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inclndc all officers of »be internal revc-lat the temperature Hue charged with tlio saf»• krrping, IH tbc United States. SPIRITS, ALK, BF.ER, AN'D PORTER. See. 53. And be it further enacted, That any person required by law to be licensed as a distiller, shall, in ad dition to what is required by other provisions of law, make an applica tion therefor to the assessor of the district, and before the satuo is issued the person so applying shall give bond to the Vnitcd States, in such sum as shall be required by the col- lector, aud with one or move sureties, to be approved by said collector, con ditioned that in case any additional still or stills, or other implements to |KI used as aforesaid, shall be erected by him, his agent, or superintendent, he will, before using, or causing, or permitting the sam? to be used, re port in writiug to tlfc said assessor the capacity thereof, audi Information from time to time of any change in the form, capacity, ownership, agen cy, or superintendence, which all or either of the said stills or other imple nents may undergo, and that he will from day 1 incrit. ni.y undergo, and „,.s8or ty entered, in a book to be kept foi that purpose, the number of gallons of spir its that may be distilled by said still or stills, or other implements, aud al eo of the quantities of grain or other vegetable productions, or other sub stances put into the mash tub, or oth erwise used by him, his agent or su perintendent, for the purpose of pro ducing spirits and said book shall lie open at all times during the (Sun day accepted) to the inspection of the said assessor, assistant assessor, col lector, deputy collector, or inspector, who uiay make ar,j tr»n»cr.rts therefrom and also that lie will render to the said assessor or assistant assessor, on the first, elev enth, and twenty-first days of each and every month, or within five days ana every monm, or WHOM U •aid license, an ciact .ccmiiit ttng, "f the "tlmWr of galloiw of spur-1 its distilled, and also of the number of gallons placed in warehouse and the number sold or removed for consump tion or sale by him, his agent or su perintendent, and the proof thereof, ng sp vit in the manner prescribed by law that he will not sell or permit to be sold, or removed lor consumption or sale, any spirits distilled by him un der and by virtue of his said license, until the same shall have been inspect ed, gauged, aud proved, and the quan tity tLereof duly entered upon his books as aforesaid and that he will, at the time of rendering said account, pay to the said collector, or his depu ty, the duties which by law are im postd on the spirits so distilled. Aud the said bond may be renewed or changed from time to time, in regard amount and sureties thereof, to the amount mud lector °f Aud all spirits which may Fntirrt»h»?it'H Oirrmonieter transfer, or dislmwim-nt »f the pul-, levying Hulit's on liquor lie tnntiryfe arising therefrom, find to i below proof, the table contained ir »U other persons liavig actual charge, manual for inspectors of spirits, custody, or control of moneys or ac-: pared by FrofeHWf McCulloeh, under ronnta arising from tlie administration 1 of the internal rtvetino. Buche, and adopted by the Treasury Sec. fi2. And the enprriiitrndency of Professor it further e«act- Department, shall be used .and takx-n rd 1 That all assessors and llitrif as- as giving the proportions of absolute eistants, all collccctors and their depu- alcohol in the li'juidn gauged and ties, and all inspectors are hereby au-! proved according to which duties thot'ized to administer oaths and take shall be levied, until Otherwise order evidence touching any part of the ad- jed by U.c Secretary of tho Treasury, ministration of ibis law with which who is hereby authorized to adopt they are respectively charged, ««d imch hydrometers and prescribe such where such oaths and evidence are rules and regulations as he may deem by law authorized to be taken and necessary to insure a uniform system any perjury therein 6hall be punished of inspcctiuu and gauging of spirits in the like manner, and to the same Jsubjcct to duties throughout loo Lot degreo, as in the case of perjury com- ted States. mi tied in proceedings in tke •ourts of Sec. 57. And lc it further enacted, That every person who shall be the owucr of any still, boiler, or other ves sel, used or intended to be nsed for the purpose of distilling spirituous liquors, as hereinbefore provided, or who shall have such still, boiler, or other vessel under his superintend ence, either as agent for the owner or on his own account and every per son who shall use any still, boiler, or other vessel, as aforesaid, either as owner agent, or otherwise, shall from day to day make true and exact en- oj |f) bu cnt(iej "r ""7J ""rv tl..',o«r a,„l .Ml render to -aid or ()f k telifi(,d 1Uc' co1' a Sec. 54. And be it further enacted, That the application in writing made by any person for a license for distil lery as aforesaid, shall state the place of distilling, the number aud capacity of the still or stills, boiler or boilers, and the i.i»me of the person, firm, com pany, or corj»oration using the same and any person making a false state ment in either of the said particulars shall forfeit aud pay the sum of one hundred dollars, to be recovered with costs of suit. Sec. 55. And be it further enactcd, That in addition to the duties payable for licenses herein provided, there shall be levied, collected, uud paid on all spirits that may be distilled and sold, or distilled aud removed for con sumption or sale, of first proof, on and after the first day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, and prior to the first day of February, eighteen hun dred and sixty-five, a duty of one dol lar and fifty cents on cach and every gallon and on and after February first, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, a duty of two dollars on each and eve- ry gallon. iu the possession of the distiller or iu duties, who shall mark upon the public store or bonded warehouse, on e'ask or other packagecoutaiuiug such cither tho first day of July or Februa- spirits, in a manner to be prescribed ry aforesaid, noduty having been paid hy said Commissioner, the quality aud thereon, shall be held and treated as proof of the contents of such cask or if distilled on those days respectively,' package, with the date of inspection and said duties shall be paid by the said distillery is situated, until the said duty shall be paid Provided, That the duty on all spirits shall be collected at no lower rate than thc ba sis of the first proof, aud shall be in creased iu proportion for any greater strength than the strength of first proof Prowled, further, That any per son who shall distil spirits aud use the same in the manufacture of any other article without having taken out a license and paid such duties as aro prescribed by law in relation thereto, shall, in addition to all other peualties and forfeitures, be liable 1» pay one hundred pur cfltttum addition al duties thereon. Sec. 56. And be it further enacted, That the term first proof used in this act and iu the laws of the United i „,e Baid bofflk of sixty degrees as the Secretary of the I reasnry may ometer. And in prescribe and such warehouse when liquors ubojw and4approvri by the collector, hereby daied '^n the pre- in a book to be kept for that purpose, tlx num ber of gallons of spirits distilled, and also the number of gallons placed in warehouse, and also the number sold, or removed for consumption or sale, and the proof thereof which book shall always be open in the daytime, (Sundays excepted,) for the inspec tion of the said assesssor, assistant assessor, collector, deputy collector, or inspector, who may take any min utes, memorandums, or transcripts „61iistant assessor, on the- f',crlor ""J8.®first,"eleventh," and "twenty first days monlh incachyeai.f every or withiu five days thereafter, an ac count in duplicate, taken from his books, of the number of gallons of spirits distilled, and also the number of gallons sold, or removed for con sumption or sale, and the proof there of, not before accounted for and shall also keep a book, or books, in a form to be prescribed, by the Commis sioner of Internal Hevenue, and to be open at all seasonable hours for in spection by the assessor, assistant as sessor, collector, deputy collector, or „(C .ij* Ikcrvifu-r, during the continuance of jP^ diR„:ic, wWrcin ,b,|| fn)m diy dav Ull, tities of grain, or other vegetable pro- ductions, or other substances put into the mash tub by him, his agent or su- toI1(J(Mlt fJr thc pnifl08C (1f p!u- jri,- a|(] B,ia|| voriry or ,.lltries, .„d ...counts, hy oath or affirmation, to be taken before thc assessor or assistant assessor, or other competent officer, according to the form required by law, and shall immediately forward to ,,ro i sumption or sale, and in said accounts tional pail of a niontti then next pre- .... «i,„ ceding the date of .aid report, winch «»»'.'""«l •aid tiport .hall be verified by I I That distillers who distil or manufac- ture leu than ouw Von wired fifty barrels of spirits per year may make returns and pay duties on the first day of cach and every month in lieu of the first, eleventh, and twenty-first days of the month, and furnish bonds correspondingly, anything to the con trary notwithstanding And provided further, That brandy distilled from grapes shall pay a tax of tweuty-fivc cents per gallon. See 58. And be it further enacted, That there shall be appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury, in every collcctiou district where thc same neC0M „y, ,me „r „IOre inspec „f refined coal oil or oilier 8pl I oil, tobacco, cigars, and other articles, who shall take an oath faithfully to perform their duties, in such form as the Commissioner of Internal Revenue shall prescribe, and who shall be enti tled to receive such fees as may be fixed and prescribed by said Commis sioner, to be paid by the owner or manufacturer of the articles inspected, gauged, or proved. And any manu facturer of spirits, refilled coal oil or other oil, tobacco, cigars, or other articles which may by law be requir ed to be inspected, who shall refuse to admit an inspector upon his premi ses, so far as it may be necessary for the perfermance of his duties, or who shall obstruct an inspector in the per forma nee of his duties, shall forfeit the sum of one hundred dollars, to be recovered in the manner provided for other penalties imposed by this act. Sec. 59. And be it further enacted, That all spirits distilled as aforesaid by any person licensed as aforesaid shull, before the same are used, or re moved for any purpose, be inspected, gauged, and proved by some inspect- a,id owner, agent or, superintendent of the fhall make a return of all spirits so still or other vessel iu which the said inspected, and the na:: of the distil spirits shall have been distilled, with- jh'r, to the collector, and a duplicate in five days after the time of render-1 thereof to the assessor of the district ing thc accounts of spirits so chargea- duty imposed by law shall be ble with duty, required to be render-1 f*«*'d on all wpiiits so iuspcccd and not ed by law. And the said duties shall removed forthwith to a bonded ware be a lien on the distillery used for dis- house. And any person who shall at tilling the same, with the stills, ves (tempt fraudulently to evade the pay eels, fixtures, and tools therein, aud on ment of duties upon any spirits distill tho lot or tract of land whereon the as aforesaid, by changing in any KUVjCL'l 14 States shall be construed and is here-|caak Package so purchased, sold, by declared to mean that proof of a or n*ed. liquor which corresponds to fifty de- Sec. CO. And be it further enacted, grees of Tralle's centesimal hydrome- That the, owner or owners of any dis tur, adopted by regulation of the lillery or oil refinery, may provide, at Treasury Department, of August his or their own expense, a warehouse, twelfth, eighteen hundred and fifty, i in conformity with tsuch regulation or appointed for the performance of tity of spirituous liquors distilled and sold, or removed for consumption or sale, at the distillery owned by in the county of amount ing to gallons, according to proof prescribed by the laws of tho name of the inspector, and manner the mark upon any such case or package, shall forfeit the sum of one hundred dollars for cach cask or package so altered or changed, to be recovered as hereinbefore provided And any such inspector who shall knowingly put upon any such cask or package any false or fraudulent mark shall be liable to the same penalty hereinbefore provided for cach cask or package so fraudulently marked. And any person who shall purchase or sell any empty cask with the inspection marks thereou, or who shall fraudu lently use any cask or package so marked, for the puiposc of selling any other spirits than that so inspected, or for selling spirits of a quality differ ent from that so inspected, shull be ''I40 penalty for each ilrclaietl A bonded warehiflrac of tb 1'nited States, arid shall -be i«N-'d only for storing distilled spirits or refined coal oil, fir naptha, and t«* be under the custody of the collector or his dep uty. Awl the duty on the spirits, coal oil, or naptha stored in such warehouse shall be paid before it is re moved from such warehouse, unless removed in pursuance of law. Sec. 61. And be it further enacted, That all distilled spirits and all refin ed coal oil and naptha, upon which an excise duty is imposed by law, may, after being inspected, gauged, proved, and marked by the inspector according to thc provisions of this act, be removed, without payment of thc duty, onder sueti rules and regu lations, and npon the execution-of such transportation bonds or other se-. curity as the Secretary of thc Treasu ry may prescribe. The said spirits, oil, or naphtha so removed shall bo transferred directly from thc distillnry or refinery to a bonded warehouse, established in conformity with law and Treasury regulations, and may be transported from such warehouse to any one other bonded warehouse used for the storage of distilled spir its, coal oil, or naphtha. And attef the arrival of such distilled spirits, coal oil, or naphtha, at the bonded warehouso within the district of the assessor to which it has been trans ferred, it shall be again inspected, and the duty shall be assessed and paid on any deficiency or reduction of the number of proof gallons beyond such allowance for leakage as may be established by thc regulations of thc Commissioner of Internal I»evenuer received at the warehouse, from t!u» number of proof gallons as stated ill thc bond given at the place of ship»i merit. And any distilled spirits, coal oil, or naphtha in thc public ware house shall be subject to the same rules and regulations, and be charge able with the same costs and expens es in all respects to which imported goods deposited in public store of bonded warehouse may be subject and shall be in charge of a proper oflV cer, to be designated by the Secretai* ry of the Treasury, who, with the own* er and proprietor of the warehouse^ shall have thc joint custody of all the distilled spirits, oil, or naphtha so stor ed in said warehouse, which shall be at the risk of the owner of said spir its, oil, or naphtha. And all labor on the same shall be performed by thft owner or proprietor of the warehouso, tinder thc supervision of the officer in charge of the same, and at the ex pensc of thc said owner or proprietor of the warehouse. And no draw back shull in any case be allowed on anyi distilled spirits, coal oil, or naphtha, upon which an excise duty shall have been paid, either before or after it shall have been placed in a bonded warehouse Prtnrvied, That any dia» tilled spirits, coal oil, or naphtha may be withdrawn fiom thc bonded ware house after payment to the collector of internal revenue tor the district ill which the warehouse is situated, of the duty imposed by law, or may be moved without payment of the duty for the purpose of being exported, or for the purpose of being redintilled for export, after the quantity and proof of lV»e Kp\r\t», wr t«» Vie re moved has been ascertained and in spected according to tin? provisions of law, under such rules ami regulations and thc execution of such bond or oi» er security as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. And any spirits, oil, or naphtha so removed for distillation shall lie returned to thc warehouse and shall be again inspect ed, and thc duty shall be paid to the said collector on any deficiency or re duction beyond the allowance for loss by redistillation established by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, in tho number of proof gallons received at the warehouse for the purposo of being expoited as aforesaid. And nothing ill this section shall be cou strued. to prevent the manufacture for exportation, without payment of du ty, of medicines, preparations, compo sitions, pcrfumeiy, cosmetics, cordi als, and other liquors manufactured wholly or in part of domestic spirits, as provided for in this act. Sec. 62. And be it further enacted. That the entries required to be made in the books of the distiller, as afore said, shall, on the first, eleventh, and twenty-first days of cach and every mouth, or within five days thereafter, be verified by the oath or affirmation of the person or persons by whom such entries shall have been made, which oath or affirmation shall be cer tified at the end of such entries by the assessor, or assistant assessor, or offi cer administering the same, aud shall be, in substance as follows I do swear (or affirm) that the foregoing entries were made by me on tho re spective days specified, and that they state, according to the best of 1113' knowledge and belief, the whole quan I nited States." Sec. 63. And be it further enacted, That the owner, agent, or superintend ent aforesaid, shall, iu case the orig inal entries required to be made in his books by this act shall not have been made by himself, subjoin to thc oath or affirmation of the person by whom they were made the following oath or affirmation, to bu taken as aforesaid "I do swear (or affirm) that, to thc best of my knowledge aud belief, thc foregoing entries are just and true and that I have taken all the means in mv power to make them so." Sec. 64. And be it further enacted, That there shall be paid on all beer, lager beer, ale, porter, aud other sim ilar fermented liquurs, by whatever name such liquors may*be culled, a duty of one dollar for each and every barrel containing not more than thir ty-one gallons, and at a like rate for any other quantity, or for fractional parts of a barrel, which shall be brew ed or manufactured and sold, or re-j moved for consumption or sale, withinl the United States or thc Territories thereof, or within the District of Co lumbia which duty shall be paid by the owner, agent, or superintendent of the brewery or premises iu which such fermented liquors shall be made, and shall be paid at the time of ren dering the accounts of such ferment ed liquors so chargeable with duty, as hereinafter required Provided, That fractional parts of a barrel shall bo halves, thirds, quarters, siqths, eighths, aud sixteenths and any fractional part containing les than one-sixteenth shall be accounted on®* sixteenth more than one-sixteenth, tu ui.tM and not more than one-eiglitn, snail be accounted one-eighth more than one-eighth, and tjot more than one sixth shall bo accounted one-sixth more than one-sixth and not more than one-quarter tdiull be accounted ono quarter more than one-quaatcr and not more than one-third shall be ac counted one-third more than one third and not more than one-half shall be accounted one-half more than one half shall be accounted cue barrel Westward the couroe of «npir« takes Its A. B. F. FLF'T/oy, rrKSDAV, XOV. 8Til. NATIONAL UNION NOMINATIONS. For President, ABRAHAM 1.1NC0LJJ, tr iM.ixot8. For Vice President, ANDBKW JOHNSOt, OF TESSKJWKK. DISTRICT fVOMISATIOm. For Representative to Congress— 3d District, WILLIAM B. ALLISON, OF DI RL'QVB. For Presidential Elector—3d Cong. District, BENJAMIN T. IIUNT, OF EI.KASU. tnmm VTATR NOMINATIOIVS. For Supreme Judsre, C. C. COLK, of P»1k County. For Secretary of State, JAMES WRIGHT, of IMaware Oouaty. For Auditor of State, JOHN A. ELLIOTT, of MitchellComty. For TroiiFiiror of State, IM H. HOLMES, of Jones Coaaty. For R«f itter For Presidential Electors at Large, C. BEN I»ARWIN. of Dw* Moln«* County. WM. G. THOMPSON, of Linn County. JUDICIAL DISTRICT. tJ For Juiljie, WILLIAM B. FAIRFIELD, of Floyd eoaaty. For Pmarout itig Attorney, JOHN K. Bl'KKE, of Bieinur county. FIX) YD (OLM'V KOMI NATIONS* For County Judge, LOKF.N 1NMAX. Wm Clerk of the District Court, J. V. W. MONTAGUE. Foe lUwrieT, G. B. EASTMAN. For Coroner, JAMES RAYMOjfD. that after thc soldiers had voted, thc Lincoln votes were taken out and those for McClellan and Seymour sub stituted. One box over three feet long, containing many thousand of the fraud ulent votes, has been seized. Others arc known to have been sent to New York. The developments iu this case promise to be of the most startling character. Edward Donaho, Jr., of Albany, Peter Kirby, of Iyjwis coun ty, and Dr. Jones, of New York city, voting agents, have been arrested by thc Provost Marshal, and arc having their examinations at Baltimore by a military commission. Moses K. Fer ry, thc N. Y. voting agent at Balti more, also srrested, has made a con fession, saying that he has been forg ing a large number of votes and gives the names of the parties who assisted him. Several prominent person* are said to be implicated, but their names arc not given. The New York state agent in Washington was and his office closed. '&-> Provided further, That beer, lager commenced retreating flom the beer, ale, jMirter, and other fermented soil of Missouri, in the hope of escap liqtiors in bottles, shall be assessed, ing to Arkansas with the enormous Act to be ajntinu4iL\ Cjic Jttlcllijjciutr. IIIIiDRRTH, fMltar. 7 N-X VT O 10CA The War in Missouri. Frauds upon the Soldiers' Vote. Government officials have detected the most astounding frands^perpetra- ammunition trains, and tlie sky was ted upon thc ballots of the soldiers of "P New York regiments by the Seymour- His army was ordered to divide McClellan Commissioners. It appears "P srrcstcd i It is evidcut that Gov. Seymour and his strikers have looked to the army vote to save New York. Bitter will be the indignation of our soldiers at this outrage. Righteous will be the wrath of the people of the North not sodden in tlie iniquities of the Peace Sneak faction. More bitter and more righteous will be the punishmeut these guilty and confessed wretches will re ceive at the hands of the constituted authorities. Jkveu w Um £«pd for them. There is nothing in the history of impudence to be compared with the proposition made to the American na tion by thc Copperheads in the Chica go Convention Commit suicide that slavery may lire." Just think of it a political party appealing in behalf of its candidates and its principles to the cowardice of the American peo ple What an unendurablo insult to the bravest race on this earth—what fatuity in politics—inconceivable if it had not actually happened—incredible if it were not actually transpiring 1 We have advices from Little Bock, Ark., to thc 15th ul\ AH was then quiet in that vicinity. Gen. Steele, io command there, has a large force. Several skirmishes lit the country ... rebellion. south of Little Rock bad recently ta ken place, in which a number of reb els had been killed, wounded and cap* tured. Tbo •ices under tJeticrali Curtis an'l Blunt, from Kansas, had a battle with Price's rebels on Saturday week, on tho Western Missouri border, aud, after five hours' fighting, put thc ene my to flight Geo. IMeasanton's for ces, being Rusecrans' advance, co-op erated from the eastward. The rebels were badly defeated, aud beat a hasty retreat southward. After the fight above alluded to, Price and his coui- ed from a perfectly reliable source Our forces have been driving Price rapidly since Sunday. At last ac counts he was 25 or 30 miles south of Fort Scott, his army routed and dis-i persed. On Tuesday we had fights with him between Mound City and 1 Fort Scott, in which Ire was badly! whipped, losing 150 prisoners and ten ior tWl',ve Charles CitjT) lOWflf Xl0V Op 1od4I I bis prisoners were Major (Jen. Mar —L—•:r-- 1 madukc, Gen. Cabell, several Colonels and other officers. He was again at* pieces of artillery. Among! tacked vi'Hterday morning, a short dis tance from Fort .Scott, and driven pell mell in a south-easterly direction. He burned 400 wagons to prevent them from being captured. Nothing is sta ted about tho loss on either side. There seems t» be no doubt that Price's army is completely demoralized and scattered. (.Jen. Steele has sent heavy reinforcements to Fort Smith, with the probable view of contesting Price's entrance into Arkansas." A later official despatch from Hen. Pleasanton gives the following further information in regard to bis operations against Price Plcasnnton marched 92 miles in two days, and fought the last 2 miles. His force is less than 6,000, while Price's is fully 25,000. Price has but one gun left and no ammunition, he having burned up his train. He also burned 400 wagons to sare thetn from capture. We have captured 2,'*00 prisoners, aud several thousand stand of arms. (Jen. Fagan (rebel) is re ported killed. Price's nrmy is com- Slctely State iAtid Offioe, J08IAH A. HA RVEV, of Fremont cesaty. For Attorney General, ISAAC L. ALLEN, of Tama County. demoralized and fleeing iu all ircctions. All accounts represent Plcasauton's simultaneous charge upon thc rear and flank of Price's army us like sn eagle pouncing upon its proy. Ilis chargc was with sabres drawn, which were brought down on the heads of thc rebels with terrible effect. At the same time our artillery was splendid ly managed and no army could stand before it. PleasantMi was a lioa up on thc field. Despatches from Warrensbnrg say Gen. Rosecraus is still there that he bss decided upon a stern policy hence forth, and is determined that only loy al men shall live in Missouri. Warrensburg and the coMtry be tween there and Kansas is full of psea do conscripts, who deserled from the rebel army when they found Price did not intend to remain iu the State. When pressed so hotly b3' Pluasari tan. Price was wild with desperation and swore terribly. lie blew up his of ,lis an^ way lining wag- £ct Stat® l»*8t they could. Gen. Cui ts*s Kansas boys are fol lowing Pricc with swift vengcance. Every military man iu southern Kan sas is in thc saddle. There is good reason to believe from thc disposition made by Rosccrans of his forces, that Prico will aoou couie to still deeper grief. The rebels treated onr wonnded who fell into their hands with great out rage. They were invariably stripped and left naked with their wounds. Hereafter, every rebel caugJbliit tbe Federal uniform is to be shot. The Gorernors of several Rebel States held a meeting thc other day at Augusta, Ga., on the prospects of the Confederacy. They acted as if fulfv conscious of thc straits to which their treason had brought them. They urge upon the Legislatures of thc sev eral States to repeal all laws prohiliit- ,e ^l,m lea*i"ff ^tate limits, snd demand of the Confederate Government the enacting of laws con scripting thc negroes into the army. After expending a great deal of bom bast about the sacredness of their cause, and the independence of the South, tho traitorous couclave dissolv ed. Tlie rebel ffeet in .Tames river has had a taste from our shore batteries. The wooden part of it fled speedily to the protection of Fort Darling. Thc iron-clads, however, showed fight, and returned shot for shot, until finding it getting uncomfortable and unsafe, they steamed up the river out of range. The result of the whole uffair was some damage to the rebel fleet aud driving it permanently a mile further up the liver. Our damage was thc loss of a leg by one of our rneu. "Thc safety of our liues in Virgin ia cannot fairly be left to Lee's pres ent army, which has too great a load on it already," says the Richmond Whig. The rebels have robbed the cradle and tho grave," writes General Grant. We demand an immediate cessation of hostilitfM, croak tbo Chi cago Copperheads. Secretary Stanton has dismissed twenty clerks iu the Quartermaster's Department for sympathizing with the The extensive rebel government wagon shops in Lynchburg were de Istroycd by lire a few uights ago. of the rebels in killed, wounded, pris oners and 'stragglers is estimated at 8,000: Kershaw's division had twen ty-two new brass cannon, made in thc city of Richmond twenty of them were captured. Twelve hundred stand of smtill arms Were field. Ltfeui. as to new movements, when In was informed that there was an attack on thc rear af his army. He hasteued to his command, with an escort of on ly twenty men, and reach his retreat ing army just in time to prevent a general rout. lie soon turned his ar my upon the elate foe and almost an nihilated him. In all its circumstan ccs and details, this is the most re markable achievement of thc war and fully justifies Gen. Grant's selectiuu of ft commander with brains. The Vermont Raid. Tlie St. Albans raiders have been sent to Montreal for trial. The lead er of the gang, styling himself Ben nett H. Young, First Lieutenant, Pro visional Army, Confederate States of America," has written a letter ac knowledging his connection with thc affair, lie says he went to Vermont for the express object of burning towns in that State in retaliation for Gen. Sheridan's destruction of proper ty in the Shenandoah valley, lie con tends that he has violated no law of Canada, and professes great distress on account of violations of British soil by the Verinonters who pursued aud caught liini und his fellow cut throats. Another of thc arrested raid ers has made a confession, iu which he says that their leader was commis sioned by thc rebel Government for this special expedition. Gen. Dix, in New York. Ms Isseed an important order, commanding the Provost Marshals and their deputies to cxcrcise all possible vigilance to prevent the colonization of rebels and other rascals on thc Canadian frontier who are planning in that way to exer cise thc elective franchise. Thousands of deserters from the army, skedad dlcrs from the draft and sccesh from thc southern Statos arc in this move ment to secure the election of McClel Ian and Seymour. In every instance where they show themselves in the State of New York, Gen. Dix origin them to be arrested* Thc Canadians are represented as vigilant in endeavoring to hunt out the St. Alban's robbers,and we have faith to believe they are earnest in it. Those of the robbers arrested claim to be long to the Confederate service, and demand that the robbery shall be held as an act of war. This would no doubt be a very agreeable construction to them, but wc believe it is not cus tomary to so consider acts of titrder, burglary or highway robbery. "Two years of war," said Henry Ward Beccher in a recetsermon, "and we have conquered half the rebel ter ritory, hold the keys of the whole, aud have nearly destroyed thc military strength of the rebellion in the field. All this in two years of war." "Four years," said a listener. No," respon ded Mr. Beechcr, I said two years of ir«r. In thc first 4wo Geo. MeClellsa was in command." In all parts of the loyal North we bear of scores aud hundreds of men who in thc past have been prominent members of the Democratic party but now come out fair and square against tho Chicago What is it," and will vote, and use their influence for old Abe" aud all the nominees of the l'u ion party. Correspondence ha#-passed between Generals Grant and Lee concerning thc condition of prisoners on bsth sides. It has been agreed that sup plies for the comfort of the prisoners on both sides may be seat them. The rebels are making desperato ef forts to hold the Shenandoah valley. They have already armed and equip ped a new army and sent it to the val ley under the ill-starred Early. Jfore food for Sheridan's cannon. y Wanted, ni Jitis office, an apprtn tice to the printing bosinesa. Apply immediately. From the Shenandoah Valley. The War in Virginia. Gen. Sheridan's prisoners are now^#yDfc|patchcs from Con. tIrani inform reported at about 4,000. Fifteen hun- thc War IJcpaHnicnt that an advance drcd were brought tu ilarffcr's Terry force, for thel purpose of rc^ftttfroi-^ last week. Kluven hundred had been1:sance, wa$ previously brought |n, and one thou sand were left at Winchester. Our cavalry sre gatncriiig ih many strag-j were repntscd. The purpose being glers from the rebel ranfcs. The num-^ accomplished, the troops were with bcr of rebel officers captured will not'drawn from the advanced position to fall short of 300, and the entire loss| which they had been pushed, to their gathered fitom tho and GO mules. Tlie regiment hold offi cial receipts for the above property. The irst \ermont Cavalry, lYom its left to Armstrong's mill Colmtol J. W. ftennctt com- thence by the south bank of Hatcher's mauding, captured 161 prisoners, and creek to the point above named. At among them ffete Maj. (Jen. Ramseur, pieces of artillery, three battle ilags,! n,ol. What Early Intended to Do. The military authorities at Wash ington are of opinion that the lat3 movement made by Early was based! We shall keep mir troops out where on information that .Sheridan was withdrawing his forces, a portion hav ing reached Geu Grant. Lee then proposed that Early should rush out with a re-organized and re-enforced army and fall suddenly upon Sheri dan's rear, and destroy him before he' iaBe Thursday by. W arrcn atd Hancock. In thf even ing, the rncmjr atincked llauco||Jc, but line of former occupation. Tlie tele grams of Gen. Grant give all the de tails received. CITY POIXT, ,,V(,,y t|liin to 14 caissons, 17 army wagons, 6 am- ali v inside of the main works. Our bulances, 23 sets of artillery harness, casualties have been light —probably 75 sets of wagon harness, 98 horses, Oct. ilth. To Hon. £. M. iStanton I have just returned from the cross ing of tlie Jioyntoii plank road with Hatcher's creek. Our line now ex- point the enemy was found in- .• r» i „„i treticlioo, and his works manned. o 1 Colonel, 1 Lieutenant Colonel, 23 ,, .. f..„ .attack was made dining the day fur- drive the pickets and cav- less than 200 killed, wounded and missing. Tho same is probably true with the enemy. We captured sever al loaded teams on their way from ^tone's creek, about a dozen beeves, a travelling forge and 75 to 100 prison ers. On our right, Butler extends round well towards thc Yorktown road, not finding a point unguarded they are until towards noon to-morrow, in hopes of inviting an attack. IT. S. (JRA*T. CITY POINT, to jc a (i, Oct. 28th. lb As. K. Jf. SttnUm, Secretary of War The attack on Gen. Hancock, now that a report has been received, proves success, lie repulsed c*ided could get into position. Sheridan was the enemy, and remained at his posi iu Washington at the time, consulting! t'"n, holding possession of the field till midnight, when lie commenced with drawing. Orders had been given for the withdrawal of the two corps be fore the attack was made. We lost no prisoners except the usual strag glers who are always picked up. Our captures for the day on thc smith side foot up 910. Tlie rebel Gen. Dealing is reported killed. Gen. Meade, in his report. Bays I am induced to be lieve that thc success of the operation, which was most decided, was mainly due to the supervision of Major Gen. Hancock and thc conspicuous gallant ry of Brig inra, Fagmn." U. S. QRAMV. From General Sherman. Hood 's army, having utterly failed in thc object of its movement on Sher man's rear, fallen back through the mouutaiu region into Alabama. Thc fact that a train liaa already reached Dalton from Atlanta, and that thc tel egraph line is working frori Chatta nooga to Atlanta, shows how complete ly Hood has failed ill his attempt to break up Shcrmaa'e communications with the placc. Hon. James W. Logan, of Fort Dodge, has honglit a half interest in thc Waterloo Courier establishment, and the business hereafter will be con ducted by Messrs. Hartrnan & Logan. Mr. Ijogsri is a talented writer, and we congratulate friend Hartrnan on his new business connections. The despatch published in onr laat issue from thc Burlington Hawkcyc, announcing the capture of the 7th Iowa by Hood, was a mistake. It was thc 17th Iowa that fell into the hands of the rebels. Thc most cf them have been pa rolled and arc now within our lines. When ffce swamping of the Gun boat McClellan takes placc on thc 8th of November, the fate of tho officers and crew would be sad if it were not salntary. Not a man of them can swim, and all the lead of Gulena was loaded upou theai bp tbe Chicago vention. An old maid says that this war will leave so many widows anxious to mar ry again, that a modest girl will have no chance. Everybody will be after that last man and laat dg)l*r "Tjtitli matrimonial designs. OJfBcers on rami's staff write iiuit the late move was only si reconnoi sauce, and a point has been gained which will make the next move one of the greatest importance and oue of. brilliant success. Government has large assnewl of gold idle iu thc Treasury, aud Secreta ry Fessendeu is said to be cousidcring the question of anticipating tbe pay ment of the Jauuary interest. Official information has been reoeiv ed iu Buffalo that another party of reb els in Canada sre making prepara tions for a rsid of murder, bulling and robbery iu that city. After the recent raid on St. Albans, Vt., an old gentleman got a rifle shot at the party as they were leaving the place, and brougj* dtfWtt ft bftt con taining $1,100. The U. S. steamer Arkansas recent ly enptnred the schooner Watchful, from New York for Matamoras, hav ing boxes of arms secrctcd on board. A resolution has been introduced in tlie rebel Alabama legislature propos ing conciliatory terms to the Federals and askiug ft cessation of hostilities. The Governor of Maryland has for mally proclaimed the new Free State Constitution of that State, ftnd it is now the organic law thereof. Wbo will—what decent man can remain with a party that docs not cheer when Sheridan and Plcasanton wiu victories What is thst which e Ml ef and yet bolds water A sponge. Onr Duty. e tests of time ami experiment, and We Ak»fri it^Hi/ duty to keep coil* stanfTy b, fo re (tir readers that most 'farrli Sth, IVH.wlilrh firoviiU--- nil Ilnnd* valuable Of all medicines, ktiown ttg Tlie««» iwte* will b# f*«TTrtlblB at I hp option of 111# lioMiT at m.itortt into «i\ permit. «o|l 'oearmi IMHKI*, pa able not I*** than dri' nor more Ilia* twenty year* from their date, a* the On eminent tiia\' elu t. They w ill be i-i-m'd in denominations of $.10. $100, #510, $1 ,W10 anil 8A.OOO, and all futi-rription-' must be for flfty ttollarx or some multiple of ftily dollars. Tho note-i will be tmnsmtUed to the owners free of trnns|iortat!t! i tiarge- a- .-non after the r.-reipt of the original Certificate* of IVpo^it as they rail tie prepared. As th» note« draw interest from Angiot 15, per*on» makine de «v»its *iib-oqnriit to that date must pay the interest aorrned from date of note to tte of de|K-it. (Urtieg deivwitinp twenty live thousand dollar* and upwards Air tfcexe inrtre al any one time will 1M- allowed a commission of one quarter of one per rent., which will be puid by the Treasury iH-partnimit upon tfie re ei^i of a liilt Air tlie a DP Iltit aside fp'tii all the advantages »e have rnntnera ti*d, a spii ial Art of Congress ezrmpU ull faavb and Trrat Mry n«tr* frtim Inrnl UiaUvm. On the average, thi* ex emption is. worth about two per cent, per annum.accor ding to tbe rate at taxation in varioHt parli of il* coun try. It is beljered that no seenritim and ull throat complaints, but it is the **7 Rnn-trmi re consumptive's great relief. When ,s 0. S. 7-30 LOAN. Atft*crrti»rv of lln Tri-i-nry .• .1 j- tr.iii-fi-rf«i| only «n thf owimt a order. (VP* www U.ey are so far gone that no medicine will ever cure them, foe s ('Oiigh Bal sam will be found nn invaluable friend to allay the coughing, help tbe expec toration, and ease the sufferer. Why will ye that are suffering from coughs, colds, croup, sore throat, hoarseness and that are liablo to pulmonary at tacks, not take tur advice, and pro vide yourself with-a supply Coe's t'ongl Balsam the best and cheapest 'ongh Balsam in the woild. It costs but ftrty cents, and can be found up on tbc counters of druggists every where. L' 1 ""tM'o tl*4 will bo ro' ivril for Troa-iiry N«u«. invable ttirve \-nr~ from A Hp. lMh, IV,-4, witli -rim an interest at tin* rate of M-wii iiixl tUivu tuutlis per cont J«'r annum (—principal and Interest both to be palil In lawful tnonry. Mint, certifier) to Sv the officer with the rV-jTr r- rnndc \o deduction for tnii-l i le from the do|awiis. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES OF THIS LOAN. It Is a National Snvinpt [tank, effcrinfi a higher rate of interest tlian any other, and the 1»u-t wcurity. Any *avinp« bunk wlii' |*i)i it.-, depositors in I', Notes, cnxider.s it in paying In tin? Iie»t ci rental in jr medium of the country. :itid it ranu4 |wy in arn thing b-tter. for its own aro either in govsirtinient arruriOc* *r in not'-« or bond* payable in government (uper. It is equally convenient as a tern|-ora"-y or permanent investment. Hie nolm can always be snkt for wtihin a fruition of their fare ami necumulaied intere-t, rind are th'- beet iocurily with bank* as evl latent Is ft* discounts. CMTtrtlUr Into aSpr ttnt. 3-40 itold Bond. In addition to the very liberal interest on the not'\j for three years, that privilege ef conversion la now worth atxim three |KTcent per tnniim. for the current rate for fi-.O Homls is not le-s than mn» per cm/, prrmium. and before tli? war the premium «m mi jut nen|. t' S. stock* was over twenty per cent. It will be seen that the actu al profit on tliis loan, at thc pr^mt market rate, is not less |,.ti i-t-iit. nnnum. •exemption from atatr A m«nlrlp«l taxation. O.TT W great Induce raents to lenders as tho^c i« -ucd by lb« government, in all oUier form* of indebtedness, (tie faith or ability of private parties,or »turk coW|ai»te«, or Mparate ronimti n:tie», ouly, in pledgi-d for payment, while the whote property of the country is held to «e« tire the discharge i«f all the obligation* of tin- t'nib-d State. While the government off.-rsthe most liberal teriM Atr it loans, it bvli 'ves Uiat tbe very kU-ongvst a|ipe*l will be to the loyalty and patriotism of the fieople. Iluplieati" certiorates will tie Issued Sir all de|0- iLs. Tlie jarty de|**:linj uiti-tl endorse II|»HI the vrif/inal ecr liSrate Hie detieiaination of lutiest requir'-d. and wtiethflr tltcy arc to tie LSMHXJ MI blank or |iuyalW to order. When so endorsod it must be left with tbe ofllror re retv ing die depuHii, to be forwarded tu tlx.' Treasury l* |iartment- SubscrlpUnn* will be received by the Treunrw of tbe I'nit.-d ?t it---, at TT.i-liiiigtoii. ttn- vral A-^-if-UntTreaa urer» aiel de-i^natcd le|«,iin I l»y tho Pint Kailoual liank of IMtuqiir, Iowa. Klr*t National Rank of lareupor«, low a. First uttminl Hank nf lima {'It lir Money,and lly, Iowa -it,»ri« of puli Uii.k 11.* d-i- and by all N.ili' AI.I. KKsrHTABIJb HANKS AND KANKKBS tlironglioiit tlie coantry will gt\e further iaformatien and EVERY FAOMTY 10 SUBSCWBUM. U. 8. 10-40 LOAN. I urn pr«»fMtrrt to unovv »utMicri|*UoM for thc 10 40 Ii uuthoriied by set of Congress of Matvh ttil, 1861. Thew Bonds arc rodecmtiMc at the pleafturc of the Govern mint after ten years—are paya ble forty years from date with interest at five |KT rent, JXT onntim—principal and iatcreet jiavrtlilt in eoll The ltotuls are of thedonnminations of $50, 100. $000 and $1000. Interest on the $50 and $100 payable annually—on IIKMC of other ih-noininatioiia th^ interest is payable semi annually. 1 have already sold upwards of $200,000 of these Bonds. I receive in |Miyuient ior them Treasury Xotos, National Bank Notas ud I State Bank of Iowa Nte«i. J. K. (iKAVES. Cashier, Puboque Branch Htate lWnk of E. H. l«Mm. GOVERXMEST CLAIM AGEXCV. TALB0TT, fait Examiner of in the mental 1 C, Saving resigned that Oct. 1,18M, to e*t-tb!i»h a General Olaim Agency at Chicago, Ortt'f.- his Si rvio's to 'lltose having Cl.iiiu« against tlie (!overiimunt K*r Pi tmluii, Uotuily, tta k Pny, I'rtae Money, laitl, llnrsea Lost ta the Army, ate., dr. A connection of nearly four years with tlie Department i» ni.uic him thoroughly famil iar with the Laws. Regulations, Foiutij, Re (|uii« miiit* and Hulings governing the variotiM |iulilii- oltin n, thus cnaliliiig hint to proMvute all kinds of claims with giwitcr |iat and Mtcees*, and at lest* expeuMs t«) eiitiiuauts, than cuu other utturneys. No charges until claims have been allowed, and then only tbe legal REFERENCES. Hon J- II Uarictt, ('oininishiotier of Pen sions Hon E H. lis, 3! Auditor Hon 8 J. W. Tabor, 4th Auditor Maj Uen. 8. A. Hurl but U.K. Senators Harlan and rimes of Iowa Hon. A. C. Fuller, Adjutant General of Illinois Hon. A Saundtis, Governor of Ncli«iika uud Congtessinen J. K. Wilson, lliratn Price, J. B. Griunell, Wffl. B, Allison, and A. 11. Uubl.ifird, of luwa. Treasury L)e|artineut, 4th Auditor's Office, Washington, 1. t'., 6th (et la«l. I am acquainted with E. H. Talliott, E.^q., who riiciitly tilled a ro|M»nsilile plate in the Pension Office, which he tesigned lor the pur ]H»-e ot going into busineas oil his own ac count. He i* thoroughly coiiiju teiit and thor oughly rdialilo. His iu|tt litilanee with Gov uiuiueut business is such that no Utter uuu could be ennph'Ved -is agent for others. STEPHEN J. W. TAROR, Fourth Auditiir. Transurv Dipai lincnt, 31 Auditor's Olfi^e, Wellington, l. V., Out. 1. 1864. E fl Talbott, Ksq., Dear Sir: As Claim Agent, your past cotineciion with the Depart inents at Washington will give you sti|eiior advantages iu piosOL'Uting claims against the Government. 1 commend you to tlie public Very respect I ully, E. SKLl^S, 43 Thinl Arditor. Office at No. 70 LaSalle Street, V. 3. 10-40 BONDS. Thea* !t)l* :in isvitM 'H'li'r III'- ,11 n{ CongTMCf irxroif KRUM ii i_ |. umlvr aSv •'tit« rr miitiiriiMl a'ith"rity. 8uWrip Loo's I ouglt nalsnm. It has stood tho .... TAXATION twiti* toili.fp HuM- nr.- m-iiro.l In Cm.M all |or NOTW .«RWATIOIii who I1SO it sper4t in the most praise- Kl» IX rn|*,,i| Hi- pk-wnirp of tl»p Government, nt any worthy terms of its medicinal valne. I pwimi tm» thm t* n«r **nrth«n/arty y*»r# from It is the real duty of every parent to u, ,i' k« pa .d|.|.ly«f it in tl,o -J i- over tine hOtnlriM iltllar« anmmlly ami on *11 nth«r house, ready foi immediate use. Not ^mi annnaHy. omy is it a most splendid remedy for nr.^t ii«»- of Mari-h at»i s«']«t»*»nt»w inwhyoar. Cotlghs, suddeil Colds, influenza, Croup, by TO RKRKBKK.M'nutotStat--* ».»*-•. THEV art K-i-n.|»iionFivi,. pnt CKNT. TIIT 1 in»err»t t« p»y»w« no n# SnWrllxT« will ro ive ritlKT K (rt-t r. «l or Coupon ,,r nm1 are pityaHe (/beflrdr,and aretiordi arwivcflent for eom» n.-r-iiil ies. Sttb-cribers to this loan will have tbe option of having their Roml* draw interest from March 1st, by (ayinff the ncrrued inten-'t in coin—(or in t'nitej States note* or the notefof Katkmal Banks, adKrif lllly per cent, for premium jf or nvt-K-e ibetn ifrnwltig interest from tlM dale of subscription and deposit. As these Bonds are Exempt from Manlripal or State Taxation. ile-ii value i* increased from one to three per cent, per annum, nreorditig to Uie rSt^of 1*^ Mvles ta various |i»rt- ifthe coutttry. At the pr'ei:t rat*' of prrmium on gold they Over Eight Per Cent. Interest In currency, and are of equal conveuience aa a per ma iicnt or teiiijiorMry investment. It Ls tielicved lluit no »«.:urlliOH iplter so great induce mi'iits to |end rs a-1 the various de-rriptions of 1". S In all other forms of in.lei.t.slness, tlie faith or ability of private parties or stock rompnnien or separate rommiiiiitii-s onlt is pledged for inymcnt, while for the di-bi.s of the 1'nited Slates the whole property of the country i* h««ld«ni to secure tbe payment ot both princi |sil and interet in coin. Tlnne Hindi may l« subscribed for In stuns fron 140 np to any magnitude, on the same term*, and are thus made equally available to the smallest lender and the largest capitall-t. They can be converted into money at 'A any moment, aud the holder will have the bent fit of the interest. It may be itmbl to state In this connection that the total Funded llebtof the United States on which interest is payable in gold, on tho 3d day of March, 1MU. was AX .VO'-O 11m mt'Te-t on thin debt for the coming 1 fi-ral year will be $45,1.17.1-1, while the ciiHtoms revc •ue in gold tor the current fiscal year, ending June 20th, 1HS4, Itu been so fitr at the rale of over 1100,000,000 |M'r annum. It will be seen that even tlie present gold revenue* of the Government arc largely in excess of the wanH of th« Treasury for the payment of cold interest, while the re rent increase of the tariff will doubtless raise the annual receipts from customs on the same amount S importa tiotiM. tot ISO .000. OtIO |erannnm. Iii-tnuliotis to the National Hanks acting at loan agents were not issnyd from the rniU*d "-taten Treasury nn til March 28, but iu tlie Urat tlirue weeks ef April lb" snb-rrlptteas averaged nsore lhaa TEJt MIlXJO!fS A WKKK. Sul)-Trlntl»'m« tie ri^celrefl Vr th" First National Bank of Davenport, liwti (•'li-nit National nank of Kroknk, Iowa. First National Ilank of .Ml. Pleasant, Iowa. AND BY ALL NATIONAL BANKS which are depositaries of Public money, and all RE311XTABI.K BANKS AND CANKERS throughout tlie country, (actiac asayents ef the National U-i»-iitary Banks,) will furnish further information on appliraium aud AFFORD KVKRT FACBJTT TO 9UBSCRIBIM. INTELLIGENCER" BOOK AND JOB POINTING ESTABLISHMENT, Jiitclligcnffr guiiDiit^ •irosm TM* ri'BLic fQCAKB, COBMIB or Mil.I. AXI KKI.LY STItKKTS, Charles City, Floyd County, Iowa. ThisU the largest and moat c«ntFallylocate^l O U S IN NORTHERN IOWA. Ttlm« been recently fitted tip with an e\tenj| •ive assortment of all the later and more am |ob I'liiitinq |ttattrials, Mich T#TE8, Rl'LKS, BORDERS, and other fixtures iuiculatetl o\prcs»tlv for th«^ execution all kinds of Job Printing rt.-]uire(|£ in tliiii Mvtion country. 'l*he materials ar«J|^ ail new uml wli^ teil with great rare ftom th unrivalled foundry of & ii JAMES CONNEK & SojtJ Sew York, whence frequent additions will 1 made. It will lie the ambition of the proprietor thf this Printing House shall IK- distinguished fo th»- four great features of CORRECT* KS*, KKATRBM, ainl UKKPATC ll«. HAm BILLS, lviniMiLir*, m:A aif..i\jsrasi3, I A i S BILL AND LETTER HEADS, C:\r. 7 i 1 Zjaw Blanli BLANK NOTES, TAX EECBIPT8, TO TT V Add many other varieties of Job Printing ecu ted in the highest style of thc art. The subscriber challenges competition In th* use of PLAIN UK«, FANCY COUMUT ,v I O.«I* K\ iy ATIO\S, anil IIIUINKKSt wWWn1 rin«r-wg»-d und more delicate styles of work, his execution of printing in Uolil aud Silver Colors, On Satin, Glazed and Colored Papers and Cards, is unc'iualled in Xeatness and Brilliancy. Entrust your Orders to Me. Minute attention i* given to every order, BMf 01 far. and the PKRttONAL St l'EKl.\TEKOENCC Of tM Proprietor gnaraHtera the lmift|l fcrfunuaMrt of ererjr Jak. ALL ORDEBS BT MAIL OB MPRWl*"*" Promptly attended to. A. B. F. HILDRETH, Pauraunoi. 00NNERS* United States Type Foundry, 2S, «U) Wid Centre Street, Coiner of Uuaua and Reade, Sew York. TO PRIMKRS AND PL'BLISIIKBB. 1IIIS DKltHl4 Kl) IH« I to tlio tuticlL* iiicus»ary to inform tli« trail* tliat Hi. v nr. -ii|«| Um»ftv»omw wru-s i^ S-otrh nil K.i.. fr"iii'l,..irl to l-i. .1—iir|Mis-itii. if |».-»ill, tlioir 11 ii t-iit I U'«- -wlil« Ii lime given -ach iiiuvi-r h-iTmiIi-iS.'t. I' tioii (.111.1 art- n"W li.-ni^ imj*rl. tly (iniutetl) E.»ft. tV.-.-t, N'uitti an.I J*nitli THE KANCV TYPE DEPAIUMENT cxhililH nn niii*nri«i--»iliU- nu.intrt v of nlvl*, of hwn# in ij 111 iii.l s.-liH'ti'il Iruiu Ku^liiii'l, riUH. .»n.i ii. rnia 11*" Ami their new .tiiii rii sn S ri|rt.-, Konu 1 H.ui.l. an1! I lit Sirruils, IMrl. i nir. 4e., tif-.. tu'.. an- not t" tw *1 relU'il tlii- or .-my nli. eoiinlrv. Kartw iilnr atUeulioa i-IIMIIIVin U.-ruiau ilupartuient—wherein Is fchown MS rpk'nili'l UKIIMAX FACES AND STYLES an i!*n Im? rneu in the (imriniii IVntiM.'nUmni th« I"nit» St III- All v|n 1.a-t at our -1.«t»ii-lnii. iit i- now niauuj i.efu.'.l I'n.m tts.r nnUl Lmmii u- oiiuer-' t'ii.-.|ii.i!l 4 III! I l)|H- Metil. wlneh lias mi tbe |.r ilitniK of lh» en- rin mi o iuiU of itteiity two to twesty-enflit mill ion- of xlieot,. for a |crfi* i 111lud urumptl-. 43 Hi FMoffice Bos, rruitmt IMIVI. UBK Ori|or« (Vniil th- *Hiiitry will ba cheaply u- enure «t.-.c*i-mu. t- vi JAWS* CONVHt'S 801*8. TjtiAHKB of aft kinds printc4«ttd^ ll at the Intelligsncer office.