i M % corner of Fifth and. Market Streets. Published Send-Weekly and Weekly by Henry Eckel, Editor and Proprietor, at the Mammoth Steam Printing Establishment, S. E. WILMINGTON, FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1867. NO. 60. VOL. XXXV. WARNER'S PHILADELPHIA AND WILMINGTON steam propeller line. IV. STEAMER LEAVES WHARF BELOW CHESTNUT ST., FHILAD'A, DAILY AT 5 P. M., and MARKET STREET WllAltF, WILMINGTON, DAILY, AT 6 P. M. HIRST reoeived from 7 A. M., to the Hour of Sailing. Freigut will be EXPRESS ARRANGEMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH .JTlINE FORM THE MOST DESIRABLE! MODE FOR TRANS PORTING^ FRE 1(1 HT BETWEEN THE TWO CITIE S.__ PHILADELPHIA AND WILMINGTON STEAM BOAT LINE. TWO TRIPS PER DAY. Y AFTER MONDAY, JUDY 8th, 1867, THE FINE ON AND STEAMER ARIEL, Wilmington at 6.45 A. M., and 12.45 P. M. Philadelphia at 9.45 A.M., and 3.45 P.M. Will I.eave Returning, Leave .25 CENTS .15 CENTS. EXCURSION TICKETS. SINGLE TICKETS.. JAMES F. WOOD. JAMES WILSON. FRONT STREET STOVE STORE à South-East Corner of Front and Orange. WILSON & WOOD. DEALERS IN HEATERS AND RANGES, TIN AND SHEET IRON WAjlE. mbtalic roofing, and uuttf.rinu and spouting PROMPTLY ATTENDED BTOVES, Mtf rally. Uavlng upward« o rk , orlee, and Job ntlon paid to Tin Work tor *#- Partie alar fad «»perlene« In the iy Nf«eU..n I ey f. L. P. SAW DON WM. w. HOOPES & CO., WM, W. UOOPBB. Market Street, 3 doom above Sixth Street, No. 603 Call and exsmil*» our '» r e« »"J »•>> »»l"u ted 8,00k ol FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS. CASHMRRKTTS AND JKANB, TWILLED AND PLAIN FLANNKI.B, FLANNELS. IPKI) FLAN lk Linen MOHAIRS, alapacas, COBOUKGB, CASHMERES. • ALL WOOL FANCY PLAID GOODS. lacks and edges, COLLARS HLU I BLACK BILK, OQltDID *' " flQOEKD " VOIS Ul ND TOWLING, GLOVES AND UOSIKKY, MOURNING GOODS, CLOAKS AND CLOTHS, BLANKETS, WOOLEN GOODS, LAINES, (A?L COLOR!,) klOUMD SILKS, (FANCY COLO U8&IX0BS, POPUNS, ■MPUB 88 CLOTH, LU HANGES, III I RS.) EDGINGS, CAMBRIC SHAWLS IN VARIETY, * - PLAID CA 8 SIMER 8 , CkOTItS AND BATIMÄTT 8 , description constantly on hand. w w. HOOPES k CO., No. 603 Market Street. DOMEBTIC GOODS, ALSO, OPERA FLANNELS. OP EVERY iept26 PENS AND PENCIDS._ »TUM FBM IS HIGH riKR THAN TUI SWORD." IHE GOLD PEN, BKBT AMU CHBA?«HT.'>*' PBNH. MORTON'S GOLD TENS, THE BEST PENS IN THE WORLD. VOR BALK No. 26 Maiden Lane, New York, And by every duly appointed Agent at t Morion makes no Pena stamped with the Name or Trade-mark of any other ; where ao Agenoy is eetabUihed, the P» bl, ° J"' be best suited, aud at the same price«, byj»aH ug - ihe Agent. In all other plaoea those miMng the Morton Pen, muet send to Ho » d 'î"f'îf 0 ^ ® , where their ordere will reoeite prompt attention, if acoompauied with tha eaBb. A oatalogue of all eiiee and prioea aent oilpt of letter postage. feb!9-tf I-IKI T' A. MORTON. KLMBOLD'B OONOINTRATED EXTRACT 8 ARSA L parti la 1. the «mi blood portlier. _ A""*' 1861 LEAD PENCIL COMPANY NEW YORK. FACTORY, HUDSON CITY, N. J. WHOLESALE 8 ALEB BOOM, No. 34 JOHN STREET, NKW YORK. . »lof sap*'' JueAty srs manufhetured aud offered ablalr J*rms ♦»•A*. The oubli« are Invited to give the AMERICAN UiD PENCIL the preference. , The PsnHU are U be bad at all the prluclpal BUtin hAMERICAN LEAD PENCIL ." Aik for TESTIMONIAL. SHEFFIELD SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL, ISelRatRIKO DSPARTMRST, Y AL 1 CoLLROS, November 16, Faber polyg I Lead 1 be -■i- I tai ee the only pencils fitted tor aad mathematical drawing; but after a thorough tn*i the American pelygrade Lend PeneUe utanufcctuied eanuead Peaoll Company. New York, IB VMufila >1 the .old Sag It • h Cumberland Uad Pencil, being aaupe G (11 for eketetalng, ornamenUl and mec _,aud ell ttae ecdTaery usee ol a lead pe ¥ * rï ifte«t pencils bold tb desired |n a pe^JL^ depend upon 'IS: igivs Jermany «III no nay otb Ul I X3 r pan LOUIS rot Drawing, A Profee rnaoiu abb htampbd IW"Am«iuo*n L» Pïnoü. Co., N. Y Nona gennlBB without the exact nam» of LOOK TO IT. Bl Iful.l-t banking INSTITUTIONS. 7IRST NATIONAL BANK, OF WILMINGTON. Depositary of the Publio Moneys, fekI BY Unitbd Btatis. Finanoial Aohnt EDWARD BETTS, President, G. D. ARMSTRONG, Cabhibb. $400,000 CAPITAL, GOVERN COLLECTING AND EXCHANGING MENT SECURITIES ATTENDED TO FOR A SMALL COMMISSION.! lu EXCHANGE PHILADELPHIA FÜRNISHED TO REGULAR DEPOSITORS WITHOUT CHARGE. lv* ON MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS DISCOUNT. I-IKI i TOUS AT N-30 A. M. ARTISANS' SAVINGS PANK, No. 007 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. waive deposits dally ( 8 uod*yi excepted) during business« hour«, and on Tuesday and Saturday P. M. , after the payment T' XÏ poeitorefand" uf the de ally In April e Rank,lu of Since th To e rate of ' 1861 , the Div par ceut per lvidends n ded as Deposit*, and at ure Dividends. l'.rlpttt« borrow t-oou eujltledjopm MANAGE WARD Darlinutok, Joseph W. Day, Henry V. Dprk, Charlkd W. Howlard, Job H. Jac w«.: ' »). L. LlCHTlNSTBlN. 8 . Caps Ws 8 . HILLES, PRRs us W. Bush, Vice President. tlB-ly John P. MoLsar. Treasurer. HOOK BINDING. Tha subscribers having purebased^he f BOUOHMAN, THOMAS & GO.. nue the busineui Cf mlBiton, will 00 book binding I AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURING No. 420 Shipley Street. tai >1 blank books MADE TO ORDER. PAPER. BILL-HEADS, ftc., RULED TO ANY Pi TERN, OLD BOOKS CAREFULLY RK-BOUND, M AGA7.I N ES. MUSIC, PAMPIILRTS AND NEWSPAPERS BOUND — REASONABLE RATES. ed H» follows will meet with 'IS: . Ordere by mall addre JOHNSTOIV & BOCII*. WILMINGTON, DEL novu-tf Iful.l-t MEDICAL. SMITH & DIXON, T b IlAW facilities WARE but work* ohloery, CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS, IV. W. Cor. Market: and Till S»9. dried •reaaed. DEALERS IN; !,.»« »( pwktobMrtjuwijr««*; '' 1 i l '. 0 . u . , J'"' u uttfic principle«; ent. Wo give below a Hat of di*ea»e» to the which tills system la especially adapted, and have besn moat , blindness from ptlop PPM P*' lu whlc K 'x"' 11 ip >n*tlpatlun ^d'eafuM», • 'I • Lite rly s ben frem psra . dropsy, TùÆ. «ud», c istto nerve; dyspepeia, uiam I, goitre, hyeterta, hip dl liver cemplalnts, lockjaw, ne piles, oaley. rheumatism, spinal lv* lie S.K ot be estl », promptly relieved and per redlbly short space of tlm REFERENCES. so Its value c (or mated. Prolapsus, mUplaca forms of womb uently cu ■ We have Ihe pleas I bs »by, Wilmington ar I, aud witnessed hj ner of Firth Marke t. H. Jon r™V«slRngtoli Russell, Chrl - - F. Sontbga*- " »a, Del. TTBLMBOLD'S EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA CLEAN 8 - H. es and renovates the blood. Instil* the yigorof health OSTER'S DRUG STORE, CORNER OF FRONT AND WEST STREETS, WILMINGTON, DKL. F S. DR. FOSTER her friends aud the pu nerally lbs Anno «heb West Fro PUKE AND FRESH DRUGS, ed from *in*experlenced Druggist, a graduate of I Pharmacy, of Phlladdphla^have Tjeen PRESCRIPTIONS, at York tbe College secured, who will POUNDING OF kind!» of Fsnc^ B^SkSfSoBSff Water, Soaps preparation very thing usually found In a v*H «1 «re, will always be kept on band, aud west Philadelphia ■ Medl gnlated Drag of Penn regular gradue Medlcal^UiJ vend'ty^ wjU^ con ^ no *pryfewilongl|y engaged. i found i »he i HORSE. REMEDIES FOR A fall aupply of reliable medicine* tor the cu disease» of the borne, will be kept constantly apr93 ly ot London Klalr ReMlorer, . »Sa sr , Uyll FERTILIZERS. OUR CUSTOMERS.• WK TAKE la FertlllAore, anil T pu... ■ b Agricultural pubHc, th ■ ths IlAW by BONK PUOSBHATK r House In facilities not only Include tbu enlarge untabllMied works In Philadelphia, kun WARE ltlVRIt AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL WORKS, but also tha purchase or extensive and well-stocked work* at Chicago, Illinois, ohloery, earn, Ac., to conduct the buidn haa produced annually, Kn of our old he largely in dried boues and uiea •reaaed. We deal rill dc nu *o that oi . aao anil aaa Market Street OIL CLOTHS, From l yard to 6 yorj,, cot •», »I» to order. BEST ENGLISH AND AMERICAN MAKES, In all de stock, but ou FnTEBBST to purchase Our long experience In ( g the 1 I I cqualnUn ousts of the c of whom w »gh enabled to order _ _Jon a stock ot goods, COMPLETE IN ASSORTMENT, DEBIKABLB IN STYLE, AND LOW IN PRICK. _ GR ANVILLE W OR RELL. ' aprie-.3B> I CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS. REEVE L. KNIGHT & SON, 807 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. or bis t We would call especial attent our large t CARPETINGS, esrly for our sales by s aud Englaud, aud the ^best makers of the^Uultsli St, al( of whlçh Will be offered at the I OIL CLOTHS, Our stock of these goods 1« very complete, and embraces mauy designs never before offered. A Urge variety of PRUGGETS, 1UJGS, MATS, Ac. llgKVE L. KN10UT A SUN, Ohisth PHI LA DELI' ..J. T. DELACRUlk, Ju ly2A-2m __ nhKFBTINGI.. 1 No. 37 SOUTH SECOND STREET, PHILADELPHIA, ties received, per ___ _ ment of J.CR088LBY * SON'S # BRUSSLB8 CARPETINGS, ew Designs. large line oi i nree-Ply Extra Saper and Fine srpetlnga, Cottage and Rag Catpeta, OH Clolh*. Shades, et.-., which will be sold at greatly induced pnoe*. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. • T. DELACROIX. 37 Seutn 8 IC 0 XD Btbbst (bet. Market and apr2$-3mo» PHILADELPHIA DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, &c. P R 1 N G, 1 8 6 7 . 8 iVe are opening a choice LADIES CLOAKS IN CLOTH, CASSIMERE AND BLACK SILK, MW PATTERNS, AND AT VERY LOW PRICES. flnUheil tad. of lu the beat ma ben material. Theea Cloak* i OUR STOCK OF LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS Were In la well assorted, |comprlalng|all the novelties. Fair OUR any ZEPHYR DEPARTMENT uy In the Ia]thelbeet also Berlin, Berg est established Dry U have aleo a full Cloths' Cassimeres, Black Silks, Kid Gloves, Hosiery. Hr.od-Made Zephyr Artioies, T1IE WEAK OF LADIRS AND CHILDREN. les for making T. W .1 LADIES CLOAKS and Trim ahert notice,Jkeeplng all stylos o lug« couatautly M. L. LICHTENSTEIN, 226 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON. DEL. ep 2 tbe STAPLE DRY GOODS, AT LOWEST MARKET RATES. 310 MARKET STREET, DAVID J. IRVINE AGENT, T-l r patronage_ HESS AND COAT MAKING. DRESSES AND COATS CUT AND FITTED SHORTEST NOTICE, ertfn lly eollcli D MOST REASONABLE TERMS, No. 8416 TATNALL STREET, rable styles for LADIES AND CHILDREN'S SUITS,; Constantly Ö- PERFECT SATISFAÇTION GUARANTEED. Also, PLAIN SEWING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE. S. J. BENNETT. N. B.—Two Apprentices wantel immediately at the above pla ce to learn Dreeemaklng. _ may 10 -Brno» 17,7,110 Z. EPKUL, NORTH EAST CORNER OF EIGHTH and ORANGE STREETS, the latest L WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, ent of PATTERNS oelved a handsome ai i'tÄurt P.ri. .ud 9n Tork bIz fit ALL PATTERNS CUT CORRECT, and I call DRESS-MAKERS IN PARTICULAR are invited aud examine the various stylea uqw oa hand PATTERN 8 TRIMMED TO ORDER and cheap, plaiu pattornu cheap. TRIMMINGS AND STATIONERY all kind BEST ENGLISH STEEL HOOP SKIRTS, of the^beat REAL ESTATE AGENTS. k, S. B. MoLEAR, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, J No. GQ7 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, DEL., Med f °BRK!K 0 HOUBN y , oe storied Brlek Elm aud Linden Stream, deelrable double No. HIM Market Str n Str of 3«, In Houses ou Jackson Stre _ _Streets, rled Brick House on Jackson Street, be Linden r tbre b v l te, with back building. Brick Houao on Newport Road, Fron Lamotte Street, Brandy wo-etorled Brick Honre wine Villago. A lot of ground Bituated on the and Third ner of Freue French Third Street t, THREE STORES In the building S. B. and Second Street«, with room* In eecoud for counting rooms, or for ame building, suit u A Kir and tbir manured fort 8 . B. McLEAR. cLEAR. U 1.71 Mil AW OL AlcCABB, REAL ESTATE, Liie and Aeoident Inauranoe AGENTS. No. 4 EAST THIRD STREET, WILMINGTON, DKL. Estate. Kent Houses, Collect Ac lACU FARMS « (i / e Lohuh. and Nego »«l.w.re VALUABLE JAMES McCAB K. A.J. GRIM8HAW._ * TOWNSEND, o REAL ESTATE AGENTS, AND AUCTIONEERS. Office— No- 4 East Tfeird Street, WILMINGTON, DEL. (TOR BALK FARMS In _ jUSES aud LOTS iu 4 uT-Sperlal attention giveu to the purshaee parts of the City. aprtMy KOR.UK c. marie, ( T CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE, AND GENERAL AGENT. lias for sal«, MOUSES COLLECTS RENTS, OPENS, JOURNALIZES, P08T8 AND CLOSE* BOOKS, LOTS AND ACCOUNTS. AND MAKES of vicE.'a 1 oa * 6 *ârk et Will STREET, Srookd Story. api26-tf PHOTOGRAP HS a red, ^ ohlr WOOD WORK FOR BUILDING PURPOSES AT THBR STEAM FACT »RY, ft. E. CORNER JUSTISON STREETS, WILMINO FRONT TON,DEL municationa promptly ansvr 49- PACKING BOXES of ever] JOSEPH D 628. HOOF SKIRTS, NEW BPRINU STYLES, «Pu» Own 028. «ta,— 2 , 2 \% «X, 3X very length and aixe Waiei especially adapte| of Plain and 3«, 3X an In every reepect First Quality, an tbe waate of First Cla ■ of Hoop Skirts,are lighter, ud really Ch lehte rable, r Single er Double Spring Ski Americau Market They are WabRANTU in every respect, They are iii il- e of e ■ ■ give uni r iutn.il by Beta! being extensively k for^Hopki'u^OwuTl'ake," and see that each Skirt u stamp»» "\v. t. hopkin s manufacturer. 62 s ARCH Street, PHILAD'A." No A Catalogue contaiulug Style, Slxe Lib« d—WnoLKSALi and Bbtiil', prowptly and Ac No. 628 Arch Street, Philad'a. bKIRTS made i * order, altered and repaired. WM. T. HOPKINS. / 1 KORUK 11. TLNUAIjI*, CONTRACTOR P—No. Ill ND BUILDER. •1ST STREET, ond story. BAST FOURTH STREET, WILMINGTON, DEL. ow Second Street, RESIDENCE— o jiersoual attention paid to Jot Btorea fitted up, a Mr. Tindall onld respectfully lu do all eution re of public p*tro LIVE N K AND EXCHANGE STABLE. No 104 WALNUT STREET, WILMINGTON. The subscriber, AND EXCHANGE bend some very fine horses for I .nioug which 1» a splendid M very pi ■sssesnL a LIVERY always ou by' la either HIRE lie Invites those wno desire EXCHANGE HORSES, to glv confident that he will be able Klvo *m entire satle B -.i I« faction. Hi. Ur A. D. VANDEV EK je'it-amos P08T8 HORSES! HORSES!! Furniture Oars and Drays. ally keep at bis old s Front aud French Street*, nt. Hor les will be remov re Cars and D hin raM Wll te the Stott n the city are by s draying can be ace west possible reUs. 'moiuciV' wk!' ENOVAL—«EDWIN HIRST, ( Formerly of No. R removed to S. W. Cor. Tenth and Orange Streets, Tenth (Entrance Wbete be baaopened a VARIETY STORK, andcon to rtpulr CLOCKS, WATCHK#, Jt-.WELRY. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Ae., In the beet manner._ JyES-tf |)tJKE FRUIT ORCRRAM LÖZENUEN, ed and for »ale by ST C °*LKMON A* ïtMAYER BOOAAM, POCKET, PULPIT, ai>u r Family B-bl*«, and every variety o 1 ai., at J. B. PORTER'S. 40U Market tt. Hymn B