Newspaper Page Text
ktaf tur« thft nrc lh« put Heal a post-' *1 iyU i.. L5 *4 kfam 1 r- v low Iowa, rty of i» «®f le, fell 41 1 jU rvnxMt ries 9, i These 1 and i jil faith ER jfc- I »u bruits, SB- VOLUME Till. THE Cjptlts Ciln Inttlligrnur, rarrsusnsn STRUT TIN HFDAY BT A. B. F. HILDRETH, DITOR AKDmormrrOR. PRICK, $3,00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. OFFICE IN THE INTELLIGENCER SUIL0IN6, roRXKR OF Stlftita ABTD KGLLl ftTltKRTB* opruriTi priiiM n«jr4Ri. tksrlet City, Floyd County, 1 w. 3 W. $3 00] ft AO ~l~fcqnare7 tl 50 """f^fc)itareii~| 3 (Ki *~I Square*. ~~4 Square*, 4 W. 3m 6m 12M •3 75 I $5 oo *7 tl2 7 50 8 110 1«j ft i 50 I 10 fio 14 I 21 10 00 I la 1X11 16 -J5 12 50 14 00 l«r 14 0.1 ffi O.1 a* 15 a so so 4 00 I S 00 I" 5 oo in «»j son 1 lMi ft 00 I 12 mi 2 oo 15 CIO Panares. )f VTnmn, Odumn. I CulttWB. 00 IS 00 THKMONT iiorsi:, Corner of 8th and low* Street*, WBUQUE, IOWA. This House is centrally to the lti»i new part of the City, anil Pontoftk-c. The propru tor desirt s to plt-iise all who mny favor liim with their patronage, and solicits a trial of tboae visiting the i-ity. GKO. L. DICKINSON, Proprietor N. B. A tint-dam Barter Hbop anl Buth la| roooM in the house. 17yl AMERICAN HOTElj, •mm or EAST WATITK a DrraoiT MIL H'. Ch'Kt' W. S. AMOS, l'Uol'KIETOR. Thin House in UniUe«l in the hi^iuesii part of the City, convenient to the Cats ami Boat*. IT OiuniluiN and IU^a^e Wa^on always on hanil to convey 1'axKeiiKer^ and ilat K*Ke to and from the lioutsund Curs free of thar^e. "Win CARTER HOUSE, JOB* L. WILCOX PROPRIETOR, MAI* STRUCT, CKDAE FALLS, Black tfaui tXiUiJy Iowa. This HIM.' havina chunked htunlrt, and un dergone a thorough leliltin^ ami reincHlelinur, is uow ready for the aceoinmodntioii of the public. It is situated ill the business part of Cedar Falls. The proprietor pledget* hiuiM-lf that no {tnins will be spared to make his guests comfortable. Stages leave this house daily for the North, South and West. v.5:3T STOP AT THK IOWA CENTRAL HOTEL, WATERLOO, IOWA. CWAPMAN & WILLIAMS. Proprietors. ^LTTOliX lb A€.IRriniger. R. C. Mblger. G. O. & R. G.HEINIGER, A O N E Y S A A W And Solicitors in Chancery, Dtalcra iu Ileal Estate, Exchange, ico. CIIARLM CITT, rUTD CtH'.tTT, IOWA. "Will attend to business and practice in the Supreme and Oistrict Court of Iowa. Information and goud referoBCC* will be cheerfully given o« requost. 3Stf W- B. FAINRISL*. n. o. PBATT. FAIRFIELD A PRATT, ATTUHNfiVS AT LAW. Obrfei City.. Floyd .... toIM. Will practise in all the Courts of the 8tftt4 All buHiueMi promptly atteBiied %o. 8TARR k PATTERSON, Attorneys Counsellors at Lav^ 1'ilAKLt.S CITY, I'LUVUCO., IOWA. |*f Will piiK tice iii Northern Iowa and ^Southern Minnesota. Particular attention pai to Ci»Ilectkmi, paying tit« s. «onvey-j laiuiu^, and fuinishiinr abstracts ot title of [Land*. Office over'Stone Store. 1 vMy Watches and Jewelry, B. SAWYER, Watchmaker and Jeweller, AT Till CITY JEWELRY STORE, |£BAB1BS CITY. A FLOTU tm'XTY. IOW*. )i ii. Watches, Clock* aui Jewelry r» I pair ad in tip-top style. 42 tt _____ A. B. VAN COTT, IMPORTVR AMD MAXTFACTrRER I# Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, MASONIC JKWKkS, StlVEB AS I) PLATED WARE, ETC., Cor. Bast Wiitar and Wisconsiu Sto., MIl.WAt'KtJ WIStoXlUN. Wainh Tools and Matarialsof «vety duscrip tion, 14tf MATS0N & LOOM IS, IMPORTERS AND HASUhAl'TUREKS^ And Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, No, 194 East Water Street, MILWAUKEE, WIS. n A. B. F. HILDRETH, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR. Iowa. -o- Any person obtaining Ave subscriber®. and forwardlnir th« money, shall be furnished with a copy «f the Intelli fencer fur this nwvk'e so long as tlic number ."hall be k*pt rood. Business |"Ttnininc to tho paper can be transacted with the Publisher any (lay at tho Oflcet of t'uhlii-atHin. CQmmuuiruti»!i« mriy be addressed to the Editor, who ilpilHfUy and faithfully r^|« n(l to Ihetn. TERMS Or ADVERTIfttVQ |JM U IK 00 25 00 |~M Aucvni roil THK iynti.uciKMCEit 8.11. PcltingiM k Co., Newspaper Advertising Agcats, HS.W Park How. Vcw York. C. driven. (ieneral Advertising Ageat, Dear bora Street, Chicago. BaaiDesi CardK of Ave linen or lex* will be tnierted in Ihlicolumn for $5.00 |*r annum. For «ach addMloual ia«,*v*r flTe. one dollar will heeh«reed. HOTELS. Miscellaneous Cards, CARL MERCKEL, MASI FACTI 11m or Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware, DEAI.U IN S O V E S AND AomrruTRAi. IMI-LKMLNIS, ALMI FoB SALE, A laige assortment of Kerosene Lamps, Lamp Chimneys, Wicks, Shades, &c. Tin Roofing Executed to Order. N Old Tin ami Copper Ware Neatly repaired on short notice. Shop, next door to Lehmkuhl's new Stone 8tore, Charles City, Flojrd Coonty, Iowa. November 8,1864. 45 AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE. WASHINGTON BRUBACHER, DSAI.KK Iii All Kinds of Farming I E E N S A 50 Wagonmaker'a Stock, WATERLOO IOWA. I. M. MERTUMAN", Notary Public k Conveyancer, FLOYD VILLAGE, Floyd County, low*. 11. C. INMAX, MaHle SURVEYOR, Rock Fhyd County Town. Will promptly attend to all luifinewt entrust ed to bis care, and will furnish Plats when detirad. 41m6° SMITH k ATKINSON, DFAI.KK3 IN DRUGS, BOOKS, STAT/OXEkV, Newspapers, Magazines, $c. 4"C. CHARLES CITY, IOWA. Store on Mill Street, pear the Mill. jlf BCLLAMY, JACOBS Commission Mcrchaute, AND ItEAI.CHff IX U I S 161 South Water St., Chicago. RUrUKNCF.*. Qoald 4 Brother. Hmith, lVIlanl ft C& STEARNS A FORSYTE Wholesale Grocers, -AND- DEALERS IN PRO VISIONS, 1S5 South Water Street, *. w. STIAKXS, CHICAQO. STE4KXS, 1, FORSYTH. Uyl CITY BtXK.-Ti RK B. M. HAKUER, WSMJSUI A wn.11 I'LUU IS Books and Stationery, 9 Music. Instruments, Print and Wrapping Papers. Pimters' Stmk, Etc. No. Ill MAIN {STREET, Demurs, IOWA Depository of the American Tract Society. ALBERT H. HOVEY, AKent for Manufacturers, aiul Dealer in all kinds of Agricultural Implcments, ALSO FIELD, GARDEN AND ILOWElt 8BEDH, No. 194 1 «ik* Street, Chicago, Illinois. P. 0. Box 3047. Uyl A. B. F. HILDRETH, Notary Public k Conveyancer, CHARLES CITY, FI®ydO»un^r, IoiWk, J. V. SMITH, M. D., KCLKCTIC PJl Y SIC I A N A SI) S UR GEOXt CNARLK9 CITY, H.OYI) CO., IOWA. Offieeat the Dru^ & lVsk Store, on Mill Si. —Residence, near the School House. H. C. BRADLEY k CO, WHOI.ISALS DEALERS II Y A K K E E N O I O N S lit East Water Street. USr! MILWAUKKKn IDA HOUSE, S. M. WJJt&EX, 1'ROPRIEfm, WiriKT,.,.., linn Corarr, Iowa. BLAIR & PERSONS, WBOLRIALS k RETAIL DI AUBS 111 China, Eai thern k Glass Ware, SILVER PLATED Cutlery, Ja|ianued Ware, I^ookiiiK Glasses, BritaUiiia Waie, Uus Fixtun s, Lumps, &c. ..•» 156 East Water Street, MILWAUKEE. WOULLEY & SNYDER, Htm CITT riOTD corxrr IOWA. Plows made and repaired, Cturitgealrontd, and General Jobbity AMERICAN HOUSE, COMER or MAIK AiiU HARkkT MTROTV, ROCK FORD, ILL, Nearly opposite the Kenosha Depot. BOW1X A. 111UEUIW, Pnr|rrit»wr. |Siirsl# ot the Iluuse couveywl to aud fmai tbu OtfS (TM of vhargt. Aai|iW f'labliug nmrM Montgomery House, BY HENRY BAKER, MAMMA, CHICKASAW COUNTT, HEMI HOLD'S Genuine Preparations. COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BFCHU, a|"sitiM' ainl for disease* the Blad der Kidney*. Urm .'I, an.I I1«»|»~i ?*l Swelling. This Medirini! Increase* the |ow»'r of IhK'^tNm. and e*i it' tin- iih-.irlnM.t- lulu Itt'iiItliy action, by which the watery or calcareoiw deposition*, and all unnatural «n hrfRB«l u« roliKMl, u well aa sain and In datama tion. HKI.Mftm.D'M RKTRMT BICHC. Kor W«-akin~- .iri-inK Irom K*iv--«s. 1l «lit il lie tilled nation. Ktrh I11.I1-1 1. tH'ii ot Aim mllowiiiK •vmi't"ni« ItKli-tprHitmn to ExSHMa, ls- »f Memory, Weak N'orves," Horror of |iteae, INmness of Vi-Kiii. t'niver«:il Ijt~-otn-1»4" the Mii-c H(t Ilaii'N. Uryne-s of theskia. or Dual Willi the .iri-Miu Irom Ksir I A** of lYiwnf, l)ifflcnlt.v of iireathlaf, Trembliiur. Watn-rnlni-m, Tain in tin' Rirk. Vlii-hifit of ine Body, Eruptionx HI U»e t'aue, fallkI Coautenaoee. Tl«*e mirtwmt, tf aitoweH to ff on, which this EMdl ehle invarUbly reinovt1*, »non follows Fmpofmri/, Futility, Epileptic FiU, one of which th" I'al^-nt may expire. Who can ay tluti ttn-v are not frvquently MMSl bjr thl'.-t" Inreflll llsetl.-e|l," INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION. Mirny are aware of the raa.-r of llie !*uftw ih^.hut Sunt trill eon/en the record* «f the Intone Atyltmi. iml m' liiiieholy ileaihri hy i-otitiinption bear ara-ile srll jn-« t- (lie tnitii ol tin- aMertiwi. Hie i'ii tit'iOi'ii once airii te.l ly nrganir wrakaetis re |iilre lie kid of 111.MM in. to wtrenKtlKfi and imigiVate the 'V III, Which IltfmfxJd' 1 Extract liurhu t'/itwtoMy dM». A trial will cKi\ inie the ma*t ike tiutl. FEMALES -F1 IM A IJiS -FEMALES. In tnanv affections pi-euliar to Females, the biu.t UiS'hii w ini'-'(ii.»ll«l l.y any other Keniei!y..i» in (Idoro-i- or Retention. Irre^ulirtty. I' iiiiriilni-."i or slip. (H-e.sliKi oi rn-tiiniiry nutnui-. I'lcenttiil i»r seir -.Uitc of ili. li. ru- I j-.n li'.ri luin ..r Whiles. Stenl itjr, ami tor all nonmptnint" Ineidrai tn th' **, win-lie arming from indlscietais, lialnlt of dUsi|ialsm, in tMe DECLINE 011 CHANGE OF LIFE. Take no more Balsam. Mercury or unpleas ant m-dieine* for nn|i|ea-niit or dansreroiM disease-. I/elmthjlii'i Extract Ituehu and Improved Roeewath CURES SECRET DISEASES In all their t.i^. -. At little expense. Little or DO i'hmij In diet, V. iiicjtivcutcnee, AND NO r.XITWI RE. It causes a freqix'ut rio-rc aii't cive.s Ktnwpth to tin lata, thereby rt'inov in* ol-tris tNri«. |m*veittlii aiid cur Bgtiii ttiriv ot the I retlim. uilnyniK |mn and inItiiiii matieti rri-qiii-ht .11 lli'- i 1 of ill-raw-, ami i-X|ellll!t ail |Mi-oiHXM. •Ii-«i'el ami wnrnout matter. Tlioii^and- ii(«.|i ill" I-aii'l- MIHI lieeti till vi«titn tT t.Huu k-. and who h:ive |UI|.I henry fw to he enred o sls'11 titm-. luttn i.HiHil tiiey Were ill-reived. irt lli.,l the IIISIN lii-.i.j ilie ii-euf |iowi rl il i-li ni(ifnt-. h«en drteil n| in th« sy-tetn, U lrmk oH III an »p*ravA ted lor III. k CO., PRODUCE AND urn I iik ijm after mairui'jc. n inilxd-l r.itnrtof Hm-hii (hr all «W*tWmi and llir i.r.ooi oivuu- wli thcr extetillll ia tuale nr fem.ile. from whui. vi i i uii-e i^ri^-ituitiiig aud no u .t tee oi bow loin.'-uuiijltip IhsiM-e-. ui tlie-e nrn.uis rcnuirt the aid of a dmr Helml.i.lil'- FMrnrt HIHIHI IS th«* tireatliionlir. .iiel is eertuin to Imvt tliedesireil t4t«i ill all di-.*«-»« for wlis li it is reeoiuiiieinliMl. K.vuli-iii-e 1.1 IIm most rt lialil.' ultd rwponsihli rltarai-ti'r w ill aerni|Hiiiy the niedictuc. Ptht |1,U0 prr Battle, or tNz for §5,00, delivered to any addre-s, ser«ir«ly l«ckcrl from ob-ierva Hon lie-crile ii| in-ill communication*. Cures Gaaratrtd. Advice UraUa. Addrex- l»il. i i f..r niiurtnatKSi t«» H. II. lUrmlit, 104 Snail I r11111 -I iM'ii.w lie-tni.t, I'tuiiuieIfitiia lUl.MIti ill i S .1 I". |.K, RKLMI*'I.I» IH-nir nii] tvi neenl Warehrxwe. ttHI BriMidwa), lew Vmk. jBnrmreqf Omnter/eUt and unprincipled I tender* whs cudeavtr W dt»|i"-e of tli ir owu .nil other" articles oo the reputation attained by Batiatioid'a Ucnnina 1re|iarnttaaa. Ixtrai-t Ihit lia. ijiti•*i .-arsapariUa. InproveU Mi •OLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Ask for Helmhold's—Take no otli«r. Cut out ike AdvetUnen*i*.l aud aan4 for tt, And avoid tmpotHim qmd erpotmrt. 4?yl HOSTETTERS CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. jy*ua aad jiower ul Iu#k. urfnin i- Mi.'i a Heralira uf Wouiti-rlul vftii ul iu diseases of th« Stomach, Liver aud Bowels, Care* Py»p*'(»la. liver Com|4aiDl. IOWA. Stages leave this House daily Cor the North, South, East and West. i(u. H. M. DUNy, UKALKR Ml Fashionable Millinery Goods, Wholenile aud Retail, ft* It Wiacanita Street. Milwankot. n«-adai-he, Gneral Jlebilajr. Ni*r\-miirni'--*, 0riiri*Mi« of !*|,lrl s. hunk patiou. t'olie, Int.-rin tl.-nt Kr\er-. l'ram|^ aud fipa-iu^, mid all I'ompla.iil- of rither ariciuy tr.'Ui Itoil.iy Wi-.tkiiem wUvilier iuberetrt in the sysrrni or prw!uc«4 liy »JK« ul r«u ci. thai is not wh'.iii-oine. Rciiia) and aaahMttve IU It- lut'.rr enler- into the ••tii|«i-il.ini .if llos iKTTI-K'S iSToM-M UITI'l-Jts. Thi» poptilMT pi *|wiaUMi inutaiu no r,il ui anv kind, noilruiiiy Ix.tin 11 i i. m. lit In lirry uxount but it is a eouiliuuinoii at Uie ixuuio ol rare iialraniK- herb.- uiui iliuu wahtha |Mr*l aad aiiM •tl ot ait difliiaivt' atanuUuU. It w well to be forearmed a|taln«t ithewe. and. fir a» llu liiunoo -y-|i-m can le ir.t.-ilit liuin.iu ine.tiis a|raiii-t IIWII.MIH•* iti| rnd4"nt1 h) .in un»liolr-oiiu- atmo |ih» ri iiii|nirt' water mid other e\t ru.ij cause-, i-ti-t tor's BiMura may bo retted mi u a us. ^'iutnl. In districts iufi-.-tcd wiUl Fever ant A/nr. It ha* hem found mUlliiilr as a |rrvelitivr and ii resMtthh-a*a dy an I tlM)U.lll'ls who re-olt to It tinJel l|i(i|ehell-ii*ll «t atl iita.k. i-II j.• the s«-i mrp- uinl tln-it-iiti.l- I -lu-f luil to avail Ihctu-flvtfs of its I'ruieetive i|U«iaie4 ill ad vaiicr. aremuil hy a rry hrs-l course of this marvelous HMxt'i'iiii' Krver und Ayim |utj«'iiis. alter ln'iii^ |IIHMI with iitliliilie I'.r 111..i,tli- III 111.1.1 t.iii !v -.U' l.itei: Wii U ul diuiM«rii|s alknloid, are ihH I Per«ms of li-clil* habit. liabV* to NervwM Attacks, ol ^Htriu and l'it» «r Uai^u«r. aad pswata and pariiutiii iil relief fioin the Hitler*. The ti-tmioiiy UB thw loiut u aiovtuuMcliistvtf,auS Irom buth The a(i.njr of Hiltoun Otis' i- nnnioiiateiy a^iairy1 hy a HS*LE DUMI uf tile otiiuuliiiit, and by OLCU-KIUMII rtwiirl lag to it, the n-lura uf Uie iinnplalnt may hi- |revenkail. As a (o-neral Tmiie II .stotU r's Hitters prmluee ejR-ets Vim ii iiel-i lie e\|« rietieeil or witue-se.| In l..ri lie v t.m BE tully a|.|irei i«l. il, lu CUMM of tmstilutionul Weak BOss. |"i rinalure I teeny and llelnlity and|.(iun|« •ri-Hi^ irolil Old Ajie. it elert i.-e- the eieeti le HiUuo4He In III. ronvnlrsceiit stages of all illseAsi* it n|ri at,-* a a dull*til'lli luv Ifcui&lil. W in li the i-.Wil.-iJ Ibttiire are elii^ed, it .i|M.'rates to re enforce un.l re-estatilisli tlietn. Ijmt, but net Is Ttie Only Safe Stmiillant. beluft EMUiuta4ured froni nmmd and uiwuHKiti* a uaer la la. aud •lllirely ree froin the acid ek-ineiits |re.-oiit iimrr or lun* Ii all tho ordinary louic* and slomaahica uf tha day. No family medicine has been so uinveriutlly, and, a Sav belruly added. l4*nrrlly i«»|.uU»r w ulitL»-luU-llLuviia portioii of Uie coniQiuuity us Mm-letter s llilters. ITepared by IH^TETri:!! ASVUT1I,l'itt*burgh. Pa. by allfir«aMs,flneM«aaism+mpmn tmy Wisconsin Trunk Manufactory t? «ny for ins or consumption. in any on- rear, slial JOHN R. COCTP, empt from duty and all ylieep slni 237 Main 8treet, near Newhnll House, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Manufacturer and WHOLESALE 4* RETAIL IKALF.R IS TRUNKS, VALISES AND CARPET BAGS. Our VVurVi is excelled 1j- none, and all arti cles warranted as represented when sold. Trunks made to or«)er, covered and repaired. OFFICI A r. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES, f*aaarri at the Mi-.l VmIOII of the Thirty* Kl((htti Con| reaa. [PUBLIC—No. 148.] AH ACT to provide internal revetmc to support tlic povortiment, to pay interest on the public debt, and for otbor purposes. [oo.VTUWtt.] BROKERS. Sec. 99. And l»e it further enacted, That all brokers, and bankets doing business as brokers, shall be subject to pay the following duties and rates of duty upon the sale of mer chandise, produce, gAd and silver bullion, foreign exchange, inenrrent nioiu'V. promisso ry notes, stocks, Isitids, or other sccutiliesns hereinafter mentioned, and sh all 1-e subject to all the provisions, where not inapplicable thereto, for the returns, assessment, collet tion of the duties, and liens and penalties as are prescribed for the persons, firms, companies, or corporations, owning or possessing, or hav ing the management of railroads, steamlsiats, and ferry-lioats, that is to say pon all nles of merchandise, produce, or other gotnls, one eighth of oue per centum upon all sales and contracts for sales of stocks and bonds, one twentietli of one per ivntuin on the ptr value thereof and of gold and silver bullion and coin fouign exchange, ptoinis.soty notes or other securities, one tweutieth of one per ivntum tm the amount of sin sales, and of «H contracts for such sales Proridrd, That any person, lirm, or coni|any not Leiug li censed as a bioker, or linker, or whoh-sale or retail denier, who shall sell or ofler to sell any merchandise, produce, or gold ami silver bul lion, foreign exchange, iucurreut money, promissory notes, stocks, Isxids. or other se curities, not bona tide at the time his own propeitv, and actually on hand, shall lv lia ble. in addition to all other penalties provided in cases, to pay fiity per centum in addi tion to the foregoing duties and rates of duties thr NttiK rt t«pi vtlrily, or oilicrwU* and set forth in schedule A. hereto atiiH-.\-d, to e [iiid by the |ers'»n or (enons owning, poss«-ssing. or keeping the same on the firwt Monday of May iu each year, and the same shall bo aud remain a lien tberam until puid. Schedule .1. Carriage, gig, chaise, ph.Tton, wagoM, buugy wagon,carryall. tH-kaway,«r other likn carriage, and any cta haiktiey ouMti, omnibus, or foisr* wheeli*I carriage, the body of wlilch rests upou spiings uf any desiii^* tion. which lii.ty be kept for use. ft»r hire, or for passengers, and whirft shall not be used exclusively iu haa bandi v ui for the transpoitalion of merchandise, valm-d at tiitv dollaaa and not exeeiiling one hundred did lars. including harness used there with. each one dollar $1 00 Catriagcs of like description, valued at above one hundred dollars and imt ulfove two hundred dollars, cadi, two dollar*. Carri ages of like desniption, valued at two hnndrcd dolllars Hnd uot above three bundled dollars, each, thice dollars S 00 Ohriinges of like description, valued above llnee hundred dollars aad not alovc five hundred dollors, each, si* itollars S SO i i.ices of like duscription, valued at above five huudted dollars, each, ten dollars 10 00 Oil gold watches, composed wholly Exceeding twenty and no^hxceeding forty tons, each, twenty five dollars Exceeding foity nnd not exceeding eighty tons, each, fifty dollars..... Exceeding eighty and not exceeding one hundred and ten tous, each, seventy-five dollars Exceeding one bundled and ten tons, e tch, one hundred dollars Billiaid tables, kept for use, ten lars lit 11 e^ti.Qliy re Ktoiiil to heaitli vkiihiti ii few daj s 11\ the usi .-l |{i»ttH tor e Butori. TU« wouk aluauah la ra|Mly Uivigucatad a»d the ap pe«iu restnrod hy thw agreeable loule, ab4 heoce a work* wmtk'ia in cases «f Msis'i^ui, and l«»« t*m armed torm- of linli^e-ii..ii Ai line u« a £eii(k- and |mi 11 le-s ,|,H 11,1,1, I- vt.-il I- 1:1 I Uie lis.-r, al-o 1||\ a rlaiil leln-ves the t'oiisti|atioii -vi(»-i .in 1 n 11• v in. gular uf the digestive aud Mtci'flive urgaiw. Provided, That billiard tables kept "®hstfoatb l|it Conrst of Cntpirt tahts its ©taj»." i theri Jlieof bv OT in (Kirtof gohl «H gilt, kept for list, valued at one hundred dollais or hs each, one dollar 1 00 On gold watt lies, colli|"s .I wholly or in putt of gold or guilt kept for IIM, valued at above one hundred dollais, each, two dollars 00 On pi. uiofortcs, organs, melodions, Of other parlor intisical iastiuiBemi^ kt pt for use, not iucludinif thuae placed in churches or public edition, valuel at not less than one hum l»wd and not alaive two huuUrwl dollars, each, twodollars 9 00 When valued at aliove two hundred doll era aud not above (bur huudrad dollais, each, four dollars 4 00 When valued above four hundred (Sal* laix, each, six dollars S00 On yuchts, ple.isuie or lin ing boat*, by sail or steam, measuring by cua toui-house measureiuent tu tons or less, each, live dollais Bxeei-ding ten and not exceeding twen ty tons, cacli, ten dollars..... ii.gan 6 00 10 00 25 00 amonnt not exceeding forty ouuen us aforesaid, lelongiug to any one |H-rsou. plate lx longing to religious societies, and souveuirs and keep, sakes actually given and received Sec. 101. as •ueh and not kept for use also, all premiums awarded as a token id merit by any a^iUnltural soci corporation, or association of per sons. for any put pose whatever, shall be exempt from duty. •LAIGHTKRKD CATTLE, SWINE, AMD And b« it further enacted. That there shall le paid by anv |ierson, firm, mm panv, or acent, or employee thereof, the fol lowing duties or taxes, that is I I say On all cattle and calves exceeding three months old, slaughtered, except when slaugh tered for tho hides and tallow exclusively, forty cents per hwid. (n all cattle and calves under three months old, slaughtered, flvs cents per head. On all swiue slaughtered, ten cents ptr head. (u all sheep and lambs slaughtered, CHARLES CITY, FLOYD COUNTY, IOWA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1864. slaughtered, ant/ cattle, cube*, thtep. himhn, or nrinr, shall W rcipiirel tm make «nd render a list within ten days after the first day of each and every mouth to the assistant assessor of the district where the slaughtering is done, statinir the numhpr of cjittlc. c.tlvcs, if any. the number of swine, it any. luid the nuntlier of sheep Hnd lauilis. if anv, slaughtered, its aforesaid, with the several rati it of duly as fix ed therein in this act, together with the whole amount thereof, which list shall have annexed thereto a declaration of said person or jiersons. agents or employees thereof, as aforesaid, tin der oath or affirmation, in such manner and form as may lie prc*erNed hy the CommU sii'iier of Internal Revenue, that the same is true and correct, and sh ill. within the time See. 10S And be It further eroK^ed, That every person, firm, company, or corporation i and in the manner prcscrilied for the payment owner. {Hissessor, or pi-rsn having the care or uf dutieson manufacture*, pay the full amouiit management as aforesaid, shall liable to i ot duties Accruing thereon, as aforesaid, to tl e pay a penalty of one thousand dollars for eve Collector or deputy collector of the district, a*| rv such attempt, to be recovered as provided aforesaid and in case of default in making, for in this act for the recovery of }ienaltics. the return or payment of the duties, as afore- i And all provisions of this act in relation to •aid. the assessment and collection shall be I liens and collections by distraint, not incom- Inade in the provisions of this act required putihlc herewith, shall apply to thi.s section and in ease of fraud or evasion, the party of. fending shall forfeit and pay a penalty of ten dollars JHT head for any cattle, calves, swine, sheep, or Iain)* so slaughtered upon which the duty is fraudulently withheld, evaded, or at tempted lc evaded and the Commissioner! of Internal Revenue may prescribe such fur ther rules and regulations as he may deem necessary for ascertaining the correct number of cattle, calves, swine, sheep. And lambs lia ble to be taxed under the provisions of this act. HAILB0AM, RTEAK tlo.VTS, FERRT-BOATS, AXD W levied, colla ted, and paid a du- V oue and a half of one per centum upon groM* receipts of premiums, or assessments Sr insurance from loss or damage by tire or the perils of the sea, made by every insur ance company, whether inland or marine or iiisiiran -e against loss or damage by lire or hy I „K. •on, c»ni|siny. office or doing bus.mss within the I m- U-d hutea and tliat in the account or return to lie rendeied, they shall state the amount, hisnnii. renewfsl. or contmuetl. the gmss amount of preiniums reviviil and assessments collected, aud the duties by law accruing tlieicon for the quarter thcu next preced ing. TAESP. iRTS. Sec- IOC. And IKS it further enActetl, That y ot ntate there shall tie punt of live dollars which count therefor to the Tre isury. 50 OS T5 00 100 00 dol bh-s kept for use as aforesaid, any thing herein Ul the contrary net. withstanding. On plate, of gold, kept for uae, 10 00 for hiie, and u Min which a license tax luis lieeti iiu|»scd. shall not be re quired to pt«y the tux on billiard ta* par ounce, troy, tifty centa On plate, of silver, kept for IIM, pel ounce troy, five cents Prtmded, That silver sptxms or 60 to plate of silv«r used by one family to an five Cents |ier head. Provuifl, '1 hat cattle, not exceeding five In number, ami calves, swiue, sheep, and lambs, not exceeding in ail twenty iu number, and the objects therein etnbraccd. That amount of all their receipts i»f every «ltaa:rin- stape ifmeh or other vehicle: fV««rwW leach month, upon the average amount of the duty hereby imposed shall sot Ie charged amount necessarily ex|* nled to keep such bridge or road iu repair, no tax shall le iui-1 posrd on such receipts l'r"rided. That all i such persons, comjianics, and cor|K»ratiotis' shut I have the riirlit to add the duty or tax im- ja am ujwiti reifiptb for the tiausportation of (.etsons ,,t- ninety per centum of the cupi or pn«|iertv. or malls, lietween the 1 n'ted Suites and any foreign put and any person ^iniiKiiiy, person, and tqiuu any amount id or a rsons, turns, companies, or eorporatK-ns, ,.in owning. m«wewmg or haviiiR the etm or man-, thereto may commence, any limitations which may exist by law or by aprtviio-nt with any person or company which •lay have paid or Is- liable to pay such fare to tixc coutrar uotwithstanding. KXl'RF.SS OOMPAKIEa. She. 1#4. And be it further enacted. That alriy (tersou. firm. coui|sUiy. or cor potation lur iug on or doing an express business, shall lie subject to and pay a dutv of three per con turn ou the gross amouut of ail the such expn-ss business. INSt KAKCt COM TAMES. Sec TO.. S OS ere And lie .t further enartiiL That shall 8iK-h make (,r to u,nfll.r Iin(fK or corporation who shall issne .r tickets or .t.ntnu ts ol in.tirance mju-{,)lltain and every such penally, together ry to persons while travelling by land or w-a- w UbU Hilh bmmW IbreTery passport issuei from the ofHce of the| other than is herein provided, isheichyre-' Secretary of State there shall be paid the «um liealed ProeUeil, That this s amount may IK- paid to any collector appointed under this act, and his receipt therefor shall !e forwaidcd with the application for such passport to the otftcc of the Secietary of State, or any agent ap- tion and |stinted by him, to lie transmitted by the savings tank haviug no capital sttck, and C'ouuuissioiK'r of luterual Revenue, there to! whose hti.-iucss is ciutiiiMi to receiving depos bechaiged to the aciount of such collector. I it* and loaning the same on interest for the And the collector shall account ft»r all mon- l*netit of the de|»ositors only, aud which do evs received for passport* in the manner here-: no other business of hauking And provided, inU fore provitled. and a like amount shall lie! further. That any Iwnk ceasing to issue notes piid for every pass|ort issued by any luiuister or consul of the Unitei States, who shall ac TBU.G£AJ OOMPANIES. 8fle. 107. And be it further enayied. That any person, tirm, totnpany, or corporation owning or |xiSMS.sing or having the care or management of nny telegraphic line by which telegraphic dc*{atches or messages are receiv ed or transmitted, shall be subject to ainl pay a duty of five per centum on the gross amount #f idl receipt* ot' »uch |eison, tuui, u^ut^any, ®r coriHration. XUEATKHS, urERAS, CIRCVSOI, AK» MISET'MS. Sec. 108. Ami be it further enacted. That my |erson, firm or corporation, or the man ager or agent thereof, owning, conducting, ttr having the care or management of any the atre, o|H'tn circus, museum, or other public exhibition of dramatic or operatic n preHenta tions, phi s, IH'rformaiices. musical eutertain- tueiils, hats ot lioi teiusiislnp, lu-robatic s|sirts, or other shows whiih are o|H'tutl to the public for pay, but not including occasional concerts. 4chotd exhibitions, lectures, or exhibitions ot Wotks of art, shall Is* subject to arid jjay a du ty of two per centum on the gross amount of winy, or corjtoralion tioin such re[trescnta lions, plavs, JKI lor malice*, exhibitious, shows, Or musical entertainments i Seo. 109. Ami be it further enacted, That liny person, firm, couipuny^or corporation wniug or possessing, or having the care management of auy railioad, caual, steam hoat, ship, Uirge. canal lioat. or other vessel, ur any ferry, toll-ioad or bridge, as enumera ted and de»crilted iu section one hundred and fill receipts derived by such ierson, firm, com pay the collector or deputy collector of the 1) Ili fiiil aril H+m h«»r own I manner and form to le prescribed from time therenpon the Cmmission "r fimll Rrant a per shall lie ex- time by the Commissioner of Internal Rev- mit to hold such lottery, i.'fflo, or trift enter ^laufrhtcred enue ttnd shall also pay to the collet tor the prise, and the said sanitary fn'r. in wbi. stieh catll- sheep, or swine shall U- ten JXT entum as lu-n-inlwfore provided in rv thereto shall he legibly stamped at the aforesaid, shall pav. in addition, ten per cen tum on the amount of such duties and addi tion aud fur any attempt knowingly to evade the payment of such duties, the said. BAXKS ASD BAXKIKO. Sec. 110. Atd l»e it further ifiacti'd, T!iat there shall lc leviel, collected, and paid a du ty of one twenty fourth of one per centum each month upon the average amount of tho deposits of money, subject to payment hy check or draft, or represented by ccrtiticaU-s of deposit or otherwise, whether payable on demand or at some future day, with any per son, bank, association, company, or corpora tion engaged in the htisine4tof Uvnking and a duty of one twenty-fourth of one per centum each month as afotesuid. upon the average amount of the capital of any bank, associa- n ,, ownitig or pressing or having the care or the business of Kan king lieyond the management of any railroad, canal, steamboat, invested in United StAtes bonds and a duty of one twelfth of one JH centum each month, upon the average amount of circula isMied hy any bank, association, corpora- ship, barge, caintl l*iat. or other vessel, or any stage coach or otlur vehiele engaged «r em ployed in the business of transporting passen|tion gers or property for hire, or in transmuting the mails of the United States, or any canal, the water of which is used for mining purpos es, shall le subject to and pay a duty of two and one-half per centum upon the gross re ceipts of such railroad, canal, steaml»oat, ship, barge, canal Ixwit. or other vessel, or such for the p«ltsfihall pay two ectiig only |X'r head, full amount of duties which hav accrued on or 1H iievolent iwwotiation, shai".' he exempt Sec 102. And l«e it fui ther en.-u ted. That such receipts for the month aforesaid. And from all charge, whether from tax O' license, the salary or pay received for sen ices in the on and after the day on which lliis act shall in ca^e of neglect or refusal to make said lists' in respcct of such lottery, raffle, or gi.'t enter- rlvll, military, naval, or other service of the take effect, any person or persons, firms, or or return fot the sjace of ten days after stub prise Profiled, further, 'iliat nothing this Cnfted States, including senators, represent^. companies, or nircnts or employees thereof, i return should have leen ni ule as aforesaid, section contained shall he colistrued to lc,?al- tives, and delegates in CongTess, altove th® who shall slaughter for sale, [any cattle, the assessor or assistant ass.-**,,!- shall proceed ize any lottery. i rate of six hundred dollars per annum and calves, sheep. Iaml»s, or swine.] or who shall to estimate the amount received and the do- Sec! 112. And he It further cnacted. That then shall also 1m deductiil the income derive W the occupant of an* building or premises lies payable thereon, and shall all thereto each lottery ticket or certificate suppleinenta- i other ciisesi of ileliuipietiey to make return lor time of sale with the name of the vendor and UKIKS ctrtHration, coeto. or person en- tion, coui|Kiny, or|)eison, including as circula tion all rlilicate che ks and all notes and oth er obligations calculated or inteudixl tocin tt laU- or to lie usid as inoney, but not including ",f that in the vault of the Istnk, or redeemed and on deposit for said bank ami an addi tional duty of ene-sixth of ne I*T centum, ), circulation, issued as aforesaid, lieyond tal of any such Imnk, aswxintion corporation. n ot 1hc | l„.Vond the average arnouut Hit-nl^tU.n that ha.1 Iven issued as ot Ur Mluoual tion But wli.-n or capital as afore^aia tor the previous month such bridge or toll road shall not exceed the i „f ir, uUltou, ol ut po»u. ami iU u madt anJ PISUMI hereby to their rates of tare whenever annexed thereto, ami the oath or i estimate the duties ns hereinlicfore provi tlicir liability thereto may commence, any I dCfiim.itlMn of such person, or ot* the president i *h-d in other cases oi delinquency and in ease or aishier of such lunik, OMMK-iatioii, cor|s»ra- "f neghrt or retusal to p-iy the duties, as tion. or company, in such form and manner aforesaid, tor the space of ten days after said as mav Ie prcscrilied bv the Commissioner of' duties become due and payable, and have internal Revenue, tliat the same conUins a I hereinlvfore ptescrilk'd II|H»II jof circulation, ik f,ir,^.,i,| tho ot deposits, and ered iit duplicate hy comp'y with any of the provisiont contain.-d s of capital :Ul for llliy rcfiUnil or tie-lect provided in ty and toifeittucs in other cases provided in fire insurance ompuny. and by every associa- ||1js the amount of cin ulation, de- jects herein embracetl Pnwided, 'lliat in all tion or individual engaged in the business of lIuj mpilHi, bll!lU u th 1 aforesaid, in dt fault ,s,im:Uo| i,v Antics us aforesaid, iMid a like duty di tll be paid by the jnr |lt. j- |K, jtI Slates iu any court agent of any toteimi tiisuratice itiiiipany hay- i ,Yinp«'tei.t jurisiliction. And Uh the |H-rils of the sea, and b\ every person, g^^m.r ,,r assistant ass^-ssor of the district as Territory, ii shall in lawful tnr the compa (if, ,r, U.NJU tj10 ^.st information he can' as the Secretary of the Treasury may pre senile. shall lu exempt froin any tax upon •edi vitettlatkw. j,, VOTTOilUkt Sec. 11!. And be it furtlm*efmcted, That every individual iartuerthip, fiim.and associ ation, U ing propiictois, luanagers, or sgeuts of lotteries, shall pay a tax of live [er centum •ti the gross amounts of the receipts from the tuid business and all person* making such sales shall, withlu ten days after the first day of each and every montli, make and render a list or return iu duplicate to the assistant assessor of the gross aiin uut of such sales, made as aforesaid, with the amount of dutv which has accrued or should accrue thereon which list shall have annexed thereto a decla ration. under oath oi alliuualKui, iusuch form and signed by such officer, agent, or clerk, as may le prescriU'd by the Commissionert ln U-nial Revenue, that the same is tl ue and oor icct, and t/iut the said proprietors, managers, and agents shall, on or before the twentieth day of eai band every mouth, as aforesaid, proper district the amount of the dutv or tax as aforesaid. And in default of making such lists or returns, the suid propiictois, manag ers, and agents, and all other |»ersoiis making Mich nJ- may be recoveretl ill cose of the dutv herein provl- f(1 sliall iin,„lSsl n ulMn-,|ie circulation |r j, Immi h, sevcrallr. and the amount of }iealrl I'rovulotl, Thai tins section shall not apply to asss iatious which are taxed under ami by virtue of the ai to provide a nation al currency, seen red by a pledge of United States Uinds, ami to provide for the circuia- nipilal of eatli branch slutll be considered to lie the amount allotted to such brunch and so much of an act entitled An act to provide ways and means for the support of the liovern- J»ers whose average irctilation dis s uot ex iiient." approved irt three, eighteen hun dred and sixty-three, as ini|»oso* any tax ou lianks, their circulation, capital, or de^Misits, sale*, shall l«e subject to and |ay a pcu- alty of one thousand dollais, besides the ad ditions penalties, and forfeiture* iu other ca se* provided and the saiel proprietors, man agers, and agents shall, iu default of paying the said duty or tax at the time herein rcquir- redemption there* nor to any tcrnal Revenue to prescribe and determine in .... -'what iistiiet such tax shall or chatitable purposes of assessment and for th* jut|»ose the date of such sale, tinder a petMlty of lift v I canal na'Tijyatioii. of slack water company, ana of nrnklng Ktu Hrtsc^RfeiUicnt, orAweitrtniinjf tlic I dullarn, to W p*M hy tho voni^r »f each I*it- th^ intereh*1 *ny bonrfs or other eviilfiia*s uf corructnem of HIK*H return, the of tery ticket or certificate Huppiomontary there- any such fn^rson. firm, company, or corpora- K4»M without Uring flmt stamped iw miur^ pi\ny whi. all imvc U n hh'1 tion shall l.e subject to the ins|«Ttion of the said. lax ,'mid, as hereinafter provfde{ als. th« asseswir or assistant susessor on his demand or Kec. 113. And be it further enacted. That i amount, piiid \.y any person fur the rent of the request therefor. And in ease of neglect or in addition to all other penalties and forfeit- hom-stead used or» enpied hy himself or his refusaMo pay the duties, with the addition ures now imposed hy law for the evr^iun of Ii- sforesHid. when the same have leen aiKvrtain- cense fees or other taxes upon the lottery used or occupied by any jKrson lj, tiis fami ed for the spttiv of ten days after the same business, any (x-rson who shall hereafter s-ll Iy. in his own right or in th rfght of his wife, shall liave hei«me payable, the owner, posses-! or dispose o/ any lottery ticket or certificate shall not U' included ani a 'sessod as part sor, or•_person having the management as snpplementarv thereto, or Hny device in the the income of such person. In estimating the At)trt?TT«rWFVrf8. Sec. 114. And !e it further enactetl. That there shall be levied, collected, and paid by any jM'rson or persons, firm, orenmpanv. pub lishing any newspaper, magaxilie, review, or other literary, scientific, or news publication isened (leriodically, ou the gross receipts for all advertisements, or all matters for the in sertion of which in said news|Kiper or other publication, as aforesaid, or in extras, supple-i merits, sheets, or tiv-leaves acx-ompanying the fro'" 1 1 i 1 the nire or management of any and every such Vr JZ'tT, "a"?? T! newspap««r or other publication, as aforesaid, each of such banks, associations, i-orp.rations, 'n this section, or to make and render said age, and alI guardians and trustees, whether companies, or persons of the assessor of the H*t or return for the sp.u-e of ten days after such trustees are so by virtue of their o0ir as district in which any such bunk, association, the time when said list or return ought to executors, administrators, or in other fiduciary rporation. or company may Is' lo«atcd, or have U-en m.tde, asafores.iid, the assistant as- jeajsu-ity, to make a list or return, under oath pi-rsoti lnity reside, with a doc- scysors of the resjs'ctive districts shall pnxx-i'.d trne and faithful sUteiiient of the amount .if I persons haviug Oic care or management of i inbcforc mentioucil. stating the sources frotu circulation, lc|H«sits, ami capitai as afonssdd, said newspapers or publications, as aforesaid, .which said income is derived, whether fiom subject to a duty as aforesaid, and shall trans- shall pay. in addition thereto, a penalty of any kind of proju-rty, or the purchase and sale mit th inissiotio Commissionei of Internal Kevciiiie the duties withheld, said owners, possessors, or person lect or retusal to make sin return, the as to rt shall make a list or return on the first day of '™u"nt January. April. July, and Oetolier of each i t,,r whi'.h 1 detniinded, s ud owner, ponsesstir, or person or aforesaid, according to the rccpiio-m.-tits hete- e duplicate of said return to the Com- ten per wntumon th- amount due. And in jof propirty, rent's, interest, dividends, salaries, tier of Internal Revenue, and within case of fraud or evasion, whereby the revenue or tuuu any profession, trade, employment, or of, twenty days thereafter shall iuy to the said attempted to W defraudi\l, or the duty v^ation, or otherwise. And iu c.*c of ue« i saiil amount or persons having the care or management of sor or assistant assessor shall assess tlic amount said m-wsintpors or other publuati..i.s, nH '.of afoicsaid. sli ill forfeit and pay a p- nalty of tl.o nhirn an1 p^vmeut I one thousand dollars for each offence, or for ciwc-s of neglect and refusal to fuinUli lista or '!s,slwn' llection, not in 1 with, shall apply to this section and the oh collected, aud to wibat ofliier thereof the oili cial notices required in that U half shall lie given, ami of whom payment of such tax shall IK- demanded Provided, That all taxes on manufacture, inufactuiing compauus, an 1 Sec. llt. And l»e it further enacted, That there shall be levied, collected, and paid annu ally upon the annual gains, profits, or income of every person residing in the United States, or of auy citizen of the United States residing abrojul, whether derived from any kind of property, rents. Interest*, dividend*, salaries, or from any profession, trade, employment, or vocation, carried on in the Unitesd States or elsewhere, or from oiiy other source whatever, except as hereinafter mentioned, if such annu al gains, profits, or income, exceed the sum of six hundred dollars, a duty of five per centum ou the excess over six hundred dollars aud not exceeding five thousand dollars and a duty of seven and one half of one per oeiitum per annum on the excess over five thousand dol lars, and not exceeding ten thousaml dollais and a duty of ten jn-r centum on the exivss over ten thousand dollars. And thA duty hereiu provided for shall be assessed, collec ted, ami |iuid ufs.n the gains, profits, or income for the year ending the tliii ty-liist day of L»e icmU next preceding the time for levying, collecting, aui paying said duty Provided, That in.t •uie derived from interest upon notes, Kinds, and other seemitics of the United State* shall be included in estimating incomes under this section Prunded, That ouly one deduction of six hundred dollars shall be made from the aggregate incomes of all the members of any t" uiii!y composed of parents ami minor ihildren, or husband ami wife, ex cept in cases where such sc|»arate income shall be derived from the separate and individual dro [three] of this act or carrying on or do-1 ed, IK- stihje to and pav a penalty of one iug an express business or engaged in the thousand dollars, or IK- imprisoned not ex busiucr* of insurance, as herciubcforc describ cccdiug one year. In all cases of delinquency ed or owning or having the* care ami msu-1 in making said list, return, or |taymcnt, the agement of any telegraph line, or owning, assessment* and collections shall he made in possessing, leasing, ot having the control oi i the Marnier prcscrilied iu the provisions of management ol any circus, theatre, o|H ia, or this act in relation to manufacture*, articles, museum, shall withiu twenty days after the: and products Provided, That the managers cud oi each and eveiy mouth make a list or of any sanitary fair, or of MIIV charitable, lie rctuiii in duplicate to the assistant assessor ot nevoleut. or religious association, may apply the district, stating the gross amount ot theii to the collector ot the district ami proc-nt to munici]al taxes, other than the national in leceipji, rcs|ie*:tively, lor the month next pie-, him proof that the pmc-ccd* of auy content- come tax, lawfully assessed 1 within the year cthug, which return shall be vuitied by the plated lot! oath or affirmation of such owner, possessor,1 applied to .... ...... mauager, ugeut, or other proja-r officer, iu the diers, or to bomc other clanitabic use, and gain.-?, profits, ur income is or should be dctiv- the cvllectur, \vhsie the subjctl of Mile bhull ted i as aforesaid, any such bank, association, cor-1 anv sum fmiidMlently unaccounted for. And returns in the provisions of this act. where seventeen, which land Was Contracted poration, company, or person so iu default i all provisions in thw att in relation to returns, not otherwise inoi,u,|Miiiiie- anil itic assistant t,v »i„, p,m,i shall 1h- subject to and |«ay a penalty of two additions, ^nalties, forfeitures, liens, assess- assessor may increase the amount of the list hundred dollars, besides the additional penal- m.-nts, and col!.-, tion, imt incompatible here- or return, or of any party making such return, I with, shall apply to this section and the oh- if lie shall be satisfied that the same is under- ls»i*on or persons, publishing said adver- -s le- jects herein embrace.1 Pnx-uM, 'lliat in all stated Pr.mded, That any |iarty. iu his or Uavid KlpltJ «»f cases wheie the late or price of advertising is her own behalf, or as guardian or trustee, as aiiy lit. fixed hy any law of the Uiiitwl States, State, aforesaid, shall be permitted to declare, under i nlllllrv.,rilllor i» v \f„4i, a* or Territory, it shall In lawful f.u the cmpn- oath or affirmation, the f,„,u and manner of jSUmgJr publishing said adver- which shall be presetiln-d by the Commissioner CWS which shall dutv or tax imposed by of Internal Revenue, that he or she was nut i i„ i i {sissessed of an income of six hundred dollars, i —.. r- v scril»ed b\ the Cuiuuiiiitiuiict of luteinal hcv- iw» fixed in the sum of five litincln*)! for cin ulation, nnd which shall deposit in the' manufacturing corporations, shall lie assessed, entie. tieasury of the United States, iu lawful mon- the tax collected in the district within ey, the amount of its outstanding circulation, I which the place of nianutacture is located, un to be tcdeciued at par, under such regulations less otherwise provided. PRICE, TIIRLE DOLLARS PER ANNUM* atitin.'on, insurant?, railroad, canal, tumpikei, indebt^flness of anv 8«ch conxration or com* family, and the rental "alueof unv homestead nature thereof, without having first duly oh- annual gains, profits, or income «»t*any person, tained a license, as hereinliefore mentioned, the interest over and aliove the amo'int of in- Mathews, shall incur a penalty of tivo hundred dollars terest paid upon all notes, bonds, nd ruutga for cat and every such offence and any per-I ges, or other forms of indebtedness, benrinjr son who shall purchase, obtain, or receive uiy interest, whether due and paid or not, if go nl lotlerv ticket, or ariv policy of numbers, to- and collectable, shall lie included an assessed kens, certificate, wager, or device, represent- as part of the income of such person for each iug or intended to represent a lottery ticket or year and tilso all income or gains derived fractional part thereof, from any JHTSOII not front the purchase and sale of stinks or other having a license to deal in lottery tickets, as property, real or personal, and the increase! provided by law, may recover from such j»er- value of live stock, whether sold or on hand, son of whom the same was purchased, obtain- an 1 the amount of sugar, wotJ* butter, cheese. ed, or received, at any time within three'pork, beef, mutton, or other meats, hay ami *-roni "1C SCvCra' townships—the result years thereafter, liefore any court of compe- grain, or other ve-etahlc or other productions i of w.^i'ch CaflTRRS was duly recorded tent jurisdiction,% sum equal to twice the of the estate of such person sold.' not inclu- I. .. ,,, amount paid for the same, with just aad legal hng any part thereof unsold or on hand du- |in ring the year next preceding the thirtv-first of Deccuilter, shall he included and assessed :u« paitot the income of sinh person for each year, and the gains and profits of all compan ies. whether incorporated or partnership, other than the companies specified in tliia section, shall lie included in estimating the annual giins, profits, or incoincof any [erson entitled to the same, whether divided ur otherwise i..n* i rv on'i..n#| same, pay is requir.,1 or recci vJ. a\iuty of 7°" "d, other btistn,^ thM-e per centum and the jerson or persons, firm or company, owning, possessing, or having u j*™1 U^at Kn* ttc1tInal u,',i„. n "I'f ami correct ami snaii aiso, quarteriv. within ..„w v~ ten davs after the time of making said list or v ,T V"'"'" I "ltteu Cor^istmg return, pay to the colh-ctor or deputy colhR-1- oi 11 vot VIIS 11 titti iiimiiim III aaia llu- noium. lies. Ami in case of neglect or refusal to. See. 1 IS. And In* it further enacted. That tiseiucnts. to atld the this act to the price of said advertisements, any law to the contrary notwithstanding ami that tht! receipts tor advertisements to the ions of this act, or may tlcclare that lie*or she "i i i "_ amount of six hundred dollar* annually, by has been assessed elsewhere in the same year •litUl, liable to le assessed according to the pro vis- pub- for. and has paid all income duty, under au- anv person or pet sons, firm, or comp lishiug any news|H|X"r, magaKine, re \N-W, v.. U» LUU OUHIH AIM MNUI mere- I I I I I other literary, scientific, or IICNVS publication, i uisin be exempt froin itivonie tlutv in said dis- UllSiaiU, or liUS been Carried issued jerioiicnllv. shall lie exempt frotn du- trict or, if the list or return of any lurty ty Atid jiruvulcd,, That all newspa- shall have been increased by the is»i«t.uil aJ ceed two thousand copies shall be exempt be permitted to declare, under oath or atliriua- whenever by this act any license, duty, or tax assessed, and the same, so declared, shall be of anv descriptiou has been imposed on any 1 received by such assistant assessor as true, luid jjerstiu or cor|H»rate b»sly, or property of any as the sunt ui»on which duties are to 1k assess- person, or incorporated oi unincorporated com- od and collected, cxii-pt that the deductions pany, having more than one place of business, claimed in such awes shall not IH» made or al-j it shall Ih* lawful for the Commissioner of In- lowed until approved by theassi.tant asaessor. 1-e assessed aud ed, shall lie deducted, in addition to six hun- he securities or other evidences of «feM. shilt •lr!«l dollars, from the gains, profits, or income J« good and valid receipts, to the perin ho!«| of the person who has actually paid the same, irf( the same, as against any person holding whether owner, tenant, or mortgagor also Of claiming to hold, poswssioti of suchseciir ties or otlter evidences of «leht. [Act to be continued.] dividends on shares in the capital st^k of any lwik, trdst company, savings iin- In estimating dmiuctions from, as Fuud, appeaixil Urfikrc the Board, and aforesaid, when anv porson rents buildings, I made a statement in regard to a mort gage given by C. Hunn and others to IJ i i h"ch "'^IUO w actually derive,!, u a °"1,"raverage "SUaI nr ,,n repairs, not exceeding the paid out B11 ,.i, year, containing the gross amount of receipts I i ii i i ,f\ preicduig fi\e years, m^de for any amount paid out for ne ings, jk-rinantut improvements, or 1 have accrued thereon, and render the same in duplicate to the assistant assessor of the dis trict where such uewspaper, magiuine, re view, or other literary or n. ws publication is i or mar Ik? published which list or return 1 aihiry nr other compensation pui. »nv m'rson in the i lnnlovnient or scr\icc o shall have annexed a declaration, under oath or affirmation, to in" made according to the manner and form which may lc from time to time prescribed bv the Commissioner of Inter- htiall le ileducte*!, but no deduction shall le builJ liettcr- ments, made to im Tease the value of anv property or ertntc: Prwided, That in cases of L-inp the I nited Static, shall not exceed the rate of six Ian idled dollar* per annum, or shall be bv fei-s, or uncertain or irregular in the amount I^ riln it shall l»e the duty of all persons of lawful or ailii matioii. in such form anil manner as may IK- pr«•HITilied by the Commissioner of In ternal Revenue, to tlu assisUuit .issessir of the distriit in which he resides. the amount of his or her income, or the inotine of such minors or pers«ms as may be held in tnist as his or her income, and the dutv thereon, in i same ni miKr as is provided 'tor in other 1 i-view, or thoritv of the United States, and shall there- i i i sessor, in manner as aforesiild. such party may ^OWII from all taxes for advertisements. i tion, the amount of annual income, or the I .. Set 115. And be it further enactctl. That amount held in trust, is aforesaid, liable to l»e i "iaRC, CXCCUtC and deliver to but any person nding aggiicved by thedecis-! aml lorui. time, uud manner ot provcudiugs shall be subject to rules ami regulatiturs to l»e pre- Sec. 119. And be it further enacted. That, On duties ou incomes herein imposed shall lie levied ou the first day of May. and he due and [•ayahle oil ui bcfoic the thiith tli day of June iu each year, until and including the year eighteen hundred and seventy, and uo longer and to any sum or sums annually due and un paid for thiity days alter the thirtieth of June, as afuicsaid, and ui ten days after demand thereof by the collector, theie shall be levied, iu addition thereto, the sum ol ten per centum on the amount of duties unpaid as a penalty, except fiom the estates of deceased and insol vent peisotis. Aud it auy (strson liable to pay such duty shall neglect or refuse to pay the same, after such demand, the amount due Ihhall lie a lieu in favor of the United States fiom the time it was due until paid, with the intciest, (eualtics, ami costs that luay accrue iu addition thereto upou all the probity ami rights to property belonging to audi person and iu default uf the ii.iynieut of said duty aforesaid said lien may be enforced by distraint U|Kin such pto|ieity, lights to piopcrty, stocks, securities, aud evidcuccs of debt by whomso ever holdcu and for this purpose the collect or, after demands duly given as afoiesaid, shall issue a warrant, iu form and manner to be prefectibed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, under the directions of the Secreta ry of the Treasury, and by sirtuc ot such war raut there may be levied ou such pio[H.rty, rights to propcity, stocks, securities, and evi dences ol debt a further sum, to be fixed and stated iusuch wauant over and above the said annual duty, intcre»t, aud penalty for lion [•ayuient sufficient for the fees, costs, ami ex|ienses of such levy. And iu all cases of sale, as aforesaid, the certi- estate, gains, or labor of the wife or child And Provided, J'urlhet, That net profits reali/.t-d ficate of such sale by the collector shall vest i by sales of real estate purchased within the 'u Oie purchaser all riyht, title, aud iutcrest year for which iuccjine is estimated, shall lie such delinquent in aud to such propeitv, otllCTS, chargeabL! as income and losses tin sales of .whether the pio|ieity be real or peisotial and 1S64 of tint Diatrict real estaw purchased within the year, for where the subject t.i niile shall be stocks the which income is estimated, uliall be deducted certificate of said sale shall be lawtull authori- from the income of Midi year. ty and uotice the proper corporation, oniipa Sec. 117. Ami he it further enacted, That 'O i "l" asstH-iatiou to icuord the same tm the iu estimating the annual gaius, profits, or in- books or records in the same manner as if come of any person, all national. State, and transit rud or a**igued by ther iiersou or i«arty holding the same to issue new certificates of stock thcicloi in lieu oi any oiigmal or prior latcd lottciy, rattle, oi gilt enterpiise will IK.: U|MU the piojK'ity or souiiesof iuccdiio of any i ccilili'-ates, uuich shall be void whether can- fj,*. THE SUM) lahieii rCPOft w&a adoU^ ppiied to the relief of sick and wounded sol- person, ts aforesaid, tioin whii said annual celled or uot. Aud said certificates ot sale of NUMBER 47. PROCEEDINGS or TUB BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, OF FLOTD CofNTT, November Session^. 1864. MONDAT, November 14th. Board inet at 12 o'clock M. Mem berw all present, as follows: Measrs. liillinpn, IJrownell, Chap' man, Darland, Flint, Cleason, Howard, Hoed, aud A. L. Collins, chairman, and J. V. W. Montague, clerk. The minutes of the September •ca sion were read and approved. On motion, the Board proceeded tt* open and canvass the election returns- A tbc ,. tion Mook, and on motion the canvass id' the votefkvr County ofli- cers was adjourned ontiF the first day of the next session of the Board ii« January, in order to roceivc the rctam of the soldiers' vote. Mr. Fairfield, attorney fur the School the School Fund, a prior mortgage oil the land sucured by said mortgago having been foreclosed. On motion of Mr. Mathewt the mat ter was referred to the Judiciary Com mittee, and said committee instructed to consult with the attorney for tho School Fund, and report their actiou forthwith. A memorial of W, IP. tJaylord, as sessor of Rock Grove township, reta- of Messrs. Kecd, t, ui ul said coininli- tee were instructed to make a full re port of the names of all soldiers' fam ilies to whom relief shall be granted, and the intnithly amount due each. A tile of accuuuU preiMJited and referred to the Committee o» Ac counts. The Chairman offered the following* rcsulutiuii, which ou motion was adojv ted. Raotrvtl, That tfte Clerk of the TH»- frict Court be and lie is hcrebv author- ized to JSSUe a certificate of final pay- as^es- mctlt to Christian Mvers for the tr south h"" of south-east quarter of section sixteen toxvtisliin ninotv.fivn rnniv.. «WI»snip IlinetJ Olie lVter 1 „.| tn loit ot the assistant iu«.eswir in such cases I in may n||M*iiI U» the IWSMR OF the district, and tucil 8ttlu Clerk HJLUll is#UO tiuiil his dc-cision thereon shallII*? final and the U\0, T. |j n range Betira and by him assigll- h.v -in.l i.v Plnlor t» and liipUy Us- signed to .Richard Bumgardner and l»y l,,Cr to K- Matll- and by said Mathews the interest ®aid land and contract was sold to said Myers, and the contract not deliv ered to hiui, and it being shown by af- ailu It LCUtg shown by af- fulavit that the original contract isi ... ., out of Uie gtatti by ail agent of Buniirard- VT the said parties interested in said land SO contracted shall first said Clerk a good aud sufficient bond, con- dlttolied that they the said parties SO interested will hold the School Fund and th© officers having the Custody niaiiageincnt of the same hariii- cei'tiiicate as iifarcsaid, and not otlier- wise. The atUOUIlt of the bolld isliall dollars, and the Clerk shall approve the same, and when thh original con tract is produced the Clerk shall can cel and deliver said bond to the parties aforesaid. On motion the Board adjournal Tuesday, November 15tk The Board met at nine o'clock A. If. Members all present. The minutes of yesterday's proceed ings were read aud approved. A file of accounts on School Fund suits was presented, and referred to the Judiciary Committee. The Judiciary Committed to whom was referred the matter uf the School Fund mortgage of C. llunn and otli ers, offered tho following resolution, which on motion was adopted Resolved, That the Clerk of the Boarjjl be authorized to assign to Cyrus If, Eaton, on receiving from said Katoft two hundred dollars, an interest tt that amount in the judgment iu favor Floyd county for the us© of the Fund vs. Clement lluuu an4 recovered at tllC county. .No\ ('lllber tei'tf| Ootttt at Flovd The Committee on Accounts repflFf* ed and recommended that the follow ing accounts be allowed, and that tlt|i Clerk be authorized to issue warrantflf