Newspaper Page Text
THIRD EMMI kt 0 f of Wm! A net* Assaults an Editor. Elkton, Md., July 14.—Lewis H. of the tilth Ashton, a well known election district ol Ct*il county, yester day assaulted (ieorgu O. Garey, editor aid proprietor of the Cecil Star, pub lished at Northerst, Ceci Ashton ro upied the hou c Moore, of Philadelphia, which moliebed by a cyclo Thursday last. Mr. Ashton, while in Philadelphia, told I ho story who wiote It up exaggerated aud very humorous a re| lu aimer. This republished by Mr. Gatey In Saturday's Star. Mr. Ashtou walked up sitting , ai d buying Bat ■ Mr. Gar.y, who porch ot Beatty's drug dr but j have l>eiu sober," face, knockirg him down. Gar. y got up bu k •k 1dm In I ho When Mr. eked hun dnwu aga n. One blow cut Mr. Gamy's eh ek, while the olher <ian y bus Lad a w. ! - ea.i. Mr. Issued for Ash yhl Died 1 Ei.t.icoTT, Mi»., July 14.— Mr Samuel D. Linn, a prominent I: ed citiz-u of the tilth district ol Howatd county, died at lits hon e, Hifihlncd, yesterday of h During the htavy atottu which pre vailed throughout Ho#urd ccuuty ato ou y«6terday tbs barn on Mr. Lluu's farm was struck by lightning and set fire. Mr. Linn bad nearly fln'she.t haul ing luto the bum his large wheat crop, which ho had just h wagon loaded with slmaves was left stand ing iu the bam while tbo dluncr. When it was discov Hre Mr. Unn called on his eu to l-.elp him remove the wagon place of s detv, aud they bad hardly shed it out ol tbs barn wltnn he l«*l 1 taco atul exp red. He m carried into the h> us? and fott made became u .idetit that life was eitluct. Ills death is attribuud to the shock of eoeltiL' his baru on lire, followed by cver cxeitlon. it« shock. >d highly fiO »ted, •d a P their d that the bi ■ 1 • b W. Muni. Ipal Con John 'McGuire was brought before tho Municipal Court this morning by Officer charge of druukeune6s aud eher er wan Oued (2 and e«»sti>. ' Monk''alias "Musk Ox" a'l. llstn Austin, drunk, given 110 Michael F#»i:an and John Gain y wi fouLtl by Sergeant Tucker pers stcntly d offensively begging Wil Bcott old offender he l by Othf fi d being ; •1 c mg the They William Ot to hail from No drunk by Officer Sc( and costs. Morris Weldin, col drunk by Office.- Ma; on. Fined |2 aud William Powell, arrested by Sergea* t Bhtckburn for drnukenneis was flu cd (5 and costs, and WU.iatn tounell, srn by Officer Chealrs for druukeuncas, lined ÇJ aud c; sts. iach 11 d |5 and colored, who Claimed York^wis ery aud was flne-1 (2 « Minn iiARRB, July 1L—On Saturday t ill cf roof rock took [»lace in the Grand Tunnel mlue, near Fly month, l»y which two laboring d Fu z Ra: iu their chamber, a very heavy oae, comple ely «dtately e! rii and rele iffocatcd. Wi iau, were Impri The fall of r led • is. tho can Work w; Lfor *!'«.<' »? At tiret the lmprls the fa'l shouting th> ir effort«. All night long the d 1 ers could he rklog|cii their side «>f hasteu the the m ras jtufihed, the rifcuiug gang being relicve'l evt ry two hours. The from the lmprls n«d gr« fainter, the re»«* d finally the debris euriy thss was f und dea l Mid R though he HaE6iy was 33ye large family. uli faillit r aii«l worked Hko g» « dul In getling through . II M-y unconscious voted in "he open air. of age and leave struck on Hogua Tape IL ils Cl Cbiiti.wa Falls, Wis , July If. —L. J. New aid, whj is prominent iu politieul bogus i a per A dozen dett-clives by tlie s Natl urJay clrc es here, is said to 1 ■v to the amount of 40,GU aud fled Canada. •arching for him, sp offer of a reward of Çl,W l by the Luiut flunk of tills city, brotbci ; II. llullb d D. liar aud claim M. D. Newa «I, a the tlou this Pro* Miss Jr.. In Milwaukee, nine I of Appleton, i I !«• Acid. ruir.i R'chtor, 15.—William Ch.-s tbe Hahne euf d 25 y . of No. 24 tit street, admitted uiann Hospital the effee s of muriatic with enicldi tent It is alleged that Richter, who bad Lem teparatud f to bec o admittance allowed pula have to.-n his wife, tried being denied o where she lived is expected econclleJ, h - t: . lie A Glut of Itlnekberries. a perfect glut of black last Saturday, aud cucuah for There /«'ries in the mark some V« ry flue a quart, while others, g« -, brought 1 and 2 cents. As they do net [ ay for tie picking at the.* somebody T. sin, ;s sold [.r: : the loser. The ot all kinds of berries h large this year, consequently they have bo; proved profltable. B ■ truck Y Itli a Itrlek. Lari Saturday Weldln ditto u to .orulng whllo Oeorge engaged at work ou au ad j WiTmingtou Jute Works. the head ol he was accidentally k with a brick. He w nnconsciou.s Cantwell's dr were attended fo. picked up iu condition and taten store, where hla Injuries : DargiUns. Call on Steward ä Chandler, south •jA de Market street bridge, for Curgai UOal. flO tbe best quality aud give tl e Try It. Price low. Phone 1 in feed, hay and straw. Wo 6ell weight. for sale at Appleby's hay Market, south aide of Market street bridge. Telephone eall, 577. rnrslon will be that of July 16 to Bay Rldgo, and cofets but fl.25. Going, ftfe'ht you? Bay Ridge is popular. Go }Qfch qjioir on July Iff, u? ' utsion aud only €1-25 for the trip. h West Church of t The joll'est Weit Church choir ■Î ith West : (?' Decide quickly to go witt «holr'H excursion fo Bay Klage ou ■> i ff ('oughulàl po.'ple and delfghtlul t! 1.25. Araopg the Wllmlngtoplans noticed at apd Asbury Park e Mr?. Caspqr Kendall ar.d .ûghtere, Mrs. Qcprge R. Ruperts, Geo. afls, Jr., and District Attorney Biggs. 8 Suu y last Dots. Butter taffy at Ferguson's, HE. 2d. Try Taylor's Dime Express, 210 Mar kt t, Pblia. Ladies' gold watches. Millard F. Davis, 0 East Second street. Judge Fisher sjwnt yesterday with Ida family at Wyoming, Del. Baeh'a, Frcuch street whar£ is the place to buy vour coal, George W. Tngraiin of Middletown, la visiting at Atlantic City. of No. 81 Ö when you wain The becu dan, Springe the tinues. dywine the duty. Camp general year. erection The Beecher's. photographs A valuable horse belonging to Frank Carswell died Order, gated, Saturday. .s[»eudlng rrlvoJ a 1 family .... Deer Park, Md. J. D. SUler General 1. Eeklo?, ing I G. from 2. receipt property U. S. custody, 3. Infantry, Secretary und Mrs. Elaiuu Bat Harbor on Saturday Beaton Smith bus gone for ■ weeks' sojourn nt A'lautlc City, N. J. u'.ug. to Ae Dr. Fahey bury Park t. r li jhtrt J. J l w ie have gc prolonged vls.t. p, Jr., D't extended 6ojouru Saturday bulphur ! - r Springs, Va. Miss Bessie New bold of No »ort Is M re. visiting I» m i, rami para Mr. Geist, o! Lancaster, Pa. Miss E !a Morrison, oi Ills city, is yhl lug friends iu New luifc und Couey Island. Charlcfe Mullin has withdrawn from the tlrru ol Mulliu dc Pierson, tnorucco manu bherldt the riiht this By fiO of I reduced price«; aho tin King street. Tin Bar'utic und freiz. No. 223 the »lirg, spcuUnp, old roofs d pain tod. A. Chauit-urs, No. red Official: P 12 King strec II. d jewelry neatly and Watches promptly repaired a* Davis', No. 9 East Second street. Ge to Plunkett's. West Front st. d buy a bag of Blenton F! take your wife happy. General In pa«tc Mrs. A)era, inmate of the Home for , Lai L Aged W Saturday by a fall. Brandywine Castle No. 11, K. Ü. E., curai u to Au leg broke during wnl give a no, nlight gustiue Pier this eveulug. George W. Morris, employed by George W. Bush iV: Bons, lias been granted a pen sion amounting to (7,000. Mr. and Mrs. Wlufleld S. Quigley h;\ve returned frtm their bridal trip, which extended as far as California. Col. Official: H. It Dr. A. N. Raut», College, atteuded ret idetit of Delaware o State teachers con at Altoona, Pa., Hie week. Everybody chews Consort tobacco but tho-e that ere late, ami tl.oy will In a few Ask your denier for it. litecius offers a suitable re ward for the recovery ol a shepherd dog, which strayed away or Las b eu stolen. die, the jeweler, 803 Shipley street. Cheapest t«liable sto in the city for watches, Jewelry, chains, lu result hay t as they lng Hut black ' lain ;g. and th« tinder wil. by Icavlug It No. 11 Ham- th » O may at At A. E. DeN of administration L i\v ot Cnrs'lan.1 Hundrwd granted to William P. Law. Hoi laud. II« ihe city, the very lowest prices. Gallery, 3o7 Market street. Letters of Dorct the estate photographs go make* tbe fluent j-liotograitLs [»rise David Wright lott Bs It u S. N. Suieltz «k Co., No. 13 East Fourth street, uieloua, w reasonable [»rice. Joseph Wigglteworth and Samuel Cbad wi- k luit ou SaiuriDy night for Smalley's mill j.oi.d, near which they will camp o for a work. All kinds of vegetable?, fruit, produce id egg6 can he ha«i at Welsh & , Eleventh aud Adams streets. Fresh and kalt meats a specialty. Nathan Duebler, a promlneut citizen of Tut khanuock, Pa., was drowned in Saturday night Th« cetvevl a rio#d o e disposing ot at a is. suis July at «>f - uli aii«l hi e a fis dug n !«-r M-y air. H. W. Larmour and Ually Bren helm the Patapseo river, Bab Fr day light, by the Upstttiug ».'c-re drowm-d i tin. • f their b, at. Charles Houck, 35 jeirs old, w struck by a Pennsylvania Railroad loco Soutl ing, end killed. Il.'se Company of this city «1 th«- Invitation —L. per tlie urJay evt The Fs ■v the 9 h ihe 13 h of Sept a Rum ford Bros, have placed a the fouutaiu streets, and also ; quench their thirtt Mies Tlier Paul's R. C. Auxillaiy Choir,is organist Church In the absence of Job bardt. The Young Men's Christian Assfx-lo tlou will not hold Its regulj this week, but It. will be called by the Pro* ident upou comp'.etlou of their new quarters In the Ebbett H S. N. Van Trump,George E. Kirk Miss Florence Bush, Charles M Bush, Jr.. George M. Carr, Mrs. M. M- Davis, licit n Davis and Mrs. A. E. Eiliolt Atlantic City. Father Flynn will represent St. Mary's «I Father Farley, ol Hockt-6 tho annual .•ou th»u of the Catholic Natiouai Temperance Association, which meets In Cleveland, O., e. nkliii d V it Seventh and Monroe > enable the citlzeus F« •th by ' V r . Ryan, organist for St. Ch.-s euf the First P who tried denied lived black aud for they T. A. It. sin, the St. John's Society rueuclug have B Mrs. Mary A. Gillespie, of Milford, ived back pay d a peufcloii of |12 [»er mouth e government. Her husband served during the war aud died atttr from wounds. On Friday she small farm of Joseph H. Milford, I r 81,760. amount ol 82.457. 11», ■ Oeorge ad Works. head Draper, located Chas. J. H. Dcckctt has purchased of Mr. Samuel Murphy the property No. 309 Shipley ol the contin sive 6« Injuries Jet, and will take possession ne In Augusl, where he will iuc his bu lness o .•ale, the pn mises No. 720 Market o biuall lor hl« it having j ! 1 south rapid I ncrease of ^ bqriuess. in Attention, friends! Our price Is Cl.25, arid we are going to Bay Ridge, July Iff. West Church choir. A delightlulexcur biOD. 6ell weight. Per Mrs. Anna Pyle and (laughter, Bolle, ° tyrVa® Robert G. Wilts, nf Russell Ä Mlssi 's, Is visiting lrieuds in Delaw iy, Pa. Mr. George Heller, who has been suf ftriug with malaria lever l'or tl weeks, has recovered ßullkieutly to be return to south of Bay Going, Church of No. 227 Mark friends in FalrviUo, Che West •U ■ Baby Found. .uljy waa found a lot at A ^till-bo tel by some boys ■> t! the of Ben u d day afternoon. It was lu ii stale of «1« com position, and rolled o)d gii»;:ha iid Coron I» in filed ar.d Lad the remains at ar.d Geo. Biggs. iulerred. For tlie Quest cabinet photographs the very lowest price* try Cummings, tho photographer, 3U2 Market street. Suu Additional Orders. The following additional orders have becu Issued In reference to Camp Sheri dan, which Springe at Brandywine will open Wednesday: Preparations for the eocampmout of the National Guard ot Delaware still tinues. Lleuteu&nant A. I). Cbaytor aud Lieutenant Weller will proceed to Bran dywine Springs to-day and at onoe report neral for j camp at differ In the acting quarte rmatdor , It U probable that t erldan will E duty. Camp Phil, general plans from Camp DuPont of last year. Company E will attend to the erection of tente. The following orders have b' issued : Milford, Del., July 12,1889.—General Order, No. 70.—The foliowlDg Is promul gated, viz.: nt General's Office, Dover, Del., July 11, 1889. General Order, No. 119. 1. Tho resignation of Captain G. W. Eeklo?, Company H, First Infantry, hav ing I con tendered is accepted and the said G. W. Eeklcs Is honorably discharged from the military service of tue State. 2. Captain George W. Eckles will receipt of th's order Lieutenant E. G. Boyd all publ c stores, property an U. S. gote custody, taking receipt in duplicate for l*e forwarded to this office. 3. The members of Company II, First Infantry, will meet at ihe tout of Ibe the Camp Phil. July 21 at 8 o'clock p. m. for uf eh cling u captain au J I d ntaneys of the State in his possession ' 'i I Sliding oillc bherldt the pttrpr riiht lieuteusu*. Any vacancy caused by this election la authorized to be tilled at time and place. By order of the Governor. Richard U. Kennst, Adjutmt General. the Official: II. L. Pato Lieut, and Act. AdJ't. Georur W. Mausiui.l, Col. First Regt. IdPl, N. G. D.L Sheridan, wink Springs, Ju y 12, 1889. FI. Brant General Ordfrs, No. 1. In pursuance of general orders, No. 1, Brigadier General Richard R. Kenney, pa«tc tier, I hereby a» d of the National Guard of Delawi during tho Gaomit W. Marshall, Col. Com. First. inl't., N. G. D. Official: H. L. P First Lieut, and Act AdJ't i! tho Itaiii, tho ltutn. It quires a considerable degi able tbe farmers to accept heavy rains I ' patlnuce lu disguise. It Is almost iiuj blessings le tor and hay put away got their gra s, and result will be many a moulded load hay and grain and ; coin bustle between the si. prrLaps flr day has prollflc in changes. The early dawn a bell; o be seen, and the ; as shining brightly everywhere. persous Jocularly remarke d that. they would another bower by 1 o'clock, not exp ct lng that what they said would b&ppru. Hut to tbelr great surprise, aud the erybmly els«, the sky black with cloud*« by 11 o'clock and tbe ' lain was disettmliug in torrents. By «»'clock it had cleaved aw . y ajaln, aLd th - w i'ing, 1 o', it loi ks as il them » O Jld be 1:0 though It la hard to tell what may bring forth these rainy limes. at 4 o'clock commenced with thunder gu:t that lasted nearly At 9 o'clock the sky was cL a cloud w be surprised to [»rise ol *h< ! I.« a The 1' i* Pres C« Th« The 1' i* Pres C« The suis Press Associât!« al convention of the Penln •ill be held at l*a., instead of Uuk Intended. 'Ihe I'hiladeliiiiia In s[»oolal Saturday, July 2*, reaching Cresson Sprlugs for supper. The Delaware expr« at Wilmington from the Delî Cress n 8]»tit»; land, Md., a: ty will It* by 11.30» e rail— ad at 9.42 a. m. will give aiuplu lime o th« Philadelphia connection. •ail themselves of the who«: delightful Irlp will repo nittee, J. B. Cl.t n iy. Every Evening, Immediately, iu !«-r that lh»» tran?[v.-rtatkn may be ar ranged and tickets [ Springs s doubt 1 h. t resort on the Allegheny iclied direct l»y a •er the main line <-f tho Pecnsyb | iiilroad through the p if the Keystone Stst-. )i) lent above tide Intel i» itau'ifuily locattd * n mP of the moun a i , iron« v h h r ch iu ; * • i. ide « if 24 k : K Hcetlo I'li» It ! nit tLe e. ipo Is pi t te >' 1 in mjiertdy ! « p and , ai y. This will bo The h( by the H'ri Irr.-aU perhdps the in «.-latlon lus < «le. ' A number of buys sat smoking cigar this forenoon before a eigj Tlilrd street, when tlie Irata father of « h 1 suddenly upou tho and ono of the boys burry wit Ii ccmetLing like a bu/zing In his cars. The father dently hard about tbe Whor'.er aud had ail vm app. mt hr Lad «vi se of young Mo Ihe ght be pur suing Ibe ruine road. A gentleman p «mt asked ihe remalulng t»oys wl day school they attended. One sal»! he A6buiy, Sllvcrbrook aud •onclusion th ■ E [»worth, to 11 relia An nmbr( 11a an 1 bat tend gold band; euppo have b«eu I« st Id the corridor ot the post office. A liberal reward will be givin for its return to No. 313 West Twelfth ith silve ball hand'd h\ i H. ol George Seal of this city spent a very 1th lrieuds at pleasant time yesterday Greenville. What a Comfort) of 309 V e hl« -Vil/ ; Iff. i 5 suf be So Dirt! No Fuss! No Back Ache! hASTS LONGER, LOOKS BRIGHTER, md makes the Shoes WEAR BETTER. n't let die women have all die Lest tiling«, Lut use at boys iid Blacking tho ONCE ONCB A MONTH FOR WOMEN. WOLFFS RANDOLPH.r'MU/.lphl« WEEK FQR MEN. I find it a lip top Har ITCHIHB AGONIES. at If ed and the will Every Night I Scratched until the Skin was Raw. Body covered will» scales like ■]» of r. An awful Hpoctaclc. lx» <»"" '» useless. Care lio|»elcss cured by the Cutlcur* ltciuedles in oiaetotcll you of tits extraordinary your CtrncTkA Ukmfmib.s periormcn changey out th April "K o nuiira red plmpli » Ilk ■ of It iUSf ok Ilk« spots came in : chlog. •erstell tv wise to Glit until 1 was rm I BoalvR, be ln« Dr ■î»ï ie«l off again. I lb« - ôt re I. After «tv appensrit ,p.-r « ■ IttlO ■ II tia Y be ■•■aty 11 ' ffiy , . P ** r had° I b-van >PIMi«1 »•y fully. ■ d. Mydiieu-ew», en<led the C i sll In in y vicinity, ni IV who have taken 111 e knowle l«e of tl lio have babe* w you f I I t\ hot orai iue. at y the Cui body wi UsM KI I w !'■ . ibli.M. New my skin OKI»" JoTEV, Mer ce of the « cred ha* shown Itself since my rill, Wis. Bcpt.^21.^1 gate to in for ing co Cntlcura Iteinedles «. burn mg, *culy and nluiply «Usual In, scalp amt t»:.»o*1, » 111» lo#* of hair rofUlo * »1 sll o Sold everywhere. Price, Cutlcum, B0c; Bonn,, Vic.-, resolvent. $1. Prepared by tho Potter l»rug and Chemical Corpora tion, lio« M.l a«. •Ho DU »il pages, Ù0 illustrations, und UM tcstlii m l 1 LES, black heads, rod, rough, chapped, and oily sk ed by Ci T I CAN'T BREATHE ■•atnn,Soreness, Weak s. Hanking Cough, Asthma, Cl million Meurt* Î 111*011 rolle itt-l'ttiu I'luster Nothit J'J-wAswl ■V like rk Lungs. fv ' An Infallible Insecticide GOLDEN RF.Ct ». 'S3 f-0 WITH 1000 toil!» of ft l 4 I. Its «*111 sufety to.M uiuku ihor eedc-U by uli » WHAT IS SLUG SHOT? SLUG SHOT tnipnlpuhlo i>< «1« r, a combination id* •». I «I id ■ I l.-i-till lilt:, m dt« jU • 11 « »k lei Hugs It liltlH th »'• piv.-sa go«» Ii Kills tl I i Itl.iek Ult-ns It.uli Turnips. It«*« Cub! hints. Apply by tl tlie plan Kills Uu »bi 'hly'oil y Wm er FI ml «» ,-d the Kavugt he Cur 111! her \V at 'Ihe for <1 mud likcwl Mi I M Of till tlie Keeps tho Striped Hugs Vom all J. J. SMITH'S, FOURTH & hBH'LEY STS. rail— lime Wilmington. I>. 1. the murSO-tf | ••y i f. : K It: I'li» 1 S'. Y. KI I-, 2 •In mUn I «I. ty -ty. V. fula, I» N otice—to the tax bay ers of :fV l. bITJRuI |yi5-ata-nwt ANTED — A RELIABLE GIRL led. Apply pou PKNT-1T.E JR A NT ROOMS, W A H! BOARD IN THE COUN ly nod tw er* "D. l: family. RANTED—HOARDERS, FURNISH i st. All j ut t 7il Murk J) at A RELIABLE GIRL T( Yf ANTE J1 Before Leaving for Your Summer Vacation GO 10— ROBELEN'S 108 Wt ST 7th ST , -And get your .supply of— WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS, I use | I» Especially put up for that purpose. Ï.HV' i.'U of II*»*.-« I < «1 I il..«: I dg fini-; key west cig aus &T TELEPHONE 445. JSwAlGm IF ï!l° Jflgbtlug Dors iahe». Le» noR. July Î4.— Fears at Cairo that the advi along the Nile Is really only tended to cover a lar movement by Abu llarned, who, it la thought. Is marching with a very etroug force aero-» the deport upou Korocko. If these lean turn out to be well ground ed Egypt will be forced to rely for safety upon the loyalty of the B*baren trlkos, and this Is by no means above suspicion. If the Blsnarens oppose the advance of the Invaders aud do coin earnest, they will be able to hold them In check until a <i be organised to Into the desert. Other d arc expresse of dervlshe® v feint In* fotiuidahlo ES? force of E drive him wise Abu Haroed »111 find only a few straggling and disorganized military posts widely scattered and poorly offi cered to lot erp<ve any serious objections to his overrunning the whole of upper Egypt. In skirmishes with the Egyptian troops the dervishes have lost nluery persistent rumors lu Cairo that a combined British Egyptian advance will be made auturna. . 3 here Dougola In the Case of lions The premise 4 , No. 713 French street, owned by Mrs. Mary A. Vayblo, broken Into last Saturday forenoon and a quantity of zlno anil lead pipe was torn led oft - by thieves. The bouse been regularly tenanted for 18 Ctll and months, the owner having gone fonda, where she £r* a ded. Theftbleves where William Scanlon anti John Apple gate members of a gang of boy thieves who bad a club house near Eleventh street bridge. The discovery of the 1 holt tnudo by William Davidson who ré silias next door and he promptly reported to officer Updyk**. The officer ImmeJIately upon tho premises jutt *0 about to Jcavo with a quantity of s'.olen goods. Scanlan was capturid but Applegate in the police for Applegate Eighth street, but he could not bo found. Scanlan I. 21 years of age, mid at a hear ing before Judge Ball, hold ott Saturday afternoon, In default of $500 bail ho was co nun It tel to Jail. mads a descent the thieves lodged ft, Bcauiau d a search was made his boms, No. 805 East SUftorrrs of the Flood Mill Hall, July 14.—"Tito people of Nlttany Valley,'' -said Mr. H. D. Love land, iu speaking of the recent floods, "are rather dlsgus'ed with , he tie tics «• the Lock IT^veu Relief Committee, have kept \h and about t)i while the people along Fishing C ready iu great« r ho e money intended f ie town, strictly In tho town, k mid its tributaries especially the working people and these who ued Bmall ho "The loss ol lifo Nlttany Valley, and roauy hoiue# have nothing have their ho very great ln th« bo rebuild with, standing among >ii, rocks, Help Is really ueeded In Nlttany tho [copie did not have pa[>ors their needs V alley, repres the cities at had, but they surely supposed th e cf tho relief I to •d get s I hey tbo county eeut. A committee will l»e a[»polntcd next Tuesday t> represmt the ca?« of tbe sufVe»era here to the State commission and the public." Three Rebellions » Day. Three Rebellions » Day. Threo rebellious, obstinate, though In tbo ho partakes ot food thric day. The dig* Dive organ reltu occasion to perform th« duty It by discipline, with a w itch « bloodless, dy»l»-l>llc ch i g f. o«l to «6. How >1 trouble Bhnpiy Ineglassful of tho genial in regulate 7 ho appetizt r, Ilostetter's id Stomach Bitters, be before retiring. DlgesMo of till» pi«* each meal regulator, beo »i ?, and its foreruuner, appetite, also rove. Nurvou-iPis and luumnln, : dy.stmpi », always iud ed el h ils «llsspi» ; ill disappear red, constipât!«; ■*ua! attendau*?, also tuke their leave Not only will ihe sya acquire str«ngi Ii, but abo subrianee of the issiiiiilalio ••y »» i f. «ul. Kh eoiuplui alia nr.d kidney the id neuinlgia yield Sunk. MAiu^l'ETTK, Mich., July 14. ith Mo< 50 of Cievel. pi-p which el . P-»r »1. rday, huiei ilhtü«p:«.pel Ude!l J v »I J: s 1* I e, du aids tf the s» I of id 1 aml was badly disabled. SI iki!t<-m[t!*-d to get lur ini«» s insli!« Muiifein*_r Harbor. Wh« i s picked ■ i, hag« low i o feet, from the sandbar i o! the harbor, however, tlie «Smith Moo»« began .steam barge, uli «-row, let go. The Smitti Moure li.le«l iHdlly and w Sholies lu seventy feet of water, abo sbo:e. lt is believed {lie be raised without much «Illlkulty. al»o d th. aking off a.I 1 •lawn lu a f. inut h. 50U feet he H»«l>i«s •or It, And the ( hi folks Uugli when they find that the pleasant California liquid fruit dy, Sy up of Flgf, is tikenaudm than bitter, nauseo strengthens the Liver, Kidneys, Stomazh and Bowel», whim lt healthy activity. All druggists. N. B. Dan forth, Second and Market streets, whohsale agent. y 35 easily becethdal In its (Heines. It tii , July 14.—The town of Butler County, Oh o, And seven miles from Hamilton, w n away by a terrltlc wind sto swept thiough that seel Ion tills aft err.o-n. about thirty houses, including mill and t»ch ol bouso In t ho f lace. ■as gentral d much damage < L'l ; .it Tii«rc w All ere gone. The st throughout tho section la repo C»inp-iii«ntliig. The « mp-m Mt. Pie ten d«ys, «• Several promliu Jersey and Peuufylvau'a lored Methodists will hold Jllng in J.yncli's \ •» H d ed, tor e 2Sih in from New i i ills' e The «1» tlana repaired yodorday, ami travel \va» resumed tho Ubrls of the bridge th*î loot of Market h rer it er a delay of a low ! 12 cabinet and (or fff.uU. Cummings guilt ry, : 10x20 cray 302 Marl By tbe fulllug in of a brick kiln Gditsburg, Indiana, (ere Injured. Four buried under the bricks, and it ia f«;a they ure dead, 'lelegrapb commuuleutlon i oral '»»y. live interrupted. Jcsej h Webber, a well-1 of Chicago, tulcide on Friday night, have b en citizen ji'd ff7 years, commlltod He h suppose«! uporarlly lus Are nte HIM KERUBS ÖIEB BoU)BVBB0«H>MX» fîattoft^ï Gnard Camp. The Delafraf* National Guard will go Into camp at Brandywine Springs (Faulk iand Station) on the LAdobburg Branch «Tuesday, July 17th, r at R be a ly la land otattoo ) on toe Licaoni ol the B. 6i O., Wednesday util the 24th. !>rpmodatlon of those des e bovs. the B. & Ö. will s< I] For ta log to vi round trip t'cketa stations ya. the B, & Ö. will sell at reduced, rates from the Philadelphia Division and Landenburg Branch to Brandywine for all trains, July 17th to 24th, Drees parade every day at all Springs Inclusiv down. 1 Vv N I i] I ^<3 The fioliom Has Dropped Out Qf everything. But matter, the facte havo on hand a largo stock at prices extremely low. FURNITURE, OIL CLOTHS, STOVES. CARPETS, BEDDING, Ao. Baby Carriages, upholstered full, f? 50 up Refrigerators Ice Chests Mattings per yard Ice Coolers Gasoline Stoves Weekly aud Monthly Payments, lier cent, off' for cash. of tho case , that M M I 7.50 up 3.50 up • .13 up 1.00 up • 4.00 up I TH0S. GRINSELL, S. E. Cor. 2 d and Orange Sts Close evenings Tuesday» und (Saturday*, open till 9 39. 0 o'clock 11 TEEEIFIC tlon and bad «k Cutting Affray IN WILMINGTON. The Knife Freelv Used, BUT NO BLOOD SHED. GREAT EXCITEMENT At the Boston Shoe Store, No. 2 West Second St. Now is your ct* Foot o clear out the d you do not take a«l ol this s «le, ns you have lots ihe Summer U just get y ar. We b cl led ai.d out the a entire sto y*. your life if y u ccintueutlhg. LOOK AT THE SLAUGHTER. Ladies' Op« Toe, wurtli $1, Ladies' Dongola Kid Button Shoe, |3.50, the 50 cents 5, m French Kid, Button Lad I »' II1*:Ii Cut Button Shoe, -ow (1.50. Ladies High Cut ht Shoe, Ladies' Russet Oxford Shoes, w 11.35, 5 «culs. Yo 111 find the greatest bargains In will find mostly every ,ck must ie last »nth will bo down In the :u; y thing y ant. Thu entire d what shall tic left n v know well If y slice store he Is bound to make proflt . We guarantee you we are losing go In another B. y K 35 per •ut., It BOSTON BRANCH > No. 2 West Second St., _M ilmin^loiK, l>el_ of And .it n"ït' 1 t.tly 1 LouU, Mo. tor "1, «II« New ia U I rx*k glvl O'Kcn D it low ry, »HFLAUHA T0RY RH EUMATISfi. 1337, Pernunani 18S2, Prompt Uo oral fVob'îiVlsVJ**! hltn, Kg.-*, /ud. If fit.' MSI. About Eaxfe" ,ri f*ar* mo X w iodidol/ wl'A luflunu* UIM.iillr.. t trig b* 0U,anJ mfm r* bottU* « ticy Met X ^çotd'not g»t up uU n*»»r haY* r*Uon paùe fàvm w*»«bar. » 1 "^îfeb. 0 . citizen Tour*, «*., fOBK a. rfcRatmoF. AT nxyoaiSTS AMD UK CtUBtM A. V0SELI, «u ••IlfBut. Ut v, XVtRVWHBXX. 20 at J »u r Chief Juatlee Comegys la rusticating at Rehobotb. Miss Irene Platt, Ido Jesa and Willie R latt have gone on a three weeks' visit to tends in Bi Mias Lola Nuesletn lias weeks' vacation to New be the guoat of Miss May Jordan. Tile Wilmington Wheel Club will hold a meeting at the club house, Tenth and Market streets, on Thursday evoniug, the 18th Inst., at 8 o'clock. Henry L. Churchman, of White Clay Creek Hundred, has gone to Virginia lor the beneilt of his health. Ex-Bherlff Abraham Cannon Is serious ly stok at his home, In the village of Christiana. He Is over 80 years of age, and consequently hla restoration to health la not probable. altlmore. on a two and Will Cm tie Anderson has been appointed Char' poitm aster at KUlug Sun, Kent C In place of David Frear, removed. The salary last year amouuted to $119.11. Miss Mary Waoamaker.the Postmaster General's daughter, will make her de but in Washington society next full. She Is not vet out of her tqcp.s, t pllshed and bcautlfulglrl. The Grand Knights Templar will hold Its triennial conclave in Washington In October. 8t. John's Cotnmandcry of this city will attend and there will be a grand parade. The funeral of John W. Keith took place Inst Saturday remains, accompanied by u number ol frlexds and members of the I. O. O. F., taken to Coutrevllle, Md., for inter f y. but Is w d tbo 'OR. ment. a t The U. A. M. E. Church of No tic, Del., will give their annual excursion Ith Wllmlugto DU I In connection Newark U. A. M. E. Churches, nofday, July 31, to headed by llurdlng's bund. About 200 tons of 20-Inch main have been received by tbe Water Commission from R. I). Wood & Company, of Cam den, N. J. They will be laid street to Rodui-y, and connect with the Cool Spring reservoir. The Interest of Charles Mullin In the morocco (irui of Mullin «V Ph-rson, hue been sold to Daniel Pierson, tbe Ing p&rtuer, who will hereafter conduct Ute business. d h Wed Bramlywltu Springs, Tenth I tin The well known minstrel organization ol Thniclier, Primrose .t Wert have l»eeu disbanded by George Thatcher retiring, after l»artnershlp of six years. Prltr •x. West will miustr. 1 shows teaeou. Too downfaP. h ot the grandest Ing •1 the ch drink was Tbnb-hir's i i « THE WONDERFUL CiRLSBiU At tlio Ninth International Medical ('(»tigress, Dr. A. L. A. Toboldt, ol tho University of Pennsylvania, read a paper stating that out of thirty cases treated with the genuine Imported Carlsbad Bprudel Salt, Powder form, for chronic constipation, hypochondria,dl-ieuee of ths liver and kidueya. jaundice, adiposis, diabetes, dropsy from valvular heart disease, dyspepsia, catarrhal lu il am tlon of the stomach, ulcer of tho stomach spleen, children with muras mi«, gout, rheumatism of tho joints, gravel, twenty-six much Imi long enough. Average time of trestmeut, four weeks. Tbo Carlsbad Sprudel Salt (powder form) Is un excellent A [»orient, Laxali and Diuretic. i\ clears the complexion, purifies the blood. It Is easily soluble; pleasant to take ami permanent In ac tion. The genuine product of the Carls bad Npriuus is exported In round bottles. E*ch bottle comes In a IK ht blue paper cartoon, and has the sLnature "Eisner «k Men del 6oii Co.," sole agents, 0 Barclay street, New York, bottle mailed fa boldt's lectures Ion. entirely cured, th not treated 1, d O every bottle. One r Ono Dollar. Dr. '1 *i!ei free u[>on appllca I bully Kuril«*«! .. . . About 9 JO o'clock this morning, John , Taggart, ug.-d 17 years, was badly burned while illliug a gasoline lamp at II«-sl«l i« ai.d A|»plo streets, South Wilmington. Ilia father attends to the lamps in that viciui y, and this morning tho lad went 6 out to till them for him. By tome mean» the tank exploded and ho was badly hurt c I on the side and nock, while I is j a- in was almost roasted, llowou'.dir b-. ably bave been burned to death had m.t en who were passing extinguished ies with their hats. He was taken Lobd.ll and Claymont a tended by Dr. the flan is L s're «ts, where he w Pyle. meeting. Tl-.o U. A. M. E. Church camp meet ing closed yesterday. Rev. H. R. Ed munds was ably assisted by the Rev. A. Smith, of West Chester, l'a. Rev. II. R. Edmunds will preach in Chester, l'a., Sunday, 2Dt intt. DIED. foS'SyS 14th Inst.. imi « e — i .lohn 11 respectfully Kein n \ iii' ■ml tils Id.-iie«, No. «12 Kil day, 17th inati lock. 1 t ut ltivcrvlow .—On tho 11th y K EI. I. F. «Iltllgll id II Kol itfully •I Ivy. y Kehl ««I til 1 do her i i day a I Murk Uiitlicdrul Wm. B. Sharp & Co Mournine; — AN Black Fabric. Nun'« Veiliii«, l'rim-cttu, Clnrlctto, Ithadi llonrlettu. Convent Cloth, ies. Vrleotln Arm« M«rvi Sat I » l'Lyon, Undine Cloth, batlu Louisvnne, loux. Cash Drup'tP (.'«»ur(laul«l Cra Gros Grain Rhadauit The Best Black Goods to Wear The Best Black Goods to buy. Ihe Best Assortment Here. FOURTH AND MAKKKT ST KELTS If WILSON'S Undertaking rooms, 6i6 King St Telephone Signal, i68 # I^-Ope,, all night <1. A. WILSON, Funeral Director. Jhe gullIvnn-KUrnln Fight. IWTvfÀfîAl'OLis, lud., July 14.—TUo Journal loam» from Noblcsvlllc, a tow 20 ml Ice north, that Kllra|n, Murphy Frank A. Stone, all ot Baltimore, reached that place last night, haying drlvon from Edinburg. The party haa been on the alert since leaving Columbus, and all their In gcnulty was brought Into play In avoid ing the officers. They lelt l'ouy Moore at a elation a few mil apolla, where ho boardrd a and Western train, und reached Nobloavllls ho In and Murphy. Stone was lelt at Nublesvlllc to and return the team. It U eu j»posed (he others have gone to Detroit. Kilrain hua Written to his wife it Baltimore to eoud him 13.009 to Toronto, where all tbo hefft of the party éjlpeet to.méfît. Chicago, duly ty.—Jako Kllralu rived in Cute ago at 6,p0 a. boarded a train at à small atat Indianapolis about 10 o'clock night He was aocotppâu Murphy. They left for the Pennsylvania road at 8.15 p. J it list anding m;i Ohn LgAuMvau tO-dayf Jacksok, Mise., duly 18.—Arrange ment* for the prosecution of all per» and corporal! :s ■ ha Indisn ihlto Erie hen tbo train Joined by Ktl I i r , having i r.lfty led by Johnny er the Not iny conflicting rumors, iu Chicago all day I counected in any way w ith the late Bulllvuu-Kilraiu light are progressing, and a big affair It will prove to Ub. BherilV Cowait, » ho witnessed the fight, and Mr. Bleb, of Hlchburg, likely to bo participators. prominent parties lu New Oil • elscwh The Governor docs not doubt that he eventually get Lho principals, Bull 1 atid Kilrain, together whb their êginnlug or says they k legal u th I I . The show light, but the Uov tlio day wbeu t became par match In Mlssi» y Is an ol 1 lawyer; noth brunches ol d very probably his credit thuu th» disposed agree •n and Crescent I h h t IU advisers tlce to tho late elu •Ipul. he ha the Legislature, opinion Is deserving (Jueen and Crescent officials rant. Oth r emint-nt lawy with him that, forfeiture of the ch cannot bo prevented. New Out. bans, July 13.—Tho Timc-s Detn-crat's Purvis, Miss., s)»eclal cays: "A meeting of citizens at this plac t»-«luy, adopiel 6'.rong resolutions dorsing the course ot Governor Lowry In attempting to bring to punishment tbe piizj fighters utd uboturs, and pledging their support and aid lo this direction. appointed to confer ««log Loan Governor also terved In Ic-M A committee with tho Dlstr c\ Attorney, who prcicnt, aud aid hltn iu every way possi ble. After hearing a statement ftoin tlutlon w adopte«! dc against , aud ox preusing their firm eye witness, a repud'afng the charge» Slurifl Cow belief In his Integrity ami honesty, and declaring that lit the r opl »Ion hn w powerles« to do occasion," than he did he Hold for Court. William II. Clowney, agent and secre tary of the National Serurlty Union, a mutual Insurance company oient plan, was this tbo Superior Court under $200 a charge brought by Stalo Ini 5* Coin miss' oner Isaac N. Fooke, dtboiit bav on tho bem-v ;ulug held to ball, I Issuing instil ant e policies lug paid the Strie tax required and wlth dt from tho Commissioner to carry on the btigii cs». The heard «»n Wednesday held a p was llrst ulng last dor udvlbcineut until this morning. Judge Ball iu rendering his .here a Interested and decision auid that It great many [»eoplo we .should be approached with great It seemed that Mr. Clowney, the acting secn-.tury und ugeut oi tho tociety, acting under the charter granted by Judge ; Grubh, but the object of the c: as t o understood it, to got it before that tho validity of the N ! tbe upper c charter might he decided. Under this view ol the for hi Superior Court. there nothing left to do Lliau to scud the cate --Impor 1 ant to a great many p , ÄO ple who were insured in this e ,bat the ease i« v the uouer court, whether they it seemed like a hardship that tho agent 6 houl«l ?uffer, but In this cu y [ l0 ld him iu $100 each for the that were brought agrinet him. j Deputy Attorney Ueuoral Davit, app l«,^ lor ihs State, said he wat sut'clied W itlt largely reduced bail, > q* the defence, thought it not ,-iien.t that ho should bo comu famish ball 60 long beforehand, the legality of the law, when the uld have tu It pany should bo decided definitely that they could legally Insure 1. be lie would ed for ir to bis »oiled tO , Esq., who ap[i slm[»1y S. •11 hy bring tho upper »et directly belo lug the court by li dlctmcnt. The court said that he had in the matter. As thu before the 1« option was brought court, he could do uuth lc85 than to hlud Mr. Clowney then gave the security required. lug J^OTICE.—TAXPAYERS TAKE NO taxc* for the ihootTaxe iy .'.XT al N CUy In ufjl th* 21 >r, X nr. all ill )f! wlu the llmt Id; a cpt ' . l\ MOODY, District, Including MAKt lN .1. MEALEY, District, •ulver of North ecelver of Son xtli i u<i mg D'16-tf rjMIE COLONNADE, : CITY. N. .1. f tills city. u. Alien, Mr. Pane »at tli lit ; ! It .'»Kh Itgl rilr S®'. leffiht*. I aliCt ja* a ml Cliy - t»le. fro* l T sf.*.: i ■ loot o¥ Mar k X II rtsl fy ' PANCOAST A 'F* Pr- prl New J I J24-71 WIRE WORK Slid lpt1'» s. Wind Mnd'puaul ie'd. and 1 callu W. B. ALLISON, WIRE WORKS, NO. 1G02 W. FRONT ST., NOW LAN CASTER AYE. J^TRAYED OR LOST—j A COLLIE OR II1GG Market iy 13-21 J^OST—AFTER LEAVING THE ■ I Tl : DAVID WI No. 11 ii Iyi.-ai St WANTED.— AT 823 WEST BKV f V cnlli ftresi a tuUl«lU> furred, for «entra! I.outework. Au Dl&co for a steady woi ed l»V4tt \\ r ANTED.—BLACKSMITH'S HELP »» «r- Apply at . oi.Hii,', «„ri.^c : FIFTH Hi Elkton, MJ., July II.—Tj*' ha I wrick yesterday U | ;i . ro o'clock on Hid PtdlaUInlr d Ballloioro H >l nh oh bloc kale 1 both rortb-bound Hacks fur 1 1 Wilrnln IV] >• the « U'li h.twi four hours .«1 «.«a cot«« , " approached. The two etigin^ C L B, '{ together. Both engin«,, w.r«* ,, J the track und tu liy da um • r0WD 1 bo paatengers In th. ' tribu composed « ly of Pullman oats, wire badly sbuken Eerlonsly Ini rail d. The i n, :.r. both englues ju-i » . i lives. The trucks of 1 il» :• pari* ^ Tf, •'ll Hi wreck train, with a h at Elk* Perry ville to assist In Tbo wrock train arrived have bet shifter, who, It Ip sail, tt press bad passt d. 3 hi* I utter, how, V t r I cached Perry ville about n s usual Ufce! e« ga r ' :»itf 1 In '"Rton a n "1*1" »«1 :» . ihe fault ! with the i-iiL ,,r of tu 1 ND.»t mu •If in the N- (|(. Elkton, Md., July u •n I A { '* U,rn,w o'clock |.Bt cvoolnt; i olh-, track ot th« Phi'aJelphiu, Wilmington and Baltimore 1 tail road, about ^ below here, a man i lading at t The conductor ol the ?i lltc Information to Elkton and tLe min found, lie proved lo be a mulatto who gave the naan*, of Walter Taylor »id hla residence as Washington, Ii. c. i|„ had beon shot In the Iront of tin lie tlates that he had his examining the chaintx approaolu-d, and In his hurry tomov# from the trs«-k hn uci-Jdenta ly disci urged the weapon. He was brought to F.lktoo d placed In tho Jail. Hu fs very 1x1!« wounded. Dr. Charles M. Kills Is a-ttmi* ■ I H DNL t MU In ck. JVolver when a t B lug him. Taylor is at-c and states that ho ut Ô » year« n i loriueily a l'un. I^»lt »r t«»r tho Pulpit. Detroit, July .H.-Frauds JJrown'n* Owen, nchpew of the px-t, BrmvnirR, aud hitUM-11 a waiter of' u-isc, I,as prac ticed law Iu Detroit 1er years. Latterly he has 1»« hill rapidly, owing chiefly UU* for iLrink, umber of -lug down 1-pe it hin prud le ln-iicatcd by zero. Three mouths ago he waa House of Correction for a and wince his release hits he eled a s«-ri utinga ûe'.d in a "converted thca'tre" and aunou/tcod hU couv fidelity aud tho Christi; city gave him a hclplug hand. To-tty he publicly ancouuccd tiiut he woiiU abambtn tho law lorov gelistlc. fluid. He preached .» *: this evening which ihusiatm aud tire. rt'Dt (0 thO form. Ho >f revival pcnp'.r Of th® a > lu'd 01 to îstlng Con Caso. An Intricate aud very Interestingly, off before Squire iter* con at 3 o'el *«k. Ii int« to Urfetie this afieru ' those many dispute«! lei* uch trouble gem-r ally L«tw«-rti laudtoi«! ai.«l tenant. Tb. brought by Thou plaiptlff, to r cases that c a J. W: landlord and tion of a year tenant ami dofoudaut. Smith occulted tbe premises» [»art of th« your#Ddre moving leased to another elslras, Whir accepted from any >» ; by A. : d rWcuteJi' rent. The Lvhuri nol having received hla rent takes h and hence the suit. Beij N leide. Esq., fs counsel Dr tbe p a C. B. Lore, Esq., la counsel lor defendant. The case to t»« heard Joseph L. Carpenter, Hr., Edw»r«l T, Bollah and Charles 15. Dubrll, reL ! !. r «1 Taxai»!' Christ «1 Taxai»!' Christ ,.i*. Lt* will F. A. Sturgeon giv be iu his office at Newport, ou Thursday, the 18th Inst., from i> a. the purpose of receiving the c-»uu'.y wi school tax, now overdue, evening through the week ;ror llo 1 j determined to give all ]» opportunity U» pay their do not do so it will be part. The county needs citizens will see the necessity ol promptly iu the mutter. .1 iff and it tin rd «II Fixed fc Wm. II. Hayward, of Wanblnglon, D. C., on Saturday evening telegraphed W. S. McNair that George Morris, a «irtwr em|>loyed by George W. Bush «V Sen?, had been allowed a peueiou a about t>7,000 at the rale of Ç hereafter. He was wounded tie of Alusts, Florida, Ft by a bullet through the ri*ht thigh. It Is probable tho limb will have to he am putated to save the man's life. until» inontii tho hit. ary 4, 1HG4, ««lay , July 14.— F The the first ClNCINÎ time iu a quarter of a century a 6u«c> made to «lay to etin d C. This city h ful attempt the Sunday Closing law In Cincinnati, remarkably traa'iuil trj cl.y that tbo I*» pie, who havo become accu-turned k>«!« noise of the concert vo id beer saloous aud on the s' almost bewildered by the great cbai»^ ud thee More I It Is stated that more parlors, firalUr to those of St. Mary'» T. A. B will be established in this city iu l ' ,en ™ future. This is certainly a move * n • right dtrecUob, a* tbo more bUiKtoM euch places become, the less the ku w tlon for young men to spend their i in saloons, Death of Mrs. Roberts. Chriitlauu, widow of tho lido Tho"" Kotiert., (lltd In 1'UlliJell'hU on the lnat., In the t'5th year of her age. was the stepmother of C'ouucdman It. Roberta of the Filth war . Bhe le»v four raarrleil daughters and a reside In Plilladelphia. Her funenu took place to day. H Mure. t, r,.n* Searching f«»r » Stole« Everett Hollingsworth went delphia this morning lo tearc bay mare that was stolen from ol his father, Abner Hollingsworth the 23d of Juno. A reward of I; offered lor her recovery, and t-_ • lM t tonal lor the arrest aud conviction ° thief. tba far* Tho Second Concert. Tbo second of tbo oerio. ol «"*> "J corfs at iirandywftie 8prin«fl c , er . b, Ujott'o Military Uaud ycJtcr ■* 1 ' j , before a much larger anOiet»'.'" ■ceding StinJay '"J poraobH m attebu« nc ®' oxcelleot. that of the pre were fully 1,800 and the music j* Chol« Dr. Sit Tbo groat and «'"''"'ifclol«» and chronic dlarrltuia.dy semer/ « ,. n ts, morbus and cholera lulantuiy, U( Malu depot, Fouith a P^. ' v f r , ,,»»ibt4. Wilmington, Del. Sold by urugg d7"In * bl1 ( 3b*i MW* For the finost tin-typoa CuiumInga gallery „«,..