JUem* - 0 ott mal nu» Statesman Morn in 0 a Mae 18,1809. Tukbda thumb M-Une Inch or | , 80 cent« # IM> eeati< «to In advance No aubrcrlptlons will be received than «I* Tue-d» 17 ) until All arrearage« »re p. 1 fttoïaZtomor THREB DOLLABS at tho endet luad nd no paper t the option of the lîlVBRTISKMENTB not e Inserted three tiiues for one dollar an will be to; and I 1 r every subseque same proportion. The privilege of Abl their own Immediate bnsln of other pe I nuil Advertisers to strictly lilted Ith their o * of°adv nugth or ness, and all da otherwise, beyond^ will be separately re e limits advertising bills lompt payment la «they d, »nd stating the ntwltbo «-Advert til they ed, will BKCURK INSBK t ION of thslr adve !.S Ihlttlwlrta* ora MUST be ham! ays und Thursdays. ad Ot). clou , A. M.. on 1'KHS. CITY MA'l Keu'a, Youth's, Boys' and Children'« Spring and Summer Clothing. Our assortment is now full and complete ; have every desirable style, kind and size. _be suitod from the stock have alfthe different styles of cut— ed to all tastes, including tbe medium and subdued, preferred by »natty, as well afl the latest aud most fashionable style. Our large Btock enables ua to keep at all times a full assortment, fitted at ouoe without delay. üur purchases always being made tor cash, and having purebasad largely of late, since the decline in woolens, our oustomer* share lu the advantage we have thus Oar salea^batoig foroasb eaclusively, bad d.bts to provide for, and obliged to tax the paying ouatomw make up losses through those who do not Ern; adapt M kh U have Our ready-made garments are "»perlor any other stock of ready-made goods m 1 hlla delphia ; any oue can be as well fitted from them as by garments made to order anywhere ; they .re as well made, and equal in every respect and much cheaper. Being manufactured By the hundreds and thousands, they sold cheaper than when made up singly; but for the aocommodation of those who prefer I I have also Custom Department . u choice selected stock of piece goods, prising aU styles and qualities, foreign and domestic, which will be made up to by competent and experienced gtyla equal to der, with measure outterg and workmen the best. . . . nn „ ßpecial Notice. -Styl*, and make o our garments surpadfled by none, equalled by tew. AU price* guaranteed lower than the lowest elsewliero, aud full satisfaction guaranteed every purchaser, or the sale c.n,.U.d M dm 0M rr.faud^d. ^ ^ Totoer Hall, No. 618 Market Street, Philadelphia. And No. COO Broadway, New York. ! Half Wat Bktwbbn Fifth and Sixth Street$. And No. COO Broadway, New York. 7 per cent Gold Bonds of tlio Lake Superior and Mississippi River R. R. Compa P First Mortgage Sinking I und Bonds free of *U. 8. tax, seoured by 1,032,000 acres of choice lands and by the Railroad, its rolling stock aud franebizo, aud yielding l " cUrr ®"'; y «early ten per cent per annum. We reoom ÏÏÎd these Bonds as a desirable investment for persons collecting 6 20 coupous, due May 1st. Holders of 6*20 Bonds can exchangei at a profit ot nearly twenty per cent, besides ceiving one per cent in gold additiona. iucu A limited amount for aale, and full particu lar. furnished by John McLear & Son, Bank ora, No. 007 Market Street, Agents lor Jay Cook Si Co. arCHEAP CLOTHING. V NEW BTOCK or 'SPKIXG UND SUMMER CLOTHING. I Kl xiy Of tor NOW HEADY MOORE'8, 228 MARKET STREET. CST'HoLinaY PBMBRT3.-—Wc have just opened the largest ami finost »«»sortaient ot' Embroidered Zephyr blipper Patterns over offero'l in thifl 8tate and at the very lowest Philadelphia prices. John E. Frook, 421 Maiket Btreet, three doorfl below Fifth. Sava MohbtR emember the Delawar* __k « located at tha nflioa of WiUiam MoC.Slîéy, s»q-. No. 6011 H.rtet Slrs.l, Wil. loiogton, Del., auil I. opeseU Mur, d», to r. telv. doBooit». AU amount, roosivml from one dollar upward., and Sro por coat, rntero.l paid on the same from tho day of deposit. Wu. MoCaulley, Preeldent. John P. Rurn. Soo'y. a«- 2000 Dalarvare R. R. (Montour Bonds) 10 Bli.'M WilininEtou Coal G.s, 5 Blraros ot Firat National Bank, SO Slian. of National Bank of Wilmington A BranOjOTn«, 40 r ) ,° , Uol ' aware State Bomls for Sal. by .totin McLear & Sou, Bankers, No. 607 Market Street. «»-Fob Sana.—Five new 2-story brick tioest. in Cheatnut Street above Franklin ; beautifully located; hydrant water in tbe yard ; paveinoot nil the wuy from tbe oily. Apgly to G.iuiabaw & Plankett, 2 aud 4 West Third St F. Finnegan, Jr, Freight Agent, l 1 * R. Co., coruoi' of Fourth and Piuo i Oy'First Mortgage DouJs of Kent aud Queen Anue Railroad Company; firot mortgage boudB of Wilmington aud Reading Railroad ; Ö9 «hares Farmer» Dank 3tock. For sale by Grimshaw & Plunkett. 2 and 4 West Third Streut. ggrRemember aU our ready-ma le stock o Clothing ia made iu this city by experienced workmen, superintended by pructioal tailors. No slop-shop goods kept at Moore's, No. Market Street. ay'At Edward Moore's, 228 Market street, H . & b. R .-Utjct; ay'At Edward Moore's, 228 Market street, is tho place to buy your Clothing. Ready-uiade Clothing, latent etyle of cut, uicely made and prices that defy competition. h»nd, by trimmed, aud ««■Connelly Whiskey always iu bottle« ; tho boBt artiole Llvar, printed tbe gallon introduced here. Brandy equally li Brlnghurst'ö. 317 Market dtreet. 2É»-ôee Bunsh of Qrapes Ruother colutnu. Bpeer's Standard Wino Bit ttr> U highly recommendod by physicians for dyspeptics, on aooount of its touio properties, its purity ond its delicious flavor. fry Removal.— John E. Frock has removed hi* Trimming aud Fancy Uoois «tore to No, 609 Market Street, opposite the City Hall. «arThe largest and best line of Cloths. Caa aimeres, Beavers, &o., for order work, in the city, at Moor«'*, 233 Market Street, Wilming ton, Del. "Latour OU," oil in use,always good «nd perfectly bw B ought of H. K. Bringhurst, 317 Market Street. Greenwood, , Ut II. R. Standard i The orop, the best table ,when gyValuable Fruit Farm ne ﻫl. f for sale by Grims'uaw & Plunkett, 2 and 4 West Third Street. gtoiF^Glentworth'a Roach Taste, juüt received at the right time for the roaohes, at the apothe cary store of n.tt.Bringhar*t,8l7 Market Street. «PSeetlte beautiful Uangiu^' Baskets,either painted or galvanized, at Jamea A. Robingon & Co.'9, ISecond and Market Streets. l ust received, a lull line or Ladies and Furnishing Good*, at John E. Frock's, 609 Markot Streets. QP^CongreBS Water, direct from the Spring, always bo had by applying to II. R. Bring hurst, 817 Markot btreot. ßpIasBCTPowDBtt — Lyon's Insect Towder Buy of H. R. Briughuret, 817 ETJ Qs of season. Market Street. SSrCologn. by the quart k U, R. Bringhuret fl, 317 Market 181 d Bay Rum by f.he gallon Street. Kara old, Silver and Gold Coupons wanted by Weolston & Co., Bankers, No. 2 East Third Bt. ggjf'Joho E. Frock has removed Market 8treet. jayqum Camphor, juBt tho tiiuo to Bay it of H. R. Bringhurst, 817 Market 8treet «^Morton Hoes and Handles at J. A Robiu •on & Co.'s, Second and Market. «^Cultivator Teeth, Garden Tools, &c., at James A. Robinson & Co. 's, Secoud aud Market. OTCnmberlnnd Nails at James A Robin sou & Co.'b. Second and Market Streets. No. GOD it HAVE -yy-KST W1LMINOT l.f rable UOUSK oetbly piynton ce, but not for an «cull J A. BltOWN • .KAR, BMOUTH «ch «pot», pimple*, th ell erapU_ S AM», SHOULDERS, BRIED BEEF | Ogi lONGUfiS, at fourth ami Majkot SUevta. F Special^ notices! HELMHOLD'S Concentrated Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla ERADICATE* «RPPTIVE AND ULCBRATIVK DIS EASES OF TDK THROAT, NOBB. KYE6,, EYELIDS, SOALl' AND SKIN, Which dred, disfigure tho appearance. PUBGlNO^be axil UkVn hy ADULTB^nd^CUlLDREN^lth PE RFECT BAFKTY. Inga, ie Extract TWO TABI.K-BPOONFL'LS or ullla, added to a plat ot water, Drink, aud one bottle I« Byrnp of SaiaapariHn, or the AN INTERESTING LETTER 1* pub edlcO Cbirurgioal Buvlow, on tbe subject of Sarsaparilla In certain »flection Ï. It. H. # Ad. Speaking remedy Is equal ^to t e Lisbon of tho anally shed in the »1 to a gallo I • dl dlseapes, a t tho ' r f' U° 1*. r. , that uVs nppUca s of tho tonlo class .U,1U-I a state luv« HKLMUOLD'i Concentrated Extract Sabsatarilla. Established upwards of U.T. BKLilllOLD, Prepared by aprO-tmlfl YOUNG MAN FRACTXCALIiY EDUCATED for BUSINESS LIFE, AT CRITTENDEN'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 637 Clieatnut St., cor. of 7Æ. PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1866. ESTABLISHED 1844. The longett ettablished and beet organised Commercial College in the Oily. racUoal val«. ». — - ted by long elperiencc. tSR HUNDREDS OF YOUNG MEN I lowledtfo gained hcre.i profitable employme INSTRUCTED SEPARATELY, EACH STUDENT nd U» the most prs to to e VARIOUS BRANCHES TRADE BOOK8 for • r ,1 the maune „ our by BILLS OF EXCHANGE, PKOUISSOKY NOTES/ CHECKS, ACGODNT8— SALEÎ, ACCOU NTE—CURRKST, LETTERS, INVOICES, Ac PENMANSHIP - manner that oi BUSINESSVuiTINo! li taa*ht by .a snportor penr an attentive «indent iu a • J ELS JAN l' style I Kl I ORNAMENTAL WRITING, lulshed manner kinds, is executed In the i Of ï COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS, Including tke beat i counU, 1 *«-. *re°cor > of îc*?r BUSINESS PRACTICE 1 ?, »lings eaxlgninents, Bhlpmenta. MR, Sales, with Banks, lierai Al-o, Coiumeroiul Lx tor felt«. *«. ,w. Phonography, Date »«.and: Stmt on ta r m auy vaoant position 1 », lully attest the tha institution la hsld by the bnali OPEN DAY AND EVENING. CATALOGUES BENT 0RATI3. inity. : Mb It ahiAimptio « at tue] College, a 1.26. ifeiit eoMU BUolNKäS MANUAL, for a ely bound, 12 mo, Prie, address. S. H. ORITTEN de Dr. Simms' White Pulmonic Balsam NOW USED BY THOUSANDS. Ion Isa complete ohen ot ' & o till V' . i 10AT* snd* LUXOR. promptly and quickly Id curl tugbe, Bore Throat, Aaloina^ fi.wr, ••....ï- . SRmSSb r 'U. •• sumptto MONARY CONSUMP »«ta* Of 1'UI^ ï than ono hundred d remedy. We guarantee it all we represem ii U a POWERFUL UFBCrOHANT, with Ton ra*rely n equHlfoU,'n P cUR r iNQ' *'l L DISKA8KS AND LUN08. It now eomniaudi aud la extensively appreciated wherever H R ie hlgh'y and phvalc gra-rfee. by mail or to cent» and $1 a bottle, bottle. Yreparod »n6 it. by tb" », and t Special ad of tap*ay «ad* ■ J. U. SIMMS, M. D., ngton. De Practical holeiale by John» retail Co... elphla. Dee In by dealer» In Needles Compound Hemlock Piasters j Never fall risy, fon Jol Llvar, printed name In each.'Made by «-Fori janl'J ,n come lu y.ii.v.. v. -nark (an Kill, C, U. NEEDLES, DruggUl. I'llILALKLl'llIA. le by best DroggU CON9UMPHPES .WILSON BB wUhtfo pin remedy by The Rev^ EDWARD^ iy object uthlng, a , Please * 4 j|gy.' bdwARD A. WILSON, apuon. 11 burning' P septlO-Sm Deafuess, Blindness and_Catarrh u ucce.e, by of DISKAbBA of tb cialty) lx the Medical College o' partons*, (formerly of Lm H STREET,^PHiLADBLPH tV STORY BRICK HOUSE 6 ROOMS. 'house B ROOM?. 1 TWO STORY BRUI TWq STORY BRICK HOUSE A ROOMS. c'a«» Dwelling In a desirable Inrue nnwln on Kl. loci fror .. i , • hm'. . U. TINDALL, i Ea«> Fourth A UKADTU'lL ..ACRKdof nd COUNTRY h about I'he Far i«y Id NEW li der. f .with large OUSW, 4'» by 38 f. and milling-.. fctyle, ' ük dlf ACHK8, cur Kcit" o « ill* is. If no BRIG HT, «late « ton. Dal. JÜS22I ALUAULE SALE—THA' FAlt.M,«ituate partly 1 City, oi 'right" Farm, adjolnfn You E*q., (lat th* 0 MOiT m UK AOtIfÛ L 1 "ßUnffiu n both side« of the R and y.cCAULLKY, - ngton. Del. Apply ta KENT... 'SES FIVE cold uthwert corner of El i, ï n>l $166 In i, un the I« *20 «sh, 1 160 1 ouse that reut* for $12 per ». Apply H. TINDALL, GKO 463 Esat a piS-lf IIVN HOTEL lor SALE OGLE! {. and pump ' » mortgife. V"i Vai s. ELIZA tVlLLBY, *,ouu; |l, ar* apply t,Wll I. OGLE, No. «Käst 1 tTHOMAS Or' VENUE HOUSE, WEHT u equare of vHK SIXTH WILMINGTON FOU I be ex ty. It ie pr? I t-rt Wil li rt-cluta , directly situated for i ngtx.E J. A. BROWN. GOOD F A K AI IN P®l* Oit SALK — CAD Kit t. George» s F I acre», 1J4 mile, ir • re Railroad. Bui /NDltKD,abou 30 aeroe 1* « IAS M.OQLE, j NP-4 Kart 1 8FKCU It All. K CHA King ati lug by'" risy, L.*k RK NT—A LARGE HOUSE W bW land, -high Chum- way, near Wilmington, i-ulU ■ -"ifpMi tely, to Apply . MuUAULLLY A Co» Ma rch 2. 6ALH AMD POS UKJi A LARGE I »r LSfcd.on the j WM. McCAOLLFY, 066 M Apply to . MoCAULLEY arch 2-1 f ».'«It SALK O# RUNT P H mwwlthTl lfoorn« and 10 Air u U1 App"yto 810 11 RUNT ON THE i URU LOTS r'< . m.caulley a ridge. Apply to _apre-lt AftD AOEKS UF n lote of Va 1 brow*n." 1 Id «d l ^-95 GRKEKBACK OF FULL VALUE AGENTS WANTED POR MATTHEW HALE ßMITH'3 NEW BOOK, '•SnnBhin ! ; and 8hadow In New York." ■ of life x Mirror of id'd 7 ' rapidly.. * Agen do iotas end Incl rith fork replet A me Age ivered ever pnbllthid ibat left I If 'd 3>tmalted, bow dance h.tll* oW. "« conducted, li ...e bubble» burnt, Ac., read this work, ont ihn myvUMiea uf Now York, and cou* UllonflTioä, .. ^ icy Lifo Bket , finely catlo given. J. B, BUltlGb PUb * LA DHL Pill A, MA KCIllOjt», 1§8 »j Tbo large and a *6.1 ul I MILLINERY goods Conelbttni Tb, BUN NETS, Ac ;^\ ■ •• FUR fiC 1 "* 163,106 an< CAijl. Yc mhEVtt . WARD, North Fécond Street, PHILADELPHIA. KHOVAL. R K. C. FRAZER Qrb Removed to 310 Market Street, » old customers and : IN WANT OF BARGAINS c B. B. FRAZER. iTsiuvr. .»eight auar 23-3W, Çtocci'iES aito ^cobWtons* HARLAN A BROTHERS, (Successors to KOWA*® L. BW»-) m no. a East second street >* wliMftWfiH^r'DBLAWARK.^ Groceries, Wiues and Liquor»« THR nndirrilMd would respecttoUy gOfil »tteBtlon totU.lr Block of WINBôRÏS of tWr Wia st the »took may l 1« do, $— Cognac Braudy, BolUxd Glu, Whlakey, ond ànd bottle. Champagne, Claret. j«d bottles, to fire year* aid reasonable Madeira, Port, », Sherry,. VUNEB^reryc^ the fiavor ca . Sb" ^Families Llquorn, tor cnllnar d old, In wood a i Whlakey, supplied with the cheapest Wi THR AFFLICTED. Invalids In want of oll Wine« aud kinds, for tnejjlclxal pprpoeee, may föcßi&lÖL No.°8 Bart Bwmnd^Straet, opportU the lower Market Uouss. ,n a BARI I N OU) WINES AND LIQUORS. „w. orT.U OkÎoÏÏÎS «Vya ou IfAnd, and for sàle at Mir prices i HARLAN A BROTHER. No TBAS, WINKS, GROCBKIEBj an^lwuobs OF SDPB re Bupplled whole the ensk, demijohn, deesm or packags orders by post or otherwise selved, airing a limit In Prl«, vsmntad to b»«*U»I*« tor 11 y fllledTor the goods taken back. Please call and examlns at HARLAN A DROTHER'S, No.8 RaatSsoond Street, Wilmington,gel. Hotels, c sal* a l[ T I rt« i ■ t NOTICE TO 8POR8TMBN. In Caulater* and 6K Iba of all aise», suitable fitr Eagle Powder Dupont'# wr , abet I - and HARLAN A BROTHER, r aale by JOHN AIMIN'! CENTRAL GROCERY, FLOUR AND SEED STORE. No. 401 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, Constantly on ban GH0QRH1E3 Sogar, Tea, Coffee Spices and Mo Cbm, Tomatoes, Peara a Chow Chow and Mixed P DELAWARE. large sssortmentof PROVISIONS, 8«S,C Peaches. Kogllsh amsf&hoùl skies, .1, 2 and fl Ha assortment of LaNDBETH' 9 WARRANTED Corn, and GARDEN 8EUUa. Flower an Mix, ! Lnwoflr« Dried, AppTss, rd Bee As, Osage Orange, • -■ da. * D .Pou* h 9 s 'Vu'r r » 3»ld to Tea*. «T-Pxrtlcular atn ROCEK1CH.-— TUE VNDER aigaod, having arranged the staud G No. 2$1 Market Street, GROCERY STORE, re«pectfully anno laid Inn Carefully Selected Stock of Fine Fresh Groceries. itohla For. the public Having bail tnveral » daily n» t he o supply lsoon f lx mi lies satisfactorily. ENOCH L. HAHLAH, 281 'Market Street, Wllml A full line of GUNNING MATERIAL TACKLE constantly on baud. _ JACOB S. WELD1N RESPECTFULLY inform* of WUmln .u, and thepublle generally,that he hsaon t his old establishedetand, at tho corner dKING H,.l ., a gwsMrWl asaortm rn t o !■ ie will ee able ter prlees^and on UY hi tbo r of years bee lly Invites ÏSBT fror Fever _JiooJiing. pt'ABTlt) SLATE ROOFING. rieaseroad therollowlog te te, and you will be convinced that Plastic Slate Is the ST ROOFING NOW IN USE, being MKB, WATLU oandsee these and STKA.U PROOF—Light and Du adapted to awÿ form^of roof, 8toep or EL.ï January 28,1863. Dear Sir: <•'—>- « U, Ro. e In Jans, 1866, answers ed. It has hard as every purtose foi which a roof Is loten neither ran nor cranked, la perfectly eound «late Itself, aud I think from all appoaranc « long a* a new bulidi lit ï ... . 1 feel cox tificatoa .•"i.ïsïf respectfally, You r.lfy tha Mr. Robert ATXINB3H: immer of 1666 we had our slaughter house and she a«ilc Slate, being I-. pis try. and now forms blemish of any JOSHUA HUTTON. HIK'lT HUriON. ■late, witho n i. cal WILMIIOTUR, Del., February 0, lfl e had (abont I860 equare foundry to be an laatio r *..d offlee (7000 s^uarr a provet re. Our 0 eue cample tie Plastlo perfectly tight and give ue Slate haa har dened and no w to «late, wivhout era that or of J. 8TOT8KNBURG A SON. u T pïàaUo r iUto Roof p This Is to certify as given enllr -,.VI rig sides it by ii. . 1 ■ RIC U ARdT' JüVk 3, 217 Shipley Street. I e roof. over(he w fallr concur^ Iu the ^»bove etalemeu It, and fin ii•, u .• c-r.ria i. M. JONS8, : ., February 10,1869. WlUflMiWi N lidliigs roofed th^tha Ylaetlo In sra • hat I o-tllll. * qualitie.8 O. U. THOMPSON A Co. claimed foMt by .. of lie Wtunaovox, DBL, Februar , 1S69. ending l'Iaitlo filate take great^lMgjre The roof la now one euii pUte eatlifacllon, and to ï vered with It, _ ogle roof, nearly two yea t of elate, giving now LEVI WOODROW. moa, February^!. 1869. °18lnohèîof o'* the . IfoBVRT ATX! c Elate Hoof voq put o bnllur. «nd oun-iequentlv subject to •mro, he« been « ) 0 d the tert oertectly. 1 , and appafreatlv botter JENKINS A ATKINSON. ne or Flneilc biato la a aqre remedy for ■ ' rcQfe. Also ell te>ted, of te W.V co L.*k ■ ngle .. ana of thp best knows V. Experienced hand 61KrALRD0F3 PAINTED W Vi. ■''fcoftor l m^m (itfr^ atti employed and eatlHboUt' to ROBERT ATKINSON, 6 WfljaT FOOBTH 8TOXBT, « O ana Boeing anD acounng. j^£RE. PARRY, K.H AND CLEANSER OP LADIES AND T GENTLEMEN'fl APPAREL, I Of all eolora, j OLOTH, 8ILK, CRAPE FABRIC», and COTTON «OWN8, Has re 810 RING STREET, (between 8d and 4tb,) WILMINGTON, DEL. nathwaabd JUnnet«. Crepe». Velvets, and 11 kinds Q1Î.AD1E8 AND GENTLEMEN'S APPAREL, learned ànd'rijed in tbe beet manner, and upon reason KH Gloves, to at the anrW-ly Mourning promptly attended B8TABLI8I1ED IN 1810. iiARQY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT J. A J. W. JONES, No. 482 North Front Street, above VallotohiA PHILADELPHIA. F ' od Fancy Good* of •Ur know: very deacrip Dye Silks, Wools m Tbclr «uperioilt plain ■ -t ■ Is dye ised or redyed. rel, Cnrtali s cleansed or dyed ■. re going elsewhere. r!. j)OWBÎt'S CÔîlPLKTK If an MAHOFAOTUBED HENRY BOWER, Chemist, PHILADELPHIA. MADE 1 Supcr-r^Gspliate of Lime, Ammonia and * Potash. Warranted free from Adulteration. * »j lenefod bjT Maunro contains all the ole ■ highly teao • H tostofilts qaaflllue. 1. PACKED IN BAGS OF 200 POUNDS EACH. DIXON, SHARPLESS & Co., AOJ6NT8. 86 Su«l7i TTafer and 40 South Del. Avenue, FUILALI.I.FI1IA. FUR and 31. KKTNOLD8, . j u. MnubübSnU«' thïSuto' ft »ow E y^ TO. So pin*. jféebitsl. K BUIOAL EÎ KCTHICITY. M I)«. C. H. LAWTON, .delphi*, would **y t> I m»y still be found at Lato of New York friend* *nd the publlo No. 913 MARKET STREET, Where he I« treating NERVOUS AND CHRONIC DISEASES MED IC IC E LKOT ß klCPTY. tbe BY Ul» NEW n scientific principle«; :r •iflfr X re suocessful he the application of Electricity 1 roos experiment. We give bel n any lorw ioW a list of this system is especially adapted, an u anil m paraly«is of theoptie nerve, or retention of the menses, •rods, I ndi honla^s m in Its early stages,'oeugh,* chlorosis, coldness of feet d hands, cramps, cancer«, dearnesa, when from para lysis of the aeoooittc nerre ; dyspepsia, dlabetla, drcpsy, flatulence, gravel, goitre, hysteria, hip dlataae, Impo nbago, liver oemplainta, lockjaw, neuralgia, lay, rheumatism, spinal disease, ' IN Its r^. tLa ^ of womb diseases, promptly rellexsd and an Incredibly short space of time. REFERENCES, ure of referring tb In uterlno (.or d other perma all . P apsua, mlspta We have the pi vho may wist trlcal tre * ofWllml vloiulty, !• ' ■ •>: — been treated by ns, Joseph Di l w . Naff, 4 Bast Charles H.Uordou, 824 Mar ~ rge Clalr.nd, rsnth*»nd Washington sta. Fifths Wm.L. Rudolph, 21T Market street. Dr. WaaUIxgton Russell, Christiana, Del. Walter F. Southgate. " 1 » rk<• i f. fshlS-i ^TABDARD PREPARATIONS. ÛREAT CARE AND ACCURACY. FOSTER'S DRUG STORE, K. W. Cor. of Front and West Streets. The public will find In this establishment a full line Of the PUREST DRUGS, MEDICINES and PERFUMERY Etptcxa attention given to compounding of Phytician Prescriptions. the popular Patent til owing FA MU. Y MEDI Mrs O. FOSTER, M. D., A r i':;k -T' SLS* a red by for the oroughly hlch ha ouisrous testlmonla • i lally menhon FOSTER'S MAONETIO TOOTH DROPS, igU and Toothaohe. FOSTER'S PECTORAL DROPS, Threat, Colds, de.; Bid sure for Invaluable «sluing nothing deleterlo FOSTER'S ROBE WORM LOZENGRI, Certain death to FOSTER'S INFANT POWDER8, ay bettor Winslow's Syrup, pat up in In ^ * ages. FOSTER'S AGUE PILLS Will sure valuable ad TONIC BITTBR8. rrertlv« la aU oases . debility, nsrvousnesa, Ac. Try them d BURN SALVE enty one yaara mpurlty of the , bilious FOSTER'S PILE I I nding. Take* llm .. . -J twenty I nblls that speetfnlly « practice of Madlilne either In Mrs. Foate she stUl so city or atry. Advlc as Hi * 3 -Don't forget N. IT. Corner of Fiont and Wee S treets , Wilmington, Delaware. _ dec22 JONHS' INDIAN SPECIFIC HERB BITTERS. lpt of e modi and Horb«. These Br re aro proparod from red years a clues eve* dUcovered In the kaown world for the folio Ufli : General Debility, V General Debility, Liver ComplaiDt, Dyspep sia, Lobs of Appetite, Nervous AfFections.RheuroatiBui,Neuralgia, Diarrhoea, Cramp iu the Stomach, Scro fula, Uloers, and all diseases of the tikin. Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fever, Coughs and Colds, Inflammation ., Boweey, New Y< >n'" ef ATVRK'S GREAT RESTORER. N SCHEETZ'B CELEBRATED BITTER CÔRDIAL. the pub ow offered , '^^■^^tatofor the m lie ae ■ÄT. the utmost a CUrc-A U, but b^Ito whtc nda which now fi tobte, oompuaed of varloue herbe, la tad _ ended direct and ealutary Inflaenci . Lunge, Stomach and Bowels, it ac KtJi. a reliable Famil i. It U a o.rtaiu, prompt aud awedy - remedy for DIAREHŒA, DYSENTERY, BOWKL COMHLHNT. DYSPEPSIA, LOWNESS OF bPIRITS, FAINTING», SICK HEADACHE, Ac. For 0HILL8 a FEVERS Of all kind» It «» far 1 auioluo.without any of Ua pernicious effect». It ?u appetite, proves a powerful digester of food, a couiitt-raettho iffcc »of liquor la a few nilnutei 'subject. It eine, I the for will JACOB 8CHEBTZ, 8olx Paopautox, r. 6tb and Race fits., Philadelphia. Po ALL DK OGGI 8X8. . (hotUM, ■ N. W, MHIOLD 1 HOOPING COUGH CURED BY W DELEVAU'S CELEBRATED REMEDY. PRICE 60 QUIT*. Piepamd^at BIXTH^ *^ UOQQIbT Jf0R 1T St»., Phi lads toblttlT . /'tONSUMFTIOM CAN O Dr.C O.UAKBI^' u»ll er adir.ee Dr. g. u. warneon, iu cc Phtlftdelrbla. O-opeelal attoatton glv ana LUNG DIbaASK». _ JJ BL'MBOLD^hZTRA CURED BY New Prove*t of t reatment. ,THROAT feblg-ly p OT 8AB8AFAKILLA Olean « vigor health t make purge« David Ijoiels. TjlBEKCH'S UOTEI.. ^ PENNSGROVB, Salem County, New Jersey. E. s recently refitted, modelled the Hotel The »nbecrib oompletrly placed entirely Beds, bedding, carpet«, erytolag , tall«*, .".1 ! nd this Hotel TABLEffibUl'PLIKD PHOM FIRSTCLA>6 makbets The Bar! end ch loe»t brand» of n*ito filled with the beat I'D KB LIQUOR*. The lawns a pleasure to the iselurs of r Bd B and enjoy a fe FRFNC I. Proprietor bout 1 call »•■«I JOSEPH UBL1C MOUSE. THOMAS MURRAY P Has opened 1 Wood Street, Middletown, Del. OPPOSITE BOARD AND LODGING furntobed at moderate rate*. -h CHOICE LIQUORS and an afford e public. ml shad Ue InvItM the patroaage of hla Ir -jafclz- » - lyjcMAKW»» ATLANTIC HOTEL ad' , | | »""flÄ 1 *." 1 CAPE MAY CITY, N. J. rably located SEA BATHING BOTEL to D v Ttlai arket Street Ferry, Jersey Railroad, upper McMA^* .16 daily, • V K K ■ SHTON'Si DiARSHALL* GROUND A JOHN AIKLN'8, Fo i 17011 «ux-t uaroaik—thk »«pu I et. Clothing. UMOVAL. K WILLIAM H. QUINN, MERCHANT TAILOR No. 122 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE.! iblie i The subscriber Informe hie friend» andtho Ri . I Ml No. .MARKET BTKKKT, third door from theoornerof ind at, and next door to Melnall'e Drug Btore, where ry on the MERCHANT TAILORING UUBINBdB, Id ont hie «took of Fall SUMMER GOODB, 1 he will contlD u Ifll its Drenches, anil Winter Goode, and haa p NEW »TOOK OF 8PRING latlng fiNB FRENCH CLOTHS, OAS8IMERE8 AND VB8T1NDS, t styles of goods, w e in the ■ted Iront larg the publlo all the ne vhlch the latest atylos, and m ""uTaARMENTa WARRANTED TO FIT, and to be what thcyare Ä n GENTLEMEN ■a H °7CRN r ^H >11 at tha low« ING GOODS. •t prices. Give him all of e purohaslugsls WM. H. QDINN. r lor tbe patronage so liberally N.B.—Tb# undersign« apes by atr at his old atan int» of bis sus bestowed upon WM, n. QÜTNN sach&O-tf FAINO ANI> MUMMER FAIHIOII s J. H. MULHAU8EN» FASHIONABLE TAILOR-, jvoltO Ho. 416 KINO STREET,WILMINGTON, DEL., • U - ure ho Invites his customers and H andea swell »elected and generally nl I* !>••• Cloth j, Cassimeres p.nd Vestings SUITABLE SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR, WU1CU HR WILL MAKI INTO Garni(uta iu the Latest Ht)les. He give* hie personal attention to tho fitting and work o pains to 111 s U1 givaei on the best .... prices far balov iterials • 39 URUal oish.at lHEAP CLOTHING. MICHAEL BOLL, ISO MARKET STREET, 0 BELOW SECOND, WILMINGTON, DELAWABB. WILMINGTON, DELAWABB. I of tbe public la rfetptetfully ealled at I have Jnst added to my large of the btst press The, in a b ot CuaTS of IR, SHIRTS, Ac e,àa l"* CLOTHING, erna, PaNTALOONb, V - .SPttl friends an I .! m a BZBT City. Study a off^r OLUl'HIhO II at .01« AEL BOLL'S, leap Clot jSootHanDsljoe^ _ TAMES W. B1UNIE, V WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FASHIONABLE SHOE DEALER, No. 608 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, DEL. Ifl refitted the above large and commodlons to lurnlah bscrlber : prepare Ladies, Misses and Gents Gaiters, SHOES AND BOOTS, lowest Phila uriety of Style and finish, i Of evei delphli pr fcS*Cu»t ted to be In ape îelnera enables him the : JAM Kd W. Bl UN IK. . fashioE NEW BOOT & SHOE STORE. GEOROE S. HAG ARY HAS JUST OPENED. ^ At No. 102 West Second Street, :BETWBBS OBA-Vd* AMD A RIED ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS liee. Gentlemen, boys, Mla>es and ud*respectfally ask» Ä AND V AND SHOES, for Lad Obildrsn, '* im': :l INFORM g M. BALDWIN WISHES eoerally, that be haa BOOT and SHOE STORE, No. 18 EAST SECOND STREET, ï order all kinds Where he will keep on haut ef Ladles, U.nls, Cbildreu's BOOTS, SHOES and OaITKRS, 1 sell them at the lowrrt c-sh W^ I> (mtRÏT, . 1 WILMINUÏ JACOB KATES, B- W. CORNER OF BUTS AND KtîTG BT8. Opposite the Post Office, WILMINGTON, DELAWABB. VABHIONABLB BOOT AND SHOE DBALKK. ■ and Shoee, Ladlea' of a U description», «oneuntly on hand »polish Bor-t», Balm^al», aud Ohlidrei 'a l.adi»»' aud Children's Gaiter» »nd Slipper *' -— y«^r ! FOR SALE GUY LOAN AT PAR of I APPLY TO GEO. C. MARIS, CITY TREASURER, Or H. F. PICKELS, rate*. and Chairman of Finance Committee m&yi^t_ NEW CHURCH TUNE BOOK EPISCOPAL COMMON PRAISE D v Ferry, K ■ FOR BALE BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. 3 teai yuBfiiations. W1LNINGTON 1870 1869 DIRECTORY knit* JENKINS & ATKINSON, . Publishers. TUB D1BLC THE CITY 'UK CA.NVAB8 tnryfor 1 wan promptly begun Jo MARCH l and iplet as prie sub led be hac la work *«*'.. I in e publishers large addition of tli miunoe that they hope to pi aubscilbera earlier tha e given t< of pages limited n ments, If appltad for e gcriptlon prl $ 2 . 00 . ADVERTISING TKRB1S. I of the work This r $ 0. J^PAOS.... ? " r M ayitf. KYV BOOKS. 10 . ■ N E. S. R. BUTLER, 420 MARK«'!' ST., WILMINGTON, DEL., $1.26. utry Family. 0 : of the r o Bible lands. CIo El ad Prophecies of Pe* idlaxe. Cloth Î1J6. lews. Opinions a Na by Diw y. ^ rilling Life of Da CIÉ Jlotb $1 "6. la'« r weight In Geld. BIX hiudied oth «1.76. id Ornamental Work« of Fancy .■ I b Cloth $2.00. e Family ; 23 centr.' ■ Mr.f h ; 26 other'« B ah Sta cÄaC'U rle,Uax opjniu ».Pr»'. i.r.Cc jal Friend, Cents. Da» 1 , Our il aiiey A Piekwioi Copperfield, Gr-at^ L teb tS ^OBNTS WANTED FOR SIGHT SCENES IX THE BIBLE. ARCII, P. P. Py Kxv , fli.wi I y of thought an t ful sly to. f-r »• grsphto dsllne picture«, glowl aginarl'.. ship, ripe is. this qo .1. _ fc v. Alber ■ns, D. iei A ilev, D 1*. Clergymen ï i.,D, press of all de Esod I5r Uir Agents ate < tlnl-c lla'ed vue .he kody I «400 l \.c Ui b °UO* HliSkONc-*910 0 ordlng to ability «ou « MONTH, a A Co, -vi,Ohio. kouiv. Mo. Efclu. Phi adelpnl _in_ «floHltHR ii kouiv. Mo. _in_ «floHltHR ii a GESTS WiSTtiD« 9IU A DAY. TWO 910 MAPS F R $4. Lloyd's Patent Revolving Double Maps ID bTATESOF AMERICA. AMERICA AMERICA AND THE UN ■ 1, show et aplet rreit Ma Kallr Olay d by nuaua e.p ■ ••t. Jonmy Ag ApplyJlGr Cuoului r, T oi oy fo . T. LLOYD. Ifl ^GESTS WANTED 10V Service Afloat During fbc T7ar Between the States. \xA RAPHAEL 8FMMB3. I CanTSEi llshed eir.C ly . f ;h.i Cf ■ the A. hiver Ja riptinn. and old only by an rvsghonr not be • II description of tho KELLY, PIET BALTIMORE,' Md professional Caros. I lbkuï w. smith, UONVEYANCER AND NOTAKY PUBLIC, No. 130 Market St, Wilmington, Del, ^ Draws Deeds, e, and enn Mutual Life In money on it Mortgage, ai * ,, y. A *M'*'il»d'.'lph>-* nary and Commisrt ! MaryU ad, Pan blgan, Stvi'to, lilic shire, Rhode Uhi tic at his state, ma ta A. Mi 8.K.. J. M. BARR. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. JOURNAL BIIlDING, No. 510 Market Street, Wilmington, Del. maylt-t. __ __ Dr. VAN DEVENTER, pula,* DENTAL SURGEON apilfl N 1 106 MARKET STREBT, In cxtraotlnff teeth with 19.15, », ARIEL HI. IUKHISÜTON, JR-, attorney at law SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, . Ne. 63$ MARKET STREET. NGTON. s ■ 0 !» BIRD, T EU atïoknsy a b AW, SIXTH AND KINO STREET*. "> 1 v*I:.UT oN. DEL arl2-tf W. AtACLL, M. O, D. No. *33 MARKET STREET, .AW ARB *ay»0-lf trip» Wants. the uouutni ...«about u ■ upon it f. 1*1,1. %.M. hH promptly ww f, AT i> of an M oney UUb«r "«ff ï my J. #2,1 »of $60'a 1. and Uutr» aU ..ltd Ua -!l TRAINS FROM ß AI.YS •!• )-.t. ou at W40A, Jl.U.ti-, i.37 audio.» THKOU. Leave P. M. CUtSTER FOR PHI LAP PM. m BALTIMORE TO PBlLADEivi HIA. .7 4.03, Laave P?M.' Expr . P. NI., Express. ?ort Depot ! 12 aCd lij.Cl U DAY lit lt£. iowpji ÉatM-îr— E.NT. Ot __ TBAtNa• GOING NORTH, . X l.M. SOC Crlsiietd, 7.4 Ki Priue.Ac Fo.l it bEAKuKD, UrldgevUle, Greonxood, AJU. P.J uOVr.lt Ca 'fit DOVER, U •-••on. 8: Olay tor Road, 8.4U 2 3 t»o;> a.' MIDDLET'N ••t. Pie. «11», iv, {tfwC««tle, 15 ■ Phlladel'a. P.M. Baltimore 5.46 CtikUold, Uh Pansen Also, Freight I a. 6.2 v. Mtddi t. fiut$M4Mi »'.n.. d Pise*.'exo pt Hart's liW'OASTLE TRAINS. Janoiioa gtou .-.nd Pblladflphla, Leave New Castle for adelphl* 11.45 M.and for New Cb '* 1 Smyrna branch ■. Additional to these abo ii tor Clayton . ght '.;alu Itigton, 9 ■ lug C >ur tant Be'. I'. E. 3 l. -v «>««• PPOSITION TO MOSUFOLY l 0 THt FAVOR ITS STEAME?» v JS y y JOEN SYLVESTER, CAPTAIN L. W. LU NS. Jihi ultd Will I S'lime h4 Having he.o ttoiOU. Lly trip» bet«».«» WILMINGTON & PHILA DKLi III A, Mh CU! Ckeitei o* 1 ePylve-ter will le&v W of Vto'Ue an 1116 f EI I ' I A f FA: .. 2 0 snd : or. Uni r altcp LlUilT ru rill Iec.t r ■m 7 JO . ; î,cm tha L.u Dialer Cigar *?■» PSP£3, nl ^nioklhg Cb* at TOBACCO, ' So. S' We"t Front Slrcut, Wilsufiftsa, DelawâXOi of Wa* RgrsivE Paoxn AXTÏSTIOS. mayX4 -tf_ :• THA T EORfT FKW THE ■\T°T A iß*«'?: iI " UKKTII' I A» | L_1J! g'l'RA FAME TUA, COFELSl AND trie**,at Fourth , IT 1 j Market i