Newspaper Page Text
* DAILY REPUBLICAN 0 PI\ICE ( »NE CENT ' PRICE ONE CENT WILMINGTON, DEL. SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1880. y\ 1 V 11 „ cl if, \ < »— - I U*3 V" t mr. r i* ft/I '' -fy x //JN y h W' ' i ✓ .-■/ . 3rA Cf;&/ THE RECONCILIATION. Two urchins slroîlinç on the beach, Beside the tranquil sea. Beheld a pearly block, and eaca Cried, "That belongs to And both at Lo, while they strove, a stranger tall. Strode quickly to the spot, He stooped beside the champions small. And took the prize, I wot ;— Then spoke in solemn voice and slow, •' Ye both Then with a string he did divide That precious cake, and smiled ; •"Tis Ivory Soap, share it with pride; My lads, be reconciled!'* Eac^ took his half and went his way. Oh, rich and happy boys were they. with eager hands, Began to scramble in the sands. richer than you know.'^ Like alabaster pure and white. Upon the pebbled shore. That treasure lay, a lovely sight. And well worth fighting o'er ; Long struggled the contending twain The prize so coveted to gain. A WORD OP WARNING. There are many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the ' Ivory' they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remttrkable qualities of the genuine. Ask fer "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it. i, by Procter A Gamble, Copyright -USE V LEA'B CLIFTON F.F.F. FLOUR. \ TIIIE WM.LEA&SONSCO •f [WILMINGTON, DEL, f a © mm CA IlLMnC». tub Premier Flour OF AMK2UCA. HARD COAL US ÏHE BEST. BUY IT AT Fr^ch Street Wharf GÊ0.W. BUSH & SONS. F OU 8 A I. E—Till, K K.-STOn Y BRICK house, having 4 bed rooms pal lor, dining room and klteh cii'd tb !» ►l li «»use In Hr ltd, if «old ut 1 dill« ITU E. D. R. SUTTON, 838 MARKET ST. AN AWFUL Mi Has been caused among competing houses by tbe present low prices we quote on strictly first class new ;oods. We are sorry to ireak off time-honored cus toms but wo have just com pleted invoice and find we have entirely, too many goods and have resolved to unload regardless ot cost —now you know what to expect—when we commence to cut prices it means some thing. Peimock & Foreman, CLOTHIERS AND GENTS' FURNISHERS. B. E. CORNER 5TH Sc MARKET STS., WILMINGTON, DEL. THE MANUFACTUR ING SITE Formerly owned by tho Jackson Lime and < oal Co.', eituatod Causeway near Matktt street bridge, is U. w ottoied t lie FOR SALE. •e of ground, with d loll There is about office ers), stable loca ! this projierty having a ch, mill (with englue 8, etc. This la for a manufactory cf any kiud, RAILROAD SIDING Running the full ieugthof the lot. Apply to HAWKINS & CO-, No. 712 Karkel Slrool* Wilmington, Del. IN TU K CIlUltCUKS. Church of tho First Rom. I Building, ci Service« losut llvlllo Baptist Mission. Sun ni. Prayer vldson 'recta. id I M« dr : noting The Third Thursday 7.; - dll b mooting »I» l s •ph Moore. A ft , led by J A vi*__ . Knight of »al I M. E. Church, It. Irving pa.* tor. Preaching ut lu.:w n. dllgl c invite Baptist Church, ■••id 7.43 1». m. by ni, N. J. Bible I* hin .1 . WutK 17.; irvl day school - 1 Sid Rui Misai . Lobdoll ohoo . by a student I culd id •tin I* sbytcrl It. Be -'•dug K. Tll( I •I» mug by the pastor. day tlst Church. U. fi Cook, 11. m., and iu 7 to 8 o'clock. >1 Bu 1 1* 10 «hing s y school di •r »y if rii Mi «si F< •tu Ship 1 J. J; not 'y 1» Bethany Buiitl« Ja A. toll streets. I. Eli« Bui Iu. 31 }«" ! 1 »y * 1 m p K|»b h, liigiilimtl lv. II. mi inlay ut lay school lu.: 1 Side Bttpth Missing, Twelfth iduy school ut J a. d . dish 'ices... ...... ... Sunday school v it Br; tywlno >L K. C I». 1» rein Ui hing by tl . p. in. The twilight • l'coplo get lioiue iu.. are popular All invited. BaptUt Church, Thirteenth aud ik. >y F 1 ■ :i l'r 1H. 1.7.« P m. by Monifn bjeo '»•>»«. "hunetiUi us u Ladder." Ei lug, »LU man Baptist Church, .1.jut streets. P Fifth l Wain •J« lO.. 1 ! v.: nil )! ehing 1 tiler, the Red Men's hing Vso p. m. 1» . fiiold of l'ultli. Hull, No. 9)5 Shipley struct ut 10.30 u. iu. und 7.30 p. m me«, of Brooklyn. I'ruy eery Thursday evening 11 Cookumu M. K. Clmpcl tconth, Rev. A . i . l»y W or meoting o'clock. 1 > i • I by Rev. J. id lit 7.4.1 p. in. by let;v. . Snbbutli school at 2 . Mary's Catholic Church, b irst 111.: third . Chism and ins and sc II. Mm M. !>., Wculey C. Johnson. P. id ice, 8 ctio ns, i p. in. Ve«i . öuiiduy school m M. K. Church,cor. reets. Rev. J. !>. c. Asbury M. IS. Cl 3 1>. in., uuil Rev. Grand rally Ninth unit Kri Kzi 1 !'■ 'ty fill h i !.. V C David f Clio Chr Mission, N. E. co ui streets. Prayer Front it Iny ut a. in. by J. TVstl fug s ihlng. d Jeff cli in - McCoy. Sunday Ü'vïn inony meeting ! J.i: fcï Ch ill •ar Eighth. lO.lto a. 11 Kov. \V. A. Sadtl leadership of Pror. uio cordially invi hing by th Music B. ithouda. All American M. ¥. Church, French s Twelfth, Querturfy 11 Rev. B. T. R breaching 1 lc 10: by the Rev. It. ». Aceoo, pastor icun M. E. Church of 7.u0 ». in. of tho V Newark, Del. An KÏ lie Rev . J.T. Michael of l'htladelnliia. odist, will preach 01» "Hoif 11 the hall, 711 Mark. o nftc A cordial invitation , this id to rt 8 in dock, 3 in iiiu ;;fr. Tho First C Church, Fo mooting onal Mothodist *10*10 t. ■A lay . . in. Testl tiugat ü.âO p. m., led by Bio. aver mooting at 6.30 p. m ). Johnson. Preaching ut 7.30 t know who by; two ministers A cordial invitation la cx mony me Blair. 1 led by Bi tended to uil. P SULLIVAN IS HIDING. DRINKING WINE IN CHICAGO WITH CURLEY. Curley's Ilonse Iteselged—The Dig Figh ter lu flood Shape—Why the Fight Whs Not Stopped, CnrcAoo, July 12.—John L. 8ulllvan and Charley .Johnson, his backer and fellow fugitive from the "wrath of Gov jowry, arrived In Chicago at about 10 o'clock this morning. They remained nil day In close seclusion on the second floor cf a big brick building avenue. Sullivan and bla frltml, John tbo guests of Tom Curley, a Fourth avenue saloon keeper, who has takeu great pains to sight of poffeu and reporters. A reporter called at the Curley resi dence at an early hour to-night and re quests an interview with Sullivan. The lady who opened tho door stated that ehe did never hor husband, Curley, was In Milwaukee, and won d not return till Monday. The story was told at Mr. Curley's sa loon, although the gentleman about the premises. The second attempt at an Interview was spoiled by the same lady, who could Sullivan whs in plain sight The Third keep tlrcm out of know the gentleman, and had him. She further stated that bo convluced that lu the housc.'althcugh he opeh window. i'S of tho champion's presence coon spread about the neighborhood und a big crowd gathered about the street trance of the Curley house. Across the street stood a big crowd of men, all heed lets of the pelting rain. There a good view of tho champion's face could be bad, and that waa enough to hold the crowd, even though It rained boulders. The messenger boy ruse was the next thing tried to secure an Interview. This time the lady who opened the door bad evidently forgotten the Milwaukee yarn, for she easily found Mr. Curley lu tho adjoining tho hallway. Tl carried In to Sullivan, who, after reading It, turned down the lights aud tho tarty sat there afterwards In the gloaming. The b'g fight*r Is In good shape, ac cording to the cabman who drovo him to his hiding place, with the exception of a pair of badly swollen lists, a bruised ear aud a slight swelling on his face. 1'i.ysi elans have examined his hands aud find that none of Ihe boors cr fingers broken as It was m mured. The plan of tho party was to gel away from Chicago lo-nlght for Boston by way of Moutrcal, hut Sullivan himself and his frlcuds v re Inter sted In a busketful of wine, and they will probably not leave the city till to-morrow afternoon. LL GUAM Mge iT IN NBW VOItK. Alp.any, July 12.— Governor Hill to-night in reference to the proba bility of extradition papers being grauted In tho case of the pugilist John L. .Sulll Ile said made to Dim. say whether It be a proper thlug lor him to say whether he thould grant auch tloii if mado to him. That w a judge In court their verdict w application hud been Of course he could would be, neither would appica Id be like a jury telling what culd be before the evl •nco was presented. The pofsiblllty of 8ulllvan being extra to bo very dltcd would is uot probable that he will pass through this statu at a'l, aud lie would have ample do It by stage let alcnc railroad, befero a MiseUsinpi officer could reach Albany with requiiltlon papers. It TUB EIGHT WJ HT OP V ED. 8t. Louis, July 12.—H. A. Hindman, a Nçw Orle&EB gcutlemaq, who In this city yesterday, lias this to say about the reports that the t-heriff ol Han cock County, Mississippi, refused to pro ceed against the prize fighters: "I wltne sed tho Sullivan lvill -Kllrsin prize fight ai d know something about the stc( s prtveut tho bait W—or, rather, uot takeu. The taken the steps that despatch stated thut Govei illtary down t sent tho county with instructions to act. under orders from the ehcrlff of that couuty lu reparti to stopping the tight, fur her stated that the sheriff rt'Iu.-ed military Ah I uudor to give any were therefore powerless, stood it, and I have tie story authority, tbe sheriff' fully Rteude'd act according to tbe Instructions of tbe Governor. Tho people of Hancock couuty, 1 owever, wauled to seo the fight, and ou 8uuday night about 13 o'clock about fifty prominent citizens railed the sheriff aud quietly lolormed hlin that if he took any steps he might d th the mill tider his political existence eud. They used forcible argu ment*, and dually persuaded the sheriff to let the matter alone and allow tie peopio to eee the Liggett tight of tho tury.'' at Tire Military at lliaiulynluo Springs. The DeUw camp at Braudywine Springs fr< 24, in> lii'lvo. there will bo a drrss parade, and during ion* military National Guard will en. July Every alternoon 17 the day B. <Nt O. railroad will sell tickets, good to 24, Inclusive, at cents. e. T.o all trains from July 17 ti.o low rate ot durlug the Traha will follows: !.. campaient street depot, week days, 0.30, 9.20, 11.35 a. in., 436, 5.30, 7.30 and 10.LO p. in. Sundays K4V 9.25 a. ru. 1.00, 2.33, 5.30 7.80 and 10.00 p. avenue, week day«, 0.40,11.43 a. m. ,2.45, 5.40 p ui. Sunday.«,9.30,2 45 aud 5.40 p.m. See regular t me tab'c In this paper for returning trains. Market L. 1),' Motnci Dlorrkt aud dyautery prevented durkg teetbiug by llcoper's Anodyne. Tho sacred concert given by 11) at 's Military Band last Suuduy at Braudywine Springs repeated next 8un'ay, July 14. Tho D. O. will Water aud stieots depot at 1.43 p. in.; leave Brandywine Springs at 5.40 tha:: it will be .-pw.'lal train to leave the will leave Delaware avenuo depot at 2.45 p. in.; return leave tho Springs at 5.45. Excursion tickets, 35 cunts. 13 c<nete ciayon portrait, either In brcu>.d frame, for 98.00. Call und 8x10 picture and 10x20 gilt then B. O. Gillutt, of l'urdy, Mo., sa Swiit's Specific cured him of eczema t his limbs and body, lie took only two small bottles. Leading house lor children's laco caps J. E. Sooy, 212 King street. the dftys*ofi The Old 811 vf ITow fresh In my mi ml iny Bleichens, When I toflsrd me 1& and The burning, the weakness, pain, all fevered 1, the sinking and the old eiJjeon that my medl And cine bore. Tho old silver spoon, tbo family Hpoon, The s'ck ohambe medicine bore. spoon that my IIow loth w receive It, How nauseous the etufl that It bore to my tongue, And the pain at my toward?, oh, naught could relievo It, my lever-parched llpa to Though of disgust from my eye balls it wrung. The old sllvur spoon, the medi cine spoon, How awful tho stuff that it left my tdngue. Such is the effect of nauseous, griping medicines which make the sick-rcc— " memory ofliorror. Dr. Pierce's Pleassut 1'urgatlve Pullets, ©:• the contrary, are small, sugar-coated, isy to take, purely vegetable and perfectly effectives 25 cents Engine Homes Dash Into • Crowd, Nbw York, July 12.—Last night a fire broke out on the first floor of the four story brick building, 110, 118 120 Front street, Unokiyn. The build ing Is owned by tho Burden estate aud occupied by A. B. See A Co., manufact urers of elevators. The loss to Ses éi Co. will he tSOOO and to the building a like amount. ; Kennedy A Dise, machinists, and Donlon A Sandb'rom, manufactur ers of brass goods, tho other occupais, suffered a slight damage by water. The tender of Engine Company 24, while Its way to the flro, broke its kingbolt, al lowing the horses to dash away with the shafts ami front wheel«. The h into the crowd of sightseers who watching the fire, at the corner of Front and Pearl streets, ai.d s'lghtly lojared John Esgan, William Cassidy, Jennie Fulton, Alice KaVanaugb and Frank Street. tors« a Cheap UroiwiM 800 King street. Sugar Is again. Granulated will be away up. We will still make It up W o sell this superb Oolong to make Iced tea. We are having a groat Havo you had one of those lovely Jap enese cups sad saoceis. Ivory pound of 35c. Java wo give a China gold-band plate, cup and Saucv; with each half a lovely decanter of catsup for 20c., large bottle of chow-chow 25c., 2 cans salmon 25c., mustard sardines 10. Honey cakes for picnic. Have you tried picnic bread! If your shoes look bad we Lave Day & Marlin's kid polish of Hoi horn, England, only lOo. a bottle 809 King street. T. M. Wikk. the boom tea and code. pound ot at Valuable Building Sites. Tbo executors of George W. Talley's bavlug a ''toom'' at Maple wood. A great number ol lots have been sold within the last two weeks. This subdivision is located at the terminus of the Market street electric railway, and has greater advantsgea than any other laud now offered for sa?e adjaceut to Wilmington. Fine 25-foot lots are roll ing for $llK), and upon <mey terras. Geo. A. Talley, at 114 French street, will give all neinled Information, and will be the premises on Tuesday of every week to show tLe lots and contract for the o or at the itui'b'ui. shade: 7 o'clock Teinperatu office to-day, In tho 13 o'clock 10 o'clock 80 88 The Weather. On Sunday In lids city and section and fair, sultry weather will probably pre vail, with slight thermal changes, fol lowed by ralu north of Virginia, Monday fair to partly cloudy weather, decided thermal change. In New Eug'nnd partly cloudy I with trek leas Sit Last evening, about 30 minutes after nine, threu young men, Harry Keller, Jos. Blermsnn aud Edward Holrath, whllo slttlug In front of J. H Harkins' clear stor*-, 215 Wost Fourth street, heard a pistol 6bot. They did much notice seconds atterwards a bullet zing through the air and struck young Keller on the foot, tearing his shoe ai.d cutting bis tee. The other helped Keller to bandage Ids toe up. There should be a stop put to this shoot ing business. take It at ffrGt, but about 3 wblz Fine Apples. Mrs. Frank C. Stidham received this morning a basket full of largo and very fine liai Edward Jones county. They color and fiuely flavored. Tli have not oroached them iu size apples from tho orchard of Bridgevllle, Sussex Of a beautiful red any In the market that ap quality. Mr. has both fine apple and peach orchards and may be mussed successful fanners iu lio State. When baby w When she vu a Child the cried for Cm tor When she become MU fbeoluagto W heu shs had ohii-Uea sue cava th «ok, ws PT« her Oastir Oastorla Rev. O. G. Buddlugton, pavtor of Bethany B.-.pUst Church, this c ty, will tu Monday next to join his lamlly Outre Groton, Conn., where lie vv'ill sp»ud three or lour weeke. Stump wl^L-ÄUpply tho puljdt a morning seivlcs during his absence. J. S. Wulmsley lias genu to Atlantic City for tho summer. Rev. J. 8. lUd I>o Y01 If not, give us a trial. We will make you an elegant, stylish, all wool pan's at suit for 112.00. Wlde-wuh* corkscrew suit, $10,00. Well mado and trimmed; perfect fit guaranteed. Liverpool and Loudon Tailors, 521 Mar ket street. raids Fit 7 13.L0, Fish ml Crnlis. Powell has street market, cat fish, codfish, haddock, flounders, Spauibh m&ckcrJ, tea ha s, trout, porgles and soft shell until 10 o'clock ou tiaturduy night. his stal , I11 tho Third abs. Optu All kinds of cakes at Weyl'e, No. 7 East Second street. Millard F. Davis, the jeweler, No. 9 East Becoud street, a Cent*. Sunday Read Bill Nye's lllustratod letter. BAD COMPLEXIONS. The Secret of The lUaimd-Why IjuIIcn Are Sallow und Men Pallid—Some Vuluublo Facts the Subject. Fully Ex Gan In passing along the leading streets In almost any city lu America to-day, will meet with but few ladles who havo clear complexions. Many persons have tried to accouut of the severe climate of America, but such reasoning Is wrong. A bad plexiou Is caused by Impuro blood, and lady ruddy, who this sad fact because be really beautiful and Las diseased or Impti blcod. The best known way of keeping the blood pure Is by keeping It circulating. In this way it passes rapidly through the lungs, kidneys and liver, and la constant ly purified. But supposing the system Is clogged up, as Is frequently the case, then of course tho blood becomes Impure. Then far too often some powerful purgative, pill substance, that clears tho body quickly, weakeus the strength, and leaves the sye tera in worse condition than before. The only sensible way la to take a geutlo.pnro anil natural purgative, moderately but regularly, aad the highest known medi cal authorities ol the day agTee that the genuine Imported Carlsbad Sprudel Salt la Infinitely suporior to any other natural preparation known to the world. It !« gentle, yet stimulating; It U pure, yet powerful. Containing only natural properties, being celebrated Carlsbad cannot lduro the body In the least, and yet it has never failed to renew life,purify the blood aud thus dear the complexlou. Hundreds of doctors have given It their unqualified endorsements; thousands of people Springs, but they can obtain no greater benefit than by taking the Carlsbad Sprudel Salt In Its powdered form, as can be procured at any drug sto the land. When U Is considered that the Carlsbad Sait costs, practically, little than tho cheap, questionable and often Injurious salts, purgatives and Bitter Waters that are In the market, bottle being sufficient for nearly a month, all persons who keep pace with the times and desire only what la beet, will tee that It Is to the'r Interest to use only the Carls bad. Each bottle Is In a light blue paper cartoon and has the signature Eisner A Mendelson Co., sole agents, so every bottle. and womon take other iporated from the Sprudel 8prlng, It go each year to the Carlsbad such In One bottle mailed upon receipt dollar. Dr. Tokoldt's lecture and pamphlets mailed free upon application. Flsner A Mendelson Co., 6 Barclay St., New York, mlfi-salSw of Minister Installed. On Thursday evening last Rev. R. A. McEwen Bell was Installed as thapaator of De aware City Presbyterian Church. Tho church was very handsomely deco rated and filled to its utmost capacity. Rev. Lafayette Marksof Hanover Church, this city, delivered the charge to the church. All who have hiard ur. Marks In h e humorous moods will not bo rised u reference the following remark he mado tho gigantic form of the mthister: "I do know many Irish preachers, but the few I do know preach a good deal and compress a good bit ol It luto a square i cb, and as tho past r has a large number of equate Inches, lia people may expect a large amount of preaching.'' The remark received with quite a ripple of np-rriment. Mr. Bell Is au able and talented minis: from Ireland, and has made a go d li pression upon the people of Delaware City. Brevities. city Romford I In ce- cold oy Fullni DevlU-.l an 1 Fui r's. CU111 soup Turtle soup at Fulli lobs I Chicken rullmtr's. pedal ty at Fullmur'a. sat Fullmer's. Roast d lam Muais at all Tr Am Try Oiish Copping ami leeching, K. It in « Frank Roop Sin .: collars <lry, flib 1 unify. W ■ Front«. K. Secc tit, K. nil street. Kin«. ORfUt, dour», , Shipley lion. 4IT .. City I Jo*. II Wail p price». A general ettOB in wall am Jt Son. r,B K. Baugh tho iu Del« M rketi hu lbt largest and the city. Cal ifery Lost und F George, the 3-year-o!d Watts, strayed away from his homo, No. 108 Maryland avenue, yesterday after , and losing his bearings commenced cryiDg as (Lough Lis heart woulJ break. finally taken to Grlffen'6 drug atore, Fourth and Madion e'reels, and made giving him candy, but ho could not «train bis Uars and sobs. Finally hit» father, who had gone in eeareh of him, attiacted by the crowd, visited the store and relieved the llttlofellow'sperplexities Lis mother, v ind. of Samuel He soothe him by by taklug hi feared he should never horn ho »eer Turk. All first-class tickets, whether llmttod unlimited as to time, readlug B. & O. R. R. from any point «aßt of Dter Chicago, Cincinnati, St. Lou!s the line ol the H. & O. R. R., C. W. & B. R. R. O. A: M. lly., will be valid for stop privileges ut Deer Park, Mountain Lake Park or Oahlaud. When tlic parseuger Is ready to resutno bis journey the tick agent at either resort uumel above will eydorso his ticket, good for continuous journey to Its destination within the ter ritory described above. l'urk any intermediate stution c! Home-made Dread fit TVcyl'i?, No. 7 East 8econd 6trcet. After lingciing lor fourteen from a fruct.ned thigh, Mr. Norris will again re general all kiuda of . ks bis duties of repairing In . Parties dtslrlug 0 repaired will do well by giving a call; also keep a lu'l line of saws prices to suit all. First-class saws (guaranteed) on band at uil timer. AUo call attention to iny etock of tools, such as carpenters, cabi net-makers, pattern makers, machinist, mouldcis aud butclu-rs' tools, and full line of cutlery. 8.80 p. m I W. 2nd street. from fl 't forget the n Op »bei selling dicn'a white dr» from Ç3 75 to J2.50. from 91.50 up. A full line of ladles' silk gloves and mitts from 25 cents up. J. E. Boty, 213 King etroet. To Close Out. L. litis?, tailor, No. 4, East Third street, will make up the balance of his spilug good« at co6t price. We large line of chll below cost. Dresses Boys' white dresses TUE UIG STRIKE. SHERIFF'S DEPUTIES SUR ROUNDED. Their Radges Taken and Clothes Torn— Pinkerton Men on the Wuy-The Possession Strikers It of tho Town. PiTTPiimd, Pa., July 12.—Ona hun dred Pinkerton men, armed with Spring field illles, arrived hero this morning from Philadelphia, and were taken to the Homestead Bessemer Steel Works ol Carnegio, Phipps A Co., at Homestoad, Pa. They will he placed about the mill property to protect it and the workmen from tho strikers. TLo sheriff v. ill also swear In a posse of 100 doput same purpose. Tho struggle promises bo the moet bitter lu the history of strikes and leek-outs in this section. Bo:h sides determined, and a long tight is uuticl for the pa ted. At noon 123 deput'ee, under Gray, arrived -Sheriff Hunestesd. They were Immediately surrounded by strikers to tbo number of nearly 1C00, and requested to return to tho o ty. The deputies refused to do so, and the crowd would not allow them to enter tho mill. At 1.30 o'clock they were still surrounded outbreak had occur red. The excitement is Intense. Forty of the deputies had their badges torn from their coats und were drlveu away. The other» are still surrounded. Sheriff McCandless la a train by the mob, but swearing In additional deputes, and will have 400 the ground to-morrow. If neceaeary to prfêOrvo the peace he says he will luercaaeihe number to 2000. Tills SrTUATfSy» LAST MIGHT. The striker» at Carnegie'» steel plant have had full charge of tho towu at Homestead since ntgm today, and no duree to Interfere. Had not the deputy sheriff» cal mly and meekly rendered upon their arrival at would have been mobbed. surrounded by a mob of 3,000, and tholr badges and clothes almost torn from their bodies. A riot was only prevented by the deputies offer ing no resit tance. To-uigbl the striker» are patrollng the streets, aud every stranger Is oompelled to give a good account of himself or leave the town. have not yet watching lor them. When they reach the scene inter ring times are eîptcted. A parly of 37 •union men, hulling from Philadel phia, New York and Boston, are at Urconsburg, and will lelve for Home stood iu the morning. Tho Sheriff will go to the scene early to-morrow with a posse ot 500. The affairs have an ugly aspect. At 11 o'clock an ominous quiet pre vailed. The streets were c.'mparatlvely clear, but iho strikers arc bo well organ ized that, by a whistle from oue of the scouts, a thousand or fifteeu hundred be called together 1u a few minutes. The ÖWI to da The Pinkerton rtvtd, and the strikers desperate,aud ployed at the other mills controlled by Carnegie considering the advisability of quitting work if the strike lo not settled. A meeting ol tbo ut tho Twcnth ninth and Thirty-third street mills will be held to-morrow night to take notion looking to that end. This increase tho uaiubsr of strikers several thousands. Swift's Specific has ea7ed me years of "Isery by rellevln untold micery Dy relieving lysis in my left 6lde. Th I had becu treated by best physicians In St. Louis and Chicago. Tho trouble erangement of my blood, which has been corrected by S. 5 . S. T. A. Shei' a partial is was after PI causod by sc Sherman, Texas. Ilenltti of Wilmington. The following atlon from E. B. Frazer, Secretary of tho State Board of Health, 6hows the condition of the health ol Wilmington during the past six months, ending June both: 515 deaths, which gives of 17.10 iu tho There There al death thousand inhabitants, deaths caused by zymotic diseases, which might have been prevented and the people 52 responsible. These 53 deaths act of Provtdenoft, but by criinl upon the part of the families aud tbe uuthurlties to gi people pure air and pure soil. Our great d God seuds ns air, water aud soli, pure; man, becauso of his ignorance, negligence and Indifference, creates the Impurities which tntér Into his lungs, by drinking or breathing emanat ng from Impure soil; and, as he has sinned knowingly, he dies by disease to blame but himself. The peiccutago of deaths by zymotic Is very low, only 9.110 per cent, of tbo whole number of deaths. We igratulate ourselves on the state city 1er tho first six death rate nul negllgeu tho miasma with dit of the health of months of the ye is only 17.00, which no doubt will cause cities of about the same population becomo jealous. The births number 057, which gives a birth rate of 21.9. The marriages number 283, which gi marriage rate of 0.43 in the sand. This Is a good showing, and our people should be thankful to the giver of all tbiugs, for without His aid aud sight wo would be m'serable ai.d cutler untold afflictions. Let It bo the aim ol talent« during the six months lu tbo Interest of progret.s, and we will m.ilutuiu 0 ail litary good reputation fer health. E. H. Fkazek. ' Last Evening. The Jury maned by Coroner Gam of tLo boy Wednesday In tlie Peter Becker, who Tuesday, held an adjourned eeseion last cvcnlmr. The only witnesses exuniln d William E. Newton-and Harry A. Link, aud after tearing their testimony the followiug verdict was rendered: "Resolved. That P. Becker c death by being accidentally drowned in tho fflielipot crock July 9, lb«.9.'' Ms to his the afternoon of A1 *» concluded the Jury heard testimony In the John PlcsJer, tho German mitted suicide last Wednesday morning the Lobdell Car Wheel Works. After hearing the testimony of Henry Ginder, Thomas S Taylor, Harry G. Martin, Robert Tulin! ho c and J(dm B. Gluder, the Jury rendered the following verdict: "Resolved that John Picicfer his dealh by banging hlmsell while de ranged. w The Perkins heirs moan biuiness, an« wlil sell a very large "North Holly Oak 1 ' lot for |75. No swamp. ■ I You can get a North IIoMy Oak, fluo lot In Perkin, Braudywine hundred lor |7P. Tailor-made corset. J. E. Sooy, 212 Kiugstcet. ALL THESE GOODS ON CREDIT AS CHEAP AS FOR CASH. ! Furniture Carpets Matting Refrigerators , Baby Csrriages Jewelry Watches Silverware Laces Millinery Clothing Hats and Caps Boots and Shoes Dry Goods Underwear Dress Goods Parasols Silks White Goods Ladies' Wraps (I ■ i M ; TERMS—On a ' bill of $en Dollars, $1.00 Cash and 0 a Week. \W P. J WALSH & CO. { P. J. WALSH & co.. : 506 MARKET STREET Wilmington, DeL 28, 30, 32, 34 South Second Street, Philaj Tho Georgia Teach Crop. The 8av ■•I 1 N says there never was such a peach year In Georgia, both izc of crop and quality, and heavy shipments go by every steamer to New York, while tho Western cities supplied by rail. Shipments of peaches from Georgia will continue until about the first of August. Thu first peaches shipped were the Alexanders, but not being a good keeper, they did not realize well. Since tlieu tho Elbertas, the Early Louise, the Early Crawfords, the Early TillotSLin, the Tburocr and the Amelia have been being forward In the order cil,and have brought from $3 to $4.50 per bushel, the Amelia, a large freestone, with white meat, ami the skin varying from red to bluteh tlngo, bringing tbe top fitju'es quoted. The News quotes a New York fruit dealer, who has had wide perlence In superintending the shipment of peuches throughout Maryland, Dela d New Jersey, peach orchards in Southwest Georgia far surj Jersey. The News says: "Georgia Is destined to be tho great peach-growlug State of the Union, and will rank first as a peach-producing State,as Florida rauke first In the orange Indubtry, and Georgia with her melon farms, Leconte pear, poach and plum orchards, will stand at the head of the fruit-producing States of the country.'' saying that the in New anything he ever Camp Jackson M. r. G. at Frederick Jonction« The Maryland National Guard will go Into camp at Fredeiick Jonction, 3 miles from Frederick, on the B. A O., Wednes day, July 17th, aud remuiu until tho 20th. For the accommodation of those desiring to visit tho boys In camp tho B. A O. R. R. Co. will sell ogp urel °^ tickets to Frederick Junction for all trains July I7lh to 25th, good to return until the 20th inclusive, from Baltimore, Wash ington, Hagerstown, Winchester, Oak land aud Intermediate stations, and all points 04 Philadelphia Division, at fare for tbe round trip. One day excursion tickets will also bo placed on «a'e from Baltimore, Washing ton, Bagerstown, Winchester, Martlus burg and at tho important In ermodlate stations at still lower rates, trains will be run, for time of handbills aud'posters. Special which ate ding. The Sunday school at State Iload, New Castle Hundred, proposes this summer a building (tl they cad funds), suitable for a schoolroom. They have been aud still are meeting In the district schoolhouse, a rather small room, not space enough for their organ. Hence they wfeh to have n building of their Mrs. G. T. Qrulb Now Sunday School e the kiudly givrn the land to build up. Mr. Adam Miller goucrously offered a lot but It w; thought to Is quito enthusiastic the raifeoad. The school the project and w ith the aid ot tbe generous and liberal people it le boptd thi enterprise may succeed. Any donation will be accepto The school alternoon at 2 30 and everyone is cor* dlully welcomed. ets every Sunday Open r Preaching Is appointed at Third and Scott street, next Sunday evening at half-past 6 o' clock, by Zacharlah Walker, pastor of tho Christian Mission, providing the weather !s pleasant. Ills preaching there Hst äum'&y was very attentivily listened J much encouragel by the people ol tbe neighborhood, who It is hoped will tiring their chairs out ar.d surround the preacher under the shade of the great tree. I IVhito Dresses. I Children's dresses ready-made and made to order. Uukill A Polst, Second and Tatnall streets. \ VACATION Are your boys and girls ready for it? Jiawp you fitted them and yourself with outing shoes? Shoes for seashore country, for field, sports and boating, light weight bgoy and slippers for indoor wear, for men, boys, women and chit dren. Tan and russet color, goat, but ton shoe§, Tan and russet color, goat, pat-' ent vattlp, button shoçj. ; ^ Tan and russet color, goàt, Ojt* ford ties. Tan and russet color, goat, O» ford ties, patent vamp. tj Tan and russet color, goat, Ox ford tics, patent tip. j Fine Paris Kid, Oxford ties, Mi randa tics and slipper. Tan and russet, Oxford tics, for men and boys. - Tan and russet high hook-lace for men and boys. Canvas shoes all colors. Bicycle and Tennis shoe 3 . Tan and Garnet wigwam shoes for men, women, boys and girls. OP I •K Drop in and see the tij a»« sort meat at the small prices for Quality. BABCOCK'S . Family Shoe House, No. 200 Market Street, (above Second, ) WILMINGTON. DEL, »Ut j* fr 'J'HE COLONNADE, st Allen, of tbls clty LG friend* and Un- pu w hotel, •The Colon 11 Teomelv Iu CITY. N. J. Mr. Fan this the It thlKl *h. 1 Unlit a dur. id tssa idi .. lluhts. Only uVf . ». iiiiup. ■ Ule City PI Many hoteia El'îSîf 1 1 1 waft tii. r *'~' !fi' tionti the b.. nhts. Train .(Mark 1 *»1. »Uli »l«c ie Pltlla., X'll 'AN COAST Proprietor. jea Itle City, New Jersey, J«-7t