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P: y. A I N.?a THE YEAR'S CROP YIELDS. With a planted area of almost 600.000 acres less than that of Illinois, vlowa has raised over 9,4)00,000 more bushels of corn. The preliminary es timates made by the department of agriculture give Iowa a corn yield this year of 356.725,000 bushels, Illinois ranking second, with a yield of 847,14,000 bushels. Iowa had 9,031,000 acres planted, while Illinois had 9,617,000. According to government figures )Iowa produced this year 51.613,000 /bushels more than last year, while .the Illinois yield shows a falling off of 35,000,000 bushels. Iowa's vast superiority over any other corn-rais ing state is shown by the fact that Missouri, which planted an area two thirds that of Iowa, productd a crop but a trifle over one-half jjK's large. Nebraska, with an area planted of only 900,OOu acres less than Iowa, produced 80,000 000 bushels less. The final, official figures will show the 1906 crop yields to surpass those of 1905 very materially. The total yield of corn, oats, barley and rye is placed at 4,660,000,000 bushels, or 143,000,000 bushels more than in 1905. Every grain crop is larger, except oats. The crop is by fat the largest ever raised, and the wheat produc tion lacks only a few million bushels of breaking the record. A careful estimate of the farm values of the seven important crops, nut including cotton,makes a total of $2,695,000,000, an increase of $37,000,000 over the figures of 1905, which were record breakers. The yields of the principal crops, except cotton, in the United States, for 1906 and 1905. based on official preliminary estimates of yields per acre, are as follows: 1906—Bu. 1905—Bu Corn 2.881.000.000 2.708,000.000 Wheat 740,000,000 693,000.000 Oats 863,000,000 953,000,000 Barley 147,000.000 136,000.000 Rye 29,000,000 27.000.000 Total grain 4,660.000.000 4,517,000,000 Potatoes, bu 307,000.000 260.000,000 Hay, tons.... 52,000,000 60.000.000 The aggregate farm values of this year's crops, based on careful esti mates, and the official report of the value of the crops of 1905 are as fal lows: 1906-Val. 1905—Val. Corn.... $1,123,000,000 $1,116,000,000 Wheat ....473,000,000 518,000,000 Oats 284,000,0000 277,000,000 r- Barley 81,000,000 55,000,000 Rye 18,000,000 17.000,000 Total grain 1,979,000,000 1,983,000,000 ,Potaotes.... 138,000,000 160,000,000 Hay 578,000,000 515,000,000 Grand total r£ 2,695,000,000 2,658,000.0000 These figures are show the unbounded and unsurpassed pros perity that prevails in agricultural circles. —Register and Leader. SEEING THE SIGHTS. "Bill and me" went to Omaha last Sunday. We went just for fun. It was the first trip "Bill and me" ever took together without "Mama" tagging alonj. This fact lent a good deal of excitement to the adventure, especially the first end of it. Along about time for the Sand Man to come Bill wished that he had taken his mother with him. We had a dandy time. We read the funny papers and punched the machine for candy and gum and got weighed while we were waiting for the train. We saw the Boyer river more times than you could count, and the school house where daddy taught while Bill "was up in Heaven waiting for God to make him." Down in Omaha we saw some big tall buildings. "Me" counted nine stories and Bill counted Meven, which must be right. We went to a soda-water-fountain-place and Bill had hot chocolate and "me" had hot coffee, and "Daddy's" sugar lumps went into his pocket lor Happy Hougi lan, which is the dog. And we bought flowers of a beautiful lady what has a little girl what speaks French and has rosy chjeks and is -r r*"? e& It is so easily digested that it sinks into the system, making new blood and new fat, pud strengthening nerves and muscles. Use Influenza. fat, and Bill was invited to come again in twenty years and marry her. Not the beautiful lady but the litt le girl. Bill promised, but as he did not "cross his heart and hope to die, "B the promise may not be fuT filledjp We rode on street cars and an elevator and Bill ate every "smud geon" of his roast turkey on the din ing car, and we beat the Northwest ern, and were mighty glad to get home to "mama" and tell her all about it. 'IKEY" MAINS HOME FROM THE ARMY. You all know "Ikey" Mains, whether you know W. T. Mains or not. He has just completed a three year enlistment in the army and re turned home to Charter Oak. He has made good use of his time while in the armv, and comes back a much better man than when he went away. To talk with him is almost as good as going to a lecture, for he has so many things to tell of which we in the interior of the United States have no knowledge. Mr. Mains was in the heavy artillery branch of the service, stationed at Ft. Moultrie, near Charleston,. In the fort he saw many things which make him believe that it would be a mighty hard job for an enemy to get in there if we did not want him in. The instruments of measurement are so accurate that before the enemy got within range they would know all about his distance, his speed, the rise of the tide he was coming over, the swell of the sea, and everything else the gunners could be influenced by. If an enemy was coming, Uncle Sam would have the habor so mined that no vessel could come in without being blown out of the water. These mines are so accurately charted in the bay that the men in the fort can tell within four feet where they are at any time. Then when a vessel goes to ride over them all the soldiers have to do is to wait until it gets in the right place, as it must at some time, and then touch a button. A switch board not so very unlike that at the telephone station connects the tor pedoes and any that are wanted can be touched oft'. They are so arrang ed that any one can be fired, or a gang of three can be used, or a bunch of twenty-one. About that time you would see t.he incoming fleet be come an outgoing or upgoing squad ron. You cannot make the soldiers and sailor believe that any other power on earth has a better navy or army than ours. In Ft. Moultrie alone the guns will throw 16 tons of steel fifteen miles out to sea every minute, The ten-inch guns which make part of the armament of the fort throw a shot weighing 650 pounds, using 225 pounsd of the best smokeless powder to throw it, and can repeat the dose every minute-and-a-half. These guns are not in the house, but out in the front yard, where they can be found easily when wanted. This front yard would be something of a curiosity to a stranger. The bat teries are all masked, so that nothing is seen of them from the outside. The guns are all of the "disappear ing" type, which are out of sight ex cept when fired. They are loaded below the top of the front wall and then raised into position and fired. This lifting is all done by steam, so there is nothing so very hard for the men. The gun weighs perhaps sixty tons. The gunners that man these big guns are marvels of expert training. A target is set up 3,000 yards out into the bay and no matter how fast it is moving, these men will hit it with a cannon ball with nine shots out of ten. They will actually rid dle a target in about no time In other lines they are expert, also, so hat they are not altogether wrong in saying that they are as good as any people on earth. Charleston harbor would be a bad place for an enemy anyway, as it has about 28 feet of water in low .tide, but in high tide there is plsnty to float the largest boats. The title raises twelve feet. 0M: Grippe or Influenza, whichever you like to call it, is one of the most weakening diseases known. Scoff's Emulsion, Liver Oil and Hypophosphites in easily di gested form, is the greatest strength-builder known to medical science. which .is Cod S of E on Invaluable for Coughs and Colds. Oh. DRUGGISTS SOc. AND $I.OO. (1 after J& Will says the fighting part of the: navy does not place so much depen dence on the cruisers, as they are too much exposed to the enemy's fire. These boats are trim and pretty looking, and fine for their work of scouting and stirring up trouble, but the reliance for the fight is placed in the battle ship, which has more of bull dog appearance. These big boats of Uncle Sam are hard customers for an enemy. Mr. Mains has not fully decided what he will do, but rather expects to hit the Colorado and Kansas: country before spring. He has had enough of the army and proposes now to make some money for him self. —Charter Oak Times. TURNED OUT THE GAS. The Sioux City papers told this week that Geo. Stuart and perhaps his wife had been asphyxiated by gas in one of the hotels of that city, and the story comes very close home to one of the homes in Charter Oak. They are the parents of Mrs. Carl Brown. Mr. Stuart managed a saw mill and his work moved about a great deal, and he happened to be in Sioux City. As he retired for the night he turned out the gas in such a way as to leave a small leak in the jet, which caused the trouble. The oc currence is looked upon as purely ac cidental. When found the man was already oast any help, but the woman was living. The last word from her is that she is still unconscious and there is not much hope for her re covery. Many Charter Oak people will re member Mr. Stuart best as the man who sawed the lumber with which Geo. Neddermeyer built his big barn He was remembered here as a well behaved man. who was highly respect ed. —Charter Oak Times. NORTHWESTERN CHANGES. The northwestern announces two changes in the time of trains going west. Number One is six minutes later, leaving Denison at 6.56 a. m. while Number Seven is nearly thirty minutes later leaving Denison at 9.24 a. m. This latter train will be very convenient for passengers to Omaha who do not like to get up too early these cold winter mornings. The Dramatic Flavor of Wall Street. It is the speculative side of Wall street that most appeals to the imag ination. If we were dealing with that side of Wall street we should not lack for authenticated cases of high dra matic flavor, as, for example, that of a youth of eighteen who ran if- into a fortune of $200,000 in a few months and was last heard of trying to pawn his wife's engagement ring for $1'.") or that of the farmer who made sev eral millions of dollars from a very modest beginning, slipped a check for $300,000 under the breakfast plate ol" each member of his family one morn lug, tore the checks up because within au hour the riches had become a mat ter of domestic strife and was ia^t heard of when one day he brough: a load of hay across the ferry I'rjm Kiru en Island to New York an.I bi'gged his brokers lo take it in lieu ns •V.- one more "trade."—Success Maga zine. .. A Tree of Miniy Power*. The ash tree is rich with su on. The old charlatans of the muliUe age. used it in their love potions, and the damsels of ancient times believed that it would enable them to make their sweethearts true and help them to t'.u cover their future husbands. The in habitants of Iceland still looli with dread upon the use of mountain ash as fuel. Their belief that it will make enemies of all who gather round a hearthstone on which it burns is deep seated and was once almost universal in rope. Superstitious seekers after good luck may still be found invoking the spirit of the even leaved ash, after the man ner of the ancient tree worshipers, with the verses: »,w Even ash, I do pluck thee DENISON REVIEW, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1906. Hoping thus to meet good luck: If no luck I pet from thee I siml! wish thee c:i a ticc The 1'lilloMOitlier'N Sport A balloon trip gives one a sense of utter and complete stillness and alsj a beautifully serene feeling of aloof ness from men and tiresome matters, a contempt for the puniness of earth and an unbounded sense of sociability and camaraderie with those with whom one is basketed aloft in those few square feet of wicker. It is a philosopher's joy. ballooning, the sport of the scientific, anil the idea that it provides a new thrill or curdles the blood of jaded and sinful butterflies may be good enough for the halfpenny press, but not for the wiseacres of the Aci club.—Bystander. Ilotv Tree* Are lliilant-etl. A tree grows in-perfect balance on every side. When a large bram-h shoots out on one side, one of equal size or two smaller appear on the other. The roots are balanced in the same way, a large branch on one side being matched by a large root. The center of gravity is thus always perfectly maintained. I'lnicuo of l»vcitiuiin. Human ingemnly is plague to mod ern life, and there is some excuse for the view of a great man who regarded the inventor ol railways as a curse to his race. The truth pro'.mhly is that no Invention is at first perfect, and we have to suffer from its transitory im perfections—London Lancet. US ^vilii"v/Iftpl C. C. Phone No. 37 Iowa Phone No. 114 h'r.vr em E.vr O! Ilie hmH1Iu» ot Crawford, County Male ISank. Organized under the laws of Iowa, located at Denison. in the county of Crnwf'wi xt the close ot business on the 12th nay oi Nov.. ,V II. l'.tOK. made to tlie Auditor of State as required by law: ASSETS Amount of Bills, bonds and other evidences of debt, discounted or pur chased actually owned by the bank (carried out) $47?,531.77 Amount of cash on hand described us follows: Gold coin Si'O.dO Silver coin and bullion... 718.80 Lejral tender and nation al batik notes and sub sidiary coin 203(f.»l Drafts and elieeks on other sol ventbanks and other cash Items not dishonored, on hand and belonging to the bank 3T7.iir 29.8'S 78 Amount subject to be drawn at sisht on de posit I th sol vent banks or bankers (specifying names and locations of banks): Commercial National H'k, Chicago 33, National City ltank New Yoru 35.n72 29 Kountze Bros., New York First National Bank, Co. Bluffs. Iowa 2ii.5'!l.:0 Co. Bluffs Savings Bank 10.7o7.S3 lies Moines Savings Bank De« Moines 10.Ms or Overdrafts Value of real property (owned by the bank)... lo.fioo.oo Value of personal proper ty (owned by bank) 8.000.00 Total Assets.. Total Liabilit e« ... Amounts of all liabilities to the bank on part of lis directors: As borrowers none \s ri!dose:s....none ST \Tl'. IOWA I Ctawioi-d County Attested By: H. V. *CHW KT7. J. I'.CONNKU 18 000 00 LIABILITIES: Amount of capital stock actually eaid up in cash SIOO.OOO.OO Total amount due Uep s itors, as foil \vs: Amount sisrht deposits.. .S2N.472.4t Amount time deposits S3l.liIl.tM 552.S34.01 Indebtedness of eveiy hliul due banks, bann ers or pe»*ons other than regular depositors Bills p-iyuble None Rediscounts None Duo Clearing House None Amount of undivided profits, as follows: Surplus fund Other profits on hand (after deducting taxes uud expenses) lfi.tni.9: We. I.. Corn well. Pr°sident. f,eorjp Naevp, Vu-e -President, and E. Jones. Cashier of the Ban* above named, do solemnly swear that. tlie foregoing si-'tement. "is full true and correct, lo the best of our knowledge ku1 belief, that the assets therein set forth are bona tide the property of said bank in its cornorate capacirv and Hint no pa.'t of the stinn has been loaned or advanced to said bank for the purpose of being exhibited as a portion of its assets. I/. foitswRi.r.. President. (Jkouck Nabve.Vice-President Jonks, Cashier Sworn lo before me mid su "scribed in my presence bv r, Cornwell, testdent. Gec.ree Naeve. vtce- [si ai president, and M. E Tones, cishiei. this l5tli of Nov. 1900. Ai.bekt Notary Public. I)m?ct0r* ROOMS FOR RENT. Students in need of rooms. Address box 948. Denison, Iowa. DID YOU EVER HEAR THE BEAT? The Denison Review. The Dow City Enterprise, The Farmers Tri bune, All One Year for S2.50 Sure ly this is the time to subscribe "For years I starved,then I bought a 50 cent bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, and what that bottle benefitted me all the gold in Georgia could not buy. I kept on taking't and in two months I went back to my work as machinist. In three months I was as well and hearty as I ever was. I still use a little occasionally as I find it a fine blood purifier and a good ton ic. May you live long and prosper." C. N. Cornell, ltoding. Ga.. Aug. 27, 190G. Kouol is sold here by Lam born Drug Co. Germania Opera House Three Nights Commencing NOVEMBER 22nd. Keturu Kntritgement of the Ureut Hickman-Bessey Gcmprny Openim i'.jv Hit,' Military Comedy Drama The Blue and the Gray Ladies FREE on opening night Prices 10, 20 and ,10c. Seats on at Johnson'* Monday, Nov. l'J. Thanksgiving Meats! We are making a special effort to please our customers, and would be glad to have you place orders early ,5 Turkey, Chicken, Duck, Geese and Fresh Oysters in Bulk Choice Cots of Beef, Pork, Veal and Matton The Broadway Meal Market. These goods 44 isSSflS! miU JSMWi, "n n.Mfe. Mav at first seem a bargain -it is cheap —it looks cheap— and it wears cheap. Beiny made of North Carolina oak, which is very brittle, it will break before you get it home. It is finished by dipping and built by cheap labor Bart cher Bros are experienced buyers and can avoid buying goods this kind for their patrons A good article costs a very little more than it poor article The public is invit ed to inspect our line of rockers which is very complete. BARTCHBR BROTHERS, Dealers in Reliable Furniture. Both Phones. Watch oar window and buy a Davenport at your own price. [81 !Great Reduction Sale!! Our annual reduction sale will begi.i Saturday, Dec. 1st. Watch this space next week for SPECIAL PRICES. It will reduce your living expenses, and will pay V!. you to buy your baking goods from the 2 Page 5 C. M. JENSEN, Prop. $2.95 for an Oak Rocker City Palace Bakery! ll!\.r.PDIMAM YOURS FOR BUSINESS foMhat Turkey 1 new THE BOYS" Don't neglect to take advantage of our Rare Clubbing Offers USSSliiKt PRICES TTT goods and latest styles. Our hardware is all new and you can't get old and out of 5EJ%0B!IE] fig