Newspaper Page Text
^ yoB B ALK. _ -— hriet iw* ««* 00 * bj, Walnut street abore Unaft » Delaware Avenue modem : i&SSSi u S TeflWBOD Btliita JP&OgSs,, ytimlnjrtonj I* 1 *__ i wo ST()KY BWOlk ip'''* , t»" caad A _"_ it*® tirioki.MV' (|*o i ' —I7 m kW HOUScB, Bel ME • . 3 lo a ud8l»JC.»i*t -THE EX flock or jOl French et. ft.H cliUunnow'Uers 300 10- Mile *' !■« W" 1 ;,;, 1 ;?."™ "; Apply at m. om« tun. „ w/, ini Mark't street. J5* r,iUrJ '*1) T HAWKlNS.r-oe'f. . viKST-CLASa 16 FIM'T w* 8 * 1, '"-ht 1 AD'ly W. H. HORN tv a (TOOll CHANCE IN A K S Aooaewltabllshe.1 lor 10 years, «*"^rbnuc A. office. ^ 3 '* fob bent ^■_ATA VERY LOW PRICE g-ssr.wtfw £2 or,) large Irontand Me yard*; 11 ^ aLt' cgM water: boater tn cellar ; "'Vp'ySr" bahlahgaAik * Front and 1 atnoft. ii'NT.—N*w Houses "tswoen West amlWasMngWn , Rant li, •. Apply W JDH s GitEEN, ^VafrenVoratlOUWashlnp m Thirteenth Sb*T-AGOOD PROPERTY AT roach and I'nlun atreote i large double .term 1,1 b " re,>t ' Jiwj (keep rent. hlalu k OU. MJSD 01 BENT.—HOUSE 1210 IATNALL bain and modern »c con vunienoes. jf5r MKS. ED ri l- N D .111.N BS, Jh law) Washington street. ng KENT.—BASEMENT OF STORE llo 2E cl arret nreet; sultahlo for Merherhershop. Inquire of fill GE<> W. Bl'SH, Trench st. wharf. IKt.NT.-A HOUSE, STABLE ANK twacre* el psrlare laud, at Tenth anil " , - tl '"'''""kLi.IS P. HH1KS. ii small truck larm with gool 'jiilMlngs, near Oroeo Dank Hta onthe Wilmiogtoa Western, K. H. itodBD.M. BRAMBLE, near Dela Juncuon. 12-i4tf )Tb*.KT—THREE STORY WRICK No 610 we?t Third street, contains nine l Apply to THlJMAS .lollNSON, No. 512 west I bird etreet. f OA KALISOtt RENT. ,-niK THREE IB S-VLL. UK Itory brick dwelling,831 Washington st. rooict and bath ; all modern Improve* l;|«l>ered Uiroughout; all rooms heated; BANK BALL, Rooms 11 and 13 Lx ■Kiidimr, 7th aud Market. 1-10-tl WANTED. MTMI-HOAKII IN THE UOUN If uy for2 adults and 3 children, olrieet w.'orJuiii! arul July, within %mlloof f.H. K.o' W. fc N. ft. ft. ; private lami fWerre;: two rooms wanteri ; state terms. 8** "O. L. J.," Lock-box No. fl, Wilmington, Del. Ain Eli.—FIVE GOOD PANT MAK m arid three journeymen tailors to id t ns coats. Prices ad cod on coate nkliif' workmen. Apply In perlon to Wilmington Clothing House N. W.eer. WSUrs.UJNU. W. DIEEENDiHIF, fiGf Manager. ameim;ne hundred houses . u I*ply tbo demand made upon us V Roou and reilatrie tenant* <-.*st o) J.U. FRAZER. A CO, 3rd and Shipley. §t. rWTEP-WOMAN WITH MJHILli g ("yofirf) wlshn a Bltuatlou to do light IX in a «cja' I fa in I ly or as liousokccpnr in gauntry. Apply Kki'chmcas office. :i;4«tt fANTED.-AN INTELLIGENT HOY agtuiationt 16, to learn cabinet uuik api'ly Saturday afternoon to G. UAKDOASTLE, 5 W. 4th st. [lK2t ANTKP.-a white , . URL WITH I KwkI fity re!. Apply to Go6 Washing 3-26 4t* n?--* WHITE WOMAN TOll L Y n * u i J8ewor '(; no washing and "*• «5 E. 4til st. f A ? v T a En -A~S1TUAT10N WANTED ■fluren tx P erlei " od nurse. Apply^lk 3-25-31* hhT wHioh tt!l,^. Wt 2 ulb » rtellv I,™"* (t - '"nrket. B. B. API'LETON, kimkoibo. iabdeiw wanteuIw 3-26-21* of ic was it low This SHIPLEY. 3-26 0t* AHDEKs WANTED—714 KING ST.| | __ 3-26-St* i > sg" g f,pA|i « ) * wR2' ,, i"ww 'quaniesVii thlV^i or ol all the ft>°, in Mr.tjim"™ 8 0 * a,e Nathan "fjmty, lenna.-ox hll,indl J 1 '" 1 .'" 1 M Year- agoa-i 0411 (Ufiiilv thlf lerel(,ro ,l| e only nerson QMrrlJJ ?. l v ' e f- nul »e HAM BO L1M E. l ne Hanihf'i i Li e f D . worke<l 'lor l^i years, 'rhepuhi^V^^ tlierof/om has no Herior luu e ,'J. 8 cautlon «J ftkalnst buy 'quarries J.b> feme from tho to a* (he Wn'inh, ' . ,luot been 11.1011^/ ' ,me ' and 11 can only) h. ro, " ?h "J « autliorlieri j a, MorrimwTi h ! N . n ', Pa. 8-l-lmd* 'Bate d ,,b 5/h i 1 " * rton • w " "»tr.n ( ,n , '>"» In Wllmlng ftilll.l.iin, ... 1 cl<, ; r " , e'l While or ®fllor |»rcuiu c tton* llS * m0 Btant l s Kl -KH, WBlTZELf uuc A CO.. 5 '*• OW| kkitu ^'Khtevllle, Pa. pfoot01 W ftlt 1 ft,? 0 • * n "w r«r.,S Wlluringtcn, Del. nSV 10 ,ur K® st - lime Pf^'otl :( nn n,. u te<1 states, 1 am lctUr ®f» pricM IU<J tll ° wll °Iosalo at INO. w. GRIFFITH, Wilmington, Dol. 3-22-1 wd Fanin wi ', 1 ;' 1 ! ^tables, _^ORANUE SSTKiETS r A ' I'Ea st ti{ =r K, Sat MmImmi of this Clt r. William Henderson fall aalaap Jesus on the 2tth Inst., In tha 62nd year it bia ana, aftar a abort bat aarara attaok of Uraemia. Mr. Headeraao was barn on DaFont'a Banka, wbara ha remain*! antil be engaged u an ap preatloe in tbahonaa painting bnalneaa. Shortly after he bad attained bia major ity, he entered Into the bnaineea with William McCall, under tha firm name of McCall & Henderson. A few yeara afterwards ha engaged in tba grocery business at Riddle's Banks. Ua subse quently relinquished tba grooery trade, and returned to this olty, and resumed the painting business. Ua worked a short time as a journeyman, after which ha engaged in business with Jamas Young, under the firm name af Young k Benderaon. This firm soon obanged, by tha conjunction af another partner, to that of another title, James Young fit Co. and out of this firm, earns tha present partnership known under the firm name of Carlisle & Benderaon, and has oorered a period of twenty-one # *1* bj, ' abore *__ ME yetra. Mr. Henderson has been A member of the Methodist Church for nearly thirty-fire ye Are, end hne nlweye hnd the ooufidenoe and esteem of nil hi* brethren. Be has filled the offices of dues leader, steward And trustee for A number of years in Asbury Church very acceptably. * But ah, that enemy, that lost enemy, that enemy which ahall at last be destroyed, has strnck him down and sent tbs pang* of an guish through affectionate, hut uow bf reaved hearts. Bat let us not sorrow as others who have no hope, "for we believe that Jeans died and rose again," and, "am so also, all them which sleep in Jesus will Cod bring with him from tue dead." For "Ood, even our Father, which brought again from the dead onr Lord Jesus Christ that great Shepherd ef the sheep " is bouudby bis word and his oath, to bring bsok from the dead all "the heirs with Christ." "For by these two Immutable things it is impossible for Ood to lie," Henoe, "Ood, that cannot lie, hath premised ns eternal life before the world began." So, "when thia orornptlble shall pnt on inoorrnptlon, and thia mortal shall hare pnt on Immortality, "then" (but net before ) "there, shall be brought to pass the saying which is written, death >a swallowed up in victory. 0 death where is thy sting. 0 grave where is thy victory." I will redeem them from death, I will ransom them from the grave, O death, I will be thy plagues, 0 gravs, I will be thy d» struotlon." "Who hath heard snob things, who hath seen sneb a thing, shall the earth he made to bring forth in one day. Shall a nation be born a. onoe." "Thy dead men (shall live, to gather with my dead to day shall they arise, awake and sing, ye dwellers in the dust." "Wheiefore comfort one another with these words." 300 A ; brother sleep, Then slee; In the womb of mother earth And from thy slumtiers deep, 'iheu shaft have thy second 1 he grave cannet retain thee, When thejeyiul trump shall sound, But robe'd lu linmeitality, ihou shaft thyself be found. Theu ehalt ni earth's redeeming, nod v.o With them In hymns of lofty praise When death htmiell shall die. the mighty host 7 hea friends, we will not murmer, Heneath this o tautening rod, or taint beneath his kind rebuke, But loye, ns sens of God, Wllm.ngtou, March 26tb, 1880. N S. C. Political The Bxyxrd boom in Chester oonnty resembles the life ot the bnnible-bee, largest and loudest at birth. It matters not II Septimus K. Niriu and Squire Dougherty are (or Delaware's private son, he cant oarry i'ensylvauia.—West Chester "Republican." The Delaware Greenbaokers are not disposed to put a ticket in the field in Kent, and in this county they are wait ing to see what the conventien, called by " Henry Long ef the greenbaok throng "will do in Snssex. The Philadelphia "North American" says that Grant is opposed te the Wash burn boom. Washburn himself appears to have oared less for it himself than any of his friends. Congressman McKinley has been se lected to preside over the Ohio Repub lican State Convention. He is reputed to be a prononnoed Sherman man. The Grant oigans are savagely slap ping Sherman in the face for saying the General will withdraw before the Con vention meets The news from Pennsylvania : S. J. T. 1880 X (it)—"Richmond Dispatch." This is like the news from Townsend : "S. T. X 1809." The Democrats of Columbia, S. C., are disturbed by the prospect of an In dependent oandidate lor Mayor. Hancock is succeeding Bayard as the ex coDfederates' favorite. Edmunds as second choice seems to head a good many lists. K.yMon. Uhronl«ll>xa. An enraged oow nearly killed two little danghters of Dr. Heyward, near Cliadds' Ford a day or two nyn. The children were passing along tha road, when the animal ran at them and tossed them over her head. One had a leg broken and leveral teeth were knocked from the month of the other. Dr. B. Brown Williams,whoseleotxre here was a failure in the way of an aud ience and considered a farce by news paper men, has been leotnring for two weeks in Chester with mnoh success. The Chester County "Democrat" has heard a rnmor that Mr. Kldrigde Mo Conkey, Secretary of the State Agri cnltnral Sosiety, will oontest the seat of Hon. R. K. Monsgen in the Democrat ic State Bonventlon. On Wednesday Wm. and Lewis Bur nett, left the .Id homestead in l'enns bnry, and moved to Wilmington, Dela ware.—West Chester "Republican." Three alleged physioians have been held for trial in Lancaster county, for practicing medicine without a diploma. The West Chester Philosopliljpal So ciety has elected Hon. Wm. Ward, an honorary member. 1 erred and; Feat tiered. A speoial to the Chioago "Times" from Oconomowos, Wis., reports that Rosrans Larker, of Woukesha connty, was tarred and feathered there on Wednesday night by a mob of masked men. Larker had been the lover of a Miss Farrs, of that oonnty, until she married Albert Btielow, ef Milwaukee, it is alleged, for his money, After her marriage she kept up her intimsoy with Larker and finally deserted Stie low and went to live with Larker. This aroused the wrath of the oitizens; which eultlminated in the tarring and feathering. MfWUHUIl AIT1IM. In A Bela—ad 1-ntUnl's Banaarkable gurf arCvaal TraaSneoBl. Oil Citr, Penn., March 24.—Several mouths ago Robert U. logersoll lectured in this olty, and among hia audlenoa was a resident named John Carroll. Soma of tha statements of tha leetnrer so worked on Carroll's mind that beeame somewhat deranged. Be was sent by bis family ta the Dlxmont sane Asylum at Pittsburg. Be was recently released, and now makes a markable statement as to inhuman treatment ha alleges he received in the asylum, lie says that when ha entered the asylum he was suffering from the effects of brain fever. Ou undressing for his bath, his two attendants treated him roughly because ha did not re move his clothing as quickly as they thought was necessary. He told them not to be so harsh, as he was still from fever, and was suffering with blitter on.his baolc, which was covered with a plaster. One of the men said; "Oh, we've heard of you before," and, taking hold of the plaster, tore it from his bask, palling the skin of the blit ter with It. In giving him his bath they rubbed his raw bask with a Ash brush, unmindful of his pleas and aufferlug. He was than dressed and placed in a raom by himself. He walked out in tha kail, whan ha wss put back, and the door looked. Be knocked on the door with hia bands. A keeper named "When Harper unlooked the door, walked out," sayn Carroll, "he knook ed me dewn, and, with three others, heat nod kicked me until I was sense less. When I came to my sense-1 was in a oell. I had on a strait-jacket,and was lying on a bare, damp floor. There was no furnitnre in the room. About 8 o'clock in the evening Harper and two others oame to the oell and wanted me to take some medicine. 1 wm A fraid it was poison,and rsfnsed. Then I was hasten; bnt I still relnsed to take the medicine. This was followed by more kicks and knocks, and then I was oheked and the medicine soared dewn my throat. I was then left as 1 was— alone in the cell—with the strait-jacket still on. Daring the night I managed to get the jaeket ofi'. In the morning, when Harper came in and saw what 1 bad done, he exclaimed with an oath, "Yon'll pay for this!" Be then brought in two men. They came at me, 1 defended myself as well as I could. They kicked and beat me, and one of them, by the name of Lovell, caught me by the hair aud dragged me around the floor. The others kicked me in tke ribs at the same time, break ing some of them. My spine was badly injured, and I suffer from that still, so mush that 1 am not abla to do any work. After this abuse, I wss dressed and put In the strait-jacket. I was taken to another cell, but when the blood waa washed up in tne first one, I wss returned to it before the floor was dry. 1 wss given a itraw-tick and pillow, and remained there all that day and night. The next morning I came to my senses and understood my situa tion at onoe. Before my mind wss not clssr, end any stubbornness 1 showed was beesuss of that. When the cell wss opened 1 told the keeper not to abuse me, and I would do anything that was reasonable. Mr. Brown, the dining-room attendant, then took me to get my breakfast. I entered a room where half a dozen insane men were seated on the floor, eating. The break fast wss breed, coffee, cabbage, and boiled meat. The next day I gave Brown the sign of an Odd-fellow. He answered it. 'Why didn't yon give the "trailing sign" when yon were I did not think of it. When the keepers found that I was an Odd fellow I treated better than the other patlonts. finally managed to smuggle a letter a friend outside, giving the situation was in, and this resulted in my getting my release." "Harper, the keeper," Carroll says, "carried a bunch of keys that weighed between one and two pounds. With this hs frequently struck the inmates hard blows. Ha also had a strap with a bookie on one end. This he need them, sometimes wielding it with both hands. There was a patient in the asy lum named Swanson, ayoung man from Warren County. #ne morning could not find one of his stockings. An attendant seized him, and a sou ensued. When the men (hit, Swanson was on top. Another keeper pulled him off, and held him while the other kicked him until be begged some one, for God's sake, to kill him. He was hnrt so badly that he conld not rise, and lay doubled up on the floor crying. Oh, God, take me .away from these bad men! It was the most heartrending sight I ever witnessed. While he lay on the floor, Swanson had three violent fits in succession. When he came the asylum he was strong, healthy young man, and quite inoffensive. In a few weeks he was redneed to almost skeleton." : Uea. Orant'N Future Movement!. A great deal of interest has been excited as to what will become of Gen eral Grant, now that he has returned to thes country again. It was learned yesterday that the General will proceed to New Orleans after he makes a tonr of Texas. After,'that be will probably proceed np the Mississippi River to Cairo or St. Louis, and thence to Galena, III., where lie will remain for some time. A trip to Leadville is in prospect. The General does not own a cut's worth of mining stock, bnt his children are in terested, and the ex-President goes to the mushroom oity to take a view of the celebrated silver mines in the vi cinity. About tbe latter part of May he will retnrn to Philadelphia and thence proceed to Long Bnaneh, where he will remain until the olose of the season. Viall •rOonxr.aaloaal 4'oiniuf lir.a Wakiiixiiton, March 15.—Tho Com mittees of the Houxe on Naval affairs and appropriations, accompanied by the Secretary of the Navy and Repre sentative Harmer, will visit Philadel phia on Friday, April 2. The party will Stop at Chester in the afternoon to inspeot the monitor Puritan, aud will roach .Philadelphia in the evening and remain at the Continental Hotel until the next morning, when a visit to the monitor Terror and Leagne Island Navy Yard will be made on a Government vessel. The dredging aid fillings at League Island, for whloh Mr. Harmer asks an appropriation of $50,000, will also be a sobjeot of examination. Attentl.n, Tonne Ladle! I Rmnfori Bro.'s, 404 Market street, have Just reoeived the spring styles oi grey mixed, brows mixed and mitre mixed Derby), for ladies. OTII K.-THA STEAM KKH of Eleotiie Line will returns their trip*, rtnx Wilmington, Delaware, on Saturday the l*th Instant, at S o'oloelt P. M. Ketum Ing wl II tall Trent Mew York on Wednesday, the 17th instant, and thareaftar will eall reg ularly avery TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATuKDA Y, Irom King etreet Wharf, Wll mlngton, at II o'clock P. from Weldner't Wharf, Chester, Pa. at 4 o'clock, P. M. Ami Irom Pier It East Hirer, New Yqj[!, evenr MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, e*t 1 £& 2 te»^»d r o5iijRn b ;Jd after Thursday, inn in«aui. For rates ap ply to Aniat^AanoT, Agant, W Soutbutreot, New York; Wiluast Wxavmb, Weidner's Wbarl, Chatter, Pa.; Edvtakd AaDiaws, King street Wharf.Wilmington & OT1CE.—IN OOMPLIANOE WITH the Statute In this behalf the subsoil* hereby givo notice that they will make applioatlon on the third day of April, A. D., Eighteen Hundred and Eighty,to the Honora ble Leononl E. Wales, lodge of the Superior Court of the State el Delaware, lor a Charter Incorporating a company to be called 'The Kenauno Chemical Company. " The object the said company being the making, bay g,selliug,o(M&noundlng and refining)Chemi cal Explosives, Cartridges,Eases and Primers. A draft ot the Charter of the said Company will be on that day presented to the said Judge for his examination and order thereon. HENRY DuPONT, L A MMOT DuPoNT, EUGENE DuPONT. S of In March 2. 'W-t4 3 OTIOE.—TH E PURCUffr ,£k property and franchise ot the Pennsyl vania and Delaware Railroad Company, sit uate In the States of Pennsylvania and Del* ware, at the sale thereof by Strtckland Kneass, surviving trustee, and vested with title thereto by vir 4 -.; of a conveyance of said trustee delivered January 10th, lb«o, pursuant to the orders ot the United Stares Circuit Court duly had will held a meeting at the Passenger Station ol the Philadelphia, Wil mington and Baltimore Railroad Company, at Wilmington, Delaware, on Monday, March 29th, 1880, at 12^ o'clock p. m., for the purpoBe of organ ctng a new corporation, as authorized by the law ef the State of Dela ware, and electing a president and six dlrec DELL NOBLIT. Wilmington March 10 1880. 3-11-1213 19-20 N nr the torfl CHJ81E A. McCALL WILL , _«f T~a. k_Y commtnce running betweenaMaSdHBK this city and Pennagrove,on TUESDAY, MAKGH 30, And make two round tripe on Tues day, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday's. Leave Penn at 11 and 3o 8 2AU is^rovo at 9 and 2; Wilmington UAPT. DENNEY fc BROS. OnCK-l BEG LEAVE TO INFORM mi friends and oustomers that 1 have romoved my dress and eloak making estab lishment from Mo. 200 west Fifth street, to 617 west Sixth street, where 1 should he pleased to have them eall. 8-8-w s-lm Mho. A. M. APPLEBY. N OTICE-THE DIAMOND STATE Loan Association Is n iw Issuing new stock,applications received any time by GEO. O. MAkIS, Secretary offices Ne. 601 Shipley street, (2nd door) open day and evening. 8-11 lm N S OTICE.-FIVK HUNDRED SHARES, loth series Mechanics Loan Stock for Pint payment on the second Tuesday In May. Apply to W.J. MORROW. Sec'y. S-ao-tomao 417 Krenoh street. REMOVALS. TY EM0VAL! REMOVAL 1 A. B. JONES, A. B. JONES, A. B. JONES, A. B. JONES, —DVALKK IK— •O O o* I o WALL | PAPER | o -o o —AKD— WINDOW SHADES, 611 MARKET ST., HIS RKMOVKD TO 422 MARKET ST. 2 26 422 MARKET ST. 422 MARKET ST. 2m 422 MARKET ST. EMOVALI R GEORGE W. STONE Has rsmoved his place of business to the large store, OOBNEE WATER AND MARKET STB., Where he still offers a well selected stock ol MANUFAOTUBEKS SUPPUES. | (Consisting of Oils, Belting, Pooklng, Rubber Goods^ete. A new Hne of Fine Fittings, Brass work, Valves, ect. The old agency for the celebrated Averill Chemical Paint. The new preparation for walls called ALA* BASTINE. cheaper and better than Ka Ho mines. easily applied and durable. l2-22tf FLOUR. of 1 old and will >UR. FLOUR. When Artarxerxes crossed tbe Hellespont, he took with him an army of one hundred thousand men, consequently bis Commissary was always on the h*okout to procure good Flour for them. Just co with us, it requires much of our time to he on tho lookout to find FL'jUK that we think will suit our large growing trade, so as to offer It at tbo VEttY LOW PRICE we do, and command our cus tomers approval To-day we offer you a Choice Family Flour for $7.76 ana a nice single extra lor $6.26 per barrel and bailor quarter at same rates. They both make nice worth more money, soliciting further your valued favors, with the assur ance that it will always be our study to merit your confidence. bread and W. N. CHANDLER, 611 MAltKErST., Haft way between 6t.h«nd 7th. I)RUGOI8T8. heapekthan ihrt. c 0 SOAP. SOAP. SOAP. SOAP. Numerous stylos ol cheap soap for bath room use. A Krcat variety of the most popu lar French, English, German and American toilet soaps. Also SKIN SOAP, BABY SOAP, TOOTH SOAP, SILVER SOAP, HAND SOAP, SHAVING SHOA1', AND SOAP FOR REMOVING PAINT ANI) GREASE. FOR SALE BY Z. JAMES BELT, Z. JAM 12$ BELT, FAMILY DRUGGIST, SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. A ttention.— aii persons dosiring pure Drugs or Clieraieals, or wish, ing their prescriptions or private receipts oareihlly compounded oi pore materials, should go to the drug storo ol H, ft. IIRINGHURST, No. 817 Market street, WilmlBgton, Del. 8-10 0 Pa., OUSE AND SION PAINTING. uk, Varahhlnu, Paper Varnishing a specialty, Staining and Hard wood Finishing, and every kind of work In onr line done In a tlrst-olass manner by experienced workmen, Patronage solicited. Estimates furnished . DANIEL SMITH, Manager, Successor to Barker k Smith, AgU. IB1 SHIPLEY STREET, 8md Wilmington, Del. H will of will Grain! his Co., OOF1NG ! ROOFING JI AH kinds composition roofing dene prompt and at LOW PRICES. 01$ leaky tin, shingle and composition roofs coated with plastio and made water-tight and good as new. Give us a call. ROBERT ATKINSON. Offico : Sam'I. Hanna A Co.'s hardware 8-19-emd R be store, Filth unit Miirkot stg. S l'KAY OATTLE.—THKEE fat oat tle oarne to the nrouilns of the subscri ber on tho 73a Inst. The owner Is requested come forward, prove property, pay charges snd take them with R PUBLIC SALES. 11?" 0 *™* ,AL " f ________ . __ IPMBBOWAL TMOPEMTT OF JOHN WBLIN A 00. By virtue oi an Order of the Oonrtof Ohanaery ol the State ol Delaware, In and ler New Cattle County, made the 26th 'lay February, A. It. MRU, will ha exposed to Pub lie Sale, the following dewriMd ]' Property, being me Property Welle A Go., et Ike Cjifeoubank, New Caatie Ccority, Del,, on * um,AY '**«»«"■ A - "• imo ' #t 1 0 clock, p. m. Maivuiiit-i main shaft pulleys hangers, 110 lnjh guni driving belt, 2spoko lathes patterns and belts; 2 circular saws table and belts, 8 grindstones l table and he'te, 1 holler lor steaming 19 loot of 8 inch heating {ripe In eeftar 1 countershaft pulleys and belts, l circular saw table belt and at tachments. 1 boring machine and belt, one chair machine counter shall fixtures and belt, 1 boring machine and belt, 1 wooden vise, scouring machine counter and belt, 12 feet of 4 inch beating pipe (In ladder room) 1 plan ing machine belt and counter, 1 circular saw beach and belt, 1 felloe bender and belt with sleigh runner, wheelbanew and other forms belonging thereto,1 single bend shaft set, 4 double bend shaft set. 4 bow sete, 12 pele sets, 40 ear back nts. 120 steel leg sets, 1 iron ■taem box, 1 small hand screw, 2 bench vises, 8 chair arm sets, 10 chats back sets 32 chair leg sets, 2 felloe packers, 1 round top how and fix tares, 1 counter shaft (In speke room) one wheelbarrow. Stock -Lot of Sawed strips for shafts bows Ao , lot of oak and hickory plank, lot of spoke and handles unfinished .about 04 peach ladders about 12 long ladders, about 17 chair frames 1H0 stool frames. 17 croquet mallets, lot fin ished spokes ehalr stuff and bandies, about 22 set ear backs and 70 set It lloes, lot ihafte a nd plow handies and dearborn bows, V pair slelvh runners, lot loose shafts felloes ana polos, lot steal legs (not bent) Tissu- Remaining on 14 acres of land leased of Israel Gunkle in Blackbird Hun dred New <Jast.'e countv. ersonsl cil John Stoke end Felloe Mill ■'ml AT BRANBY WINE STAVE MILL, In tbo City of Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware, on THURSDAY, APRIL 1ST. 18S0. at 1 o'clock p m. MILL BUILDING, SHEDDING ANI) DIIY RuOM. Maomvxav.—1 steam engine 18x30 and at tachments, 1 tabular boiler and attachments. S leroe pumps, 1 hand pump, main hne shaft ing pulieye hangers, 1 driving belt, 1 circular saw mill carriage and belt, holt rope and ehalna far drawing up lege, 1 werk bench. 1 emery grinder table and belt, 1 heading peck er, 1 swinging cross cut aaw frame and belt. 1 large grindstone Irame and Mt, 1 patent allelng machine, 1 hand drill. 1 Iron vise, 1 heading planer eeunter and belt.l hand cut saw, 1 feeing machine and belt 1 heading machine, 1 machine for ripping heading, 1 eld oountershalt pulley aud fly wheel. 1 eld planer, steam pipe lu dry room, 1 truck four wheeled, 8 gam hoee, 1 step lad der, 3 slrenlar saws S8 Inebes. stock.-L ot of logs In yard, abeut 10,000 It. mixed sawed lumber and blank In yard, ao pleeesef Hub staff in shed, about ft'ooo i'eet mixed sawed boards and 1 amber In shed, lot sawed spokes In Mill, 3000 leet sawed plank in mill,about 403 gum hub blooks (rosgln oil) about 4000 imperfect cloth beards, 1 express WOfftB. AT Nos. »• AND 21« NHIPLEY ST., In the City of Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware, on TUESDAY, APRIL 0TH, 1880. at 10 o'slook, a. m.. Miosism.-l 12 x 20 engine with attach meat, I driving belt, 1 tubular boiler, Injector snd attachments, 1 plaining belt, 1 cut off saw (mine and holt, 1 ripsaw frame counter and belt, 1 dowolllog and bor ing machine and and belt, 1 steaming box, 1 lelloe bending machine with t rms and straps, 2 counter shafts and belt*), 1 saw gum mer main line shafting pulleys and hangers, rim nockirg machine, 1 scroll tow counter and belt, 1 shaping machine counter and belt facing machine-ami helt.l throating machine aud'beit, 1 tenoning machine and belt.l band saw machine and belt, 1 "spoke I&thelorrus and belt, 1 emery grimier extra wheels counter! and belt, 1 crosq. cut frame coenter and belt seovrlng mAcnioo and belt, 1 grindstone : framo and belt, 1 hub boring muehlnoand belt, 2 screw press, l?h«b mortising machine lathes bench machine and oounter and belt, 2 bench oounters and belt, 1 work bench and sorew, band saw set machine; 1 frame lorscourlng, elevator and ao»lianoes, 1 rim planer wood en frame and belt, l rim planor Iron frame counter and belt, 1 nmmlng machine, 1 set of eastings for rimming machlno, 1 rlm bering machine bite and belt, 1 rlm rounder machine oounter aud belt, 1 speke threater aud belt, re-tenoning machine and belt, 2 speke driving horse frames, 1 round tenoning ma chine counter and belt steam pipe in dry room. Stock,—A bout 600 sets finished oak and hickory felloes, about finished oak and hlekery spokes, about 2040 sets I iron hub bands,8|bbl malleable Iron hub flan gee, 1 paint table, 2 office chairs, 1 office de(<ks small ouphoard, 1 letter press, 1 elock.lot ©1 oarpet for chairs, lot turned wooden ware in show window, lot camp stools In thow wln-16 dow, lot 80 lneh handles, 2 step ladders, about 1600 feet laperfeot oak plank, lot sawed ash pieces for table legs, lot . sawed lelloe strips, wheelbarrows. 1 shovel, 1 basket,, lot rolling pin stQff, let ash plank in garret (about 2500 feet) 8 sets carriage wheels, lot glusln bar rels, lot spokes In the rough. Attendanee will be given and terms made known at the time and places aforesaid by EDWARD MENDIN'HALL, Receiver, Attest, J. W. Houseman, Register, O. C. 3-0-18-20-27-4-3 two , about 24 sete dearborn bows, hub blocks 1 bbl. malleable P ytoiy. UHLIU SALE. Will be sold at Public Sale on the promi , known at the Sia e Line Farm, on Friday Ai'Kit '2 lftan \ . i w ' i At l o clock, l. M., [ A pood farm of 73 acres, more or rtTMf good hind. The Improvement , consist ol a large stone mansion three storing high, containing 22 double in front: largo frame barn with ot orshootand shedding, a good a agon house and corn crib?, lce house, lifted; a brge lawn with iruit treos, there are about 250 apple| trees, about 40 pear frees and 26 ehorry treo9 and an orchard of peach trees,plenty ol small fruit,such ns blackberries and raspberries and plenty ol grapes. This would make a splen did summer boarding house o> hotel, and well calculated for a drove yard, uosd running wa ter in every field on the place. The subscri ber will also sell his personal property, as fol lows: Four head of good work or driving horses, one mare with foal by Go denough, 1 colt coming two years, very promising ; thre*? head of good milch cow? two heifers coming two years old; good stock; two sows,one rlth pigs: Farming Implbmkntb.- One combined Champion mower And reaping machine, one Syracuse plow, and two other plows, 1 steel toeth horse rake, 3 cultivators, 1 harrow, 1 two horse farm wagon with rigging. 1 horse oart, 1 milk wagon, 1 Germantown carriage, 1 York wagon, 1 corn shelter, 1 feed cut ter ,2 log chains, 1 cross out saw, 2 large feed chests, 1 mixing t»or, 1 carriage pole, 1 post spade, lot of shovels, picks, hoes, Ac . 25 pairs ol chick ens, ducks and turkeys, 1 grain cradle. 1 sleluh and Dells, 2 riding saddles and bridles, 1 side saddle, 1 net ol stage harness, cart har ness. 2 sets oi carriage harness and a lot of old harness, hay knife, maul and wedges, broad axe and other axes, a lot of hay and straw and ninny other articles too numerous to mention. Wheat in the ground. Terms —AH sums ol 820 and aft over that amount a credit of 6 months will be given by the purchaser giving a bank able note with approved indorsor. JAMES McKAY, 3-24-6 td2tW and under cash L. W. Stidham A Hon, Auots. pUBLIC SALE LAN CASTER COUNTY COWS, CALVES AND SPRINGERS. ov Tho subscriber will sell at Public Sale, at theObadds' Ford (Hotel, Delaware Oourity, Pa., en MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1880. Forty Lancaster County Cows and somolat stook. A credit of 90 days will be given. 'No postponement on account of woatlier. Halo to commence at 1.30 o'clock. N. B.—A lot of York State Ewes and Bulls will be offered at Private Sale on March 81. 8-16-tldAw L. W. Stidham A Son, Auctioneers. AMOS W. HOUSE. pUBLXO SALE OF COWS. The subsorlber will sell at Public Sale, at his residence, near Booth's Corner, Delaware Co., Pa., on MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1880, At 1 o'clock, P. M./ Thirty fresh cows and springers, guaranteed as represented, and will be delivered to buyers aa tar as Wilmington. 3-26-d-w2t WM. S. GOODLEY. EMOVAL—JACOB BKUNNEK HAS renoved his watoh store Irom No. 631 Lombard t. 80) King st, where he will bo pleased to attend te all who mar lavor him with their patronage. 8-S6 lrnd R QOAL, COAL, COAL. LEHIGH AND KOHINOOft COAL I BEST FAMILY COAL, oakefullTfkepahed, Especially for our retail sales. PROMPTLY DELIVERED IN CELLARS AT LOWEST MARKET PRICE. CHARLES WARNER A 00., MARKET STREET WHARF. E NTKKPBISEOOALI No Inuiily.'should be without ft. rr is suPBkiioH to all others, M* Don't Oil to give It a trial-** . nw S» to the ton. FRANK 0. CLAYTON, OBANOE AND WATER STREETS. 13-8-t' Wilmington, Del. ELEPHONK T FRO* AXT FART OF THE ClTT TO | G. D. SLAYMAKER'S OFFICE, | OOBNKH or f Ak-WATEK AND KINO STREETS'® —von YOCB— LIME, SAN11 AND COAL! As I manufacture :my lime at mi worse in Lancaster C=unty, Pa , I will lur Dish lime at the very LOWEST PRICE either wholesale or retail. 3-6-Smd y^AKGEST LUAD OF KINDLING WOOD FOR 8'.60, KINDLING WOOD FOB 81.60, —AT— PONDER'S, OAN PONDER'S, JOHN PONDER'S, JOHN PONDER'S, NO. 106 MARYLAND AVENUE. NO. 100 MARYLAND AVENUE. ALSO GOAL OF ALL SIZES. A1280 COAL OF ALL SIZES. 1-13-im Wilmington, Del. Q.EO. W. BUSH k SON, FRENCH STREET!WHAHIt, 0x11 special attention to tholr hard, pun, SHENANDOAH GOAL' SHENANDOAH OOAL' Prepared lor Family use. Also wo their BRUOK.8IDE LYiTeNS VALLEY, Superior to all other coals lor Bakers and lor open grates. 0 ° AL AND LIME. COAL AND LIME, COAL AND LIME, YARD FOOT OF WEST STREET, YARD FOOT OF WEST STREET, JOHN W. GRIFFITH, 1-7-tl Wilmington, Del. twooutini. [GREAT WESTERN TEA COMPANY _ W. IL BOWMAN Manager E. SECOND ST., s THONG AND MILD ROASTED COFFEE, 26 CENTS PER POUND. BLACK, GKE N, JAPAN AND MIXED TEAS AT 60 ©ENTS PER POUND. These goods are nnexcellod In purity,strength and flavor, by any in the city at the price. Ivy them and be oonvlnoed of tbo fact. 15 E. SECOND ST. Wllmlngtou, belawnre. OurTossortment of tbe finer grades o£Tes and spices generally, is one of the best. Prloes alway rlgnt. SUGAR AT COST TO.OU8 TOJVTEKN. G IlOOEKIES DOWN. 1 have this day received a largo lot of gro cerie8 which 1 will sell cheaper than can be bought in this city. Our aim Into convince those who call that this Isa fact, especially those who are about to remove to the western en( l of the elty. We sell nothing hut firsts class goods at the very lowest market prloes. i We do not allow no grocer in this olty to sell [ oheaper than us. Our Flour we sell at $6.00, $®-00 and $7.75; Patent Flour, 88.50 per barrel, , Our4cent flour we will guarantee. Our 10 cent. Drips Is the best sold in the cltv tor the 'uoney, It formerly sold at 18 cts.; Coflee Irom l 0 cents up;our40 eont Tea we recommend, ft nd we do not sell any goods we cannot re surrounded<eommend. Corn, Oats. Hay and Straw for *ftle In any quantity. We keep continually hand a lull supply of Iresh and salt Meats i&U kinds. Cali and satisfy yoursell that those are facts. Coal 011 110 test, 11 cfs. per gftl'tm. PETEK J. FORD, a 26-tf Front and Maryland are., city, hams In the city: ttour at $9 26. |fl.76, our $7.76 is the best in the market for the price, T. M. fl RANDOPENIN G OF EASTER \JT goods on Friday and Saturday at Gran ger Store, 103 East Sixth street. All farmers' produce, eggs, butter, cbtokens and sausage: another lot of those German pears 2 fts. 1 or 26 cts.: another lot of Bellflower dried apples, nicest fruit in the market for pies. 10 cts. ft.; cream biscuit, Iruit cake, flno canay and or anges for Easter. Don't forget our Foster's teas. Give them one trial and you will nevor buy any othtr; sold only In Boston, Belfast and 103 East 6th st. German pretzels 18 cts. ft. The cheapest dried beef and the finest W1FK, Grangor store, 103 East Sixth st. NEW GROCERY STOKE. George E. Wheeler, 104 E. Second st. has lately finished and completely remodeled tho old stand, having tom out all the old fix tures. The new ones makes the storo second to pono Being deeply grateful for patronage, and by carolul attention to business he houcs to merit a continuance of the same. He h&s lifted in a new stock oi choioe groceries, And shaft endeavor to make the prices for good goods as low as the lowost. He extends a cordial invitation to aft to come and see the now store. Very Respectfully. • GEO. E. WHEELER, 104 E. 2nd st., city. 3-18-tf J R. CHANDLER A OO. HAVE OPEN • ed tboir large GROCERY STORE with an assortment ot goods of the best quality whloh we will soli at the very low est rates. Hoping and soliciting a aen cral patronage Irom our friends and the pub lic in general, Wo remain your?. 8-23tf CHANDLER A CO., No. 16 E. Third st., (Odd Follows' Hall.) HEBt'HANT TAILORING. M. H. QUINN, w As Cheap as anv Establishment In Wllmlng- to ton or Philadelphia. 6-7-ftm D K. BLISS, 217 W. THIRD STREET looates your diseases And desoribesyou! pains, achos and bad feelings without asklni any qaeetlons. If yeur phyriclan don't glv« you Bitisfaction give Dr. RUpi r oall. 3 23-la MERCHANT TAILOR, ua makket st., All the latest styles of Spring and Summer Ga88lmero and suitings kept on hand, cut and made in good style. CLOTHES MADE TO ORDER 122 MARKET ST., BBT OOBDB. jtj Tim QBOiBY * BILL, _ 330 and 222 Market Street, "Are now showing a large aesortment of NPKING DREWM GOODS AT POPU LAR PRICES. BLACK CASHMERES. We hold a very large stock or these goods, and are at present ottering splendid value, fa brics of superior merit and at very low prioee. Cash customer, for these goods should exam ine our stock before purchasing. [.BLACK MLBS. We are offering at 08, 87X and 81, (as wen as the better grades), beautiful goods, which will be pronounced decidedly cheap, by ererv person, at all liunlllar with these goods. BARGAINS IN 11 TOILET GUILTS, TABLE LINENS, TOWELS, NAPKINS. HOSIERY, GLOVE! CORSETS, Ac. rUBOSBY A HILL,; •HD 222 MARKET STREET. Wllmlngitn, Del. th-s ■ -; f/ ■ s 3 tz , ; WALL PAPER. 'M » I?) W 3*5) 0 - WB ! gs 5 £5 TtJ v. w r. W ► KW ttU W?3 q t c n C, OCO WW .if. CO I ■ ec » H g B Pg way hiJH 5C5dtt KKM mn w §3 V ft Wi QQ 1" 3 f ay. H C ► So art §2 BB I s XB H-6 a 3 sr 5 v « s ^ % l H 03 73 73 rtrtrt CCO CC& CM ££ C '; r H n CAT 71 HHH w C H PROFE8NIONAL CARDS. K. E. O, WELCH. THE DENTIST, Has removed to NO. 608 KING STREET, WILMINGTON. 49~AnerthetlC8 administered, and all operations in Dentistry performel skilflilly and reason ihlv D XT EW REAL ESTATE AGENCIES. lN ARTHUR H. SMITH, fL E. COR. SEVENTH AND SHIPLEY KENTS PROMPTLY COLLECTED, MORTGAGES NEGOTIATED, CONVEYANCING in aft its BRANCHES, UNDER THE 8UCKRV1SION OV ALBERT W. SMITH, Gall at my office before renting or purchasing. -3-W-S-3W rij m TTJAVID J. MURPHY, JR., ATTORNEY AT LAW, NO. 6 WEST SEVENTH STREET, NO. 6 WEST SEVENTH STREET, Wilmington, Del, :*Pj 10-22-tf Mi mEETH FOR ALL THE PEOPLE. Beautiful Teeth at $8, $5, $8 and 810/ per set. Teeth extracted without palnl_ by the use of gas. Over thirty year? exper ience. DR. GALLAGHER, No. 836 Market street. H owedi, Junes, ELI H. OHANDLIB JONES k UHANDLEK, A1TOKNEYS AT LAW, 9- 4-tt topekaTkansas. i PLUMBING AND,' GAS FITTING. rjlHOMAS RILEY, PRAOllOAL PLUMBER, . GAS FITTER, ^ NO. 219 WEST SEVENTH STREET. Having made plumbing and sanitary en gineering for the past forty years my touii ne-s I loel confident of giving entire Batiflloo tloa to those who may favor me with their pa tronage. Best of reference given fnregarf to ability. 1-28-Sm t — THOM AS RILEY. 216 W. SEVENTH ST ~. . Tl/f'i *KTG AGES.—CASH AIxWAYS A1 jLYX command 'or good mert*agee_largt and small. HEALD A UO., 3 20-eod-ah r 7tu and Market. STEAM and , m ■ m t \1 /i; l