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XlïC l>uily, has 1 that crats have and party main the Vubllkhcit Daily Sunday fexc«i>tvd.) -AT— drat The REl'UliLlCAN Building Third uml K lug Strocta, TYilmingtou, De -BY ULo Rrptihlicuu i ubUeMtig Compati N otice—all communications check*. postal notes or othtr business itiouid be <11 tec.led U> Ithifl UX.1CAM Ft-ULIMI n < A 1'uihTiiiu fouraNV. leas iug some that a is tion. ! the , men lor Entered at the I* st Office at Wilming ton, Del., secoud class mall rnatur. MONDAY, JULY 89, 1888k Tn ehe urc some persona who seem to think that the colored much mteiior to any oilier that it can Kovcr pli-h Enythu,^ All »ttch , ,, ■1 CuadtD. South Carolina, haa in. . Tented ...d patented a cotton chopper f Which haa proved tnch a auccea. that a ba> gentleman Iront Savannah, Oeorcla, vraa glad to eecure an intere.t iu it fur ,20.0011. Tbo machines have been prououncod a success by competent judges, rind will now bo inaiiutaciurod a large scale This same colored iuau haa also invented and perfected a felt-pumping machine which is said to be about us near to perpetual motion can ever be accomplished. This chine Is put into a well, and from the time it is started until it is stopped pumps water continuously. The secret of this invention hus not been made public, as a j»atont haa not yet been cured, but from the rough drafts that hare been made, it is certain that it is destined to work a revolution iu draw lotr water from wells. These facts go to bUow the rapid ad vances Ural have been made by the colored (»eople during the past quarter of a century. Leas than thirty years ago about four million of this were held In bondage, nothing but chattels, hewers of wood aad drawer» of water. They were kept In Ignorance, and the man who would dare, south of the line, to teach them even the alphabet, took the chances of being sent to jail for a misdemeanor. Hut the day came when they were emancipated, and through the etlorts of the Hepublkau parly raised train chattels tq be citizens, and wc now cd to see what they have done during those few years. Their chil dren are being educated, and colored lawyers, colored physicians, and see o'bur prominent positions the stage of life tilled by this once We very much quea City, land, polis, c mmi L at of lmvo deeplted tion if any other people could luadc as much progress in the same time. i The Smyrna Record says: "It has not occurred to us before this Republic to ask ol any of rorarles lur the Information but wc It is uot too late to do bo now. why "Judge" Fuher ed auditor, and why Kuowlea was ap pointed consul! Is It peculiar flincBB, And, say, while you you dare you approve of the appointmsn'8 It certainly Beems utrange that it did not occur to the Record to a«k thin question long ago, and the only reason tnai v.e can assign is the fact that it must have known that both of these ap »ointments fitting. The reason why Judge Fisher and Horace Greeley Know '.es were tendered their respective position« bc,:a r L c.pible of fljU«« tot | to winch he wa 5 .ppoinUJ which I. » ; great deal more than can be said of j appointed to responsible the last administration. imteiu Please to appoint . the ground of of peculiar servicef ; answering, if :a.-e to, please to say whether emiueotly proper an 1 tome of the positions by Tue Democratic aud Mugwump jour nuis oppoaad both of tbe-o geulleiuon, but us wo do u -t belong b) either c'.tisa ai.d believing them both competent, Approve of the appointments. Phi! If ihe Sunday movement i r<-at Phi! '1 If ihe Sunday movement i dt-lphia fontinuts, U v i ! not bo l**iig bcloro that city some of ti.e Connecticut towns during the dajs when ruritanism rc i me The bailers Lave now been polled to close their places ot 1 . i , aed they decl D o case, nil -Ah'-r 1. C'on-cquently. t>< t list " u. b.lngw the •• là j mubt cease Loud me c--; *.-<• I ■ an ; 'u 'i?™ 1 ' ,y. 11 at w ho f : Mi.cnt, threat the s'feet cars, the livery *rd in bet hll de L.r *-t bitha- "J this 13COÜC« that »o Ur prol uM \ t. nd i 1 I hour Id will co tae ir.ce* ul! per- is work there ■rns intertill e 1 '1 ..Nbut», the the If . AVjthing ezc». ork fh'iuld be f ermitU 1, | '- :l littlf ol that as possible, bo permitted to carry I :;e u the b ' ' ■' " will be far every neccsiary w and persons ©a their uUàlnebj will l>e compelled to them sol 7(*fi of that rk, ar.*l rob o-ecveiith of their lime* which the Creator fcas set iipur! ior rest. * by The anti Cblwgo »lit-fscd vrhicli wfiB bch r*. the Legislatures of •everul btates last winter; aud which pOflBed by eeveral <*( them, will h». tAkeu before the Supreme Court of the United fcUitcB to Ust iis coubtituti h , ality. Tin. 1 , act pr* iiibits the bringing ' 1 of dressed Let <:e Flute t*. ; J another, and r.e Ibis is en intern rtuce ! •with inteiBtuic cuu.mera* il U cluin.t .11 to bs uuconstitutU uni. An r.ct ol this kind was pat sod by tLe Legaiuture ul .. Indiana, uud a court of that htute l; -..-» | cui now decided that it is nmxmotituiional. The cuae wiil he takea tu the Court on the Minne >t-\ act, and thoae , iiitcrcBted will watch with t'.ubiduab'.i- -' concern the nctiun of the highest iegul authority in tLis country h r the de «i'gion. If the law should be declined hvi Wi.l AI constitutional, it w ill not L- n.uny | years before Chicago beef will I tliiüg of the past, but if hand it is decided as unconHitutiunul, far me ra will be compelled tu eu tirely cense raibiug beef cattle. tue oihei lo 1 1 is » in at b r for congratulation l! at a* lust tho Republicans ot Virginia, after a long agreed t*> 1 has coiibonlcd to recogni that w the etl pian of action h • \ .< :i fr it io hoped wiil lend Solidity tue* pari y i.i «rai Mahono h .s •State C eepted by tl.* in g h'rn, on thee r-L-1 b.tter strugg'e, have ionize. General Mahone the faction 1 through c »ni millet* u 1 which I the lltu •; * - Mule. •«1 a call lor ui vention, which h 1»! 1Mion that Iff *v mM guaruniee tr g ' t und Cuuuty cuuvtnticma. Geueial Muhon« has a q »ented to this, and it is probable that In the next campaign the Demo crats of Virginia will find that they have to lace a thoroughly organized and united f«>e. It the Republican party iu that State will unite and re main the puny Theke bas been a vtry gratifying | falling off in immigration during the , drat aix months of tbia year, and un -1 Virginia will he as Male lor Pennsylvania. leas there is a change during the c iug six mouths the number of immi grants a ill te smaller some years, that this decrease shows we are getting a better class of immigrants, and if this is the cate il is a mutter lor congratula tion. There is plenty of room lu this country for ! the intention ofhecoming good citizens; , men who are able and willing to work; lor all such there is a welcome, but we 188U than for We think it probable who come here with , ,, av0 „„ r(X)m u , r ,hle T M. «"»r " °' " ,,y k,ml w j ï a ,' . f".-, ^ cmmlry can accoru.nud.le f uub!e " s t™" 1 P>'I™i»"un and ye ba> '; r00,tt 10 ,, b "* ' lf> ,I1 " au >'- tIct f «ho come ready and wimnu to aanat c.t.aeua 'n' its\ftat teaourcca and iu crcaslD d 119 Industries,** nun. The following gurnos w At Brooklyn —Brooklyn, 8; Athletic,6. tl—Cincinnati, IU; at. played yes At U inc : Luu'.fl, 1. At Columbus—Columbus, 1; Bulll . v At Louisville—Louisville, 3; Kansas City, 1. At Jersey City—Jency City, 2; Wor Ai Newark—Newark, 12; HurtforJ, 5. satlhpay'k UAUE.3. At rhllalcliibia — rblisdrlpbla, 4; Piitsburg, 3. At I'hiladeluhla — Philadelphia, 10; Pittsburg, 1. At Wushiugtou—Washington, 4; Cleve land, fi. At New York—New York, 8; Indiana polis, 5. At Boston—Boston, 0; Chicago, 2. At Cincinnati—Cincinnati, 1; ÖL Louis Brown.*, 5. At Columbus—Columbus, 4; Balti more, 5. At Brooklyn—Brooklyu, 2; Athletic, 3. NOTES. Ila'lman le a dandy. Philadelphia vs. New York to-day. Vi' Lo Bald Ui- i'hll.u-s * 1 * 1 Jimmy UiUvin w day. batl Batur killed" Casey will pitch lor the PhlÜle« this Tt»e LonJoa Club has made John Morrill an otfer. Juck ilreumiD appears to be quite a second baseuiau. Weybiog loot another game fur the Athletica yesterday. Wood und Thompson each made Saturday. Tum Ramsey Jolued the SL Louie Club at Cincinnati Saturday. Muivey's third ba»" play hue of late been remarkably brilliant. The i'Llllks male 21 hi 8 with a total of 41 bases otf ol Calvin ou Saturday. Clements ha« to date caught more fames than any other League catcher. Kansas City and KocLeatcr have put in bids lor Jim Knowles of Jersey City. öt. Paul has released Elmer Wagen huret aud Cape May has signed 1dm. The PUtsriurg Club Lu« purchased Pitcher Billy Bowden»' release Irutu Bos ton, uml he has signed with tho club. l'ltcher Peter Wood, o! the Phillies, Saturday received teu days' notice ot ''Canadl. it .... | ÄÄ » ; t ,^ COCII . The reply received w„. that of j (jia^scuck wou.u not be released under to of if battery," Etl. Decker, wLl be retained, • u Lur eiri of 1 cluu w tauch tu purcl. The Bod' Club h .s oCcr. >1 tl.e Iu any c^uskleratlon. Main Top Abilin. Charles II. Treat Is a hard crush uut,e-iher poliUuaH> Saturday last Cuuu * fliiuoulally. ;llur äuu.cLuiy led ;t stay ul pruccudaig» In the eus» . ibu Farmers' limit versus TLo C. il. r<-at Mauufacturltg Compa y '1 nth **.<• »VP'l'-wU iteiiiber. ay proceedings was backed by , twice the amount clu . m rhe U . B. b.lngw tue greatest Joy to the company, us Weil t buoai-ss men dependent Loud up an t the peop!* ice iu Mr. proceedings ,y. Niw . _ llveli .g ktj-t open. : many uf the operstl'. 'An- *iury cur.. the public ti a t * tie* l : ^ local the company etill cunliuued tu luruish incur wllU supplies. A Irrend uf Mr. Treat, reVrriug tu this •'The dlrec: limy iVely deuled, Iter, bald: ■M -n lu this matter, by ti.e | '- :l * r t to gluts t I :;e ' udo every :r Willi IL ot tht-lr pulitlc.U prejudices. It '.ts t îJ-.-ct, und lient never had Dem : friend» ainueg the fiow. The p«r 60 uul a'.Uicks hlm J ui hi g tu« tuht political made him »cures of Iriciri.s, A-rt to * ruih 1 d mu haii * 'iUilly a" J aervlcc. lee works w- r,j u by tLe fcli*.-r tl ft the , .. u . l ut Jlaiiuvei Pif» hyu-riuii juuruiug. il-.- spuke I 1 cubtuiu.« lu uutive lu , , „ , uce oj lu.i; " l,:i! Mic rertl.G»o U-i i. 1 hey btheved Mahomet asceaded 1 b ■ t the :nb , i;u * 1; - Kanii, an.*' vc I'« ' 1 convt-rt, iul ir«*t»v..l a ; J ! .11 .. . | cui , -' l > v . . , -Jii h 1 ' hvi Wi.l h . 11 , bu. a y«: terdiiy ... manner* n-tuV'0. id had it popukiti The j>rluting press, he said, u l In u 3 .ui by thought ll : a i».,«rr A paper : j.r; AI I.Ll . •me ;i(»iut ; a 1. -I 1 «. ,cop:.-, uud loved their ssiuuurke, Unit d den . Mr. Kurib U.«u y lit | •,, . l\rs Mu! lo Lea I't-isd 141 MUK :uital iitr^oi .■iulhr than a mail*, lu held but forty da, '..'llii^ ut 1 ht-iuulUg j and several . i they uted- d eu- j wumtu uiibEiuuuri u I K-r.l i.. ■ tu« liiiibli and pruct.ccl Iu that iiy, vvhlutj war -at practiced by -.06 IL..U Il.d •• r. -ULtry !.. tk Mr. Ka: ; Lie ad na bu dellvi* • CL.vud , •; In the d, in sub ui th-: 1 b In tho First r un C!.i:r !:. Dm .! « he appeared iu his, Whitt U'uU No in U ANAMAKEIfS. 1'HILADSLPHIA. Monday, July «2, IS». Telia Corsets. These Cotsets illust|rate the value of out trade Ser vice. In the old-fashioned | way the Sequence Was mjtDtl■ , f SP ,Imnortpr jobber ,ec uft , r > >*np°" er > J UUU "V, r e t a 11 e r, consumer. All changed now. The Im porter absorbed the jobber, the great retailer absorbs both. The Telia ease stands thus: manufacturer, Wanam 4 k<r, yon. And that's the 'why cl' the prices. All 1 L> ■nrU nay , . I Valb ttllS I net AM" I 11 IIni f wHulit prliy xs hito Coutil. I •«, heavy CouttI, 85 cents. £» . Heavy h w* 1 » white or gray. Fot Summer,light s' 1 • cheek muslin; > cry cool. rn Fine French Sateen, white, r* I'Ink, Mu« , trilllmeu witli bilk needlework and luce. The trade-mark "Telia" Is to be established on tho basis It deserves We know how slowly a new corset name progresses In public favor. We overcome that by the prices, which are made lower for the single Corset than you could im port them for by thousands, The '-Telia" sold only at Wanantaker's wins its way by the la. gest value at the smallest cost i Second floor, flrst gallery, Juniper ßtreet side. 253 choice engravings go down this morning lrom $4 to $ 3 . Frames white and gold, French glass. Tor chon mats, excellent sub jects in large variety, fine prints. How you can put a touch ol equal beauty in your homo for so littley Do you catch the new movement In the Art De partment? Basement, Market street side. ^ There is an agitation in flax. The Damask Towels, 22 x 43 inches, at 22 cents, ; are still st'rrmg; a twin bar gain near by to-day: heavy Damask Towel», red bo-. dors, 22 Jx 45 inches, 4t 30 c*cts from 40 . One-fpnrtfc off is a big cut on linens. This is the period lor lin en bed slothiog. You should see the new Bolster and Pillow Cases and Sheets from Flanders and France. Main Able, near Transept. John Wan a maker a j o' Wm VACATION Arc your boys an' really for it? Have yujt fitted r them and yourst It with outing shoes? Shoes f*>r seas'lore ori country, for field spurts and I boating, light weight boots slippers for indoor wear, for! men, boys, women ahd chil- dren. girls J Tan and russet color, ghat, but ton shoes. Tan and russet color, goat, pat ent vamp, button shoes. Tan and russet color, goat, Ox ford tics. Tan and russet color, goat, Ox ^ , ' ■■ ' I ford ties, patent vamp. Tan and russet color, goat, Ox fortl ties, patent tip. Fine Paris Kid, Oxford ties, Mi randa tics and slipp-.n Tan and russet, Oxford ties, for men and boys. Tan and russet high hook-lace for men and boys. Canvas shoes all colors. Ricyclc and Tennis shoes. - ... 1 i an anu txarnet wigwa for men, women, b< girls. « shoes •ys and Drop in and see the big as j sortment at the small prices for j r by BAHCOCR'S Family Shoe House, No. 200 Market Street, (above Socon-t,) «m AMVBKMSNH. RAYMOND'S VACATION EXCURSIONS. All Traveling Bspcnaeu Included. 1 AUGUST TOURS different Philadelphia Partie« will d*le> in August for ea<-ur«lon» L> sitte«u day», w llh 1 1 - 1 » a t t ■nrU <>f New fc.ngl.-ind, Cana l» Hud t the Mb , bars to«*, , AUHShlU an rence and h»«u* I» or Moiitinoruicl, . .lOUX AND Lehigh vy-uutn«, 1hounand Mates, Including Lake George. nay Hivers, iju<* Lake Menipbremsgo^. I Valb y, Mauch cin.nk, Wslkln» t«len. Matmr I Island», the Grce u Mountains, »Tins National PAUK-Hepteinbcr ». •usions To i. ON I al Yellow built; two road, for was a the road tory drive ket year the year little west Nom ItWBf-T AM" CaliiT iUNtA -St-pletnber » ami i»ct<*t.«r 14 E\* I tt — 1 < -NH IHIIL. T T.. Nil TIIEHN CALI FOHM**tpt*mb«ir w ami UctoN-r 14 . for <!*•.-rlpt1 \ e ctri ular», <Ie<1«nat I 11 « whether the t.....k ol ••»**. n An«nst Trips," the Yellow,ton«* Natl-ma! Uark Ti ur, Calllorula I lnntlou. Isdislre'1. 1LWMOM» £ WIIlTCOMIt. Ninth Street, HoteL l-lillailelplilM.r r Contltientwl l<i«MMl3t LUM IN G SCllOtX. Children, Ludit-a, und (•« ifirtncu. rOUUTH AM» JEFEKUSON bT., WUmltiKtoD, SWLYIM1NG DEI* AKT 81 ENT WILL OBEN , BAIL III » AY, JUNE 1ST. ArrauKcmt-nl of Hour«: LndU b an*! Mie* e (ii-iitletnen aii«l Master» from 3 p. Gentlemen . to 1 p. m. spe. y fi i*. «' - lnsirucvUii InvariaMy A K*«ular quarter, ri iiuarn-r, 14 lassons le L'-itsim, ïr For swimmers m». tM-asoti l ick» t. I. st'wmr without instruct! i hllilr*n fui ami experUnced Rri A.'?*. U k"|Is1*EH. ! B lady teacher *»i 1 be -1 children's depart OP bT. LAWRENCE EXCURSION J^NIOOTS Brandywine Springs, On Tussdsy, July 23 1S89. ^ Good music and danrtn« all day. Tickets, U ÜHPMLLE 0 9 LE OF HOSIERY the I Black Ribbed Hcse-, lull 1 regular nr-de, 25c goods iu ; all large stores, at the nn- I is heard-ol average price of 14 c a'pdr, and not 25 c. Note the prie s: —AT THE— BEE HIVE" 4t By a recent purchiec we are able to plaee before yon 179 dozens of Clvldrtn's ' to ! ,. I r S in. 10c a pair. 5 !-2 in. lie. 6 in 13 c. 6 1-2 in. 15 c. 7 in. 17 c 7 1-2 in. 18 c. Think o! these bargains. A lew di zens ol Ladies' Black Lisle Thread Hose, 6ajc goods, at 20c a p-:ir. Less than hall j.r ca. 60 dozens Gent's 25c Striped hose, unbleached grounds, colored stripes, 10c a x>air instead of 25e. Th'n ; j beats any price we ever! heard of. The above goods 1 are all of a late purchase, to be sold for your b* nefit at SOS Market St. ! $5 ! , ipi 'I I^Olii li r ori and I for! chil- girls .L f 1 Off. oves illliiil & THF. CFLFHi ;.i( i:i J !?t in -Rn J ÏL Cooks and Rakes Perfectly. but pat Ox Ox Ox Mi for SMOKE SMELL EXPLOSION Fifth season of its sale, lighted users all through city attest its merits. Dc J. C. JOlhXSU.X & sux, ft'i'i siakivET sTiti:r.r. u ii. LI G. WORRELL 5111 AND SHIPLEY STS } 11 you need any towels (and who don't), lock at our . big purchase ol these goods 10c, 12c, 20c, 23c, in Huck and Damask bath, 12f,c, 25c aud 50c, in Turkish bath. For size and qualiiy, they arethe best ior tue motiey wc know of. Mosejuito C.inopica and Hammocks in full nosort ment —l'orch Chairs re duced to close ihe season. G WOfîKKLL. shoes and as for !)•'■ «m 34 th Public Sale —OF— ZBXnXj'JDIZNT < 3 - LOTS .1 h aut, talc On Installments, in the Fifth and Twclftli Wards, on SATURDAY, JULY 27 th., AT 3.30 O'CLOCK, a. dti tïin ON SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH, FIFTH. SIXTH AND WEBB STREETS, GREENHILL, GRAY AND CLEVELAND AVENUES. ftrai Er.«I sell horse, 1 run Two minutes' walk to the new Public School which is being built; three minutes' walk to the terminus of the new Eighth Street Railway extension, which is to run to Fifth and Union streets; two minutes' walk to Lancaster Avenue Station, 1 J. & O. Rail road, where you can take a train every half hour for Delaware avenue or Water and Market streets for 5 cents. All we a^k you is to take a walk out in this locality and see for yourselves. Certainly it is not in the heart of the city; if it was you would have to pay as much for a small lot as you can buy a large lot and build a house on it for. The Front and Union Streets Railway will soon be extended; the Streets and Sewer Department have notified the li. & Ü. Rail road Company to bridge the streets. The streets,as you can sec, are now being graded, prepara tory to opening them clear through to those lots; then you can drive directly out any of the above streets going west from Mar ket street. Those things are not going to be done—as we predicted a year ago-they are now actually being done ami, wc only ask you come and see for yourselves. When all these tilings are done the prices, as a matter of course, will go up and then you will use the old remark, "Well, I could have bought at sucli a price a year or two ago," but as usual, you may be too late. Imagine the pleasure and healthful recreation afforded in the little garden surrounding your home, nice front porch, shade trees and flowers, fruits and vegetables, with all the facilities af forded right in the city. Only one-cyghth tax rate, or on a house taxed at $40 a year west of Union street, only £5 per year. All this land is high and healthy, with the purest air and water. We have never passed a title to any person who wc do not know to be thoroughly respectable, as wc do not propose to destroy this locality by permitting objectionable people to locate here« cha*tr I fraud, »re the ax e that cate, •d, State Some of the finest residences and largest manufactories in the city are located here. We ask you to price land from Jackson street west to this land, and you can form an idea what land is worth. The lots arc being rapidly sold, and wc predict that when they are sold you will never get such an opportunity again on so easy terms, or at such prices. To save money, this is the best thing any man ever done. Put Xioo in bank at 4 per cent., the highest inrerest now paid, I and in ten years you will have about S150 If you invested S100 1 five miles from the city to-day, in ten years it would bring more iu than that. So what returns must it bring you when everything I is being done that can make lots valuable. Why, wc predict that c M pay H. Il A. ' $100 invested here now, injfive years would brin*; you from ^300 And this is not extravagant, as this same tiling has to $500. been done hundreds ul times the last ten years in this city. Land that you could buy for SX £io and £15 r>er foot on Harrison, ! ,. ,, , , , . \ , I r rank 1 in, Jlroomr, lvudney and other streets lour years ago are | i now selling at prices ranging from $25 to $50 per foot. You need not take 10c ; ever! 1 to word; inquire yourselves, and do not flh ! miss this sale. TERMS— $io cash on each lut as soon as knocked off and $5 per month until paid fur; or 5 per cent off fur cash. Title guaranteed for 1 >0 t ears back. Hacks leave bixth and Market at 3 o'clock. loo 200 TltOS. ft I OGI.E, i'UTKlE .1. F4>RU. L. \V. Stidham Sons, Auctioneers. JH3-U-S« JOSEPH STOECKLE'S 3 tiut DIAMOND STATE ■ T La^er Beer -AND Porter Brewer? I A ! 8 a • . s ■ tl t»l, by * - '<-'w • ■xm- - 'i , 4 K*- -r' S 5 W -S.Ÿ' % li . 7 -T.^r^.crrXï: WILMINGTON', DEL. m »dice nu l Brewery, L. W. Cur. Falb Kiel Adams Sts 'M Telephon« lo3. Depot hu . 1 Saloon, Nos. \i'i und 2-J5 hli g StreeL Telcpl Jr ajfi ÏL Shipping a Speciality, fi2-Cm • THE AYEBAGE BOY. V-ft 1 -rypFT ITx Dc flothing for the average boy can't he too utrong. That's our »xpetience, and we have been very y.uccesnlul in clothing the rising jgcr.eration. ftVe have a knack oi 'making it tough without making lit clumsy. Prices no higher than 'poor stuff. 1 ' Vi uj... TB sux, A As LI i A 1 1 } fvi B "9 CLOTHING FOR MEN, BOTS AND CHILDREN. 1'UU.AUKLl'I )■ our . goods Huck 25c they j PLASTEEIÎT3 Hr. and nosort re l f.fxr.. ts i'A, JOHjS M. SOLOMON, —DEALER IN'— c:al, woc^ CALCIffx.L PLAS' •■■*IICS A1T-D SAND, f:?.e clay. CEMEÎ7T. FRONT a Ni) CHURCH STREETS XVILMINGTON, DELAW A RE. ] ftlnin ollirr A'o. it West Third Street. W rnlillc Sul**s» JH'ULIC KALE REAL ESTATE 4.(0, I.*avc IU., 1 PERSONAL PROPERTY .1 will noil at public sal«, on tha i»rtiril*u'H, h aut, Delaware t utility. Pa., all ui> real talc and personal properly, ON TUESDAY, JULY 80, IS*. ■ r.i l.i^p. «V arrive 6.A) leave o'clock p. m., sharp, of«round ol' excellent •»led and convenient to ConsGtln« cf nine •iiiallty, beautifully . a. h»ol» and • hurelies, I mile fmiu iirandy ** Summit «talion, and live luluuti»' waik fj Brandywine Summit < amp «round, iron-menu consist of three iraine house», I six rooms In tacli, with^ porches,^ hajjt wheel wrlirfit ami hlacksmllli»hops, a paying tiiulnc»«.Iraine barn and shed dti k, «rain house and other outbuilding». There I» abiindaiic»- of fruit, surli ascherrlcv, choice»t kind, ncrl» ar< The tïin kitchen», m < nil II ul clock with ftrai •«. a|iiili-s. jx-sr» iit-acbv», piNiiis, s|<rlrols, ami H Er.«I Mi walnuts, buarlOK fruit. 'IVrim easy. Al».. on tlir smut) .lav <»n the j.rvnil»r» I w sell all my i.trinuitl propcit), cotMsUn« o( horse, 1 thoroughbred Jersey row, h 1 ebb-kens, I two-seated extension top pba t-»n, 1 Germantown carriage, nearly new; i tulil waicon, l farm wa*.tu, 1 bn««), 2 sets of new run ni II« «ears. 1 2-sealol »well-1 "dy sleigh, i «le swell-body slel«hs, 1 butcher*« §l<J«h. ol tho above alelslis sre new. ADosloek lwrlKbt ami blaeksiullti tlier articles, under fib rs»h ; III of four uionths, 0» it a the use a the af and not to ' * Cane . .1 tops; lumber, amount a cha*tr «lylutf a nunkabb security. trip Kin« Il.t.lAMS. )jl7-i.d-2t CH AHLE.'] II. IHPEECEDEHTED ATTRAOTIOH. I 0V'R 1 MILLION DISTRIBUTED. and Louisiana State Lottery Comp*y r Incorporated by the Législature, itlonai and Charitable purposes, fraud, lue made a part of tin- present .«tat** *' stltutloo, lu 1«7 ia by ait overwhelming popu with 1 * . tic t.30 give J1 AM «OUI DltAW INGN Hsml-Antinslly ITS take nod Ueoemherl, and lia > KIMUI.K JB tlIISIKH DRAW. WBUD ISBN take plaee In easli of (he olb«r ten mostlii of the year, auS »re nil drawn In »4 »lie Academy *»f Nn'lo, ll*w UrleamA'i. FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS, For Integrity of Its Drawings, and Prompt Payment of Prizes, Attt-Rlcd as follows; r "ff* do hereby the arrangement» -Annual Drawings of Th« Louisiana r Company, aud In person mau ax e and control the Drawings tbwmselves,aud that the same art- conducted with honesty, fntr , and In goo-1 fai'.li toward all ptrtlcs, and »rite the Company t-> cate, with fac'SlmlU-s of our slgualures attach •d, iu Its advertisements. 1 State L 7.S0 in this so that * GI lug « omint talon era. M 0 the nnder»1«ne.l Hanks and Hankers will pay all I'rlzca dr»« n In Tha Louisiana Male T.otterh-s which may be prrseuted aluurcouii Luulaiaim Xut'l H. II. WAU1SLET, r Hank. Il Kit U F. LAN At X,l* A. HALDW1N, I' IImiiU. CAUL iiOlIN, 1'rra.l nloti Nutlou'l ltunk Nnfl New Orlt-una Nitt'l Grand Monthly Drawing, has .... . At tho academy of Music, New Or are | i eau8i Tuesday, August 13, lbS9. CAPITAL MIZE,§300,000 not 100,000 Ticket* ni Twenty l»«l l.itlve** 8lU| il'isruri flh ; Ttuilia 8a; Tweutlclba 81. rKixpa, and Title Inri cacti. 1 PHIZKOr r 00,060 11. lJW.Ü la. ta 10,000 .f 00,000 .... llhuOO 1 KHlZLUr 1 FKlZBOr 2 KH1/KS or t rHiZKsur ÏR FKIZKHOr loo fui/K» or 200 FUI /us or tocFuixks or !!!! v-i'oto ia M.Of - N.0 . (0,000 luuiooo ....t Ï0.000 .... 83OC0 .... 20,000 aoo armoxiHATion vuuus. 100 Prtrna of I î I da MO Tf KM IN AL rill/.LS Frlifli of tloJ ...fuo.roi I ... BW.VvO do l«o araouatlUK to.*1.064, au j 3 lb* Fr!i rtrawin 1'rlz* i tiut cnllth d lo U-rn. AGENTS WANTED. For Ulah IIato:r. or any further inîorma tl u ûMfr*.i, writv UfUbly to the unaerai«a t»l, clearly eut' a* your rsalueno«, with i-txte,Douuty, Ntrcet eal Wu.aosr. Mon rapl*J return mal I delivery will ne assure 1 by your cnoloifag aa Kavelopo hoarlhKioiu fell ad-lui IMPORTANT. Addrorfl 31 A. HAIPII IN, New Url«uus,La., Sts M. A. I»AI I'll IN, hiKitilr.gUu, I». V. • i la'.nln« M'lney <Gd*-r By »I by h.Aohuii«e, 1 ira a Foi Address Registered Letters containing Cur ler.ty to A1W OK1XA3.S N ATI46N AL BAKU New Urluaus, Lu. llKMLM HCa that tha V..»Ahl.',- t» 0 Ftli NATIONAL UAMMM of New OrirvDB, • ni t..a TU. a'« atitnod by tbo luut'iBtlon, who»« cbtrt-jrxs rlhUis ar , m tbo hiKhCflt i»oorw, tl.'i'o.oro, tHrsoro ol all naiutioud Dcjhuo.-ir no..«»as ONE hoi.l.AIt ll the prloo of tbo small. All boy our very rising oi than 11 "u of a ilcaot patt 1 H Y 1 h in any Drawing. ' DameotferM (or Iccj ihaa % dl«. Lollar i/a flwia Tim Wilmington Hay Market, Especially fitted up for the accommodation of Farmers, Hay Sheds, Full Stabling Accommodations. Fairbanks Standard Hay Scales. "9 Téléphoné communication to all parts of the city. Centrally Located. Terms Moderate. All Sales Guaranteed. 71« W. FRONT ST WILMINGTON, DEL., EXIT ON SECOND STREET. 14 . AV.M 1 . R 1*1114 Y, d City WelghmaKter. je'JOtf I'roprleU Telepliouo No. 503. N'Zrr W llmliigton Sunday, Juin- MU, JEK8KY AND WILMINGTON rejinijffo'c, UklUK tlïecl DAILY EXCF.rr SUNDAY Wilmington, King street pier, 0. l\ | 4.(0, 2.30 !.. 111 ., flT..U)». n. tarrlv.- |*cnu»- « «r..vu7,lA 4.J8V, »!*' p. ni 12.05, B.r I.*avc i'etintigrnve «. •. W.M a. in., l in.; urrlvti \V lltningtuu 0.80. IU., 1.00, 3.AJ, 6.1*8 p. ni. SUNDAYS ONLY. re^VVllniln*t<i 1 1 .U M. 1", ■ ft.r*. ms. Pi r.i s l.i^p. in., 111.60 e U8 a. C 'Vn S- T.i-»vc l 'l*cnns- ,, «V veil.«o' H i', 'a. in . i ,'ü| s.r, 7.54p. in.; arrive Wilmington 7.18, «.to, ». m.. I..V», «,03. °.. 6.A) p. in. Arrive 1 1l.inim City 10. leave Atlantic Mtv 6. up. in. ItiK 1'« nnsgrov« at 6.15 n on with trtlns ncrl» at \\ dmlngi OmU-svHIc, West Chester lb»at I» riling Psnn««rove with Steamer Keyhold ar< < Ity. New CaMle. Al»o w 1 all pol Hiver iry ami all points railroad. Boat iravlR« Pennsgr m < n with train for Heading, < •iiii-biUlu nil points on W'. A N. railroad. II nit leaving Wllmtngioi ul 4 .**•(., in. connrri» with trains • HIvi r nolroud lor all sinMous. ' clock i>, m, boat from \\ llnilngt-n counccls with Meamvr Bey bold for Baieio aud luteruie- ! n - it* ! m.»oiiH«ht excursions. Apply * t'poit application from K'iTÄV chart* re 1 for »perlai | < the under- . i artlcs of 10 or wn.«i»,'iu , ?ïïS"K;r.i:-' Fier toeoaiii rt with Btea:ii.-r Itepublb- |.u , U,l Cane May. and will meet the Steamer Kupub U« return. BU-nm-r » C du pie. Ticket« fr l'«nn*jrroY<- 1 -> 11 I'astrniers for trip . » d take Cl II 111 In «ton .V .* Bier. Kin« stn-ot. (This boat will not run however;-*! any but Cape May p 11 .. M < U SLANI», puptrlnn ii-leiit. 1c29-eodtf SOi^êL EiViZü" In 2 . 1-2 11 - Excursion Euro H lours at b.-a ! ATLANTICCITY VIA NEW JERSEY and Wilmington Ferry, 1><-Iaware ds. ( •mu.i-nc* » si Jcrt< j K»l!i v June Stth and »1 L Klu« street pit with train which wllipt-.-tv 1 * . l"i. tu. Kelurnlu« tram tic f tty. at C p. m., r«acMu« \Yllmln«l t.30 p. III. Kan* for round give * Ii urslolllvtn H secured al ticket V. This r. ••e. Tick du lb li-rsiKne*! for ......, . •1« Urfl.l ml • chartered u relon n 11 moonlight excursion«. I- -r M.ANI». pèrliitet»' . Act. N Kfb HHlGlib, Gtu'l. Ft lb JlMlAtu ■^yiLMINOTOS STEAMBOAT CO. r - vira*. CITY OF CllEBTEll & BRANDYWINE f>TF A Ml. US For Chester .ad I'hlladelpbla, commencing June I'.tii. Leave tourilt iSundiivs lncHnled), For Marcus *i<*..s, .. • I'MLid.-l plila, 7.S0 and |0.'*'a. in., !.:«>, 4.Uiaud".4! lays 7 a. in. hoatconut-cU c < lty tialn. TlcktU for rouud trip (lall>. 7. Ixstnut St. * TuU-plione, No. 87. jynVN RIVER EXCURSIONS. 1 « Saturday. .Tunc 15th. fur At' 1 hit, kU*j>iilii« at New Ca»Uc ami K13 T ('•unmencln GI M IM-. IV Delaware City. Stmr. Wilmimyton e.— I.eavrs Fourth HL wharf dally, (huii-Uys « x <-*-|it»-(l ), at « n. in. and 2 |>. in. Keturulii« leaves AiiKiiStln« FI«' at iy * on KuinUy.-: For New (' Fourth t*t. wharf ai »>i». lug leave» New Castle Excursion to Augustine I'ler, ■ •1 8 p. ni. X. •t 10 6 BUSYTIMESiNTRQUSERS The quick sales ehosrthe rising Interest of buyers. Thousands of pairs Men's Trousers. Thousands ol pair» Men's Trousers. A great variety. Styles and colors that recommend them to everybody choice and unlooked-lo the money. Large lota at $2.50. Large lots at $3 00. Large lots at S3.50. Not to be exhausted by a day or two cf b!g sales. Our policy ia this sale less to make a profit than keep up a steady stream ol trade, and circumvent dull days. a. 8 - as or fi r I * j t 1 Summer Suits aud Thin- nest Clothing dealt with in some way. Ouiowd imnu- facture, and prices abated to the lowest. Just What's Wanted. Pongeo Coat and Teil. Light and thin almost as air. Cool, very cool. Dressy, washable, durable. Too many to close out this season unless we make a great bargain, which we do. Nino dollars and seventy five is not too much. They are to go at $.500. *5.00. $5.00. $5.00. $5.00. $5.00. Coat Rnd Vest. 0 All WMMKKER h BHGWH, OAK HALL all SIXTH AtiU (AAWff (£T PHILADELPHIA JOHN W. HILL, ST 515 SHIPLEY STREET, • It««l Men's Wigwam), (Un-Ur HOUSE & SIGN PAINTER Estimate» guarautLd. « ity jc-20-3 country w<*i k •>•>1 u-lt< d. 'EERttss UTES mo nw.HT So u* a y Uauuuu» J^ALTlîiOltK A oiu 0 Ua ,, ,, 0 ^ TRAINS LL AV !' '' ' " 1 ' * AVL. i. Ll 1 « tru! nu. Witrli day h -• « ..^Youk, Sunday' 1 'NII.AM.LI'lllA, »if' •Uv ■ 1 ,, '*ib*i*«tl.Vin , a,'»imil *1' '*■ 1 °.. • "*'• '* lu * * . ' d •loi;.; c'ltUrtTKIt - P I' "»N . 1 •»*, (Id. I*. 11.01», ft. Up W I '•Jtetp. IlALTIMonu •in*a. in •> dully.'» lu à. I Biimhty. Ultimi •hilly. < dully. hiolnnatl and St, L u ,";-.'»'••**••• ». : U,l | . „ . ' !* ' , '»hi.m»li'.*< a- du y a, n l ".11 1 1' Miiladelt e.dt days: h. r I bun du v P ». 11 . l. I or Ihiltitiuu. 11 ;;:.r . li ,1:,, . -, ! 1 *• J- or 1. lunborit and •'l'\ 11 j'. •|»t Sunday. •»" In.. *1.4 iI v, - \ dally. lVtt-1 M. !.. dit. I * I» idyw ■ »1 tl.lvl c M trk< !.. •I' f r du V«: lb W j •li U ", 1 li) P 11 V 4 ft ': l ft 4" p. I. lb Lkavb 1'iiiLAur.t.riiu Dully. U M, «sift. : . *1 :i -, I j**.« «>'*,• * : Ui; . II 30 p. tn. Dully, except Sunday, ft in.. *1 l.'», »j su und 5 2 ù p. nu Tt'loplioito No. 10.1. buuvUy istorn p< dut • l-wer fuir rin nnv nilicr C.t*. btt LL. J. I G Oui » l'uaa. .VlU Philadelphia, Wilmington and lialtimore Railro-i J. JULY Iht, T ruina will it-uva WUmiugU ■ 1 7 i. < 5 V pr —• '• * *"• <ai»»'. t« Ditn («prass), eila t jc, ui ufti.5 11 Ua * "• «*»■ f Ä IÄ u) AocoansdaUon, • X. » , II Ls 188. «U0, 8», 7*L 1 - ..ÎÆÏÏMVffAWÂfi •t «f, 7 U 6 .V 4 « and U 14 ÜD. ». For Wa»t Cbaswr. vu «••*aad4it)D.»r7" 0,, °' t or Rawark (c'eawrl aud luirnut lut« Uons, f «(. a. », . tl 89 and fl kl p, », Haiti ujsre au a luUraiift'.iU iiil Skip. ». »n<112 II Night. ^ " Kaltlniors and Bar Mu«, b 18 n. », liaillmor« and Washington, »«, 6 1 »jl 10 IJ, and 1100 a. m , 12 US, *1 1* Î «4. « K *,•* 6 IK, •fctx, « tt. T 40 p. ». and 1147 M,i r Trains (or Dalawarn LMvtalon l«av*i*.'r; New fast!«. 1 ». i go. a. »., 1288 :u C2bp. »., and 12 08 Night, 10«A ^ A'(h' f .\ Baaford i..-r-vwTn«. 1 at 1 »r ), *" -° P- ». Harrington, I>Ol»ar, ana wx> stau-MA l 8 a. in., and 12 Mp. m. „ , n Kxprwss f»r Bairln« ton * " 1 P. *• ltal Ki prêt» f#r Doynr BarrGUifcon, aad UOfl MDrill. „ . _ Ëtnreàa" old CO* ujl 1 -*•=-*■ l^eave pUHndcipOU, Rr«a«lBue<t. far »lu«ion («xjirsfs), • tu, TA*. 4*7, »U, un, liu .11 as a. ».. " te, • W. «H, »a,*, floo, SOT, fl«. " Il 89 p. ». A<xrwn»dation, rts, 8 KM le*a» K40. an-l U - p.» et K DA Y 1 HAINS. rn'l" 1 ^ 1 !*» ^*4*} Ofl 00 * Z M î : ' AtiCo»iuu<lnUoa,'~ Oflaa* - ' i. n 7 4ik i'-icand 10 .. mo, IK in .9 10. i scouinoilaUoa,* ill a"W DU. 'fä$S?&SVS' '• j ra. 4 . fl8. .. — 10.ei p. ». ..t"!»?'. V« Tl. LMOU». •'!* « • * r*»r Dai»« i.Wof, Old Fotnt Comfo: i, «4 Norfolk. For New t-ostia, Klrkwo i. .Felton, Itarrin/te ao'l Dsimar, li an -1 W ashlar ton, t layioa. VIII»-, Haaford, Haiti m«re •#■*««• !«■ D ■ NH l'il. Holw'm'erN 7.01p.m. an *1 1! Lea V« Phlla-lslphls. Bros-l S«ceL »lu«toa («xprs»»), S.k', *•*'• ?•.. . ff •'<***H«--r.u.a AcrommrslaUon, u., 12.43,1. \ *' For cnon whDh 'ar«U Ccar«e*4. i L i» y 4. a. «O0U, , H encrai llaaa*«« l)ea*ral Fotua«« At* i Northern IL H. \\ llmtiigt* IC»V*J WllmluiWu (fr.ucU *U«iU *• For Hca*Uax, Hu*lsnot«. Joaan» P6'b fli-Id, W ayuciüur« Juocüou. Manor.I • w Taiuo*iua, klisntown, Lvb»»*'". . vl'.l«- aod ail uolau ®u U'* "ul afl* MWl j» ,l Siirtu«lÄ«ld? Ä WayutDiurx Ja*. ^sm|!k3Ä *Ft»VeoàvMYlile and lntsnne.iiaie l»«!''-" 11 7,n* a. m., 2. 0. 4 W and !.<0 p. u. „ Foi W «Et (.lissier, 7.*» a. w.. *• *• :l I a .»Ul "ÎÂfiîr'ïrtïi 4 ttun Uf. t Baiur.lay and lniermsc ». C.17n. m . and on Baturdar oalrn l(> . „ 'feund«^ for Hooding »nd lnwro: ^pMngflsld' and Tnterm«dl»W point: »'• A.«* McrAlIHLAND. »OWNKSHBKHhl, lucerinteadent. Oeu la*". »1 iimmii |1 CaplUt. -j-, gurptu*. Uuarsnieobiro^ia, is Y K. AUS' I. 1*1 ■»*"*. -rt«a«es IiO«otlHcd, OgXT'it 1 InU-rfBl nal*1 a«*?*«»*!»* - - ïi.tal l-al'l tolnv It CO . .:-VI >V«l»*ve .01« vi r V*r«s»L hitt the '«arEsr iniiUt... BAVlNUi DKl'AHT.MKNL 3^h AMOUNTS. (un.: *Iip : Full Hifonuxil. J.B. XV AIK INS LAND Ml' L » VV It K ' • t. K » N *» A - _ , J s. Mtwlurn Alanjc'r, HLNIU DlLiu liroadwxr. rpiiE stibN«'' ' 1 MU M.-du-iil " ' ' • ! ' . Man I'l ! t I I y «M O by gilt .r the li*" now. Ad-liCiR I'd ' BullD'cfi street. Host'j'j ONEY '!<> 1OAN «»N <j« .'i'iAvNO 414 M*rkci 1 . IL M mortgage* l«> - GfcU. K country.