Newspaper Page Text
mm CIk Intcllicjcnccr. Smith A Atkinson. !.»• _'~ The American Conflict. We have received from «ho publish jthes} •rs a copy of the first volume of The ,o txp(.(t,.d American Conflict, a History of the Great Rebellion, by Horace Greeley."j Tins volume covers the period in Ame tlcan history from 1776 to 1862, and presents a more comprehensive exhib it of the causes and incitements of the Rebellion, tracing' the influences of •lavery iu molding the opinions of the people and shaping the dentinies of tbc country, than any similar work. It also coutains seventy portraits on fetccl, besides other illustrations of Much interest. The demand for this •work is unprecedented. Upwards of 50,000 copies have already been sub scribed for. Volume second will be published as soon as practicable after the close of the War. The publishers dtsire to employ local and travelling Agents for the sale and delivery of the Hork. Published by 0. P. Case & Co., Ifartford, Ct., and by Geo. & C. W. JMierwood, Chicago, 111. The Third Iowa Infantry. We are indebted to the author fof ft Handsomely printed 12mo. volume, en titled Recollections of the Third Iowa Regiment, by Lieut. S. I). Thompson." It is a book of nearly 400 pages, well bound and sold for $1.50 per volume. It is written in good style, and gives ft faithful history of the various cam paigns and battles through which the Mblc and brave Iowa 3d has passud dftring the present war. Every one who has had a friend in that regiment Will eagerly purchase this volume. Published by Wrightson & Co., Cin cinnati, Ohio. It is for sale at one of tbe stores in Clarksville, Hutler coun tj, and in Charles City, Floyd county, t^The following drafted tetiof this Iftwnship were accepted at the late •flrgieal examination at Decorah, viz Wiu. N. Fisher, Geo. II. Whitehead, $j}]orton Capron and Thomas SiinmoiidN eai-fonr being the quota of the town •flip. Mr. Whitehead Mends a aulisti* tftte at an expense of $500 the other fpntlemen will report at the rendez vous in person. We have not learned who are accepted fruai Um» olUer town a i s o e o u n y 4 Our correspondent Winfield," on liis way from Vicksburg to viKit his friends in this county, was robbed of Marly onc thousand dollars while on tbc steamer Pericles as ahc was en tering port at Memphis. An unsuc cessful search was made for the rccov "tfy of the money, and Winfield was compelled to forego his joftfftejr and return to Vicksburg. The Congregational Chnrch and So ck't^' of this place have made an en gagement with Rev. D. K. Bordwcll, late Chaplain of the 21th Iowa Infant rj, to preach for them the enauing year. Sorvicea will be heM regnlarly each Sunday, in Masonic Hall, at 10J o'clock A. M., and 1 o'clock P. M. "Strike for your rights I «queal«Ml McClellan orutor who was connsel i»g reaistauce to t)ic draft. A soldier on crntche8 exclaimed, If you were not both a coward and a traitor you would be at the front attiking at the rebellion. That'll the only kind of striking to b* done now-m-days,* Remember the Republican ITnion Caucus at the court house on Friday evenig to nominate township officers, and let men be nominated who arc wil ling to spend a dime or two for the loyal cause and the welfare of com Bianity. 4 A Vermont eltimmk -along the frontier are organizg cavalry and infantry companies for protection sgainst raid ers. The Governor has obtained from the War Department a quantity of cavalry supplies to be distributed to the men along the border. We are requested to aaj that Elder N. E. Cory will preach in the Baptist church next Stiuday, Xot. 6th, at 10| o'clock A. M. aud at 1 o'clock I!. M. will give a lecture upon the subject of natural and revealed religion. Wm. B. Fairfield, Esq., and Hon. $. K. Burke, judicial candidates of the 12th district, will aridrrss the citizens Advices from tho upper Missouri river state that Geu. Sully has gone into winter quarters at Fort Sully. The Winnebago Indians of that re gion are ia a starving eoadttioi. County and township committees ahould be vigilant on election day. Sec that every Union voter comes to the polls aud deposits his vote. Not a vote should be lost. Tl»c resumption of active operations by flm. (irant commenced on Tlmrs day last. K« ToniioiHancca in forcc Were made by Huncock nnd Warren, and the more important work to which niovcrnen|s ftfe ft prcln(i0 muy to tukf! pi arc soon. We ineJ fiftccn |nj|eg of coull(ry Bnd capt„rod ab(„jt onc tilon8 U1d effective blow upon the enemy's flank. Admiral Porter it preparing to at tack Wilmington, liis fleet is rendez vousing at Heanfort, and as soon as all shall have arrived, operations will commence. Our officers are confident of success. Up to the flrst of last January, Iowa furnished 57,708 volunteers for the Vh rions arms of the service. The en rolled militfft for 186S numbered 8f,807 men. In Hartford, Ct., the ladies turn out in such force to the Union meetings, that I hey have been requested to re main at home and give the voters a chance to hear the speaking. On the 8th of November Iowa ex pects every man to do his duty. COMMKfK'KVr... Charles City Retail Market. WBDXKSDAT, NOV. 3,I8€t. Flour, extra family, cwt., snpertlnr. Wheat, sprint. 'f bushel Corn, on the cob. bushel *..,* shelled. llye, Y* bushel Ilarh-y, "f1 bu-diel, Oat*, 1$ bushel,. C. ru M«-al. cwt., i'i t.'lto«#. btlnhcl, Beany, bushel,,,, Butter, j* Itv, Cheese. f* Hi i'ork, wilt IN.,. fresh f* ft., Hums, 'jrt lb ,. ,.«.«,•* IVef. n» Chi kins. lbk|........k* Tntki'V'1. •. •. Lard, f1 lh— Wood. eoid,... Salt. %l,hl„..t.f,^..t1 Ktrirs. dozen j. Hav. ton,, .k•*«! V Mutton. 1h ,,, N f* Soinlimn Sirup. '(A Golden Sirup. k:i1. Soup. liar Citndles, Tallow, I'm. t... gal. 4,00 a,5t 1,00 4rt 4"» ro 70.1« 1 40 1,.*)0 40 l,«dgl,50 20 12(^ 1"» 15 io fl'a 10 7 7 15 2 r»o 6 15 4,00® 5,00 8 6 22 1.00 1 80 15c co Sfk« SO 1,50 (4 2 40 t'olW, '0 Kih, salt, "jp lb. llr.m Apple.-.. f», t.l.l 6,50(a,7 00 Uriid Apples, ft Ia0*l'l Dlied l'eaehe*. lb., St." "2'» Kerosene, V. 120 Osdar Falls Market. «'RtAa r*LM, Oct. 29 1»C4. Wheat, bushel 1 20,.« I 30 Corn, new 40 Oats 40 Birley 1.20 Heatis 1 I'otatiK-H. 40«50 Ilutter. 16('« -tt Hides, (ircen, 5« Div Flint 14(t 1") KTE31W Lehmkuhl & Ilausberg, Ha\e juiit received, at their Store We urge every Union voter to bear warranted to please. All are reapectfally in V I v i a a n e a i n e y w o k w e e this in nund now, aud let it bcoome a Great excitement exiats at Padueafc, Ky. Gen. Meredith has warned- the people, and tln-y arc fleeing across in to Illinois. A part of Forrest's gang %re the expected cuemy. f«at ever^ Union man eonstituto him self a committee of one to see that his a. Floyd Village A large and complete assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY Dry Goods, ('LOTH 1N(t. l'AUMINO EVLPLE MENTS, West India Goods, Hats and Caps, BOOTS AND SnOES, Yankee Notion®, Jtad sIbosIevery dher kind of Goods tW may lie desired. All of which will be sold, at the neighbor to Clio polls ami dopos-j und miu^i -i* m. .mmi ti N.ihii-ii- .iu •i ..u r.. tL. [T.i .. __ _I_ Ui nt- in I-(Kill- i ii. I I U ltS A VOta IOC tM UiWi fwCtlOB by rusil in 'Piled 'hm 1 for cash or lowest prices ready pay. J. W. LEHMKUSL. WM. HAUHBKIMi. riofd, SepA. 4,1664. IHtf New Photograph Gallery. J. K K1CII WOULDof of Floyd county at the Court House i of mankind that he i* now prepared to take this (Thursday) evcuiog at 1 o'cJuck. Ail are invited to attend. of all who may favor him with a call. Plio tograpbK taken in all the vaioua stylits and reaped fully announes to tfcactt* (kciis Charles City Jiutl the Iwdantti wWllllK pu^ures or not. fixed resolve: Vote at the earliest picture* taken ch.mly a* wrll n in fair *tatker. possible hour on the morning of eleo X. H. Jloorn. tir»t door north of the "la tic. ...d then be prepared U»-o,| for the cause. CHRISTIE'S A U E A S A Dr. Christie's Ague Balsanl Is a l'urely Vejtelahle Ct»iuiiunlb tr. Christie's Ague Balsanl Hm never boon known to fail when the di rections have been strictly followed. Pr. Christie's Ague Balsam! Contains no niim-nd |oioiious M'.bstance, as uiU iu wvu by uadiut, Uiu Ulluuing New York, A«g. iW. 1855. hare Dr. 'hristk'n Ague |lnlt«aint and ccrtifv that it contiiiucrt ueilhrr «Jiimin-, Arsenic. Men-ury. Stryihuine, or any imnci.d of kuUttaut e. I.AWIttMr. KKKH. I'i..f Of niff«i»try. H. SCOV1L. Piopiit tor, Chicago, Illinois. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, nni Arn.niiA, pa. i i I u i i n u i i i U u a i (lrawlir I J. flfty. No Ninth rhil»"tolj-tna I'a .fv-.W 1 VttuN—ajitfc I\ fr»- at rtwric^ id. 6KILLIN" HWoHTON*. ward AwtclnlMo, McGREGOR. .1 9 AftMTfcOXO. S. I.. A»BSt*OS(l. mm '-MWnv Marble Works. Armstrong prison- captn ers by the operations of Thurday, and our left is now in position to strike an deai1' ks in American & Italian W£.'£UU&. MUM .XI KYI'S, omri^Ks, (i:\oTiPns, A V Mantle Pieces, Table Tops, WAS/I STAX/IS, And Kvrrj Variety of MARBLE FURNITURE. Curved and Ornamental Work, of every description, neatly done to order and on the most reasonable terms. The country is thronged with the Aunts of foreign shopx who nlway* s«dl lit an advance oil Shop I'liee*. We. 11m Hlid will l'lii'liittli any tiling in the Marlde line, for Northern Iowa, cheaper than enn be ohtaineirt'lM'Whcre. I'ur ehahers are invited to call at our shop, exam ine work, and learn privet. All order* frMB a dista.icc promptly attended to. Shop near the head of Main Street. McGregor, Iowa, March 10,1801. 121 NORTIiWESTEKir PLANING MILL AND Sash, Door and Blind Manufactory. Douglas, Frye & Abcr n.\ed VfNti lately procured new and improv maehineiy, iin ludin^ WoodworthV 1 in^ioved Planer, are now j»rcjvired to do tMMt As Good and as Cheap any other establishment on the Mississippi The following are stune of our price*, sub ject to a reduction, if others do it lor Ics^ money l'laiiinr Lumber one nido jht $2.50 rianii'tf on two sides pr 8.60 Pliinins and matebin- U ».iin pr 3.50 Sawing tloorinji intoMdintt pr f».5(l I'laninz and tiding pi 7.50 We are al prepared to farahh Door*, lilind*, To order, oat of «uperi •rin'ftKonrd Lumlxr Orders for an v of the above articled solicited andaatiafoi'tipn^tVL-u, HOCHABOB. Planed. Lumtoor SfllN'GLKS.&c. 8 SHUNT', FLOORING, LATH, aIm furnished to order, al jrt notk*. and in cheap a* the cheapest. A *ral deduction to the Trade. porr.I.AS, FUYK k AltfiR. McGregor, low*, »rch 1W4. 2:iy1 ATJt?rSTUS FRENCH Wick Mtnufurturrr and lujxurer. WHOI.MAT.K AXD *CTAII.HBAtKK I* WATCITTIS. CLOCKS. J" owolry, Silver at»d Pl itcd Ware, Notiona, 4c., MeOKKVSOlt, IOWA. jff The finedt pi«*« of wMch wark dome for tlM trad* at low r*t«i. ffTNV ateli Tools and Materials of every de scriplion for the Trade. |ITK ujjravinK ii'itly executed lljrl MvGre^or, April 4. 1863 FLANDERS HOUSE, Corner r«f Main and Vourtt Streets, McGregor, Iowa. Pa»wni «'r«arriving l»y the car*, can Rive their check- to Mr. Ma«!i. who will uhvaya U* (Mi hand atitl oaivey their Baggie dirt ct to the Flanders 1IMIIK«. A commodious SIhMctwljacent to the House, aiitl attentive Ml. rs will t«ke jood care of all Hiiim ils ]'tit in tln-ir chttijje. St.itres leave this House for all points* T!afrEVTKNTrR INSURANCE COMPANY Indejieodence, Iawft. Charlvml Hov. 9, lJ^OO. (t1 'l'hc litnt'T places nt limit on the imooutof this Comii.uiy's eapital Itisure iu this reliable honie Coaipiajr, aixi help to chcck the iintueiike drain of money carried from thi State by Foreign Insurance Gompaaiea, whkh mmi'ints to the apiidlinK of over Two Millions of Money Annually. Injure at home and mvc seventy-tive |wr ceut of the preiiiiuais cbaigetl by Stovk Compa uiee. This Coaipaay iosnras Dwelling-hour's &. Dttathed Property vr Ono-Fourtli the uttiial rati ot' pi cuiiuniD. i t.ioult an Anent of the Independent* In*umuce Couiiany U-lorc ii^urinj elattwheie. P. WILCOX, Pr*». WM. H. JOSLIN. Secretary WM. HALL, General Agent. 11EUVKV Wll.l'l U. A-,iit at Fluyil. SMITH & Umlu CU/. beptetnber 1864. ttyl® "VVholeHulo Dopot roa Uutogra^i and Ambrotne ATKHlAtj, Waterloo, Iowa* W. W. F0RRY, Wholesale an«l Hotail Druggist, 4MB Dealer Id Calais, 0iU 0lass, Dyestufe, Lamps Lamp fixtures, PhototCiaph and Auibrot^po Material. W*Urloa, Sift. 15. 1944. S8U Kfladj Made Coats, Vests an Pante, for by OILHERT i DEAN. A 22) *SrJ J. H. REED Co.. No. 32 Lake Street, Chicago, Wholes V TVnfrrfl 'ft & brother, Medicines, WANeFAITVHF.lt1' AND w 7 Fancy Goods. Tarnishes, TORT^KTSTTITS K, Brushes, (ilawsware, lljostull*, Soda Ash, Caustic Soda, Sal. Soda, iv\i..n oiv.9 Terra Japonica, ROSIN, AC. Wc offer to the trade generally The Largest Stock Ever brouglit to FALL ntADT. Bowen Brothers, Importers, Jobbers, and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 19 21 Lake Street, CTT1CAGO, Illinois. Now offer in their new and magnificent Stores The Larjrt'st and Host Chosen Assortment of Staple db Fancy DKY ^005)3, Cloths, Cassimcivs, Woollens, Worsted Goods, NOT IONS, &C. &C. Out of New York, Iu the United States. Their facilities and arranjrementB enable them to make regularly lower than those of Eaatcrn Merchant*. All Northwestern buyers ca* every ndvanta^? in making their pun h:»e« from ut« uid are invlte«l to eall or send their order#. lit i\\ K\" m:«»THKl«, 19 k 21 ike Street, Ctdoagje. September, 17,1864. #8 LEWIS, SMYTH & Co. GENti: A I. Commission 4ilctt|anh, For the purchase oraakt ef Flour, Grain, Purk, Lard, Eggs, Hides, Butter, l'ke*e, Stc. WiiiebooK and OIBoe, 59 South Water 8tiwt, o. Bm, feu. Chicago, 111. ftKFPitKicrR* 1AM, W.'.i C1I- i\ Y I«. II. W. Ilin»'!.tle & Co A. r.i'luer k Co., Chi mo, I'ei pie's II ink. (iflleseo, Wa»hiugt4'li I'i t[i, li ll.uik, ashiniiton. lows*. HOVEY'S SEED ,\i I! It'lT.TT'RAL WAKEIIOI'SE, No. 194 Lako .Street, Chicago. WEnioHt 1 W Try the Fl.i:i'!ei llnuoo. MciireMa. l3mS°t O. H. FLANDERS KEEP constantly on hand one of tbe extensive assortments of GnitU'll, Field ami Flower SKKDS TO BS FOUND IS T1IK NORTHWRHT. AIM, A large ami cxtcrwrv stoA IMI'LEMEXIH FOR THE GARDEN OR FARM, And Ornamental Good# Of ll«« sad ether Material, for the House or Garden. AI.BKJIT H. HOVKY. P. O. Bos 3047. 3Tj» Watches, Clocks, A N JEWELRY. uilem, buothi:K &, CO., Importer* aad Maaufkcturers, 14Q Lnko Have just 1'iv ned the inost extensive stock of fine C'uKI iiiul Silver cat»ed American Lever and Chronometer WATCH ES to b» fMIld In the Wot. Diamonds and Gold and AfeaU for American Clock* and for Hngei% •Smith A Co.'a IMated IVarc, al Factory Prices. Munufacturitrs lor lbs Trade of MhS Chk*f?o Commercial Gold Pea. SJtf CHICAGO. CEDAR FALLS. the Northwest. Buyers Aw ifputfully incited to examineotir *otk before purchasing elaewlMve. Cbic^o, Sspt. lu, ISC4- ., & 4% Xf TL\ UDWAIM Thompson Tin Ware lion, Steel, .Nails, and Tool* of Every Dewrlpllon. HOVSK TUIMMIXCS. Window olaMB, WAtiOX i IMHKII, WAGON MATERIALS, aedevviy tliiii- )i«n:illv ill! in a urll-telee ted llardwaie St«nk. IN Til KIR STOCK OF may be found tli- latest Imi-vovemento and Jlot Patterns. EftRMI'.FtS irTflNSIliS ft .MARVKWiaC, i i. i .I,-- Farming Tools, include tli- ccleliiated Molioe, Grand Deloiir and Rock Island Sfruking, Stirring and Cof* Ames Shovels ami Iteardslt-y's Silver Stwl SCYT1 IKS, AUK)', Blood's Superior Scythos and rm*aai -I" rilHE underpinned wouM rejH:ctful]y inform 1 llie ili/j-iis ot the Crtlai Valley thattlir aliove nauii Foundry and Machine Shop In now iu Full Blasts ind woul-1 therefore «ive notice that he now pre|*iied tt» execute, im ultort notice, all u'ork that mav Lte cntiusted tt* In* care in that lias. Mill Gearing, Threshing Machines, Reaper^ Boiler*. En«uieii. and in fa. all kind# of «ast and wrought Iron wt»rk repaired. He Is prf pared to Manufacture BVOAU CANE CRUSlIIXii MACHINES, entirely of Iron alao, the necessary Irons f«p \Vy»"lt n Miicliin«-8 can be liatl, designed pri®» cijiall)' for farmer* who bavo aa acre or so uf Sorulnun. N. 11. -Cash paid for old CasUnps. or tlMrf will be taken in exchange new. Older tm Upcctl'nUv soli, itetl and piotn itl\ attended to. P. FAIRBANKS' STA\DARD S A E S or am. kixus Al- '. Wareluu.-)e Truck.-. ttci I'lecsos, kc. FairlmuliN^ irt (iilt uf, Hi Co., 172 Lake Street, Chicag*. careful to hnv only the p- nuine j* H. C. oVKKMAN, I'w^ritUir. Cedar Falls, March 1J, IstiJ. 12jl NSW Saddle & Harness w i i o BH "Apt %& %& iv-S "4J/ £Cil J-jA-Ji •'J^J oCji o., St s t" irren pierce.] At tliO Kijjtl «»f l'1"' T''-' Kftlle, Opposite Carter Home, Cedar Falls. Iowa, I»K \T7 i HARDWARE, HTO\' i :r4, ill til.- Im-hMSS we feel asMircd that our f.uililie* tor obtaining Im»m1« tioni Manufaitnieis arc mt e\«:« lied ly any firm Wot of the Mi*»i^i|'Ii rivtr- are prepared to ll at Low I'ricrs, lu (joBlU'ction with our Stout WS lave a TIN SHOP, In cliarge «f 0»»mpetcnt Wurkim-n tail to aive us a call. AO THOMPSON, Cedar Fall., May », Vm Da not JOS IA11 UIOMISON, CTfDA* VAtLKlT aa» ..Machine Shop. Sl IIAIIIVOOII I.KAVIi toinf mu i»-- hi/ i 1 'ctnmty that tin y hav lormcd a p-iitn r. ship in the saddle himI haiiu^ l.iwin.-«s, and have opeued »fa»'p op^t^siic tUc .Wna*** liwtsj In Cliui-los City, •here they will he pleased wait Bfooa]) who uwy desire to patronize thetu. They will kei-p i-omitantly n liand, St buns* ufacturc at short notice, all kinds of Harness:, Paddles, 1 WAGON Silver Goods of Latest Styles. i -DHAHLES CITY, "4 v-Ui'KiftiiT'ii t#«* I frr '-til kiri'U of r-K.I», iHUkri aim! wliich •ct in |h rtiit i"ti'-Tt one »m Oie uilir-. par'il Hi" on^mal f^n fiv.n by tti# (tcil 11. 1 J„ok. V, V l»r. |i»|iin, who M*rl Oi. luity ia trtlc'e fur m«: y y» n «, !ty tj i ir u* 1 nr' #t a ity in ili. tr. itinviii it i ui'i- ..f inap.'caU, (.Mj l.ii,it, k Mini Ser\ .10 e'l- i-'V H!-l A'. 1 .,11 .ti, s |.i-'|i,| fruiti tm |i»l iin-r ur iiiii..ii»ti n. I' r~":i» -uT' 1 inj frmn fkln-rnl li'»ttiMro»' tlln-M"* «rtll find Mr* cii^ I'nt 11 of tin-*.- lil^t 1" s, ivtii.-i, .ire |m rfi^ ily J»tj. ami (i nil iliot^1!r iimI iisu ailji |ui ii)) it) iich |rr|Hirnll.nii anl |i!ri., rt ,,n Ml I Itf pit! lir. A niiu'l. I rial w .11 fhey hey redi-vc cooetlpit ie?. cure TTerrous ITeadacbe. Ii* y arc jx-jTcctiy '.rc and palatable. 4 v.'. !•-. :i ,i :.i-. ti fcir. ti« mill liiul iTiry ».« im-tfi- 4." tiir"* liliu y tlic uk o* llir»« th it. w tr# of r-w»errf'l». TTw1 Tut Hit r« at.- »11v" .» l« wllh ntr ramp lilni»n «»l th- ui'i-. nnr pi uti- pot.-rnnirnt rrati the t'uik. oI" V^ACH&v.j* f\$ In Wvt"-Al V ay \V For ^Ir-'U in.^111.I T»'ile B*r«, wltlrh nrr jvtfcrlly ptl .-, i I.t^.l oil.. If tti.ll l» I- k|.|ir •••••i'. •. K.ia.f Kriiii.Hv tlar_f la cir et In nn each t.nttlf, aiad our itaituii |Ntnw-ti iu «ai uitr tb« en k. f- .il l-jr all ltiir^iF»t arrt il^ilrr* tt.ronctinut tH« (•iliitry. Cull iin mar pimli ta'.r nn other. I'livul-ar* t« tl(« traiilr «nt (ili.-il mi a?i|1irition Rennrff l*l«ler« Sl Co. 6'M bjr No 'J! It: v-r liU afO. •11 U(Ugxi»U Mill D«U« rii. LOOK ITEftTI! ff yon waMt S^t of Guod 06 TO J. kUCK'S Saddle and Harness THE sui sciilici mi i i^tfully inform the rltiiM-nxot Floyd md iuljoining conn ties that he luwopene«l a new Harness and Saddlery i i o laths Satellite nc Hii Minion Mitt street In Charles City, where lie will be happy to nerve all who may he in wnut of wark or g«Mtls in hm line. He will keep constantly on hand for *alc. or inaiiuf M-ture to order from Stock of tbc best •{uality. id I kinds of Double nud Sinslo Hnrue^, PADDLES,1 Bridles, TiuhUh, m:w J. i Ilritllr^? Ti'iink«, Valist'H|j Whi|is, BnwhuK, Curry Combs, kc. Otoiages Trimmed to Ordtr* 1 vt'|) i iriiiyj all kinds neatly and promptly executed They hope, hy clone attention to buaituaisj and hy ^od work »uid fur dmliu^. to iii«-iit and retxive a share of I'uhlic |witn»iiaj o. J. M. AI»AMS S. HABWUOt^ 8. Cash paid for hides. $ (9lul(i£tljF, 9, ISW 10)' 1 i* Ft.oVI t'ol'NTV, loWA. rllHK HthserilKT Would leg leave to inforut _|_ the citizens of Ch:iih* City an.l Floyd' t'ouni v l.c ha* ojM'inil s a^fon Shop tu Wo*dh-y Snvd. i's hinMiii '. up stairs, wImsw, h# i» [i. tii-.i to exci ut" wil'i Kratiifts antl Utsjwlch all ord i he may befav.ned with. He h:is taken meat pain* to nelect cfihul M»aicned luui hsr, snd tomii hi* expeiiencti ii»- his liuout" bin'iuc.-^ he ttath-rs himself that he can Maaulacturc and Repair WAOOXS AND BUGGIES I as cheap u the cheapest and a* tfx»l as Mm be»t. All work warranted. Pric*Maccording to the ^Ibh1* 4*1 PETE! E06ft Ch itles City. January 4C, 1^4 Valises, Cun y Co®l)K, BKI SITES, WniPSr AC. Btpairing done In the lest manner. A share of public patronise k solicited. Pi ices low ait the lowcat. & £i (y rj J. KT'CK. Charles Citj, July 3fl, 1864. 80y 1 aruivals! FALL AND WINTER q? W. LEIIMKT'IIL Is now opening a Large and Complete fA«»orttnPBtof" Fall and Winter Good*, At his Store it» Oliarloa City, JastMiicbaasd of Manufacturers and lsapor ter»,contihtIng in part as llow»: STAPLE AN1) FANCY Dry Goods. Numerous Styles ami Varieties of LADIES' PRKSS Dreaa aud Tailon* Trimmings, Bfoudcloths, riain Jb aucy and Cassimores, looskiiin, Ywiting, &e., Jl tx &C. GENTLEMEN'S Fall and Winter o u i i IlaU, Caps, Bonnets, Boots, Shoos and Findings, Yauke« Notions and Stationery. and. Sliolf A W A I i E Nails, Oils, Paints, Drugs Glass, Sasli, Putty—Cheaper than heretofore. IMPLEMENTS of various descriptions. West India Goods & Groceries, Such as Molasses, Tea, CofTee, Sugar, Dried Fruit, &c., IT W. ^C^ABB'P Ca^U Jinrl 11 '••iJyJvly 1 STORE. I worn n-1" ..di.v itUin-unco tOthedU' zenn of Ht. I hnrles i'lty and nurroundlng country that I am opening a new and well ee l«.tii«l Block of Spring and Summer DRY OODS? GROCERIES, I'i Xh r: t: xo Troxs, Ladies' Dross (ioods, PRINTS and (n MII. vi-i t'.i' ri 1.-1 'k iilvj! »!.*• it 'he M'KKT til. ir is vutiii- Ii iki oln Jilli- i» j. IJiry strengthen icvig irate the system, "l-.-y are uacqtia'.ed for general debility. T-.ej i.rc a &uic «.urc for y^p. psia. T/iry giro ft :.d heultliy appetite. Th yti.".",:st r.ijjrstion. T' y -re th» ot rtinnlan*. in existence, Thcjr are a provrrtiv- ot Fever and Afua. of ililferent styles an«l quality, Wool Moods. SI ircvvls, BALMORAL SKIRTS, A M?»lt»ndiil ,i "i "..ii ui of" i.ii'.'r Spanish Fell JocU.oy ECnts, riunios, llibUous. i-'lovvers, Bonnet Hrclit*. HOSIER r. (H.n VJ'C. W top SKJTITS, O loves and Mittten^. BOOTH SHOES, 111• a«1 y-Maio 0!nin ir. Broiitlclntlii nnd Ca^slinercsi, of the 1 -1 nuaVity, Salinels and Ifoavy Winter Cloths of different grades, 1 and Caps, 8-heetings. L)i niros, SisTtin^sand Flannels, Whip*. Tnmfca, !^af( h» N. sad many other ^i««tls t«*» nmnemus to men tuMi and too expensive io print. Call ami for ytmrsdrts, and examine the gootls ami prices. II. W. McNAim. f». Charlen City, May 1, 1864. 41yl Hew Goods, New Goods, Xcw (Jooils, Now Goods, Hew Goods, New Goods, No\V (Jnoils. Now (lOO'ls, At GILBERT & DEAN'S. Sorghum •Seed, ripe, At GILBERT & DEAN'S. Cast Cast-Steel Plows, Jifft ever made, for .'.!• W pr \N.__ Ladies' & blisses' Hats, Trimmed and rntrimmed. At «:ILI'KI?T DEAN'S. Llthoffraph nf the Pp*«i-1 nt Emancipation Pin 'Tarnation fr ^dt-ai the St Store. Photouraph Albums __ Forwaleat OILBERT PEAK'S. Codtirfh and Japan Tea At GILBERT & DEAN S Baby W For sale l»y ft DEAN. Summer Clothing \t ILF.F.RT DBAN*S. ButTalo KoboB, For Hals bf GILBERT DKAN". Clothes Wringers, AttiliAllT i DEAN'S. Cloaks, New Styles, At ( .V DEAN'S. Zepliyr Worsteds, At the Stone Wore. Spinning Wheels, At the Stone Store- Balmoral ITose and Ct»l:! I*. I'wi- sale by Giiltrt & Dean Clothing, A larjre lot, cheap, AtC.II.nKKT A DKAN S. Boots and Shoes, large VA Ui K'l'Y, AMJILI'-EKT & DI'AN S. Whole Huits, men's, For Kile l.v CUdUJlT & DF1ANT. Wagon Grease, The bcht iiuule, fornale by Uilliert & Dean. CEDAR FALLS. ORCUTT BROTHERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN U N I U E OVKB C. B. VALUCl'S Ditto STOSR, CEDAR FALLS IOWA. O They have on hand the LAMEST and •••r SF.I.KfTT'P STOCK OF VTRMITtTBC ever brought Wost of tbe Mississippi. 147" Our Kto. k I'onsistn of everything usu ally kept by Furniture Dealers, aud ws are ^ow prepared to null at Ism&scfl. ]L©fr AL60, MANITACTI KERS OF Saal^ Doors ui Blindau^ F. x. CHASE, A^t, —DEALER IN— U Foreign and Domestic U I Clear*, feetioncfjr, (first door south of Pullan's Banner Store, Main Street, CEDAR FALLS, Iowa, }a offeiiuj^ for bale a 1arye Stoek ol (reen and UiuhI Fruits, Coiii*'*-'1 ionrry, Cigars, variety of At Competition Pri*fc o Spiecs v Oroon Kruits, Conlcctionory, Dried Fruit* Tobacco, Ca micd Fruit, Nuts, Berries. Cheese, Maple Sugar, Herring, Cigars by the thou^yi* Cider by the barrel, of All of which will be sold si the reryI»owes» Or«Xor» tilled witheaie aud promptness. P*T' piiues tor Cash or Ready Fay. I tiv jlar aMeutiun given u» seUiag gMik h„l«Cl.y.Io«..S,pt.lfM. on Comiatwlo.. «0jl all.kiuJit Crackers, various kindu, BALTIMORE AND COVF. OYSTK11S, i hy the C*m» or i'as«.'. CEDAR FALLS. Albert Allen, [«l(Tt:«90H TO IIATCB AU®».] f«n ,• n 01 Stsple and Funcy D.LIY GOODS. Kmbracin DoLaINES erect de*cripti n ot Jood» cullel for in this ni uket. for i X^n dies' JJ)rcss Goods, Print.-*, Delaines. Phawls. Skirt.'), Ilihbnns. llosiery. I'rOiidcIothR. Chksimeres. SUi- MtS. Ilatfl. Caps. Boots. Shoes, Gro ceries idw iiv. Crockoi'jr, Yankee Notion1!. &c. In all sinplc Article* htn Stock is very compleh*. nnd nHhon 'h he cannot enuinemte e u aiiieie iieie, you im be u!m«i-t ..ei! tin of I citv^ iM«- to supply yonr self with any thinjf you w:uit ont of his Mammoth Stock* Call an 1 him, .mine goods and pricft and judge tor y^uucU ALBERT ALLKtf. Cedar Falls, Sept. Io, 1804. 38yl TjYMAX W. TOXDllO, Dealer In atld Manufacturer FURNITURE, 35sp©cially Chains, Ooe deor south of the Inmin Tlouee, CEDAR FALLS, IOWA. I ah have a ship at Waveilv for the ao OOlninMlation (f my patron# in that vicinity, t**Ur Full*, Sept. 15, 13»i4. 28tf S. SWAYZE, Wholc?rtTc anfl Retail Poaler in WINES AND LIQUORS Of all kinds, Ajrrnt f.r the sale of Binnlnf«r*o Rip Tan Winkle Gin and all other l$iunin*er Goods. Merchants, Farmers and others, when viuit Ing Falls, will pletue girs Se a call. Cedar Fallt, Sq*. 13,1854. 88roS» HARDWARE. LYMAX BLAIR & Co. (Successors to P. Crosby,) DEALEBS IS A W A E Iron So Stool, KAILS, GLASS, Tin, Sheet Iron Copper Ware, k Blacksmith and Cooper Tools, Wagon and Carriage Materials, Sole Agents at this point for tho Celebrated Grand Detour Plows, Warranted to ecoar ia any sol!, Cook, Box, and Parlor Stoves, Manufactured by S. TT. Rathhone nf Albany, otH* of the lle«t cjft.ililished Houses in tlie East -every Stove warranted to ^ive satisi'iic tlon. Agents for Indiana Wagon®. Sign of th* Padlock, oppiaite tbe Carter Bouse. LYMAN HI.AIR. G. K. Cedar FalU, April S, 1864. GARDES VALLEY Agricultural Warehouse, s o e SKKD CKDAIl FALLS, IOWA A. D. BARXUM, Dealer in Gw?n7 Wool, Seedst v PHODUOB, Aud livery lVseriptin of Agricultural and llorl if ult imil I in |»l-incuts, FIELD, GRASS, GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS. AGBNT FOE Smith's Patont Cast-Steel Plow! ?±& 7^' also Atii.xr nut Shtithr's Chicago JVdg&ti I would call yoar attention to my stock of Farm Implements, Stwl», kc., Ac. kety on hand at all limit At Cast-Cttt Sieel Plows, made hy Collins k Co» Co®H. Huckcyo ReaiM'i* 6l Mowrr, C. Aultin hi a: Co's Canton. Ohio. Buckeye Jr. Mower, c. Aultiaan i o s, Cmtm, Ohio. ISweepslatkes TUref»lier# 1». Tlauuy-A HowtT, Van Brunt's Seed &•. Stafford'!* Two lloi'«e C«rn €iilli%ator, SclmlllerN Wagons, Fauuiii£ Hill#, Garden City Clipper Hows. rrfVwrfi, aud in fait all kinds of Pariu liuplcuieutK. |0" Urain, and all Produce ou Storags, De livered at tho Cars. Your attention to mj Stock is respectfully solicitod. A. D. BtBVWf Corner of Main and Raee Streets, Odar Falls, March 13 1SC4. MJ isherffflr ,^4 N' onOE Is I1.T. I.V Kiv™. "J an Execution duly is*tlt Ttb iof the 1 i.-tric ('ouit ot' 1- ,* :fMate of Iowa, and to m»*Hirede H'-vrn'-r A. P. Ht4. at one Citx k A I ff®* aiter'ioon of slid daj*, the (olToaifit? dest. wit: Term* of ••ale--ca*h in hnnd Dated, Octolor 4. A. IV 1S64' D. FEKOirsON. Sheriff of Floyd County. tv VJ lis I on nn ]mllofi '"-r side at pu St the front dforti"tho Coart 1' j, iCharlep. FloydCo. Iowa, on the Itt '. follnwinu di^rriK'd piece s'tuiit® in naid Kloyd co'inty, to wi! c- .rum ncrni? at Uie S. E. corn«-r of the X. E. «-r Sit ti.n 1» In Township 90 X., of Ramie 1f W e^t of 6th M.. and running tfrn»ti thenee West on s.ii«l quarter section line -tt^ rod"', thrre South tf» the K.^t Iv.nk nf the Ced:ir livvr. i«-n. e aion?r the line of hiifh water the IThj*? r'sail Section r, nnd then e Sforth to t"** i 'ac» of he^inniiiij levi»-d or\ ns the prop -ify ot J.imi Oiitlitli to satisfy wtiil execution ft* Hirer of Andrew S.inipi- ai.d against said -Ltraiea tth for Jli'O" .01 and interest and coats. Valuable Farm for Sale/ The Mibsoriler offers for wile his Itnrrwst&Vid, situated 2 mile* from Uockfor-I nnd 1 1 frn» Chirks City. The proper*y |(H acr*s of UnL05of whit Ii lire ntid-r lm* prov«-inents a -.rtiod inime dweliirijj hoiMe all finished, and nt»Me. pranery «ivl ricci-marr out in!din»."«. There «r.« two Ttx'd spring* lb the taiin. and stock «ater t'0acres of -mail Krain now harvested, nnd 16 neves vf coin the balance t.cne h»y. and 15»v res of prwv«r tlmlx r. 10 cows snda«mall tl"« k of nheep can le had with the fartu if required. 1'-—Me-» the abrve Intfer for s*le sereral tract-! of nrimprircd hind situated in Floyd Snd Ceirotlordo connti. s. The wli- Ieof lif- ,- U. pr' V" ,v u',11 lxr soM low and part of the purchase money cm n iin ou uiort^a^eat 8^er cent. Foi furtn er ticnlars inquire of (he s'i^- n'l er on th* premises. -IOHN CIUPMAK. L'l-ter. Flovd Co.. Au^. 8. I8»4. 80 Acres Land for Sale. Qf\ ACRES OF DESIRABLE LAND, sk iwted nliout 1J miles from Floyd fil» lasre. goffered for sab* cheap for CJIMII." ft is the West .1 of the N*. K. of See. 10, Town ship f'G, north, of lUn^e 10 west ot't]i• 5M» principal meridian, and is near to henvy U«u tx:r. Inquire of A P. ITTLDRET^ Charles City. Aug. H, 1804. Produce Wanteds ALL kiri(N of Prodnoc taken in exchanger f»r Goods at our 5?t-re in Floyd—such as Wheat, Hide*, Ituttcr, E^s, etc. Prices th« same as in Charles City. Floyd, New LLIIMKCHL & CO. NOT. 18«2. Watch, Clock ft Jewetty EstalDlislimonts K. SAW AT ST. CHARLFS CltT, TJA .? Tirn REST STOCK OF WatoheRj Clocks and Jewelry. IX XOIiTHEKX IOWA. California or Fikc's I'e tk (odd raanufacitHr ed Into any tylc «.f Tin or Hiii-jryon wish. W.»tehe«, i l'cks and Jewelry repaired manner and warranted, bt. Ch»rle#'Jity, Nov. 1,1860. 44 TTyvpP»T TOTTW OTIYESSITY. Tin: TT'KM of tTiis Tr«titn?ion will tiie admission of Sludents of TAT.T I pen for both sex-- on Thursday, September 1, 1864» TAtTLTr. fiST. WM. BUTTSH, Frcsidesft. ASSISTED CT IVofcssor .T'dTV sANBOIiN", nnd HLm A. l.mrL'i. PiLO-pties*. A. J1 S-A N r« 'III Tcu her of VocalaAd ln^ti loii. iit.d Slusio. J. K. ItOiCi:. steward. Mi^ E A HOBl.n rSOX, Teacher f'leparutoiv. ct LOCATION1. riu V- named I'i*titutIou Islocafsd^t the villnpe of Kayettv. Fayettn eounty. lowrf. 'the sitn.iUMU of tiie vilht^e and it* i inifry al (ords everv f.ieility deMfsdde for an Inntitntiou of Lettiniiijr. Fo'r health and moral iuBuen ces of ati \k\ut .d oftlcr, it id not, perhaps fcurpas: ed in the State. BO A Ii 1)! I »K A I"»TM E N T. flood Bi"mi l*ill l«» fornihlied Studi-nts Ih the Building, at per week. Kootn rent $u,U0 per term. GOVERNMENT. The fli'-vernnwnt is desiiriu-d to proini'.te the jproHjH iity and liappin ss of l»ith Student* and Teai h'-r. Thin will n«»ineiMl it*. !t" to sv-iy well disposed nun-l. nnd reeelvc the eordial upiHirt of eveiy L-wly and Gentleman. In .idmin'^ti riug discipline, p.ntiality is HtudioUa ly avoided. ROOMS. All Tooms fumislicd with stars, cbalrs, wash stand, waid-rniie. K-1.-lead and mirror. Gen tlemen are to furnish qdiltK, pIick t«. and pil low sdipM. Ladies will luiui-h all iLcir bed ding, is they generally preferer to. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT.. A !*rtpan:tory department is arranged for to ,h* RELIGIOUS ELEMENT. librepitMvc Stxtaiiani.Mii w ill le indulged »f founten'ii.eed. At the s-ime time even* ef fort will he employed to encourage and ren der inviolate the profe.ti.ns of Clui-tians, and to induce all t.» adopt tho llelitrfon of Christ. To all who Ti. peet Christiauity and it« in-titutioi.s. the \m1k me h.ind will he heartily extended. To tho-? who^e inllucuce wpiejudieial to Ueli^um aiui good Morals protracted «tuv can he allowed. EXPENSES. Tuition Colle^'ate I)cp. per term $9,00 College preparatory. 8,00 Higher Ivi/ji. 7.00 Conunon 1'jiglUh .1.6.00 In idriital I'.xpendCij.,50 lii.-tnietii n on I*ianr» SlcloacOtl, iwdh 10.00 Instruction en Guitar H.W lii timtion on 1 'lute and Violin, such.. 5,00 IiistriKti it in Vocal Music 2.00 Youii£ Ladie« will he ehaigtd p«r teim the S'o A ult man 4 Co'* Cm ton, Ohio. Reaper and Self Hake. Halite*' 111. Header, lice of wood cut and carried to their halls, deduction from pi k e of tuition for ahteuve, uule!- caused by sieknesK. The ihiu|t for ta il iuii miut he jaid iu advance. CALENDAR. Fall Terra commences September 1st. and clone* December lt, 1864. Winter Ternt etiuiineiKes LVeeinhcr 15th, ISt'it, and close* Mai'i-li lSth, HG5. Sunitner Teim connneu ces Maieh-t)tli, and closes June -8th, 1865. It its veiy desirable that Students enter ab the comment euient of the Terns. No person need apply for admiufion. whn cann or wid not eviii'oiui to the published Bv Ij«r of the Institution. Ki v II.S. rdU'Nso.N*. l'res. Board Trustees. L. W. WATKKIU'UY, Secret HIV. F. C. MA'111 Bit, Agent. Hev. U. S. Htunsion, 1 E. U. I'liauibei Iain J. K ltnU-rfRon Iff AVmnt I It in in both Fn'.'lUh and Geruvin Also m-vB WANTEU. 'i nvl oilier iH-autifully illnRtrut-sl, inteiestiny 100K AGENl-S WAXTKU to alhmtote. »«»«1 *.»!uahk family Vo»U. A| o for l'edle.| ,, Cxec. Com. fhyetts, aveite Co Iowa, Aug. 1,1864. ii*iM».i Agents Wanted To sell by su«eriptlon an excellent, illusj tiated and low pricid history of the KeKUioiij| |||p/ tr Htul Uls l\ ^rOilt I R»H1CK, I'dttly h* snhPTlrthai. mv.o...-, rf FAMILX NvUcs |»urtriljtg of e.ain.'nt Gem-mis ami Ci| WORKS ..inviii tl.te a I.ow 1'iiii e illans, tleiUH for the Album, Ac., tv ^i theK lli-loiy of Ilie Rebellion, iwlth a lur-e as.-Tfrn.-nt o^ Stationery Packm ,, i i 1 S0ea* These gitodstwll well. of which over 40.000 copies of \ol. I have,, p0r Circulars, with teruu-, atidress alreatly been no Id. for CmiiUis with ternis, URNi-Y HOWE, fttlmtt-ti U« s*U s\ f», Vve. IU Uaia St Clnclnnat 11 Main fitsaet, CtediUMll.