Newspaper Page Text
1 \R. MONTOOMKRY. 203 N. NINTH J I »u.l'lilU.. Rp.Uabl*' Medici tita tor Cough« ( olds, A Minna, Catarrh, Bn>nrl>lu«,OunMiii|i< te o. lMMItulda/a. Advlet- In.«, day or (venin». _ itlf la«. PkIIARDT'B PENNYROYAL X ' PILLS, 51. Hold br Dru,<irh>ts; also l>y nil INN, Vtli St., Phi'.». L die* be war« of ii For ltaiit. FOR RENT. IY STABLES AND BazaarBnildisg W. Y. WARNER, Wilmington, Del. T,'OR KENT—SIX ROOM HOUSE, NO. 4li rJïïnTXM; «u rj,ionM> ' - u " uutb. Apply I*. J. Foiui, JW-tf t 'Oll RENT.- nOU8E8 AT XENT 11.err at 91 to fS per month. Apply at Ciilm- «>1 Fraudv'*luo (Jotluii mills. Del. »it \[vvrr r m"\m B mi from V to per month. • of Brundy wluo Cotton Ap Mills auS-tit ere. Dot. T-'OR KENT—ROOMS ON JJND OR 8D J 1 i ...r. Kt «OUW. Jml M. js-tl N'otU VfJTICE.-TAXPAYERS TAKE NO < n Bin'. HehoolTaar- •**" m No. ! ity aud Kir aui U J2 ln"fl" la the ictlrlo« Jul m. U ! t, Iter the tirât 1st day of without a (1«Cuc v Vt» )n ail u. dollar, n ,'W t-r aha hy the EDMUND. I*. M'KJDY, Northern District, Includla, MAHT1N J. ME A CRY. • 7 Southern Dlaulct, Inclnaius "•-"-»tue t, jylHf Hr jyuTJC'E. DIVIDEND. WiLWiRrm<M Coal Gah WlLWIWOTOW, August 1, 1SM». ora of th* Wilmington Coal on« day declared a dividend for the naat ali mon th* pat . p, TAYLOIC ii S' del Y No. 575.2 to $ 250.2 * MONTn aua working for prefem^d who «in ind give their whole c huslneas. Spare moment*, in iployinl ulso. A lew v id cities. II. F. JOHN ' ■ N .% CO., IW» Main Street, Richmond, ' :> N. II.—Please stute iigo and husinosB • \ ;'1'rieuve. Never (ulna about sending > up for reply. H- F. J. A Co. a3-w od ■» >m TICK—T1IKUK WILL BE A HACK fur ;:=,Æ fltably K Mm viand av and •cot eveiy morning, ut (L3o U d Market, and Fourth »tie rf, along JuckNOU to Second, to Mur to Fourth, to wharf; also parties n to a distance. 11. C. DURHAM, >hono, call 613 ; : THE LARGE CONCERT ROOM OK i the Wlln.hiffton CWlfge of Music, In th* sna—-""" III I ut* for sno. For nartlcular'a D. CLOWARD, IMncliml. mo- tod 3iu euLDir.RS. ATTENTION! urnn «Vtrfe?U \V'i|n V nV l mS Ho ^ >I * l' years' exv*rlc'.cc'"V'Mt»f E. WILSON. F ^ \ I -ii n. Mil (y°Pn,Lt ÜSÄ A1L8 ' fi.e l'arment <*f if c .Marla ltuUdlng. Mj.ley ut). i«dr for tiyt^j»*|>al ( 'ALIKOItNIA. ','Cclul Partie«. ; «-idUS a. Cl.tap Italia. Address K. I1AW1. bout). '» AKent, i «w Yn It. y fiauii c A Ohio Agi William mcrenzir,merchant » * Tailor, B. W. corner Third aud Shipley itm tB, Wllir.lngton, Del. clothing d. dye .d 1 ft. ! .V t -Ui I McBRIDE, Msnnfkct I'H TOKE F»</ •ill IIIV Ä •gild« ptly respertjulh I'lted, ^ ÏTL NT! ON ALL HERSONS DE D<1 ClltUlllllft iNU I. No. a;7 Mur et. W r A ( 'A ! I AGES TO HIRE BY DAY, lull. Also ( KO«(l till if • ply eci «• UT II It I E Ma Jy24 H ' 1 PAÎD FOll 1 y M. N H.IVLIN, aud King St»., o J2u-lf BETTER DOG ] /«iî.-A SKYB TERKIER' ly es zes. and «ATtFuL-COMFURTINS Epps's Cocoa. BREAKFAST. edge of tho n out ol dip irai i »7 iSJicTÄ well Mr. bîfi". It a »Hy built until I n =y tdlt Z. % ' L'i'.TrÄS rly sd ha h boiling . mud Una by uro« milk. ïnd* ti" L Kn •B ««ro* Int« rutli, sal have I win »„ >f •rry R gilt, tlvo "«■Uv; the a now. Bulä Ago T. M. WTKK. I HsIi.n TO CAI'E MAY. •i r Is . Paula • lo Cape i 'V 1)4 'k ÏE. ■-S3 DYES S3, f>T, or W ANTED-81TM ME It nt llolly Hull. Oui artvi* from Kite HOARDERS ton tuiu W Alt It. It S".«HSï the l>y of ii'K and thing. All he ÔÂ^kCS,"'""' omforts J80-0 \V r ANTKD—BOAUIlKRS. PLEASANT L, £!TVï''rS»' a f(,rU w ' u ' UM! hath * l ,l2 ^ M cat lhlr.1 si reel. J»i-ett VVANTED—TOEXOriANOE A FARM nVl.nnll ,Cr 7 f ". r * ' n "» n >"»U»'*. Ml I table w.. 821 l".S' «umiW- V. Ï W.r,Ä (.'I,A UK A bit Market Jtl-ltU* W ALKER a LINTON, Mul sh AND 8ÏUN PAINTERS urainlug^UluKing, Uric* Staining und S. E. COHN Kit S lit T l7 ANd\sII 11' I K Y STREETS. r. it W ANTED. - A CUHTOMHK FOR nohuiidr*« 'piarts of milk dally. Ap DIT M J. II. *031 Kit, N. W. Cor. i ront A Juttlfon. au 1-lit WANTED.-AN EXPERIENCED .'ï'ïi'Âfi. 1 '* W ANTED — E X PBRIENCKD clerk 1er grocery «tors. A<1dreu with rcitrcncc, 8, this oflio«. aui-nt W ANTED.-BY AN EXI'KKlV.Ni El> man a ftltuatlon as watahiuan, or to Itll goods nrom a «agon. Address H. Wil Aagl-att " at luma. W ANTED—HELP FURNISHED FOR hotel», r«»tnur»Dta an<! prit ale famille» H>e ahnrteal noUco. Apply at tl.r ELI.IUKM KornuE II.MINU?\>N 'TEACHER WANTED. — .1 . pnhllc acbiH.I in New Caitl« < rk Kair FOR A 8D ,'ounty n«*ar Adilrek* W. It. . xtw ANTED.—BUMMER HOARDERS; ni<xW»U* r A«1^»eaâatRK! U r rOUn HON, ftellKTua, PairTlli«. CLaatcr county, ' .___Jll-12l«otl WANTED-A MAN TO RUN A 8TA ff tlonary anirlnu al the Caalio Machina Work» Ne 'hN CK.h W ANTED — AN EXPERIENCED waiter-man. Apply to Mrs. 6. T Tl- UN EU, nti Adams street. buS-ttf T« I'M. Del. Aniily to JOHN s. W ANTED—GIRL8 AT MoC'ABE A Dnrragh's match factory. Apply W03 East Seventh sliooL uu3--.'tf W ANTED—TWO OR TIIREK GOOD painters and Btriper« on Gear work nt tho Novelty Curriuge Works Second aud French atreets. uuil-.itt W ANTED.— W KFKLY 1888; C UEPUBLT ay Si, June 14, till» offie of January A nlll br pa WANTED—BOAKDERB. AT NO. 823 VV Enat 2nd street, with nleasant rooms, flood accommodations. mft-Srn W ANTED—BOA.KDERH, FURNISH A Uo Ubl«' jSSf ed t0an * ht 7,1 Jns-tf W ANTED— nuAUDKKS AT 002 Washington 8t.. ptaaaant rooms and good accommodation». JtX5.i!U For StU*. F UJI SALE — I.OT NEAR FOURTH and Scott Btroct Iff foot on Bcott »Hoot by feet in depth. Will sell cheap. Apply W. SCOTT VERNON this office._ _J30-dt JPOR BA LE OR RENT— A 1Æ8IRABLE ill: SL; utcfcly locaud ' " a " °' 7 7 ' H#t ufeoV iS'/uOifllELL, Jy2X*3w BultaM« for carry Market SFreoV. 1 I j'OR BALE.—A GOOD DRIVING horse, ten years old. harness and huirgy. ataharaaln. The whole rl« eau U: aw.a at Mcsblck's^tabUsou W. Ninth near. »It F )R SALE AT MODERATE PRICES A colltcUnu of tair.1... »b waaons, German MOND.** 0 "*' V>»oltj»U pnrpoMS. V. F 'OR BALE.—A lious^ h, Brat-cl r; No. '« _ w offi ce. F°L» HAM Hell bla. 16-811. t 8-8TORY BRICK order; has 7 rooms he« Fr !'R. r *V KK N 7 HALE CHEAP-A LARGE J^'OU SALE--HE VEKA L PAIR wc*ks f ..ld. "w.M.'iV!* I Ft K S 1 ) HI t'it" JAIL boN, near ConlrevUi«, Del._ |.-a T^OR SALE. —THE BAKERY WITH inaEa-n Fourth''It' 1 "* " K ° üa * ,u *' ,uea ** No. pOR 8ALE.-THREE NEW BRICK Price llAyi earh. B * Kaà / 1 crnis°° aÖ bul1 '* Ii EO. it. END Ù JjOAUDI ING—A MAN AND WIFE bUJpiey story fro «U3-Î ALiSY PILLS »» hyeelUt C«. , ; ilaiU\|>bl», I'a. HOTELS. r riIKNEW COLUMBIA A CAI'E MAY, N. J. Opens June JAMES' MOON KY, O FRANK by 1. HILDRETH Lafav (L* e). 1 H otel Lafayette, cap? CITY, N. J. —Open all th* tear. MAY 1 y ii r cb. Iren Pit JMm Sea Baths at Horn Can be enjoyed with slight pense and trouble, by using bl'.A SALT prepared express ly for home use. Sold in box es and packages of desired si zes. Sponges, Gloves, Brushes and other bathing requisites. ex Sold By Z. JAMES BELT, Tli* —P11A UM A CIST,— IXTH AND MARKET STS rpiIK 8C1EKCB OF J. LIFE, tho grout h Modinil Work of tho Mu hood, ^Nor. 1 1' bility, Cline, K De >1' Yo I >ld P ... 125 I IS •IptldiiB all . Cloth, I gilt, tlvo sr •alcd. .ling and 1 Illustra lyJI.OUby pie free • ldl mon for tho id now. Address I*U, W. II. VaRKKR Bulä n eli btreeti Boston Mass. o22-eod«ly Ago GAS STOVES. Desirable : •prtUR, r rank ng lu bill "without 111 Bill 'k : u * \ 171 OU I'm In: Se New store and Dwelling. southwest street» will vert the rear end of this building Into store only, or store and dwelling, suitable lor email family. This is a good locution for either cigar and tobacco store make a good fruit und itati'l. A good street c»i trude can be depend«.! upon Iron» thin point. Address Building, Kbi'iumcan office. The owner of property of Front »ml Market It 111 mfect'oner and railro* hath table The liest In the World. to continue this until somo the great lung curative agent. White Puluionlo Balsam, wilt take lu our sign. Mr. L. Whitney, contractor at Clifton, Delaware. Sava he was cured after being considered a hopeless caao. For cough«, sore throat, Loaratnese, etc. Depot, Fourth and King streets, Wilmington; I'lilludclr-Ala. Smith A Kline Co.. 431 Arch struct Kill]nh'B « We body t Dr. Simms' und Y A Shiloh'« Catarrh Remedy, a marvelous cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker MouUi and Headache. With each boitlo there Is un Ingenious Natal Injector for the more successful treatment of these 00m plain ta without extra charge. 1'rlco flü cent». N. B. Dun forth, wholesale and retail agent, Second and Market streeta, Wilmington. Del. with El> to Wil » gnestif psopio suffer by Indlgostlon, Constipation, Loss of Appell te, Coming up —-, -_I1— ok lu. when for 78 cent» we will sell them BhUoh's Systom Vltallsor, guaranteed to cure them. N. B. Dan forth, wholesale and retail agent, Second and Merket streets, Wilmington. Del. Why do so many to prefer to around and be made i miserable Dlzxhicss, of the F d, Yellow A W. fUdlob'a ConsiimiiUon Cure, This is beyond uuestion the moat msful Cough Medicine we have c •old, a few doers Invariabl worst esses of Cough, Croup, and Bronchitis, while its wonderful success In the cure of Consumption Is without a parallel lu tho history of medicine. Blnco Its first discovery It hks been sold other tiled! T I ■ «'• s. guarantee, a test whtch stand. If you have a Cough we earnestly ask you to try It. Price 10 ccuts, 50 tents, and fl. If your Lungs , Chest or Back lame, fob's Porous Plaster. N. B. Danforth Second and Market streets. Ql A Bid The Old Reliable. D. A. Powell,Nos. 3ii8 and 620 Madison street, has cod-fish, porglcs, butter-flsh, trout, flounders, black bass, etc. Clams by the quart or hundred. Delivered free of charge to ail parts of the city. 14, Dr. Cholera Syrup. The great and certain euro for acute andchrunlo dlarrhtca,dysentery, cholera morbus and cholera lufuutuin, 85 cents. Main depot. Fourth and King streets, \\ Umingtou, Del. Bold by druggists. Destroyed by Fire. The celebrated 3 B. B. D. cigar, manu factured by H. F. bourdon <V Bro., No. 21V West bocond street. Bold at all tbe leading hotels and cigar stores. Try Taylor & Fullerton's rheumatic remedy never falls to cure; g Fifty cents per bottle. Tayl< tou, 802 King street. Ive It a trial & Fuller 1 It costs Joidan but fl.25 to make a down Cabinet photos. That Is why he sell them for |2.50, at No. Market street. at SAMARITAN^ ■ I NO KAILS NEKVlNErS'^ lu'MràhUuï " "'"'•".'"ÄiÄ'. SÄ AU Nervous and Blood Diseases MSéhaou e ïâake?s Y" 1 er *' tittrvrMrn, K fil K GH KAT ISKKVK »• COiNUUEKOR a ilc. «^Thousand« Ii esilu Tl.e Dr.S. A. Richmond Nervine Co., St. Joseph, Mo. nnndenoe freely atiswc**.! hy Pliyi taTTMIAL lHhTLK KltEF. "Ug eniedy wliea^atcx, is tlpation Cor Todfc Xr Itl< liiiiun.l's Mv. Torpid Liver»; i.eiilly. l'il«' 1*111-, . ■ I fllll« _ _ _ . 83c. Al IX >c a lu THE MONITOR OIL STOVE Will do all e cooking, washing and ironing usually done Willi less cost ior fuel No smoke, no smell. We arc dally ceiviug reccommendatlons of the good work, and universal satisfaction giv by the MONITOR. We have not had plaint. Please note this fact. Tlmy rec ommend themselves, « very time. Don't buy a cheap oil giving luff. very little stoves. any cook .stove, i.i troulde. word of . It Is like your hard earned money for noth Buy the "Monitor." They cost clioap oil The Monitor is the only stove with the oil tank hack of and away from the heat of the burner. Call and make a thorough examiua ion. At 505 Shipley st. 5 than tho ' TIIE PICKELS STOVE * HEATER CO MALARIA. DR. SIMMS' VEGETABLE LIVER PILLS bat will operate wltii •live. Tli* only Pills I t tlîeVi'Ht' lei' 'Ills I ainl .Iver >1 hey ing 3 up Kl< Bpl {n^DyBjH'i rca da. a Fa. »I d. P PRINCIPAL DEPOT, FOURTH AND KING STS WB ul *ia Alt. \ I ONE Y TO LOAN ON GOOD 1ST 171 mortgage» in rums to lull. City 01 OU II1 r y , C.Ü.U. R. ■'••VVN<EN1>. Eati Se ll thin DREADFUL. "How gl«<l I ,ra, Iletile, th*t our tastes arc mo very similar," aaid young ra. lioneyllp to her husband when they had returned from their bridal tour and woro furnishing the flat In which tlioy were to bo "go perfectly happy." "We agree about everything, don't wm, darling?" sho continued. M 111 "Wo b< th r d1ual and gray to bo the pro in the parlor, we »need exactly about the blue room, and both wauted oak for the diu'ng room and hull. Woliketho came kind of chnlrs. Oh, agree exactly, don't we, and how nice isl I'd feel dreadful If we didn't agree, particularly about any Important thing." "So would I, darling," bo said. "It's lovely to live lu such perfect harmony. Now, I guess I'll haug this lowly little wutsr-color your auut gavo us right over thl6 cabinet, shan't I?" "I don't hardly know, dear. Wouldn't it look better over that bracket opposite wuU?" "I hardly think so, love; the light is much better here." "Do you think ho, George! Really, w, I don't like It In that light." "You don't? Why, its just tho light r It. It's entirely too «lurk for a water I ted vailing tones L. and 11 for t!,< the oilier wall." "I don't think .« utall. Water colors don't want a great deal of light." '»They certainly don't wunt to be In the up 78 N. "They certainly don't want tohsng In u perfect glare of light." "J guess I'vo hung pictures before to day, and—" "O, George, bow cross you are!" "I'm no croBser than you, and—" "You arc, too and I—I—oh, how can you be so cruel?" "Pshaw, Helen, I only said—" "Oh, I know what you bald, and It has broken my hcartl" "There, there, dear—" •'Oh, It has! really want and papa? ' "Wby, darling, you k "Bo—be In a 1—I—George, do yon to go buck to mamma ■ , boo Loo, if you d— d—o, boo boo, I will. It would lo bet ter, boo hoo, than for us to quarrel over everything, aud—" "There, there, my dear, I—" "Mamma was afraid like in disposition 10 I get along well, but —I—I—oh, George, this is too perfectly dreadful!" Pun With the Old Man. He was a meck-looklng old ger tleman from the country, and as he took hla at the dlnlug-rooiu table the Uruui meia looked at him over their soup spoons. They noted hl» weathcr.l>eateu face his wet hair carefully parted and brushed around over bis ears, aud bis air of diffidence as ho nervously lingered Lia fork; and when the waiter girl stood at his side and winked , they "Soup?" she asked. Tho old the boot-and-ahoe all alteutioD. seemed a bit surprised at tho brevity of tho bill of fare, and fidgeted about os though waitiug lor her to say something "would you like some soup?" said the girl with a side glance at the coffee uud splce "I ula't particular about soup, know of," answered tho old "Boll' mutt' I capersauce, roaa' bee', r s' lamb, r'n' veal, frica u se chicken, cole ham-longue, chlek'n-salad, fritters, boil' V baked p'tatus," said the girl with llghtning-Uke rapidity. The old man looked kind of helpless, aud the boys felt a littlo soiry fur him he kept hi« eye« fastened on the fork, which he shoved from side to side with his fingers. "1 guess I'll take—I guess you'll have to say that agalu," ho ea!d, looking up, and the girl rattled the whole thing off lu exactly the The old i d caught sight of a i time looked 'round the table a drummer winking the girl; then he jerked hie head around, and looking her «trulght In the face, hi said: before. rnuy gimme s'm bile cornbeef 'n' * beef, veal 'u' mutt .., 'll' turkey V tongue, 'u' s'm ' eggs 'u' codfish enkes 'n' sausage n' beefsteak 'a' a piece ol punkfn jiie 'n' cup o' coffee, sis; 'u' now see ef yer kin makeysr little leg« fly 'a fast us ye kin yer tougue.for 1 want« r git li a sh cabbage. chick'n ' liu :; there's cornin' up." Tho girl hesitated, turned red, and then made a break for the kitchen, while the drummers laughed gazed out of the window at the gather leg clouds. id the o.d 10 RllnuottpollH Way. One of tho solid members of Calvary Baptist Church recently presented his »aster, the Rev. G. L. Morrill, with a good family drive. to go down to tho stable Lo Ifnal, that the He told the .1 d get him, and to take aloug tho harness,which ho would find hanging reverend He took tho horse In a spirit ol grati tude, and then looked around lor the necessary articles of stable furniture. He gathered in a harnoss, a pretty fair whip, a hitching rein, a weight with which to anchor the animal, a blanket,»lap robo.a halter and a few other trinkets that he thought, naturally went with the horse, und took them to his own stable. When tho douor met his pubtor next, the latter said to him: "1 got tho horse all right other things that went with him." "Yes, that'« ail right. I was gone, and everything else but his manger. If you'll semi around time I'll have that taken the outfit." "That's ail right," said the Rev. G. L., laughing. "I simply worked ouu d*y the pi au you business men work six days lu tbe week, fifty-two weeks iu tbe year. took every thing in eight that wasn't »ailed down. That's tho Minneapolis way of doing business." The business laughed and said ho must ackuowl by. The t is To 11 those uoticed he a part of by ' edge tku corn. AiitU-ii>utiiig th Wilkins—"Had your family, Elijah? Uuele Elijah—"No, sah; I ain't had 'rouvemeut. Whafoh you aekf" Wilkins - "I noticed you hud a band of crape on your hat and 1 did not know hut there might have been a load iu y >e Bereavement, any bereavement In 545 7.80 aud I lor at of and Ui.cle E'Jjah—"No, sah, dat ban' gcn'Icinau give It to -V, I didn't know when I uiought have 'caeion ter go inter mawnln' I doue lei' It on like it Closing Ü] It is no wonder that the Sheriff Is clos ing up the shoe storei lu th s town, be cause tbe Boston Branch Bhoe Stoic, No. 3 West Second street, 4s throwing the goods away. It Is no wonder they break up so many shoe stores, tiie way they ure selling their eood*. They will here long. io Sliuo Stoics. To a tbs dy, IS. sale : he by N■'u liny un 4th Ar; lei: y Is dally rectlvînir .-.tket, south of Market E pi« '*li bridge. Telephone 577. D< vlled abs, clams aid cyst ldpley street. kin !a of cakes at SVeyl's, No. 7 d ctreet. at Alt. Eati £ A11 An Ii-IhIi Angel of Mercy, From the Pall Mall Gazette. In a cabin • sunny hlllaldo over« looking the Bay of Dublin dweltamlddlo aged brother and sister. The our they and tlioy don't was a helpless cripple, entirely dependent upon his slater's exertions; sud sent from the poorhouse to bilng hftn thither for shelter. The poor wretch eluug to the only homo ha had known, and utterly refused to leave It, crying that Lo would die if deprived ol his "say air and shut up within prison wall»." Ills loud Ismontatlons had brought the priest and some of th neighbors to his Hide, latter, Moggie O'Flynn, felt a deep Im pulse of pity toward the . Sho was a single w 55, ol weather-beaten and certainly in attractive appearance, ßhc noted as her. the estate of a gcntleuu her services were invaluable, •Hould hard," she said t< house official«; "It's her death a th pro both hull. Oh, nice "It's little over light of the 'orlunate of about to whom the work Maggie O'Fly craytliui taken to t!io give him a that 'uli nee a 1 t!,< poorhouse when the shelter. It's a corner and a welcorno In cabin the unfortun tllloe «hail have." But hero bis reverence Inter •d ho would not allow in big parish as an unmarried woman sharing the same <1 welling. "Shuro, Maggie, you wou't go back your word?" Implored poor Mick, lu despair. Moggie hrsHatod a Mick Co»« scandal . r s; the ' nt, then turu« tho priest, said, "If there's ve him from the 'house, your rlverince, I'll marry him, a h&porib will any agio it thin." It was In vain that his reveronco point ed out the terrible butdeu Maggie was takiug upon hurHelf. "it's for the lovo of God l'i to plase meself," answer she roturned; "an' ed Virgin will ulvcr let ' the sup when sh« sees It with the craytbur that I The marriage took place death, several years later, the kind-heart » d Maggie O Flynn osrofully supported tho crlpplo in her u to can has in ! way te able to aay m marryin' '* . the him an' the Bites lor the sharin' bite yon uuythur." 'I iLll h!s did and cabin. d— bet Tt»e Klmli'a Deci l.ondo iritien. Frc varlt At tho Marlborough House garde party, seeing a young bis fancy, the Shah marched ove. and ilanting hlrnrelf Hquaro In front d at her until she had to beat a re- ! Papers. who struck but he treat. II ■ ta id: rd for female beauty may bo " got cy this: When the Duchess of ciuitcr wus mentioned he euld: Hem! But Lady ltosobery—ahl beautllul." Lady Rosebery weighs over 200 pound*. Ills famous emerald ia described a* too big for effect being about tho slro o! ordinary watch and exactly like a bit of groan glass. 1 ho surface Ib so exten sive that It loses tho ordinary lustre and hla and air Lia at ! K im tu cl In his favorite drink. He drinks it by tbe tumberful. He u<lvised Lord Salisbury, when vis Jtlug at Iluliiud, that he ou^ht to "do eotuolhlug better" for his sou, tbe pariah clergy His English escort during his stay couldn't quite uuderstaml why his suite took such elaborate trouble wbeu waklug him If he happened to be asleep when aiprodchiug bis destination. Tbe cause was not the dread ol royalty, but the Perslau Idea that duriug sleep tbe soul wandered away from the body and If a sleeper is soul c tomed homo, death will bo the result. At Lady Rosebery'e everyone api>e.»rod m uul* dress, Mr. Robert Browning, being a uni versity dignitary, arrayed himsoTf in a Iverslty robe. Wh n tho Shah saw him, supposing him to t,e In allegorical dress, Le remarked, "Ah, p esle." , at and her the I cole up, lu suddenly aroused that the not return in lime to its accus dinner, where or court the Look On tor te Cm The comet recently discovered will probably be Visible in this latitude the pre.cnt week. When seen by Professor Davidson, of Queensland, Australia, the 21t>t instant, Its position ascension 12 hours 40 : tion south 33JÎ degrees. Its motion 1« rapidly northeast, equal to ov degrtee a day, which will bring It to tbe ibht'al equator about the end of the month. Its motion Indicates nearness to the and Its direction shows that npleted its circuit of th: its return to space, bly approaching the earth, described as a "bright" comet, It may pos**'bly be seen with the naked eye. Ub huuting for tho celestial visitor should direct their southwest horizon, In tho constellation of Virgo, where the comet will pearancc. 'n' 'n' right minutes, ileclina . Orb anti is It is proha • it Is a 1 tbe ake Hi up -•alt It. .1 One of the must inlschoivous and most common is the indiscriminate and too frequent use of purgatives. Buch med feines, if well chosen and e certainly useful, but many select the worst, fly from ploy them when there their utility has ceased, a permanent, basis a reg ular condition o? the bowels, the ilDost alterative Is Hostetlers Stomach Hit ters. It is botanic In its origin aud a safe succedaneuin for those objectionable drug«, calomel and blue pill; it does not Rrlpo pr drench the bowels like the ord inary évacuent», and it not only reforms Irregularity of tho habit of body, but remedies the disorder and inactivity of the liver and stomach, which usually* company that condition. Rheumatism, kidney trouble, malarial complaint ami nervousness sorted to, perso t ho other, and is no occasion, To establish removed bv the Bitters. Flrea for 1889. Many Arcs this year have been started by wood from A Sergeant's coul und wood yard, foot of Monroe street. Uak, Pine and hickory wood iu large loads. Wc guarantee «5,24U lbs, ofeleau cual In every , screened under Just recel veil, a neu own supt* load of Western ; also a fine lino of baled hay and wheat straw. Central office Seventh and Klngstroets. Look for tho b Sign. Open In tho evening. Telephone calls, 545 and 5»7. For City, Take tho boat from King street pier at 7.80 a. m., Sunday. Only hours ride aud eight hours at the '1 shore. F lor round trip 91.SO. Returning tral leaves Atlantic City at 6 p. m., arriving at Wilmington at S.Su p. in. No change of cars from Pcnnsgrovo to Atlantic City and return. ^ llrtiiBing Glnduea To Tnlllioiis, pleasing their palat cleansing their systgms, arousing their Livers, Kidneys, Stomachs and b. weis a healthy activity. Buch le the mission of tbs famous California Haul dy, Syrup of Figs. All druggists. N. 1 IS. Danforth, Second and M*i*t'., whole sale agent. J fruit reir.e Watermelons, cantaloupes ar.d peach by the car load ut Smelts & Co., 13 E. 4th s Ticket» Funnel. A package of tickets fer St. E Church pi« k -d up in '*li *\o tie aul's M. to Atlantic City reels. Tfci Icier I y calling Ms office. Ird c• a , clams utd oyste , 107 chipley street. A11 . Tojmnjfevents/ast theii? Shadows beioi*èî' vmr:> i : i.cçi j " p, | ,■ . j. 1 1 PEARLINE # Î1 Ml: ■ f!i ll Ml Mr : mm From the start, the shadows have read, Pyles Pearline is niighlicr than soap, muscle and washboard combined. It is the modern soap. Nowadays one can not afford to reject a new idea because it prom ises # ''big things." These are days of "big things." Wide awake men and women are looking for them. She who refuses the aid of PEARLINE is behind the times—far behind. She might as well reject the comfort and aid of the steam car—sewing machine—telegraph—electric light, etc., because she does not believe in them. Millions ap preciate Pearline, and have for years. Millions more will appreciate it—you will—why not begin at once to use it. Its prodigious popularity proves its merit—you have everything to gain, nothing to lose, therefore try it. Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers are offering imitations which they claim to be Pcarl ,,, . in®, or "the same as Pearline." IT'S FALSE— tney arc not, and besides are dangerous. PEARLINE is never peddled, but sola by all good grocers. 136 Manufactured only by JAMES PYLE, New York. P%i ï: il £ U* f Beware CAP2 MAY, ATLANTIS CITY, SLA ISLE CITY, and OCEAN CITY, N. VIA PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, J £ Î. ATLANTIC CITY. . M. Weak Wilmington 7.05, 8.10 A. M., Bundaya, 4.V) and 7.00 A. M.. 2 27 P. M., nsler co .33, 2.27, 2.35, and 4.0 »king close connection CAMDEN A ATLANTIC Piilladelplila hy HAILHUA DS. For CAPE MAY 7.05 A. M., Philadelphia wltti tl . For bEA ISLE a 7 00 A. M., WEST JERSEY with P. M. Bundays, 4.20 A. M., onnecting at and 2. .« WK.8T JERSEY RAILROAD. CITY, OCE M., 12.38 and 2.35 P. M. Sundays Adtlplila with the WEST JERSEY RAILROAD. . J. 7. EXCURSION TICKETS. TLA NTIC CITY. CAPE MAY. SEA ISLE CITY. 12.75 OCEAN CITY, N, J. Valid for r«tu LSI, *3. V. »3.60 day» . 2 . RATES Indu Mar N8F bireel Wharf, Philadelphia, J. It. WOOD, Gen'l Paab'r Axent. PASSENGERS by both directions. broad Btree Ire Button CHAH. K. I' . W. BOYD, Ass't 'I Paas'r Ag' Jy 16*361. 1HE LEADER in PHOTOGRAPHY 720 Market St. uni a saw CASTILE S01P. will the 1« of STRICTLY PURE STOCK. F HrFICE USE, F a BATH USE, 0 is • Is Washing Light and Heavy Harness; it makes the harness soft and look like new. A constant demand for this article has caused us to place it in our stock, at a WH0LE3 ALE0B RETAIL. For Sale, only by JOHN i HUDSON & CO. No. 15 Market Street, Wilmington Del. jsotr DRUNKENNESS Or the Llqi by Administer!! Habit Positively Cared Dr. Haines' Gold Spoclfio. t can be given iu it cup of cofloe < ti.» Wn..«iml K e of tbe • ■ .IKIIIK tbst j y will oholîc taken Gtfldcu 8p rf ii let L-k. '1 bouaandt ■ i;. r the J F A ILS \ EI ! ' The lyitem ^ For sale by Z. Jab. ^IJklt, Agt., Cth aiid Mar with the Spec lit»- I or the liquor 1 TttON LASTS AND STANDARDS. $ FCR LIGHT COLORED SHOES ) Laces, { liuttoui { and ; Drossing. Buy RUß SET on 1 l.ROWN. 8. LLOYD RODDY, Dealer ». Leather and FHullu*», NO. 3 Lsr FOURTH STREET, ® 111 "* Lf We have just lumped a lot of Boys' and Chil dren's Suits togteher and cut tbe price in half. We are going to give you the best chance of the See our Middle Market street window. F season. PANTS. 0 We have a number of odd ones which wc formally sold at $4, $ 4.50 and $5; ail to go at $2 50 , and odd suits lor men in proportion FURNISHING GOODS. Well, just look lower window and see the fine French Flannel tihirts, which we are closing out at half their former price. in our Pennock & Foreman, CLOTHIERS AND GENTS' FURNISHERS, S. E. COItNEB 5TH & MARKET STS. WILMIMOTON.DEL. J. ROW'SCIIINADEPOT New lot dinner sets, 104 pieces, decorated with flowers and gilt edge, S 10.00. New lot decorated chamber sets, $2. 50; the best we have yet offered for the price; the same kind with slop jar, S4.75. AGATE IRON WARE JL The peer of all cooking vessels; we keep a large stock. WATER COOLERS. K\ Nickle-platcd spigots; ranted satisfactory. 2 gallon, 91.25. 3 " 1.65. war bit 4 2 . 00 . 2.75. 3.75. HAMMOCKS For strength, case and beauty, 50c to 32.00. Ice cream in 6 1-2 to 10 1-2 minutes, by the "Gem" freezer. $ 1.50 and higher. t. I. LEWIS ROW, 11« KL\G ST. ini-iu, i-lm ,■ Coal and Wood Flour and Feed Lehigh Coal Schuylkill Coal Lee Coal. the the ap to it. are but All grades of Spring and ter Wheat Flour; Win Minnesota Flour Hungarian Flour Lea's Flour I11 Barrels or Half Barrels. All kinds of Mill Feed at Mil Prices. Oal^ or Pine Kindling Wood in Blocks or Split Careful drivers and 2240 lbs. to the ton guaranteed. Try a ton of Lee Coal for Sum mer use. Oflice, Yard and Warehouse, J 817 WEST FRONT ST mO-eodtr 4.0 at tip; if J. P! rn t DR. HARTER'S Wild Cherry Bitters. FRANCIS KELLY & CO., NO. 103 MARKET STREET, Wilmington, Delaware, ITavo been appointed SOLE AGENTS for the Stute of Delaware for the above aamed BITTE US. Orders will bo filled and empty bot >ived at our store here and terms ties r prico same at St. Louis House. JOILY P. DONAHOE, 4 2 3 -BOTTLER Ale, Porter, Brown Stout and Lfiger Beer, Cider and Mineral Waters. UEPUT, 517 und 519 OBAN US ST. Wilmington, Dels Bole agent and depot for Del csstey Urew ' u * «■■w"» ns Uoched A Co.'s Philadelphia own Blout, A, XX. for MS lire Mas* d 1*0! mal! w XXX Al Goods «hipped to mv Tolephiiuo couaectlou. 124 imniEIT TM.ooa capita«. . Surplus, loarantoe strea<ttt, 4Ui>,470 1X50,470" Re*f>rd of our 18 YEARS' business. IS, 854 Mortgagsa 6.912 " Interest Total pf otuted.aM't'g 11.788,81 rxitmr " " l«Ve 1 uvestora • 2 I l Z Itm,} paid ..... PATRONS we do Web refeK _ , laiUeat, but tbe 8AFE4T busiuaas. SAVING^ DEPARTMENT FOR dMALL AMOUNTS.' Full information lumubcd by J. B, WATKINS LAND MORTGAGE CO., LAWllKNCa. KANSAS; or NcwYdrs M»n*'r, HENRY DlCKIN'âON. 218 broad wav. FURNITURE 0f and AT 1 'UBLIC SALE. Tile balance of furniture at 309 Shipley street will be closed out oil Wednesday, Aug. yth, 18S0 at 10 o'clock at. IN 309 Shipley St. TUE COLONNADE, JL I 8E A ISLE CITY, N • J. l'i city, d ta friends ai hotel, ' *T1 the recent lo ~..c, that this ads, '' I u It four abed through e.cbterlul, li»i.t and airy, d in Crit-claaa order. Au de and good aitendauce. I. arg, elgctrlc light«, only two block* 'lording a fine view ol ihr Ilching an J sailing. Tltfr, K\ from iht h bath bit li rl« M. and* I» Xi. ' 1' foci ark t St. d*l I'A SCO AST I. EN, I .e City, i j»-n Ji F&KTILiZEftS. by t. Fur V- and other ■ CO , G Mi' H daie, Chei •2. Giant Globales, s Cbll m. Cl l: • *l. II. ' X • uVù — ' SPECIF 1C ii'UUadeisiu ,538 rth ft» TW •»« ÏÏÏ3 err & SPECIAL DISEASES AND BLOOD POISON. OIINTINATE ILCE11S, ItLOTCII KH. CltmiONN, I*I VIPI,EM. hWkUUNOH. l*fU)l3IATI»"; ijl.v.IrHl MinmV rmuib D«»». Melanohelia, Uiaddcr and! ubl KLInejr 4-10 Disc «•y»). B«u«r METHOD *•» •olio A Bo (Acute Can«« MV o AUop.tUis, m .! »2-.av Kg » 1.» • I ' : Vr. iSrrDdTriB* r* s n; rhic bln »' r la sglflpÄSl in to GASOLINE STOYES To be successful need NAPHTHA, Free from smell, Free Irom smoke. And gives good heat, And most important of all FREE FROM ALL DANGER We have sold thousands ol gallons without a single accident reported to us. PHILLIPS & KANE, —PAINT STORE,— No. 5 E. Fourth street* Klug Sts. J Wilmington, Delaware. [ZJctwssn Markst DR. BULL'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. Prlce, «1.00 per Box. GS W 0 Ä Si'&iîiaÂÏSKoîîSW • ** °Bladdef i a^^kt» Dr Kcll'sTOXICPIXALS per Dox. trge hexes, contataln* e month'« use. Dr. Bell's Medical Discovery and Tonto Fills lor sule at Druggists. These Pills ■old in sulheitmt Wholesale Depot: CHA8. W. CRITTENTON, New Tort —-- myH-7m FISHING TACKLE! h large ilne r*pared Fishing Tackle, 1 a. to offer priced. e 1 3- JOINTEI» Artd ItUl.«. 4- JOINTKD ASH RODS. 2- J oi nt s d ii a m uoo Rods 3- JOlNTED liAMUoO HODS l'.A.umu» rods , ItANU «"SaB* 11 * H ^ tl m «OIM KD RAM KUO RODS, RFKL, MAN 1) AND OUIDEO . »1.25 ■gÿ Ä ' SKVfcSn'lftft Ä" Come lo tiie old estalillobed bouge of M0 3 a ne 4-JOÎNTED 3-JOINTED EdwardMelcMor 214 KING STREET. , WILMINGTON, DEL. i pr.ctt-Ual of base Pails au. sporting tÂFPUESJMENÎ " Capital, t70O,tf ©urplua, 1338,1 Principal and InUm*» both full, guarantee«* by Q U1 and tiurplua of 1 1.105,04» In seventeen feu bonne*» wauava loaned ïl 1,404.000. paring! 6 %° 1296 ËsâS ^ w investor* m dollar. BeMBi enture Bonde f entes alwvBOD band delay or tbs First Mortgage ■•wings CertifU Inßavli.KS D.'nhrtniMrto. to amounts at M.irtaoga iVpartineal, 08 .YÜ oomt mmra ; in th* ward Full inf um« an— regarding Mgs fnmlsbAd by J. 8 .WATKINS LAND MQRTGAGMA Lawrence. Kansasi• bn fert Base'* NC«RV ItlfStSSn« s*e | n DR. MIESTERFELD M6BOUTU FOURTH BT.. 1'IIILA., PA. e special dlseaaa It by U8lng*°iny ol. r will return Thirty y 0f both «ci fldentlally and what disease it •' C5Î,.'. *'1 IN ■tu mt. Hour* 9 to a fb-amt I 4 to B p. m. buudavsS We.' «elllns flrst-claes Harness at very suit the times, (.'all and examine ba ment of Trunks, stilted. AU..«.».*« —, I Hags and Pocktil-Ilooka. JAMES A. CONNER, »0.4 E.VST FOl'HTU STliEET. PATRICK FAHEY, ÄO. 1822 WBfX FOUR I'll «r.. Carpenter, Contractor & Builde burnished of ail kin bauca pr 4w43* oiamauicn WILMINGTON SAW WORKS, 222 WEST SECOND STREET, CiliORS II L. !\ORRIS, — A * î K N T FOK TnE HENRY DIS8TON & 80NB' Celebrated Saws. JJELP fo a TM g i'NF uaiBHAia DR. PENNINGTON KKQlaTKBiiU PHYSICIAN, Breciallit lo an Cbll Art u. Keu.«;« • uVù u o'nVb y *m a"i* or Panascpbia, Pa, (tritt.