Newspaper Page Text
kcr, publican Mtchal fid by Croula a trestle bridge weU; from the track u, i I,, and ti.« i.ri.i.J Th.Pushed ■« n Ue exprc ' Re*. eoârhn* in U nîi^*M l | C » * uJ . two being Swht'fMt Üi.« ^i 1 !? hShSÜi 1 sewer * 'r,La ..n *• G. 3 afford, route j tct and a !umt*r!>r lîli coM ' Postal Cl. rk, J.cksou »„d Saa« u '.ln jw- ■.-" M hat» fatally. r n i,; 3 a pruiu U T w Tr C pS a,,[,„lr,,cd Wl! !!îïïi"i V'l'c" ^ Gt mT r ^ Cy ' 0 I be Minister to Germany. Mr I help» re- tbat celvud his anjio iitment from thu rn si- by tbe dent s own baud«, doing over to the Uml blute Department, h!s commission was | whereat Immediately made out and he qualified. Mr. Pbelj post for tome :iine. THIRD EDITION. hew« Summary. The accident on tho St. Louis, Arkan sas aud Texas Rt»llr< ad, near Pine Bluff, Tuesday eveulng, was caused by the striking a ca engine was ihr MM dll not proceed to Lia new tho Cb«»p.'.ke J , r , "II '*>0 t,..Lk «•trnliy muni- 1 ,ve r e I baggage cars , Teo perfioua .cru , Ä l,„.t'ou„ ol when. I. not Ik.-ly rxcuV.r. | The Jeuulo \\. lvi.ight sunk off Sharp's Island, lu the chess | peake, yesterday aiterumm, t.y tlie freight ! Boggs •f»««r William 11. M.Ca-e. Cl.n Fisher, his wile end a seaman named that Barber were drowned. ha.1 taken midnight Avenue to t'o patro' ' sence si ve larly Uroi.Hi. A passenger train Alid Nashville Kill hear Bledsoe, Termes* Ing, and the pass -ng. i down a slxty The At En.euitriu, Lower California, Maclls, a Mexican, i'e, shot und I knife, in 11 e then tom Monday night, Sei becoming enragt d : Stabbed her with pistol flic ting ml tied sulci !e. In irtul wounds. During a quarrel between two colored r a game of curds, las' evening, In Philadelphia, Beniamin White, 25 years old, iu the leg. Ills assallaut Is not known. George Dix wai twem two c*rs ai Patrick Gaugiiau ooal doab, Penna., yesterday. atiot and badly wounded crushed Kohinoor Colliery, killed by ;i fall ol I Z> Packer Shall No. 5, at dlicnan death be ; to the rent Horrible Lyncliiiig ,, 8. C., June 26.—A bonib'e COLU! Czise ol lynching is repor e l from Union I County. Last Friday Daniel Gallium.«' youug white Knigh In the c-rs hi* jkj . j bis h n st *k I f <tl.l|'ped up 1. bur.. .ml drove ' P; . (dm cured » «lioi K uu. A. MvKmplrt lo.lo.ed ;'" k , e him be «.rued him to itur.Pul MrKu.eut " * j As ■•I'm Koiug tu kill you or you km ! I",""' ^ ^ 3 3 ; 1 ha'O. Uuilman thereupon emptied the con- | * b ?:, tent, of one barrel In M. ki i c lil'. h Mb, producing nh.t were..upp.j«d tot* m* bit.l Injurier. MeKniglrs in. ukr-u to » neighbor'« hou-c, where, a'Ur imcIt. "ould ion, he rem.lucd until At a I ..« Mll . I he 11 .* I nr. I brurhed hl"! '" tlia an, and Andrew Me .colored, a qu irrel in Gall 's buggy. McKmgUt tried to force Gallman out ol tbe t-u_gy. In the «eu Ille I cat tbe i.e • to esr,but not di ep :e terious Ueulls. Mc gar.l Gallman got groe's h at from enough Kulglit iheu Jumped to thu ground tried Gall mi to a neighboring ho attack Gallman lng surgi, -ul att* Saturday night, night, while McKulgbt fluor wounds, a knock aud immediately afterwards white men enU nwl picking up the wounded ; J hang u quilt sulferlu : « he sked 3 house and.roughly , rushed oil - l hu,î.ï7l î bl ; U , L * Vf"* I o™ addled U» p or »rolof. ti d> «ub .o,* ! .Uot ..,] „l.tol ball». I K1 " The body morning. The and iu several ball wounds. .McKuight's e. I le i I Nel turned discovered the fc shotgun I lurge a* one's places were pistol ! . Both , r , ... , eaping I . I 1 u ' eceihse, I make I owner I season I The but Kilrain tl g tit i* expected point on thu ()ueeu and C or the Cluclnati, New O, leans and Te FaolMc lta Iway, atppl line. The tail road offer«*! tho liberal terms, and the contra up last night providing lor 5.UU0 tickets, the prosjaîcilve fight having created j ment more excitement In athletic circles In- fully than either the Marc-Alleu or Sull.vuu By.u meeting'«. It was stated to-night that Governor I Nichols bad announced hi* intention ol ren'tngu fight, and would instruct | Gray. Sheriff ol st. Tammany to stop ll i bazKards. L<>' al t-entliu u • the tic lit is to tak.) place, is ) »ary. favor, aud it 1. terrible manner, zing fr mangled iu eutra'.ls were Wounds lu his side, coroner's jury came to h:s dt-ath by gunshot wouuds hands of uuknowu per Tlie lüg 1 iglit tie 8 Ml.-hir j John i I iug dr.. C . . deei* St. T almost uuaulmi.usly In i la th«; same way iu N<iw Tbe Kilrain people will let Sullivan' friands know their choice ot locali next Saturday, bet iu tho laKer c aud visit tbe si* (.All part the belief that the fight will co •it- j oil. Catholic Kulglit* Wash in«, slou ol tbe Rom Knights of 3t. Joan was i concerned the Beut-fif Fund and electi'VU of officers The place lor th« ! meeting will be Columbus, Ohl". j Officer* were elected aa follow*: Supreme •pliltual dlrec.or, Bishop Waltersou, ColurnbuH, O ; supreme c utmauder John Schuuler, Rochester, N. V.. vice pr, stdent, Willhiui T Graco Rapids; aecoud vice pre L. Herbert, Washington; * netary, Tni'O'hy J. Nolan, Cleveland; treasurer, George J. Math Ison, I'urkerBburi.', W. Va.: trustees, Lewis 11. L muon, Wash ft Gath L f ed . t .1. I •st I M • ( i m ol d J. J. Kir?her, Col 1 earer, Louts Schlagt r, Buffalo. The delegates ca led upon the 1'iesldent In a body. Wm. J. Mitchell, of Phil «delpbia, und MDs Lucy 8. Bower*, married by Rev. Wednesday evening a Olivet Presbyter!, lion bride's parents, No. 5u7 M< alter which the happy pair 1 delphia, whert they will resi le. this city, . E. '1 hump partouag Church. A •t.dCLC 8' v ft reut, lo; Plnld I I The History of the Johnstown Flood 1* , •1 Win. T. Tull aud his Interesting Book. pleted. Agents will commence todeliv ■cribers contains nearly Illustrated. The 8 meeting a large demand. Ushers have been compelled several binderies In order t< great demands of their agents. Monday 5n0 pages book Is well bound The I ' ; d is ■ i The pub- ! TLe first sb'pment of Delawaro peaches a s malu from Delmar yesterday, to J. ... Godwin A to., of this city. 1 hey | ï e L® °* ,he variety known as 11 ale's h Karly, and S"ld at •at'.sla' tory prices. W. 1,«. «là'»"' W.*Hp.d«r f. r «lx [ care in quantity lois, anl the good» beeu entirely satisfactory, and with- j Out a complaint bom a slnglu lUbt.mer. Httfttberaon & Elliott, P.rl,, T.xm, hclunure i'fi V I Home-nmrle Bread at Wcyl's, No. 7 East Second street. Think* Cronin U Alive. | Kanaa» City, Jttbo 26.-0, ft, Rotba- ' „ kcr, managing editor qf tbe Omaha Re., Fret*, publican Is In the city to vielt KOcorder Mtchal Boland. Mr. Rothiker was ask- dldate fid by a reporter for an opinion on the David Croula murder and replied: both Crouiu is not dead, lie Is allvo and rested weU; ^ will «how up In England bufore u, i I,, l m I 0 V' lUys '\ , , ,. . | Th.Pushed for an explanation for hi be ' Re*. Mr. Rothak er expressed him elf as for being positive that the body found In the sewer waa not that of Cronin, buta sob- on j tct obtained from a Chicago medical coM ' Ke <' »itiniitng Mr Rnthaker said: ■.-" M - 3 .'. b '_ lk : f . ll,al ft- I s * 1 '" . " r n Ä tb ened bj a t 1« gram aa lretstu o, a pruiu uent Irishman lu Omaha, which » mo. It .„sect Iron, CM 0 I cntcul» were lu tbo effect A. tbat positive aKsnranc- 1 had been received an by tbe sender that Cronin was still alive the Uml reqnesting information | whereat "U's. uis They j made ! they ■, June -0.—Tl.e (rand Jury S,*" tail« returned the in- J" J , r , mto thy C were ex.: 1 ,ve r e Hlclti-J. A deauiiltb r , Burko w , Ä tf*' Tk | Äm"" | announcement that Lawyer John F. ! Boggs «x-presldeut of Camp 70 of tho Cl.n na «Ul, by which bo y It I. held that the physicians death was decreed, ! 1» . ha.1 been p'aced under arrest, lie was | taken from his Icgdlngs shortly midnight aud locked up in the Warren Avenue Station. He was brought down to t'o late this alter toon In a patro' wagon strongly guarded by police ' ushered without delay luto the | sence of the grand jury. hour or more a volley of ques B ggs, but si ve repl'e.' were returned. He particu- f»*r larly reluovl to admit that aVortly before ; Uroi.Hi. murder he Lad made a bitter 'amp 20 denouncing the phy py. At tbe coilclu. I i case. Several w :i iued, but Winmî" i . igned b tore P, u formai c unded , The sensation of the alterne as the H. of in s< of ul 25 VH« fluni ol I Z> ; u British e; lie iv of bis examination h*> to the sta'luu. Humors rent that other Important arrests Ne I The |)hw Morder Ct Chaklbston, 3. C., June 26.—Dr. Mc s put on tho stand this morning In the Dawsou case. He presented a hag tvasive c-rs to a 1 questions. His story, brlt-fiy, that <'apta<u Dawson hi* offU-i- and said that he ln<d come t > jkj tulate with him (McDow) ag*io«t . j bis aiti utlon to the French niaid and to I f hls on (Dawson's ) ' P; cmlw * . alloj (dm a scoundrel aud ordered him <>utol Ids ;'" k , e ' »f«" L,lwt " n •{ r " ck , L '™ b ' »liot U.w S „„. j As Dawson fell, exclaiming, "You have km ! I",""' 1 M.-Uotr npliod, "?«, -, ; 1 ha'O. You came here to kill | * b ?:, 1 ' k V.Vi m r °n ., ,, . After klUli K D.* S on MeDnw dragged m* body to « clurct under to b ï, ry bu . 1 lh»t he "ould not do it, . ragged 1,1» body buck ''mLk '" 'r* b . I he wiped off the blood wHh a towel, I brurhed his clothes and then surrendered hl"! '" tlia F "='«*" Melk ep gar.l appearance aud into -examination, Hud his story does uot ; J hang together. « oil I o™ rk hl.: nleht u pimj of coloreJ ! *" '•*™ u ** 1 LuU * VB " UC I K1 " b,Ut ,lrert * TUf - v wcre liucc Trouble at Anbury. Ahih-ky l'AUK, June 26. — At 10 I le „• the building, which w h white pcoAe. Tho colored withdrew. Iu a lew i I Nel turned and A'ded I William rdy young colored in exciting fight took place him and John Krause, ! t'-nilant ending In the Both were fined by Justice Holme*. I To-day, the colored people, who . I 1 over the Verl-, Wldeü I make a test case of it Mr. Schnitzler, the I owner ol the carousal, ordered a lot of I season ticket* admis«! I The price marked but they will putrou* of the j ment laws of tnls 8l In- fully *1 Brudf rd, Esq., lligelu*, I "ithstaudiug ol | Gray. is ) »ary. Should it be In lavoro' it of both. tho building, them is $15 each, presented aebine. Till* evening lit ! white tie crowds of colored -b-nch walk aud excitedly discussed question ol tholr rights Tliu A*se*«meut l.ans The unconstitutional!ty ol the assess ! hus been pretty t.y the argument* ot E. G. d lion. Anthony Dover, not plausible ot j John Rodney, Esq., aud Hon. George buhtui ted to tbe Wednesday evening, and their talnlng the mutter will tlieu be brought be L\ S. Supreme Co •eiievcd that tbe rights ot properly protected, iiotwiibstaud i I iug the enductments ol the Legislature. . . deei* iou will l>e rendered bet , where it 1 nil Ihii Alftkirs. Helena, Montana, June 26.—There change iu the Indian troubles Flat Head hcBervatlou. A company > t militia is ul Jocko, to which j •it- j point 1,0<)0 rounds ot ammunition lias j »•ut. Colonel Lawson, ol Fort rt e days. Indl- ! trom various parts of the ro*erva- I the scene of and th« ! Missoula, bus Ohl". j three coiupanie netary, W. Wash ' : .iu;ry - flocking I he Indian* say they will . the murderers. t .1. I mined to have them, aud ttie will ensue. •st I hie. t glvt The Sheriff i« deter tcarud a A Jlrll i*li London, J Delagoa Ra; Ship Se ■A—The Con- | .y hi* asked that a msn- | •re to proteet the Inter- \ ests of Briti h subjects. It Is repotted I ckloa Portugal iu .n connteruOt British iulltieuce ' m Africa. Lord Salisbury in tbe House j ol Lonl* la*t. evening, * tu ted that the Governmeit had uarenestly requested Irom '»kin« h«My | Buffalo. ttia! Germany is ba und ing» 1 t( eousideruile d g ve time In which t fliculty H« declan d j wonld not bo within Portugal's > refuse to arbitraiu th« matter. reut, Plnld of 1 finp'iintujo I at tlio Uiîi'unucAN otiku to-day, in tho I shade: Flood 1* , 7o'clock his 10 o'clock 12 o'clock Hi 75 The Weather. I Ou Friday lu this city and section ' ami In New Eng and warmer, lair ; weather will prevail, with southerly to wi-st.-rly winds, .shifting to roulherly,and on Saturday warmer, fair weather. ' ■ i pub- ! Ite-l'itvlug Cutters. peaches a |g,„.d tax-payers, tailing attention to to J. the tearing up of several brick gutter.*, 1 hey | ;in( i repaying with stone, which hu con 11 ale's h |j er s & rather expensive opsra'lon. If the change Is made at the property-hol r «lx [ tUnk'u good» all wrong, and he wishes to know what with- j the proper officers have to ssy about the lUbt.mer. matter -- -- Everybody chow» Consort tobacco but those that are late, and they will in a few minute*. Ask your dealer for It. | rromlnént f ennsrltaniftpf A&ested. I ' „ R*adi*ö, Pa., Jan« 29.— I». A. fi. m. Fret*, a leading poMtlcfan of Berk. 1 county, baring been thé Democratic j dldate for Congre«, several tirhel, àfld ' -, David M. Kline, ex-ju.tlce ol the peace, *-e*t both of Fleetwood, th 's county, were ar- \ rested this forenoon and taken to Pbila- 0 East dribbla for a hearing to-morrow before j | United State. Commissioner EdinunJs to place au.wer a charge of taking exorbitant fees n« for collecting ronslou c-alms, it beleg t ,K«? alleged that $300 was charged in th caeo on which tlioy were an eeted, the amount ! F - collected being $1,1U0. Frelz'a sod was streets, recently appointed pot mas, er at Fleet- 1 The . " od ' but _ b " Ilot > ct bt "" ™ui U ,l«luu,d. club, T- *~ " A Largo Excursion. ' nrnmi.nv Tbe M. W. Harmony Orend Lod«., F. A. A. Y. Him. withtheir Irleudijmade ] an excursion fo Atlantic City, N. ,1. the steamer John A Warn The has W. Milk , cheese. St coud - -, to-day. They turned out In large numbers, aud j made a veiy creditable appearance as ! they marched down King stn-e*, acconi S,*" ,ed ,, b J,, *. b *?'J »'"»I«- T*>« boat , J" JJ'» l ^U ,| ed »"d 1(11 tbe wh»rf «bout j John fined Court C*'OKIN » i liArK—t'OVLK—At < uiuden, V. y JL ev ' r,,U! '- M - ,>u (V.ylo l,, ! 1» . « ,, | f»*r late residence I »claw ; ^ «treot. Interim f 1 ran ® ï *'O» Ueiiwtery. * ..-Vi, V,, , I i '"' lnat ' 1>a,,lal Mouuover, i . bilde ° f Tege table*, ITult, produce | Uo P, u , r ;i "" c "u be had at Welsh A: aud c 8 Eleventh and Atlams ' make , Oeah and aal u,. | The IKXiralt rapher, MAKKIF.D. A. ßhipley in the Mi-* Sulliu etc Knst fifth street, .lune With, bv Kev. .Iimos H. I nibergor, Uitilnne-ll \V. Itaiiilm, of vVilmlngfon, and Mary II. Puiicrson, of 1'htludulpliiii. 205 For makes at the Market DIED. agent Company, Mr. firm Mr. 015 The s< (>T T.—On the 25th instant, Jane, wife of Wtllium Scott, uged «nt vein?*. ItolatIves and frn rc-iiccii'iilly Invited to attend tho tune ul I-riday ds of tin- fiimilv 3 o'clock, Wil :d 01 met-iiiig to recently deuce pin,< lie iv Red und friend* strung hi* funeral ewport, I>.-l s u ( . ChurcU. Interment Cathedral Cemetery. Fri Ne > WILSON'S 411 store Umlertakinu rooms, 616 Kin^ S Telephone Signal, 168, Îâ^-Open all night. J.A. WILSON, F (literal Director. ette B. W. 521 day, made sell The First pulpits uaiu Me Flannels. Big. Ja«. Wilds, celved urday, Did you know that we have a lull assortment ol Ready m de White Flannel Coats and Pouts and Striped Flan nel Blazers and Loung ing Coats? These goods were made to our order in London and imported direct by us, so that no one can give you better prices o r styles in these goods. We also have a lu i as sortment of such mate rials in our custom de partment for making to order. Drop in and see the big cuts in prices we are making in our custom depart, ment. JAS.T. MULLIN & SON Tailors, Gth & Market, Clothiers, Wilmington. Jack A High the lug High With lund i'g. The Invited purpose Corps. The K. lord r Uuu the of lit G. not ot tbe their opera Iu This it to att and VTOTICE. — is lidHTH 1 Son lee < . hi l.:w u'clocK. Hie N at onal A MEETING OF THE will tie liebl iu DuP All > j lias j Fort Indl- ! WhtU- ( lay ( reek Hd., on -he bun ln,i.. s I N otice—hill and heald have 'ttfisolveil parinu'ritil|>. iti »- uiu-r rcilrlu* S ,>.*510 Shipley *trert Men s Wigwam. JOHN W . . lt< A U 7 -; g '|inq>rity and paying <Uri L'OR BALE—' 1IE\1*' THREE SETS r of Mfcoiid-liHU'lt-d, Blnglf Larin «Ill .1A ME* A. ccs J2S-) glvt the a KeWlariiea« Store, N o. j:<; ji Con- | msn- | roo*n», N<>. in k.h*i tiii *trc« t, on hainruay Inter- \ mornlDg. zath tioisni, at lu o'clock. jz?-zt I TT " " ~ ---—- .n I.'O» HATK-SKi;<,M.-ll AM, CI A ' . lRV in*uu. <>f * 7> ' * J ' House j )27-at the „ 1?°^ SALE—TWO STEINWAY PI h«My | *,iW 65 Blh.E^.'tw ÄÄ w R 710 Mar. d j I,'OR SALE—A BOY S SAFETY Bl 1 cycl.\ nearly new. st:i t.i- b.,;,i ciuap. Ap, ' ,y l,,is 1 mcc - Prt<-. »:>. yz>, Ï 'OR RENT—BIX ROOM HOUSE, No. 414 Mearles siren!. « per muiiUi. aIk, etorsaml 'iwillliur Vourtli un i g«-,,ti stri e », ftodaey'ftt*" 111 ' to *'• Ji FoHD, 1,'OR RENT 1 TttK tho Jtt o'clock -2 OR 3 ROOMS; YOUNG 1er red. Aim 1 . ner 1'aylor an l section lair to | L'OR RENT.— A- sponsible party, 1207 Market St. IVUK RENT—HOUSES WITH MOD- -I « ru ImproY rnii'ct*. A;. pl« lo F. HRAD1.KY, lltli un,l lleal.t hu. •=•* GOOD 1TANO, TO RK- • Apply at ANTED—A GOOD BOY, 11 OR 15 year» old to b urn tl,« butrlurlnK busl to ! J'uv xt^ii', T, »uJ ÜI,N olMLoNa * gutter.*, -*- con- "II r ANTED. — AN EXPERIENCED If »» «yl»r«,! cook; rAiereuce required. Ap P B' a t ' Jla Waablngiop Bt. _ J27>2it tUnk'u W what , ply, at. jot Jeffersou »t. )27 21/ the 1 - AVr » n vr.rva mi v mou,, \\ L 1 . « ) Ü \ I N ° M , N room. ÏÏÂÂ" '"" 1 fS' but ] r . . ...... few ' \V ANTED—M.\Lp-GROM N WHITE Jaokooif St. " cUl d • uur »«* App ]J 7 .J l l t 829 I m.- Tâv i ftr .- feinf»T^rnw*. ûin Mar 1 ketYhlte. ^ ®"' 310 Mar j ' -, Jeweler, No. 9 *-e*t second street. \ Ladies' gold watches. Millard F. Davis, 0 East Second street, j Bush'., Freuch street whart is the place to buy your coal n« sis™».«« „„„ ■ t ,K«? / . 8UrC n?«, I ï 1 a  ^ S . when you wam Photographs at Beecher s. ! F - 8 - Bradley, Eleventh and Heald streets, advertises bouses lor rent, 1 The Waverly's will play the Ex elslor club, >t Uulou .tree, giuuod., to d.y. Watches and jewelry neatly and ' nrnmi.nv n»>air«l a» n.ui.» w„ o p.ui Kffwrrel; * " ' ' N ° " ] theutlc c«>mes tion* In of Port aud the the ebautrt ol city Prince. The that overrun those little The American Sewing Machlue Oilice has removed to 812 Walnut street. Fred W. Schafer agent Milk shuko, also butter, eggs and , cheese. Frtshmuth, stalls 56 aud 58 St coud street market. , j point John Stidham, a fined flu and ft Court this morning. i confirmed esse, was before the RI unie! pul | Uo to Pluukeu'e, 10« Weet Frunt at. aud buy a bag of Bleuton Flour, aud ' make your wile happy, | The llMt , u tt ,, town „ , cr , yo „ IKXiralt made by Cummings, the pbotog rapher, 302 Market street. oountry selling classes, sarles of camped. at stall he torious. and of city. helm lished the bom States logg, the sage bourse •T plied hl« into dttlonal logg, Ozsma A. K. DeNormandle, the jeweler, 803 ßhipley str.iet. Cheapest reliable store in the city lor watches, jewelry, chains, etc For photographs go to Holland. H« makes the fluent photographs In tbe olty, at the very lowest pr! Market street. Gallery, 807 Charlos H. Smith lias been appointed agent for the New York Life luaurwuoe Company, and will open Mu: ket street. Mr. Heald has withdrawn Irom the firm of Hill A; lleald, painters, leaving Mr. Hill to c »utluue the business 015 dhlplcy afreet. The Waatingtou 8. F. E. Co. held a o decide whether Amoskeag euglnç office at No. No. met-iiiig last i-venlug to purcha recently shipped to them. Hannah G. Harvey dtvd deuce of her pin, No. 917 Washington Wednesday, In her 73d year. Peter J. Ford, No. 500 Rixlney street,< rtlees a six room house for the the resl , Edward It. On street, -Iu , No. 411 diaries street, and alco house aud store at Fourth d Scott streets. l*n but whieh and day Among thu degrees conferred by Lafay ette College yesterday were those of A. B. upon O. A. Gilchrist and A. M. upon W. K. Smalley, both ot Delaware. 521 Market street will be opened Satur day, June 29, with a tine line ol custom made clot lug. Odd coRte and vests will sell at a great «ai- ri flee. T*tl 1er qulrer. guilty. the he and the same A and, ti ball. all that the been ful The Rev. George M. Hickman, ol the First Pre-byteriau Church, will exchange pulpits with the Rev. William R. Bing uaiu ol Oxford, l'a., next Sunday morn* Big. Ja«. II. Donovan, Wilds, in celved a severe kick from u mule urday, I riukiug thu small bone ol the the fai m ol G. 8. ty, re Sat Breufurd, Ku r in m. Lultch, of the wholesale grocery (j. F. Wtlcb & Co., ha» «old his a ' In the > usines« at Fourth ai.J wsl Freuch «treet* to C. F. Welch, the other member ol the firm. The lute works Pullman nr wnrkN L" Jack sou »te Sharp's, Ml.lea .V J ones' ami numéro, i. ultter maDu.acl rlw «.o more ÿ" eouveoftn to C.tuu tU.o lu » b ,r.c, nou,a oor o,t,? A meeting ol the graduates of the that High School will be held iu the rooms ol wur the Board <>| Education to-morrow lug for the purpose of re-organ!zing the High School Alumni .Wociiuiou. bequeathed by thu late Joseph Mendinball lor the e lucatlou uhlldreu in the Ninth wur,l With the Interest which ha* u* lund now amounts *.j ubuut $1,400. i'g. The Invited to attend a uniting Saturday evening, for the purpose of organizing a General Service Corps. The degree of Mapter of Aits ha* been conferred upon K-glshrof Wi:la John K. Bradford of this city by George: College, of which iu titulku Mr. Brad lord Is a giaduate. -soldier«, sailors and marine Du font r Uuu u said The • d tent to ty, eJ the Bagmer Burnham, opera hou e evening, ur of the ut Dov.-r, died :r a short lllne** Irom brain lever, aged 29 years. His remains will hu Interred to morrow (Friday) altern:, on, Iu the old M. E. Cemetery. The Wilmlugt lusiilutu Buildi corner ot Eighth and Market »trees,!* offered This ii through Heald .v Co a good chance for Addlcks to for the proposed new hank, and otlicea lor the uc pant. gas c George M. If i k, a rip sawyer at the UolllugbWorth Couijmuy, had - tiiumb ol hi* lett hand clreulursaw yesterday, to the Homieupethlc llos 'ital, where the att ndaut surg. on, Dr. J. liai mer Kile, dressed thu wound. The game of buse bull which was te :e taken p see yesieiday uiteruouu be twteu the printers anl clerks ot this city was postponul ««u a' count ot rain. They will play io-nn,rrow (Frida;.) and Union street i rnuud*. « start at 3.30 p. iu. One ol the old-style games will be put up, which abounds errors. iu U by a Ho wa* takuu s at . lt< A Ft ! Will «Ill A copy of "Will teuded the graduates meuceineut h Earlton's poe , in Mis* l arrie t the ll<gh night, through • ! , ji way luto tbe bauds Any person having th- look Is reques ed Miss Uekard*, No. A PI , .. , , , w n.. ; U r," of I. 1 '" cl, F '■ : V«lt u K rl,„dsl„iltubur*, Ih,. Ms, l' 1 ,,„,| j K ,m.r, vUltl.,* !,»' Uu Ohôïteï ' ' " I „ R Ï ' T n'? A " ,l Couuly l , « atL 1 11 A ' U ' Uil1 *" Me ! Lombard sticut. Bl ciuap. No. aIk, », Mr. Charles WiUll and Ml*« Lilly West will be united in thu bouda of mutrlmo- y I t 1 I . I Samuel J. R yuolds and Mis* S. B. I Collins weie married in the Presbyt r Smyrna, this morning, by lirwlu of this cltv this evening. Fraucls A. Ward, of No. 5H Walnut! street, started through the Eastern States.* Wednffd.iv The Rev. Ed waul Ii. MhaAniiuT. Reynold* will be married I at Bt. Andrew's Church y Eckel MOD- •=•* to-: RK- at Church at Smyrna, Ruv. A. N. Kclgwlu of this city. Mr. aud Mrs. Adam Dayott, who pusMil a month or more at th« old h, etoad Iu Ptticader Hundred, liavu re- turned to this health and spirits, 15 busl Ap 21/ t 829 y greatly Improved in journli.g with their relatives at Eighth aud Mon roe street«. Fruucls Allard, of No. 514 Walnut Clerk'* morocco fac 6treet, foreman tory, Nlutb and Walnut s'reet, with Mr. Albnrt Combe.u wealthy Htaited to-day ou a ploasure trio through the New Eug ; aud States. Their many friends wish them a pleasant trip and a sale return. Irom Paris, 9 FOURTH EDITION. Ilaytleu New«. N^w York, June 3<t. —'The first authen theutlc ne c«>mes to day. In spite of the protesta tion* and denials of th« party of Legitime In this city, It looks as though tbe party of the South was In It* last gasp. Tbe steamship prli.s Wilhelm, which left Port from Uayti in two mouths They old by, Miss klus, Mrs. 1er, -Prince Juuo 20, urrived aud brought with It pi sl'h •• proofs of the desperation of Legitime's fortunes In the shape of refugees Irom that city, ebautrt who ol time w! ly a quc lloii lyte's army will drive Legitime aud his" inends horn the only city they Prince. They all tool the The reason they loft Port-au-Prince was that affairs in Hayti have reached such a is out of the question, everything is etaguunt, aud the town is overrun with ruffians. There Is almost those who c little iy thaf It is lllp, to hohl, Port story. point that bush M city, you asked to money at all, and In any w«y get ahold of a the unfortunate high. Flour is d the pm a rapidly leaving Provision* are „ oountry selling for $20 a bHne classes, who are suffering for the sarles of life, are constantly on the verge of insurrection, lu the bills behiud Port -1'rince the armies of Hippolyte lie camped. The l'rl s Wilhelm remalued at PorLau-Prluce hut one day Légitime stall and tohl the officers of the ship that he was prosperous,ami would soon be vic torious. He had hard, y left the .-hip and gone ashore wi ou there of cannonading from the hills behind the city. Those who came on the Frlna Wil helm confirm the story, which was pub lished as a rumor, about the cap'lire of the Ozamu, Captain Rockwell, 30 miles bom Uonalves, by L gltime's gunboats. Shortly alter the capture the Uulted States man-ot war Ossipce, Captain Kel logg, steamed into Port-uu- 1'rlnce, saw the ( >zama aud learned that she had been captured. Captalu Kellogg took vigor measures. He sent a very terse mes sage to Legitime. "1 will give you live bourse to release tlie Ozaina," said he. •T will release ths ship cheerfully," re plied légitime, "If Lcr captain gives me hl« word of honor that lie w.llvotgo into Uonalves.' dttlonal release," answered Captain Kel logg, and Legitime at Ozsma b".ird witli all his tbe our The board tbe tod a up.iii td was plain aide "1 demand :e ri leased the IG-oper« CoiivIcUhI. l*n ii. , June 27.— It required but ten minutes deliberation for the jury whieh heard the evidence against Keep Josepti Wllllainscu, .losepli Marshall and Joseph Devlin, of Bleckley liiaaue Hospital, to agree upon a verdict yester day ot guilty ol assault and battery pre dy mouds, of the lu the charge of aggravated by been cord t.y 1er red by Ref qulrer. U HBhault anil battery the jury fouud guilty. Judge Wilson remarked that the verdict was an extiaordluary one,and he could net understand how u couvU-tlon and acquittal could l-e rendered when the charges were sustained by exactly tbe same evidence. A motion and, pending arm ment ti -day, the defendant« ball. In their all deulcd having «truck tients, while D;«. Mills, Dercum, Lli.jrd, Slnkler. Hunt and KuniHey »II declare that il the patients had been b. at» n lu the mantuT described there would have been bruises on their hodlt-B, but a ful examination fai'ed to reveal a mark. the be the 8. re ndc for a new trial, the quest ion released defense the prisoner« bca'.en pa ket ty Washington, June 26.—Ex Senate 1, Briue un i Fourth Auditor Lynch tn-aled ! his a ' lo ^'egaBou ol colored ltepub leans who the ai.J wsl Bad ou the Pr.s.denl th pr«-8« n*«*.t uu adilre*« adopted ut Jackson (Miss.) Uoufereti«*«, ou .him L" regard to the political situation n ami '['i u, " OBt , *' . ÿ" ce ,' a F , n '* Î l' ul ,0 "" nl » b ** rolorj^ j-o,.le I. Uut .r*l..u. ,r rJ.rL:'om.i the that h- would do the beet he could ol wur d all classes. lie commended the the the Harrisun'n I'ludgcs. nl -g I the I 13, 11 1 he and ink conservative said th* y would have his assistance i every eudeuvor to iuq by them, and their political to • d 1 .1« Iii .Men ii Tuen dealers charg d will, assaulting with In tent to kill Edward Leighton, lire detec of the Trenton Li Leagu , were turned over this morn lug to the Sheritl of Buiks County, Pa., where the alleged »rsault occurred. The ivqui*Jilou for tb Ir transi, r sylvaida waa granted t>j Governor Green yesterday, alter a lengthy hearl; g, iu which Prosecutor Stout ot Bucks Coun ty, and counsel tor the delctidunts, look part. The accused Kotiert Quicg, Louis Schneider Cavutiuugl:, I'.itrlek Henry,Charles Egi . They a 1 left the N, June 26.—The seven llqu the d Older brain hu on, P Co to new Bill J I, •loLn Feen; the had the Kile, te be city They Doylestown early to-Jay appearance ut the Bucks Couuly give baii for by a takuu s' I iiiicriil. _ _ , ..... Fkkmont, (>., Joue 26. —Mrs R. B. , Hayes will be burled on Friday alteruoou | at Oak wood Cemetery. The pill lutierul t> rvice* w '1 lie rouduvtcd at 3 o'clock at Spiegel i î deuce, by K< v Dr. McCabe «.I Wudcyan University, who oil! ia'ed at tho marriage ol General and Mrs. Hayes • eu'y-fltth unnlverfary ol the look* tir<d I Will . the Ex-l'reddcnt 11. I woru, aud h J'j'-piy. almost constuntly Li* affliction m .si He has scarcely slept since his down, aud was in first h r bed ed Wamiinoton, D. (J., June 26.—This was tile day devoted at the White • to the consideration ot business concerning tlie Treasury Department, , aud {Secretary V\ iudoui took a big F '■ : Imtcli ..I I,,|*r. Inlu the l're.Uudf. ol lie- Una „Herrn, on. Amo„ K tl„„, is !,»' Uu PI „«.„l to be Wo couhmwiou of T. " I V. C,.,.|,or to he Colleetor „1 Cu.lora. at Philadelphia, and tho appointment A " ,l ""•> bb expected Me ! »Ibly to morrow, as the I'reBideul ex- 1 pecta to go to Cape May on Friday. Ii, cutly day, pus i I West y ! Ill ,4 'i ui about It). »5 o', lock ! I told Chiel Bwlggelt in vc t hat a man came into hi* 1 I very bad y abused Officer John* . I lo >k up the matter and iiooii id Orange S. B. I V hl,mn ' dl1 ' v,1 ° ,uul il W* *'iinp r •'»■»'head placed thu by , " tt * r f'"' 1 a " sau who pulled him lulu A Chit un *ti al had ! the polie night ry had Engl shop himseli Walnut! married I cousin, ! 1.1 * detailid riving at j hi* "Coaster." I ted who re- and then lie hipped Loth Chinam made hie escape. Mary Anderson'-, (line in Mon Nkw Yoiik, J * Amc.icati uianugcrs today c firmed the 26.—Mary Ander qiort that elm will any staue next season, hut denied rumor that ahe is confined lu a private asylum In England. They s:>y she Is lug quietly bridge Wells, nud Walnut fac Mr. through many a her English home at Turn her physicians have decided that it would not be safe for her to return to work fu the autumn. Paris, Oysters by the quart at Ainscow's. t'nmenÛonSiî Contributory | Among those who ftkvè aided tbe suf- ( forers from tbo JohhstoWff flood au J whose work hu thus far escaped publio J was notice are F. 8. Denning and W. W. . Doughty of th's city. | Soon after the news of the disaster wm known Messrs. Denning and Doughty a and and began to collect goods for the sufTerers. They received contributions ol old clothes, new goods, linen, shoes other artichs to the amount of $500. Among the contributors were C. A. Arnold, tbe Misses Pusey, Mrs. A. D. j Warner, Mrs. W. C. Spruance, Mrs. Kir- ; free. by, W. B. Sharp A Co., Mrs. J. Green- ' gun , E. A. Uumphny & Bro., Mrs. and went Miss Woo'ey, Mrs. Carlisle. Mrs. K.Jeu- j klus, M s. D. B. Jones, Mrs. Counsul, j Mrs. T. J. White, George T. Williams, ; Mr. Frank Langdon. Mrs. Gregg, Mrs. Mels- , took 1er, Dr. Boyd, Mr. aud Mrs. Wllllsui Tyndall. Dr. Flynn, Mrs. William i Dcnio, the Misses Denio aud uumerous that has taken to Miss Ileleu others. The cl< thing Wullace Hinckley, secretary of the Chll dien's Aid Society of Pennsylvania. M ss lllnckley formerly lived In this city, and I« a daughter of the former president of the P., W. and B. Railroad was Company. The following letter to Mr. Denning of plains Itself : | "To the Ladies of Wilmington: Earnest ! thanks aud greetivg from theJihustown Children's Aid Society. This help Irom i you arrives most opportunely, ami 1 have asked Mr Denning and Mr. Doughty who tory. brought this assistance to this little office tlie to carry our heartfelt thanks on behalf of tbe Johnstown sufferers to you all. Of our Children's Aid committee at Juhns two only The home oflli^e, there 1 board ol directors direct)v hero to aHsist tbe JoLustown Children^« Aid Society. Pardon theat linos and believe me, on behalf of JohuHtown stricken families, gratefully, wus tions er*l did was and becu Pa., known tobe alive, sent two of the Wallack Hincki.kt, "Secrebiry of the. Chldren's Aid djelety of Ptnuaylvaula.'* WliUeling*« ltraln. .June 27.—The autopsy up.iii the body ol Mrs. Sarah June Wbitcling, the murderess who td In Moyamensing Prison was concluded yesterday, and In tbe afternoon the remains plain coffin and taken to the Mechanics' ci-mete y, where they were buried by tbe aide of the murderess' husband. There oeremoney, aud Pin l. a DK.i.r lisug Tuesduy, placed In a mourners Lawyer Henry D. l'axeon, Mr*. Whltcling's counsel, exe cutor und legatee. The autopsy, wh'cli has P™ conducted by Drs. Alice Bennett, Formad and Fell, showed that Mr*. \V Idtellng's neck hail been completely dislocated and the spinal cord severed by tbe drop, thus instantaneous and painless death. The brain, which econlc examination t.y Drs. removed for micro Saturday next Formad, Bennett and Fraud« X. weigh but llility ht of lould « nothing Den eight ounces, while the average welgl the brain of a woman of her age sn be forty ounce*, abnormal There the shape of thu brain y thing to indicate insanity. The new Equitable Trust anti Guar antee Co., hus purchased the Iiighter property Ht Ninth und Market streets, running through to Shipley street, for $17,000, AIho the adjoining store of W. Alscctzer, fronting 14 leet on Mar ket str el lor $7,000. Also the proper ty ot E Pennington, on Ninth and (T 1, Shipley streets, lor $15,000, making a ; ! total of $39,000. It is tho intention of | the company to tear down the buildings , . nl the lange rurelias« ol l'roperty. j banking e*lab this site, al a cost up; -g I amt to erect a bands, I Lshmeut mating $109,000. 11 DitUculty of Th* raving. It I* not so easy lor workingrn taxes, notwithstanding the puhlica tliat the collectors may be found In tin ir office ready to wall call. F employed in the Pullman shops, who . k* until 7 o'clock In the evening, ha* called twice, but bo happened to be five mit, utes late, and consequently the office lu order to accommodât,! tax office should be he all who may lu-tauce a mechanic who is tlie working cl. kept op.-n until 9 o'clock, at least nights In Ilia week. Men do uot wish to lose time In order to pay their tax, but under the preseut arrangement many «111 be c In lug iu pel.ed to do so Le kept out ! Ibeir votes. Printers vs. Clark*. The printers and clerks will play their 1 game ol huse ball to the I'niou Street Park. A very close d exoit'ng game I* have played several game* together, arid the sc ul way» close. No doubt a large crowd will witness the g: quite a number of ticket* have been sold. Tbe game will be called at 3.30 o'clock. Is the udoilssiou charged. for Te VO With n Broken Neck. .. G 26. — J'at rick Jac. B. , .jm-a, lu year* old, broke his | ,living Irom the dock 3 at the Nkw Yo k while H. I yesterday. He i* alive aud conscious Iu 's hospital, ami tlie doc. are going to endeavor to save hi* life by the operation ol extension, wl ich con slate In keeping the weight of the head Irom hearing on the vertebrae. St. Vine I looit at Ouarry\ Rea I UNO, Pa., .lune 26.—A heavy rainstorm this nlternoon 11 oiled the streets ol Quarryvlllc and washed about 201) yards of the track of the () ry villa »ranch of the Reading and Co lumbia Railroad. Several county bridges wre moved front Un ir foundation* and some laruier* lost a portion of their op.-. .si his was big ol is T. ex- 1 , Pa.. June 26.—Fire ) Al •hi ly t uis morning tied Bangor, Mar here. Charles I Ha ut ■ rk Hamhright, groceries, $1.500. Thu building is I5.UCU. The losses ; partially covered by Insurance. : i utal Accident hl S 1'r t Ni r.s* Anne, Md., June 20.—IL>w *id » liHpliluli, aged 23, I Chapman, rcsidiug with her Mr*. I)r. the farm killed at two o' adjoining this town, un e nek to-day by being dragged by a pair *ti of runaway horses. Tho body was frlght had ! fully mangled. 1.1 Beattie at j All the • w styles of summer footwear, still have ladies' p ;iln laatiug button hi* coiurrese and laee shoes und slipt La*t1ng foxed buMon Prices Babcock's, 266 Market street, above Sec md. then Kuss* t and tan shoes and Oxford ties, kid slips and Oxfords, bicycle, teunle, hate hall ad nil outing shoes go to Dab cock's, 269 Market street, abovu Second. The dtdkdous fragrance, refreshing coolnet*, Mini soit beauty imparted to the skin by Pozzoui'a Powder, commends It to ull ladies. The connection with the establishment of eye And patblc Hospital. Turn safe of Dr. Kileb I» mentioned In department In the Homcso* Ah AdvertoKifcs Outlaw, BalîsbübŸ, Md., ^une 26,—The llquo T saloon of W. J. Benhctt. on Mill stfeot. was entered last night abdut 1 o'clock bv Calvin Twlgg, thfough the upper-story window, by means ol a ladder. He discovered by Night Watchman Ellis and a number of oitszens. On examination It lound that Twlgg had done little harm beyond drinking a quantity liquor. Ills captors told him If he would leave the town and never return they would give him liberty. He willingly agreed to the proposition and free. His next action was to steal a ehot gun from Thiophllus Hitchens. He then went to the stable ol a Mr. Ilearn, town, and taking a horse rode oil toward Somerset couuly. When morning Mr. Uearu started in pursuit and over took hlui several miles Iroiu town. Twlgg dismounted from the horse and fled through the wiods wLen he discovered that he was about to be overtaken. has uot since been served a term In the penitentiary. I ! J. He George Kegel, aged 5* ye Weetphal Place, South Ba was lustautly killed between U aud 10 o'clock yesterday morning In thn factoiy of the Belting Company, No. 102 Hollingsworth street. The company Is engaged In removing their plant and KogeT, assisted by 8. Rlcter aud A. L. Campbell, was taking down a large belt stretcher on tbe second floor of tbo lac tory. The men had unbolted several of tlie large beams ami had fastened a rope around them to lower them to the lloor. of the Twiirg Las Ill* Ural ns Ditkliuil Out. , living at al ti motif, Md While Kegle was underneath timbers slipped and struck him bend, dashing out his brains. Tbo skull wus crushed like an egg sholl, aud por tions of bis brains er*l feet around the body of tbe dead Campbcll a right foot mushed aud Kicter's right i wrenched. Dr. Alexander llill, cotoner, did not hold an luqueat, aud ijÊt body was prepared for burial by Hwry \V. Mears aud removed to his homo. A wife and five children survive him. He had becu Iu the employ ol the compauy for a number of years. Rev. J. B. Umbergcr, of Norristown, Pa., formerly p&Mur ol White Clay Creek Preshy terlau Church, uuil his wife paying a visit to Andrew Rambo and family. Mr. Utnbergrr bus declined the unanimous call church ol Elmer, N. J. scattered for sev badly I the Presbyterian Tlppoo Tib's Bon at 7ouiztlmr. Zanziiiah, June 20.—Tlppoo Tib's has arrived ben*. He 6sys that he left a majority of his caravan at U oyembu to await the arrival of his father. To Fumiers. and Binders, Binder twine, and all kit ds of farm supplies ut Chalutiers & Kirk's, No. 13 East Second street. All kinds of cakes at Wcyl's, No. 7 East Second street. Oiborn Mow Sweat-Groan-Growl JpI (T t l>J/ | IW/ , \jy What el*e is to bt expected of the old fcohioned way of blacking the shoes T Tty the way by using WOLFF'8 if/A m T\ Acme Blacking SA and the dirty task become» a cleanly 7, '/a coenusHT Volff'sACMEBIacking REQUIRES NO BRUSH. Sheds Water or Snow. Shoe« can be washcl a Weel , requiring dressing only a Month for Elegant Harness Dressing. VOLFPft RANDOLPH.PhliadelpUil It 11 14 MULES —Will be Sold at Warnef's Sale TO-MORROW FIRE WORKS —AND— CRACKERS. —Ol all kind», Direct from the factory, sold at the lowest market prices. GEO. L FERGUSON J No. 11 East Second St. JM-t REAL ESTATE It Having: secured the services who I* experience,! an,I comp, uni, and who will attention He Ida iiTusIvely to the sale the Interesl V/'aV/who have such property for »ale, or w'sh to 1 11 vest In such property, eltlierhr urchate or exchana« lot t lt v Meat of 1 , to call upou or write to H. D. WALTER In -BEAL ESTATE BROKER,— It. Paul's Catholic School, Paul's pardchlal school held Its mCement eierejaea Tuesday even ing. It began with a chprua,''followed by a Fecitatidn by Mary Lee. The opening address was delivered by Mary d'OuvIlle. A drama, «utiiled "Expected Visitors," was glveu by Aunle Dolan, Mary Lovell, Sarah Mealey, Minnie Kelley, Mary Doherty and Katie E Following the{ch Kutchi Little liahy" the farce ti CO eh Hock a By and Going to the Dentist" was presented by II. Mellon, W. Hurley aud J. i'ettlcruw. Twenty six girls gave a broom drill. Maggie Duffy recited ''Tiny Tot" and 14 boys ie cited "The Uulted Workmen. "A. P. sung by 26 girls, with Lll:le Edward Grant Im (»ers-ouatliiLÇ the queen. Liu recited "Robbie'sSermon" and Mary Hourly aud Lillie Graut sang "Beauti ful Moonlight." tilxtccu girls gave thu Illy march and the drama "A Noble llu vt ugo" waa presented by Lillie Utuut, M. Cunningham, A. Fllnn, A. Malouey, J. Dougtcrty and M. Menton. Other exercises were given by L. Uly J. Crumllsh, J. llurly, L. GUI, A. fiea nby, T. Di rsey, d. Br gau and Bailie Lacey, of tableaux, address by Sarah Mealey. Father Fallon pmeutod the special prizes, gold medals awarded lor excellence iu dictation, penmanship, parsing, punctuation, n, tiling, reading, punctuality, epistolary form letter, writing aud grammatical analysis to Mary V. Lovell, received by highest competitors Andrew Cahill, Hugh McDonough and Percy Sullivan, aud in the the prize received by Miss Lovell, tbe Katie Krner, Annin Dolan, Mary d'OuvIlle and Lizzie Far ley. They wero accorded special Hnd honorable mention. Hold badges, pre sented by Father Bcruilogham, were awarded as follows for highest averages: Timothy Eruer, average 9t* ; Annie Lacey, 92&! Clara d'OuvIlle, 92 2 5, aud for the highest average In English literature to Lizzie Glenn, who averaged 95. Addlck«' Movement*. he John D. Pettlcrew In the contest for tlie pr Pot Here w tho highest ('onslderable Interest appears to attach to the movements of Mr. J. K. Addlck*. Whether he will proceed to erect gas works In to city I« not positively known, interview with Edward Betts last winter, bo is reported to havb said ho did not want to build a plant in Wllmlugtor, but wanted a larger field tban this city to locate in. Shortly afterwards a printed copy of the amendment to the charter, which would have enabled him most anything, wus received by Mr. Betts. Ou this Mr. Betts nmarked: "Had It not been for the Senatorial ques tion which was agitating the Legislature. I think his bill would have beeu knocked iu the head. Afterwards he remarked that he luleuded to bring his works to this city and open his ceutral office hero. Work was to l>e begun at once with a tremendous force of men. I hardly think tho Street and Sewer Commlstdon would grant him permlssh .street* at this season of ths year. In do al of tear up So«-lntlnni Iu Nwitr.erluml. Bk , June 26.—The Norih German socialists Gazette, in another article iu Switzerland, charges that the spread ol social revolutionary doctrines I« main ly due to the facilities which the Swbn h eal officials have afforded tho Sozial Democrat and other* revolutionary prints to circulate. Germany's efforts to con vince Switzerland ol tho pernicious char acter of the Sozial Democrat out result, uml It was not until 1887, when the Bother Teufel attacked proml , that Switzerland with nent .Swiss jotsonages was Induced to act. Cuinineiiceinent Kxorcisea. The commencement exercise* at now ard School took place on Wednesday morning, and proved highly Interesting. Addresses were made by Chari s Baird, Abner P. Bailey, D. W. Harlan and Rev. tlamrr, ll. rScotf. The exerctata in room* 1 6 consisted of singing. Address by Bella Murray, phono 1c spelling, arithmetic liygtne, and a recitation by J. Hub« rt In room 7,there was reading by Lena Mtrcer, and rrcltatious by Joseph Jenkins and CurtlB Ward, besides sing and exercises In arithmetic. In there were patriot le songs tlons by Harry Stoko«, John Brown and others. Interest, however, centred chiefly Iu the grammar department, from which Sarah Coleman, Lilian Spencer, Elmira Bantuiu an i Howard Naudaln graduated and to whom Mr. Baird present ed diploma*. O her exercises In tho gram dej art meut couslated ol vocal sic, decleuiatlou by H. Noudaln, essaya by M. Brown aud D. Spencer, cornet solo by 11. Anderson and reading by H. Cole Floral decorations abounded, drawings graced the blackboards, and specimens of the student«' inumaushlp were exhibited, making the examination for Howard School in every way credit able to teachers uni pupil*. récita OINbEROUS USE OF STROKS PUR61TIYEX Most pills, purgatives and Bitter Wuters, which act quickly upon the bowels, Irritate and mucous coats of the stomach aud bowels. Indeed their cathartic action Is directly caused by the irritation of the bowels, which they produce. Their action should be soothing and stimulating Instead of irritating. A continued use of such reme dies produce* chronic In Ham mat Ion of the stomach aud bowels. This ofteu ends in dangerous di lue imported Carlsbad Bprudel Salt Is highly recommended as an aperient, laxative and diuretic, because Its action Is due solely latlng properties. It soothes nud allays Inflammation, and is therefore much preferable to all strong purgatives and Bitter Waters. Beware of Imitations. Dr, Toboldt's lecture on Carlsbad 8pru.l.;l Hilt and pamphlets mailed free. Eisner .t Men delson Co., sole ageuts, 6 Barclay street. Now York. m7 th 15w ;n destroy tlie . TI e of the genu Its solveut and stlniu Killed Himself with PiiiLADKLi'UiA, Juno 27.—Jacob 8. Brown, 35 yeais ot Schell avenue above found lying upon the lloor ol Ids house yesterday ulteruoon apparent ly Iu cpasms. Ills wile summoned Drug gist Glentwortu by whom Dr employed. Tho druggist suspected pol , aud 2the police being called, they browu to tliu llnhueuit Hospital where he died about 6.26 1*. M. A box of Pails green dying ho ih the inten ti him aud bo th no wlcdgtd taking the of committing The for the act is bald to po!s suicide. be depression eaused by excessive drink ing. Browu leaves a wife and two chil dren. Tho body Morgue. at taken to the J Fighting ut u BoiiluiigUt Meeting. London, Juuo 26.—A meeting was held iu St. Andrew's Hall to night to hear a speech by M. Laguerre and to arrange for.a Boulangist banquet to bo held on July 14. Tho utmost disorder prevailed, and Iree fights wero of fre- quent occurrence. For fully hall an hour M. Laguerre was unable to ob- tain a hearing ; then he spoke for over an hour, although constantly interrupt- ed. A] committee was appointed to draw up a platform, which will bo read at the banquet. Mules for Sato. W. Y. Warner will sell 14 line mules at his sale morrow, to which he de sires to call special attention. FIFTH EDITION. Tr,Ui f M-n I'll U«ll Ag,,r„. '■ If Sewell Hell le not fount] puiit. , eh noting with Intent to kill oil •fhV.V/i °* cveulng, the lath, rlurlmr ih.nt't Fourth and Monroe street« it win . for went of b.vlng pin,,,, - henrlnge. llle ,»„■ „■». , a i: e ,l U n I ' Ibe inuDlcIpnl court last night .1, .,, ,!* conn,el, Waller Bacon, 'Ï Plot, drawn by Huryejo? W,C 'V Klin nicy, or Ibc grounds the .nS occurred and several wltncfses w, MH , . umlned In regard to the location fereut points, after which the ,■ postponed until this morning's «ecsl* again, aud John M. Kiel Charles (ilaxler nothing t be •Ilf. "as .hoTir*/;^ 'U"ti auj rc-examlm 1, but delted. Orant Bin tom Uëtlfioi that he iv leader of the Harmony File and lirnm Corps; saw Sewell Hall when they?? the brewery, but did not see him ufv wards; the corp was stoned up Monn* struit; quit playieg before it JoUith street ou account of the he started to run before he heard hi shots find, ami when they were tired ha ran faster up Monroe street pb«i |v r . Soil Sal<X '" ; '" ll "°' k,,ow wb °hrod u'! Bantem told a which a rigid shake. Robert Cooper bad alwut the Umony to offer ths reached ▼cry straight story s-exaiulnatiou failed to tes* Bantem. lie recognize« all th.- ,„,li l l 8 0 „ n ia D i,,. and showed where the corps were ston.i belore It reached Fuurili «treat. .. w , hit with a atone at Front and .lack streets, and stones He ?re thrown all «long Irom there up to Fourth the Monroe. Mr. Bacon «V»! that tm'l f 0 , acwcll Hall be not more than flOfio was no tvidence that he who shot off tho pistol and hit tlie b Lawler, except that of Lewis House, and other evidence showed that l,o ii'iltht easily be mistaken. Judge Ball aald ho would he happy •ede to the request ol .Mr. Bacon If -ieutlously do the community. them lue / ' » DI could saluty wb!) »».'Ira The charge of too giavo a nature to he rnlucwl to a minimum ball. Ho could do nothing else than to hold llali In $2,(>no tut) f„ r his appearance at court, but If the Ap torucy General In the meantime- woulJt« willing to have tbe bail reduced h> fi 4 ij would cheerfully accede to his desire. a Trustees of tlio l*i The regular monthly meeting of tin Trustors of tho I was held ye&terJiy. Superintendent Guthrie's report showed: White womou, 62; colored women, 12; ahUs children, 10; colored children, 6; total whites, lf>2; colored, 20. Inmates of the lusanedeparstnent 113; white meu, 46; colored women. 38; colored women. IU; total white, H4; colured, 29. Four Innisteihai •lied during tho idouth, all of whum hid admitted from this city. On May 30, Ellen Henderson, 50 veur.s ut ngr| June 1, Martin Megarity, 76 years ol age; Juuo 8, Daniel Craig, colored, 31 year* of age; June 23, Fred Kuunedy, 20 yean Of age. The pay-roll for the month, auioULtlug to$51H. 17 was passed. VV. T. Lynain, attorney for the court, instructed to go to Dover and «run,.* fur Ibe recall ol two Inmates of thu I' sylvaula State Insane Asylum, for which the State was paying. Dr. J. J., Lewis Thompson nod Nalhuulil Williams, thiee of the uuu* bers of the State Board ol Tiustcee, were present and Invited to seats In the hoard. An lulortnal discus-ion of the matter of transfer of tic lusate asylum to the new board was had. , 90; colored ■n k; whits , If; wtilts J. Iu agreed that a Joint meeting of the two board* be held on Julv D.n which to make the transfer. AI : liuueh not yut olllc'ally notified of their api»o'.i.t , and not organized as a boorl, Messrs. Thompson, Williams and Br. Black agreed that the dividing line be tween the two properties should pass midway between the two maiu building» and extend westward far enough to In dude the ten acres of land named In tha law a* constituting the property ot the State Insane asylum. Messrs. Coocb, Nowlaud, Gormin, Springer and Mooney were appointed s committee to mako the required survey aud prepare the «Iced of traiisfer and re port the same to the joint meeting ul the hoards July 10. W. T. Lyuam Esrp, reported that tho treasurer of tho Poor Trustees, E. Hainan, had presented the names of hi« bondsmen as follows: H. II. Jordan, John G wait uDil if. R. Cochran. The boudKinen named and the attorney was ord red to draw tilt bund and have it executed. It approved Tlio I.hpior rases. Franklin Fitzpatrick, who keeps » saloon Justison street below Front, arraigned before tbe Municipal Court this morning charged with seiliuif liquor to Thomas Mulroouey, a minor, at divere times. Mulroonoy of in Is the younf who had boeu kicked out of Fiu Tuesday night auJ Patrick's saloon was taken to the police cells by Slierer. Mulroouey said yesterday lug at his hearing that he years old. When put upon the witness stau 1 this morning he testified under oath that ho ouly 19, but to all the questiouluil -questioning that could ho brought to bear upou him, his reply that he «lid uot know where bo got U» ll«luor, not even the first glass, before lu» became stupidly lutoxlcated. Judge B»U feeling convinced that tho young tusp |>erjurlng himself, warned him ol M couêoiiuences of swearing falsely, !| "J still he had the same story to teil, "'ll 1 » he got the H; adjourned uuU hold rer -'I not know how quor." The this evening, and Fitzpatrick 1er $200 ball to appear. Patrick Mctidago wus selling liquor without license Sunday at his housu twecu DuPont aud Scott streets, was an Italian, hut Could uud-r-iouJ and talk very good English. Ho plf*" uot guilty to tho charge. William Fisher, a colored man, tesJ* fled that ho with crowds of other» lr °" Sundays ^ whore be g charged "ith V.V..O., »ml Fifth ttreut l»ç 8. ol 11a quentel thu place bought and paid for all tho bottled . they wanted. Mtudago looked wliou he heard tho evidence as U thing had struck him, aud hu had t®"** lug to say. He was fined »50 and costs. bo the to Tho High Sellout Alumni. A meeting of the graduate High School for this year ami any previous to this will be held lu thu roon ol tho Board of Education this evening»« 8 o'clock. The purpose of the will ho to organize permanen ly mutual benefit and elect olHcera* committee will no doubt be selsct t prepare for a banquet at au ear, y The ineetlug should be a largo on«. of tbe the to to bo an to bo day A Pistol Shot. Borne person sont a pistol ball tb thu third story window of tb® *• LICAN office, froutlug on Th>ra last night, which lodged In the Luckily no material damage w. The next time wo hope discharge his pistol in some other u. • tion. Firework, of .11 klo.l* a, *'««»" 11 East Second stteet. de-