FAMILY D^E COLOBS. Black, Ciimson, lark Blue, Dark Drab, J.ight Blue, Light Drab, French Blue, Dark Oreea, Claret Rrown, Liu'ht Oreen, Dark Brown, M.igenta, Light Biovvii, Maroon, Snuff Brown, Orange, ftifc-t F'itt Color*, IT HAS Pink, rail'!*, Royal Purple, Salmon, Scarlet, SolferiifcJ, Violet, Yellow, for Dyeing Silk, Wool lei, M)d Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scarf*. Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Hats. Feath ers. Kid Gloves, Children's Cloth ing, and all kinds of Wear ing Apparel. -4*4 *AVtW« »F KIGHTY PER CK!»T. 26 cent-i vou ran •'cr as ttnnr as would «Oierwi*aoik-t five times lliHt -uin. Varltiiw shades can prn.luce.i from tin* satin- tlye. The process is simple, Mid any one can us«- the dye wtttl perfect .-iici-tus. HiriH-tions in Knpli«h, Krench and tier man, Inside of each package. For f'lrilivr Information in dyeinp, iukI givinf ft perfect knnwledffe wlmt color* are bwt a.ltipled to «ty* i«Vi-r oth if*. (u.lli iminy vftWithlf recipe-..) purchase Iliw- Ic Keven- troati-. mi ,V,,|"K ?X rn and coloring. Scul 4tf MSil receipt of price 10 For eslt by Drujf^i-t -and ftvilor- ecn"rallv, HOWH A STKYKNS, 47yl* 260 llrvadw tV-.ltoSfcsn 8 w W n w s A K -n n i e o a •#thortirt.,! fupply de«lr»r at nflr prices. II k ri, CABINET FORNmjKE n? !»ThSnmiER would respectfully an nince to the itizens of St. (Charles and vicinity, tint he still continues the Cabinet .Tinkin? Business, T01LET DRESSIXG AND BREAKFASt TABLES, %jSj)reRSjng Bureaus/ Jbm/t in tli? most approved ntvle. TVfth in sorted fr on «nt' to an entire set, on Gold, Sil ver and t'Jatma Plate. Whole net* from $30 toSli'O: half sets t'roni S15 to $60. Speci can bo flei'n at their office. 'Natural teeth thoroughly cleansed, and filled with Gold. Tin and Amalgam, and fiill Jnps warranted firmly ini»ertod. IViwases of the Gums, and irregtiiaritie» of the teeth suc ressfullv treated. All work wojranted and priocs accord i*f to work and to suit the times Otfk-o In Overman's P.lm-k, Main Street, Cedar Kails. Jwte 16, lbtKJ 26tf H"? I have on hand, and am prepared to roanu- tion, Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by Self-In facture to order, at abort notice, all kinds of dulirenoe or Sexual Kxtntvagauce. Cabinet Furniture, guch f«J"I'i ic®, in a sealed enTelope. only cents. of every description. Sedstoads, Light and W ish Stands, ardi'o()e«t ir I Secretaries, Bookcases, &c. «c. £C Also, Coffins made to order. H. REAMS 9t Ckarle* City, Jati.S, 13^. 9tf .1**- t'» j|DENTISTRY» dkk. n AKKIl & «.uos*, AKE now t"-epar»'d ti lonH work MSSmm in the way of Vulcani«el Hub ler, Gutta 1'ercha. and Ainb«r Bases for iusevtion of Mtaend Tu th. A 1.1, KINDS OF PLATE WORK THE NEW ENGLAND FUDLT SEWING MACHNE. PRICE 812. :M Wamuitwi to be Ptrlkt. at the bead of everything now offered to the public. ir In cheapness Simplicity, CompacfneaB, Durability and Beauty, TTmre is lin rnvijiliaitcd HTnrhinery to get out of ortitr, anri vex ihr Operator. It Is made with sj»eiial n-ference to the Wits of family simple in its AiTamrenw»ntij, perfect In its motion, and dm able in ifc pai fn« An^ one can understand and work it with per fect success doinp all kimls of work, from the finest muslin to tlie coarsest l'abrii-. It piree the best sut^l'actiwu wlien it it.sold, and ail *li« u»c or examine, pronounce it better •dnfited to tiii rt I It tr,nils ri'ery QB»X and XI '»a ftntuly, than m»tr*thei in a* him- now oftcred io the public. $5 to ^10 per Day, Can 1m made by enrapinjr in the sale of the nbove Machines. Airents wuntod iu av^ry tatflslip iulmivju Address the mauufacturer, I JOHN (J FOI.SOM, tTin^ Wincheudou, Mass. PR1NTIXG AND BINDING ESTABUSllMEXT, Calorie Ruildinp, Court Avenue, Ofd MOlNKi..» IOWA. Ml 1XS & OOMPANILj Blank Book Munuructuiers and Book BintU'is, Fundsh Counties \miIi all lUx.ks and Blanks accessary in transacting (Nunity business. Books made to order, to unv desired pattern, itb or withoat |riutud lifiniin^H. K"h'Kl l»it«tiiets furnished to order with Ac count I«'oks, lteourit, Teaihera' liepisters, fcc, f^T'ln all cases where it can be done' b\' the proprietors teams, hook* are delivered with prisiag k^Tidcs ir^uiid Magltisinc*'VcrUHl' MILLS BROTHERS, PrkuWrs, FuUlifOtt'v*!. 'Hnjrraver.*, Fumiji any kind ojf Priutini^ on short notice aiid njual ju nunHty to any £3atft«)ti work. C'uunty !iMi't. Notarial l.od-c Seals, i'ui :its:itTl at I/ovvest tiriees H-j ,'•// hi Ion a, for W II. lhwltb At r«. s Safi'Si, lamy, l'g\v!•. i and proof. Price from t- tl.ftOO. :ufv4-ding to size aiid avmu^tfinujt. ,, v^iii iiii' Court Repots, i^ioe 44,d0, by mail 94,90. Afcppu! ilishers of tiie IOWA SCHOOL JOURNAL^ ISdited by '1 hoin&s H. Hen ton. J*., bfwctarj' ©f State lWvai Ues Moines 1 of Education. Jan. Pi ice, $1 a year. 2. 18fl2. N O I E Just received a new 'i "g S PI. EX I) ID ASSORTMENT OQF fWatches, Jewelry, AND AT A. B. VAX COTT'8, CoMer of East Water and Wisconsin Streets, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. A large lot of new styles Onyx and Pearl fcetat Hrooch Bar Kings and .Sleeve Button!. AW- sets ef Ktruscan and Pearl of every de scription, and of the most approved patterns. Stiver and Plated Ware In great variety Solid Silver Forks. Spoons, Ate., an entire new |mttern. Also, Plated Tea Set*. Ca.«t*ii*.'with call bells attached. Cake Ikigkcts, &.C., kv., ail of which will l»c sold at low prices, including Engraving by an artist rf su|"-iior skill from New York, whose scr «ftBW have been secured for that parpoaa. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BEAfTffTI. Fbotograpliic Alliunif, May be found here. Also Pianos of celebrated makers, ranging in price irom Sl.'.O to $400, and warranted perfect in even- spec*. Those wishing to mike purchases In this line ueed only to exauiiue these instruments ity and i whfire In the West. The public generally arc respectfully fd IP asttaM tikis new opening. NEW-YOKK. ESTABLISHED IX 1J60. PETER LORILLARD, Snuff &, Tobaacco Manufacturer li & 18 CHAMBERS RT., ill •«'f4(*vr«arly 42 Cliattiberv *trr*t.1 NEW YORK. tiaoM tall tl» attrition of Dealars-to U«ilUbiMo( Ms manufacture, viz BBOWI anUFT, Dctnipro*. Macs boy, Fine Ci\Rppf» ,•* l*ur» Yir?inla|i,i. Ann-rii-ati wnflir man. TBLUnr sm ft. lliBC\ I lew Srt*ol», i'rujli Honey lew Scotch, Irish High Toast, fVeli fVutoh 8w*c\ High Tnast Scotch, I.HIldyfnol. In all its various brunches, at his Shop on Kel- well's Celebrated Es«ay ou the radical cure, ly Street, one door north of the Printinp (without liu-dicine,) of Spermatorrluri. or Se oflicc, in St. Charles City, where he will 1«- initial Weakness, involuntary Scmiiwl Losses, happy to aerve his friends and customt-rs, ap lmpotency. Mental and Phvsicul incapacity, ttfual. Impwliineiits to Marn'apc, etc. also.consuuip- Attention in called lo tile ltrg« reduc tion in prices of Fine Cut Chi wing and Smok ing Tobaccos, which will be found of a Supe rior Quality. TOBACCO. SHOKTftO. 'jfXE TT CTTKVTI.VO. BMOKINO. Li'nf, P. A I. or |'itin. tto. 1, C.-ivwi.fMi or ,-wi^t. qpanKta- N. 2. S ciiir.l ormioro, OinialPr, \iw. I it ?mix«l, tin W41 Car«t4isb, Turkirh. Uranul«t«l. X. B. A circular of prices will be sent an ap plication. llyl MANHOOD The celebrated author in this admirable es- Mjr clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years successful pnu ticc, that the alunnin^ conse quences of *elf-u!iti*e tnay be Tmlically cured without the daimi-rous use of internal medi cine or the application »f the knife —pointing out a mode of cure, at once simple, certain and effect mil, by means of -which every sutler, er. n matter nhiit hi§ condition may be, may cure hinwelf Hieaply, privately and radically. w 1 his Lecturo sktould be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Spnt, under fieai. In a plain f-hv^lope, to an#.addroM. post paid, on rc eipt of six cents or two po*t bUwnps. Address the publishers, CHAS.J. C. KL1NK & CO 127 Bowery, New York, PostUUice Box, 4586. Fer Rata, MIm, R«m4m, Autt, Bed Bus, ninth* In For*, Woolens, &e,. Iit««cia on I'lattta, Mrwls, Ac. Put up in 25c. 00c. aad $1,09 Bo&et. Bot tles uud Flanks. $3 and $5 sue* fur ttcfegit, Public Institutions, &c. •'Only nif.iiMiic icmtxlictf knayn." ••yri-.- (rija isiisom.^ d»n^fi.itu to tlx* human thmih'.M 11 Ituis -oinoont of th.-ir li,-- t. a„| Sold wholes.ile in all lar^e Cities.V-\ «K |*j" Sold by all Druggists and ltetailers every where. Bkwabk of all worthless imitations. 1$ See that Costar's natne id on each bo*, lottlC and llnsk Ix'fvire you buy. A id rem IIKNUV'U COSTAR. KT Principal Depot 48S Broadway, R, Y, s jf^Sold I*- all wholesale and retail Dniffgfsts in Charles itv, Iowa. i Trrn oitffAT -MEKICAN TEA COHPANtj 51 VESEY feTUKCT, NEW XOlfJirt Sincfl^w -*rgntit*fttion. has created a new era in tho history of Wholesaling Teas in iliLs Country. Thcv have introduced their selection of TEAS and are bciiiug them at not over .Two Cents (,02) per pound tftulve Cost, never deviating from the one Price n*ked. Another peculiarity of the Company is that their 1 l.A JAM Eli not only deVotwi bii» time fo thflf Kt-kx tion of their Teas as to quality, c. anl lenticular styles for particular lo ies of country, but lie helps the Tea ISuyer hoose out of their enormous stock such 1 cat as are best i^lapted to his particular wantH, and not only thio, but |oiuld out to him tlie bet/ harydhia. al call to choom It is easy to see the iucalcukhble advantage a Ttea Buyer lutsin Uus eiUbii«dimcnt overall others. If he is no judge of Tea. or tlie Market, if his time is valuable, he h:w all the benefits of a well organized system of doing business, of an immense capital, of the judgment of a protcssional lea iunLcr, and the knowledge of superior salesmen. This enables all Tea Buyers—no matter if they are thousands of in lies from this market —to purchase on us good terms here as the New York merchants. Parlies can order leas and will he served by us as well as though they came lliemselvut bctog sure to get fuigii*»l packages, trab weights and tans and the Teas arc WAB HAN'I I I iui rrprrrtiited. We iwiiff a I*i ioe List the Company's 7%aa, which will Is- sent to all who order it com? Hyson, Young Hyson, Imperial, SIT. U-. iwaO i tINS, SOUCHONG, ORANGE AND Japax Tbjr¥"?fUnKscRjiTiow, of evehv color* This li»t has aili kind of Te ran us now LOST liOW iiESTORTOl Jiwt publisheil n new edition of Dr. Oulver- colorti and Ilftrulnrfl Jivi'U-l .Great Aawikan Tea CttmyaM, 1 ilv •JMr'OiiirEBS aho JORHKtUk "v^Carvcd (41 m3) No.&l Vc«ey Sticct. New York. *oar Lilw.^l DYSPEPSIA, EUY.ii'i.LA,st to be convinced tl^at tliey are superior in qua!- to great ex|H-nse and injury through medhtal humbug and iiuaclici'y. By enclosing a post, paid addressed envelope, single copies may ha had of the author.' "j NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, ESQ., invit-1 if. KIDNEY Complaint, Sii k and Nervous Headache, Neuralgia,, (i rave I, Tetter, Bwlier's Itch and Baldness. A Treatise on the altove diseases, with their speedy and periniuiejit em c, sent free to any address. Address b. t'. Ul'HAil, No. 2o South Eighth tit., PJiiladclphia, Pa. ItTThe Fi ench Preventivc.^ajP Nightly Work, emissions effectually prevented, without the nse of medicine, by the Ubc of Tlie French Pruventive." Um greatest invention of the age. Prico, One Dollar. Sent post-paid to all parts of the country. Address Ur. S. IT It'll*, Do*. 26^7,* Postofhce, l'iiiliulelphia, Pa. Circulars sefitT free. I7m6 Ke Cumi no matter of how lon^r stand­ ing, yitdds once, to L'i'U.vm's y^si-ti' stA'CiitE. Tho affect* of this ntnpdv ttre tru ly mairical. Try it and lie convinced. Prino, Oue Dollar a box Sent |K»st ai I to any ad dress, by S. C. UPU4M, Publishetl for Ihe iK-iielit. and as a warning and A UAl'iluN Id YO.USiti Mtt# who BiilVor from Nervous Dcf'iiity. Premature lkxay of Mauhood, etc,, supplying at the same time THE MEANS OF SELF V1?E By one who hi^ cured himself after Iwing p0t i u 4 ***fcnr 8CS0TTTLA AVB SCSOFULOUS DISE4SEI* From Emtry Fries, a t/-( ll-hiwirn mere/taut qf (j-Jbril, Maine. I hart raid large juniititi«-s of your Sam^atak III A, 1ut never et one tiottio wliirh failoil el the .-rtiH-t and full itatislactiou to those \vli« took it. A* f:wt dur people trv ft, tbev agree tnerc kM be-ii nn ii»rli«ine like it before iu our conimunity." Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pustule*, {Qoers, Sores, wyti^l BiffMwosof the Bkla. From tier, /.'cil. HIT Mv daughter lias t-uflvred for a v«ir pn-t ith a scrofulous eruption, which wu iery troublesome. NottiiugiilViinlv.l toiv r«'» I until we tried your .*•*tt VkVAaiLLA, which Mion compk-ti-ly cuml her Ft'H'i ChnrU s I'. vfth' Kirft'ii-knonitfa•• qt d'Wjr, Morriy If mn'' '{fiii'lun rs of entrnt" t/i'i il '•.« iii .\nrhii-/. X.J/. I iiiiil 'or pe\eral jearn a very troublesome IT, ItnaiefUntely made my laoe worse, us \«m toid me it roiplt tor a tiim btii in a few weeks'the new skia bejnin to form under tin* blotche*. and eontiiiui-d until mv fare is^its Miejoth us uii) bod Hid 1 nia niiv s\ Hipfntn* ot the disease that I know of. 1 elijin |.ei et u'.tli, uitl.oht a lioubt owe it to your'HARSArAKiLLA. EryBipelaa General Debility—Purify th* Uiood. From /». Fi l'. tottr*. ffntittrm fit., Ii:. A *•1 have used our k, ritaeft J'Vjti MnriU, of I 'infill niti. 1 linve found \o«r ^aiisaI'AiUi.i 1 layer's Strutt"n, llrittoi, FnyUtnd. 1 only do niy d«itjr to yiu ana tli« uiitolia, wbea Sdrl kest nn OUT to that you publi*li of the m%- dieinai virtue* of your My diuigh* ter. nccfl ten. hnri an alllicting humor in lu ears, •y*«, and luur for yesrx, which \re vere unable to core until we tried our Sarsapabilla. She hsa been well for »onie monthi.'' Frrm Mr*. Jane F. Hire, a wH l'nrurn and murk *ttrnir tl kuly nf Ih-nnitvillr, apt Co., A"../. with it. No altera* live we possess i|llii!s I lie SAP.SAPAUIt.LA VOtl hllT# aupplied to the prolt ssion as well as to the jeople." FromJ. K. Johnston, Fmi h'nb mnn. Ohio. Fin twelve yea s 1 bad the yellow Kn sipela? on my right nrni, durnig which time tried all the cel ebrated plnici:ois 1 eon',I reach, and took hundreds of doilai-' worth of medicincs Tim ulcere were so bnd that the cords 1-ecutne visible, and the doctors decided that my ill must be uinpiitHted. I be^an tnkinn our ^ausai'akili.a ook, two bottle*, and some ot'your l'll.l.s Together they have cured me. I am now aa well ae.d sound as on) body. Being in a public place, my case is known to evervtsidy iu thia, unil i-xciits the wonder of ull." From II"ii. Ilrnrtf Monro, M. I'. of Xormitlc. C. II',. a tf ldiitf/ memt» of th* Crino/fio* /Vtrftdmraf. Sausavai.II Tor general i/tVw'.'i///, and lor .I .A iu nn family, ny tin htnoay with very beneiicial it sults. aid Uti coutideuea in eonnneiidinj it to the ntllicted St. Anthony's Fire, Eo^e. Salt Hheum, Scald lload, Bore Eyes. From Ilurri it Su Lii r. Fsq., the aMe rlitnr \f tkt Tviirljitvunn I. bi nmrrnt, I'l'iih.-i/Zriniia. (hir only child, ttltout three vears of age, was at tacked by pimple* on bia forehead. '1 hey rapidly •pn-iu1, until tbe\ lonned II li.atlisonie und" virulent sore, which imered liis ftice. Heel actually blinded his e es tor some da_\ a. A skiiiul plis -icinii npplied nitrate ot fiber nml other remedies, without any ap parent effect. For lifti en duvs we ^untried his hanofi, test v ith tl.cci he '•lioiild teur open i he ti u injf and .:ormpl w oui.d which t-vvt-iol los whole luee llav iiik trietl e»#-ry tiling e'ae we had an hope from, we oe^im S a issai- A t- iii i.i.A io U a||ilving 'ho iodide of «:uh lotion, us vow Oiiwt. Ihe sore tM^frnu to heui w In n we liud l'\en the first bottle, :nd was well wl.eii we bad li it i~ht i tleseeoud. The •hiiii's eyeiasltes, which Into cme out, ki, agnin, .in! be is i-niv n~ he:iit!n and ti ir lis miiv other Tlie a-ho uej^hboi hood piKiicltil that the cliiid must Syphilis and Mercarial Disease. Front Jir. WruH S'orjt./it'zt, I.ami*. tli*n0nl4, 'T lind vonr Sars v»*ai im :iiont k a inoie effectual vS:. i-.v !u the sci a.(lni s) inptoiii" ol In/ii, Old tor «phiit!c disease tlmn nn-. oilier we pofseM. I lit pn*%-mjieie iinititled U i ou lor suuit of tfi» .^^#,•.11%we 1 '•'rrnii -t. /'iv'• h. M. I) an edihtrnt fihptirinn of I. nrtfiui'. Must.. ito i.1 a j/rtiuiiuvHi if tlir !.•', i*! Uiu\ of Ma»&nchu*vtt». l»a.' AvkiJt My dear ^ir I i ave foard roar UKPAPARit t.A .. excellent remedy tor Si/philit, «-.i. i: I lie jiriHuiri/ und n i oiir.'iit j/ ty J«•, ami etlect nI in sontv ens,^ that were too obstinate lo ield to ilu-i i I'icdie.s. t'o not know what we can ciu frty with in ore cc. txint-. of cuoocM, u Iteie a power Afa'tciHifve f» ie |lii.ed.'' 1 i« I '.II! I ii'l" if Xt fir'l'ixirrl J., lind drenotin ii f-eiv oil lu le rs. caused the itbuse 't itn-rcury, wr mi unrtu! i/mmuk, wl::ci _'i*w a.ore .tiid irtOie ajj,'t*vjc.-%l lor y«ais, in f|hc of every -emptl* nr tr»»«fm«M *l:trt eowfrt he npjit«-d. iirtW the utr-ru'iint' use oi AvtK's a usa I'.s i i i.i a reiievetl litn I \v eases enu lie loin wore b'\etcutc nnd dlstiesMO^ tlisti» this, :aiii it touk nverul Uoitn ln)t tfr to cate to|N. fien-crrhsea, "Whites, Female Weakneaa, ire pvi.crj.lh piootic-O by JuU-ru«l .Seiv^a/oK.t M« t«.:.f liiniCi/ I trrr• aiut iue v» 11 often clued ON- sileralivf effect ol this aiisaeauh.i.a Siiikc cnsc^t miuire. hov e\ er, in aid ol ti e, tLc tkiUii) «ppliciit.-ii ol local Kliiediee. FhMH (inft r-lrfrl"-^rf, hrilfetl for. A an exce'lent alteratite iu Uise»-!t ol male* M:inv ci^eaofjr mtetaritjr, Jbuueorrh-t'SK, Internal tKeaiaiin*. atn local debility, raising fituu tlie tvrufuUiti* 'liatlusiiis, haw Id i it. raid tin re ate lew mat ilu nit. when itsetV- cl is pvopt rly luUeil b\ lutul lieallin:ut.' A taflg, tnim/Unf In ati tht fmbUcmtif her inun*. "Xv daughter ami nn-eJl lnue litcn cured of a verv di-btlif.-ifiti" J.euce.rV-fof !ony 'tamliu^, by two bottle.- of (llirS.O:S.O".UILH BhcumBt-sm. Gotit I i,'er Comp'aint, Djrs pepaxa Heart Disease, Ai^ura R.a, wlien caused bv s.r,,f»in th. -n-Msas,ai«tapUlv cured by thi«£xT ."-AuaAPAan :.a. A Y E R'S a OATHAJiTLC l^LI.S pefe^Pss so mnnv lelvntirit^e-: over the other put gatives in Hie market, and .heir ^njierior virtue are so universally kuuwn, tliut wa- need not more than to nssnre the public their ipiality i maintained c|uid to tlie l**st it ever has lusen and that they may le dejwndod oa to do all that thev have ever done. l're|Nired by J. C\ AYEH, M. P.,/4 /po Lowell, Mass and sold l»y And Every Variety of MARB LB FURNITURE. Slis 'Mt South Hth street, iliiladelphia, i*li.' Circulars sent free. TTinflT ,"i'M tr» na AND BXPBiUJSLNCIt OF AN ,-'j iisr valid Bedloxd, Kin^s Cwuuty, N. Y and Ornamontal Work, Of every descript ion, neatly done to order and on the most reason a hie terms. The voantry is thronged with the Agents of foreign shops who always sell at an advance on Shop Prices. We can and will furnish an^ thini in the Marble line, for Northern Iowa, eheii|H-r than cau be obtained elsewhere. Pur chasers arc invited to call at our shop, exam ine work, and learn prices. All orders from a promptly attended to. ShoLnntfw the bead Hair Street* Mctwtgnr. Iowa, M.-.r. n 16, IfWl Mason City Nursery. ii\.(.v would respectfully inGi*rat the citizens of 'lojd county and the pub lic Keueraily, tliat he u prepared to furnish 3XTuroory Trees of all kinds and i tin* iK-st quality', at low iriccH, from his iiui'serv at Mason Uilv, lovva. stock consists «it the hardiest variety o# Apple Trees, fioru two to four years old Lsalicllii, Alexandria, Kpit»-nhurg, Wiuc Catawba and Concord ti.i|ies ala^ji full Variety of Small Fruits, such as Ilorton Seedling Gooselterries, 0 Jjargii red D»t it. k Victoria whiteCurianta Scotch, and Ohio Mammoth Strawberrries Vietmia and Hybrid Pie Plant and many other varieties of Fruits. These lYees are all perfectly sound and thrifty. Farmers and others will do well to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Orders bv mail will be promptly and faith* fully attended to. A. GAKNEIl. Miaon City, Sept. 1862. i .fl TijiiU Carriage Ksker WanteS. Wanted imniedlatidy a gool journeyman Wagon-makei to wbotu go«.d wages will be CHICAGO! VHOLESALE BOOT and SHOE I lCSTAfiUSnMEN't OF D0GGETT, BASSETT ft HILLS. tfop. 29 & 31 Lake Street, 5 Corner of Wabaah Artnw, Chicago, Buffalo ,f Smith & Atkinson, ChatieS Cftr A. W. Tennant, Chickasaw Dr. 1!. iev/ey, Nash ua l«ustmar Dickinson, Bradford Hiram liosencraoa, Marble llotrk Child k I.yon, RocktbriI: LehtnktiId .V Hausberg, Pk»yd, Wholbbalb Acuvrs.—J. H. Reed & Co., Chicago Benton Brothers & Co^ Jlcavegar Allen & Hosford, Dubuque. jr. a. kkMSTBoxo. s. l. abmrtboxo. hI JfoGRKOOH I Marble Works, DEALERS into the w li d- 'J'c i ade W Lcu^ntau" toscll ALLriar Teas at not aver 1 W0 H'.NTS (,02i per pound alove cost-, lielii vinu ibis to Iwj attractive to the many who have liei\li.iwic been I*iyitig Ehqbjiocs Fronts. American & Italiai li ARMSTRONG & BROTHER, MAKt'TAfnnrsaa *wn MONUMENTS, OBRLKKK, r\OT APn8, Mantle Pieces, Table Tops, ir-i// STASJJS, 1 ill.,! E#ubluJi»l ID 1«M. We beg to inform our old patrons and the Merchants and Shoe Dealers of the North West, that in addition to our usual hwpe and complete sto k of Eastern made Boots and Shuts, uc liavu stai ted a 3*1 !)& Hanufaotory nv- laor ill my liiri, liieli ru-vv ewiiM:nitl woi»t'natU it distijfiired mv tenturi s utul beoinnean intolerable affliction I tried nltmist er tiling a liuiti could of both niivice ami nntieii e. Imt without any relief whntt« until I took \uiir SAiiSAPAitiiVA. It here, and are prepared to fill orders for Chicago Made Warranted Custom Woti^ We employ the best trorktnsn. leather, V. T. vki: 1 si iikoii ihii to remove ftrri'^ufnis Si-rnt A'rufitintt* and intend to itrep the and by the persevering u.-e of your ak«*raki! i.a. ami 1 lia\e just now cured an at tack of MnHftmint Erttxipr'i\« AKD r, tovelry: 61LE8, BROTHER & CO., Importers sad KantActurejs, 14^2 X^a"ke Street, Have just opened the moet. extensive stock of tine Gold and Silver cased American Lever and Chronometer watches to feeftrtttid in the West. .. —.—* 4 1S64. Spring S-'. Diamonds and Gold and fiilvlr Goods of Latest Styles. Agents for American Clocks and for Boge*, Smith & Co.'s Woi Plnted Warc,0M at Factory Priest. Chicago Commercial Gold Pel. Trade. 1861. Agbkt, WHITE, ___ in I II i HaOUHAUE DKALKR HI CLOTHTNO I I' "I i*. I Gentlemen's Farmering GOODS. Ossh heyers will find It for their tnterent to examine uty stock before purchasing. Nos. 48 & 50 Wabash Avenue, Next door South of Coolev, FarwaH Jt CHICAGO., T^r. i i k 9 Ui'S. 8TAXDARTJ 8eale *!rT^ Of every description, manufacfured y the Works Company I pon th'. Fairbanks principle. They are strong, durable, accurate and relia ble. Every Scab- is }ta$ranU-d to ^dtfi.n tinueacc(oaite, and to ^rivc ntiw- satisfocaon ALSO Store and Warehouse Trucks. &c. Ofliee and Sales-RtsJin. L'00 Lake Ft., Chicago. K C. BI TI.EH, Gen A«ent. DISTIUili) KESTOKATIVE O I I E A I AfitfT ORES fill AY AND FADED HAIR AND BEARD SO ITS NATI'RAL COLOR, And in a most Idixuriant Irt ssiii|f FOR THE HAIR AND HEAD. CLAIUi'S JEtEST0E.VTIVE, Keatoras the Color. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE. Ls good for Old People. OLARR'S RESX0JIATIV*r% A A ^-*74.». •. Ir^vrfectir hartnleis. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, CupUine pji. CLARI S tESTORATTV'I, Is not a Dje. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Beautifies CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Is splendid for Whiskera. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Keeps the Hair in its Place. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Cures Nervous Headache. GLARES RESTORATIVE, Prevent* Eruptions. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, CLARK'* RESTORATIVE. Keeps tlie Head Cool. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE. i* delightfully perfawed. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Contain* no Sedhaeat. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Contains no Gun. clack's, restorative. Pt«ii*bei.ypui H^lr. -CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Pre|Kires you for Parties. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE,.^, Prcp.J*ayvafortM*. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE. All Ladies need it. CLAN'S fLEg TOR ATI VE, w v ... XsiaJy witt '4u-*ithotA4t^r CLARK'S RESTORATIVE. Bonis but 91 CLARK'S RESTORATIVE. is SoUl by Dri ^gvit* tmd'D« uMMevcjywiMtf Price 1 per ti Uitth-s f0. -Wfa. CtARK & CO PbOI'KlfiTORB. jpORD k SMITH, Chicsfo, |U., Qaaaial Agents. CHICAGO., ,f.b: Wholesale Grocers, i Ha'-. OINKRAI, "Commission Mercbfttits, And Dealers in **i JW0OD AI%D WILLOW W A E j, ttso til 1 hef Jbtl ]teo) that cau be guide. We engage te sell at the U*cat cath pricef. Close buyers and Rood judges of work are invited to call and examine. DOGGETT, BASSETT 4 HILLS. Chicago, April 1, 1864. 1 4 5 I Watches, Clocks, a. -reiJd "Wliolesale Druggia^ ANI) MAKIMQ iTO THB GR0VEK & BAKER W ilk ox & Gibfcs Sewing M&diine. will use coarse c4ton. i Eradicates DaiidrulT. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Promotes its Growth. CLARK'S RESTORATIVg' Prevent* it* falliag oft CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Is an uuet^ualed Dressing CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Is good for Children CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Is good for Ladies. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, S S E a a TW™* •r\ WII-I.IAMS ii'Ttlrsd, Notions Generally^ -Wo. 129 Sou Awot l«m. (Iiicnpi ko. s. ttn.iiAMs. y v C.vkyi. linrn. rill: i er Street, vl Chicago. IU, Vot cuicag1... Mtnfl nt FAINTS, AND Manufacturer's Gocds, J. If. fen. tt« mil«, Ytfk. I H. A. HraZart, UdCfr 1'J A f^l't ll A\D TILK IXM'K STITCH. Price, $45 and Upwards. The flrorer ft Baker Machines have taken the First Premium at the late State Fairs held in NKW YOJUt. IlJJNOtS, KKNTt'CKV, NKW JKJtfEY, MTCTTTtJAN, TKVNK.-^KK, OHIO. lo\V A VIltClVtA. IMiJA^'A, MissorjU. N'OIITU CAROI**, ALABAMA AKI CALD-XtHNIA. Including trery State thir where exhitnlni i S62. Parties pureha-.m M.M hines of llie drover A Baker a'wtnff Mtichitie Company cap have their machiuts, mafctm aitber aUtcU, ntnl cbMngu if itaey ti^aira Wx TliK ONLY Ci iMTAXY AM* to offtr »mti lndacenaents. They also offer to tite public aft the «Ur«DM}y losv price of $44 FortyTive Dollars. A stralctit needle, Ijk k -'t:ti-h M.n I itic -uitable for Ti. lor-or Kiimilf usi Tbl- Me him- i el lar^e I .ipld quiet, simple aari far sii|»«-».r tXt» Mic)li|n heretofore solil at 75 to jlOO, Ueberal Kurtbwwtern Ofi, .-. 14y I 116 I.AKE PTRKET, CHICAGO. L. L. HUNTLEY. Ajfcnt, Charles City, Iowa. WJllcox & Gibbs Seeing Machine Willrox & Gibbs Sfwing Machine Willcox & GHtbs dewing Machine WILL Cm. STITCH, HEM, FELL, TUCK, (brd, braid, (JuUl, and atuWe/rK. It tunsuaiiicr. ftw-ter ami stiller than Soy othet mtu'hine. Tt forms, with a tingle thread, and'dniwltt?-ftte twist Into the Stcirely liisteniug v as in hand scwiug, a fiat. ev*li u|)d ol tstii seam, diflt iintr ftotn t-v« ty othir stitch, i^t».ii li^ip bcin^|wUt.l mean* of the pVJ very tfcitch, BO that the seam will 1,ear to i cut ui IrtMiuent iutcrwiita and ia theonsti' '-vt'O. th'* s-ain is wanAnftfl not to iwrin fnrar, mid tudcr alt ot«r:nistai! ctslo n rir? ihe trnrhtnh." uri 'i Iiavc ffll Wnni out tahiDy garnicnw. ii. ton.i. joints. dirtsHtw, Sjc.,' .Iiavi- bi'ei, j-'il'tuiUv": u'. F.\l w a u t^as th.' i»»n! WfW* «ttitrh prt rrflunis been uwan'.e i ioi its M'rt moiuiv, DC ft a Itll.ltT. EI.AslICttV AMI niAl'TY. A jiatent device prevents the potMitilitj of the machine l»eing run in the Wronsr dlret tion or the balance wheel ever wearing or touch ltr_{ tho dress. By another itigettMus Patejii itnpniveiiietrt, llK 1*J KUI«E A.VNUT BK KBT WRONG, llms avoiding the pt« at trouble of other ma jbUmea. in thSait is so eaty that a chNd tnay #et it in the dark with unetriug correctness ^very tiiuc I Ko bre.aking of Needles/ The blade of tlu needle is less than of an inch longr. and is straight. It is less than half the length of other machine needles, ma ny of which are curved, therefore more easily |cut or broken-a great source of annoyance, 4x|»cnsc and trouble. The llemmer arid Fel $t ciui never l»c s«-t wrong Auy one may ad just them hi the dark. Tlie hem may l»e of any width No other herutner or feller is like this. It turns the hern uu the right or un der side. It will not Drop Stitches As the needle is always set tight, the blade rfiort and straight does not vibrate, like oth er ones. Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine Is run by steam at 4000 stitches |er iniuutc other machine* only at frwa 4QB I960, With safety. They are manufactured with Mathematical Precision, lience each part is interchangeable, and f**J1 be readily replaced in case of accident. THEY ILL NOT UKT Ot OP ORDER. We have known* it intimately for several years. Many thousands are already in use here, and so far as we know, not one in fami ly use has ever oo*t a dime to repair, or ever la-en out of order at all. They will last a generation, if properly cared for. No oue who has used it can be persuaded to use ,apy other. i Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine Works at an instant's notice, and never hUj»s unauvmntahly." Not one operator in ten on the Willcox and Gibbs will bruak a needle oi drop a stitch in a year. Hie Willcox & Gibbs in the hands of any oue, knows no "skips," "drops," "jump*" oi misses," The roundness, evauue**, durability and baaSK ty of its stitch Were Never Equalled. Its Stops Itching and Burning. rapidity, almdnte tlUlntjm, etue uf mfdum, narrouTiKXx and ueattie*i uf it* hem were iiectr ap proached by any other machine We cau call In any boy or t'irl from the street, and with thtce minutes' instruction they will set the needle, attach the llemmer or Feller, and do the work with entire success. A Idind girl, with the exception of threading the needle, can do the Mine. Many ladies owning jthtr first class ma hines, eome to our office to do their tine hemming and felling, on the Will Cox & tiihlis machine. We take otl.ei machines in «r1»npge. «»41 on. COTTON. Sm.k 1 wirr and Nwu t«(ifor eveiy kiud of hewing Machine. Bnruuni'fe! FOR ALL MAVLVJ MA' lTIN K, $1,50. It guhW the work itself. thMR avwldlng tie bent posture and stratn on the eye* attesd to the repairing of all kinds of PllU'llil.t.- I'll ei oi Mavlifcidfj «^h .He^unar. Qi! t.'a-i, e\tr* lull at it ',ir(iGi $-J0 to $100. Ql! Of,, e\tri full ke ACE:\'T* wAVjrrn. Ttrius Ut Agents, descriptive l-'iK ulatvi^ofi Sitecimeus of wofk »t-ut free by mad uu io«uip| of stamp, or had of .' ,«r CORNELL & CO, flu""* 81 Liiko St. Chicago III, i»OL WITT ED, Agent. 4*yl CHICAGO. iko^f, Jrrafib, NATLS! .Charles B. Brown & Co. Iron Merchants, 6 LaJ*^ Street, CtoUllfLm, Hoast, chicai Also, Manuiiiciiiren of Leonard'!* Patent RAHL1S8 TBI1T5LE Olmsted &i 8K£IKl|, Dinamoro Tire JUAOHINK. !l- ll. l^jLake Street, fl CHICAGO. Upsetting .W* kSff) t6n«tiu»tlr on Hkii.I a fi^UaworttMat n rtttr HmJ, whwli %v at tnt* HmJ, wliWh %v a^, at tfte Lowest Market Prices! ilron, Steel. Nails, j^-livils, Bellows, Visosj, ^"'"'Axlos, Springs, Bolls,' and Heavy Hardware, Bent Stock, Hubs Spokes, Felloes &c. ritl Ag liis f«r tU« sHivof "s Aulomaloii «ni Planter. V HAS. ». K il OWN k Co., 1 86 Lake Stri«et, 0]jx.wte the Tremont House, CHICAGO, ILL. I4yl gTi'iri 'i'iji.v:!p:i/' i .i,«fOLLAUD & D0ANE, WHOLESALE Grroo^rs, AND TEA. DEALERS, «M» ft 191 South Water St., CHICAGO. P#l\ H^cic In the tMMt large, carefully selectetl. bought well, and we SELL I-OW. We make TEA a speniality, of which, for variety, quantity and qnalit}', our stock is unrivalled. We call your particular atten tion to our Uncolored Japan Tea, Wnt Jleat and tmty pmre Tea iea/tn Antrim April 2,1844. :*€a DR. N. WEAVER'S FIREWEED For th*rptnnr*l $45 and permaiMiit ears of •U IsiiMin itrinirig from an imp tiro atate oftbs Blood, or habit of the wy*trm. •erofala, Rhcanatlm, Driptpila, Comlvenrti, Canker.Hall Erritpclai, Ptlci, Liver Cm*» and Cataacaai Af fectloai gsscrallr. ®y«s or laac •Uadlna, ia4 all Iwwwet artitag ffVom anTi state «r tbe Blood. Thli Kxtrsct la a mrajKMiad of Vi^eta tilfn, and crntaiuK nu ininrral substance whatever, and ia ati-jOB tirely harmless, and atiJjT the aam« time ia puw crful in its elTtvts, ami I seta eotirolv upon the blood fr.vrn whence allj^a tbaaa diaeaaea arise. W Emfirvtder beaiititully. It will, with the finest needle and thread, run from jierfet work on the tin est Naiitfook, over tile hutvioiH beaver-cloth and cowhide with no change of needle, thread or tension. ipsrt i j?gS3j?Sf i 1.C2 Si i-3 Ms.lpp 5 Ia »rery program!re ^0 acience, peritxls arrive when a new direction ^1 ti Imparted to italiai course. Theaa epoch* [Z priN-ead from the (lis-'^^j covary of new facts, VI Shoddlnn allcht which ^1 chariK«a the wbola aa-IC' lecl of acieuoe. ThelM prMSot Is on* of thbtj^i kind, and OOs ^re»t reme«ty nuw ofCrred to I pH the anii.'te'l U dretined {4 to efTf-t an t-nfiro r^v olution in tlin treat aient v( diacaava. CO s £,? 5 a e-3 sr 2 I *"r a 3 S? n Jo tS-b ait hi a, it e ..ii tains 110 Wiu-r*J or ]ui soiioys Hiib-I sUtu-i-. there fore it prod lieu*' no |iiiiiikiu or other Uutiriouaj efects w hatev er up 0a tin constitution. Thoee cur it are Ml healthy aa If! It c«n 1., they lia.1 iievi»nt»y the helpl g. i i 5 E E. a,B a a &-5i=-i33B S. g. 5 1 0 Z E Z The proprietora of thia compound thai lenpe the world to EQ prwdaceanvthing th tt c*n vie or e*rel Tta In- CJ Lriusu: pruyerUea. |M| •f. £?C?E.c|S 5 ir.9 Tn all cases where this medlclo* is taken accord ing to directions, the proprietora do not beailata to warrant a permanent care. Beware of Imposition I *|S fee that our signature is on every bottle you tovy, and that Pr. Weavt-r's Coinpouml Ultract of Kirew.-eil, or llunn.r iirxl Liver i-yrtip," is tiluwa in the bottle no other caa be Kenniae. PRICK, ONF DOM.AR I'KH ItoTTI.E, OB SIX BOITLKU KOK F1VK DOLLARS. Bent bv Express on receipt nf the moner. Bold by all I)mi^isLi tuid uietln iao dealers. WALKEE & TATL0R, 'i -f %.J Proprietora, Chicaco. .JX. 8COVIL, 79 &AV90LPH BT., CHICAOO, I Aft fer tbs Xorthwest all Druggists Hud Medicine Dealer^ OR. CHRISTIE'* AGUE BALSAM. Tor tbe cure of fever and A KUe, in all its i,r Christie's iMiI'le f.r a pro I Ux-tion as a tin e, \i ryf -u will ever nutter I from jiiiuriiiilt ent» if ttiev a I vsiltlieiiwH-lveA uf the protec tion 111i.•» ellic •, in riftie's Ajitie Ai! UK •mi*, has equal. The Bal sam fipels the ntiasinatic pri son of Fever. and A#ue fronij CtUKS the svnleni.itnd' prevent- tl»:fR'H 1S| ASH,! devoltipeiu e n t| Oh of the di^.-aan tfj k e 11 ..11 tlie Rrst appio.ub of the pi emon itory 8uip-| toius It i* not only the l.e-t' remtviy vet .ti» co».-rri liir tlii. claMifiiij)i Ho.* hut the -hea|^ est. Thelaime' fwiodical Head quantity we supply for It* brings tt in. resch.rfai/.ricll BALSAM Intermittent rt, BuUsi in is high ly re.-..inm.ii.l fid tY the U -it PI. ysiiisns in tbe country. DUMB AGUE, Remittent Frrert, One writes: I. with eonti •titi.-M, rei lie I1|HU1 tiie Itul ».iru it- Mip«-i ior to any other prep.-e itli'.n h.iv- '"l intve UMld it with uniform aa.-cuHs. s 11.1 can confidently reciiiiiineiel it for CNILli I FEVER, KC'hf "I )ll i I JIM 1 C.HlllSTlK'S auil |HMir. A gruat superior ity of thin med icine ore, AGUE all aam is un tn '«r* wittiotit injury, tectum to p.-r-jbeueat. amis travehuy or residing iu iii.'i-j IUtmtabout ilual.le pn- and Itiwsjs with thr au//ic. DUBUQUEL I'" *"'1 «f' ""s v T'1'"" ""ii" THE LARGEST "hardwaiub, v METAL AND STOVE li|H t- HOUSE West of the Lakes and North of St. Lovia, It that of WESTPHAL & HINDS Nos. 76 and 78 Main Street, lubuq.ue^ towo. •d Any thing waiib tT in the line of I^HOTsT & HTKI^L, BLACKSMITH'S GOODS, BCTLPEltS* A W A E Tinners' Tools and S(ock) BELTING, Mechanics' and Fanners' Tools, of eyery description, and wk«terer may be exptcted fM COMPLETE HARDWARE ft ffiON STORE Is to be found there at tbe lowaat Qnlara respectfully solicited. Dixon's k Union Stove Polish KEI.L0GG'S PERCUSSION CAP8. N. B.—The highest market price paid for old Copper, Bra*, Iron and Metals. SADLER & SOT3", 117 & 119 Main street, Dubuque, Importers and Jobbefta Lamps, Crockery, ©lass-ware, '•T* 'f* Wooden-ware, CUTLERY A^^lclrids of Hotise ^b'rntJhtJg a00jdk. yte (Oiarantee as {rood fibres a* wmj in the country, freight added. We are also prepared to furnish Sash, th.Me complaints *hS it ta f red for. Once in.He: I'omy I kiwwleii^i* It •Itax lia-ter llis ai'I'olliti the I re.UH.iiulile t* prxlatniiM o f) thi»e who have ust«l it 8till another riten I "I have 1 to bee itftiou ia aay- Ia perfectly HARMLESS, ami free fiom all MINERAL OR POISONOUS SUB­ STANCE. taken iujf ihal It In a •a in- Hi lr.r,,ii crinrtit hud' the .liseik,.-, vipomas au.l v. ry ertii Thw Atfue tW-i.Voutii and feehle ask 1 DU. ClUIKTU'tf tfiiipotarA|'| CAUL KMH A0U* t*ik? noUhrr jlariuiii* dis- CHRISTIE'S The nulH.iin.l I tiicts, if taken! ed popularity !-i itxiolinllj ,nr AGUE of Dr.Cbri»tie'» itluily whileex-' Ai/w Ho I mm (o tlite on UAir has induced inftxUoa. I Uftllfii#3Hi 111 uuy coauter Uence, U i»| feiia. And take do other. H. SCOVH, psoemtTos, Dealer in FarriiLy Medicines, TiJUadolph St., Chiaagp, Ob To whom all order, should be addreaaed. •. v ueiiuiauiil. Charles City, Iowa P. ,Moie, ^ie W. Bilimgn, Bradford Lt bmkuhl & Ilausl cig, Floyd. Chickasaw, Io\«». Heady Made Coits, Vettoanl PaoU, for by GILBERT ft DEAN. kcuse Dubuque. September 95,1863. 4m0 McGREGOR. FLANDERS HODSH, Corner of Main and Fourth Streets, McGregor, Town. PaKfienirirK arriving by the ears, can give tlieir cheek* to Mr. Miimii, who will always lie nn band and convey their Baggage direct to tbe Flanders House. A i-ointiKMlions Stable adjiu-ent to the House, ml attentive tlstlers will take (food anil attentive tistlers will take good cajra of aU aninmb put in their charge. Stages leave this Ibmse for all point*. f|f Trr tbe Flanders Houso. Mctiregor. i imS©2 O. II. FLANDEllS. NORTHWESTERN planing MILE AND Sash, Door and Blind »*r in* Manufactory. Douglas, Frye & Aber HAVING Hail Roads. l)libiH|iir Sioux city |{. 41 Masonviile i. Manchester 1030 iN-lawarsOntet1 10 5.1 Arrive nt linhoqae.. trainh Movnro I(WTe Ihlbtiqae .., Julteu ...... l,H.-ta EpwortH...» Kail i .it »v^ Waterloo t. WESTPHAL ft Hllfm. AGENTS FOR Dtilmqne Shot TOWfl, FAIRBANKS' SCALES, herring's safes, J. H. Manny's Reaper & Mower, CLARK ft TTTTEB8' CANE MILLS. EVAPORATORS. X.PtlfTS, Bw ON'I lately procured new and iiuprov. od uiachinery, including Wood worth'* Improved Planer, are now prepared ta do work As Good and as Cheap aa any other establishment on the Mississippi The following are some of onr pike*, sub ject to a reduction, if other* do it for less money Planing Lumber one side per $2.50 Planing Lumber on two udt-s pr 3.50 Flailing and matching tliMring pr 3,50 Hawing llooritig into siding prjl £,£U Plauing and sawing siding pr tj([ 7,60 'I *f M. Doors £e., To order,.oat Of superior seasoned Lumber. Orderaforahy of the above artiLltia aulidisd .. ./ a 1 [W so4Mtlnfiictioiigiven, or 4 /.- ,.».. NO CHARGE. Ziumtoer o, SIDINO, FLOORING, LATIL 8HINGLES,&c. also furnished to order, at short notice, and as cheap as the cheapest. A Mjeral deduction to the Trade. -w uioUM uetUeilie DOUGLAS, FRYE ft ABER. McGregor, Iowa, M'rch 1863. S8yl .,: ::::i ^:i ::-i:i:: AUGUSTUS FRENCH Watch Manufacturer and litpairer. WHOLESALE AM KKTAII. DEALER IX WATCHES, CLOCKS. ewelry, Silver and Plated Wure, Notions, McGregor, April 4,1868 Ac., McGREGOR, IOWA. (iT The finest piece* of wAttb work done for the trade at low rates. ir Watch Tools and Matei ialaof arery de scription for the Trade. (IT Engraving neatly u*ecut«4.., rfiy| oGOFFT'S tEADEKS for sale by A F. HILDK1TH. H. 1 m. On stnl alter Monuufi ax follow*: TIAI.VH HOVtMl SAiV. Leatrffodir Falls ....• itti-rloO lt.'iy nioiid Jesup |mi-|ieiilei»oe..... Winthrop leiMi, trams will rua 'Ps»etiger. ft Frelirtit. i, T«n A a,,,,,,freo a 4, 7X8 ...... t»i.'8 -i .. 1^0 1 *.ae ......los*) .. KA3 .....,lli»3 .. #:?6 .,.. .11:to ,.,.,,VJ:16ril 1. 00 ...... 1-JW «. 2:30 3«5 ...11:1'. 11 40 larl\ 1 lie .... lty. rvyi||e...., Karl.-y Kpwortli I'eo-ta Juliet!......... ...*,..W:t0P a 1»so S:45 4:10 5-00 »..i. 1 t® 5MK freight. Hi..v. r,:50A.l ft fftsi-n(TPf 9:30 a a 7 s5 10 oo :o :w 8:18 o 10:68 ..Hai lvii:„ fl 40 "IV'aw .ir,* Outer.,...... 10«H) .Minehi-Iter »»•*'.«•* 10JJ# Mile r.iV.-o.. P*1 w.'^AtttJO" k......1*2:12 M.-01,Mile 11 fl!) "Wmt'irop iln leiH-ndence.. Je -up 1" I'.ivni'iiid 1-?7 is ...... 1:40 10 4e .. ..•.t...12:.t a 1:«! u .":10 3:49 4.-ON 4 "0 Arrive at Vdar V»IN ":8ft The tr:im« stop 10 minutes at Manehealer fcr refresh• ment. ai-riisMecnovs.—^taire lenveFArlvilUmiu the Brnvni nf the car« rr»wi tto» Hrt't. «»n Tut^dnyj. Thttt-iday.^ ami Satnidayf, Hrawlmrry I'oit.t, Ilntr-li ('rtwk, Fayette, We-t r:.i,n. le.-.,r.'ih 'itel '1.r,-tnl anil from Matich.-4er on Monttay-. Weduo.-day* a.iJ l"ri'lays for Strawberry I'oitit Htt! the north. .-tai'e- leave t'edar Fall* daily ftir New rtartforil. Ap. tuiK'toii.l-lan.i tirove, A«4tley. Har.lin fitv, |owu hIT.-s, Alden. Waller. We'^lcr City. Kert [•"•lKe anil ^ioiix t'lty also, tor .hilled villi-. Wn v.-rty .Syracuse, Na ('har!t' ainl Minn-st ^'arihtta, Bradford, URoRfiE yorvc,Superintendent. General Freight and Ticket A(eut. TUliiol* Central Railroad. TRAINS LEAVE DUNLEITII: Day Express, 7:00 A Sundays ext epted. Night Express, 6:00 P. M. Saturday* excepted. CONNECTIONS. At Warren with Mineral Point Railroad far Darlington and Mineral Point. At Frce|ort, with (lalena and Chicago Rail road, for Rock lord, lleloit, .lanesville, Madi son and Chicago also with TLu-ine and Mis sissippi Railroad for Beloit, Janeisville, Madi son, Racine, Milwaukee anil Chicago. Att'hicago, with all EaHtern lin«-s, for De troit, CSevelaml, Buflalo, Niagara Kalis, New York, Boston. Montreal, Pittsburg, Philadel phia and lialtiniore. At Dixon, with Dixon Air Line Railroad, for Fulton. Lynns, Clinton and Cedar Rapids. At Mondota with Chicago, Burlington and Qnincy railroal, for Galesburg, Burlington, Quiucy, Hannibal, and St. Joseph. At TviSalle, with Chitiigo and Rock Island Railroad, for Peoria. 11-« k Island, Davenport, Muscatine and Iowa t'itv. At El Pa^o, with l»gansport, Peoria and Burlington railioad, for l'coria^ I/igans|Mrt. At PlooniiiiKtoti, with St I/mis, Alton and Chicago Railroad, for Springfield, Alton and St. liouis. At Decatur, with Great Western Railroad, for Springfield. Jacksonville, Naples, Quincy, Danville and Ijafavettc. At Psna. with i"erre Haute, Alton and St. I/mi.^ Railraad, for Alton 8t. Louis, Jelfetxo® City, Terre Haute, lndinnapolia, Louisville, Cincinnati, C.ilutnbus, Wheeling, Baltimore, Washington and Philadelphia. At Sandoval, with Ohio and Mississippi rail road, for St Louis, Vincennes, Kvansvilla, Ioui*ville, Ciiicitinati, t'ohunbus, lialtiniore, Wtushiiigton and i hiladt Iphia. At Cairo with a daily line of steamers, 1 ear ing every evening for Memphis and inlertna* diate point*. For Through Tickets, apply at the Principal Stations upon theDa bu|ue and Rioux City Railnuul. also at the Depot at Dunleith. W. ARTHUR, General Sti[tei iutendent. W. P. JOHNSON, Gen. 1\«. Ageut. Galena «nd riiieago Union RAILROAD. A*I» A iTEH NtlltDAV, Not o I *W, i .en- will le .\ e aid imiim a- Mit-w-. MUKiajr* Frecport and Dunleith Expreaa. liPtvP flilfarfn 0-00 A. M. and 11:: 0 P. •. Arrive Hdvi hre 12JM, I'. M. and 3 06 A. M. Airne Itockford.... Arrive Fr.-i^ti,rt.. .. Arriv. IHinK-itli.... 1 27 s-oe c. 8:16 I' lil-MV.- I'lllll.-lth I^iiv." Fri-i pin lswve Ho.-ktOrrt li-av Itelvi l« re.... Arrive ilrtr ip III tw tut,' ftJ''tlBV| M. aiel 3:10 A. M. M. ami 4 .Mi A. M M. an.l 10 A. M. .. f.::» A. M. lite I 4:00 V. lMilt Are yon ooin Kabt M. ,ie:10 A. 111,.I 7 .'to P. M. 114U A. 1 an.I 42 V. M. .. 12:20 IV M. a let Si 0 1'. M. 4:'0F sii.l 12:55A. K- KmMon and laws Ltnr. taave FsUrii 4«I|1. Ill anil t". :ie*.m. Arrive at Clitit'.ii .4:4(9-tta*. and m. Arrive at C.-.lar lUoiit* II 00 a. n. 5 Ar nve at ."-Lit'' li-uirt !i:U p. m. I^ave State Centre .12:50 p. ni Arrive at Cwlar Ra|4J.t 5 00 p. ui. Arrive alt'lioti.ii liOOa- in.aial 11 li p. at. Arrive at Fult-'ii 7:i*)a. in. ntui 10:00p.m. K TAUtlTT. •^Mval Supf^iateadaM. C. M. WHFiOJkll, Goueral Titiei Atfuut. 1 S63 'I'iieli SCI 'tfe tieki'ts via the lltHIVAIV §OlTHER3T AM) Lake Shore Eail Road Line. THE D1RFx ROT! K EASTWARD! Forming with its connections the Great Through Route, via Cleveland, Dunkirk or Buffalo, To all principal point* in Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, New England and the Canada*. Zieave Oliloaco, 6.00 A.M. Day Express Train. 630 P. BL Night Express Train. Grand Union Depots throughout the entire line, in conncction, at Butlalo and Dunkirk, with the New York and Erie and New York Ceutrai Railroads. Luxurious Sleeping Cars! Aocnui|auy all night Express Trains through to the Atlantic Cities. Trains connect at Detroit with Trainb of the Grand Trunk Railway, for London, Hamilton, Toronto, Brockville, Montreal Quebec, and all points in Canada. Also at Clyde with Train* of the Sandusky. Dayton andCinunnati Railroad, Cor Sandusky, Rellefontaine, Spriugtield, Dayton and Cincin nati Also at MonrocviHe with the Sandusky, Mansfield and Newark Railroad, for Mansfield, Mount Vernon, Newark, Zanesvillc, Wheel ing, Vc. PsNMngeri destined to Pittsburg, YVhreliug, llai i isburg*, I'll i I add phi a, Baltiinoic, Wash ingttin, and all ptjiuts iu Peiiu»ylvaiiia, Should lie |Mirticular and secure lldut* tria "Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroad." Through. Tickets by this Hired Route, Can lie obtained at all Princi|jal Ticket Offices in the Wefct and Ntrthwest. and in Chicago at the Company's Dc|ot. corner of Van lluren and Sherman Streets, and also at the General Passenger Office, 56 Clark Street, adder the Sherman House. JtOII.% D. AMPMEL.L,,Ccirif*upt P. & !f.i i: i ioi,,!o. L. I Itl KKR, Supt. ft T. It. K .CU-vcUud. H. NUTTIltitaiAIII, Snpt k K Cleveland u. w. HiWWN, S,.|S H. ft K K I! ItutTaio. UHO. M. ORAI,tini'l .Vent, Chicago. JOHN V. HART, Wp,('Yn Traveling A^eut. WM. It. BAUK.t.. ii. ral A«i-ut.»ulla o,N.V. O *•, r. Hew Watch, Clock & Jewelry Batatol 1 will ment. xV. K. HAAVYKK, AT ST. CHARLES CITY, IjAS TlfK BEST STOCK OF Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. IN NORTHERN IOWA. California or Pike's Peak Gold manufactur ed into any style of Pin or Rinfryou wi*h. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired in tbe best manner and warranted. St. Charles City, Nov. I, 1860. #4 llail Roads. 1864. GREAT 1^64* Freight and Passenger iUmfe THE MILWAUKEE ti PRAIRIE OttCHIEN R. 4 i POIICT ALL RAIL ROUT® n o ffOBTHERN 70KimSOTA. TO Milwaukee, Chicago", 5 s :y, I I 1 2 St. TjOttlfi. and all Points East and 800^'- Train* daily (Sunday eiceptod) leavs Drairtedtf Chiss ant.if nt 4.00 T'.M.. Sttd 4'. ronnoctltiy the lla»t and i*tmUi. rhintj .! liri-i-th n ith train- for C0XXECT10XS Arc almo mftdo at Jancavitlc for mk it, Bebmiert, Frreport, Pnrtaf/e City, Pond du Lac, Chhk-i&h, &cc. avnareiige ("h -ckeil through froui l'rairledn rhien tolMlwaokee.ciiii-aeo. and .ill im|Hrtitrt pnlnU flut. Oifx/nrs TICKETS At ftftltcavlre and (Viirni/n furni*hei\ ijrntit hyOvn dweifrr* to Puzremjrrf h)iinq thrr.noh Enftern Tirk- WM. JEHVIS, (leneral Uupt. Milwaukee and Mississippi RAILROAD. Great Transport al Ion Route. THE MERCHANTS And all Rutin?** Men of the. Xorth- West Wfll save TIME und MONEY by having their (Joods shipped by the OLD PIOXEF.R ROITE VTA MILWAUKEE & PRAIRIE du CHIEN. Tiir. mLLowixo links on the lakes, via: New York Central Railroad Line, Buffalo, Cleveland, snd Chicago Line, Western Trans|Hirtatkin Company, and Northern Transportation Company Rnn in direct connection with this Road, and all Freitrht arriving at Milwaukee by said Linos, is landed on the Milwaukee and Mis sissippi Railro/td I locks. If consigned to our care, it is transferred to the Cats/rf# of rAor^*, avoiding delay and saving shipping charges. N R. The Detroit ami Milwaukee Railway Company insure all Property across Lake Michiiran. and deliver freight consigned to this Road free of charge. I#" The rates of transportation from Chi cago to the Mississippi, will be any other line. at lew ma by WM. JERVIS, General Superintendent. J. Lawlbb, Agent, Prairie du Chiea. March 9th, 186S. 33tf United States Mail and Express Route. CICAGO, MILWAUKEE, LACROSSE AND ST. PAUL IIAILWAY LINE, —VIA Chicago and Milwaukee A I W A Y TEE SHORTEST RAIL LINK TD THE EAST, SOUTH & SOUTH-WEST, CONNECTIONS 8CRE, BOTH AT MIL-L»t~ WAUKEE AND CHICAGO. AlsocoB-fT* nectswith the RACINE AND MISSISSIP PI RAILROAD, at Itacine. and with the" KENOSHA AND ROCK FORD RAILROADJff' at Kenosha. A. y. H. CARPENTER, Gen'1 Ticket Agent, Milwaukee. K I. C. GF^ilUiE. Gen'l l'.issenger Agent, Rt Paul. To the Ladies of America. i| MTOVS PERIODICAL DROPS, LION S PERIODICAL DROPS, THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY*? THE GREAT FEMALE R£^£UY LYON 8 PERIODICAL DROPS fi LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Ui ,jj £. ARE BETTER TUAN PILI^ I ARE BETTER THAN P1LLS1 Lyon's Pciiodical lro[w are THE ONLY FLI Il) PREPARATION THE ONLY FL11D PREPARATION jewr hrotight l«eftre the public, and as a din ratio and spedlic for irregularitie*, challenges the world to prinluce an equal they are in li the most obstinate c:t»cs, REL1ARLD AND R1RE TO DO GOODlfc RELIABLE AND SI RE TO DO QOOD:|f AND CANNOT DO HARM, fr AND CANNOT DO I1ARM, & IF THE DIRECTIONS aro ADHERED TO! IF THE DIRECTIONS arC MUfFBITl JO! SAFE AT ALL TIMES! SAFE AT ALL TIMES! except when expressly forbidtlen in the direc tion* which are wrap|ed around eiwh lottl», and have tho written siguatuie of DR. JNO. L. LYON upon them. BEWARE OF COCNTERFEITS BEWARE OF COCNTERFEITS I They cure all those ill* to which the leraal* syatcm is subjected, with despatch and a de gree of certainty whk-h aothinK but a scien tifically compounded fluid preparation could reach. CSE NO OTHER I I'SE NO OTHER! For my Drops stand before the world as th* nc plu* ultra -j. NOSE OTHERS ARE GENUINE NONE OTHERS ARE GBXUlftE of all remedies, for the cure of all disease* of the kidneys and bladder, Leu corca, Pitla|isiis, and the mild, but positive correction of all irregularities. DO NOT BE IMPOSED UI ON I DO NOT BE IMPNSED I'PON I by thoae who have other preparation*, which thfjr ffesire to palm off upon the strength of the popularity of my Drops, and who rccoas mend their own nostrums, thus appropriating to theniselsTS the constaut demand fir my Periodical Drops, aa a inHiiuiu k,r belling something which is wot th less and inefficient. But wheu the Druggist you apply to has not got them, either make him huy them for you, or else enclose one l4illar to the nearest g. u eial wholesale ageut, who will return you a bottle by return Hi press. You will thus save yourselves trouble and obtain telief from the greatest Female Regu lator of the Nineteenth Century. Over 25.H00 Bottles of this medicine hare been soki within the hist six months, and ev ery lady that has turd tbeui, but for tbe na ture of the cure, would furuiah us with bar sworn certificate of their efficacy. It takaa but one Dollar to make the experiment, and I appeal to those of your sex who are suffering -will you waste away when a single Dollar will give you relief. Prepared and sold bj D|U. Jpfj. la.lffQV, Practicing Physician. W1V.I?* ?Ho* fl (»r bottle. )ih C. a. CLARK CO* -}i WH0U£AUt Dui UOISTS, Xew Haven, Conn. Qmswal Agiata for United States and CauadlR. At Wholesale, by &0RD & SMITH. Wholesale EHniggurts, lyt i^ke Street, CUoiigo, 18. Blanks. ALL the various blanks in general nee,such as Deeds,Mortg.vges, Attachment Bonds, Title Konds, ('.itntnon Bonds. Suh|u-uaa, Writa, Executions, Notes, Bank Checks, Tax Receipt*, Leasos. Clerks' Certificaten, Artiihs of Agiecuieut, Marriuge Certificate*. Naturol sation Papers, Bill ami Letter lleiitlings, R« ceipts, &c., &c., &c constantly on hand and for sale, or printed at short notice-, by CROCKERY. A. F. B. H1LDRETH. Ulasa Ware, I^unps, Dining Sets, Tea Sets, tw. at Gilbert & Dean*.