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i\ KV 4 & 1 I 8 I I II fe *p": is l- 1 s1 I* I *lv »|'." Ir I' fc IV IB l* I H\ ID' *tp: if It) |B« te kr Ox Kt Idi let lr W !P3 I fit1 tx V( tr, f" ej tli a lw: /C 5n GI &< EDUCATE THE FARMER BY HON. JAMES WILSON, Secretary of Agriculture. PROSPERITY- WILL IT CONTINUE? BY HENRY CLEWS, New York Banker Author of "Eighteen Years in Wall Street," Etc. THE SUMMER GIRL AN AMERICAN INVENTION BY ALEXANDER BLACK, Author of Miss Jerry," Modern Daughters," Miss America," Etc. ^HE summer girl is an American invention. We could not fancy her being invented anywhere else in the world. There is nothing like her in England. She could not have been "made in Germany." She has happened to us. She is one of our institutions. Some day it will be discovered that she is a very important institu tion. YES, AN INSTITUTION. The conditions, the habits of mind, the habits of life, represented by these simple words, "Summer Girl," have an extraordinary influence upon American life. Probably very few of us stop to think how extraordinary. We haven't time. It is because we haven't time that we have the Summer Girl. For we have no Summer Alan. You will remember that. If we had, the Summer Girl would have no label—she would not be a Sum mer Girl. She would only be the Girl in Summer, which would be very different. She is the Summer Girl, then, because for a part of the year, a very important out-of-doors part, she is detached from her home surroundings and lives a life of vastly greater freedom than that which she lives at home, and very largely with people she does not see during the other months of the year. Now, in summer, as at other times of year, most men who are worth their salt are earning it. The Summer Girl understands the situation. She knows a REAL MAN when she sees him. She recog nizes his scarcity in summer—and she acts accordingly. We tempt her to ..frivolity. She has too keen a sense of humor to be serious at the wrong time. Generally speaking, the summer is the wrong time. When you are tempted to accuse her of being a flirt in summer, consider for a moment what she has to contend with. The thought will check you. The average man in his out-of-town days IS NOT A SERIOUS PROPOSITION. Remember how many of him are not tempta tions to serious thought. Witness his duck trousers, his Panama, his blazer, his cigarette. Remember that She may have moments of perplexity in recognizing him as a Noble Animal. At the end of the summer lie will evaporate. He may be vis ible for a week or for a season. He may be frivolous and remain for a seriously long time or he may be serious and remain for a friv olously short time. But he evaporates just the same. The Summer Girl must wear armor, though it be of gauze, for the interval. She knows her business. A divine instinct taught it to her. Her business is to be the Winter Girl when the time comes, to remain un ruffled and undismayed to the affairs of her life. These affairs may be in Society, or they may be in Business. It does not matter which. If she has made a great success at being serious, the greatest success the world has ever seen, it is because she has learned the Gentle Art of Not Being Serious All the Time. We have adopted much in our systems of education from peoples who have not our responsibilities, people who educate men of leisure, passion, class,privilege, cast, birth, and all that. The people govern here. They should be educated with a view to their development along the lines of their life work, whatever that may be. higher levels of comfort and happiness, that they may help the weary hand with a better trained head, and have more time to devote to in tellectual, moral and spiritnal life, is the previous question which the educators of the great producing states of our country are called upon to answer. What can be done for our producers that they may live on The four-year college course does not begin soon enough, nor continue long enough to meet the requirements of our day in this regard. Teachers are wanted in primary and secondary schools and in post-graduate work in the universities. They are wanted to do work that has not been done in all the ages, the discovery of truths un derlying production, and their application to the farm. THE MOST USEFUL AND VALUABLE EDUCATIONAL WORK IN ALL THE WORLD APPEALING TO THE EDUCA TOR IS THAT OF THE FARMERS OF THE COUNTRY. Pio neer work along this line is waiting. The organization of faculties to do the work apparatus, laboratories, text books, illustrative ma terials from primary to post-graduate and beyond, where studies of specialists must be combined, where research must be broadened, and where specialists must be grouped to reach a desired end and meet the pressing demands of producers—all these are waiting. This is the great field of applied science, where the grower seeks the help of the scholar, of the experimenter and of the observer. Great activity is displayed in mercantile circles. Collections were never so good as now. This shows that business people have done well and made money which enables them to meet their obligations promptly. Another evidence of confidence in the future is the activity of money. THERE NEVER WAS A TIME WHEN IT WAS MORE GENERALLY EMPLOYED ALL OVER THE NATION THAN AT PRES ENT. The outlook for a prosperous year is very bright if the crops pan out well. It now looks as if there would be a large harvest. The industrial situation is cer tainly very promising, as the con tinued demand for iron and steel, on a large scale, would indicate. A Critic Silenced. A bishop who was traveling' in a mining' country, and encountered an old Irishman turning a windlass which hauled up ore out of a shaft. It was his work to do this all day long. His hat was off, and the sun poured down on his unprotected head. "Don't you know the sun will injure your brain if you expose it in that man ner?" said the good man. The Irishman wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at the clergy man. "Do ye think I'd be doing this all day if I had any brains?" he said, and then gave the handle another turn.— Tit-13 its. TUe Feminine Way. "I left the planning of our new house entirely to my wife." '"How did she go about it?" "She had the architect mak* pro vision for the necessary closets first. "I see. And then merely cut up what was left into rooms." "That's what she intended to do, but there wasn't anything left. When she had laid out the closets the en tire building space was gone."—Chi cago Post. The Reporter Scores. Senator Treacle—Did you tell that reporter I had nothing to say? Servant—Yes, sir. Senator Treacle—I suppose he was very much disappointed. Servant—I hardly know, sir. He said he was aware of the fact that you never said anything, but was under the impression that you never missed an opportunity to talk.—Chicago Daily News. He Pay* the Bills. I've heard that women purchase naught When they go out to shop— That all they do Is price the goods Where'er they chance to stop. The rule may be that women scorn To purchase tucks and frills, But my wile Isn't built that way I know—I pay the bills. —Ohio State Journal. WISE ICEMAN. Lady of the House—This little bit of ice won't last an hour. Why don't you give me a large piece these hot days? The Iceman—What for? It would only melt.—Chicago Journal. She Was His'n. He started with: "O Dora, please—" She did not stop to listen. He meant to flop down on his knees, But she hopped up on his'n. —Philadelphia I'ress. Her Deduction. Mrs. Bings—Mrs. Nexdoor told me you once wanted to marry that Miss Upton. She wouldn't have you, I pre sume. Mr. Bings—Did Mrs. Nexdoor say Miss Upton refused me? Mrs. Bings—No, she merely re marked that Miss Upton had always been a very sensible girl.—N. Y. Weekly. Following- tlie Usual Coarse. "Did you call on her father?" "Yes. He treated me well, too. 1 asked him for Maud, and he said it would be just as Maud wished. I thanked him, and then he said it was always customary for Maud's suitors to take him out to dinner. And he .somewhat unpleasantly added that a dinner was about all there was in it for him."—Cleveland Plain Dealer. Clever Little Hoy. "Mamma, I know the gentleman's name that called to see Aunt Ellie last night and nobody told me, either." "Well, then, what is it, Bobbie?" "Why, George Dont! I heard her say: 'George Dont' in the parlor four or live times running. That's what his name is!"—Tit-Bits. An Arbitrary Kule. Mr. Nupop—Why isn't little Robert out with his nurse? Perhaps the nurse 1 sent you from the employment agency didn't come. Airs. Nupop—Oh! yes, she came, but she didn't *uit at all. She had nothing but blue dresses to wear, and you know blue is only for girl babies pink's for boys.—Philadelphia l'res#. uNNY 00* A Fleeting Glance. Maud—Did you notice who that ladj was whogotoutof the train andst-are-d so hard at us? Mabel—Do you mean the one with the open coat with silk facings, reJ bolero, blue trimmed hat, gray gloves, striped flounce with diamond stitch ings, with an umbrella and a red backed book and a mole on her left cheek, and frightfully ugly? Maud—Yes, that's the one. Mabel—No I hardly caught glimpse of her.—Chicago American. The Good Old Kind. The wireless mouse-trap fellow's plan We herewith beg to question. But know the mouseless mouse-trap It A practical suggestion. —N. Y. Times. QUITE SEVERE. She—What are you thinking about? He—Nothing. She —Isn't that rather egotistical? -The King. Preference. We pnais* the girl that's tailor-mad^ For figure most divine. But when it comes to marrying. The ready maid Is mine. —Brooklyn Life. A Household Hint. "'I shall never permit myself to be come a household drudge," said the young woman. "I shall endeavor to improve my mind." '"That is a good idea," answered Miss Cayenne "but don't let your lit erary pursuits monopolize you. Re member there are times when etirrant jelly appeals to a man a great deal more than current fiction."—Washing ton Star. Sure of Him. Tess—If you really love him, why did you refuse him? Jess—Goodness! You don't suppose I'd be so unmaidenly as to accept him the first time? Tess—But he declares he'll never propose to another girl as long as he lives. Jess—Of course. I'm not "another girl."—Philadelphia Press. He Had Speculated. Lucas—Did youse ever speckalate on Wall street? Timothy—Yes, I uster stand around the stock exchange an' wonder where my next meal wuz comin' from.— Ohio State Journal. The Old, Old Wish. We wish it were to-morrow What time we work away, And, later, think with sorrow: "Ah, if 'twere yesterday!" —Chicago Rccord-Herald. ALL HE WANTED. Ml Sternpliaee—Don't you know that you can't support my daughter until you go to work and earn a salary? Lawrence—Oh, I don't want to sup. port her, I only want to marry her!1' —Chicago Daily News. Gladness. These are the gladdest days of all. The loveliest of the year The cherry season's over, but Thf! watermelon's here. —Chicago Record-Herald. Flattering Trutliruluess. Mrs. Eortysummcrs—I told Mr. Beach I was 28, and he said I didn't look it. Her Loving Husband--Well, you don't you haven't looked it for \S years.—Tit Bits, Cf)e languages anli tlje Hkltgtons of &frtta There Are Many Varieties of Both in the Great Dark Continent. E are but just beginning to have detailed information of an authoritative kind concerning the.various pe culiarities of physique, re ligion and language of the many tribes of people who inhabit Africa. So numerous are the branches of the African race that a map of the country must be divided and subdi vided many times before all the sec tions can be shown and they never can be correctly presented for the reason that the boundary lines between the tribes have in many instances been swept away by intermarriage, wars, or other intermingling and by the for mation of half-breed races, so that while the tribes and races of Africa differ radically from each other they are oftentimes so gradually blended that to establish an arbitrary line be tween them is impossible. The colored peoples of Africa may first be divided into three classes, each of which has a distinct origin. These are: The Northern and Northwestern race, the Western, and the Eastern. Some authorities insist- there is still a fourth separate and distinct race to times placed the pigmie tribes of cen tral and Southern Africa. Of the Northern race the Berbers are an excellent'example. Their fea tures are small and regular, their lips thin, their hair long and their fore heads indicate intelligence beyond the ordinary African. They are supposed to have sprung from the Caucasian race. The Western race is the flat-nosed, thick-lipped negro with which the world is best familiar. The Eastern race are Malays from Madagascar. Under the fourth division are some times placed the pigmy tribes of cen tral Africa and the Bushmen of the south. The Caucasian race may properly be divided into two sections: The Hamitic and the Semitic, the former being the most important. The Ilamitic division may be taken to include the inhab itants of Somali Land, Gallas, and some of the inhabitants of Abyssinia while the Semitic race may be taken to include the inhabitants of Algeria, Tripoli, Tunis, certain portions of the Nile valley, the Soudan, the Sahara, and portions of Abyssinia. The Mongolian race in Africa shows no especial divisions, being chiefly composed, as we have said, of Malays from Madagascar who are tainted with negro blood. The real negro race is the interest ing one and must be many times sub divided into tribes and clans. The first great general divisions are: The Ban tu, the Guinea negroes, the negroes of the equatorial regions and the negroes of the Nile. The attempt to separate each of these four divisions into the various tribes which belong to it would be a task far greater than that Df classifying all of the many tribes of American Indians. However, it may be well at this point to add that the Hottentot, the Kaffir, the Zulu, the Matabili—all especially well known to us—belong properly to the fourth di vision of the negro. They live in South Africa and are at home in the wilds where the Bushman dwells. There are in Africa probably not fewer than 300 separate and distinct LANGUAGES MMITCS I MMIMt OFAFRICA. •CCRtTOtS BANTU tribes of negroes and each of these has its own language. So varied have these tongues seemed that few attempts to classify them have been made Never theless it is thought they may be traced to live distinct heads or groups. Of these five, the first two are the Ha mitic and Semitic tongues while the remaining three are purely African. Of the latter the first group comprises the various Nigritian languages, spok en by the inhabitants of that territory known as the Equitorial Belt, the sec ond includes the great Bantu and Kaf fir divisions and the third includes the tongue of the Hottentots und Bush men. The real African relig.'on is essen tially the religion of the heuthen. It is the outgrowth of fear and reverence for Nature as it appears to the child of the woods. Innumerable rites, oft times of an abominable nut lire form the body of this religion. Some of the rites and ceremonies are directly traceable t.-. the ceremonial religions t'{ the east which have somehow fil 4-refl to Hie heart- of Africa, mixing themselves with the crude religious conceptions of the ignorant blacks and producing a system oi rites that are sometimes grotesque, but more often revolting tothe civilized sense. The phi losophy of Shamanism, which recog nizes a supreme deity who is assisted by a great many lesser gods, good and bad, is found to be aprevalent doctrine in some portions. But so crude does it become, in some sections especially, that it is nothing more nor less than: fetichism—than which in its worst forms there is no more horrible sys tem of so-called religious ceremoniei. The fetich worship requires an almost infinite number of idols, each of which is worshiped under the supposition that it contains the spirit of the par ticular diety it represents, and whose aid or mercy the supplicant desires to invoke. The most hideous sacrifices. RELIGIONS OFAFRICA. MOHAMME 0AM BN0 -N »Aru*C WORSH.PPtftS of human beings haves taken place as. incidental to this sort of idol worship No one will ever know how many lives have been taken to appease the wrath, of these so-called gods. In religion, however, Africa is com ing to reflect the doctrines of the out side world. The religions of the east and the religions of the west vie with, each other there. Ae a result Africa, is becoming more Christian and a good: deal Mohammedan. The Mohammedan-, religion with its early foothold in the northeast has gradually spread until its influence is strongly felt in tlie great upper half of the dark continent Christianity has made some inroads OIL. the coast in the west and south and' the great interior remains in its primal condition—devoted to Nature worship mixed with a thousand crud-e conceptions of the heathen. The religious concepts of the vari ous negro tribes in those portions of1 central and southern Africa where neither Mohammedism nor Christian ity has penetrated, is governed largely by their degrees of intelligence. The tribes highest in the scale undoubtedly worship a supreme being, whom they set a great way off, through the lesser deities which are at hand and whps-e images they can see and handle. Some times these deities are represented by rivers and trees, and the latter, then known as fetiches, are supposed to contain the spirit of the God appealed to. The ability to distinguish between this unseen spirit and the material image in which it is supposed to dwell, varies in different tribes according to the position of the tribe in the scale of intelligence. The Bushmen and other low types have no nice distinc tions to make. The Bushman regards his little fetich image as itself myste riously powerful, looking to it for good fortune in much the same way that persons in more civilized coun tries have regarded the left hind leg of a graveyard rabbit,^ though of course with all the honest intensity of which he is capable. It has been declared by some trav elers that there are tribes in Africa which have no religion whatever but this is hardly probable. More reliable authorities aver that there is no tribe which has not its superstitions,- con cerning mysterious power even though they know not how to define this pow er and these superstitions concerning the common mysteries of life and of Nature invariably find some expres sion in rites of worship however crude. MILTON B. MARKS. Story of Western i^arm Life. Eleanor Gates is a young western woman who has done some good work in literature within recent years. She likes especially to weave her early ideas, gathered on a Da kota farm, where she lived during her childhood, into her stories, and docs so with a wonderful success. She has but recently completed a story entitled "The Biography of a Prairie Girl," which is said to be far superior to anything ever attempted by her before. The time of the story is about 25 years ago, and into it is woven every phase of western farm life of that time, attended as it was by all the hardships and pleasures of the frontier. The story is to be run as a serial in the Century Magazine, beginning with the August number! IIat 1'luKue in Jamaica. The rats of the island of Jamaica have so increased in number that the residents have combined to destroy them. he animals have thus been forced to change their manner of life. They have taken to tree-elimb ii.g, passing the day in the tree tops, chiefly among the wild pin-s,-then coming forth and feeding undis turbed at night, when their enemy, the mongoose, is asleep in the thick ets.