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The Denison review. [volume] (Denison, Iowa) 1867-current, August 01, 1902, Image 4

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Iowa

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84038095/1902-08-01/ed-1/seq-4/

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Do yon know that you can save
self 'from that tired, cross, hot, all
ueed-vtp feeling, by getting yonr bak
ing done at the
fcatace, "Bakery
An awful saving in yonr husband's
as well as yonr own. We would
impress the fact that
Oor Baker's Goods are Absolutely the Best
in Denison This is no idle boast, comparison
will prove the assertion.
"Ke\a ^oyVV
5T GV4.
SVssrts. A: A:
Guarded by 82 Insure
ance Departments, JV
Will Write You
A Policy For
S 1 0 0 0 0 0 a
Guarantee That
The Cost to You
For 20 Years
Will NOT Ex'
ceed the amount
Per Year Oppox
site Your Age,
For Further Information
Gen'l Agt. Denison, la.
Ale Not Cost
Per Year
21 .... -•$ -93
22 85
23 ... .78
24 ... 68
2S .... 64
26 56
27... 49
29... 41
SO.... 34
12 31
33 -29
34 29
35 31
36- 3i
37 37
38.. 46
39 52
40... 65
41.... 7o
42 ... 89
43- 1.16
44- i-35
45- 1.64
46 i-95
47 2.30
48... 2.74
49 3-17
50... 3-69
51... 4.26
52- 4.8S
V- 5-54
54- 6.Si
55- 7 1 3
You must either shut the flies out or shut
them in. If you want to shut them out,
get your screens up at once. The
WHEELER SCREEN is easily fitted, self/
adjusted, slides up and down like a sash, fits
any window and is absolutely fly proof,
For sale by
Green Bay Lumber Com'py.
Also a good line of Screen Doors plain and fancy.
We are prepared
to do your bakings
It came from Japan
It is the finest that ever came
to Denison
It is our own importation
It is beautiful
It is odd
If you want to know whet IT
is, watch our window.
Cassaday & Cs.
Everything Fresh. Wholesome and Palatable.
"ML. id. "BvaAWvij, "5vo\.
In the District Court of Iowa in and for Craw
ford county, April term, 1902.
Addison Clark Thompson. Plaintiff
Wm. Noel and Samuel H. Kesler and the Un
known claimants of the following deg'-ribecl
premises: The southeast quarter of the
northeast quarter, and the southeast quarter
of the Miutheast quaiter (se se of
tiou One (11 iu .ownship liighty-two (b':j
north, of limine Thirty eight i3S. Crawrord
county. Iowa, west, ilk P. M.: Defendants.
Original Note'co.
To the above named Defendantsand Unknown
You and each of you arc hereby Rotified that
there is now on file in the offioe of the «ierK of
the district conn of Iowa in and for Crawford
county the petition of plaintiB in the above
entitled action in which he states that he is
the absolute owner in fee siuipleof the follow
ing deserib-d tract of laud, to-wit: The
southeast quarter of the northeast quarter,
and the southeast quarter of the southeast
quarter ise se of section oue l) in town
fchip eiyhty-two (82) uorth. of range thirty
ei?ht 3f?) west *th P. M.. Crawford County
And asking th.\t title thereto be quieted in
him j.nd that you and each of you be barred
and forev stopped from having or claiming
any rig-t, title or interest adverse to plaintiff
in or to the said premises.
Plaintiff further alleges that there are per
sons whose names, residences and interests
are unknown to him. and who claim an inter
est in the reai estile hereinbefore described
adverse to plaiuiiff. aft follows: The unknown
wife, heirs at law, devisee*, grauietrs, execut
ors. or administrators of William Noel, and
the unknown persons claiming an interest in
the said realty by inheritance, devise, grant
dower, or succession by. through or frorn the
said William Noel whom they claim was the
owucr in fee simple of said lands: and the un
known vsons who by dower or survivor's
right, inheritance, device, grant or successiou
by, through or from such wife, heirs at law.
devisees, grautees vr successors of any such
unknown person or persons: claim a fee simple
imprest in some portion of the realty herein
before described. That plaintiff is unable
more definitely state now -tie interest of any
such unknown person or ersons have been
derived than is hereinbefore stated.
And further and to the same effect as to the
adverse claims of Samuel H. Kesler, and th
unknown wife, heirs at Jaw, devisees, assigns
executors or administrators of the taid Samue
Kesler. whom they claim held the aforesaid
premises under morttc»j»re of dale February
25, 1£«50. which mortgage has'long since been
paid but through neglect has not beeu can
celled of record: and the unknown survivor
beirsat law. devisees, asslgus. executors or
administrators of any vucli person or persons,
The interest of which pernon or pefsous plaint
iff is unable to more deiinitely sta*e
That with respect to all and each of the un
known claimants hereinbefore designated
plaintiff has sought diligent .y tolearn the
residence and interest of each and every on
of such persons, and the name, residence an
interest-of each and everyone of such person
remains unknown to this plaintiff.
Against ull and each of the
aforesaid unknow
elnim^nts plaintiff prays that his absolute ti:
in fee
simp to the aforesa'd premises be estab
jighed. a-d that the title thereto in- quieted ir
him. at-d that all and each of such persons
barred and forever estopped from having or
claiming any right, title, or interest in and
the sain real estate adverse to this plaintiff
No persona! judgment is sought against any
de fendant.
Now, unless you appear thereto and defend
before noon of the. ser-ond day of October term
1^02 of the said court, which will commence on
the ftth day of October, A. D. 130& at the coui
house in Denison. Crawford county. Iowa, de
fault will be itered against you and a decre
rendered thereon as pray. d.
AS **i
C. H. AN AW.
Attorney for 1'laintiff.
The above original notice, being resent*
to the court this 2tfth day of April, A. 1U
is -hereby approved, awl such appvvai en
-2or*e*i hereon, and it is ordered that such
notice be publ sned in MENI^OX RKVJEW. a
newspaper publisher! at Denison, Crawford
county. Iowa, once a week for six consecutive
wenkeomnienrinL' on the tlvsi day of July.
A. I). 1 HtJ3.
Done this !Wth day of April. A. 1902. in
open court, it being th® sixth day of the Apt ii
term 1902 of the said coiirt.
Signe*) Z. A. ('HUKCII.
Judge 16th Jut^oial District. low».
30- Ot-ow
lA Sight Weight felt
the SPreper 2tat
Is the proper lint
for you to wcaron
your vacation trip
A beautiful iine
now in. At
tfaraehen dtetera
Main dt.9 SDeniscn.
Very Low Hates 1o Dubuque, Iowa
The North-Western Line will sell
Excursion tickets August:! to 7. inclus
ive, with favorable return limits, on
account of Catholic T. A. Convention.
Apply to agents Chicago & North
Western R.'y.
Special Kxcursious to -Wisconsin, Min
nesota and North Dakota Points.
The North-Western Line oilers low
round-trip rates to the points in states
named above until Sept. 10, good to re
turn until Oet. 31. For particulars ap
ply to agents Chicago & North-West
em R'y.
coming to the fair.
here presented.
."(• .:v. ».:»... .f
Goes up in a Baloon, and is Thrown
From a Cannon. Lauds Safely by
Means of a Parachute.
We are pleased to be able to present ir. this issue a number of the
free attractions that will be given at the street fair to be held in Deni
son commencing Septembpr 23 and lasting for four long days. These
attractions w^re secured at a very large pricp and we can assure the
people 'f Crawford and surrounding counties that they are the finest
money could buy. The contract was made with the National Theatri
cal Kxchange of Chicago, parlies who are known all over the United
States as furnishing the best to be had. A large stage is to be erected
on one of our prominent streets and the attractions will be given ab
solutely free to the public. In our next issue we will give a number of
others of like character. All will readily see that these amusements
are of a very hish character and no one need feal the hesitancy in
Prof. Ilighler is just what his
name implies, he is a highler. He
will go up in a big balloon, and
will be shot from a cannon while
up hundreds of feet in the air. He
will come down in a parachute.
There are three people with this
attraction- A lady will give a
skirt dance from a parachute.
This one attraction is worth com
ing miles to see. Prof. H'ghler
seldom fails to give his asc?nt no
matter what the weather may be.
Another amusment of equal merit is Prof. Rader's dog show.
The time for this performance is almost an hour each day. It will be
a pleasure to watch these dogs as they display almost human intelli
gence. They will be put through a series of clever tricks, while they
bark with deiight and scale the high fences, answer questions and re
spond to the voice of their master. Alone this act would cost several
hundred dollars in itself.
Another attraction that is very highly spoken of is "Zella and
Mora,The time for this act is about three-quarters of an hour and
will be given every day, with changes, It is a double contortion act
by a man and a woman. Presenting an interesting and hazardous
performance. The act is beautifully dressed and the work of the per
formers is the most satisfactory. You will pay 50 cents to go to a
The state platform as adopted by the
republican convention is one of thebest
state papers it has been our privilege
to hear. There is not an utterance
that is not clear and distinct. It em
bodies the best ideas of the great re
publican leaders for the past foriy years
and is fully abreast of present thought
without sacriicing any of the time-hon
ored principles
of the party. We regard
it as a masterpiece of republican litera
ture. It aseures a great republican victo
ry this fall and means that Iowa has tak
en its rightful position as the leader of
republican thought in the Nation. We
arc glad to say that the congressman
ifrom the Tenth District did not ha»»
to go to meet the platform. The
ciples it maintains are the »ues for
will not see half so good an entertainment as the one
We can assure the people that the Denison Business Men's As
sociation is preparing one of the best shows in their power and are
putting their money into it without any thought of gain ia a financial
way. They want to give the people of Crawford county a big show
free of cost to anyone. Watch these columns for further notices.
t. CQ|
which he has contended during all of
his congressional career and there is
nothing contained in it which would
compel hira to retrace his steps or to
deviate from his former course. The
heartily endorses every word
of the platform and believes it will re
ceive the same kind of an endorsement
at the poll- this fall. We believe that
if the people of this county would read
the platform with unprejudiced eyes
it would meet the views of at least
uine-tenths of the voters.
Miss Ora M. Sprecher returned to
her home at Lawark 111. after a pleas
ant visit at the home of her uncle,
C. Sprecher.
W' 'ipaj^wp
Denison Favorites arc '11 morons While
Dow City, Kii-on and Manilla are
The interest in the grand comest for
the selection of Carnival Queen and
the Maids of Honor from the different
towns in the county is already becom
ing manifest. Many inquires have
beeen made showing that before the
contest is over all the people of the
county will have taken a hand. Re
member that the coupons may be
handed to the editor of your local
paper or sent direct to the committee
and that tlu' price of a vote for yonr
favorite is but one cent. The idea is
not to make money but to pet an ex
pression from the people ana at the
same time realize sufficient to furnish
the gorgeous apparel that is to be
used in the parades. The Denison
favorites show a wide range and in
dicate that manv men have many
minds. The following is the vote as
received by the committee up to Fri
day noon.
Carnival Queen: Miss Anna Peterson,
52 votes Miss Maude Hunter, 48 votes,
Mrs. Lena Le.v, 46 votea: Mis» Ella
Iven?, :iy votes: Miss Jennie Hubbs, 25
vott's: Miss Grace Temple 20 votes
Mrs. Will Seeman, 12 votes: Mrs.
Grace Sprecher, 10 vote^: Miss Garda
Ericksen, 10 votes.
Mrs. Gout-lay's dressmaking parlors,
TEL. Il.'il4.—For your stove wood, I
have.a good line on hand. $2 50 per
load, delivered. A. M. Co 9.
FOR SALE--HS0 acres, 3 miles south
of Vail, Iowa, SE1-1-83-38. Running
water, blue-russ pasture, smooth
land: h,.ndy to school. Ten years
time, per oent inst. Write George
A. Rogers, CCD South Yak Ave.,
Taeoma, Wash. 54-tf
DUF.SS-M AKING—First class. 2nd
door north
Mrs. Lyda Sands. 50 votes: Miss
Goldie Dow, 3f5 votes: Miss Marie
Riddle, 20 votes Miss Mildred Wiggins,
10 votes:
Miss Nettie Bin lack, 25 votes.
Mis? Lvdia Benson, 70 votes.
Let the good work go on. There ara
still many towns in the county to hear
from and dozens of pretty ladies to
select from. Address all coupons to
F. W. Meyers, Chairman Parades
Committee, Denison. Iowa.
WANTED—Common sewing tc do Mrs
M. Matthews residence on Walnut
Street north of Washington Park.
GAfcOLlNE—Ai.d Kerosene stoves,
Steel Ranges and Cooks, cheap, at
MEN WANTED—20 good agents.
None but hustlers need apply. In
quiru of
54-tf. Denison.
McKitn Hall, appren­
tice trirl- wanted. Misses Warbasse
and Bayne 48-tf
Wanted—A girl for house work August
1st. Mrs. Theo Walker.
54 2t*
WIRE YOUR EfOUSE—For electric
light. We wire any house no matter
how long it has been built, concea.
irijr all the wires and leavirg the
ti tin: condition we find it,
wiring at cost of labor and material.
Fixtures Ht laftorv prices.
FOR RKNT.- Front basement room,
McKim Hall. Inquire of Mrs. Mc
Clellan at Reading room.
Proposals for Il atinif-l'laut for Second
Ward School House.
Sealed bids will be received by the
Secretary of the Independent School
District of Denison, Iowa, up to August
2feth, 1902, for a direct steam heating
plant to heat the second ward school
building located in Deuison, Crawford
county, Iowa. 1
Speeiticatioris may be seen at any
time at the Secretary's office, or at the
office of
B. Romans, the Board re­
serving the right to reject any or all
Dated at Denison, Iowa, July 29,
1002. 4teot
Assembly at Epworth Park,
Colfax, Iowa.
Via the North-Western Line, Ex
cursion tickets will be sold at one fare
for round trip July 23 to August 3, in
clusive, limited to return until August
4, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago
& North-Western
Drm I. E. Scofoee,
Osteopathic Physician
OUice-- Second door east of Wilson House.
All diseases successfully treated without
the use of drugs or knife

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