Newspaper Page Text
Cjre Jittclltgrnccr. E&iiroad Aecident. A terrible collision occurrfat TTCPTit iy gage and eight passenger cars, and Contained about 500 passengers, near jtlgr all of whom were Illinois and Iowa loldiers, on their way to Chicago. At tul ver's Station, eight miles south of Lafayette, this train met and passed Hie regular passenger train proceed lbg north. It had reached only one fltilo when it collided with a heavy freight train which was going south. The collision was terrible one, and Its effects frightful. The engines were demolished and the baggage car and irst passenger car of the train corn fag North were ground to powder. 5friirty dead bodies, and thirty more W lesa mangled, were gathered up from the wreck, all of whom were sol diers except three. Seven of the 11th Ifewa wero killed and ten wounded in jflbat disaster. t.lfri fin A great poTTUcal meeting in Spring feld, Illinois, was gladdened and "•housed by a banner borne by woun ded soldiers, representing a globe, Which Lincoln was prying up with a Vfcil, while Andy Johnson was seated cross-legged on the North American p*rt of it, tailor fashion, sewing up a huge rent. Old Abe says to him *A few more stitches, Andy, and the dear old Union will be mended Sue Munday, the female guerilla, is 9b another raid in Kentucky. She •(sited Woodford county last week and stole six of the finest horses from the stable of Mr. Alexander. Five of the horses were subsequently aban doned in consequence of the vigorous pursuit. A reward of $5,000 has offered for the capture of the bri woman and her band. (and A man named Juhnann with a canoe dfrerhauled and killed a deer which ^las attempting to swim tlio river about midway between this city and Oquawka a day or two ago. As he Beared the frightened animal it turned aad swam with the currcut, ami when ha came np with it, it made feeble ef forts to strike his craft with its fore feet, but with his pocket knife he sev Med its jugular vein and woo the day. mm-Burlington Hatcktyt. Notwithstanding the order dismin ioy Col. Win. T. Shaw from the ser vice, Gen. A. J. Smith, it is said, re tains him in command of a division, aad politely informed an officer who was sent to supercedo Col Shaw, that Mthe division had one commander and that waa aawaf 1m bad a# mm Mm." on the Fafayette & Indianapolis Railroad, by which thirty persons were killed and about as many more woun ded. The facts are these The reg ular passenger train from Indianapo- !dar Falls, a few days since, by being going north, composed of oqg bag- (jammed between two cars which he for The guerilla party that passed through this section of country n few days ago, was composed of Illinnisi ans enlisted l»y the notorious Dill Dunn of Missouri, for the rebel service, lie enlisted and drilled them in Illini is, and got off safely with 41 men aud 11 extra horses. So says our informaBt. —•/V. yhuhson Platmlmltr, Wm. Turner and his wife of New Mti, N. Y., went to £nd some hicko ry nuts some days since, locking their three children in the house. YYheB they returned, they found the house in ashes, and their children burned to 4«ath. The Court ffonse To MfteTiell conn ty was broken iuto a few nights since, after the tax sale, aud the records of the same destroyed. The conse quences is that the aale will have to be Made a second time. *KHon. W. P. Wolf has been elected •ir the Legislature from Cedar county to fill the vacaucy caused by his own vvsignation when he enlisted in the 100 days' service, in which ha Vtrely wonnded. Among the wounded ia the receat battle in the Shenandoah Valley, are Lieut. Col. B. H. Wilson, of the 28th Iowa, in the thigh, and Capf. G. W. dark, 82d Iowa, in the hip. A Stat* Convention of liqaor deal ers will be held at Iowa City, Nov. SSd. to take into consideration the ineaos aud adopt some plan for the le gitimate protection of their interests." It is reported that Secretary Fea aenden is about to resign the Treasu ry portfolio, and thai Hubert Walker, ooe of the ablest fiui-nciers in the world, will be appoiuted in his place. Pern kg on City Airs.—The people of Dea Moines are talkiug about the grectioo of water works at that place. Their gas works '7 i»»ve beep in ope* ration for some tirae. George L. Matthews, Est}., of Du buque, baa beeu ap]Hiuted reusion Agent bj the Government for Nortb 4re Iowa. .1 At Andorer, Massachusetts, they 'fcave tpelliog matches at school, and tlie youug ladies receive presents for the biggest jawbreakers. Gen. Early's name is Jubal, a«d Ja. bal is a Hebrew name, tgnifyin^ "lie 4#»at rune." The day of JuUfti loa The election of Bfr. Webster to Coa ress from liarylaud is a great Union iumpb. Mr. Allison's majority in thia Cos. ^national district is nearly 5,000. The N. Y. Tribune claims that the Union majority in the next Congress will be sufficiently large to sreure 1 he? passage of au amendment to the Con stitution prohibiting slavery through out the United States. Thomas Smith of Dttbw^w^ W«k#» man on the D. & S. C. railroad, was severely injured in the breast, at Ce- was coupling. A man in Johnson, Vt.t set a trap for bears that were troubling his sheep. Going out one morning and finding a varmint caught, he ran for his gun, fired and killed a black sheep of his own flock. Cider Vineuar.—Take the water in which dried apples have been soaked and washed, strain ii well, aid add a pound of sugar. A female canary bird in Springfield, **u88., has laid forty-one eggs aud raised fourteen singers this seasoa. In Ceylon, the ceremony of mar riage consists of tying the couple to gether by the thumbs. There was a violent storm elec tion day throughout the whole coun ty- Louie Napoleon has aent to Maine for four pairs of matched horeee. Late Talis fashions represent the ladies wearing coat tails a yard long. TXTFMJ(i i:\CKU" POOR AND JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, $nfflligmccr|kilimg, OFPOSITK THK PVH1.IC SQCAKB, COKNFK Ir MILL AND KELLY STREETS, Charles City, Floyd County, low*. Ihi ILelar-e-f -t I'll trull 1"'ated O U 8 I IN NOKTHKKN IOWA. It has been nvently tittrd up with an exten I •ire assortment of all the later aad uw ap proved styles of ^ob printing |tl ittrialif such as TYTES, RULES, BORDERS, and other fixtures calculated exprenaly for ths exeution of all kinds of Job 1'iinting re.pnrwi iu this section of country. Tlie materials are all new and selected with great enre from the unrivalled foundry of Jamba Conm* & Sow, New York, whence frequent anlditiona will be made. It will be the ambition of the proprietor that tills Printing House shall be distinguished 1st the four great features of CORRKtTWK»S, nuniu, It'OSOMV, lid niSMTCH. HAHD BILLS, P.inPHLETK, (9£)3i( U\ A.(i i\S?0SS» I U A S BILL AKD LETTER HEADS, TftViTi.Tr. K lUaw Dlanlt 0 Ad t% BLANK NOTES, TAX RECEIPH, -ft. -f -t rr— And many other varieties of Job Printing ex ecuted in the highest style of the art. flie subscriber challenges eoaapetittoB la fee use of PL Ala INKS, 9AICT COI.OKM, COMUIKATIOSS, and BHUNZBII While in all the minor-sized and more delicate styles of work, hU execution of printing in Gold and Silver Colors, On Satin, (iliized and Colored PaperHand Cards, Is nai-'iuiilled in Neatness and Hrilliiimy, Entrust your Orders to Me. Minute attention L« xivrn to every order, Bee* or far. and the PKR*OW\r. M'KKHIWTESIMSffCa Of tkM Hroprlftur guarantee* the MtUU prrfuriuaiit of ever,' Job. ALL OKltfcUX BY MAIL OR L\nni, Promptly attended to. 4. M. F. HILDRETH, INDEPENDENCE INSURANCE COMPANY, Indcptrndeoce, Iowa. Chartered .\o». •, 1AM. r' rhe Charter places no limit on Um amount of tliia (Joupany s cupitid Insure in thin reliable home Company, and help check the immense drain of money currie«l from thi* State by Foreign Insurance Companiei, which aiuounU to the ap|*illing sum of over Two Millions of Money Annually. Insure at hotuc and save seventy-live pet cent, of th« iwimiuma charged by Stock Ckanpa niea. This Company Insurea DwelHDg-houses & Detached Property AT Ono-Fourtli the asUil rat)'.- of prtiuiunn. §ir Consult an Agent of the Independence Insurance Company Iwforeinxurint elsewhere. WILCOX, Proa. WM. IT. JOSIJN, Secretary. Wm. HALL, General Ageat. HtillVEY W1LBUK. Agent at Ployd. SMITH A ATKINSON, Agents, Charl. CUy. SepfeinU-i J6. lh'U. o'.iyl® New Photograph Gallery. J. E. RICH "TTToULP reapeotf illy luinouact lo thS clt VV isens ot I'harleti City uiid the balance of uankiud that he ia now prepared to take lectures of all who may favor hiiq with a call. Pho togruihs taken iu all the vaioua stylus aud warrantoil to plcuse AU are reapotifully in vited to call and examine my work whether wihiii4 pictures or uot. Picture* taken in cloudy as teeli at iu /air mother. N B. ltootn. tirst door north of the la* lelligeuoer Building," up stMks. Charles City, Pec 3l, 18#J. ft Take no more unpleasant and unsafe Medf ines. For unpleasant ami angcron* disease*. use HFLMHOL1) S EX Ii:.V«T KIVHIT, which 11:tS received tilf e|t lorseiwnt of the most prominent phyici m- in the t' S Is now of fered to alllicted bum inity as a certain cure for the following diseases and symptoms origi nating from disease* and abuse of the I'tinary or Sexual Organs, Oeneral Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Imln-eility, Deter mination of Blood to the Head, Confused Ideas, Hysteria, (ieneral Irritability, Restless ness and Sleeplessness at Night, Aliscnce of Muscular Efficiency, Loss of Appetite, Ema ciation, Low Spirits, Disorganization or Para lysis the Oigans of Generation, Palpitation of the Heart, and, in fait, all the concomi tunta of a Nervous and Debilitated state of the system To Insure the genuine, cut this out. Auk for Helm bold'*. Take pi other. Cures Guaranteed. flse advertisement in another oolnmtt. 35m2 Persons advani'ko in like, and feeling the hand of time weighing heavily u|nhi them, with all its attendant ills, will lindin the use of HuSTETTEK'S I'ELKIMIATKD STOMACH Hl'lTKRS, an elixir that will instil new life into their veins, restore, in a measure, the ar dor and energy of more youthful days, build up their shrunken forms, and give health and vigor to their rem.lining years. Those who ate iu the ltMftt alllicted with Dyspepsia. Ague, languor, Nausea, oe any other troublesome and dangerousdlw e^ise, arising from a disordered system, should not hesitate to avail themselves of the lieuelit derived from this great remedy. For sale by Druggists and dealers generally, everywhere. 2 COMMERCIAL Chtrtoa City Retail Market. WtliN KS1A Y No Hour, extra family, cwt.,.... superfine, Wheat, spring, bushel Corn, on the eob, bushel.*.., shclb-d, $ bushel,.. Rye, bushel,... liar ley. bushel,............. )ats, 1 ushcl,....«« .*••» torn Meal, cwt.,.......... 1'otatoes, "jri tmshel,. Beans, bushel,. Butt Cheese. Pork, salt "ft f.,.. fresh "jj b., Hams. ft. Ileef. -J4 fr Chiekenn, fc., Turkt-ys. ft%t. Ij»nl. f* lb W««l. Salt. bbl f» dosetf... Hay, "H ton, Veal. V n» Mutton, ft. Sugar. N. O. lb., Sorirhunt Sirup, f*. fal., (Jolden Sirtip, gal Soap. Iwir, Candles, Tallow, yi II. 16,1184. $4,00 3,ft0 1,00 40 4r 60 70(«80 40 1,30 40 1,1*31.60 2~ (HI*, IHlHDel, i s, I mshel............... r, V, v. Aik-i FMt. salt, J* Ih invn Apples, M| Iried Apples, i* lb Dried 1'eaehen, nb., Kerosene, ft gal.,.. i» 8ut lo 1'JClU 7 7 14 9,60 6.50 15 .. 4,••@5,00 7 6 2S($.28 l.Ofl 1.80 J5(«t30 Cedar Falls Market CKDAK KAIU, No V. 13, lttA. Wheat. bushel......... 1,8*" 1.35 rn, new Si*" 40 o.iU. 40 B.nley, 1.20 (Settle* |.3* i'oUt.^a, 40(l 50 liutter. "p, 15in 30 Hideii, (Jreen,^ 5(»»« Dry Flint....,, |0(« 14 fit O O jt s. Lebmkuhl & Hausberg, Have jaat recelvod, at their Store In Floyd Village A large and complete assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY Dry Goods, CLOTHING. FARMING IMPLEMENTS, West India Goods, Hats and Caps, BOOTS AND SHOES, Yankee Notions, And almost every other kind of Goods that may be desired. All of which will be sold at the lowest prices for cash or ready pay. J. W LEHMKVlL. WM. 1IAUMIKKI*. Flsyd, Sep*. 4,1S64 PBoPKirroa. Wholesale Depot tea Photograph and Amhrotfpe MATEUIAL, Waterloo, Iowa. W. W. F0RRY, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, AS» Dealer ia Paiaki Oils, Glass, Dysstuflb, Lamps AID Lamp Fixtures, Photograph and Ambrot/ps Material. Wmkrloo, &ft. 16, 1864. 88tf WW* .liHiW" 11 .'iiii'iiiiiiHJ pi*"Iui AUGUSTUS FRENCH Watch Manufacturer and Jlepairtr. WHOLESALE AM) KSTAIL UKALXK IN BATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Sttrerland Plated Ware, Notions, 4o.( MoUUEQOK, IOWA. f^T The finest pieces of wateh work doas for the trade at low rates. W'.Ucli T.h.Ik and Materials of svsry de 9c ri|''"U tor the Trude. fir Engraving neatly exmiUtl- l^JTl McGregor, April 4,1868 HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHII.AOM.rniA. PA. of the Narvov*. SM-taliml. rlnary Nlid (Ual *yat m« I,.» .I.t i.• .til. IU ut—111 !. |Hrl- .'I till IIIiW.Villi ANnm l.vno.N*A-ut ».v (ii-*:' I. »li-r Ki.m i fri«-uf i luii A'l dr.M te J. 8KILL1S HOt'UHTON. How«4 AMOdSllaa, No .'A SuuU) NUHbStreci. l*Uil«aeljluii, 1%, J. n. REED !c Co., No. 32 Lake Street, Cliiongo, Wholesale Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Fancy Goods. Varnishes, TURPENTINE, Brushes, UlitMsirare, DjcstufB, Soda Ash, Caustic Soda, Sal. Soda, OIL, rALH Terra *Taponica, ROSIN, tO. We offer to the trade generally Tfcc Largest Stock Ever brought to the Northwest. Buyertf Are respectfnlly invited to examine our stock* before yurchasiug elsewhere. Chicsgo, Hepi. 16,1864 3T»« FALL TRADE. Bowen Brothers, Importers, Jobbers, and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, HI ,V 21 I.ukv Si root, CHICAGO, Illinois. Now offer in their new and magnificent Stores The Largest and Best Chosen Assortment of Staple c*3 .1,800'' 2 40 50 I2i'.( 1', .. 6,80( 7.00 l'V( in 33(136 1,30 L&Y ^001)3, Cloths, Cassimeres, Woollens, Worsted Ooodi, NOTIONS, fcO. AC. Out of New York, In the United States. Their facilities and arrangements enable them to innkc pi ices rejmlarly lower than tln*eoi I^ihtei ii Merchant#. All Northwestern buyers can secure every ndvantiig* in making their purchases from uh and are invited to call or send tlwir orders. B\VEN lmOTHEltp, 19 & 21 ike Street, hiiSfO. 17, mi. 36 & n. wrretK, jm. LEWIS, SMYTH & Co. GENERAL Commission ?!TcrtI)anfs, For the purch.ise or»iile of Flour, Graio, Pork, Lard, Eggs, Hides, Butter, Cheese, Su. Warehouse and Office, 6® F^nth Tfntrr Street, P.O. Boi.aott. Chicago, III Riefkhknckk Ladd, Williams & Youn}f, II. W. Iliiiwlali-& C»., A. C. liadtfer & to, t'hi ca|P), i'cupic'a Bank, Oeneaeo, Waahui^tuu lanch Bank, Washington, Iowa. HOYEY'S SEED k No. AO ICl'LTUIIAL WARCIIOm, 194 l.iike Stioot, Chicago. \\TE KSEP constantly on hand one of Ike motjt exteniiive lu^ortmenW of Garden, Field and Flower SEEDS TO BE POUND IN HIE NOBTHWHT. A large and extensive stock of IMPLEMENTS FOR THE GARDEN OR FARM, And Ornamental Goods Of Iras and other Material, for the House or Garden. ALUERT H. HOVEY. P. O. Boa 047. ftyl Watches, Clocks, AM) JEWELRY. U1L.E8, BROTHER A CO., bopurterii Mid UauutkcluraM, American Lever and Chronometer WATCHES to bs found in the West. Diamonds and Gold and Silver Goods of Latest Styles. Agents for American Clock* and for Rogeis, Smith & (V'b Plated Ware, at Factory I'rice*. Manufacturers for ths Tisds Chicago Cnumerciil Gokl Pel. FLANDERS HOUSE, Corner of Main sad Fourth Street#, McGregor, Iowa. Paatcn^erg arriving by the oars, can give their checks to Mr. Mason, who will alwayg be on hand and convey their Baggage direct to the Handera House. A com modioli* Stable adjacent to the House, and attentive *tlcn will Like good earwefaU animttls put in their charge. MaK s ave tins Horn*- tor all point*. I*y Um fbtmlmm Uuua«, MAh«gor. O. H. FLANDERS. 1ST CHICAGO. I CEDAli FALLS. I to "Mi '&> IIAltWAliFi!! Thompson & Co., [BncceiwoTs to Warren Pierce,) At U'C u' '''tf ^,,,a Kettle, ^pp.ogUo the Carter Home, Cedar Fails, Iowa, E A K S I N HARDWARE, ST v i :s. Tin "Warcj Iron, Steol, Nails, and Tool* of Every Description. IIOI SK TKIMMINHS, window Olaas, \VA(i»N TIMI'.l-'.lI, WAGON MATERIALS, and erery thini: nsually found in a well-selec ted Hardware Stock. 15 THl'.li: STOCK OF ni:iy be found the latent Iinprov.-n-.eiiN and lieyt Patterns. miRMERS k .WAFiVX-fs/]?]©, YtddLi. Til. ii lai.111-! .i-v. tinent to Farming Tools, 1'- 1'1 rar.'l Moline, Grand Ddour and Rock Island Breaking, Stirring and Corn Ames* Shovels and Spadef, Be.irdsley Silver Steel SCYTHES, AIM, BloodV Superior Scytlies And From a lonir e\jeri n e in tiie btudnesa we feel axxnreH tint our taeilitiea fir i»l»tAinin^f tioi*ds fiwin M.mufaetnren* are not excelled bj any firm W.-st of the JliwWIppl river, anil are prepared to soil at Low Filers. IneoBMetioii with "Mi Mm li we have a TIN SIIOP, in eharjre of t'on«|*tent WorknMt, Do net tail to give u» a uall. u A O. TITOWTSON, JOSIAH THOMl'SON. Cedar Falls, May 25, IS** 23tf CEDAR TAT.T.rr 'VOTJ^Sri^IlY Mi Machine Shop. THE nndereigneil would rettpwtfully inform the (Mtiirna of the Oeiar Valley tlutt the above named Foundry and Machine Shop in \v in "Fvill Blast" and ^vnilil thin luie ui\i 11.11i•'', he ia now iXCi'UU'» -ii i all work that mav be entrusted to his care in that line. Mill Gearing, Threshing Machines, Reapers, Boilera, Kngiues. and in fa all kinda of out and wronpht Iron work repaired. He ia pre jiared to Mannf:u-ture Sl'UAU CANE CRUSHING MACHINEB, entirely of Iron alao, the neeessjiry Irons fm WiNMleii Marltines can l»' had, ileM^ned prin .i|tiillv for fariuen* who have an or *o of Sor^hiuu. N. B.- Tash paid for old Castings, or they will Ik- taken in exchange for uew. Order ru apeetfnlly «t,»li iteil and pn-iniitly attendeil to. II C. OVERMAN, Proprietor. Cedar Kalis, Mareh 12. My I Saddle & Harness si ioi\ IBAns SL UAKWOOD E A V E o i n o i e e i i z e n a o o y A# I '/untv that they have formed a partner Hhip in the saddle aud liarnetM biminean. and have opened a shop opposite the I'uiou Hotel In Cliarlcvs City, where they will he [li\i*el to wait npon all who may desire to itatrunizc them. Thej* will keep constantly on hand, or nfacture at short notice, ail kinds of Harness, Saddlei! Bridles, Trunks, Valine*, Whips, Brushes, Curry (.'oinbs, vVe. Carriages Trimmed to Order. JriejKAiririg at X^ake Street, Have juxt opened the moat extensive stock of fine Gold and Silver c*»ed all kinds neatly and promptly exeeutsd. They hope, by close attention to buaiuess, and by ^ood work and fair dealing, to merit aad receive a share of public patron ise. M. ADAMS. 8. HAltWOOD. P. 8. Cash paid for hides. Charles City, May 9, IMA. lift NEW WAGON SHOP (CHARLES CITY, ^3" Floyd Covntt, Iowa. Till: of the Milacriber woold b«f kave t«. inform the citizens of Charlea City and Floyd County that he has ojK iied a Wa^uii Shop iu Wool ley it Snyder* building, up »tairs, where be ia piepared to e\e«-ut' with KeatnesN uutl DeM|iateli all ordeia he may be favored with. He ha§ takeu ^reat paiim to wleet koo1 Htiwoneil I mu« ber, and from his eX|erieiiee iu his line uf bttiiiue**, he tiatteia hiuuelt that he c«Ui Manufacture and Repair WAGONS AND BUGGIES as cheap as the cheapest and aa good as the beat. All work warranted. Price* according to the tintes. 4ii Pima wm Charles City. Jaanary S2, 1064. Tiiksk BHlrrs ari' iirepured, In |i|"'p lVoiirfma %'tii-Ky, fr-'iu u iiil'iDntii-n i'f ••r.r tmntv Hf ftrml kill .4 ruit», hark" sunt npl from jri nt tierl.?, »lm:h Srt in p«'rffotof concert ne with the olhrr, pre- tlir »i initial fririiinlu given bj Ui« chief, l!» i| Jiicket, li lr. •s-il ilipm succt'wfuily t'luiji:n. who In M* |iiacticr fir m«i:y {ear*, aiwl by ttn-ir u*»-K*inrl noguai |iopuUrity llif trralnmit and cure of Dyspepsia, l.tver C' ni| Isint, iniiill|.at:oli, 8K k and N. rvmis ®.'.'ii', I i ft :ii)il in.! ,»I! 1 ia .i-i s .ii i-it.fx• rn V ipul liver or nicl.f'Mi' l'. IVr«o:i» "Utleiin^ frmiii ei'lier of thcue iiutli.«iine ilUrasr* will flu.I n (iiro Cli. hy lli use rf !!„•.• rtitti i «, u hii-h are |H'i ff''lly yure aiki free fi .im ail ilioiv- ilru^s iiikI usu ally put up in uch prHparutions ami palmed off on Hi uiiMif|*-cilnfr pis.-'lc. A MIILII-tiiwl Tine- Ii.. oisi Sk. will cnn- pticat in the HI JACKET ||k ie is \li lu« Rl.iili lin olfar IlitUrs |im«wh.«. Ihry streajjthpn and invigorate the systsm. They are uncqualed for general debility. They are a surj cure for dyspepsia. Ihey give a good and healthy appetitS. They assist digestion. Thoy are the bcs,t rumulant in ezlsteass. Thry nre a preventive of Fevor SBdAgMi They rr'.i eve constipation. They cure ICervous Headache. They are perfectly pare and palatable. Air-'! p-nw'i!- ami 1. '.l -n,- r. iinl.-i will tind Ihcjr 014:. uu 1 hi.r atol'» bills i tii« um oi IttcM bH U r*. Ilrware of ronnterfeH*. The T.rit Jnrket Rtt 4»r« art- ci'y in hoitlei with mr nim« l.|i.*a •n the title, and our private government stamp a. n.. irV. o u, 4 fr\r M'1'!1' .11 .1'ivs 'h »rt prrfrrtly burr, »nl ijir.l ui.ij U iiiiii lu Itc M'ouc uiilea* Ihcy luive our golii lahti oq m. tH. ie, aud our initials pressed ia wax orer IS* out. JMii l-y s!t iT»Tir]rl*ti and dealpr* thrmi^hnut th# o u n y 1 o u i n n o i N l'irc!»j«f* tu tilv Mi|.|. in! application to Bennett raters & o. SoU ty Ra. tl Bi*e» CUeeea, all Druggists and Medh'ine Dv'^er8* LOOK HEltE! If yoa want a Set of Good Harness, Co TO J. KUCK S XEW SaddUi and 1 [arness SHOP. TIIE Subscriber would respectfully inform the 1 itijtensof Floyd and atijoining coua ties that Iu has opened a new Harness and Saddlery SILO!3 In th* Iatelliiretio r'' Building on mil street In Charles City, where he will be happy to serve all who may b? in waut of work or goods iu his Hue. He will keep constantly on hand for Rale, or nvinnfiU'tnrc to order from Stock of the best quality, all kinds of Double and sin sir Harness, A I K S Bridles, Trunks, Valises, Carry Combe, i BKI'SHES, Willi's, &c. Repairing doue in the lest manner. A share of public patronage is solicited. Prices low ss the loweet. J. KUCK. Charles Ciijr, July 30,1864- My 1 NEW ARRIVALS! PALL AND WINTEB J. W. LEIIMKUHL Is now opening a I^irge and Complete A^ortuient of Fall antl Whiter Goods, At hia Store in Just purchased of Manufacturers and Impor ters, consisting iu iart aa follow* STAPLE AND FANCY Dry Goods. Numerous Styles and ¥arieties of LADIES' DRESS Dress and Tailors' Trimmings, Broadcloths, Plain and Fancy Cassiineret, Doeskins, Vesting, fcc., Ac. OINTLEMEN'S Fall and Winter CLOTHINfi Ilats, Caps, Bonnets, Boots, Shoos and Findings, Yankee Notions and Stationary. Heavy and Slielf HARDWARE, Nails, Oils, Paints, Drugs, Glass, Sash, Putty—Cheapor than heretofore. FAKUIXG IMPLEMENTS of various descriptioM, West India Goods & Groceries, Such as Molasses, Tea, Coffey Sugar, Dried Fruit, &c., itc All of which will be aold at the rery Ixwest Prices for Caah or Kewly Pay. iltarlss Cltj, Iowa, 8spt. IdH. I New Goods, New Goods, New Goods, New Goods, New Goods, Xew (Joods, New Hoods, New Goods, At GILBERT & DEAN'S. Sorghum Seed, RIPE, At Olf.BKliT DKAN'S. Cast Cast-Steel Plows, Bat ever made, for uale by CIl.BKRT k PEAN. Ladies' Misses' Hats, Ttiauned and L'ntrinniK'd, At OILHKRT ft IWAN'S. Lithograph of the Presi-li nt a Emancipation Prodatnation for sale at th.' Stone 8lors. Photograph Albums For sab- at GILBERT DKAN'S. (Axltish and Japan Tea At GILBERT ft DEAN'S Baby Wagons For sale ly (JII.r.ERT ft DRAN. Summer Clothing, At iM'.i:u r_\_ iBAN'S. Buffalo Robes, For sale by 'lT.BF.ttT !t DEAN. Clothes Wringers, At GILHEIIT & DEAN'S. Cloaks, New Styles, At (ilLI'.ElLT & DEAN'S. Zephyr Worsteds, At the Sto At the Stone Store. Spinning Wheels, At the Stone Store. Balmoral Hose and C0KSETS, For sale by Gilbert A Wagon Grease, Dean. Clothing, larjro lot, cheap, AtQII-BEirr 4 DEAN'S. Boots afid Shoes, large VARIETY, At q7T'BBBT & DEAN'S. Whole Suits, men's, For sale bv GILHER't' & DEAN". The best made, for sale by Gilbert ft Dean. NORTH WESTERN PLANIXG MILL AX» Sftsh, Door and Blind Manufactory. Douglas, Frye & Aber nAVINU lately proturel new and improv ed machinery, inrlnding WimkIworth's luiprovwl l'laiier, are now prepared to do work As Good and as Cheap as any other establishment on the Mhwtoaippl The following are some of our prieen. sub ject to a reduction, if othero do it for leis» money Planing Lnniler one Hide per S2.50 Planiiiu' I.uiulicr on two sides pr 3.50 Pi.tiling and matehin^ tlMiring pr 3.00 Sawing flooriiif into siding pr 6.50 Planinir and itawin^ Hiding pr 7,50 We are alo prepared to furniah Sash, Doors, Blind*, &e., TV* onler. oat of atiperiji i^Mied Lumber. Orders for any of the above articles solicited and satisfaction given, or NO t'llAUiiK. Planed. Lsiun'bei* SIDING, FLOORING, LATH, SHINGLES, &c. alio furnishwl to order, at sKrt notice, and as cheap an the eheapeat. A Hjeral deiluvtion to the Trade. DOUGLAS, FRYE k ABKR. McGregor, Iowa, Mveh 18'i3. 23}1 CEDAR FALLS. ORCUTT BROTHERS. WHOLESALE AND BLTA1L DEALERS IN rUKHITUHE, OVU1 C. a. WALL-W^t aMiUi ItlvBK, CEDAR FALLS IOWA. —o— They have ou hand the Largest and BEST SELECTED STOCK or KtRNITlRE ever brought West of the Mississippi. tff" Onr Stock amsiata of everything usu ally kept by Furniture Dealers, and we are now prepared to sell at Uiapjr&©©<fl£'ic ILew PirflsoEo AI.SO, MANUFAt."11'HEliS OF .Sash, Doors and Blinds. F. N. CHASE, Ag't, DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic FHTJJT, Cigars, Confectionery, &e. Ffet door south of Pullan's Banner Store, Main Street, CEDAR FALLS. Iowa, Is offering for hale a large Stx.k of liiefn u»d Dried FruiU, Contectiniury, Cigars, Totiaccu, and a great ui«t of other urticles, At Competition Pricea. .j Green Fruiti, Confectionery, Dried Fniifc, Tobacco^ Canned Fruifc Nuts, Berries, Cheese, Maple Sugar, Herring, Cigars by the thousand, Cider by the barrel, Spices of all kinds, Crackers, various kinds. BALTIMORE AND OVE OYSTERS, by the Can or Case. Order* tilled with oire and promptness. Par ticular aUoU-iou j^iveu to filing goods All Commission. lOjrl CEDAR FALLS. Albert Allen, ( -joR to ii a] Oociar Falls, Ioa, Mr'»I"Llof respectfully announce to the cit izens the upper Cedar River Valley that he has now in Store and ia CMUtaatly receiving Large Stocks Of Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, Embracing every dew-nation of Goods died for in thitt market. Ladies® Dross Goods, Print*. Delaines, Shawls. Skirts, Ribbons, lldtficry, l!io,wIt lotlis. ('ass'inn-rea. Sati net^. Hats. Cap*. Boots. S1mx«s. Oro ceries. Hardware, Crockery, Yankee Notions. Ae. In all staple Articles his Stock ia very complete, and although he cannot enumerate each article bore, yon can be ^Imrwt. ertain "f brinjj able to supply yoar» tclf *ith any tiling yni w uit out of his Mammoth Stock. Call and see him. examine gooda and prices and judge for yourselves. ALBERT ALLEN. Cedar Falls, Sept. 15,1864. 88yl LYMAX W. TONDHO, Pea1"!' in and ui'H.i'tm er of FURNITURE, AM) ICLspeeio lly CliairB, One door Houtli of the Inman House, CEDAR FALLS, IOWA. I also hare a shop at Waverly for the ac commodation of my patrons in that vicinity. (.War Fa Ui, Sept. 15,1364. 28If S. SWAYZE, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in WINES AND LIQUORS Of all kinds. A cent for the sala of Binningcr's Rip Van Winkle Uin and all other Uinninger Goods. Merchants, Farmers and others, when vinit Inpr Cfilar Falls, will pleaae give me a call. a4* Sift. 13,1864. 88n3 HAltDWARE. LYMAX BLAIR & Co. (Snoeessors to P. Crosby,) p*.unts ts A W A E Iron c*3 Stool, KAILS, GLASS, Tin, Sheet Iron k Copper Ware, Blacksmith and Cooper Tools, Wagon and Carriage Materials, Sole Agents at this point for the Celebrated Grand Uctour Plows, Warranted to scour la any aoB» Cook, Box, and Parlor Stoves, Manufactured by J. H. Rathlxme of Albany, one of the oldest established Houses in the East—every Stove warranted to give lathdac* tion. Agents for Indiana Wagons. Kign of the Tadlock, oppiaite the Carter LYMAN BLAIR. i H. CAMl'BKLL, Cedar Falls, April 2, lb#4. gai:i»i n valley Agricultural H'arekontt, —AMi— SEED STOItE. CEDAR FALIJ* IOWA A. D. BARNUM, Dealer in Grain, Wool, Seeds, And F.very lcscription of Agricultural and Ilorticiillural luipleuieiitt, ilELD, GRASS. OAEDEIf AND FLOWER SEEDS. AGEXT FOE F. F. Smith's Patent Cast-Steel Plow! ALSO AGENT FOR Shutter's Chicago Wagon. I would call your attention to my stock of Farm Implement*, Seeds, &c.,&c. Ikeq on hatui ul all /i.'u.i r/n crltbritHjl Cast-Cast Steel Plows, niude by Collin* Co. Conn. Buckeye Reaper & Mont r, C. Aultiuan Ac o'a Cuntoa, Ohio. Buckeye Jr. Mower, C. Aultiuan vS Co s. CuntOtt, Ohio. BweepstttUe* Thresher, i Ax t'o's, Canton, Ohio. P. WaiiujN Ketsjter ami Slower,— H.tiiuV 111. Self liaka. Reader, :iii BrtiiitN Neetl sower, Siall'orttN Two Horse Corn i tiltivntor, dchuttler^ Wagoai, Fainting Hilln, Car den City cii|fi I'lowa. Bay Tools, and ia fai all kiuds of Farm Implements. 1irain, and all Produce on Storage, De livered at the Cats. Your attention to my stock is respect fully solicited. A. D. Bakm m. isomer of Maiu and lUu e Streets, Cedar Falls, March 12 1804. t%! WANTED. BOOK AGEN 1 WANTKD to circulate, k|r su Inscription, t/celltut, tllutlrattd FA Mil. 1 UKS among tin -e a Ijow TiiU'K IIMory of the liebellion, of which over 40.000 copies of Vol. I bave ahcady been sold. For Cm ul.ti with terms, addreta HENltY HoWE, to. Ill mmU*.,CtariwMtfl,O. Sheriff's Sale. •VT HICK in hereby rfwn, that by virtue an Kxecution duly isxaed l'y the Cleik ii the Pistriet of 1 he, 1 comity, Ftate of Iowa, and to tne directed. I have lev led on and shall otii for sale at pn1 •lie auction, at the front door e*\tb« Court. )iiw iu St Charles. Floyd Co. Town, on the iltb day ot* N o v e i n U A 1 S 4 a n o e k i n b afternoon of said day, the following dcsciibed property, to wit: The x. W. of the N. E. f, amt tl»- NT. of the S. K. tif the N. E, },and tharN. 1 w the S. W. of the X. E. J, and th* W of N. W. of the N. W. J, all in Section 5»». 7 in Townsbii* 9« North, cf Iwinffe IS West of ftth P. in Floyd county. Iowa Also, tho lollowint? ih*cril» piece of land, sft'iate In *:«id Floyd county, to wit: commt inr at the S. E. comer of the N. E. ot Nection l*i In Township 96 line N., of Range lfl Wi-st ot 5tli I* M., and i niiniii'j tVoiu thence Weat on Siiiil quarter section line 40 r*ls, thence South to the East h«nk of the Ci^lar river, tli Mice alone the of hich water to the liisl line o''said Sei-tion li». aii'l tin nee North to the place of be^inninc levied on as the property of Jame* Griffith to satisfy said execution in favor of Andrew Sample and airainst t«iil .famea Giif-' titli for 1( 0"),01 and interest and cvata. Terms of sale—I'ash in hand. October 4, A. I. 1S64. D. M. FERfirsON. Sheriff of Flovd County, Iowa. Valuable Farm for Sale. The sntscriler offers for «ab' hi* hornesteai!, situated ~2 miles from Rock ford and l.'l mile* from Chatli s City. The property consists of 1% acres of land, ffo of which are under im provements a £ool frame dwelling hoiw: alt tinii»hel. anl stable, frram-rv and necewary ont-buildiiiga. There are two irotxl sprinsjs oi» the fat m, ami stock water CO acres of smalt Traill now harvest^!, and 1'6 acrca of corn the Iwilarn e tame bay, and 15 acres ot grtivo timber. 16 *ows and a small dock ot sheei*" Cm be had with the farm if required. Ik-sides the alw v»: I oiler lor sale several tiiw'ts of uniinpioved land situated ia Floyd and Cerrotiordo counties. The whole of the above property will Ik* sold low and part of the purchase money ca* femain on mortgage nt 8 per cent. For turth l-r juu ticulaiB iu^uiic of the submiber on tin* premisoe. JOHN CUAl'MA*. L'later, Floyd Co., Aug. 8,1804. 80 Acres Land for Sale. A CUES OF DESIRABLE LAND, sit Ov/ uated about 11 miles from Floyd vll liii_'e. is olfi-red for sale cheap for cash.'' It» fat the West A of the N. E. «f Sec. 10. Town ship '.»6. north, of Range 10 west of the 5tli principal meridian, and is near to heavy tim ber. Inquire of A. F. ItlLDRETH Charias City, Aug. 3,1864. Produce Wanted* 4 T.f. kinds of Produce tnken in excTianm? IV. f'-r G'mnIs at our Store in Floyd such as Wheat, Hides. Butter. F.ggs, etc. Prices tbo Same aa iu Charles City. LEBMKOm 4 CO. Floyd, Nor. 1862. ik New Wateh, Clock ft Jewelry Batatolislimonta Ji. v:. s .vavyj:ts, AT ST. CHARLES CITV, HAS THE BEST STOCK OF latches, Clocks and Jewelry. IN V' 111. IT N IfiWA, California or Pike's Peak Oold tnai. of act ut eri into any style of Pin or Kincrvon wish. Watches. I'lwks and Jewelry repaired Ik Die Wst manner and warmnted. St. Charles City, Nov. 1, 1^60. 44a Upper Iowif UHIYEHSITY. T1IK KAI.I. TF.RSf tht« Inatttutlon will open for tho adnuaaiou of StuduUe off hctli hc\es ou Thursday, September 1,1864. n i U Y REV. WM. BRUSH, President. ASSISTED IIY Profcmor 11N SANBOKN, mm* Mias A. 1HKLL. l'lincpticsa. A. SAM oi: l». I i rln nf Ynral irt Instrumental Music. J. K. BtUCK, Steward. Mia* A. KOB&KT80N, Teachst O# Preparatory. LOCATION. Tlie above named Institution la located at the village of Kaydte. Fayette county. Iowa. Tin- hituation of the village ami its vi^iniry af fnitls every facility lc.-ii die for an Institution of Learning. For bcaltb and moial inllucn csm au eb vattd order, it ia not, perhMfs, aui|u^sed in tlie State. BO All DING DEPARTMENT. QoinI Boanl will l»e furnished Students in tlie RuiUliug, at $2,35 per week, llooin rent $J,00 pt term. GOVERNMENT. The Government is designed to promote tlie ¥e.icbers. ros|niity and bappinessot Uitli Stiidcntsand I bis will lonnunid itaelf to every vll disposed mind, and receive tbc cordial ipport of every Lady and GcutleDian. la administering discipline, partiality is studious ly a\ oided. ROOMS. All rooms furnished »ith stove, chairs, wash stand, ward-rolie, l»edsttad and mirror. Qeti th*men are to furnish quilts, slieeta. aud pil low sli(tM. Liulies Mill furnish all their beti ding, as they generally pretuvr to. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. A preparatory partmcut is arranged lor all Misses and Lada not qualified to enter tfc* Academic claam-a. UE1.1G10US ELEMENT. No repulsive sectarianism ill lie indulgeii tt oount* iiiu. ml. At the same time every ef fort will be employed to encourage aud rea der iuviol.ite the |)iuf'essions of Christians, atid to indtiie all t» ailopt the lteliirion of Christ, 'lo all who respcct ('hristianity and its institutions, the wcIiddio hand will lo heartily extended. To those whobe intlueuco ia prejudicial to Religion and good ""Tll lft protractel stay i-im U- ailoM al. EXPENSES. Tuition Collegiate Dep. pet tsns $0,00 Ci'llejie pre|iaiaUry 0,00 Hi^lier Fnulish 7 0(» Coiniiion Knylinh 0,00 Iiuidciital l.xpenses ,50 Instruction on Piano & Mclodeoa, 10,0( Instrnctiou on Guitar 8,5« Itisti nction on Flute and Violin, each.. 5,00 Instruction in Vocal Musk* 2.00 \oung Ladies will In.- churned per term tho price of wirnd fvit aud cariied to their halls. No deduction from prheof tuition lor absence, utiless causetl hv si k ie^s. The charge fof itiou UiUtit be paid in advaniv. CAI.ENDAK. Fall Term commences September 1st, and •loses December 1st, 1864. Winter Term wmimciHts December 15ih, 18'4, and cloaca anh 15th, 1S65. Stitiimer Tcim t' linnen c«'s ilau L'tMh, and closes June 28th, 186ft. It is \ciy that Sindeiita enter at tlie coinmenceiDent of the Tenuis. No person lued apply for i^lmisaion, who eaniiot or will not confouu to tho published By-l-aws i the In.-titntioii. lUv II. s. l'.Ki NmiN, 1'ies. Board Tnietses. W WATEKBl UV, Stcretury. Bit. V. A i K i A e i i l'ev. II. S. l!i uiiM'ii, 1 K. B. rliamkM lain Elxac. Oon* J. E. lUiU-rtaon ii Fayette. Fayette Co., Iowa, Aug. t, Agents Wanted. Tri se?! hy subscription an exccHent, fllua trated and low-piiecd histoty of the Hebcllioil. a is iu Uth Kn^lish and tierntan. Also sev eral otlicl lieuuililllly illusliated, illtelektin^ and valuable family woiks. AUo for I'edlcrs and Agents a preat variety of Pictuio, llattle Si dies, l'oi traits of eminent Uein rals and Ci vilians. tietus for the Album. &c together With a hir^e as^ rtineiit of Stationery Pack Sgca. Titc»c gcod«M.'U well. Vor Circulars, with terms, aildresa HKNKV HOWE, 111 Main Bus*, Cincinnati.