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.4 The GooseThat Laid the Golden Egg By F. A. M1TCHEL "I haTe heard that you woh your wife from the fnct that you were Buccessfui alithor," said Dawson to his friend'Sturdevant. "If a man wants to win a woman he must raise himself, above his fellow men by doing some thing that glitters. To wear a gaudy uniform is tho easiest way wltli the ordinary type of woman. But I am not surprised that it required a differ ent sort of prominence to secure Mrs. Sturdevant She Is a very bright wo man and would naturally look up to a man of jvur caliber." Sturdevant glanced at the ceiling, then at the floor, then out through the window. "YeV' he replied, "my wife is a •mart woman, but she has no reason to admire me." "That's modesty for you." "You don't know anything about wo men, John. You say a woman to love a man must look up to him. So far, so good- But she Is just as likely to love him because she looks down on him. The truth Is, tho sex is not to be analyzed. This story that I won my wife on account of my literary standing is balderdash. I'll tell you the basis of it if you like." "Please do so." "I have always been rather imprac tical, and Dora is the very reverse. When I met her I was ambitious to write a.successful novel. She listened to my talk, sympathized with me, but 1 could see that she considered me in the clouds. 'You don't seem to think I'm up to the work of successful scribbling?' I eaid to her one day, miffed at her want of enthusiasm. 'I think you're not down to it,' she replied. 'What do you mean?' "'Oh, fliat would take too long to explain.' "She might have truthfully added, 'I wouldn't attempt to try fo fire it into as stupid a brain as yours." "I was engaged at that time on my story, The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg.'" "I believe 200,000 copies were sold?" Dawson broke in. "Three hundred thousand." "And all the while," interrupted Dawson, "it was you who"— "Don't be in such a hurry. I'm tell ing this story. I put $1,000 into the venture. I Intended to spend it all on the printing and binding, but Dora persuaded me to have It illustrated. So I paid $400 of the amount for pic tures. The book was published through Lampttfack & Co., who put their im tprint on the title page. '••Three months passed, and I got a check frbm them for $27.50. The pub lic didn't clamor for the goose that laid the golden egg worth a cent One reviewer said that It was easy to pick out the goose that didn't lay the golden egg, which complimentary remark evi dently referred to the author. Another three months passed, and I got another check for $6.75. "What was my surprise when the next quarterly payment was made to receive $150. After that one day when I was introduced to a man he looked at me curiously and asked, 'Author of "The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg?"' Surprised, I admitted thift 1 was and with a heart flutter. The next day I was told by a friend that my book was being talked about, and, stopping at a book and news stand, the dealer told me that he was selling it like hot cakes. I asked him to what be attributed the sudden increase of •ales, and he replied: 'The public wants it* "This satisfied me that I had at least struck a popular vein, and I hoped to climb the ladder of literary fame. "To make a long story short, my novel was talked about by everybody, rich and poor, high and low. In six months I had cleared a small fortune then the sales fell to nothing- I had made some money, but no literary rep utation. "Dora and I were married and went to Europe on a bridal trip. One day while on the voyage over I was twit ting her on her want of appreciation of my ability to succeed as an author, when she said: 'The reviewer who said that it was easy to pick out the goose that didn't lay the golden egg was half right Now listen to me. "'One day after your novel had fall en flat,' she went on, 'I concluded to try to stli* up an interest in it I went to all my friends and told them there was a hidden meaning in the title and asked them to guess what it was. The.v all weut about propounding the query to their friends. It got noised abbut that there was a mystery in the book that did not appear on the surface. I re-enforced the position by propound ing the query whether the goose was a goose or a gander. This set people to quarreliug as to whether the hero, Tom Phunnyfeller, or the heroine, Miriam Twarldleby, was the mystery. To half my friends I suggested that the book was written to advocate the cause of voles for women to the oth er half that it was an attack on the abilities of our sex. That's all. I didn't liavo to do any more. The pub lic got hungry for the goose, and we* got the golden egg.' Sturdevant paused. "Why haven't you followed up your success?" asked Dawson. "Because my wife would not per mit me to kill the goose that laid the golden egg." 4» •}. »j «j» ${• «j $ 1 VAIL ITEMS C4 K* Hugh McGuire and little daughter of Chicago, spent Monday hero at the Thos. Powers home! Last Sunday evening at tho home Of Mr. and Mrs. John llrogan south east of town a goodly number of Miss Fae's school frierids gathered to give her a farewell party before she de parts for Clinton, where she will at tend Mt. St. Clare's aeademy for the school year. The hours flew and the good time came to a close too soon for all. The delicious refreshment!? brought by the guests also met win. the approval of the young folks. Mrs. Mary Quirk spent tho last'of tho week in Dunlap, the guest of her son, Ralph, and wife. Mrs. tillen McCarthy and daughter, Gertrude, of Denison, were over Sun day visitors here at the Mrs. Mary Mitchell anil Jas. Hickey homes. Mrs. L. Tubbs and baby, of Web ster City,' are visiting here at the pal rental, A. Short, home. Mrs. A. B. O'Connell and grand daughter, Catherine Mitchell, arrived iiere Monday from Wagner, S. D., for an- extended visit with relatives. Jas. Rutherford and family, of Gray, were Sunday visitors here at the B. Wahlin home. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hickey entertain ed a number of their relatives Sunday at dinner in honor of Mrs. Mickey's sister, Mrs. Ellen McCarthy, and her daughter, Gertrude, who leave Thurs day for Sturgis, S. D„ to make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fitzgibbons and daughter,, Benita, autoed over to Arthur Saturday for a visit. Their son, John, who was visiting there, re turned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. John Dieter and chil dren and Mrs. T. J. Kinney and Alias Ruth Abts motored to Yetter Thurs day and spent the day with the Wtn. Enenbach family. Miss Bmma Connor returned Sun day to her work in Omaha after a very pleasant visit here wltii her sister. Mrs. Dave Maxwell, and family and her many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coates and two (laughters autoed over from Manning Friday and visited at the Henry Tar py home. Mrs. Jas. Nellis has been quite ill the past week. C. H. Norton left the first of last week for Nebraska, where he joined his wife and family, who have been visiting there for the past few weeks with tlier folks. They all arrived at home Saturday evening. B. Sippel, of Waterloo, visited here last week with Landlord Maunon and family. Bert Mitchell was a Chicago pas senger Saturday evening. Chas. Krinz and family and Mrs. H. Crinz of Fontanelle, spent the first of last week here with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood. George Robinson was transacting business in the county seat Weilhes day last. P. J. Beirne, of Carroll, was calling on his Vail friends tho. first, of last week. Mrs. Chas. Wood enjoyed a'visit from her sister, Mrs. T. Lee, who re sides at Sioux City. Raymond Duffy spent last week in Omaha with relatives. Mrs. Finnegan and daughter, of Carroll, spent a few hours here Satur day between trains at the Jas. O'Boyle home. Mrs. Mary Mitchell and sons, Ray and Roy. spent Thursday in Denison with her mother, Mrs. E. McCarthy. Miss Irene Hickey, of Manilla, vis ited the past week here at tho Jas. Hickey home. Miss Violet Tempest was a Denison visitor Monday. John Krai has purchased a 'new King 8 touring car. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Albert, of Den ison, spent Monday in Vail. Jas. Hickey and family motored to IJenison Saturday. John Kearney mado a trip to Carroll on business Thursday. Mrs. A. Farley went to South Oma ha last week to see her mother. Mrs. Pierce, who is in very poor health. Miss Emma Connor spent Friday in Denison at the Dr. Wright home. Frank Barton made a trip to Car roll Monday. Wm. Byrnes was a business visitor Wednesday in Omaha. Mrs. Earl Copelanil and children, of Manilla, were recent visitors here with relatives. Miss Ada Dieter was the guest of honor last Wednesday evening at a farewell party tendered her by Mrs. Leonard Dieter at lier home in the west part of town. Miss Dieter will leave in the near future for Clinton, where she will attend Mt. St. Clare's academy for the school year. There were fifteen of her school friends in tho party. The evening was merrily spent with games and -music and a delightful two course luncheon was en joyed. Mart McCullough, of Carroll, spent 24B ^the home driftk Besides its popularity at drug stores, fountains and restaurants, Bevo has found a welcome place in the home. A family beverage—-a guest offering—a table drink that goes perfectly with all food. As aaug^stion for Sunday supper—Sweet red or green peppers si'ufied with cream cheese and chojppieet MtIts orotftres Hb'rve/ti on /c'ttuce leaves. French dreaatiig. Cotdm6at. Toasted crackers. B'evo for eviirybtie. A beVcrage that tastes like no other soft drink. Pure, wholesome and nutritious. Bxvo—the all-year-'round soft drink. Sold in bottles only and bottled exclusively by Anheuser-^usch—St. i&uis Friday and Saturday with Vail friends. Mr. and Mrs. Collins, of Vermillion. S. D„ are visiting here with their daughter, Mrs. G. E. Dingman, and family. John Johnson left last week for his home in Nebraska. E. Buchman and son, Hubert, re turned tho Jtirst of last week from a visit with relatives in OmUlia. C. Baker, of Manilla, was a Vail caller Monday. Mrs. Johh Clements and Miss Bessie Haas, of Carroll, were Sunday guests here with their sister, Mrs. W. W. Watson, and family W. Tweed, of Wfcst Side, assisted in the Norton barber shop during Mr. Norton's visit in Nebraska. ,Mr. and Mi's. Dave McCuIlough spent last week with friends in Min nosota. Misses Joanna and Elizabeth Naugii tpn, of Denison, spent the first of the week here at the hbme of their uncle, J. T. Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. John Krai spent the first of last Week with relatives at Ft. Dodge. Mrs. Len Hoffman and daughter, Mrs. Steffensen, spent Monday with relatives in Denison. Mr. and Mrs. R.' Broekelsby and children spent the past week in Min nesota, making the trip by auto. Miss Nell Olson was a Denison vis itor Thursday. Mrs. F. C. Alley and son, Frank, of Pleasaritdale, Neb., are here for a vis it at the A. Short home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clausen have returned to their home in Omaha af ter a several days' visit here with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bartley Mitchell. Mrs. J. D. Fitch, of Carroll, spent a couple of days here last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mc Combs. Maurice O'Connor and son, John, left Wednesday for Excelsior Springs, Mo., where they will stay ten days. Misses Margaret and Nolle Hickey and Master Charles O'Connor, who have been at the springs for the past three weeks, will return home witli them. Mrs. James Lyman, of W'auseka, Ill visited here last week with iier moth er, Mrs. Eland. Mrs. Hansen was a Denison visitor Thursday. Gail Richardson, of Denison, was transacting business here Tuesday. Chas. Duffy was an Omaha visitor the first of last week. Mrs. Bremner and Mr. and Mrs. Al bert, of Denison, motored to Manning last Saturday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walsh spent last week with relatives in Kansas City. Miss Vera Keane and Miss Enid O'Reilly spent a couple of days last week in Denison at the Mrs. E. Hill home. Misses Stella and Loren'e Hickey have been spending the past ten days with relatives and friends in Council Bluffs and Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Duffy and Mes dames J. M. Glynn and A. J. Mona ghan autoed to Denison Wednesday to attend to some Red Cross work. Mrs. Gus Retman, of Dow City, vis ited here last week with her mother, Mrs. Eland. Mike McVeigh, of Omaha, was in town Thursday. Mr. and Mrs1. A. J. Ruddy and three children, of Albion, Neb., visit ed here last week at the Thos. Ryan and Thos. Sheridan homes. Mrs. Jennie Krueger and daughter, Emily, of Omaha, are visiting here with relatives. On Saturday l^st P. McCarthy rent ed the Clark White farm east of town for the year 1918. Wm. Baumer and family motored home to Omaha Friday after spending a week here with relatives. Gail Carey, of Dow City, was call ing on Vail friends last Friday after noon. •Jos. Dalton and his mother left last Wednesday for Colfax, where they will spend a few weeks taking treatments. John Driscoll received a severe fall last Saturday afternoon while putting away hay in the barn, when he fell down an open trap door in the hay loft, falling some ten feet and frac turing his hip, and also was badly bruised and shaken up. Ho was tak en to St. Anthony's hospital at Car roll. His condition was not consid ered serious, but he will bo laid up for some time. Relatives and friends hope for the best. Dan Scanlan, Sr. and daughter. Jo anna, left Sunday evening for Chicago, called there by the death of his brother's wife, Mrs. B. Scanlan. A number of Miss Grace Mitchell's schoolmates gave here a farewell re ception at her home last Friday eve ning. A delightful evening was spent with music arid games, after which light refreshments were served. Miss Grace will leiive Wednesday of this week for Sturgis. S. D., where she will attend school and make her home with her grandmother, Mrs. E. McCarthy. Dr. Hamilton and family, of Jef Mrs. Wm. Hill left Saturday for Geddes, S. D„ called there by the se' rious illness of her mother, Mrs. Ha- f. THE DENISON REVIEW, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1917 SUNDAY SCHOOL. NOTES Side Light* an Nefct Sunday's Leaton f6r Trtctfal* *ria Purplla orrxcsM. President, Sears McIIenry, Denison. First Vice-President, li. G. Dannett, West Side. Sccond Vicc-Prcsidont, E. G. Wig gins, Dow City. Third Vice-President, 'Win. Lind berg, Kiron. Fourth Vice-President, Edward Ly on, Charter Oak. Secretary-Treasurer, Chas. K. Mey ers, Denison. Elementary Superintendent,' Mrs. Anna Williams, Denison. Secondary Superintendent, Frank Woolston Denison. Adult and Home Superintendent. Mrs. E. W. Pierce, Denison. Educational Superintendent, Miss Monetta Jorgensen, Vail. Supervision Superintendent, F. L. Hoffman, Denison Sabbath School Notc3. In the past week the Sabbath schools of the county have been called upon for strong activity in the tem perance situation. On October 15th the voters of Iowa will have the chance to place an amendment in the state constitution, forever prohibit ing the making of laws which will allow iutoxicating liquors to be made or sold in Iowa. We now have laws to that effect, but these can be repeal ed at any session of the legislature. To cinch the thing just now, the tem perance men and women through the agencies of tho church and Sabbath schools are urged to leave no stone unturned to win out on- election day, October 15th. The Baptist school at Denison is trying the plan of a combination ser vice of the preaching and the Sab bath school. There is no intermis sion, no formal dismissal of the preaching service, but the interlock ing of the services in one. So far the plan is working well. Again and again we refer to the duty or looking after the filling up of the classes with the former pupils and new ones. With the summer heat over the children will be ready to attend and they must be looked up and invited. Sept. 2—The Shepherd of Captive Israel. Ezekiel 34. Those who have kept track of the lessons of the past few weeks will re call that they took up the events just previous to what is known in Jewish history as the "Captivity." This cap tivity came as a result of the sins of the Jews, and as a direct punishment for continued disregard of the known commands of God. So there they ai in captivity to the Inhabitants of Baby lon. The old old story is now brought to light. Back in .Jerusalem and vicinity where their forefathers had been for generations these Jews did not ap preciate their blessings. The sight of the tfinple, taking part in the re ligious exercises did npfji appeal to them as any particular tilings to be desired, in fact the very ordinary of life. But now there is a change. These little esteemed things are no more a part of daily life. The captives are among strangers, who know nothing of Jewish history", care nothing for Abraham, take no-pride In David, rid I "T s.rr vr': '""1 :J Edited by ChSrle*' K.' Meyers icule the temple built by Solomon. Suddenly all these things become prec ious, to be desired. Many is the person who cares lit tle for home and surroundings. Moth er and father have always provided a home for the boys and girls they have gone to the church and Sabbatli schools from force of habit, heard the pastors and teachers, good and bad for years, seen the same people day by day until there is no particular pleas ure in life as looked at for the pres ent. Let there be a change in loca tion to scenes not familiar, to people who know nor care nothing about the things we love and respect, and sud denly those things become most dear and there coincs a feeling that if one cdiild only be at tho little home with the loved ones, see tho familiar houses, churches,' people, it would give supreme happiness. Well, tho Jews in captivity felt just that. way. To make their condition worse, how ever, they felt and knew that their forced change of location war. the re sult of their Wrong doings. 1 I once heard of a little boy whose RVtSI Splendid Races Free Attractions •int'-v* cMM) The management is sparing no expense number of good ones have been secured. father took him out in the oft told about woodshed and gave him a sound spanking for his wrong doings. Tho boy reported "After papa spanked me he grabbed me up and kissed mo as if he loved me." Well, God's treat ment of the Jews at this time was like an-n si II Jouiu.1 sii| pun *oq ibiu tho Jews were punished for their sins, but at the same time God loved them, and was ready to forgive them, when there was repentance. It was tho of fice of the great prophet Ezekiel to bring the message of God's love to his fellow captives and a part of what he said forms the lesson of this week. Ezekiel made use of the relationship of the shepherd for his sheep to pre sent his message. Jehovah is made to say that as a shepherd seeks out his flock to feed them, protect them, leads to fat pastures, so will He do for His people. God will be their God, will enter into a covenant of peace with them, give showers of blessings, break the'bond "t their cap tivity. How beautiful are these words to captives longing for the things of fcjfcg 3^ two MIGHTY thing! aboutr LITTLE W*PENM I are Kir QUALITY and hit Sale Jotter footingye* GOODLY Stun of nearly 40,000,000 !aft Twelve Month PAXTON GAIXACHEIt'CO: OWIXTBtrrow OMAHA 0. Arion, 4,5, 6, 7 HE Crawford County Fair for 1917 will excel all previous fairs held by this association, for the reason that county fairs are again becoming popular. People have been planning exhibits of all kinds for this years exhibition, and the floral hall will be well filled. The live stock stalls are being rapidly engaged and lovers of farm animals may expect a very fine showing. The races will be better than ever as there is a splendid string of horses in this year's circuit. Fine music each day and fun galore. Plan to attend each day. For premium list or any other information, address Splendid Exhibits Band Music a Plenty for free attractions and a O. M. Criswell, Secy. Arion, Iowa PAGE THREE home and the sunshine of the love of their h'ekvenly lather Jesus truly said..that He was the stone which wks roj«5etSdd by the Jews of His day, which in time would be come the he&d of tho corner arid thtat any on whom that rttcik fell would be ground into powder. There is no nedd however, of being uiider that rock. There is every inducement to haVfe that rock as a shelter in the time of storm, as a place of safety, a sure anchorage, a. friend. Jesus said of Himself, "I am the Good Shepherd," and this is the relationship He wane's to hold tow'ard you and nie. If any are In the captivity of wrong doing, sin, the words of Ezekiel are good now. God will give the showers of blessing, be a good shepherd. Of course those come to those, who want to be good, turn from evil, repent for the past. An unrepentant one, defi ant of Gol would, not be happy bask ing in tho full measure of God's love and care. By th& way, just read sotaQ in the Old Testament and you will Unci a host of things, which are gobd for everyday living -now. ". I igiiiiinffrigrm f, '5 .jj hi ''.V. rs y'4 1 ',N