OCR Interpretation

The Denison review. [volume] (Denison, Iowa) 1867-current, May 10, 1916, Image 7

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Iowa

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84038095/1916-05-10/ed-1/seq-7/

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I 4
4 4
Mr. ami Mr3. Kreil Smith of Lake
View yj t"i.l Friday visiting arouml
Lirandica Sjoquist passed .awuy at
•=J::: Sunday willing ut tlx? lionio if
her '.cn, Charley, alt'i a two weelcs'
iUfit.canned ticnn a paralytic r.irolie.
Shf ic:iv.:» to mourn her departi re.
Unci iMiiv.i, Uiisl, «f. Kiton, and ISI-JI
a n! I '.i.a. of buyer, hi sides seven
EW.IHU liilnri ii.
V.V xti nd our ltepc::l cyiiipalliy
for tlin bereaved oner..
Clues. Si iilt:v entertained at a
dance at
homo Salnrday ovcnliu
Kvi. iyn Julnirdii anil lioy al!eivl..t
Iho.Muy k::li\al Thursday.
Mi: Ore,. Ni'WiuaU war: in Delnil
Nets Taylor was in Omaha Tuesday.
Mr. Albin Jarl and daughter, Pearl,
doijiii'tiit tor Alan kit to, lMiuu., I'Yidny,
vvhem tliev will i::
it relative: fur
som.' tin:
Mr. :j wn.ii Nelson of Od'. hoi: :T" at
a few day:'. last week on his faini
north r.i lioyer.
1 he lip. worth Lraf tif ofc thin place
enjoyed si l.uagiie party at the pleat.:
ant holiio of Mr. and vlrs. Jamtn
f'leniiiic Friday evuiiiiR. About tiiir
1y-H\o gut'!il» were piesent and all oh
joyed a royal Rood lime.
Mr. ami Mrs. Herbert Johnson
turned from Chicago Saturday, wheie
they had spent the week visiting ami
number of this vicinity
spoilt Sunday at Odebolt in attend
ancft at the Tabernacle meetings!.
Mr. Oscar 'iVlRren and family el'
near Kiron, visited at the Albin Jarl
home Tuesday evening, and helped
Mr. Jarl celebrate his birthday.
Mr. Chan. Dobbert was an Odebolt
business caller Thursday.
Dr. Garner was called to the Scth
Anderson home Tuesday evening on
account, of the illness of their dau
ter, Cyrilla.
Mr. Levi Johnson, who has hern
staying at the Nels Taylor home for
some time, wont to his heme at
AVorthington, Minn., Tuesday.
Mrs. Ijfvi Erifkson attended the
Tabernacle meetings at Odebolt Tues
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Wulf w.ro In
Donison Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Andersoi
are the pioud owners of a new Chev
erclet, purciiased Thursday from Lar
son and Turin of Kiron.
C. S. .lolinsou and family spent Fri
day in Kiron.
$v .*
•j( ,j, .j. .j, ,*« *5» 'I-
Messrs. lleniwn Baalc and John
Minister were business visitors in
liattle Creek Saturday.
Mr. Morgan left for Charter Oak
Saturday evening where be will make
iiifututure stopping place.
Misses Edna Baak and Hose Mundt
were Charter Oak callers Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Jlaufer welt
Charter Oak visitor's Friday evening.
Mr. and Airs. Herman Prenks visit
ed in Charier Oak Friday.
Bill (iroth Sud Hill Die
low went to
Charter Oak Friday evening to play
in (be band.
Misses Martha and Caroline return
ed from tluir trip to Minnesota Tues
Mis. Martha Muenster, Mrs. George
Congers, Misses Hose Mundt and
ednai Baak auioed to Mapleton to visit
friends Wednesday.
Tlje lanc- given at the opera
house Saturday evening was well at
tniilvd. Mii: ic was fmnished by
Selih-awig oreliestra.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mundt and
children visited at I lie Fred Mimdt
lionie near oto over Sunday.
Mr. ami Mrs. \V. F. llaak ml sons
vir.itfd at Hie l'eler Molir home near
Ut# Sunday.
Misses Kthel and Hazel liieles
spent Saturday and Sunday tit the
parental home near Oto.
It was decided upon Thursday at
the election that. Charter Oak .will
This is recent discovery of Doctor
PieVce, who is head of the Invnlids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute at Bulfalo,
N. Y. Kxperiiuenta nt Doctor Pierce's
Ilospitr.1 f»r several years proved that
there is no other eliminator of uric acid
that can be compared to it. For those
easilv recognized symptoms of intiain
inntion as backache, scalding urine
and frequent urination, as well as sedi
ment in the urinp, or if uric acid in tlio
blood lias caused rheumatism, it is
simply wonderful how surely "Anuric"
sets. The best of results are always
obtained in cases of acute rheumatism
ill the joints, in gravel and gout, and
invariably the pains and stiffness which
BO frequently and jiersistently accom
pany the disease rapidly disappear.
Go to votir nearest drug store and
simply ask for a fiO-cent package of
Aiini'ic," manufactured by Dr. Pierce,
or even write Doctor Pierce for a free
eainple. If you suspect kiduev or blad
der trouble, "send him a sample of your
water and describe symptoms. Doctor
Pierce's chemist will examine it, then
Dr. Pierce will report to you, without
iee or charge.
NOTE: French scientists aflirm that
"Anuric" is thirty--seven times more
active than lithia in eliminating uric
acid and is a harmless but reliable
chemical compound that may be safely
given to children, but should be used
only by grown-ups who actually wish to
restore their kidneys to perfect health,
bv conscientiously using one box —or
liiore in extreme cases —as "Anuric"
(thanks to Doctor Pierce's achievement)
is by far the most perfect kidney and
bladder corrector obtainable.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets are the original
little Liver Pills. One little Pellet for
a laxative—three for a cathartic.
furnish Iticketts electric lights in the
tuturo, by a majority of uD to 1G
Mrs. Ullerich of Mapleton was can
vassing in Iticketts Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Hliefer utten lrd
the ball garue between ITte and Char
ter Oak at Ute Sunday.
F. J. Minister bmniies vi::
ilor in Denison Saturday.
Mr:'. Martha Mut nnh:v and Misse.i
.VI nd I aiid iiunu liaak amot-tl lo
Si h!i sv.in Saturday evening.
.Mr. and MJohn Fidlcr:: returned
Iruiii I In Ir wedding trip to Minnesota
Sunday uioniint 'i'he vuiiuf, c: unle
v.'i niiinii'd at iiiou:: City, Apr. ili hi
the ini '.i lil t' of innii'diale relalive::.
The nriee. wa» foviiierly Misi: l-'.lsie
Ha '.I Iv and i: lovd and re: pr cted by
her many frlrnds in lhi:: neighbor
luod. Mr. I'iille-' was formerly of
Hrnv en. Iowa, hut itas liff-n woikinp.
at tin vi be'r shop l:er.j for the j»n:
A number of I'ri. nd.i end relative:
were nti-rtjiiiiii! at lii" Henry Cl.iu:
f.en liomi-vl'-'iinilav.
\(ej-.: r.: (el man. U'to. :r,: .Irnest
Baal m."de a l.iir.ine:, trip I• (.'hero
ine Mrn. lav with a
Will. P..iak or Schler.wi'- v.'as a Gun
il'ii' visitor at Riekoll:-:.
V.'tn. Staller returned Tuesday from
Cedar Rapids, where he had been at
tending the funeral of his aunt.
Mrs. Loo Poe i: visiting at the home
of her aunt. Mrs. L. C. Butler.
Miss Marie Marr returned Sunday
from a visit with her cousins in |oni
Mr. and Mrs. John Blackmail, Knill
Schwar/, Mr. and Mm. N. F. Ktilsou.
Mrs. Mackey, Mrs.Win. Marr, Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Ballantvne, Mrs. Jos. Kep
ford, l''i.stor Kepford, Mr. and Mr
Win .iOggers, .Tolln loggers and Mrs. Ji.
J. Butler, went to Denison to attend
the funeral of M. L. Houlihan. All
who knew Mr. Houlihan regret hi a
early death.
M. M. Itemey wont to Lincoln Sat
urday to visit relatives.
Win. Marr has returned to his work
and is now at Great llend. Wis. He is
slightly improved in health, but i:: still
troubled with rheumatism.
Karl Chambers has. bought a grad
itig out lit and is working on township
Mrs. Mackey ha. had her house new
ly painted and otherwise improved.
Last Sunday morning Airs. C. C.
Tripp suffered a slight stroke of paraly
sis which affected her hand and im.
lie-'daughter. Mrs. -F. Bolton, was not
iiied and eanio from Denison at once.
Ill the afternoon t'has. Boltou came
with the car and Mr. and Mrs. Tripp
Went to Denison and will remain for
some time with Mr. and Mrs. liolton.
Mrs. Nichols, Mrs. N. F. Stilson, Mrs.
Win. Marr, Mrs, L. C. Butler and Mrs.
J. N. Lee we'ni to Dow City Tuesday
afternoon to the \V. 0. T. D. conven
A crowd of young people went out
to Kenwood Saturday evening to a
dancing party.
Ceo. Lindsay was a Denison visitor
That Cool Million.
Wayne—I understand he married a
cool inillkin. l'ayne—Yes, but he's
complaining now because he hasn't
liepn able
tlvaw inly of
Mall Uazette.
It out.—Pall
Auricular Evidence.
"My daughter, Gladys Mae. has be
come jliile an elocutionist."
"Yes." peevishly replied the next
o»or neighbor, "so I Puck.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Ilealy transacted
business in Denison last Monday af
ternoon. Mrs. Ilealy also called at the
Jerry Hassett home.
Word conies from West Chester,
Iowa, that Mr.-and Mrs. Will Monroe
are the proud parents, of a little son,
born M.iy 1st. Mrs. Monroe will he
well rrinenihered by the people of
Pleasant Hill as Miss Nellie Wooda-I.
Mr. and Mrs. Will '.Juantz were bus
iness callers at the Louie Kohlander
home Tuesday evening.
Kev. Miller, pastor of the Meth.vlist
church at Manilla, called at the Geo.
Bidlack home Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Silas Thompson called 011 a
number of her friends in Manilla .last
.Mrs. Mary Simniernian and family
spent Thursday eveuing.~it the John
Calvin home in Manilla.
Goo. Macumber aipl sister. Miss Lil
lian, ga-ve a party Friday evening to a
number of their friends. Various'
games were played and afterwards a
delicious two course luncheon was
served. All report a splendid time.
Kev. and Mrs. Miller and Miss Lu
cile, of Manilla, visited at llie Will
Quanta, F. 10. Macuinber and ICarl Bid
lack homes Friday.
A number of friends and relative-,
gathered at the Henry Mordhorst home
Friday evening and helped Mrs. Mord
horst celebrate her birthday. All en
joyed the evening and joined in wish
ing her many more happy returns of
the day.
Miss Fstlier Baitson spent. Saturday
ami Sunday with her friend. Airs. Anna
Smethurst, of Manilla.
Mr. and Mrs. N. K, Johnson and
daughter, Miss Hva. were guests at
When Summer is
Just Around The Corner
Fr6in now on .vou can 1111 every'spnro liour with kocn and
lieathful pleasure, if you own a. Ilai li-y-Davidson molor
cyttle. And if you Iiavo s'ultxtir nquipumnt' with" it, .vou
can .share the pleasures that it fjives with pleasant com
panions- and joy that is shared is doubly sweet. Thinlc
of the wonderful trips you can take with your
these delightful srping evenings
when the dew has fallen and that
indescribable pertumo from Held
and stream is in the air. Laugh
ing, chatting, living .vou can.
sweep along over country roads*
or through city ^streets at your
own chosen pace, in safety, com
fort and dignity.
Chamberlin Motor
Supply Co.
Don't let another week go by
without gftliug in touch with JIS.
Thelfarle.v Davidson, for four
teen years the master motorcycle
will win you with your lir.st ride
We uill make terms to suit jour
on request
Charter Oak Has Flying Machine
'the, above is a photograph of the Hor.-.plsuie-purchased by a stm-k eonipanv compor,ed (.f people in Charier
Oak a,id v.hich will he used for eNhibiti: purposes. The. machine was ni .::a! icti re:l by Mr. Weeks, of iOac.le throve
and cost ft.lhin. The aeroplane carries two .issenj rs and has an ei. hl cylinder engine ot ninety home power
which is callable of driving the crali. heiter than sixty miles an hour.
Lloyd Williams, of Charter Oak, ha: be,.n selected lo drive the new machine and ho has been nt ICaglo IIrove
taking lessons and wo are told has aireaTly made several exhibition Mights. •».
At present I lie machine is heinc used by Mr. Weeks for exhibition purposes, but wilhin a few weeks lie will
have another machine conipleled aad will turn the present one aver to the purchasers in Charter Oak, who felt
that it would be more desirable to have one ihat had been tested out and found to be satisfactory rather than
take the chances with a now one.
According to the present plans (lie aeroplane will he down lo Charter Oak by Mr. Weeks and tile route of the
lioyer valley will be used as far as nonieon, when the driver will head westward over tUe hills to Charier Oak.
The exact time of the (light will he inside known so that people along the roi te may be able to see the machine on
the Charlie I.elVerts home in Manilla
Sjnnda V.
Air. and Mrs. Wiley Goodenongh and
children, of Mauillaj/rpeut Sunday at
the Silas ThompsofT home.
Airs. F. -L. Chamberlain, Mrs. Kay
Thompson and children visited Satur
day afternoon at ihe John Curler home
ip Manilla.
Mr. and Mrs. Will iant:: entertain
ed Mr. and Mrs. ltobt. Sonierville and
daughter, from near Aspinwall, Air. and
Airs. Dan .Mollis and little son, of
Manning, and Mr. and Mrs. Will So n
orville and little (laughter, from jiear
Manning, at dinner Sunday. This
made (|iiite a reunion of the lelatives
and was much enjoyed by all.
Sylvester Sehwiesow and his sis
ters, liattie and Ainandn,' visited Suu
dav at the home of theif- sister, Airs.
Robert Sieverson. near Aspinwall.
The administration is reported to
be much worried by the possibility that
Felix Diaz may upset the Carranza
government. But we see
for alarm. The administration can as
easily shift from Carranza to .Diaz as
At dj'l from Villa to Carranza.-
Pugnacious Earwigs
Observation has disclosed that ear-
are quarrelsome creatures and al
ways ready to use their nlppereil talis
ugahist each other upon the slightest
provocation. When any light suddenly
falls upon them congregated at the
sugar some are more scared than the
others and scuttle past theiu, when
each earwig which they nearly touch
in flight will savagely swing back its
tail and nip in the air with fury.
Sometimes the blow falls upon a neigh
bor, who instantly retaliates, and half
a dozen furious nips are rapidly inter
changed. But lighting weight quickly
settles the quarrel, the smaller earwig
scuttling off and the larger pursuing
hiui for half an inch, running blindly
backward and reaching savagely to
right and left with his nippers. Yet
these same earwigs, so vindictive at
meals, will be crummed, all sizes to
gether, into any hole or crack by day.
and they must be very gentle with
each other then, for among them you
may tind some that have just cast
their skins, suow white, soft and help
To Horsemen of Crawford
I will announce my linrscs
to tlu- public now as 1 am
ready for my customers. 1
will le at l.auh's harn this enm
iiiil season so that all of you
can come and see them, have
three of tlie hest 1'erclierons I
have ever put out for you farm
ers to see. I will not travel in
the country, hut will he at
Laub's harn.
I have the clijimpion stallion of Iowa. ,Percheron Collard
lias won four times at the International at Chicago and live
times at the Interstate fair at Sioux City and live times at Dcs
Moines. I Lo -has won ••enough .ribbons to make a banner. "We
weighs at 1 In* present time 2100 and has weighed J.iOO. lie
1ms foil' ot the best legs vni s.ver saw under a horse. Terms:
$20.t)0 to insure a colt to stand and suck.
Then comes Kolis, six year old imported black, weighing
1O.-0. I Slack as a crow, sound as a plum. I rafI horse with
lois'.if bone. L'ood leet, very stylish and the best of disposition.
Vou will like him when you see him. Terms: i. insure
ci lt to stand ami suck.
"Selim." 27324—The champion three-year-old of Audubon
county, lie won as a two-year-old and a* a three-year-old
and Champion of nine in his class, lie is a shiny black and
extra heavy bone, is ,n excellent mover and weighing at the
present time 2100 pounds, lie will mature into a 22'H pound
horse. Conic and see him before breeding votir mare, l'.recd
for In .fie and ipiality as 1 lie size is what counts.
Patriotism 53567—I also have one of the hest trotting
bred ..tallion-. in the cotmiy: sound and a perfect show horse
lias a mark o! 2:1'' 1-2 the best of dispositions. N'uw, anvone
wanting to raise all purposes horses come ami see him lie is
of the best ol breeding. Anyone wanting to ue this horse,
call 111c to the phone and I will come to your place. Jj?13.(X) to
instil colt to stand :ntd suck. I'hone 112.
I also have a large black Jade 6 years old weighing 1000
pounds and .-lands lb hand's high. If you want mules, look this
Jack ii]). ^I5.(X) to insure colt to stand and suck.
N'uw gentlemen, as 1 have been a breeds* in pure bred
horses for several years and always had the best blood line
bleeding and had them for your benefit as well as inv own. I
will ask 1.11 lor y. uir pain mage ft this coming scasi of l'»li.
1 Remains Vottrs,
Denison, Iowa Phone 142
'•".y,^-r\'"^ '*"wv. r,"r j:•'''/^ j.y^^''',Jl^'-l ys?^y."
We Have a Small Amont of
Left in Our Seed House.
Do not come in for seed corn before calliny us as we
think we will be out in a day or two. We certainly
thank the farmers tor their patronage and hope lhat
our corn will prove good enough so that lliey will
not lose confidence in our nyateni of handling ?i«ed
Denison Seed Company
Denison, Iowa
New McCormick Hay
NOTICE—McCormick Machines are nev
er changed unless decided improvements
can be made. They've made them this
The New Mower, the
McCormick 6
embodies features new to the trade, but old in point of use.
Among the features we mention:
New hand lever without latch for raising cutter bar. Bar on
plain ]ift can be raised twice as high as on old rAachines. Gag
arrangements is more flexible, and bar is of floating type. Cut
ter bar is 1-2 inch wider at the butt, with tapered rib extending
whole length, thus making it stronger, Combined hard and
soft oilerJor Pifman box. Flywheel shaft is horizontal. No
welding on coupling bar, less wear between clutch "and shifter.
Easy to remove flywheel shaft, main gear keyed to' shaft in addi
to being pinned. Wider tread.
McCormick Self Dump Rake.
This machino will moot the requirements of all, and under all con
it ions. It has gained a reputation in every locality for durability
and ease of operation. It dumps quickly, and the teeth return to
the ground close to the windrow. As the raue tills the cleaner 1
rods "otft above and retard the hay so that it does not roll into a!
ropy form. 'The wheels of the rake interchange so that when one
side of the rat bet is worn the wheels can bo reversed.
If you are goinr lo buv new hav tools
Call and Let us Demonstrate.
Denison, la. Implements and Autos.

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