, - - 4 uo Hatprr'l Bazar. u 4 00 'flu.- Ihre publications, one jsaw.10 00 Any two, one yeaar 1 bO Mx Mibscriplioiis, one year M UO Terms kor large clubs turnished on application. Postage tree to all subscribers iu the I nited States or Canada. 1 nf Ilium ' VlOAZINI. HOW comprising T volumes, iu neat cloth bin lu-.will be SyrnDtOniS Ol a UlSCaSCU LlVCr. by i-iMri'M or In l'lit at xp. lice ol pun liarei , ) i I'r irivia volume. .--iiiic .tiiuuicc, -j "No Thanksgiving keeping this year, leastways not a bit of it in my family," said Farmer Newton, as, wifh a frown on his usually good humored face, he snapped his whip ruthlessly among the late asters and tall grasses that, spite the first frosts of autumn, still lingered by the road side. It was a Sabbath, early in No vember. The minister had read the Thanksgiving proclamation at both morning and afternoon service. "Quite unnecessary to repeat it; once was enough for a year like this," the farmer muttered. "Who is to ob serve tb 3 day, I would like to know none of my folks, for certain," A chorus of youthful voices echoed the words in sbill accents that broke discordantly nature's sweet Sunday quiet, and woke up into sudden trills of song the few birds that hud not flown southward, away from New England's bleak winds. "No," Farmer Newton repeated, for ine" answered the negress, and you can keep your blankets." Some time afterward, in relating the incl- was to his wife, as he left bis seat and : sorely agaiüst that voice," he added, bogan to walk restlessly up and down j "till, all of a sudden, in arswer to my the room. prayer for help, I seemed to see how Mrs. Newton, though a fanner's much more they were worth than all j dent to the writer, the old aunty said, wife, a country-reared girl, had an j my worldly property put together." j with tears in her eyes, "I might have instinctive delicacy and tact, which I Aa she listened to his story, again i had a good pair of blanket-, and cow told her, however much a man might Mrs. Newton laid her band on her I've only' got a heap of bad paper. I love his wife, there were times when husband's knee the band which he thought dat soger was fooling me, her silence was dearer to him than ! clasped In his own saying! "Yes, you but he was teilin' de trufe; for when her words. So she sat still till the , told me the truth, little wife, when : dem Northern troops come, sure you 6aid the trouble though, sure ! enough, my money was good for clock struck nine, then she moved quietly about, preparing for the night, saying, "I think I will go up now; you will come soon, Andrew?" But he made no answer. After she had gone be continued his restless walk for man; minutes; then he paused to trim toe lamp, and then he turned toward the sideboard, and, with only a minute's irresolu tion, he opened the druwer and took out the much-worn account-bouk. "It's close on to Monday," he said, half aloud, as though to still the quiet rebuke of conscience, which came like an echo of his wife's words: "Wait, and do week days' work on week days;" but be put it aside, aud iu its place admitted the evil thought which had fl ieh, d into his mind an hour before; and yet he was a c hris tian man; he thought be had been tryiug to follow Christ for years. Had it been all the time in his owa 45 Years Before the Public. THE CENUINE DR. C. Mc LANE'S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, FOR THE CURE OF Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint, tsrarsiA and sick hiauaiki nnrl thpn wifh ii darker frnwn and a H H. RiAVtMis. Host im. Mass. harder not in h.a vni,. h add-H. -I ! trength? He bad always been hon- nut hut h.ri liia hnnoutv DUVIT lil'Hll VOl. Uli t UHU UIO UVUVw.J MW. rf w iv. .ii iL-.. tr 1nnK Dhut n-1, iuvii nnt " J to give thanks for?" and the farmer, wont to be so circumspect on the Sabbath day, laughed loudly, a laugh empty of the music of a glad heart, for it was bitter aud dciisive, and ended in murmured words that only his wife, who sat beside him heard really tried before? Ho had always been truthful; but had he never been really tempted before to dece.t? Th- Bible says: "Let bin that thinketh he standet It take heed, lost be fall." "The devil," says a wise mun of oloVdoes not tanpt bad men, enough, it has been hard, hard I say looked worse in anticipation than it proves in reality, and Fve come to see it is not what we own in house or land, but what we are in heart, that makes a glad Thanksgiving!" Is it? If it (s, however hard the times, what a glad Thanksgiving year this may be; for, if we ask Christ to help us. wo may crown it with hon esty and truth, and surely, thus crowned, even this year 1878, over whose portal was written, "Hard Times," will be the beat of all Thanks giving years. " Leave Jod to order all thy wars, Auil hope iu him, wIm wis" b tid; Thou It ond Him iu the evil days An all Hiittlciciii strength and guide. Who tnita in (!od'n urn hanging kie. Builds ou tltc rock that nought can mor.. Sin::, prif, lid swerve not from Hi way ; But do (MM oatsj part failhluKy ; Trust Ilia nek promt m- i1 Arrare, So shall it lie tululled in thee; Oo.! never yet toriMMk at need The ul tliat trusted Him Indeed P Sew York Observer. janlyl postpaid, $3f. Cloth cases, tor blading, S3 ceuts, tiy mail, postpaid. Hemitituice ehould Ik- made hy Post-Office mon ey order ordralt, t- m . id chance. ( l r. I Newspapers are not to copy this advert isemett I the exnreas order "t Hartier Brothers. Address UAKPEU A BitOl'llüHS. Naw York. i. I a 1 . a-h - She made no reply, unless there because ue nas got tnem aireauy, ub was an answer hidden in the gentle j tempts good men, becauie he had not got them, but wants to get them, in tb- darkness of that night, Farmer Newton forcot for a while truths forgot that temptation met and resisted, or met and yielded to, is the test of what a man really is. "Not for myself," he said to him self, as he - it down to count and re touch of her hand on his knee, a caressing, soothing little touch, that only a woman who loved could have given; and somehow, tenderness so wins tenderness. Farmer Newton straightway stietcbed out bis own hand and laid it ou his wife's, and then, with a quick glance exchanged JOHN 8. BENDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AN'J NOTARY PUBLIC, VILCQNT BLOCK. PIWOUTH. INO. Kspeeial attention Ten to the scttlertent of es tates, and partition of laads; also the collection of Harper's Weekly. 1 879. ,, TT T CaiuAYED. XOTICESOF THE PliESS. . The Weekly remains easily at the heart ol uius- A Remarkable Series of Dreams, (From the Lancaster, Fa.. Express, Oct. 10. Anthony Homing a well-to-do farm er, living In Lancaster county, Pa., about four miles from Morgantown, has just bad a series of remarkable dreams. A correspondent gives the following: "rsome tine ago he awoke his wife, and, considerably agitated, told her he had dreamed that some thieves had stopped his son, who had started these on ul8 t0 market sbortly after midnight, with a load of produce, and robbed him of his cash and severely beat him. His wife replied that it was only a dreum, and recommended him to be composed, and go to sleep as soon as he could. He did so, but shortly after again awake her and said that for the second time be had had the same dream. She observed that he had been so much agitated with his former dream that she sup- Claim and foreclosure of mortgages. if rmapt. Ketntttantes lynl A. C. A. B.CAPRON, Attorneys & Counsellors A.T LAW REAL E8TATE AGENTS. aFFICK A. L. WBKILERS BLOCK. PLYOUTH. IND. DR. J. T. DOKE. PHY8ICAN A8UROEON. Tenders his pro fessional services to the citizens of W al at and vicinity. All calls promptly attended "o. Charges reasonable. 1 ff" I ). I N in the right side, under the I edge of the ribs, increases on pres- between them, a glance of syni athv count the lines of figures in the book sure; sometimes tne pain 1 in tne lett from lhe wife of iove from the hu8. -not fur myself, but for Molly and the Mde ; the patient is rarely able to lie h,n.iM Wntnn lawail I tahlMran- Tt could be done su easilv on the left side ; sometimes the pain is D ' . ntUMMI ,n tVlo aoat j hw wt.nrMntr nmflt -that-wall!- ich under the shoulder blade, and it : , . - : I . . ., ,. frcq-ently extends to the top of the 8aiDe- Walt-1,ule ou9. the dy could be d4one ea9 lly' ,f, on Jf J . 1 . i .1 l .! : 1 1 ... -...i n. I,., f.,,u.l fi.,.ilru ! .irhuj with houlder, and is sometimes mistaken coutea, auu tueu perunps taiuer sm uiu....,,, " pored It had dwelt upon his mind f U K nrm Th find, after all. we can keen a Thanks- a nromise to pay later on. ßlVinß that i . . ... . t yj L I t i v i 1 . . I i . I 1 1 111 un 1 1,1. A v. v , 1 " . mm . . ....... I i. :. . .1 ..r f..i,n h k i.rtcf with riss nt snnp. ffivinfr rVfn thfiiiL'h tn utnvm ar an uook as u oieuie. wuu lis ni-iiuu. ui The It eeklu remains easny at me nemn ui mun- ... m i i ...... . rr o- o o - tratedrAapcrsbyitsniieiitAraryquaiity. the heauty ancj sickncss; the bowels in een- hard;" and somethinff like a siirh money coining to him, when he knew ot its type and woodmit,.-Spring fieldHrpuoncan. . ' o o Us pictorial attritions an-superb, anu embrace eral are costive, sometimes alternative creot into Mr. Newton's voice as ehe there wasuoue to come. every 01 up. .vum uv . Ith ax: the ICntl IS tlOtl I Id Wltn -U.l lirraUl, Borton. . . . , .- . ' . . . . . . auueu, uaik The neektsi. potent agency Mr tne 'a ssem.- a( com pailicu wan a uuu, ncav y : WWn4t, oa nl . Mtnmnn ,ir(. nation to correct political, an., a po-er - . " - v'v'"'"" tul opoonentot anaras, t.a uop. anu. aise preienpe-. v T.r". """" with hr "If von nnlv W7it " hp 1 .Inln .k.f k,.nr.H. f .nun in tr.iln A.e llttf Kxurrts, i'.ocheeier. tipni'M V a onsiikTJ ) e IOSS Ot mem- - j - j , uiU(s uuuuoUo . And a subtle voice seemed to whis per in his heart: "You will only be and beggr-d him to try and compose himself und go to sleep, which he did. A third time the dream was repeated, j eial troops stationed for a few months on which be arose, and, it being then 1 after the surrender at A- nuffln." The wife of a well-to do planter re siding in the same neighborhood had gained a local reputation for the man ufacture of domestic wines. During the retreat she stood for two consec utive days at her kegs dealing out glass after glass of the liquor to the flying troops; counting her Confed erate money by the thousands as her kegs were emptied, and lying down to die of grief when she found, after the entrance of the Federals into Richmond, that her fortune was but an illusion her money but so much waste paper. During the war the owner of a mill congratulated himself that, although bis human stock had become ot no pecuniary value to him, his mill had brought him a fortune iu paper money. His wife besought him to purchase a piano for his growing daughter, but it seemed too adburd and too extravagant to expend two or three thousand dollars for an arti cle not essential to comfort or con venience. The proverbial rainy day was provided for, and the daughter still longs for a piano, while the hoarded money lies.biddeii in an ash barrel or has been sold t o the raa man. A representative of one of the old est and wealthiest families of South western Virginia had, during the war, taken his herds and flocks across the river into North Carolina to save them from possible raids of both ar mies. At the fall of the Confederacy tnis young man, who had never known the want or even the worth of money, found himself without a 'quarter" to pay his ferriage across the river, although, as he afterward wrote to a Northern friend, he had Confederate scrip enough in his pos session to fill a mattre: s. Mrs. Dr. A., a lady reared In luxury, found herself reduced to the neces sity of making pies to sell to the Fed with her. "If you only wait,' I i -i i wmh wont, tn r.a! "thinnr nr often ,ra Hnin ..i-, v Hu vnn will nnlv ti. vninniM nt the Wwiri n iieL'in with the first urv. accomoanicu wiin a painim sen- , '"s j " j Dumberotjanuary of each ar when no time is I -.jWjas. Df havinc left undone some- not hfi.'f so bad as they look in antici- i be giving a wrong impression," and, msntitiuetl. it ill be understood that each snhscrl- J ... P . . , ...... ... , . ' . . . . . . - . I La . . . . ,, . . .... .1 ........ ,11. I..., . I . . . 1 mi . . her wishes to commence wits the numm-r next at ter the receipt of his order. DENTISTS Fi M. BURKET, . Consultation la Dentist, Office otw A. Becker's grocery, opposite Post Office. All work warranted a to give eutirt satis faction in every re spect. Diseases of the month aid teeth successfully treated Tet-th ez tr acted without pain bv the aae of nitrous oxid free. All work warranted. I SOVMB Harper's Magazine, one yenr....$4 00 Hnrwr's Wetkly, " " 4 00 Harper's Baxar, 1 4 On . The three publications, one year. 10 00 Any two, one year 7 00 Six subscriptions, one year 20 00 Term of lanre clubs furnished on application. Posta free to eii subscribers iu the I'uited ales or tauada. The Annnal volumes of HaBPasa Weeilt, in neat cloth be sent free ot expeuse,(pro wl.lwt ih freirlit does not exceed one dollar per vol ume), for 17 ia each. A complete act, compromi sing twenty-two volumes, sent oa receipt of cash at the rate ot Si a per volume, freight and expanse of purchaser. '"'loth I'Aura lor each volume, suitable for hiud- ing, will be seal by mail, postpaid, on receipt of SI isieach. Ketaittances should be made by Post Offide mon v nrrit r or draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address HARPER & bilOTHE&S. iNew York. thing which ought to have been done, patiou. Wait, and often you will find then, there came to Andrew Newton A slight, dry cough is sometimes an a cloudy morning ends in a sunshiny a temptation so fierce, so powerful, attendant. The patient COmplainS Of noon." i Ih.t atrnna man Ihnrnrh h orna ha weariness and debility ; he is easily j -Xrue en0Ugh," the farmer had of- bowed before it as a reed before the startled, his feet are cold or burning, m M tQ fa aQd on, faw j wind Bu M fae a,mo8t ielded fae ,r,l hn rnmtihiiK nt n tri kit' CStltl. aim ii- i viiiii.iui'j w u ... ni. . .v , . . ...... A A- htira tttr ha niul liar nun t I a raninti - I ....... I . . . I . . . 1 i , . . . r in Ki j hanrl I . . 1 , , 1 , t . I . tiun of the skin his spirits are low- " b-""" uc.uu wmuci "ui" u u,j " i Homing uescrioea more miuuieiy me and although he' is satisfied that exer- 8trau0e t0 watt aad perhaps things saying: "If you do it, you will be act- appearance and dress of the two men eise would be beneficial to him, yet would brighten, with the same words, ing a he, Andrew; you will be losing who had attacked his son, and on be- Court after three o'clock, dressed himself. I House, although during the war her At breakfast his vision was the sole object of conversation, and in the forenoon word was brought to the bouse that his son was attacked on the road, robbed of some ten dollars in money, and severely, though not dangerously hurt. After the excite ment which this intelligence had cre ated had somewhat subsided, Mr. daughter had paid $150 (Confederate! for a bonnet. what is worth more than house or land losing honor and truth. " and those two voices kept up their strife DR. A. C. HUME, iLBS BaVVtaaBslB&y'AasBBBäääah. DENTIST! Offlee In Second story, Post Office Building Teeth from one only, to a full set, so cheap that the rich and poor can all Pjeservation of the Natural Teeth A SPECIALITY. Harper's Bazar. IB7. ILLUSTRATED. WOTiOMS ÖFTHE PK ESS. To dress according to Harper ' Uatar will be the aim and a-nbition of th women of America. tsu- As a faithful chronicle f fashion, and a newspa per of domestic and social character, it ranks wita alt a rival. Urawtfsn r'mgU. This paper has acquired a wide popularity for the fireside enjoyment it affords, and has become an established auUierity with the ladies. aV. Y. ttenmj fort. he can scarcely summon up fortitude but he added, "I wish you would tell enough to try it In fact, he distrusts me how, Molly?" every remedy. Several of the above j They were sitting together in the symptoms attend the disease, but cases cheerful sitting room, that opeued off 1 iD Andrew Newton's heart, till the au lune occurred wnere lew 01 tnem ex- from tho great kitchen. The children , tumn night gave place to morning; Hied, yet examination of the body, . ' - , after death, has shown the liver to " " . " '7' ju have been extensively deranged. "" iyJl luo u,"u iUO Dmu ao- eilür 1Q u ongai sunrise oi vic- idk Bus in luscuui uany weie iuii tory won, or a dreary uawn, aura AGUE AND FEVER. to the brim with snowy milk, on , wuh clouds! How did Farmer New Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, im which the cream was already begin- ton's end? Iu sunrise: for right con- cases of Agit, and Fever, when ning to rise. . quered; God helped him to resist, taken with Quinine, are productive of An air of comfort and plsnty hov- 1 though, he did not ask the Lord's the most h ippy results. No better ered over everything, and seemed to help till the night had well-nigh cathartic an be used, preparatory to COIltrudict the farmer.s worda. The waned; then, finding his own strength or alter taking Quinine. We would ... . . . , . , . , 1 ' , . , , advise all who are afflicted with this wood-pile stretched straigbt aud high utter weakness, he cried aloud at disease to give them a fair trial. down by the stoue wall eastward of last: "Lord, help me;" and no sooner 1 or all bilious derangements, and as tho house. The great burn to its did he cry than the help came. For, a simple purgative, they are unequalcd. highest loft was full of the sweet and over and over, tho experience of uew-mown hay of tho summer's bar- j God's children of old is lived in the vest. In the cellar, barrel after bar- story of his children nowadays. Do rel stood loaded with rosy-cheeked you remember "And the Lord said A Strange End To a Fight. Two skulls of stags, with their horns so firmly locked together that they could not be separated, were found one day In the mountains of Colorado. It is quite plain that they once belonged to a couple of stags who had a terrible fight in the soli tude of the mountains. After the ing taken to the spot, pointed to the j combat had been kept up some time, exact place where the wagon was their horns became so tangled and It I W It I OF IMITATIOXH. The genuine arc never sugar coated. Kvery box has a red wax seal on the lid, 0. C. DURR, DENTIST ! Office over Parks Bros.' Law Office, Gano Street. Plymouth, lud yr a .vi The Volumes of the H.tzir Is-gininz with the first Nnmbcr for Januarv ol caeh year. Whm no time Is mentioned, it nil! be understood Hint thesubscri ber wishes to commenee with the number next al ter the receipt of his order. SAP.PER': ?S?.:051CAL2 Harper's Magazine, one year $4 00 Harper's Weekly, " " .... 4 00 Harper's Bazar, " M .... 4 00 The three publications, one year.10 00 Any two, one year 7 00 Six subscriptions, one year 20 00 Terms of large clubs luraished on application Postage free to all subscribers In the United States or Canada. The arnual volumes of Harper's Bazar, in neat cloth binding, will tie seat hy express, free ot ex pense(proviued Ute freight does not exceed on dol lar per volume), for $ 00 each. A complete set, comprising eleven volumes, sent on receipt ot cash at the rate of fa 26 per volume, ferigbt at ex pense of purchaser. ( loth cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt of $1 uO each. Remittances should he made by Post-Offlce mon ey order or dralt, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement will out the express order of Harper & Krotbers. Address HAUfER & UliOTHtRS, New York. Pills The genuine McLank's I.ivf.r Pills bear .he signatures of C. McLane and Bros, on the wrappers. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C McLane's Liver Pills, prepared by Flem ing Hros., of Pittsburgh, I'a., the market being full of imitations of the name Jlr l,tlHC. spelled differently but same pronunciation. with the impression Dr. McLane's Livek apples, rusty coats and wiuter pip- , unto Moses: Ma.te thee a fiery ser- pins; huge piles of yellow pumpkins, : pent, and set it upon a pole, and it out in the fields, lay in the moon- ; shall come to pass that every one light, shining like golden heaps; full-! that is bitten (surely that means grained ears of corn were peeping ; tempted,) when he looketh upou It, through the chinks and crevices of ghall live: aud it came to pass that if the corn-crib. What could Farmer ! serpent had bitten any one, when Newton mean by calling the times he beheld the serpent of brass he "hard," by saying, when all seemed lived"? The only condition of heul- 80 prosperous, that there would be no iug, the looking as the Lord corn- Thanksgiving keeping for him or his j manded; just as. the only strength to that year? Iu the quaint side-board resist temptation Is found in asking that stood in the corner of the room the Lord's help, with faith in his there was a drawer where was kept a I promise: "Aek, and ye shall receive " little book that held the answer, a And so the Newtoo family kept much-worn book, that contained line Thanksgiving that year, after all, after line of figures, a book he re- though only such a brief time does it ferred to as he said, "I will look It take for change to do its work, when over and add up the figures once i the appointed day came, the rooms again, Molly, though I am as sure as J of the old farm house resounded with aure can be there is no mistake; sure, the voices and laughter ot children I say. that the line which tells how I other than the Newtons; another i UNDSEY'S BLOOD SEAKCHER Ia ihr frmtm MmaI Uriaedy x 0 THlrt, Herolul l ler., iv.ii, l.'n - and all RIsmmI'Ii yir '4 ja wf".. i Pure MI.mkI t"liei Of health. Rr4: " ll r',rH , tarn I rf ula." J At. rru. F.uwM. O. II urrJ m, rhiM i.( ErVp1 aa. " JSVi. K 9mHrr. Imr imr; P. tntt II. R. r. SELLERS a ( O., tr. ,, PittAburgh, r&. SiAd by Orufl flA Srr A r' 7 stopped, and described how and where his son was attacked. These facts are true, and some five miles intervened between the dream er and the tragedy. asasasa--"aaaa ,i - Indiaua Patents. The following is a list of the pat ents issued to citizens of the State of Indiana, November 26, 1878, and each bearing date Nov, 12, 1878, furnished thispupor by C. Bradford, Solicitor of Patents, 18 Hubbard's Block, Indian apolis, lud., of whom copies and in formation may be obtained: Nu Mtfra, To James G. N iahet and James K. int, ol I vnlliiana, for im proVMMBt in gruiu shelters. No. 809,76, To John M. Fudfe, Frauds M. Holmes and Sam McDonald, ofNiles Township, tor fmprovemcnt in ditching plow s. No. 'J(,yi6. To Erastus B. Kuukle, of Fort Wayne, for improvement in gut ge cocks. Ni'. oi'.i.Hll). To Louis Long, of 1. ansville, l.r improvement in apparaius for Linning horse collars. No. 'JH.UOa;, To Peter Lane, of El wood, for improvetneul in fenres. No. 809,998 To Bofofaoa S. .Sruiek, of Fort Wayne, for improvement iu grave shield and body protector. Ho. 909,947. To David C. Walling, of Kendallville, lor improvemcut in wind en gl nes. No. 209.950. To Jas. IL Woodgate, of Wriveland, tor improvement in corn I m tera. J. B. N. KLINGER, Notary lulll. Conveyancer, Examlnrr or Tttlt-H aiul Civil Eu(lner, Will faroish a complete Abstract of Titles to lands la farihall county, ind. olrlce at h resilience, oat Madison itreet, north of Court House square. PLYMOriH, INDIANA. locked together that they could not get them apart. It is very probable that when this happened, they stopped thinking of fighting, and tried their best to get away from each other. But this was of no use. Their horns were so firmly interlocked that they could not twist nor pull them apart. So they stumbled about, for the rest ot their lives, with their heads close together. We cannot know how long they lived this way. They may have been able to eat a little grass, if both of them agreed to put down their heads at the same time. But at last they died. And how curiously things turned out! Each of them hoped to kill the other, and yet the result of the cmarrel was to bind them together as long as they lived- and even death did not part them. And, if they thought that no one would ever know of their fight they were mistaken! The record of the combat their two skulls fastened together- has remained for many a long year, and will reman for many a year to corns. It was truly a strange end to a fight. Shakespeare makes Polonlus say: "Beware Of entrance to a quarrel; bnt, being in, Besr't, thai t tie opposer may beware ot Utee," These stags did that with a ven geance; didn't they? It very often happens in other fights or disputes that the fighters By a a decision ot the Supreme Court of Florida validating the three precinct returns rejected in Alachua county, Bisbee, Republican, is elect ed by 450 majority,' A woman in New York was recent ly assaulted by a man for "bewitch ing" him. The Express of that city says there are a number of people there who still believe in witchcraft. There lives In Franklin oounty, K. C, a man forty-nine years old, who never heard a sermon preached, nev er read a chapter in the Bible, never fired a gun, aud never taw a whit man married. A train on the New Brunswiok railroad ran off the track at Peel, alz miles below Florencevllte, The cars rolled down an embankment and Ohe passenger car took fire. Three per sons were killed and several Injured, some being badly burned. The business being done by the Chicago railroads just now is said to be immense. The Chicago, Bock Island and Pacific earned more mon ey by carrying freight last Monday than it has any day since the road was operated. Uuit4d States Marshall Wharton,1 of Louisiana, is In Washington, hav ing been summoned thither to ex plain why he did not enforce the United States law In New Orleans during the recent election. Two workmen in the shoe factory' in Stoughton, Mass., habitually drank of the alcohol used by them in their work, and when a poisonous liquid 1 was substituted, they did not know the difference, but took draughts that killed them. The Chinese legation in Washing ton is composed of a studious set of members, nearly every one being en gaged several hours a day in master ing the English language, reading English works, aud acquainting him self with the institutions and work ings of this government. The oldest man has been gathered to bis fathers. He was a German living in in Geluhausen. and was 148 years old when ho died. His life had been a protracted struggle with pov erty. He left two sons, sixteen grandchildren, and 348 great grand children to mourn bis loss. In his annual report, the Comp troller of the Currency states that the 6,616 national and private banks now in existence have an aggregate capital of 9675,776,000, with deposits cf 91,919 954,000. The Comptroller defends the national banking system at length, and argues for its continu ance. Colonel George H. Butler, the nephew of General Butler and form er consul-general to Egypt, is now undergoing a sentence of thirty days In the Washington workhouse in lieu of a fine which be was unab!e to pay in the police court. During the past year Butler has beeu of dissipated habits, and has been either in jail, the hospital or the workhouse, one i alf of the time. His relatives and friends and wife, have done every thing to induce him to reform, but with out success. A very Important conference of the coal oil producers, manufacturers and refiners was in progres in New York Thursday, and will be oontinued for several days. The meeting was strictly secret It was stated that the object ot the meeting was to en deavor, if possible to agree on some plan of operations tending to regu late the trade and supply of oil pro duced so as to prevent the ruinous state of things now claimed to exist. The driver of what the English call a "van" was lately surprised in Lon don by a large orang outang sudden ly jumping into his vehicle. He at tempted to take the fellow into custo dy, but it escaped and afterwards at tacked a coster-monger in the street, upset bis barrow and mashed hit' crockery. The animal was captured after a severe struggle with several men. Making a mistake In the outsjt of life is like beginning to wind a skein at the wrong end. It gives us infi nite trouble, and perhaps is in a tangle half through, but it often gets smooth and straight before the close. For, after all, patience is very strong ; Do little helpful things and speak helpful words whenever you can. They are hotter than pearls or dia- cannot stop and separate just when and many a man has so oonquered monds to strew along the roadside of they wish to. Something is apt to life. They will yield a far more val- get hopelessly interlocked and tan uable harvest, as you will find after gled, such as good-will, or self -re-many days. Ispect, or fairness, or honor, Still, himaeir for duty's sake, that the work he originally hated, and therefore did ill, he gets in time to do well and consequently to like. r