Newspaper Page Text
THIRD EDITH. very a omit On Issued arrest a Knooking Them Coiupletely. lug When a from 7 la ti e morning till 9 email wagts he is uot living the way a human being should; he Is dying a »!o«, llngeilog death, and tia hours of labor should be short«ued or the prop' r pay £iv u him, so as to inu 1 u bis labor u source of Joy lustead of misery. But to work 1 ke a 'hive und to te • trs chlldn u J license. in rags breauso be cau't slTord to buy or ,|, them the proper wtaiing apparel Is really t5ourt, humll'wtlnir.'« pum ; IhUnd bapplncR* to tod lor wi!o ai d children and these you love, aud make those wh v love you coin fortab e and happy. My | ahiew leeliig Is, pay reat-onnble | rice tor labor , \v a au can buy actual ueceeanr.i s. To all thoîe whose wage> are small please | c take liOtice Cist by patrouDiug I he "Economy Hall" Clothing H Market stre* t. Y a suit of clothes as 1. high-priced clothiers u.-k F3.10 lor. kludly don't forget this valuable informa- : ii,- ( tlon. ia compelled to labor night for he thnt day \\ I can buy your child > u, e fl.73, I hat I : .ike I that ltull. The following game's tr-rduy : AlPhlladclp'. a— Philadelphia,5; Pl'.tf- upp At New York—New York, 7; Itdlauu- c poll», 0. At Bosti n—Boston, 10; Cliio.ig", ■'!. Al Washicgtou—Wasblugloe, B: U eve land, 5. At Baltimore—Bi'tirnore, 5; Athletic,1. : At Columbus-Columbus, 7; Brook-! lyn, 4. At Cincinnati—Cincinnati, 13; Louis- t,. Ville, 13 1 At Worces'cr—Worcester, 23; Haveu, 9. At Wilkcsburre—Wilkesbarre, 10; Hartford, 11. I | At Eas'ou— Easton, 5; Jersey City, 7. ! ^u.. At UncMitr-Uncunr. l| I««, .:, tu At Harn.kurN—Hurrlaburg, J; Cu 1 .:..! nln Gl.UtS, 10 j dOUU .\t Chester—Chester,Young Amerl- ! ,| ie 3 ^n"ni" : . OW ü -NorrUtOWU , rh ' la ' d 1 piua Giants, 51 plujed yes- : ftrer. ' '•.t a uutll .. iSt '" lo»' lit er that, Newark, t. At Lowell— I. NOTES. Irwin ni «le hts teappcaraDce at for Pldladclj'hia y vole« day. lie hit», liai one |>ul and two error«. The heavy hitting Atlretie Club de I I others IlSblStd 1 1 lilt j ->fl ( uiuiingliaui, ll o P> ;erday. t.more pitcher, yulne, B . ay 'th ^ It Fr.« In MUhseqUeUily di», barg« d. L'allman put up a \« r> second La»« da — i i lii y Ex--'aptalu Tommy Li.te.bmok t' Idea of pu chu» At ; i. will« C d'-'til is p* r be a in eu- 'll ■is and get i e. i dr. euti re y Wirb- some « 1 tiie C W« re standing 8a tu: day Mark l.- l 1: Attempted day'» hand a hi . «I, r 1 1 :ii 1 Oliicvr !.. a j -king t of Eas k I. in. ng the km!«. CtfiVMl in the : Ueh, liable lo lay li: WlH-'O ortboil .x ! .—"Ana 1 . ..j i.,... . By apo.. ._ «;«. blows aud k.." k Hu Wh lteut Wit .tkev Pu Dus Sim.. : Mill the n,, B« 11« v . : I)..-, s . '..L Î t )xy i Treut _Is certain dlate ell ets Mk-. a. y. . Dr«. V Paler S). ..v i '1 r- a'ineiit h iu the'.r pr-cti b e '« >'• V 1 ami b> br< < >it. r i: tnly al du-s. 1WJ Ai. h Era. An late P del. « ", « T f Du : e 1 « «n « \ l' 1 y •1 . .ty , j I (HE Cl • « a L 1 - ed he: .1: a <1, J.» i« Ri'i, r. Fr "I she of the Wt! V U.' h i W. . John • Mar '. ML* Margaret R. id 1 i' Brit », >:!t a» h attic I -■lay, in the ■li.,,«, : 7 o'clock 13 o'clock Tot he lair a? «1 tflmpwmtur -, cloudy, li SU 1 t ho-' i i. I." K« imr.l NV.«s .N 28.—La fay« Mu I. ha» been reported • three days 1, die«! this th lyiu •a'.'y Ti.e li of death .• ' « «.lly deny that t dead I • he lay in WlUi about *1 i V Kenuard Of u" Apoplexy. •II, a prominent citizen oi bta residouce Tuesday evening, from apo a member of the î eut county, d'.ed i aiyrua, |fliy. He w ipurt of Kent cuuutv lor eight years, and wau au active and useful member ot the community. He leuv«;B a wile but children to dt-plore his sudden decease. vy Superior Court» There was a s«-6«ion of the Super! r yurt heldi this morning, put no tiuslncs* any aeeount was transacted. Tho udges finished the cqRffderatlon of the Moses, and thole granted will be an otiuced as »oön Ab they leave tbe city. & i • 1.50. Bçet her, at Lis gallery, 315 Market KUfot, «111 make you hglt a dozua best •Abject phutograöb# fdf $1.5", or IV cabl ItjS afid 19x20 She cirayO», in elegant lllf frame, for $8.00 Oowi #577 "The Ranch Kluff" VlU he presented at the Op«jfa itonse b| $ fltrong comedy çompafiÿ io-tûôrrôw eTittleg Miss May Treat w|R take the leading character, apd the actors genirMly vfllH-e able and •nSclent. The dog, TnB, Q ft prodigy. fcumber 815. Beecber's gall erf la 1 he h I not been t. V - '.lying him-e I up, and ' * o eumru« n I Mr. Ward huU it \\ is * , very ne. •» rmry that Doiiul.oe sh. ti'd hav a .-.pie ly hearing, as the grant n g of hi* ' the r- suit. The | omit thought that tLo upper court would condderaikni, aud uld u t be the eut- ! •- .. ; .. . .. pi id .lu lgn Ball; done and can be done *hcu pofcip .ued Kilwanl Doimlioe's Case. On the 13th of May a warrant was Issued In the muuiclp&l court for the arrest of Fdward A. Donahoe, who keeps a talor-n at No. 9 Fast Third street, charged with reliirg liquor revlouH, which wus Sunday. the day The po hnwewr, faded to flLd Don ill ,e and arreted. Yesterday lug DoijuIioj's application for a license up before Court, when he found J license. Y .-t iday or ,|, r t ' 0 ,, r 8 . t5ourt, V'dunurlly c ; IhUnd nml ewteied i «II for I. | ahiew , \v a d | c : ii,- ( he was thnt the eli ! fe ling liquor the service of a writ of urged »ga list Min I living a ri I r.g Donahoe, iu 1 li ar record t efove the Clerk day anil evtuL «et ! 1 ' upp.' er Hi? charge ibis morn \\ ben I ' us I 11. H. Police y iguelt flat d I he urt th: r. u,-per* rday. ol Donah. consequently I: > u, e wltne -' F. . : • dcpenled I : .ike ev- ut iug I that Mr, D nah upp c : t,. 1 IO * mo,row I | ! ^u.. u ,j. tu id.ow aloiig up nln au.,, lue. bal ui.luir j dOUU OU «illl'larOCLUB ! ,| ie clt ^. dTou'.Vou'lü : ftrer. Mr. Ward r. i'l !■ 1 til - nidge that the . . .O I I ' Oh "y. r! ii '•.t ha. a alu. uutll thin eveuiug. The mi I tetter K. [CUN. •a.Mj. «lay for the l-et g decorallou ol tLo caves ot soid'.e lo»' their liv. s io |m sei v«< ih<- rights and , It is hoped i « 11 tie more solemn class that fo low . It !»; u< g m n and girls he . 11 « walk lit er ties of ti.!:« gr that, the • by ii dial Army P they huve The Mayo, of OAK i l lu»* r Bender», th ■ We 'aud, and It 1» limo • el heathenism this city, lieu the de«:«. ration is the ?( tiaiiiHtii-d I cspcclaLy b« lud I, y I others should Uh honored, regarnie»» 'hat above all 1 1 It is t the above Liui» will be btedt-d prcvl, aide ay, that tliey the corps, il uuctidbblc tiutiuer. t: y have cum behavior. . ay with.u «lu 'th y mu i, ^ It tit«.v do they r t ad r n i i lii y __of the Mu I ,•* i u», Wi.o said lie All« • l (1 lot At this ; Uietpi-I C ...i-.iuig I'.«:.!« i e. i dr. H;m ; rested by dlsuiderly conduct, M. Oliicvr 11 ts. Lei Di-stn d a d ho did Ks Mou a Ueh »Pi" d ii IS.«- M « -Ja!n:y c 1 he Ju • lid line them. t Ii at liercaft d they M g-.t Into tr. tin \ maid Je. ! What ie ght compk-xiotif d r. at true s. lil'« l't VO i' t « lay < « ; festival will be held a: .. C'ti ilirti h Mill Creek II the lOlli ol Ji !r< <1 le- .«:«! «»( *':0 ebu ell «1 I e pre cut on th" , 'It y f ft \îZàJkâi vou TURl-^Ê^. !"on -, 1 j LV.AKINO AT.L ii ou i: ft-: LoE NU OTIIDR REMEDY. y Druggt I (HE CHAHL'cS A. VOGEL Ft r Si and ticulir». R0-. Hall.r j jeed j ! j I« the place for a bargain j in a Suit of Clothes. Then -, you have a nice, clean, n slock of dialling to select | from, and lots and lots i sizes to Ht you out of. We ir cl to fit anybody, and then we are bound U» give you the best baegains i you ever had in suits. Bring the boys to us and we will so dress them, we'll make little men out of them. Mulun Clothing Co, 228 Market St., V/llmiogton, Delaware. oi ot vy r Tho the an SHANNON TWEED SUITS # 1 - 0 . best May and 1. HAMBURGER k SONS. The Southern District Assessor. [communicated!. The Republican candidate for airestor | and collector of laxes for the Southern district of Wilmington Is James H. Flojd, and a bc'ter could not be found in any party. II the people want u rupre-enia Ive, bard w.rk'ng of toll, they have got him in Mr. ! F oyd. Though a contractor, he is uot ! the kid-gloved klnl, but the working ; kli d. He hard is the bri.k and trowel himself aud works ai d sweat» and toils In common with his other w rkiuer. Do I Intelligent, business Thev have got I He ran run up porfec'lyas lie can a brick wall, aud lie has just I ho knowledge ol lUl ite In Do the people want to compliment and ! -- soldier? Tiny can il » It j - !u „„ b.ttcr manner than to fleet Mr. | pi ov ,i fn , , m... f 0r u y c n he has been I noUlinutl (}i Mr. Floy 1 not only talked * , u « on wlu n the w ir broke out liuf weut H 't,d fought bravey for It In many hard ' ' sought battles. ' ' I * | |, 0 lll(! p j c wn nt a got.liman of u s r ; c »iy moia', upright character lo the ' have all this in Mr. Floyd i ! by elevating him to the i ill e f r wh ch 1 •lis par y logs seleetid him, lie will elevate it e . Ab- a id conduct the busiuesa of the ! ai- Im-sa-like principles. ; While this much can be truthfully said 1 about Mr. F.oyd, it mu»t not. be ln I erred ll;jl y\ r M-aley,'urcseut Incumbent and 7 «nuJUaUs for rt-e e tlon, Is not qualified f„r iheoOlcp, lor tlili w. uld t ot be « r-I red. Mr. FI yd did m.-i seek the Re puhll nn nomlnallou for the olllc*. but b having been nominated it is natural Dial, he should desire lo be elected and yet il I he cannot bo elected by any o'ber means rlian by misrepresenting his opponeut be would rallier seek defeat. Tins Is his position, and lu this light ho »lands be i camlMnte for the r flicef him lu Janus H. !' o\d. f pioperty that i ' l. olllce. . Hi : luUto for 1 lector. No mistake -1 he !<• by electing him. Citizen. Pas' Pott Post Po.-t Tit« The The Tbe I E,« Inniin «1 j I •Mims [ifi 1 pur. v 1 ßPOQ' IICM £ * IN COLORED WOOL ÖBESS GOODS I : After a very f.uccf.s «fut s«a !"on in Dress Goods, we fiatV j -, 1 still in rnr stock a lot oi odd.« 1 j .ud ei tls that, nther than, 11 arry ever to enutbfr season, ; ... , ,ve stiait let out at quite de - 1 cid.d reductiov s in prices. | Bntanca «.( o«*r c raoina-j j tion suitings at $1.5:), miu jeed from glOtO. j Bilince of sida band $9, i ! reduced from $i i 25 . j i'nre oi side bands 6 :^. ]) -r 1 ya.d; r duced tr m 75 F ouch Foil's D.ige in li-.;E ' ; reduced fiom B j_ *' j *, | .hid S COi 1 French Suiah Cloths. : 16 inch's wide, reduced to 69c; worth 8 /ic. 1 6 .'Jc French Cashmere, J ; 62^c Fr- inti Ci fiiw.-s, ! i -3'. We U» i will d duecd to IH • .educed to A large line of 50c. dress' i;oods seduced lo 37 pi. A job lot of mixed small | äiiipa wocl tr.-»B goods, re-j duced to 25c,; former prie« | 50c. Best cotton challis, 5 c. Lots ot bargains biUote ot the season. 623 Market Street. | have been completed by the joint mlttee on Memorial Day, composed or the following: Post No. 1, Sanunl Lewis, -lohn A. £j H ' uc ® r » J eter M«'Lear,Nathun1cl Moore, 1 ho r sa Heap, Jacob Lamplugli: Wi. ! Midd-eur ; list No. 54, William ! Blackburn, Mgir A. Finley, Roheit ; MçC'allt-y, Klw.iod Craig, C. A. W. J'rl'b ntiih, J"bn Booth, J .nies II. Borg«, William Haley; I ^ oat l{ . J. Uroxvn, J. r. Douel y, h. L. Smith, U. S. lielady, J. It. \ ickors, A. M. I lL:i\r, d. hair. Al s '» clock to-morrow morning !>u P >»' P° 9 *? ^"'ill rupoit at »heir headquarter, irnlh and Muket st-eetr, c-d nu'-eh to the Wilmington & North ern lî.illr. -a I station, wSiTC they will ! •^k' 1 a sp« clal train for DuPont station j U,,u lJ V !'. 1 1 *î Tt> u ' j'dm Irai Du lout, | 1 »»* decorated, and a handsome Bora! ornament, sent by Naval Post, No. .. 4°°« of 1 !> ladtlpbla. plactd upon It. DuPont Post win also furni-h a floral ' "nrhor four feet high. The ma n body baa I * ill return by train, but the firing parfy, W. u ntler t '"I' , " ln Blackburn, will come ' Back In a hack. and i Smyth Post, No. 1, will assemble at [ 1 btadquarUrs, Thiid sud King at 7 o'clock to-morrow morning ! «"'I vi " ir Asbury, Old Swedes' aud River view Cctnete.lec. 1 Grant Post No. 13, will ... .. ...... headquarters, I bird aid King streets, al 7 u'cloek to morrow morning and proceed l<> t a ' b J? ,lc L'eiuetory. Per-ons who wish to contribute flowers will kindly send them to the City Hall b dore 9 a. in , where the committee will he du walling to receive »hem. I f h** parade w 11 he formed French it reels uti!o clock to-morrow afternoon, lu the following oidir: Platoon oi tlxteeu police, under Chief , . Bwiggett. 'Chief Marshal Daubl Roes and aids mounted. Department Commander Peter H. Ayars aud stall, mounted. Pas' department commai'dei», mounted. Lleulcuaul Co'onel Klik aud stall, N. (J. D., mounted. Troop B, mounted. A, C, F and II, N. G. D. Arrangement« for To-Morrow. All the arrangement« for to morrow ^ Murtlmore, Joseph of a. : their two tho for who 19 In Fourth held the Pott No. 1,G. A. R., under comme ltd of Comtu ruder -lacob H. Sletler. Post No. 2, G. A. R., under the command cl Joseph Dully. Po.-t No. 13, und«-r command of E. L. Smith. Maimed soldiers m carriages. No. a, 8 aLd Veterans, by .tubus H. Reust. Tit« M.iyor and City Couucil in carriages. The uicmbcrs ol the Board oi E«Kucatiou In cirriuge«. The Knlgb'.s of 8t Lawrence In full unl b»rm, headed by the First Ke^i Baud. Hsttulion of the Knights of the Golden lvagle in fu i uuPoiiu, headed by Hyatt s Baud. Tbe Order of tbe United American Me chanic*. G&rlh-UI ! ' • JO I Other Or. Cttlxcus Iu earring will .Iz.itlr ns. i o'clui k t' 1 .n Fourth ' 13 .. . to 8ol arch to Wil- ; The coin : ; follow i .1 Fnneli do vieil to Hi Foqith Piue, c , to Fr «»11 E,« V.-Mt), t . i Her»' Monurn • avenue, j initigtuu ami Brandy emutvry. Tie ( a: I» dec- j ly will then h «1 Hu* organ: o res'ii-c : . In adipurters tj,„ i g» and Co o- • w !• i B- I I ' exj nu 1 I E. L ii- Fut the Economy a hill'd floral liiouum • ««« tutend« 1 pur. « p «• . A « iny P s- having a- 11 , iu koo«l , £ Gr. .... I ■». : j n : J f« lu line. 1» Id r!ng iu *y list irmly «bath, «r:.-, or 'all : tr : i W«*, tb«* lv n •iuiil I iSS ! p : «i * Tie- monurm.-ut w.« ! t by P. B. For j ill 'jî w ',l: i 1 11 ' ; »".i Mr - 1 | .ker, au t it.e i lit Al. -her. I *ni b «I t'.e tlo v. '. o. li ,' I. *.' n 'I 1.'»' > iltit c-d 1 rcilption ' riiutii<*iitul ' I' ■. ii- « •.rt ol the l by Morris K. 11—, . »1««- in «.ii. ih is beauti- I n ill t«.- placed In fr« E a r.-iiv Hail >1 lo the P ■•til it i it. i 1 ' :.'J tilQJLD USE jVvu •TMV fOiURi I *' CU3Î Î. 1 VEU OH. ' HYPOCHOSPIIITE3. « ni bft l'hU- ' : tfrr befit, j ,./ ti.'lv i is wal stvlfinabrcni 1 1 in Palatablo at KUk t is tbreo tiroes as cSIc«5omi at : plain Cci Ii*at Cil. t la far surierfos to sU other so : 1 called Eni'rkcs. * is a Ppf'bct Snmlsloa, does no ; ccparato cr change. It is wor.ddful as a Eaub producer ! ;t is tho hat rnasdy for Oonsnmp tion, Scrofula, Bronchitis, Wast-1 ing Diseases, Chromo Cough ant Colds. i | | Sold by till Dïinjyifittt. SCOTT A F.OWfin. Ci. viftvs.f4 / 1 SAWYER CHEVIOT SLOTS $12.00. 1.11\MHURGER & SONS. WANTED.-OIRL FoR GENERAL IT buuaewurk. Apply East Tlilr«! 8t. ll v ANTED A UI-L FOR GENERAL M li .ua work. Apply Monroe photographs The most and best pictures for you money—Beecher's ga lery, 31?) Market. Klf ^ , „hntnorxnha for .. , c>t , Ca ' ict . L 0 / **•**•■ Riecher s gallery, 815 Market Bt The American Sewing Machine Ofllce baa removed to ÖPJ Waluat street, Fred W. Schafer, agent. Oo to Plunkett's, 10Ô West Front st and buy a bag of Bleuton Flour, and [ make your wile happy, FOURTH EDITION. Dots. Try Taylor's Dime Express, 810 Mar ket, PhJIa. ^ Millard F. Davis, tho Jeweler, No. 9 East Second street. Hush's, French street wharf, is the place to buy your coal. P. H. (Hatfelter of tho F pflog Grove Paper Works, in York county, Pa., vis city to-day. Ot aters, clams and crata at AIlscow's. Deviled ciubs a specialty. of No. »13 when you Beecher's. est ton. 15 was our ing. ■! I.' M. T. Poole A Bon have on hand a lot of uew-atjlu wall jajrer and window »ha.;. » they arc selling ut reduced pi ice». The grocer* will close their stores to morrow (l)ecoratlon Day) at 10 o'clock a. m. By order of the H. G. A. The Chester Heights camp imctingwill June l'l h and continue open this year two weeks. J. J. Rost, lighthouse ln»|>ector for tho Fourth District. Philadelphia, adver tises for proposals for iu» 1, Kev B. T. Ruley offers a reward of $5 for the urrcbt and conviction of the boys who throw «tones against his house, No. 19 W. Twelfth street. A. F. De Norm Mil «>, the jeweler, 803 Bhlpley str.-el. Cheapest reliable In the etty for watches, jewelry, chains, The strawberry festival of Manlto Tribe, No. is, Imp'd o. Ii. M.. will be held In Odd Fellow»' Hall, IPghiands, the Otb, 7th aud 8th ot June. Dr. L. FT. Johns delivered a highly In »natoiiiy before In Tuesday foresting lee dustry Lodge, A. O. I'. W. evening. J. 13. Smith, Fsq., George 8. Iloffecker aLd F. H. Gayi-v left yesterday short, trip to New York. w and you old 6 n, ! th« lerwisc sever« j tic Mrs. Caleb Churcbman save a pleasant company last evening at her residence Delaware avenue, iu honor of Mis* Cau»ey « f Milford, who I» tier guest. Map», prices, torm6 and all information about C res ton lots can be obtained Market »tree 1 . Office open Tuesday'aud Friday evenings until 8 o'clock. It v Jordan but |1.25 Cabinet photo». I hat Is wtiy he for (2.59, at No. 015,' j JO 7. fell I Market street. If u want Southern p oduce cheap they get It right t' 1 ' Srac11 * Cu -''. ' 'Brent from the Helds of tbe 8:»uth. 13 E. Fourth street, Wilmington. Dr. John S. Iluddersof Avondn'n, Pa., wbBe out driving Saturday, ; from his carriage. Ill» .«• elbow and he wui No. n ( a: j ly injured, duys, for the beneti . A festival tj,„ Busy • w m »... gi . : Haii'iVt-r •oh, «n Friday aud Sutunlay I Ne. Tho Rev. George M. Bond, of No tin- convent on of t! : Delaware, to b<j be!«l in week. rk V. I E. din. G,m I ft' \V i Ilia 1 K. CroRby and wile I* rip to K.o'op« that may this , • -I til the la.' at. 'Ibis -th Euroiieaii tour. ale » Cbul«.- fit itilth, Sixth h tu t log arra v'blt >•» 'lie Pa :.* Expos-.tiou ami a (hurt I tr'p tbri'Ugh Kur. pe. j T. J. Talley bus rec. ivo.1 »be c< J f« r fuin'ebli«.-. the piling an. 1 Orange 'tin-uts lor a 1 Ot the Third streed ■«• will i bridge. Work probal ly begin In July. Th-. Urlawure Feld (Tub appoint« ! a "Uildlrou" lo r , ;. a- n. •'urtlier action will be taken that bt : Monday • inn t. B. «V < >. Jun. 1 ' «• meeting next M«-n lay evening. Conductor ha c T. P. r'.'or, who hu< prcbenling . uual con imoI Railway l"iiduct«»i», n tun oil | n Saturday nigh?, wed pleased I b«'cti In Denver, I the local c th 1 ,K ' Uh his trip. 1 ) r . J. V. T. Blockrom W: sit the cti'leil . , , I * , l:«-t i| loyed by M 1 ». Cooper 1 Jack« auvent ii ho bail fallu si ret to«, d got up xvbii a fractured rown »talis took place la t 1 ami white m m NY all, u «>1 a f •nlng bi'twmn a c«»L Sixth 11 . Alter llic the parlies s-para 1 .« il though iioihi 'g had liap •«•«•* be tv.«" jVvu •X"t A U«.cd. I Presiding Elder Mur.ay will hoïtl qus Sa tu r «lay Port a '"'.'"î'ï "'!' 1 ;;'q;'i;b: iy Ä I a "■""Tk'U; ! ' j -» In the 1 e City In the Sunday ut , Ft. Gu « . i:i tha n. lie w I» V. 'h ' j ( .lh ill Til • i.ft.' inoon ai.'l Delaware City in at so : no X' l .V''uT. II "»% ^ l 'J'i 1 ,u!. u 'nr e la,, i ten delightfully cuturtalucd. ant Du! 3 S! Tib g j «y«» about a have .1 three >t-ai«'. u« i.i bann, t « al 50 c i Willi lugtoii, Del. . N« ak ' I:«IM :«iit«. Di pot, 4th r of M««v 25 bad Tb Ft. L« u!» Wiirolng ■I «• Hon. Em ch Moue I rs I;, the] », wln ie »liu M ». Mo - hi pt-ui llil Estin«' TiMii-tfrrs. i;«-a William . Fisher to Lllhurne Chandler, » ii « 4 lot, N . G2Ü VauB'iiu'i Btri'ft, 21.1x109 feet. Walter Harold Smith Seid», lot « u the north Mile of Kirk ■ «-, ««'»t ol Jucksori »tree!, 45xlt 5. William F. Seed.-, to Am i- W. Seeds, ; and lot on tho noith side ol Kirk 22.9x105^ E «i-, h« / F. .'ill l 1 •s» of Jackson street, - Jacob Derrick »1 d bouth of El. lit ti avenue E. B. Fairy lot ca»' (f J filer« on strict, 3 2x10.19. D«**«i 11. Mr. J. Warren Bui' , the popular salemiau of the Economy Cl nth big Hall, much praire for his portion ol Hie floral monumuut d< the work given to the Gra' d Army of the Republic by the proprietor oi that fan lishmen*. be estab Sal«*. ;««, workers and driver», at private eu!«\ Can be the Western Hotel, corner of Fourth and Orange stre«ts,until Thursday eveuiug. Nine head of h Auotlior Tribe «»f Iteil Men. Another tribe of Rel Men, to b known asOklaboiua Tribe, No. 21. wlil shorily be organized at Lowes, tty Great Sachem B. F. 8h«pard. The petition is algue l by 23 names. 8t. all on Fourth and Market Streets. Challis—Plain and all wool, In light steel, new tan, crushed eirawberry, mode, n^vy and cream, 38 and 44 inches wide- (i'<4 and 75 cents per yard—lightness, coolnegH, tewnees all ccm bined in one effect. Challis—Figured and in great variety, of all the new est designs. In French, all wool, 374 and 50 cents—in plaids and stripes, woven in stead oi printed, therefore reversible, 25 cents—all cot ton. In domestic, 8 , 124 and 15 cents. Some a perfect counterpart of the imported goods. Onr line of Challis was never so inclusive. Cream Fabric s—For Summer occasions of ad kinds. Our line Is large and comprehensive. From a candidate lor commence ment to a Summer tourist our creams wi 1 be Interest ing. Sutah Cloth CH»huicre 11 ort«-nse Borge Foule Nun's Veiling Cbnllii Tricot Cricket Grenadine A1 buttons We have s specially in Cream Serge a new and very stylish thing 52 inches wide, w th a handsome all blue and all black tide-band— exclusive and taking-, fl. French Sateens—In the latest New York novelties you will find nowhere but here in our town—piimroae, old rose, old blue, tinted 6 atmone, garnet?, etc., in ! th« most stylish combina jtions. High grade Amer j lean S-ateens In the light tints, 15 and 20c; were reg ular 25c goods Ginghams—Uy the thou sand yards, from the finest ! Andetson Scotch Stuffs 1 down to leading and lower priced ginghams of doines tic make. 8 c to 37 ^. Swiss Ribbed Vests—In I. 0 . . . . . ....v S'ZGS «>, i HUU 5» the grr üt i» «'•« ndfr !«-. the prica we ever i.aRdiCC 1 . A late sei 1 rver-production j ,iv«-s r.a a targe quantity,, Mid ytu the cbance you don't oUon see in this line— and son ' nd summer has hardly com men' cd yetexc pt by the ill manuc . | I Vest yO'l Thiuk of a ribbed would s ry was htapat î5 cents, and you can buy ju t 2 o( them lor that —124 cents each. Black Ribbed Hose— S'zes 6 to t), absolutely fast black, acid test—white soles—the very best black stocking you ever bought at, the price—cents per t p',«r. i.'lnor Lirens—We havei 1 11,01 ^I'.Cilb IK uavt I a lull supply of the bist Barrsity floor linens. They 1 are in the "Prince of Wa. NVale»" pattern, the latest ;;'q;'i;b: ought out, and very suit I a he for Pi rlor, Library, ! Hall, and Stairs Q aalt ties ' j die very best ut in 8-1 — 2 yar s wide, 50 cc . ts. I the] »liu 10-4 — '2\i yards wide, 70 cents 12 4 — 3 yards wide, 85 cents. 14-4 — 3' j yards wide, $1.99. 1«>- i — 4 yards widir, f 1.20. 18-4 — 4* j yards wl o, $1.59. 20-4 — it yards wide. $1.75. We have large lines of the best fl o.- coveiings made, from one jaid to four yards wide, in Brashier's Oil Clothä, Linoleums, Corticene, English O'l Cloths, 2 5 cents to $i per yard. We have about one hun dred rolls of white and fan cy strav Matting, which for hotel, seaside or summer outing uses wou'd be good. By the roll of 4o yaids we shall sell It for $3.90 per roll, or cut for ii cents ser Xard. We have 5oo yards oi Tapestry Bruisels C rpet which we have been selling F. ti ol be and and by set to be to all season for 85 cents, made, lined and laid on the floor. Soma patterns in bright rich colorings we shall sell for 574 cents per yard, orjmade, lined and laid on your floor foifljJ cents. WM. B. SHARP & CO. Fourth and Market atreets. BERKSHIRE by CHEVIOT SUITS $13.00. i. mwm i sons. «1 WILSON'S Undertaking rooms, 6 l 6 King S Telephone Signal, l 68 , % 199*Open all night J. A. WILSON, Funoral Director. « to a FOR FINE CUSTOM Made Clothing, 315 Mar ket street is the place to visit for your Price Albert or Cutaway Coat Suit. Fine material, best trimming, elegant work and perfect fit at moderate prices. 1 Iandsome line of Fancy Worsted and Cheviots, Blue, Black and Colored Serges. At the prices we are offering these goods they are worth your early examination. ! 1 St I. W. G1BNEY, M EUCH ANT TAILOR, »15 MAKKKT ST. Wilmington, Delaware. Third door below Fourth street. » NOTICE —We «lo not «-xpeet to carry HYDRANT HOSE r until ;o will close It . ....v at about Factory Prices. Our »tuck i» large and you can get Hose at almost Thm 1 Miiiiulaoturor»' agents for rubber goods j w mkh 15 8 T a| WILMINGTON, DEL., Grand Army Suits $10.00. I. HAMBURGER & SONS. AMI SEA1KNTS. P" OCTüît'.S UltANU Ol-KUA IlUl SK " IUKK n |n "™ ANI) bati'iiday I MAUN'BE, COMMENCI.NU Thurmilay, May 30, 1 p ä M /■"*(O IT I Mr' nAPIGn r\ïl\tji ,,,, , !!Ls;aâiTiirtï'ÂÂ" '«.M rtr " m * ^ ^ ^ 'ly «Irani» liy Jos. 1>. < Itfton. W ANT El»—ft' Apply it:» Market street. OAT MAKER \Y A NT ED— Aîô A RDKR8 AT bio W. YY ANTED—A NVIlmtDfitim. YIT ANTED—IMMEDIATELY.THREK »V go«Ml ra-iii-iilurs. Apply to ISAAC WUODKOW, tru\v. 6tU8t„ U oui 0 to 7.30 o' clock til ta L-VeiliOK. GOOD COOK. A 1.80 - al Herbert Itou»«', a iiRy m the fan for we per oi rpet I OST-A SMALL BLACK TERRIER D tem»li! i'og, tu tbe iielgliborh»«><l of fb ami Vrcncii sti'Jet■. A snlUbl rewsrd U lett at ntli and Forrest. J. B. JKEFr-KIB. ANTED-» Y A Y< >CN0 LA I i Y~\ ^ Hituutlon in a tiiy f-ooil», triin AilUio»» E. M. tlii:« ofllco. W ANTED —TO lit' Y A « LIM built «mining »kiff. Ad«lt. ing price, "flout" this ofllce. m.v I : It OST— ON TUESDAY _j uccount 1 •1N1NG AN W its«in book in K«*inu fr street toSoutli Wilmington. Tlio findui will l>o suitably rown i«tua 011 luiiving it ut this ofllco or with WM. H. HoVVT-lN, 331 lleulil street, »outliside. W''ANTED—A GOOD. STOUT BOY "v from M to 16 ymri or age, with a fair e<luc«itou, to nerve ft rout» of 1 »pur», »« tbe olU«-c, and Irak«- liliiiself gentrally iu* Oil« wlm lia» ii<ia)i- ki.uwltdirC of tin- buali preferred. Apply at ibis oHlue. r. R EWARD—A REWARD OF $5 WILL be puld for tim ariuit ami conviction of tbe boy» wh® throw stonCf from me Howard •trie 1 1 a * aiB ' l | l, ' ! 9 W«m Tw^htU WANTED-AN OLDISH WOMAN, tv wlioty a good ooo»«, wishes » situation or would do bouMwurk tu a small family. Ap ply al 410 Freuen btreet. niii-lt* l jo a RDi nq— fron t room, suit AA able fdr man and wife, il K. 3d bt. 29 ft* Preparing fvr Decointlou. The managere of I. Hamburger & Son«, No. 209 Market street, are rnakli g greet pre| aratloue for to morrow In honor ol the patriotic cauae fur which the day Is set apart. B< aides the btftUllful floral monument for General Tb Smyth's grave, which will be let down Into the armß of the members of Smyth Pott us they march up Market street, they are busy piepaiiug a pedestal base to be place J lu Iront of their store, partly tlie pav- mint and partly In the street. The pedestal will be beautifully fes tooned In black ilia|H*ry, relieved with patrioSlc colors. U;ou the pedestal will be placed an ci|ucstrlan statue of a lio no, to represent tf.o war-cliarger that General Smy'h rotle In his la't bat'le. The ho. will be capirisoned In the Identical .sad dle, blanket, sword and pistol holateis the horse the day that - to poet* A. hail that wi ( Binyth received bis death wound. This will ne the Ujiou will h tbeeu lellcs, Held Mrs. Niayt*, liave l»•••n exhibited the war, and Mr. Ward has bee teediugly fuiiunute lu becurlng ll t'l-moiiow. The sight of there honored war relie» will n&Luralty hioubo aeulimenta of loyally in the heart« ol Hi.rvtving comrades un i carry their minds tai-k to the rceiies of many a hatd-lought battlefield aud many a blvoua: beside the camp tiro. A large picture ol the General will udorn the Iront of the pc the streit. Work will be . oratiug tho Hamburger At Sons' I n'idlur, and by to-morrow morning It will he flutter kig in flags and putriotlu device». The exc-i'i-t one rod by fur 590 to wi ner il «1 estai cormnem-ed thla « veiling To ltiMMltiig To uioirow. The Bricklayer»' Union will givetlolr annual excur-iou to Head ng to-morrow, ami fioru prêtent indications a large number of them. A dnlugutiou from ull the lire « oiupauie» will bo among the number, tbe Miimihl tesi- of tho eit /oi.» will 'coiuimuy erdi r department, which lias been post poned until 11 o'clock or the arcommo datlou ol the vleltora. Tf.o excursionists will hsvu lu i prlvllt.-ge <1 Luuer's Park, ami the Futnou* Uinggolil Baud will «Uh course tin« uiUtic lor tin pc who wish to dniii-e. The ti«:kets, which are but 11.25, good lor two days. Those whowlnh to t-p.tud a j luisant «lay should purchase a linket and go with them. Tho train will leave Water and French ati-rets at per the the the «1.39 a. m. Mr». Itrmui s I'luiiu Kreit a I. Mr». John Brown will give her second piano recital In the rcoinsof the Builders' Exchange on Frhlay evi'ulng. The first |>arl will consist of Herold overture, /umja; Goibol, Duet, Young Hearfh; Bo'chcrlnl, a Mlnuot; David, h-Le# Il e ron delles; song, selected; Bachman, a Va!c^ Caprice; Duraml, b-Chacone; Krutzcr, male quartette, the Gold Miccrr. Tho hccou' 1 part cou» ists of Mattol Gr»ml Vulie Brilliant; Teure, duet, With the .Stream; A»her, a Cascade; Korskt, b-Tareutalla; Marion, » 0117 , Une Day; St hulboll, Carnival de Venice; lliseholT, male quartette, Beware. Mr». Hrowu will be asRintrd l y M l»s Addle Courier, soprano; Mi»» Virginia Conner, contralto, ui«« 1 M«!8-r«. J. T. Clymer, II. Baird, W. II. Baird aud J. J. JackBon, male quur A. $8; J a Kleetlon of Trii»te«». An c!oilioii Tuesday alternoon, when ilir ami Michael King wero chosen a» com missioners for the cumoun W. Clark and William F. Lane, de ceased. The vote 418; Michael King, 214; Robert \V. W held lu New Ca&'le If «rie wa*: Hiram It. Boric, 27 f; James B. Tornu 11 , r right, 47; scattering, 16. -«I Fr ported that eight prison* he bum'» quarters at New Cas nt ol flues and cc .Ju ll. 1 1 I» rn| fined In t! tie Jail lor ing. ll Is *aid th«-y c women'» «(Uartera above, ami Iroiq tlienc to 1 he r verified -pay « urly hour yustorday a hole Into the It ot « w , but the report could disproved Ibis morning. •t be I.utli«-ran llhiireli FohMviiI. A Blrawbçrry festival for tbe bciictltoi St. Stephen '» Luthcruu Church will be held Iu the lecture llon.-us this evening ami aho to murrow evening. Admission lu cents. Kroko II«*r Ann. About 6.39 o'clock last evening a col ored woman named Catri" Draper, ployed a» a domestic by Mrs. Cooper, at Seventh and Jackson streets, fell down »tubs and broke her right arm. The frac ture was reduced by Dr. Blocknoui. A good cook and a colored bey can find employment ut tho Herbert House, South Wilmington. of tba Ope Wilmer T. Pennington, of Ht. George.« Hundred, narrowly escaped being tbe Frog town cro.-mlng of the Delawaie Ra'lroad^ tlio plac l'urvlfl dv'tj» killed, c where Dr. Tutstluy afternoon. Grill'd Army Suits 11 SK m * ^ 10 . 00 . I. HAMBURGER & SONS. ! 1 W. o' 1.80 Or tlin Liquor Habit 1-osltlvoly Cur by Ailiniulntcrlug l>r. Uaiues' Goltlcu Specific. It c»n be Riven In ft cup of coffee ont flu- knowledge ol tbe person « absolutely liarnuess and will effect u fb lett Y~\ triin u«rut mil ape«: 1)' curs, «vbt-lhcr tbe p ft moderate drinker or an alcohoItH vrieck. J houtauds of Drunkards liav«- been mads tsiU • nerate men who bave taken (tobten Mpsclflc In their coflee without their knowledge und to day believe they «iiitt drlnktmr of ttielr tree will. II N EVER FAILS. Tbe ay once IniprcRiintril with the bed. . linposaib.lity for the liquor habit JB I : It For »ale by 7.. Jah. 4» page book free. .Agt.. ... and Mar AN its«in it Pants to Order BOY fair $4.00. r. WILL of Ap suit ft* *EERLE 88 DTE 8 FIFTH EDITIOI. Tlio Sired and Newer c.„n,nl..n^r 1 l.e regular me. (left of the Sir.. Sewer CommluloD was Irel.l last rr, when the lialatco In hank »a» rri,™ iil - being |3, S68.Ï3. The weekly »7,1 umounting to (US «•.». ami the nm ,i , , pay-roll of (391 08 we- " orders drawn In fiv named. John C. RrlsMi was granted p. to lap Orango street sewer for u„. , u poet* ot draining tho prop r y at V , i.'J West Seventh street. ' I presented uu| "I lb« Jeu IIi City Auditor Newell ia*t>oi t • 1 * ». hail collected |SJ.t3 l< r Ham. couimlsalone.r , Ikifiticet Instructed i, haVo gutter atones hauled to Sj,m. H) .,,, . kTd ld thfl M chad Rib y w gradli g (Jllpiû avenue from I BriMJim- s'reels at The street o .mmbelotii'r have curb Glipl tween Franklin and Broom. a the grading is eompltli.j. Prop »als for pi luting at. I t | iUf t , 0 yearly reports of the board w.'.- u |, |. lows: Mercliautiio l'rintliif 590 copies. (3 «5 per p,,,.. Wilmlrgtam Printing t'o«i|ituj' fd.u'», Delaware Printing r.jiv..»ù| copies, «l.r.5; 500, I Id , .1 Thurna», 300, fl.40; f] ■act will be awarded l.i nlgl.i. IBda for grading and paving \y Eighth street w Davln A Bio., todorepuvlug lr..m Mark t to Washington,82 cents per »quartywr repaving Belglau block» iront . U.liMm to Monroe, 88 eeota per aquine wi h rubble stone from W iwUli.gtuti lo Union street, 79^ otDlc pei equa.e yard; complete with gutters ami mr:*, fi»* ner square loot; gutters tob« 'J leei uid , il gutieri are 3 feet wide, fh.'.iu j. r qu r received William Blrumous inr tun-, plaie aud gutters comple c, f 1.! lineal loot; to repave lioui Market o Waahingtoii, 28 t ent» per s«iuuu- yard; lepavlng with blocks from Ma<:i«un to .Monroe, 30 cents; stones, from Monroe to Union, »1 c«uU per «quare yard. 'Davds .v Bro. re ceived the contract. The the City Passenger Railway Compati; ol the bill». The. following bids wero rocelvoJ for lurulsbtug <524 tcet of three-inch p>lpe lor the Morris sj-riug to Fourth The Gawthrop !■ r pave with rubble Instructe«! te iiJotm o of conveying th«- water 1 Brotbu Company, cents 'per fu->f, S. k. The eon tract «1 Dr. tber Clark, 40 cents |»er foot. uwurded to the Gawthrop Company. The hoard adjourned to meet aga'.a this «-veiling. Bill» were passed as follows: Bradford A. Tamlegrift, 91.50; II. C. Turner. K q., 93b; Atlas Dredging Compart), flB'vM; Atulrew Trayuor, 97.50; W. Cotta .V; Co., $8; George IF. Boughuian, 9*1. lC«.l.t..'«l On the arrival of the Norfolk train la tilts c'.ty till» iiioiaing, Sp. clal Dot«- tivea Jones aud Vaudegrlft airested Henry Stitts J aine» ol while on the two other Carl Davidsou, who wero of the p..r:v, all taken to the police station, and this morning Stltes hud u hearing befbm the Municipal Cour'. James, il seems, contractor for building a br.dgc a railroad In Virginia aud the three with him were his employes, completed the contract the party wu? i y their way home in Philadelphia, leui.'u* Cape Charles last night about 10 o'cbn*. Mr. Jam«-» tvsUfled that he had three notes, one (lo note and a (il note in ' 5 pocket*, besides tome silver, und when aroused somewhere about 50 miles down the road and uake.1 about Ids money iff He buspicloued 8 tite» lor tb«» f und this morning uirnlgned, admitted •bbu g I. vl» It. UiKvrtalu amount ol 11 on*;/ train. Bute», Jam« :< .« J named Chari«» Luwl- uud , bad robbery when : taken from Ja keeping, us James, he said, the party having from six the lattci, finit he Lai ro |5 bills, a 919 bill, ami afl »es, but that he took It lor sals drunk, eight pi: 's ot wbl-key with them when they left « ape Churl«-». Lev. is ar.«l Davidsou *■ ing Siltcs with a roll of money accused him ol robbing ids employer, au«l he a l mittc-il to Lewis thnt he liud d< advised them to »«y nothing. When dtiU'H moriilu thorough the sleeve of his r.udershirt, the slecvs Laving bien rolled up the aim and tbs iu the roll. witness present could tell w hether the robl «.-ry Virginia, Maryland held over until until the conductor of the train could be bUmuiOL'cd. i first searched tl«!i money could b«i louud, t. it tectivu Joue» made a m r« ch ho fourni the money in Dc money A » commltu-il la Delaware the «.«»» morrow morntui; llu- Itillo Itaiige. A» Mouday was. as usual, rainy th« shoot ing ma'cli al llealdmoor Hange wil postponed until yesterday, when a num ber ol lilb mcn aeeemblod ior their weekly sport. E. J. Duilington the L of the «lay by twice very narrowly Ing a c*l«!uu scorn of buU's-oyer.Ko.lowiuJ the score» iu detail, StaudsiJ Ameri can Target: Pistol Ma'ob, 50 Yards, St« yen» 1* st I, Lord Modul, 22 Calibre—U. J. D. rltug* ton, 75; 11. Slrup»«iu, 72; C. Went), 7U. AtlODYanln, Special Practice—r.'. J. Darlington, 91, 89, 83; C. Webb, Y A Ml, 78; W. S. Darliogtuo, 78, 83; l£ Dar* 11 n g ton, 83, 81. A Luge Wfu«l«»w Broken. Yesterday ailcruoou while J. MuliOMJf eug*-:« '! i# couiiectiug switch lor tM Wilmington City Railroad Conn«au>, on Market street above Seventh, a piece of ! broken cabling, u liait pouml in r' lf > 1 flew oil ami went through the U»U 9 French plate glass window iu M. F- Hay den's flower »Tore and conservatory. '1"| glas» is three-eighths of an Inch thick anJ some parts oi it may be Uicdlorotlitt purposes, but It canuot be use«l iu a Ur?* window again. The cost of the glaU "*• well up to $1()0. witli a gaug ol workmen puttlug iu a • In -Tin- ltuncli King " The above is the title ol Joseph P. Cllj tou'e latest »u oers, and It Is a »uctea* l| every particular. The plot is a »•'* chosen one, and In It Is embodied a ke»UJ tlful story ol th^ chivalry and hout-sty 01 the Ranch Klnir, a nature's nQbiemMV This play will hold the hoard» at Vtvfi tor's Opera House to-morrow, I aud Saturday evenings. This I» What Counts. dollar# h» When a man can save stwen Is wise for doing so. Go to Mr, J ^ Fellhcimer's olothing esta MUKrt,Ant an buy a beautiful light lice lor (8.00 that hlgh-pÄ clo«j|J"J bavé marked in their »how wifldoWI •* clot [ft $13, and advertise tbe #awo m » P ivzilig bergelD. Who becouies parftiy the buyâr or dealer! HoHe Killed. William Beok of 8t. George« dred lost a valuable horse ott last while being driven ne&f by a collision with tbe çafr Bwanp, when tjie sh»R öl r tyated it# breast, plrodûcing d«» few minutes. half fflB I