Newspaper Page Text
MONTGOMERY. 2(13 N. NINTH l)'i, VtiU».. It« Uat>t« MoSlohie» for 0**«l|» ■* ji.ihiiia »'atari h. Ilrouo.l»ltla,4on*li»ip Advk« fro®, UOR A road A|tf>lylo ^HARDT'S 1*EN N V RO Y A L F ■ton Apply Wo tlBW. V(,il( E-BOARD OF PUBLIC EDU ( aj ion »Z 1/Hl 1 , w ELECTION. on for maiutcra of tho Hand of poll» wUI be open al 12 o'clock or Unity ' " Vp/rtôr» 'oVtlio^elfftlon dtatrlct In Irrlloit I» »0 be held lo lUo ward acho'.l fli .jtlou. \I r Y Y xi I lf ll tli* *' »I I place» of voting * T "w a*ki>. —on« mabu for two year«. ,.'!!■ Lliuo i-hool bwua» No, U Second * \V»»MnK«on »treet. SV A It IS. - tape member for 1.01 it.weai corner IkcBau W B. K. ■inher for on« year, i'm inner lor tw» »e;»ra. Foil», public l,„„l Xo. *, Jalltraua »treu. 1 WARD. mi YV at the v\ i aimMr I■ I,;ig iiuMIc »(.linol ItOUM No, 7, , I'll; slid 1*1 iic »tr«cl». -One member f*>r two year*, •rboul lu-uM No. S. corner i isiihi h <•> \Voll»»l"U »tlt'SU. 1 IM WARD. on«ni»inh»jr forTworear». 11, ii"C*l house No. ». walnut wclftb street. \V Alii>. N... I, comer Ci(T II Ill V. »V ll ltr»«t ahn« c »IVIMI memiier r» pnlla'.'peh le »Chool honte No. 8, , renth «n(1 '•prie p alreal». I s .j, w A IIP - Une n" i.liei lor one y car, r lo r two jeai». F<»b», Obi Ai ado inemhor f»»r d iio p in« inner for M\»l ly.MH NVAltl>. •; No. 15, Poll«, p- 111!. »Ph I, lier I III id and H»lll* - - Ft.kVKNTH WAUD. «>» », ir• Poll», acloH/l 1 1 ply V\ lllg. rr 1 l*k nud llaril- u 'irrrta. I ,f r.t.r i II W A III». -U"« memher 1 - corner Fourth and It JON K», Secretary. PHI". roR NEW SCHOOL I to I •isli will ti* racvlvcd U- > inr.ium rotauM v. iy* isth «lay of May,^fur * I,e **p''(il»c't hint thvalHive A "bond of IftUi xx lYUOl'OEAl «1 Uir |i»»r tilt- fulldlu* »I * f Y room» . N w right U. 1* ««»nice Frank ll, and M.itJry mref I*. .in'- F I'll PILE, n. IliilOtoSil» nMITIf, ( AH11DY. lir YY yy and JJAiüMC TKMIM.E. 1 • I ■ number. Mckffcar. Y Y «I Irl, place GUAM H K1GGS ItM Op« m .1 lien « r i rnuhlug Htnie. New gouda. N« w . fair pu hl lc. M\ #|»^V 1: r m |>l-tennd I W pm la:e t hr' ol tho pu idle. r. 'A'*'* YY XJOTIOE- TIIE REPUBLICAN NOM ii IN AT In,S' election loi . and Id ales for aa «si ora amt collectors or city laxe», tti. N -!)» ru dlatrlct aud one for the h. id on Saturday, the uth oi May. «• lioilrS or S and . p. m. Tim plac»» oi thction In the »averal ward« will Im named • r rkFDKKlLK K. HAITI. OiAlrtuau First DlairliT ('ouiinUU-c. THOMAS i\. SaVII.LK, »ecretar« . -w*f2t nil W I 1* 'll' U.LIAM I! ROBINSON, * > W huleialc «ud Hanoi Dealer CIGARS AND TOBACCO, lota d toil, lift L'.i\»t Fourth »tuet. Wilmington, . of choice clgera and tobacco con»UnPy ^••* of »vatlt Will OHu\ A wall «elected "- hraii'l» GARTER, i i EOUGE WHITE, " 1 -am cM»>or bertft. Hiiittli, No. lift Fiencli ilteef. I» pr» r«d to Ho light or heav y haullug at reasott* It Particular all« utl «itr» «Ment on. 11«> removing aa'ra cpitilug e»'" *•••' and MC IMS No. AI2. t alepbone • N°SSg.7 -dp all will commence un . APRIL . to regulate, l«lits «I.«) ii r«» ii««» 1 N » W ( u*l I«! Gon !» I Y All Wo«k left Kyi«!'», N'.ntli and King airectj. or «t my qdeiir«-. No. IIW Po:iinratrant, trllinliiitoii, L-f.. will receive prou pi attention. "R UFA K Y NF.. Itegiilator at \\ . igtits amt Measure*. ( . »2-eodwtiti lug J^OTICK Coinpauy %»j|l lloua«'«>n U etfa«»d«v. May », • 7 . tu « lect «ine »ltr«*clor». to THF. ANNUAL MEETING Market A »tu« kbol.UM • « I , and «.-unstilcr auch pi « er. DAYuVh. IIEOILL, OTK E H) F ARME â» AND PRO 1' I* erly owners, 1nt«jnJln» to s«t out **l»ay •. spring. TI»# Delawarr IG.lge r F F «eil («M •r. ft. I Ills la*»»« 1 «« I« • I cheap Planar brtuir rtllt.lP H. Df.AKK \ 4 » , H24 Mark« t alia« i, city. 1» AUMSTRUNU. TA 11.0 It, 11 AA • removed Ills place of bu.-liiMi* to N«*. 4.7 I' ^1X1 II BTRKF.T, wh< he Invites '' I - st)l> W ii.ui am McKenzie.mi uchant * * miior. « XV. comer fliMd and Shipley I • uigluu, |>el. '* > Inninn « leaned, t r. ""S *!4 up I.« U > «• Him guaraipfd Oi;< I - Til THE PUBLIC. I AM «•.\ t<> it.* haullug oi any kind (.riffUi.* K (,•£!!«; , ..or. u'l""*'« j ~ I Vi yroDiptljF . li.iui t: ]> »•,;!" VA L. F rem h ! ' in« »u bau «il I al Ugn'l carnage and liusl '►>>11111 a v«m> reduced price. A variety if. it. tiAMMiri*. dally. •Mil* H I A \X NINOS callmale 1 if it lertng A w 1.1 h I O' Rill t> N. a:«! Clayton - : ! luwfat price.i. ftallafaclbni guaraii « « It ra pi um|.lly attende! lo. tii2-0tt V UV UIM.INEUI—MIta.BUU.lVAN ^ft ' a» r« i.i >v« >1 lruin 22«, Second and Tat b' t> VIS Went strrel, where *h« w « pi« a Sid to ki n her ciiston '■EERLE88 DIES avtiîS !U Buuwun MAKBLt WUKKS —OF— 10HN L. MALONE, Deluw: avenue aud .Teflersou Street. i. A V ;i,1 . t L ful ftcluetlon or fiend and Footfio *r Mnrble wqi»unu*nts , In Georgia, lialiuu . , , " und (irnnit«'. Trio»* '"'dersold. Marble und »late Muu V I-. U.'iifte and hulldlug work of all He»«; up nous. 8urtsfttCtidn uarantood 8a8m. WORTH 11EMÎMBËRING ilmt you run be sopuUed with wia •KÇhsfi, putty, pulut, oll.vurultth, lurpentliic, cold paint aud brocade at tbe lowest market prices at ff« CARTMELL'S P. W. UUKRClf SIXTH AND MADISON STS WIRE WORK or «le • Si».« 3 LM! r 5 in 1 postal and 1 Will «ail OU aud give cstlmaies free. W. B. ALLISON. NO. 10U2 WEBT FRONT BT. m2 r* us Dir of B. UOR RENT OR WILL EXCHANGE A for city property, a »mall farm road lad'll I.« from XX tliuingiu A|tf>lylo THO MAN ... R. 1.AI.1.Y, "00 Market atmet F >R RFNf.-A 13 ROOM HOUSE, centrally I«m at. d. Rent low and (>••*«»• ■ton at once, the occupant leavluir the ciu. Apply to E. 1'KN NINOTON, 7 1-2 Weal Ninth St. »Z Del. 1/Hl RENT-A LARGE FRONT 1 room, suitable for lodgers or dreaamak , rurntahf.l or unlurntabed, al tOU'J Market . V. K HOLT. 60 W • 1 Want«. \I r ANTED—RELIABLE LOUAL AND Y Y traveling aalesinan: poeltlon* pern»» Hpeclal Inducement» now; faat ««-nine ■pcclaltlea. I »«»n't delay, UICUWN BUO0 the Salary from •' .. Nuraeramen, Rocliaatrr, h. V. »I i.n ■«■ W A, Æ Graining,, lirk-K bt.lining uud I'.. B. K. CO K N K U s '.It A I.TXTOS, H'MK ; SIGN I*A INI Kit*. No. At*/ bTItKI.TS. .•(laity. AND SIlll'LKV u25tf WANTED-HELP FURNISHED FOR YV tvela. restaurants ami |»rl vale fauitlle* at the »liuiMul notlre. A pj»lv at Hi« v\ i i.mimjTon i.n rKU.HiFNt Korriur. ■ No. IM (Hau«» at 26, WANTED-AYOUNG MAN WHO 18 »V a » ood ahoriliaii l and trpi*-wi lier and Addret» L, Hits olllce. ll ' ayb optialor. ANTED —A GIUI. FOR GENERAL tronlii»; lu.juln tbc West 7th ANTED-A W Hl I E GIRI. FOR general housework. No vr.ishlng •e rei|ulr«d. Apply In* M\»l Twelfth street. l-a.f ANTED-A YOUNG MAN UNDER i on llgiit I itrrlagu body J. V. KANUALL, New town, P«. WANTED—A YOUNG MAN WITH 1 1 sou c Knowledge of bread hakluv. Ap ply to V, ulioir hukiiy, < V\ lllg. A ii**1»' ., 1 atnall HU. in2-3t WANTED-YOUNG MEN BO&KD f Y era at 677 Meat Third »treet. Pleasant -Hi room» and good accommodations. ANTED-A GOOD WHITE GIRL 224 King w for general housework lir ANTED. — A GOOD GIRL FOR YY general housework, at Bakery, 9th ami Ma«llaon street». WANTED—TO BUY, A 1'AIK OF yy (lilvlng horn.«. Mu l ho sound, gent e and goo«I mover*. Imptir« atlhUofllce. •»I VV'ANTED-MIDDLE aged WHITE Y Y woman to keep hmav and wash and IIIICL, Highlands. 2-Jt* w . Ml;>. K. Wanted—T v^o OarkIage fain YY 1F.KH. Apply al 110 Flench •tr»«-|. ^ aa ANTED.—WEEK I.Y UK r U B LI rnui uf January 6, May 31, Stents will be paid at tilts office. ANTED — AN EXPERIENCED white cook at 7u3 King street. nil W For Sale. I OT8 FOR SALE. 1* W«- have some v« çy dealraliU hulldlug utierlng lor aalf, oh , but ween ft "Ai 1 lota which caiuorly »M» of d Nluts aturU. toil, bain» a alieet whlc.i : of the finest driven in th«< « Uy. and ^••* [Û »ml lekdtng litamlv wIum Mprlngi. Will» the future *ro«vt;» of the city »ad tti« certainty r* - <■ rantd'y Incr»»««- In value; ««»«»« lia?» »Ircoily »vatlt d iheniMdvf« of the l .w price offcrc i. Will be »Old low «II«) on • lay Lena». Apply OHu\ DA (.UKBELI.. »101-2 Market early day pr» aa'ra *•••' POR BALE.—A and hath. lu t and mo J MC AN Office, a. 3 STORY BRICK I» heater In r y VERSO un 1 ?OR SALE—A GOOD SURREY, IN Brat-r!»«M order; «old f«r want of »#«•: a tiar^al" C«n he seen al rrlat A Allim.ii*«, left my ii d >hij«ley atreria. BALK OR TRADE.—FIVE bouses. New. Also ut veral build - Fifteenth ami French »treet». . ( . PICK ICLdf. toft dUlpIty m. lug UOlt SALE.—TWO GOOD WORK A bora«« and doublu Apply c least 4th ■ as-tr I ^OR SALE—THE GOODWILL AND dzlurr* ut it bl«ck«>iiilih shop doliur n a««od iiutuicii*. liuiutre uuo Poplar ot., city. 2-tttt SALE CHEAP—A LARGE «tout.le cylinder Taylor pre*a, print« ovar au hour. Apply at this olhcc. 1' UOil r «b. Ia'OR BALE—CHEAP, A GOOD PIANO F Apply lo 72U W. »th fit. al*J-U COR SALE F veilnmnt ; Bunk stock. Appiv A Y1K8T-CLAB* IN AA 4.7 till* oil.. '. J4*UU '' I assessor ^collector Northern Diotrict, City ol Wilniinp.ton, fidmund Mitchoiljr AM Subject to the decision ot j the Republican party. Ii8t ~ J^OB I ASSESSOR & COLLECTOR —of tl»e— Northern District, City of Wiimington, liusl variety 1 if it JAMES S. MOORE. Tat Subject to the decision ol the Re publican party. J,'OR ASSESSOR & COLLECTOR Northern District, City of Wilmington, w <26 Buuwun Samuei L Eastburn Street. lialiuu Trio»* Muu all Subject to the decision of the Republican party. m6 NEURALGIA. DR. SIMMS' VKGKTABL1* LIVER PILLS The only Pills known that will op a rate griping, alekentug, weakening, iMVtng tne buwela cojtlve. «aay In their operatl«»n. they best Pill* ever «»Hired to aflheietl for all duras«.* r< STS Ml I aged peuple. Splendid for^ U|« JEldntya.^ Orand on iiud^'u Dytuepsta, a perfcol Autldot« 1 lor Sick Headache, iiceuiaahoa. Family bo»«*. Seut by mall. XV«*can give mu'lUudes doubled reference, of the great Utility ol the»« P1U«. Sugar-coated. Holu by dealers. in FRINC1PAL DEPOT, FOURTH AND KING STä m2 Aükfvrr Tlil» Uueatlou. Why do us seem to prefer to luioeiable by indlgeatiou, Cuuatly Dir alu» aa, Loss of Appetite, ComlD of the Food, Fellow Buln, will sell them Hbllob's System Vitalizer, guaranteed to B. Danlorlh, wholesale aud retail agent, Second and Market people we 00« around ■offer and be wade at.on, pg up when for 7Ö Tlir Thu ceuts them. N. 1 1 recta, Wilmington, 1'lif* The To I Tho The Del. Shiloh'« I'alnri h Itemody. Sldlob '» Catarrh Remo.iy, a marvelous cure for Cat an h, Diphtheria, Canker Mouth aud Headache. With each bottle there la au Ingenious Nasal Injector lor aucceaalul ti calment of these complaluts without extra charge. I'rlco 60 ceut». N. B. Danfort b, wholesale aud retail agent, Second and Market streets, W lluiiugtoii, Del. the To f W I I A A It. mied laut Night. Bourdon'» fa «tous brand» of cigar«— Nonpareil, Standard, Three B. B. B., etc. Manufactured by H. F. Bourdon JIl tiro.. No. 21V West iacor.d And Tho All IMon lc. I to 1 t of t D. i. row nil Has shad, herring, flouudera, while flali, cattish, codfish, haddock and white perch at Buff and ft2'J Madlsou atreot. Oysters, 26, 30 and 4üc. per quart. l.ntCht (iimiiI Nim«. pair wf sh ies tbc wholesale pile-* at the Gill. Edgn Boot and »hoc »tore. Ill West Second »treet, Wilmlugton, Del. Klocli lr l'l Saves labor, time, women and furniture Absolutely no du«t. housekeeper should grocer for It. Mfc will sell you Stove Polbth slug it. Kvur It. Ask your Ladle« who value a rellnod complexion e I'ii/.z ml's Powder—It produces d bcautilul nkiu. ., «oft Call at 210 King and look ut the Quo display ol (lower» and lancy hats. n£ i / TH 4 S s . L_jfe JOLLYN Dad bought \| ACM F. HL1CKINU N and i'U havo it easy now. IS A GREAT LA 3 GÏI SAVER. A SHINE LASTS A WEEK. RAIN AND SNOW DON'T AFFECT H no RiusaiNO requires. MAKES A SHOE \NA T ERPR 00 F. VBED BY MEN. WOMUK AMUCQILDKEN. C'.in ua wenhod liko Oil Cloth, »ud (vL-*n!aU>'y Boftons end Preaervcs all klnda of Leathor. ^Ive up tmjon tat it, nud you Buld by Hin n Bt« r« «, Gitxiem, i>. i./*uU, &C. for Harnoas it i* umipniM. <■ i. Aak for it, and d mit* ft R&snnu>w phioocu>mu In T 1 IB UJSit'UINti JohannHoff's Ma!t Extiact IN a - '. I A\ «»It! I E * N tilt I ENT, y all prominent pin «I« Iah« hiiicc i -+47. for D Y S PE PS IA , INDIGES TIO V,NURSING MOTH ERS, I UNG TROUBLES, THF WEAK AND DEBIL ITA TED. •Hewnr«« of linilullonx.-'^.a -ignaturu of TON It AN m ' ■■ ft) • I'll«! (f Oil ll I ll t '•J »HAN N HUFF" ••MlHilTZ EMN UK" The " the KLSON CO. LISNEIt A MI NI r»Vi bottlvK „ N«'W York. §B : »wirf« : Pol«on alter t P«»l * °t*mi"t iVm«'v»"I «In* Kl»« , uma«1»iii which «, N. Y. Scrofula i!« , Tvli»pe«l lug ami lump» HwlFT'S HF fui «."''„V A t ÏIÏ A It ■>"! »N I ». daughter a vege'alilo ot «•tiU^culenderofula. I'b tiookson Blood an IMdu liUmi'f.milliil Ire» TiiKS'VU'T : Northern U. it. eaeoi, D«c. utu. lïW. Triln» t»ave XV luul!i«u>n (fe'rt-ncu »ireeil a« otluwa: Fur Kvadiug, Blrdaooto, Joaun«, Mprl-tg. flol t, Wayuerburg Juuctnm, Manor,PotUvUle. lama«|ua, a llentewn, l.uhan.'i, Werner» vlllv and ail poiau on Ihu Pulinl« Iphla lt y«»r"InringjleLl. *Wayueaburc 1 'juucUua. C'oaieavllK F.n»br»ovtlg. Ijenauc, EUWld * I Da pont'» ami IBUnaedlaW pulut», .. n an» s. a» p. *. intermediate DOlUU YVItinlngloii Time la uu ton 7.W)a. Far (.'oateivllle 7.00 a in.. 2.4« and 8.00 p. Ui. For YY oat Chaster, 7.UÖ a. P> "'Daily aieept ftaturday and tunday. For Nuw KrlJge aud intermediate points S 17 p. m. aud ou fiaturday only at B.»> am 2.40 aud e.OI ol <26 P Muaday tor Boa llng points, at K.OH ». «•• s? < i ■' Intermedl A. (1. McCAl ynixT'nfundoat. and intermedia'.* Sprlngdeld mints at SAiri. m. THI.AMD. BOWNKB3IIBI»«», Gen l*»»a. Ag't. CHICHÉ.S * t-ii'S t-*' Ml V I j 1E5 «0S8 DIAMCrjJJjOT .j ^ ftuifuutid rrllat L jnrlA â Kn ÿ ll$k lll»n.«ynl Krane. of m6 ?«pt«0other.'' ÀU plIUlu PMWbosrft ■jjlP«aunirrfelt. Brugidala - ll , I .OOO Ifon* . Suet**'- MAMIE PA^iS. , by return mall. Ihj"h«" ( J-"- >fltMirti> BOO King .Mittet la the place for white sugar ^ ■ I a nach, our sp rUltn a 1 > > and u chl'rarup au«l #»u«-« r hall pouml; «btuanUt«*, cupaml peun«i; lovely H" *-• teapot pouiKl Of our Java coffee, ('on»«' Ittinoii bi|uea/er; Is ;• moat uteful Hi UcI«*. they are gone i with « - . and are our Uarrlv cenleuulal only lOcenta: 2«lu«rks lor a want. Ilou't forget 5h»g* cure«! afiuuhliTh e.ju • l ponn«l at»»» King law. 10*0 nth a T. M. W IK M . U.l-liti (MfiOUTH FUUB'I H B'P.« PHII.A., FA. ■ « 1 , aSKS'JS"' KMÄtr ill.;!! "vcu„.i.. ■»»««« j;» ,'»»* an«i whatdlaea elftla. lciire it toy uatug BKttSr 1 K'ÄXl'ÄJiÄtp. «nd e 4toVfc.ï. h 6 un Java IU À I'« 3n. Sick the»« DR. fôiEST£RF£LQ STä I CI.IMR TO ««Vf, paper at year the bly beyoud eiif. the I lalnug. old of the year, Peace pastor uese, was a nice 1 »t. the 1 return year LUCY LARCOM. .must t clltnli, If I woubl rest;. Tlir bird sours upward t<> his neat: Thu young leal on tho Iren top high Cra'Ucs ItbOlf within the uky. 1'lif* atreama that seem to hunt'-n down Unturn in clouds the hills to crown; The plant nrh'-s from her root To took ttlott her llowcr unit fruit. I cannot In tho valley stuj ; Tho great h h I/.ohm hi retell away. The very clUT* that wall me rouud . higher ground. To wor k—to rest—for euch f loll. W I,at s mil win* over (|iiltc ut ORHO in by curthly boundaries! I not glad till I have know I l.o that can lift uio from my A loftier level inilsL bo A mightier strength to lean upon. And hciiven draws m a Tho breeze Invites, the All thin uiw heckoning I climb to thee, my God, I tho Boat: • rcHt! b<s Lo»« h und th« »tut tboss ' I do not usually tell a Joko on my «m nurked Frank Leach, private wBi't seciotary to Senator tjuay, to a party of H* frlcoda, "but on« happened to mo oue | night About 11 o'clock which Is too good Hcoigo to keep. I was c.mlng up the avenue at Gouk 1 liât hour, Wien I noticed a huge rat L. slipping along ti e itulD-r in n ut «( mu. J » t made for him with my uiulir.ll» »a a ! Bvrd, wia|M>u and lumbaaied the ptvem' ut ! Harriet ivrouud hliu in a wild endeavor to knock *1*7 him out, hut It wits no go. He kept out of tho Way, aud I kept up tho light. He ulong under tho cum aud I charged after him, more auxi ns to get him us ho ht.nvved blgns of auxlety to g>;t away. I been him for about a a;uire, and by'that Coffey. lime a crowd ol hojs ami a d* g were fol- of lowing mo, and I was the observed oi all " , obeervors ou the avenue at that hour. It ramrod 't very light, however, and there KHtlou were not many jieopie abroad, so 1 dlJn't much. Acrojs a street and along by the next square the rat went aud I alter ami him, b' uud to got him il 1 had logo clear to Georgetown or Derlsu In tbo at- fdfc t en ,pt. The chus» began to grow exciting, too, and the small boys were having as much •!• fun as 1 was, II not more. Evo'y now year aud then the darned rat would stop and w ® I'd Jump for him with my utr. 1 relia and whack the pavement a lick, but the rat an J would be s.x or eight feet away and I'd go fi r him iigam. kept up this way for about tlireosquares, when I bap- ^ peii'd to look ahead, and about filly tuet his in Iron; ol me l saw a boy on th. run, dodging behind the tree boxes. At the same time I observed that the rit moved . R' 1 about the same time the boy did, nnd M»1 then ft struck me that the b< y had a I string tied to the rat and the rat was u dtad body a: d I was well, It doesn't ! make any difference what. 1 wa : . I iin R ( ' mediately hiul an engagement up the lor Urstsllesree I eaint to, uni the way I pray gathered up 1 he wreck of my umbrella b uud went away into the darkness was a fha' eight to behold. If that binned hoy 1 hadn't stepped to laugh I believe I d be (•basing that confounded rat yet;" and Mr. L-ach kicked over a chair and went out tu gel a breath of fresh air. his aud Ills played yes 11 ,2;ClHveiaiid,l. by In the my r, H you Homo Hull. The following gmu« s wt tcrd.iy: At Fiiila«lflphla—I'hlladelphfa, 4; Bor At IMIGlturg—Pitta 1 At li dlalHpolis— Imllauapolis, 111; l hi cavo, 13. At New York—New York, 10; Wash ington, 3. At New York—Athletic, 2: Brooklyn,♦. (Tty—Kansas City, 2; Cln K»t i, 8. ciu Balt' At CviuuihuE—Colurahue, 1; At St. Louis— St. Louis, r»: Louisville,1. ft; Lowell, 3. NVIIkesbarre —>V tlkcsbarr *, At, Kuktoli — Euet 12; At Wore At cr, 5. At Newark—Ni walk. 7; New Huv« n.7. At Jersey City—Jersey City, 0; Hart lord, 0. r, I'Ll I laade*l |»li Iti At Reading— R« a.«li « (■laut», 0. At Lancaster—I ell* lion (iiui , ff At llurribhurg—Hi At Philadelphia—UuivcrsUy sylv.inlu, 7; Trinity. iu. At. Nt»rrlstowu—Norrlsiov isbiirg, 8; York,3. r. I, 8; Sotncr ret, 4. NOTUfl. Casey certainly did great work. linlsh ths »•: in at (juiun wl, 1 t'.cv Bo Mel'ti o U< i*!a 1 ;y be nothing but It §B hut just : began to p uy good ball. |>•v'.ln busBlgtiiil viUt* St. Louis aril back Tel scekli g to Pitcher Fnemail for him. MilwiiuUco i P«»l Cd Ilot ht Adopted bv a party, For roarj Pr »U-ctlou of ~ 1/ I the that which uifekts us be a t d proU.ctio;i— A tariff for revenu» revenue lor your blood, aud prou-cuou lor lie.tlih: Dus. Stakkby «C :—"Since ldi. '' Mus. K. I ruff, 8. 0. * your Compound Oxygc J lung« ft, W ... l,u "; Stakkby iV Palen:— '' lour Compound ,, Oxygen Treatment la woudcrjul. Mv w • * - t pain mo . ny more." O. II. i,i UoxvNET, ChuruhULco, lud. L)rs. Starkey ik Pal«'.'ft olllc« rccorils cases in wGifl* r-n* Treatment hu« a •d by pbysh'iaii« iu tlielr practice ami by invalids iu icpeu l.-utlv. 'Ch ir 1 brochure ol i free ot charge t(* ÜHS. ÜTAKKI5Y Ä P » licet, Pliiladflpüi», Pa. Allen Pa am 43, show ibctr Compound Oxygt been e.OI >e forwarded o! • ml>1i en.- in2 i Will paje ' j to 1'uro Alderney. When you drink milk ftiuke ut «•• y 's drug atore juu get pure Alderney iu:lk To Before glvlug your order J r papering ..tin, r.'' , ' j ïmi l '«iu'lln'| !, hiu> 1 " "V . V .'V i ,vi., ! ! I Ins old •î-!! , I BtrfiAt, with a lull slock ol wall pajier imJ j horderlDKs of the l.lest .tries .ud color lu.p, which hr I- »«IJMWI oîv ■ ' ocVai low H D lIoM prtctii il W.« àocohii utnet. ■ you should call Holt - ll , KalimAteS pU> I .»tl.ltctory or i . , IU.'. » I" paper hauler, Jutorestlug AilverliHomont. publish iu auother column tire Interesting advertisement ol fiuniuel mr. ol Hamburg. As this bus u qui red good imputation iu tlio prompt uud discrete payment of tlm amounts won by persons her.» uud In patls of tlio world, we. woubl n eommei. i readurs lo take particular not ten o' *_ the luaerllnn, aud try tbo chuu :ts wIi 11 ling a fori Hocks her 1 > > r teapot ('on»«' UcI«*. a M . ,1 uat Mniried. •: ilicro is al. How loving they sign. Altur the llr>«t yc;.rftoun t • il dou't bold guo.1. W hen Oburlcsccn homo to you grouty , u „.i «n&rlini:. uuatio to rcil hun.r J't.u have oooh.'d, .ud lid. ,'»»* there WM a ion Of i>Ik I™" . . ho is troubled with ilvep paia, « ■ 1 "ibmr Kmc. I. the on.yol. iih. • Î i n ' I ;«1 « 1» the » . him. Whitting*. [COMMUNICATED J Please allow me space In your valuable paper to way toine'hliiK aliout our «'liurcb at South Wtlmlnirtou. During th« past year tbo church baa iapi-1 progrès j, the Membership baa Increased c< uehieru bly and the congregation ban enlarged beyoud the Beating capac! y of the proa eiif. church. Tho aplrltual condition ol the church baa Improved wonderfully I the financial lrtercat la truly ax toil lalnug. Every pexaoo, male and teinule, old and young, paint aud slimcr,* 1 have mauitchted great lute-res', lor tho success of the church during tho past conference year, and truly It vraa Peace and harmony prevailed between pastor and people, and a year of pluissiit uese, alUudcd with the lileauings of Qod was experienced. During the past year a nice brick paraobai;e and a building 1 »t. for a the cost of {1,800 and plana building. 1 be pastor was kin Uy received return irorn Conference for the year and on th - evening of April 1 was ivreealdy eurprised by a number ol his K Church. ' t'i r f .ll church w purebaaed uttged for 1 . rubers aud coogro.'aLlou who loaded b<s tablo wltli provlslo is, etc. Among tboss who contributed were J. E. John «m und wife, Charles 11. Colbourn and wBi't Thomas Rmtum an 1 wife, Charles H*- ^lie tirer aud wife, llaudy Hill and | Thomas 0 Washingl m and w.fn, Hcoigo Wilkinson au.l wilt, Wilber M Gouk tud wife, Francis Byrd and L. H. Bantum and wife, Gr«c'c Andersou, J » mC * Medford, Walter NautUiP, Martha ! Bvrd, Kcidali Parker, Salllo flpen-er, ! Harriet Burse, George IIi-r *1*7 Johnson, Jo* unie D Thompson, Mary l>e: n.R a-'d other-, April 26th und 2Bth was utir first. Quftrterlj Conference »'id meeting. The Uouferctico was the b»st that 1, been held In the church. R v. W. H. Coffey. 1*. F., presided; ull the of tho conforcuee with three. ' Xceptio s, " , r0 PM-'-cnt with theli ie;iorfs well a; ramrod and a lnrao number of tin* cougrc KHtlou were p> osent, 'ü* 1 ' resolution w; by the officials, and on motion adopted ami ordered to be puhl'a. < d: Wukhkah, it wan the unanimous dc fdfc of tho members and uougregat'ou ol Whlttlogton M. E. Cliurcli of »ou h Bnilngtoo, Del., that our pastor, Rev. •!• A. Richardson, who spent the past year iu peace with ut nrd whose labors w ® rc complete aoccess, should be rc turned to us an pastor for another year, an J w<; make known our desires thiou.-h and by J. E Johnron and other me.Hums lo tho l'rcM.dipg Elder, Rev. ^ '*• Coifcy, reipj st'ng lilui his Inüm'nre In our behalf and , Wolmbah, Our worthy Presiding Elder did so net according to . R' 1 ®** w,! greeted by the return M»1 "Ur pastor. Therefore be lt a I Resolved, 1st, that we, the members u con, r i< gallon of this church do ! berrhv txt- nd to <»ur l'resl llng Elder, R ( ' v - " l11, R* Uoticy, our s ncere tbauks lor Ilia efforts In our behalf, and I pray that he may he blest, with good b allli, together with li's family, and a fha' he may have many days on earth *0 1 work for the advan be ««.etm i ^ kingdom may he crowned with ahunJaut succès». " • It resolved, 2nd, that wo do whole duty and e'.l in our power to m die his district a success aud 1 hat Ills klndm yes- blera of Ing, 2S;h Instant. Be It resolved, öd, that we pray for and 11 nanim usly support our puntor In every .flort for li e upbu'ldlng ot /. on and the H'Ivhi:c< meet of the cauee of Christ. Ru spcctfully submitted, J. E. John bon, President. I . II. Rantum, Sect ol ary. In pursuance ol the order of this re io afier a powerful Hcrmon preached by the presiding elds--. Rev. Cof Icr, J. K. Johnson, district steward, In behalf of the members aud d him with a handsome gold :h chain. Kov. Colley made a tlr rt addivM, in which he paid a glowing tiiliutc tu t'-e kindness shown him by the members of this church, and invoked the blessings of God u| of lh«! He- j that hi* labors | every respect, | •e manliest our appreciation of bv presenting alfectlous Bor him fc'uiul .y tve hi Cln Sunday dvening, 28;h ult., pr 12; n.7. til« 1 m lu t Ii«-i Iti ell* L to commence th« lion of a row church, a 1 «1 solicit aid from any one iutcreat«d in the wel!.«ro «>1 Zion, we hereby caution u'l persons «■ tilllUtlng that all ol our Felicitations a! of Whit'ington M. K. them; l here (ore beware. Our Ab have In«* Church chureli It niarehimr J. A. RiPH.tunsoN, Puftto» - . clrivkß e of the t est assortments ol in the i I'v a*- Davi«' U E. -nd 6t. at IHite.l Them. I'm ,, May 1 —It vl!l be Sut v hen the j raiile tires tbi» city a young lady borne 1 Kti aril Mill» • rngln*r il K.loise Madison death under wry pathetic clrcuinstances. The sequel Is the Mailh> lees sorrowful. Win n to the hills Western N« 1 "' York they left a youth who bfl p' his word with '•Nellie" wool l follow her to that Dakota ami louku her his wife. In the griff an«l distr-ss consequent upon the! accident which terminated t'.e llle of the young lady this yourij communicated with. Twt* w««'ks ~ ago Mr ai d M's. M «'Ison we re vi-ttlu^ 1/ I their dnughter, Mrs. Chff'hs Ztble, wl appealed, cutiroly .«1 utiexpecUd. H K. tu« young "; uouocml ,, irent iy Mv w pi| which he was greeted, hut knowing II. i,i a welcome wa-» ai suive, be huspecud nothing o! the re vela'Ion awaiting him. Alt.« r a Icxv inomcuta' cnuvcrsatl'ii in* r-n* down at '.be parlor organ and played hu« a 1 v.dy a r., turning ahou», he aldresset Mr««. Z tble with Ihoquuiiion: ir 1 'D «•> Nellie sii g and play as much as of Hie constraint o! in2 i the lady's NMu'eîp ruth iu a ki. Llitl burk'd - bur. cd Lo put r.c nr Thu shock v» t incemeiit that, eh« L«. whom hit» jour ' j ney hail been made ami win to take home with him «I that death had c. such a form, prostrai iOUBbCJS. y 's m lie hoped hi wile xva« her in him uuil he lo^t tvere used. hiu> 1 " iul "> llleJ ' O" 1 » K> « lub " ,t0 "O' 1 "« ! ! I . III. A h .-uud tiuiu U rulllrd, .ud wain , fail, tel. I-'unlly recovefiiif, he resist'd imJ m-l earitd liolilulity could •*. ■*" ".i; ViSTcut 5 - 4 . un.1 st.rtcd .»dly ot hi. return t . his home, low I.. Which lu h»d pono Iorth with a il heurt full of Joyous nutieipition. Three ■ B«fit hard and free-^urulngcoal. Shew e 110. liest« >rat'« ! il tire this iu tlm i o' *_ aid d; Chm.« I tr, South 81 ic. 1 1*1 IT yy-mF* *» ALL liiault S# l outfit ccmiiiuts ; \ triiiett it. ; JALL ■ ^ • Î 2 0) I 1 rprains, Strains, Bruiaas, Wound*. CD o frM fr ; t: ■ — ThsChss. A j.,Ud. C.I.. Cul Vt„t: fil' it BEE HITE. than The like was never seen before. A SILK BARGAIN you will long remember. Commencing April 29, for one week we will give you the privilege of buying a 24-INCH ALL-SILK SURAH, IN TEN SHADES, At 50 Cents Per Yard, And defy you to find the same grade of silk in any retail store less than 75 cents. Some of the shades will make an elegant Summer dress. Do you realize the value offered? 50c. a yard, real value city feel h , do *0 die and the Ru io Cof rt the •t 75C. Another one ^2.50, for $1.25. C part pieces of fancy silks as fjood as you ever handled, very nice for combinations, £1.25 a yard lor goods we have sold from the same pieces at £2.5°. The colors arc all right. V P 1 PLAIN COLORED SILKS AT G2iC will at P a yard, for this week only. Silks sold by us at 31.25 and $1.00 to go in this sale at 62^0. a yard. I'lease remember, this great silk sale is to close May 4. We will offer you extra induce ments in our entire stock of Silks during this week. RUSSELL, MISSIMER k C 0 „ NO. 306 MARKET STREET. fine CRYSTAL PALACE ROSE PARK. A V. HEADQUARTERS FOR ROSES. mu< I.nrgP ami cotnphdo stock, choicest varieties only, lo seven-inch puts, prices varying from $1 to fü per dozen, accoriling to size and variety. Propagate«! from healthy stock and grown ir. ordiunry inaidco loato, without maiiuro or any siiiiiulnut whatever, consequently : rapidly and give satisfaction with ordinary car». Creme de la Creme of the new, j sr;U x„ nnd standard i*«hoy. American Beauty, The Bride, Mr*. John Laing, The | jUtisiuorc, Tapa Goutier, Md. de Wattiviü*, IAnsrtt, Hürde Cazie, Baronees Rothe child, Captait) Christy, The Puritan, La France, IP. F. Bennett, Gen. Jacqueminot, Niphe<o*,' ]'■ rie des Jardines, Md. Welche, Md. Cnsin, Catherine Menuet, Pierre Ami, Glorie de D\jon, Mahnaison Princess, Beatrice atul many Send for circular containing description of finest varieties. Also in plein list ot imputai* bedding plants by the dozen, hundred Beautiful Plauts for Decorating. Choice Cut Flowers and Floral Designs n specialty. Order» by mail or telegraph will receive prompt and care ful attention. izfts ranging from two Guillot, S« | ot j ierB> of d' •k largo and c sand. iorth uyL. ir*. HAYDEI ÎT, 702 MARKET STREET ult., WILMINGTON'. DEL. m30-lm e, 8. \V. N ursories, Mary la JOSEPH STOECKLE'S DIAMOND STATE affer Beer aid «>1 K. Our 'm o —A N Ü— >' V be tires lady 8 WILMINGTON, DEL. Ofllce and Brewery, N. W. Cor. Filth aud Aaums Sts Telupkoue 183. • Depot and .Saloon, Nos. 22.8 and 2~'5 King Street. Telephone 230. n hills to the the! llle fi2-6m Shipping a Speciality, |~| EADQÜARTERS FOR PRIME FAPfllLY COAL in* he of CAREFULLY SELECTED, CAREFULLY SCREENED, a CAREFULLY DELIVERED. ICE & COAL CG., xva« in lo^t IJSÎÎOKO ANS KiNQ STREET®. "« un.1 a 110. JOHN M. SOLOMON, —DLALEI1 IN COAL, ! PLASTSSING HAIS, CALCINSD PLASTE?., FILE BRIOS AL T D FIEE OLAY. WOOD, LIME, SAND, .CEMENT. FRONT AND CHURCH STREETS, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. ALL S# Muinoiticc No.St XVot Third Street. ; it. ; 1HK LEADER in fez, PHOTOGRAPHY, Sll Market St. roblic Sale». BOARDING HORSES 5 © 5 & We offer auperlcr accommoda tions tor boarding fcoreos. FINE STABLE BUILDING! GOOD ATTENTION! MODERATE CHARGED l We «Im to be more accommodating than others In our line of business. If you contemplate changing about March 2ft,' Invite your patronage. Wilmington Boarding Stables 212 & 214 W. SIXTH STREET. Telephone 213. of If ID 23- lui pUBLIC BALE VALUABLE _ KEAL ESTATE. Will be »old at Public bale, al L. W. ölldh-im East 4th a.rcet. '» auction rooms, WllmlnKUMi. Del., MONDAY. MAY 6. at ll o'clock, a. m. t The balani'O of Hie property known ai rdaon » SHI.», containing about 2'.< uc . Till» property 1» wltnin % city limlth, hua an excellent water pi feel bead and fall; close to the B. » r. N. Hallroad. : «ul' able lilch* the >ow«r, 5 1 •1 \V. •t .further particulars j. h. men a ui mon. Central Hotel, • (108 French pt. V 'L Telephone UU. W. Stidham à Von. Auctloaccis. P UBLIC SALE OF INDIANA AND Iowa noitsfca. 1 will sell at pultllc sale at n.v »tallies. N«>» 20 and cl Fast Fifth street, Chester, I*«.. ne« Market and Welsh street«, ndjolu lng George Mahoa's L ON THURSDAY, MAY 0, 1830, all o'clock, p. in., 3t 20 HEAD of Indiana and Iowa Horses, conalstlng ol diau|ht,apec<lv, rondriter», saddle and business horse». Till* will be a at the »table* two days hafote tue »ale. To i-cpivaunted. If wet will »ell In the dry. A. If. TYbOîJ. Two and four month»' credit. Telephone No. u»V L W. Stidham A Sou. P UBLIC SALE. The subscriber -rl.iss lot of stock. Can «20-dvtw • will »ell at Ptib-B£^V the drove yard ol DavM TK. H JnhUB.iii, Centreville, ( Uundiv New Caolle Couuty, Del., MONDAY, MAY 13, 1889, 40 head of freah cow» and springers. Lancaster county, l'a. carefully Also 26 fine sh'iata. Come ami « Term». — A credit of 1*0 days. Dinner at 12.00, Sale at 1.00. KoHEKT MRRHH'K. aiO-dAw J. G. Hobln son, a act. TYUBLIC SALE OF STOCK. A Will tie «old at public «ale V. W. Baldwin*#, Cerner, Delaware C MONDAT, MAY 0, 1889, Head of carefully »elected dairy COWS, springers. 2 stock bulla and 30 3° ulcc thrifty^alioa Cumberland Co mu< 1 la of large size and oztra uuallty. Two and lour mouths' credit. GOODLEY A BALDWIN. a2'JdAw P0., A. C. Hharpless. Hugs Oil Cloths Linoleums Art Squares McCall urn &. Sloan 1012 & 1011 Chestnut St. PHILADELPHIA, PA., Axminster, Moquette. Brussels, To.pestrv Ingrain Wilton, CARPETS. fD-co(13m W£ WILL We can sell yi Why? Hccanso a pi ano .cveu fair y good cannot he bullt althat price. At f2i*> wc EXCHANGE v«.. give gOud pi p'ano, l ^0oror a P ftr cliss piano, and fin TOVR OLD PIANO high aa yon i Wc donut liandl ell plan«-». If FOll A offered. A 3 VEW ONE which c.niseltier isf. at elsewhere. Smith American. Kstey, M» | son A Hamlin and : t Hier accoud-Hands at If you don't want poll»h your Ola pi. I «'J"'"i r „, b „. ano aud make you gam;, in pianos ullgbt We ly utad. think it make a specialty of renting pianos. We will do any kin of haullug f carefully. C.W.KENNEDY&C0. MARKET STREET. 719 Wilmington, Del. 1C24 Clieatnut SI root, rtuladulplila. HOSE! HOSE! HOSE! RUBBER HYDRANT HOSE HEADQUARTERS IS Murkct Street, WILMINGTON, Uhl.. Only RUBBER HOUSE in the city. All grades, all prices. HOSE Pirns, HOSE BANDS. HOSE REELS, HOSE MEND EUS, HOSE WASHERS, HOSE SPRINKLERS. J. R. HUDSON & CO i«Orf»JS*55S,L*v. SPEVD SAVE TO TO SAVE SP I LM» IS A GOOD MOTTO. We help you do both. We sell at such prices that you can save money to spend on other goods. We have just received a lot of Ladies' Fine Kid Button Shoes—samples—all small sizes-* If you can get fitted they will! prove the best bargain you ever bought Lot 1—Ladles' Fin» French Kid nation, wu 2,*, 3, 3'4. Kcgular i U and E Lnatt aires price |t; our price #3. -Ladle»' Fine Berlin KM Billion, C. T> ; eIzc» 2>L 8, 3, j. Regular plica prke f2.M. Lot8—Ladle»' Fine Glove Top Button, DamT' K last ; atze» 2 1-2, 3. 3 1-2. 4. Kcgular prie» 4».»; •3.W; the 5 1 price |2.75. Lot »-Ladles' Flue Curacoa KM Hutton, CT Button, L> and K last: sizes 3, 3^.4. hegu lar price |3.80: our price only i Lo* ft—Ladles' Fine Paris Ktd Button, B, V, D, Kcgular prie» I last; sizes2 1-2. 3, (H; our price |2. «. Lot il -Ladle»' Fine Curacoa Kid Button, C.D, K laat; size? 2 12, 81 ltcgular price |2.53; price fi.UO. Let 7—Ladles' 20 Curaeoa KM Button, D 2 1-2. 3, 81-2. ltcgular price 12.25; our price #1.75. Lot8—Ladles' Fine Curacoa KM Button, D 3, 3i-2. Kcgular price #2; our price #1.50. Lot »- Ladles' Fine Glove T Klast: •h»: Loi 10—Ladles' Fine Glove Top Button. D last# sl/es 2 !•?, 8. Kegular price (2; our prie« B itton, D ami Kcgular price Lot Jl—Ladles* Glove Top Button. D laati; •l/.es 21-2, 3, 3 1-2. 4. Kcgular price fl.76 1 , price #1.40. Lot 12—Ladle»' Fine Ktd Patent Tip, Hook -, I) last, al/.cH 2 1-2, 3, 3 1-2, 4. Kegular price fl.fiO. Rememberthese are not cheap quality goods, but good goods at low prices. If you are money savers, you will come at once, asr we intend closing out most of them this week. Base Ball and Tennis Shoes, Clubs supplied. The best $2 calf, hook-lace shoe for men in Wilmington. Big bargains in all kinds of footwear all the time. price. C: \ 26 Family Shoe House No. 206 Market Street, . 30 P0., 1 (above Second, ) WILMINGTON, DEL. Jlltf W. H. BABCOCK. DR. !" I-. . wut. as q Bfafi 1 p*rm»B,Btly adf«rU*l«( pbjaleia», po who he m*}' ba, from wUat '»r: - fePECIAL" DISEASES AND BLOOD POISON,' art a Don ku treatment OMIIMATE ITT ERS, UV.OTC'H F.N. EKl'KITONR, Plfil'IJE, StVIT.M.VkS, miAMltlVITOS, I.oat Vilnllly, Eurly Phj'Mlenl «n«l .Yfcntnl , .Ylclancliolin, Bladder Hl«lnry Disease». (Acute 4-10 ft-ya); MIvTHOD Proatnp MV liomaopaOilo, Eelrodo A Botanla ay«t«m* - .InciuJIiig ClYetrlcliy, tho «*n!j one known parinanentG *t' f "oU* pltul und Prient« Praotloal 11.opal hie,' Experlcnco wPi . The q danceruus ea»«M ruth, ««poking f r»'uU^ tCay dô ao» ;"H ib«lr t j«z*tral|ng *ud lying »4 vtriliemenu la »Mob th«r |>i«(ara d l*«»*t» In a M*S . u., ...... t b* poor »uff-r^rv f»!«a (lnprlviLg t!.*m of »T ijope, mäkln» ^ b*ginn!ug »III »av* money, snffarlogand d«Uy. m Ik SkX p- WÖ»?* *l"' CHÎlflBEfll dl(»i>«ri ir*«ird I til* oaicc by au «ulnsal n»«l*li*A HEADQUARTERS — FOR— pi good althat LACE CAPS! give pi ftr fin 10c. to f2.50 in price. Come early aud get your choice at Fr 829 EAST 4TH STT PLASTERING! A Smith M» and at -Call 502 SIIirEEY ST., If you want your jobbing done quick ly, or your cellar cemented. Estimate» furnisued for all kinds of iilastcriug and satisfaction gnarautcod. Robert McCaullev, .Ir _ mW-» b „. ullgbt kin Ol» I* A HUBS'V BISUK« TOSH) without delay. A rsro mod loioal oomptmad that cure« whan all «las fails. Ha» ourad Ueugb, W Asthma, Indigestion, inward naastioa- Mo. at liruggiits. HlKDBKCOAflf. ;it eossi 0! «VdYTE; ■t. Th» saisit, inrsstanJ best sars tor Uem« Hanlons« Slo. stops alipsln Qasarus eom fort to th» feet, t *•' or tails to oaro. ll eswi H19UUX It OU. B.Y. Draggist. 1>EAD Dli. FOOTE'S PLAIN HOME -It ta k »beut the human «yat-m, the tiabtta uinvn, our st-xual reiatluus, etc-., iff leal common »enae; applies to embracing ice causes, prevautlon and cure of chronic dt acaaev, aoclety, love, luarrlsge, parer Ug«* etc. Beautifully printed, one volume, »00 pages, |1.60-200 illustration*. Every miff woman should have a pamphlet ; agent wan tel: lor aa. J. T. AtlKENH, H42 Orange etrtSL o ir by «22 -St Fashionable Dressmaking M. THOMAS B etamiiKtng parlor», Y ARK KT »TRKET. H - T T M R8. t U Stylish drapers. Per feet fit O anteed. city. HOSE MODERATE TRICES. 3-2tfl 4 TTENTION—ALL PERSON S DE ilrfng drug» pure and chamluaia orwtiti lug their preiorlpUoua or private receipt carefully compounded with puie in Alertai«, »huuld go to tho drug »tore of It. R. BU H 1 1 US f, No. 217 Xlarkei atteet, WllmlngUn Del. «tf*-tf f j'OIl SALE-A LOT OF FINE CIG A ES tobacco pice» and smokers, also Qaturta of a flrai-claa- cl NU, CO ore. will tio aohl u a -count of alckuest. Store fur rent. Appl . 7th aud ilomoc »U. olO-w ,sni f