Newspaper Page Text
n VONTGOMKRY. 203 N. NINTH Kit fÄV'S» I to3days. Advice fros, Savior TTl^n A UDT'S PENNY HO Y A L y .... .-ai. Sois hv Druggists: also by J, 'àJ< N. Ah 8t.. l'üU». I* dies Uvinsf ) , n . Krlli U Notices. MITICE-W«. WM. C. lOOKD AND 1 II nomNM>N. trK.lln, gourd and Motdasoa, WILLIAM a street, waM of Hit city of nty of New Gastie and State compliance with the re acts ol' the General Assi-iu 1 provided, da Ire that we shall apply in , | |P î i.url or General Sessions ol the j a li Delivery of tho State or vela N'l-w I astle Cenaty. on Mon ol May. A. D., WM», being „luier.n oi aatd court, for a llreuao to tiP'itcaihig llquers La quantities not less î mu -liai I gallon, not to be drunk on the following rrspecla wanl reconnut ud Win Hatter Thus DGIbipa Andrew Wilhelm fllmlngton, I p«la**r«y y— . 1. Uri ait.,.. Jane « II llarkina Joseph lllckta W .J MclOwce Kn-.« HoMiuan Chnrks A Mun as I Peter .1 Donnelly Kyle KUUUD A UOU1NB JM. « h< .1 OR SHERIFF, JOSEPH S. DUNLAP, Of Wilmlngtou. lubicct to the uouiiuation of the Demo tic party. m90-18i* obinsönS BOOT ï SHOE STOKE. 'r- M R.IDiblnoon fco* Just ojici (formerly occupied •y), where you can got îUcajicHt grade» ut h prlj'c«*. \ «baie of the solicited. KOKUK WHITE, CARTER, Hirt 8. Minltb. No. itt Fn nrli stieCt, I« pre • <1 to do liK-lit or heavy liaiilliiK at reanuna <1 u î C !'■' glv«'n to un 1 othrr uritcles rieiutrtng lephuuu •' •till meE—TO KAHME',« AN.) PROP erly on tiers, Intendliii loan uut *'Day llitn kprlug. 'Ill" Delaware Hi»-Igi , or about ■lurable, or least» brins in your or If GI.AKK A CO., 824 Market street, city. sal.I lii'.lge l.>r G p< r frFlii' UTU K-TU THE PUBLIC, I AM ly to do hauling n as.'ii.ildy. riei»-a give '», Mixth aud Orange Ib.luw are prompll* at . lloolKS. KMOYAL. Ih lug moved from ftth and Frcoch Hts. to »uhslnnllal light carrlag* and liusl •••. A variety . HAM M ITT. : pr«*i»at«*<i .... ..... intud • niTltges ti'palilug arpcclalty. ilk: milk:: milk:ü Knmtllvs «vlshlng « .«1 w^lth ijlntj ijusrl «• promptly D. lawarc lit, «Irl ver of w «son. ÏIIoMXC 1IOOTKN. D. ARMSTRONG, TAILOrThAS k» remove«! hi« nlac>. <<l t»u p I SIXTH STRIKT, where West St., -lllCla tO Ntf. Invitee •r cuotuincrii Irli t • uiake bulU la th« "Vite" KMOYAL. JOHN W. IIIU., SlUN HOUHK • ' a 2. l '£i' SH MAKING, CUTTING, FIT hy Murk i<;t ' < Oral Hysleni; pnUvru« cut, pt iiik hiiS ruttlny laurtit In «I sue wanted. ïi mouton . KEABLKS HAS REMOVED HIS ( «> iron, U2 1 M, t. Olllc«'houru: « ,wp. \s 12.»op. m.. .»ftp. in. •a - ■ k»|i, in. THEEL I y ^ r»i<rtfc *lrr»k æ. * .'fhee Ï «'«.lies* Curablo "special I I3EASES AND LOOD POISON, TIN ATE U.I I.HN, KI.O N II I KI ITKUftM. 1*1 VI 1*1,EM, M.IN«8, IMT.A WVIAHON. VilHlily, Eorfi »nil Hoptnl I'roslrs 41rlaiirliu|ia, Uluilrter uml ry Diseuse«. (Acute ■ lr«*l MV lliopatliic, HOU cpinl'iuios , Kc'.aoila A lielacic s. Privat« Practical fa*«'« aoll«it«4l. at as? 'T. »VÄ* r ' i C< '* rJ 2 ore fn.m 10 tu a rady, 234 King* St , I a special attention to all I buyers this week, as wc i just filled our store with ■w spring goods ofall kinds Styles of Gent's and Ladies', Its' and Children's fine In Gent's fine shoes we I a large assortment of kan Üt>, alligator, porpoise hide, ind-niade goods. Wc have nicest assortment of Ladies' shbes from g 1.50 up. And HiSles' spring-heel pebble c fine and kîd for $1.25. I Don't forget to call at m GRADY'S >1 234 King Street. .A8TERING! —Call ►2 SHIPLEY ST., w aut your jobbing done quick your cellar comontewT. Eatimates lUud for all kiudauf pluBteriug and action guaranteed. bert McCunllev, «Ir m2»- 1 It How Toothpick» The Mannfactnrer end Builder filvet •orne Interesting Information about manufacture uf tooth pick a in a Michigan factory. The wood of the canoe Wreh la need exclusively. The log« are sawed into pieces 88 inches long, which are thoroughly steamed and then cut Into veneer. The veneer la cut Into long rib bous three inches In width, and liras» ribbons, eight or ten of them at a time, are run through the toothpick machinery, coming out the other mid, the E erfect rokeu pieces anti the refuse falling Into anchor. The picks a box, by Rlrls, mostly comely-looking I hen packed into parked into boxes, 1 500 in young squaws, and and finally iuto big boxes, for shipment to all parts of the world. About st.ven and a half million tooth picks are turned out each working day establish ment. Ij by this Wants. W ANTED.—A SITUATION BY A uild IU-aged lady keep lions«', oily „. rouutr). Applv or uddri-s C. H., WoU-rn flotel, Fourth and Orange streets. Res t of all-fill mfeicnco. \\: ANTED MEN ENERGETIC,WITH VV larae clfclu ol acuuaintancua, or «nn pluyrd wb. re tbvre I» u lain« lore«-, crea»* bit lnniiir bv noltrlllua for us SA Hi.K, office 2«1-Hour, 404 Market »I. In m2 11ELF FUUM8UED FOB restaurants aud private lamllle# at the shnriokt notice. Atiiilr WILMINGTON 1« K \\f ANTED— vv bott-D, re N UK* IF TICK Orange Hlieet WANTED —AN APPRENTICE TO v V Ihc drug business, about IS years iirag«-; i«»i>.l cdiiittll'in. Ac apiillcAul, "DnigjiLst. •' h.inrttv mini; ol pulillcau oiiicc. ANTED—BOARDERS AT NO. »:»:] guod accouiuioilattons. Huma coinforls. W FI. ANTED —GOU!) MURTGAUEB AT b per ceuL^m jinipcrty at linh It's value. Si'. ».î Maiketstie*t. \\ ' A N TED—YUU NG MEN BO A R D v V ers in u prtviuc IiuliIv: stn et-car pasee MUL WM. j . «»KART, l7l!i ai , Highlands. aU-Ui* w '.■if tin: door. U1V« r WANTED — î T cook ; a middle aged woman pi Aprly at Mis. Charles U. Kuiuturd'e, Market st. AN EXPERIENCED s-tf \\ r ANTED —2 CARRIAGE V V mer» aud two boys at No. TlilM \\ r ANTED—BOARDERS; AI.PO FUR Vv ulsbi'd ruums for lutlgcrs. ill Krcnch -et* VV" ANTED.—WEEKLY llEJ'UBLl il cans of .tauuary fi, M.v 1, , ; 6 ceil Is will be paid at this oQlcu. \y ANTED—TO BUY UUT STOCK OF T T grocery sto'«>; mu*t have dwelling. Ad Ca«n, tills oltlce. .•su, with parti \% r ANTED. —BOARDERS, AT MRS. TT UA MHDKUG K.U'H, h o. 412 Ring street. Pleasant room, aud home comforts. -22,t WANTED — O OU U PAN T 8 FOR ff pleasant, n'cely furulsUed rooms, ftstes reasonable. 7 K. *1 st. For 11« you RENT OP. WILL EXCHANGE x lor city property, a «mall farm ou the ro»il Icadlua from W llmliigtou tu Mt. «'ulu Apply lo THOMAS R. f.Al.I.Y, in à 8C0 Market siicct. r j'OR RENT. — STORE 20 FEET couari', 2 bulk wliulovr*. < entrai locailou. 4'heap. Apply to B. K. TOWfibRNl), No. 8 West 7th street, ull-fit F OR RENT—ROOMS FOR LODGING Kenlltiiiuii ur U<lv. .nlttrfip. iu., atfi03ShlplcySt, ho l ure !• « . j;or LKY, llth and lliald streute. iv~TSr,A « Madtaon frujt^ vegetable», RENT—A NEW 7-ROOM ED Iniprovi'ineuUi. F. H. Bit AD W •:«. hnlt aikI frcbta m«.at«, ill.L N. THOMPSON. JjTob ASSESSOR & COLLECTOR —of the— Northern District, City of Wilmington, JAMES S. MOORE. Subject to the decision of the Republican party. h6 I F OK ASSESSOR & COLLECTOR Northern District, City of Wilmington, Samuel L Eastburn Subject to the decision of the Republican patty. m6 pOR ASSESSOR &COLLECrOR Northern District, City of Wilmington, hdmund Mitchell.Jr Subject to the decision ot the Republican party. ii8t , AWNINGS. Just received at FRONT AND MARKET STS., all the latest styles of Window Awning Goods. Call Telephone 254 and pat tern book will be sent to the house R. W. BIRNIE & SON m22-tf 'yyiLMINGTUN STEA M HO AT GO. Stms. WILMINGTON & BRANDYWINE lay, Mardi 19th, will leave Fourth street wharf dully, for Philadelphia, at 7 30 and lft 15 u. On and after T >1 Leave rhiluiloiuhin, Chestnut streut 7 3ft and 10 10 a. m., and 1 15 und All boat* atop at (Jlicster. Freight reeefvod for Tuesduy only. Telephone No. 87. Miucus Hook It Fashionable Dressmaking, M. M. THOM AH 8 Nsmaklug parlors, Y KK ET STREUT. B Htyllsh draper*. Perfect flt guar- T M AlODEKATK F1UCES. D-2t»t bas o SI?.' i K Another Letter from Rov. EL, llubburj. New Castle bUr. Oxroim, E no la n n, March 28, 1889.— Dear Sir: Not having seeu a copy of your paper since I left your city, I haven't the slightest Idea whether my letters are ol sufficient value to have place lu your columns, ami since I write to you (not at your request or by your permission), I would be much pleased If I could so write as lo Increase iho growing Interest of a Journal ever to the Iront in making and suHtalotcg the moral and commercial in terests ol the city Iron» which It halls. I have seen iu a Wilmington |*per the first letter 1 wrote you, In which paper credit was given tho New Castle This paper, the Krimtii.ic M r. Malllu, and In that letter 1 said I goddess. 1 searched for her (n Belgium but found her not. I searched for her In France hut caught no of her. I searched for her In London until ray eyes .kcd that I would have scarcely- recognised lier had 1 been on the sola with her squeezing her bund. 1 decided to go Star, sent to received in Paris, searching for a Scotland and look >ng tho liille for hor, ami, finding lier, ber and ship for homo "Ireexe forthwith. My over dear friends (tho Muliith) had stayed their appointed time. 1 seeing I was uot worse and would Improve with more rent builo me a good bye ttiut ached my breast long alter they gone. But afout the go<ide«t8. I went to tho London Bicycle Club and learned that the road« through England ami Ireland wer«: pos able for a cycle. I made up rny mind to hunt, Hygla among the beautiful hills of Booth Eng land uii-1 Ireland, sticking much by the 1 joined tiie Cycling Club under advice, had my bicycle boxed uud marked Amerlcu, and o. ordre w my bank count In the purchuse of a tricycle, Iu which 1 could sit uud rcut, and ou which I could carry luggage lor the long ride (from 1/omlon to (Jieenstowu via Mar blehead and Dnl-llu . Mr. Mulilu was gone, in y vucatlon was closing, and 1 was yet under the hut. hing. "I'll live, uud get well, and wink, uud lhete legu shall drive me through and mud. h and rain, until 1 ou - pace the fleeing ilara <el or come i-uddculy upon her In her forest home," «aid 1 to myself, ''for sure ly she don't live In city hotels or aboard sccond-clusti continent*! train«. I selected a tricycle to my taste, strapped a heavy aat< bel un behind, crawled ou b fore ami said "dick her, Tewicr." Before 1 minute.* I will lost, and found it bC|>n to ralli. 1 laughed in my ; . eve at ' • th. it w»« lat*, the uud deep, 1 halted for the night at llrentfori, neveu miles away. Next morning It both for my which The landlord looked aud «aid, "S«c." Iu five minute« I Hying all around riding ti'ii ■ I culled .Ling 1 ti»l«l, "My wheel." te In the mud, with . I wae tired 'lied tfluiigb, 17 milch away. u mile to Wludsnr 'b Palace, Jubilee gifts. At 1.17* I Next (uuruing I v. and went through the (Jt and flaw the vet off iignln, und at night, tired enough, wa« at High Wycombe, 33 mile« away. Tbl« iiiornltig 1 hturted early, and Id Ox orJ, wliero th ami 23 coliegfe (in :50,i;oi) which diem had its origin, öö milts away, w.ifln'l live mllea from London boloie I ht a glimpH-! of lly-:ia. i saw her next day. 1 saw her plainly the next, und to-day while cross ing a biil two railfB high, alt mate y ling un«i puehlng my mm hiua up the .g, tedious «lope, I lost her. At tuuiiult I drew my coat, luid it on the peat, nod lost it. Going hack I found It, und then mount 1 up, (darted down hill I thotiL'ht "a« far T The wheel« began to spin. 1 took ray le off the pednls mid lodged them frout. Tho keen air colored my eheeks. I made this way and that. I w«'ut whiz I M*Ä| »1 Klein the 8 up, ED AD Ml jackaie team. I ktu::iu to led good, ut'.eud I two tulle» I went Hygla aga li. Euieka ! f.»r of le tining almost touching llm hem of her skirt. I much Improved that 1 fed ilk-; In view. If I do with d. Into th>8 great rcut health flirting beauty I »hall beguile her into a »eat by my Hide be.irty dufeieuce that »be will be loath to leave tue nga'u until thin mortality »hall have Heaven's invitation to put tality. Moat rubpeutfully, E. L. Hrn :li the d ticut h'T with b lui Minerul.i«- Stc« W«: can pnlnt to the street» of Wil mington as being the im-nnest uud rough ert slreets ol any city ol lira same size in the world. What becomi's of the money expended ujion ti cmf Why can't wc have bette N- vv that summer is approaching, it would be well to have thu tilth carted off of the sticets, aud tcpeelally Market, King, Shipley, Orange aud Tut mill; be eidee nearly every other ttie,t is reeking with tilth, the accumulai Um of dirty housekeeper«, who Insist on throwing their rubbish iuto the streets, following the fashion of thu Btriet mission. of ts and ciruner ones? d tievn-r i ' of William A. O'Counor, Practical Tailor, No. 811 Market street. Our stock of new spring good» i ready, uud you will find it rep.eie with «V» rytiiiug lor niuu's wear, from the dluui grades to tie very li neat Knzllcb, Scotch and French uoveltlte. Our tucili ti«H for serving you have beeu greatly in creaned sinco last seasuii, and w guarantee you even greater satislaiTiou tlian ever before. Come aud examine stock, at 811 Market street. Answer Till» o«ic»tl«»u. Why do so many people ub scum to prefer to buffer miserable by ladlgestiau, Coustipatlon, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Coming up of the Food, Yellow Skin, wheu fur 75 ccut6 we will S'dl them Shiloh's System Vltallzer, guaranteed to cure them. N. B. Dan loi tli, wholesale aud retail ageut, Second aud Market slieuU, Wilmington, Del. around l bo tuado ot When baby was sick, we gave n*r Oattor When she was a Child she cried for Gastons OnstorU the» Gas When she become Mis she clung When she Sad otoiWreu sue tor la. Shiloh'» Catarrh iteinnly. 8hiloh'b Catarrh Kerne iy, a marvel for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker Mouth and Headache. With each bottle there Is Ingenious Nasal Injector for suceeBslul treatment oi these complaints without extra charge. 50 cents. N. B. Dauforth, wholesale uud retail agent, Second aud Market streets, Wlliniugton, Del. I '1 will for I'uiiiteiilluiiiU Error. und The Rkpi'ulican ratalaken In stat ing a lew day» since that Thomas M. Ogle is not a practical builder. It has since been learned that he carried the buBluess ot a builder and contractor for fully twen'y years, and urderâtauda the business fully iu all its parts, fact gives hlm au addltiouu! claim position ol building inspector. This for tho Horned Loot Night. Bouidou'n famous brands of cigars— Nonpareil, 8taudurd, Three B. B. B., ;t;. Manufactured by H. F. Bourdon Al Bro., No. 219 Weal Second st. Union-made. M I I I 1 ITEMS OF INTEItF-ST. of at of John Bright left an estate valued at (8,750,000. Eight sets of twins and five of triplet* have been born iu Pike county, Georgia» within a week. "Doughnut Hotel and Bausage Em porium" is the name ol the latest down town cheap restaurant In New York city. High winds tolled the bell of a church» at Bca Isle City, a night or two ago, and the doleful sounds greatly worried the Buiwratltlous people there. Albert Rosebush, a Bradford (Conn.) lnd, smoked ten cigarettes Iu four min utes on a wager, and Is now suffering vorely fur L1 b foolishness. Mrs. C. A* h hacher, the Ohio woman who twallowul her lalee teeth, died after undergoing au operation for the removal of the teeth, winch bad lodged in her throat. Une ol the oldest railroad conductors in New England is Eltrldgo A. Towle, ol the Eastern Railroad, who h&6 been In its employ continuum)y since March 2MÜ1, 1847. "During all that long period lie 1ms never met with uu accldcut, and the e has never been a single passenger train uuder his charge killed or injured Emperor Francis Joseph has purchased the Mayerling es'Jtte, which was owued by the late Crown Prince Rudolph. The main building will be converted iuto a Car mellte nunnery. Tho the Crown Prince committed suicide will be turned into a chapel. Other parts will be lilted up as and infirm residents of the district. Judge Coze, in tho United States Clr Court, recently decided that, the cyclostyle was not au infringement of Edison's patent for printing In permanent scml-iluiu Ink by puncturing a sheet of. paper with small holes, filling them with | ink and then pressing the shott on the surface to be printed. Kdiion used this aystem with his complicated electrio pen. Judge Ccxc, in dismissing his suit lor ui fringemout against t he Cyclostyle Com pany, remarked that tho cyclostyle w .» superior tu Mr. Edison's method. be a I Iu lu which y turn fur aged The Mursliiillton l*«»«t [ i.'OMAIUN I Ci RD.J There is a lively squabble pent ofiive ut Marthalltoti, Del. Thla nlHcn wm erubMsiied a lew years llreiy through the rllorls of J«>bu IS. Brincliurat. After Clevclaml'e «lection taken awav from hiiu,a'.d Liven te David Km 11, a Dcinoetat. Now, Geoigo i M. Burnett; boog-keopor for Mr. Bring- | I.IIIHI, la unKiug for k R- a Kupubilcmi, lo i lie conducte«l in Mr. I'.rlngimr t'« o;iuv. Mr. Kcidf and his purtmv, Mr. E. Uarioo, a lively light to ik. ! Mr. Barum b-.L. rt lit« « Ulins ou b .ng a nan.crake (tliougll u Dciuo. r.' ) ul Klguli 1 Hiillur-l, Pr.ibldrut llarrimu'» p.ivaie eecretary, while Yr. Burnett claim« to be wlio-i evcr inld-a. •1 ;r- a sue. s:i,r U l f(,i:l ! :r the I lie-hutclict-fttin«',and hin n cessfu! fhher lug 1« that a c u poet uillo *, It Is belfernd th will . As ti c dry store |»':'.e it :oop the u/il ohjeciiun t.i lie going ihtt' tli« 1 public would I y the the It, Mr. B'ecOK-u i rv.vl ; be :cuiit ol the office being ehis • 1 early. That cun tie r«tnt»«]i<*d by Mr. Bur- 1 • carrying the mull around in h « lint evening. Look « ut, « »«-arge, reinem- [ that ! •il, of i David The gr Offi •••» are plenty, Gc And etc kerb for the S. A Kiyoiiuler. [COMMUNICATED. J w i II ^teu^al Jow appeared in your paper on Thursday, 11 iObt., couccriilug the dirsatislaetlon ; with the pastor of Ezlon M E. G Rev. J. K. Water/, the pastor of IF M. E. Church hits proved in the that h« hua tided perfect gent h m liai given e« tire, satis fact'or, lo tl with th«* exception who dtHired to rule the «■ membership. Tiie pn: it * • -.! «lodge» whl« h thu article spoke of, Methodist churches. Thu j;u: ply » wherever the eor. send him to preach th gobpel. Youig very respect 'uLy, A. S' V ICC Iu V continu-, f.»r I ilk-; /u ye In every reap» et » a to the . lvl , ; I „ j.-vv b >y the lui - .! at ail •r is • Und, und l»V»t 'Ol i etraigi t in wc it off s *y^ : be 1 |* Ih I*r HudUlt. A d«'rt|i:ilch Frederic R ju e 'Mighkeep de, N. Y , .•« employed ns i Walter ifrett drunk tt till! anil Juuo 2, 1888, g •Irowuei). Hi- s. , 1,11 I.T, The guard inn ol ilt terdlct 'a child I if st 1 ». tlte bt - the f: liquor. Ti e verd'et is likely company, principally .d that It had i lit «<•!! ! a hoi fall iiuds u liver bo^t.-. in up 75 N. Millinery. Bpring millinery be M. A. Whltcratt, 21« lull line When looking for and cull K-ng street. Having luid in ol fine an«l lutdilunub <■ nouas the services oi Ml b Lizzie ShtUudy, thu is peri pared public. tastes of th«* it 11 D. Has Blind, herriug, flounders, white flab, •tfish, codfish, haddock onil white perch t 308 aud 520 Madison «tree!. Oyster», j a5, 30 uud 40c. per quart. j - It you want a drink of pure "Bock' call lor Stoccklo's. Cut flowers, fresh each day, King street. I Gas -V ßi ■C % fie} Cf. * » tran for uud The eniy Temperance Bitters bourn, stimulates the Brain and quiets the Nerves, regi lates the Bowels and produces a perfect blood circulation which is sure to restore perfee health. stat M. has OXO. W. DAVIS, or MB Baronne St., New Orleans, La., writes under date May 20th. 1838,as follows: **i havs bsan go ng to the »tot .iprtngs. Ark., for fl.'tesn y«ars for an Itehlng linmor ln blood. I have lost use4 three bottles of vinegar Hitters, and It has done me more Rood than the SprlhRS. It Is the boat medicine mads." | 1,;N»FH ! KAGAN, of No 76 West St., Kr "'JÄ ESS ! This tho mû ;t;. Bro., Vinegar H eonsider It a whole family. .... „E?*T 8ui.Lt BX Dttt'dUlB'Q *EEKLE£S DYES Surprised and Captured. On Thursday night while J. G. ITulctt, of 7i>3 Monro« street, wa& In attendance at the meeting of Wilmington Lodge, No. 1, A. O. U. W. f the well-laid plans of our genial friends, «L B. Carpenter and wife, No. 805 Monr .e street, werè carried Into effect, vl*., the surprise of the above name Accordln | «uvre labor, Urne, women Absolutely no du»t whan housekeeper should 8 ,ocer f° r Ik tute and person. after the assemblage of the friends who had been Invited to partici pate J. B. Carpenter despatched a cab man to Workman Hall with bring J. G. Hulett at dence, aa there was a gentleman who wished to see him, after which be would be sent back If It was required. It with order to î to bis rcsl 3 uueasluefes that he compiled with the order, as be did not understand what such a procedure could upon arriving at home and entering tho house he at ouce understood the situ ation and gracefully yielded and hc-ame the gut st of the party lor the evening. The ovcnlng was spent 111 a very pleaeaut manner, alter which the friends vlttd to the dlDiofr room lor refresh lucru. Noticeable in the middle of the table was a 'Urge and handsome round cake, bearing the inscription: ,! J. B. Carpenter ami R. 8. E sher to J. G. Hulett ou Lia fiftieth anniversary,'' which was presented in a neat ami fitting speech by Ju moi M. Shakespeare, cl Mil. Cretk liuudred, after which the friend« turned to their homes wrll pleased and wishing J. G. many happy re: birthday. , but ill Of his Tlio Ice Cream Seuhon. Mr. F.. E. Hanna, 881 Jetferaon streel, wielie« to Inform tls Irlands und the pub lic that he will open his Ice « ream parlors *_!; Saturday, April 0. Panics supplied at short notice. Also flue salt oysters. Kicctric I'aato Stove I'olUli ni furnltur e ng ir. Every it. Abk your Tlie American Sewing Machine Offic ha« î e moved t«i Waiuut r.treet. Freil \V Schafer, agent. ÜÜES f,S EXCITEMENT Thi? p'rlla tiiirteen years ol uge, and e «me ot r number of old, belpleea caees of i progresslvo paralyeis lured by Ihn Mogle | Nerve Food, film now -rfold«*6 at No. 7 i L Street In the City of Lowell, State o! Maseechuyett* Bhewasso litlplcee her mother wart obliged to attend her ae in in ! fancy. Her phyiiciaur eui'I her disability wap pro*re*«lve paralysie, end absolutely j 1 iocuriibie. A nurse ut the MastmebueetU General Hospital a ivlaed the ueeofMoklo D waR given. No med clue or other me na were used meautime. Two of Mox'e ma-li' her ns well an«l irora being apeecbtaa Rnd Feii-leas, ! she In cow a healthy,romplug ecliool girl, wltt. a gli'j tongue, und ever Imagine «ho hon'd« We certify that, the above is sjiect. IN I A) WELL. r.*r bt-r< a belplcefl, absolutely ! I irk. 1 1 [ ...IHM NICHOLSON, (hcr father.) Sarah Nh.holron, (her mother ) J< Lowell. Mass., ?cpl i, MIUDLnSBY, SS. pn-ruv.aily appeared before i ry public, John Nicholson, •I mads . th ih X th« above etiVnieut. ia lino. H. Kit u a uoäON, Notary i'unlic, oG-2taw ; h Solo. sale. '••nt ■*!., fi i-,'oin» „ ?r\\ ' 4te Hi H LON, Ith Hii'l Jirooan* : Appl) I » ; f.'OU SALE OR KENT.—AT CLAY • ( 1 •- law:,r*j. loot « . r Oyrllc av. in.e, •i Pl«r N. HAL 'Ol r t i l/OR ALS, AT A BARGAIN.—A •l>s),. I« s'lin.l 1 h'i'i • lliiir , tt i;o!{ a ALK-TNV ENT Y PU>SlI-OAU 1 klick: KU.\ f««r gurdci •«•«•pte.l. I * ii i, I)pI. 1 »/OR BALK—A YOUNG BAY I marp, s.mii.t au l gpiitle In every : ply t«» 31M!I.KY ! lHi'D:-., 4M Iv 111 ; Street. —A 2-STORY BRICK J.'OR SALF. and hallt: b it lii'Xtrr - .r. Ai'ply YK.KNUN. ÜOU SALE—WOOD YARD, WITH i r.mte, liorj-o, wayon .in,i machinery, all In Apply ut yard fool <>f4 j; )!t SALE—A THUD SURREY, IN* ri ...... r . ... v . U11 j ]^ U J; r ; % ^ 1 \>} Jf |. K . -J 0 * ^pniv j jo-cpu LE, AUiulutetiator, inaill-2in sixth aud Monroa. ami Shipley etre* ts. I I^OU SALK OR RENT—ONE TWO A story hrlek house, six rooms and hath, J. WHITE.«: Front and üra-ge streets, i;OR SALE—A GOOD BUSINESS 1 Htnnd, contrslly located; reasonahli' terms: ii »1 an (srly dato. Addier» "Store." Republican unies. ifou HALE—ONE PAIR OF GOOD 1 work unites Apply tu )» EN RY I'llAH I1&UL1N, liuckesslu, Del. aV-fild-ltw* I^OR RALE.—TWO GOOD WORK A Lorr.rb and double ft or dearborn har ness. Apply l) East 4lh T?UR SALE—CHEAP, THE STOCK Jl and ilxiiirrsof a cigar store; central lo olUce. 022-411 J, OR SALE—A BARGAIN—8PRING C He ld B.cwster Bluycl . Apply at No. Ill alMtt SALE CHEAP-A LARGE double cylinder Taylor press, tirtute Apply at Hits ufflee. T?OR 8AI.E-1Ö GOLDEN SPANGLED I Hamburg eggs 82; IS brown Leghorns 5> •, l'.ix) Mar j land ave. cation. Address D. b., 17 OK r «In J»y *' r ' f -,\ » f . l „ h m » , ,Jî ÏÏy .Milan na vtteïmï* i7?r r U>i\. «flösse »ad«j ! u was a mallg w«rdly Iu kucb a *a\ out. NumerouH rciuoites tira Cancer grew steulllv | ed Uiiit I wa» doomed to fotjow the Imnllv, 1 1<»»W Rwtft'B Hpermv. ! y-s. SiS •"»"'* Ki-. I NYlnsUin, N. (X, Nov. 2«, *«8. Houd for Book n Ä 7, the ui*p«'iiranee allug ln that It could I f . until it other* of •1 ttlo'id Diseased irrfeT'H i i« « •» • D.awer3. Atiauia, ua. D8 IF YOU WANT To Save Two Dollars ON EVERY BARREL OF FLOUR, USE Hum ford Yeast Powder, It costs about one cent to The Old Reliable, raise a pound of flour with Rumford, while with common baking powders the cost is two cents. ADAMS & BROTHER, 1 504 Market Street. BABY CARRIAGES Make no mistake. We hive one hundred styles from which to make your selections. We are positive that we can give satisfaction in our dealing, and our usual terms—"taking care of our patrons after the sale"—is making us trade every day. That is not all we have to write about. We have a lull line ol TLOOH, TABL and STAIR OIL CLOTHS, WOOD and WILLOW WARE HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS cf Every Description, Which are sold at the Lowest Possible Prices. j TRICYCLES, VELOCIPEDES, EXPRESS WAGONS, EASE BALLS and EATS, HAMIiOCKS, CROaUET, FISHING TACKLE, Etc uihl4-ood-tf CRYSTAL PALACE ROSE PARK. HEADQUA RTERS FOR ROSES. Iy, ni /os ranging from two ?i> per dozen, according I,nrge an«l complote «took, choicest varieties to «even inch r«>t.s, prices varying from Î1 to •*' ; Propagated from healthy stock and grow ; niuunro ize and iu ordinary uiaidon loam, «uro to grow e of the variety. • any Hlimulunt whatever, conHcquently ur ! rapidly aud give watlefaciiun with ordinary cars. Crrmu dr la CV I rtorj«-«'and Htaudard roses. American Jlfuuty, The liride , Mrs. John Laing, The Itinvnore Papa Uontirr, Mil. dr WathviUr, Linartt , Due de Ca z is, Baroness Hot ht r/,;i,i Captain Christi/. The Puritan, Da Frawo, li - . F. Jiennrtt, Urn. Jacqueminot, .V iphetos, Perle di s Jardines, Md. Wei he, Md. Cusin, Catherine Menuet, Pierre d'un Ami, (Horte de Dijon, Malmalson Princess, Beatrice and many circular containing description of finest varieties. Also in .iargo au«l »rotnplot«! list, ot popular bedding plants by the dozen, hundred nr thousand. H autiful Plants tor Decorating. Uhoice Cut Flowers and Floral Designs a specialty. Orders by mail or telegraph will receive prompt aud care ful attention. wit ho Uuillot, S« it hers. Betul IMI. 702 MARKET STREET WILMINGTON, OKL. ni30-lm UTHokc Nurseries, Maryland avenue, S. W, JOSEPH STOECKLE'S DIAMOND STATE Lager Beer r-Ä-ÄSS" yap — AN D— [«* ■jéÈiÊàJ * c ;U. :tr ,C WILMINGTON, DEL. • - « ü$m Off'.ec and Brewery, N. W. Cor. Fifth and Adams Sts Telephone 183. Depot and Saloon, Nos. 223 and 225 King Street. Telephone 23Ü. «1 nia Shipping a Speciality, fi2-6m j«jïïADQUAHTEIlS FOR PRIME FAMILY COAL CAREFULLY SELECTED, CAREFULLY SCREENED, CAREFULLY DELIVERED. EN NEB EC ICE & COAL CO., Sf COKD AWD KINO STREETS. JOHN M. SOLOMON, —DEALER IN— COAL, PLASTESINC HAIB, CALCINED PLASTER, FIRE ERICK AND FIRE CLAY. WOOD, LIME, SAND, CEMENT. FRONT AND CHURCH STREETS, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. main olQcc No. 3 West Third Street. the LEADER in PHOTOGRAPHY, 311 Market St. B Public Sales. W ARKF.R'B AKNER'8 GREAT HOUSE BALES, URIC AT tlUlt-E BALES. At Wilmington, Del., At Wilmington, Del., 7 *12 0 *5 7 •5 ON TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1889, 10 o'clock, a. m. For account of Mr. Cha*. Decker, acnrload horte« from Parts. Kentucky, in the M-reral fast trotters ami pacers, also several Hne coach or coupe horses. ALSO THE GREATEST BALE Ever held In this part of tho country will TUESDAY, A fit 1L »>, and WEDNES DAY. MAY 1, 1889. 150 HOlWEL No common or low-priced horses. More real, genuine epeed than ever ottered at any sale In this section. Will sell at this horses, carriages, harness, robes, blankets, etc. ALSO 1 1 1 The c&rrtat *b belonging to the estate of John Merrick, deceased. Entries dose on April 20. Apply early lr you want good places for your Ha/aar heated. a. Com Vor table — W. Y. WARNER. SALE.—THE UNDER P UBLIO signed havlnx dlsposnd public sale known ae "Lt-xlngt«>n, " Delaware City to New Castle, THURSDAY. April 18, 18SH. AI*, or his stuck, Implements and household good.-, as follows, vl/.: Three good driving horses, 1 yew ling colt, 2 fine mllcli cows, on«-with calf by her side, 1 ! 1er ami n lot of chickens, 1 two-«eut double carrlAKC, 2 sIiikI* carrlarfrs, swell body cutter. 1 market wagon, » sets of carrlaK«' »nd work harness, horse blankets, rolws, whip, shovels, I E«tAte, will sell tin eadiug fr at 10 o'clock a. 8 8 , wheelbarrow. f large cider press and horse power, 2 small churns, butter wurkt-r. lot of hut-bed sash, empty bnrrols, lot barbed wire (new), lut building 8-oiie. elder by the barrel, pork, ham, shoulders and lard bv tin pound, cuul by ilie tou, corn aud busbel. ilouucbold furniture us follows: Piano, refrigerator, 2 extension tables, hat •k. 1 cook store with copper boiler, i «linings room «love, bed room furniture, chairs, hair lllHtlr«•t.5«■^ feather teds, brdding, bolsters, pillows, looking glasws, curpels. stair carpel, iode, wiimow shades and blinds, pie ce raets, lairps, dishes and other arti cles too numerous to m«'ntl«»n. T kuv s: All sums of ?«* ami under, credit of elrlir months will rliRser giving a bankable endorser. W. A. I« it kill, A net. • ite with approved I). KEY BOLD. W. A. I« it kill, A net. I MPORTER'S SALE —or— A Magnificent Stock, comprising $25j000 worth of Fine French Clock a and Bronzes. Tuesday 17, at the store No.805 Market Ht., . in. and 8 o'clock evening. Till* luable eulleciion, York Urey del, handsome kreuch marble aud Wednesday, auction April lb Is a very rich uud steam hip .It collection yx Clocks, furnished with bne movemeutM ! Catliedral gongs. Artistic Kreuch Hronte iv i s, Kltfurcf* aud htutuittes. Great op portunity to buy goods in tuts line. All *i> •il perf* et and reliable true wares.— ebpt'claily Invited i.ortlug house per {(aibraces a large attend exhibition each forenoon W. A. HUK1LL, Auctioneer. I.o.lkb sales. N. it.—Goods previous to solo. Irameillately after the sale of French Clocks _ _ _ . »ell, by larg.»t manufacturing establishment In New Kugland, tliclr eutlr«' surplus stock, compris ing a great »«sort i,eut of elegaut Eleci dised Quadruple Silverware. S»le»Thurs Friday and Saturday, April 18, Hi and 2J. All goods «old under the fullest guarantee. Good« ou exhibition «I«) p»e\lous to the «hi . A. II UK ILL, Auctioneer. BOARDiNB HORSES We offer superior accommoda tions for boarding borees. FINE STABLE BUILDING! GOOD ATTENTION! MODERATE CHARGES! accommodating than others in our Une of bueincss. If you contemplate chauglng about March 20,we Invite your patrouoge, Wilmiopton Boarding Stables 212 «t 214 W. SIXTH STREET. m23-lm —WILL Wc aim to be Telephone 213. TJOADS AT PUBLIC 8ALE - J U he «old at public rale, at the Thomas Lawh-bs, mar the Catholic Church, SATUKUAY, April 20, 18«'J, All the public road* ami highways In ClirD i-ired, loriho liana Hon aecuritliiv to Do. er, February 21, meuce at IS o'clock. •t of Assmnhly pasaeu will be made known by Hoad Coui nilKBioncrd. The purchaser Is ren taxable inhabitant of tli ■i purclintl give security oruiauce of duty. nlre«l by law t* hundred. adb will All I faithful per , . F LINN, FRF.DICHU Iv K « AI It, KLL1» 1'. »« K'KH. v. H.I.IAM Hoad Commissioner«. l9-3td P UBLIC 8ALE OF KENTUCKY AND SOI TIIKKN OHIO HOItSKS. I will sell at public sale aud XJ Hast Filth street, Cliesler, 1'».. be tween Market «nd W«!*h streets, adjolu lUK George .Million's Livery Stable, ON THURSDAY', APRIL 18, 18S9, •k, p. in., «labte«, Nos. 20 - jfeç 20 bead of Kentucky : Ohio Mortes, suitable fur driving,sa«l _ «He and «traft purpuscs. Horse* will be at bit' 8 days previous to sj ' Inepecte'l. ötock to be salt-. No postponement weather. Southern irpreseutcd I ha . U. TISON, Two and four months' credit. Telephone N L W. SIMh: oDIAw FIGS AT PUBLIC SALE. 3 rlbcr will 100 Kennet! Township, ! road lead lug to Ceulrcville, Del., Hie « serve at his residence, Chester Co., Pa., Kennen S-ju. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1889, Lift o'clock, p. in.. P>K». conslbllng ofbhoats, weighing from ifiO pound»; also pla« irum 1 to 8 weeks and several sows with pi*. These dIrs good stock. Per ms wanting pigs should a:lean this «ale. l'undllloiis at Milt*. WM.P. FhOU J. G. Robinson, 50 to uld. all home ral»ed and P UBLIC SALE. The subscriber will sell at Public Pate, at the drove yard of David Jobusou. CtutrcvUle, MONDAY, APRIL 22, 1889, 40 head of fresh cows and springers. Also a j carefully k bull». These In Lniraaster county. Fa. »boats. Dinner at 12.30, baleatl.SO. KORKRT MSJIRICK.^ J. G. Robin'on, gPEED, BLOOD, SIZE, BEAU standard trotting stallion Lyndon, 4<24. W luirai ol ibt premium, Delaware Stale Fair Chestnut horse, 5 years old, 10 1-4 hands high weight I22u lb«. By Kg Iran 1136, sire of Emma, 2.10 1-4, Supe rior, 2. I'd 1-4 and fi others In 2.30. 1 dam by Mamtirlno, 2.30 aud the dam» of two 3-years-old with rec ords ol 2.24 and 2.23. 2 dam by Alexanders Norman 25,sire of Lula 2.15, May Queen 2.2ft, This majrniflciont young 6tnllinn will make tho season of 18HU at the farm of his owner, on the Philadelphia pike, 4 miles north of Wilmington. Terms $25.00 for tho season. For further particulars address CLEARY IE W FARM, liellevue, Del. nl0-lmd3mw Wc&re selling Ural-class liarm*«* at very low prices to «ult lb* times. Call aud examine our | stock. All goods guarautecil u* be a« repre- , s. iiied. Also a large assortment ol Trunks, luas aud Tucket-Hook*. lia*.sauu iutaei niwu. FIRST CLASS HARNESS JAMES A. CONNER, NO. 4 HAST FOlUTH STHKIIT. AÏ-TIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD, .schedule in effect March 10,188®. TRAINS LEAVE DEL. AVE. DEPOT. B East Bound. •Express trains. Naw YoitK, week days, *213, *1020, tU .. *12 OH. »2 03. *5 ÜH, *0 41 p. in. "iw Yoiik, Sunday, *213 o , *5 OH, *0 41 n. m. i'lln.A i»ki. pii i a, week days, *213, 61% 7 00, 7 M, *800. 9 ftft, *10 5», .1110 n to *12 08, 1 O'), *2 03. 3 00, 855, *5 08, 510, 6 0% 41. 7 05 8 »I, 10 52 p. 111. PuiLAuanpuiA, Sundays, *213, 7W, 75% 0 05, 11 10 a. 111.. *12 58.100. *2 O'], 3 00, 8 55, *5 08, 5 10, fi 05, *6 41, 6 85 *10 52 p. m. CuasTKit, week days, *213, 610, 700, 7 55, *8 50, 9 00. *10 2«. 11 10 it. Til., M20% , 8 00, 8 55, *5 08, 5 10. 6 05, *0 41, « nu. *10 52. .. OHEHTKU, Sundays, *213, 7 00, 7 V», 9 0S, 10.11. TO.. »12 08. 100, *203, 300, 355, •5 08, 5 10, 0 05, 8 35, *10 52 p. TU. WEST WOUND. IlAT.TItfORR AND WaSHINOTOK, *4 50, *94^ . m., *110% 1 00 , *2 1 1 . in., 2 45, *4 46, *5 50. *« 0«. . dully, exoepfi dally: 7 30 a. Sunday. ., *2 18 p. PtTTsncno *4 50 a. m.* *550 p. in.;both dully. Cincinnati und St. Louts, *1148 a. COMMODAT ION, 7 30 p. Hi NO KHI. Y ami 1110 p. in. «tally. Landbnbeho Ai-COMMODATION, days, 11 Of) it. m., 2 45 and 5 80 p. m.; dn vh, 9 30 a. in. and 5 30 p. in. Tkains Lbavk Market Street Ptatiow. For Philadelphia, 5 85 und 2 85 p. dully, except Sunday. For Baltimore 5 85 a. m. dully except Sunday. *7 25 a. Sunday only. For Lan deni »erg, 0 50 .... 10 55 n. in. and 2 85 . dally except Sunday. 1)25 a. on Sunday «inly: 530 p. m. dally. Leave Philadelphia por Wilmtwotow. Daily, *4 10, *8 15, 1000, *11 15 a. in., 1200 , 1 30, K 00, *4 13, 4 30, *5 15, 6 30, *7 30, , 11 30 p. in. . •pt Sunday, 6 30 and 7 25 a. ■i and 5 30 p. m. Sunday only. P* 8 1«, Daily, ex ., *1 45, «4 8 3ft a. in. Telephone No. 193. t«.KuiuH to western points lower than via any' other lino. C.O. SCULL Gcn'l l'i ,, W. M. CLEMENTS, . Agt. General Aluuutfcr. Philadelphia, Wilmington and baltimore Railroad. FEBRUARY »Ith. Trains will leave Wilmington as follow* • 'iSVV 4 * «■» « as,««, y. Â'arwartsAsÂfâ'ftï*. »»î» U, 70,,10,10 a.U Ævr tvs,, tu æ s$£va: îk.'a,.vk «i. •tat, 7M, 7 4« aad 1040 p. V ' For West Ciieitar, via te»»okl», 6 40 Ul lions, 1 40 a. *>,, 12 M and 6 XI p. at. Baltimore ana lutuncadlnte station«. HUM B,, B (»0 p. n>. and 12 18 N Igbt. Baltimore and Kay Line, 6 18 P* ■. Baltimore and Washington. 4 «8, «H * IL 10 12, and 1100a. m.. 1* It. -1 17. 2 44, 4 88, its. • 187*888, T «p. m.and i2 4«Mglit. _ Trains tor Delaware Division leave r«r: 1 New ('ostle, « 00, 8M, a. m„ 1256 2U, 880. efcp. m.. and 12 0« Night, Georgetown and Lewes, iNa, ■ ••> N P. KÄSiirSid*»»«*»™ «.«■ * pr*p» fur J^arrlnffton, • 60 p. ». Waf ^xp««For*Dover, Harrtagtoa. and Dm' fort,'and Norfolk. 12°# NlgM. 10 45 , Old Point Go»« U,n F till~l«lpliu, araWBt««. «. WU* fflfSv li 6 08, in, 6 07, 6 St, 11M, li* Aecommodatton, tu, 10M 10. 11 67 p. te. V "'(î Vi't;. 0 ? Trains marked tbas (•) are limited expr j«S npon which extra fare Is caarged. i OKAS. K. PUGH, <1. It WOOD ' General Manaw General Passea«er A at OUR PRICES ARE DOWN LOWER -4QWER w |T,n-_--- * LOWER Than was ever known before j than will be known again for many a long season. REASONS. We could give twenty wucre your four. We want stock. We waut money, duce 6tock. W Unite are reasons why wc sell. tin Spring want to re-* boom trade» ! ! Your Reasons For PuyiRg Don't need to be stated, unless you are made of money, unless bargains are no 1 object and saving waut these goods. You what, wc offer without seeing. Indueenient, Yoi* t understand. Seeing is Believing. We have the largest variety of Misses', Boys' and Children's Fine and Medium Footwear in Delaware, Come everybody right away, and see how much a little money will buy at the Family Shoe House, No. 2CK3 Market Street, (above Second, ) WILMINGTON. DEL. Jtltf W. H. BABCOCK, Fencing Materials White Oik and Chest nut holed Posta. Hewn 1V4U», lor Wiro aud Board Fonces. Hawn Posts, for Picket Fencos, Chestnut and Codar Kails. Cedar Arbor Polos. Hemlock Picket*«, 4 feet ami B fret. White Pino Pickets, IJ4 in. squat-» Dressed. White Pine Pickots, 1 in. and 2 in. # Dressed. White Pino Tickets, Tapered, Dressed. Lumber, Hardware, Paint, Lime, Sami, Cemont, Coal, etc. A full line now ' " hand and arriviuj*. Careful attention. Reasonable Prices, JOHN M. NEWBGLD, NEWPORT, DKL w-sl.88tw-t No. »OU King Street Is the place. We are )u*t Riving grocrrlrs away. Workingmen look to your ?'**•_«re s [ling the finest goods at the lowest pi Ices. Those French {teas are all gone, ' o>* come ewery day en*l lamoni that you d id n«it buy wheu you could get them. U will t>o the same when those raisins at So. are gon«» RUf | this excellent butterai au«l plums and uedarlnea und apricots plums, you will lie sorry. C flour in the city at h'U Klug al. T. . cotitus ao.l tea aud