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THE DAILY REPUBLIC* N ©s**' PRICE ONE CENT. PRICE ONE CENT WILMINGTON, DEL. MONDAY. MAY 27 1 889. Grand Aimy Suits Eiand Aim} Suits Grand Army Suits , boat • te<l Hi«* I I Warranted all-wool and in digo blue at $10, 812, and $15 per Suit. Men's sizes, SI to 12,with two sets ol buttons. $4.00, Bovs' sizes, ! $4.50, $5.00, and $5,50. liaiulxune imported serge suits in hi ue a nil black 812.00; all sizes. PJ.WALSH&CO. 6 Ksrket Street. r •v LMlNi. 1 'dN, DEL BE STILL ^ MINUTE it @ / i. \Uf /(> ■ t /; » t „ii j. :« while about i selling All kinds of Furul lau which 1 tu*. iw«, t.'arpet«, Pictures, Bcthlinr, Lamps, Oil Cloths, Mirrors, . Children's Rattan Car '• t h ! '.crcii all around aud F'.'U up. * Refrigerators, |7.ft0 up. he Chest», $3.60 up.J A «o . 'e marked In {»lain figures. 1. F: Dr-' . <>r Monthly Payments lrcash. 5 per THGS. GRINSfcLL, S. 1 Cor. 2 tl and Orange Sts (»[h u evenings till 9 o'clock. ISi iH «Gill FOB PATENT ; \C A GAM 8 RILL MrsCo./ •t^V TUB Premier Flour amekica. HARD COAL the best.: BUY IT AT FBEHCH ST, WHARI $ 220 , 000 , 000.00 boat to Investors ln thesliilnxaKe or the stocks railroad cotnnat the last few months. • 10 , 000,000 litta been inv«*»tcU by the Jarvis-Conklin Mortgage Trust C O M I» A N Y, Fnrltselfsnd natrons without Iom or shrinkage It Is the only Mortgaie Trust Company te<l and auihorlxtd by the Hu|ierlnlenui Hi«* Haukliiir I >•' par tin • I It otters Its <J |>er bonds at par and accrued interest, it Is a IvksI depository for Trust Ifuuds. It allows & per cent. Interest on time deposits of It 1 1 y - D In aiidt it of New York. . sciul-annusl Delien E. D, R. SUTTON, 838 MARKET ST. Grand Army Suits! Grand Army Suits! Grand Army Suits! Grand Army Suits! # 10 . 00 . Fast Colors Guaranteed. I. DAMBIBGER k SONS, Popuhir Clothiers No. 209 Market St. liai C COllU tell ! _ . , .. „ , , Inquired oi us on batimlay ] if wo knew wliat Clothing He said he " 11 wo had. not know how where to find what we might want among such quantities aswchad on tallies. We are very par ticular about the getting up of our stock, so as to have it to fit, and we are just as particular about the keep ing of it. When we have odds and ends we put them at a price to sell them. Somebody gets a big bar gain and wc keep our stock in good shape. If you want Men's or Toys' Cloth ing wc have stock to show you, and at prices that will surprise you. JAS.T. MULLIN & SON per Tailors, Clothiers, 6 th & Market Wilmington. THANKS To the young men the halt of our advertising its itera tion. They »re the earliest comers alter our suits, and they send us their Inend». 1 is no egotism to say that our suits are the most stylish, with such a generous back ing from those who follow the fashions the keenest. They are tailor made. G R, Suits in large quanti ties. A HARRY HART The N.Y. Clothing Manufacturing Co 316 MARKET ST. THE GRAND ARMY. MEMORIAL SERVICES HELD YESTERDAY In Bum© of ttio Churches mul the Operu If mine—Powerful nml Pmrlotlo Sermons by Itevs L. K. Burrelt, V. S. Collins and J. D. C. Hanna. Yesterday a gala day for the G. A. R., aud the members never turned for years been the custom for the various posta to attend dlvlu« service day preceding Memorial Day, and not withstanding the threatening woath r, attended to this duty nobly yesterday. About 7ft members of Smyth Post at byteilun Church Iu de occasion of the kind. It lias the Sun tended the First P the morning, where a sermon livend by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Hickman. Some of the members took exceptio the discourse, as In their opinion It would have been moie suitable fur a camp of Confederate veteran» thau a Pest ot the G. A. K. DuPont Post, No. 2, attend'd service at St. PhuPb M. K. Church In the morn ing, where au able aud patriotic sermou was delivi red by the Rev. L. E. Barrett. .Some of those ureeent, who Lave fre quency heard Mr. dlscouife yesterday morning and grratest he has this city. Barrctt, say that his the best delivered in I'BKA Smyth, DuPont and Grant Posts held memorial »ei vices at (lie Opera House yesteulay afternoon, ami the entire lower pari of the house was tilled. It D, Low , prohab-e that had it not been lor «led. The m< tubers of ihe the tbn atening weather the \ ! (J. A. R. occupied »cats iu the orchestra ch'ilra, while Dipuilment Commander Ayurs, with hi« etatl and o her prominent ■tubers of the G. A. K., the stage. The choir of St. Paul's M. E. Church, umlcr th«' leadership of /acbariuh Pickels, were pré« ent and opened ilia tervices i»y singing "America," iu which tho entire amnuiicc Joined. Depart ment Chaplain Daniel Green, of Newport, followed with prayer, after which a collection pose of a-elstlng in defraying the ex P'tifics of Memor al Day. llecth tak« ii for the pur Wi lie t»c tho choir sat filled "We Will Not Forget tho Boys in Him*.'' î-ergentit Blackburn read a circular signed by the joint mmmiUco of the G. A. R. Posts, asking that contri bution* of flowers be City Hull niorhil Day, the RiV. YaUklili l oll M. E Cl selected as his t xt a part ol the ? of tho 2d chaptci of ye l.y ■need by picturing Goshen, tho night of the Institution as biing tukcu •tuilful selectlou Die M- ■ lie nlug Inch he introduced . pastor ol Scott. eh. M r. Colllua said he had i Exodus: •ef ' Hu Mi Win î lu ;r. For four buuditd years 1 lie children of Israel had been .ivfug in , until filially they were oppr< seed ■iy. Persecuted on the Haying of every is it was torn. Tien .1 «lay al er day* let t he poop h had b«-e tbe Pass îiT/lcj al) pide», t von male c till t a- s> , whon Pharo th nod his pe«»idc wire stih-keu wi h p amiss, ! haJ b* I ioniLe.1 that he w. uld release the children ol I-racl,but «ach Dint la led to keep his promis«-. At lntt Moses told the people to be ready on a certain night t.o Mart upon a jourm y but pn viens to going every lin e! of Dio door of a bouse ' o »mcare.l w'tli Dio blood lumb, while the with l<l't r hobs f«»r a feast at midnight, • question Dial formed -ked, possibly What mean ye by tills fer While the diildrei) of Israel wero obeying the eom in and ot God a» given through Moses ti c destroying angil was abroad, and 6 in ole t! o tir->t born of t vt ry Egyptian in the laud. Thus w..s the Hebrew Passover instituted, and Mr. Cot 11ns said that Memorial Day could justly be termed the American Passover. He said that in all this the hand of God visible, but bo could see that hand just « s clearly in the hinto-y of rouutry. God directed Coluinl us to Am rlea, ft» much as he hu«l directed tbe promised land, aud then peopled this land with hardy men, wh« pc »«• le und bralu were dcveloind by yems of clearing away forests, and by other hardships, lor tho work that they had to do. As the years rolled on (iou raised George Washington to lead the people of this country from the bondage of ihe mother country; tho hud raised Most s Israel. Then colonists must tlieir Jordan bomls which hound them to the mother eouutry. Mr. Coll ns then gave ngraphic descrip tion of Die signing of the Declaration of Iinlcpi-ndeiiej, and the sounding of the bell that proclaimed liberty to all world and the inhabitants thereof, the work years a bloody the indepci «I God ru'« «1 , he Importuned Pharouh ] K0 to « „h'cli vaan i ,r ™ ll,,,J 11 1,1 " ' > tin ni. nil u to be I'uastcil the word-, of the by u child: Vice! M I.' »lead the children ol ! the time when the tho Jordan, ami the dissolution of the But not yot done and for sumo raged, until al of the colonics :knowlodged and a Union ol thirteen last I. lo "Would to Go!," the speaker said, "1 not culled upon to tell what hap med (liter they had been united. That might say thut the baud of uu Aiuerl hud never been extended to another American except In friendship. That Americana hail uever drawn u sword ex cept against a common loe. But a part ol the men who had declared iu their Declaration of Indepcudiuce that all .■re born eipial, bail lu a f« w years turned around and dt cl j red that only white meu were free. The North combatted this Idea and contended (or free education for all, and that work was honorable. On the other hand the South favored education lor the few, anil declared that work was only for slaves and poor whites. Then iu Missouri asking admission time 1 1821 to the Union, while at the Maine was also knocking at the doer, and a compromise tho first named the latter otloctcd by which lu as a slave aud free State. Emboldened by this, a Senator oflered the Infamous Nullification act In 1832, which was j romptly checked by President Jackson. Thus It went uutil the election of Llnco n in 18(10. He was obliged to steal his way to Washing ton In Murch, 18(11, for the purpose of being Inaugurated. Then South Carolina followed by six other the aiteruoon of April 12, 18(11. Sumter was tired upon by robe's, and that first shot was the death knell of slavery and tbe Southern Confederacy. It took over four years to accomplis!) this, but the boje In b'uowerc equal to the task. This attempt to de counlry was made because a elected whom the ptople of South ('aïoli na .seceded, and was States. At 4.30 o'clock Co •troy ' soctlon did pot want, but thank God there dofeusc of the flail *od saved the Union. In closing he referred to. the beautiful custom of strewing flowers annually o«i the graves of the departed veterans and said that he hoped If lu do ng ibis Thursday they carue across a grave con taining the remalus of a the gray, It would r.ot be passed by with out, scattering u few flowers upon It. He expected all to enlist under the banuor of and light the good tight as nobly as they had battled for their coun brav* who rallied to the thc Tho announcoment that the lier. J. I). r would «reach h. tlm immlicn of ill O. r K It Ashuî? M E Chlrch last evening had the eilect of drawing an , Immense congregation, and Ion* before the hour lor the service to commence people were pouring In, until every .ca except those reserved for the Grand Army, was tilled. Kven alter they were seated other, still continued to come,and wtillo some were c-nt, uted to remain standing all tho evening many wont sway unable even lo get Inside the sacred edlllce. Thcte were about 200 memlatrs of Smyth and UuPoot Postait, attendance, and every consideration war •howntheinbylheotllolel members. The church wna hamlsome'y decorulctl , '1 will, flags, one ol which .Hnf.t eov«r..:l tbo pulpit. The rc «h* aUo a number ot | handaome flower« ?n a table Inside the «Har ru I, this work being doue by J&meu H Flovd. Ab soon aa the members of tho G. A. rested the choir rang ''.My , Country'Ms of Thee," after which the ! regular service waa opened by singing j •S 58711. h) inn : "sildlerH ol Christ Prayer waa then oflered by Chaplain McCoy of Dul'ont I*, ft, umi Mr. Hanna ! h ad a scriptural Ks»ou Irom Ihe Cth | chapter of kills «-plsile to the Epl.e s, »ns. AfUr Ihn ctmgrcg.lhm, led l, y ' N, ,, b I tït. Ä ÎI S ! i N i'î' / if ! r . „ mi ' t 1 iV 5 iï-, 1 .'„f i7\«S ni the 0th chaptoi oi lie trial .on. And j w„s glvt.i u„l„ hlm u gr, ul sword.' ! llnvcUti „ thttt U w ns loi possible to com | 11,-t could : ... » 11 y • Tbe entire discourse, ol wh ch tho alovu Is but a syuopala, was maateriy throughout., and the speaker was fre quently Interrupted with prolonged up plause. A selection 9. glveu in a very excel lent manner by the choir, after which dismissed with the benediction by the Rev. Daniel Green. j of the House fiee of charge by Mauag r tho audience The (J. A. R. were glveu tho Ope Soulier. 1 HY CHOI R. Art the choir, bad "Fe ' !■ ■ prebend, yet tlirr iltrslood. In this lust, doubt but the lud h< i«c easliy i he had r, «1 uu. We bad the demou I met this evening to take it« applicat I to our owu country, and drop u • for the 1 , iu which ! cu. • 1 lu Ihe gravis ol those wl He then iv to tie i supprccslou ol the rchellloi themutit cis of Ihe (i. A. R. were gag«it, ui,«l spoke of the ti.ous.mds live- « icriilced, und t'. o millions of dol tara that It co*t. lie also wished to call their att.ntbm to uno which all i h I tho liglit a 1 (.«lien. '.tier Siruggle In engaged, ihe struggle ol .d the wrong. In thesoidters' preliminary steps ... ...., I taken; wti'-u Urn rows spread across the | country that Sumter hud bum tired upon j i tboiihunds willingly ami glu«lly left their homes to meet, they knew not what. Ot ur calls were made frud other men i es | «Aided. I 4 hen there werodrafts,but he. Imagined to ! that Die m nwliowcut Voluutilily made | bet'cr soldi, rs then those who u ry to pc by by of > I • th* re 11.. r« u . Into the army. the service which he Invited th« lo unlury. tie Brit'Hi II.iv« l««tk, o llesa'd tl> army, preach d weekly to his they''were callid I lav. Jock's saint«, but when tho Sepoy re belli* n broke out these Halo's rave t lml'a to Gieut Biltaln. lie to tho soldiers who served «luring the war, and «>f the saerl Hccm which they tnduroj In d.fenno of th • Union. lie saiil that It was not the province of the good soldier to question Die c inamis of bis oflicer; all he Inn to do is to obey. Wien the word went forth that the Union was endangered, then left their homes, willing,Co do or sacrifice ythiug in defense of the old flag. Tills patriotism actuated tbe Ui ioii eoldlir ull through Die read y to do or • le in defense of their country. lie r* laid sti Incident of a sick sol dier ut Get ysburg, who kit the ambu lauce und starte«! lor tbe trout. Dip doctor r« luou.stiutid with him and told him that he was about tuklox feverptml that If lie jcreistoil lu inaictiing he would die. The soldier replied, "Well, doctor, I would rat'.er die lu doing what I can in ilelciise ot the ling than to «lie In :m am bulance." He sai l that lu gu ning a victory much deluded upon the com nder, uud relsteil an luchleut iu lion to the Duke of Wellington ut a whi n his men faltered. He thought the Idea of Gtneral Grant not caring for the lives of IiiB U9 he believed him to be a (a hy, aud thought this w render he told tho vanquished Geuera! to instruct his mm to take thoir horses home with them, as they would need them In tbcspili g. I There were sud scenes connected wi ll | s there wero many brave b« ys , •bed to the front that urnr marched tu k again; some of tie in now rest on Southern battle (bids. He urr.e 1 i all pieseut to enlist under li e banner of j d laid tliHt the motto ol the j >iu- i 1 put«! u high tlihute «I tiny I.' ol a misinidcr. tamllng, shown when at Lee's "1 all lor iu that the er»B" Christian soldier should be tHat poleou's Old (iu rd, when they replie! ut Waterloo: "The 01«l Guard candle, but It 1 ever surrende; s.'' Iu conclusion he spoke of tlie victory ach;ev«d by the old soldier«, and of the greutc.- victory that awaited all who serve fal hfuRy to the end undor tho banner of the orots. At the close of the sertuou C. M. Lcitch sang u beuutiful solo, "Flarh the News Along the Line." Mr. Ilfniia invited auy who wished to enlist in the Christian army to Haï d up, several responded. The services closed by sluging 5ft7th hymn, "Stand Up, Staui Up Jesus," and the benediction by Chaplain McCoy. As the veterans passed out the Rev. Mr. Hanna was at the door aud grasped each the He of to a na j by the hand. FnrtnotV IIay Market. She ward & Chandler, coal, feed and hay de» ors at Weldlii'aold «land, South »Side, stabling Hay Market. Western oats, and hay iu ha ©» will do well to call ou them. Ph R. N. Smoltz, 13 East Fourth s'reet, will receive u laige cousigument of fresh Southeru produce ou Friday. erecting ample shedding and 'commodate the Fanners' Parties waiPlug feed, 110. Ilnae Hall. I srssÆSïïîi » ,u Je ,pM.. J ÄV« k -»« Tori', 8 ; Chicm., I ' At Wa.liluimm—W««Un«tou 1'Pitta. buVif » ' - We At'Boston - Boston S Indlananolls 4 ' At Coluuitu—Coluiubu ■ 3 lirook* CD - LoIun » LUS to,u,ulJ " • a ' urooK up lyn, 0. At 8t. Lou's—St. Loui e , 10; Kansan City, 7. OAMES YESTERDAY. The following games terday : At Gloucester— Athletic, G; Baltimore, Philadelphia vs. Glevelaud to-day. 1^?*,» P r °J»Wr i' la y «>'• afternoon, Delehaniy broke Ida collar bone while •«?»■{! »econ.l on Saturday , Cob man will slgu with the Ath ""Jj*,*" d hC WlU wltbout 'irortls hein» m de to bIod Sunday illort Is tnng mads, to stop Sunday B ■* ' P '•'» V"'' ba ii Ba ^' j "J"* 1 ,."!" ha „, v ' 1 • JJ"» *• . ! Ph p|,7,,', „ y " b , d "'VI _ « b JJt. . j "i'nteadofgotng'toÂwccs"', for t KiVybllHu»«! pi ay S5"h e t 'o r SCl rV« « Ith thrfm ,'y.'* b | a iianap me ciuu. raak , |H . sn „,,. er „„i" butstr n l, llhrt UtTcure the Polo , '1 UH 1 1 ,u . Mr ; "J 1,1 1,1 lo e ' lu ® 1 u, ° Slkîi ot | 11 »• Eot lu «* k,B »C au i „ ... ' .. llunqucttlng The.i* Kn.piojca. t The Metropolitan Lifo Insurance Com pauy, through tholr superintendent tor • , the Wilmingtr.u dlatriel, John Booth, t ! «ave their W ilmlngton employea a aump-1 j tuous complimentary banquet on Satur d»y evening at Willis A Mullln's dining ; i)f saloon, Sixth ami Shlp.'-y streets. Covers I w were laid .for 2ft, aud the table waa most ! ! artistically and handsomely arranged hii. 1 . | decorated with flower«. At each plate j lay beautiful menu par a tied wl b n bow y ' olcri,,^ Und ! Tss S.S.ÏÏ of«ù il ï. .k.l aml lrled ifültdSîcl d roiat lamb • 1 îïeen nea» dcvllml ora 'lobster salad* î f,r «ci pta., v k I ora » ,*?, _ er . " j S ! Ï . m., w^.Ä,y«l t. th. Sm a IÏS | f„.t„,,l.„.»«ry to Mr. Booth sud the j : cat'icrs. Ann l, g 11, ço present mm i ... John Booth, mm*,, men,lent; J. A. Wil. ,, » I""' !'■ f'd-itw-0,1, J- n. Tempi , M- I ,isl„„ super!,,, „de, I. Dr Ls-hmit, an, . ' •» A.Wr.'j. 1). U,.rt, |j. li ilu < . L. Hileman \V. , F.' Meredith, •». I, | _ v \ j ,V ! ' ■ played yca 9. At Columbus— Columbus, ft; Brook lyn, 4. At C iucinoatl—Cincinnati, 8; Louis ville, 7; ( tiret game). Cincinnati, 1ft; Louisville, 4; (second game).* At 8t. Louis —St. Louis,' 1 City, 8. r 12; Kansas r NOTE A g Yamal 1, P. 8. the 1 Lewi«, D. Le» ! A. cu. Hag-., • ard, J. 1 Neal, W. Allcolt. , C. Bulogh. W. Turner, J. i •1 . i\ Scott, C. L« ?. D. utley, I . A. M. < -«» Mil! In ol ...., . ti the . j 1 rm<;i|i«'Ht city Riunloril 4oi truUnier'fl. cr Datait at Futliner'ii. wt:t American Laundry, Tr> llusti's c»al; you t'iipplnx and lcedilng, l"3 F.. Bocon.l-it Fine !» K. Kings at liai«;'«, Frank Koou Smith, Urtigif ! - ii Hin Laundry, nih ami sniptcy streit-i. The (>llt K'lt • Creamery print bultei, win ail, «te. F. 11 «•st Front «t. surely like *, ' j 'tv* ! lu j ,. ti •oi I ' 'j: ; ' 1 i t„ (j, ■ «• tiiq ) i but lie of of to sol Dip I in am a the the e*s thau lor the 1ft births, 12 p rlod last year, anil 3 marriages. Causes I <>f death-General de ility, 2; apoplexy, ll | »right's disease, bilious fever, couru uip ys , Hun, oaucer of stem Hi, endocarditis, ouoephaloraacia, iutermiteut fever lugll-ia, premature birth, 1 each 1 i deceased— Ululer 1 year, 2; of j t; l ,nm 1° hj '• > * »; from ^0 to 30, J; fr the j 3 ' to B» 1; fr-'in ftb to liO, 1; tr >iu- i 70, 1 ; Irom 70 to SO, 3.« ■iy 1 Bi, City Market. Wall papers window 01 pi l\ iiiR (tied. ^ frames tar e't'S oV yourhktvi«. ■t lKl.-vwaie. t. , 2ft) Market olrci't, ms t'i«' largest wear, ueckwt-ar ami hoile.y city. f»U I I I Work is prtigri'ssh g rapMly i n the Farmers'Bank buiiHug, Third ami .vi«..- ; ket street», ud lu a w ek or so the ' olllclals will take possession ol their re I coustructcil building. The inter or ar rang* ment» will tie handsome uni con venlent. Mr. Juhu B. Johmou, coutrne- j tor for the repair« >m tuts hank, 1 » uh-o the contract, r :*»r the building <3 tbe j IL w t.'cntifti National Bank at Fit'baud H« ha» a arge to: :u of 1 lluildlii£> Tim N- w IUu»t Market street«. workmen tearing down the « >1 M«yer Meyers building preparatory tit n ol tbe bunk imibllti.-, which is expected to be the hau'-.aii. in the lluiHml. Wools'« Mo ry li.pmt. For the week ending m Lee repertt»! 12 «'.eatlis, il day, Rrglst p.'rbxl Iasi year; th 11 tor 11. Ages ol ft to IU, 1 the to M. to up, A ProdtHbte C« Patrick McDonohi, ol Avomlav, I'j., the Baltimore F.ieslan road m tait r o Central Railroad, has which has been trcsh since Do»unb« r ami twenty-eight quarts «»1 milk bred by Charité i ch day. The Robert», of Rocky Hill, aud her da n sold tor fft,0Ul). A Man-of-War Wrecked. London, May 27.—Tbe British ashore at rtyra yesUrday, aftor colliding with and sinking the stinmer Nosta. The is full of water. the of BU'p. Orange ltios-iun has brought relief and happlucss suticrlug women who thought themselves Incurable. Sold at Vcascy's Pharmacy, Eighth uud Monroe. TayU-r & Fullerton's rheum »tic remedy never falls to cure; give It n trial, Fifty cent« j^jr bottle. Taylor & Fuller- j and and 110. ton, 302 King street. Go to Smeltz & Co. s fer choice pine anp'es. W» are receiving them daily. 13 K. Fourth street. I If the Bottom Coulil he Beached. ! J "ääsäi I I por Itoubl*» at» uauallf In ourielTO*. - We ha« a good or bad time, «s health 1. ' Rood or bad. If you find youi can,t look 8 CD t^° bright Aide of things then polish : up the dark side." That Is to say-get well, as these witnesses have ilODe. Du«. Starkry & Palen:— "M y daugh sick with pneumonia and was ; your Compound Oxygen Treat R. I). M Y euh, corner Sixth and Du». Star cured by meut." Wallace ttreat.*, Erie, l'a. & Pai.en:—"W e have used your Compound Oxygen Treatment In our j family for catarrh and lung trouble with decided beueflt." Rev. A. Stapleton, 1 York, Pa. j A brochure of 200 pap» coiitalntn* the history of the Comp,nu.d Oiygcu «eat. , incut In of consumfit'on, broncliitls, I asthma, catarrh, dyspepsia, uervous pros trutlon, rheumatism, neuralgia, and nil . compbilnts of a chronic nature, will be ' forwarded free ol ob.raa to an, one ad dressing Drs. Stahkkt & Palen, No. i 1520 Arch street. Phlladeluhia. Pa. | - » — i To llore »'or Natural Uas. I'llll.AI.KI.l-mA, May 27. - Ctau» ; B ,, r , rko| , thll aUL ,„ k ,, J|t , becom „ „„ ^' j firmly convinced that tils workmen have . ! sir,lot a pocket of natural gsa between ! the wleos of hls big eatabll.bment at the f,«.t of tie, „I street, ti nt he has del Irmin t «> to .Ink a well to any depth that may ay r «imml to test tohrouglily the quea tk,n ' The gas wee discovered when some plies were bring sunk to ft„,l e er lonndatum rot a hollvr-h use. No hot Polo tom ,-oul.l be fourolfiir the piles. Then I u, ° tho Urge wo'l was begun, aud the fl ' what is believed to bl natural g.ti be came very strong. This was nio.e than a mouth ago, and t | ie JloW oontiiiuoa stronger than ever Tlicro has 1 L S rut. bean no examinai 'on t» V tor • expert«», and t»ie well iu coure of com ! t , r ' ueMon w , n l e completed without ono. As S0()U aH , t i8 fln | 8 |,eU t however, the niuchiuerv wl,l beset up and tho baring ; i)f au eÄ1 „f rllB eu t .l vrtlf P for natural I w .n j„, K ecuu aiM i continued to a denth of ! most ! 20 ,mj foel or over** or un Ml resell ta* that i hii. 1 . wl || |, e saMsbictory one way or the other ! j are ol ., ahl(d . bow -- « „s* SfitAsi,-x,P«„ M y ar.-th. 8,-rnn • 1 » City Hank tloj.*d its doors on Satur î day ' !,d li,m,lc ul al,jlrR b«'ing in bad j " ehape. A great deal of money hao be u ' S ÄVlLu IÏS rD.U-,1 „n a char,« ot . mhcxzllng tl,M, the j „^*1™^ L^r, 7y' * mm i , , „ b , b , ur mada Wil. ,, , ,, 8e of tbe nl0 „, v ot , bt b „, k ,, 0 M- I * U at II it iB d,cl,led th,it ho I» Untie an, . b ,„ k of ni01; „ y , li- 1,1 !? iu l-«"*» 1 " 11 "j 1 -r p.rly vshKh win \V. ,nakö E 0od ,h ® deflclency., | . . . v \ j Col. C. Rtducy Layti ! Gorg<'own, has |i;V.ted Pettyjohn Post, ' ■ No. 10, ol MIl'sborD, in d Co*. Jacob 1ft; of J. i ,f Pott, No. 1^, Poit, No. 21, ot Frankfurt!, ta. in the celcbratiou cl Mcmuiiat Thursday, May Day. lu that town, 30.' Cod, D. N. G , v ill Join with br in h; r.orfng the dead. Brass mus!«: fi r iho occasion, ill deliver ' Ci me'ory. Tl»e j. from the Pos 'a «li ug store a city Die i.l furni h i«l Charles H. aildrc.B in Odd will ver Bluck in. The o carry Ih.-ir floral before that Fell" Ih'IIi-s the Pos Edward Challenger aud Fred W. IIofT of New Cat tie procured a gunning ' skitr on Sunddy morning and proccedeil j down to river the Delaware City In order 'tv* ! to puss the day with some friend« A lu j they were about starting home in tt«' ,. ti evening tbe skill wus accidentally over •oi I turned, precipitating them into tlio river, ' but as they were both goo«l swlmuietH, 'j: ; they reached the landirg without Injury, 1 i b-y ml a th« rough soakiug. They ilien (j, proceeded to Ihe hotel, and a 1 ter ilryiug tiiq their clothing they proceeded lo ball the teat, when they got aboard, ) lug up the Delaware, reached N without fur.her acctdont. uip ■iy «1 88Ü Uastlo f»U I I Ailvuntiiges of th© lit eye! os. I The advantage of b'eyohi riding UIllus rated by tie tx perler ^co ol Rev. Mr the Uuhbaid, of New Castle. On Monday .vi«..- ; notwithstanding the rain, he rode ' jiiN> Maryland, where t «• pasted the re I W (ek, ami returned to his home on 8at ar- U rdny. On Sunday he preached two con- Hirring sermons,"showing that lie had in j creased In strength sud vRor through uh-o i,j a efforts to propel hlnn-olf tbe j country, other Invalids may hnrnnoino« thing Iron» Ills experience, mid If not too of 1 w« uk may, through proper exrrdse, over come the Inroads of ill ease ard again enjoy a loir un «sure ot health. the is Ileal Katatt! Transféra. the Episcopal the truste« 8 Tim tr Church ot the Covenant ol th-* H« tliany Baptist Church, lot tho. oitt »hie of Filth avenue, between Brown anil Col tin an Robert McCaulley io Henry A Me ttre south side of •-s of Die Re lor r«, 00x02 feet. il Bwlney, property Front street, between Adams and Jack , 15.11x58 (». Charles K. Hendrickson to R-.bcrt J. Coffin, lot at the routhcast corner of Twelfth and Honld streets. ol IU, Kcligluint Meeting. The Free Methodists held services yes terday lu Fletcher Hall, which wer attended. Considerable in'crest manifested. They have the Christian Mission Hall, Fiont and Jef ferson streets, and will have preaching there every night this week at 7.4ft. Rjv. J. T. l.ogan, of Yinelaud, N. J., will oc cupy tho pulpit to-nigh', und Rev. C. 11. Southwi rth, of Washington, D. C., Welcome all. ■II of the I'j., ami milk morrow evening. State at the Republican office to-day, tn the shade: 7 o'clock sold Temperatur© 12 o'clock 10 o'clock rtyra and 50 50 GO The Weather. to be from cloudy to clearing, and rather warmer. Wed nesday partly cloudy to charing aud sta tionary temperature. To-morrow promt.' Festival. The strawberry and Ice cream festival to be held in Cano's Hall, Sixth and Lombard streets »tic Thursdp y evenings, will be given by four trial, young ladles of Scott M. E. Church for j the benefit of the parsouago. You should not fail to go and have a good time. Wednesday and Ladles who value a refined complexion _":t ucc Poxzonl's Powder—It produces a soft and beautllul skin. pine ! T o!. ®* BMur ' E I b t„tory ut the life of Au K u«tlnc Hcrraen, 1. ,ho fain,1er ol the manSr. The marble 8 i a i, which marked Ilennen's gravels : particularly desired by the administra 1 Ion of the museum, and 11 poiscssed hy Ur would be a venerated relic. This si according to Johnston's History of Cecil ; County, is of oolite, and is three feet wide and seven feet long. It was broken Into three pieces, which have bien ce minted together and bolted to the side of the manor mansion. j It was made i men's llfitlme, 1 name and the dale of the loundlng of the j Bohemia Manor—1661. The pro|»erty the to Mr. H. II. Bayard, 1107 Cathe , ?«>> •««*'-. HalilLuore, who I. now traye I ,n Europe. 8h. is a deecen aut o |î e ^ rn ^ n * cl , r * ,ias , nil . halted Staea Consul Le« "OM » be ' Prague, telling him to cdvlse tue JN - ad- l ' on *^ ™ w ""j bA yard, aid i jor an intemew vm i inrs. * | » >■« *1" "•» to part WOh the i nérmeii's trravc has no n.t.-d with a tlttliiK tomtatoce and there ; » a .iteposltton on the [ait of the leading „„ BollH1>1 |'a u , or Baltimore to talrc a fund ,nd hare erected' over Id. sepulchere a ! handromo men, .ment. Subscriptions the wm i, e asked liom the B< liemtaiis ol Maryland, and If the effort Is not succe.s. f u |/ t hen an appeal will be made to the llohemi.ns ol ihe whole country. A Mrs. Troth, of Camden, N. . 1 ., a descendant ol e neuneu, lieu a llles'zo oil painting ol hot- him. Mr. Shlraek lotende to sreure a I c „ py f,. om It and lot ward It to the Prague ' J be A , îr | lk | ft yer-. Frat. and T . / Tn \ , f 0 ,) 1 , 11 " a Island (I .) t» V V rick * a ^ t * r » laB accon, P » peculiar com ! feat ; H« ttarted the other morning, it la SVÄ!!?!? Äo oth!*? fïr twïtv sî* the lhe itre 1 et „ t0 th ^ jth r for lh,rty '* - hours, and carrying , ôîhe.rLt rïiae of ! ^ l»'»Çe ou the side ol the a re it, raiae that i to lull height, pick up the bricks, ! a,: J 0 , 1 'j** J' c Ä KÄt h!? ïvM°tî con® ?.«,,! r (l i rf.n liih l »iw' ane rf oie ^ou? Iw ' meàk oïerysTx ^ LfL tatormtaÄ iZJm'v '„evy three hours. Wlllhtm.o„ trrtmi , e ,l all nigh: and both dajs, part o! bad j u o t m» through a driving rain, tintshing u ' at u o'clock at ul«ht Internat In \\ 11 KÄ fl^Ä w: , h •,,. w *.„ a I,l h!» leg. „n,l hands lWl '' V ' l,<,,,r * ,, 0 Untie „ y , , win Post, Jacob Cronlu allair. In and London during ILr d Inscribed with his and made mory, drawn cession his then a from of p'.cr J. doing than theie train ^ery. beon dtslg of Museum. been -and-a.hftlf him the whs in of posod tells I lie of Th«* Spurt Receipt) F. It Is »fated MeClosk*y, who works I who ca eefj'tb tu the Fifth' ward, day las», is p'ayltig a game of biull with I a nuniln r ol 1 it'll!h ward voters working | the h them that In pc-ctor NYilH: the Pullman i ani •ed the fkleo I «. , 1 Sfttur Worl t bu elou. fate hat, wLt frv ii]* the • place. He ml vs iu the ,f if tliey hate a t; c Ip'. t»«at w upon which to vote la-.t fall that Voting, as •dp s will bo taken up and they gilt, got th mselves In trouble, while he. such advice to give to Domocrftts, • of thei to the they l)ii« ! t belter refmlu frr* their May br I Die h have held the subject, and the!r advic jelpts of RopubMcn \ H. Odd will The floral that Repull hoMin g at the c.iy election, aud If ■y 1 r tlou should IoIIijW twill 'Old to rosu c t«f tho whole ls«uiiu' fraudulent people holding high posit: will lu exposed to the public. '•t practice e 'politically ol their flue spun work IIofT order A tt«' river, ilien •• it ail. Henry Hartley, 31 years old. a I'h la delphia I Reading Railroad brnkeuiuu, Saturday 1 killed evening at Neshtuniuy Fall». Davis ugei 3ft yt Pennsylvania brnkcu . i ■r i n«l kilictl early yesicrday ruing at Fortieth eago las' is Quigley, 22 v «»Id, w: ,1a er ami killed y lore and < Milo Railroad. Char!-»-» H Klngitt. 17 years old, of an«! kille«! la-t the Camden ami Atlant!«• the iïalti 88Ü Camden, was Hju with Us il load. A freight train iked tho Erle R Pro ul Diughamton, N. V., Saturday, and .lohn Flynn, Ah»* William», Cornelius Larklu au l another 1» not known, nil Mr rode the 8at two in too over again WliOR aud be were Damps who we wer« oa-llj injured. Mr. Mr», tia u's (SI Wo k has been commenced on thetwo the llorarD pnthlc i building« are «lcsigued modern hospital plans. storied addition Hospital. The after the Die pavilions wlil aud will be connected with the main bulhl lug, from which they by a covered passageway, a gift from Mr. ami Mrs. J. Taylor Cause, who have thus generously met the In creasing demands of tbe hospital lor 'arger accommodation. aud be ret the 32 x8ft feet, feet distant, The an la 8 Me of .. the Iui|)i*«»vem«nt.H, William M. Singcrly Ir making exten sive improvements near Fair Hill, Md. being erected and his mills 1Æ Jack J. of aud improved chluery will be put lu. The survey of the proposed Oxtord & Sing« rly Railroad 1 there has already been ft survey made for a private road mills. logs «•lose to the f rks, k ; the main road to the paper yes Jef Rjv. oc 11. s» etiey ■II IteHinnod Work. The hau«ls of the Gambrlll & Co. at work because of the discharge of a cloth boss and tbe employment of a this city, but after being out a week eepted the situation ami resumed work. the mill of M. , Md., quit from is «»f c\< and the My Wife Said last night: How *h do you suppose wo have pa:d out for doctor« aud medicine In tho last yeai# did not know. To doctors I have paid nothing, and live dollars' worth ol Sul phur Bitters lias kept health In family. to lea told her I ,. Andrews, 12 Bowdoiu street, Boston. Wed sta D. A. rowel!, 308 and 529 Madison street Up-river 6ha«l from my dally. Receiv'd flret consignment of blue flsh to-day. Shall have Diese toothsome Osh regularly. Clams by quart Karly Vegetables and Other Produce Barlow & Weir, of tho Eighth street market, have a good supply of early vegetables which they sell at reasonable Also fresh butter and eggs. A call is solicited. G-.'orgeFuhr has had h!s pension raUid to f 17 per mouth, au Inoease of f 13. Has amt • uets received fresh and four for bun and J. THE CRONIN MURDER. FUNERAL OF THE VICTIM IN CHICAGO YESTERDAY. Tliouaunda In Atteudauoe—The Mystery Deepens—A Police Detective Is CHICi Cronlu to-day allair. The corpse has been lying In state In tbe Cavalry Armory on the lake front, and there early this morning the morbid 's friends, May 2ft.—The funeral of Dr a most remarkable and curious, with the dead made their pilgrimage Leaving the mory, the casket drawn by four Wack horses, ami the j formed. At Its h ad placed lu a hoarse, cession platoon of police and Marshal Cahill uud his aides. A drum corps preceded the Hibernian Rides with anus reversed, and then came tho cortege with the Learse In a panoply ef black and guard of hoi from the* rifle*, and the pall-bearers. Marshal Cahill said that 7,17u ÎÙ the procession. Rev. Father Aguew was the celebrant of tho Mush, wlih the ltev. Father I'er p'.cr as assistant. The sermon was by the Rev. Father P. J. Muldoou. He spoke 'at length of Dr. Cronin's kindness of heart, ot his gencr uatme, anl said that he died while doing au errand of mercy. The Rev. Father approached no nearer the tragedy than these few general allusions. According to a friend of Dr. Cronin's, theie has Leen a report that the Doctor's enemies meant to blow up the funeral train w th dynamite, and that this talk deferred mauy from attending. No errlstsof aDy sort took place at the ce ^ery. in AHKEST. , May 2ft.—Another arreet lies with the Cronin Cu;c been made lu couuect The King, de cribed hy the pris ;r Woodrufl, us the person who hired o! Deau's barn him to «teal a hors the nlglit of Dr. Cronin's disappearance, whs captured a*. 2 o'clock this inoru'.ng in a house of Ill-fame. bati rday'b despatc Chicago, May 2ft —Willis Merles, a milkman, who lives In the neighborhood of tbe Carlson cottage iu which It fssup posod tbut Dr. Cronin whs murdered, tells a «tory which adds to the «evidence leading to that conclusion. On the night «1er, betw eu 8.30 and 9 o'clock, about the hour at which It la supposed tbut. tho doctor arrived there In I lie buggy with the m, Mertes l«-ft his I. grocery at the corner of Ashland avenue 1 Otto s'.ivet, which iB ouly a short block south of the Carlson cottage. He walked «.-äst on Addison avenue to Ash then turned south on the catt of s for vielt the I buggy containing tv. | the t,ke •<! i i ani ) I «. , 1 ,.« t .«lew h Ik. •.rol the Carlson colt.ago, a •u roiled up to the ditch. One of U Meric describes as a tall aud up parcntly ath'e k m.-.n, sprang Irom »he bu -gy and î au up the frout stairs of the cottage, the dooi ot which was throwu open before Li even ki cck„d lor admis elou. 8.-arc ly bail the door closed a^alu when the souud of loud and angry voices • . « ot'ate startled the looked suarchlngly at the : Die bugky, but tie .stranger's | fate whr shr«>u led by the brim of a soft hat, und Meries was u: able wLt tber lie wus stout or Blender, or fair Tho fellow whipped his horse into a gallop, drove to AddUou avenue and then turned iu the direction of the lake. Mertes says there waa a dim light lu the frv iu room uud that the utnu who went ii]* tho slop , presumably Dr. Cronlu, a long bro-vu overcoat. Mrs. Conklin tho tionmt at whose house Dr. Cronlu lived, s.iys that the doctor wore a Ion z brown overcoat the night of the murder. 1 k ; tell POLICEMAN CM'KCTEl». A morning paper publia! which implicates a mem! eago police ft Cronin. 4Le officer ln «jU sD -n is De* tectlve Daniel Co ghlin. brought down to the Superln teudent'» o 111 ce at 4. ;0 p. CiUgler being present, las' cd allowed to tdl his story, a story of tho Chi iu th« taking off of Dr. lie ay or Ihe conference liouro. Coughlin «1 then he taken in hand l.y the Maj\r, Attorney Hju stood their lire of qucstlous for aw hile with a fair degree ol »elf possession. ; flurried ! rporation counsel. He Then It la reported lie bs aud liervou«, but said nothing that c«.u d be used against him; the conference broke up at 6.80. The lips of all parties were sealed. Interview between a "reporter" aud Cronin, the latter mentioned several societies lu which ho causing the former to say: "It strikes be a very largely atieudod oue. ret Ik'd: "Yes, ami tlio 'cause of death' very exlemively inquired iuto." In prominent, that your funeral would Cronin ami Sec Them. Curiosities at J. D. Sweet's Dime Mil .. 1 , 222 Market street. You will be surprised what you can tee for ID ccuts. Ladus and children should call and .. the exhibition from id a. ut. to 10 p. m. k Infalble li-secticide, >0 WITH A UOI.DKN RECORD. '88 over tom tops of it used in » years with s» futy to Man, Reust and Fowl, ltseftl etiey is conceded by all who make tlior b tests. WHAT IS SLUG SHOT? sure shot is tut impalpable powder, «»f Insecticides, poisonous to Insects preying upon vegotfttip: c\< •ell. nt. furtilizqr, ftuvctiug all via »sea »sect life, so that they either die or vo for parts unknown. It kills tlio I'gtuto lings und gives n good crop ol Potatoes. It KilU the Black Flea» On Cftblmgn. Tin nip«, Hoots. Radishes, and Kgg Plants. Apply l»y dusting over plant. It Kills the Cabbage Worm And also tho Currant and G<>«»-« horry Worm. Tho Aphis " Roses ana combination , and withal lea other Flowers. Has I*rovcntod the Itnvag amt Canker Worm ltkehlau bee • Melons, Squash, ©tv,. of Dm Cur Fn «Vife«' 1,US '• «let li the ravages .•. tho Cut Worms. Keeps tho Striped lings from all Vino Crops. J. J. SMITH'S, FOURTH & SBirLEY STS. Wilmington, Pel, mui-30-tf J. H. CLEAVER, President. J. A. HEARN, 8c o. autl Treu, 1 HOLLIS & HEARN MFG. CO., No. 221 Market Street. SOLE AGENTS FOR JEWETT'S REFRIGERATORS —AND ICE CHtSTS, Dry Air Circulation, Charcoal Filled. Superior in finish and complete in appointments. Farson's and other makes in great variety. Jewett's water coolers aud filters with other makes. Lightning ice cream freez Oil stoves in all the im proved patterns. Store open Tuesday and Saturday evenings. TELEPHONE 12L ere. , vr, Mm ClOlM to Oriff To day we place on out tables a new lot of thio materials ior Summer wear in serges, mixed and plain colored, wor steds and cheviots; thé right things for neat and comfortable suit lor hot weather; with ex perienced cutter we cut a suit to St you and have them made under our own supervision aud by 'Wilmington workmen. Satisfaction to every customer. Mod erate prices at;d prompt work. | I. W. GIBNEY, MERCHANT TAILOR, 315 MARKET ST. Wilmington, Delaware. Third door below Fourth strict. 9-i-od-lm -USE ! CLIFTON F.F.F. FLOUR. THE WM. LEA&SONS CO.; WILMINGTON, DEL. BRADFORD'S Liquid Faints I -AND Floor Stains. James Bradford Co. 0, 8 and io East 3 rd St. U) iu