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*AGE TWO rA I fci $ iU l. ur. Published Every Wednesday by The Review Publishing Co (Incorporated) B. P. CONNER. Manager. Entered at Penison post office as second class matter. Advertising rates furnished on request. Rclal paper of City Crawford County. Telephones: Bus. Hoom, 23',2- DOW CITY ITEMS *4* $ 't- _On Tuesday ..j&fijifiis of' week the' sad news was received of the dfeath of \V. W! Oalland, which oc curred at the hospital in Denison. For a'-number of years the deceased had been afflicted with ]alsy, being con fined to the house most of the time. A week or so before his death he took a turn for the worse and was taken to ft Denison hospital, where he passed avay. Only a couple ol' days before fiis illness !ie. with his wife, made a "Visit to Missouri Valley at. the home of their daughter, Mrs. Keulien Mull. Williain Wallace (julland, son of Dav id and Urusilla Ciallaiul, was born in Lee county, Iowa, April 2M. 1842, and Sled at the hospital in Denison on Auk. yl 21, 11)17, afeed 75 years, months and 10 days. He was united in mar riage to 7\1iss Sarah Kliz.ibetli Uudd On March 1, 1808. To this union sev en children were born as follows: Henry \V.. of Denison Mrs. Samuel Tripp, of Orrill, S. D.: .lohn Hdward. Of Logan Mrs. (ieorge Unnidi^e and Mrs. Hcuben Huff, of .Missouri Valley end Charles )•". and Frederick A., who (Jied in infancy. The dreeaseil was baptized into Christ Oct. 31. IsVti. and was ordained to the otlice- of priest November :i(] the same year, and lie has been a faithful 'member of the He organized Church of .lesus Christ of Latter Day Saints ever .since. William Galland was a grand nephew of Doctor I|aac Galland, of Commerce, III.,' who so kindly befriended the saints in the early days of the ehurch and who is referred to in church history Volume A. Brother Galland leaves to mourn his departure his wife, five children, twenty-four grandchildren, three great grandchildren and many other rela tives and friends, lie was a loving husband find father, a kind I'j'iend and neighbor anil will he greatly missed. Funeral services were conducted at the Saints church in Dow City on Aug ust 23d at 1 o'clock p. m. 'by Elder .Tames M. Baker, of Omaha, interment being made in the Dow Citv cemetery The sympathy of the entire commun ity is extended to those |)(.r(.ft of a ldving husband and father. 'Misses Minnie and Doras IJruner, of Waterloo, arrived on Tuesday of last Week lor a \isit. at the homes of their relatives, the G. M. Brake and J. N. Bell families. A. L. Jackson sold three new Ch?nd ,ler ears last week to John Vogt, Frank Downs and Theo. Wilt. A number from here attended the old settlers' picnic in Denison Ia«l Thursday. The Woman's club met on Tuesday llight at the home of Mrs. R. If. Swas ey. there being a good attendance. The following program was given Mrs. .The of Denison and Ollice, 23 Composing TBMMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One year ..$ Sljc months 75 Paper sent to foreign country.. 2.00 COKBESFOKDENCE Communications relating t» newp and editorial matter should he addressed to DSHlson lleview, Denison, Iowa. Frank Howorth Marjorie Bryan Hazel Judd Piano Solo. Reading Vocal Solo Reading .. Paper Piano Duett, Helen son. Reading Josephine Munsev Vocal Solo Vivian Sharp Irene Smith Mrs. Lessic Howorth mi iJernice Jack- Each number was splendid and very ^nruch enjoyed by all present. Miss Florence Miller and her cous in, Kathryn Jennings, of Omaha, who iB visiting |iere, were passengers to ISunlap Thursday, where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Woodford Jobe, returning Saturday. "^esdanvef and Neiswaner Reward of Careful Attention There's no accident about 'succcsstul cattle. .raising. Good buildings arc a first well-planned cattlc barn soon pays for itself. You can almost see the difference in the condition of your stock. It is one more safe-guard against loss from disease. Jp? In planning your cattle barn, you naturally have prob lems of your own to lake into consideration. The size, location, and interior arrangement must be adapted to $ W 4 8 jg* Instead of putting up a separate building you mtgh£ find it better to build an addition to your present \)artt equipment. In any event you will consider the con yenience to yourself and your hired help of having a feuiWing of ample size. 0jR Talk it over with We want to help you decide jipon the one best building for your purpose. The Prison Revjew Stewart Lumber Cq. and son Clair, returned to their home in Omaha Thursday after a pleasant visit in the home of Mrs. NeiswanerV brother, Perry Showers. Orvie Boham, Lloyd Brake. It. K. Lusk and wife and Mrs. Fred Colby took in the Harlan fair Wednesday. Air. and Mrs. W. H. Rule are enter taining the former's sister-in-law, Mrs. George Rule, of Lake View, who came Wednesday for a week's visit. Clair Butter worth was a visitor at Glidden last Wednesday. 'Miss Dorothy Aiiart returned last Wednesday from a several days' visit at the 13d Mesenbrink home in Rock well City. Miss Eva Gill, of Missouri Valley, was a guest of Miss Irene Smith the past week. Miss Theresa Niekelsen returned to her home in West Side Wednesday af ter spending several days as a guest of her friend, Miss Lillian Ahart. Miss Lillian Sams returned Thurs day from Jefferson, where she had spent afew days at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Bird Wood, having accompanied them on their return home from a visit here. Mrs. Ada Wheelright was a business caller in Dunlap Thursday. I'. W. O'Heara and family departed Wednesday for their home in Iowa City after •,•) two weeks' visit with rel atives "in* this vicinity George Trager was a business call er in town Wednesday from Denison. Mr. and Mrs. Art Wilson have been entertaining his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, of Fremont, Neb., the past week. Miss Lisle Goldsworthy was a visit or at the county capital Wednesday. W. B. Gibson has sold his farm five miles northwest of town to Dan Schu matke. who will take possession the first of March. Mrs. It. G. Luke accompanied Art Handel and wife last week to Water town. S. D„ to look after her busi ness interests there. James Turnlund returned Wednes day from a two weeks' visit with his brother. Harry, and family in Forado, Minn. His sister. Hilda, who had stop ped there several weeks ago on her return from St. Paul, where she took a teachers' training course, also came home with him. A party was given Wednesday after I noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hu- 1 gene Crandall in honor of the seventh birthday of their daughter, Evelyn, and also the fifth anniversary of their sen, Richard's, birth. A large .num ber of kit tie folks were present and a jollf good time was enjoyed. Dainty refreshments were served as a fitting close. The guests of honor were pre sented with many nice gills as me mentos of the occasion. Air. and .Mrs. Alfred Jackson return ed on Wednesday from a several days' visit at the home of their son. Fred, and family in Denison. W. C. Rolls and wife and Airs. Geo. Rule and daughter, iiernice. attended the llarlan fair Thursday. Air. and Airs. Albert Miller and baby son were passengers to Denison last Thursday to attend the old settlers' picnic and also for a visit with rela tives. Airs. Al. J. Breen was a caller at the county seat one day last week. Airs. A. H. Harper. Airs. James Bal Icntine and Airs. Park Goodman spent several days at Beaver the past, week attending the Baptist convention. Miss Pansy Brown was pleasantly surprised Thursday night when a num ber of friends gathered at her home uninvited. The evening was largely devoted to games and concluded with a dainty luncheon. Airs. Jay Woodruff and son. of Oma ha, were visitors at the home of AJiss Janet Rae Thursday and on Friday went to Denison for a visit. Air. and Airs. Art Wilson accompan ied his pa rents of Fremont. Neb., to Denison Thursday, wiiere they visited at the Herbert Wilson home. Aliss Anna Bell was hostess to the J. U. !. club on Friday afternoon, en tertaining in her usual pleasing man ner. the attendance was large and the pleasures of the occasion were greatly enjoyed by all, as was also the sumptous repast at the close. .Misses Minnie and Doras Brnner, of Water loo. were pleasant out of town guests. Airs. Tlios. Munsev and daughter. Clara Alae. visited at the Ben Wine grove home in Denison Thursday. Ed Galland returned Thursday to Logan after having .spent several days here during the sickness and death of his father, W. W. Galland. The Prof. C. W. Manning family are packing their household goods pre paratory1^) moving to Dawson, where "WS, Air. Manning has a position in the pub lic school for the coming year. This family have made many friends while here who rregret very much to see them leave, but we wish them the best of success in their new location. Mrs. 1'ave AlcAllister and two chil dren were down from Denison the latter part of the week visiting at the home of her mother. Airs. John ICd wards, Sr. Airs. Sam Tripp, of Orrill. S. I)., and her mother. Airs. W. W. Galland, were passengers to Denison Friday, when tliev visited at the Henry Galland home for a few days. Airs. Ada Wheelright was among the county seat visitors Friday. Mrs. George Llinna.ll played the part of hostess to the Friday club Friday afternoon and a good turnout i^ re ported. The hostess entertained in her li'jual manner which always proves a great delight to her guests. The afternoon was completed with a de licious luncheon. Mrs. Sehneckloth and daughter. Km ily. of.Denison, were pleasant visitors at the 10. V. Goddard home Thursday. The latter had just returned from Des .Moines, where she attended the slimmer session of school. Wo are in formed that she has a position as a teacher of history in the public school of Miller, S. D., l'or the coming year. Airs. A. W. Swanson and daughter. Hazel, and Gladys, were passengers from Omaha' Thursday evening for a week's visit at the home of Air. and Airs. Jack O'Brien. Aliss Adelaide Potter returned from Cedar Falls Saturday after having spent several weeks there attending school. Mrs. It. G. I.aird and children came up from Omaha Friday for a visit at the Arch Laird home. Ed Lyons came over from the Oak Thursday for a several days' visit at the home of Air. and Airs. Geo. Ahart. His wife, who had been spending the week there, went home with him. Joseph Smith has returned from a several weeks' sojourn with his broth er. John, ami wife in Clark, S. 1). Airs. Roy Itoupe and children left the first of last week for their home in Ames after a visit al the home of her mother. Mrs. S. E. Baber. A birthday surprise Was tendered Alearle Binnall on Friday night. The event was to have taken place on Wednesday, but was postponed on ac count of the threatening weather, thus the surprise was not as complete as it otherwise would have been. Never theless, each one present had a very enjoyable time. The evening was concluded with nice refreshments, af ter which adieus were said and the guests departed wishing the guest of honor man/1happy returns of the day. The E. N. Chamberlain family were ovf' from Lake View for a short time last Thursday. E. H. Swasey and William Walters were ^Denison visitors Thursday. 'Mrs.' Jahies Pester was down from Denison Tliursday to attend the Gal land funeral' ant| also for a visit with relatives, John Wiggins -was up from Wood bine Friday visiting at the home of his grandparents, M. G. Wiggins and wife. Cecil Edwards was over from Ida Grove Friday and visited his folks. Airs. Reuben Jrfuft" and son returned Friday to their home in Missouri' Val ley having beeti called here bv the death of her father. W. W. Galland. Chester Lyman and little Frances Clark were down from Carroll be tween trains Friifty afternoon visiting at the J. F. Rudd home. Aliss Eva Roy visited with relatives in Denison Thursday. Her little niece, Loia Servoss. came home with her for a few days' visit. Ruth Wingnove, of Denison, was guest of her aunt, Clara Alae Mun sev, a couple of days the last of'the week. The Larkin club was delightfully en tertained Friday at the home of .Mrs. Al. A. I'carsall and all present enjoy ed themselves immensely. Tins dainty and appetizing luncheon which was served at the close was also a much enjoyed feature. Air. and Airs. Fred Kreniien and the baby were passengers to Dc: Moines Saturday, where they will vis it her parents, Air. and .Mrs. Dau Daughenbaugh, and also take in the fair. Dr. Floyd Sharp was over from the Oak a short time Saturday, taking the train from iiere to Des Moines. Hav ing enlisted as a veterinarian some time ago he received a message Fri day night to report at headquarters. Airs. Thos. Itae entertained at din ner Tuesday evening Airs. Jay Wood ruff and son. Joe. of Omaha, Alesdaines Alary AlcHenry, Hudson Downs and Acker and Alisscs Janet Rae and Bar bara and Nell Scott The affair was a very pleasant one. Air. and Airs. W. I*. I'ishel and their guests, .Mr. and Airs. Arthur Gamel, and J. 11. Harmon and wife, of I'pper Sandusky, O., spent a couple of days in Omaha recently. Aliss Lillian Saunders, of Manilla, and Aliss Ethel Goodman, of Coin, were guests of Aliss Luanda AlcHenry several days the past week. The B. Al. AlcElwain family enter tained Air. and Mrs. Leonard Patter son, of Silver City, a few days. The guests were on their honeymoon, hav ing just been married at Council Bluffs the day they came here. The line new bungalow of J. 11. Young has been completed and the family will soon move into it. C. Wise has bought the old residence of Air. Young and will move his family there as soon as it is vacated. The Art Wilson family will occupy the J. II. Wise residence. Air. Wilson having purchased the property some time ago. Elmer Riddle and York Broadwel! left Saturday by auto for Des .Moines to spend a few days taking in the sights at the fair. Air. and Mrs. H. Casabur and four children returned Saturday to their home at Grundy Junction after a vis it at the Herman Casabar home. Airs. J. It. Griflin was a passenger to Logan Saturday, where she attend ed the L. D. S. conference, returning on Sunday. Ii. W. Houston and Link Riddle re turned Thursday evening from sever al days spent at Lake Andes. S. D. Mr. and Mrs. William Birkhofer and baby went to Denison Saturday for an THE DENISON REVIEW, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1917 'over Sunday visit al the William Turn er home. The 'Martin Wieland family and Airs. Anna Doser motored to Denison last Thursday to attend the old settlers' picnic. Mrs. Orvie Boliam and two children returned Sunday from a week's visit with relatives at Harlan and Irwin. Air and Airs. Ed Faircliild. of Irwin, came with them for a short visit.. Airs. Fairehild will be remembered as Aliss Ethel Spence. Jim McBrido and children were over from pellance one day last week visit ing at' the M. G. Wiggins home. Aliss Mildred Wiggins, who had been visit ing there, came home with them. Vinton ant} Arlene and Phyllis Wight left Saturday for their home in Council Bluffs after a month's visit with their grandparents. Air. and Mrs. Komanan Wight. ".Mrs. S. 13. Rudd. of Lincoln, Neb., was visiting relatives here last week. John Ecfwards, Sr. was a Denison visitor Friday. John Weber, who resides about live miles northwest of town, is having his house rebuilt and remodeled, the C. O. Miller carpenter crew having be gun the work Monday. Airs. Will Buss very pleasantly en tertained on Friday evening compli mentary to her niece, Aliss Hortense llosebery. of Louisville. Ky. The time was passed socially and a tine time was had. In a beheaded word contest Miss Eileen Cummings, of Denison. was awarded the prize, a pretty box of correspondence cards. The lunch eon served at the close was most ele gant. Alisses Mary Lally, Frances Leahy, Eileen Cuminings anil Marie Connor, of Denison: Aliss Lillian Saun ders, of Alanilla, Aliss Ethel Goodman, of 'Coin Mrs. Pete Brjinaka, of Gil more City, and Airs. Will Hughes, of Logan, were out ol' town guests. Mesdames Jake Burwell and Harry Shunk and baby came down from Den ison Saturday for an over Sunday visit at the parental, Jake Reeser, home. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Harmon and Air. and Airs. Arthur Gamel and the Aliss es Lola and Nellie Fishel attended the Harlan fair Thursday. Lorcn Alexander was down from Denison Saturday visiting his grand parents, Mr. and Airs. Henry Itoy. '12. L. ttarber, the architect, was down from Denison Saturday. After a couple of months' visit here among relatives, Aliss Nell Scott left Monday for Carlyle, Wash. The Gus Anderson and Chris yoller- oDnnc DODDI So OS BB sen families were down from Denison the latter part of the week visiting their children. W. B. Gibson was a passenger to Omaha Saturday for an over Sunday visit with relatives. Leslie Logsdon, of Ainas, arrived Special Classes will take elective studies. For 16 years Buick lias been steadily building and perfecting valve-in-head motor cars, with the result that today it is generally understood that valve in-hcad means Buick. The line of Buick six-cyl inder valve-in*head automobiles now offered the bueing p^lic is a complete one--a car to suit eyery need, any day in the year. Friday for a visit at the .home of his sister, Mrs. Frank Glassburner. L. C. Hatch, A. L. Jackson, Louis Alathys anrf John Ahart motored to Omaha Friday, the latter remaining until Monday on a business tranae tion. Mr. and Airs. W. BJ, Fishel, Air. and Twenty-Sixth Year Now Under the Direction of the Board of Education of the Independent School District of Denison, Iowa Regular Hi^li School Courses. I "'our Year Industrial Course. ConuiK'tvial Course. Four Year Xonyal Training. Two Year Course Cor Rural Teachers. )nc Year College Work for (iraduates of Acredited lli^'h Schools. Special Courses in .\,i riculture*and Manual Training. Physical Traininir for Both Bovs and Girls. be organized for those desiring For further particulars phone pr write to C. E. Humphrey W. C. Rollins Superintendent Secretary 0 O fiSSKSODBBOD BEE3 A fi CSS BS3SSII1&LSZIS80 D10 O C&9 Bl DB 03113 iQffiSBBS&BDD OQ SB3 O 3 a no an cm in 11900D 023 QO Q^ICB Q90DBD fl 'T'HE motoring public, the court of last resort in Everybody Know* sll things having tp dp with motor cars, has Valve-in-Head definitely accepted the yajY£-if) he?cl motpr E-^5 Six, five passenger topring car body E 45 Six, two passenger roadster body E-49 Six, seven passenger body E-35 Four cylinder, five passenger touring car body E-34 Four cylinder two passedger roadster body J* qs being the nearest to perfection in internal combus tion motors yet achieved. The experience of thousands of Buick Valve in-Head owners has taught them that this type of motor gives the le^st vibration, the greatest flexibility, power and efficiency. Buick Model E-Six-45 *r. Bwick Distributors. Phppe 385 SS3SSSMS«mp5S5SSI Mrs. Arthur Gamel and Air. and AI^. J. II. Harmon went to Des AIifliMtS Sunday to attend the state fair, after which the latter two will return to their home in Upper Saildlisky, O. Air. and Airs. J. N. |Je!} returned the (Continued on Page Three) O DO QQ18 DO O VALVE-INHEAD MOTOR CARS Means Buick With a Buick you get service that is built into the car at the great Buick Factories, where the best material is accurately made into parts carefully as sembled into the complete car, assuring a u^jinum amount of attention to keep your Buick in condition to at all times give complete motoring pleasure and satisfaction. IBBBDUBIBBBnBBa IHMMIIHI I