Newspaper Page Text
*»1 ii! VOLUME YII& mu ,»i* is it mini kd i^**r mrR«ur Br A. B. F. HIIiPRETH, kMI» i«fMr*©r*t**rR. fmcif t2,twr A TEAR, i^a^Hnce. IFF ICE IN THE INTELLIGENCER BUILDING, w fJXIRKH Of SILL AMD KELLY BTRKBtf, "T OPrONTrriRLM ^rAKI, Charles City, Floyd Cennty, Iowa. 04y perfwirditaniirn.' Ave nb*rr.t*rw, wl fwwarl|nit *4nne«y. -hall lf furnished with a ropv of thc Intelli Kor for thlg (service to loop aa the number h»ll le •p| ?oo4 Bo»lne«« prtaininir to the pap^r can be tranMetrd H| iUti Publisher any day .it th* iifflM of PIWIoWlw. 0«wnmiini ni.i h*. nil1ri"--i'«1 ntaior APTnmnRo: INS I w. i« 4 w! im SSTT-m ll V f" Q3 75 |ft oeJ'M »1 T^nnir-'Tl It«» 7-V. i« -, 3 6«» 50 7 M» Hi M| 14*1 St i^wru., Q'4 OOJ HM 10 90J 1 »tt (_J'» MuTr.-, sooj in no "Tfjn 14 no 1*1 3o olunin.'j «l II SO I 1« 1« 00 I 10 HS i c..i<p></p>Column, pol lumn, 13 0l 15 00 1* 00 "l 8 #0 BUTTON HOTEL, Conur of Wdla and Wwh iogfon Strtcto, CHICAGO. S. H. GILL, Proprietor. ^hU H»imc hftrlnp been rtv^nflj tliorongll tepairrd and renovattvl throughout. In tk»w «CI for fnmta. 'l ite locwlion is ilt nitiiMe. I« in the Tety lioart of th« Ihimiipm part nf itr. L'onntry M«'ri'hKnb will tiiut all the (furU of a Home at the rrtuMMiiiblecimt of ORB DOU1.AR FIFTY PER DAY. The Proprietor would rttnut his thank* to bueineM men of the Northwest for th* r*l patron«ge heretofore ht*towed upon and wottUi ctat« tlmt it will ever bo hia Ijf to oonault the ronifort of hi» ^tieata. nnibtta linea mo to and from thin hotel in ection with all railroad train* and 4 -nboat Uom. TKEMOXT 110 USE, Cornei of 8th an«i Iowa Street*. UBUQUE, IOWAk til Jlouse i* centrally I orated to the busi part of the City, and Postoflfice. The rletoi dt ,-ir 8 to ]»loa^e all wh" may f.iror with their pitti'iuui^e, and solicits a trial io#c vfnting the eitv. GEO.'L. DlCKrssny, Pro|'i ietor. .' 9i* A ftrvt-rlaiw Barber Shop and ith noM Id the htrntfr. l?yl AMERICAN HOTEL, •riir or aan watu nrrauir ktrsbtb, Mil WM 1'KFK W. 8. AMOS, PROPRIETOR, hi* Hou*e is loeatel in tin- businew part of Pity convenient to the Car* and TV*t8. ^OmnlhtiH and Bafrirairo Wajjon always tand to xnvey PawH-ngers and iUsTi-'n^e to frura th« Boats and Car* free of charge. CARTER HOUSE, mr L. WJlJyt.Y, PROPRIETOM, MAIN 8TKCKT, CBAK FALLS, tkmk (burnty Imt*^ hta house barintr rhs%njr*4 hand* «nd rone a thorough r*iU«i« and rmnodelinfr. .ow reAtly for ihr Mo'iiuuiolHtiuii ul tin. die. 11 ia nituatod in the biiisiuoHK part af ,iu PaJis. 1'1m» proprietor ph^Jgea hiiuaeii no pninH will lw I to in tkc his •sts comfortabk'. Stamen leave this bouse Ij for the Kwth, Houth and W**t t.6:87 AMERICAN HOUSE, «M**a o# MAIN Aki MAaKET RTfUMTS^ HQtXfllXXLlD, ILL} Mm tly ophite the Kcuoslia Depot. SDWU A. HWUW, fnfrtitw, ||Mt of the Itouiie coiiv .-1 iu sad from tho C*t* ttm* ut ctuu~f«. Ataxia HuUiug 1 Montgomery House, BY HENRY BAKEO, nuA, Chickaxaw Uovhtt, Iowa. tagea leave thin House dally for the North, th, East and Weal. batches and Jewelry. MATSON k LOOM IS, MPOSrFR.^ AXD MAA*£7ACTUSHtS, And Wholesale and Retail Dcalen in jie Watches, Clocks, Jewclfy, Silver and Plated Ware, Fjwtatloti,' Watch MatorlalK, Toolg, Ac. 194 East Water Streoi, jyLWAL'KilE, WIS. sw a A. B. VAN COTT, 'txpoarsa Aire MAnurACTTRca or VTatcbea, Clocka, Jewelry, MASONIC .IKVVEI.8, ^VER AXD i'/wj TED WARE, ETCU Cot. B**t Watn aud Wutooosia fi MILWAt'lOX, WIHnoNtON. Waloh Tool* and Material*of every dcacrip. •ik .UK 4r, B. 8AWYER, Watchmaker and Jeweller a AT Tint crrr JEWEL ur STORE, Aa|«w cm. ru»o coi'ktt, iowa. M. B. Watdhet, Clock* and Jewelry re hi A. B. F. HILDRETH, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR. l" th* Editor, who l|lprum|itlv aed faitiifttUj rer-poadto them. if* 00 _26 25 00 8ft i« lt.VTM i"K TH* IVTOUGWMS S. Ppttirwrill & Co Ww^|*pw Advertl-lug Ageatt, ».S7 Park N.'w York. C. 11. Srrlren, *m»r »l Advertising Agent, 6# Deer •rf Sire%t, Uiitu ,.•*»* MsUtett CttKL* of Are IHim er lee* will be luicrttd In lllcoliimi Ml unpoidiiiim. l'»r ««ch tdilKMil •«, oT»r Ave, one dollar ill b- -lmrgel. HOTl^lLB. (»a» trty*! fttiwftifa ATTOKNEYS. RRLMBOViD'9 WI. B. PAIRVIKLD. PRAlfc ,. i'AIRFTEI.B PRAIT, AT*rt)RItKT ATP tAliV# ior, KhIik•y-,flrnvi,l, uti-l I»rj»~: •-*4 4 itt r, Thi« STARR PATTERSON* Attorneys Counsellors at Law, CI1 ARLFfl C1TT, XlOtllCO., IOWA. ffT Will prnotivf in Nortlu-vn Iowa and Southern Minnesota. Particnlftr attention paid to llertion*. ptvrfn* taxea, cnwToy anoin^, and I'uinUhinpc MVntract« ot title of Lands. Oflice over Stone Store. 1v51y •. 6. Rriiii^r. G. G. n Ifeiotftr. A k. 0. REINIGEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW And Solicitors in Chanrery, Dealers in Real Estate, Exchange, Ac. Of TV, FLOYD OorKTT, IOWA. Will attend to biiainw an«l prartk* in the 8»pit*iBe hi id Lnstrict Court of Iowa. lnformution «nd k'ood refer«oc«a will b* cheerfully given on request. SStf Mil 1' B.F.JONES, Attorney at Law, Notary Public, and Committioatr of D*td* fur lour*. Titian FxHiniiH'd, Tuxca l'iti l. Collectioni made stud promptly remittal. Alto, Publisher '»f Minnetrnta t^ourier." OWee, Hoad t^iartew, '.ia I I Vimvr (JomUy, Janwrv 1, 1«61. iliscellanoous Cards. i I la t"TTV BOOKfmT*. M. 11ARGER, waotEui.B art*11 ia«uni is Books and Stationery, Muxic, Instrument!*, Print ami Wrajtpinj i|is Pi inter** Stock, Etc. !fo. Itl Main Stuket Pmrvrt, I*^A Pepoeitory of the American Tract Socicty. BELLAMY, JACOBS & GO^ PRODUCE AND Commission Merchants, AM) l'KM.MtS IX U I S k 161 South Water St., Chicago. REFERENCES. Gn^4 Brother. Proithr PolJard ft Co. STEARNS k FOKSYTjt, Wholesale Grocers, asp— DEALERS IS PROVISIONS, ISA SoulV WttUr JSUect, j. w. rrcAkNt, CHICAOOi *fl- WI**- Mil WUconsia Trunk Manufactory JOHN R. COCUP, tt7M:dii Street, near Nevrhall House, Milwaukee. Wisconsin, Manufacturer and WHOLES A IF. 4- BET AIL TRUNKS, VAUSES'AND CARPET BAGS. Our Work is excelled by mine, nnd all arti cles warranted tut iepresjcnU*d when sold. Trunk* nutd* to order, covered and repaired. I4yl* G. C. CONE, Dealer in Hardware, Iron, A hi Nails, osc., &c.f ,j i# .jjcGrefor, Claytua County, I«wa. ^ALBERT H. HOVEY, Ajrent frr Manafaeturrm, and Denier in all kinds *f Agricultural Implements, ALSO FIELD, GARDE* AND FLOWER 6EED6, No. 194 lAke Street, CWc*jo, Illinois. P. O. H.ix 9947. 14*1 A. B. F. HILDRETH, Zfot%^r *j3 ^ul»lic & Conveyancer, "jLlIAULES CITY, fHAULES KJiyd Uuuty, Iow|iv SMITH & ATKI N*J?QN, 1 TKAI.ER8 IX DRUGS, BOOKS, STXTinSFRY, Newspapers, Magazines, fyc. J-c. CHARLES CITY, IOWA. Htore oo Mill Stv*et, near Uic 2IUL 2it J. W. HMITn, M. D., BL I.Ki'l I PHYSICIAN AXD SUB a CHARLF.H rrrT, TLOTD CO., IOWA. Office at the Drnp A Book Store, on Mill 8t. UtldeDce, near tho School House. H. C. BKADLKY & CO., WMOLMAIJI VSALEJU IM Y A N K E E N O I O N S 'UW Ea»t Water Street. ISyt MILWAUKEE. 8 UiLAIR A FKHSOxXS WHOXJ»ALK ftCTAIL I ICALt*» IN nl China, hart hern LiIum t\ afe. 8IL VFJt tl.ATKD LiUO&S, Cutlery, Japanned Ware, Looking Ola****, ttritaunia Wave, Ga* Fisiuaes, Lamp*, Im. *160 East Water Street, *v" Genuine Preparations. roMPciu\n FTTID EXTRACT nmir, (»i-u,vi' ami cp« ilip KennHly 1 »r ditoi** o{ the Had 1^ M«"dMn«» Iiktmimo* \4tlU rles City. rloyd (Jnuvly. Tow (I. e* lies the •h-«irl)rnu iut'» lumlthy mctiuii. by wlik'ti ./ Will prncti*o in all the Conrtjt of the State. All lU6intM« prooaptly 44tt«nd'd to. mBL.MBOT.irS HXTRACT Bt CHW. far W«nkt»p-« arming fr"m Kxi-jw#o«, Hulnu of Diaai patiti. Early In ll-M-rctlon of Aba-c, att' D'W with tbo MlowUic tj[«r0va, Motii'irv, WIhi ui n.-iy llidt tli-.. lire li"'t fuUowa* bjr Ihtiyr'- lMflnl !»i«wi INSANITY AND COXSV MPTK)^. Many are ntrari of tlte on«» of their *ufrln« hH NonttciU cam/em the r«card$ of ih* Imanr Afybmi. mhI iiieiaRetioly ilnu^t- hy cuiiMiuiptiofi Ihiar ani|lo wit -t-i thftr'ith 11I tli» i--i'rlmti. Hiii (iii-li»nt| .!i i^iei all il hy or^aiilc w^-alni** ro luire-i Ih*' nJ ut UV'UiejMe k' Ireii^tUeu mill In\ lj(iHtuI'' ihe «y.-ti-ni. Which IMmbnbT $ ExfraH &uchh tarwrwi/y Am. A trial will i«iu-uicv Utr uuiitdlu-|iueal. O FEMAT.ES FEMALES -FEMAI.Ktf. In many affection* pe« ullar to Females, the •Cxtraoi Ihicliti w iiini|i«iM iy niiv other Kpm«ly.a#W l.ii.i•. i, cr It'll " lrri'ijulantv, I'luuluiiu-.s or «u|i. pri'--!nn n| 1 n tuM».ir 1", 1 :itlnn-. Hri'i'sl' .t nr S ii rhuus ilBtrif tin- I'tcrm. I,"iirhnrrlnia or hite«. Mb-rM tty. ami nr ai: ewnn.jil.ui.t~ e uli-nt in thf *, lielUwr •rising frnm *nHs-iT«*tM'Ti. Imbit- of i!l*«ipntNiri. or IB U* DEI LINE Oil CHANGE OF LIFH. Ttke no more Btfeam, Mercury or nnpl*a* SUt tru-. li fif (lU|i|,m-hiiI (Uti^rioutt iliifv.u v'. tleifHboUr Frtritrt Buchn and fwjrore1 Kotcietuk (TlfER Sf^RCT PSPEASFS In *11 th»lr sin .At erp^nst!, UHk ur md ol. u's® If) 'lict. K i^cw^vnii-noa, AMi .NO tXrCWRK It rati""* a .!(• i-w ai.1 rive* t» t»r1 «Mo. UM-reby nuu -id'.'cunim, |r'(t iiiutgaiiii ear Bi tnre- "I I 'i.II.I. i\li. inn. atil •tat.. 11 -o fr ft lent 111 the tl.i at dt-Mise-i, -:n* rxpattn atus i-iiiiu-^, il- Twrn.. h(«hi if Qu:%rkii. awl vvIki have «l hei vy fees t" be «:nil hm CMl 1..4M liKl.lil ti» H.'le ile».i\ I, lllil the liUHlS 4-. .I aiul «iri "iil iiiiili HOSTETTERS CELEBRATED STOMACH sad powerful 1 1 MII-WAIKKE. w tu* IDA HOUSE, if. M. WARHEX, PROPRIETOR** Wavikit B*kmke Cocxtt, Iowa. WOOLLEY & SNYDElt, cm futd oomrrv ... Plows made aud repaired, Qmiogexlreiud, **d Gaural JMtng dqtg, v"|..r!t'i ll MRS. H. M. DUNN, UKAI.KU IN Ifiilhiopable Millinery Go^qg, WhUnnlttMi iUUnd, mm* mmm TPWipi^pPPil^pPPIP^Bi itim kntf ni ijtfft wvf i' i '"rijAfjita Aik •. l!ie power of ri|r«~M»n. *n»l I iktmimoii l!ie power of k-b tb w ilcry rrtlearom« ilepimUHitu, atil all iinn.itui it on tarL'ttnenta are reduced, w well as Haiti and Inflamma tiun. ha* of IT war, Itim- nliv i Breathing, TlWmhliitL'. WflkiTnUi) TVtiii in Itu- Bacfc, Klo.'-huit el Itie itadff Erttttif*u th- Facav fMM fxmteiuinee. Wnak i H'-rrnr r.f |, I'ltlllK^-'Of Vi-i L'iilv'r*«ll the Muscular Sjralcm, Hot Itanilw. Ir) tie.-* uf tb" 2jklp. Tfcesr «ym|4iw. if a'lrwel to po na, whieh lbki*MU. due tev^ri ibly remove-- «oe:i fr,r. w! lmpateruy, Fatuity, Kpdrptic ItM. lu orv--f w lui'ti ilie l\it» may «-\|tfre. lb® fiowivfiila-trlnguaK. k«fii Urttil "i'111 ":n tu 'ii -ik W4 iu au ted li rm, anU perhaj* "/t, mtvvittye. at ltelmbokTs E^trui: nl U'lctn fer all affi«ti*a« «pU nf tlw »iriir.ry i.r:r»n» w!.-»Vr eTl»tn.g !n malf or riiwtlc. trom w Im. -V' r.i.ata t'l i^iuatitif tml nu rant ler linw lute.' Helm. nf th^e organ.* require tbe aM »f ifitirotle. Hfimlinlit i Kstn.ct lt»n Im ir- lli." Gnat inuret.o i'ii'1 i cert .in In h:»v r- (I... ihrMriil .-IT. ..i II iii-i «~e- whii i» rnK'tntmtvleil. Kvnlenoa nf th* nirvt IwUla at»l ri-imnsiblii i lt»l«rt.-r|»tll «Ct*)UlpaliJ the tm^licui" Pdca flvto per Botttr, or Ml Cor 83,00, ilelivereU to aujr aJilre«, securely iatke1 ub.erva tfc'll Iw^cribo oymptiMwi Iu aMeoaaiubiratinns. i« Cum (iaaratfrtl. AUtIw CUmtiS* ipturs iuum multofi IV. n. HKtMKOI.n, ChfmlaC, 1*4 Siuii. truth -i i. t°fci4tmt, 1'liuiu^^Ma. m.MBm.Tts Me. ,*l U. r"l, QUJIUIHJ MM llraatiwa}', Htw Vark. JteVCre cf Omin'fr/rit* and unprincipled P+tflrr* Who «B«Veav to ilt»i»»^« of tl»-ir n«n **4**Oho aruolod ou t'.e risuulati xi »U.i.r.L-«i l.y Hetmbold'a Pennine PrfiMration#. KstrarlHi.rh*. Vatinct lairroved Rose Waaft. SOLD BT 4U. DBUUGIS'l'S EVERYWHKW^ Adc fbr HeluibtWs- Take no oth*r. Cut nut tUe A aci lkseiiuuu uti't Mini for it, itii^ ct'tW iiitfK*iiion i tnd ujxMire. 47JI 53 t-»" I BITTEKS. Tmiir, corrective %n«l alwrftlvp «r weiMlerfut eOoaey in lUaww of th# Stomach, Livar and Bowela, Cura* ryh^ |*i i, liver 'oin{Uatl, Hntdai be. iieaaral Iebilil) Ni rvutisin',8, l« |ri^Mi«. u! iinti", imtHii.. (Ue, Intermittent Ke\^«, t'ram|* as* illlll all ^111 j' J.tiU I'i .ill.-! ^ljL_ arb-inn fr.Hii Bn'iilv Wi akn.-.s nhillier taUeratit ui iIm «.-ictM ur |4vuwm* I'V' at»t a'i.-e». I* w-ll I i bv fiircarmt'il airainsit EON, •aIt tta hiMuaii ^ykteiu 1 *R..l KotMrfrrt^at wt wli i owe, fM. 4! te»-1 wter»Mve is a- u«Lui'-' ruin. u*U Um. s ib^iuuuu( IIkjUI I'UV oToMAI iimmw ThU |"i|nilHr pr immlioti ntiuti no K!v*ral nl r.ay kimi.uu ik:tiiy Uiiaai. al uktiv at tiv. y .'ii .ui 1 'u::t Itwui ••lubiiu.linn the «*n.rai't.- nl mrv bjl-amlc h:-rl« ittiu |ilanU With tlui [Mrest and iitiM «a aii diluaitti eumwuwu. H«'va*e, and,*0 fer can be etc* bjr humMi mm— il^'-unsl I III! Ui I He -I.^IXIiif: I'd ll) Uil l.ii rt uolj.-olllf atlWM tilHTo. lui|rtire wut'r ttml other r»u»«y, Hoatet ter'e Itonurs tuay lie reiiod ml a wU'u*uwil, In (I'^trlcti! with Fmor «nd Ar'^ it foeuil inbillllk) «t s |ri veut vu wut irreainUiiW an a rraio ily aild tin ,( wl ii 1 ••-. I tu It UU'liT mn'rvln ti.-»ult "f uii ntUn lc i--r*\if tb- «nn'»ue: im! thixn-nrl \i'nt»e|r litt lo avail Uiruin-lvt's a tu not.i uvo iu .vl vamv. arc- cured ly i v. ry lirn-f tiMirs-cuf tiiW ms •voline Krvar Mxl A#uc vau^1^.*0'r b. iuK ll)*.-l .u i^iiitin- i ir luontlis in \aui, itnul tan ly MUnrali-il wtU trim .!,mt i*riiu alkalnKl, are n^ «nifreqwnthr n • hi iittb witluu alw d»ya vbe »•«ol lUatet It'l llttli XI* cuk !-ti'ti)u'h rapiilly luvitorati 1 anil the a|i nto re»tre«l by tlibt a(tm-ilV Tinil'-, a»»l Iwmt wo-lu wuiwtvn 111 camm i«f and iu U.-» cou .. floa.-.I tot n» 1 *f Ii. Ium- ti Art:..L- .i a ipilOe and i*»*ni.-s» a» w«n m«n u» in.r,«aw«iut-a n-lK vt* Um- 1 i«toii|i»iiiiu »in»*riu lurfd by irregular act'iiu of tin1 it .got: vc atid -ecrttf\t' organs. IVrauoa of cblo labit. liabVt to Ni-rvnui Au.n W I/«ri. f*t'( .uiil l"t- of lAii(Etlor. fiud am1 4ortuui«iit reliet Iraai tha Hi Wart. Tbe k»uainjy ui Ibis |«tnt outki.-o •, mj'l truu both arte*. The aciiay of Uiihiua olic I# muMixiiately lUHua^ad by a kuikIu ilu»e nl th" »liuiuluiit, and by 1 vruM'i,.lly reMrt iug tu it. tbe raturn U Uia eotu^aiut way be prevented. Al (njivil Tulik. Hiistd^r'^ Bittern prnluif rll«i'U wblrfa tniiKt be e*|ieri-!iciiil or witiufexed belure ther can I bf lull) t|yi ixmli iu •'•.ix's "t t'oiiblitiitiiMul Weak nert.«, I'ri'.naturo ll^«» mn? Pi lntity ainl IV-cr, |ititudi' 'uk-iiu* iroia old -Vtfe, it e*iri.i tbi" eU^ltio mtbiuui-e. Ill ibf H'Uvuki-c^ nt htu|i' of *11 •iL'.i'U.-if it'i|n-rrtU--' n.- a ilvliKlitful iiivi|iirniit. Wln-ii tin- |iowera of aiuara «re rvtMKal, w|ieratua to re-eu(urue autl re Utetn I^xft hot not l«a.«t, it ii The Onl» Snfr -^(imnl.-int, beinR IUIU|llt41'tlirHt IKilll nuuutl Mill UIUVUI4H tlMli'l Uii* IUl fnt.rrly free fr-i» tin: UI i i. im iiti |H i'.-tint iimrn ur liw* Ui all tlie ordinary tome* aad »kmacUica of tbe day. No lamilv meilloine ha* been «ay tx tnilr porttiiii uf the «o unlversaHy, anil aMH,*u»nedly papular it wRb tin- nleHlReut raiauiitty, an Hoetetti.-r'ii (bttim. IVejiarv.1 b^ Wk-TTTTWI SMITH, ttftaburfh, Pa. by %!1 lriifc'jii"t-°, 0n».eraaud stert'keeperi e*Wy |t Intflligmtm We?twartl th» wwrw at rmptr* taken Ha way." A V o 1 Charles City, Iowa, Aug. 4,1864. .rrrtv-r' PaUngeiMBk. The eomtnoo feeling that t'io pres ent war is to work national regenera tion find* abundant corroboration in (current events. Nationally wo have not reached the condition that the modicum of onr time to THE MOVKT AND CVRRBICt Qlfubtioir.' !l What it money and what ia cur rency For our present purpose it is that money U minteJ goM tho goTernraeut. l'»aSe make, mon-i and paper representatives of coin are money onlj' in a modified sense, They are currency. Currency is the charactci istio name of pHper money tl«wtfanit«, wbi» It.tve Nvn Ihf victims I just as Congress is the term uescrip-| tive of ccrtain representative citizens (TSBENOT IS HOT XF.CI^«.ARTI.T THE KEFRESUrTA Tivr. or coi\. CIKRSKCT SOW EJtPRiaCXT* «MMT. The change from banking either «p»' on a specie basis or that of stock se curities to a now and national srstom lis the concomitant result of the na tional paliugcneeia. The now U. S. banks rest upon tho popular credit it hat is, you and I and our neighbors here and there who are voters. Adducing this fact in corroboration of the po sition now assorted the reasonable ness of it becomes apparent in a trice. Hie people ^or nation) is net p*»«*ws- sor of specio enough to pay I i.j cost of living in thi, poenliar cri-',. 'It •rewith to must have that wherewith pen«. .ml yet .« due. not (W. ,houM rain tln-y woi.l term it when .t.nd- i e a i o e o S i v .- i w i purpoao to make the most of their at- vantage. Tho natioa ia like a ticli This contradiction in terms becomes Const if €mpin lab its CHARLES CITY, FLOYD COUNTY, IOWA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1864. war is thu measure of this (usiifGcieu cy and so of conrse of the superabon dance which it predicated of it. For if war cannot exiwt alone ftnd upon it self, then it ia within th« aphero of above caption indicates but aro so far forward that it is easy to note the ap! cre of commerce is not enlarg-' that there is to be no fitting up ex various phenomena connected witl c! br Tvar. It is more liable to con the new birth to which we are so con- tc.ou for the capabilities of pro fident of reaching. leaving o«t of docti ?n are lessened when men are view other important and heretofore transferred from tho shop aud mart more engrossing themes such as Mr to the camp. Unquestionably the cur-1day might be spent in social rccroa proffrtss of tmr nrms, the pohticrl as- rency created to meet the circumstan- tioa. yd, and the like, we may well devote ces of war is in due time crowded into Good •peaker* fthoald be procured* the avenues of commerce. With and none allowed to speak longer enough already thero before tlie war than fifteen minutes. Could such a what now can so fitly describe the state of things be brought about, our ,: I'e'"L""d'"lcc of currency. .ilrer, nickel, logelher with bank i °°d P°,ition[ that 'll. «»rpla. of fuud. notes and the legal tender funds of, in commercial circles fa evidence of 0,0 ey of nil the*.. But when wo come to! ''i'1™1-* *,""rnial ,ulc tl.o nltiruato of tho qnc.tion we ,rejCommerce is gorged through being shut up to tlic fact tliat money i. coift war* It is generally supposed to derive w* cbashu o* war. its value from the coin which it is In other words the war should be held to represent, the latter being its prosecuted by means of a popular loan, supporter as exclusively as the earth's Further expansion of popular credit crust bears up the ocean. This i* the should be jealously guarded against, popular idea. Besides, the masses' If it is not, then serious cunsequciiccs hold that if th* coin be shifted from will bo sure to fall the currency is tinder the cyurreney the bottom of the to continue upon the inclined plain of oc*an is tapped, and tho financial 1 depreciation. Gold now to maelstrom roars, terrorise* and en- a merchantable commodity, will as a gulfs. This, however, is not always. consequence be subject to ceaseless the ca#e. It is not true now in our fluctuations with a steady tendency country. The national condition ia upward. Goods, that might be in extraordinary and yet as healthful as market but for the prospect of higher the pangs of travail. It is because of price soon to be realized, will coutinue this that it is now said coin is not tlie to be withheld. Extravagance now |asis upon which rests the worth of strongly inveighed against and de the circulating medium. precated by some even to self-denial will continue to flaunt its gaudy tis- Now fncts -being- as tUty an, the weighty matter to l»e settled is con cerning the right tise of the surplus thai burdeu8 the mart. There is such and it is to be made or all concerned enflbr pcr»oii4f tod nation al damage. comootc* soot lp pom iiir rrit*n»CT mo 1-iirht lisp sues and fill the eye with the sheen 0 e||n n(me th. nation .p,inB forward wilh al.cri-1 .*'' y o mee leoxigmcies eir pa rent's case. Tha bits of scrip each one holds aro evidences of filial piety,1 either to be retained as mementoes if the old man dies and after they have entered npon the inheritance left to them, or presented and requited if the uation lives. Therefore the present circulating medium being but the pro mise of the people as a father in need and dependent upon tho service of his sons is supported by both the nation nnd the individuals composing it re spectively. And popular crcdit is therefore both national and individual. The currency to which it gives rise must be had because the throes of war arc working national rejuveuatiou and not death. And both people and indi viduals sntst cooperatively maintain the common credit. Tit* lMm rriciaaoT or cibjuscx knfsp**g» daxcs. curre 1 whatever other condition coexists with most brilliantly, outwardly, but to be it that the citizen is to look for tho ble to answer, most nuderstanding exhibition of tho superabundance oMy, such questions as might bo pro currency. This is patent when it is pounded. It should be understood, remembered that the fands called that the popils are to be examined, to forth to reward soldiers for their time j» certain extent, publicly—that each are useless, after tho paymaster has teaeher with his or her school is ex completed his specific duty, until they pected to give a pnblic exhibition of can e employed commercially. And their attainments in school learning— state of commerce as tbo phrase su- school* would most certainly advance The sec- "f commerc. is il- in the elucidation of the first, j^8 jowc|g And so on through va- Al among tho home population prema- ail are o[ Clalalm 1 rious categories, only one more of' pleasure of adding our indorsement tdt which demands any word now. The ti,0 sentiments expressed, and with movements of tbe population already the hope that they may convert some begun will be still more noticeable blind old bachelor from the error of and equally as vitiating tor the public hie ways weal. Uulesa tho war ia nearer its portrait of th*i wonsp that kept a close than a majority outside of the ruling circles suppose, th*} activity 1 ture. The emigration to the west, {ow .(. .rewitn to metA e. to tr.-mai,.. h« 1 investments, not as they i# „,e cl ,a„„d, of a side of itself to borrow of it« wliicli has for its purpose tbe well-be- the magnanimity to refrain from re-) bors, becanse they see Its impending of thc uniTer8c win como what has a i i looka opon t|ic nation ft8 cai man apparently, but not' necessarily!, and otherwise unstable iu of whom is appreciated by hia cbil dren. The peoplo—or nation—gives out ita checks in the shape of treasury notes or currency and the sona of u apparency, t,Ul ,arplus funds for its holy purpose, ou unaw his life's last decade, the condition: •, if -. i,f |ing a u o n s i e s e s a e o i s u s e T. "of strong man be hastened to the perft c- tion of youthful vivacity and strength. .Coauuiuucatioiis. Oarretipoaieiice of the- CbarlwCity itelttgeMrer. Letter from the Co. Superintendent. a ponderous truth after proper illus- publfc school celebrations at least tration. The nation may bo viewed twice in each year, at, or near thc financially either as requiring a cer-, close of each summer and winter term, tain amount of means to meet every Let teachers, popils, and parents, ordinary and extraordinary contingen- know, that the celebrations, pic nice, cy, or any one singly, as warlike, pVjOr their equivalents, are to be held as litical or commercial. Tho contingen-j above resolved, and what think you cy now is two-fold, and so the right would be the effect upon our schools view Cannot be otherwise. First, What teacher would uot be inspired then, the insufficiency of money is with a. zeal, sufficient, at least, to caused by the abnormal condition of m^ko his or her school appear equal the nation which is supplemented ih' Jo, if not superior, to all tho others? itf tOHBIBQtiljr fWICiifiiJ lOwljflvll What pupil, with ordiusry ambi Ha. Eoisob At a convention of Town Superiiitendcnta held ia tUo Stato ol New York not many yea re since, the following resolution, ifts uuanimously adopted, to wit Resolved, That the con vet: tion recog nise the efficiency of town celebra tions of common schools hs a means for the promotion of popular educa- convention, it is the indispensable du ty of Town Superintendents to hold iW if V i ill ill enterprise by all that is to lo seen of tion, wonld not make ft little extra without lifting hit eyes from hia hort the warlike. The magnittldn of tho effort to appear well on that occasion What parent is so entirely desti tuttt of respect for his child, that woold not tako a little extra paina to prepare it forsoch nn expocted event? The object should not be to shine pretsly for the occasion, but that genu ine solid advancement is required. The examinations should, of course, be short, bo that a large portion of the this subject respectfully before the several township boards of this coun- ty, and recommend that tliey tako ac tion Upon tt. IIervey Wn.m'R1,' County Superintendent. Hf it* Wkat Constitutes a State. •T CU3 w IA* Jitsa. •Iffl TrhutC'Oft.tuU's a St.itef mt ht'i haul'-mr-nt*. MlatiOMdl TUti'k vm'!, t* u»«i. 1 o«W NWi .uo.- |tiu«1 wiili spi'i- .tiel turrets crowned. Not b«V4 and lrrta.l iiri!ir,.l ]*rt Wh- r", Ltu^iii^t: ut tL' iUn.i. icli ouvies ri4* Jt.'t -t.i! r-i! I *1 :tJiEkxt rt», Vbcre low lioru vralVi |mw*ibm t»| kith WJ*, IfjtH |».'vi 6t(ftl v*'iuUt«"»4j'i Indued,- Tn A-ri*-i. hmli", "r Iim AkIM i-IM OT- -o .t rvji |. .j bramkMs m«%*t ii, w Uu il-.lifs K.iit*'. 1*tkii..w ttflr an* kvwinf,tf*re l'r»vr:it tfce I t»!tn», itiiil cru,-l Ut' i.11 iuit Uiio tUt y read tha cbale s Tttt- COBrlitllte ?tatr Ab I- r. iijti' .w I'lm eoTlerteJ Will, iV »r .. Uiiv- r.l.tln, Pb aiiiju'oc s.. tuwiiii.^ ^u«i|, ti ,Kmit l»c l.i fr'wn, Tle tVtml I»i crttiin!, Iik«* a \a|or, aiBka, Aii'l -Vn th all iJazzlitiK crown •iiltM Uu- taiut rays, aud al tier biildinf sbi Mlisullaim. Secretiveness of Women. The following remarks from tbe Troy Whig, are so just, true, well dc- torved, that we copy them for tho cret is in tii«* British Muwtitn. It Ik »M not to resemble any woman now living.—Kti haiu/e. i The sneers and flings which the Uirds of 0rcnti(n gt U tlui revival of the speculative registered by the recording angel, will ^ut manifestations of the have to bo repented of, one of these 8eckiog a ,ld Blld tears of mortification and regret. If man wero as superior would not be without! w.r lal„„ to'he, ho perhaps n0 i i i a i i o i o n e e dam- ferring to it, and making himself con- ,,rp!ldy tontly I n s i n i w a n henceforward each man The charge that women cannot keep for f"rm"' called. Let the over-abundunce of pillories the slightest peccadillo of the „cy j,0 poured from evvry loyal i latter, and condemns them to infamy W( 0 iia/% ncw af for the uso uf I Thus wilt tho rejuvenation of the i e8 aI .„„a||y |e- pon the gentler sex, as duly .: dayn, in the dn.t and „he. ami bitter o s i k n o w e secrets- that they are fickle in love -1* not true. man,,0CKl 18 takon as tho Bt*nuard e a 0 by which they aro to be judged. The uation has done its part through Public opinion, mainly created by its chief executive in checking the 1 men, selfishly gives them a thousand tendency towards an improper expan- times the latitude it allows to women, .f .... i and throws a veil over the offenses of ,,he «h»«,U bcliore that there n «»tl.r more of| utfiiuve i-.uit, tucic 3 »nni..jr -ii ainon^ women than itnioug men, not withstanding the advantages of educa tion generally accorded to the itter, and all their assumed superiority. Give us thc privilege of we would sooner trust wornr-n than men with any secret that affected onr well being, or with uny trust made chligatoiy by a sense of duty. We never hear a man speak sneeringly or slightly of the other bcx without frel in^ towards him as John "'Ow the dooce could I when your mother washing ,j w rsp !!y and surely. It is tho beat will never bo retimbroidered. lie who stimulant that can be devised for the! has spotted and spoiled his garments advancement of our schools. I bring jin 3'outh' baa not vent hone nj Purity of Character. Over the beauty of the plnm and the apricot there grows ft bloom and beauty more exquisite than the fruit itself—a soft, delicato flush over spreads its blushing cheek. Now, if you strike your baud over that, it ia gone. The tiower that hangs in the morning, impaled with dow, arrayed as no queenly woman ever was array ed with jewels, once shake it so that tho beads roll off, and yon may sprink le water oven it as you please, ycl it can never be again what it was when tho dew ftll silently on it from Lleav- public to kuow it. n the suspicion of thc one-thousandth ,ui„us of the first'diviaion of thc road part of what would only be deemed to i„ accrdauoe with this determination, en. On a frosty morning you may! twenty-seventh degree of long see panes of glass covered with land- is iu youth a beauty and purity of character, which, when once touched and defiled, can never be restored a fringe more delicate than frost-work, brow, if lie once lose tlic early purity of character, it is a loss that ho can sever make whole agaiu. Such ia the cousuquence of crime. Its efiects can *,,I be eradicated it can only be forgiven.—Saturday Evening Post. Department at Washington has re moved the restriction, and modified the order so far as it relates to actual settlers, whether selecti'.rs are made by pre-emption or homestead." Judge llubbaid write* to the Register of the Fort Dodge Land Oilice as follows iu this State ready for eutry and occu pancy.—Register. John C. Fremont. Wne TMng for Waterlog Tlie T) lartl of Directors of the Du buque nnd Sioux City Railroad, have decided that Waterloo, ninety-six miles from Dubuqne, shall be the ter- lUe T! 4 1,u 10 Randolph tion and that, in thc opinion of this jjj towards a sheep—as if lie wanted pushed forward vigorously. The to kick him. It being necessary to repress that desire, we set him down as ignorant at best, and incompetent to appreciate what he attempts to un derrate. n. ... til i ftfesrp Repsrtefc On the road to Kpnoiu, a monstach cd youth on tbo top of a drag, evident ly ambitions of being mistaken for "an officer," thus saluted a fat coach man, who was gravely driving his master and family Hulloa, you sir 1 where's your shirt-collar'{ llow cau says wrs scape—mountain, lakes, trees, blended iifth degree of n^th latitude thence in a beautiful fantastic picture. lay your hand upon the glass, and by latitude to a point formed by its inter-! a scratch of your finger, or by the section with the thirty-fourth decree I hich, when torn and broken, 8cck to ,nake his father's bouse with the blessings along the crest of said Hitter Root of a mother's tears Btili wet upon s 'mountains to its intersection with the! Let all that want homesteads, go #l- c—* ..« the towards making Missouri a free State, should now turn out to be the party who iu the eu«l would defeat emanci pation in Missouri. Judging from the courae of the Post, it is not im possible that such may be the case. Very certain ia it that if Fremont's friends in Missouri do not defeat emancipation next fall it cured. If Fremont is iu favor of sac- be advancement it might be well for the [respites for offences against the laws tory, ^Vd»r jar runs anu jumuesoia principle, fidelity to obligations, niii- Railroad Company have also deter- i ocutivo department ceritv of affection and true nobleness „,i„ed that the »uuiln.-rn terminna of S of eourse tiiojr wrll soon arrange for th** erection ot freight depots bmldiugs ut TUMI. selection, and midway between New Hampton onc their road shall be at W uterbo, and i j. i l( -uU..ole passe iger aud aud tilher r.eeens^ry tUat point.—Dubuque 4- KeCFrc^or Wwterti Hftflroad. The good people of all Northern!of Representatives, Itiwa will rejoice to learn that the Congress. McGrcgor Western Railroad is being PRICE, TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. OFFICXAX,. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES, •t the I'i rut Sraslnn of tile Thirtjr Klghtli oogreas. PUBLIC—No. 16.] AN ACT to provide a temporary ffov ernmept for the Territory of Mon tana. lie it enrettd by th« Senate and. House of lit presentatirts of the Unitf! State* of Amertca Ti: ('orrTn-:i assrmlfrJ That! all that part of the territory of thc uimeu niaies mciuoeu wunin me nm-| -i--- its, to wit Commencing at a point United .States included within the lim-| from Washington with the forty- warmth of your palm, all the delicate |()f longitude west from Washington I'M1*8 tracery will be obliterated. So there thence due south along said thirty-1 Now d'uo west on sai^fortv-fiitrdegme o7! ^pcctively. Piovions to the first fourth degree of longitude to its inter-j !"or^ section with tho forty-fonrth degree18.1,CI1 mountains thence following the crest lltfU«JV(»ill9 y blIl,IJVC IVIIVniUU tilt Vil'Ot I them white again, can never wholly the Rocky mountains northward. do it, even wore ho to wash tlicrn with till its iutorscctiun with the LJitt^r! returns tnereof, 89 tho hovpinor hia tears. When a young man leaves Root mountains thence northward' thirty-ninth degree of longitudo west from Washington thenco along said thirty-ninth degree of longitudo north ward to the boundary line of the Brit ish possessions thence eastward along said boundary line to the tweii' ty-seventh degree of longitude Important Order Modified. By nn order from Washington, issu ed several week* «nce, all of tho pub l*c lar.i! in the State were withdrawn Troin eiury, pre-emption or selection as homesteads. The Fort Dodge Repub lican informs us that, at the e'*rnei*t solicitation of the Keprcsentulivo in,— Cuugresa iVoia tho Gth Di&trict, the dividing said Territory or changing. "um !rr,,° cure almost any legislation that u»ay tinguished by treaty between the l"ni-: p°,,nt!p9 thousands of acres of valuable lands ded within tho Territorial limits or W cst i nauin ot the Tcrritorv of Montana JW/a/, Th-»t nothing' in this at ci n-| Utitiod ahall becoiistrued to inhibit the i Uovcrnnit'ot of the United States from its botn That nothing in this act contained: and take them, aud they may depend j.of person or property now pertaining' ',u,dlufr an^ conducting al) erec upon the entire delegation in Congress to the Indians in said Territory so! Vuns. people, and tho appottion to make them secure. We can pro-| long as such rights shall remain unex- be nccessary for the security of the ted States and such Indians, or to in- :,0"?e representatives, according actual settlers." I elude any territory which, by treaty *"c Tho above facts should bo general-1 with any Indian tribes, ia not, without ,c ly known for there are multiplied the consent of said tribe, to bo inclu- 'jurisdiction of any State or Territory but all such territory shall be except ed out of the boundaries, and consti tute no part of tho Territory of Mon tana, until said tribe shall signify It woold be remarkable if it should their assent to the lVcaident of the _^'iluCn.9 torn out that, in addition to being the champion of suppressed thu war—being au though he im for a newspape the opponent of confiscation, though law, or otherwise, which it would have he issued the first order depriving been competent for the Government rebelcfi of their property—John C. Fre-1 to make it this ...... ... mont who took United mcUxled States to within John C. Fre- to make if this act had never passed. first official Step Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, be vested in a U over nor,! jld hisoffico for four years, i riticing i:npo: Uut local interests, aud and superintendent of Ituliau affairs rr®J 'JJJ'"8 d* 'interferi'n^ ^with even grout principles, to his personal thereof. He may grant pardons and States until the decision of the I'resi-! 'an^8 dent of thc United States can be made known thereon he shall all officers who shall be appointed to office under be faithfully executed Sec. 3. A That there sh lu constitute a mau of the world," and Contractor Denton has received make him, if anything, a more am ing companion and good fellow There are mean women as there mean men— there aro false wotne there .re false men-thi-re are icn* Mr. He,Hon naa «l»o wca re«r»riieu tion, two-third. of that house shall tales and never-do-wells of both sexes,. contract tur the erection of uiacUiue ,l)i Legislative As^tn biy Ik uiutt who shmild never be tro,.ed_M,l we j.hlps .„r NUMBER 31. shall continue two years. The houso of representatives shall, at its firs! session, consist of thirteen eIectla" 1,40 said Tcrritorv That thc Executive power and author ity in aud ovi tana shall be who shall hold aud until his successor shall be ap-, pointed and qualified, unless Booner further enadktl, removed by tho 1'resident of the Uni-, That the legislative power of tho Ter ted States. Tho Governor shall re-! '.'!tory "^""tend to all rightful snb will be se-1»»Jo within said Territory, aud ahall, Jpct8 Vf legislation consistent with tho commander-in-chief of the militia vcr said Territory of Mon-| of.Totcre' 8!lbf1c?ucut 8*ia" i »i AsRrmMw 0nst 0 SLstouri Vmccrat. of Uid Territory, and reprieve for of- imposed upon the proper fcuccs against the laws of the United ,,,„ud houie !constituted an.J aH th. act. and & F.IU and Minnesota i proceedintt. of ti.e ,!y anl journals of copy ot the laws i :ie c.'oy oi the executive proceetiinga o and removal, resignation, or abscnce cars will Us at Postvillo by the uiid- Secretary shall bo, and he is hereby, dlo of SeDtember and if the grading authorized and required to execute, uit ui ot-pieiuucr, onu n be doue it is purposed to reach a i point miles .vest ol tuat p.aee ... 0 till) Governor tVum tho Territory, the 1 legislative power 1 ity of said Territory shall bo date von come to the Derbv without a I the close of another year. So mote it qualifications of voters, as hereinafter and eonacnt of the Legislative onn shut collar Jehu growled forth,'bo.—Xcw Hamjtton Courier. |prescribed, whose tcrua of scrvicc |cil, appoiut all omccrs uot herein otu- JSRR. -.Cv inMnbersr possessing the same qualifications na prescribed for tho members of tli« council, and whoso term of servica shall continue one year. The number of representatives may be increased by the Legislative Assembly, from1 timo to time, to twenty-six, in propor tion to the increase of qualitied vo* tors and tho council, in like manner, to thirteen. An apportionment filial! bo made, as nearly equal an practica ble, among the several counties or dis tricts for tho election of the council and representatives, giving to each section of the lerntory representation 1 rat'l) j^ 8 n£arb' ia qualified voters a» may formed by the intersection of t}je °^he council and of thejiouse o twenty-seventh decree of longitude be. And the men nearly as may be. Anu the member* rep be in habitants of tfib district or county or counties for which they may be elects refJe/)t:lt,Vf8 ia^H reside in, audi (j0Vcr.n01' ceusu3 ft and thirty minutes of north latitude i des,Sn!l^c appoint, and the pcrsJ!V thence due west along said forty-fourth i f? appointed shall receive a reasona degree and thirty minutes of north' L,,e cori?Pc,!!,!ltlu" latitude to a point formed by its in-' ,rs^ election snail bo held at sucb tersection with the crest of tho Ilockyitim? an Rn. n,tVnner 8^al,1 aPPoint f'1"11 cansa e"«meratiou of the inhabi- qua lfied v6tcisofthe sever* al counties and districts of tho Tcrrf und shall taken by such persons untf in such mode as the Governor lu ." «OTernor snair !,he,refolr',JAml tb? place®, and be conducted in both as ^ person* to the wlio shall stiprrinted such election and ®,u! and he sha» at the samo time declare the nuw"er of members of the council and hotiso of representatives to which each of the counties or districts shall be enti tled under this act. The persons hat ing tho highest uumber of legal votea in each of said conn oil district®, re spectively, for members of the coun a.rC from Washington thence southward *«u'y c'ected to the council and along said twenty-seventh degree of: the persons having the hig^liest number lougitudg to the place of beginning,!0 votes for the house of re pre* be .tnd the samo is hereby created in- aentatires in each of said represent*' to a temporary governmert by tbe i Vvf! 'I'^tiiets, respectively, l?|°tcted nt eK s0I,8 tmdaries in such manner and at snail otncrwise l,on* any other State or Territory of the Ilo Legislative Assembly shaft United States: Prodded, furthtr,\ shall le construed to impair the rights thereafter the time, place, and manned ln^ rr u Governor tive districts, respectively, shall bei hy tl»e Governor to be duly members (,f said house: iw ^hat 111 case two ot more por- i rutt^(l 1 «or shall havo an eqtiat nd in ease a vacan-» occur in either v°u'* such tiuic' as Congress shall deem' convenient and proper, or from attach- ... .. ing auy portion of said Territory to! nn branch of the Legislative Assembly, persons thus clccted at/och a* place^ and on such day the (governor snail appoint bu$ 1° representation in tho several districts to the council and nu7|"er qnalified voters, shall lll°J ,aw'. 1,8 W,1 tha comi»epccment of tho reg- of the Legislative As Y. iBCSSI°«3 3 sembly Provided, That no session in auy one year shall cxeeod tho term of forty days, except the first session, which may continue sixty days. Sec. 5. A 'id be it fu rt'^r fnnded. and those who havo declared their in- approved March third, eigl died and sixty-three, shall bo entitled Vo,.c a a*..i u. u be eligible to any oflicc within 8ait* c'ect,on, anfl sl:all any otlice within tho but tho qualifications all as islativa f. *'°Min* offlce, at elections, shall be ant* bo prescribed by the Lcgtslati Assembly SeC. 6. .01.1 I? 'i .,J,le(^ states and Drimarv dis^aal of the ifil I?ary .«'«posal of tlie soil no e United stales, nor shall the or dcnt« commission b! 1 tho laws of the said Terri- other piopeity of iicn-rcsi- be taxed h,^hcr wh,,ch, 8iiid i l,e8ll°".!i }!,au lands I °ther property of residents Lvery shal1 ,,jf.Te Ic'1 and shall take care that tbe laws Ithe V*saCil an(, »!w,,~ th® coun: ol rfP^sentativcs of •»•«». btloro it be- comes a law, be presented to the Got- See. 3. Ami I* ii farther motM,' f""? «f Territory. If l» *PPKJ*e, .ball be a Secretary of mhI .b"1 !f. return ho "hal1 it, With objections, to the w W'8C .1 \ vvitlih. il-l^y two-thirds of that house, it shall 8 liUl u,t' ,,ici, it \UUS01 UII luw ulai uuio 01 vi»wu»uj uuv« nl v in each year, to thc President of i "P^tivelv. I any bill sha tbe*United States, and two copies of ^"'"cd by the (.overt.or w.l the laws to the President of tho Seu-i ,h lM uoin liiw-ial corropoiiilence s-jmi-aaiiu- *v j-~" .»jy on tbe first days ot January and tered on the journal of each house, re "... -i urk«»,»t» *.*j! v ]j the laws to the 1'reaident or tlm Sen-: ""J" after it shall ate and lo tin. Speaker or tha House I days |iko. reconsidered, and, if approved ,.8-iUtj «,,j become a law. But iu all scch cases end of ta«.n tsaoi. a. houses shall be de- "°,,8t8 b"au ue at any i,in shall not be thin three (,^l,!l^uy excepted} aftc n of liepresentativea, for the uae .ahall U-a law, ... like manner a. .1 lw And iu case of tho death, '"I'.1 'nni- tbo same slK"cJ u"1'15" ll,c !:a,"° o v i e a( and perform all the powers ai VU some miles west of that place 'of tho Governor during such .._re winter sets in. A survey from or absence, or until another Governor point two miles south of Fort Atkin- shall be duly appointed and qualified ui to Charles City is in progress, to fill such vacancy. which must locate the road through Soc. 4. And be it further tnaded, That all township, district, and county the North half of this conntv, rumor That the A»"embl'. adjourument, prevent its return fi ^Vi" \w juljcg t'ongrcss of June nineteenth, eighteen .1. hundred and sixty-two, nothing herein and author-j officers, not herein otherwise provided vested and Jacksonville. If tho company in 'in tho Governor and a Legislative As-j tin case may be, iu such manner aa whose hands the work now is meets scmbly. Tho Legislative Assembly shall be provided by the Governor and wilh no drawback iu thc meanwhile shall consist of a council ami house Legislative Assembly of tho lerrito we may confidently expect to hear of representatives. '1 he council shall ry of Montana, lhe Governor shall tho whistle of the iocomotivc before i consist of seven members, having the nominate, aud, by and v* ilh the advico bjr ha no.t •»».•»»« 1 hat whereas slavery is pro hibited in said Territory y act of contained shall ti eonitrned tjauthor ize or permit its extens:ou therein. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted\ for, shall bo appointed or elected, aa fii