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The Denison review. [volume] (Denison, Iowa) 1867-current, November 13, 1907, Image 12

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Page 12
The members of the Methodist
church and congregation
securing the services of Evangelist
L. Olenslayger. of Cincinnati. Ohio,
to conduct services in this place.
The meetings will begin Novebmer
Mr. Olenslayger has had several
years experience in evangelistic work,
•nd comes well recummended from
other fields. He is a eweet singer
Of the Gospel himself, and is exper
ienced in conducting a chorus choir.
Services will be held each evening at
half-past seven: and each afternoon
half-past two.
These services will not be sectarian
in any sense, but will be held in the
interest of the good of the city.
Pastors and members of other church
es are invited to join in the effort,
and a cordial invitation is extended to
everybody to attend the services.
The Review is in receipt of the an
nouncement of the wedding of M. A
Jurgens and Miss H. L. Massey.
Thv ceremony took place at Memphis,
Tenn. on November 5th and the youug
couple are at home at 269 Madison
Ave. of that city.
Max is a fine young man. He left
Denison several years ago and has
steadily advanced in his trade until
•he is able to command excellent
"wages In positions reouiring the must
skilled labor. He is ambitious, in
dustrious and of good character. The
Review extends congratulations to the
young people and in behalf of Denison
friends accepts Max's generous.invi
tation "We extend a welcome to all
of my Denison friends should they
ever come to Memphis."
There was a new time card on the
Northwestern road last Sunday. Our
people are mostly interested in the
new train east and west. It is 28
going east, and runs from Missouri
Valley to Boone. It reaches Dunlap
at 7:43 in the morning and the sta
tions in this county as follows: Dow
City 8:00 Arion 8:05 Denison 8:21
Vail 8:39 West Side 8:52. Coming
west as 27 the train departs from
West Side 10:14 pm: Vail 10:26 Den
ison 10:43 Arion 10:55: Dow City
10 59 and Dm lap 11:15. No. 12 go
ing east is made a fast train and only
8tops to take passengers at Denison,
at 9:35 a. m. No. 11 going west
only stops at Denison, except that, it
will stop at any station to take on
passengers for Colorado points. All
other trains remain the same.
HAY FOR SALE. -Hay for sale in
any quantities. West Denison. Mill
Tuesday Nov. 20th is the Day to
Dr. Weber the Eye and Ear
Doctor who cures at Nielsen House.
Examination free.
Miss Mabel Horton one of ou
county's pleasing school teachers will
begin her winter term in south Iowa
township next Monday. She teaches
in district No. 2 which is the center
one on the south tier of school houses.
She will board with Mrs. Hugo Kuhl.
The members of the Womans Relief
Corps held a "Thimble Bee" at the
home of Mrs. Blackman west of town
on Friday last. Those present report
a fine time, and compliment Mrs.
Blackman on her hospitality, and suc
cess as a hostess. The treasury was
replenished to the amount of $(j.00.
No more worthy society of ladies ex
ists in our midst than the W. R. C.
The Relief Corps ladies are already
making plans for a large attendance
at'the next regular meeting. There is
to be the election of officers. It
comes on the first Saturday in Decem
Last Sunday will long be remem
bered an important one at the Meth
odist church at Manilla. In the
morning there was a communion ser
vice and the admission of members
and this was most impressive.
When the Sunday school hour came
there was a lesson on the demand of
Joshua that the people should decide
as to whether they would serve the
true Gid. Supt. Van Slyke asked W.
C. Wayward, the railroad man to
speak on the lesson and he made a
strong address. The people and the
scholars present were asked to decide
as to their stand, and every one there
signified their willingness to be
professed Christians. This was most
gratifying to the faithful pastor Rev.
Cable and his workers.
In the afternoon came a Sunday
school convention in which all the
churches took part. Prof. Van Ness,
the president of the county associa
tion, presided. During the two ses
sions the choir under the leadership,
of Mrs. Cable led in inspiring music.
Rev. Cable led in prayer and also
spoke on "The Dilligent teacher."
He came at once to the main thing
for which a school is maintained, to
convert and save the children. He
insisted that the proper teacher, had
the class on her mind, prayed for her
pupils, was determined that none were
led in to bad ways. The discussion
was led by Mr. Alfred of the Presby
terian schools and he showed much
interest. The duty of the parents to
the school was taken up by Mr. Rich
ter. who demanded that Christian
parents come to the school, and teach
the lesson in the home. Miss Joyce
led a fine discussion, in which she
urged that parents teach reverence for
God and the church in the home.
Messrs Alfred. Van Slyke. Cable,
Fellows, Hladick and Meyers took
part in the discussion.
W. H. Chrisman of Mapleton one
of the most prominent Sunday school
men in western Iowa spoke on the
"Adult Bible Class Movement" and
showed how this could be of immense
benefit to the school. He also spoke
on state work generally. He was
followed by Supt. Hoffman of Deni
son who gave his remarkably strong
paper on the problom of the boy in
the school. Mr. Van Slyke followed
with some well considered remarks.
One of the best talks of the conven
tions was given by Mrs. Heath of Dow
City. She made a strong and earnest
plea for soul winning, and study of the
The evening service opened with a
good sung service and Mr. Hladick
spoke on the temperance question,
leading in place of Mr. McHenry who
could not attend. The temperance
topic proved prolific in interest.
Many took part and there was a firm
determination to have the pledge
signed, and Iowa and this county join
in the work being so well carried on!
in the nation of wiping out the liquor
traffic. Chas. K. Meyers the county
secretary explained the working of
the Home Department and the need
for each school to have one. Mrs.
Cable followed giving interestingly
her experience in the work which is
doing so much good. Supt. Fellows
of Denison urged the need of better
teachers and so the urgency of a
class to teach the teachers how to
Pres. Van Ness closed the conven
tion with a thoughtful talk on the
making of character in tne schools.
All felt the convention had been a
big success. The following officers
were named for the township: Pres
ident, J. T. Smith. Vice, Mrs. Wm
Theobald and Secretary Cora Slagg.
Manilla has the big county conven
tion next spring.
The S. S. club gave a delightful
shower to Miss Clara McAhren
Wednesday night. Supper was served
at small tables and the bride with a
number of friends were seated at -the
round tables. Hearts and a large
white wedding bell, pin roses and
dainty brides slippers as favors were
the attractive decorations Miss
Ethel Gulick had charge of the menu
and Miss Thuresson of the program.
The shower itself showed a great
many gifts, all very nice that proved
the high regard the club felt for Miss
McAhren. The feeling of the club
was voiced by the verses presented
with a gift from the Misses Anderson
and Raine.
This being married will have to be
Or the S. S. C. will shut up shop.
So Cupid, Cupid, please go slow
Run away and hide your bow,
For it really seems to me i"
Cupid has it in for the S. S. C.
There is a grand auction of Herford
and Galloway cattle at the Union
Stock yards South Omaha on the
above date. J. D. Newcom of Deloit
will have 52 head of his choice Her
fords at the sale. He will offer 30
cows 13 bulls calves and 12 heifers.
The calves are 6 to 8 months old.
Stock raisers do not need to be told
that the white-faced Herefords are
great favorites and bring a good price
on market. If you want some of the
Newcom cattle go down to South
Omaha on sale day.
W. S. Moore wasta-Harlan business'
visitor Tuesday.
Mayor McNertney transacted busi
ness in Denison Tuesday.
John Van Meter waB a Des Moines
business visitor Thursday.
Glen Woods has entered the employ
of C. A. Sykes the past week.
Anna Schneckloth of Aspinwall has
accepted a position in the Park hotel
C. A. Saunders, manager of
Greeley Stock farm was a Denison
business visitor Thursday.
M. M. Cable returned home from
Glenwood Thursday after attending
the Conference at that place.
Krogg, the jeweler at Sutton Bros,
has been confined in bed the past
week on account of appendicitis.
James Gardner, wife and baby
came the latter part of the week for
an extended visit at his parental
Mrs. Smith returned to her home
in Marshalltown last week atter a
two week's visit with her mother,
Mrs. Owens.
Homer Tenney, who has been hold
ing down a claim in Dakota, came
Saturday for a visit with his half
brother, John Van Meter.
F. A. Jackson and daughters. Irene
and Helen went to Omaha Saturday
morning to spend a few days with
Mrs. Jackson at the Methodist hospi
Cicero Morgan left Tuesday for
Chicago, where he went on a trip into
Wisconsin to visit his brother Grover,
He expects to be gone about two
weeks. Denny O'Brien has charge of
the express office during Mr. Morgan's
T. Brown and wife expect to leave
this week for Clarence for a month's
visit at the home of their daughter,
•Mrs. Abbie Brink. Mrs. Brown ex
pects to stay with her daughter and
Mr. Brown will go on to Wisconsin to
visit his brother.
The boys of the high school that
comprises the foot ball team all
stayed out of school last Thursday
and went out to Dr. Gardner's farm
and picked corn. Their picking
amonted to 315 bushels which earned
them as much money as they needed.
They were $10- back on the last foot
ball game, they had this in the
treasurv but did not want to draw it.
Brown and
Tigc on
Nov. 23d
Don't wear black all the time—Get a
fancy hat band and show you're really alive
25 and 50c
jf Men's and Bovs' Jersey
5 white, navy blue, maroon
Mildred'Rob'ertSon was anA«pin
wall visitor Saturday.
Alfred Miller was a Sioux City
business visitor Tuesday.
Frank Proescholdt transacted bus
iness in Denison Tuesday.
John Hutchson was on the sick
list the last of the week.
Mrs. Foy of Astor was shopping in
Manilla last Thursday.
Mrs. Ella Hoes was a Manning
business visitor Saturday.
Charley Milligan returned to his
duties again Thursday noon.
Harriet Joyce is enjoying a visit
from her sister. Miss Joyce of Atlan
Mrs. Glass came last week for an
extended visit with her brother, J. L.
Ben Kenney of Manning spent
Monday here last week transacting
D. P. Robertson and Ed. Smith
returned home from Blue Lake Thurs
day evening.
Mrs. John Miller of Grant Center
was a Manilla business visitor here
Jim Theobald of Wisconsin spent
several days the past week here visit
ing relatives.
Mr. Molter, chairman of the Board
ot Supervisors transacted business in
Manilla Friday.
Nina Thompson uf Denison spent
Saturday with her mother, Mrs.
Thompson here.
On next Wednesday the Ladies Aid
Society of the Presbyterian church go
out to Mrs. Leffert's for dinner.
Mrs Mann of Marshalltown came
last week, having been called to the
bedside of her mother, Mrs. Owens.
Mrs. Ed Knott and children and
Mary Donahue and George HOOK spent
last Friday at Pat McGafferty's.
The Mayor relieved Marshall Dyson
of the star Tuesday morning and
turned the same over to R. Copeland.
C. A. Saunders is making arrange
ments to hold his annual sale of
thoroughbred cattle at Omaha this
The Junior League of the M. E.
church held an oyster supper over the
store of Dyson and Calvin last Friday.
The supper was well patronized and
a sum of $16 was netted.
New shapes of the Dip Belt Many
blacks and browns to select from
25c to
S 2 0 0
Fresh Groceries
Incorporated In Denison Review 1907.
Never before have we sold so many
•Ladies' Skirts as we have this fall. The
reason tor this is we handle the right
brand, Perfection Skirts The styles are
right and the prices match from
98c to $(2.50
We are well known for our beautiful
displays of Ladies'hide Coinbs. We have
just now received an addition to our already
large stock. A brand new assortment of
swell fancy and plain backs
25 to 50c
There- was a -great Sabbath school
convention here last Sunday
Mr. Willis and wife spent Sunday
with Clint Dyson and wife.
Carrie and Mary Thorpe departed
Thursday noon for Boulder. Colorado,
where they expect to spend the win
Ed. Denny and mother departed the
first of the week for Yuma. Colorado,
where they expect to make their
Miss Borrow, the milliner at West
and Paulsen, spent Wednesday and
Thursday at Earling trimming hats at
that place.
Mrs. Sherman of Chicago visited
at the S. IT. Moore home Wednesday
enroute to Denver, where she is going
to spend the winter.
Mrs. Lem Buffington and Mrs. B.
Buffington drove out to Lula Willis'
school Friday afternoon. It was the
last day of this term.
Charles Saltwell and daughter Lena
and Henry Voss and wife spent Sun
day in Buck Grove with the formers
daughter, Mrs. Merdinger.
Rev. U. G. Lally departed Thurs
day evening for Minneapolis, from
there he went to Devil's Lake North
Dakota, where he occupied the
pulpit at that place the last Sab
Herman Lingerman. son of Wm.
Lingermaii and wife had the misfor
tune to fall and break his arm at the
elbow, last Sunday, while he was
runuing he stumbled over a rock
and fell.
On account of prices for butter and
eggs being 7 cents higher in Manilla
than in Vail last Saturday, quite a
number from that vicinity were seen
shopping here. This is a proof that
Manilla only buys and sells the very
Mrs. Sykes is on the sick list this
week, but at present writing reported
to be improving. While Mrs. Sykes
was up in Dakota not long ago. she
had the misfortune to get crushed
between the wheels of the wagon and
the wagon.
John McMahon departed
morning for Bovine, S. D.
after his farm.
They're Alive and Real
Buster Brown and
Tigc are Coming
Be sure and don't miss seeing them, and
be present at their reception.
Rain Coats
Large new stock just in
a in
if re a a
you have seen before.
Prices from
to look
Hero Sleister sr. is enjoying a
visit from his sister, and Mrs. Elsna
Tyaden of Peoria. 1111.
Mrs. Charles Morton of Hopking
ton is visiting with friends and' rela
tives here this week.
Mrs. A. Redoubt of Eldora has
been visiting here the past week at
the J. B. Gardner home
Judge Landis of Delphi, Ind.
spoke in the Opera house on
Wednesday evening. November, 13th.
Thanksgiving table delicacies to be
had the best at The Balle-Brodersen
Kitchen Cabinets, cheap.
42-tf John Fastje.
Hotel Property for Sale.
Good steam heated hotel in Craw
ford county for sale or trade on right
terms. Inquire at this office. 44-2'.
Just in. a stock of Remington Type
Writer Ribbons and carbon. Don't
order direct as the price is the same
at home.
U. G. Johnson & Co., Agents.
It is time to order
windows ef John Fastje.
your storm
Tuesday, Nov. 26
is the day to see Dr. Weber, the
Eye and Ear Doctor who cures, at
Nielsen House
Examination Free.
Denison, Iowa
Office Abstract Room Court House
Hart 1
& Marx

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