Newspaper Page Text
safe *n«i f»ruiAtmAtbMi w+î«u Wikç«*paJgii open ed , ' UmbmII tbourend reioforceineuta htye • 1*0 teen forward.i to clhor armiaa in the Bold, and artple supplies to all. . - During ths samo time over 30,000 volun teers for 100 days have best, mastered into the service, clothed, armed, equipped, and transported to their reapeotivs positions This étalement la due to the chiefs of the army staff and bureaus, and their respect,i»e corps to whom the credit belongs. Edwin* M. Stanton, Soc'y of War. THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. Th« Bridge Over tue Matt<ipony Occupied* Washington, May 24.—A dispatch, 'da ted from the Headquarters Army of tho Po tomac, gt Quinney's Station, May 22d, says the advance of the ara*y, iruder General Hancock, arrived at Milford yesterday, and mot a. force of the enemy there, said to be 13,000 strong, and drove them through the town and pursued thorn some distance. Our loss is unknown. Au attack was made on the headquarters train near Guiuney's f-tat ion yesterday af ternoon. The 114th Pennsylvania Zouaves, with the 68th Pennsylvania, formed in liue g id drove the rebels, the 9.h Virginia cav airy across the bridge. One of tho 68th Pennsylvania was killed and two or three wounded. Several prisoners wero captured. May 22, 10 P. M.—Geft. Hancock is seven miles south of Bowling Green, and occupies the Lridjge over tho Mattapony river. Our Icayalry had a good deal of fighting, but drove the euemy all the time. Our posititn is nety deemed important, and Richmond is in greater danger than ever. General Hancock, in storming the rifle pits fchis side of the river, this evening, also to between 100 and 2QQ prisoners, and drov_ many rebels into the river, where they were drowned. ; DEPARTMENT OP' THE GULF, Admiral Porter's Fleet Unbound. A 'iXA.\l»KU EVACUATED AI«D IN FLAHEIU. Advices from New Orleans Muta* , moros und Brownsville. Cairo, May 22.—Admiral Porter's flag-skip has arrived at Mound City, and reports the entire fleet out of lied ltivcr, the dam having reached a height on the 13th inst, sufficient to enable thorn to move. + An extrfusivo conflagration recently oc curred at Natchez, consuming «evcral blôcka of mOit princely building à. Tho ffio wa«* bo* Jieved to bo thi* -work of iucendiarhs. The steamer Mbllie Able, No. 17, arrived this evening, with the 17th and 23th Illinois Infantry on board, bouud for tinringUeld.— 'The 28tLi has ra-çnli«ted and th'c*l7r.k io lobe mustered out. Our forces ovacuatcd Alexandria last week, and moved toward Hcllspoit. Cers of the ètoamer Liuirel llill, which had arrived at Äow Orleaua, ntatc ihakUiey dift "* tinotly heard heavy Camionading'Trom the direction oar forces had taken. The fleet was much annoyed in phasing out by guerillas Alexandria and Fort Do Hussey. A portion of Alexandria was 'burning when the L.uu'd lfill left. This fit Cam er had two hundred sick on board, and whilo flyio« ho« pitul flags was fired into ten miles below Al ♦ exa.J.iu, but no injury ro*uited. Geucral M Ul rnhud, who was Hcritmsiy ill, was on band'd. ^ The offi rha lined the Ijenkj belt;ecu SLAUGHTER OF UNION TROOPS ON ■ THE STEAMEß CITY llKLLfc. Colonel Mutt, of tlio 149th Ohio, nml mnny other officers of rank wero killed, und tho greater part of our troops, of which there Were 500, were elaughtorod on board the I • r City Belie at tho time she was cap etc«. lined and burned by tho rebels, thirty miles below Alexandria, in the early part of the month. THE PRESIDENTIAL STATE CONVEN TION. Cairo, May 22.—By the steamer we have New Orleans advices to represent Louisiana in the Baltimore Ounventhm wore cleoted by the State Convention. Tbo Delta of the 16th Bays: "Tho action of the Convention was harmonious, every member endorsing tho general policy, civil and military, of the Ad ministration, aud also heartily approving the civil and military oourse of General Banks, and the polioy inaugurated by Gov. Hahn, as tending to put down the rebellion and restore the Union." . The steamer Cassandra, from Boston, had arrived with 318 men ef the 30th Massachu setts, and 94 recruits for other commands. MATAMOBOS—FRACAS BETWEEN MEXICANS AND FRENCHMEN. Lato intelligence from Matamores repre sents things as very unsettled, and fhe bad feeling existing between the native tnd French residente had ripened into an actual outbreak General Cortînas and- staff, while riding through the streets, wore insulted by French- ! men and a general quarrel ensued. Wenpone were drawn and freely used by both parties, Cortinas' adjutant general, during the melee, shot one Frenchman dead, and another was arrested and executed the next day by Cor tiitfts. Muoh excitement prevailed, aud many of the French residents were leaving the city. REFUGEES AT BROWNSVILLE. All is quiet in the vicinity of Brazoa,— Judge Hancock, one of the most prominent Union men of Texas, had escaped from rebel dom and arrived at Brownsville, Accompanied by about twenty others. * That oalling otwhich yon may well fool honored es being a member has been proudly yet jnatly ■ callod the "Narsing Mother of the Arts." It is the great fou^tauj hs^d from which the tnrUhlng An Appelai to tlie Agricultnrlits of Delaware. ll AID OF THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR,' FOR THE SANITARY COMMISSION, To be held in Philadelphia , June, 1864. We address yon as a member of that large and reble elass of men engaged in cultivating the ^ ■oil tire uns if» oui* ffottoesJ grSstnaM, freedom and prosperity flow. You ore apparia i to in a cans© of ■ 3. ordinary importaaoe, bat one which rouât on lût ^ Wh0 l0 " Ub ' A little more than th^o« jeers ago the President trat waHod upon tfeo people to furnöh moo to on foroo^lawaoftba Ooitwdßutw. amongat thoao tVe, o^l^e^e £2 or than thefirlit, yet each and all have boo», nobly met by a poofcle who desire to Oheriah fNO fodftü «rÄ h r e ä^:ÄÄÄ w Ä the Gevernuient established and reared ftr them by the valor, wisdom and patriotism of their nobi« From ovsry b»ttle field where Union nrrna here triumphed; from every oouon whore tjio wounded arid «J.» 1 ig now lie in gain and anguish ; from every ' broad land where mother, siatc-r, hearthätouo i widow ami orphan weopa the loaa-of loved oornea the appeuLAo you and to ua for sympathy and aid.* Lot us not think that the Government meet all the wants and sufferings of ao large an army. It has done rnnch in the paît,, ami is still nobly doing all in its pvwor to alleviate tho suffer ings of our brave soldiers ; but there yet remains muck to bè dono to add to their comfort, and it be come* us to do this, at least, for those who have left home and friends to encounter the dangen* of tho battle field, in ordor that the imperiled liberty of our country may be saved, and the honor and amity of our nreat and goud Government main tained. You, aa a olaaa, have not suffered great branohes of buslnosa. True, much of tho army is made up of those who wero formerly em ployed by you as laborers; but still, no material disadvantage has resulted to you. The: demand for articles that you produce has been so great us to raise their price to that point where ample re muneration for skill and labor haa bean received. Then, again, you have been amply protected in your property, and in the pleasuref of yo»r home and family, whioh you belong. For all tais you should feoL grateful, and should fio willing to give liberally of your abundance. After doing all, and giving all we can, we shall still owe a debt to our country's defenders that nothing but the gratitude of unborn generations can repay. leading interest of our State is Agriculture, and it is expected that the aggregate of the dona tions received from this class shall indeed, us to make a on the interest which you represent, so that when tho faithful historian shall oome to make up the record of this noble enterprise, Delaware Farmers may feel proud of the liberality of which it may ho his pleasure to speak. Tho agents of this'fcumano commission have al ready been at work. They have sought the field of battle whilo the smoko of tho dreadful fray was yot surging in thick clouds above it, to minister to tho wounded and dying. It is to make tbtis or gaaizntion more effeotive that your aid is asked, so that as much of the suffering of our soldiers may bè prevented as is possible. All contributions of monoy may bo to tho Pro Mont or any member of the Committee. Artioles of produce or Agricultural implements may be forwardW, free of charge, <wror tho Dqla llailroid, and should be carefully addressed to SAMUEL M. HARRINGTON, Ja., Etq., Wil rnmrton, Delaware. The name ond Post Qlllce address of the ooutri l.ntor should bo st&iod, in order that all articlos may be duly crodited, SAMUEL CANBY, Chairman. than other in well us in tho pmceful uTooutiou to 'I li be large ; such, sufficient to reflect honor g ïTohs F. A^Len, Secretary. • COMMITTEE. William Canby, Chairman, Wifimugton, Del. JobnR. Latimor, Wilmington, Levi G. Clark, - f', T. Bird, * ' * > John F. Ail^n, 4,. "adock Townsend, " P). CteHlotsenburg, u «luinos V. Jefferies, 41 «Taoob R. Woods, "* Haye« Chandlof, t( Jarnos H. lloffeekot, 4t Cnarle» I. DuPont, " Isaac H. F.Hiolt, " James M. Jtrnekcn, Christiana IIun«Ired / Honnt^Bwayne, " " Aslitete Richardson, " " It. I«. Armstrong, u *f Ileniw H. Burton, New CaBtlo, Benjamin ■}. Booth. " Gtiuvga Z. Tyboo*', TJon, George W. Kar-mor, MoDoaough, Lewis Thompson, Pleasant Hill, Cyrus B. Thompson, " Horatio Willetts, tl David J. Murphy, Newark, 11. Pivoy It. Blan.iy. " Hirnm Moore. " John C.jCJark, Delaware City, Ainod E. Davidson, Merit H. Pajison, Kirkwood, . Itcyli.vld, 8t. Georges, Gmrgc Clark, u II. II. Appleton, Summit Bridge, John pavnbon, " Ji hn Mooro. " ** James V. Moore, Oilessa, D. Corbit, " Jouatbun Graves, Christiana, Major John Jones, Middletown, A. Peters, " John Barney, Centrevillo, Alex. II. Dixon, " I. evi W. Lattomus, Townxend, F. S. McWhorter, Smyrna, W. W. N oison, Edwin Beck, u James It. Clements, " John Millaway* t{ John J. Nivison, DoveP, Edwin O. Kccles, " Thomas Wilson. ** Manlovo Hayes, tf J. F. Clements, Camdon, Wm. McGonigal, " Solomon T®.vnsond, " A. P. Osmond, Canterbury, P. C. Cartor, *• Alfred O. Clifton, Felton, Thomas B. Courscy, Frederica,, John West, James B. Anderson, u Jarnos Postles, Milford, Daniel Curry u £• James Sharp, »' George S. Grier, " T. P. McColley, « ^ Hon. C. S. Layton, Georgetown, Asbury C. Pepper, " James F. Burton, " Benjamin Burton, Millsborough, J. N. Wilds, Kenton, John C. Hazzard, Milton, Wm. Hazzaxd, " Elisha Holland, " Isaao M. Fisher, Covordale, Dr. J. R. Sudler, Bridgoville, Albort Curry, Greenwood, Simeon Pennewell, ** Wm. W. Morgan, Con«ord, J. L. Bacon, Laurel, John Stell, Hall's Store, Dr. H. F. Hall, Lewes, G. W. Churchman, Clayrront. May 6, 1864.—4t. •< V, as ed of ii I co; ! } To » of and «»11 THE MARKETS. ! Wheat, whit«, Georgetown, Del.. May 4, 1864. $1 70 Butter, (oom.) $u 25 . 18 * " Corn, white, " y«fl( >W!i Flax teed, ^ btiah. 2'75 Fleur, Corn Meal, Buokwhe&t, $ !b Butter, (good) u Lord, Bacon, Tallow, Eggs, dozen, Syrup, ^ gal., Hickory wood, 150 1 00 . 11 ii b0 i>0 1 00 2 50 Oak 5 :■ fil Pin« : 0 I Ml ed NEW SPRING MILLINERY GOODS. 6 THE undorsigned wouid respeotfully inform her friends of Centroville, and the publio generally, tb: t she has just returned from Philadelphia, and loca ted herself at Cenireville/ Sussex oounty^and hoe now open a general variety of good PATTERN BONNETS, of all the latest and most fashionable styles, to gether with a full assortment of Millinery Goods, embracing Ribbons, Artifioial Flowere, Ao. Shakers of different kinds, and at prices to suit the times. Also, every çeoeseary artiole pertaining to the trade, all of whioh have been seleoied with great oare and , with a view to style, taste and oannomy. j P All work done in tho latest style and guaranteed mon tq give «aUofaction, to which the public attention 1 u is incited. . : ly SttgS ANN IB E. COLLIER. ' . May 70 — 88 iff. and beautiful 5-k-V.«««a*toA«»fC.. P of Maroh 8th, 1864, whioh provides that all Bond* waned under this Ant shall bo, EXEMPT FROM TAXATION bj or uador say state of muniaipil "**"«»• SubMriyUo.K'to Ik«. Bond.«. «* wired in United States nctes or nqtoa of National Ba^Aa. They V e TO BK RBDEBMBDTN COIN, h*? ^ « *• «wm-k» ^ IM«» H<> * ***• Wafl *** ***■ mor$ **°* f ort 9 Y ,a/ '* früto their date, and until their redemption FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST WILL BE PAID IN COIN, or Bonds of not orer one hunddred dollars anuu ally and on all other Rondd Ae&u-aMnuJtly. Tho -interest is payable on tho first days of Maroh and September ia each year. » "* ' Subscribers will receivo either.Registered or Cou pon Bonds, as they may prefer. Registered Bonds the books of tho U. S. Troasuaer, and oan be transferred only tn the owner's order. Coupon Bonds are payable to bearer, and are more oonvenicct for commercial uses. Subscribers to this loan will hate the option of having their Bonds draw interest from March 1st, by paying the accrued interest in coin—or in Uni ted States nates, or tho notes of National Banks, adding fifty per cent, for premium.) or receivo them drawing intorcst from the date of subscription and deposit, As these Bonds Exempt from Municipal or State Taxation, their value is increased from one to tlireo per cent. tho-rate of tax levies in per annua», a*aor<4ag various parts of the oountry. At the present rate of premium on gold they pay Over Eight Per Cent Interest, in currency, and are of equal convenience as a per manent or temporary investment. It is believed that securities offer ao great in ducements to lenders as the vaoious descriptions of U. S. Bonds. In all other forma of indebtedness, the faith ability of private parties panles or separate communities only is pledged for paymont, while for the debts of the United States tho whole property of the oçuntry is holden to th« payment of both principal and interest in stock com so* g rin« These Bonds may be subscribed for in sums from $50 up to any magnitude, en the same terms, and are thus made equally available to the smallest londer and the largest capitalist. Thpy verted into monoy at any moment, and tho holdeL will have the benefit of the Interest. It rpay be useful to plate in this connection that the total Funded Debt of tho United States wfyioh interest ia payable in gold, be con the 8d day of March, 1864, was $708^065^00. The inteie3t on this debt fur the coming fiscal year wiRbc$46,937, 126, while the customs rovonuo in gold for the cur rent fiscal year, ending June 30th, 1864, has been so far at the rate of $100,000,000 per annum, tho present gold rove lurgely in excess of the vfuuta of tho Treasurer for the payment of gold in terest, while tho recent increase of tho tarifi will It will be seen that ov< uos of the Government ; doubtless raise the annual receipts from customs oil the same amount of importations, to §160,0UU,UUU per jinn it m. Instructions to the National Banks acting loan agents were not issued from tho United fcsiate Treas ury until March 2J, but in the first three weeks of April the subscriptions averaged more than TEN MILLIONS A AVEEK. Subscriptions will be receivod by the First National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. Second National BuuS of Philadelphia, Pa. Third National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. First National Bank of D<in^ore, Md, First National Bank of Woshington, D. C. AND BY ALL NATIONAL BANKS which UN depositaries of Public money; and ail RESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKERS throughout the country, (acting as agents of the Nati-nal Depositary Banks,) will furniah Author information on application and afford Etx-rj Facility to Subscribers. May 13, 18Ü1. —3m. inside, OO TO MILTON, TO BUY YOUR Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Ac. THE undersigned having just received a largo and complete stock of Drugs, do., from some of tu» best houses in tho city, will not only warrant them* as represented in quality, but sell as choap, if nut cheaper than any uther dealer. We call especial attention to our carefully select ed stock of Brushes, among which may be found Cloth, Hair, Teeth, Nail, bhuving, Dust, Sweeping, Wall, Crumb, Scrub, Paint, Varnish, and'othor brushes. Pocket Books in variety ; Pocket knivcg of celebrated muniifaoture; Stationary of all kind?, Photograph Albums, Perfumery of tho most cele brated flavors; Pomades Hair Tonic, Dyes, Cosure ties; Paints, Colors, Varnishes, Oils, xutty, Wheel ii ronce, Dye Colors, Dye Woods, Flavoring Ex nU kinds. . Trasses, bpon jwfctps und Combs; all the tracts, und Esireuoos of gos, Ao. Time Toilet-__ ttll iUW celebrated Patent Medicines. Cigars and Tobac co; Lamps, Lamp Wiok, Shades, Chimneys, Ao. Try our Throat Lozenges; Armica and Aconite Liniment. Wo leel thankful for all favors heretofore made, only hoping.our oonduot may horeafter warrant a continuation of the sumo. L. B. CHANDLER, May 13, 1864_6m. 1804. 4804 . 1804 . NOTICE. To the Ladies and Gentlemen af Sussex Co. THE undersigned offers for sale at his OLD STÀND in Milford, a large and beautiful stock of goods, at a very small adVanoe on cost prices. He will sell 1 » Calicoes from 161 to 26 ots. per yard. Alpacas from 50 to 125 per yard. Wool Deliin, doublo width, $125 per yard. Challies and Delaine, from 25 to 40 ots. por yard, also a full stock of Domeriio Goods. A large stook of CLOTHS and CASSIMERS, of Misses and boys wear, at about old prices. Double Width Cloths for ladies Saoquos, plaid and plain. Hardware and Cutlery, and tools of all kinds. Wall Paper, Boots, Shoos, Ao. Ao. Call ahd see—happy to show goods whether .. «»11 or not. THOMAS WALLACE. May 13, 1864_3m. MONEY TO LOAM. To lean onTaond and $750 mortgage. C. B. LAYTON. May ti, 1804. WANTED. WHITE OAK RAILROAD CROSS TIBS. Apply to Chaa. X. Taylor, Delaware House, Wii mingtdn Del., stating prioe wanted for ties deliver ed in that City. May 8, 1884.—3t. WANTED. PhftH Cords of Blaok fcnd 8panish Oak Bark.—* 0\J\J Also, 16,000 Cross-tie«, full 8 feet long and 6 to 10 inohes wide, fooe fbll, and ö inohes thick. Hewed straight out of any kind of sound oak tim ber,-for whioh the highest prioo will be paid in oash. .. _ « WILLIAM CAN NGN, May 6, 18«. f ' *BridgevU)e. -^"^_ 6 "beoriber hia on hand about 200,000 Very good BRICKS, wh;ch he *ill sell at the foliowiug P n0M ; 410,00 per thousand, Sam mon at $7,CO, at the Kiln or delivered oc the Cars u ^ndgeMlle Station. All orders will be prompt ly atteaAed to. Jcrma Ofsh. • . WlfillAM CANNON, 1^4 BRICKS FOR SALE. «,fr.' A r rfi ^rt qfrvr T?« ^ ' 1 Ü<P 1 ^ • tl WILLIAM 3, JONES V { ' - ■' " j ' v J ' A *j *' * * ' ' '■ r- •' -• MBROHANÏ 1 Tâfllêlè OTHISR, -■ v~ < •« ^ a ..-j,, , s. jj OOR. OF SZfVENTH AND MARXÄT ATS: . *••; \. . . ; , v * PJJILADÉiiS^J. ^ ,'**•- ** ' ' * 1864 . CLOTHING. : - Res StOC peotfully invites attenb k of FINK CLOTHIN o to his magnificent , got up ip superior style, by tastèful anil exj>er^h ed artists, and offer ed lor salo ut-exceed tetfly.L Also, to his large and oho.oe vatiaty of PIECE GOODS for'CÜÖTOM WORÎ, embracing lelectioas from tho fixest productions f Luth foreign and do mestic manufacture. 4V PRICED H1LLIA« S. JONES, SUCCEöoUR To ROBERT li. ADAMS, S. E. corner ot SEV^Nltl and MARKET Sts. April 15, 1804;—3m. THF IMERICilCONFLICT. a uioTop-tor "THE GREAT REBELLION ' ÎN TUB UNITED »TATES VF AMERICA , E 10-'64. lip „ ENTSEND RESULTS, Intended to exhibit;especially its moral and politi cal phases, with the Drift tttjt Progress of Ameri Opinion Respecting RUMA^ SLAVERY FROM 17711 tp IS64; JSORACE GREELY. lRuatrated by 244 V «Trait« on Steel of Generals, d other itiinent men ; views of im c aly 100 Diagrams of Battlo tc., from official sources. It will bo sold only 1 f the Agent, and will not be for sale in the Book Stores. Price per Vol. Rogul Plain Edge, Leather, Ma^blh Edge, Plain Leather, Library style* Sprinkled edge, 4 00 Extra Fine Lfbrary Edition, printed on heavy per, bound in half Calfl sprinkled edge, ü ou Two volumes, one aowjrcaly the other deliver able after the war. Subscribers will hi reqylraä to pay for each vol ume on delivery. O. D. CASE & CO., Û GEO. & C. >y. SHE|W00I>, Chicago, 111., Publishers. J0|EPIT L. TOPHAM, the City of Baltimore. ■ Statesmen, portant places, and l fields, Naval Actions, Edition, Embassed Cloth, $3 60 4 00 pa artford, Conn,, Agent for Delaware May 0, 1364.—dt. HlHONiL HEDCHiNT. It contains a choico selection of Literary matter, Talcs, Poefry and a larji* amount of oonjmeroial 'information. The Reviews of the Markets are themselves worth more than the price of subscription. , | The knowledge imparled by umns, of (rue and hone&t men, selected for their in tegrity, and who will sell at the lowest possible prioo j is w orth uro*• th*u 4he price of subscription. This paper has v<ury plain print for tho aged and those of weak eyes lt docs not contain anything improper for family reading. Money cannot bpy space icr onr columns, for the obsoene advertisements, which bxo so greed ily displayed by almost every otn«r paper m the Mi \rrs & rule famiiioa, nl^ere such àJstrums uro not wanted Do. not say that you oannot a^'ord it, for you spend more in cigars or tobacco, or some othor .th than would supply the Merch ant with ita.ohcerluï happy iufluenco, to yonr fami ly or some fair friend for a whole year. Tho Merch ant is a very good sehool master to have in a fami ly, it teaohes your children a great deal, speaks kindly to them and never whips. It has jnoro reading matter for One Dollar a year, than any other paper in tho world. To procure tho Merchant, letter and direct to 'advertising col . l-.r foible, in one it one dollar in a fid Sift'ON, National Merchant, Office, 126 South Second St., Philadelphia. The Merchant will b« sont up to the time enly that it is paid for. April 22, 1804. CALEB S. LAYTON, of the Judges of {he Superior Court.) (Late ATTORNEY AT LAW, ^ AXD . SoxiarQU-Li Chancery; Georgetown, Delaware. Will oarcfully attend to any profes-sional business that may be ounfided tu his oarc, Countiesund Courts of this State. Claims for pensions'.and bounty land warrants proscouted with diligence, and at modorate charges. Attention will be given to investment of monev bonds and mortgages, and to the*sale and purch Of lands. Commissions for taking depositions from the sovoral States will be promptly und faithfully exe futffL 1 in the eev.r&l [«. ■ FOB SHERIFF. The underslgnéd offcrs,himself as a candidate for th« nomination or tho Union Party cl Sussex Coun ty, for the office of Shoriff, and respectfully solicits the support of his follow oltmni. At the some time he pledges himself to abide the nomination and givo the nominee a cordial s ipfott. ^ WM. L. MORRIS, Indian River Hundred. Fob. 5, 1864.—tf. PEBPETUAL BEAUTY I Hunt's Whrf« ?*<ïftnr Enamel, P REPARED from the r%-30ipt of Madam Rachel Leverson, the celebrated Pari anreller. It whitens the skin, giviag it a'soft, satin like texture, and imparts a freshness, smoothness, pearl-like tint and tnintparenoy tv' the oomplexiuu, whioh is quite nate**l, without injury to the skin, d cannot possibly be detected. It also removes Tan. Freckles, and Sunburn. WAHHAN TED. Prioo by mail 30 Cant3. boat Leet of Postage, securely paok6d from observation, .with fiireotion^ for use. Address, dian Ladies' En H X A CO., PerfuBers, 133 bomb $evoath St., South 8!ghth Si., TAV^delfhia, Pa. - - 7 ---!- —1 - THE CELEBRATED STALLION "HAMOif ZISÇO, will travol through Suttax County thi. sOiaoh.— Persons who wish to imi>rov.-tn»ir stook f horses oannot bottw him in tho Stato. Tho yonng Hamon Zieoo is a beautiful Ciis nut Sorrel, euren years of age. For paruoulara aaa. biila oj .pejy t AprH-Mefc. * 'V^|«Svh.'ri»» 0 «*DeL ■41 . Soyt. 11, -63. u THE UNION HŒÇJtL, GEORGETOIVN, 1 »3EX,. ADOLPHUS A WIMG, Proprietor. rriHE PROPRIETOR-OF THE UN ON HOTEL, X would stela to hi« patrons and fh« citiaeni ren orally, tiiat his Hôtel being the Itirgs t and ffiogt commodious in Georgetown, he «an off • that |nter tainment to travelers acd other« who a&y favor him with their r.&trenage that oannot be eqiaüoi fii State. Tha houce k large, well T&ntil^ed, »ofi uated in the moct pleasant naxt of Uvr± Thetabî# is always-supplied with the'best of naafkefiiSrcih And La the bar will always bo fouud f most choice brotods. Tho Stabling is ettensiv», tn ablia^ hi* to refresh the wearied be&sft after their fcrovo.« and prepare thorn for their on Ward ootrs* mgr MODÎ5ÎT1. p-JTii, «w the fcjt ow of the , A NEW STOCK OF .. -Just received from.Philadelphia. > ? ta r^$tL°£A i t»i* \ 3 », _ :ooï> SPRING GOODS, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ROOTS «ftd SHOES, HATS and CAPS, HARDWARE, WILLOW.WARE, CROCKERY WHIPS, CANES, UMBRELLAS, FAN CY GOODS, TOBACCO AND SEG^ARS, Ac,, Ao. ALSO, A SUPERIOR STOCK OF READY HIDE CLOTHING, Of the best quality and latest Spring Styles. E. C. WAPLC8, GEOROiJTOWN, DEL. 23-76. 111 w] mM For Rata, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bug», Moths in Furs, Woolens, dec., Insects on Plants, Fowls, Ani mals, de. Put up in 25o.-50e. and $1,00 Boxes, Bottle?^ and Flasks. $3 and $5 sizes for Hotelb, Public In stitutions, Ac. " Only infallblo remedies known." "Free from PoisonB." '•Not dangerous to tho Human Family." 0 Rata c ome out of thelt holes to die." ,53&**SuII by all Druggists and Retailors everywhere ߣ?'\ ! ! Beware ! ! 1 of all worthless imitations. j2&*Sco that "Cobtar's" name 'is on oacb Box, Bvttle, and Flask, before you buy. ^-Address 1IEKRY R. COSTAR. ^Rÿ-Pr.iNciPAL Depot 482 Broadway, N. Y. j^rSold at ßipple's Drug Stere, Georgetown, Del. Marsh 18, »04.-53. FARMS I FARMS ! FARMS! FARMS! If you are desirou« of selling your farms, please send me a full and fair description, with prioe and termB. If you went to purchase a Farm, call or send for a copy of my REAL ESTATE REGIS TER, sent gratis. it ^ In my register ban be found a llatVV large nusabor of Dwellings, Stores* 3 MMrSi Building Lots, Farms, Country " i^i<a*Hi SrcE6[ Scats. Mills, Timber Lands, Ac., Ac., of every description and prioe, both for sale and to exohange. Prompt attention givon to selling property at Publio Sale. Pennsylvania lands for salo or exohange. ÖEORGE N. TOWNSEND. Real Estate Broker and Conveyanoer, 133à South 1th Street, Philadelphia. Send for a Real Estate Register, the hugest ever issued. January 15, 1864.—tf. BLANKS ! BLANKS ! ! BLANKS 1 ! ! now bave BLANKS, hand a large assortment of DEEDS, MORTGAGES, BONDS, JUDGMENT NOTES, entcrablo in Superior Court and on Dooket of Jus tice ol Pouce, Ao., Ao. Any kind of forms that may be wanted, that we have not on hand, will be struok off by us on the shortest notice. Particular attention is given to Job work, and any kind of printing thfft'our friends may desirewm he promptly attended to at thi# offioe. Call in and ex amino our specimens of work. V. S. IITLBNAt UfcVEM E, Collector's Notice. IN obedienoe to instructions received from the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, notice is here by given that from and after this date ''#11 l*xet> accruing or beooming due to the United States, shall be paid in Gold or Silver coin only, or in Treasury note* issued under the authority of the United States, or in notes of bunks organized un der tne aot to provide a National Currency, and known as National Banks." ' C. H. B- DAY, Col'r, [ Del. l>ist. Dover, Feb. 5th, 1CA4. NEW CROP, B CLOVER, TIMOTHY, ORCHARD GRASS, HERD OR RED TOP. LAWN, KENTUCKY BLUE AND LUZERNE GRASS SEED. SO,000 Gardes Seeds acd A lÿJi— : gnôultural Implements fhr «ale C. B. ROGERS. No. 188 Markst St-, Phile. h Tree». by Jan. 22.-23. Orders ftr seed by mail promptly attended to and shipped with esre. Sagan's Magnolia Balm. This is th# most delightful and eqir«ordinary ar It changes the' sun-burnt tide ever discovered, faoe and hand* to a pearly satin texture of ravishing fcaauty, importing tho marble purity of youth, and the distinguished appearance so inviting in the oity belle of l'ashicm It removes tan, freckles, pltnoles, affd rcaghxteos from ths skin, leaving the wamplex ion fresh, transr.arent, and saeoth. It oontajn» no material iznnrious to tha Ain. Ratronired by oo tresste and opwe singers. It is whet everybody ehonld hone, bold everywnoro. . ! . Prepared by W. E. HAGAN, Trey, N. Y. Address all order« to E-BMAS S EARNr?. * OE., W,» York. HBLMBOLD'B HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HIGHLY OONCENTJLATED HIGHLY CONCENTRATED HIGHLT CONCENTRATED HIGHLY HIGHLY CONCENTRATED (Kt.VCBiTMATED OOMPOBWO COMPOSED ■ «anMKP' - ■ ■' OOMPOVNB ©OMPWJND 0 EXTRACT BTOEtlT. D EXTRACT BUCHU. FLUID EXTRACT CUOHD FLUID EXTRACT BUOttU. FLUID EXTRACT BacHC A POHmVB . a pobiTite A POSITIVE A POSITIVE A POSITIVE t —. •* FLU t LU ? am SPECIFIC REMEDY SPECIFIC REMEDY -SPECIFIC REMEDY SPECIFIC REMEDY SPECIFIC REMEDY FO.'. Non-retention or Iaoontinenoo of Urine, Irritation, Inflamation or Uloeration of the Bladder and Kidneys, Diseases of the Poos träte Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Cal- > Briofc culous Gravel dust Deposit, AH» • All Diseases or Affeotions of the Bladder and Kid neys, and Drsdsioal Swellings existing in Men, Women or Children. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, ~ HBLM»OLR*S EXTRACT RUCHU, M HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, for Weakness, arising from Habits of Dissipation attended with the following symptoms: Indispo sition to Exertion, Lou of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembliug, Hor ror of Disease, Dimneti of Vision, Wake fulness, Pain in the Baok, Universal Las situde of the Muscular System, Hot Hands, Flushing ef the Body, Dry ness of Skin, Eruptions on the Face, Palid Couutenanoe. These symptoms, if allowed to go on, whioh this medicine invariably removes, soon follows Fa tuity, Epileptic Fits, in one ef which the patient may expire. Who oan say that they are not frequently followed by those 'Mirelul diseases" "Insanity and Consump tion ?" Many are a ware of the cause of their suf fering. The records of the in« sane Asylums, and the Melancholy Deaths by Consumption, bear ample witness to the truth of the assertion.* The Con v stitution once affected with organio !;ness, requires the aid of Medicine to strengt len and invigorate the system, which Heliibolo's Extract JJuciiu Invariably does. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU is safe, pleasant in its taste and color, and more strengthening than any of tho preparations of IRON OR BARK. For those suffering FROM BROKEN-DOWN AND DELICATE CONSTITUTIONS, from whatever cause, either in MALE OR FEMALE. IT WILL OIVK YOÜ A GOOD ABPET1TE. WILL GIVE YOU STRONG, HEALTHY NEUVES. WIM. OIVK YOO BRISK AND ENERGETIC FEELINGS, aud will enable you to SLEEP WELL .At.rial-gill SKEPTiCAL. HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELiMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, For purifying the blood, re moving all chro nio constitutional dis eases arising from an impure state of the blood, and the only re liable and effectual known remedy for the ouro of Sorofula, So&ld Head, Salt Rheum, P&i&s and Swellings of the Bones, Ulcerations of the Thioat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on tho Faoe, Tetter, Erysipelas and all Soaly Eruptions of the skin, fia I BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. NOTA FEW of the worst disorders that afflict mankind arise from the oorruption that accumulates in the bloed. Of all the disooveries that have been made to purge it out, none oan oqual in effect HELM BOLD'S COM POUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. It cleanses and renovates the blood, instills the vigor of health into the system, and purges out the hu mors which make disoase. It stimulates the hoalthy functions of the body, and expels the disorders that grow and rankle in the blood. Such a remedy, that oould be relied on, has long been sought for, and now, for the first time, the public have Which they can depend. Onr space here does not admit certificates to show its effeot; but the trial of a single buttle will show to the tick that it has virtues «1 Two ta urpassing anything they have i.blo spoonsful« of the Extraot ever taken, of Sarsapa rilla added to a pint of water, is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and une bettle is fully equal to a gal lon of the Syrup of ßarsaparilla, or the deoootion a« usually made. The Extraots hw« been admitted to use in th« United 8tates Army, and are also in very general in all tho State Hospitals and pubiio sanitary institutions throughout pxe land, a« well as in pri vate praotice, and are considered as invaluable rem edies. SEE MEDICAL PROPEETIKS OF 5UCHU FROM DISPENSATORY OF THE UNITED STATES. Seo Prof. Dewees' valuable work« or th# Praotio# of Physio. See remark e made by the late oelebrated Dr. Pby bio. Philadelphia. 6«# remarks made by Dr. Ephraim MoDowell, a oeiebrated physician and member of the Royal Col lege of Surgeons, Ireland, and publLhed in the transactions of the King and Queen's Journal. See Medioo-Chirargioai Review, published by Benjamin Travers, Fellow af Royal College of Sur* geons. See most of the late t>tandar<f words o r f medicine. PMCSBi Extract of Buchu, $1 per bottle, or eix for $6. ßarsaparilla, $1 per bottle, or six for $5. Delivered to any address, seourely packed. Address letter* for information to UELMB OLD'S HELMBOLD'S IRUa AND CHEMICAL.tvAREHOUSE, DRUO ASD CHEMICAL, WAREHOUSE, 504 BROADWAY, ». Y„ OR 504 BROADWAY, X. Y„ OR HELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT. HELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 SOUTH TENTH Sff., PHILADELPHIA 104 6 0DTH TENTH ST., PHILADELPHIA BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND UNPRIN CIPLED DEALERS. WHO xxsxavoR TO dispose of "their own" end "other" article« on the B B LM*eivŸ paUti0 '' '"****"' HELMBOLD'S GENUINE EXTRACT B^HD, GÄNUINE EXTRACT BUCHU, HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S GENUINE EXTRACT «aRSAPARILLA. GENUINE EKTHAGT SARSAPARILLA. HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S GENUINE IMPROVED BOSBWAEH. GENUINE IMPRQrsü Rù.,E,7ASH. BOLD BY AtL DfoUaGISXS. ASX FOR HELMBOLD'S CctFst the eAwtiMr'.nt iriil far it, iaJ Ap.i! t. *84. We study to please . 1 JOB PRINTING. 44 Unifia ff ! PRIHTfHG OFFICE, Oboroktown. Dm Haring SuppW wr Ifie* witk » firietj 4 New and Tasteful Type, WK ARE NOW PREPARED TO DO JOB PRINTING, JOB PRINTING, JOB PRINTING, Of Every Oesorlptlon, Of Every Doaorlptlo^, Of Every Desoriptlon IVFATLY A EXPEDICIOUSLY, VEATLY A E&PEDICIOIÎSLY, NEATLY * IXPEOHTOUU.Y, 4!«» OK T¥Z MOST REASONABLE TERMS. MOST REASONABLE TERMS. MOST REASONABLE TERMS PAMPHLETS > HAND-BILLS, PROGRAMMES, SHOW-BILLS, BLANKS, ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICES, if., AC.. ' Igtaiu or ^aory I M7~ Having had an experience at sev. • eral years in e oity Job Printing Office, we Setter ourselves that we can please all who may favdr us with thsir patronage. Mexioftn Mustang Liniment The parties in St, Louis and Cincinnati, who kav* been eoonUrftiting the Mustang Liniment, under pretence of proprietorship, bava boon thoroughly estopped by tha courts. To guard against further imposition, I bave procura d from tha United States Treasury a private steel plate revenue atamn, wRish is p-looed over the top of eaoh bottle. Enoh stamp beers th* feo simile of my signature, and without whioh tha artiole is a counterfeit, da&geroua and worthies« imitation. Examine «vary bottle. This Liniment hsaheeu in use and growing in favor fur many veers. There hardly exTsts a hamlet on tko habitable clora that dees not contain evidence pf its wondartu 1 affect». It i& » hn oast enxcllient in the world. WUk its /recent improved iagredionte, its effects upon man and bestst arc perfectly reaxarlabli . Sox«s ore healed, peina relieved, liras saved, valua ble harm als made useful, and untold tills afpis^ed. For braisas, sprains, rheumatism. .awagmryv MH i s , outr, caked beast#" strained her««, Ao-, it is a •reign routedv that should never be dlspeqMÉHift« It rhouîfr^Tn «very family. Sold byaU !' S BARNr MCA., »4 **-