Newspaper Page Text
THIRD EDiTIOH. The their Kee, er this until being Buuday. dom The Pillory and LhmIi. Although there eleven prh oners vcutcuced tiuudergo corporal puui h ment at New Ca-tle jail this morutog, the number of persons pro«. Is usual such occasion», gentleman present from Phlla elphia, who set mod to lake Ihe gi'SUht interest in the pn At 10 o'clock Janies Murray aud George Howard, two of the ed oi highway robbery M rc h 25th, and placed in tl.o pillory by Warden . diately uf.ei wards the large gitci were opened and a promlacuo crowd, consisting of men, colot ed vtomtu a d children '1 he victims stood In the pillory until 11 o'clock, when they were leleased, aril their places fill- d wilh James Doucbei f j , another atd Ueorge Wiuga'e, who pleaded guilty to burglury aid lau-eny in breaking iu'.o aud robbing Fay. er'» shoe store. -st 12 o'clncu William Fre •vleted ol ihe lure* ny cl ahorse r lids 8. Robinson, oi Christla ' pUcetl In tho pillory a®* The children g Ians turn the lowed. lings. convie t Jonatluiu S. brought Hi I T barre, ington, ment routed Hill, " UL ' lu a year A , Collins d I thrown • admitted. fr iiied until 1 o'clock. John West, w 10 pleaded tfulliy to ihe larceuy cf a out at 1 o'clock a; d r.ccivnl lire lash»s lightly la'.d 01 ed lor U Robert It ig;e, r • eived 10 l » 11 v»rj light. William Doy.e, who pleaded guilty a bat, Uve ljshe.-i. which he bore Joaeuh H. Scott COuvfcvrU of the larceny of a »jauntily of nkey wrench, brought Danmst A Cady, sulcitie He will mouth«. be imprid icte»l of larceny, e-,-.vhAh a» usual were A Crops 1 lb» laic ny whipped with the short named l>«-uu. He hud IU issh- h, but did not a « in to raiud U Iti the leas'. He will now be i id prison »d !hs. Henry Parker, colored, was the next to toe the mark aud put bis wrists iu the c auips. He gleaded gu !ty ut the recent term of court to a cbuige of larceny ai d received IU lashes. lie wl.l now be Im prisoned two mouth*. Daniel Sawdon, who stole a quantity of xope from the Jackson & Sharp Com pany had 10 lath»» lightly laid on. He xi-»v hue three month» to serve in jail. James Murray, one of the highway robbers who had stood pllloty, received 40 lashes, and although they were laid ou quite light lie squirmed contddcrahl-. AT er the w hlpjdug he wa-. taken back 10 his cell, where he will aer.e two ^ears. James Dougberty, another of the gang that robbed Hill, also received 40 lashes, wbl. h he boie well. He will also be iin piboi.ed lor two yea*s. George Howard, the lust ol the trio, puniehiuent tucteJ Co Tan kel L:i«ting cock's, ly for nK Un '» Plue ten tory, the Lad the h'ni, und will be imprisoned for the saine ]*• cth ol time. George Wlnga'o, for burglary and lar •ivea 20 lashes, which he did not to mind, aud le!t the post with a *wT-sat'»tied air. He w ill Dow be imprls Will !.. ley Fieeinan, colored, 3VC'(d of the larceny of a mare from Mrs K rblii ivei :U Ia he», which he bore With be lroprisomd for a j Be • >n, well. lie will t nu of one yt ar. Tbl.» was the Isst, and as foon us Lis ) puaishment was completed (lie crowd n,-xt, napersed and the ga'us wer- el.ut. The Isslie* w ea«h extremely light >e, ernj. rp t»Ico«l was drawn. laid In a Cell In Ball Pn-«». o ui *u- j Ids PtTTSULUO, May 10. — At a iat few»ifrfeT-' ity Detective Soi Coub UiwcM a d .nclug academy where a la Iu •bk ret eption •mien rWDon, ol /a UbVill", Ü. wrfth haviDg robbed two young P.ttabur- • Hdlc ', Win j;o:d watch, s, bracelet dUm- : a ri wno cash. Mrs. Dillon Mice dut' tu her call hoi pi ogres', a. d a She (s^cîi iV ; irg. 1 si e 1*, ol tin e id taken to the Central aud bln) is dill there, clad 1 in costume, fclie lb pretty, I 1 «nd ibe d.tuTive who ..rrtsU-d ht r - V® k*'* 1 remark bly horror-stricken the dette- j t ve interrupt, d .he w a 1 z aud told Mrs. , •ant «I for s eaiiag jtw- , until the is « "No," said the tie tec- 1 V Dili elry. "Cau't you tte, "you Tho young w. S^,c and her hutbaud b but a yt They weie mariiid about , aud .separated, Mrs. Dill; ea her husband persists in Ms grandmother, wl a * older. ilvlug W ttll bus 1er he r. Young Dillon already right. Mrs. Dillon is wealthy ; lia i «25, in his has u brolhi r a Lu Is etigageJ to marry a plater ol the young lad es she robbed. She confesreJ tt:v ciinio. 'ihe st. was found iu her trunk. property A 11 (iivitaii Hint«« 'cluck this lorenoon, a dt Edith Sch'ftiig, e lido MagUtiate Bcrtolette's office with a three >« ar-old girl, \s ith her left «hCek cut aud bruised iu a fearlul manner colored dre.-. ît.-, ordiuK c. talk» very broken Sneu hn ''»liny' a "a' - »"'i.mMy Mined Sïr AU,^ 5 SSSÊ5 the child was s iting ou the ir.dit stci 6 when Herman Welsemari came out an«l i seeing the child picked up a hri-.-kbat ami iw" uowrfi-éd <:k A t w'.rrù'ut > w°a" im- 1 médiat, y i-.ui-a lur ti., a n-rt of Wn • trc»t a utile lnnoreut ci.iij. About Hi woman .Hing h acid the blood w; tar Ugl What the mother City Mill Iinpi-ov(-inrnt». Francis 1>. Talley, eontractor, Is anoktug cxtauslve 1 m pro-, emeu ts aTeratl us at the ci y udile. Thu - ban been tak* ri val of all the old flsu t j tl.e the w ester u away. Th« renn Batch ery •nglue house. The painting of the wheel and wheel L j -terd.iy. The no two hour» this morning under olli clal inspection. . i com pi« ted water wheel was the Opera Hons«) ■Rev. Father Ward will lecture In tie Opera House to-m(.rrow aft. rnoc •'The wrongs that Ireland has suffcrel at the hands ot England.'' As the proceeds for the benefit of the Parnell lurid, elo'iueut And the Kt-v. Kniht-r ts speaker, tho ball should be filled occasion. the Second Anniversary. Delaware Lodge, No. 123, Brotherhood of Railroad Drakemen, will celebrate the second anniversary of the order this evening at Odd Fellows' Hall, Third and King istrrets. A very pleasant time Is AUticipaUd. Tickets of admission, 25 cents. ltc-turn Thulr Thank». Tbo member« of the Friendship Fire Company return their thanks to fzens and the several social orgluiz lions, and especially the l -.dics, for •heir Mslstanc« lu making the recep tion of the Rainbow Firé Company of Heading g and b access. The mother of Benjamin R. Veasey Thuieday, Northeast, Md., diçd AUtl Will Lc buried this afiei noon. M -. Ves so) is a « rugglat at ElgLlli and Moi - < roe strtjeP. News Summary. The President and Mrs. Harrlron and their granTlson, Benjamin Hurrlsou Mo Kee, will make a trip on the U. B. steam er Despatch to-day, atartlng at 10 o'clock this tnornlup. They expect to remain until Monday afternoon, the Intention being to Buuday. Brer. taries Blaine and Win dom were invited to accompauy the l'reaideut, and Mr. Blaiue will probably Co.'s letts. the Brad A. L sml anchor out P. I. J. a®* The origin of t.hi fire at Moreland, UMU Chicago, by which seventy cottages were destroyed, has l*ecu discovered. Borne children were playlug with a burning g Ians and s.t fire to some paper. This In turn set lire to some dry grass, and then the church took lire and the cottages fol lowed. Mrs. B. Thus. Mrs. Mr. J. Mrs. J. W. D. W. Win. J. Mrs. Jo*. F. 1>. Ous W. Mrs. J. K. W. W. Mrs. Mrs. W. A. J. Mrs. Geo. D. B. Wh District Attorney Harte, at Wllkca barre, yesterday received a letter from A.-blatant Secretary Wheaton at Wash ington, eiiytng that the Italian Govern ment imd rcliibi-d to give up Beveriuo " UL ' Vlllcls, charged with participation lu the murder of McClure and Flauagau a year Ago. A despatch from Gieu Haven, Mlebl , says that while the schooucr W. J. Collins waa making the harbor of South Manitou, ou Thursday, Theodore Ga hrltd.Hon, a bailor, was caught iu a rope, thrown overboard ami rirowued. He of the passengers ou the ili-fated Danmst k. A young Cady, Auburn, New York, commlltetl sulcitie Michigan, who registere.l 1). F. the Russsll U Friday. , In Detroit A bail, rain and wind storm vlMted Belvldere, lllluois, Thur»»lay a Ter noon Crops uud fruit trees weie couciderably damaged. General Benjamin F. But! called at the White House yia'erday aud had a short interview with tho President. Martin Hlrgin«, aged 3 years, died in Ameshury, MaM>uchusetts, yesterday, of »uuslroke. Misses and Children's Tan Goat Oxfords a' Babcock's, 206 Ma - kel street, bove Second. Men's L:i«ting Gaiters tor tender feet cock's, 206 Matket etree*, above Second. Bsb dav, were Preserve your baby's health by prompt ly administering Dr. Bull's Baby Bvrup for the «liseuse» of early childhood. Price nK —*" a bottle. Sore Throat '» the goner»! compiaiut j 11 -t now. Canada Plue Syrup cures It. 25 cents. Worth ten time» the price. you want a frame for a crayon the wholesale fac tory, 419 Sldp!ey street, aud get them at the right price. the the Wh« pin tog rat >li •an ket For Sal«. c lot of cachings at 3 Yerger's art store, No. 419 Sli p ley With every dozen call Be lOxl 'î Fi »'ts at Beecher'*. • of number 315. Lecture at th-* Opera House, Sunday n,-xt, will be fur the benefit uf of the Pat Defence Fund. Fm-idtut-e nml Carpets. n> In want of furniture,carpets, ; o leloths aud inattiui», don't fsi! ui Adair'». 415 Market street,and look Ids goods belorc buying. call •i , •"■iv-tmiiyl. • Dll I . \Kll.-rIlI, lll.l/./ 1 frl. qU« I •nd >, T | r,'.T~ nr 1 I 1 - \t' i >p,t tY.-In ho 10th j , , « 1 Frl-i .-nd it. lily «de D« «v In WILSON'S Undertaking rooms, Cl 6 Kin j S Telephone Signal, 16S, Open all night J. A. WILSON, Funeral Director. Saturdav, May 2ût > «, - ' J At which we 0.111 ofler pro perties upon which low limits hive been fixed. In i _ . • » CR£C HO B'.i.C IS HlîtClC R SIHRlI 1 charg«' will be made to covet •- the n c . s?.ry ex pens. s. Iu cas? oi a sale, a regular fee Full particulars and low limits acd beat tenu?, tnu?t be handed us betöre Wed nesday, May 15th, at noon, to have prop rues included in this sale. \YE AltE ARRANGING FOR A PUBLIC SALE » Is ri HEAL!) dc Co. tie Seventh and Market. at INVALIDS the Wishing a tonic for use during tho Bummer will derive gieat houi-tit from using LISTON'S BEEF, IRON A WINE with Extract lied Clover Blossoms For sale by this and Is 25 Z. JAMES BELT, Fire —DRUGGIST, SIXTH AND MARKET SIS. for of r rO LET—A TLEASANT ROOM FOR I lo.tFbijr. furuUliedor unfurnialieS. Ap l«l> -3tt NOTICE.- MEMBERS OF LRNAFE 1» Trllie, No. S, Imp' M -. in geaeral, - < wig.vain Tam day, (H«in«1a>--, .- to the occas 1 . ved. by order ~ - Mason's Crtnklotta. Ask yous.grocer for Jss. D. Mason A Co.'s Famous Baltimore Vanilla Criuk letts. They are simply delicious, and the flneat cakes made. For aale by the following grcccrs at 15 cts. a pound: Brad way & Miller, cor. 8th and King bis. A. W. Brown, 7th and Jackson sts. L 8. Broman, Maryland . and Cedar P. CessUly, 7th and Lombard sts«£ I. Crawford, 8th and Monroe sts. J. Crawford, Bhullcross uve. aud Adams Cures ica, (HE HlS. Mrs. Fritz, 11th aud French sts. B. Donahue, 6tb aud Church Thus. Duffy, Front and Mad! Mrs. Duustsu, Lovering ave. and Van Buren sts. Mr. Klllnger, 8th and Kirkwood stA J. B. Fuhr, tth and King sts. Mrs. Green, 8lh and Orange sts. J. II. Hubert, No. 10 Market st. W. N. Ift>!ley, 10th and Kirkwood sts. D. C. Dayman, Front and DuPont »ts. W. 11. llompblll, 21st aud Market sis. Win. Illtchen, 4th aud Waluut sts. J. U. Holley. Mrs. Irwlu, Jo*. Jt IVcris, 13th and Cluymout sts., F. Kelley, 1>. U. Kluud, Ous Koultzer, W. II. Lloyd, 705 King st., Lynch & Leary, N. E. cor. 4th and Madl sts., Mrs. Morrlss, Front aud Harrison sts., James Meharg, 0th and Wlisou sts,, J. Marsha!I, Hth and L'enuett, K. J. Miller, 5th aud JeflVrsoa sts , W. L. Sharpe, 5th aud Adaus st.«., W. L. Poetic*, 10th add Wilson s's., Plorca, Gray A Co., 7tli and Ucuuwtt, Mrs. Ryan, 12th aud Lombard sts., Howard Staats 0th aud Kirkwood sts., Mrs. Stuart, 0th and Bine sts., W. H. 8earKs, 3d and Harrison sts., Robert Shinn, Third street bridge, A. Scutm&n, Mad »on above Filth at., J. Taylor, 0th aud Adams, Mrs. W. II. Tucker, 8th and Pine sts., Geo. A. Taylor, -'id and King sts., D. S. Trull , 0th and Spruce sts., B. C. Wells, 10th aud Waluut r ta. . Dkviuell Bros., Wh !esa!e Agents lor State ol Delaware. NO: H part the ery wdl lui for most Our and $i». than of rics, rics. for at qi ini orimr»t«*it hy tin- I.eirGl.nture in IMS, for , F.bu-»iU»i»,„i( harit ? i.i.-„ur,H 1! .,^ .-„„r iu der tf.c |>i. M iii.-iuieCou- I » rahetuilng por»u WeRF. Miner» Killed liy Soldier»., May 10.—There counter Bruckel, Westphalia, to dav, between the troops and strikers. A large body of ihu latter bad gatlierod and becoming disorderly, when they were ordered t > disp. rse by the officer In command of th rnlli'ary. The striker» obey tl.e order. Alter warning -qucnces that would fül lt they persisted In their refusal, and the warning. them of the attcutlou being paid the officer orJered the s'ddlcrs lo tire the striker». Three of the miners killed aud several wounded. •an goat Oxford eat Balicuck's, 200 Mar ket street, above Second. iiPRECtnmi timer in 1 I tld I SIILIOI BIXTRIBDTE-. C 9 S 3 Louisiana State Lotter)' Comp'y -^Mutmii, , P" >• * » >• «T H iinAwiau,! &Muï.7 ,m J7fih4S > H . 4 , 4 ; are .. . ForlnU-RrityofiUDmwingi " ;:-( Payment ol l'rizes Ati.»t.'.i ns full own: ' »ill fy«"» ! ing. 1er ; t!..- Mi • t In^ p. reon Hi luwart, n 11 ptrtl«-«, «-Ignat a res atlaeli advertisement«." Commission«». f.' Al.MsI.I-.Y, Très. I.. Nat'l i »I. •re-4, state Nal l HU. Hank. » A K L KOI1N. 1'n-.. Natif» Grand Monthly Drawing, At the Academy of Music, New Tuesday, May 14, '81). Orleans, CAPITAL PRIZE,$3(1(1,0(10 lOO, licket» Tm «uly ■)«,* lari* «Heil, Halves 610; (liuiriers •5; leultis lit; T» «uilotli» •!. PUIZB3. 1 PRIZE or 1800,000 Is.. 1PH1ZEDF UO.OOQ IS.. i PKizffor l Tttizsur aft,ooo is. uu ztsor jo ooo b TU1ZK8UF b 001 VAPKlZLBOr 1000 ICO TK1ZE8 GF vtio PKiziss nr 100 TIUZKS ur X 00 ..IRdO.COO .... 100,0 0 .... 10,000 .... ni,ooo ; .... -Jb'.ood ! .... Vfi.OeO . .... 60,000 I .... P0 C00 1 .... ico,ooo la. •TIMA.TIOH 1-RIZSS Tr'.sj* of fOOJ 100 Co 103 do ktO TBbMIKAL I'iGZCH. do .. w.woo (It a.ioa Prise*, a-nounftinx Hots.— novels drawfn* Oapitai True* art not entitled to terminal Prise*. For Ulnb UM«, tlon deilre-i, »r any nrnner informa lORtbly to toe undersign , ei&ari/ sutlag your r^aideno*, wul ate, Oouoty, Street au l Humber, more rapid return matl delivery will he aaaare 1 by your enclosing an Knvelop* t>eirln< year IMPORTANT Addroii 51 A. DAI l>li in New Orleaiis,i.H., k Vav I t.y K*press n. a. da r i* n i , WuMtalugton. Il tho •., ç. m By « Kxi-Iihiik«-, Iu sums Ul V« uc uvt Address Registsred Liltirs containing Cur rency to HEW OKI.X401S NATIONAL U A N H. New Orieoft», E.u 44 E 18 £MHEi 4 'sat lût pa»ffi«j: t 0 bank* oi ««w Orleans î?«, 1 "! F ,Ck T* U .. ar * by tbs Frs*. dnnt of an Inatltatlon, wboas obart'rtft ri*ht» ut rcoogntsvj in tb# blcbeat Goa therstors, bawars of all imitation* or nojrmone anbarasa SIS. FOR Ap **IWK IftOl.I.AK Hth* prto* or the t pmt or frastlen II „ - a lionet INSftC £ 1 * BY tin ID any Drawing. Anything I cam*uttered for l*a* than a Dollar la a Tam (H*. EERLESS D?ES S! HffiT. LitB't bn .vj .ijTa. ^JACOBS oil, s Phlla. A. ley East He MAftK TR $ e v THECREATREMEDYFORPAIN. Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciat ica, Lumbago, Ilackache. Uendache, Toothache, Sore Throat. Swellings, Frostbites. Sprains, lirulses, Cuts, llurns and Sralds. Sold by Druffi/UU and /Va/ers Ewrywhert. (HE CHARLES A. VOQELER CO.. BslUmors. Md. day Mo. E. a Park. its for King Ward, May Go and make sick to Conn., key, Elfct tue the Harr and btiaw. phone of tration 6,925. It dozen Market makes st Market his heated NO: YOU W4NT GOODNESS H eie is your »lore. Wo take no chances on part cotton quslit-e*. No wonder our cuits ate fine: the styles fashionable. Ev-. ery man who gets one is a wdl dressed man. All Wool ha» our bouse' lui of Spring Suits to itself. Stick a pin there. All Wool means honest money's worth. How easy to sell a unit for $i 0 ! Qjt, Is it All Wool? That's the question biings most stores to their knees. Our $10 Sack Suits All Wool: grtij: good in looks and wear. News almost too good! Young Men's Dress Suits, $i». Corkscrews. An admirable quality Un dreescdFlannelSuitHat $ 15 . Color light. Price, more than right—almost JiG.^O louches thousands of po.-kets. English gray stripe Ssxonye, Irish Fab rics, and home made fab rics. Something acceptable for every taste at $ 16.50 Imported and nobby plaids at fSiS. 00 . Tl e handsomest and best qi ality Silk mixtures: in or , * , j • . der for week-day er best . .. * WeRF. |i22.5U. W. filrabl« streets, 18th The ignited o'clock meet ha I. in Frt'ay attend tloual bals, All All Look out for imitation H uaU, y Wld '' ^, a ee ' Ours are , " ni npeachablc. Coats Trousers: beauty more ^ *S. any qf them »ill i>tea«e you to the full Boys' and Children Cloth ing. Lcoked at either for quality or fashioning we nev 1er bad handsomer. The prices will clinch your lik their but W. a lew Bright ■re Paris m and arc of pNIItB & Ml OAK HALL : J. Mbs i ÊiXTH AND MARKST PHILADELPHIA. ' Is Gréai üshsrs of Bargains! A In bit 1 M-u's Sint» w ,l •I with •I Jess. The pub Bargain •einont*, .simply be a bar is quick t-> catch 111- e; \Y 0 ; ! gain d-y, . I 1 rite Pe ch î\f r deviate In h at 1. sed stuti-meuts. Every r biz ltrn-H of Mi-u's gerly grabtw-d l«y lucl i. Men's s i viceablo S and I »re rounds of applause they hands of pa* . Basl Sul's fully merit the i he BARRY HART I Ilie N. Y. Clothing Miiiufiidiirini Co. 31(3 MARKET ST. 1 MONITOR OIL STOVE ON THE LEAD. Evtrybrdy should bee with the following I In purchasing an . necessary to be observed. . Hlmpbi-ily <»f constructl'm. DurabUlt). Thés- f- nr eust-n'ial j bodied In tlio Monitor; and will d«» all the- work you c any cook ; ! familiar re, four things Oil Cur H. ) all c do 0 ■f. Sole ageuts. Tin: I'I'jKhL.- STOVE A IIEATER CO No. 5U5 Bblnk- y Street, Wiluilngton Delaware. i;OR RENT—A SIX-ROOMED HOUSE * with littlli amt niuituni cuuveiili-nct*, N«». IM) F run kiln street. n* II 1 * l^OR BALK— B IOCK AND FIXTURE* 1 ul corner gr«^.-r> an I pru »tor.- and Iioiim: lur rent. Kiialui » part uf etiy. A«1-tn-»» No. 40, till» ofllc«'. jt» FOURTH EDITION. L. . day M a. duy Rev. vices wood Dots. Try Tsylor's Dime Express, 210 Msrketi Phlla. A. K. Dt-Normaudl*. the jeweler, 801 Ship ley street. Millard P. Davis, the jeweler, No. 0 East Second street. He sure of No. 315 when you want photographs at Beecher's. Call aud sae the New No. 7, American Sewing Machine, at 812 Walnut street. The most and best pictures for you money—Beecher's ga'lery, 315 Market. Mon extendid trip to 8t. Louis, Mrs. Kuoch Moore will leave day for Mo. E. Kirk Thompson has been appointed a special park guard Iu the Braudywlue Park. Hope Lodge, I. O. O. F., will celelrate its fortieth annivereury on Wednesday eveulug. Subject of lecture at the 0|K»rs House. Sunday next, England e Wrongs toward Ireland. Lint's Losengers, »aft- and sure remedy for dyspepsia. Taylor X Fullerton, 302 King street. Attend lecture by the Rov. Francis P. Ward, st the Opera II May 12th, 2.30 p. m. Go to Plunkett's, 100 West Front st and buy a bag of Bleutun Flour, and make your wile happy. Marshal C. M. New 11 b, who has been sick for tome time post, Is able to attend to his du'les again. Miss Kate Sweeney of New Haven, Conn., is the guest ot the Mlsbes McClos key, No. 033 WeA Third street. Daniel Gsllagh*r, luto of Company B, Elfct Delaware Volunteers, lias g tue Soldiers' Homo rt Hampton, Vs. Parts and attachments for your sewlrg machine, also your machlue repa'red the American office, 812 Walnut st. Among tboae who called ou President Harr son yesterday were Senator Higgins and Charles H. Treat of Georgetown. Try Showard A Chandler for cleau Western oat*, coal, mill feed, hay and btiaw. Weldin'* yard, south side. Tele phone HP. Last year In this city the total number of voters registered on both days of regis tration to vote at the city election was 6,925. It costs Jordan but |1.25 to makes dozen Cabinet photos. That Is why he sell them for |2.5U, at No. 615j$ Market street. For photographs go to Holland. H« makes the finest photographs In the city, st the very lowest pricer. Gallery, 307 Market street. Chief Justice Comegys Is Improving his cottage at Kehobotb and getting It In readiness for occupancy »luring the heated term. Win. by 10.30 an K. 10.30 a 11 . at , Sunday next, and All id »..30 by near m Win. . light and e and at 7.30 vice. st. ; eh/. P l.a'" W. J. Fisher stive 1 Uses to sell 28 de Tliird and Pyle Saturday, the G. 1 filrabl« loi*, filtuated streets, at public Bale 18th inst. from The Intotse liest of the ignited rouie waste i Pullman Palace Car C'ompauy about 3 o'clock In the afternoon. Lenape Tribe, No. 6, I. O. R. M., will meet at their wigwam at 3.45 o'clock, when appropriate to St. Tammany's day will ha observed. Yesterday the yard uf Un K and -morrow alter -re mord«» 1 Fro It. I. T. Parker, of the D laware railroad, in- -ompanled by hl« wife, started Frt'ay for Denver, Col., where he will attend the annual «• tloual Ordtr ol liadroui Goaductors. Nie.* women's lasting fengresa bals, 75«*.; Inlaid's button, 1 to 5, 25c All goods relllng lower than tie luwoot. All who wunt bargains come 11 lion of tlie Nu Wed A,:r; . Clay House bhoe Stoie, 505 King street. i M>t;ii''w O'lb-ien was tender^ a rtfep .«1 Mr.*. FranTt Mitchell at their residecce, No. 1002 Adams ftrcot, but ev«-ul«(r. At a late Iiotir reBT-filnn?nt* d. M*-. O'Brien WlTT for New York. W. Joseph, Esq., who has been passing a lew day» with his brother In tils city, ted fur Le?, es this romain the Bright II by Mr. 1* • ■re S.TV4 Paris Ibis afterliôoii f m. Is vc .Iu« until tlie opening of the t Kell« >1 will •th, when ho will •a there I« r the cummer. Petitions to Gi.verimr Biggs lor the pardon of JuueHuthil, ol C m urdcrunely assaulted Samuel Miffiu, and was sentenced m thr o years 1m ihe late arc bring extensively « Irculuted. or the Downs, b.nn-rly ol 1). vc Ilett ing, ol Baltimore, marriage will be sole Mark's P. E. Church iu i evening ol the 15th ol May. There will be a of Kent Couuly III. h ' I... C«»url : Hiding of Dr. ; J. Fred Mbs C. I The ! : city 8 . th. i « ting of the f . the C Saturday, May 18th, k p. m., lor the pur; om- of ' g a farmers' Inst it me lor Ki ll lurinirs are Invited. i i- I.« di The Rev. T. E. Terry i inking ar •el lug rargeu number of preach« a'lo May 13th and 14tli, to I» Church of Dove . li«?!d In the Me'hodi A progiam is being arrunged. U«.-v. Arthur Tot reus will enter on hi 8 the Trc-hytorlun Church pastorate Smyrna, the First Sunday In Juuci Bishop Coleman will preach Iu 8 . 1 admiulèU-r the pub be bar rite of confii mal Ion. Pe er'» the 8t. IVters A. U. M. P. Cliureli, Second h net ah ve Union, Rev. w. M. J pastor, preaching at lo.'do h. i».. Bumluy M-hnol 3 p. ui. Preaching In the at 7.30 by Rev. 1). Sh eld.«, dei'it of CieaUon. Proles or WebMer's r-atutorium, m* Fourth hud Washingt opened for th • fioafon « 1. One of the new leatur.-K this m a will be the f««rurat'«.-n of swimming classes for ladies aud children. it. pa* Basl the the Won i he ■t«, w II h «lay, Jtii.i t TL« Electric Railway I» ross, ** nd another car I» t r b-j j I w days, ami f the conv»uieuues al Crcston still great -r, althoukh th k is ai rca« 1 y the most favored location ab« ut assured Co. city for building. There will l e a ruecting ested in tlio propo-ed Eighth street rail way at the rooms ol tlu Builder»' B.\ Monday evmlng. The the company will lu bull.ling the road. tlio-e Inter' ' change $12,COO is needed befn beg'n operat i.f 7 - ardfi are out ; cing th man lag« ; of Miss Emily, duught r of Joseph II ! Boyer, of Millington. M.I., to Henry D. ItohertM, formerly living near Middle familiar things Wednesday al'teru 22d, ut 3 o'clock, i , Millington. . May Hi Chapel of Holy Ci c 1 cbildr.n. 2"6 Market •U, v Babcoe i t, above Bec^nd. CO Baby Carl Inge», •a In w if y ol a 'iirrhgfl for Adair's,415 ark« t street, aud tee his stock and get bin prices. HOUSE N«». n* t)»t»y, don't fa 1 to g -, Tnllor-Madn Th« tailor- müde corset Is the same cut as the celebrated French corsets, at one lull the price. 8 «.te avant for Wilming ton, E. B. Riley, 223 King slroot. and A«1-tn-»» jt» Tôt çntmcno. IN Kings wood M. K. Church, the Rev. W. L. White, pastor, Breaching at iO.80 a. . and 7.90 p. in. Hodney Htrect Proshyterlau Services at to SO a. m. ana 7 45 p. day school at i 80 p. m. Church of ttie First Horn. Davidson Building, corner of N hull anu King, ber vlces ut lo 30 u. in. and 7.80 p. m. First Presbyterian Church. Rev. Uon. M Hickman. pastor. Drenching at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. in. All arc invited. McDowcllville Baptist Mission. Hun duy school, Ha. ni. sml S p. ni. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at 7.30. Delaware Avenue Baptist Church Rev. J. W. Boothe, I». !>., pastor, vices at 10.30a. in. and 7.30 p. in. Bible school ut 2 p. ni. Murris Chapel, Seventh and Button* wood streets. Servlet*» on 8undn . and 7.30 p. 0 Churoh m. bun you . in.. 2.30 p 302 P. st and B, and he H« In Win. J. Turner, pastor. Bethany Buptl»t Church. Trenching by the pastor, Rov. O. G. Buddlngton, lit 10.30 a. ui. and 7.45 p. m. HuuUuy school an ni \ orsury ut 2 p. m. Ht. Andrews' Church, H. W. corner of Eighth and Shipley directs. Rev. ( Imrles K. Murray, roctor. Sunday acrvicus 10.30 u. in. and 7.30 p. in. New Jerusalem Church, Rev. J. B. I* ., preaching; 7 45 truths ., Sunday »«dmol. loe, pastor. 10.30 a. 11 . in., ••Eilen River, fiuiuuii mind." Oa.i The Immanuel I'rote»tant Kplseopa 1 Church, Highland», Rev. Kenney T.Ham mond, roctor. Services every Sunday 10.30a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday acliool at 0 o'clock. the 6 Kamt Side Baptl«t Mi»»Ion, Twelfth and lli-itld »Ircct». Minday »eh»H»l at 0 a. m. Swedluh service» at lo.'.W u. iernrun Humlay service ut 2 p. in. 7.3« p. -liool und pi iu -H» R<'formed Kpiaeopal Cliureli of the Covenant. Servie»»» In the bull. No. 224 .Market »tree*. Trenching at and 7 30 p. 111 . by Rev. William All are cordially invited. 10 3« a. in. L. White. Gormau Bupiist Church, corner Fifth id Walnut struct». Truvor meeting ut '»-aching ut lu.!l 0 a. in.; Miuday >.m.; preai-ldng at 7.30 p. m. 1 »..30 a. by the pastor, t; A. Gunther. Central Pre»1iytorlan Church, King near Eighth struct. So m and 7.30 p. m. i> read ling l»y R» Win. P. Swart/.. Sabbath school at i at 10. Hanover Church, Rev. !.. Mark», l>. !>., pa»t»»r. Treat) hing Huldmtli morning and evening by pitMtor. Subject, light ot tlio world.'' All u hrlst, the (-»ndiiilly e»l Tresbytcrinn MInhIoii, Koiirtli and "liiplcy streets, Rev. J. A. (.'aldwell nilnisti-r. H. the K. Treaching I" lay m-liool at 2 p. in. All e cordially Invited. Baptist Cliureli, Thirteenth and French street». Trenching 10.30 • and 7.3«) p. in. by the Rev. A. A. Del, Sunday »eliool and pa»ti>r'» Ilible clans at 2p. in. (Oininnnlon after morning 7.30 p in. vice. st. Mary's Catholic Cbuj-cb. First ma»», mas» and service ; third mass, 10a. in. Pastors' aud iustnietioiiH, 2 p. ni. V I sermon, 7.30 p. m. Sunday sclioo < eh/. >»-cond Baptist Church, pastor, w ill preach at |n:k P in. Prayer mectln l.a'" 1011 H. B. Cook, m. Minduy Suhjuot of night: "Tiro Rusiirrootiou of t'ilmlngton, Rev. 'reat-liing .30 by Rev. I. T Mildmtli fur Mission, Wem G. \N . Murray, pastor. und »U 1 from t lit- A . I 3 ,E. 4'!i Silvtnhrmik ! K Morris, pi»» •ting and lioliiK cordially iuvit«-<l. •••I dig ut o.'M p. .1 -i p. m., i. AH arc nin! «>ur lee Is 1 Am M li Cliill-eh, Fro It. T. Rule»', ' 1 7 .h» 1 ah r. I'reueli'lng a . Tr: -ting Tuesday « veiling • I Episcopal Church of th« Re •rn«-i- of Klglitli •V. •!. *imps«m, Tr« d Mom 1 1 « I * la " I • "1 1 • 1 h - I It -,.. m. Truyci u-Mluy c-vvuing al . 3u «•'•Hug Wed e In-Id Kz A,:r; reli Rev •n.iiii. iii«- .«."iiUm.-iii*« 1 ■aiai'. wuirfrtîTT.»..,, . II p. m. r, i kiln • I s at for •I It. 1* • ■ m. I' Is vc I ■J 10 P ui.i.-i I«- ej'jlilli « Mi '■ i " h ' , '/|:day 1 «cling ■ i. I'i. the III. ' I:.-. It: I... D.d. •bin« 1 «. Thiirsduy, T Dr. ; I The ! : niorrow K i 8 . Ti th. 1 «. T:i i « ir. It«-' 1 * *1"» *»«-: i I.« T Ur,, 1 ,': di al «■ n -I.ll Nil 1.3«» p. ar •M. P. Cliureli, T. K. s—. I» . r. Tin- Irilic.H Tim t rf ■ Is .. It i hi 8 iu "i Juuci 8 . the l.on j il. .I«l <«r I .• i| 1 i. at l.dl.N... .«I:« >lllp|«v * III. U(-«l Men' •(•t.T Moi ulng, I n N 4 I "big. -\\ m* classes it. '■'day'«ve I I -r?» weleonu-. . M. P. nini-cb, South Won a. in. by Rev. .'boot < . . M«l. 7. M». Sabbath •«•ting at 5.3». • tin- h Jtii.i niol •I help u's. I 'I T. 1 liurcli, Fi-im «n Kiglitli and Ninth, lie It •t be '■ v. I-., II. quarterly t Ilippcv, !»-•-* -r, favored i. by U.-v. «*> .. I, y l!i,v. A ! l i e,I i*. Italy a t M d : i v rc in v i I- ir 7th fil t Prut t b •Oil, r. f. in » Admit, U« rail B.\ will Inter' : Pr. all in« , |(l I».. » I* pb • ' b Ncbuchud •ting Thursday evening i.f subjt I'l.iy Ne/./. 7 I , conlliil lag« II D. Middle •pben's I n ar K glit li, will ■«•h, TatnnU -iiing nerinon by V. Sitcltlei-. The ; i:vi.|ili W » ( .r the pastor, icr." Musi. . •Î. < n Ithoift-l-*. All tli«- pu'dor, May Holy P' •oidially iu vit T iii «n il Molliodiat Market i .1. M. ' T i'r.i «lih.M '•cling* ■£ p. iu. I'rayor l.xp. P «"• I'i «•ft 1 1»« :«t iJ-Hd [». I.V tT... R. v. Mi. r. prayer und wul tlmuk-«uiv I."**- A ' or. liai invitation ex «I to alii -liiliac at 7. <'i . ' Continu«: for get in * with Stop at Johnson A Barnhill's long enough to try au Old Virginia Rockdr, Two minute* Iu long enough to convince you they are the coolest, strongest aud most ccmlorutle poich chair tu the ket. cut one '7*^ /SHE CUIcafo. Gbioaoo. May 10.—A ràbld New foundland uog creattnl a panic on Madi son street near Clara absut 7.40 o'clock this morning. The animal tlrst attacked the horses on a Blue Island Avenue street csr, but was beaten off by the driver with a car-hook. The dog then down the street, driving everything before him. He finally ran Into an alley, followed by a crowd armed with clubs and staves, and was there shot by a llcemau. Mo one was bitten as far as nowu. the Special Call. The officers and members of the Hiram Grand Lodge will meet at their ball on J Twelfth street on Monday evening, May | and 13th. Huslnoss Important. 6. Glashow, 823 French Si. for Winders and girls to learn to wind wanted at tlio Braudywlue Cot Riddle's Banks. Mills, g JUST RECEIVED Montgomery's CHEAP SHOE STORE tho the 905 King 8treet, Several cases of women's carpet slip (rera, 2 pairs for 95c. Men's lawn tennis, 6 to il, 50c. Women's Oxford ties 7.V. Women's beaded slippers, 75c. Women's russett Oxford ties 75c. ( blld'a wedge heels. 4 to 7).j, 50c. A tilt*« jouth's stout lace shoe, 00c. Boy's hook-lace, flue, worth $1,75; only $1.23. Ill « turt< Ins 1 >U BUG SALE OF 28 LOTS, FOR CASH or on In »Lad mint«, H ATT KUA Y NEXT, MAY IS, IMS, at 4 o'clock, p. in On ilia premise*, situated Pjrlet »trert, betw» en Woodlawn arc . Very well located Valuable Improvements going For particulars Hack will leave tk>6 Market sir«u-t. for the sale, at X.*» p. in. W. J- K1SIIER. Agent. uiH, 14,1\ 18,17 they id use Rod man st' purposes, ill around. sr. P roposals house. Sealed the lloanl ol I'ulil FOR NEW SCHOOL R rojtonals will bo received ! Education ruwm» until Monday, the IXtli day of May, school bouse ' •elved after Uie altove H. 5*1 p. 1 , 1 . the huildlmr ol . No bid w ill be named hour. The board reserves reject any or all bids. A bond of pv* required with each bid. Tlans and spécifi a tloim can be seen at the areliltecTs onice, Krank K. Carswell, HI alls and -hlpli-y streets. Com milice; J<r*KTII TYI.K. 9. RollMOND SMITH, JOHN M. CASSIDY. a used lui I and I ed Owlus to a chaiiK* lu the plans hy the mlltee, the- time lor rteehrlug bid* I above school house will be extended until Fri day, May 17th, at 8 p, ui. By < ouiiullles. Ins inil-0t led APPLEBY'« HAY MARKET Hie On and »Der .It' N R I, Hay Market will «'»UTH or MAKKET HTKr.KT UKIDl.F, the Urne 1 -t a lloliilng Junes Gu In i< 's car lo. 9tabling fur burst s aud slielur fur hay. Also scale» fur weighing. Term» rt-asunable. m 10-281 DAVID APPLEBY, Proprietor. tost rv r X No. 800 King Mtr«*«t. WV ars selling off nil drlod " enniird gu<>.| elit-an; raisins nin! ste this liii|i->rie<l chow-chow In Urge «U 8 Ä; «>ur ugs. )> Idlest sugar and best t» a au.t lee In CT 11 * city; five bait» of ilour Si; m Mand 40 c per bag : French white s«»i> 4r; •lucks for a nl.kle amt they .wliii; .1 King ri. Is the place lor due goods. T.M. W1AK. iC-Ott puck \\T ANTED— WINDERS AND GIRLS »Y tu leur a to winl at tlm Brand» wm,. Cotton Mills, 1 :td Hu's Banks. mli-it \V ANTKO—CARRIAGE l'AINTKR.'" -• '-'"'if, WANTED-lIKI.I- IN STORK 1 ok 1 " ... Iltlnvry ,n.l ü till., ii., A.Mn .1 A H 1 « uu unie . I WANTED — mIdDI E-AGED WO M 11 .»n wants situation I« do l.uutt-work la family ui I I'OR 1 irlgerator. Apply l/OR SALE - ONE GOOD BEDSTEAD 11 ebutrs. Apply \NTED-A SOBER, UM.IybÏe I It I •'•»rrlaiic* »ud haruet*. Apply v ^d. No. No. Nd. Nu. Vtt, No. No. No. No. Vo. . La I at 21 E. -XI t SALE- A BCTCHEU'S KE . -. -, Heal«-« nnd No. Nu. Nu. 1 • West 41 «I W; l^Ul'N'D—A PHYSICIAN'S CABBA, 1 «-««at lining mi lli-liu-». Tin- own r Clu li*vc t! i- n»ii »• l.v «-nlllhtf at No. i A» King bl ami paying I'ur this iiulice. mil-ii Ti 11 «: taped T he Sunday Press, riIILADKLPI IIA, PA. 24 PAGES —192 COLUMNS. It is always the Brightest, Biggest, Newsiest and most wide ly read of any Pennsylvania journals. Next Sunday it will be unusually attractive. WHAT YOU WANT TO READ: I-.vcry lino in the SUNDAY l'RKSS is worth reading in the j next issue; for instance, there will be the great serial story, with full synopsis of previous chapters,by ISRANiJKR MATTHEWS and GEORGE II. JESSOP, JUDGE LYNCH SPECIAL FEATURES: Bill Nyo and l£r. McAllister. An interview with the Kin^ of the Crest Trust. (Illustra ted.) Town Airs and Graces. Stories of Roal Heross. Interesting stories readers each week. £5 to the best one. Ellen Terry, the Woman. A strange and lovely of noble traits. Her l iage and romantic lile. from Press Shirley Dare writes from New York about New Fashions and Good Looks. Atr erica's Immortals. woman mar Rick Children's Rooms. cription of the princely apartments of the sons and daughters of millionaires. The names of the Ten Lead ing Artists, Authors, Actors, Clergymen and Physicians ol the United States. Des w , ,P" i l 1 " 1 . 1 "'* Cha ''y t-< ttcr; Points on Social Utiquctte' .-ociety is dcin^j; Interviews with Actors. LATEST BASE BALL NEWS AND NOTES. Reviews of Roceÿt Books; Current Verse; Comic Illustra : .„.-nt Miscellany. lions: WILMINGTON. AH the News of Wilmington, from our special correspondent. At the Opera House. On Monday and Tuesday JTeolnga the great play entitled A feiet>ral<u Case'' will be nrwonted at ihe Opera House, by a first class company. This will be followed by the McKee Rankin'» Company In a "Runaway Wife. Hoth of these plays are first class In every respect, and well worthy ol the patronage of the loveis of tho drama. Beal r.t.«ute Transfer». William Beadmkopf and wife to Wil liam .I. Fisher, lot at the corner Thir teenth and Bowets streets, 04x75 feet. Rachel Grubb, executrix, to Charles M. the west side of Grubb, house aud lot on Market street between Twenty-MJconU and Twenty-third streets, WMb, 1 * * 87 - :i - Slier 411-» Sal«. Sheriff Allen sold on Friday, a two story brick house, on the south side of Eleventh btreet, between Lombard and Pine, belonging to tire estate of the late Sarah A. Iluoteo, toJ. E. Smith, E*q., for |5<>0. The Street and Sewer Commit slot ers, accompanied by City Solicitor Turner, viewed the premise* oi Anderson A Son, g roc« rs, at Delaware avenue and Ad; streets, In regard to damages claimed lor •rflowlng with water from n ached. tho eel' the street*, but dic'iion Ill Molts, nl.OTtlll-H. HO It KM, H4A1.KS « 111 .STS, AND I.OHS OF IIAI It CU ltKD. Terrible ltloo»l Toison. could »niter Mild live. F»e« und body OOrsrtd with aavful »ore». l »e«l the (lutteui-H Iteint»»ll«s and 1» practically cure»!. A remarka ble ease. Sulfered »II » r<>ntr»(-u»il a terrlbl« bloo<l p-lionliiR a year ago. 1 «lecloied with two r«o< 1 |»liy»l 11 «• Itlic*r ni whom Old tue »ny good. 1 turt< r«<t all a man can »ufler and lire. Hear Ins of your CtiTici ita lUMKim » I c»>ncln<l«d , knowing If they did worse. I have weeks, and almost rid of they could make uslug them was as bad. If not worse, than that of yalon, spoken of In your hook, and 1 would say to any tnu- In the >a»m- condition, to use l'un I'HA. and they will ntirrly be cured. In the Interests or suf W. KKYNOl.liH, A rid and, Ohio. sr. 'V. faring humanity. Covered with Ituiiidiig Sore» I? j « I have been troub'e-d disease lor seventeen years My head at times nd my body was cover t a hair doTar. I tried without cfltrt until I a ^kln running w ith th< in as lar a great many re mu used the CUTItT K» MBDIK-, »lid lui to slate that alter two mouths of their I am entirely cured. I feel It my duty and the publie to state the above rase. L. It. McDllXV I I. I., .lameibur«, Dug and Scratched 38 years. I go Mr. Dennis Dowufns ten year-, better, have dus and srr»t-h«d for Uilrty-«l»hl y«ar Iliad wlist !s t» run d prurltls, and have »uth-r ed every tiling, and trie*l a number of docto . relief. Anybody rou|d have . Tlie Cl tn c . God bless Ihe •'«»Iliad they cured UlkHcured led C who In ven. ( 111'SKY GUFF*. CainbrldHc, Mart. Ctillciiru Kcniodles Aresold everywhere. Price,Cutfcura..Vk*; Soup., 25o.j ronolvent, |l. Prepared by Hie P<>tt«r Drug und Clu-mioal Go., Bos . Mass. tend for "flow Curo Skin Dis ■s, 50 illustrutioiis, und loo tost iliu m Inis. rv i BWPI.K8, Idackdieads, r I IVI n,,, l "By »kl« provenu- X 1 ifX GUTICt'KA .MxiiU ArKUhOAP. rc;! ACHING SIDES & BAG if, Hip. kidney, and uteilno 1 al weaknesses relieved In , tin- first and only palu-kllllng, «r minute I Hi ANTI-I'AIM I* sir. it w t It« nlng FOR RENT. . 1812 V TatnnllHt.. II room* »ml v ^d. i n v 'AiîfiirÆ'.'iff.îSKilÂvîî.'S.' r ix uns am sa No. I8'i> \V No. 1712 Wot I Û« M'V lPv I4th 8t., Nd. Nu. I OS De'Kwar«* Vtt, 71*9 French Kt., 10 rooiiin aud bat'i. No. It) 3 F.cnrh bl., 8 roum ■r? *41 , JO roum* No. fi I Kill, , « No. UUOHpruee öt.. No. 70' Kavt'Jth Mt., o ru Vo. IX«. Clayton «., H rooms aim Dam. , nil. «K« Wi-ii vil» Ht.. »room an.I bath . w f»l Slh Kt , 7 r. ! h Onion ht., 4 looms vis Covering »v*-., 4 rooms ! 23n M*«1 D«ii No. Nu. Nu. Market HC. e and dwelling. 1IEALD&CO., ïtli «V 91AKK13T SI. AV A N T ! YOU FIFTH EDITION. MURDER SAMUEL EDWARDS, A COLOR ED MAN KILLED TO-DAv. A Fight the Coast Whla-h Fatally—Arrest of the Orant Kxeiiuinciii |., | Nclglibot lm. ,| oek this aft. Bid wards, a colored •til»bed by Samuel 1 »_ „„ vender at the northeast conn i und Markt t s: rents. The Italian says that le w-,, with a fi»h huckster lu the .. * the price ol fish, but the pi lev M -1,, ' JUt Ugh he turned and walked his atauit, when Edwaids lull remark to him. Peu said lie did not him, when Edwards came |. drawing hin tints sa If to s'rlk- i,.,., went away iron Mm, and | |, ir lowed and struck hlm 1u the i bis fist, when they cllnche i. Ktl Wards then stooped down ed up a couple of brickbat» u him along side ol the bead w t: ou the right wrist with the • kui eked him to tho pavi-uu-.t. || e , he rea hed out an«J got hold of i, „ j pick, a sharp three cornered Impiem-at aud struck him several tim » Thi* Is the story that Pao told. When Edwards found ih.ii badly ttabb<d he ran atound i<. rlsou's drug Htore, 8-coni ; streets, aud tell dowu ■ ue| r ' V; ,U 1 t «II. < In t de „I, ' him 1 • ' mault I'm, > I w»< It Mur. • I Kiu i the st* i was «eut to the police office, gcant Peterson got a convevai »<■ ai.J ui Edwards removed to the pol.e while < Mlicer Johnson hu»r- <l Front and Market aud he w shut h 1 : t> I I-, . ,, > bout taking a hast) lmv ' up In the cells. Edwards was taken to the u> in u Chief of Pollco sud laid sud Dr. Wallace was s» died about 2 o'cltck, a few tuinut**> the arrival ot Dr. Wallace. An examination reveal' d alp »»mini back of the right ear that peiie* 1 brain; aiiotbor on the lull the atnloineii, and anollier in if,.- f, : .• the heart, either of the g sufficient to produce deal Edward* never spike ui' taken from Dr. Morrhou's sb giving a detail of lb« atlaii lrc<;u»uty broke into tests ui.d sobs and to speak. Tr K»la»r., d Mi« Id r he •'P* A Ti On Thursday night 1» Cblppcy and wile ture and, Rev. P H. Invite 1 f<> tilt- I • of the A. U. M. P. Chur«,, -ceptlng the luvitatiou, to tic it surprise loutd a large uudl ncc ol who gave them a kludly greeting entere '. They found her« Mr. a Miller, Mr*. Hlioda Brown, Mr*. Lu \ îjcott, Mrs. Lydia Page, Mi- Anna Ai. derton, Mr*. Aramlntu J» nkin*, m I * li st of others wliuse presence ma le tv r> body happy. As , Mr. Samuel Glasgow, <>u behalf "f the a.tficiublnge, pr.touted the pastor with entire new suit of clothing Thla w • fol owed by Mrs. Anna .\i •!• half of afuctubltd friends | n-si nting ths pastor»' wife wiili a gold In and Orel la. A courue of l«e>i an, c,kt lemonade followi d, > rved to a.l pie The Jublnlal dit Ir Jonathan Obiinwy, rendered seine excel lent iiiurla and MBs 1 srricClrlppey tract» fully |■ll'■i<b'(1 at tlm nf-gsu. tV.-LVoliY'SI him so y the greeting 1 i .«I director R liHve lemeuiuviu Ids 5 •«v York i'ugiiut*. ...... - V4l lC, May lU.-dth- I-;;.. . worth, who Is uaaer contract with • Homlierït Athletic Club, of Los Aug.- « . light .lu« k Doinpx-y for the io I weight i-bampionship, loft lor th - Mils evening, aeeoni|»Huictl by hi. i «i ->t n •lohn, who will look after his mt-.---i anti train Mur for the battle. Jot- . fi '» i t that he call give the Nmipai good ligiit. .lack McAullflo, the light-m-./t i hamploii, who is in training at bid« id g.» wilh 1 ! i L. 1 , for hi» f Smith at the Bi\okljn C.i In«», ;s ; into trim, .lack writes that h«- w <vp' Jimmy Carrol'a offer t«> go t.i fonda and light beforu the C« Club. Carroll wrote sound une ac ho wnitld lo glml to moot either i McA nHtr«-. The latter w.ll g., i slope- after Ida benefit. In Bru '.'yu aid give Car.oil a chH un-y A Veteran nt tin« Mar Nkw Brunswick, N. J., May ; This soldier of th« \V Midd'tbush Poor Farm. 11 • w place aiul Lad lived In I. \ Lis life. He rctalued bis I« mouth ago, and was a v, death of Lord Ross, wl No th Point. One of his ,-wa4-l* dlor iu the Mexican W «r. will be he'd lu this city leg John Cavalier -.g I ;u!, ol 181.', died at t v ,i II ..U-d vA 1; e funeral Municipal Cum I The only cases before the ■ I'd Court lids luoruiug were th « f P - ' McGlInchcy, ami William 1UI iwiu, I«-'» old "tonglis," who have oft« u 1« to jail. They bud both bn charged from confinement, lar back to their old habit«, morning they again, which sends ti. their old bunrdlng place. , • utly «Hs ... I liiil got K r lo filurdnior Itominler Buffalo, N. V., May in. -'ha- jury 1» the case of William Kcmiuhr, i»'''* Philadelphia, charged with LlMnu'T J /.Hgler with u hatchet, «;"»•' •" «t ; 11 ruing with a verdict «d wunlerli th« first degree. Judge Chil li wi«I pr®* nouuce seuU nce on Tuesday Kcuiinler Is the first murdei-'r in w* •w E't-c'r-cd this State convicted under tlio Execution law. Discharged from «lull. Dennis MrGiuley, a young h» 1 ^ to jail lor druukenueas r was discharged from Jail to 'lay f' 1 " of Judge Ball, that lie might alten 1 * funeral of his mother,who died day List from the effects of an »cel eni from burning. He only had throe more days to servo until his term have expirtd. • Mtf llrunrh Store. . Liverpool and London Tailors' Br-* uC » I No. 318 North Eighth street, II.;.aïe* I phia, have opeaed No. 408 King ' I Wilmington. Pautaloons f I stylish cut, well made and ,rll 5î}' (K) ' I good fli guaranteed, $3.00, $4 tk'« ' | Fine sulU, $12.00. Elegant eoikicitfW wide wale suits $16.50. Wc can sell you straw hata ll 'JJ* than any one else In the city- ü ftudolpb, 703 Market at.; full The American Sewing Machine has removed to 812 Wale at *t«*t W. Schafer, agent. Fifteen best oabluet 3.00. Bicclicr'a gallery, 313 Market