Newspaper Page Text
N. LY. ]n \;:z. gatatflgagg forge white, carter, G I ■wïs&y^ "«iÄ&r 1 PS' .v:, -äärfl ii., W.NINGS. A Stt i t's N 1 ) NAILS. laSi'S 1 CHUS, J1 BECKETT 723 Market Street. FURNITURE, CARPES, UPHOLSTERING, In all its branches. Under the I charge of a first class Men's, Vouths', and Boys* CLOTHING. This department is in charge of Mr. S. Keller, who will give all callers cheerful at a per. feet fit. Discount on all sales for cash Weekly or Monthly payments Lices marked in plain figur •c. MALARIA. DR. SIMMS' VEGETABLE RIVER PILLS \ï ïx 'unV" .«a principal depot, OURTii AND KING STS 1 COU MSI*, «J*v, N. J. . .'■M&Stey'siiv JAMl.S M(j jM-sm ë CAPE lY V, ( dVS STOVES .f;r U : ' vSttW« t . ' I . Y , «oKlsftCMEBIackine A LASTS A SfîOW DCS'T AfFSCT 0 Kssr F h RANDOLPH. PKILÄDE SAMARITAN —^ I ervine ÏÏSE 11 Nervous and Blood Diseases MB 'ŒÆilfÆ!; MjMat I3Ü NkïïTk (:mmnE ÄJÄi Ï The Dr. S. A. Richmond Nervine Co., St. Joseph, Mo. SSSfKh F"ï K RENT OR WILL EXCHANGE A Vs" «JluKinv, Illicit SGdniiig'umi sss^nwsw up A HELP FOR « isrsis, yy ANTED- r.ELÎ A RLE LoÛa£ AND iV TO FÄÄ, Ä A Ä WÄÄX.Ä west cornel Of boveutb and King Streets, JU.Otf w I MEDIATELY, HIANTED—A COLORED BOY TO yy ANTED.—BOA RDliitS tsa&s Ills AT M as.r l 1'AIN "'•Ä-u WANTED.— A MACHINIST WIIO Ti. •A iffil Ä«. pOR SALE OR RENT, OR EX pOKSALE-TIIR FUR. X 1 F AP, A GOOD SALE.—IN FIRST-' 1 < IT F°u B . -A 11 STORY BRICK i^r l^OR SALE-A GOOD SURREY, IN J^OR SALK—SIX SHARE« OK UNION BAD COMPLEXIONS. ass i:* any city lu Ai day, Many per trlt d of the H« is w A b d d by Impure blood, and ÄW! n way o r kt The Mood pmc !s by « E and 1» c •K the ayetctu Is of hin il Then '[Utfk ly, mid lea Vf a Mi ay* If, pure " a the body In the lewd., i the a» Sprudel Ä5 t ht; law,. Whou It l> £Si,3 Ä I» the pare with la bCit, wi ■t, only what lb I 1 bottle i b In a only tlu- Carié ü'ÄVs"', .,1 d free Co„ 0 New York. It If of L ar „ iFïlïïî of ol spit« of being ssiJSniïS? ITS 1,1 ib plan I» ful ln |) la U h e older branching already flow.-red. r:v of of y«.nr previous sunimor, stiftlght ahn ts si r?c of the Irom the |*M> whlt-h tlit-m«-.-: in it ÄSf. ".' 2 Vrh_ We 'SS^VS^SSSS Dr. au A . Apply of Ftrcet. Shad my »är: all parta of the city. of a. B. l.y H. F. Goto .. t r. A Co.'s for It Ss?SiS5:S thc , uS P phof>H;r , "pli 8 aïM NEW STORE, NEW GOODS and BOTTOM PRICES NO. S15 TATNALL STREET, OIL ( LOTUS, CARPETS, UHF, Oh LADIKS' CLOTU1NQ, Weekly JG- lux DAVID ABRAMSON. REAL ESTATE s Cï! H. D. WALTER No. 8 West 7th Stecrt, PATRICK FAHEY, Carpenter, Contractor & Builde .«ia ST 1 of ti!o ii.-.iy told iiy »p «Mallets that heart, e < \ ; i, • «)«' î S S d-vud. Yet a Tin 1 ana of «elf-prcb ÄX. As with t-e heart with the eye . » by the.... h '«Itli and vl duuui" and trtvud | Hi-.,, un i-cl: n p ; ow f1VS oarrl, « in In, eye the ■■tx the lin wlio Ml !>■ d,MS«r e tfj' eye. S3 It as To have LTA. ui : X. x ïî wrary ■■ In r<*.i i!ii< "Che S, «lier rsf trees, tli» find r The S ,B ïv Is to the a? ÄhlTi V^'To the rk. Theu let the In the ! w,<!!!;;:" id rai 1 Ito Vi 111 di ink In the words of Mrr. Ï4? all do 1 0 dy,incr V. ict 1 « 1 In ia »8 [rations for tplri uaî ibjh» will, i- dGuo whuk-hcartedl y, hr It la the plriéOpt-rUlly, A Is bill It al-o _ with a book. Let n of tho eyes :urb.the _ ti i ced he, but the Wid al.u trulu ibu of d jsr.lug Iu O and the secret of this Î2H mat if to t-lt Yc » •HE, nothing A uruduully i hook or t Of the foDKll'Swid .Trengtlf™ attain llu- JüluJ result. II not, j.,y hot l'oiuenfat of the „8 appliotl to 11,0 eyclatL.-s, call«! EsSSI veare t-dd by an ' JO : omen t\ the j SS If this bo s tho eyelid After .rajttuo of any foreign substance the eyJ jÄT-S-im les tends "Ta", -lash of cold of the eye, la o very waroi e. < > Patent LvÄ ITkV weak eyes, will, the a pulp; strain linell cloth lui von, the the Wrt water ant lay upon the eye C5 'SÄ.Ä'Ä I cj Ol d- rl. habits of 'Æ ol This Is S':;r;r. of c lu the hh tory of œ. It h*« iH'tMl RO d ir Cl,,,. .-»rnuRtly n. L zr. \ 0» ol the Blue the tirer II» »ratitudo bat prevented t hid We *t-hall give «1 if he ti of the hot' est kind r'Rht up w iïi'C 'X :ylus a tor. of Is 'iiiut u sud Tint it id much .»HO'hI Tint», marriages that not tasUo„ by u div. rarJy That there feuds tie unit 'its win 1 hay*' «1 keej er. Pliât it Is no "sockly of WUfctul .1 A No life billed l-ny Ä " l0 "' Cul h )lT'o, Yard, Ik,i Ojifii iu the Telep Why aus.. rœ r.m to TÏ ■ S; Vi N. U.l. Mi -rl t.i 2JU K i 11 btreet, htia u liirtfo etoek All the n< w tall 11 nd a..d be / Will make you 15 / J i best Cs tray :.c '» Catarrh, a m„r Gatnrrh, ülphtlurl«, ( ot Del. f Ä 1 Early \ 11 allow Ä Weir, of the Eighth e'.reet veKot'ülf» touch th°ey d ratt ß. AIpo fretail bul ä" '1 fir, It a trial. Fifty I it bottle. Taj \ . will Ol' ,U8U Fn.lay. 1 barri 1 . " a and dyeeatcry durlbg ic. bv lloo(.or*a Butter tatly at Ferguaoi.'p, il E. 2d. _ ORT MIESTERFELD ttt SOUTH FOURTH ST., I'll ILA., L* A. ÄÄ« WHY YOÜ 6rf0ULD ÜSE J EMULSION I * COD LIVER OÎIi H Y POP H OS P HITES. J by l>hy. l is Palatable L Ilil!:. plain Cod Livot Oil, t 13 far CXipcrior tO &U OthCT BO called Mions. ft is a perfect Emulsion, does no' j separata or change. It is wonderful as a flesh producer Consump tion, Scrofula, Bronchitis, \7ast It is the beet remedy for Sold by all rhugytets. 5COTT A DOWNS. W # MAKE EPS MEET Ret the lowe t ïiâ Trie family shoe house, P -Bsilily I, 200 Market St, variety of Ft into m A Fit PUSHERS, And Ho« »TS,*' ÖllolCS and aLlPiMSUS^ntid the fact that ii»r, iicoK moo $2.f.O to tfd.50. Men'« line ci5 T!o t '-*.25. Men's bicycle 91.73 to $3. 50c to v I 23. 91.35. Men's Men's base »»all shoes, from 9i)c f.0c to 7eV. only fl.'JO. , end y 'JOc. Patent leather foxed, French kid, » uek'C''"" J LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN. If JOB ami best, Family Shoe House, No. 20(5 Market Street, W . H. B A BCO CK. FISHINR TACKLE! iaAr*, K M Ed ward Melchior 214 KING STREET. DELICIOUS SUMMER DESSERTS Are made in a few minutes with BELT'S CONCEN TRATED LIQUID RENNET Z. JAMES BELT, —DRUGGIST,— Sixril AND MARKET STS J UÔT RECEIVED fiilontgomery's GHEAP SHOE STORE 5C5 King 8 treet, . ! tnoi ?, lm,r8 f ° r 86c ' Men ' 8,aw « hee "'.j'? 7 ri;' 0o iw. ,,l '' ojoul "'' worth ILT5; oniyfl.25. JXTÄ'TSSU 1 to 5, •SS&' MAHBLt.WORKS JOHN C MALONE, A GENTS WANTED—FIFTY ACTIVE ä5j$ssr*asi? J I Etery Bay Busier Two Days Ago We No tified You Through the Papers of the Great Cut in Boys' Clothing: I. ARGE AND ËMALL fclZES. j Now the buyers are after the Cloth that such ee-ld at such low prices. Ihty nr ver iug, ai;d aaton shed I Suits are being w euch cioth Ing for bo little money. ny are not satsenea witn : Suit, but are laying in a one There are no such supply, Suits t to be had. All the goods ate confined styles, and all o! the best quality. To «ee tnem on the b?ck8 ol the boys is to be better pleased, and the spreading of them around the city humes is rxi daily. keep uj) the sale till Suit is sold. Here are the lo*s: Lot 1'213-Regular price,gi 2 Lot 122S-Regular price, ïi 2 Lo 1061-Regular price ,$12 Lot 1122-Regular pric~,{Si 2 Lot 1311-Kegulir price,gi 2 Lot 1394-Reguhr price,$i 2 Lot 1('80 Regular price ,$12 Lot 1013 Regular ,$12 Lot 1264.Regular price ,512 Lot 1126-Regular price,$i 2 Lot 1115-Regular priced 12 Lot 1077 Regular price,« 12 Lot 1094-R-gular price,«] And 23 additional Lots. I 2 Ferfect Fittog AND Beautiful Suits from «12 Down to «6 They'll Be Sure To Go Quick. Lot 1328 -Regular price, «io r-ot 1324 -Regular price , «10 Lot 1319 -Regukir pricejio Lot 1062 -ltegular price,« 10 Lot 1526 -Regular price,«to Lot 1034 -Rct ular price , «10 Lot 1261 -Ilegular price , «10 Lot 1202 -RiguIar price,Sio Lot 1013 -ltagular price «10 Lot 1011 - price,« 10 Lot 1354 -Regular price,« 10 Lot 127 }-Regular price,« 10 Lot io 56 -Ueguiar price , «10 Lot 1054 -Regular price , «10 liOt iio 6 -Kegular price , «10 Lot 1072 -Regubr price , «10 J Lot 1133 -Regular prie -', «10 Lot 1296 -lteguUir price,« 10 5 hurt and Long Pants Suns Coat, Panis and Vest Never Sold Less i n an «10, and to lc se Out the En. tire Lot, $5. Now fur Men's Clothing N 4900 Pairs ol M. rousers. All styles. Dark aud light. Worsted and Cassimpre. Many ot the Lots have been $5 and $0. Now the price is $ >. Next lot $6 aud $7—go down to $4.50. A Lot oi 712 Cotts—odd —cost twice the money. The lowest price le Ç3 the highest f 8 . Every dollar's worth oi these goods strictly All-Wool selves in our very best man* 58 Serge Suits, Blacks only. $13 5° t° £i°; the cheapest and best in the market. WANAMAKER k BBQWN OAK HALL aiXTHAKöMAßKET PHILADELPHIA Thera's Money In t. Money is the magnet that draws the crowd of contented customers to I'ENNOCK & FOREMAN'S STORE. When friend asks friend why trade with Pennock & Fore tlie promptly "THERE'S MONEY IN IT." plain meeting of this Lan gauge is, that Pennock & Fore man sell good goods cheaper and more goods for the money than any other Merchant in Wilmington. You are not ask ed to take the advertisers word, take the testimony of customers, or better yet test us with a trade for a Suit The Our slock is simply immense coucring three large spacious floor. Pennock & Foreman, CLOTHIERS AND GENT'S FURNISHERS. 8. E. CORN Ell 5TH & MARKET STS., WILMINGTON, DEL. S. n. STAATS. JUST OPE MED Spring and Summer Stock of HOSIERY. GLOVES w AND— Gauze Merino Undeiwear fou Ladies, Gents and Children Parasols and Sun Umbrellas Childrens Shirred Caps SUN I1AT8. Ad elegant assortment. An early Inspection invited S. H. Staats, SO. 405 MARKET STEEET WILMINGTON, DEL. JOHN P. DOÄAUOE, Ale, Porter, Brown Stout and Lager Beer, Cider and Mineral Waters. JUSTUS Km''' 1 " Ä«S in Ju A Co. Wild Cherry Bitters. FRANCIS KELLY & CO., V! I! St)LE AGENTS fur the State mummim by :S3Si ici M ïîs/âwas A *'- stasis" HEADQUARTERS LACE CAPS ! tr* •arly aud get your 320 EAST 4TH ST <vk:; JA^ES A. CONNER, H' DR. PENNINGTON REGISTERED PHYSICIAN, *JS ? »Kt g ISEASES AND LOGD POISON, Is firr'Mr' IT COST F08 TEN DATS, I ÄÄ. \u* of larger the bui d tig 1318 CHESTNUT ®T In We kÄJ 6 ciIksto w,h r po vs 1 r ÖT. ."ÎMÎÏÏS erefore offer 1 Is not a of ÎSS ai tirât j xï:ï'S. H,;K ~ C.W. KENNE DY St CO. 710 Market St., AV11.M1 XliTU.N, DEL. 1318 Chestn ut Stmt. im. 11 m ass MEDICAL DISCOVERY. I»r Bell's TONIC PILLS ÎSS 1 JSSt CnAS. W. CRITTENTON, New York. GARDNER'S CELEBRATED ICE CREAM, Always fresh. All kinds of flavors constantly on hand. Pic nies, parties and excursions served at reduced rates. lias lately added electric fans for the comfort of customers. ISIlfi SSSa 6%?S2 'JW, J. B.Ü'À TKINS LAND HCPTSiStS LAWRENCE. KANSAS t *■ *7 OrECTACLES AND EI'E GLASSES '■ïïffl.œ'SKaî EYES EXAM I NED 1-TtEE. i'-i'Vo AYAIIS A- SON, MARKET STREET. UNIVERSITY [if VIRGINIA Ii,':, 11,1, ms u,:d 2a! *i?„w. Hi27fud&W lilt SWi-SlV' wou, i'rul. L> 'ALIFORM A. < m ti-tsr. M i CHANT TAILORING JAMES UARDINO,