Newspaper Page Text
For Itf»U K 7)0 MB TO BINT—THREE R00M8 In a firlt-cl#*» location. Address^^H.^I*., ?0U RENT—BIX ROOM nOUSE, NO. 1 4i4 H.srUs street, ft per month. AU» . «11,1 dwelling Fourth «ml Scott »tru i, al i,;-r mouth. Apply to P. J. FORK 6TO ». t at Ï 1 '< .R RENT-3 OR 3 ROOMS; YOUNO V roupie preferred. Apply at Grocery y. E. Corner Taylor ami 1'oplar. 27-it ;0R RENT—HOUSES WITH MOD ' , r „ improvement«. Apply to F. 8. I . HLF.V, lllli aud lluald ÜU. )27*8lt ' 1'OK RENT.— GOOD PIANO, TO KK y party, at low late. Ar^y^at H V.I'nTGOMKRV. 203 N. NINTH 1 m n i Reliable Medicines f»r Cough« , I A ! », Cutnrrh, llronclilll«,Counuinp • lot days. Advlco free, D liai lull AUDI'S BEN NY ROYAL 1.1.8, fl. Hold ]l" ..... hV Urnyglhtb; al«o bv ., I'hUa. L dies beware of m for Notices. l.uKGE WHITE, ('AUTER, (i •cc»»or to— lor L S. Smith, No. 123 1'icuch street, I« pro lo tlu light ur heavy hauling at r»-at.oua ' ' ur »ill ittloti given to removing «aie» ami »(lu i urUulca requiring l: Mu', all. »t on. iviepiiuiie call Î XTOTK'E. i" ii*MH?r»l Hervicu <' . 432. — A MEETING OF THE be laid In baturdsy night, ux-regular «oldler«, .irliu « nrc miucbted t< • I ,.| the National Division will . liy order of WM. K 1.1.LEV. >'n I ICE—11 ILL AND HEALI) HAVE lx :i. . .1 parltn rnldp, tl*. latter retiring .inner t» continue jif-at*' * n. * ■ JoL N r w!'lULL. r l^-att j REMOVAL. and Kren« - 1 Miivt, I »in prepared to inuu<i . . 1 n mlial light « »ri tage and bml ■1 y reduced price. A variety 14 °£ M.'"liAMMlTT. red lr Mark) lb pâli lu» a (•peclalty. W KINGS. a; estlmaU) »ribrluii Awnlujn, J «ilarui'tloii guainii ■iujitly alle (YfT/'VE /VHURANCE.—PKOPER d»mag«i hy t*y I lie t-. » .* ( tins I WHltlH 1 i> lone« or Tornr.doi-« City ply ji ' - KIM |"M ' M \Vn Y H. ; . A! a ket ^t., II , Mil:NS AND NAILS. it»« opfllfd ; I »I Ihr Marla llulltiln«r, : irret«, where In* will . without -v...-, *lng»i M'mhI, at a very uiode • alro it 11 excellent remedy f< N il'iii 'Skm'iIkhSTik' m «■r a trf' Aug Kdnllon, take node flloe In corn« and i Ini 1!. irdy*|»i*||?la. = 1 n: * ply, t i»r nomination of ofliorrs and Wed lusday y venin lu M io 1 'lOlTIN, i' avILLIAM McKenzie. merchant * Y 1 «aior. 8. W. coriii r Third and bhlpley it'îtlofhliig cleaned, dyed, scoured, if. J repaired. Bulls from |I4 lo #*••. p up to |7. . J2S*2t r■■•.*-11 order leom i tatwinethin gnarsnt spi dally. A ./Y \ ' »TICE TO TEACHERS. 2 ' Tu n - .11 hi'an t xniiiliiatlon or tcarli fcrftdc ciTtlllfSte, In m. I did third » g .Ni», i, un Ihr 2u h ni Julie. HERMAN BE8SEY, ôupt. iy. \\ T. YQOLE i: BON, AT NO 100 l'l. West 7th »tn-el, ate «• lllng wullpajon, «.ql window RhuiP . at reduced price«. ja u-eod-nt ON GOOD 1ST City or OKU. tt. HIM NvF.Nl>, Oil Market street. JEJUNE Y iU^LOAN HOTELS. A r riIE SLW COJ.VMiilA, A CAPE MAY. Open* June IMh, 1S8X I. J. JAM! 8 MUON I Y. FRANK H. UILIUIETII, Hotel Lafayette), l'liur. a J«:i-30l (Late Iy, U 1 IOTEI. LAFAYETTE, CAVK MAY »* < i I 1, N^ J. — « ijien all^ho ) ear. Mtilrt 1 line •J 1 IrouThr^ Halts A MALARIA. DR. SIMMS' VEGETABLE LIVER PILLS and 1. r VlID known operate •G «Ickt-iilng, weak,iilng, x the bowel« costive. Mild mid C be ■ ' * 1>*K l'l X They idee lor m«**i 1 people. Ri in-)«. tu* t'' » lient r I Anibiott* lor Hick iflve niiiltltiblc« i , " '* ! * il " . of tin* p'rcat IJilllty of Ibusu *' lym-mated, bold by deiilem. l'lllXClCAL UEl'OT, l'oUltïil AND KING STS 1. ] MONITOR OIL STOVE ' v 11 ,l '> fill the cook lug, r ' hu.» u-u.dly done A vnshlng and > k stove, trouble. any i o fuel ami Wo ;:.'2 reccoruineudations of tho good ! *, mol universal satisfaction given Y ')««• MONITOR. ( c hay,, uot had one word of com : Please note this fact. They •i.iiund tliriiiselves, every time. 1 bl| y i* cheap oil stove. It Is llko •"'AVOID l.urd earned uiouey for uoth " u y the ".Monitor." They cost Vr 11 '1. ,U » r<1 l ^ ,uu ^Lose cheap oil U6 \ Hie Monitor la the only stove : fehlt back of aud away Iron» "tho t uruer. v 1 * hi'ilie a thorough exatnina Mao Shipley st. : 'K KELS STOVE & H EATER CO j21-tf l ly fi oke no smell. 1 -A pm; (III ||| MRE WORKS -AND CHECKERS. Is Ol all kinds,— from the factory, sold at the lowest market prices. ^0* L. FLRISUSÖN . W°. 11 East Second St. J26-I LIAS STOVES' klnter lahl * ,n 1 *t pi» iuouaand ft •Prtng, Rummer, autumn and . Want«. W ALK Kit A LINTON. HOLME AND MON PAINTERS. Graining, Glueing, HHcr Ktulnlng Pdhi ülnû a Specialty. ». E. CORN Lit MAT»* AND S _ PTHKÈ Tiÿ. W ANTKD - ITELP furnished for t * hotel«, nvtiiurauls and private lamUles at tlie aliorteni notice. Apply at the WILMINGTON INTKLLtUKNI KOFFIl'R O. IMS Oranao Hireet WANTED.-A GOOD COOK ANI) " chambermaid to g » to New (anile. ( Apply jas-2iT l UU'Lky U2.>tl AB» a cook t» go to Newai k, girls l»r rk to ho t» Greenville and l.inuiu . Wilmington lntelllgein v. office, !«« WANTED-T(VO carriage bain It J LUS. Apply at 110 French street. W ANTED.-WKEKLY REPUBLI TT cans *»r January 5, May 81, June 14, T; «cent« will be paid at tlili olllce. ••>»•-•' \\ r ANTED—BOARDERS, AT NO. «2^ TV Ka«t 2ud rireet, with pleasant room* Good nrcoiniiHMlutlon«. \V r ANTED.—DAILY REPUBLICANS TV or the f-.|l»wliiH datv*. Mays, and 2«, for which 2 cuul« will be paid at IhUolUc«. lii-ai W A NTED—TO EXCHANGE A FARM of 21 acre« for a «mall huUB«. »-nttahle lor two old Del. Ilui people. In or n luen «'Htahllslicd Wiiiiiingi»ii, & Hurl at lot F. R. (.LARK & CO.. Markt r • Apply \\ r ANTED- HOARDERS AT NO. ««»7 TV y «(net. I'leavunt rooms and good accommodations. J21-iitt \\ r A NTED— RELIA BLE LOCAL AND VV iravcllntr «; poaltl >»» perma nent. Spvclui iuduc nient» now; la»i nrlilng ■pcclaitle». Don't delay, »alary from htart. IIIIOWN 111(08.. Nurserymen. -3m-eod W ANTED—.LADIES TO LEARN rf Markley's GJ»v«-Fitting Hysb-m. Fo hltion Kimr ui'.-ed. Karn 110 to fis per wurk, * las« da>». 'Ini day. l rlday mui 8«iurday, n. in. to 3 p. in., «it» Op. in. rattern» cut. M188 MOUTON, W» Market street, my31-2bt __ Third flour, front room W ANTED »hört -hand correspondence «•Ipert typi -wrlter; I« experiencin' lng-ro<»iu ilutle«; ha» been employed by inanurai-tiireM and Importer).: also produce coinnil:«l»ii merchants. Fnrtli. r pirllcnlars may be uhtalutd by andrcrslug Clerk, i111« of fice. JoZ3-3t \l r ANTEI>—UNFURNISHED ROOMS * > n»t lv«« than 3. all In good repair and coinniunl'atliig;nmst have evt ry eonvenlence, , within lo minul< » w. — A POSITION AS city : over «lore not objected t ». Address Z., J2'i 3tt tins «dll *. wanted—a front room, fuu II nlHlifil or uiifuriilsbed, for light lioene WrANTEI)—A GOOD BOY, 14 OR 15 if y*ar n i»M to bain the btil<lierlnar luisi nreo. A|i|>lv to JOHN GIBBONS, City Maiket House*. WANTED. — AN EXPERIENCED if colored rook; reference required. Ap ply at U13 WaaliliiKtoa Bt. J27-2U Addri-b», rtiiting St., I'll J27-3U* WANTED-AT ONCE, AN F.XPERI * T enrvil dressmaker; none o'.litr needaji ply, at 601 Jellersou St. _ J27-2tt \V r ANTED—YOUNO MEN BOARD t T «*rs at No. H Itoldnson «treet. Flflasant i*7-3tt rooms and pi let- reasonable. WANTED-HALF-GROWN WIÏITE '* Sftrl as child'» uurec. Apply at 82V JackkOii 8t. _ _ j27-2tt A GENTS W ANTED—FIFTY ACTIVE ./Y men »ml wonmi for tin* mat and most popular works published. For lull particulars addreta W. T., thluollltm. ui2.i-.-a.Uu-U WANTED. -GENTLEMEN BOÀRD » * era at 022 West 8rd St., In privai«* fainl iy. J2I-^ W ANTED -A M I D D L IL A OEi) white woman, or girl |lor housework. Apply nt M2 West 4lh street. Jc2.'>-6t WANTED—BOARDERS AT SOUTH V went corner of Seventh ami Kin* si . Also table hoarder«. Ji'.-ilt* lor »ulo. l^OR 8 A LE —A BLACK GELD A lug hofse. 7 y«*»rs old, 16 h;inds.^^5V high; what they call in Uenturky a coml.imd hors»«, tingle loot.» fox trot uinler »addle and trot In liariie«). This Isa linehor,e, well-bred, a B minute a very fast walker, I» very »tyluli, « Iy, arrul.l of nothing Hired by U liken, dam, Hin. te llmdiaw. Apply t*» lloWAKUE. VERNON, this office. , 7 KK I,'Oil SALE— TÜRKE SECTION'S OF 1 mgnr or cm k< r bins, with gi ts« (r«.nts: alao a large |)»i klng tabu «*10 ; »!-<> i..i f.-vt ol line «hailing, hangers and pulle) ». •J fca»l 4i h street. i;oIt SALE.—IN FIRST-CLAPS OR A dtr, my little used side bar, leather top buggy, made liyGicgg.t Howe. Al»o hand «Gbiht ph-elou used only • «i-aroil. Ap Juio-tf My. F°, u SAI.K—A 2-STOKY BRICK llrnt-rlitRs order; ltd «old water, wl;h heater Olllce. A. ii,"vi£UNON , .' 1> and baili: hot L'OR SALE—CHEAP, THRF.E 8ETS C of xecoiul-lbiibl) tl, single harues», w ill be «old cheap. Apply nt JAMEt A. CON New Harnes« 12« st I'^OR SALE—A HORSE,WAGON AND X harm *»j will bu »obi at HtiilUam's auction street. rnlDK, leutii ins Halm <lay J-7-21 PUR SALE—SECOND-HAND PIA I eob for }2>, {75, {%'>, {125, on easy inontbly pavin.'iita. 11. F. kuiikM-.N, l'2ï 710 Market struct. F °1 SALE-TWO STEINWAY PI , «lightly iimmI, hi a g: II. t . liUBELLN. 7 «aorlflcc. lu Mark. tat. 170R8AI.E-A BOY'S SAFETY BI 1. cycle, nearly new, will be bold cheap. Apply at thla < flicc. Price.{25. j'2»i LVR SALE—A GOOD SURREY, IN A flrst-clBSs order; «old for wantot use; a buritaln. 8cvei.Ui iiml Shipley Blrevls Frlbl & AUmoii'B, pOH SALE- SfflÏT ( ' 11 k,*T ASI, it h l ela »!, also meat rack and counter, near ly new, umi wii ; be «old cheap If taken at Inquire ot HEN U V V. CON HAD, -- „ J-Jti SI I No. It«*6 1 2 Mai kt-t bt. SALE CHEAP—A LARGE uihle c> Under Taylor urexs, print t over I hour,_ _ Aptdy at tills ))lflce. Ucl! SALE-SIX SHARES OF UNION 1 .Vitiunul Bank cupital «lock. Inquire at üor sale-fine marsh hay and -A pasture at rea-uiiablu rate«. UK'*. A. TALLEY, 114 French bt., city. J24-C STOLEN- - O day ulffht, WAS STOLEN ON SUN •lit l»«y mare, black mane . 15 han *h hlvli. wt ltriiH liiicl K x while (or 6 liiclics loreheail, lump :kle, I ami tall, it) year* out 1000 10*., (III lUol'lL ||| |(00«l "■ |7fi wiïl lltloii. A reward her recovery ami fi*» .nul the thief. AIINKU11DLMNUS Woili' II, (JhrUtlaiia Hundred. J27 HORSE.—CAME TO THE Otifelon, ^TRAY Fj prcintio.i ol While l hi» Creek Jld., (.teeI roan h»r*e. The owner "jjI'mSÄÜ*"'" ,,,J trCùALt.. • àiih^criber. ha-, e him CTKAYED OR STOLEN.— A Va » O red Irish «etter, owner'« name # ^«(s. and residence t<'inu<ltu. N. J.,i uu «■ im » ■ ■ the collar. A «iiltnble reward given It Is returned to 7«5 West hi. REWARD WILLBF.PAID F<)R rkt0V (ïl AHl.KS 1 M:ii shall'*, olllce, Mil u J. Vf. llowK'rr, Newport. J1U-1 81 . N KH LIN, d King Sts. 23.1 Inst. j.i-tr CAME TO 'HIE Brandy CTRAY BULL - O preiuUcb of tlu* subBenhcr ringb, a large re> ; tit in by proving property ami paybig nages. O. H. BEDtOHl». Jto-4td-ltw lue owner St HOUND — ON SATURDAY, JUNE L 22<L on Market Bt.. a lady'« gold watch nd chain. The owner ci . __ _have «amt- by pr»v y AWSY PILLS B G U A^é licsi ip M*is 0 Co.V U lUd c I Jki s' Pa ! Tlioy Wm Doth Qntinr. with ft ba-1. Hoalp-wotuid offlcc of a we'l-kn A yountf called at tl tor yesterday to have it dressqd, and the doctor quel led: "Have hitn arrested for Ul** No. Ct Sway, eh?" "Won't you have him arrested? * "You must bo queer." . 8o is my wile. Wo have been married only six weeks, and she gave this because I couldn't give her f3." The liest in the World. We mean to contiuue tills until body lient» the great lung curatlvo agent. Dr. 8!mu>s' White Pulmoulo Balsam, then we will take in Whituey, contractor at Clifton, Deluware, says he was cured after being considered a hopeless caae. For coughs, sore throat, hoarseness, etc. Depot, Fourth King streets, Wilmington; Philadelphia, Smith & Kline Co., 431 Arch street. It costs Jordan but 11.25 to make a dozen Cabinet photos. That Is why he sell them for |2.50, at No. 015»$ Market street. "No. sign. Mr. L. Buttcr taffy Ferguson*«, R. 2d. thi: Wilmington Hay Market. Especially fitted up for the accommodation of Farmers. Ilay Sheds, Full Stabling Accommodations. Fairbanks Standard Ilay Scales. Telephone communication to all parts of the city. Centrally Located. Terms Moderate. All Sales Guaranteed. 713 W. FRONT ST WILMINGTON, DEL., EXIT ON SECOND STREET. K. W.MIJRPIIKY, 3'roprletor and City Welgbraa»ter, Telephone No. 532. JeSOtl PENNSYLVANIA —AN D—• DELAWAREOILCO 15 MARKET BT„ WILMINUTON, ML., lri\3kï Illnmifiicliirer» LAUD. Sl'IiHM, IM ill, M ACIf IN r.K\ , C.wmit, COTTON U'ENTINK, 1 OtMlIer« OHS, MIATSKOOT, CYI.IN .1». LINSEED. Z1NE • ASOl.l N E. 15 llflarket Street, WIL., DEL. l7codl3t Sticky Fly Paper. Just received a fresh sup ply from Michigan, The patent holder for this pa per is something new. Z. JAMES BELT, —FAMILY DRUGGIST,— SIXTH AND MARKET STS SPECIAL SALE CHILDREN'S I.ACE CAPS, reduced from |l.5o to Vks. LADIES' WHITE APRONS, Children's WHITE Dresses, from 25c up. Come Early to se cure a bargain. J. E. SODY. 212 King Street. Wilmington, Gel. luii-tu-rn-ti 1IOMAS "'I IM 111 I f.. 'J' Furnishing Undertaker r-j Practical Kmralmer, KING ST1IL Rtbldunre 1105 \i.. phone call 312. D. ftlAUTIN. F UItNISII ING Un DERTA BJfili NO. rect Tcle J. EMBALM ER, ..J, C07 SHIPLEY STUFET. 8-fTNIUHT CALLS atteuded to promptly. glMON GUTHRIE, General Furnishing Undertaker. AST SEVENTH STUFET. NO. BUS NEW STORE, NEW GOODS and BOTTOM PRICES. —1 have opened at— NO. 315 TATNALL STREET, With a full line of OIL CLOTH8, CARPETS, PINK FURNITURE, GENTS' uud YOUTHS' CLOTHING, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, GINGHAMS, MUSLIN» and many other tra il rices, cte« which I a:u billing nt Weekly and Monthly Payment«. The public are Invited to call and examine (or themselves and he convinced that this 1« tlie place bulled. No trouble to show ! DAVID ABRAMSON. JtMm UR. AND mw nOWSRlt. BT JIRH BOWSER. When I got home from mother's the other ulteruoon Mr. Dowser Was walking up and down the sitting room,like u Caged llou. As he wub an hour ahead of bl» usual time, I was naturally astonished, and as be looked so stern and dignified, I feurful that some misfortune had oc curred, «"Anylhlng wrong, Mr. Dowser? managed to af>k. He halted, folded his hands under hl« coat-tail, ami, balancing himself heels i Ilia 1 toes alternately, ho replied: "Mr». Dowser, this is tho fett Btruw— the very last I" "Why, what have I done?" "I bed Invitation to attend a ban quet of the B. N. Q. Club, and was down addle*«. to deliver get ready, and, loi what do I And?" "Robbers in the hou»c?'' "Not muehl No robber with any eenee In his head would coiuo to this house! It would take him a Week to find any thing. 1 go up stairB to get a clean sh ; rt, collar, etc., but uothlng of the down and ask the be found. I cook to sue If my Sunday clothes the flour barrel, but she louks In vain. ] go to the telephone and ask the coal man If he put In that last ton, but he ber. You, of cour»«*, have no knowledge of them. You cau f t eay whether they in the oat bln In the burn, or packed fay In the garret lor a "Mr. Bowser, have you been drink In them in tbo basement when be 't remorn 's neat. Ing?" "Havo I been drinking! That's Just like a woman 1 When she gels cornered she throws out just su. h insults to hide short-coin Inge. It's a wonder I haven't been drinking. It's u wonder I don't como home drunk and wipe out this family. Mrs. Bowser, I demand to know what you have done with my clothes," "They are upstairs, unless you have sol«] or given them her No : insicts, JpleuHH. Come up *, for iustauce, where Htuirs, ami show my «lilrta "Very well. Wo shall find them In the second drawer of your bureau, where they Lave boeu kept lor tho lu»t two "I'll bet you a million dollars to a centl" "Come We went up Btalr^ to the bureau and I pulled out the drawer »ml there lay five clean Bliirt«, Just where 1 had placed th* m an they came irurn tho laundry two days before. "Hut they not thero ago," protebted Mr. Howsei*. "But they were. How could they be anything else? In this other drawer your bocks, neckties, culls and culture. See?" * I see, but that drawer was empty hour age." "And in this eloect la your Sunday suit. See? Coat, you growing blind, Mr. Bowser? "Tnere Is some dark mystery connected with all this, Mrs. Bowser, and J will 1 spent a hour , and pants. Are uot rc*et until I unravel It good half hour looking for my things but uot "Bei t Into the apare room, Ji of other husband», Of cou Sec? Every drawer In the spare bureau bli3 bee clothes press door Is wide oi>eu!" "Mrs. Bowser, don't try to get out of It in tils way! My eyesight Is still good, drawer I kuow ivc lest i siuglu article could 1 fiud." you rushed upstairs and ust llko lots you did I pullud out, and tho :ind when I sec un eutjiiy ib not lull ol «liirt«. 1 h looking for my things, uud go to the bauquet," hour I c-aimot dowii stabs and called up some cue by tolephouo ami eaiil: "1 can't b« there this « veiling. My ehlrts, collars and clothes have been mis laid by my wile, ami 1 only found them a moment ago. Very sorry, but give my regrets to the boys and tell them how it. . Seme wives arc like that uud can't help it, you know. Good-bye." The next evening Mr. Bowser brought a lrit-nd up with him—the eat: hnd telephoned to. After u bit he took him up stairs for a smoke, ami He lie they reached the head ol the stairs, they found I ho following uotlco cu the bed door: INSIDE THIS ROOM wilt be found bowser's SHIRTS, 0OI.IJ . SUNDAY SUIT. Don't make the mistake of looking iu the alley. On the bureau I hail tucked a second , reading: "First drawer—Your lialr dye, etc. "Second drawer—Collars, culls and ueckties. "Thlid drawer—Your ehlrts." On the door of the clothes closet I had a third aigu, read lug: "Your Sunday suit la In this closet— tir&t hook to tlio left as you enter." On each garment was marked the name, ,'' *'vest," and "punts," aud uu the wall a set of instruction*, reading: "1. Fling your hut under the bed. "a. Kick yuur puuts over behind tbo lounge. "3. Throw your vest behind tho wash stand uud your co. "4. Ih removing tho buttons fr your shirt, jerk aud twist from left right and back agu'n. This will enlarge the buttonhole«. "5. If you drop jump up uud down aud that you havo been one buttou short all the week. "0. If the button holes in your collar too large, kick over a chair and de clare your desire to murder notuu one. It too small, kick over two chairs uud lay It Ihe floor. of the buttons, aud declare "7. In chAnglnir your clothes get y suspenders twisted, leave your shirt bundled up nt the shoulders, aud snap oil many buttons as possible." 1 had In fended those signs for Mr. Bow 's eyes alone, and I fully expected a naticual caiumlty when be came down aud bade bis frleud good u'ght. I disappointed, however. He loikud : benignly, walked up aud down for uwhlle, ami then observe Jt "Mrs. Bowser, bef I had a long talk with your mother." "Yes." "She told me that you had never bceu called upon toj exercise Judgment or re sponsibility, aud that I would Uud you a verv great burden." "Thanks, Mr. Bowser." "But I agreed to bear with yon and bo patient, aud so I shall. Twenty years hence you may know something about housekeeping and a wife's duty toward her husbaud's wardrobe. It's a long tinte to wait, but I will bo patient. Per haps this Is my udsdon on earth, and Is what the Lord wills mo to do. Go ahead, Mrs. Bowser, ami be Just : can, ami do everything to hurt my feol iuga. 1 shall do my duty and uevor let tho world kuow how 1 sutler," married When baby was «ick, we gtvs her o*mr When she wan a Child «he cried for Oastorla J* besame Mia she clung to Oastorla bhaa Cu When When she bad OhllOreu sue torla. Anot)ior 1'osslbly Dnngeruu» Dam. A ep^tlal despatch from I.alte Hopat couir, N J., Htatea that the dam confining that grekt body of water has boon tho cause ofgreat anxiety since the Johus towu dl^Ktsr. It has been built for 00 e fliid rnisofi the water of the hike 20 abuVe its uutural level. The hiko »nllng to ustlmafe, 10,000,. nine average width of n le. The special arranged that the both east and west from the in contains, 0(10,IKK) L'allons of water, being miles loig with three-qt says: • The dam Is water 1 locks at or ubovc Lauding Station, and should the (lam break tho greatest ' volume sweep Stanhope from the face of the earth. Before the water could reach Dover Boantorj on the east much of lie force would be spent ou the surrounding flats that. Intervene, but Draketvllle would share thje fate of Stantuqie, while Itoou Dovcr would eventually be flooded.I Should the water from Like I lapateoug ever break from its bounds, the devastation would be fr'ghtl'ul, both to life and property, as tliero la nothing that cm Id prevent the terrible flood from sweeping from the summit level to the Morris md Essex Canal, both east and w< st, distroying completely or partially every cmal town from the Delawure to tho Passaic river. It Is expected, however, when thfe Newark Water Company takes possession of the lake that un entirely d.uh will tie constructed on modern piiuciples, wbleh wll obviate all danger. The wafer privileges ot the lake owned ty the Lehigh Navigation Com pany, which use» It ns a feeder for tho Morris ifnd Essex Canid. The (lam ab which f of heavL blocks of stone hooked together with lrou." of a the Blurt rould go went ai d I are expressed Is constructed I in port in it Motners. I Marri and dysentery prevented during teething bÿ Hoopor's Anodyne. F«|»tureH outlie CoiA-e Murltet Tlie rofiec market, which has been nomcwlmt panicky for the past few daya in New York and Baltimore, par tially recovered on Wednesday, though It has not yet by any meins lully coverei] Its normal healthy condition. At one period of the day's transactions it had iccovered forty i some (If this gain belt the exchange. During the puat threo weeks the total shrinkage in prlco li is been 3 j cents per pound. During all this lime and previously tho market was sluggish. I'riees were high, and the domand was limited because every dealer hought codec too high and held back orders. Tho stillness In prices was dub to reports from Rio that the crop lot* tho year beginning on July 1 would be short. Then came along tho report that the crop would not bo tho failure predicted for it. This was opportunity for a raid on the market, and it was made, A promiucut cotreo broker! said on Wednesday that the Excliai|igo and holders of coil'eo now wjiging a contest lor the posses sion of tho latter. Baltimore dealers have about lOo.UUO bags of coUee in stock or afloat, and notwithstanding tho depression in prices they are hold ing ou j to it wilh a vengeance. Tho tutal visible supply is G00,0u0 bags. lointa.but it loat oru tlic close of Shiloh's t'utarrh Kemedy. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy, a marvelous <*nro for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker Mouth and Headache. With each bottle there lâj au Ingenious Nasal Injector for e successful treatment of these complaints without extra charge. Brice 60 ceotk N. B. Dan forth, wholesale ami retail akeut, Second uud Market streets, XVilmi igtou, Del the Alii*.'k(l of tho Flood. Notwithstanding the late wu.-lionfa the rulljrouiJs, A. Sergeant has Ju«t loaded two curs of \N estera oats, and has more cilirs running. Also some very line baled lay und wheat straw. Selling at Imltonij prices. Coal from the bust mita*«; 2240 pounds to the tou. Oak, piuo aud hickory kindling wood iu large loads. Yard foot of Munroo street. Central office, Seventh and King streets. Look for the blue sign. Opeu lu the cveuiug. Telephbuo cull 545. Dr. Simms' Eye Curo Cures every time. A little girl brought luto our office ou Saturday; she could dot bear tho light, yet lu 2-1 hour«' ueo of bur Eye Cure »lie could bear the light nlcdy. It I« the leadlug eye medi cine. L'/j. Depot, Fourth Wilmington, Del. Smith «& Kline Co , Philadelphia. l King, Will irailn or Moll carriage, built by Frist A AllmoiL used but little; In flret-class order. Uno of the lightest runniug wagons in the city aud built or the finest material. Apply at the factory, corner of Suviiuth and Shipley streets, for live day a. A nearly o Old Itellable. D. Ai Powell, Nos. 30Ô and ÖS9 Madison street, pas c< d-tish, uorglcs, butter-fish, trout, flounder«, black bas«, etc. Clamb by the ijuart t»r hundred. Delivered free ol charge to ull parts of the city. We are selling our largo Hue of clill dieu's white dresses below cost. l»ro6«es lrom 83.76 to t'J.öü. boys' white dresses from fl.50 up. A full lino ol ladles' silk gluves jind mitts from K. Boor, 212 Kiug street. j ceuts up. J. Tou get a flue lot iu Perkins North I lolly Oak, Brandywine hundred for f7& Titlhr-mado corset. J. E. Booy, King sbeeL 212 Lending Iioufc lc*r childreu's lacc caps J. E. buoy, 212 King street. Tl I'erklus heirs will sell a very large "North Holly Oak lot for P73. No business, and swaiuji. 12 blneta, ■ 8x10 picture anJ lfix20 crayou portrait, either lu bronze frame, for Jh.ou. Call and see them. B'lt tiny, Straw, Iced ami foul. ShC'Vanl Ä Chandler, south sldo of Market) street bridge, oUer a line lot of baled Wheat straw very low. Also hard und froc burning coal. Telephone 111). Early Vegetables aud Other Produce, Barlow & Weir, of the Eighth street »narketL have it good supply of early vegetables which they Bell at reaeouable rates. Also freah butter aud eggs, call is jiolicited. Tele pi A , No. 4J3. Taylor Fullertop's rhcunjatic remedy never falls to curé; give it a triai. Fifty crate per Imttle. Taylor & Fuller ton, 5o)i Kiug street. 8. N, Smelt*, 13 East Fourth street, will receive a large consignment of fresh Southern produce on Friday. GotoSmocltz & Co/s for choice pin apples. We 13 E. Fourth receiving them dally HT! ip ■ _ 0\ > '»W6Q,l m Ul*QCin m \JPOWit ' WM Y.'hat else la to be expected of tho old fashioned way of blacking tho ehoea? Try the iy by using WOLFFS n Acme Blacking m à id the dirty task become« a cleanly pleasure. y, V/x CGPrRIOHT S/oIffsftCMEBIacking REQUIRES NO BRUSH. I Sheds Water or Snow. Shoes can be wathef , requiring dressing only once a Wee) a Month for women. Elegant Harness Dressing. It is WOLFF & RANDOLPH. Phitadclphii —AT THE BEE HIVE » 4( •MM» 31 arket St. Goads especially adapted to this season lor picnics and excursions. For Gentlemen, clean white shirts, clean hose, collars, suspenders and neck wear. For the Ladies and Chil dren, sash ribbons from 25 c a yard, 8 inches wide up to $ 1 . 00 . Lace caps about hall price. Belts, Fans, Linen Collars and Cuffs, Lace Collars, new Ties, Kuching and Pocket Books. 17 styles of Corsets, kinds enough at right prices to suit you all. Gloves, Mitis, all kinds of hosiery umbrellas and par asols. The largest assort ment in town and you all know we sell them cheap. RussrII, Missimei & Co. 30G MARKET STREET. CHARLES L. MEILER, (Late Fowdennnkei* Hi *) No. 507 Kin; street. FRESH AND SMOKED HAMS CORNED BEEF, BEEF. VEAL, MUTTON, LAMB, PORE, YORE STATE BUTTER. LEAF LARD. TRY OUR CALIFORNIA SUGAR CURED RAMS, 11 CENTS PER ROUND. CHARLES L. MEILLR, (Lute Powdunuakor Bros.) No. 507 Kiu^ street. Telephono 308. JlT-eod-t/ t. R3RING TACKLE! Having received a large line or FMïldn» 'lackiv, 1 am prupared to oflur tUum .ir,i S* JOINTED 1"!îîîv rïiî inV.VVw.^ ' linArJ I .of ........Vic ami am* lUW.*'■ -* Also, Hods fr»m «1.35 to 16.00. Bnlltliamboi» Ho'ifl, Reel» from 25c. Come tu tlie old otablUbud house of ' Ed w a rd M o 1 c hi or 214 KING STREET. WILMINGTON, DF.Ii. Send lor prlce-lUlol Ouse bulls aud «porting r j'WU HOUSES FOR SALE -ON— Of etc INSTALLMENTS. Ten Dollar* Per Month Six Rooms and Basement Kitchen. Call at once. CLARK & ficLEAR, Eighth and Markst» Clouting Of the best, and at prices that will make you the beet bargain you ever had or could possibly get are now to be had at 228 Market This stock Is being sold at prices that must con vince any one ot their cheapness. Men's Suits, Youths' Suits, Boys' Suils, Chil dren's Suits, dark col ors, light colors. Thin Suits, Thin Coats, Vest and Pants which will cost you almost nothing and will make you com fortable. Muixin Clothing Co., 228 Market St., Wilmington, Delaware. THE WELDIÜ PROPERTY A Rare Chance for In vestors. Beautiful Building Lots, Excellent Manufacturing Sites with B & O. R. R. Connections. Whole Squares or Divid ed to Suit. Hounded by 9th, 10th and nth streets and woodlawn, Bayard and Grant avenues, within two squares of Eighth Street Electric Railway. For plots and particulars ap ply to HEALD & CO. Jell-22-2 QK 000 CHOICE BEDDING PLANTS AND R(i8i£8 FOR SALE at FAIRVIEW GREENHOUSES, 24th aud MurkvtBtreets, well grown comprDlng all the In a healthy eoid. the latest lioveltL.., prices to «ult the public, lierai dedgns arranged lu tlu* li artlMlc style. Cl 817 Market street. varieties nt flowi ilowwvd lor sale at All orders r«*celvcd by SIR. FAKItA, 817 MARK KTSTitRICT, will receive proa:;«* «pd careful attention. «las. IV. Lewis A ISro., FAIRVIEW GREENHOUSES, 24TII AND MARKET STS., WIL.,DEL h17-w*jI0w liARUY POTI ER, Uns. Mgr. CARK1AUES. In order to reduce our stock of abou ami second-hand carriages, elating of all the late and popular styles at greatly reduced of a good currlage fifty we are offering them prices. All In at a moderate price, please call aud td^"RepaIrI;igand paintings specialty FRIST b ALLMON, Seventh and Shipley Street. MARBLL WUHKS JOHN L." MALONE, Dolawaro avenue and Jeffersou Sfroo A beautiful «election of.Monument! Head and Foot Stone.«, iu (•eoi'giu, Italian moi other Marblo and Granite. Prices Man ■ • and hutlding ^ork of ull üuacrfpttons» batisfactiou Isold. .Marble uud th t. Is. II DR. MIESTERFELD «.tSOUTII FOUKTI1 BT.. I'llII.A., I'A. Thirty years' practice ln tue special disease botb Si xes. No one mol to «aller wliocun fl.lentiully consults me, ua matter bow Ioiik aud 4 to 9 i», in. Blinda vp 8 to 2. v 4 l .-tlu* TTcare aelllng flrst-clasa Harncasnt very low price« to «ult the Unit*«. Oail ami exainlut oar clock. All «ooU-Kuaianti- . «mud. .AlsoalArge »«»ortuicut of Trunk«, Bag« aud Pocket-Books. 1 . JAMES A. CONNER, NO. 4 EAST FOI'UTII STREET. WIRE WORK Of every description made t notice. Wludow screen«,oflie etc Estimates furnUlud. C and 1 will call uu you. ■e ritlllngb, fence«. >eud l'ostul W. B. ALLISON, WIRE WORKS, NO. 1GU3 W. FRONT ST., NOW LAN CASTER AVE. m2 JJELP FOB THE llirUHTIillATl DK. PENNINGTON In KEGlflTEIiED PHYSICIAN 'Specialist Dlteuaci of Women and . Female Weakness and lrrcgula* promptly aud permanently cured. Con sultai tous hy msU or at 0lUce,431 N. 6lh street. Philadelphia, Pa. -t »EERLESS OTES .... its MF.-T Bold bx Dk vkusb HOT WEATHER FOOTWEAR ; LIGHT COLORED SHOES -FOR Ladies, Misses, Children, Men and Hoys. i Tho Family Shoe House, 20R Market Street, Above Second, Desirable shades and shapes. Cool, comfortable and fashion ble. To see them is to want them, and the remarkable low prices will satisfy you why the people come down town and give us such a good share of trade. FOR LADIES.— Tan and rus«et button shoes and oxford tie«, from Ç1.00 up. Tan uud garnet wigwain ellpjiers, new style,black kid oxford lies.Freuch kid ties 1 slippers. High and low cut, black, brown and white canvans h?ioob. Misses' russet and tan button and lacc shoes. Russet oxford ties from 05 up. KM oxford tics and slippers. Can vas «hoes for sea shore and country. MEN'S russet hook lace and low ox ford ties. Wigwam, lawn tennis, bicycle and boating shoes. Base Ball shoes, all colors. BUYS' russet hook lace and low oxford ties. Lawn tenuis, wigwam and base ball shoes. CHILI>ERN'S high and low cut russet goat, cuir and other colors; black kid and canvas at all prices. SLIPPERS.—High and low cut The largest Btock in "Wilmington lor men, b .y«, ladles, misses and children. Era bro dcicd kid, goat and beaded at prices to suit any puree. d lace i. W. H. BABCOCK. Family Shoe House, No. 206 Market Street, ' (above Second, ) WILMINGTON. DEL J2IM JOHN P. DONAUOE, -BOTTLER OF— Ale, Porter, Brown Stout and Lager Beer, Cider and Mineral Waters. DEPOT, 517 and 51» OHWUfl ST. WUmlDston, Delaware. Pole agent and depot for Dulawaro Cartbolumay Brewing Company'» llJcliestor Lager Beer. 8oieag<tts for Massey A Co.'« Philadelphia Brewertea, Mas*ey'« lir .wn blunt, X, XX. XXX Ales and Pu~' orilers by mall w Good« «hipped to Tulephuue coanecllou. rompt Attention DR. 11 ARTE It'S Wild Cherry Bitters. FRANCIS KELLY & CO., NO. 103 MARKET STREET, M 11 uiln.gton, Delaware, Ilavo been appointed POLK AGENTS for tho State of I >elawaro for tho above named BITTE US. Orders will bo filled ami empty bot tlC8 received at price and terms store litre i St. .Louis House. REMOVAL to accommodate fast Increasing FURNITURE aud CAR PET trade, remove from blO Market street, to the large Store Rc For want of bave been compelled 820 & 822 MARKET SI (Opera House), Where will be kept constantly on band large assortm* nt of PARLOR and BED ROOM SUITS, BEDDING, CARPETS OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, LOUNGES, COUCHES, BABY COACHES, REFRIGERATORS and everything pertaiulug to housekeeping. Give usa cull before purchasing. We Cannot He Undersold for Cash stallmcut. Ruspectlully yours, lu 8.SPEAKIVÏAIM m29tf by r Pk 5 : !~£ gjfêüfc fllrllï MB!«! m C : n » ?s SI ??MJ1 Men I h sSlf' i »»r-Pmr Vj »I J. PATRICK FAIIEY, SO. 1323 «Ml loiuril sr.. Carpenter, Contractor & Builde M Estltnntcs furnished for work of all kind«. Btllslactlon guaranteed orkmausliiD. Golfs Giant Globules, «■ Strongest Inrlgorant known. Cures ''.VEa .. .•sDk.mi.t rY," aud restores "Lost Vigor" In .7 days. Drugglsu <>r by BPElTFlC CO., PhlUdelplila. Pa. mMeod ■ fi. \ 11 i:n I ION — A i . l. i 'i'll; S' n s dk -t v siring drugs pure aud chomloaU or wish Ing their prescrlptioua or private receipt, taiefullv cciMpounded with pure materials, l?Ä^Jf 1, J ol,1 ® drH * t>tor « or H. R. BRING HURar, No. 317 Market street, Wilmington, Bd, J24-K DR. THEEL 538 JT*,"* 85 X'pr» '«I'nulnfl «• », !>• 'nunently *d*crti*lu« plijriictan. ' . I ! I ' fclrn* ,C lu° tiV^e'rr 7* MnoWnj an-1 suresssftll SPECIAL DISEASES AND BLOOD POISON, treatment Comble OHS II."» ATE I'I.CERÄ, ÏII.OTCIÏ KS. KUII'TIONN. PlIMM.M SH'ELLIKUS, ■.out Vltalit FliyMeal _ tlon. .Ktlnnrhnltn. liln<l<fer and Kidney UiM-iisc«, . 3MWPI.E*. JMTA'IMADOV, J« T.nrlx Decoy, » Nentnl ProMtrn i MY Allopathie, METHOD combining l.nrxr.t îfoopit nT*"" Prlvnt* i'ront leiil Tho moM dangerous «•■«<» •nilrllud. pi.fT.rir» , rnnklna !• hour» ar.- from l»It. BKLL '8 MEDICAL DISCOVERY. I'rico, 91.00 per Box, A positive cure for all ordinary cases o i. Debility or want of power Incontlneiic«* or wi akness of t ■»; Uriuo-iM-nlta oreansanil Disease» ol the Bladder and Kid I»r Bell'aTOIVIC PILbS I'ricc, 95.00 per Dox. These Pills are »old In 1er fcullicieut lor b«x«».% rontalnln# UiolllU'0 ••**" Dr. Bell'« Medical Discovery anil TonlG Eil!« Bale at Druggists. Wholefialft Depot: CHAS. W. CR1TTENTUN, New York, __ myl(-7ia GARDNEB'S CELEBRATED ICE CREAM. Always fresh. All kinds of flavors constantly on hand. Pic-< nies, parties and served at reduced rates. Has lately added electric fans for the comfort of customers. excursions KEEP COOL! We Greet You With a New Card Hiarles Kyle's Tee frenm superior quailty uml purity puilors art roomy, well ventilated ;:r eta- red by competent jadttes to ! pleasant places lu Uic city. « known for Us Ml thé NJE CREAM OB' ALL FLAVORS, ry diu*. Wholesale and retail, l'lcw *■■«. parties and iniiillie« r-upplh d. Ice Cri'aiu . '«o.i l .i ll,r / ''ï' »mans to keep c* with the tlin.R. Will be glad to see rnr d "the rest of mankind." CHARLES SfYLE. N, E. CORNER 9 Sixth A- Orange Sts. & AfjZ MESmitl ^ jatam-ra capital, * 750.8 — Surplus, *355,« Principal «nd lntw»^ l»oih fnllv guamnt^an byQ tal ana Burpln« of «1.1«), CA In «eTanUxo rua biuüSM wenuve loaowd til,404.000. paflnci groz o Kl /O H H jSZ. /O bar« b*«n ™ * to Investor 4M out delay or the lo»» of a dollar. K«a) Urn First Mortaago and Debenture Bond» ■ 6n/lngs Certificate» «iwayann band fc* Mg In Havings Dt-partniWtfa, in arnoanU of SC cad, ward ; in tba U« rtga»* Dppnrtmeut. g30C «adj ward. Full info-maum rugartling our rartoa* mm Uo» famished b> f J. B. WA TKINS LAND MO ft TQiGfë LAWRENCE» KANSASi« Tart ■aso't HCMV QICKIRSSk 9H HEADQUARTERS —FOR— LACE CAPS! From 10c. to $2.. r >0 In price. Come early and got your choice at 320 EAST 4TH ST l-lml* CHICHESTER'S ENQ I.ISH PENNYROYAL NILS LZZ C2IC3 E:AM3»D bsakc. Tli- nrli(l»»l. Ml IMsmonS Hrardj rept dm utki.r A'.l jitlU la li..*. • wilt. Jiii.k «ri*; p. r»»rc * ilangerfc 0nm*ltli< "tl amt •) t irjpxiMenltff ftbâ lot'll«*, 1 by return nntl. to.not* testliaonlttl« 'r< r bohiiM' e»»d theui will. Nurr*-i». NAME PAPER, OblcliwterChmdcalCo. Na 'Uank.-.. »*'•:• *n, a.%«iow5«i n r, «Wmf rte PAUMBB'9 «EXUdM IUMO without delay. A rare medicinal oempoaud tnat cure« when all ela« 'alto. Has oured *"* cacti ot Ooaah, Woia Langs» Indignation, inward Palos Ex* too. at Druggiits. ASthu»«, fcaubt'oa U1NDEBCOR.N9. The saun, ,cre«t and boat <»«« for oora tiuuiom, Ao. stops all pata. Knsursj com fort to the foet. *• u* e.r falls to cure. 1' 3an, BragKlSL HlSUGX A GO. M.Y. /CALIFORNIA. Vj Special Partie«. »I Slet-piug Cur«, ( neap Kates, »outlura •ucllic Co. Address L HAWLEY. Gen t E.istem Agent. 343 Broadway. New York; IL J. SMITH, Agent, 4D .*»• nth 3rd st.. l'iitladel« ph|*. **r any Baltimore * Ohio Ticket Agent. nthly. 1 M l CHANT TAILORING JAMES HARDING, •uita and |>uutalouna laid In a full Una spring and sum* ■' examine hi. stock beiura pcriccl Üt guarau« mar29-3iu purchasing tUcwhere. «■ :. RILL & HEALD, 513 SniPLF.Y STREET, (Under the Red Men's Wigwam), HOUSE & SIGN PAINTERS Estimates tarnished. Orders promptly tended to. Satisfaction guaranteed. City an A country worn solicited. UiOr-kiu