Newspaper Page Text
Is ~i*. "VOLUME VIII. THE ®(|arlts Cito lnftirrgtnrtt, iarruuHHki) MEHY HIT KHAY BT A. B. F. 1IILDRETH, IDtTOR IJtDrnol'RIBTOR fRICE, *(,00 A YEAR, IK ADVANCE. OFFICE IN THE INTELLIGENCER BUILDING, COHSKK OP •tLL A WO KELLY 8TRKKTB, OPPUflTf PLIIL1 jkjuakb. fharUlCity, Floyd County, Iowt. riiih-crittor" _^ny per*on obtaining five tlSmnin'v shall fiirninhed with a copy Squa rriT~|~ 6 00 Column, 00 *M Oolnmn. fl 00 i Cohimi.rfnoo BUTTON HOTEL^ Corner of Wells and Washington Streets, CHICAGO. S. II. GILL, Proprietor. fjThlit House havinp l»een recntlv thorongli l^re paired and renovated tlinitiirhmit. la now open for guests. The location is desirable, be ing in the very heart of the hnsines* part of tjie city- Country Mm-hants will lind all the Sfcbforts of a TI'me at the reasonable coat of 0K DOLLAR FIFTY PKU DAY. The Proprietor would return 1 ii* thank* to tbe business men of the Northwest for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon kiui, and would state that it w ill ever bv hu aim to consult the comfort of his gucat*. Omnibus lines run to and from this hotel In connection witli aU Uu» nulruMii trains and steamboat line*. TREMONT liUL'^i:, Corner of 8th and Iowa Street*, DCBUOUE IOWA. This Houae is ceutrtilly locate^l to the btisi part of the City, and Pootoftice. Tl»e ]rit tor denir»-s to please all who may favor biro with their patronage, and aolkrita a trial of tboev visiting the ci ly UilO. L. DICKINSON. Proprietor. 9. B. A firat-claaa Barber Shop and Bath teg rooms in the house. 17) I AMERICAN HOTEL, •oaaaa or cast water dctboit btrbcm, MILWAUKEE. W. 8. AMOS, PROPRIETOR. Thie Hoaee ia lootted in the busineM part of the City, convenient to tbe Cars and pMata. IT innil»ui and lfci}.'t tK« Wagiui alwaya on hand to convey Pa*Keniji is and Hiuina^e to and from the lkiats aiul Can free of charge. CARTER HOUSE, JOHN L. WILCOX PKOI'RIETOM, ,H«. MAIN HTUKKT, CEDAK TALIM, H* Black Uauh Cvunty low*. ?l'his house having changed hancbi. and IUB dargone a thorough n tittiiij and retuoleling, U now ready for the a~commodatiou of the public. It i« Hituatel in the bu*inc*s |art of Oalar Kalis The proprietor pledges hiuuelf that no pains will lie i|uticd to make his comfortable. Stiipc* leave this lioiit-e lilly for the North, South and Wert. r.5:87 AMERICAN HOUSE, 00RKEK or MAIM AND MARKET IfTRtJCTS, ROCK FORD, ILL, Ifaarly opposite the Kenosha Depot. •HWH A. BlOKliOW, l*ro|»rtetor. CtkraUof the Houne oHiwyed lo and from the CaB free of barge, Anglic ctahliu^ uliu«^Ins] Montgomery House, BY HENRY BAKER, VAfBTA Chickasaw Covmtt, Iowa. SUtgea leave this House d^uly for the North, •outh, hjwt and West. Watches and Jewelry. A. E. SAWYKR, ^Matchmaker and Jeweller AT TUK Cirr JEWELRY STORM, OffXltare CITT FLOTD COlTfTT, T0WA. N. Watchea, Clocks aud Jewelry re paired iu tip-topstyle. 43tf MATSON k LOOM IS, IMPORTERS AM) MAS'UhACTt HERS, Aad Wholesale an1 Retail Dealer* in ^s^ine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Sliver aud Plated Ware, 8jxvtacle»», Watch Miilcriulri, TooIh, 4c. No. 194 East Water Sll'tict, MILWAUKEE, WIS. •ii tern la A. B. VAN COTT, IMPOaTBB AMD MAMtfALTt aiaor Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, MASONIC JEWELS, SILVER AMD PLATE!) WARE, ETC., Cor. Eaat Water aud Wuconain St*., MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN. Watch Tools and Materials of every descrip tion. A. B. F. HILDRETH, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR* 'l forwarding i.f llii' lutein gaar.erfor tbla aervtce so long a* tbe number shall be kapt eoM. Bntinf-i- pertaining to the paper ran he transacted WNh the Publisher any lay at tin- Offl«-e of PuMieatioii. ©nmmtinieation* may hi- addrewed to the Kdit«r,who WlUpr otnptly *nil faithfully re|«iil to thcia. Tsaas or advkbtimko: w. TwT $a 00 oo ftO #«o 10 00 I Tl so 12 00 1ft «0 TwT" $3 7.S 7 50 7 50 10 00 I 1-' 50 Tf Square,60 I 8»|Uarei», 3 CiO Squares, 3 60 *""J Squares, 4 00 3m *m itm »7 1 *12 10 18 14 |_21 lfi JJS 18 30 •20 35 26 66 tt| 85 «S 00 I it IM I 111 00 12 00 14 00 I 14 OO IK (Ml 15 IHI I 18 00 I 18 00 '26 00 initrrs for to* iTnauaesre* 9. M. TVttinpill A Co.. Newspaper Advertising Afetrta, to.87 Park Row. New York. C. Srriren. tieneral Advertising Agent, Detr Ml Street, Chicago. Business Card* of An Nan or Mas will ba I—rtad is IMcnlunin for t.'i.oo annum. Kr each additional ovar Ave,one dollar will he charged. HOTELS. Htf ATTOHNEY8. W*. a. VAIBFKLD. •. O. PRATT. FAIRFIELD k PRATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Charles City. Floyd County.... Icnca. Will prnctine In all the CourtH of the State. All buaiuew promptly attended to. STAKR & PATTERSON, Attorneys Counsellors at Late, CHARLKS C1TT, ItOYD CO., IOWA. |ff° Will practice in Northern Iowa And Southern MinnoHotR. Particnlsr attention paid to collection*. paving taxea, convey ancing, and furnishing atatracta of title of Lanl*. Office over Stone Store. Iv51y fl. G. Relnlgar. RrMger. 0. O. k R. 0. REINIGER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW And Solicitors in Chancery, Dettlers in Real Estate, Exchange, Ae. CHAKLKR CITT, JXOTO COC.XTT, IOWA. Will attend to bum newt and practice in the Supreme and District Court of Iowa. Information and pood refcrcncw will be cheerfully given on request. 88tf B. F. JONES, Attorney at Law, Notary Public, and CommiuioHtr of Dftdt/vr lo*m. Titled Kxatnined, Taxes Paid, Collection® made and promptly remitted. Alio, l'ublihlier of Minnesota Courier." OfSce, Head (Juartera, Au*tn. H*rrr tbunty, Jf«an«wtfS» frtnrwrv 1,1861 Mkccllaucous Cards. CTTY nnrrKFrnnr B. M. n.VRGER, WVOIXSAIK A KIRTAII I KURN 15 Books and Stationery, Music, Instruments. Print and Wrappiug Papers. Printers' Stock, Etc. No. Ill Maix Str» kt, Pt in qt r, Iowa Depository of the American Tract Society. BELLAMY, JACOBS & 20* PRODUCE AND Commission Merchants, AM LlEALKItS IN U I S 161 South W uter St., Chicago. REFERENCE:). QuaNI 4 IwUwr. Suitli, Pollud 4 Oa STEARNS k FORSYTH, Wholesale Grocers, —AND DEALERS IN PROVISIONS, 185 South Water Street, j. w. stkakks, I CHICAGO. J. IOBSTTH. 14 yl Wisconsin Trunk Manufactory JOHN R. COCUP, MfMain Street, near Newhall Home, Milwaukee. Wisconsin. Manufacturer and WHOLESALE A- RETAIL HRAI.KK IN TRUNKS, VALISES AND CARPET SAGS. Our Work ia excelled by none, and all arti cles warranted as represented when sold. Trunks made to order, covcred and repaired. f* I4yl* O. C. CONE, Dealer in Hardware, Iront Nails, &c., &c., Mcdregor, Clayton County, Iowa. ALBERT H. H0VEY, Agent for Manufacturers, and Dealer in all kinds of Agricultural Implements, ALSO FIELD, GARDEN AND FLOWER SBSD6, No. 194 Lake Street, Chicago, Illinois. P.O. Box 3047. 14y 1 A. B. F. HILDRETH, public & ConveyanOftr, CHARLES CITY, Floytl County, Iowa. SMITH & ATKINSON, DFAl.ERS IN DRUGS, HOOKS, STATIONERY, Newspapers, Magazines, fcc. ^c. CHARLES CITY, IOWA. fttovt on Mill Street, near the Mill. SU J. W. SMITH, M. D., •CLKCT1C PHYSIC IA A A SUR GEON, CHAR LIU* CITY, FLOYD CO IOWA. Office at the Dru^ & Ilotik Store, on Mill St. —Besidence, uear the School House. n. C. BRADLEY k CO., WUOUHALI DKALKK* IN Y A N K E E N O I O N S 117 East Watet Street. Iftji MILWAUKEE. BLAIR k PERSONS,. WUOLK8ALK k KKTAIL DEALER* IN China, Karthern Glass Ware, k SILVER PLATED (JOOJ)S, Cutlery, Japanned Ware, Looking Ulanses, Britannia Ware, Gas Fixture*, Lani|«, &c. 160 Eaat Water Street, MILWAUKEE. IDA HOUSE, B. M. Wavsblt, WARREN, PROPRIETOR Bbkmks Cocntt, Iowa. WOOLLEY k SNYDER, uaaaua city floyd coiTr iowa. Plows made and repaired, OmiajfttAvmd, and Qtneral Jobbing damt. MRS. H. M. DUNN, WKA1.KH IN Vfclhionable Millinery Goods, Wholemlt aud Retail, Vo. 18 Wiacunau Siicvt. Milwaukee. F.l.Tinol.D'g Genuine Preparations. COMPOUND FI.VID EXTRACT BI'CIIU, a immiiim- am] Kenn'dy for 11-•:i-• nf the Rl nl der. Kidney,travel, anil ]»r•]»ii-aI Swelling*. Tin- M«lnini' hut'the |miw»*r uf lMyi-ti"n. and exi'itthe ah^irheiit- iiit healthy action, hy wIim the water or rah'iii fHius di'^Ki^ilions, ninl all Miinaturul en largmionts are reduced, oa well as sain and Inflamma tion. HELMBOLD'I) 'EXTRACT Bt'CHO. FW We«km--:j ariiinif tr'm Ktcen.^e*. It ihlt^ of TKmI poti'hi. I'.u ly Indtri reUoa af Abu^e, attrixiud with tka fullowiii)! ni[ili|tl« ln'ilt«*ttNn Exertion, l.i»« i Memory, Weitk Sfrvc, Ilnrri'r of IMmne-'«of l'ui\er.-al ooeof the MiiM uiur Systprn, Hut Hindu. Ilrviie-S of the Slcfn. Lnw nf 1*WOT, 1 titheiiIt v of Breathing, Triniblinc, Wiiki'fuliH**, Hain in the Back, of tii* Pods, iHUon* mi the Knee, IMIkI Qunteiiaace. tymi4um«, if aIVwei to tn on, whtoh tblaneM doeiuvari.ili rcmovi--. r11. w luifxifriicy, Firtnihf, Rfrilrjitir FX$, ftl one of whtrh the I'Hlii'lit rr»V expire. Whu ''.hii lint tti\\ nre nut Iri'ijueiitly followed bjr thoff -1 ii i-li: I I'le i.-e-." INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION. Many are aware nf the cajse of their »iiRering, but Xtme trill conftsttht word* of the Tntant A*yturtu. ind nii'l inoholy death- hvenn-'iriijitnin bear ample wit •leas t" DietMlii ul tin a—iTtiou. The i n- tit 'it ii 'M IIH'.' till rteil liv orirmiie we i k ries.-i re Hiirfi the ai.l l»f lii.-diuue to 4trei:gllii'li and uiv^i rite ihe -y-u ni. Which HrimlxJJ't Ezhroct Buck* invariably dam. A t: lul will O'liviiuv the mwt -ki i'tM ul. FEMALKS—FKMALKS—FEMALES. In many affections ixsuliar to Feiualea, the rxtrart llnrhu is nnequalled hv un other Kenuiiy, as in Chlorii-i* or Ret''iitiiKi, IrroK'ikirity, raiuliiliii .-.- or sup pre -hiii n| en-tmiiiry eviii'iwtK-ii-. t'leei iied or S-ir rljini* ^uvteof thel terns. 'n h'irrliiiii or Whiles, bteril ity. and lor .ill i "tunii!.iiiit- iri• i• I• hI t-» the *•*, whether aruiUK from iii iii.T«iiiu, habit- of Oi«M|uttiiii. or llie DECLINE Oil CHANGE OF LIFE. Take no more Balsam, Mercury or nnpleas ant ttimlK'ine* for unplea-atit or dangerous disea^eo. Ttdtnbtjld't Extract Buchu and Improved Roamttt$k CCKBS SFX.'RKT DISEASES In all tlieir ^til^*'•-, Al litt!-- i-x|ie:i.-e, Little or uo cimiifse in diet. No iiktiiu etiicnee, AND XO EXPOSURE. It rauiies a fri*ii.vnl ile-if :tu I «ives stret.cth Mle. therxhy reniov I'se hold's Iji to tract ii nri- my otiwtrwtioiMi. |rev iitllir «TKt H»r lit -ti irtures 11 ie V i-thra. itli.iv niii |mm and iulium tititHin ,jo lrer|neiit In tlte rla^i i( '«IUeiu«H. and expulling (II |K'i-niio\i«, .li-i a-i rfiid wurnnut in itt-r •nnHi-anils ii|«ii th'Hi-iuid*. who have if giM.-k". and who *-h"rt !nie, Imvi-round tx-en thr have hy been ted victim* In .ivy tu he cured in they were deceived, Uie I'nj.-oX lias, and tlie iiseuf (towerIn I dried up iti th' a-triiif^-nts, •y -tcm. to treakout lurtn, aud in aa aggrava jicrkapt nfu nttxrrutft. Bueha di--e.i-.-Holm s for ti-rfemale, i•! how liiii^.' si.iii.liii ihsi'iisM *t th-A.'oriritiM all afl^etieM an4 nfllie 11 11 u urifun- whither eswtinn in tna ar from w hatever isuse urtKinattug and im lo u e the dn-ired ellect awt- require the ahl of a diuretic. Belnili. Id's Kxtrni llichu i- llii- lireMt I" :reti- and is •ertam in r«'.-|«"nsilik all di-ea-es for whk is ii-«•.•iiitii- •i'ti-1 Kvi h'liee o| th- nio-t reliuhlu character will accuui^tny aud the luixlu iue. Pifct mw per Bottle, «r Hx fkr |3,W, dtHu ered to my addreM*, securely packed from ob.-Mrtra •fi 11 lHsT.he syni toius iu all caauniuiicaui'ua. i'nrea Ciaaraterd. AivlM Oiailei JUldrva." lett. r« fur ml.Ut H. U. I«KI.MIML.D, ChtaaM, Ml s.uth l'e-.ii, -i i u I'he-tm.t, Phihtdalptala. Miilical 1*1«I, HiXMDOU'- It, ul'hi.,' War« h.'ii-e, 9M Braadwa), New York. of Qtunfrr/rit* and unprmrijJtil Draiert Who eudeavor tudis|er of lle-ir nan "-aa4**elber" artK-le* on the ri'puiatloii utta.nixl by Uelmhuld'a ueiiiiine I*i.r..thhi. Kxti itct ItiK hu. i'jLtrurt Sari«4artaa. Iai|irovt«l lltwe Waah. HOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS EN'ERYWHERK!' Ait for llelmbnld'a-Take no other. Cut out the Advertisement and *end ft»r It, And avoid ttnpoeitum and erjmturt. 47jp| HOSTETTEBS CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. Iffl aait pmrerftat Toetr, rorrerttve and aMeraMv* UT aruutk-rful t-Qk'acj' iu UiBcaaw uf tba Stomach, Liver and Bowels, iCurea J}'Hpe|aw. Liver Coiiiflaiut. Ji iua. lie, eueral lN*ti'.lil Wrvi-usuiK*. Iviire--jcii id r*|i!riu«, Couatl palKiii, Culic, lull iuuucul hui-. rami* aud Sim-iu-, mid all t'onip:a i l.- of either Sex, arwiac (rum Utaiiiy We^kuuvi wbatkar iuliereiu iii the stem or produced by »|M*ual «MU»oa. Nothing thai i.« nH wholesome, genict and re«torative 111 it- u-iUire fillers iulu tlii uui i".-ili"ii u! lioMKTU K SlOMAlU lit ITKfW. Ttii-i po|Hilar preparulion contain.-, tio miuci«l ul «ny luml, hu .IM-l.Y UuUiiiri1 eleiiumt. uo tin excitant itm it t.- a ruiiibiuatinii of the extract* of rare l»L-aunr li. i i- tunl plant-- with lilt) purest ami tuiWi c.-t ul ail tllUu.MW .--lllliulttllt- It ia well to be forearmed again** dweaoe. and, ao Bv aa th* human vjratH* can b* ivulactad by baaaau aaaaaa •tXuuu-i uiaUlie« eiij{eiiJweJ by an uuvsliulemwie auniM ph- re. impure and Other external ca taca, Uaal»t ter'a litUein uijiy be relied uuaiu safef- i arU. In il*ti icu lufesVnl with fever ami .Wue. it turn tieoii 1 tiMiml uil'.ilMiic .1- a prev entivc aiul iri er-L-tuhle us n renie mi.! Uwiir.iti'U «ho report toil uinler *ppi «ticiu*iuu ul an HlUii k. e-iu|ie the •mrn.* an tli'.ii-.ili l.- who li.« iet i u avail liieia-x-lvi- of its pri't- u\ o .iujltiv» unul vmicc arecuiixl hy a very hri.Tc-iin«• nf till- uvurvclour nmlciii* Kevur and A^ue p«Ueoi-, atVr Ik-iii^ p..e'l with uiniiiuc lor month- in u.u. uptil «n ly -«|nr ileil witti tluti ilauKanaia alkaloid, are n4 mifraquMriljr rv -i. •«1.1 lu-aitU «ithui afi-w day a by the uacof HutM ter K B»turw. Tlic weak n mach rapidly uo i*»iiul. .1 aud Uie ap peUU- 11 11 r«-• 1 hy t!iu a^ri^-alile Tonif, nnd hence it work* wonder? in cam-- of lk-(wp-ia, and l*wa «^'U flmn-.t fornix of liMinc-tuui Acting a (f.-utle and (Htinlvaa a|erieiit. as well a.s tl|iuti Uie livur. Saiawtava riahly reliever tlie IViiMtipatioii niitHTiuduced by irr«Kular M-tiou of Ui« diguativv ami cocretive t.rgaua. reraon* of feeble habit, liable to Nervou* Attnclu, Un»ne»n Cpiriu and KiL- nf l^niiuor, dud promt* aad IM'rniiiiient relief from the Kilter* The te-tiawiuy ou liua |a«M u otoat touclUMvt, aud fruui both scxiti. The of ftibouH Colic u uiimodiawiy Aii^iagad by a Binirh* doe.»f the ktiniiihuit, and by w-casioiiallyreeort in* u it, tlw return oi tho ti«ii{iuiiil may Im yrevvutcd. Ak a General Tonic. Huhtwttur'* Uiuer proiliM-e eflV«t. which in.let he expi-rieiiced or witiic~»cd before they can lie fully appreciated, la catOH nf tiiut-tllutuiliai Weak uei-, Piclii.ilwri' IK.mi and iKrhility and IH-cri ari.Mtitf I'roui Old .*{», it xen i-e.- ibe etectrK mnu.-ncv lU ti*' loiivalicut stof "l all dlM-MMa* it .'perutx* jk deli|fh*ful itivfeoraai. when the |mw«ra of Mure ara rul«At.d, u oiKralna to rv-euturco aud r« «stablLib Uiein. La.-it, but not 1m.uI,it ia The Only Safe Stimulant, being inaliulitt tin lit fruin mhiii.I and imim-nou mateiiuls. and i-utiiely tree frmn the tu id i leiii.-UL- present luurv or leas all Uie ordinary tonio and htomachic nf the day No family modioli*' hax Im«« *o uinver^-illv, and, It may IK- truly added. tlrttinxUy |»|iiilai v ith tin- mtellieal IwrtMNi uf the cnmniuuity, aa Ua*uitu r'^ lliuura. Prefiarod by HOKTEITER BMiTH, Htlahurfk, Pa. I Sold by allDruggisia, Groccrt aad Storekeepers every wUete. C|c Jnlcilufcitccr. Westward the rour?e (if empire takes its wajr." A. B. F. HILDRETH, Editor. Charles City, Iowa, Aug1,11,1864. Hon. W. B. Alliaon hat onr thanks for a copy of the Iuternal Revcnoo act. It is a penal ofTenso to give an ex hibition of ventriloquism or sleight-of hand iu Vermont. A little girl fell into a well at Mar* shalltowti, and was brought out alive and sound. The well watt 24 feet deep J. P. Colby, Esq.,of Montpelier, Vt, has been appointed Rpginter of the Treasury, rice Hon. L. E. Chitteudeu, resigned. John Day advertises in an Eastern |»sper for his stampeded black-and tan. Every dog has his day but it seema that every Day docs not have his dog. Captain Powera, of Chickasaw coun ty, late of the 9th Infantry, hns been appointed Drafting Commissioner in the 3d Congressional Diwtrict, is place of Col. Henderson, resigned. Abont a thousaud Federal prinoners, mainly of Iowa and Indiana regiments, arrived at New Orleans on the 24th ultimo from Texan, having been ex changed. Most of them have been in captivity for over year. So very scarce is help in the harvest fields in this section that great num bers of the (, Norwegian aud Bohemian servant girls of LaCrosse have been hired to go out during liar veat to work securing grain. They receive two dollars a day for their ser vices, and even at this rate, enough help cannot be had to secure the crops. —La Crosse l)enurut. 44 should have been." That is s very delicate way of saying that a man is Addicted to lying. General McPherson, was engaged to be married to a beautiful and accom plished young lady of Baltimore. The dispatch aunouncing his death by ac cident fell into hur hands ou its arri val. It waa addressed to her mother, who, not being able to ace well with tout her glasses, passed it to the daugh ter engaged to the deceased to read. Seeing it recorded his death—she in stantly faiutcd. The scene was pecu liarly distressing. A letter from the Army of the Poto mac dated the 24th ult., says Gen. Robert E. Lee, commanding the so called Confederate armies, I am relia bly informed, sustained a scalp wound tin the right side of his head, while viewing our lines on the 8th ultimo, as he .was standing in front of our centre. He was indisposed for a few days from its effects, but is now again in commuud. I derive this informa tion from a gentleman very recently near his person." The number of rebel prisoners bow in our possession is semi-officially sta ted to be upward of 02,000, of which about 4,000 are officers. The various depots at which prisoners are confined are becoming so crowded aa to render the establishment of others necessary. Tbe Coinmissary-Geueral of Prisoners is now at Elmira, New York, superin tending the removal of prisoners from Poiut Lookout to that place. The bar racks there are expected to accommo date 13,000 inen. Two men who gave their names as Brown and Jones purchasod a pair of horses of a farmer near Glcnwood, Mills county, Iowa, and gave him in payment for tbe horses four counter feit $100 greenbacks. We were shown the money and pronounce it a dangerous counterfeit aud well calcu lated to deceive the best judgep. The gentleman who was victimized passed through this place iu pursuit of the rascals yesterday. A short shrift and stroug rope, is the proper corrective for fcuch gentry.—Adair Register. The Secretary of the Interior has approved the swamp laud indemnity awards, under the set of March 2d, 1855, adjudicated by the Commission er of tbe General Land Office, for tbe counties of Chickasaw, Allamakee, Johnson, Fremont, Adair, Fayette, Bremer, Mills, Butler, Mahaska, Guth rie, Buchanan, Clayton, Washington, Decatur, and Dubuque—all in Iowa Thess awards give the State of Iowa permission to locato about 61,332 acres of land in lieu of swamp lands sold by the Government, aud special certificates for that purpose will speed ily be issued by the General Lead 1 Office. "pltstfoarb tjjc €ottrst of (Empirt tahes its (fittait." lfr. Greeley speaks of bis late co» tain their diplomas or certificates of adjntor, Col. [orado] Jowett, as CHARLES CITY, FLOYD COUNTY, IOWA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1864. Don't let Him Drop. The freed men of Vickal.urg went out to the Jeff. Davis plantation oft the Fourth of July, and had a picnic jubilee. An aged and reverend dar ky was called on to offer prayer, and, standing in the porch of Jeff. Davis* mansion, he prayed thus Oh I MaHsa Jeans, mighty God, aave Massa Jeff, 'fore it am everlas* tingly too lato. Oh 1 Lord, take him by de nap of de ueck, mid shake him over the fiery furnace until he squeal like a pig in do bars. But don't let him drop oh, Massa Jestm, don't let him drop, but fetch him to repentance, and save him soul iu do uLcihtHting kingdom, 'fore detn Yankee* make hina dry bones in a box." Coimminicitioiis. OMtMpuadMMSwf Uie Char** Ol» IntelUgnKner. Letter from the Go. Superintendent Mr. Editor :—I proposed to you, sometime since, to discuss, through your Iutelligencer, th© subject of Teachers Institutes—to inquire after tho best method of conducting the same. As a portion of the funds of the State is appropriated lo defray the ex penses of these lustitutes, the public have a right to see, and to kuow, that the greatest possible amount of good is derived from the appropriation. There are two systems in vogue for conducting the lustitutes. One is, the Lecture system the other the Drill system. According to tho for mer, they are not regarded as schools, but simply an attendance on lectures. According to the latter, they are re garded as model schoUs, and each mem ber as a pupil. Iu the Eastern States, the drill system, I think, entirely pre vails iu the Weutcrn, wo find the lecture system. Wo know that stu dents iu medicine, iu many of the States, aro compelled to attend a course of lectures before tliey can ob- a qualification but these lectures arc geutleman of vivid imagination, who always the finishing up of their pro does not always clearly discriminate1 fession^l studies. As far as my kowl betwuen objective realities aud sub-'edge extends, onr teachers here, in jectivs conceptions—between what' the west, have not yet arrived at that was said to him and what he thinks point in their studies when a course of lectures would fiuisli up their peda gogical knowledge. They need drill ing. They need teaching. By the lecture system, the members are mere-i The Theory of teaching, which any one can read at leisure, is often made the subject of the lecture for ncarly the wholo session of the Iusti-j tute. The practical part, always the «reM ,ectcd- bers at the close of tbe Institute, than 1 at its commencement. Some few leading members, perhaps, as an illustration, may be called out and something about their qualifications ascertained but the retired oues, those less ad vanced, those who need most to be in structed are entirely overlooked. The only objection to the drill sys tem seems to be, want of time. Whatj can you do with a school in six days, i is the tauuting phrase against it. Ac cording to my judgment and experi ence, much can be done in six days. Wholo regimeuts and divisions of au army are reviewed and made to go through the manual of arms in a single day. The officers give the word aud each soldier is made to go through with the maneuver. Not oue is ex cused. The review is for tbe express purpose of ascertaining whether each man aud officer understands military tactics. Sir, in these Institutes, a thorough review of all the common school branches should be had. If the members of the Institute were organized iuto a school, and the whole time of tho week economically hus banded, the whole courso of studies demanded in our common schools might be reviewed. Princi might be explaiued, knotty questions divest ed of their intricacv, aud no member Again, if six days are not enough, better take six more than to lose the whols. Iu the State of New York, In stitutes are always held two weeks, aud no State aid is given. The meiu* bers pay their own board, and tax themselves to pay their lecturers and teachers. They have teachers for tbe days and lecturers for the evenings. 1 bring this matter before the publio for their investigation. Upon which OKI"1 rcrAL. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. Pasavd at the Pint We«»*ti»ii of the Thirty KIghtli onjji-e»*. TPcbuc—No. 77.) AN ACT for the classifle'irtlVsft of the clerks to paymasters in the navy, •nd gradaating their pay. lie it enacted by the Senate and House of Represent a tires of the United States America in Congress csscmhbuf, That the annual pay of clerks to paymas ters iu the navy shall be as follows, namely: Clerks to paymasters at lli« Boston, New York, Washington, and Phila delphia stations, twelve hundred dol lars. At other stations, one tbosaand dol lars. Clerks to inspectors in charge of provisions and clothing at Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, twelve hundred dollars. At other inspections, one thousand dollars. Clerks to paymasters in receiving ships at Boston and New York, twelve hundred dollars. In other receiving ships, and in vessels of the first rate, and at the Naval Academy, one thousaud dol lars. Clerks to fleet paymasters and to paymasters of vessels of the second rate, eight hundred dollars. Sioux Indians," approved February 16. 1863. Be it evicted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of i America in Congress assembled, That lho snui of nimf ly told how the thing should be done, eight thousand four hundred aud eleven without either seeing it done or beiugt dollars, or so much thereof as may be compelled to do it. Clerks to paymasters of vessels of the third rate, having complements of i trips—that is to say, for twelve round more thau one hundred and seventy-) voyages per annum, out aud back five persons, and to paymasters of supply steamers and store vessels, i sevt'n hundred dollars Provided, That no paymaster or assistant pay master shall le allowed a clerk in a vessel having the complement of one hundred and seventy-five persons or less, excepting in supply steamers and such contract store vessels: Aad provided, further,\ert That such pro That nothing iu this act shall be con strued to alter the pay now allowed by law to tbe paymaster's clerk at Mare island. Approved, May 26,1864. [IYbuc—No. 78.] AN ACT making appropriations for tlie payment of tho awards made by the commissioners appointed un der and by virtue of au act of Con gress entitled An act for tho re lief of persons for damages sustain ed by reason of the depredations and injuries by certain iJUIldred cullliea anJ lwetlty. neccessary, be and the same is hereby appropriated, out of any money in tbe Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the paymentof the several amounts awarded by the commissaju appointed under and by virtue of an act of Con gress eutitled An act for the relief of persons for damages sustained by reason of the depredations and inju- "A most difficult. U almost culiruly oca- pel-soils fi damages ,u»U.„,.d by lie: two guTe, 8eVeral BCt thC Imrnel, T! could fail of being greatly benefitted to the said several claimants,or to .judge of Arapahoe county, iu the 1 named. Approved, May 28,1864. 0' I "f 'I" di-preilutioim aud ti) liavo t.-aii«p..rted, free of expense tceu h,»»dr«d [Pcbuc—No.1|l| empire of Brazil, or such officer of tho government of Brazil as shall bo au thorized to act for that government, in establishing direct mail communica tion between the two countries by means of a monthly line of first class American sea going steamships, to be of not less thau two thousand tons burden each, and of sufficient number to perform twelve round trips or voy agea per annum between a port of the United States, north of the Potomac river, and Uio do Janeiro, in Brazil, touching at Saint Thomas, in the West indies, at Bahia, l'ernarnbuco, and such «ther Brazilian and interme diate port or ports as shall be consid ered necessary and expedient Pro vided, That the expense of the service shall be divided between the two gov ernments, and that the United States portion thereof shall not exceed the snm of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars for the performance of twelve round trips per annum, to be paid out of any money appropriated for the service of the Post Office Department. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted* That the Postmaster General be, and ho is hereby, authorized to invito pro posals for said mail steamship service by public advertisement for the peri od of sixty days in one or more news papers published iu the cities of Wash ington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New \ork, aud Boston, respectively, and to contract with the lowest responsi ble bidder for tho same for a term of ten years, to commence from the day the first steamship of the proposed line shall depart from tho United States with the mails for Brazil Pro ruled, That proposals for monthly are received and accepted by him with in the limit as aforesaid, from a party or parlies of undoubted responsibility, possessing ample ability to furnish the steamships required for the ser vice, aud offering good and sufficient sureties for the faithful performance And provided, furth posals skull be ac cepted l»y the government of Brazil, and that distinct aud separate con tracts with cach government, coutain iug similar provisions, shall be exo cuted by such accepted bidder or bid ders each government to be respon Jl't.l.» .-.r-t- I'... r. .1 Tools of Every Description. HOUSE TRIMMINGS, Window I IVT 10 II. C. Cooper, II. D. the service authorized by this act shall Cunningham, Joseph Descoteau, anil' be exempt from all port charges and Henry ttehuke, which last claim is, custom-house Olass, WAuON MMLSLU, WAGON MATERIALS, bands of and every thins usually found in a well salso tcd Hardware Stock. IM THfni swuK OF liiay be found tlie latest Improvements uiul Ur«t Patterns. E&KMEKS TTTHKmg II \w\ ... ''iy?11U of tho Navy, whoso report shall be made to the Postmaster General that the two governments aliall be entitled to have transported, free of expense, and n„,.ut. aud C. M. Datley.B. II. Randall, Louis i to contract aud that the Postmaster Robert, W. H. Forbes, estate of S. B. General shall have the power to de Garvie, deceased, A. Vajen and Broth- termiue tho contract at auy time, in er, T. I. Pierce, estate of Francis La- case of its being underlet or assigued bathe, deceased, S. A. llooper, estate, to any other party. of James C. Dickenson, deceased,) See. 4. And be it further enacted, Henry Apple, Theodore Crone, Charles That tbe mail steamships employed in Jacobs, F. »l,all b» emitted fa,. By this system, Jfm cannot better approved February sixteen, eigh- agent to take charge of and arrange Moines aud Council Bluffs and the I,,wa within fifteen miles of theoti.riu jndge of the qualifications of its mem-1 and sixty-three, to the the mail matter to whom suitable ac-, ,-ight of way over the public lands of uw luiuiuiF, corporations, respectively, to whom be assigned that in case of failure to said railroad companv for that pur- granted to aid in the construction of such such amounts were awarded by from any cause to perform any of the! pose Provided, That said lino shall tho said road by the act to which this said commissioners, except the follow-, regular monthly voyages stipulated i dues uuuibered 3ti0 OB the books of said parture aud arrival iu the United commissioners. States Provided, That a similar im Sec. 2. And le it further enacted,! munity from port charges and custom That for the paymeut of so much of house said awards made by said commis tueut of Brazil sioners to the persous, firms, and es tates specifically named iu the first section of this act, as the Secretary of the Interior shall upon examina tion find to be due to them respective ly, under said act approved February sixteen, anuo Domini eighteen hun dred aud sixty-three, the further sum of two huudred and forty-one thousaud nine hundred and sixty-three dollars, or so much thereof us may be neces sary, be aud the same is hereby ap propriated out of any mouey iu tlte AN ACT to authorize the establish- ty-eight west, of the sixth principal meut of ocean mail steamship ser- 'meridian Provided, however, That vice between tho United Slate* aud. there shall be reserved from such sale Brazil. aud entry such blocks or lots iu the Be it enacted by tie Smote and House' town of Denver as may be necessary of Representative» of the United States if for Government purposes, to be desig unite at the port of dues is Approved, May 28,1864 de- granted by the govern- Approved, May 28,1864. [PUBLIC—No. 80.] AN ACT for the relief of tbe citizens of Denver, in the Territory of Col orado. Re it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America tn Congress assembled. That the provisions of an act of Congress enti tled "An act for tho relief of the cit izens of towns upon the lands nf the United States, under certain circum- Treasury not otherwise appropriated., stances," approved May twenty-third, i line, an amouut of laud per mile equal And tho Secretary of the Interior is i eighteen hundred and forty-four, be so to that originally authorized to be hereby authorized aud directed to pay extended as to authorize the probate, granted to aid in the construction of thereby. Those teachers who teacb their attorueys heretofore or hereafter ritory of Colorado, to enter, at the i au amendment and if tbe amouut of company nor be encumbered or dis only in the wiutcr season, get some-1 other thau those I minimum price, in trust for the several land grauted by the original act to posed of except in the following man tl 11 claimants specifically named in the use anJ benefit of the rightful occu-iaid iu the coustruction of said railroad ner When the Governor of tbe Ststa w ia run y, as e irase is, an y g,.8j section of this act, the several' pants of said land and the bona fide i shall uot be found within tho limit of of Iowa shall certify to the Secretary attendiug oue of these drills iu the amounts as awarded by said coramis- owners of the improvements thereon, six miles from such line, then such se- of the Interior that said company has Fall, would be completely brightened i sioners, and also to pay the several i according to their PRICE, THREE DOLLARS PER ANNUM. modified, fho execution of the forego ing provisions shall be controlled by fPtBt.ic—No. 81.] AN ACT to provide for the payment of tho claims of Peruvian citizens, un der (he convention between the Uni ted States and Peru, of tbo 12th of January, 1863. Ik it enacted by the Senate and House of liep s i- n i i e s o all communications relating to tbe official business of the Department to which they are addressed, ot what ever origin, addressed to the chiefs of the several Executive Departments of the Government, or to such principal officers of each Executive Department, being luads of bureaus or chief clerks, or one duly authorized by the Post-i master Geueral to frank official matter,' shall be received and qonveyed by mail free of postago without being en-! dorsed "official business," or name of Uie writer. Approved, Juue 1,1864. shown by the map thereof now ou file in the Geueral Land Office of the Uni- led States, BO aud more expeditious liue lor connec- Ter-jsaid respective up for ths business before him. he may find due, uot exceeding the following legal subdivisions of within tweuty miles thereof Provided, section of twenty consecutive miles of the aiuouuts respectively awarded by lauJ( or such portions thereof as are) That the said company shall not be the main line of said road west of Ne said commissioners to the said per-j settled aud actually occupied for town entitled to, and shall not receive, any vada, then the Secretary shall convey sous, firms, and estates so spr. i6wal|y purposes by the town of Denver afore-j land under this grant which is situa- to said company ouu-lhird, and no system will you have your Institutes Postmaster General be, and he is General Laud Office. mentioned in tbe title of this act to makiug in all sixty miles west of Ne oonducted? II. Wii.bcr. hereby, authorized to Aemrica Congress assembled, That natcd by the Commissioner of tbe grauted a portion of tho land grant au additional section of twenty uiiles, County Superintendent general post office department of the i That iu all respects, except as bcreiu! from Burlington in said State to the nished as aforesaid, may convey t» tho provisions of said act of twenty-j or shall cause to be certified and con* third May, eighteen hundred and forty* veyed to said company from tiino lo four, and the rules and regulations of time, as the road progresses, out of tho Commissioner of the General Land Office. e I n i e S a e s Approved, June 1,1864. o America in Congress assembled, That for the purpose of discharging the ob ligations of the United States, under the convention with Peru, of the twelfth of January last, there be paid to Stephen (r. Montauo, or to his legal representatives, iu the current mouey of the United Slates, the sum of forty one thousand seven hundred nnd eigh ty-two dollars and thirty-eight cents and to Juan del Carmen Yergtd, or his legal representatives, the sum of one thousand one hundred and seventy dollars, in the silver money of the United States, or its equivalent, out of any money in the Treasury not oth erwise appropriated. fPublic—No. 82.] nth tlte [Public—No. 83 AM ACT to amend an act entitled An set making a grant of land to the State of Iowa, in alternate sections, to aid in the construction ef certaiu railroads in said State," approved May 15,1856. Be enacted by the Senafe and llmtse of epresentatires i the United .Shifts of America in Congress assembled, That the Mississippi aud Missouri Railroad Company, a corporation established by the laws of the State of Iowa, and to which the said State granted a por- Office of the United States a map defi tion of the laud grant mentioned in the title of this act, to aid in the con struction of a railroad from Davenport to Council Bluffs in said State, may modify or change the location of the {uncompleted portion of its line, as "IW ion Pacific railroad Prodded, neverthe- attached, and on which a bona tide set- Tll lt 8sill 8|,a|| in cvt.,.y cag„ paM ries by certain bands of fctoux lud«-,oneach and every steamer, a mail corporate limits of the cities of Des the United Stales or from the State rf estates, and commodates for that purpose shall ,|ie C„ited States is hereby granted to that originally authorized to be pa85l ing persous, estates, and firms to for in the contract, a pro rata dedue-1 Jasper countv, or as near said town of lands per mile granted or intended whom awards wore made as aforesaid, jtion shall be made from tho compensa- as may be to wit: Antoine Roberts, J. C. To- tion on account of such omitted voy- further uorth of said town thau the aid in the construction of said railroad berer, Gilbault and Company, W. L., age or voyages that suitablo fines north line of section twenty-two, town- shall uot be found within the limits of Sumner, Mendelsohn, D.C Mar- and penalties may be imposed for de- ship vin, Joseph lopp, B. Ileinbach, W lays and irregularities in the regular according to the United States sur- then such selections may bo made \V\ l'endergast, Louis Theobald, J. performance of the service accoiding Veys, That whenever such new location shall have been established, the said railroad company shall file iu the Gen eral Land Office at Washington a map, definitely showing such new location and the Secretary of the Interior sliall cause to bo certified and conveyed to said company from tiino to time, as the road progresses, out of any pub lie lauds now belongiug to the luited States not sold, reserved, or other wise disposed of, or to which a pre emption claim or right of homestead settleuieut has uot attached, aud on which a bona fide settlement aud im provement has not been made under color of title derived from the I nited States or from the State of IoWa with in six miles of such newly located uy the difference in cost, if any, be- of Provided, hutrtver. That such new twecu the liue proposed by the compa- located or modified line shall pass uy and the one contemplated by this through or near Boonsbort/, in Boon provision, including extra cost of county, and intersect the Boyer river right of way, if any, said difference in not further south than a point at or cost to be estimated by competent en-' near Dennison, in Crawford county giueers to be selected by the parties. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, i interests, lections may be made aloug such line completed in said, to wit Section number thirty-j te within fifteen miles of the liue of more, of tho lands granted for said three, and the west half of sectiou i the Burlington and Missouri River I connecting branch. Aud when said number thirty-four, in township nutn-: Railroad, as indicated by the map of company shall complete an additional ber three south, of range number six-| said road, now on file iu tbe Geueral section of twenty consecutive miles. with the! Sec. 2. And further enactul, aid in tbe construction of a railroad vada, the Secretary, upon proof fnr- NTOrfiER 32. Missouri river, shall be entitled to re* ceive, and the Secretary of the Interi- any public lands now belonging to tlitl United States not sold, reserved, or otherwise disposed of, or to which ft pi e-emption claim color or right of ho ne- stead settlement has not attached, aud on which a bona tide settlement aud improvement has not been made un der of title derived from act the lat- AN ACT in relation to franked ter. lie it enacted by the Smote nnd House of Representatives of the United States ff ^|)0 America in Congress assembled, the Uni ted States or from tho State of Iowa, within six miles of said road, as now located, an amount of land per mild equal to that mentioned iu the act to which this is an amendment, as in tended to aid in the construction of said road and if the amount of land granted by the original act to aid iiv the construction of said road shall not be found within the limit of six miles from line of said road, then lhat Knjiroad and for tbe purpose of fa cilitating the more immediate cou- &3cU selections may be made along such' lino within twenty miles thereof. Sec. 4. And be it further enacttd. That the Cedar Rapids and Missouri River Railroad Company, a corpora tion established under the laws of the State of Iowa, aud to which the said Stato granted a portion of the land mentioned in the title to this act, may modify or change the location of the uncompleted" portion of its line, as shown by the map thereof now on in the General Land Office of the Uni ted States, so as to secure a better and more expeditions line to the Mis souri river, and to a connexion with owa branch of tho Uuion I'acifio jstructuin of a line of railroads across I the State of Iowa, to connect with tha I Iowa branch of tho Union I'acifio Railroad Company aforesaid, tbe said 'Cedar Rapids aud Missouri [River] Railroad Company is hereby authori sed to connect its line by a branch with the line of the Mississippi and Missouri Railroad Company und the said Cedar Rapids and Missouri River Railroad Company shall be entitled for MUCII modified line to the sauM lands and to the same amount of lands per mile, and for sucii connect ing branch the same amount of land per mile, as originally granted to aid in the construction of its main line, subject to the conditions and forfeit* tires mentioned in the original grant, and, for the said purpose, right of way through the publio lands of the United States ia hereby granted to aaid com pany. And it is further provided. ,„.w line, if loc.L-d, tle„.e,,t ami improvement ln.» „„t I,ecu ,|iroug!l ,l1(! „,ulcr c.,lor of till, derived from U1 mi\u through the town of Newton, in j8 an amendment \nd if the amount found practicable, and not to That whenever said modified main line shall have been established or such connect ing line located, the said Cedar Rap ids and Missouri River Railroad \tm pany shall fil« in the General and nitely showing such modified line and such connecting branch aforesaid ahd the Secretary of tho Interior shall reserve and cause to be certified and conveyed to said company, from time to time, as tbe work progresses on the main line, out of any puMic lands now belonging to tho United States, as to secure a better not sold, reserved, or otherwise dispea- ed tion with the Iowa branch of the n- right of homestead settlement has not of, or to which a pre-emption right or |jn0. an amount of land equal be eighty north, of range nineteen, the fifteen miles therein prescribed, if tho citizens of the county of along said modified line and connect Jasper shall first pay to said compa-1 ing branch within twenty miles there- granted by the original act tu And provided, further, That in case the main line shall be so changed or modi fied as uot to reach the Missouri river at or near the forty-secoud parallel north latitude, it shall be tho duty of said company, within a reasonable time after tbe completion of its road to the Missouri river, to construct a branch road to some point in Monona county, in or at Onawa City and to aid in the coustruction of such branch the same amount of lauds per mile are hereby granted as for the main liue, aud the same shall be reserved aud certified in the same manner said lauds to be selected from any of the unappropriated lands as hereinbefore described within tweuty uiiles of said main line ami branch und said com pany shall file with tho Secretary of the Interior a map of the location of the said branch And provided further. That the lands hereby granted to aid in the construction of the counecting road by the act to which this is branch aforesaid shall not vest iu said good Land Office. and furnish the Secretary of the Inte Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, rior with proof as aforesaid, then the That the Burlington aud Missouri Kiv- .said Secretary may er Railroad company, a corporation company auother third of the lauds organized uuder the laws of the State granted for said connecting branch of Iowa, aud to which said State and.wlien said company shall complete running order a convey thw said