Newspaper Page Text
C|je SETTER FROM VERMOHT. Orange COUNTY, Vt., Oct. 25, 1864. HON*. A. B. F. HrLPJtrm Dear Sir: —The paper which I received from joo containing a letter from your ••friend in Michigan,"giving his views the Chicago Convention and some liiog of his acquaintance with two of its delegates, has received quite an ex tensive circulation and perusal by tliose who arc acquainted with the delegates in this quarter, and it is •till going the rounds. But as your Correspondent only gives the remarks «T one of them, via: Col. Dickey, it Bight be inferred by you that the oth- tr, Col. Worthcn, held somewhat dif ferent views and was a more loyal Sian. To place that matter in its true light I send you herewith a copy of tie remarks made by Col. Wbrthen on •nother occasion, which were commit ted to paper and to which Worthen, I •in told, affixed his signature 411 had rather pee Jeff. Davis President of were pursued so suddenly that aome of them were overtaken just across the Canada line, seventeen miles dis tant, and arrested. If they had come oat a little farther into the State, onr hoys would have had the scalps of Host of them before getting out of it. The period mentioned in Scripture, when the devil is to be let loose for a aeason, seems to have arrived. But I trust the people, on the 8th of Novem ber, will throw a chain around the beast and cast him iuto outer dark ftess, and give the world to under stand that oura is a government of law, and oomc what muy the Union will be maintained au4 w country ftftved and made free. Respectfully your*, Hie United States than to see Abe Lincoln re-1 ... ... .i ... elected. I had rather risk the destinies of obligation and debt t© the or this country in I avis 'hands than Lincoln's. I think him ten time* more honest ind a man «f ton times more brains. 1 think hiin (mean lag Lincolni the damnedest traitor to the con stitution that ever was." (Signed.) H. N. WORTUBX. You will see by the above that the dHegatea to the Chicago Convention, #vcn from New England, were mncti •ore in sympathy with the rebels than With the friends of the Union, and I tliink yonr friend in Michigan gives tfcem their true character. By the way, this Worthen is a man whom the friends of the Government hereabouts tried to make aomething «f, and made him a present of a fine horse with which he entered the ser vice of the Government, and was pro moted to the position of Lieut. Colo Bel. But upon McClellau's retreat on tile Peninsula 1M backed oat mod la mow what he is. TI- aons justice and give them that noto riety to which their principles entitle tfcem. When that time comes may tke Lord have mercy on their descen dants, if they have any. The Chicago Convention will be as odious to the people in the future as the old Hart-! si .. n ford Convention n this infernal rebellion and the necessi ty of being vigilant in our support of tita Union. -We have recently had qatto a mid faito the northern part of Vermont, of ft company of ruffians, but whether they came fiom the South or were ahedadlcrs from the North, or black legs from the cities, I tbink is not yet fally ascertained. They have robbed tbe banks at St. Albans and killed one or two of the inhabitants there, but Ito M* fHjr RapvMteftff Trt-illignqf 0SPHAH ASYLUM. Ma. EDITOR :—I wi«h to cull the at* teat ton of the citizens of Floyd coun ty to the o a n i z a i o n of Orphan i 'n piiii^in^ and cativasaing the comity by townships and school districts. Of the association at Charles City Capt. R. G. Keiniger is President, Mr. Milo Gilbert and Mr. J. \V. Lehrnknhl, Vice Presidents Mr. H. 0. Pratt, Secreta ry, and Mr. G«-orge C. Bean, Treasu rer. At Floyd, Lieut. V. R. Kider ia President Mrs. P. M. Mt'iimen uud Mrs. Alice Smith, Vice Prcsid£hta Miss Ella Atherton, Secretary and Miss Helen Merimcn, Treasurer. They will provide for meetings in the school booses of their own townships and ap point a committee to cunvass each school district. They will appoint a meeting for each township in the coun ty and aend public speakers to repra scut the claims of tho Orphan Asy- lam, to take a collection and subscrip* tioo, aud organize the towuship by all association auxiliary to one of the county organizationa. The township association will hold meetings arid sppoint committees for all the school districts of the township for the pur pose of urging the claims and cac vassing in behalf of the orphan cause. I think that wc may expect the peo ple to contribute liberally for this wor thy object, especially when they know tbe opinion, feelings and liberality of the army in relation to it. The 2d cavalry gives $3,113, the 8d cavalry to9r ..ft 4 8tb infantry $2,165, the 12th $4,239. tbe 14th $3,100, tho 27th $1,729, the 82d $1,700, the 35th $2,000. the 37th $1,000. Oar counties throughout the Stste should on ss average mure tliun eqoal the regiments. Company I, thr Sth regiment, gives $675. Twenty, one ineu iu tlita ooo»pany give $25,00 each. In company K, 14th regiment, two ws gtrs #i5 neb, cifini mco 9*«o«6 50, the 4th csvalry $3,400, the' &<•., &e., ail of which will he *.1,1 at ,1vv prii-es, including Kngraving bv an artist «f superior *Lill froxu New Vork, whom ser nces* have been becuied for that purpoM. |S5 each, one man $16, sixteen men $10 each, two men $5 each, making $535. In company G, 3d cavalry, one man gives $50, eight men give $25 each, seveu men $15 each, thirty six men $10 each, twenty-one men $5 each. Companies throughout these regiments contribute from $200 to$820 each. Will not the townships through out the State do as well Will not one and more in almost every school district give a life membership, and others doing as well as they reasona bly can a very creditable amount will be raised for this holy and important work. I commend to the merchants, farmers and all who remain at home and are happy and prosperous the ex ample of the worthy men in the field who suffer and peril life for our coun try's causc and they are giving from $100 down in various amounts to $5, and very few of them less than that. The people everywhere are uniting harmoniously and giving liberally, and will accomplish a work for their or phan children which will result in great intellectual and moral worth to the State, and will be meeting a sol- phaDS of our brave dead. 1'EAUI. P. ISGALLS, Agent Orphan Asylum. Charles City, Oct. 20, 18G4. m. -u Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine TTTHLL STITCH. HEM. FELL, TUCK, V V Cord, Bind, Braid. Quilt, and Em'rroider beautifully. It will, with the tinest needle and thread, rnn from perfect work on the fin est Nainsook, over the heaviest leaver-cloth and cowhide with no change of needle, thread or tension. Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine. will life coarse cohort, linen, *ilk andftn'n?. It runs easier. faster and stiller than any other machine. It forms, with a tingle thread, as in hand flowing, a flat, even and elastic warn, differing from every other stitch, each loop In-ing twisted by means of the M-fcotating Hook,' and drawing the twist into the goods, thus "it securely tautening every stitch, so that the History w peihaps do such per- seRtu w jj| | (0 cut at t,1(? has been the past, mud must be an eternal stench in the •ostrils of the people. But wc learn from it something of tbe magnitude of frc,|„,vnt interval?, and in the case even. the seam is warranted SOT TO Fir in wear, and under all circumstan ces to gurrire the na*htuh." Old worn out family garments bosoms, pants, dresses. &e have Urn Mibmitted at FAIRS where was the ymife*t rrwip-titioii, and to this stitch premiums have liecn awarded for its MTKIUOBITY, pi RA- B1I.ITV, K1.ANTJCI1Y AAD OKA I TY A patent device prevents the powibility of machine Kin run in the wrong direction i i i the balance wheel ever wearing or tonch- ing the dress. By another ingenious Patent improvement, THE \F.E1)I,K CANNOT BE SET WRUNG, thus avoiding the great trouble of other ma chines. In this it is so easy that a child may set it in the dark with unerring correctness every time. No breaking of Needles. The blade of the needle i* lew than of an inch long, and is straight. It is less than halt the length of other machine need •*, ma ny of which are curved, therefore more easily bent or broken a great source oiatnioy inr* expense and tumble. The lleuimer and Fel ler can never la- net wrong. Any one may ad just them in the dark. The hem may lie of any width. Ko other heroine* or feller to l\Ve this. It turns the heui oa the right or un der side. II will no! Drop Stitches As the needle is always set right, the Made shoit and duo uut \iLu.iU-, like oth er ones. Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine Is run by steam at 4000 ft itches per minute other machines only at from 400 to 1200, with safety. They are manufactured with Mathematical Precision, rlence each part is interchangeable, and can be readily replaced in case of accident. THE I WILL NUT GET Ut TOF ORDER. We have known it intimately for several year*. Many thousands are already in use here, and so fur ao we know, not one in fami ly UKC ha* ever ctwt a dime to repair, or ever l**eti out of order at all. They will last a Veneration, if properly *ied for. No one who has used ii cau be persuaded to use any other. Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine Works at an instant'* notice, and never stop* unaccountably." Not one operator in ten on the Willcox and Gibl« will break a needle or drop a stitc in a year. The Willcox & Gibbs in the hand* of any one, knows no "skip*," "drops." "jumjiw" misses," The roundness, evenness, durability and beau ty of its stiteh Wore .\cver Equalled. Itb rapidity, absolute rlih'/iet.', ease motion, narroirntxs and uculm- of 11.- hrm u ere ncrrr ap pr*trhr4 by any other machine. We can call H,,.v or Xj ... i three miiMit«'s' instruction thev will wrt the Home Associations at tharlea City ,,^1],.. att.uh the or^"Feller .and do •lid at Floyd, for the purpose of or-j till-work with entile {•'''•the sticct, ami with iU.LV*. A blind irirl, with the exception of threading the needle, can do the same. Many ladiex owning other tiist class niiU liiues, (unic to onr oOicc to do their tine hemming and felling, on the Will cox (iiltltri lii'M'hiue. Wc take other lmirhineg in exchanjre. We sell OIL. CUTTUX. SICK, TWIST A*IXekblhIbr eveiy kind of Sewinjr Maehine. lia-riiiini'ss 8cW:sewer, FOR ALL SEWING MACHINES, $1,50. It cu'ub-s the work itself, thus avoiding the bem ptM-ture and straiu on the ejus. We at lend to the repairing of all kind* ol machines. I'riccK 1 M,i hiues, with Hemtner, Feli( r. Ouajre. Oil in. extra needles, full directions, iioiu $J0 to $100. WA\TED. Terms to Axent?, de^ciij.t ivc L'iituiars and KiKn init iiK of work sent free by mail on ieceiii nr «Unip, or hsd of L. CORNELL k PO P.O. Box SI. 133 Ijik.-st. lii •ajfolll J.O. W1TTKD, Anent. 40yl Cliickusuw iowa. n o i e Just received u new BPLEXDID A 8 SO It TMEXT "OW Watches, Jewelrj,1 AXD Diamond. WorliL, AT- A. U. VAX COTT'S, Corner of E^t Water and Wibconsin Streets, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. A large lot of new styles Onvx and IVarl Sets, brooch Eir Kings and S!. eve Buttons. Al»o. netB "t LiiiiMiiii and ot* every de* Acriptioo, and i tlit m^t -ipproved patterns. Stiver and Plated Ware In great variety Solid Silver Forks. Spoon*, &c.. an entire new pattern. Alio, l'lat«d lew utors, with all belln atta. lied, Cake A I.AUGK ASSORTMENT OF BEAlTiri'l. Plioto^raphie A1 bunts M.i- le found lure. Also Pianos «.t i-elubrateti makers, ranging in price trom fir0 to $400, and warranted perUvt in every retried. Ihiwe wishing to make purrha^os in this line need onjy to oxaniine these iiiHtrnments to he con vim ed that thev are hiijjei ioi in qual i*y and clic.uii'r tlmn thor k.., DU3UQUE. P. P. Stewart's C«lebraU4 COOK STOVES, AM) A Splendid Assortment of other ALSO Heating Stoves, AXD Parlor Stoves, la great TarlHf» The P. P. Stewart Cook Stove Has taken more First Premiunii At State and County Fairs Than aay Cook Mots em flunubctured, AXD For Economy, Durability, And entire Control of Heat, It lias no equal. GEO. H. FRY, Agent, No. 98 Main Street, (Julian House Building,) DubuqU©, Iowa. September 17, 1S64. 38m6® $. m. ywoiiwsw. *. ©. jews. Thompson & Jones, WHOLBSAta BOOKSELLER 128 Main Street, Dubuque, lowtt Highest price paid iV»r Hags. September is, 1864. t7n6 Dubuque Marble Works. JAMES & BROTHER, HanulUctarar* «n4 DnWi hi Foreign and American Marble, Corner of Lucust and Sth Stre»-ts, Dubuque, Iowa. Wholesale Book and Stationery B. M. HAKGER, No. Ill Main Street, Btftmqtie, .... law*. Is fully prepared to topply Country Meiehnnst and others, in larjr«' or MIKIII quaniili'Ji. with every thing pertaining to the Book and Stationery Business. Kspeeiul attention gives to filling onders from the Tiade for School Books, at Publishers' prices. LETTER, 0»p, and Note Papers. WALL PAPER, Blank Books, Sunday School Books snd llcwanfa, Javenile Book*, Miscellaneous Books, Sheet Music, and all kinds of Musical Merchan dise, which will be sold at the lowest rates. Agent for Geo. A. Prince & Co.'s Celebrated Melodeons School Organ*. Depository of the American Tract Society Country dealers supplied on tbe most fuvor able terius. fff Highcat pries paid for vagL FACTOR FACTCK1 A A n K K S For all the World and the rest of Mankind The best of kiln-dried Pins Houldings, Frames, BIindfl# Doors, Sash, &c. Turning aud Ornamental Scroll-Sawing done to "Tilt r. All order* filled at published rate*. Bnd deliv ered on the cai tree of charge. To dealers a 111 eral diVeount will made. It you want work that will give ^itiofattion send here for it. J. L. DICKINSON. Dubuque, March 26,1S68. Uvl WILLIAM H. RUMPF, WHOLESALE E O E E AM) DCALKS IN Wines, Liquors, Cigars, .i.v/ J'nn.uxrts. No. 31 Main Street, Uubuque, Iowa. BI^NRS DUBUQUE. THE LARGEST XX JJ 1LM JtxiI METAL AND STOVE HOUSE Week of the Lakes and North of St. Louis, Is that of WESTPHAL& HINDS NOP. 76 and 78 Main Street, DulsuQue, Iowa. Any thing wanted in the line of IRON & STEEL, BLACKSMITH'S GOODS, BUILDEHT Tinners' Tools and Stock, BELTING, Mechanics' and Farmers' Tools, of every description, and whatever may be expected in a COMPLETE HARDWARE A IRON STORE to W found there at the lowest prices. Order*respectfully solicited. WESTPHAL* HINDS. AGENTS FOR |)ubuque Shot Towcrf FAIRBANKS' SCALES, HERRING'S SAFES, J. H. Manny's Reaper & Mower, OLARK k nTERS* CASE MILIi. EVAPORATORS. Dixon's k Union Stove Polish KELL00G'8 PERCUSSION CAPS X. B.—The highest market price paMfor old Copjer, Uras*, Iron and Metals. CHICAGO. WTTOT/RSAT/R {BOOT and SHOE KSTABU8BMKIIT Of DOGOETT, BASSETT & HILLS. Nos. 29 & 31 Lake Street, Comer wt WakMh Aveew, CHICAGO, ILL., Kstablished in 1846. We bog to inform our old patron* and tlx crchantts and Shoe Dealers of the North Wot. that in addition to our uttual large ami complete Mock of Intern made Boots aud Shoes, we have stait- a Manufactory hers, ure pi chared to fill ixdtn far Chicago Made Warranted Cmatmm W«k. Wc employ the hr*t wtrkm^n. th^ 'w ieathtr, and intend to keep the B?t f!thai call 1h' made. We engage to wll at the toweri rath yrkfs. Clo*e Imyers and good judges ol work are invite) to call aud examine. IXXIOETT. BASSE'lT & HILLS. Chicago, April 1, 1U44. 1864. Spring Trade. t8Cl. & F. WHITE, AGENT, WHOLESALE DEALER IX CLOTHING- Gentlemen's Furnishing GOODS. Cash buyers will find it for their iatersst examine my stock before purehu^iog. Xos. 48 & 50 Wabash Avenue, Nsst door South »f Coolev. Farwell & Co. aucAua POLLARD k DOANE, WHOLESALE DEALERS, 188 & MX South Water St., We niake 'IKA a N|**ciality, of whith.foi variety, ijuantity and «|iitdily, our stfa k i unrivalled. We call your particular atten tiou to mir Uncolored Japan Tea, or Hi? lifft and o/Jt/ jture Tta but'm April 2,1804. 14i»f U. (B. KTANnARp, Of every dcM-ription, manufHctured by the Buffalo Scale Works Company l'poo tho Fairbanks priiuiple. They are strong, durable, awuiate ami relia ble. Every Scale i« warranted to be and eon tinueaecuiate, and to ^ivc entire «atufactiou ALSO 8tore aud Warehouse Trucks, &c. Oftice and Sah^ Ki'om. "J()u l^ike ?t., Chicago t. C. Bt 'i LEfi, iim. A^eint. Chiosgo, March 97, 1804. 8bm6 lilunkM. ALL 13vl i" •'...ajpii ij.i of &1? kind* printed and far sala •t the Xftttlligf ncei cffics. the various Iilat.k in general ass.ati^h ax DmwU MOI iga^et.. Attachment Bm»dn. Title iMinde, f'omiuou Bonds, Snbpienas WritK, KxiMT.tion-i. N.-te«, Bank 'hecl.s Tax R*H.cipts. Leases, ('leiks'' Cerlilicatot, Arliclo of AKi-eeoM-'Ut, Mairiage CertificateK. Natural xation Papers, Bill and Fitter CHICAGO. IRON, STI'Kh, NAILS. Charles B. Brown & Co. Iron Merchants, 86 Lake Street, Opposite Tramont Houm, CHICAGO. Alto, M«nufactarws of LeoMri 'c Patent SEAMLESS THIMBLE SKEIHS, A Olmsted & Dinsnii'i-r Tiro Upsetting MACHINE. We kwp constantly on In f-ill a^irtiiient of Good* iaow Inn', whKh we are i .tithe Lowest Market Prices! Iron, JStcel, Kails. Anvils, Bellows, Vine*, Axles, Springs. Bolts, and Ileavy Hardwn*#, Berrt Hrrbs. .Sjokcs, Felloes See. General Ao'iits for !h" of M5.ifli-y"« Automaton 4'orti Planter. CHAS. H. IUI0WN .t 86 Lake JiUcct, opposite the Ticmout House, CHICAGO, ILL. Myl TJIKES THE LEAD OF ALL OTHER "PAIN KltftRS,'* TAKKN INTKUN ALLY, CTTIES RadSen Colda. Coituctia, Acid Slomuh, ladlgtitlon, Heasiarli*, l«nk«r In tha Mouth aud Htoiimeli, Htrk llrsdsthr, Cramp anit Ptinlttlh« Stomach 1l«r rhra Dyttattry, Cholera Norbai tai Cholera. Arn.iEP rvrERNu v, rt-Rr^ Rhmmal Ism. Xraril|(lii, Tool Bjpralni, Brnl«r«, Onriu & Sralilt, I'rotl Bltea 1'Itllttialiia, lllnvii iirm. Head ache, Palia In flie Side. Pnln In tie liar k and L.oln, Pain In he Joints I.lnilxt. Tli* I'.AIN Ot ItKt: n w.irrinli'.l t.i tivi lini la all ciuca. v li^n iix*sl acdTiliue ilii"«H-»:nii-. 1 Hit mart'!/ *-i!l If rt funrlnl. V hoa "fin* triM. n family will willmplv be witlKnit it A SIR IRVIKS'S Cm* i* pnrely Tfeptubl* It i- a kiI« ami relnit l* riinfily Tbero is mji'mn Killer tbvt cau Cu«npar« with I""® It Tar n vin 49- BEWARE OF ALL IMITATIONS.^® 8M that tbe written Maaature of tbe propriators is a Um label, or it cannot T«- (rftiyiitir WALKER & TAYLOR, ProprMMk loM by all Drug^ixta atxt Medi in* Dealers. K HCOVIL, 7# R»i«i St.,Cbicafn, rtl^ AMES CLAIIK, I'bysieinn toQaeen Vic-tort:i, and on. the nio»t l. »rin.l and skillful men of lln- air«-. in his Treati» on Coiikuuiption, »a\- That I'ntuiman t'onsiunption admits 1 a cure, is no loiijrt i a matter of doubt it lia- Ihh-d i lcu I v iU iiKtratc.l |,y (he i -.•iinhi-s of LJI n (H o Hihannv CHICAGO. Our stork of every article in the trade If large,carefull\ selected, bought well, and we StCLL UtH H) \& 0 00 14 4 0Q o o o 1-1 l-J w HealinKrS l£e- c#i^»th. &c., 4c.4 kr., conitiiitlv oil hand ft'yl foe sals, or prlatcd at obo*t not ice. lv A f. HILDRETH. 3 0B UIH and other nuxlrrn puii.. ..t:isi« Di Carhwkil. who invt-iunited sm matleis if closely an any otter man. *ay M.t ftj. logical Anatomy ha-. rhap«. never af foiiltd more rnaclufiv*- rvklcnev in |rool of the ciirahillty of a disc**.- than it hits In that of tulxniiUr piitbiM* ^uimuiuuy cousuinptiou W 0D tt It ia not a Fiction. statement* are made by inert wtt.. have lnii.n«tr:vt«.1 what they i.,\ time after time, in ther.wiiM hodpltal arwl the trnth-tellini: di«*ertin_ r.Kiui. Thev an from men vLn iinnii iiavt* i*o puMAtde motive lot pnhtishint what Ii aatrae, or ewblazoniug fatneb.xiiin. 09 S THE KKMKIV WHICH WE OFFER, o WLflSTAK'S liLSAI OF fill CHERRY, IT:T .in.-.! hi!!, !, ..f i as.'K it 4 CONSUMPTION or THE LUNGS. LIVER COMPLAINTS. COUGHS. COLDS, flRIMM, CROUP. BRONCHIlk 0Q I MH00PIN6 COUGH. IN- 0 FLUENZA, ETC. i ^UUra Mrtliiifii, an.I hvc bimlUur aaii 09 w ZE. SOOVZXi, MOPKIITOR, 76 Baadolph Bt CHIOAOO. DR. G-UYSOTT'S IMPROVED EXTRACT OF Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla Will Cwr* Wltkomt Fail, Sarqfmla «r Kintfi Eril, Omeert, Tbmort, £ruptwni of thr Sk ,n, £ry*if*lat. C/irmw *V Eyrf. kiHf/wrm ur Trtt*r. Smld Jth* i4 mutism, in th lion** ami J'tntt, Sitr't I'l'trs. Swrlhtig tUt SyphiUt //jfi^piitt, SaU Wwum, V%$rn$f4 th*- Kidntyt, tf Aw*Ut*, Ihwit? from thr tor of Mm-urg, in th* Sidr 'imi Sitijht'hr, /V- /»-n't Ihtnhty, Jaund\x, Lumbago, 4x. I(Aft»-i Tbe following caaa of Banjamla HagW, is «,iic »f i»toni^liinji »n r^ ^r«l ft»rty \waiV Mt kri'-H*. twi ,eaiN' x I rutiutin^ *th» mnpiitAUou oii«* li'jZ, *ui tUv I•'ml Aud littilMi rttuiixtC a uf uiuliUK, diiM*liarieiug to 1h* oi^lii UiitltN* ff Uuyw^tt r y. U..^ DuUc and {suauptixiiiat, ixuraiulotw. 4 UAD THE CKHTIFICATB. TALAFOOSA CO., ALA.,Jan. a i a S S E S I S 0 C0E S DYSPEPSIA CUBE. COE 8 DYSPEPSIA CURE! Chi res Dyspepsia without fail. COE S DYSPEPSIA CURE! (fares Nausea nt Stomach. COE 8 DYSPEPSIA GUBSt Csrss Cramps and Oolic pains. COE'S DYSPEPSIA CTmff! Osres Cholera Morbus every time. COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURB! Otires Indigestion as sure a» you tAlW It. COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE! Obrss Heartburn and Hesdacbe. COE 8 DYSPEPSIA CURE! Btgulates and Tones the Stomach. COES DYSPEPSIA CURE! Is a sovereign remedy for all diseases of the stomach and Bawels. COE 8 DYSPEPSIA CURE I CONS Fever and Agu*— l«*t tliwo afflkteit with Oils tatTJ •dy try a. COK S DYSPEPSIA CURE! Cana tortaManoously—uud you ionot tiave to waS s Wl'Ok to MVit-. rff d. i COE S DYSPEP8IA CURE! Is the RrattP-t ai|otizt-r fvpr Wt.own—it u"t only cr«atS COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURB now nit exliilnrntp anil rxctfp th* pat unit ittlfrror, lll alrobotii' Bitter# »nrt iMm iim^.all to enr ly*tppsMi. hut tt I- mum!M m• most l^iTuIty ailapti. .! to all Jisua-ii's ol tlit- "t*iin ir|i aiitl Ihiwi'Is. COE S DYSPEP8IA CURE WiB rvlieve disir"-.e fr in or purifv n 4 ad), hi tea tinx- thau it to *»rit tin.- iim*. COE 8 DYSPEPSIA CURI$ noe^ual in the Xan-e.4. II. .11 i'i ii 11. si. W liiwx GcnertU Weirtrrn Agent, ttll Drngg'sts and Mciltcitu dcaleit IT IS A FIXED FACT 1 CONSUMPTION tAi II CUftEI. I|,.IIIHI LYON S PERIODICAL DROPS an- la ttar I bun ail I'll.-, I'oMier-' ait.l IIO-ihihk lieiiiKu ttiid prep. aratH.n, tli u- «.-ti .i, i- lir—and |m Hive, and it need^ li Klnti^ but K»«d fninm n-.'i-o to -p.- an.l under-tn-.| the r«iM».i why th.»y cur,- all tlio-c ilii t« winch the fc tn ilu -y-tein i- -iibjc n-d with du|*t.-h and a decree of c»i t-U itv Wlncli iiottiiiii! but a -cientitlciiiv coin,"min.led It ill |ir p» ation could reueli tliey are, ia the uio^t ob -1 male c.i f, RBMARLE AXD SURE TO DO GOOD! RELIABLE AND SURE TO DO GOODJ AND CANNOT DO HARM, AND CANNOT DO HARM, To the luo-t delll :itc ill- I ll i, io|| IAi»X .- I' IdtoiN will rert iinlv pro-lure the .pilar return of natiin-, u taken a .!av or two heiore the ekik-itcd p.-rio l, and it i a maxim in the profcmiori. timt res .1I|I,,II i. Inner tlxtii ire. I.VoV ri.ltlniHt .11. 0KO|*s ive liw n n^id by ovar twentv live thoii-aiid ladie-. within the|ia~t month*, ana Uie te-timony .4 ail i-, It aurely cure*." CAlTlUXt ttlTIOJII Dear iri id tint I ruaranu-e my liKtilN Tn TRK I Of til M-iiao^.tr na hatev .miii-.-, tti« i:| ear* rhould hi' taken Ui a-i'ertiin if prt ^uaiicy in (ti»-( 1^411^4'. .i. lli**e lilHii'S woiild be ~urt? lo iiro liu'e mt-i ar riajje. if taken whu in Hint lation, luid all an caution I ed a*uiii-t u-iinr Item, as I w'i-h I 4 by I I Uie apiK-ntc, bia enahlc^ ymi to easily UigtHt your toed. COE S DYSPEPSIA CURE I Is f^Contn^H'IH Uy nt tin* leading COE S DYSPEPSIA CL'KEt Is SS iavaluable frk-Bd to all who are weak *n' and iu a low stato of nurmal actiu'u 'j rnr T»vciriar nr'nti II CO ,M those lN-o|i-. o w The misery that 1 have mitteied for th' laat two vearx I cannot dencribc to you I »a* in fiuli iigonv that 1 never rented day or night 1 waa givea np to die, and by tile help of God I bait mnde pr«|iwttiiiu for death, iinii hud (minted out to my family the |i.i. .• uiirre to Inny niv reiii.un... Iu October luM uiy hII bioiiglit me one of yoin Udtie wrapper-, I read it, aud fouad rt. onl of notne womiorful uieB iK-r* furmeil ly Villi ijctrurt ,f Ihmk and Smiaftartllj. 1 »ent nnd Rot two Imt tliK of it, and commenced tnking it. In i*i. vvet'kn. t. my trieal antorn^liineiit. mt *nn fill iMM Hiue easy, and 1 c.juid sleep all uigbt, Htbiii/I bad not done two yearn. When I bad taken »i\ bottle*, my »ore» had nearly lUI healed, Jlj ». .re« got vt ell a* if by "i rhmtlw nt. I have now until in nil ei^rbt liottles I your Krtrmi nf YtUmr thick and .Vii (yi-iri//u, uud I now coiiaider my self well. am at a Umi for term* to set forth tin worth of thm medicine, or to bTMU u.v ^fatltudc for what it ba« done e*a»e. I miut cull it ihc aavior of man frail luitery wbilo living ujn»u oartb. iit.NJAMIN litGUKe$. GO Cfl 0 H. SCOVIIi, Dealer in Family Medicines 76 Baadolph Bt., Okioago, IU., To wh.-rn .t!i ~U' u 11 h« «uit rated. •Hold by. J. W. IieLiukulil. Charlas Citv, luwu JJor^-e, Osa^e C. W. BUIi.K^, Bradford L'-hnjkuhl ft Hausherg, Floyd. 4 COE S Pi SPEPSIA CLUE! upon this elass of compluints, is imli.puttihlv Is warrantyl Kd» »l! wc hav. c!alm-.i i.,rn, and wowill' Proven ^7 t*1® K"**1 multitude of (uihlicly certirtcauii'iour In^t rinz.ii.-aud clergymin known and rcmArkuble curen it ItAft mndo of i*» buck up our following di^e»«cs King's Evil 0T COE'S DYSPEPSIA CCR£ Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Erup V*fMHp*n«alle to tin1 purtinantAaii nfr-vory trnri'lM-.! ^10!lSt PilDplOS, BlotchSS and Sor6S, a-i it nl iiiii-o |ii. \ciiU or «-a. iiIht 11 .-toannT« or mrs. Mii'l a nevrr tmliii) iiri'vinitivo il:it!|pT tiaii(f» of wau-r atiJ chmalc. Im not utiWa ti. ralaSi- d'J WIM-I.U a romislial agei*. flw is not pnparatKMi now kn«wa that is a' c«r*aia,Hp«elv. •ad ininllibk- in its artluti—elk'Tiag and curt&k at otax* We say this. |«»-itiv«'iy. COE S DYSPEPSIA CURE fc1 prepared hy the i.ri-i ial.r of the justly retobratiil Oia^ *»u^h B'llfcam. Mr. C».' Ii^ iicvi.r |r*kp.ired Will yon *vl|.) ir»an(T".T!il(f from ry|»|'^ a mr ilicinal artirle r»r publ.r ami L'iMipral u«e, but what i stood the tf~tf, aikI has always liorw? the |Ntlm of vii t'.ry over every Ui-fue K has been ccrtiflisl 1.1 mr 1.Intli^i-stion,| Ii.-. i rjiii|. -ill.I Tiiin^ Homaili ai«l Buw.-ls, Aoi ut ol tbe Monm h.' ramoi ins, My-i-ut-ry, aiel (Jfin-nil liehi'itv und weak of the ,vt,.,t,_il v t.ut -ni»f'lc bottii', tir will uvv»* ur^e J«'U a^aia. it «.• tail in tl.i 1*-. '(Hir kunwifiku or it-4 meribt, the initi- i tesnnimiy of nil who li.iv.' rw-i t! 10.1 it, ti nil 1.1 liun.lri' l- of cur own your ruiy to yourself, mi i!10 t.rni'ii. u result, eettmn h- tho -nn shine, all no?t!y. |ht-i-it -litiy, urvo you to u.-t Iry one b.Ktle. It what'we say i if our stwt 'illjuts uuiH-itroitig it wonderful a: e not found t» In- t'ue. if von rl.n.,t ,av tint tilt! O|x ral|ori o! Ih." in Hi,I, i.iM ,'nLiH'M.u- in.'l per feetljr »U!I :. rfiil, W will reuoiince our profe—lon as ea I Ters to tlio puhlic lie iitii. and retire- from the It-Id. ad iniUini! thai w «rt iii«-.iiiii«teiit ui c.rt«|» mnd a medicinal )»re]aiiati n. whieji woui'i Ik* entitled toyiur contl-lenee. bold by dructji rywhere. I'ri -.- #1. per IVittie SOLU^iUi JUBtUofcffS KVEBVWIIEIIK. G. CIJIKK CO. |v,i|H tetort, New i\"B,C«nn. LORD A SMITH, General Western Agent*. II Lake Street, Chicago, III. To the Ladies of America. LYON'S rEUI(*DICAL DKOPS, LYON S I'EHKHJIOAL DROPS, I TUK (i 11 EAT FEMALE REWTOTl TUB WHEAT FEMALE HEM BUY I Lrov 8 PEiiloDICAL DKOI'S ("nr.- .J| mpiutnt- in- «?x. an1 rtriii'it#'. nil b-tnic ii it ire fr*»fo wljaiewr cuu-it*, lacing beatlbf di-ti!e i y understood I do not hold uiv ,-elf re.-poii.-ilile will II use I iriii-li any ,| aatilv ot o PQ Many of (hrm afltr rrrri/ kmmen remedy hud /titled to nuch thr diteatt. Do not prornatinatc, lut make une ot IIII.I.m auah «rcaai»tince.. TO MARRIED LADIES They are peculiarly a.lapted, aa tbey briaf tha amtMy peri.Mt w.iti roirli |«'rt.ct reg.ilaritv, 'T.-HM.JMAU of its ©TTL- cwy oiu iny own (MticiiK. tun Hu. jifa.^k'e of parading jn-t ii titi*«i. »n« h. |.irt tli*- publk' in .•*«» iirei mM, 14mam4mm*ad\ uabie. BE WISE IN TIME HE WI8K IN TIME RE WISE IN TIM® BE WISE IN TIME. totfxtf d(«-i .e ilivtroy your conMiUittrm—Trv a mt tie or my I'KHIOIIII AI. Kianv. amt v.mi will b.- ^ati-tied ttiat I am no lllljwi.ter fell nni" atllll'ted Irtelld w hat re Mored the blooin or health to vo ir cheeks and thiTcl.y mfer a lav ,.r mor valuable than jroid. Kor pamful or aeanty M. n-tniatn*i it i ju-t the tliintr 1 have now ia my mind an in-t.ini e of u who l»ad been Mitl.'ringK tiom jKiinfuI Meii^iruation lnoortlir. .. venrs confluuif Iter to U eiu li time. fl»e addled tu wvoniT emineiit phy -lemii-c w ith.n:t relief, whett ua« battle «'l my imm s i ntirelv cured l« r. ONE BOTTLE CURES .«»NK Il'iTHi: (TIIKS ft)NK Bo IT I.K tTKHS JNli urn, LE (.'L'UJSS. Io I'm i-t every ca»e. It i- urifo-'ibleto enjoy tbe bloom II of iwllv health aad viva eity of s(ira-, u'lie^s thi.' Mi'injcn »re regular a to the ali', tin* mmntlty .met quality When thev are otv.ti nil ed. nature make her itoil to obtain tor it some othe.'t,,in.i unle- the-e o! ure as-Utcd, tli I I'.leiH R\|Nrfiict~. |K-|..n.iem-y, N TVO-JMI,-- and 0)iHl!y ,i on-iiui|ition *4^uine lt^Wiiy,aud |nnui irely -i in.ii.ito a miserable lite. l«o u"t -uil.'i liom t!iej.e irre|(iila'ities when nti itiv^-t Dieutin »1. .'5 in I.yon IVriodicul llrofM uill retfiilat^ .'in., realon* uature a- li. .iiih c-u ,i,.i *0 NOT BB IMPOSED UPON! I»0 NOT BE IMPXSED UPON! who have iHher |ref.iruli n.-, w I,,, thev desire to luJin ofl Hpiiii the -t,. iKUi o| the po|.uU: ity Bat t* i ieui, eiili 2. O Ba. OrvsoTT—Ieai ,Sr :—I have been afflicteil for forty years with eruptionr my lee- ami f, et. In lH4s they cot so lad that I ti»d to (jo on rt'uh hen, and in ls|K 1 had I lie leji umfilltHted «l»iVe the knee ID aiw.nt uu ntlif after my lft t.i..R. out iii lurce utiuK and runninje noren, from my knee to my f.*.i, and duK'tiar^eil at .tt deal "i ofteiisivc muiti r. Sly Kroin broke ..nt in lur^e l»il«, wliich diwhaigcd mui-li .|le|inive matter, und at tbe mine time uiv left arm had broke out ill large rumiiu^ -thi nearly to my clt*.*. of my when tin- t')!i»t y.Hi aiijjly to ho not KOI m.ike loin loi^ tliem toe yoii.or el.-e unclune 91..'6 to III** iicki c-I ^. neial liole-ulc ug«ut, Who Will If iraou .» Iwtii« by return i:x|R e-i See tb «t 'he name of Jno. 1 I.yon is written ii|«ni the lir.itio,i which me wr:,|i|». 1 uroiiiet each hoHle. Noo. others ate K 'll'lltlM ThlTctore, be«vir of Colllllerlell I'lley ore for rale by ev ei drunKH in city and cimntrv at ll.^j pu Ixxiie, if y„i wri^|| ,.ii.-r ukc no utlnT. Ur JX(». I.. l.Vo.V rractH'iiij I hymi'iaii. New Haven,CottU. who oaa b* consulted coucornint' all di.HMinus, cittier penuaitlly «r hy letter. t»«D. f. Oootlwin a Co., Bnxton D. 8. Barn«* 4 Co. i Vurk Liard 4 3u)M, CiiK»g9, Wholasale AfM*. ffF" Your LiCe.^l DVSI'KPSIA. KRVSII'KLAS, KIDNKY 'iu|l«»iiit. Sick ami N*i rvoiirt Hijuliu he, Neiii.ilyin, ifiiivel,'lettei. uliet's It li iinl iIIIIKM. A TreatUe on the aliuve diM':ts» h, »itli their Kpeoly au periii ineiit cure, vnt tree to anj aildii*s Adilies^ S l\ UI'll AM, M*. South Eighth St., Fhiliuleljilna,!^ Hf°The French Preventive. NrIGHTLV KM1SMONS KFl-'WIT'AI.LV pievented. without the us«.' of medicine, liy tlie use ot *''l'he French Pieventivu." the uie.ilest invention of the age. Price, One Dollar. Sent |x)*t |»uid to all [auta of the iniiiitry. Addu-ftH Dr. S. t'l'RTlS, Box 26'»7 P«*fc)flice, PbUadalphia, Pa. Oirculan Mot tVvti. 17ui0 |^"T)yspe|itla Can l»c Cured sl i PlA. no uiatterof how lon^ stiuid i[|o, yi. ldrt at otuv to I'CIIAM I)1! «ia ('t hk. The effot'ta of thih i. tnel are tiu Iv inairical. Try it utul le inctxi. Price. One Dollar a l»ox Sent (M.-t iid to any al •lrexs, by K. C. UPHAM, 25 South 8tli street, Phlladcl(jiu^. Pa. CircuUrn neat free. 17n»6 I ToOUm'S BKADER8 for hale by J1 A F. HU.pUKTl, T»k psenlisr tslnt or infection which we call Sr K"i i i, lurk* In the constitutions of multitudes of men. It either produces or ii produced hv nn e» f'eeiilcd, vitiated stme of the hlood, wherein that tittid liecomes in- lR'Sjcomjietent to sustain SiSTMjthe vital forces in theit vienroos action, and leaves the sv»tcm to "fall into di-sorder and decay. The scrofulous contamination is variously caused by retinal disease, low living, disordered digestion from (Hthealthr food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing viees, and, alwve all, hy the venereal itifcclion. Whatever he its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending "from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation indeed, it seems to U- the rod of Him who says, 1 will visit the iniqui ties of the fathers upon their children." The diseases which it originates take various names, according to the organs it attacks. In the lungs, Scrofula produces tubercles, and finallv Consumption in the glnnds, hweilings which suppurate and l»eeome ulcerous sores iu the stomarh ami bowels, derangements which pro duce indigestion, dyspepsia, and liver com plaints on the skin, eruptive nnd cutaneous affections. These all having the same origin, require the same remedy, viz. puril'u ation and invigoration of the blood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous distcmjKTs leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted hlood, you can not have health with that life of the flesh" healthy, you cannot have scrofulous dUensc, Ayer'a Saraaparilla Is' fMfipnwnded from the most effec^wft flftti dotes that medical science has discovered for this afflii ting distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it entails. That it is far superior to t',hcr remo,l v w"° .vot «!''vis 'i n bv all nnve pven it a tnal. That it does eom- ,)ine virtucs truly extraordinary in their etleet npelas, Rose or St. Anthony's Fire, S: Rneum, Scald Head, Couehs from to* bercnlons deposits in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, imUvd. the wh»ie aeries of cotnpluint.s that arise from impnrity of the Moral. Minute reports of individual cases may Ik found in ATF.r's AMI hk AK ALMANAC, which is funiishcd to the dru^^ists for jrraluitotis distribution, wherein niav be learned the directions for its use, nnd some of the remarkable cures which it has made when all other remedies had failed to ntVord relief. Those caws are purposely taken from all sec tions of the country, in order that every reader may have acccss to some one who can speak to him of its benefits from personal cx|ericiice. I Scrofula depresses the vital energies, nnd thus I leaves its victim* fur more subject to disease i am? its fatal results than are healthy constitu tions. Hence it tends to shorten, atul does i greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast importance of these considera tions litis led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This we now otfer to the pwblic under the name of ATKR'S SARSAFARII.:.*, although it is com posed of ingredients, some of which exceed the twst of SimpariUa in alterative power. Br its aid you mav protect yourself from the suffer ing and danger of these disorder*. Purge out the foul corruptions that rot and fester in the blood purge out the causcs of disease, and vigorous health will follow. Bv its |iectiliar virtues this remedy stimulates tlie vital func tions, anil thus ex|els the disteni|»ers which lark within the system or burst oat on any part of it. Wc know tins public have been deceived bv manv com|xmtids of Sursii/iarilhi, that promised murfi and did tiothing but they will neither lie deceived nor disappointed in this. Its virtues have leen proven by abundant trial, and there remains no question of its surpassing excellence for the cure of the afflicting diseases it is in tended to reach. Although under the same name, it is a very different medicine from aav other which has been liefore the people, and is for more effectual than aay avav biw available to tbm CHERRY PECTORAL, Tho World's Great Bemedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipiont Con sumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease. This lias been so long u«cd and so univer sally known, that wc need do no more thnn assure the public that its quality is kept up to the U'st it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do ail it has ever done. Prepared by Ph. J. C. Arm & Co., Practical and Amdi/tind L'hnuitts Lowell, Moss. 8oM by all druggists everj-wlierc. Smith & Atkinson, Charles City A. V Tennant, Cliii kiusaw Dr. B. M. IVwcy, Nash ua Mthtman & Dickinson, Bradford Hiruui RoM'tirraiis. Marble Rock Child ft I.yon. Rocklord I^elinikulil & Ilaunbei'tf, Floyd, WHOLESALE ACJ^VTS —J. H. Jieed A Ct Chic-afro Benton Brother* ft Co., McGrego* Allen ft Hordonl, Dubtniue. OVER 140,000 MBUDT IMV% Being 50,000 Ahead OF ANY oil IE u I'.lMPAN'yi UNPAKALLKLEl) Sl'CCESS lisnsit? SEWIN0 iVPjiij ompanj are now making 140 l^r day. These are the only Maehine* making the Loek Stich with tlie Rotating Hook. No Shuttle nor maihiiMMj for Bove uiento. THE8K MACHINES ARE UNRIVALED IN ^Simplicity and Durability, AMI AttK TO EQUALED IN CAPACITY to sew both heavy and light goodi*, and in KASY ADAPTATION lo the greatest variety of styles of work. TIIKY AHE Profitable k Available a lifetime. The 01a*« (.'loth Premer. so popular, nn only la- had with tb««e machines. USO. R. OHITTENDKV, Gen. Ak'J, 10(1 !,:ike Street, Chicago. C. H. WRItilir. Traveling A ent, 2Ji Main Street, Diil'iiijiui, JOHNSON it MATHEWS, Kgcntn/ L. ih I:I{OI'( w A nn Dvt*pu-Dand STOVES. RH'kfor|. HS, A^ftit, ri«»^d. GEO. C. DEAN, Agent, Charles CityV May 2A, IMA. 3lyl» HO AFSSBCT ATIOX, I'Hll. VI'K.l.l'HI.A I'A. lttaam of thr Ni rvniu, Srmliitl, I'Hatry Ki tual Nj-ntrinn—*1 iul r.'li itl-tr. Hl in in—in IK.II- ..I llic II i\VAIU» ASSiK'lATIoN—S-nt hy mail in -. ii.1 I' ll, i l-'n-i i.||n-- fnv rliari .'. A t .Ir.'-s IT .1 SK1I.I.IN III il 'i: II i\. It.-vv.iril AiMH'iatinii. No .'1 South Ninth Street, I'lilladvlphia, Pa. Rail Roads. c-. -:-W" Dubuque & biaux. Cil R. R. O an.l aflor Monday, Oct. 17, 1864, trains wilt ran as follow- LtHvc r*l ir Fall«, (Kreipht.) f-30 A M.«n-I f'00 A. M. ^I'aH.-cngLT,) 8:^0 A. M., .irrivo la Dabitqtie I M. L»'n\e l*tihui]iM, fFreiglit,) 7:00 A. M. ami 930 A. M. (l"a«etg«r,)I0:30 A. M., arrive HOt- ilnr Fall* Su'IOP M. A paoopnger ear acrompanl«« ffttli froipht train. The train* stop 10 mmuieg at Manchester tor refresh mcnts. Wr«*!Ocnnojis—ct»ifp»1avrKarlvillonn tho arrival Ol tli.' enr- from the Ka-t, on Tu-.lay-. Tli'ir-(lav in.1 Satur.layj. tor Str.iwlierrv rolnt. "•-•1 Brii-li I iiion, Itoroiali and Owk, on M.'inliiy-, W.-.liiPMilaVM ami Fi iilays for K.iyctte, St. Paul ati'l from Mh'k'h»wter Strawberry I ouit ami tin- north. StJiiri^l.-avi- F.ills .tally for NVw Uartfor.!, J. A. Pijrro, General Fri'i^ht andTleket Agent. Ap- litik:toll.1-1,111.1 (iroviv Arklry, llanlin (Hy, |.,w Kails, Allien. Wallor. \\«'l»-tiTt it\ Vori fc. **1 cr.. nnd iotix ('itv aN...tor lamvvilli-,\Vavi rly.yra. Na.-liua,UraUfordi Charles City and Mil no-.* in liKOIMiF. YOCVG.!*npetintnndenl. JUalena and tliicago I nion RAlI.UtiAD. ft A ill) A IT Kit Mtl^OAV, Nov. SO, 18l3, Trains will |IM\e iii.l mr a follow*, Sundays .•Xfl'ptill Freeport unil Dtmb ith Exprera. I^avc t'hl(„rfo. Arrive H. IvMere.... Arrive Rockford.... Arrive Kr-e|mrt...., Arrive Itimlfltli FTJRTO A.M. Fallen F. It. TAlJltlTT. «*n«-ri\l Stipt-riutendeuL (J. M. WlU Ktiil, tieiurul'jt Afjnt. 1 K64 Ap# yo« 1 *04 Then *e lire tl. Krt i i the ITIItlll^A^ MM IHER3I ANO Lake Shore Rail Road Line. THE DIRECT ROUTE EASTWARD! Forming with IU connection# the Groat Through Route, via Cleveland, Dunkirk or Buffalo, To all jiritu ijitil pointxin Ohio, Ptuinsylvaiiiit, New* York, New England ami the Canada*. Lioavo Cliioasoi 6.30 A. M. Day Express Train. 6.00 P. M. Xi ght Kxpress Train. Grand Union De|*ts tliroughont the entire line, in i-otineition, at Uiitf.ilo and IMmkirk. with the Now York aud Liit ttod «s«»w Vork Central lUilroads. l.nvurion« sleeping- Cars! Atrotnjany all night Expreaa Train* through to the Atlantic t'ities. Trains inline, at Detroit with Train* of the Oraml Trunk Railway. tW Ixtnilnii. Hamilton. Toronto, Itrm-kville, Montreal tittela-e, ami all |oititn in C'aiutdiiv Also at i'lyde witi-TrtMin o# the SandUaky, Dayton andC'int innati Uuilrotid, for Sanilnakr, 1'ellet'untainc, Bpringtield, Dayton and L'inein nati. Al«o at Monroeville with the Sandnaky, Mansfield and Newark Railroad, for Manatield, Mount Vernon, Newark, Zaneaville, Wheel ing. &c. PaMMon^erw «lc»lined lo Pittsbnrp, Wlirt liiip, Hitri islntrg, Philatirlpliia, Haltitiiorc, W«#l» in^ton, and nil points in I'ennsy Ivania, Hhonld l»e partieular and nvnre Tickets "Cleveland and I'ittnhurg RailrotMl." Through Ticktt» by this THrtd Route, Can Ik ohtained at all I'• in« ipal Ticket Oflieeis in the West and Northwent, and in Chicago at the Company's IVpot. corner of Van Rurun an«l Sherman Streets, nnd nlxo at the (ieneral IVM tiger nili ••, Clark Street, under the Sh rinan Hotiw. JOII\u.ri MPBEUL, CM-l^wtX. a. 4N. 1 I., n Itt K Kit.- ,, A It .ClfM Umt. II. xri' IM.II \|, S|||1|, K It. H. leveland i: k K k it itun.«!o It. \. IllttlU «iKO. 1. I .'It V, i. JOIIX P. II \|(T, WM. It. UAKU,i.. I l*A«. Al-' IH 'Iim-ago. tfrn Travetinii Aif-nl i-rul Ayi-tit, lliiftjlo, Y. iWHJ mmcim ti 'Tti Tir* GR0VER & BAKER TTW^LL AiH 4U£ LOCK. mm-H. Price, $45 and Upwards. 'ITie Oiww I Bitker Ujaliimn have taken the First Prenlum at the late State Fair* held in N'KU' VI IKK. 11,1 TV OH, jcivmxr, w jufiinr, ii nn.AM, wwim "III". low A Vllti IMA. IMilAN'A, Mis-Ill ia. yiiKI'lt tAKolJXA. AtAUAH.V AMI rATJToit.MA. InlmHmj trrry SI a/, ciktii'nl M2. Pintiin ptir lia:nt: Mix lniui. th.- l'.rov«r k Baker ^ewiUK Mucliiiic loiniiauy c«ti tUfir bhmUow, iMfctBg eMtrr utiU ki, anil chanfee If t|»y dwin to. THi: ONLY OiMl'AXY AM* to (flVr iwh Indarrmrat*, Itioy alM afll-r to tlie imblic at the extrMMly low prh-r of $45 Forty Five Dollars. $45 tr»ipbt amntlo. I/^k Snt. Murlune. t-intatole for Tui '**r- or Family IM 11a- M^c lnn. i»f lar^t- «!»•. ra^i.1. I'lict. -imi.le nnit Ur i|»-nor ft the nbuule Machtuex h«T'loforr NIIIII ui $T.'I I«I ilut. tir ii-r*I NurtliWfnltru itt).*, Ili l-UCE RTRKKT, CHITAtin. I*. L- HUNTLEY. Ajjent, THE Chal k's City, Iowa. CABINET FURNITURE SUBSCIMHKK would respectfulljr an nnim«-e to tin- it iz. i.* ot Rt Charles nnd vicinity, that In .-.till -intinu'rs the Cabiaift .Hakiu^ in all iU viaiotia lraneh«n, at his Shop on Kel ly Street, one thair north of the Printing Otliee, iu St. Charles City, where he will l» happy to wave hia friend* aud cu«tomer«, w ti.-tial. I have on hand, and am prepared to manu facture to order, at short notice, all kiudaof Cabinet Furniture, sueh as TOILMT, 1WESSIXU AXD RREAKFAS1 TAliLl-S, Dressing Bureaus, of every description, Bodstoada. Light ami Wash Ward rolcr«, Secretaries, Bookcacs, Arc. Btt. Al«o, Coffins made to order. 11. REAMS St. Charlen City, Jan. 8, 1861. 2tt DRY Square Stores. Ble^atW? tmtl Brick Orca, aud 6b et Iron Stoves, for t»alc by GILBERT & DEAN. GOODS, Dreas Oooda, Oln^hauta, Silkh. lioaiery, fSlovea and Millinery (Jotala, for aale at GILBERT ft DEAN'S. HPalm ATS. Wool, Silk, Ix^horn. Panama, & Loaf hats -M« n'^ and Itovh'—for .ale by OILDEKT & DKAN. Rail Roads. fi I N O E A 1 N 6 4 Freight and Passefifvr Route. THE MILWAUKEE & PRAIRIE DU CHIEN «, DIIlEcf ALL RAIL ROUTI FROM H0STHEBH IOWA & MIX1EB0TA to Milwaukee, Chicago, Bt. Lot!in, and all Points East and Soutfr.- *Tr and .l.lil i 10 NO P. M. 1 1CI I'. M. amt I 4N A. M. EILO P. M. *U1 2:?5 A. M. P. M. an.L 3 40 A. M. I' and 8 10 l^ave ltiinl»ith lenv«" Frc" |iort In-avf l!o«'klonl.... Iiravt' IVIviilvri'.... Arrive t'htragi A M. .. A. M. ami 6 15 P. M. .104)11 A atul H:4.S M. 11:14 A M. aint llnO IV M. ..11 5 IV M. ami «:-.o P. M. ... I':4S P. M. amiait) IHI towa Line. Ijcave Fulton 4 i*' |. amt o 00a.m. Arrive at rimion 4:4a anl 7.L"0 a. m. Arrive at r.-lar IUipiiU 11.00 a. tn. Arrive nt MateCentre 4:46 p. m. U-avoStatA Centre 12^41 p. III. Arrive at Ceilar Itaptd# in. Arrive at Clinton 6:00 a. In. am] 9:16 p. m. Arrive at Ftilt-n. 7.0 a. tit. ninl luOOp. tn. v'uiid«yp*c'|iti*l)!i'ave Prairiedu Chita 7(Hn A 1W ^r-rivinff !«t Milwaukee nt 4.P.M.,aatf* •wU.A.lU. a! Chlrai'o nt S 4S P. M.. eonniTtiDg af Chicagodtrwlly witli train-r.r tin- Piiit unit tooth. COXXECT/OXS Are alno innde at Janosville fof Betoit, JSelridere, Frrrpmt, rortagt City, Font At Lae, Othkuah, Berlin, ice. WIJMKC CH'I K' .L thro.,ell (I Prairie da CMMI It Milwaukee, Clih-ntro. atul all iin|».rtHt't (xiliH Cait. OMX/fU'S TICKETS At Milwaukee and Chiiiiy furninhrt\ rat it by Con thuiortto Panttngrr* holding th rmtgh Et*trrn 7\k 4* WM. .1 Eli VIS. (ieneral Supt. Milwaukee and Mississippi nAII.KOAD. Great Trail sport at ion Roiit^. THE MERCHANTS JLMi all Buriner* Mm of th? Xortk- Wmi Will save TIME and M'N EY l»v hariag ttMr Goods sliippe.1 by the or.n rtoxEEti TIIK ROCTE YT\ MILWAUKEE A PRAIRIE da CHISV. roi.T.invixii I,IM ox TIIK UKKII, VU: New York Central Line, ltiiffalo, Cleveland, and Chicago Lin40 Western Trans[H»rtati«in Cnmjtany, it|| Northern TninsjHit bition Company Rnn in direct conne tion with this Road, a&d all Freight arriving at Milwaukee hy aald Lines, ip landed on the Milwaukee and Mis sissippi liailrotid D(K-ks. ItVnsigned to our care, it is transferietl to the Cat nfrttof charge, avoiding delay and saving shipping charges. N. 1». The Detroit and .Milwaukee Railway Company insure all Property across I«k« Mil hiiran. and deliver freight consigned to this |{o «d free of charge. The rates of transportation from Chi cago to the Mississippi, will !e at low a* hy any other line. WM .IERVIS, (ieneral Superintendent. J. IMWLKR, Agent, Prairie du Chlen. March 9th, 1863. 33tf United Stales Mail and Express Roite. CK'.VOO, .MILWAl'RKR, LACROSSE AND ST. FAO» RAILWAY LINE, FAMILY DYE COLORS. Blat'k, Crims4.n, Datk Hlae, Dark Drab, Light Blue, I.iirht Drah, Ercncli Blue, Dark Ureen, Claret Mrown, I.i^lit (}reen, Datk lliown, Magentft, Li^lit Biown, Marooii, Sniitf Brown, Oruige, it VI\ Chicago an«l nilwaiilMjif A 1 W A V o-- THE SHORTBST RAIL LOU TO THE EAST, SOUTH & SOUTH-WEST. -o COJ5XECTIOX8 SI RE. BOTH AT MIL WAUKEE AND CHICAGO. A tan ma ne* Is with the RACINE AND MISSISSIP PI RA II.R0.\ D, at R.u'ine. and with tha KENOSHA AND ROCK FORD RAILROAD, m,9 A. V. H. CARPENTER, Oen'l llcket Agent, Milwaukctii'* I.G.OBUIK1B, Ctao Pawengar Afent, 84 Pa«||. Pink, Purple, Royal Pur|H^ Salmon, Scarlet, Slate, Sol fori no, Violet, Yellow, PerftH Fk* Othrt, ft* fhrdn? Silk, Woollen, and Mixed (okkIk. Shawls, S',irfii, llrei^Ma, lliblNMix. Glovex. Rootlet*, Hats. Featl| ers. Kid Glove*, Children's Cloth ing, and all kinds of Wear inir Appal el. A MVIMU OP KK IITY PRR CBMT. Tor 25 cwitH you can -»Jor *n many £noit* as «r«uM ntliiTwi-c fist llvi' tiling tiiat *uui.^ .-tuMle* utn It* |riliM'«U from tlir sum |y». Tin- |ir«» «4M Kimptr an.l any um- ran us.- tli.-.Iy.• Willi perfwt tuiri'^. Dir. ikhm ib EogllMli. Krem atul —m. nritt tt eai Ii |r.n-k ijfi'. KIT lurtli.T inforin:tti.n in ilriMiip. an.l giving a purflwt ktinwlfwliat iiilors ari' In ,-! aJa|4u«l tu dye oror *h (witli niiiiiv vulunM.. rfi|».«, purclia*.. 11"we 4 •K-v(iis' trfM*u-.- IMI ity••iiij and coloring. tv-n» br *a4l .•I. RF.-I|A..| ITMV,—I« .T-IIW. For Hale by UruggytU an.l Ik-iiWv' nerallv. Mott'i: i vj.VK»\ ^Tyl* 2(W llriiu.1way, BntlHi*" S. Fluniinfrtnn,onr Whnle-alc Ajtcutul MdUruar JM I* Mthnrted to »ninly dralem at our price#. H. MM. MAXITOOD HOW I.OST I HOW UK.S'l'OKfV Just pullishel a new edition of Dr. Culver* well's Celelu.ited hj-say on the radical cure, (without tneditine.l of Spermatorrhea, or8e tnitial U'cakiK'ss, irn ohintary Seininal LOH**, Ini|M«teney, Mental and I'livsical incapacity, Ini|a.'dinientH to M:Mria^e, etc.,cotihump tifii, Epilepsy, ami Fits, indiued ly Seli-I» dol-jetice or Sexual Extravagance. Price, in a sealed envelo(w. only 6 ceatf. 1 he celehrated author iu this admirable es say clearly demolish atea, from a thirty ytars SlKfetislul pi act ice, that the alatinin^ conae quencea of self-ahuso may In- radically cured without the diin^t iuiit UKV ot internal DIHII- cine or the application of the knife pointing out a mode tit cure, at once simple, certain and effectual, by tncaht of which every suffer, er, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privatelv and radiealljr. IV tils Lecture Hhollld U' ill tiie hands of eveiy youth and every man iu the Und. Sent, under seal, iu a plain envelope, to aav addles*. |x*»t |aiil, on receipt of six cent# or two post stamps. Address lie publishers, C1IA.S.J. C. KLINK & CO. 197 Bowery, New York, Post Office Box, 4584. THI CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIBNCI or AM TJ V^VT.n^. Published for the lametit, and as a warn lag aai A CAl HON TO YOI'NU MEN who suffer from Nervous Debility, Prematura Dec»y of Manhood, etc., supplying at th« same time THE MEANS OF sEI.F Cl'RE. By one who 1 ni.- cutcd liiniM'll after being pal to jareiit expeuse and injury through medical humbug and ipiackery. By enclosing a post* paid addicNtcd envelope, single copies may bv hail of the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, ESQ, Uyl Bedford. Kinga County, IT. T. Mason City Nursery THE sut •M tilier would rcK|ectfu11y hifoaBI the citi/.ens of Floyd county and the pab lic nein liillv. that he is pic|aicd to fuitiish Nuraory Trees of all kindrt and of the best quality, at low S-icex, from hia nuiery at Ma*on City, lotM, iastiK-k eonxists of the hardiest variety of Apple Trees, fnm two to four years old I I^ilxdla, Alexandria, S|iti«eiiburg. Wiue, 4'atawlia aud Concord (Irajx** al^o a HU| Variety of Small Fruits, such as llorton Seedling Goosel»eiriea, I-ir^'e red Dutch. & Victoria wldtuCarvaalb fn'oh li. nnd Ohio Mammoth Strawberrrloi Victiniaaud Hxbrid I'ie Plant aud many other varieties of Fruit#. Thcaa Trees ure all pert, cl I v sound and thrifty Fanners and others will do well to oall aad examine la-fore puichasiug elsewhere. OnlriK by mail will be promptly and faith fully attended to. A- GARNER. Mafcon City, Sept. 1859. ROCERIES. leas, Suaar. Coffee, Frult0f Codtieh &c. at GILBERT & DEAN S. Gr