Newspaper Page Text
The Daily Republican PublUltnd Dully Sunday Kxcepted.) -AT— The REPUBLICAN Building, Third aud King Street», Wilmington, Dal -liY 11 »« KrpnbUcnn 1 'ublli.hliig Company 18 OTICE—ALL COMMUNICATIONS business KurtllLU AN 1'L bI.lbU checks, postal not« # Ibi. A l'lilMIMU lliUl'AM Y. Entered at the P«'st Office at Wlhnlng ton, Del., as aecoud cltuta mall mutter. "FRIDAY, JUNE 7 , 1880 . Chief Arthur, ol the Brotherhood of Locomotive engineers, who has. been Attending the secret conference of the order, which was held last 1 , , , , , week at Chicago, Lut declared that •'under no condition of clicum.t»ncc» of which I can conceive, will I ever j advocate another strike." This is strong language, but there cannot be y doubt that Mr. Arthur is justified in using it. Hu, the Puwdurly, sees and understands that In every U the workingmen who est sufferers, demand will always operate prejudi cially to the strikers. There has not been a strike for yearn but there hits been plenty ol unemployed men ready to till the places. The consequence has been, In some instances, riots and bloodshed, for which the strikers, whether guilty hear the blame. In the majority of the strikers, alter losing time, have been glad to return to work at the old Arthur to strikes. Mr. where there is u strike, it the greut the law ol bu] ply und l not, have had to tees, and this is why Chief d Mr. Powderly ate opposed _ « . . . . . Philadelphia is taking the cad in the subscriptions to tho fund for the tj relief of the Johntdown sufferers. The j people ot the ''t^uaker City" have always been quick to contribute In all | cases of real distress, and the present Instance is not an exception. From the time an organized effort was made tho money has poured in in n steady «ream and now the total amo iut given by Philadelphians is over halt a niillion^ dollars. New York comes ZYi , 'döllZ rl r , .m«t t 7 r v U Z'l rC äre. 0 dv g"ch on^huJdrèd ihl,, Ind il ' Iti 11 sending, while every other State, _ ç y and town, is doing equally well, Wilmington is not Ur btlilud in the good work and has thus far raised ' Over six thousand dollars which will be doubled by the early part of next, week. In addition to the sum, of money raised in the different cities there'has also been immense doua lions of clothing, provisions uud other necessary articles donated, showing Uiat the heart of this nation haa been touched as it was never touched be fore. TnE RKPOHTEK 3 who are at tho (cene of the diaaalcr in tlie Couemuugh Valley, and are sending the newB out to the world are deserving of the greatest credit. These uro work g under the greatest difflcultiee, and :r since their arrival at have been the scene. They have Leen, and ■till exposed but uone of to BickncöS aud danger, them have ever iallered or failed to attend to their duties. One ol the number worked lor seventy two hourB, until ut last exhausted turc compelled him to cease fora time, and he unwilling Bought u few hours needed reut. Had it not been for these men the outside world would have known but little as yet of this terrible îflisa&ter, but as quick as the news ot tho catastrophe wus flashed over the jrires they were en route lor the place, and the result of their untiring las been to make the entire wo quainled with the facts, and been Hie means of bringing help and assistance from all quarters. work >rl'J ac* I "W e are jilcaBed til prop«meB to take Eomo action iu iercuce to the firework ordinance, Ibis 1 b something that should have been done long ago. Let it be imended that tho boys can enjoy the ■elves on the Fourth of July, without lecling that they aro law-breakers, else let it be btilctly entorced, even if It is necessary to swear in a f thousand special officers, l or years ed the law haa been a dead letter, and tlthough Mayor lUrrinulon made an see tii at Coun ol effort to enforce it last year, it proved, the aame as all previous attempts, a failure, and it is probable there never was as much cracking and bangiDg in last Fourth of tills city as there July, but notwiiliBtandiug, there were very few fir os. Council should,in fua tice *.o the dealers and the public, take prompt action in this matter, and let it De known that certain kiuds of fire works can be sold aud u*ed, or else that all kinds shall be strictly prohib ited. Tnr; ordinance providing for the ap pointment of a j «lice matron passed Council laut evening, and ouly needs the signature ol the Mayor to consti tute it a law. There cannot bo any doubt of the wisdom of Council iu patihiug the ordinance, and the ieeling in ita iavor in sho*n by the fart that there were but two votes against it. The provision made f-»r the election and ttppointmcut ot tlie matron id u suaruolcc that the position will be filled by u proper person, uud as such Is tlie case, whoever may lie chosen will no doubt prove very useful. There in an abundant field ior effective work 1 in the women's department of the po pushed by the mutrons iu l'hiiadei Tiieie have been many strange stories told about the dmngs at police station some years ago, which we * rUbt ncïl:r 10 bc " r pliin. Whatever some carping critic, may tay against actors und actrc^stss It cannot truthfully be said that they un: lacking in generosity, for there in never are Buffering, instance where human beings in need, that they >ng the tiret to contribute toward their oasistauco. At present benefits i)ci"g KiVüu iu the uic&trefl ! uul'y. Ior the pur|.„3e »'■«'••r«i*i the assistance •sylvania. Ia ! L«.t nil ;r the of isibing tuuJb towards tlie assistance , ot the suffer*. .11 theso cue. lliey Kivu lire puopl« ; value for money lccetveii in the way of first class eutertaimucutg, and u they give their «»wii services free ot * lagers, lie con arc coutribut | heuefftfa will ' hà the means of ruisiug many Ihoua j P charge can, with the gidcr« .1 as the tng the ! who TbeM îoney. anJs of dollars for the sufferer*, and I the donors will no doubt receive the thanks and the blessings of those lieved. Hope and Charity, but the grettest of these is Churity." And now abideth Faith, Some Other Day. The prodigal of health drain# To pause, eombtime in diftaooe; And be succeeds, but he rvqnhçg The coroner's assistance. Ttut who wants that way? Lira. Starkey A Pha'cn's office records ( 4. *»,000 different cases In which '""'"'i.SîcS .rouïe y D ïi;"i 1 ou, l Â" d '" Uy ' 10 r< " Here arc a lew of tb<x;e cured of ûee* pirate lung trouble by lu Oie: mend matters In .show their (Jomj been used by phi »Id; „ _ li] 08. J. Barbour. Dobbs Ferry, N. Y., 1 .. p^vn.V. » vôu» v v Mrs. h. N. iluut, New Rochelle, N. Y., October 6 1888 Ellen Koicrs.'-Jli Monument «twet, Eal j Minore, Maryland. Mrs. R. L Mi-trait, Greenfield, III. Walter E. Glazier, Warsaw, N. V*. Mrs. J. Alleu Parks, Woodrull, 8. O. O. H. Dowuny, Churubuaco Ind. Mrr. Marti a Duboyce, West Bolton, Canada. . Aud thuusauda of others in all parts of the country. You may k» lilt if to Dr*. Starkey lor their brochure o' 2o0 pages; It will be fonvanled free ot charge to any addtes.-lng Dus. Btaukkï A- 1 'ali .v, No. LV-J Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa whom they have curOil d Phalen l V ed A tVJaconaln •1 Destroyed. Stevens Point, J Jurneb Hotel, Depot, caught tiro shortly after 8 o laet cveulng with ail Its cuuten'a. Ch.iUes Oulbail, and Mangle Reilly uml 7 .-The St. the Wlfaconfiiu Central <dbek I was totally destmy, d Tito night clerk, of the gi-ls, ■ known as Nettie, • inisbitijf, aud there la little di.ubt that first ,ull three lu t their lives. Tl named wete ou the secoad lloor when the tj rü starte t, aud came down, but went j back to en ure their wearing ap| who ebcapcd eaved nothing but what | they had on th«tr peranns. The ntat: a,, ' l »djarent jmlldiuga to the liotel were favi-,, l liar '* ' v , tk. A number of T»?i f i ü8 f ifr !«, and J,g*Slu' lb<! los8 ls iMur-nce, ' '_.. n . . , ,_ s T! „. , .■ , The sape., he and Ohio Canal. G - 1 ' l! Tret.^ktV'uven'ly y'ora' ä dTr^.o^'f ' XÄ'ÄÄ'h i _ foreclosed aud sold by auct'ou. Tim largeat holder of au interest of the Canal Company, t'ulouel Br..t fays, 1* the ' State ol Maryland, which the company I owt-a about |2M,ooif iRj\ Colonel Itarr.-t thlu . k ® ,l;e CttU » 1 ho used for rail r0 * J P |ir l '°»* B -_ J" r "'' V' 11 ^ prattle, \\. 1., June «.—A F,™; 0 * 1 'J ti,,. indirAtiAtui I. All iero last nicht. F itdinga were burning, and j that the whole bust- ; u«:ss portion of the etty would be swept, away. The local firemen aud help »»j telegraphed rectum3. At the lu?t report the Western Unl'iu Telegraph Company had but uudistur bed. ere helplebP, : •r in all di lather, 8nri.nv\ .i.R, III«!.. Juno 7 .—Georg William Parmer and hie in yiielbivi le, Indiana, on Wedn* - lay night, by Mrs. Moitié Corwin. Tho firfc .»1 the ran badly fatally wonuil They were trying to gatu admittance to the woman's house against her will. It is said tlitti Mrs. Corwin has muniuJ and divorced seven husbands. ed. VAN AMT 1, Friday. June 7 , ie.-.'. The 28c Albatross wiil wind up with the week. That's the way it louks now. event in Dress Goods sell ing as we ever knew of Tin stuf! is ending like t're "One Horse Shay"— with nearly all the colors in stock. Near centre of the Btore. One of the busiest, brerzi est places in tfce store ia I where the new-priced Frint As memorabie an ed Mohairs are. 37Ac Up, ...... a 1 BoulLweat of centre. Whatever kind of a rig the well-dressed man earns lor. We have it. Ready j made. But nine times in ten you'd never mistrust Irom cut or make or fit that it wasn't made to order. Look at two suits: Wide wale Cheviot Serge, dark blue, last color; dressy, ... ,, . . . ' ' fashionable, and the price Ls! a in of it ap iu it. u be $ I 6.50* 1 po- tr.eso Cl V;hat WC mean OUÏ Men's Clothing business to be. We are up to the mark « 1 rn^ hE r-vCfTWiie v P , UVCrjwne*e. we Tube lrOUSCFS. IO tVOfk in or go to church in. For tall men or short, or fat or slim. Shapes and stuffs and prices are right. Fine wool, peppered v.ithl glintingspecks of silk thread; two shades of color—a sort. of indistinct herring-bone stripe. You touch it; your finger tips sense the worth. You get a notion from in Of course the Boys' side ! doesn't sag. We're think 0 | them a8 Wtll as oi Ia ! the men. , ; TlllrtMn tli »u.l M.rktt Rtrtêti. way . u- jerseys, ot ft t less than COfet. con- „ | ^0 S2«50* will ' Si« and Hoor, Cbeîluut at. j elevators. Odds and ends 75 cents fade. Five I VVANAMAKFICB. A little lot White Lawn Dresses for Miss's and Chi!, dren have been rumpled and soiled. ue washing and 1 %right We give yoa half the price to do the washing. Yesterday $1.50 to $8. To day 7 sc to $4. 4 ( Second floor, Choatnnt street able. Five elevator*. Men's French-toe Calf w *ukenpbasts, "full com IT 10 U SCDS6, 1 hûlîd WClt. That mean , as e „ y and good a Shoe as ninety-nine out of a hundred men cares lor. Comfort and wear worth. Regular pii:e $6, To-day we make the prioe $ 5 . Like giving you $1 cash with each 6 to 9 J. All What are left of the Women's $3 Kid Shoes (lately $8) are in broken sizis. No easier way to make money than to find a pair that fits. Market street front, west of main aisle. Another number of the new 'Telia" Corsets. French Conti!, aU bone, and une dollar ! We don't know of another Imported Corset so good for less than $1.50. Second floor, first gallery, .1 un 'per street side. ï pair, widths. Sizes r ^ , , IceCream frozen Solid In s j x minute« and a h il( fll six minutes ana a nail. «JI course it IS the "Gern ' that dotB it. You CaO SCC it *»»*• To-day's work «ill 1 be Oil V&niila and banana! . , Cream, IfGZ^n Btf awbc.ïfies ; -»nd fro7 = n niiRtnrdc G , LUbturus. - lu 14 quart, $150 tO $6.25. IlMemont, nonhweetof cemre. JoHN W A y A M AKER ko j ; Hons a ® i 2 b : Ccal and Wood Flour and Fesd Lehigh Coal Schuylkill Coal Loe Coai. mar, . r ort, b 1 All grades of Spring and Wii ter Wheat l iour. j * Ö 7 ^ AU kinds of Mill r ia Careful drivers and 2240 !bs. to 1 tlie toil guaranteed. Try a ton of Lee Coal for Su liter use. Office, Yard and Warehouse, Minnesota Flour Hungarian Flour Lea Fleur < ■ In Barrels or Half Barrels. rig j in 817 WEST FR*J; 4 T îi i | ! .S 1 '} Kr '. BL001 '. ' ' Winner of ist premium, '*?»■ 1 it \Tiil «. 1 AilU • 'Oak or Pine 1 \ n Iv ■ j Wood in j Blocks ol* S'llit I ' ^ u ff i •B »1 n/AC, BEAU Sffi i ■' Stniuhird roiling st.ibior i.v.\iie\, 3 '-:j I. OUÏ to For j fat ; stuffs ureSlate Fair •I bail'll high bil l, »«*>.; v.ithl rl V; : sort. - nl your .• rmaii 2 Ô, alreof Lula Tills nke t In* Sit; 1 ^ Ptalli. vill • r 1 I Ins . a* l'iiii; 1 Ina pike, •» '»till nl 1 1 tui ni'toii. flo H » WHITE IIOWSE il i ring J ' from .00 lor the season. mid mm r. further pariicuh ULEARViMW FARM, Del lev tie, Del. alO DELICIOUS SUMMER DESSERTS Are made in a few minutes with BELT'S CONCEN TRATED LIQUID RENNET side oi Zi. JAMLiJ JJLLT, 1 * —UHUCUIST,— SIXTH AND MARKET STS. ends cents I A ttkntion—all i'krsons ue ! il string «'rugs pure and chemical» or with ! prescriptions or privat« receipt, '"Vïf * lî^BKlN«*! i ell eel, \\ lluiin K't'.ii, u2«-ir I ] «'arefully Five No. 4.7 i Del, AMISKMINTÜ RAYMOND'S VACATION EXCURSIONS. All Traveling Iiih>din Iuclu«l«*d. A patty will leave Philadelphia, July 22, for A O ham» TBlr to the Monday, YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK : with a complet«* round of all the » lerest ln Am-rlca'» W<»u<ierlaii<L thorough n.arve •. Inrld.ntnl vb or In Insyiectliin I ' Niagara Kall«, Delia Milwaukee, o.-uuouk>w,,c. ,„ v , Wisconsin. St. Paul. Mlnn»-apo I«, klinuehaliM, l.nKc Minnetonka, tin 1 iainous "Ha«l l.tnili" of Dakota, : Fatla of tlboVO, FlITKF.X TliU'S IN hading «•»stern resort«. htt-TKMitKii », Meeond mid I.nt Tour to Yel low-tom- Niitlooal Park, aud Two Kxcuralona •iptlvo H rcnlur», «!«• to Ca II torn U. to • >» int for d«' ttignatiiiK w li< Purk Tour or ••Fifteen July Trips'' is desire«!. ■i 5 - RAYMOND A WHITCOMB. Ill South •«•ot, utul«*r l'ont lueiitiil Hotel, l'liiloii«'l|iliiit, I'u. (J RACE M. E. CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL EXCURSION -.TO: CAPfi MAY, ON THURSDAY, JUNK UTAH, 1880 , 8TEAMER REPUBLIC. foot of Fretuh btnet Train loavi Music by Grace orclmutra. TICKETS fl.OO CUBSCRIPTION EXCURSION DELA WA UK s'.ûxu KKIIU.N'U —CAPE : ON MTKAMFH ON 81 NDAY, JUNK lrtTH," 1 W fool ol Kreuch MAY, I IT 111 .It'. Train* win iruve \\ mm,.-,-.. ... follo . T - Fmuaa.pma .„„J Ï ™ . 2 ?" ,. P a«», »«.low, lOHiiVusiaTln., *uiV« ' « au«i m e. p . m . *«». (üw l r Ä,ioöo. «n ^ 7 Æ lotwo.ic •"* T HE ANNUAL EXCURSION KPWOltTH M. E. SI NDAY SCHOOL OAKLAND GKOVE, PA., ON TIlUtsDAV, Jl'NK üth, 1 Hy Hrami r •* •I.*»«*." Ilyatt... lytlif excutil 11. Il*» Elle«: l wti»rl Philadelphia, Wilmington and baltimore Railroad. MA V i V), 708 , aud ii" It .'»■a. ffia»"!? 11 »1 a in *11 iLUlîI»fffhî <\ } "Vv'scv jî s.» ivs'ir* ^ tM - 6w ' {y ko a, m., ' ' Kor Newark (Centre) and luicrxifetlaM A'.oumin« iiatiuu. <■ Hons ,7 ♦•». m, . 12Maud Ull p. Ha.tlmare an<i luUjrmeJIala »uiJona 10 lia M'lp.m an t 1: IS NUlit. Ha.'i 1 mort- an.i Hay Line, b IS p. m, Hauiiiiore and V» aEntngtun, »«», si, »11. a 11 V?»-" 1 - * Hi, ® ® kk, ' 1.. 7 ♦» p, in. and 14 |. h l*f!it. Trrtlna r«»r Delaware Dtvlstou leave ior; ... . « on. h BO, a. «i.. libs z-a. 853 , i 2 b p. m.. and IZ Ob Niant, ^ Goorirel»>«v and Kg we», Hi) a. B.,8 M p. Beal« rd (L-ipreta), t V) p. wt. Harri iu«t«>n. I»«*i«nar, and MaUan*. jHapraas for fia^tnKton. 8 M> D. »* Wa| Èxpr«*âVôr m l>oTer, Ham*«toa. and lMi mar, n«» NUUt. _ VranUUu (ïty, "» „ Al _, .. . Kxpreaa foi n nÄkV 1<1 lrolal r ort, and Nor'olk. t 20 ivcato ptuadeiiilita. Hr'»ad Street, for Ki1.i«a»u (gx|. r' ,»), HU), 7 727, - , T, 1J to, 11 54 a. m., -' 3 02, H ui, 40\ .6ZI, . .2 t,. «07, 8 57, It 27, Il X), j A ccomniodatton, Wll* b 1 C, a. w., i,25 1040 , aud il M d.i j * i c * 1 i ^^* t 'fall*l*laiexpr««») i (jo, 2 5 ; * AcGonjui«M!atlon,'8 I 3 *a, ***ljî£ V«»r « .'.«.u- .-Vge ereaa?' m ' Ö 7 L 7 '■¥-. an 1 »o 00 1». lu. ^ Accojnmo.utlnn, Ht , 1 * 12 !'•. 2 27 , B 1 Bl a m 1210 . 119 . 00. a v*, tu, , 6 Zi, 7 06 and ¥ tOA'l Lamokln, jMEjLboDa«, Old Poiat Con/or t, ' Klrkwomi, Ml'taitujwa, < iwyvor D«>v«r, riiilon, Harrington, Url-Ue ■ ,! I.. H^atorrt, Kam*. au«l Dc.Iiuar, lki )5 Night, Baltlinor« nti«1 W ajhlnguu, i «■ A. n«i I | «. in., ttw. * : NK-ht. Kv '»• more. 8.00 p.n.. -IM.tU<leli<l»tB, Hio«n mr-ct, • ^jliiKton (e xgree »l| *V j 'jrcommfHUtiomB.BB.^in.z^A. **,, u.»,«,oa, I ' For farther Informatloa! ff rr»»1 io the ttcli«*l oftice el t_ _ i Traîna marke«! time <*) art linltel e«prca b r.»n wi»l«*h fTtra »areU Cnaraed. , K. PUGH. Urncral Manager • Luiru*er* are Lne »laaon. — -- --- - J. H. WOOD Ge&erai l'aaaeaier Air*- I ALT IJlUltl'. \ OHIO R At I.IIOAD. mTioüuUj •B TRAINS i.i:. K DEL. AYR. DE 1 MT. ; . l.A F. T.: .•7 a*», »to .'jr, 1*. Y »1 *2 1.1, 1 9 . Ù i ■' lu »i>H, 5' !»• v h- r 11« »i: 05 °' lui ». dally, excopt 1.; both 1.; both «tally:'. lay. P ii' iimatl ami A. 1 '< »M M OUAT :'i»Jf, •» P m p. •! I '.I I : • iiimI f» in i » I T 'liiladeipliia !*• P; llaltirii(>r«i. u I'lk «lay I I' I I. l'. !'■ ■ ù I. îî'nu.'Utilly, c -3 daily. •I a.III., daily, i-xcejit ßun i'ILMIWOTOW. '■|>t S "V. riu p ».»I 15 , 4 JO ti H», I't 10, II .1 Daily, «.'xci'iit Miininy, in., »1 45 , *3 Jo and & 25 4». Telephone No. 10 . 1 . «»-Kann to western points lowor tliun via any »» R Iflnn-t 7 25 n. i. bunday unly. * •r line. . St l LL t . 1 . T. ODF.l.l heu l Malta, Ocn'i l*aas. A^u OR. MIESTERFELO •MBOUTll VUU 1 IT 1 I sr., PHIL»., 1 *A. Thirty year.' juractlce lu Oie special .i hy tl ue with ! ft, i incir money, K't'.ii, have hoard W I and 4 loup. i '.»tleuts who li»v v . lo i. fi-6)ut BEE HIVE n 4 « 800 Market St This k Star-ling lews as Handsome new Chaliies at 50. Very choice styles and fine 8c. French Batiste, new. Special and rare bargain in White Goods. Ginghams by the load, good styles and quality, 7c a yard; better cnes at 10, li|, 18 , 2 Sc. Swiss Flouncing», strlc'ly new styles, 45 in. wide, 50c up to jî.oo a yard. Children's Lsce Caps, all marked down. Having decided to give tip keeping To Silit, Wool Diets S ods Shawls,ladies' Jackets,&c, We offer you our entire stock of them at a IHscou ni of IO Per ('cut on a dullar; so that $y.U0 will buy $10.00 worth oi Dress Gcods, Silks, Shawls and J ackets bona-fide sale and no ad vertising dodge. ,. P , ' e n This is a 1 rill) ml hi 30G MARKET STREET. U NITED STATES FUNERALDIKEG TING COMPANY. NO. 1 EAST £ 1 g 11 TH STREET. 1 »p*-u Ua> au. I night, tin: liutiibb-st tn 1 »-i roduetiim 1« ii" It .-Vï'lu' 1 1 it- ini«i } {y ' ' • «lin.: P -luill In W li'i'n «!«•!« tSi tn |H»S 11 loll biml in -ni'idw •* "I I!,,' Li nie. It is iboiighttiil ci.i'« ;1 V tli,' , ... , 1 j l " V do 1 11111\ Uiiow I "* . j V lYi-taUim ii •a-payment their P' OpI' Ol « ... . N - purlieiilurly 'I i .. .clpliin. I 1« 1 >Ut\ 11, mill lia» joiiipiinith '** •■••• al ise til. «I !!« d a Illlee.* lift \t \\ lliuliiglon A Nui tlier Tima unie ui eo.ok, . Have \\ Uu,ln«um (Frtuch su IUomHuk, Htrdaooto, J it, A ayuoulmrc JuucU tu, i', Allentown, I Gtlleaud all point» on u i«Ä b Hprlug s Lei au» o ., 7 .'W a. in.. 2.10 anil 4 . v.>p,m, LtrlufE n«i«l, VVayneEbur* JuncUoo, Coatesvllle. Embreevlie. Lenape. cbadd'i • Ford an* Dupont'e and lnU rine llate pointa, Kwr CualeaTlile* 7 . and ' . ii p. m. I lTiteriuedlaie rolnu ,.<► ■. in., 7. ii i M) and 5. io ». m. For W e»t Uiiealer, 7.00 a. ««.. Oan U I ' 4 p.m. „ Dally except haiur.iay and Sunday. For Ntw Hrlige and lnurrmedlaU- pointe Saturday ouly at 6. i; F.Wp.'a. anÜ ; <>n Sunday for It* adln* and intermedlaU point«, »ta.rtBa. m., an«t for aprluxlleld and . Intern»e<l1atc iioluu at b.J'p. in. A. G. MrCAUdl.ANU, HOW N R8S BKIGUi. Superintendent. Gen Fas«. ' .'jr, Y\ riUU.NGTU.N STEAM HO AT CO. Sirs. BRANDYWINE .v Ujtv of Ciik* und after T »tli, will 1 1 r 1. liileliilii.i ( liostnut otruot »ut a stop n t « ' Hook Ti ». 87. HAY MARKET NO. 7 i:t WEST Fin • N T STREET, (Between Mad' Drive ilirougii f HAY Bit EDS AND KI LL BTAULINU ACUUMMUDA'I iu\a Full FA KM K HS. FAlKBANK'd Hi AND AUD SCALES. E. \v. MURPIIEV, Proprietor ami City Wei^h-Matuer. uiH-im FOB IHK « niuuiUMATI DR. PENN INÜT0N n. KKUliiTBBEU fll VÄlüIiN, B^eclallfct 1 1 Ma m a Women and promptly and • »3 ami IrreguU- I -nenlly cured. Con ! ■ultatlons l.y uiad or ai OL.ce, 4 U N. FlilladeipUla, 1'a. ! rATItlCK FAHEY, »«;. «as. imi i ni itrn Nr., I Carpenter, Contractor Sr liuilJe i FBtlinalt s iuinlxhed. BaU.I.n •.i m guaraulecd J.n. The Great Men's Suit Sale, The money saving is eo great that it don't matter how the season is, they're going fast. They include thousands ol the finest business and Dress Suits. The fabrics include all the popular ones made up In the very latest styles. It's a charm that none can afford to forego, as twice the figures asked for these garments are asked elsewhere. A CHANCE FOR THE BOYS To deck out in all the newest styles and patterns at a very insignificant sum is certainly to be had with us. The hundreds upon hundreds of Boys' Suits. In HAERY HART, Tho New York Clothing Manufacturing Company, No. 3:6 Market Street. e^P. JOSEPH STOECKLE'S DIAMOND STATE ïIÈÊhÆSBb : ■ Lager Beer —AN 1 >— Porter Brewery ty. ■;r. 1 ® WILMINGTON, DEL. Office and Brewery, N. W. Gur. Filth aud Adams Sts Telephone 183 . Depot and Saloon Nob. 223 and 235 King Street. ■ t «it jfiiai .«i B I ale phone 230 . Shipping a Speciality, ft 2-6m ADAMS & HRD Tlmt to and BABY CARRIAGES which are not surpassed by any house In the city for price, style and quality. Velocipedes, Tricycles, Express Waoons Dull Coaches, Hammocks, Croquet, Base Ball supplies, Fishing Tackle, etc. ply REFRIGERATORS and a House furnishing goods, as low as good goods can be sold. lceCream freezers, the best In the market. Win dow screens and screen wire door frames. Fire works, Flags and Lanterns. not ADA1V1S & BROTHER, NO. 504 MARKET STREET. m 23 -eod-l m nr.rwLt QUALITY f^T'TO -AND II PRICE. ! Wc tlon't starve Quality to throw a bone tu Price. In other words,tve don't slight our work or use inferior trimmings to tcm])t you with a low price for poor goods. None but tlie Best Clothing fur Men,Youths, Boys and Children. ■i I' il t«™* \ß' sixthTcuesSt sts., jO'J I'llll.AI 1 A, l'A. J aud |*j EADQUALTER« FOR PRIME FAMILY COAI CAREFULLY SELECTED, CAREFULLY SCREENED, CAREFULLY DELIVERED. ENNEBEC ICE & COAL CD •9 2 <J SECOND AN» N.HMO &TRKSTS. JOHN M. SOLOMON 9 -DEALER IN COAL, PLASTEEIUff HAIR, CALCIÎIEL PLASTER, FIRE ERICK AND FIRE CLAY. WOOD, LIME, SAND, CEMENT, FRONT AND CHURCH STREETS I ! I 1 ! pi WILMINGTON, DELA WARF». ! Main oüice Nu. Il West Third Street. A A the LEADER m i PHOTOGRAPHY * 311 Market St. J. A. IIEAKN, flee. autl Tinas. J.n. CLEAVER, President. Cleaver & Hearn MFG. CO., No. 221 Market Street ( SOLE AGENTS FOR JEWETT'S REFRIGERATORS —AND— ICE CHESTS, Dry Air Circulation, Charcoal Pilled. Superior in finish and complete in appointments. Parson's and other makes In great variety. Jewett's water coolers and filters with other makes. Lightning ice cream lreez Oil stoves in all the im proved patterns. Store open Tuesday and Saturday evenings. TELEPHONE 124 . e^P. I t.w.f-lm IMPORTANT! WE HAVE LAVA FLOOR PAINT Tlmt will rover well end dry iiaiiii MG iiT. They withstand e\jKisure to weather niul t Le war of waffling, hence arc imperial. y applicable fur Piazza and ivile.heu Floortt. PREPARED ADHESIVE WHITEWASH, Mixed in 0 minutes ready for Anyth apply It. materials only reparation. It i.s in a paste form sim ply needing to be thlnno«! with water to proparo for tmo. Nothing roisoNuus U«KI> I? Hard in this 'OMPDSmoS. White and 8 cofora. Can lie applied with tho greatest caso and facility, and when dry will proaent a smooth, rich ami even surface, which .E 1 TIOM TU E I* Will not ltun Tuts whitewash p«issf.srhs strong D1HI N FRCTING PltOPKUTlICR, Ulld fan ho effectually during healthful the walla of apartments Itnpregnft'od with the germa of disease. Roaches, A uts Piles, Moth, etc., do not like it and will leave wall where the whitawaeh la upp'ied. d in cleansing aud rooma Wood Stains, Walnut Stains, Mahogany Stain, Cherry Stain, Oak Stain. V«>ry handy for Fly Sore«-ns, Frames, Hall Floors, Diniu|;-Room Floors, etc. ROOF PAINT, Made of pure oxtfle of iron, that will etii-ctHffully resist atmos]ilieric exposure aud preserve any tin or shlLgle roof. No. 5 E. Fourth street 5 PHILLIPS & KANE —PAINT DEALERS,— Wilmington, Delaware. FISHING TACKLE! Haying ^received a large Fishing to offer the »-JOINTED AHU RUDS. 1 «•JOINTED Afall RODS., 2 -JOINTED ItAMHOO KODS.!. »-JOINTED MA&IIUIO |{>ilid «-JOINTF.D ItAMHOO RODS . »-JulNTED HAMHOO ItODS. HA.Nl» AND i. HIDES. . «i (J n <J 'll 1 » n f; ' A su " r In KB ' ' ÄÄ'iaaftÄ 5 ®' Come to the old eaui.llihod house of • 18 c • 76 c EF.I Edward Melchior 214 KING STREET. WILMINGTON, DEL. food»* * 0r l ' r '' ce * lui ul üa » e hall» aud sporting Golfs Giant G lobule s liivlgoraut kan»». Cure, "Nkr- - . -• JT Y, '' and restores • , Li*»t Vigor'* I 1 ! ® DrugKlMs or t \ inall,»!. Wllicv pi Et.lFlU W)„l'liiUikiphla, 4 'a. mlleod-row A OENTS TV A NTED—FIFTT ACTIVE A *- , mrn ®"d woinrn for the t'PBt »nd m».,t adVrJ.Y û 0r r' '* Kur ,u " Panictdar, ad'lrt». l., tUl»oUtce. mAi-.aAiu-« l^OU RENT—AT CLAY MONT, DELA * "an*, at the foot ot Myrtle avenue on the , ,rou L * lame residente, luruUlttd; wlilt getabl»'», milk, best abundance. Perfc«'i|y healthy. K. N. HAl.liWlN, * w'm*" i' 1 « 6,a,,on ' or No. 22» a. liroad at., 4\LIU, ja-it Publie Sale*. fpni'STEE'S SALE REAL ESTATE. By virtue «if n Cliiiticollor «if i Vi tho lâth «lay bo OApoiroU to Huh- at April. , public w UN Tl LSD AY, TIIE lltli HAY 0» .11 \i: at 2 o'clock p. h, , t at the I»ocr Park Hotel, in ( itatle < 'utility, D» tlü.-M'1'ihed roul catuto Cmianuhey, . , v «* ' Thoiuu, 1*'. H .»i'i n<t tint«-«! lit I'eiii iidor »nuthorfy* si<lo ol bounded by Hum MeCotiutigliey deer TIlontllM Coin, of tho In n Imn, deem »cd, of the «• Woottwnrd, «tac«*it!»f»d, und lit'iHtlHiui ere« .. km, 2 rod* and 15.42 pin hi, ' ff •Is • 1 ,i .1« 1 •••»IV' Ma Attrndnno«' will bo glv >o of Tliotiiiis it. Mr« Ur by J ami:m il. 11 or k » A ' Attest: ( ti.iRl ks 11. MeW UcglMtcl .. tV. sttdhnm A pUBLIC SALE Will bo fold at public sale hy «odor of the Levy Court at the Third • tm' i.tij city of Wilmington, ou SATURDAY, JUNE 15 , lS-;i, At 2 o'clcxik p. m., The drnw «)f Third atreei : other lumber, to 1» r* I purchaser ut teu days' it*-lieu Levy Court. I ridge 0Vf»l I 1 y U« n. D. 11 H'KM.W L. W. PtidiiamA «"N, aim ' Telep» No. 1 PUBLIC SAKE. Tim Mtbarrlli«T will sell a» . al Hu- drove j «nt <»i Lew Cablle Counljr, Del., .. rrn -, C'hrlstUn i* u'f; MONDAY, JUNE 10 , m ». 40 hoa«l ofrraah coniam i w El.irk Lull' r.iiinlv. Pa. Dinner at IX.« i':.l 'Vom! hi'. mi. khi nt. I TUM.IC HALE OF STOCK. Wilt tie Milil nt piilillc «al it Cerner, Ikliwm dunnty, Pa., on ■m MONDAY, JUNE i P , , n Head or rarefully «cli-rtr l iU'.tv • '.V?. n < .li and aprluKcra S »inch u . . h 1. loi ol nice tliriHr alioatB. ThUaiork D Iron« WtStraorelaiiH •1 t o.. IN.. will c nsUt «il larfc sin 1rs. Don't form-t Um lime to tills Two auil four inonOis' rredlL ,KV A AM, "Ä. A. C. faharploes, 1 >UBLIC BALE OF GOOD t'»\Vè. I Will t.e hold at H,r ItellciM Mold. WllmtnRtoii, « » SATURDAY, «JUNE 15 , is.- 1 .», 2niita<l^oi llrst i«! «••ye. laUy for till . >• 3'.»l yl.^hiÂÏkkt lt * rc 1 ». W. Mi ll,:i 11 A bon, AuctE. Tel« iilioue &fj. M« ( 1 >UBI.IC SALE.—CURTIS Af. TA L A LEY, itilniluKtralor «»f Mary Talley, «le r.ubilc L- kale, near Hraud^wtne jicrsonnl )>r«»|nTi> > of ecant'd, ftalc to cuuiiueacc al 1 Mary te». >i:BLIC SALE—OP 18 00 FEET Of ÏÏVoünhSf: 1 Hydrant Kin'» Au« lion Kooin, VV. BT 1 DUAM k M»N, HOIKLH, MPHE NEW GOLUMiH A, Ulifiia June JAMES MOON KY, Owner. F HANK II. UIKDltimt. Jc8-8m (Lataot the Hotel Lafa>ette), tMior. MAY, N. J. Ü OTEL LAFAYETTE, CAPE MAY CITY, N. 3 . -open all ttu- jrar. 8tr'-i* ly urn i l»«!, s tuat«- i «Hre< tly «»n Uu* tun a. «>l»poait« lrwn 1 'Ur. Violon D anuluot. Prop. G° TO M, GRADY S CHEAP SHOE STORE, 234 King Street, Where you will find all the lat est and newest styles of Gents', Indies', Misses' and Children's fine shoes. Wc have a full as sortment of Russets in Gents', Ladies' and Children's Shoes aitd Oxford tics. Wc have many different styles in Ladies tipped button shoes from $1.50 up. In Gent's wc have a full as sortment ofCalfskin, Dun;.; '1 and Kangaroo, and in pattc-nt leather low* cut shoes and lip* P crs * AH sizes and prices to suit every one 234 King street. riSi v. My fatli r < 1 lu*t oflt.a s Itil ol It, uud m y own »Lut I maMlm.-'l, my mother d! My Mrlliign «l»4>«iaraiu-< "H : "7 imtllgiiant («liar, euiugln* a way u,at It could not !>- •' » 11 ior roua 1 i-inedlM were iuM>d iui It. ■ • Cancer grew bt.adllv worse, u illlii »«•■"»; Hint 1 wuj dooined L> !<»lluw the ull»*« 4 "» II v. 1 took Bwlft'a SiiflBc. which. ■ first day, forced out Eli«.- p' 1 ' 1 / I taken si t » «*1 ' l found niy-elf well. I know ll.iv Wlnuloii, N. c.", Nov. 2 «, 't>H. Buul ior llooli un Can rer and HI TntiBwjrr 81'tiifii < "• Drawer 3 , Allan"«. ■. It continued m 5-',« v«.;-, ,„r.«G W^-VÎ rj^HOMAS MITCHliLL. Furnishing Undertake» Practical Embalmf.k, NO. 413 KING STUFET. Residence 1105 Madiaon street Tele phone call 312 . It. MAIiriN. FURNISHING UNDEIiTAELU J. EMHALMEft, NO. GO* SUll'LbV SfKFKT. I-TNIUUÏ CALLS .tl«i"l«l t promptly. yiMON [General Furnishing Undertake« SEV 0 OI sinK'" GUTHRIE, NO. G'i3 FAST