Newspaper Page Text
I C|t |nttlligractr. od =?t?=r Oar 100-Days Boys. 00rrwp(n'l«ncc til* fltarl.s City Jnu-tl Davkvport, June 4,1864. Editor Intku.iokncer :—The boys detachment from Ma (.or, County, by order of Gen. Raker, *od proceeded to elect their officers. 3 John S. Goahorn, of Wintcrset, waa •lected Captain V. R. Kidcr, of Floyd, lit I iieutenant A. J. Stifflcr, of Win terset, 2d Lieutenant. Wo aro at tached to the 47th Regiment, Col. San ford commanding, and are known as Company E. To-day wo were mas tered into Unclc Sam's service by Lt. Harbold of the regular army. After being mustered in, and as tho men wero about to be dismissed to their behalf of the Company, by Sergeant 0. H. Stilson, of Mason Citj, Iff a brief speech, as follows Oaptmn Gnshorn ami Lieutenant* Rider if Stijffer From the outbreak of the present infamous rebellion until the present time, it has been customary, at the or ganization of military companies, for the privates and non-commissioned officers to show, in some manner, tlieir i respect and esteem for the officers in command. In view of this fact, we, through with it as a military necessi ty do with it as you may think prop er. It is our earnest hope that the campaign which has opened so favor ably to tin, will brinfi back the time honored Union to its former gre atness, and the dear old Stai n and Stripes, the proud emblem of our nation's gh»ry, prosperity and happiness, may float proudly and undisturbed all ovt our loved America, respected and honor ed by all. Accept thin, then, as a to ken of the Company's regard for you. Be with us in this campaign, and we will stand by you come weal or woe. The gh wious old I'liion now saved will be as lasting and imperishable as time itself. Take this and let it nev er be misplaced or iusnlted by enemies of proud Awcric* a«d the glorious old Union. The address of Sergeant Stilson was responded to in feeling and appropri ate language by Capt. Goahorn, after which the Company gave three cheer* Cor the President, Gen. Grant and the Old Flag. We leave here on Tuea* jJay—destination Soutfe. Defalcation. Tfw citizens of Sigotirwgy, ft«* kuk county, have another sensatiou in the fact of the discovery that their late County Treasurer, A. S. Alexan der, has defrauded the couuty and ma ny citizens out of a large amount of Independence Festival. lift. Editor:—Will you please to an* nouoce through jour paper that it is proposed to bold a Festival in this place, on the evening of July 4th, for the benefit of the Uuion Suuduy School. Arrangements are being made which, it is hoped, will make it worthy of tlie patronage of the public. Particulars will be given bcrcafter. S. Joarcs Cocxtt.—The who left With IDC) frotU 1'loyd county and commenced throwing up fortifications in And vicinity, were, on their arriral St Johnson's teeth. One of the rebel scouts re Camp McClellan, consolidated with a P°,Uid quarters, we Wtre surprised by being I ing sound, and the iron Storm met them! the recipients of a sash, presented us the privates and non-commissioned ry, about eighty piece*, to concentrate npon officers of Comuany E, 47th Regiment Iowa Volunteers, deem it proper to show you, in this humble manner, our jnst appreciation of you eminent qual ifications to command and- lead us wherever we may be called and where duty and necessity require. Accept of us, then, this emblem of rank and honor, and wear it through the com ing campaign and when you are and piled up the dead in winnow* The ene- Yours trtiljp, V. f| Horrible Death. We learn from the Lansing Jour nal of the horrible death of William AhwaiUhof, of Allamakee county, on S-Vednesday while distilling liquor at She distillery on his premises. A trong fire had been made in the fur moe below the still and the steam be •»an to escape at the top so that it jv.'is feared tl»e cap might blow off, thereupon tlie defeased went up to **jut on a heavy brace, from the roof »f the building, when the whole top *was suddenly blown ofT, the boiling iquid and steam completely envelop iigliim. lie did not fall in, but held o some timbers a moment and then fell outside to the floor, a distanco of weuty feet, lie was horribly burned ill over, the skin coming off of every tart of his body and limbs except his ect, which his boots protected. He lingered a few hours in terrible agony and died towards evening. He leaves wife and one child. money. His property ha« all been at* have one prayer for all occasions, which is: tached by tho Sheriff. Mr. A. is an old citi/x-nof Keokuk county, and has held ofticcs of var'uas kinds for the past ten years. He was the moat pop ular man in the county and the most trusted, perhaps. His term us Treas urer expired the 1st of January last, since which time it has been discov ered that, during the whole of his offi cial career hi has been guilty of dc fiaudinjr a fid swindling various ways. •*.» "i a it i, i i, i.q ladies of Madi son, Iowa, not long since, did up a thorough cleaning out of the rumsel Icrs of that place. They constituted themselves iuto a vigilance Commit tee, collected testimony against the ruinsellers they pledged the lawyers that they would uot defend the ruin sellers—they coinincuced judicial prosecutions and the work was done. Their reward—the restoration of hus bands to sobriety and scnai. While a Ma yiug party were on the summit of Mount Megunticook, in Maine, a Miss French, of Lincolnville, stumbled on the edge of a precipice and fell down a chasm, striking but once iu a distance of over 300 feet. She was taken up insensible and died the same night. Coming.—The Norwegian paper# give an account of 2,500 Norwegians 011 their way to make their homes in this country, from 200 to 300 of whom arc coming to this county. This will, to some extent, velipve farmers in har vest time^—Pmrnk JOpuMj0. T4 OorrM|«tr,iicnre of the Charles City IntelUjencsr. Letter from "Winfield." Hbadqvarters, Drpartmf.\t AJIV Akmy OF THS l"'nt Tbnnkmsks, Chattanooga, Tenn., Jane 3, ISM. y iEAR HILDRKTH On the morning of the 2Sth Oeiv McPlHW* •on, commanding the right wintf of the Kr*"d army, advanced and took possession of Dallas, tho rcbeI nenrttl that sh,,Tm,in had "M c"rT* to joh' Ur"" t,pOT this intelligence, Johnson massed his force and mode a furious assault upon McPherson In his fortifications. The attack commenced at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and at dusk the rebels hauled off ami remained (Missive until midnight, when in three columns they made another desperate attempt to force McPhcrson from hi* position. They came on in gallant style their lines as perfect as though upon drum parade their men singing some south* em air, antl (shouting at the top of their voi ces. They advanced without firing a gun leaving every thing they could do to be done with the bayonet. As they came within range, a red, vivd flash gleamed out in the night, then came a deafening report, a crash- MiPherson determined to whip them this time for keeps." lie ordered all his artillc- each wing and to load with double charges of grape and canister. This dime, he ordered his entire centre to fall back. As they did this, the rel»el columns ewept over the fortifi cations, and when they thought they were grasping the victory our artillery opened npoa them. It is impossible for pen to describe the effect produced by that volley ot death. It opened streets through their crowded ranks my could not advance in the face of such a tire, and they were unwilling to retreat. The artillery fire ceased, and the centre, led by n. McPherson in person, moved forward at a double quick," and htilled the rcliels l»ack over the fortification*. 'J he enemy then broke and fled for their works, leaving over 4,000 dead and wounded on the field and 300 prisoners. McPhersun's loss was nearly 1,000 killed antl wounded and a few missing. Thus ended the fitrht at Dallas, and ov Right now orcupir* the town, while ow Left rests on Fumpk in vine creek, so called from its excessive crookcdnesa. Oen. Sherman is but one days march from Atlanta. Rebel pikoners say that Johnson will not tnakc a determined stand at Atlanta,as be hail trusted to his works at Altuona, which were flanked by Sherman. Oen. Blair will be at Rome to-day, and will at once proceed to join Oen. McPherson. An imnieuso drove of cattle came through this morning, all in fine condition, the grass being excellent. Abundant supplies are wnt to the front for the army, and Military stores for the sick and wounded. It is amtuing as well an painfnl to witness the arrival of the train with our wounded froui the front. The boys are in excellent spirits and get off many ajoke at each other's exj* nse Such expr« siont are used as, "Johnson is getting warm ed." IIow aro jpnt, Hardee Bully tor Grant and Sherman." While their wrath is expended upon Oen. Banks. It seems that (Jen (Jrant is completely out generaling Lee the Great." I think that the conquest of Richmond is now a certainty. As Oen. Grant has established his bnse at the White Ilouse, McTlellau's old battle-fields may once more resound to Federal cannon, but not with the same purpose as before, f#r Grant will fight for victory and Richmond, while McClellan fought for safety and change of base I I It would be a florioos amlvenary for Oca. Grant, if he should enter Richmond, as he did Vicksburg, oil the Fourth of July, and witness the Old Flag once uiyrc waving over, a strong hold of the rebels «poa Indepen dence lay. This will be the last letter I shall write from these Hciulquai tets. On the Cih in»t I bhall be mustered obt of the service, having served thtee yeais. I shall still keep with the army foi a time, and will write you as nsnal. I with the Government to order a Draft 11 confess that want President Lincoln to Issue the papers at oucc. I am willing to serve three years more in the rauks it by a draft soine of the venomous copperhunds and miser able cowards at home in Floyd county cau be made to come to time, and wear Unclc Sam's clothing anil eat his rations. I am not giv* to much prayer, in sorrow I confess it, but I "Oh, God! Dtuvl Hon. J. B. Burke of Waverly gsee as a friendly call one day last week. Mr. Burli* is understood to be a candidate for the office at District Attorney in this (13th) Judicial i£» trict. The repeal of the $800 exemption clause in the enrollment act is urged by the Provost Marshal G«uetal, feaecctiUry of War and Presi dent, in documents recently laid before Con gress. It is rumored that the National Democratic 1 They fell l»cf« re it as falls tho grass before the you to scythe. But they closed up manfully and UI-ALTII AS PLRITT, A i e e e n s e a n n o e o s u e u fought with a valor worthy of a better cause., 1 Convention, called to meet at Chk-ago July 4, Barley will be po»tioned ysrts|isloistisitelf Bar rail for Fremont! By the burning of the steamer Berkshire, on the Hudson river, 8th Inst., 40 persons are reported to have perished. The MoOregor Western RaffaNy inga large elevator at I'.istvillc in anticipation of the runuit^ of the cars to that poiut. Hon. Charles Ben Darwta of Eurlingtoa is understood to be a candidate before the State Convention for Presidential Klector at large. I. W. Card, Esq., of Mason City, is said to bs a candidate for District Mr*. D. O. Darling, of Fairfield, Payette coanty, lately committed strickle by taking •tryt hnine. This is the second xuicidein that anility in the course of two week*. Both the victim* waX vivos and mothers. THE HLSroRT •f Hostetter's Stomach Sifters. TiNHVrt rffnartitMe medicine bt the day. I and the many cum* that have Uvn performed with itin caix-Kof Ijver Complaint, Wool, make Lincoln Draft! /Wrt. WisriBLn. Oen. A. J. talth's lonss landed near Oh luiubia, Ark., on Tuesday morning, and were soon after attacked by Mai maduke. Tlie reb els were repulse* I with the oll.% men, tlie Union loss being lftO. Maimadukc there vpon evacuated Columbia, wb+dl y^»^IUJnd by the Marine Brigade. Tlie IU v Mr. Adams announced to Ids as dic nee, at Masonic Hall, last Sunday, that be would begiu a course of lectures 011 Congrega tional ism next Sunday (June 19th) evening at 8 o'clock, the Usual hour of service. We doubt uot a prompt and snsSalneil sAteodsnce will be amply repaid. li*pepidat Nervous IMiility, and other diseaMcx ttiixin^ from a disordered stomach or liver, places it at once aniimi the most astonishing discover ies that has taken place in the medical world The disciioes which bitters are ttppluaMe aie so that there are but few of our I friends who may uot test their virtues in their own families or circle of n ]u tintanccg and prove to their own satisfaction that there is at least one remedy among the many advertised medicine* deserving the public commendation. For sale by Druggfots and dealers, every where. 13m2. BE WISE BY TIMES. TV net trifle with yoor health, constitution and character. If you are suffering with any disease for which JHmboUTs Extract Buck* is rcoosaniended, TKY IT! TRY IT! TRY IT! It will Cure you. Save Long Suffering, allay ing Ps|n and Inflammation, and will restore out the Adv But they could not withstand that withering and -all or send for it. fire, and slowly fell back. Our troojm hardly thought the rebels would repeat the attack, but as the first beams of the sun came gloriously over the hills, the rebel lines were seen advancing. It now etned as though they were an army of fiends and noi men, so wild and loud were their demoniac yells, and so desperate their assault. „l,iwInoni ia another column, IteawTfof (Xmmterfritr Ask for Helmbolds. Take Cms Own 18mS ao ether. SCROFULA. It has hesa remarked by eta toewt fees, that in the varied catalogue of disease* which man is heir to. there is scarcely one of such impor tance and of nuch interest as Srofula. wheth er wo look to the olweiirity of its origin, its insidious progress. tl»e number and variety of nrpms that it attack4. or its rcina:kable in curability and extensive fatality. Scrofula has kittled the skill of the most eminmt physicians in this country and Eu rope But there is an Antidote for this dig «awe in Lhi. Oi ysott's Extract of Yellow IK* k and Sursapnrilla. which is proving itself a sure Specific ta the must severe cases of Scrofula. Metiee. A meeting of the Floyd County Sanitary Blpetitivef'omiuitteo wHH*- held at tbet'ourt Honm* in t'liHtlo Cttv n Thursday. June 16th at 2 o'«ii«ck P. Members are requested to attend. The several townships are requested to report U» the S.-«r«'lary ot the Committee [•revions to th^ n»»*etiBg ia order that arrange nients may le pel feet ed for sending in t.» l»ti btiqtte otn varioun o-iitributioiis. As the Fair there., tlhibuq^t to which we are auxiliary, will ojx«n «'ii the 21t in»t there is no tim- to wa»le, and toMiishi|» fulittn to re|«ort will &uJ of the ol»ject k*r which th. v are working. U W HI MIMlliEV, Sec'y. St. Onwlea, June G, 1H4-1 holier. I'ntil further notice I will \»eAt my office in Charles City on the fir«t and third Mondays of each Uiootti, f*r the tmusaction of such bijai neSs as Iiiht prr»p»-rl v •Min" U-fore me. ciih'i mi Brn KUF1KLD. ("oiintv Judjjc of Flovd County. January », lW. ,, 0.}/ fy. Auction. T1»esnhecriber would ropectfully announce th» Htiurn* «»t Fl«»yd ai»l ailjoinins oun tio*. that lie has taken oat an Auctioneer's LiccUac and is now prejart to sell property at auction for all who »na require his servi ces. PEl Ell nil A lit .Auctioneer, ChsntasCHy, May 18, 1M4. 20aU COMMERCIAL. Ckariee City Retail Marteet. Wu»hd*t, Jane 16, 18C4. Flour, extra family, cwt., Mfwrtine. Wheat, spring, f* imshel, Corn, on the ol. f4 l»«hel shrtb^l, bushel, Rye. httshel,. .-. lUtley. iMishcl,........... .... (^tits, tush**l.- •. Com Meal, f4 f* potiI,................ i Salt, f* I'M., Ktrgs. V4 lu£cn,........... ... 3 $ug»r. N V Cuba, ft Wlute. Coder. CrUfli d, ft ft 0 Mexico.—The Mexican General Doblado, with 2,000 men, lately attacktxl the entrench' edcauip tf the French, 4,000 strong, between San Luis Potosi and Saltilio, and ed with a loan of 500 men. defeat- Candles, fXHow, A|trrnfT 12th Judkisl Distrkt. of ihs $2,60 2 00 70(4 7s 45(g :0 i i0 50 7K§*» :o l,.o *(s o wtM............. Potatoes V lid, Beans, bushel lliittcr, I).,—............... heese, ................... Pork, suit ........• •.. frtsli ft.. Hams. ••.... Bcff. It. Chicken!*. ft I I tirkeys, ft.,.......«.»*..». btril. ft.,.... ••f ............ !,( S.I 12.i 1* 12(a 20 10(*lt 4(a 5 12i(« 15 »«ilO 5 5 4.."0 Hay, ton,,............ ..... Veal. f» ft., Mutton. ft .*..... SuL'ar, N. O. ft.,.....*. Str'.'huni Sirup, gal.(~... Golden Sirup, f* g*l-1,20(^1.60 N««q. •$ !s».r, 12} Candle*. Tallow, Tea. Y 1.60®SO0 Cuflce, fft 55 Fish, salt. |PJ3j[ (Ircen AipH*. obi............ I»'ied Apple*. "H ft 14 Ikied IWlitt. |SO stsssA^is IS 8 6 »(?2 60 Kero*riie, gal, VK JMkegor Wholesale Prices Cnrreat. JttM 11,1664 W1m*, bmJk l,oe oats, ee I ok'lk,.. .,........ti. .0 Potatoes 40(a£0 Iti-ans,............. •. .H 2,00 Hidi-s. :... 8^'^ Wo«l. f* ft I*ir*i, ft..... .qi.«*. IO4 f*'loe l'.utt«-r. f* ft Flour, UNI ft^ ....19.1 Coffee. Uio, f* ft .".V. ..49 Java, *f ft ....^1..-*... 54 Moeh.l "f* ft. ..»•/ 44 Syrup. N V olden, fi gal.'... 1.15 Pried Apples. K ft 9 0* lu Fine S^ilt, f* bbl 3.00 Pork V,0O(g».OU Fish, Iry Ctid. ||l 9 White, ft 6( Cut Nails, |*cwt #,33^7,60 Babbitt s Salenttns,. 9 lVland's ... ft. Ti. P*itaUtcs,........... "S Crackers, "j*ft Stick and AssortedCaady, ...30 Soup, f* Star 1 h, j*, ft 8 Cedar Falls Market Cedar Falu*, Jane 11,1864. Float, Cntra cwt 3.80 Superfine... 1,80 («^'2,25 Wheat, bushel 97(j4100 Corn ,,00 Oata,............................... 5* Butter, ......................... 18 mm. p,h1i i^ J, 5 o Hou», fi 3(t3| 00« ».,W St Hk« 1.10 Hides, tiieen, 7(^7^ .v..... 1 Dry Flinty...... ..........15^ 18 Beans, ................1.50 New Photograph Gallery. J. E. UICH WOULDof mtpectfull1* anuounoe t* the eM» ixens Cliarles City and the balance of mankind that he i* now prepared to take IHioturo.s of all who may favor him with a call. Pho tographs taken in all the vaious styles aad warranted to please. All are respectfully in vited to 1'all and examine my work whether wbddttg pictures or noi. Picture* taken in cloudy wetf at in fair imother. N. B. Hootn. first door north of the In telligencer Building." np stai^K Y Charles City, Dec. 38, 186% I 14 OVER 145,000 Ar.RFAf»v wrm, Being 50,000 Ahead or ANT OTHER OOMPAitri CNPARALLI'LKD SUCCESS Sr THK These are the only Machines making the Lock Stich with the Rotating Hook. N'o Shuttle nor machinery for Shuttle move ments. THESE MACHINES ARE UNRIVALED TS Simplicity and Durability, AXD ARB UNEQUALED IN CAPACITY to sew both heavy and light goods, and la EASY ADAITATIOX to the greatest variety of styles of work. THSY ABB Profitable & Available a Lifetime. The Glass Cloth Tres^er, so popular, can oulj-Uehad with these m:ichines. •EO. B. CHIT 1KN DEN. Oen. Ag t, 10(5 lake Street, ChiagO C- H. WRIGH I Traveling Agent, 212 Main Street, Pulntqne. JOHNSON & MATHEWS, Agents, L. G. BURROUGHS, Agent, Floyd. GEO. C. DEAV, Agent, Charles City. May 23, 1864. 21yla KKW Saddle & Harness i^I lO BK(i Dr. Christie's Ague Balsam! I w mt Hi re lr. Chri-tw'M AiT'ic Bal 1111. s.'ii'l ui' li.ilt a ynir.t nane tiately. Kt'-|w tC-illv vnir^, Want, tanre Oiri-tif 'x Af'i- Kul-am All out if Asm- It-ii- Ku 'lirutlte' Ague IWUtuB is iur« i-i CtirUOe'x .\Klc iUlk.tlU r»viin luoiuUxl lit '1,11 B&'g SEWINO Company are now making 140 per day. Ro«kford. WOOD ADAHK Sl HA It I .K A VR to inform the citirens of Floyd county tliat tliey liave-lortned a partner ship in the saddle and harness business, and have o|K-ncd a shop opposite the Uuion Hotel In Charles City, where they will le pit axed to wait upon all trho may desiro to patronise them. They will keep constantly on hand, OT man ufacture at aboit uotioe, ail kii U of Harness, Saddles, Br Mies, Trunks, TaliMi, Whi(is, Brushes, Curry Combs, 4c. Caniages Trimmed to IM^r. of all kinds neatly and promptly executed. They hope, by close attention to business and by good work and fair dealing, to merit and receive a share of public patronage. P.<p></p>L, A M»MU..'sh. ffle|.t. IU. We are Sllixa "l It.Olinttie'.i Atrnf Bal •iatn. Plna* »"inl m-^.11 "It gore l*« hot eakes." WllON a XE\'IIJJC, Ma^ltMi.trk. Ill, j~ i k novcK a ro mi. w .v,111T, sajm—•• W« do tin* know tit'asmcU* iihire w o n e w e u v 1 i Ww York, Auk "2, ISM. From my »t the ingrntitenlN i.r liri^tif \ki' IUi~.«m I rciu.-i'ler It :U. ill! \-'iU'iit |iri|urati'u the can VVvi-r itnd AiriH*. u»l libit a will jrm Lawastes S3ml imH lujuriour U tli- Prof, of Chemistrv. Run H. SCOVIL, Pr prietor, yhuat^t 111. Notice. STATK OF luWA, Flovd Coi ntt, To Jotd H. IHx, Ktrttwa Jaw a Wa, B. Osfpet ter and Klake, Bigelow A Co. You are hereby notitied that there is" now on tile in the office of ths Clerk of the District Cwutt of Floyd County, Iowa, a petition of Andrew |ix and Susan Dtx. claiming of voii a partition of the W rr:u li..!ial 4 and 8 of the S. K i of Sec. It. Twp. i7. U. 17, in Floyd County, Iowa, and N E. of 10 the N E quarter of S«v. 12, Twp. 97, lt 18, I ''i Mitchel Co., Iowa, and claiming that said .!.. S.25 Andrew X. l)ix ownsan undivided and Joel 1 I' ^'x si- Car|eiitei ciwli an undivided j-j of Mtil real estate, and that sjiid Ill.tke, Bigfiow 2*3 25 1^^'° have uo other intorest therein than as U6 attaching cre»litors of said I Jih*I H. l)ix and S. CarjH*nter and that unless you appear there to mid defend la-fore nixn of the second day of the next tenu of the Mistrict Court of iutid counlv. said term to iegui oa the fourth day of Julv. A l. Ifi«j4, def.ndt will be euteicd against voti and judgment rendered thereon aa prsfed ia anfcl jatition STARIl & PATTERSON, PlaintitFs Attorneys. 90 ct. U. 8. Rev. Htp. cnneelled, H. k P., Att'ys for 4. N. Dix a/ iv 16. 1864. 3Uw43 —Li- BURR STANLET, E W K E 8 And Dealers In Walclwi, Clocks, Jcwffrjr AXP SILVER-WARE, CUTLKHY, Muaical 11 us ruments, Lookingglass Plates, Plated and Britannia Ware, Spectacles, Toys, Willow Ware, Bird Cage Children's Carriages, &c., &c. Watches, Clocks aud Jewelry Carefully repaired and warranted. The highest price paid for old Gold nod Silver. Shop opposite the Carter House Cedar Falls, Iowa. Qfytmiber 25^ 1063. 40m6® iv if f| Produce Wanted. ALL kinds of Produce taken iu exchange for Goods at our Store in Floyd such as Prices the Wheat, ttidee, Itutter, Eggs, etc. same as in Charles City. LBUUKUHb OOU Flsyd.Xo*. IMS. 1 New Goods, New Goods, New Goods, New Goods, New Goods, New Goods, X«w Goods, New Goods, At 0ILBERT & DEAN'S. RIPE. Soighum Seed, At OILBBRT & DEAlff. Cast Cast-Steel Plows, Bmt ever made, for sale by OILBEI 5RT & DKAK. Ladies' & Misses7 Hats, Trimmed and Untrimined, At OILBERT & DEAN S. Lithograph of the President's^ Emancipation Proclamation for sale at the Stone Store. Photograph Albums For sale at OILBERT & DKAX'g. Codfish and Japan Tea At OILBERT & DEAN'8 Baby Wagons For sale by OILBERT k DEAN. Summer Clothing, At OILBERT DEAN'S. Buffalo Robes, Por sale by GILBERT 4 DEAN. Clothes Wringers, At OTLBKRT A DEAN'S. Cloaks, New Styles, At OILBERT ft DEAN'S. Zephyr Worsteds, At the stone gtare. Spinning Wheels, Isens J. ADAMS. S. HAMWoOU 8. Cash paid for hides. Charles City, May 9,1864. 19yl FAIRBANKS' STANDARD S A E S OF AM. KlVnS. Also, Warehouse Trucks, Letter Prt^sses, 4c. Fairtwuiks^ (irfrnleaf, Sc Co., 172 Lake Street, Chicago. HTBe Oarciui to buy only the genuine. CHRISTIE'S A U E A S A At the Stone Store. Balmoral Hose and C0KSKTX, For sale by Gilbert ft Dean. Clothing, large lot, cheap, At OILBERT ft DEAJTS. Boots and Shoes, large VARIETY, At GILBERT ft DEAN'S. Whole Suits, men's, le by GIL15KHT & DEAN. For 1 Wagon Grease, Tlie U ht made, for sale by Gilbert 4 Dsofe Broom Corn Seed, AS dUksvt ft Deaa'a H. W. McNABB'S Cash, and I^eady-JPay WOVLD res|H'ctfully announce toUtoedtl of St. Charles i'ity and surrounding country that 1 am opening a new and well se lected stock of Spring and Summer soooa, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, YAXKEE XOT/OKTS, Ladies' Dress Goods, PRINTS and DeLAINES of different styles and quality, Wool ITcxxlfc*, Sliawls, BALMORAL SKIRTS, A splendid assortment of Lailie»' Spanish Felt JoolLey Sats, Plumes, Ribbons, Flowers, Itonnet Kuche, HOSIERY, (HAWKS. IKtOP SKIRTS, Gloves aud MiUtens, BOOTS & SHOES, lleady-Made Cluthing, BroadrlothM and Cossimera, of the liest quality. Satinets and Heavy Winter Clotks of different grades, Hat« and Caps," Sheetings, IVnims, Shirtings and Flannels, Whq«, Trunks, Satchels, •nd many other goods too numerous to men tion and too expensive to print. Call and set far yourselves, aad examim tkt goods and pruts. H. W. McNABB. St. CfearlesCity, May 1,1864 ilfl pit isfai ..... infill IBVINO'8 Q1ANT PAIN CURER RR THE CURE OF PAIN, Btth externally and internally—the Greatest l'ain-Curing lieniedjr Yet Discovered. I*aia opnnot long exist where this rinedj is faithfluly used. Q1VB IT A FAIR TRIAL! FOR PAIN Xa the Stomach. Back or Bowels, Baras, Bruises, Cuts. Swellings. ''glifj Diarrhea, and UheuinatiMft, lltsad ache, TtK»th-icliu ami Ear-ache IT crass, ALMOST lXSTAXTANEOl'SLY, CHRONIC DISEASES!! SCCH AS Pyspepsla, Weak Breast, Llrer Complaint, General Debility. Kever and Ague, Can ker or Sore Throat, Weak Kyes, Spine aud Kidney Disease, Old Sotes, Coughs. In the above mentioned diseases it oaly needs to be faithfully used, and 1TUE IS CERTAIN. Sold by all Druggists and Hedicias dealers. PRICE 50 EXTS. WALM.LJ. ft TAVLOR, Proprietas CURBS! Is a Pnreiy Vegetable Cooapoaad. Dr. Christie's Ague Balsam I Has never been known to fail when tlsdi rections have been strictly foUowed. Dr. Christie's Ague Balaam I Contains no mineral poisonous substance, as wiU be seen by reading the following NEW ARRIVALS! SPBtSS AK9 SUKMEB J. V. LEHMKTJflL Is new epenlng a Large and Csmplst* Assortment ef SprtBf and Summer Caoji, At his Store in Oharle* Oltr, Jnst pnrchascd of Manufacturers and Impor ters, consisting in part as follows: STAPLE AND FANCY Dry Goods. Numerous 8tyles aad Yarfeties of LADIES' DRESS Dress and Tailors' Trimmings, Broadcloths, Plain and Fancy Cassimeree, Doeskins, Vesting, &c., &c. GESTLEtfETS Fall and Winter CLOTHDIC Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Boots, Shoes and Findings, Yankee Notions and Stationery. West India Goods ft Groceries, Such as Molasses, Tea, Coffeet Sugar, Dried Fruit, &c., &c All of which will be sold at the very Lowest Prices for Cash or Ready Pay. Charles City, Iowa, May 5,1844. a o Lehmkuhl & Hausberg, Have ju^t received, at their Store Xn Floyd Village A large and complete assortment o# STAPLE AND FANCY Dry Goods, CLOTHING. HARDWARE, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, We*t India Goods, THE Chicago, Illinois, B. Soom, Oeaeml Western Agent, Chicago. CURES I CHl.-LBft FEVER! CHILLS ft FEVER! FEVER ft AGI'K! FEVKK ft AGl*U DUMB AGUEI DUMBAGUE! CTTTLLS ft FKVK.K! CHILLS & FEVER! FEVER & AGI'K! #tVKK & AGI'K! PUMB AGI'K! Bl MB AG IE! New Yoik, Aug. 32d, 1856. I have analysed Dr. Christie's Ague Balsam, and certify that it containcs neither Quinine, Arsenic. Mercury. Mrychnine, or any mineral or poisonous substance I.aWKKNCE HEED, V Prof of Chemistry. M. tpUOViU ProprWor, Chksgo, llltoah 1 Ci-rcxjeries Hats and Caps, BOOTS AND SHOES, Yankee Notions, And almost every other kind of Goods that may lie desired. All of which will be sold at the lowest prices for cash or ready pay. J. W. LEHMKUHL. WM. HAUSBKRG. noTd.May4.lSIA! IStf KEW' TSTAGrON SHOP IK CHARLES CITY, FLOYD COUNTY, IOWA. suiwi rlKr would Tvg leave to inform the litizi'ns of Charles City and Floyd County that he has ojH-ned a Wagon Shop in Wool Icy & Snyder's building, up 8 tails, where he is prepared to exiiut»- with Neatness and Despat'la all order* he may be favored with. He has taken ^reat |tains to select good seasoned lum ber, and from his experience in hi* line of busiuesM, he Hatters hiim«if that hs canii:: Manufacture and Repaic WAGONS AND BUGGIES cheap as the cheapest sad ss gand as h«*AII work warranted. Prices according to the timw 4yl PETBB BOOS. Charles City. January 22, 1864. V» A. H0TCHKIS8, Agsnt» VUOUESALS AMD aKTAlL DKALU I!l Fruit and Confectionary Wood and WUlow Wan Provisions, tc., &c. Vl»t Corner South of the Carter Hoses, Ctdar Fills, low. CEDAR FALLS. F. N. CIT A RE, Ag't, DEALER IS Foreign and Domestic* FKUIT, Kr-i_ Clgur®, Confefdonerj, lU&£T$G<5£(52IitfS3! •belf HARDWARE, Nails, Oils, Paints, Drugs, Glass, Sash, Putty—Cheaper & Co than heretofore. FARlKVfi I E E N S Of various descriptions. ice. First door south of Pullan's Banner Storey Main Street, CEDAR FALU3, Iowa, It offering for sale a large Stock of Green and Dried Fruits, Confectionery, Cigars, Tobacco, and a great variety of other articles^ At Competition Prices. —o Green Fruits, Confectionery, Dried Fruit, Tobaeco, Canned Fruit, Nuts, Berries, Cheese, Maple Sugar, Herring, Cigars by the thousand, Cider by the barrel, Spices of all kinds, Crackers, various kinit, BALTIMORE AND COVE 0TSTBR8, by the Can or Case. Orders filled with care and promptness. Par» ticular attention given to selling goods on Commission. 40yl OfiCTTT BROTHERS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS III FUEMIUJIE, oven c. a. Wallace's DBCO stobs, CEDAR FALLS IOWA. —o— They have on hand the Largest and BEST SELECTED STOCK OF VTRMmSU ever brought West of the Mississippi. PT Our Stock consists of everything usu ally kept by Furniture Dealers, and we are now prepared to sell at ILj©W FsIomu ALSO, MANUFACTURERS Of 8aah. Doora and Blinds. 40)1 HARDWARE!! [Successors to Warren Pierce,] At the sign of the big Tea KeCOt, Opposite the Carter House, Cedar Falls, Iowa, DEALER® TV STOVTCsS, Iron, Steel, Nails, and Tools of Every Description. HOI'SE TRIMMINGS, WAGON TIMBER, AST) WXQOff HATERIAtS, [«very thin*? usually found in a well-aelec tod Hardware block. IN THEIR STOCK JtffcMtud tbo latest Improvement* aad Best Patterns. BWRMER3 1TTENSILS k AJT7 .idSVl teau. lii ir Urge and full assortment fo Farming Tools, Includes the celebrated Moline, Grand Detour and Rock Island ing. Stirring and Jimes* Shovels and Spadi Beardhley'sbilver Steel SCYTHES, Also, Blood's Superior along Scythes and experience in the feet bosi assured that our facilities for obtaining Goods from Manufacturer* are not excelled by any tirin We^t of the Mississippi river, and arc prepared to t^-11 at liOw Prlees. In connection with our Store wn TIN SHOP, ia rhargs of Competent Workmsa* faBtoglTsnsaadl. A. Do not O. THOMPSOS, JOSIAH THOMI'SOM. Cedar Falls, May Si, 180. CEDAR VALLEY FOUNDltY AXO Machine Shop. THE undersigned would respectfully inform the Citiaens of the Cedar Valley that the above named Foundry and Machine Shop is now in MFiil1 and Um lina. Blast," would therefore give notice that he Is now prepared to execute, on short nutiee, all work that may be entrusted to Mill Gearing, TfiPeshing Machines, Reapers, Boilers, Engines, and in fact all kinds and wrought Iron work repaired. STQSB CEDAR FALLS. Corns Sown, Corns Dowfc TO CEDAR PALLS, And get the Greatest Bargains in Beady Made Clothing To be had in the State. It will pay well those in need of clo rams To pay a virtit to ELLERMAN'S Philadelphia nothing Establishment, Overman's Block, Opposite the Carter Houae, CEDAR FALLS. He Has Just Opened TBI LARGEST STOCK OP CLOTHING Gent's Furnishing Goods, Ilats, Caps, 4c., To be seen west of Chicago, and will sell at Lower Prices "Hnui any other Ettablishment in Kovthem Call and judge for yourself, and Yon will find it to save you at leflft OO Per Oenli in making yonr purchases AT ELLERMAN'S axTursirs Clothing House. Coantry Merchants are especiallj Invited, as I will sell them even at Lower thao Chicago or Dabiqne Prices. THE LARGEST STORE, The Biggest Stock, And the Bent Good* nt the Lowest Prices, is the true name at PHILADELPHIA Clothing Store. April &, 1861. HARDWARE. LYMAN BLAIR Tin, & Co. (Successors to P. Crosby,) HARDWARE, MAILS, GLASS, Sheet Tron & Copper Ware, Blacksmith and oopcr Took, Wagon and Carriage Materials, Sole Agent* at this point for the Celebrated Grand Detour Plows, Warranted to soour In any soil, Cook, Box, and Parlor Stoves, Mannlartured by TI Hi thin we of Allnuiv, one of the oldest ilouxes in th« East—every .Stove warranleii to give «ati8f u» Uou. Agents for Indiana Wagons. Rig* of ikt Fid lock, oppisite the Carter Houss. LYMAN BI.AIR. G. H. CAMPBELL. Cedar Falls, April S, 1864. OABDEf VALLEY Agricultural Warehouse, AND— SEED STORE. CEDAR FALLS, IOW4 A. D. BARNUM, Dealer in Grain, Wool, Seed% And Every Description of Agricultural and Horticultural Implements^ FIELD, GRASS, GARDEN AND FL0WEB sokxt M»a Smith's Patwt F. Cast-Steel Plow! ALSO AC.ENT FOl Shuttery8 Chicago Wagon. would !all your He IS paretl to Manufacture SUGAtt CANE CRUSHING MACHINES, entirely of Iron also, the necessary Irons fot Wooden Machines can be had, designed prin- i •nnin| IIBIIIb, ci|»lly for (aimers who have an acre Sorghum. N —Cash paid for old Castings, or they will be taken in exchange for new. Order re spectfully solicited iwvi promptly attended to. livered at the Cars. H. C. OVEKMAX, I' Cedar Falls, 'ropriet«»r. ISyl March 13, 1M2. V.' ABE. Charas, Jags, Creampots Frnit Jaa, Ac at GILBERT A DEAFS. attention Farm Implements, to my stock of Seeds, 4c., Ac. kmp on hand at all tima the celehrtdti Cast-Cast Steel Plows, mads by Collins A Co. Ooaa Buckeye Reaper it Mower, C. Aultman & Co s Canton, Ohio Buckeye Jr. Mower, C. Aultman & Co's, Cantoa, Hweepstakes Thresher, Aultman & P. ltann's lower,- his care in that ^of east ^|a|Ibr«l,i«* TWO Horse CONl pre- Cultivator, Schu tiler's pmim—1-- Sf i||« or so of 0arden (jity clipper Plows. Hay Ohio. Co's Canton, OMv. Reaper mm -SslfltalM. Haines' 111. Header, Van Brunt's Seed sower, in fact all kinds of Fariu Implements. lirain, and all Produce ou Storage, De- •ol y stock Is Your alteutiou DUBUQUE. Dubuque Marble Works, JAMES & BROTHER, MinufarTurrr* nnd 1 v-nl^n Foreign and American MarblS Cdtner of Locust and 8th Streets,' Dubilquo,-..... lo^ra# "Wholesale' Boot and Stationery* aoxji B. M. HARGEE No. Ill Marn Street, Dubuque IoWa, Is fully prepared to snpply Country Merchants and others, in lar^e or snwll ^antities, with every thing pertaining to the Book and Stationery ftusine&s* Especial alfentiovgiveft to fllUnf ofdew from the Trade for School Books, A iPubHehcrs' prices. LETTER, Cap, and Koto Papett. Blank Books, Sanday Mool Books and Rewardsr Jvvenilo Books, Miscellaneous Books, Sheet Music, and all kinds of Musical Merchan dise, which will be sold at tho lowest rates. Agent for Geo. A. Prince & Co.'s Celebrated MrftWTtonS it School Organs* Depository of the America* Tract Country denlen supplied oa Society. Um Bkoet f*vo»- able terms. lCyl Higheat price paid for Wholesale Book Store# 11 lOMPSO.V U U E .1 A Orders from the trade solicited* WILLIAM H. RUMPF, WHOLESALE O E am nub ia Wines, Liquors, Cigar^ AND TOBACCOS. Mo. 31 Kain Street, Dabuqiae, Iowa* Uil BOTTK^T & CO., Importers and Dealers ia CHINA, GLASS, QUEENSWARF, Silver Plated and Britannia OoaA^' Table Cutlery, Lookingglasses^ Bird Cages, Coal Oil, Lamps, 4c. Hotel, House Furnishing, and FANCY GOODS, Ho. S5 Main street, Dubuqae, btf. 19" 7V Trade, supplied at Eastern priest adding freight. GEO. H. FRY, Agmt for the Celebrated P. P. Stewart CQiQK STOVES, TTeatiiig Stoves. Parlor Stores arid all kinds of Cook Stores on band and For all the Tools, and respartfulljr to A. D. BasmK. kited. Corner of Main and Baos Streets, Cdar Falls, March IS. IMA for sals. Jfe, 28 Main Street, (Jnllan House Baffdtaf,) Dubuque, Iowa. ^ACfORY MANUFACTURES World and of best of the rest Mankind The kiln-dried Pine •ouldings, Frames, Blinds, Doors, Sash, &c. Taming and Ornamental ScroU-Sawlng done to order. All order* filled at published rates, and deliv ered 011 the «-ai fre«- of h. rtre. To dealers a liberal discount will In- made. If vou want work that willgiw (uitisfactioa send here for it. L. DICKINSON. Vahoque, March 24, ISM. iff!