VOLUME VIII. *HE paries Citjr fnttlligtnur, 18 Ft R1.ISHM' FVKKV Till K.-IMY Bt A. B. P. HILDRETH, SftlTOR AMIFItOFRJETUll PRICK, »J,00 A YEAR, IN ADTAKOC. •FFICE IN THE INTELUGENCER BUILDING, CONNKL UK NlIO* Awn KKUY MTRVSRfl, Charles City, Floyd Connty, Iowa. Any p*rson obtaining live sub-miters. and forwarding Ike money, shall N? furnished with a copy of the tnlelli fetjrrrf'T this lorries so long as the number shall l» k#f»t pood. jiii-itu--- perlainina to Ihe paper ran be transacted VtDi th' 1'uhlisher any day at the office I'ublicaUM. Commnniratioiis'may lie addressed to the Editor, who W(D promirtlv and faithfully re«|ind to them. Tlllf Or ADVRHTMIHG I 1 w. it w. "i fcptar*7 50 I W»| H«ni:ir#*rr II»I 13 Spin res, S ftO &<) Square*, 4 no W» "Tl Square*. li 00 10 00 I'oTumn. «oo jl l.Vi (»liimn. oo 12 oo i s on HOTELS. TKKM0XT llor.SB, Cteriii'i of 8th and Iowa Stn eis, lld'Bl yl'E, IOWA. ifjTbis Hottse is centrally located to the losi iMss pirt of fhe fltv, and Postoftk-e. Hie projiriet. ilesires to ph-as« idl who may favor kiiiu with their patronage, and solicits a trial Of Umnm visitiug tl»e city. GEO. L. DICKINSON. Proprietor. N. B. A first-clatw Barber auti U^th Ing rooms in the hoiwo. ITyt AMKIUCAN HOTEL, oomu or east water detuoit stkkkts, MIL UM KF.E. W. 8. AM »S. llOPHinTO*. TtiTs Wottfp t* liK-iiti^l in the bnsinrw fart the t'ity. convenient to the Cars and Ifctate. |#f" 1 imnibus and Itaggage Wagon always t»n hand lo couvey l'a*tciigcrs and Isiguagti to and from the Boats aud Cars free of charge. CWUTKH HOUSE, JOOX 1. WllJV»T. PliOPRlEJVM, maix vtukkt, csaaa fall*, BUek 1/atck Cvunh/ fmm. Tlds house having change 1 hnrrls. and Wtl dergone a thorough refitting and iem,sh-ling. is now readv for the at't'oiiiiniKlalion of the public It is situated in the buoiucK* |Mirt of Ce«lar Falls. The proprietor pledv'o himself that no |tains will In- s|wired to make his i ut«ts eotnfoi tiiWe. leave tbi* house daily Kir the North, South aad W«t J:IT FToP AT THE IOWA CENTRAL nOTEL, WATF.HI.OO, loWA CHAPMAN & WILLIAMS, Proprietors. ATTOItN KYS. ii O.BeUUgsr. 0. G. & STAUK v"' A. B. F. HILDRETH, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR. 4 w. am mm l*n *175 SftOO »T Ij2 7 Mi Sim| Itl |R 7 AO 1« 110 14 |^21 10 10 I l'J Kl I 1« 24 l'„» Ml 14 OO IS |~3II 14 ool if. I 20 I Is 15 00 IS 00 2ft 46 "is (in 1 25 00 I Sfi| W n oo ~ji oo Otlnms, 12oo aortr* ro* ntt i*tctLMiEwrcR tv rrttin^-ill k Co., Nw.-,]«i|wr Advcrti«iag Ac«ata. M. ST I "ark How. X.w York t. H. A*riv#n. inoral Advertising Agent, Dear tar* Street, Chfcaf*. Hu*inrii C»rdn »f Um «r I«m will fee t»aH«J Ik tklsrolunin I-t $"i oil |»'r aiimim. I'or a li additioaal lis*, over fl\ o.oiii' dollar will hr li.ir» nl. R. 0. IMiipr. G. nDIXIOEIi, A O N E Y S A A W And Sviicilort »a Chanrtrf, Dealers in Real Estate, Exchange, Ice. CHAD LIU CITt, 1U1VD COCHiTT, IOWA. Will attend to business aud practice in the Supreme and l»istrh Court of Iowa. Information aud good references cheerfully given on request. -ft o. raATV. FAIRFIELD & l'RATTr ATTUBKEYR AT LAW. Charles City. Floyd County... Iowa. Will practise in all the Courts of the Slate. All business promptly attended to. k l'ATTEI!?0y, Altorimyf Coumitlors ut fjnv, ClIAItLI I CITT, rLOTn CO., IOWA. fgT* Will practice ib Northern Iowa sod Southern Minnesota. l'Mrticului attention paid to collections, paying taxes, convey ancing, and furnishing al#stracts ot title of Lands. Office over Stone Store. 1 v51y Watches aud Jewelry. rm.. i V9i—.. MATS0N i. i TT" A. E. SAWYER, Watchwukcr and .K wellor, at tur CITY JEWEL V STORE. asiMM citt ruivo cumwn, (OWA. N. H. Watches, Clocks and .lewclrjr pairsd in tip-top style. 42tf mi vs- A. B. VANC0TT, IMPORTS* AMD MAM rACTt'RRR or Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, MASONIC JEWELS. SILVER ANH PLATED WARE, ETC., Cor. East Wutci aud Wisconsin Sts., MII.W.U KKK WI^XINSI*. Welch Tools and Materials of every dsscrip-! Mon. \m k Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, 'lo. 194 East Water Stroit, MILWAl'KEE, WIS. rntm Miscellaneous Cards. AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE. WASHINGTON pkai.KR In All Kinds of Farming I K E N 8 AMI Wagonmaker's Stock, WATERLOO IOWA. I. M. MERRIMAN, Notary Public k H. C. INMAN, Fashionable Millinery Goods, h'hoUmU aud Retail, Va. 18 Wineoiifin Street. Milwaukee. BELLAMY, JACOBS & CO., PRODI1*'* AND Commission Merchants, AM) ltlALKBS III DKAI.ER I.V TRUNKS, VALISES AND CARPET BAGS. hit Work is lied bv nolle ties warranted as refirmented 1 LOOM IS, IMPORTERS AND MANI'f ACTURRRB, Aud Wholesale and lletail Dealers In pa i kru&ACHRR, Surveyor Marble llock Floyd County Iowa. Will promptly attend to all husjaementrust ed to Li* uu«, aud will furnish Plats when desired. 41mf° SMITH k ATKINSON, PF.VI.KRS IN "DTIUOS, BOOK8, S7'A TIOXF.N i'. Newspapers, Magazines, &c. 4 c, CHARLES CITY, IOWA. Store on Mill Street, near the Mill. Stf MRS. H. M. DUNK. DBA I.Kit I S U I 8 161 South Water St., Chicago. REFERENCES. OnU Brotksr. flnHh, PollaH k Co. STKAliXS & F0KSYTH, Wholesale Groccrs, —AND— DEALERS IN PROVISIONS, 185 South Water Street, i. w. ST BARMS, I CHICAGO. t. vnBSYTH. Hjrl CTTY IWiokwhw B. M. llAHr.KU, VBMJUaii A wrr*n mliikm if Books and Stationery, Mu*k. Instruments, Print and Wrapping Papers. Printers' Stock, Etc. Vo. Ill Main Street Dt myiE, Iowa Depository of the American Tract Society. Wisconsin Trunk Manufactory JOIIX li. COCTP, 337 Main Street, nsar Hewhall Houses Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Mamif i. tiirer and WHOLESALE 4- and all arti Wllell Mild Trunks made to order, covered and rc|wiired. I4vl° ALBERT H. H0VEY, Agent for Manufacturers, and iValer in all kindsof Agricultural Implement*, ALSO FIELD, GARDEN AND FLOWER SCBPS, No. 104 Ijtke Street, Chkago, Illinois. P. O. Box 3047. 14yf A.B. F. HILDRETH, Notary Public k 3. will he satf Conveyancer, CHARLES CITY, Floyd bounty, Iowa. W. PM1TII, M. D., •TI.KITIC PH YSICIA A IXJ) S VR (iEON, 111 a 111. is crrv, ilovuco., tow A. Office at the lrug A (look Store, on Mill 81. -Reside nee, oeur the School House. H. C. BEADLEY 4 CO., WIIol.KSAl.ll DEALERS IN Y A N K E E N O I O N S Mji 107 Mast Water Street. MILWAUKEE. IDA HOUSE, JL M. b'AKUFX, J'ROFRlgTO% Wavbslt,. Biixa Ooenrr, Iowa. BLAIR & rEKSOXS, WIIOI.KSAI.K A RETAIL 1JEAI UIS IM China, Kurt hern YV00LLEY A SNYDER, i citt ru)*i» eotxTT .... Hows made and repaired, Cbtritup* Irontii, and Gtueral JuUtiiig AMERICAN HOUSE, 00RKKK or MAIS Axt JCAKKIT JtTRF.Snty nochi oni), ilL., Kearly opposite the Kciumha DepdA. fUWM A. MiiKLUW, PNpftoUSk lite Hou«« oan-)t*l lo ami from tlta Otfl free of char|{«. Au|4e SUbUag auu«be4. Montgomery House, bY I1ENUV BAKEU, Nasuva, Chickasaw Colkty, Iowa. Htages leave this Iloute daily fat UlC yorth. South, Esst and Wssft. iittu/ nil ii HEMIROLD'K Genuine Preparations* COM POUND FLI'ID EXTRACT IUTIIU, a positive and "pw-iflc Remedy fur .ti-ea-os i.l tin- Mad der, Kidm y-.( ra\el. and Jr• al Swelling.-. Tht- M.mIh imp in., ..a-.-* th- power of liL-i--ii.'ti. and exrite- tin' absorbents iut« healthy aetion. ly win, li the watery or calcareous |..|K»ipoti*. and all uim.il'iril larct-m.-til-are n-duecd. a.-well as sain and tntl.ihima don. MELmoLDH KXTRACT BI'CIW. TW M'.\,kn.-«« ari-ouff from Cjiwum, nabtts of THarf (Kilion. Knrlv IndiscretKia of ilioff, attended with tho following -vmpti-m» of 'Vn.ury, Wi-ak N.-rv.--, Horror of |)inine«sot V»i«t I'nivtTsal lassitudeuf llie Mn-riilar Svtcm, Hot Hand liry iicjs of ih.- Skin. Conveyancer, FLOYD YILLAC.K, Floyd County, Iowa. I/»«» nf IWi-r, JlliflV •illy of Breathing, Hrenthlitiir, Wakefulness, Rot, in llie ftirk. to Kx rtHa, £i|itKnoi ii.-limtc tiw lwtf, Um' Van, hUM Couiil»*ii:moi. Tb«w jym)to»n-. if allow oil to i»o on. wfaieh tliU Mil eiac Mirari.iMy n sm.ii fuMows fmpn/nny, Fatuity, EpHrptir Ft(g. In one of w lii. the Calient may exjilre. Who run nay tlui iln-y «re wk fti«|uently Hiimi %t Unse" I*ir»'ln! lii-.-a-rs," INSANITY AND CONSUMTTTn^. MmJT »i aware of tin- ti,i*e of lh--ir "iilf. :mt.but .VotK *•.// oor,/«, the record* of the Tn,a,u ind nidanrliol\ liy i.~utti|ilh»i l»i-ar wn k' wtt I 1.. ili tretli thf a--.-rli.in H'AieA IMMr* Frtraci R,«hu i*rar»,U¥ dom. FEMALES -FEMALKK FEMALK8. I» many a fleet ions jK-cullar to Feniabts, the •Alra I Hth'tiu is iifH-iftialleit lv an) other Itemed) as in It liU«-Ki «.r l!.ieiil ..ii, Irrt'.'iifciray. I^infnliu or fH|- itjr. and t.-r all .•tiin,tHi:it- m. id.-nl f., the whether ari.-iu|{ fi'.m iiKii-T«ti.n. Imha- .li».| iti'Mi, or the DECLINE OK t'lIANliE OK LIFE. Take no more Balsam. Mercury or unpleas ant medlriae* ter unpleasant or daneerot* h*eww«s. IhlmbuUr» Frtmrt Burhu and Imprm-fil Ii-mm-»'s RETAIL A'usetrwcA CITIES SKCKET DISEASES In all their sUi^e", ai liule Thousands u|«* thousands. Iu«v.' l«-n tin vietini' 4»eks and »!m. huv.- |wil heat) l.i-s to b- euri^l 111 H-hort lime. ha\e foend th.-y wen' ,|«veive«t. and th.il I!,. o|M(\ l«i~. tiii'ii««Mf |«iw Tf'iI a^trinu'ent-. lei-n drinl up a. (lie -y -t. in. to hreak wit ts aaaggrava ti1*! lor ill, and prrkajv nftrr w*irrii/e. I'se H.-lnittoM's Extra-1 of Ittielia fir alt aWflwms u-l iHm'.-im-m 4 the urmarv .rp*n- wtwther existing ill mak in- f.-niale inm huKvir au»e on^inatitiK aisl no mat ter '.1 how lonp 'Uin.li.i_v .4 the-e or^atts reijiTire t)»' aid of .1 dtt:retie Il.-lmt.«-l.t Kjtr.i. Um tin 1- ih- Ureal 1 M.11 tie. and is feriiiiti t.. Iiiiv.- tli" desir»s| effin-t in all di-ea-e» for whi. U i« reomimeiKlwd. Kvstvflee of the n*vl reliable ami re-|«.nsil)l' 1 ttanu ter will aeem[NUi) the moil'.-itm. Price 91,00 per Dottle, or Ma for |A,M, delivered t» any addre.—. -vire!y |meke«l from tMerva |sn liewenUe •)lti|So«B* in all ram Uaanitwt. CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. IfMtwl iow erf'j I T.mir. eom-ctire and altetWM* ot woadvrful eSkxry ia itieeaaea ih. k ltU (lluss Ware, SILVER I'LATE I) GOODS, Cutlery, Ja|anued Ware. Looking («lasses, Britannia Ware, tias Fixtures, Lim|s, Jinnvrt III.,I.fll,*. .^i^eudeie-J Um Stomach, Liver and Bowel* Cure# |K|M*|Kia. liv. e.tnp!a:al. H.'a.iai'hf. Geaeral Ih-bilav. N. rvoii.u.vs, l» |.o .1 spirits, I'tmati pali.41. ColS'. InterintUeiit VViers. Oani|- aatl ejsi-iu-, and all i '«iii|.,aiiu .» of euher s x, arMag Iran Ifctdily Weakness ahitber iniavrviii iu lit.' si# iu laroJiaaal by special t-aasui. NoUiinc lhat in not wh.'lrsotue, *. i,uil atul restoraliie In it- ntlure eoiwH iu(« Hh iu|«j»aion ,rf Hi STtTflii'!1 STOMA* II MITIHtS Tin.- |.pular po'iKiralfHi os.ua niiu« ral "I all) kiud.no .Ua*ll lt4aiiH-«l uleiuml u lu-rj ,-v lUia b'ul it i.i u I'liibiuatioit Il is well ki be of tli« cxtraeU rare halsaauc l,. rl- .u«l plaiiLi willilhe puivsl aud Biikl ,--1,4 ail lltlUi.OesllliiaUt.L- torvarrao.1 ag iiant dlamse, and, phere. imisire water awl iHher external ler's Bitu-ri) may be Sx. Eaut Water Street, milwaukieb. iiitaiiil*!.1 ho Ur as the human sv»u*m an l«- |.r.' i. il bv human means l.y an nuwholesiHue aHta#s cause*, fcSi'l r, Ucd on aa a safeguard. In •tistrx-i- infi-sled wiUi l"ev,-r at,«t Ajjue. It ha-' K-ert |. nnd .i--a |i i veutn .md 11 i"esi-t..l.i.* a- e-. »pe :t r, ti.'• •ly and ilioi»..tnd* who re«ort a nit-v-r .i|trel«ti.-i«i of I an attack. tl«- -,'.m'e and tl,i«!-ai,d- who i,.-r liii Vi avail Ilietti-.-lves 4 its jaoteetive mUtlai. -. ill ail I van. i .ir, e.tnsi l.y i\. i l»ri* f«• III.- m.ir\. l.»i- I nird'i in.' Ken-f and .\£w |siti. i.t-, after heitiK pl)tnl I with 4UinUM l*r uuulhs in vaui. uutil tiirly -a' lra'.'.l I with that daugoruu* aliakiSI, ar« aut uiili t»qmiiU re xtorwd in health wStila a few I O. 0. CONE, Dealer in Hardware, Iron, Nails, &c., &o.t KcQregor, Clayton County, «Uy« U?r'i# Wu r. arfcdiitf Irvui ky Uta use 4 old Axe, if. Hoaiet i Th.- weak -lonwh if raf.i.lly invijf ratnl and the aj. petae roftornt 1V this «ufe*-abli' T,KH and htrace it work.- wonder- iu easts of !i-|«*|«-ias aud in le— fm Armed livins irf ImliKesthm. AUn^ aa a iMilh* ai,d 1 pilinleiA ai»r,. |,l. a- *el! a- u|».n lh« liver, U *lm iiat rtahly relH-voH the Coii»li|aiHii ^u|*nnduoe»l by imgalar acuon i4 tlir digestive aud -ecrettve of|au8. rerauaa of leehl.' liabil liilde to Nervous Attack*. 1 l^iwn.'-s of Spirits and Kits ..| l*tnMt"i•. tlnd pr4lipt ami ,» rfiiain ia relief tr.-in the li.lt.-i.- He- l«-linio,n .n this l*)U,l I- ni.uit. uiiusive,and troll, both sexes. I Tbe an"l'.T of Itiiioiis f'ulie is I iiiuuihIi.iU'I)' a-i.-iiaiiiil l\ a italk* (lose.il' the atiNiulant. anti hv uerasSauiHy m-ort ilkK U it, the rcturu of Uie couipUuut toay lr iH«vent. .l I Aaa Oeaaral Taolc. UtwU-tter'a B*ler» pruduue arhs'h tnel experitaieixl ur eSuels w anesse,! Wine they can he fully approriated. Iu c*se id tiaaMitutioual W'.uik Hess, Pi eiuatnre lie,-av and la bility and lki r. ptitii.lv x. I lu 111. .•..tiv il.'-cent sta^e- .,11 tail. frtun the a. id elem. nU present lit all the ordinary uatiu Ko family medicate haa Pre|«arod by Iowa. SoM by Cjje Jntcllupctr. WwtwaH Mm soarw «T omftr* u*« tla wajr.' A. B. P. MII.DttRTH. Mltah Oharlas City, Iowa, No?. 10,1864 A Grkat man, a&d -x|enMt LrtUeur noi-bange in diet. No iiH..*veiis'nce, AMI NO RXPOeriR. flansea a frr«|iieut .lusirt, ami Rives Itreneth lit orl late. Ile rehv remov mt h-triH time. (tn-v.-nlliit and cur ns'trh tures id the o'thra. all ,) twin mid lull.im iiuttion 0 lri\|Ut nl 111 the Us- .li-.-uw-'. ami evpelhlit all |.'i»oiHms, di-ea.-ed and «.iriH»it In ittt-r A4vlM «l AlMm- lt-ti. r* itil..rni it*:.ii lo II. H. IIKI.MHIII.n, CkraM, S'l.ll' l« t.ll. I |m I-'\\ Work —Cliicago paper* •ay their city is to be purified. It is now stated in an unearthed let ter, that the Greeks poisoned Lord Bynti. Gen STieridun, in early life, was a news-boy. lie circulated news then, now be makes it. According to the trwtfmrmy of the Puhuquc Herald, Dubuque is badly -I^WM. I infCStfd with tllieVCS and blackloiTS. The Con-iitniion miw affected hr nrgank* w,wkn«sa re- There have been BO Federal ronnlae* t»vtr«-eL» 1 nerenave ween no reaerai rcpaiaes dl'feat S'li "t n-l'iii,iry evacialioie. l'tceral-«l or seir rh..ll- -lil. t!i. I'l.T' 11 :H ||..I In,-1 I.r W hite-. S(»ril beCU tO Ctrtltttfy ilw twt ftt Red warn. paid. «igbt oi ilea. rwMtliMi. tt lMI* 1.1 -l.. ,1 IH I*ri|E an I Chi mwal Warehwie W4 Broadway Blew Ynrk. Hewer# of Counlrrfnf* .o,./ tuna Jttaltr* who etideav.* lo dftpos* Ui.*lr own "I articles 1 hi the r,'|.iiuti iii attami'd bv Ilelmbolrs lieunmo l'r«'|iarat»si«. Kxfaet Horhu. Kxtra. Mr-u|«rllla. o liiipruve'l IUon Vuk. SOI.D BT ALL DBUGGIS'I"S EVKRTWIIER& Ask for Helmbold's -Take no other. (Alt out the Ad\ertisemeiii and snul ter It, Aitd itrotd imfxintton and ejjtotwre. 4Tj% A national irram anrtn^r thaa lional War forever, rather than a peace The Dubuque Times of Saturday says that eighty men who were draft ed at Dccorah left Dubuque for Daven­ port that morning in Charge of Depu ty Marshal Tee ling. If you invest yt»nr money in n fsod farm and do Uot cultivate it well, it is the same as marrying a good wife aud so enslaving her as to break Iter ener gies aud break her heart. ap(Marauce ut of citizens and strangers. •tKftcsffoarli fbe Coarse #f (fmpirt taftts its Man." ?.T,V i to 1 1 K,V,r' «r ri v e days thereafter, a general account in writing, Mrs. lien IjOgun bet a span of mules taken from his lKMks. oi'thei]tiantity or n it in that her hosband was not a McClellati! The wagvr has beea Captain Ericsson has invented a new gun which is said lo anrpsssany thing now in vae—it throws a ball mm* The only time MdTtcHan exposed took refuge ou the ^uubo«| The b'iler might have bu'st. The militia companies on the south ern borders of Iowa are about to be wife in silks aad satins to do kitchen work. It is said that recent cventt* in the Shenandoah valley have disgimted the rebel press with a standard newspa­ per phrase. They dou't haukcr after Early news any more. .. i »i tive ilavs speciiitKl, and tliat th, v »tate, atcord- k fine large school house has lately been built iu C'edar Falls. The Ga-j If a farmer invests money iu tools and then leaves them exposed to the weather, it is the same as loaning money to a spendthrift without secuti ty—a dead loss in botlt case*. Adjutant Geueral Baker would like te hear from Jesse llowley who, in 1863, was at Mcfiregor or Indepen deuce. Said Jesse was understood to be a relative of Eli Rowley, Company I, 8th Iowa cavalry. Specimens of a uew style of frac tional currency, to supercede that now in circulation, have been prepared at i"urce said foifeitureif said projK*rty shall the Treasury Department. It is prob-| fereut sines, graduated according to the several denominations. The Land Office at Sioint CTty was recently closed to all entries of lauds ahog the line of the Mcfiivgor rail- snd St. Paul ruilrosd. It will remain closed until the railroad compaujf selected its lauda. Gen. Sully, in his recent re|Krt of his North-west Indian campaign, says he l-es the tleetrie iuHu. ii. e .hs.-a-es It Opriate- ,i. a i drlitcblfiil in\ i»:oraul Whea the |«mersi4' ualuie are olaxed, a o|a.'ialeB tu re mlorce aud le hut establish not least,a theai. ia The lliauulai'lured from Only £aJ'« Stimalani, M.imit and iinxa entirely uus ree mat.Tla IKheiiiu and more ot le.-s and eUiniaclnes vf the day. Inm Bay be truly ad.I'M. so iniversally, an4. it Hmerwitln i-^miar w rtli theiaWUigtail portkmof the i-oimininity.a.i Ilosti Iter .- Iliturs. noHTKTTER k SMITII, riUab«rt|h, all Druggists, Crocernaud wher«. PpPPPPIfP!VM|pR I'a Storekeepers CTery is perfectly satisfied of the imprac- ticabilityof a road for emigrants over the northern route. He reports that all the country in the viciuity of the Little Missouri river is broken and forms excellent protection iu every part for stnull bodies of Indians to an- noy an cinigraut train, and there is no safety in travelling over it anUl the Indians are exterminated. CHARLES CITY, FLOYD COUNTY, IOWA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1864. O K I I I A I LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES, Paurd nt thr Flr*l Sf»«lin of the Thlrtjr Klfklb I Wtftn [PlBLtC—No. 148J A^T to provide internal revenue to niipport the government, to pay interest on the puttie debt, and other pnrposes. [oilTTIXCtti] Sec. 6.V And be it further enat tod, That every jM-rsori owning k riipyintj any brew ery or premiss u*ed or intetilel ti U« med for the of lirewin-r i»r making such for inenti'd liquors, or who shall hiwc sin It |it*ml nnd "hall Ik* open at all times (»?xci'pt t^rWnR APnl A irutl Mil! 1-uavinev H«- ns^i -k«*!.ti al." 1 9th. A Whole Summer of battles and "°r* ««'put.v collector, or inspector. T, ,i mn1 u _i the inspection of said assessor, assist A whole summer of battles and «, l'»,y eolleetor, or in^KM tor, who may III*,,,, up,,,, I,avm. lit to the cill. tor or d. i.n victoriea take any linnuks or nit inoiiimlnnis or trail- ty collt-vtor of the district the amount us h«*re i scripts thereof, the quantity. j«u ka?rrs. or pn.vidird, mieh «Al*xUr or .k-imly ooh nu",^'r ClHTtiiru ring liiuT CiOVCR rols »t fftlit^uors niiitic, nn'l ulsn t|i6 sqoIi truHc I'tisinoKS fr proft*si(in millious of dollars worth of silks have or I *ale. ke pimr separate iu-vount of the several jf said assessor or assistant assessor, on the first I day ol each month in each year, or within ten U?r,°! fn7t'ls a,,,1 ,ruc,i1"'l,il CUV' diatifiinii i ,aw himself durili|f the war was when lie -olle. tin district, and owns or occupi,* a do- Js organized into regiments, l»j »rder of,,m I sab*, sjkn ifviti-r in su. inv.-i.f the do the Adjutant General. A good Idea, i 1—waivbt.use in which he iuten.ls tv# phict When a farmer purchases fine stock and does not protect and properly care, ... ,, at the Hiiinr limr. tiaunnut to the iiMuvtor ot for it, it is as wasteful as to dregs his lwrtl of'l»m*ls of nu ll kin-i ot tcniK-ntt 'l »rn and al- so of the quantity sold, or removed for con­ assessor or assistant assi-ssor, or other conipe- tent officer, ao-ording to the form required by 1 wmr Incnmsl law and shall iminediatelv forward U"* li,|Uor u,u'11' lUKi p««t or warehouse for the storagi* and side of manufactured the tluties chargeable thereon. present to such assessor or a.vi».lant issessT an invoice of the quantity or iiiiiuIk-i of twrrels altoilt to Ik- removed fol the purjs»e of stor- nal Revenue may presetiIk* such rules as In may k-eiu necessary for the pur[M*e cf carry ing the provisions of this section into effect. See. 66 And le it furthei etmcted. That the entries made in the Nioks required to be kept bv the foregoing section shall, on said first day of each aud cv«ry month, or within I ten da\s thereafter, l»e verified by the oath or I atlitmation of the |#erson or i» rs -ns by whom such entiies shall have iK-en made, which oath or affirtnati«n shall tie certified at the end of 1 sutii 1111tii-s by the assessor assistant asses s»r, or other competent otlic, 1 admiuisteiing tin* same, and shall Ik*, in substance, as fol lows 1 do swear (or affirm 1 that the fore- going entries were made by me on the respec- zette says the building is imposing in IS and attracts the attention Il in reported that the United States Government has notified that of Great] Britaiu of an intention to increase our! armament on the lakes for the purpose I of protecting the frontier. ing Ui the best of my knoi%l-.lgc and lelief, the whole quantity, i:f ftmnntcil liquors ei ther brewed, or brewed and sold at the brew ery owned by in the county ol" amounting to liarrels fl 67 Antiu furth7 the twner, atrcnt. or suiH'nntcntlfiit Alonnwim, shall, in case the original entries required to mat ion the following ith or aitiuiiatioii. to i be taken nsatotesaid I do swear lor affirmi that, to the Ust of my knowledge and lalict, s e i z u e e e o A n e o e e i n s o e n iu l,-t tlw foregoing cutties are just and true, and profession specitiiil iu such license,at the place that I have taken all the Weans in my power able the new currency will be of tiif-j f,,r thcdistiiit where such seizure,is iui*»ie, or That iu cities and towns having a less popula- thereof and, until sinh duties, with the ,ot ul uiai'iher o'i• vTled 'for *wlle'n ii-oi^tll ah«h' Jlis 7 for every surh refusal or neirlect forfeit the I ii'i.V ram of thrrr- hnnHul rfnllnra 1 11 1 v ami aiu i.ih a 1 .it 11. ^kii. .^1 v vh n, 111. a.. I ... WHIW1 1 U il 111 l"\i iv i I. 1 1., I sumption or sale, for one month preceding imprisonment for a term not exceeding two said day, and shall verify, or cause to l»e veri- years, or a fine not exceeding five hundred dol lied. the said entries, repoits, hooks, and gen- i.irs gcr la*er, or ale niauutai turns the same in one ,„ore horses, the time for w hkh su Ikeiis. ing. earning on, or doing of which trade, business, or profession, a license is r«-quired bv this act, without t.iking out such license as in that iK-half icqnired, he. she, or they shall, for eveiy such offence, liesidcs being lia ble to the payment of the tax, Ik* subject to or eial acccunts. and the fai ts therein sot forth, n^. of the I nited States, the other nioietv to on oath ,r aftiiiaation. to Iv taken Is'fi'ie the (|,e tO th. „,1U ,M" rl',aovc,, Is.th, one moiety of such line to the U(^. 1 ,,(• ,|lt, |H-isn who shall tirst giie in- formation of the fact whereliv said forfeiture 1o ruilt :U1( 1 such l»eer, lager In-cr, or ale in another coihv- tiotieers and |Kiilcrsi the place at which the tion district, he may, instead ot paying to the trade, business, or pmfctfeion for which such collector of the distrk-t where the same was license is gianted shall Ik*carried on siK'h tieiT. lager »«e«-i, t* »iu, ami Un-it-upon ness, or prrtfesslon specified In Hicli license such assessor or assistant sss*SM,r shall endorse j(l Kny the district in which such depot or warehouse t|,e pla v of business, nor the sale by in inu ifr situated a duplicate of such itivoiiv aud fm*turers «r prinlucers of their own gixals. thoreattcr the manuiacturer ot the beer, lagi-r 1 wares, and merchandise, at the place of pro beer. ot ale so removed shall tender the same ductioiior manufacture, or at their princi|a! account, and pay the same duties, and Ik* stili- 1 ject to the same liabilities and penalties as it wares, and merchandise shall Ik' kept tor sale the U'er, lager Ui r, or ale lad been manu 1 ,if. See. 75. And lie it further enacted, That upon the death of any pers«»n or persons li censed under or by virtue of this act, or upon the removal of auy person* from the house or premises at which the trade, business, or pro fession mentioned in such license was author ised, it may ami shall be lawful tor the colla tor to authorize, by indorsement on such li cense, or otherwise, as the Commissioner of Internal Revenue shall direct, the iK-rson or jK-rs-dis so tcmoving, as aforesaid, to any oth er place, to i.inv on the trade, business, or to make them so." Sec 68. And be it further enacted. That the owner, agent, or sa|K-iluti-ndeut of any vet'sel or vessels usetl in making termeuted liquors, or of any still, hoi hi. or other vessel used in the distillation of spiiitsou which du ty is payable, who shall neglect or refuse to make true and exact entry and re|xrt of the ,,r profession inentioiied in such license, iu or same, or to do or cause to U- done any of the upon the same house or premises at which things bv law required to Ik* done as aforesaid. mid pejs.n or persons, as aforesaid. dcce ised shall foi fcit for every such neglect or refusal or removing as before mentioned, by virtue all the liquois aud spirits made by or lor him. such license la-foie exercised or carried on such aud all the vessels used in making the same, trade, business, or profession, tor or during the and the stills, hoilets, and other vessels usetl residue of the term for which such liceuse in distillation, together with the sura ot live was oiiginally granted, without taking out hundted dollars, to I*- rec.-w red with oicls of any fresh license tor the resit I tie of such term, suits which s ,id liquors or spirits, with the until the expiration thereof: vessels containing th. same, with all the ves- fhat a trcsh entry of the premises at which scIs used in making the same, may Ik- seiiicd Mich trade, business, or profession shall con bv am collector or deputy collector of inter- tinue to IK* exercised or carried oil. as afore ual tluties, and held by him until a decision said, shall ihcteiipoit la-made bv and in the shall be had there.,n ace nding to law iViai-j mtiue or names of the peison or jk isous to #/*/, 'lliat sutli -L'izurc b. made within thirty whom such authority, as aforesaid, shall lie days after the cause for the same shall have i granted. coiue to the knowletlge tf the colhrtoi ordep- Sec. to which such |K-rson may have removed, or the executors or adiuinistratois, or the wife or child of such deceased [K'rson, or the assignee or assigns of such |kts'H or persons so remov ing as aforesaid, who si tall be possessed of and tat upv the house or premises la-fore usetl tor such purpose is aforesaid, in like manner to exercise or carrv on the same trade, business, 16. And uty collector, and that ]roceedings to ciifonv in every ciu»e where more than one of the pur said forfeiture shall have [been] commenced I suits, employments, or tscupatioiis hcieiuat by such collector within tweuty days alter the i ter desctil»ed shall Ik* pursued or carried on in the satuc place by the same person at the 1 brewery where such liquors have Ik-cii brewed, and upou the stills, boilers, vals, aud all oth er implements theieto U longing. aud upon Uors. shall not Ik- paid al the time of rentier- pursuits ing the account ot the same, or at the time! Sec 77 And IK* it further enacted, That ... when thev shall have Income payable, as Inn auctioneer shall be authorised, by virtue road to Its poUlt of intersection lit: herein rcquiiod. to the. collector or deputy of his lit eiise as such auctioneer, to employ O'Brien county with the Sioux Citv fdlector of the district, the {Kisou Ol ih-i- any Other person to act its auctioneer in his sons chaigeable therewith sliall pav. in ad- bchalt. except iu his o»u slote oi warehouse, ditiou. ten pe' centum on the amount or in his pi. sencc.or by virtue of said license ,MH1|^niI d/.M.,,,. "for every wlditional thoUMUid dollars in exccss of titty thousand t^aitot land whereon the distillery brewerv is situate, until the same shall or have Ik'ci^ paid. And in case ot ictusal or neglect to pay Wild duties, with the addition, within ten days aftei the same shall have be come pavablc, the amount thereof may Ik* re covered by distraint and sale of the goods, chattel*, and elfocts of the delinquent. 8cc. 70. Ami be it further enacted. That every person licensed as aforesaid to distil spirits, or licensed a* a brewer, who shall neg- lector reiu»e to furnish the account and dn- ii- ja __,!| ak.„ nlicale thereof, hcreinlietore proxided or Lo 8bal, iHW.as to permit the said assessor, assistant assessor, collcctor, or deputy collec­ W^fPPI^BjiPPIiPfWPlp^ 1 ir ln required bv this act to obtain a license t, en- ^,1." or their name or style, and in case ot a 1, "f firm peraons constituting such firm or ooni|Niny, and their phues of residence seernd, the trade, business, or profession for which irm or company, the n.iiues of the several timiiiys.i ,,f v* lii, slmll 1*» r«'tui ?ii'd ilnly cer- ,or 1 1 1 tifitM hv diirh assisant it«s»i«or. N»th to tlV jw- s i i I o e o o i i k a n e e 'Ttebnuid Ir u tional |mrts ot liar-, lector shall make out and deliver u licciise for remov.-.: lor eonsninption or s«*e 73. And be it further enai ted. That a „y ,H.rs..n or |K-rson ty Ull Hny tnil any !U, s shall exercise or car-- .. ,, ii nut |s 01 m*i|p ."imi acm irn- ui 1 j. a ». km.ls nvi'i ami n tuK to or-vmrfeMion. or do hereinafter mentioned, for the exercis- I1"" 11 Sec. 74. And Ik* it further enacted. That i !U,"?1'WA8 collector of the district on# of the said dupli-' jn even' l*i*ense to Ik* taken out under or bv '"••"'"K the same for the benefit of its deposi- Eight aixounts, duly certititl by the assessor or authoritv ol^^tliis net shall be corit.iined and fors:.UI,' IV, I the nam.' an.l place ..f al««le of the person or '"r onsumpti «i, ur side an 1 in the said a«'-! penum lAkin^r out thesaine if ftir a rertificr, counts mentionetl, at the time of rendering the qu.uitity of spirit# authoiized to l»e rectiti the dnplicato arconnt thereoi as aforesaid. od if bv a i«siler, whether authoriwd to But win le tin* manufacturer of any Ikkt, la- travel oil f-ot. or with or [one] or two. or |lc date or time of granting g„ch license, and (except in the case of auc- /'rati- ted. That a license granted under this a#*t shall not authorize the person persons (ex cept lawyers, physicians, surgeous, dentists, cuttle brokers, horse dealers, ami auctioneers. 1 or tiim. company, or corporation mentioned ItH'llla, t«» ,,t, ),«• I •-.»»!.. I,...'. other pl.ue tluui that mentionetl there­ on such invoice his jM-rmUsion tor sti tuov- i in, oi otheiivi.-e provided but nothing herein al. and the ass*sor .#r assis.»nt assscssor sh ill, conten shall piohihit the storage of go,*!s, waics, t»r merchandise in other places than "'"A offitv or place of business, provided no goods, s fact 11 red in the district to which the same is or cairving on anv tra/h-. business, or roles l«een 1 emovetl The 'omnd«sioiier of Inter- i sion, or doing any act for which a license is te- ucli office. And every person exercising quired, shall, on demand of any officer of in ternal revenue, produce such license, and un less lie shall do so may la? taken and deemed to have no license. And in case any |K'dh-r shall refuse to produce his or her license when demanded by uny officer of internal revenue, said officer may sciae the horse, wa gon. and contents, or |Kwk. bundle, or Uisket or any |H-rson so refusing and hold the same until the license is produced. And all licenses granted after the first day of May iu any ear shall continue in force until tiie first day of May next succeudiiig, aud shall l#c issued uji 011 the payment of a ratable proportion of the whole amount of duty imposed for such li cense and each license so gianted shall be la ted on the first day of the mouth iu which the liability therefor accrued. 1 tot Prvt uini. itlaayr, be It further enacted. That Ik* same time except as therein meulkiiiud. li­ "Htuve ol aprocuding iu rein in the cense must be takeni out for each ticcording circuit oi district couit ot the I tilted States the rates st»\crally describatl trnvuled, iu any other court of coiupeteut juiisdictioii. (ion than six thousand (k isoiis according to Sec. 6 ». And Iv* It fmther enacted, That I the la»t preceding census one license, it soap- broker, under this act, and shall make oath in all cases in which the duties aforesaid, |iay-| plied for, may embrace the business of laud able ou spirits distilled and sold, or removed warrant brokers, claim agents, and real prt.w jiv,| (y the Commissioner of Internal for consumption or sale, or l#eer, lagci U-er, i tate agents, upon paymen of the highest lee Kev,.n,u.. that all their transactions are made ale, porter, and other similar fermented liq- for licenses applicable to either one of said Mich to sell any g.NKls ot other property at pi addition, shall Ik- paid, they shall l«c snd ruIc and any auctioneer wl,o shall sell auy remain a lieu upon the distillery wheieauih go.«d»or iiiumolilies, otherwise tliau by auc liqiiors hive Ueii di.-tilled, and iqsiu the tion. Without having taken out a liceuse for that purjiose, shall tK- subject ami liable to the (snalty imposed «q»on persons dealing iu. oi retailing, trading, ar selling any such goods or commodities without lio nse. notwithstand ing auy license granted, its aforesaid, for the put (aise of exercising or carrying on the trade of business of an auctioneer and where such ». rii i pill |KSt I ,ur s V-'r V"* 0 gage in any trade, business, or profession, for ?n-""la,lCe ot such trade, business, or pro- proluce, lur which a license is required by law, shall regis- taVor Inu"\ l''' l",",u: pedlers, tarrying on such business 1,10 Ha ,rtWH ter with the assistant ftss^-ssor of the assess- IJ '"0" pr»nilit«*d by uiunii i| tl l.iw nor i original or u ueiit district, in which he shall d.-sign to car- i ''"y tnent district, in whi, li he shall d.-sign to car- ^'s"v •y on such trade. busin,*ss, or profession, first, J|„* 1 u!"I tl lars an.l jMiy one hundrol doilars for u li cense when using or employing a capital ex- V *H*rs, dolian, in excess a"d credits are opened by the deposit or collection of money currency, sul»j«tt to lie (ail or reuiitteii U|sn draft, check, or order,or where money is advanced or loaned on stocks, bonds, bullion, bills of exchange, or promissory notes, or where stocks, londs. bullion, bill's of exchange, or promissory notes are received for discount or sale, shall be regarded a Uink er under this act J'rornlni, assi^tatit assessor, and si all also pay to the set fe.rth the purpose, trade, business, or pro- 'inking, shall not lie liable to pay for a li- of spirituous liquors, not exceeding tive liun- have taken uot a license as such l»e ivouirMi suicide! Surrender, never I «iid colli*'tor the duties which are imposed by I fession lor wilich such Ikease is granted, and ™"fw M'"1 A wu a",h,'^! i '",v "r /ucb State, or led for in th n"y That any sav­ ings bank having no capital stock, and whose lVnni,c? U*. ot'u,r again assesses I, and that lor each license. Everv same picmise*. a* follows, to wit All awes where the rent i jK-rson this Five. Kctail dealers in li'piors shall pay twenty five dollars for each license. Every persou who shall sell or offer sor sale foreign or domestic spirits, wines, ale. beer, or other malt liquors iu quantities of three gallons or less, or whose annual sales, including all sales of other merchandise, do not exceed twentv-five thousand dollars, shall Ik* regard ed as a retail dealer in liquors under this act. Uut nothing herein contained shall authorize the sale of any spirits, wines, or malt liquors to le drank on the premises. shall be regarded as a retail dealer uude act. Four. Wholesal dealers in liquors whost annual sales do not exceed fifty thousand ilol lars shall pay fifty dollars for each license and if exceeding fifty thousand dollars, for every additional one thousand dollars iu ex cess of fifty thousand ilollars, oue dollar. Every pet sou wlio shall sell or oiler for Kile any distilled spirits, fermented liquors, of wines of any kind in quantities t»f more than of the proja distrk-t at its pro^' value, but three gallons at unit time to the same purchas- if rented, at not less than the actual rent er. or whose annual sales, including sales of agreed ou by the parties. All steamers ami other merchandise, shall exceed twenty-five vessels, upon waters of the I'uitol States, on thousand dollars, shall be regarded a whole sale dealer in liquois. to represent a lottery ticket or any fractional part thereof, or any policy of nuniU-rs in auy lottery, or shall manage any lottery or pre jmrc schemes of lotteties, or su[K-rintcnd the ,"f i drawing of any lottery, shall lie deemed a lot tery ticket dealer under this act. Seven. Horse dealers shall pay for each li cense the sum of ten dollars. Any |k*isou Prvridetl. Eight. Livery stable keepers shall pay ten ilollars for each license. Any person whose business it is to keep horses for hire, or to let, or to keep, feed, or board horses for others, shall lie regarded us a purchases or sales of stocks, exchange, bul lion, coined motley, batik notes, promissory notes, or other securities, shall lie regarded as of ,tlftr,nation, according to the form to be for a commission Provided, or secuiity ou ih u exercising or eari vm^ That any person holding a license as a tianker shall not be re quired to take out a liocAse as a broker. Ten. Pawnbrokers using or employing a capital of not exceeding lift v thousand dollars shall )ay fifty dollars for eiu-h license, an I when using or employing a capital exceeding twenty-five tlollars for each license. Any per- goods oi commodities are the pro|K.*itv t»f any »u shall lie regarded as a land warrant tiro iv.ii, ,,,' i...i*s.,its ilnlv In-,.11si*11 ti, ileal in lit i ki within tlle uieamtig ot this act who makes ..•, .. Un. tr.Kli- ill, «Vli the' Bain.1, siicli I^U^^^tol J.UIW 8 1,1 lickssks. i *ny nor pnblic sales made by executors dollais, shall pay ten dollars for each license, person sirdl U' deemed an auctioneer within Sec. 71. And be it further enacted, Tl»at ***v: Krerv person, other than one holding a liivnse the mejiiMng of this aet whose biHiness it is to •O person, flrm, eni|any, or corporation shall i i nfhtrrrt niiikuiif auction lliirt« rn. 1'nNluc*^ whone annual nmil siiUw rxcetnl tcii thuAiiiii *11*11 -V virtue ot any judgment or decree of Kites do not exceed the sunt of ten thousand pay twenty dollars for each 1'u-ense. Mvery ^And be it further enacted. That asa broker, wit, ilesde or retail dealer, whose oc- lie enfja^ed in, jiriweente, or i airy on any hereinlnfore provided for shall, if cu pat ion is to buy or st'll aKrieultural or fitrm bidder. trade. bisiness, or profi-ssion, hereinatb |t,:n .",'1' "r !"ons,tto exempt any produeta and whose annual sales do not ex- Thiity-one. Manufacturers sluill pay |en mentioned and de*ril)ed, until he or they p°r^,n «oryimr on the ttade, business, or pro- ceed ten thousand dollars, shall Ik* regarded dollars for each license. Anj person, fina, or shall have ohtiiiH*l a li*ense therefor in tbo kim-'-iIV-*! in said li ens»* from any j»en- as a product* broker under this act. I corporation, who shall mauufitctuie by hand manner hereinafter providel. »r punishment provided by the laws of Pom teen. Commercial brokers shall pay °r machinery any tfoods. wares, or nierchan 8-c 72 And Is-it firiher enacted, That!^'N at'',rr.y•'|K °n such trade, businow, twenty ilollars for each license. Any person "Use, e\ ceding annually the sum »f one thou every person, firm, con.panv, or cor|»oration i ..,'r' ^'l|"n *nch Stite. or in uny or firm, whose business it is. as a broker, to "ft"'! dollars, shall be regarded a n*:uiufactu«vr ,r'','- llts. ,k"'1 'j?'1\_''U ^'n^ru ,l to freights ,md~ uthcV" b^iiirss"'f.'-r »v nlar,nf a of v, '•or^"'her pnr]ios« on any 1 consignees »t" freight iuuriel by vessels, shall business, or profession, for which a li- be regarded as a commercial broker under this I 1* required by this act no [r] shall any act. person earrv on any trade, busings, or prof^- Kiff,*en. Custom house brokers shall pav 18n.n, for which a license Is r«-|iiired by this ten ilollars for each lice.ise. Everv vevancers, claim agents, physicians, surgeons, for ss»le ahall Is- deem*l a distill dentists, cattle brokers, horse dealers, and act: I'roru.'xl. tor ev.-rv ndtli- That wind dollars, two dollars. Every |ctsoii, ufactiiring less than one hundred and fifty i required, for any sale thus made, to take out .i"1' ',","1*III.V.' '-very incorporated or Iwrrcls |»er year from the same, shall pay other bank, having a place of business where twelve and one-half dollars for a license for further. That nothing -ontaitJ**d in this ira« that purpose. Kitph shall nutIichtmu the sale of wine, spirit. Seventeen. Drawers shall pay fifty dolLirs or^uialt liquors. for each license. Every {K-rson, firm, or cor-i 1 hirty-three. Apothecaries shall pay ten poration, who manufactures fermented liquors dollars each lieeioe. Bvery persou who of any name or description, f.»r sale, from keeps a shop or building where 111 dic'nes are malt, wholly or in part, or from any sulisti- I cimqiounded orprejetnsl according to prescript tutu therefor, shall Ik* deemed a brewer under tit mis of physicians or where medicine* aiw this act l'rucuiel. That any |k?isou. firm, or shall I* regaohil an ajn,thecal v undo* corporation who manufactures less than five this art. l'.ut whulesale and retail !. ""7 hundted liarrels pet vear -hall pay the sum of "ho have taken out a license therefor shall business of dollars for each lic*^jisc to rectify any quantity 1 1 "oiesaieoeaiers, wnoseannual sale more than fortv gallons to each Uirrel. jun-k-: fifty thousand thousand dollars in excess ilollars, one dollar. Eveiy person shall l#e re garded as wholesale dciiler under this act whose business it is to sell or offer to sell any g*hkIs. wares, or men handise of foreign or do mestic protluetinn, not including wines, spir its. or malt liquors, whose* annual sales ex ceed twentv-five thousand dollars. And the license required by any wholesale dealer shall not Iks for a less amount than his sales for the previous year, tm!es he has mad to make siine change in his business that will i iu tlie judgment of th assessor U 'liicc tin amount o| hie annual salt s lined oil made of ayphaltum, shale, peat, or nor shall auv license as a wholesale dealer al- I other bituminous su!stances, or shall uiiuiu I'rurided, Six. lottery ticket tiealere sliall |Miy one i sold for consumption therein, shall bo regit r- hundretl dollars for each license. Every per- dod as an eating house under this act. But son. association, tiriu, or corporation who the keeper of an eating house having taken i whose business it is to buy or sell horses or iu this act to the contrary notwuhstanding mules sliall Ik? regarded a horse dealer under Twenty-three. Claim agents and agenf for this act livery stable keeper un­ der this act. Nine. Brokers shall pay fifty dollar* for e:wh license. Every jK-rson, firm, or cotupa nv. ex-vpt such a* hold a license as a banker. of money lent thereon, bhall be shall act as agent of any fire, marine, life, um deeuie'd a (tawnbroker umler this act. Eleven. Land warrant brokers shall pay That nothing herein con- certificate, or device representing or intended in this act to the contra[r|v notwithstanding, 'i'1?' °"e State. Twenty-two Confectioners shall pay ten Thirty-nine. Jugglers sliall pay for each dollars lor e ich license. Every person who license twenty dollars. Every persou who sells at retail coufcctioiiery, sweetmeats, com- i lK-r!oi ms by sleight of hand sliall Ik- regarded fits, or other confects, in any building, shall as a juggler under this act. The proprietors That one license luiviug prtKairing |wttciits shall jiay ten dollars for Ik'«ii paid, no additional license shall be re- each liccnsc. Every person whose business it quired of any horse dealer who keeps a livery is to piosecute claims in any of the Executive stable, nor of any livery stable keeper who i Le|)aitment* of the Federal Government, or may also be a horse dealer. other buildings or real estate, or to collect rent for otheis, shall Ik- regarded as a real es tate agent under this act Twenty-six. Coiiveyamvrs shall pay ten dollars for each license. Every (K-rson, other than oue holding a liceuse as a lawyer or claim agent, whose business it is to draw deels. bonds, moitgages, wills, writs, or other legal papers, or to examine titles to real estate, shall be regarded a conveyancer* under this act. byway of pledge, pawn, or exchange, any under this act. gooils, wares, or merciiatidise, or any kiiui of Twenty-eight. Insurance agents shall pay peisonal pro|K-rty whatever for the re[viyinent ten dollais for each license. Any jieiwoit who Twenty-seven. Intelligence office keepers shall |iay ten dollars for each license. Every person whose business it is to find or furnish places of employment for others, or to find or i hall ami mav be lawful for any i Twelve Cattle broker*, whose annual shall pay titty dollars tor each license. Every \ceed ten thousand dollai lo uot person ilollars, two dollars. Every person whose or othcrwise, receiving compensation theiefor, brief description ot the auiinal, its age, and business or occupation it is to take or receive, i shall be regarded as an intelligence office keep- P' i(® or places where used or to Ik* use tual. or other insurance couipmy or compin ies, shall l»e icgardel as an insurance agent under this act: iVcruM, That no liceuse sliall bo icquircd of any insurance agent or brokei whose receipts, as such eat, are less MBiMiMnii MiM PRICE, THREE DOLLARS PER ANNUM. V'* -nsidered as a cattle broker. doll irs tor e Rh license auctioneers w hone an- comm*neein»*nt or negotiate sales or purchases of goods, wares, under this act. merchandise, not otherwise provi-' Tliirty-tWo Peddlers shall lie classllltsl this act. or set*k orders therefor, in «nd rated as f»llows, to wit: when travelling ,, ..nbroken packages, or to negotiate ss.-ls, „r l\.r the shippers or consignors or person under this tirtn, or cor any jK-rson in copart- poration, distilling or manufacturing less than 1 •00s. shall pay fifty dollars for pharmaceutical and chemiml or scientific And /'roviilfil. further. NUMBER 45, slieep. '*c -ed ten tlionsarxl dollars, slmll pay ten nJ'er prn^rty for sale to the «^^liett w'lh iin.v and twentv-five dollars f„r a liiv use. "°t required to tike out a liii-nseasapotlM. Kectifiers shall pay twentv-five do not exceed tuty thousand dollars, shall |iay age. or cask of 'liquor so rectified ami tw en- I Jhirty-tuH. I'hotogRiphera jh«!l pay ten titty dolUrs lor each license and if exceeding ty-tive dollars additional for each .-ulditional dollais for each license when the receipt* dv lollars for every additional five Inuidred such Uirrels. iai:kages or e a*ks, I of fifty thousand or atiy traetional fat thereof. Every person, !'|ve hundreii dollais and under one thousand firm, eoi|aratiou, who rectifies, purifies, or retines spitituous liquors or wines bv any pro cess, or mixes distilled spirits, whiskey, bran dy, gin. or wine, with any materials for sale under the name of whisky, rum, brandy, gin, wine, or any other name, shall l»e regarded as a rectifier under this act. Niueteeu. Coal-oil distillers shall pay for each license the sum of fifty dollars. Any or proposes person, firm, or corporation, who shall refine, produce, or distil crude ir refined petroleum 1 .. »v V VHM oil, IM 4V. tn IV u ..u,u-, low any such |x ison to «wt as a comtnerci: il jf icture coal illiiminating oil, shall be regaided ''wl"in^l to take out a licinse as UiUtcconistS, hioker That any license uini. tsla- a coal-oil distill, under this act. ted may .-uid shall be again assessetl, and that Taventv. Hotels, inns, and taverns shall be ®**"'liiig. no person bidding a licen»e as a wholesale I classified and rated according to the vearlv '^b^ty-als. Butchers shall pay ten dollsf* lealer 111 liquors shall la* lequiivd to take an I rental, or. if not rented, avoiding to the license. Every pcrstui whose busiu additional licansc on scconnt of the sale of timated yearly rental of the hous it Ae|| lint, liem' in-Mt at retail sli ill Ik- re­ other gtHxls, warns, or merchandise on the erty inteuded'tn l**tavnpi# for said pnrpost*. sP»"t«d as a butcher under this act: Three, lletail dealers shall pay ten dollars or valuation of the yearly rcfital of said house i I"4''1 ll"iied tained shall be const* ucd to exempt keepers |existing law to the contrary not withstand* of hotels, taverns, and eating houses in which 'n^ liquors are ao|l by retail, to IK* drank ujmn shall not be te|iiirei| to take out a license as* the premises, from taking out a license for I'V' lh-r lor retailing butchers' uie.it or fish such sale, for which license they shall j«av a tax of tivciily-live dollars. The yearly tental shall IK* fixed and establishe#! bv the assessor board of which i»issengers or travellers are pur|»t8e ol dramatic oi iqK-ratic or other rep provided with food or ItalgingH shall lo sub- i^o'-iti,itu. plays, or |K-rlormancc», and not ject to and requirud to pay twenty-five dol- "c hiding halls rented or used occasionally fur lars for ca, license Pn'mM, IK* any fraud or collusion iu the leturu of actu- eil by this scctiou, to lie Collected .isother pen- I shall Ik- paid by the le*nee, unless otherwise alties under this act are collected. I stipulated between the parties to said lease. Twenty-one. Eating-houses shall pay ten Thirty-eight. The proprietor or proprietors dollars for each license. Everv place where iw' ''ift uses shall pay one hundred dollars food or refreshments of any kind, not inclu- '.each license. Every building, tent, space, oc ding spiiits, wines, ale, beer, or other malt rtrea i liquors, are provided for casual visitors and sports or theatiical jK-rtormances are exhibit- shall make, sell, or ofl'er to sell lottery tick- out a license therefor shall not Ik* required to State. And but one Ikcusc shall lie re ets or fractional parts thereof, or any token, take out a license as a coufivtioner. any thing 4\'i|, 1 w'» Ik5 rejjHided as a confectioner under this act. or agents of all other public exhibitions But wholesale and retail dealcis. having taken oat a license therefor, sluill not be required to take out a license a* confectioner, any thing whose business it is as a broker to negotiate ,,,r others, or to reut houses, stores, or express or implied, to give or bestow, or iu furnish scivant* u|ku application iu wiiliug ecDse under this act, which shall contain a iU shall act its ageut of any foreign or additional license therefor: ,3'.r ,1",f*"f"*""ee la-si more than two horses, or nudes, the Hrst "th,ir huMiiess for the owners eliss, and slmll pay fifty dollars for each li- pav cense when travelling with two hormt, o» mull's, the second class, and shall pay twentv ftve dollars f,»r emli license when travelling with ne horse, «.r mule, the third class, and sliivll y:ij fifteen dollars tor each liivitsu when ti.iVL'lling on foot, the fourth cf«i"s, am! shall tic, by one or more ortgirvil (Htcka^cs or pie ces, at one time, to the same prrson or per-' wtr»'. pur|s,s«'s which h.-is l»een usetl in those pnses- wholesale any of saiil articles, W themselves licenae. and {Kiwiler, delivering and selling at That distillers of °r their authorised agents, at 4ace» oilier ^,ly thou- apples, grajK-s, and |Kjiches. distilling or man- than the phice of manuiaet»re, idiall not be I'rmudtd, dealer#. anything in this act to the contrary not- withsLinding nor shall apotliecaries who 01 selling alcohol. (?ot •,x-»'ed five htinilitd dollars when over dollais. fitteeu dollars when over one thou* saud dollars, twenty-trve lollars. Anv jkthoW or jH'isoris who make tor sale phot..KiHphs. ambrotyi^s, dagueins,types, or pictures, by the fiction oi light, sliaU be reg.irdc«i a phm4o grapiier mitler this ai*t. ihirty-five. Tobacconists shall joy ten dol lars tor each license. Any pcivn. turn, of enrporali«.ta whose bu*ti»et»s it is to si ll, ut re tail, cigars.si nt If, or tol,. 10 o in any form, shall 1 egmlcd a tobacconist uimUt tliis act. Ilaa 1, wii »TeOi ts. and Kee{K*rT«« hotels, iiuis. taveins, au.i caiiiig-lioiiseb, liar- U,K Hn.v I whose btisi- and proja-i ty shall be two hundred 'liars, or take out a license as retail deal, on account ness or oecu|iiition it is to sell or offer for side less, shall pay ti n dollars. And if exceeding selling other articles at the same store, any goods, wares, or merchandise of foreign two hundred"dollars f,.r any additional one "iw^* "r J»rerois«'»: or domestic putiluctiou. uot unlading spirits, hundred dollars or fractional ptut thereof i„ butchers whose auuiial sales do not exceed wines, ale, lieer, or other malt liquois, an I excess of two hundred ilollars. five dollars. "i"'thoiN.ind dollars, and butchers wh retail whose annual sales exceed one thousand and Kvcrv place where food and lodging are pro- butchers' meat exclusively by themselves do not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars, vided for and furnished to travellers and so- ^"ta* and |kts,.hs who sell shell or other journcrs, iu view of payment therefor, shall tish, or Uith, tiavelliug from plsu-u Ui phiee, be regarded as a hotel, inn, or tavern under itroin any shop ,,r stand, shall he re thU act taken out a Ii«vi»ne tticn-for, shall not bar thing in this act to the contrary uotwith- ,ei1 J'rumU, l^'t no butcher having taken out a license. dollars thuret'or, shall be icquiml J'r ,v,tint, further, That or to jmy ti\dollars only for each liccims, a,M' having t^tken out a license therefor, aforesaid. And no license shall be required of persons who sell shell or other Rah from handcarts or wheelUtrrows exclusively. 'lhirty-seVi'ii. Proprietors of theatres, mu seums, aud concert hails receiving piy as en trance money shall pay one huu Ircd dollais tor each license. Every edifice used for the That if there 'concerts or theatric il rcpiescntations, shall be rpP ir,h'd as a theatre under this act al rent to the assessor there shall IK* a penalty lhat when any such edifice is under loase etj'ial to double the amount licenses requir-! Prvri- e i s o i e o i s a e e e o i u u s for when- feats «f horsemanship or^ aciolnktio shall In* reganled as a circus under this act Prw uletl, shall IK* That no license procured in one State held toauthori/a.* exhibitions in anoth- |l under this act to authorize exhibitions Forty. Howling alleys ami billiard piiK'ure patents, shall be deemed a claim or in the building or pla,*e to be licensed. Every patent agent, as the ease mat' be, under this pl^e or buildiug where bowls are thrown or act. billiards played and open to the public with Tweuty four. Patent right dealers shall without price, shall be regarded as a bowl pay ten dollars for each license. Every per- '"g alley or billiard room, respectively, under son wh'ise business it is to sell or offer for sale this act. patent lights »hali IK- regarded a patent-right i Forty-one. Proprietors of gift enterprises dealer under this act. »hall |my fifty dollais lor each liceuse. Every Twcniv live. 1 teal-estate agents shall jmy person, firm, or cor|oratioii, who shall sell or ten dollars for each license. Every person who-e business it is to sell or offer for sale real or shows for money, not enumerated in this sec ion, slitll pay for each license ten dollars: IV.'*ttlttf. That no license priKUtcd iu one state shall be held to authoii/.c exhibitions ill another State. And but one license shall be requited under this act to authorise exhibi tions within any one State. rooms shall pay ten dollars for every alley or table otler for sale any article of men handise of any dttx-ription whatsoever, with a promise, any manner to holdout to the public the prom ise of gift or bestowal of any article or thing for and in consideration of the put chase by auy person of any other article or tiling shall IV- regarded a proprietor of a gift enterprise under this act 7ViaWi/, 'lhat no such pro prietor, iu consequence of Wing thus licensed, shall Ik-exempt from paying any other license or tax required by law. and the li'-ensc herein required shali be in addition thereto. Forty two. Owners of stallions and Jacks shall pay ten dollars for cacli lice use. Every person who keeps a male horse or a jack for the use of mares, requiring or receiving pay therefor, shall be requiied to take out a 11- Pro- I'lJrt/, That all accounts, notes, or demands, for the use of auy such horse or jack without a liceuse, as aforesaid, shall Ik* invalid aud of no force in any couit of law or equity. Forty-three, huwycrs shall jmy ten dol lars tol each license. Every person who for let* or icward, shall prosecute or defend caus es in any court of record or other judicial tri bunal of the I'nitcd States or of any of the i Forty-four, l'hxsiciaus, surgeons, t» ,dden tists shall pay tcu dollars for each license. whose