Newspaper Page Text
m,aui VOLUME VIII. THE C|ar!ts Citjr firtclligtnrtr, SB PTBU8BKI KVRKV THt'H*HAY Br A. B. F. HILDRETH, •OITAR *wprKop»rrroK. MICE, $2,00 A YEAR, IN ADVANC1. OFFICE IN THE INTELLIGENCER BUILDING, roRNKKOK MDL AUD KKLI.V HTRKCTI, nrpoi'lTKi'rtiMritqriRK, *$harle* City, Floyd County, low*. Any p.T'ftnfiMnining Ave wnWribers, and forwarding lit money, shall lie furnished w itli a copy of the I nielli fencer for thia service MO limg AS ktpt |{iod. BiultiesR (irdn of flvc line* or U*f will br inwrted la tbltroluran for $5.00 |Kr annum. For eark adauiOM) tM.orer fl\ c, one dollar will be charged. ATTORNEYS, 9. 6. Bcinlgw. 1L KeMfer. G. G. & R. G. REIN1GEK, A O N E Y S A A W And S»iicU*rt in Ck*Hcc*f± D««ferB in Real Estate, Excluxnpc, &e. rBARLHt rtTT, n.o\D cor NTT, IOWA. Will ntti-ml to Vuisini.sti and practice in the Sliprome and District Court of Iowa. Information and good references will bo «tMerfuiJj giwu ua raiuatti. 33tf STARR & PATTERSON, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, CHARLK9 CITT, FtOTD CO IOWA. Jfft" Will practicc in NditSieru Iowa and oothcrn Minnesota. I'articnlai' attention aid to co!l«-( tions. ]ayinK taxes. env«r-. nctng, and furnishing alptracts ot title ol over Stone Store. 1 y 5 lj B.F.JONES, titornev at Law, Notary Public, and Conunifioner qf Dmh/ur Iowa* Titkw Kxamined, TUSCH 1'iud, ('olluetiocuK'* made mid promptly remitted. AUOii*itlli«hcr of MinntMiUi Courier.'' ,, Oltiefl, Head Quarter*, i Au*t\n, Mower Owttiy, Mm*uota. January 1,1461. HOTEr.S. TREMOXT IIOI'SE, turner of 8th and'Iowa Streets, 'AMERICAS HOTEL, 4ssa»a %r BAST WATKK T. .CARTER HOUSE, togs I- Sil^ A. B. F. HILDRETH, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR. "...It .i.r, i ttiK i.i i n iiM I I XUjlli 'L I '«•.[• the number rasas or *B ill foe pertaining to the |aper fan lie transacted With the I'ubli-ilwr my day »l the office of Publication. Communications may he addre.s-eil u tlie Editor, who WlllprompU^' Aud faithful!) re:-yjjidlu Uu.iu. A»VEST™*« w. 8 W 4 w! 3i» torn 12m T*|Mro, I1M| f»M| $3 76 $f 00 »7|«12 .^Squares,y_«*| 7 fco on w j_fs ~T Square*,! I 60 #.ftO 7 W HI 00 14 21 TSquare*, 4 OU 8 00 10mi 12 00 1« _8* *"¥"Square*. ft 00 I 10 OO I 12 60 14 (10 IS .J^lVlii»"ii~j #00 I1 W| 14 cm 1« 0*1 "2® 36 J|_t nlomn,_i (I 00 I'JOUj If. 00 18 00 26 1 Column, 13 SO 15 00 j" 1* V'S 00 »6 A'iKXTK POK TIIK I JfTIUJOIHIUI 04ll. retlioKitl & Co., N. w,(»a|H)r AdvertislBg A|Wla Urn. 37 Park Row, Sew York. C, H. .striTfn, (ieaaml idmNill| AffCM, 63 Dear. Street, CliK«tfo. 1 1 JjpBUUL'K IOWA, %li(s Hout* is centrally located to the ,«is {Milt ot the City, and Postoffice. The fjprietor difires to please all who may fcvor la with their patronage, and solicits a triat thane vial ting the city. GEO L. DICKINSON, i TERMS 5«-r day.- Proprietor i K. B. A first-clatw Barber Shop and Ba4h pQ loom* in the house. 17} I WILCOX, PH0FJUST9*, MAUI STUUCT, OSSAB i'ALLS, Black Hawk Count luwa. This house having changed hands and 'un ^lerg ne a thorough refitting and remodel ing, 4,-now ready for the ucoonuuilaliou of tile pilblic. It is situated in the business part of t*fiar Falls. The proprietor pledges himself chat no }mins will te spared to make his etts coinlortable. hlagutt leave this house (its the North, South and West. v.5:37 AMERICAN HOUSE, OOBBBB or MAIM A 1) MARKKT MTBBBTB, ROC WORD, ILL., HSarly opiKMite the Kciiueha Depot. ^£#. KDW1H A. lUUlOOW, Proprtetor, QiiMtf of tbe l(puse cyuveywl to and from the Can free of «Uarte. Aa»iih) Stiblit* attUebetk McGREOOR HOUSE, Main Street, Near Levee, McGregor, Clayton Co., Iowa, W. A. Durham, Proprietor General Stage Office. Montgomery House, BT HENRY BAKER, /U^aatf .CUMBASAW CoofTT, IOWA. Stages leave this House-daily for the North, Hkuth, East and West. KEY CITY HOUSE, Russ & ones, Proprietors, Comer Main and Third Streets, *il!t.o lAJBUWl'E, IOWA. ,r IDA HOUSE, S. M. WARREN, PROPRIETOR, Vv|Yff1-Ti ,... .BRUIEB COUNTY, IOWA. Good Stabling for Hontes ^jH :A Miscellaneous Cards. CITY BOOKSTORE. ,j B. M. HARGEB,-", IFlrOLKHALB A KKTJll DfUlKR 1* Books and Stationery, Music, Instrument*. Print ami Wrapping I'apys. Printer*' Stock, Etc. No. Ill MAIS STKKET, DmuqiE, IOWA. Depository of the American Tnrt Society. MBLLAMY, JACOBS A CO., PRODUCE AND Commission Merchants, ANf» DF.ALKRS IX U I S 161 South Water St., Chicago. IMEFEREXCE8. dould 4 Brother. Smith, PuHand 4 Co. STEARNS A FOHSYTH, Wholesale Grocers. —AND— DEALERS IN PROVISIONS, 185 South WaUr Street. CHfCAQ^, t. W. i. rORSTTU R.*l, I 14yl Wisconsio Trunk Manufactory 'V JOHN R. COCUP, JJ7^ain Street, near Newliall LltHdse, Milwaukee, AYiscongin^ Mantifariuntaod WHOLESALE TV RETAIL PKAbKR IX TRUNKS, VALISES AND CARPET BAGS. Our Work is excelled l»y none, and all arti cles warranted as represented when sold. Trunks made to order, core red and repaired. I4y|» G. C. CONE, Dealer in Hardware, Iron, Nails, Ac.. &c., McGregor, Clayton County, Iovi ALBERT H. UOVEY, Acor.t for ilanufacturcrs, and lXutler in all kinds of Agricultural Implements, ALSO FIELD, GARDEN AND FLOWER S1KDS, No. 194 Lake Street, Chicago, Illinois. P. O. Box 3047. 14vl A. B. P. HILDRETH, Notary Public & Conveyancer, fBHAULES CITY, Floyd Couuty, low*. TT? SMITH k ATKINSON, MTAl.ERS IV IDKUCiS. HOOKS, STATIOSERY, Newspapers, Magazines, fyc. $c. ClIAliLES CITY, IOWA. Store on Mill Stree t, near the Mill. Stf J. W. SMITn. M. D., •CLKCTIO PHYSICIAN A XI) S URGEQN, OH ART. Eft CITT, FLOVDOO., IOWA. Officeatthe Drug & Ho«k Stc»re, on Mill St. —Residence', u*ar the School House. H. C. BRADLEY A C0H WHOUMALE ItEAUUS IX Y A N K E E N O I O N S 130 East Water Street. 15yl MILWAUKEE. BLAIR & I'KRSONS, a'HULkSALK k 11KTA1L IJKAI.LUS IS China, Earthcrn & Glass Ware, SILVER PLATED GOODS, Cutlery, Japanned Ware, Looking Glasses, Britanuia Ware, Gas Fixtures, Lamps, &c. 156 East Water Street, rJ uwnctx w. s. STUMB# MIL WA UKVB. AMOS. TlTiis ruoi'uimwi. House is located in the business part ot the City, convenient to the Cars and Floats. (fir Otuuibtiti and Hairtrav e Wafcon al pti hand to convyy L'iissengct baud lai gane to Ul4 {aHH the Do&fei and Curti free of tiiiCf MILWAUKEE. WOOLLEY & SNYDER,, FLHASUS CITT FLOYD COVXTT .... .IOWA. I XMowu mado aud repaired, Cbrriayeslro/ud, and General Jobbing (Ltftt. MRS. H. M. DUNK, nSAI.EH IX Fashionable Alillinery Goods, WhoUtal* aud Retail, No. 18 Wisconsin Street. Milwaukee. Watches and Jewelry. W. A. GILES, Watchmaker and Jcweleit MCGREGOR, IOWA. Has received direct from the Importers a valuable stock of Gold and Silver Hunting and open-faced WATCHES, ^together with a good assortment of Clocks, Diamonds and Jewelry, all of the latest styles and patterns. McGregor, Sept. 24,1862. 9*tt MATS0N A L00JI1S, nwoitruis A.VD M.lXUiACTL'MillS, And Wholesale and lletail DealetH ia Fiue Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Stiver aud l'lated Ware, 8(ectauleii, Watch Materials, Tools, kc. No. 194 East Water Street, MILWAUKEE, WIS. B. VANC0TT, HXPORTO AND MAXT'L'ACTL'KUT OF Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, MASONIC JEWELS', SILVER AND PLATED WARE, ETff., Cor. East Water and Wisconsin Sts., MILWACIUX, WISCONSIN. Watck Tools and Materials of every deacrip tion. 14tf IliifiI a .u I. •«.!!•: A. E. SAWYER," Watuhmaker aud Jeweller, AT THLC CITY JEWELRY STORE, CHAftUB CITT IXOVP COVIiTT, «04TA Watches, 4?teck|,4ad paired In tip-toy style. 43tf mmm it -hU rf A A rii*~ n#»»\ ^.r r'1* H" K* |7M *t I V HtanU 1• •I*** HELM BOY,D'S Genuine Preparations. coMPouyn FLUID EXTRACT nrcHu, a positivr anil "ini-ifli- rr (li*ea.s«t of lh« Mad l«-r, Kiilni-).«, liravfl, ainl Jiri|)M'al S\*fliin.ii. lliis itii- mrri'.i-cs |invcr nf lii i--lion, anil fX'-iU-s tin- ab*,rhi'iit.« inlu lif,i:Uiy by which tlx" ii.»v aiWsirooiiri iU |i *ltniiw. ant all urmaturRl en lar^cnicnla are redaood,a.s well an sain and itiftaiutn* HRMKBOMyil BXTKACT BICHP. For Weak lies- arising from (Cxceisc, "f t'ls*i ptilion, Earl* IniHsi rrthKi of Abuse, attended with tho follow tag miiuxnii of l'nww, 1N8U ulty BrefttUtec, |ll'il-| "SllHl to I |^s* ul Mi imiry, KVi-ak NVrvfs. •Ilorror of lnnuieaxof VCIDIM^ 1 hnt IJl^^i^l|deof the MuM'iilar System, H"» H'ind«. UrynurisoT thr Skin. Theso syni|itom», if allowod to go oa, whisk tMiSMdl Ciue iiaarutliiy reuiovns, Hooti (btlaw* Imptffncy, Fatuity, Epileptic Hit, In one of wt,i. tin- I'aticnt may o*pin\ Wiioin -av ili.ii tin'., nre uot Ir^ucully fullows4 by fliose" rir. rii INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION. Many arc aw are if the ra t** of their suffering, yime uill coit/rxi the record* of the Iu*a/t Atylumt. •in! ni' l.nn lii.]) iii-ailit uy con-uiuptKrti bear ample wit i«'--1. tin-truth of the a--»Nt:on. TN* Oi^tltnti.HB iWf* Kjronranir w«il'nM!ito quuc- ili.' .u.l |h- -t. IU. Which ItrlmholiT» Extract Buchu invariably does. A trial will mnvltire flu1 most skeptical. "ffcMALT* TCWALES -FEMALES. In many affections iicculiar to Females, the Attract Hui liu is ni«'|iKitV* by :»ny 'th-r, a* Cfcl«»wsh W R("«»fl*t«ii. Invmliirwr. Wiinf«tln^ or sup frnfiuii ol uustqiutry cv*cu«tl-HiH, I'kwrainl or S(-ir fliu tal-'"l tin I ti-ru.- u lion tui'.i Mr While.*. iSterii By. ami fir nil ronmplanit* 1M i'hut t. thf \, whi-thrr sririttfr from indi-erMK'n, hal it« of dl-*i|witloii. or tin- DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. ,NN aootoce Bainasi, Mrrcory or mplw a tit uicdKunos tur iiM|il»i4»4iit lUn^eri"^ ili«'iu(i|. HehnJMd' .* Extract Jiuchu and finjroirtl h'osacaik CURES bLCllLT DISEASES A( little qxp*ttA^, •tin. No iiicin\ cuK-noe, la yitlipirvas^ l.ittle or no I'liatiS'' 1 AND XO SXrOM RK. Th«»inncl ii|»n CELEBRATED STOMACH 3ITTEBS. Bud fiuwsrful T«tiic, currrcti*« and alterallva uf wonderful cfBcacy at duM^iocs uf tlio Stomach, Liver and Bowulfl, Curca Dys|tevwia. liver Complaint, Headache. General Debility, S'i v'.t-n^-«i, Di-pfr»^titi i-f "(itr»ts, CnuaU palK'U lihr. 1 nt-r 111 it l.-111 l-evcr-, iaiu|u .11)^ eyatiiiN, ao4 all Cviupluiuls fl fiitifr S«Kt "u aii.-ms Irnui i ... tin../ ilVI Trci.ibiiug:, ^Fak»fulric««, Mn tli« tfeirk, Kliil)iiit ot tin liodjr, Eri:i|.li"ii- mi the K.iot, PAKkI r.uiit-:i*tii-". It i-aun's friv| i( iit iV-in* and jrive. itri'iistli to uri n a tr. thereby rocnvinKobstruiiMiiw, prvveubiiK'itnd i'iir —f..l. S -h'Tt tinii', h.i\c foiii.d tli.- «iTf 'lcceixed, hrnt that tin- POIHA h.t«, by ttie w«or Bnw«rMaMriaK«uut llocii drii-d up ii. liu* y-t. in. break out ill au a^rava It-it irm, and perhaps aflrr marriage. Use II •fmboW'i Evtr.n lof Rm-lui Tor a'T mTocti^n* and 4i-u*MSvf tUe ur.n.iry ur^ih.- whuitier eii-,t:ui nun ale *r ft»TTiale. from wTtntever cau-e orlfHnnMnp anfl ttn llT UftW will BtAkJlllli. I'i»ca«c of uir^e nrinuns require the aid of a dmrelic. Bi-iiutx.M Kxtr i. i r. icini i the Creat Piarrtic. aial w Certain t" hav the tr:-ircd effect ic all disrate-- which It n r't-omni' ti li 1 Kvidence of the tin-t n-lmbfe aud re»|n tit-ibU ilnnirit-r w.!l accompany the nn-ili inc. Price *1,00 jcr UoUlc, or Kit for St.OO* dslivorrd to any addraat, aecureljr parked (ma ntnw Son. Iteierlbe KTmptoaxi iu all commairieatkaa. 1 iuta Uaaraittd. Adrki tinflt. Adilr«-i tlors uc tmalion to II. n. 1IKI..MBOI.D, Chrmllt, KM Aiutii Tentti-st iiol.iw i-beHtmtt, fWladel|iMa. HCLMHkI.I i'f Moilical HEXM't 'I.I1 I ir 1 .1 1 ii- ini" al Warehoiie. 3114 ilroailwa), Mew York. Bevart cf Counterfeit* and unprinrifled Dealer* Who endeavor to ll«|xi»o ot tlieir own aad etiler ,^iV.icretmutiaji atuiuis! by -. '—ibold's fieautoc l'reparati.iin. iti^--ii'turr- the Uri ihra. »iiayinK pain Hiiiam- ff°°« farmer whetesoever he may W4 •laiion iii-^uuui in tiie ('ia.SK of diseases, aud ci *.iiiug i,nt the ctrcumataiiees which make so ailjH.i.-..nou.»,,tiM*sed an.1 wornout matter. vm mc cirtiiinai.iiices wniiii ui.iae thmuand*. who have Seen thr vtettm* «T yuaeki. and »lm h.ive |ui, i h. avv l-es i. lie cured in maM« maM 1hIIIV i-ukm-i"* wliether i.rvt laheswt ia Ow »y»wt prodwa by *P- I'UUMt. ^fi Willi it H»t *s n* whulcKome. (rental and i An n- intiirc fulcra iutu tUv inui^saliuu ut HoSlKrTkK'. tlTOMAi 11 Itl lTUSS. Tlu.- |«|iuUr lre|Mtiali(Mi tu.l.UU ,lio luna ia!ot any kiud.ijn 1 nt 1 y Imt^iih al cletiu-ut u ncry cxcitant' lut u is a cuinliiimHoo uf Ltao rxtnula ol raru baUnum Uurhr auil pUuu witlt tUe parent aad stihl ert ol all diffibmc Bt.tnuUtiU. It i« well to t»- foreai tne(| aKain-1 dwmse, an.I, tui far the huiiiiui jy -teia i lie |Mi|e. lol liy human luvaas *f»^aia-'t maladies en^'cinlerej ^v un uu«U"K'*.uu atuius iiei «. IIU|«uic waler ami OI!ht externa! iniltLVi, Uu.-.lcl «s Uauirs tu» Uurullodosuasufc^uBrd. In dlruicis itifi*.u*l wttb Kcver aud Agiw. aba* l*ea fnutnl iiifullilile a a |reventi\ .• ail irra-l Ul'\' n rc-me an.t tliiiusaniK who re^Tt t* it uii ter ii|prcti n.-. n au attack, c»C^h' tli« K wur^e ari IIMIUMKIHIS VIK tie^ lect ti a.\ail tbeiuKen es ol )U iirut«*l»vo i|ualitn« ill ad viiiice. aro cured by a very lriel i 'iurs«nl liiu. oi.trveloua llietl'i Hie Fever ami panUe«S I-ownese 7 FJU-UCI Burh'U 5' Kxtrarl Sur^aiiarMa. Iwproved ii«»e Wash. .w-' ALL UTtrGGIS-ib EVERTWnERU Ask for Ilelmbold's Take no other. Cat out the Adrrruscincut aad lend XtJI It, i »njwi»a«COT* ifyi Apue imUcnU. after beinn |ilieil Willi |iimiue Cer inoiilli.- vuin utit.l hlrly ml irate Willi alkaloid, are not uaiti wiueinlv re ,trel i' liealib witLiiiafew day* UM lawof liuaiei ter'6 Bitters. Tlie weak vtomach Ia rapidly itiv I unrated and the af- petile ri*t«r.-l hy tlni agreeable Tome, of c|Mritr aud .tii| hence it works womlcrs in c«t» il l*b|ie|i-!a, and in luan *'Hi •riiie.l Jiii ins ol luiii^criiuii Aelint as a (P'lille Kits ttm point is tnost conclusive, aud from loth doxes. of ami aperieiit. a« well tu U|HIH llio liver, it alao uiva ruiUly rolkvur the Cju»ti|iatioD su(eriii4iiM'd vrt^ular actiua ot tbe digue live aud secretive organs. Persons of feeble habit, liable to Nsrroos Attacks, uf Lauituor, ttait promt* per tiianeiil relief from the Uilier*. The aad teatimosy oa Tbea^uuy of Uilious Colic u luunediately aiwaegedhy a aiB((le dose the stiniuliiiil, aud by a»hually resort tug to tl, tbervturu u the «ai|ilauit tuay be prevunUsl. A* a oe£er*lTo(ucr llatiteiter'n BHter* produrc effrcui Wlneli 1J 11 -1 be ex|x:i leii( «tl or Wituenncd liel'oro lliev lull 14 fully apl'luovaled 111 ruvi of t'.iliKtitiitloiiul Weak Uittf, Premature Iieciiy Hint IH-liility und Ire|4ilude artsiu^ Imiu Old A|fc, it XITCL-i^ the eleetric uifltmioc 111 llie eouvaiei-ceut hlupi'K -t all ili.-ea.vejt ofwratnK an a Ueli^bliul iiiVi^oraut. Wlieu tlie |«jweu of iialnrt- are rulaked, 11 oporuli-b lo rttiilorco and rc eotabii.-li thetu. Iaal, hut uot letul, it Is The Only Safe .StuiiQUint. being maaufucturDd from sound and itinocuoiix materiaM, atid entirely tree front the actd elemetiU pruavnt niutt IV1 iu all the ordinary IOUKW aad atotaachic« of Uie day- No flamfty mi^ltcum liu been i«o unlveni.illj', and, it may be truly added, JemnmMy i^ii ilxr w nb tbe Intelligent portlpu of Uie lommutiity, an Hoi-UstU a Haiorc. IVepared by WtTTEH A fttUTH.Pittaburgh, I*a, e e a W y *'f i 'ir mo »'U«e= IT1 ^!XSSS=»^ C|e JntcIIigcncor. Westward the mnrm» of Aiaplrc take* Its way." A. B. r. ffXLDRETtl, Bettor. ChiEurles City, Iowa, June 2,18H4 Republican TJnion State Convention. The Annual State '(invention will Natioual tiovi rument to cuwh the Rebellion, restore the National authority, and establish the Republic upon a foundation of which the "corner stone" of the Relic! ConfedcTiuy (shall form no jwt, ara rrqncKted to send dwle cates to said Convention in the follmvinir ra tio One delegate fut each i.'ounty. and one additional delegate for every Innidrcd votes and traction uf «»v»?r fifty votfes cast hy the electors of lie County, at the last genual elec tfcii for XVm. Stone for f«on inor- thentim- .11 imMi. iuctoitr.-.igtii.'u .u»d iuvi«t«au u*r of voU* to be determined Uy abiding to those ciist in the C"Mnty tlioso i ust hy the soldiers ot theComttr hi the field By order of UM l^publiean State Ceatial roimnittec. Till). F.WI THROW, ChairuSMi# if The Bhiftltts Farmer, A man shows in his daily acts the edoritiofi of his borne. The im pressions there made.upon him in his young and growing life are proverbi ally deep and abiding, 'lite circem stances whtcli devehtp the cbHracter of tho good farmer in one town, are ^ho circtimstancos which develop the n m„„ ollr IRI rm rH ul KW fifty 3'ards a number of old, cast away, and condemnod vehicles lie where they were left after their last tools and are hero and The sty and the honso drain—in fact, every necessary outbuilding—is iu plain sight to the publio, on tbe sunuy side of tbe bouse, or as near the front to permit. The aifs of summer and ., drove th. mens." of tbes. ..eel surround- And who are tbe delighted oecu- ^3T x.k "Mcslfoitrb t|e Course of (Empire lafcts its IV# TTT I BO nfour fai mera at I hia rfav roarao l"'8aay.COSTSt in speech, vulgar iu manners, untidy in dress and iu the arrangement of thoir farms and their habitations, ignorant, thoughtless, thriftless, indifferent, wasteful, lazr, nre not arbitrary cir cnmstances, bnt pliant and yielding, willing instruments, in the hands of good workmen, to raise, elevate, and inetruet all who can ba brought wkh in tl»eii' influenco. The agriculturist who combines with his knowledge and skill in farm ing a refined taste for the simple ele gancies which may form a part and parccl of evory well-ordered home stead, will often grieve at the neglect, indolence, and ignorance, shown by Tthc too sad conditiou of matty of otir 1so called American farms. The farmhouse of this waste place we call a farm, is located as near as possible to the dusty highway which {passesthrough tho country. Unpaint ed, or uijwiiitewashed, without a front fence, without shade trees or flowers near it, or by it, it stands like a grim and sombre sentinel, guarding a harsh rCHARLES CITY, FLOYD COUNTY, IOWA, THURSDAY, JUNE 2,1864. call themselves farmers, agricultu rists, or tillers of the soil. The poet Cowper well describes tlicm in his po em representing The country boors gntlicreJ together at tithing time at tho residonce of their conntry parson. These thriftless 4« or people complain |fence that they cat, make no immcy ... their JJcetrj. For all tbe aouutlea exile throng. e The present—ah how changed the wettttf mw cold a .vl wheel l«ss lit'« app»ars*f5«« Fond hearts are broken skies sciendi From Late Richmond Papers. iand lonely existence, at once a prophe- Richmond, in which thero is a stud- though not of this world. A nielau "icy aud a warning. There is no home "etl effort to keep from its readers the choly thing it is when children judge fueling in it. Everything connccted amount of damage done, and to magoi- Ktiit.•, Hnd Presidential elector*. All loyal 'in this way through the year deserves I nt Bermuda Hundreds. Barries-' Brig. General of volunteers, and Mili* lvTnT^^uedrhy!ith^ XlnlinilLlm, of "the !n0 Profit. nor barely a liv- letJ.8l, ?eti,,JwiJ! ing from such a method of work. Foi t!ic 1 ii K» city li.ielligeueer. THE PAST, PRESENT AUD FUTURE. Mr aft* aiiiAmmi /. an Repast—what rhronzfngr memorfescoiBf f'rum out the slutnlierini burtsd pm* Vuuons of joys no longer yurs, Too hifjh, toobeatjtirul to last. We see arraved in all her bloom, A happy Nation piotul and strong With in her borders ample room, Look down upon a man in tears. War war 1 is here—from every cot Ascends the incense of the heart i Pfoti'ctoiir loved ones, b-.iv»! tl»eni n|^*''^ But courage to each soul itu(uirt. Ifow desolation reigns where once 0. ,!« Proud wot Idlings ie:irel heir stately daSMl Barren their fields of waving Rr.iin, e Dismantled ate theii iuippy homes./. Slain are thi. idols of tlieir hearts, Or madly warring with the fie White oft the [nile, sad watches start, A-"1 Ixs'uis tlic cannon from btlow. Our hearts arc shrouded o'er in giooou,. ,* "FearA:! '.ve reml the fatal list Trmnbliii-r lest shadows from tbe tomb, And yet an ther call is mad litre vouthttti heads must be laid low But while the foe our hoiues iuvade, Shalt freemen shrink from earthly woe? Oir Conntry dear, OUT brethren slain*/5 Calls lor tiu« hearts and stalwart ariM-* Ood is uur God, our potent Friend, We trust liiui now 'mid war's tilanlUC' Then rall^rouud that dear lit# ttilllfij The record of the cowing years? What eye foresee the good or 111, Out pwition in thi: vale of tdBfl|f Shall wc liehold a people blest. v Subtuitlin^ all nutu His hands Who governs the fierce waves at will 5 lie will our Ship u! State command. The future -ah. what pen can trace United as in happier days Oar hearts enjoy that calm sweet rest, B01 rowed t'roiu Heaven's diviner rtfjrsf Prairie Glen, III }hy 27,1364. HU&rellann. use mouuds of rubbish and old brush-! at Yellow Tavern, but, being ten illy .leaves but living for the Land wit itb- jn wood, weeds, .oiled clothing, farming' »»t»i"nbered. th»y managed to main- cr thou art gone and w. are going. tain their ground and inflict heavy tve see only the smile of thy love, and imp.eiuents of husbant ly, ju#g U|JOn ticed, and imploded. The poultry, of a charging coluuiu, the gallant and I pigs and cattlo he possesses, wandor chivalrous Stuart fell, mortally wound e a n i e a a e o a a o o u a u s e about tue door, at once front aud rear, n jj i i a a n y a s n a n a i n e e s or, unobstructed by any serviceable glorious exploits will challengui feuce, tresspass upon the newly plant- the admiration of the world. He was ed field or unuiowed meadows, getting best known and beloved by bis troop such living as fortune places in their S er® fran^ agreeable face al- ... ways cheered them in the camp, the way. lhebarniuaybearithoutdoors,^^, „,ld n, Ummac. Ui. bright, tha barnyard without a gate or bars, tlashing ev« and clear, ringing voica and in full view from every passer by. iuspircd aud ficived them 14 Uie of battle. A noble soul to liberty born— A noble soul fur liberty died ... 11 prettv severe. Col. H. 1 lay Pate and .i of it aa ia possible for c.rcnmstanoes go pants of this charming spot The ex-1 cannot affird to lose the aeryices of ternal appearance atid condition of thinga too aadly betray their charac ter. The man 1a Coarse and vulgar in speech and in manner* untidy, carelese, and uncleanly in person and e s s i n o a n a z y a n e a s i n temperate, with no thought beyond tbe gratification of his bodily wants and desires. Slang worde and obecene are his daily vocabulary selfishness his beet developed trait, and want the ouly incentive for hia labor. Hie part ner is like unto him, or worse, either by nature or association. Without taste, modesty, good senae, or natu ral refinement, she accompanies her dear Silaa in hia round of life, sympa thizing in hia lowuess, his commou feelings, and bis common complaiuts— slatternly in her dreas, rude in speech, Lic|U Co, Robtl| KaIldoipU were fti.|and of auturnu come to tbe delighted sens- complished otliceis. 'thousand, killed, wounded and mis ee of the reaideuts impregnated witli ^Ul ''II08 held back tho enemy and !8jng. Upon tbe night of the 14th, Gcu. McPherson bad succeeded in him ings, which, like Gra^f'* unseen flow- win In leading his men iu a skirmish. throwing his army in Johnson s rear. er, aro'uot destined Ho unduly exposed himself to hold his The rebel Geueral made three furious Xo-*a|t« their sweetnesses damt sir .position againat tho enemy. The com-j night attacks, hut was haudsoiuely ..... I inand we hope is only temporarily de- i piived hi, 80rvices. THE DEFENCE OF coarse in manuer, slovenly in her when'" they° apprehended Richmond is to be defended to the very last her people are ready and willing to answer any calls from the authorities but every means of de- shon,d rarms, and but barely a living honce iet. it is unknown how long the ene are too poor to take a newspaper or my may be arouud the city, or at what part they may attempt to enter. Their chec,k Do you, my boy, who sit reading these lines, know that yon have a character. If so, what kind of a char acter. Good or bad For, boy as you are, atid never think that any one notices yonr way from day to day, rest assured your character is*kDowu wherever yon ore kuowu. The man that keeps the store opposite knows And all these boys, too, know wheth er you are a good-tompered, honest fellow, or one who is always quarrel ing, domineering over others, cheat- Hive aenlcd the li{M I y loved on 6h kissed. at play, and trying to securc the best of everything for yourself, not! •y thing caring who la (be loser if yott are gratified. ^ow, is ft not worth whilo to be gin early to establish a good charac ter A good boy is known to be good as readily as a bad boy Here and Hereafter. ultimo coutaina & detailed account of J^e upkndor uf her life declines -,i.. ,,v,a|,ii..r.i. o. oi i i to worldly eyes for the bride may o I U o i u i u a u E o u u I A be winning imperibhable beauty— t^)€'.r with the internal movements orthejfythe amount of opposition he ^«t 1of "exisTe^co gone external management of the placo is with from rebel troops. e havo not by Gone by wheu they aro justjofthe Department and Array of tho iu full view tho woodpile with its i room for the detaile^^^^t^^*, eutering life, as it were? Gone by, Tennessee, and is now pressing Jo. chips scattered about over a radius of tract the following -^rua w,tJl lhut __ 4 DEATH OF OCX STTABT. ad there, uncared far, unno- those desperate charges, at tho head tore only unfading pleasure and infi- Ho is remarkably strong and active, nite peace. nm* tot thle engagement our lose was |8aD(j pria0i)ers havo been brought in, killed—both of tbcui brave »ud ac- i"g. Our own loss has beon three gradually till nightfall. 0orfoB K wll y winded, ... The eonntry such a gallant and successful officer in an active campaign, and may Heav en soon see fit to heal his wound and restore him to his devoted meu, and may tbe fire and enthusiasm with which he inspired us in tlie hour of battle lose none of its iuflueucejUU ia on his war horse again BICHMOKD. Notwitstanding tho skill aud ener- their protection and defence The to- ry displayed by the authorities in the Sherman the warmest commendations. defence of Richmond, there is an addi- Qeu#raj has more of the bull dog tional means of defence that may be i .. ,, added with great effect. W. tenacity of than l.« mr the barricade of all tbe atroets lead- Perhaps a short sketch of tbe ing out of the city, and loopholeing General at this time may not be oat the houses near the barricadee for i Gf •mm ifid&3 ••Sninn.i I ijll".1 ed ly officers who saw these defences rebellion still found him a Lieutenant. that they are moH cffictcot When Oen. H.lleck from Califor cavalry. The labor and used material are here that may be requir- 1(.d t0 c(r,,ct„,1ly ha„ c^ e7cry\ul. Ulcir even Bhould they force any post of] tl.o ontor .lufiMicoB. The precaution ".,0 now suggested may never bo required i •,oneti i Boy's Oharactor. and marks your style of play, your ,Q ... ... talk and your Lemper. 19 piccc. of .rt.llery, and hoisted the Do wo comprehend what a glorious eveut it ia for the pure in heart" to, die? We look upon the bride's beau ,caP ty aud in the vista befure her we see ff°od, old flag over the dome of the transient sunshine, but much sorrow,1 Court lloaee. He was assigned to the disappointment, anguish and tears, command of tho District of Vicksburg, I Iimiurh Jill tlkiM !xr vnntlifnl h»'intv I ..... Tho liichmoud Enquirer of tho Mth Through all' to. youthful beaut, n] ,h,r0 |J we btood and saw her euter Ueavcu i GW(JCT MUTHER Dead anJ dreary In the mean time General Stuart1 winter may robe the earth, and faded h® was made a Brigadier Geueral iu and Fitz Lee came up with tbe enemy ihopea be under the suow like autumn tho regular army. the number is constantly mcreas- repulsed each time, with a heavy loss of men aud three pieces of artillery. He then evacuated his position at Hesaca and moved towards Rome. During the melee, Gen. Killpatrick, received a severe wound in the left thigh, snd was immediately brought to this city, and thence taken on the cars to Nashville. Tho obstinacy with which McPberaon held his posi tion, baa called forth from Geueral place ,UJ 0,„ JAM„ bacco uow stored in Richmond, togeth-11 ..... .OQ, ,T er with etrong fences and deep ditch-: ^orn Ul wor^a household duties. These two crea- ihat the cavalry of lien, btuarlr would i Harbor, and afterwards went to San rafts. They reciossed nearly all their tures, with their children, too often' dash into that city, and we are assur-' Francisco. Tbe breaking out of this'forct, aad with about hundred ma to a8sumo command of the West ern Department, Lieut. McPlierson was promoted to tho rank of Captain, and assigned to the Staff of Gen. Hal leek as chiof engineer. When Gen. Grant moved his army up the Tennes see, Gen. McPherson was made a Lieutenant Colonel and assigned to the Staff of Gen. Grant and here commenced that strong friendship which now exists between them. Iu the summer of 1862, he was made a ProKre8S,|tary Superiutondent of Railroads #. ^'. ,str r"ioc« A"°of .1862 ,ar parents by their failing and de- enemy. Here, ia»'one of1 Gtd's we see in tho fast-coming fu-'we,S^ nearly two hundred pounds, Coutiiiuaitations. CorrsajKmdMic* of tip Charles CIly ItUelUgencar. LETTER FROM TENNESSEE. IUALHLLAULSUH, DKPAMI.WENT AND AKMY OR TUB TENSKSSKE, V Chattanooga, Tenu., May 30, 1864. DEAR 1IIUKKTU :—There has been aonie sharp fighting at tbe front, re sulting in tho retreat of the Philis tines with heavy lose. Over one thou- ho a" a but tho terrible disaster it would pro-i command of the Right Wing of tbe vent sorely should commend it to the 13th Army Corps. This position he attention of tho Engineer Department held until the army was reorganized, of the city defences. It becomes the authorities to adopt every means in their power. The defence of Rich mond must, if necessary, equal that of Derry or Saragossa. w,t" UCPB.rson *a. Ghio, iu 1831. lie graduated ee across the front, will afford such at VV est Point, iu 1855, and entered orotection agaiust cavalry aa may! the topographical engineers. For a laugh their eftorts to s*.orp. Ths ene-1 short time he was stationed at the i five thousand citiiseu soldiers. wa" comm'«' ^8j- General, and assnm- when he assumed command of the 17th Army Corps. In February, 1863, ho moved his Corps to Lake Provi* dcnce. Here he was ordered to open a canal, from the river into tho Lake. This was done, but tbe plan was nev er operated upon. It served, howev er, in clearing the woods of guerilla*, by inundating them with water. In April, the General moved hit Corps from Millikeu's Bend to Hard Times, and one Division of the 17th Corps, participated in the fight at n f-i Vv .. i 1 1 i i i i o i s o n O n e 1 2 a v o von. The blacksmith Uuowa you. Ihei 1 I 1* I i \lfl V r*Att \f AWA/\n a n a i lame soldier who stops every day to rest on the bench at the grocery, has a pretty good guess at your charac ter for he sees you with the boys, una^e I'B kuown to be bad. Yet children seldom think how delightful it is to grow tip with tho love and confidenco of their fami ly, aud the neighbors whom they dai ly meet. Most boys think only of having as much fun and pleasure as possible, not caring how they get it, or how much they grieve their molh ew. """'ng "P the made hjm8e|f whose bedside j0hnson, good and strong. For his conscqncce the inhabitants in conscqnect of sending four ladles outside the lines for leaving church while tho offi ciating clergyman was praying for the President. March 26th, he assumed command services in the Vicksburg campaign, person Gen McPherson ia about and is an expert boxer. He has black eyea, and iu their depths *s .4 penetrating, keen 'imlAf Ezjireuioii jindt it3 homtf He has black whiskers and mnstache, a fair complexion, and a most decided ly pug nox, yet, notwithstanding this, be is a handsome man, aud when up on his horse he is tho personification of a soldier. Ho is accounted one of the best horsemen and swordsmen in the army. He has an extraordinarily large hand and foot yet is an excellent dancer, very polite and affable. He has, when not excited, a smooth pleas ant voice, but which, when under ex citement, ia quick and somewhat harsh. When angry, I am sorry to say, tbe General uses profane language to considerable extent. He uses tobac co immensely. There is no man more papular with his commaud, and a braver man never lived. One in stance in regard to hia bravery At the aiege of Yickaburg, wishing to ascertain some of tbe rebel move ments he coolly mounted the breast works and surveyed the rebel works with bis field glaas, the rebel sharp shooters sending bullets all around him, atriking bis sword hilt, aud pass ing through his uniform. He finished his survey, jumped down, aud ex claiming, Duma them" mounted hia horse and leisurely rode away. Day before yesterday, tbe rebel Roddy attacked tbe camps of tbe 13th Illinois, and 5th Iowa, at Madisonville, about six miles from Huntsville. The rebs. were at first successful, but dually beat a retreat. Tbey had three pieces of artillery, and about ^or ths defence of New York crossed tbe Tennessee iu boats and ou r-f J"J"—^1n.j",vs, ,en' Ul May, Gen. McPherson met and defeat ed tho rebel Gen. Gregg, at Raymond, and on the 14th, he whipped Geueral Johnson, and captured Jackson, with Stars and Stripes over the rebel State House. On tho 16th he fought and won the bloody battle of Champion Ilills." Here, when Hovey's Division, to withstand the superiority of numbers broke and fell back, Geueral McPherson massed all his artillery, and opened a furious fire of grape and canister, at short range, upon the reb el centre. At the same time he order ed Gen. Crockcr to recover the lost ground at all hazards. His move ments were succcssful and the rebula were defeated. At Yicksburg lie held the tcentre and was in front of the celebrated Fcrt Hill, which he blew op and stormed. He was one of the Generals selected by Gen. Grant to witness his conference with Pember ton and Bowen, and his troops wera allowed the honor of first entering tha c,ty» ami PRICE, TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. men proceeded to Scottsboro, where they tore up the railroad track a dis tance of twenty yards and ambusca ded the up train from Nashville. To rebels could only destroy seven cars, ere reinforcements came for our itwo killed and nina wounded. expressing its acceptance thereof as i tl whieh State, when so They I vote for representatives to the Gener oppose them our boys could muster al Assembly of said Territory shall be but fifteen muskets and five revolvers, i qualified to be elected and they ar« yet they kept up so sharp a fire, the I ',ert^y authorized to voto foi and wa8 al°nSf OFFICIAL. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES, P*MED at the Hrnt witli a large sum of money, and was scribe and if any of said citizen* terribly afraid ef being taken, know-1 are enlisted in the army of the United ing the fate of Xorthern citizens who1 S,»,I,,I of the Thirty El^hUi Co*4£i'caa. fPUBLIC—No. 45.] AN ACT to appoint an appraiser and assistant appraiser for the port of Portland, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate ami House of Representatives of the United States of America in Ccmgress asmnhicl, That' the President of the United States, I with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint an appraiser and assistant appraiser for the port of Port-! land, Maine, whoso duties shall be the s a e a s o s e o s i i a o i e s i n other ports and the ninth section of' the act of Congress passed Maysev-i enth, one thousand eight hundred aud twenty two, entitled Au act further lo establish «!,„ con.pen.atiun of cers of the cusloms and to alter cer- tain collection districts, and for other! .riS*c" purposes," is heroby amended bv add-1 ing Portland aforesaid to the" ports brr, and the appraiser of said port shall each receive the compensation of two thousand dollars per annum, and the assistant appraiser shall re ceive a compensation c*f fifteen hun dred dollars per annum. Approved, April 9, lb64. [PUBUC—No. 4€ AN ACT extending the time within which tho States and Territories He it enacted by the Senate and IL use religious sentiment shall secured, 0/ Representatives rf the United States and no inhabitant of said State America in Ccngrest assembled, rlhat an}' shall bo entitled to the benefits of the act entitled "An act donating public! a n s o e s e v e a S a e s a n e i -j tories which may provide colleges for the benefit of ag, icnltnro and tho me- ^, S?,'TT chanic arts," approved July second, i ?nd,t' eighteen hundred and siny-two, bv i f' -V"'e ,wnl",u hundred and July second, eighteen nunure sixty-two, be, and the same are here by, extended to the State of West Vir ginia. Approved, April 14,18il. FPUBLIC—NO. 47.} AN ACT to enable tho people of Ne braska to form a constitution aud State Government, and for the ad mission of such State into the Un ion on an equal footing with the orig inal States. Be it enade/l by the Senate and House ef Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the inhabitants of that portion of the Ter-! ®uch and they are hereby authorized to form thcni8clves a constitution and State institution, aud the returns of Government, with the name aforesaid,: Sec. 2. And he U further enadat,! That the said State of Nebraska NUMBER 22. river, and following the meandering# thereof, to the place of beginning. Sec. 3. And be it further enacttd, Tliat all persons qualified ly law to choose representatives to form a Con vention, under such rules and regular tions brave boys, and the discomfited rebel* ry may preset ibe, and also to vote up-* gave up the conflict. Our loss waaiou 0 may accept the grant of lands made Pr»™'YfurtAer by the act entitled An act donating i UoP public lands to tho several States as the Governor of said Torrito- ll,e A acceptance or rejection such C"i.i.lilntu,i, aa may be t'..i ,ncd l.y .aid. r, r» i Convention, under such rules and reg- ulations as said Convention may pre- ata^c8. ai'd are caught, and call*] by (he rebel. nbull be permitted tu at their placo of tendezvous and if cotton speculators. WINFIELD. ate still within said Terri- any nro absent from said Territory, by reason of their enlistment in th«r army of tho L'nited States, they 6halt be permitted to vote at their place of service, uuder the rules an regula tions in each case to be prescribed a» aforesaid and the aforesaid represen tatives to form the aforesaid Conven tion shall be apportioned among tho several counties in said Territory it» proportion to the population as near as may be, and said apportionment shall be made for said Territory by tho governor, I nited States district attorney, and chief justice thereof, or any two of them. And the governor of said Territory, shall, by proclama tion, on or before the first Monday of May next, order au election of tho representatives aforesaid to be held on tho first Monday iu June thereafter throughout the Territory and suclt election shall be conducted in the saruo manner as is prescribed by the laws of said Territory regulating elections therein for members of the House of Representatives and the number of members to said Convention shall bo the same as now constitute both be lllut therein enumerated, and the deputvi territory on tire first Monday collectors, not exceeding three in iium-' 111 July 1 1 and Territories which may providei t.ougress of tho Lnited States colleges for tho benefit of agricul- First. That slavery or iuvoluutary ture and tho mechanic arts," up-1 servituda shall be forever prohibited proved July second, eighteen bun- iu said State. dred and sixt3'-two. Second. That perfect toleration of «f*rt/"r lh® meu*be,»« ll',,s V11tfc,!,ed ,lext- tl»« Convention 8ha11 l,,cct at.tlie 1,aP,ul a,1(J aftvv oraramzati.m ly next, aud after organization shall declare, on behalf of the peopl* of said Territory, that they au«|t the Constitution of the United Statea whereupon the said Convention shall be and is huieby authorized to form constitution and State (Jovermuent: Pruvuieti, That the constitution wlteu formed ahall be republican, and not re pugnant to the Constitution of the United Slates and the principles tof tho Declaration of Independence And by an articlo low "vocable, without the conaeut of t-yoi- be molested iu person or property ^ritory may accept and on account of his or her mode of re ioua worship. Third. That the people iuhabitiug said Territory do agree and declare ,0 tl ai i- jo Mol|gilll{ ur w|li^, ritory of Nebraska includwd in the therein, at w^hieh election the qualified boundaries hereinafter designated be 8tt,d formed, cousist of all the territory included JonJy of the Stato of Missouri with th* fortieth degree of north lati tude extending thence due west along said fortieth degree of north latitude to a point formed by its inter section with the twunty-firth degree of longitudo west from Washington thence north aloug said twenty-fifth degree of longitude to a poiut formed hy its intersection with the forty-first degree of north latitude theuco west along said forty-first degree of north latitude to a poiut formed by its inter-j section with ths twenty-seventh de gree of longitude west from Washing ton thence north along said twenty seventh degree of west lougitude to' State aud other officers provided for a point formed by its intersection with in said constitution, may be elected the forty-third degree of north lati-. ou the same day a voto is taken for tude thence east aloug said forty- or against the proposed constitution third dogreo of north latitude to the and State Government. Reya Paha river theuco down* tbe! Sec. 7. Arid be U further enacted, middle of tho channel of said river, That sections nuuibeied sixtecu aud with its meauderings, to its junction thirty-six in evory township, aud when with the Niobrara rivor thence down i such aectiona havo beeu sold or other the middle of the chanuel of said Nio-j wise disposed of by any act ot Con brara river, aud following the mean- gresa, other lands equivalent thereto, 'deriugs thereof, to its junction with in legal subdivisions ot not less than tbe Miasouri rivor thence down the jouc quarter section, and as contigu I middle of the chanuel of said Missouri! ous as may be, ahall be and ate bet* ri#* ""•IW.""1."1 l'uM" 1 w"tor-"'.1knA, r' that tlio sauio sliall be and remain at .- .. i -.1 i tbe sole and entire disposition ot tho ptovided in said act, within two years r. i .u .1 11 .1 1 .1 nited btatcs, and that the lands be- from the date of the approval of this .i 1- •. 1 i act, subject, however, to the coudi-' tious in said act contained. Sec. 2. And be it further e%acted,' Tl,.* •».. 1 1 p! •anu leiuuu(tiii iu iiaiunitts lucieoi lbat tho benefit of the provisions of 1 ,ilui 1 n 1 1 1 .1 1 j' a,,tl that no taxes shall be imposed Uy this act, and of the .aid act approve, "'"K111!? to citizens of the I nited States residing without the said State shall never be taxed higher than tho unging to residents thereof 7"" #aid Sl,t(l or ter be purchased by the Uuited States. Sec. 5. ^nd be it further enacted. That in case a constitution aud State Government shall le formed for tho people of said Territory of Nebraska, incompliance with the provisions of this act, that said Convention forming the same shall provide by ordinance for submitting s:iid conNtitutiou to tbe people of said State for their ratifica tion or rejection at an eleetion to bo held ou the second Tuesday of Octo ber, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, at such places and under a« n,a-v be, vu,e,si aa prescribed hereinbefore Vuttt provided, shall dneetly for or ugauist the pro- flections shal be made to theact- shall be pernor of the ierr.tory, who, admitted into the Union as hereinafter together with the tinted states die provided tricl attorney and chiet justice Tl'r4iU)ry, .shall ol U'£al within the following boundaries, to constitution in said proposed w i Commencing at a poiut formed by the intersection of the western boundary of tbe or any two of them, canvass the same, and if a ma- votee shall be cast lor State, the said acting governor shall certify tho same to the President of o U n i e S a e s o e e w i a copy of said constitution and ordinan ces whereupon it shall be the duty of the President of tho United States to issue his proclamation declaring the State admitted into the Uniou on an equal footing with the original States, without any further actitft whatever on tho part of Congress. Sec. 6. And le it further enacted. That uutil the next geueral census shall be taken said State of Nebraska shall be entitled to one Representative in the House of Representatives of the United States, which Representa tive, together with the Governor and