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*$*•& war,'--* PAGE EIGHT •M 'p •I &• I :k SALE DATES ARE CLAIMED Friday, Jan. 31: Public sale. Oscar 'Cilngenpeel at his place 1 mile west of Kenwood. Thursday, Feb. C: Auction sale. Fritz Meyer, section 19 Paradise town ship, 6 miles north of L'ow City. Friday, Feb. 7: Public sale. W. E. WeDzel on the Lorcnzen farm in East Boyer township. Tuesday, Feb. 11: Public sale. John B. Taylor on the old Gillmor farm lo cated 3 miles southwest of Denison. Tuesday, Feb. 11: Auction and land sale. Wm. Antrim and H. Perry on the Antrim farm Willow township, located 7 miles northwest of Dow City. Wednesday, Feb. 12: Public sale, L. L- Osterlund at his place 5 miles north west of Vail. Wednesday, Feb. 2G: Auction sale. J. T. Dieter who lives near West Side. Many public sales are announced in this week's issue of the Review and •we urge our readers to. look over the advertisements. The sale season is now fast drawing to a close. Those who contemplate holding sales should arrange for their dates at once. The Review makes no charge for claiming your sale date. Do so at once. Attention is called to the following sales to be held in the near future: Oscar Clingenpeel Sale Friday, January 31 On next Friday, Oscar Clingenpeel, •who lives about a mile west of Ken wood, will hold a public auction sale. He 18 offering head of horses, 4G hogs, 6 head of cattle and farming ma chinery, grain, etc. Malone Bros, will cry this sale and P. F. Fiene is the clerk Read his announcement on page 3 of the first section and plan to attend. Mott McHenry Sale Monday, February 3 Mott McHenry, who lives 3 miles northwest of Dow City, will move to Denison this spring and is announcing a big sale on the above mentioned date to dispose of his property. The main attraction of this sale is the 34 head of Brown Swiss cattle which will be sold. He is listing in addition 58 head of hogs, 8 head of good horses and a quantity of farm machinery. Malone Bros, will cry this sale and W. E. Fishel is the clerk. Read his an nouncement on pase 2 of the first sec tion for particulars. Wm. Kuehl & Son's Sale Wednesday, February 5 Wm. Kuehl & Sons will hold a sale of bred Poland China sows and gilts at their farm located one mile south east of Kenwood on AVednesday of next week. They are offering 21 head of pure bred swine, bred to their herd boars Long Chief, Quartermaster and Model Expansion. Here is an offering that will attract attention among the Poland China breeders. Read their announcement on page 3 of the first section and plan to attend. Fritz Meyer Sale Thursday February 6 Fritz Meyer, who lives in section 19" Paradise township, 6 miles north of Dow City, is announcing a public sale in this issue of the Review to be held on Thursday, February 6th, commenc ing at 10 o'clock. Mr: Meyer is list ing 7 head of horses, 40 head of cat tle, 35 hogs and some farm machin ery. Malone Bros, will cry this sale and C. L. Voss will clerk. Read his announcement on another page of this issue for particulars. Sale of W. E. Wenzel Friday, February 7. Another sale announced this week Is that of W. E. Wenzel who will hold a sale on the Lorenzen farm in East Boyer township on the date mentioned above. Mr. Wenzel is moving to South Dakota and for that reason will dispose of his property. By his an nouncement on page 6 of the first sec tion it will be seen he is offering 3 head of horses, 3 head of cattle, 9 head of hogs and a lot of good farming im plements. Malone Bros, will cry this sale and the Crawford County State bank will clerk. Duroc Jersey Bred Sow Sale Saturday, February 8 Fred Knop is announcing this week •a sale of pure bred sows and gilts, which he will hold on the date men tioned above at the Mike Copp livery barn Charter Oak. His offering consists of 4 tried sows and 26 spring gilts of great size and quality. Here is a sale that will attract many buyers for the offering is of the very best. The sows are bred to his two herd boars, 'Giant Model and Ideal Sensa tion. Henry & Kraft will cry the sale and the First National bank will clerk. For particulars read his announce ment on page 8 of the first section. Don't fail to write Fred Kuop, Charter Oak, for catalogue. Land and Auction Sale Tuesday, February 11 Wm. Antrim and H. Perry are using a half page ad in this issue of the Re view to announce a big auction sale they will hold on the above date at the Antrim farm located 7 miles north west of Dow City. They are listing 7 head of horses and mules, 41 head of cattle, 23 Hampshire, sows and a quan tity of farming machinery. On the same day they will sell the Antrim farm located Willow and Paradise townships. The farm is well improv ed and considered one of the best in the locality. Malone Bros, will cry this sale and Emil Hugg will clerk. Here is one of the big sale3 of the season. For details read the announce ment on page 7 of the first section. John B. Taylor Sale Tuesday, February 11 On another page of this issue of the Review will be found the announce ment of John B. Taylor, who will hold a big public sale on the old Gillmor farm located 3 miles southwest of Denison on the date mentioned above. Here is a good sale and one that will attract manv buyers. It will be not iced that he is offering 2 head of hors es, 36 head of cattle, 11 head of hog3 and a fine lot of farm implements. Ed Duncan will cry this sale and the First National bank will clerk. Be sure and read his announcement in this is -sue for particulars and plan to attend. L. L. Oiterlund Sale Wednesday, February 12 & J* will hold a public sale at his place 5 miles northwest of Vail. He is offer ing 13 head of horses, 27 head of cat tle. 25 head of hogs, 100 bushels of corn in crib, l.'OO bushels of oats, 15 bushels of seod corn and a nice lot of farming niajhincTry. Malone Bros, will cry this sale and W. A. Maguire will :lerk. This is one of (he good sales advertised this week and is bound to attract many buyers. Read the an nouncement on page 6 of the first sec tion. Duroc Jersey Swine W. K. Dobler, Vail W. K. Dobler is using space in this issue to advertise 35 head of bred Duroc Jersey sows which he will sell at private sale. They are all tried sows, fall and spring gilts by King the Col.. High Model, Col. King, Orion and Col. Redeemer breeding. Breed ers of this strain who want to pur chase new blood for their herds should investigate this offering. The country boy is stirred to the roots of his being by the predatory trapping instinct. Now it is further whetted by high fur prices. He may weep when his mother asks for a bas ket of wood. But he'll walk miles to visit his empty traps. it photo HAVING WA Jkfiucy ..u. 'i try-?. {•bjf-i'i ijtas AM COMMENDS VOCATIONAL WORK Course, Whis Is Complete, Receives Recognition of the District Head Commendation has been made upon the work of Prof. W. H. Meeker, of the engineering extension department jof Iowa State college in connection with the course planned by him for the vocational training detachment which was quartered at Ames until after the armistice was signed. The commendation was made by Dean A. A. Potter, of Kransas State college. \vho was district educational director of the vocational work of the Student Army Training corps. It lias been said lhat photographs of the apparatus and outlines of ftt* work will be made as part of the permanent records of the war department. Instruction was given the men in It is witu a sense of failure that the congressmen approach the end of the session with lots of cross roads vil lages still unsupplied with marble post offices. After all this adulation in Europe, do you suppose Mr. ilson can ever GERMAN WOMEN MACHINE GUNNERS CAPTURED -r iipli whs taken from tiie body of the Geriiiiin in the gray sweater at the left on July 28, about 15 miles from Chateau Thierry, where a company of the United States forces was advancing through a heavy machine gun lire. The three women the picture were at the time operating a machine gun against: the advancing troops, and it is also stated that these three women were captured by the Americans, PUBLIC SALE purchased a farm, the undersigned will sell at Public Auction in Denison township on the place known as the old Gilmore farm, located three miles southwest of Denison, on Tuesday, February 11th Commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., the following property: Two Head of Good Horses Offered One 6-year-old mare, weight 1200 one 5-year-old bay mare, weight 1000. Thirty-six Head^Cattle to be Sold Seven head of good milch cow? 8 2-year-old heifers, 3 2-year-old steers, 12 yearlings and 6 winter calves- 10 Duroc Jersey Brood Sows, one Duroc Jersey Boar Farm Machinery, Harness, Etc. One Satterly New Way corn planter, 80 rods of wire, Defiance garig plow, 14-inch Janesville sulky plow, 16-inch three section drag, harrow cart, eight foot disc, Moline disc cultivator, Avery riding cultivator, 2 lumber wagons, set of 5-horae eveners, feed grinder, one 2 hole hand corn sheller, end gate seeder with grass seed attachment, one 2 horse ga3 engine in good condition, blacksmith forge with tongues, 5 rolls of cribbing, new eight foot wooden tank,'3 sets work Harness, set double driving harness, set of single harness, 2 hay racks, 2 extra wagon boxes andmany other articles. Ten Bushels of Reed's Yellow Dent Seed Corn Three Dozen Seed Corn Hangers—2 dozen Hens and 5 Rhode Island Red Roosters Usual Terms of Sale Given. Free Lunch at Noon JOHN B. TAYLOR, Prop. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Clerk. 5-2t ED. DUNCAN, Auctioneer ,cs«te THE DENISON REVIEW, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1918, simple principles of magnetism and electricity units-ampere, volt, ohm, effect of resistance in a circuit elec tric magnets explanation and demon stration of induction with vibrating and non-vibrating coils condensers principles of Ford magnetos, spark ad vance magnetic ignition systems, both low and high tension, and igni tion timing, as well as locating troubles. Storage batteries were taken up from the standpoint of history, principles, parts and the relation to the generator. Batteries were torn down and reassembled, the effect of neglect and misuse noted. Men in groups were taught construc tion, operation and methods of testing Bosch, Berling, Eiseman and Dixie ig nition systems, also Ford and Remy battery systems. They were given in struction in wiring the above systems on test frames, timing them to en gines and locating troubles that were likely to oceur. Eacli man wired up a complete truck ignition system on an .engine mounted on a block, timed the same to engine and located vari ous troubles that might come up. Possible ignition men were checked and given intensive instruction later. T])e men return to private life in Princeton, N. -wn J., shoveling the snow off his sidewalk pr0gresse(j according to their ibilllJ' beins along with the other villagers? 'industry and attitude. V. graded on their skill, jr- Jf:' ,! .-&»-• ^wr* public service. the best service at cost. with it. The company EVR.OL .Economical Transpor tatio The (value] of any motor car depends upon its usefulness. The Chevrolet "Four-Ninety" proves its value through its utility. It has power enough for all needs^ It has proper weight, which insures low maintenance expense. It has the stamina to with-"} stand the most exacting service. Its] efficiency is only excelled by. its 7 economy^ SIBBERT-REIMERS COMPANY, Denison Our Business Policu You've met some people who could not see the wood for the trees. to pay for accidents and contingencies. ruled. mission. IHHOPIIO Well, a public utility company is like the wood with a lot of people. Be cause of the wide ramifications of its business and the multitude of little ques tions that arise, People are apt to forget what a public utility is for. Isn't it to give the public service Everything else works in that direc tion. Npthing else counts—even the return the investor gets works for the The policy of the Crawford County Telephone Co. is to give the public What comprises cost may be summed up in these items: The employees of this company are entitled to good-wages so that they may live comfortably and so that the company may keep the best workers ought to receive sufficient for its service to keep its equip ment strictly uP-to-date so that the service may not deteriorate and enough The investor must receive a fair return on the capital he has honestly and prudently put into the business. The company must be able to fay its fair share of the cost of government, but not more than its share. The price of this company's public service ought, in the public interest, to enable it to meet all these charges—public service commissions have so We will welcome the appointment of a public service commission but our policy of giving service at cost will be maintained, commission or no com The Crawford County Telephone Co. rp^ jtv, 'i\ &<£ /c £.'• it '***, nmiiiiiiiiiinniiiHimmaiHiiiiiiiiniuuiiimiiniiBBi sir 1 ii