Newspaper Page Text
Th© I>aily Republican 9 Dully (Sunday LxcepUd.) —AT— The REPUBLICAN Building, Third aud King Streets, VVUmlugtou, Del —BY Th« Republican Pub Haiti 11^; Cuiupauy |tfOTICK—ALL COMMUNICATIONS SLfgJSr 1 "**^ ** IM. A Puimtinu CoHrxvr. KarcBLiCAM Puatia«. Entered at the Post Office at Wllmlng ton. Del-, as second cl until matter. WEDNESDAY. MAY 1, 1RS!». One hundred y this government took its place of the nations of tbe earth, to that time tt had ouly be colonies, belonging to and ruled by fore fathere fought in defense of the prlnci pies that all cnual,and at last this fact was ncknowl ! •dgeü by the principal ikUcds of tUo ■world. Theu came the commence- | ment ôf a new era lu tiao world's his-j •s the first rreeident of these United States. At that time tho nupalallcu of the entire country was less thau four millions. Now tt will reach pixty five millions. BteamboatB, railroad C»T., telegraphs, telephones nnJ nice tile lighta wore uuknown, and tbiugs that are now necessities were looked upon as luxuries. The revenues of i the government were uot five million j &nd'.X y n t !h"r/Sn°d«. r| l»rs. Daring the first year of Wash- ] Irumed^ltÄe'nmifÄl! lars, and tlie exports to twenty miliiou 'iS year our import, .mounted to •evon hundred ami thirty three mil lion ^^"hmldl^'nnd twenty-three million fiyc hundred thousand dollars. During the hundred yoars that have elapoeiUince the in •uguration of General NYiishiugU»n the thirteen colonioB have increased to forty-two States, extending from tho Atlantic to the Pacific ocean, and from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. We have had a war w ith England, several wars with the Indiana, a war with Mexico, and a war tor the.suppression of the greatest rebellion ever recorded in the history of the world, in all of Which wc as a uation have been suc To-day the United Slates tho uni ago yesterday 1 one Previous thirteen England. F eight ycais ated free and 1, en u a •essful. •tunds the greatest ua'.i ▼erne, and a bcacim light to the op pressed of all other nations. The great republic has passed through its hap tlsrn of fire and blood, aud proved to the world that it is "u government ol the people, by the people and for tho people." Surely we have good cause to return thanks to the great giver of all good, who has made, kept and pre aerved us a nation. the New est Northeast and ed twin 40 are 60 It is said that a school of Journalism Will be started at the Uuiverlty of Pennsylvania u«xt fall, but we must confess that we have fears !n regard to its success. It is possible to give a man the very bcBt education, but it is not possible in every case to make him a good journalist, or reporter. Therefore there Is not much hope that fthis school will be able to make many journalists. The best reportera are those who have an aptitude for the work, and this cannot be given by any amount of edneation or college tramsng. We remember which occurred in this city not many years ago, where who kad as good was possible for any one to secure, Was employed on one of the papers. Be was able o IB id or write in several iBOgu^ges, and a proficient abort hand S lter; but after working a few mths he was discharged, because he Was not a reporter, He was able to write excellent essaye, but was not able lo grasp news, aod serve it up in a manner that would please Ä . A man cannot be & reporter it being educated, but at tho •ame time U is equally true that n man cannot be educated to be a re porter. instance a young an education as it the the not rsr. m .he great celebration yeeter.iay, I and not only had tho right ol the procession, hut onr eoldic: o t«y B marched ln euch a creditable ! manner that they were lavor- j not ably commented upon. This, how-1 aver, waa nothing more than was ex-, pected, aa every Delawarean knows! rc 7 tL\"X^rhr. ct&°ni has brought out several very im portant facts, among them being, that under no circumstances do we need a large standing army. The smallest of, on the European nations ! ä obliged to sup port an army, but in this country -, nothing of the Lina in needed, for it S'« necessity should arise, at least one we bundrei thousend ol our militia could be couceuirated at any point within twenty-four hour. Thewnr tor the suppression ot the rebellion showed j what thede citizen euidieru can do and endure, »ud the fact that an army can j be raiECd at a tew hours'notice is one > of the best argument* that can be pro-1 Sliced in tavnr ot the fact that man Is capable of «d. government. ! ib( Pelaware took a very conspicuous , „oV" t Ä C Mr.'ua,e, B aa 8 on: O, i the Öanu»an Commifteioners, on account oi his having written a paper on 8a j moa lor a magazine, ana some persons even went so lor as to assert that this fact was known to the admlniatration, t and that he was selected lor the pur- , ,_w of being snubbed, to give thi untry a pretext for engaging in a war ! t[ with Germany. These predictions are | . ,t likely to be fulfilled, as the enlire i I commission has been cordially received by Bismarck, and there ia no doubt but tbe negotiations will be conducted in u | manner satisfactory to all parties con curned- Bismarck 1ms no desire to do anything which will involve Germany in a war with the United States, as he is •ufiiciently shrewd to luily under stand that it would be the very worst Bt^p he could take. : wi.y, r f Oh, If I only had her comp It U easily ofi'AineJ. Use Pc pie*!on Powder. To day Michigan falls Into the line of hiflh llcenno tttatea, and all who sell spirituous liquors will hare to pay $000 license fee, while the Tendern of wine and beer will bo required to pay #000. 'there are but three North* rn rttates—New York, New Jersey and Indiana—where Prohibition docs not prevail but what have a high license law, and it is only a question of time before such laws will l»e adopted by every State. The three States above would no doubt have had high license had it net been for the Democrats, who in each instance detcatsd the pro p oaad Uquor legislation, and in New Jersey repealed that which bad already been adopted by tbe Republicans. High license haa done a vast deal of good In Pennsylvania and Massacbus otts, consequently it is becoming more popular everywhere. It will shortly be tried in this city, and then wo can have the opportunity of judging for ourselves and from our own experi ence. all a its $ - ! Spr Dg ftoVCltîOS ill DlVSS j Within lhat tim» | ^DCUS. inât IIIT1 we have repeatedly asked voor »tient, on to the new things as they came forward. Onîv last wp.«k a in un! y a ,rt9a in " s aiment came — the very t w: ML ,o (rnwi l>iria lat * 8 , t th ' n R S ,r0 , m 1 drl8 ; We repeat What WC hftVC l.pfnrf *»Th« lire i P rult , ed be ore. I He Uiy j (jrOO«'S 8tOCk8 Ol the WOi'.u r| ' ai l « equal volume ] Or Vailf ty. But despite this, •« * «™r *° Ml 'bat iuG later St^ le OF the greater , baï R ain c «n «Ot be secured ÎOT yO J. I DIB 13 your rCIl dnee the laund itiuu ol faith 111 Our D/eSB Goods—always tEi* m»wrp»t fl-i* gv ntnaf tho feiA.aiC8ï, lue ehe.', pest, 1 YYuuut ik« ay t* It is now ten weeks since we began opening the IIA. Wc-.luc it. to . \JlV6Hing lclegT(ipll\ i*rh«- n ..i<i k. . f „i f r n ,u^S. for t"." r„Ä«so«»d tag the Hummer. Many w Ingas many oh flfteen or tweuiy dresses made up of these cheap but pretty goods for such wear. Ball best the the and $1, A sm.gessive bit about Ginghams, snipped from the •b; No wonder. A sensible stuff and pretty. The mar vel is how the loom-men get so many beautilul patterns. We've more than a thousand distinct styles of Ginghams — the best of Scotland and New England—the cheap est in Philadelphia. Northeast ol centre. Shimmering Gloriosa. Colors that change and glow as on the burnish ed breast of a dove. 4S inches, $1.50 and $1-75. Lansdowne, its just as silky twin sister—almost daintier. 40 inches, $ 1 . 25 . The white capped Challis are at full tide. 374 , 51 ' and 60 c. Southwest of centre. he a tho n re iridebcent it Robes Combination (plush novelty with plain to match) for about hall what the plain part cost. $5 up. There's no question about quality or intrinsic worth; the hitch is in style—and not much of a hitch there. I Ten thousand near-by WO. ol men would grab tor these o n l,, R mulrl thrv nop them_ ! K0Dl 8 COUia tne> see mem lavor- j not enough for One m fifty, how-1 southwest of ex-, ... .... , knows! We are quite wiihng to teU is ourcom - im- mand of the Derman mar that ket that strengthens our grip a , , . *• , q.,_ of, on the .Linen trade, lne sup cheaper grades of Damask -, ,. A f ". . it Table Linens, TKItn wbicn one we have been ignoring com could . . " 0 within petition fell the SUR SC II, ^re the German. In the high j , , , j -o ir • and grades Dresden ana Beltast can j are rivals—we will make one > , . . . . pro-1 you happy wuh either. ^ Is Out Linen Stock brings ! Uaine6S t 0 this market ib( entre. , O, i P' stBnt l '' otc,s , aDd «auspor account tfetiOll Companies CCDie to US 8a j or Lllieil BUpplieS, ar.d they persons . ., 1 * , this COme lOF the lefeBOIl YeCDglliZ t (J Jjy Customers and Would* pur- , J .. _ .. thi- bs competitors alike—COHipcti war ! t[ on our Liüeaa ÎS USe are | . enlire i I CSS. received Maybe a dozen SOftS of but — . . n. jvt„ in u | Table DcffTiaSKS With iNiap» con- kin3 to match. Stop by the to do ---„u. 70 : * i, r r , fi^St WG reach. ( -—inch CxCY as he maü Double Damask, Q3C. under rp. _ __ lt _i •__ ia ire worst lh® HSUR1 price IS jil.lU. That's a lair sample ot wi.y, what we are doing in euch Linens. W»n*maU»r , n. 1 urKoy Red Tablo Clouts, all » ! ze?, $ 1.23 to $ 2.75 etch. Doilies to match. Turkey Kad Table Damask by the yard, 35 to 90 c. Two Towels will tell their story as well as titty, (i) Excellent Hick, 20x38 inches, 124 c. (2) Knotted F/inge Damask, pink and blue borders, 21x42 inches, 22c. Southwest of centre. All the warm weather Bed Coverings. Summer Blankets, single bed s'ze, $3 50 a pair; double bed $s and $6. White Cheese cloth Com fortables, $ 1 . 75 ; colored $ 2 . Dimity Spreads, G 5 c for single to $1 20 for extra tize. Womou'a Waiting Room. Perhaps— il you are a man —you read and acted upon our remarks ol yesterday on the Silk Hat question. If sr>, your Silk Hat needs a protector; an alternate, a substitute. For this use, the Derby—it Is an insur ance for the Silk Hat worth its cost in what it saves. All the Spring shapes are heie light colors or da'k, $2 to $ 1 , and Heath's from Lon don at $4 and $ 5 . : -1 Sei 8 . u II T> Tlitrueiitb and dfarket Trout ana r-alm jn are at it. All the helps you need to get them—when found Abby & Imbtie's lull line ol Fishing Tackle. All sporting goods on the same scale. Spalding's Base Ball things. Everybody's best in Teunis (35 styles oi Rackets), Cricket, Croquet —what not. With all the ex travagance squeezed out ol the prices. fiooemeut, norlheott of centre. A lew dozen Dolls are In the way. Bisque heads and jointed bodies, 75 c from $1, and 4(>clrom 5<>c, as to size. Bisque, kid body, 75 c Irom $1, and 50 « trom 75 c. Roseoteiit, m»t'h of centre. .0 t . f John Wanamakeb. 6.IA ferrivt •1 ic* u» 'I 1 P * to at once, every one ot them. - The handsome all-wool stockinet Jacket at $5 will be marked down to ' »J'/J. The Fine Gauge Stockinet Tacket bound with braid . JdLaci, uuuuu wiui urdiu, ^4 DO; regular $6 goods. The Fine Braided Stocki w ^re net JftOket at ^5; VlOlth $6.50. The very fine eauire • aiic vcijr uiic s rtU trk c Stockinet plain Jacket at c, -- WO rt!l Ä7 Co. Pj'/j > wuiui Fancy Cloth Jacket, «. eo . worth fig « 50 , Worth K . CLEARING SALE —OF— A. SPRING JACKETS We have made extremely low prices on all our Black Stockinet and Cloth Jackets iu order to close them out I It will be well to see these goods; It will pay you. US j , | ! .. , USe I of ; the , CxCY Q3C. ot euch I 623 Market Street. B altimore * onto railroad. bofiodulu in « licet .Mu re It 10, 1889. TRAINS LEAVE DKL. AVE. DEPOT. Ea.« Dot tya. «5 13.7 00. «10 20,0. 1W, itlity, «2 13 aim., *12OS, 03, «ft 111 U. rk dnvH, «2 11, 8 <H),' 8 to, «5 U8, 511 », G to] CIO. 7». I 811 7 06 •10 M V. P .*21.1,70*1, 758. 0*1. «2 03. 8"*», 86ft, *10 31 p. in. •2 11. G 10, H 10 0*. 6 1 •jut*, ft lit. 700. : to " tl t* 1 » ■ Huiulnva, *2 11, 7 00, .. *12 «I, 1 in», *2»«, 7 ft;», 0 Oft, 300, 8 to, 5 OS. ft 10, G to, Sift. OKI .Vi I'. IU. \\ Ks r HOUND. Hal to.' All da . > ( ^ ^PiTTsncno *450 a. ti and btl Louis, *1148 a. Al'COS MOI» ATION, l 11 10 I), in. daily. ■ 1 » 1 « • i 1 " 730 p. m. 1. -1 ud 5. 2 «:> l' (lays, I» I I. : Ith'ekt At ati 1* H-ljlIliH.ft ' dully For Bui lim nndnv. >7 2 My l.uudrnlKM« iduy nly My Sunt t) 23 ft. uu it* P Lk i' Rutly 10, *«13, 10' 12 !*> II l.v I». 1 8 HI 10 , II .ion. Duil titular, Ciornul 7 2ft it. 14 . in. teunUity only, 1 fti TuH-phon on_U;it«s No. 101. n pointa W. M. CLEMENTS, prut .Mini Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad. l ElIRI ARY h«-r line. TLL, C. I' h. Act. U . «KÎWli'SOTt, " »V hlb. 2 il, A A. « 4ÜL 7 M S« dl 0*40 b ■■•ySTgSaWÄHiVA«. u 5 Vi't«,i.*tf. 7 sk*A T A *.a a *0 and I0 4U p.*«. bSi - 11 »A. Am II T> H, rot.V For W«Mt Chaier, vis LÜwokla. C« , «. rn aud 4 wl>. m. w wars (GiilM) au. I lnUruaauM jûû.'nS NlglH. Bar Llua, b 11 p. m. wasbington. 44V |*« ail. tVuSikl *i 4 * V .Mrl.lou -or: » B10. .. m , 12 V - K, «»Slink tr oat, 1011a a." .0 1», t »A ÄV 1 - ' m «94 Mao Mufi ^ JjHl{ia*\° andwaT »taUaas, HiÄ'aftom, > ">P. *• Wal ltafr«-«»J'ôr* , i>over. Rornmalo*. and Dal ®ar. 12 06 N Iaht. „ Franklin Oty. . Ixpresi for -, , f oru and Norfolk. I* 06 Ni*hU uid ru«t Com. heut i.DUauUpDU. urcau atreat. (or WU .tuston ^^ 1,1 JJL *•" m. u ' P i.S, «.U. H. 4S7. For Ft MNDAV TRAINS. . »I £" ifr*. ïTi, Fi. ud.Uuo, ,1, .tilt fj r io ui 1 121 m.. UU, IK, kUl P ' . 11 Si a m. tt. 410 (10,7 f .1 Loti 116 a 121*1. ipr^aa). t 0u, *t»k 4 '20, 14 137. «34, *0 Ufi. 7 M Uhaauir, vis Lootokln. riBo. Poiut Comfort, an* kwood, ttlUülçtowa, d, lOurei aud Ddaiar. It A* H If Sit, _ j aud W aetuniftoo, 4 4«. h 01 Hi. w lta- uu. 1'2 («. H *9. 7 *<j ». ». and N labt Matmorc, 6. (»• p.m. and It IHN I Lwava Phlladelfhla, Mroad *tr»«t. Iot rïïff u.'trl'.'uvM S 80 New Y 1 »10. Wc F..r caua Charles, "rrwitiÄS. 1 - kiKi ville. 0®*fi 1 1 ■ «SÎ: r. a, • M.. 19.84,1.04, U»U« l e«pr % V.. keoemaaMatl 6.IA H.F-. For fnr ferrivt to ti A Vi f» en«r*s*4. •1 «Somorsi Moamot J. R. WOOD General I'fciscarer Agi Ilm «Uten & : s tou (Frcnob at »•tli K. U.S. Train* i) u ic* For It« »Id, W»; ^ Spring ÏClrï'J rafiji lntenn«Il»t« < u» Way \'Ï'V pelatA ud lutormetUate polit ta at 'aT'm., s.« aaâ I.M 1 Waat Ob P * "'Daily exeeyt Saturday au4 Sunday. For New HtliUt au.l In Balur.lay only it for tteadlna and intoratdiau it f.OS a. m., ami for SprlngAtLa aao "cTtS! "and. B'Vwn'kh«h«i*»«*, anoerintendeui. Geu I'aaa. Atr't. ». in. and P ttunda A. t*. rUEPAHED ADHESIVE rUEPAHED ADHESIVE WHITEWASH, For Whitening Ceilings, liu Coloring War. i,I*Yl •<•«, House Mi lnut«'s ready for us* I'piy it Is only • Us. d in this parution. It is iu o In I »i: iftdiug be tl for N ING l' I' • l t ppliod will •i i : bi.h w PHILLIPS & KAUE Sole Proprietors uud NL»niu<n tim;i s, No. 5 K. Fourth street, Wilmington, Delaware. NEURALGIA. DR. SIMMS' VEGETABLE LIVER PILLS Tli* only nil rill rlth ti> I Sr-TO fu .pl« Bplrm ■ ViiiDy K K« ft i, PRINCIPAL DEPOT, FOURTH AND KING STS J^Il.^KF.ABLES JIAS REMOVED HIS NO SMASH UP, NO RAILROAD DIS ASTER BUT A CLEAR TRACK. —THE FARE— LOWEST NEV TOM RITES, REMEMBER OUR MOTTO IS They must go, hut not at eæoi 9 > Mtant quotations. We have a lull line of Notions, Fancy Goods, Laces, Ribbons, Flowers, Ladies' and Children's Underwear, Gent's Half Hose, Gent's Underwear, Bows and Ties; LadkV and Misses' Straw Hats, trimmed and untrimmed, all the latest shapes, In all qualities; Ladies' and Children's Corsets. We have the celebrated Thompson & Langdon's Glove Fitting Corsets, Ladies' and Children's Hose, all the latest stripes and plain colors; Ladies' Gloves and Silk Mitts. TRIMMED STRAW BONNETS—Milan Straws in all shapes (trimmed by one ol Madame DeLacey's New York Filth Avenue milliners) at the Lowest Possible Prices. For want of space we will only mention the price of a few leading articles in every Department: Ladies' Balbriggan Hose, light weight, far summer wear. 5 cents a pair. Ladies' Halbriggan, full Regular Made Hose, at 15 and 19 cents a pair; worth 25 cents. Ladles' Black Fast Color Hose at io, 12 and 15 cents a pslr. Misses' and Child's Hose, all colors, at 10, 12 and 15 cents a pair. Drawers, silk trimmed, at 25 cents each. Gent's Black SlIkBows at 10 cents each. Gent's Ties, all Silk, at 25 cents each. Notions atLawest Prices. (Joate's Cotton, at 4 cents a spool. ßaBting Cotton, 200 -yard spool, at 2 cents or 2 for 5 cents. Boy's Mixed Trimmed Hats, all sizes, at 31 cents, worth 50 certs; Children's, all styles trimmed Sailor Hats, at 25 cents. GLOVES: Ladies' Lisle Gloves at 19 and 25 cents per pair. Ladies' Silk Mitts at 15, 19 and 25 cents a pair. PARASOLS; 24 -Inch Gloria Silk Parasols, fine handle, 99 cents. 24 -inch Gloria Silk Psrasols, gilt handles $1.15. Best Bilk and Satin Ribbons, all widths, at lowest prices Ladies' Ribbed Vests, no scams, at 15 cents, and the Best Silk Finished at 25 cents each. Misses' Vests: Size No. 1 at G cents; No. 2, 8-cents; No. 3 , 10 cents; No. 4 , 12 cents; No. 6, 14 cents, and No. 616 cents each. Gent's Balbriggan Half Hose as low as 5 cents a pair. Gent's Regular Made I Hose at 124 cents a pair; same In stripes it 124 cents a. pair. Gent's Balbriggan Undershirts and [J^f'Call at the New York Bazaar and you will buy all goods for less than had them ever before. you 01 POSNER AND CO., INTO. 805 MARKET STREET. WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. II OTE&CHÀRGEU. <' <rs C v ^l IN and man "kick" when over -- charged, but «a fair charge "bags" its game. Ihiycrsarc never scared from the Ledger Building by high prices. Our reputation for not better refutation for rea G L Best Clothing is the ki 11 than sellable prices. CLOTHING FOR MEN AND CHILDREN. \ A. C.VATES&C0. fn 5 SIXTHS CHESTNUT STS., \ BEST. We have in stock a full line of Phila delphia Lawn Mowers, which wc arc selling at a very low price. Also, a . good assortment of 1 lydrant 1 lose and Law n Rakes. BUY THE Lawn Mf vers sharpened and re receive paired; called lor and delivered, prompt attention, a-'jtf Orders by CAPKLLK HARDWARK COM PAN V, 212 Market Street, Wilmington, Del. ail will HOSE HÜBE! HOSK ! RUBOER HYDRANT HOSE HÎ.ADQUARTâRS 15 Market Street, 1VILM1NGTDN, DEL. Only RUBBER IIOT'RE ln tho city. AU grades, all prlccH. HOSEPIPES, HOSE BANDS, HOSE REE LS, HO S E M ENI»ERs, JJOSEAVASUKItS, IIOSE SPRINKLERS. fl i. R. HUDSON & CO. NO. 13 MtPKET ST. WILMINGTON, DELA WAItFL t^UEUlFI bA LE— It Y VlltTL'E 111 tty t»f NViliul i.. i» ON 8ATURDA Y, THE 4th DAY UF MAY, 19^0, Tli^ following dene »ty >r D« rt Fi lh fit % . oi •ire dj«»lnl ip« TJ i> arafiel to Kin« theuoa(hereby^» Uo Fi '•i y al lei r, v. ÄS?« ih o the place le thereon the prop Dl IU k fl i,'I taker ly of Jo BhertfPa office, \V tuKUiu, Ap'ri lijs THE DEPOSIT HOOK OF THE »Iber, marked B 17-40, lu the Wll Kuvfifg i und HJcteljr, Math and reets, havlnf been lo»t or n»l la <1. . .hereon ha* been stopped aud appli- I » be made lor a new book I P* DANIEL UAMt'li A FORTUNE In of a ti\ by (. over n ni eut. •r r y* Y01 re lu \ l , .l to parttHpat Chance« of ^Tinning 1 8 Million* B37,05ä Mork* »>• *» In tin •ri It lie Light : prl/io will marks. ; )( 2ö I* 2. M0 r I» öf all «• ii».i llKll r,r: la tl M i tl, .W». •ti»' ,u in » It Ici» fu lirliml tick »ly 4 «loll. Ickot only 9 doll, «ô rlgliml Iftlnul !l«li< only 1 doll. rill tl I.-VCD id« .d Kvrry mi.adl T' • Ini »mcli id i» JUk* dD > In the ' The iiajinent id fornardlag of the sanu id ltn r with fisn km!w» of the ffnVttf! 4 * I'fi all iy. i lOth OF MAY ring he p , : 1 i Samuel üockscher, Senr., Banker at I Iamburg, Germany v. DR. MIESTERFELD "»SOUTH FOURTH »T.. FH ILA., Pa. Thirty year f both »exe« and <1. . I I " 87 SÎ special dis, - »offer -• - long ' • 1y C «Uh i 8 I'* Imt WM. II. ALEXANDER, D. II. \Y KLIJ3. 1002 Delawar« «venue. 70S Poplar atrscL Alexander & fells, Gravel, Slag, Tin & Plastic ROOFING. Leaky Tin and Iron Roofs coated and made water-proof with our Improved Plastic Coating. LIGHTNING RODS PUT UP AND REPAIRED. OFFICE AND WORKS, NO. 511 EAST 4 TH 8 T WILMINGTON, DEL. Bole agent« for M. Ehret'« Granulated Blag Hoofing. Telki'Honb Cai.t,, No. 3M. think make alMf rpUOMAH MITCHELL. Furnishing Undertaker Practical Em balm er, KING STREET. in NO. 4 RMldonce 1105 Madison street Tele phone call 312. Ik MARTIN. J. FURNISHING UNDERTAKER EM HALM Ell, NO. out Sill I'Ll; Y STUFET. K^F'NIGHT CALLS stteudeJ ft) piouiptly. gIMON QUTHHIÊ, General Furnishing Undertaker MO. 023 EAST SEVENTH STREET. GARDNER'S I« Tuk< CELEBRATED ICE CREAM. At Tto Reason of 1889 has opened. Picnics, parties, wed dliiRH, «tc., supplied at ruoaon»; hie prloes. Mf Special reduction to tho wbolcualo trade. KI LE'S SUPEltlOlt ICE CREA5L CHARLE8 KYLE, CONFECTIONER AND ICH OHKAM DEAI.KB Sixth A Orange Sts. »tpaSfut*appll With 42 year tli ■ i I quality ofi-tf FISHING TACKLE ! llaylr >f FI tiling them -JOINTF.D jolN'TF ** l< • 16c not ' D ML *ï» ■*' ' •J» Hin IK'I* HDDS. UE MA ii '•i-( by l»y Ht in 4-JOi KI HID1 .■•128 Hsuibuo 7 I. » H.« ii r It...Is, ; i EdwardMelcliior 214 KING STREET. WILMINGTON. (1 lor price of l.liOC tiui »porting mma I edits 'if nly .lit. it. My •,.v It ailin In •h ill 117 that 1 if Mwlfi'a »pt-cli K iif W\ day. !*• Ü* s. »' sir r '. ttt j ■M Nov. 2«. ttend lor Mt »<1 HU • 1 DpeaatA Ti fis D FLOUR, FEED FARM IMPLEMENTS FRONT & SHIPLEY STS. John f. McLaughlin # THOMAS THOllP Hate taken the store at tbe 8outl»e»i»,t corner ol Freut und Hldpley aticcti, (the old Buckingham Building), where they have ou hnud all kiuda ol larui Implements, Hour sud iwd, which they are aclllug at bottom price«. Call aud see them. all lm li'.t I PATRICK FAHEY, ÄO. 1322 WEA1T IOUUT11 ■!., Carpenter, Contractor & Builde ■ nil I t both d . II Fu r lU ki aiuMiiiiiATl DR. PENNINGTON RKQlaTBBKD PnYSlCIAH, BptcUlUt Id all Dhteoaea , Uifidicn. Female Wrakne : Titles promptly a 1 sulutloua by 1 i Philadelphia, Women and ! ». , . Irregula* I B inanrntly cur : d. Don omca.ttlW.ath au «et 1 mail or n. WHITE 1I0RSE HOTEL, SECOND AND TATNALLSTS. WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. All aeeominoaauo Board by the day « r=or-t Mli'HARI, LDOBT. rroiH long or oeaau « m k, 8 WB WILL EXCHANGE w», " I"-. We don 1 tv i»yr in be »rlc VOl'H OLD y< PIANO 11 > Jo noil FOR A ell IVBW OAK 184. If you don't want » a' |m»1Ib1i your old pi- ♦•J* aud make you , . We 1 . think it make a specialty of tenting pianos. We illy. C.W. KENNEDY & CO. 719 MARKET STREET. Wilmington, Del. in :i < •IpIllM. I ADAMS ft m '5 ■AGENTS FOR TllK Yuciiiini Tippd Arrow PISTOL. narinlesa. Accurate. Sure. Length of l'iato', H Inches. T Length of Arrow, 4 loche«. A* a Parlor Amas » ment ha* no equal. I« superior to any P.ntjl on the mark ' Tuk< « the ]»l*ce of tie Donkey Party a«') ak'.3-lm-iO*l Angling Game. CHOICE LIQUORS The Largest Stock, The Finest Qualities, and the most reasona ble prices. At the Okl EsuiMIfthetl ami IMublo House of FRANCIS KELLY & CO 103 Market Street. Tclephono Call 317. PI JOHN F. DONAllOE, —BOTTLER OF— Ale, Porter, Brown Stout and Lager Beer, Cider and Mineral Waters. DBPOT, ftl7 »»«I ni» OK I \ G 19 §r. Wilmington, Dataware, <1 depot for D*l ' Mtant trv. ol tb* for Uumj A Co.'« I'hl1*«telpuu Rrowa Stout, X, XX, prompt attention froe on boarft.— stal) I Ir*. M Talapli noRttoa. To be in tue Swim Breed to a Wilkes. ' Vortex 78(30, Standard Rule f*. ßir« by Onward, 1411; vi*ry best »on uf tho grc 2.1*2; 1st dum lia l»y Al mont 38; 2nd dam buuH Altilallith, 1 r»; lliu si ru Maid, 2.14; 3d dam l»y llonnto ^ lie Is a beautiful bay, large s* bone aud f*-et, in faut a typical <1 a fitst nul bred young bo Ht the Mod ist in mlvi xml, 2.2.M4 The Geo. Wilkes, ctl, by Amber 763, oldKUlitit Of :oiland. »» Rood Wilkes, This royally will make the sea.Hou able ot I!. Witai), Front Ä» Ht., Wilmington,Del., co, with the usual return pri vilogeH. Season begins April 15 27-tu.a 12ld-0 125.00 I ids Aug. 1st. 000 CHOICE REDDING PLANT *J 9 AND KM'KS FOR HALE at FA I H VI E W G HF. K N HOUSES, 2111» ami Mark« u pi Uu ail id 117 Mi if Ml MARKET I will j «las. N. Lewis ^ llro., FAIHVIFW GUEENHOU8ES, 24TII AND MARKET 8T8., WIL..DKL T rorr HA ^yiHIINGTOS KTKAMBOAT CO. Strs. BRANDYWINE ACitt rCnc-rri d rtci Tiioaday, March l'.'ll., « i v\|iuit Unity, f r und lu 3o it. in li'.t ■ I ■ljdu 14 1!» n. liiludclnhtn. Chestnut su 7, midi fh 1» ,n it Chestor. d fur Morci .•ii Hook on -!X b No. 87. ALL LADIES In need ol Hprlnj« nonnet or Hst», will, MRS. J. BRIDUMAN'8, 320 K INGST ■ I sud exit »took or Milliner), u . full lino II ATS, FLOWERS, RI HUONS & LACKS fart everything, }"J* ▼cry low«-» FIRST CLASS HARNESS rare aclllng t-claia liar ■ .1 ! ». I B 1 A ot 1 d I'ookei-Book». JAMES A. CONNER, »0.4 KAMT FOURTH STREET. MbRCHANT TAILORING JAMES HARDING, No. 810 Preneb street, has laid In a ëafl'nr d eaam Tnr Vu» b 1 oj llr or » pur,.ha»lug «Uewhe