Newspaper Page Text
The Daily Itepubl lean 1'uLll.liril Hull, KumlH, Llix|il.ti>] —AT— A The REPUBLICAN Building 1 Liiil ami King street* WUmlugLm, Do -LiV Hie Itr-puMlruu I'uDUahliig Compare mjc/nci—ALL COMMUNICATION AN check«, poaul n t boule De dlrccU-d to _ A PHINTIMJ i'OMl'ANY. UUU.N I'tLLUU Entered at tie Prat Office at Wllming >n, Del., aa second das« mall matter. WEDNESDAY, Al'CCST Every few vm-ks wc hear of juries giving heavy verdicts against railroad companies or municipalities, but the general public are not aware of the fact that In the mujority of instances the greater part of the money goes to the attorneys. Horae time ago a little boy named Charley Orbanu w iouily injuied by Philadelphia, and against the company, ed him $20,023.50 damages, which the papers aald was to bo placed where it would draw interest until he was 21 years of age. As a matter of fact he will get but very little of this amount, i: $10,000 goes to his lawyer, and a large portion of the remaiuaer to a man who worked up the case BBcared the evidence. It app this that there are attorneys who constantly this kind, which T a traction cut in suit was brought A jury award ll from the watch lor cases of they secure them on a contingent I*:e, are skilfuliy managt il to arouse public sympathy for the injured parly, when as a mat ter oi fact it Is only a battle on tin part oi the lawyer to secure a big lee. Bjrne time ago .Senator Lvarts said that a contingent Le triant that: "Ii the case i» lost the lawyer gets noth log; if it is won the client guts noth ing,'* and there is no doubt but this is a fact. In the greater number of dam age casea the lawyers get one half, leaving the other half, less costs und expenses (or the damaged party, while in other cases the attorneys get two thirds cf the amount awarded, leaving but little lor the party injured. It these facts were known to every jury that is called upon to try cases ot this kind it Is very probable that the award cf damages would be much smaller than it generally is. The Philadelphia Times in speaking of this matter there railway d says: b; uolversal V Hitlutcnt* 1 ly fair till« before the court und Hurd should be—Johnny 'v; John Brnlib, Itorncy, beeo would be d In tL Jury. The Jone«, injured p Mogent Brown, comn.gcH contract piocureroi kç.l,moLv, I». t.,0 SI.01OWD ll.llru:ij Compaoy, ami I!, exact perceutace ol t each lufervst in the amount award d a datnares should b • -dearly staled as part of tbu record. The jur« derstand exactly wh shed by the law« tiff ar curer of it hi tlrac could U Often prop r the lujur«' ! j>l«iu o abed fur the lawyer, for the pro ' tCBllmooy, and f, clleut, aud they « liiuaf* upoull.c valq cured •hare of the dau the itjured : »*»ny pi. u liberal nuer tb Roney. Evkr pince the auuoucemcnt v\aa made that Or. Browu—B< (;uar ol Paris bad claimed to have dicovcred au elixir that would rejuviuate manhiud, Lnd make the aged young, there has been considerable incredibility con cerning the elL. ts which ure claimed for it. bevcral pliyeiciaoB in thia e ty have expressed ibcir disbelief, and ventured the opin on that the elixir is a humbug. Une physician. •cems to be more practical th brelhern,hfaB decide«.! to give this a trial before and in a very short tint nient ou peis'-ns in this ci*y. BuJt ol these fcxptrinienis lishcd in the Hi:i i 1 ; ; ho hi "I ill c The re ill be pub* «, aud rcai.era can tlu n judge for ihcuiscl Il is however but n be ihoulti be atij this matter, bul ul tije pante Bliou'd noi bu c lair teat btural Ural the pub ogard io i ed u Vt'luii is c mil sib! m I ms but it iiiUfil be tut I f d Ut.,! lred ■ 1 n . years a g«: t other j cunsiJcrtd IU« loph u.'.d ha .] be.' Tiil iudif a'.:« ! -. be serious tr ublt piobub.y h( that the Atlfiiita, »on the ihci between thu 1.n«l j The latti r, it at theL a . ! tu»* Cl tlL.-y of tl nasit-i, public entd to reialiatu l»y of a young ludy un resigned tlu ir d flee, ing appointed, part ot the colored people bus incensed the whites, »1 the IU i threat Sl .ll Co : tire cfligick ulher, who •ns in the postof :count oi a colored man be ll This threat be 1 it i bloodshed will be the result. Jl a con flict should occur, il will intensify the prejudice which already exists between the two races, and do much to retard I that profej»erlty, on which the new South has entered. It is Lofted that the matter may Ikj 8, tiled without turthei trouble, and that a more p able and satisfactory probable that •lliod may l>c adopted of solving the race problem' untry'bus time, and know wl«at tbo reiult w'ill^be! 1 ' The i majority of farmers' sons wish to leave 1 the farm as bo«.u as they are old enough, and there is not one case in u • hundred where a boy raised in the city cau be Induced to go to the com, try aud learn the business of farming. it Is however a jUCBtion if the ruajorl siwsznriX home, or the scarcity of h«lp. Some use ar.d work the«- so,,» though they ï •u, ami cunanjui-nti, »in. We were talk 1 her farmer this morning who has managed to keep some ol his hired helj, on tlie farm lor eight yearn, igl.t be well lor other farmers An interview with a t »rmer which is published in thy o! careiul reading. oi help for oth T k In the been seriously felt for unless the of these and help tho eiime mules they will uot re we Ing d it m to leuru hit. •u.«y l'cM i na" d long to u.™, nmi wiiicti timui'd ' j SÿuâiÂS rri, ,u "ü 1 W4»ll aa ex-11,ember b of Council vs ho tt. Notwm li NO the opinio ot City Solicitor I hers of Council wi o die twenty dollars r that the •ro ti,a Juue receivi .1 are itlll holding on to the put plue. We regret to say tLat among them are one or two Republicans, who should show their Democratic brethren a better.ex ample. The opinion of the city solid* tor must be accepted as law until U is set aside by the court, and as this is thecasowe arc of the opinion that every member or ex-member who re ceived and retains more than the sum allowed by law is liable to a suit by auy taxpayer who may choose to pro cced against him. Borne few members have returned the overplus, and it is diflicult to understand why their cx ample 1 b not followed by the others. SUMI'X Cot of lim iiBL, Aug. 12.—News of any fmpor taucc la scarce here, (.luce I laat w rote you. The pea«:h crop l.s pretty good here, hut tbi orohardg are amull,yet there are « good many «hipped. Our twitch «ton t do any Lualuo#«, an there Is a great get all the trad«* at Laurel. If uugh of peaches to fill Id be olk w «very day, It w raUi-tg ble i.t, cheap for the re con veulent. Tee trou "MoULe lu-8 to bo btiipjied there. As live aud el.t Ca peacli shipping plaça bring from one dollar, t » . no fifty p c r bo *. of «bout three peek#. Ti e Oral ship ment of Early Rivers, Mountain Rose and Froth», did n >t bring . U in Litur-1, : many as L«urcl With N > doubt this la the largest the ro»d. Peach's .• filled ' he «thir, causing tb shlpyatd Is still very bus/ Thu « « w boat is assuming proper shape, Hhc.w li.g signs ol luduftry. 11 \> i 1 ] carry a heavy burden, strong, to The l. doubt he very Is built of large white osk timber. Tee camp meeting hcason 1 and ih ehurcbea and Sunday so to'Is m alter' d as usual. There tbould be no camp meeting held ou Sunday, Is Very little good done. No doubt the ce.» the good, and u io cor t.« el wrung. 1 h pe the ministry wi 1, re a » ay, re. olvo to uot go to or hold the Sabbath. The«| we do other wire. Here 'old this. The first and Monday and «lav. The writer has hel.l, a led nitiuy camps of tt.ii k!ud In Pennsylvania, au«l v«ry few oth 1 hey we opened, tt meetings two ways to l»e»t way is to beg ( the very bust as very little rneetlugs, for thau five days u. to work, nr,J all !tuu at lliau is done in ten cotuph.ihed mo days. Thu sword plan, would be to have no service on tin; Sabbath, all g.. h«> worship, and cotuc bun on Monda !«»V ng a lew pc ground. The weather le roads, and Held» farmers can vale the late lo take : uf Ih w besutlful aud the ge ting dry, «t her their fruit. t lit t lulu iua id CUltl Ou< ASIUNAL. null* llearty ln UM Age. What is more beautiful th* dent clothed with « • Apt Is the con th and <1 with health and vig..r. The slue dit ion of •1 & . With rwy zest iple robe of pnrlson t>-tween ird «0, ll a Cl », the imlispeLHab!« vigorous youth, ro,. Virile old age, Is this lilts Is «ti Ht iliould found dig«bt' cf tho h nd it. No m fi< ent and agréable coatributoi lo the d efllcleut liifirmilies h mmeutol u hale old ag*-, an ana of counter«' ting the th. « Ilea attend life's de. 1 be found than Hostctter'« fitoiuach hit ter«. Dyspeptic symytona, a kldi.ey couipla ut, nerv« dud rtieumalic ti lhe i-lli-ct of uv uullllicd by it, it protection to all subjected to «I it ltuein us. Give it * thorough luijuletude ouble aie overci ta rnicM n»uL: ir.uL id it allords 11« Od< • a Let e 1.oii'l«. N with the the oldest such Inmiera prt-vuiled In tL.» region of South in. Death« from c Br t here l JO 1 K iroke dal moi.g thi labor* F.«r the last day« the ther : igblercd leas lay la»t week it •ach of u rtlll is parched torching days, t! 144 at ut L>v- luth « iul i tig» •»fui wltherol. 1 »: hade. Out ol all vegetal) The long. u ten by ng tliunder a j in succeed ill other ilh perfect ul' .du there is and the nights fcU'try si'ule. A sunshade is . tn. From what 1 at the Ducteriologli-al i)ng ft would upp,-;-.r that , some truth In the old dog days. Ou one «lav from rabid dog rp - ..)> Ti 1 ,u I : y ot tl : .! bltfH ut tion, te 1 !..ys no fc r ti.a-i .'is oj within U •-ated by Lutteur'« sy iydropho' ia o - city, oi itiii, , the 1 »y Tho -uld of Victor the lip Ly a to Mr. Bright, r«-ei<Lt!g ph'« ()Lurch, Uhilbtiai a icon. Dr. y« St: E: fittC •1 d g ! . l< I.V near 8t. J Huu.lri), Mouduy ulitTi. •ailed i in the w Urteuleaf w or «in stltcl "'an ufK-rwcrds kil . d, tl, end to his .1 ,mt 1 0 i. ï putting 'K I'm ChitM». » w ll tak«> place at Mc !.'« Corntr, South Will ay afternoon at *J o'clock. k of bound« and thirteen d inouutcJ. A good ruu i I [!?.". anticipated A f x II Thera'will I A little time back we to'd of Cambric Corset Cjvers, square neck, Dimmed with Hamburg, at 2jc. Thirty QLzeo lasted three Lours i i ^'^ ree tïlDliS as many jus» 1 m. Maybe they'll last the H av on 4 - • * L * Socoud floor, Juniper street side, A t/Ood D • rt Oi the lun r.f . ^ . r-' 11 - 1 ion Ol gardening COmes lrom the tco > You L can ^ work worry by going at il ri^ht. More helps than you ï j t •# 1 , J dream of ll you haven't 1 kept watch. Weed !wor „1 „ i i 8 r ' e,B tne dozen, ltace Your pick iu the Cotton Dress Stuff, doesn't erst much now. Ends (2 to yards) of the livelies: S ,t cei '' snd Ginghams of the year aie about half-price. 1 n »« «*"» *••» *w* l 2 John Wan a .maker. m m ï U y» 'w v. I Hoy—Mother, ««ne* I ham been Offing VToM*« Arm« larkin'} my ebon irear louger than or©» h*fbrn,*Tu' li.lnk Uu'jrloak lMtwut.bat I do U Kuootn m when I fixet u«cd It Indeed, my ton. I n Ifi _ . tarry gon iwiflcir> Y ou forint that onm a good UUnp Li or.b good ffh*w profxvly unod. You tu.» not even locked a; tbo botUo U tat ipa out Umv ad tb and tl.ny tl* r nnd I k*«p f your trouble. Y ahoea in < Iqnat order by it a Uioulh and .... WOlffS tacking ■ wundorfol ; preporting am Waterproofing any inather 1 k»-4o« it a deep- rich bloc«, lustre lutto n v-oek. Am't u *4 •1 ACME Blarkluffwith any oUmt • bt 'His, fin-tor„, Druggist-. Aa. Try it on your .Umew. WOLFF & RANDOLPH, phiudclphi» Do not conf Bul l h> a; INPEEOEUENTFP ATTRACTION I üVîH I MILLION CISTA BJTEO. Louisiana State Lottery Comp'y I« Mi li rporated by fh >n. tu isTW uV for Fh luting pupil • MAM MOT II UUAMIN4.N I'lnce N«'itil Annually (Jnar nmi lieceiitlter). and n H WKAND NIBULB Al tlllhlf DRAW. 1A (4M lake plMee In nmrjiy of lbe> «(her Sen inontha of (he F<S«ar % on« are nil dn«n In pnhllr, u( ih* Acu«I©m>v ,.f IHuaie. New famed fob twenty years, For Integrity ol Its Drawings, nnd Prompt Payment ol Prizes, Attested ( >a V s follows: Ufy « >f'The' 0, E Di Mr Sr! id MTII" ÏV slguatur«« attach 'Cominlaaionara H*ncd Har H« will K i. .ieli y «hi p «'.^^UMSLKV, Vrvm. I «,uhla.m Nafl •I Ilk. id MKIlllF. I.ANAt X, 1 A. DAI.DW IN, I t« ». Ni ill DunR. CAUL UOllN.ri ulou .Nation ! Dunk Grand Monthly Drawing, At tlie neademy ol Music, New Or leanB, Tuetduy, Beptembcr 10 , ib8U. CAPITAL PRIZE,§300,000 100,000 llcbfld liar« ««ult Wftl Ami Twiinly liai I*nl vci B:0| Uni b** 0«; 'i»(iu(l«!iii Bl. VRIZK4. i PHIZ I »■CC.OliO u l'je o u I 10,00-J IB .»700,000 7 0,0 0 26,000 <i. Or ICO 1 Kiiizh or 1 FMI z _ or •it •i ruizta or l FMIZl.fS or ZRM or 100 KMIZLri or 20') FRlZLMOr f.COFUJZfc.4 or - I .too ,0 .1 l. 'lu to, ro.' . 100,00 u KO pma# o: # loo ao 1(D HO .t to.noo . 80 L-CO Prit«« .»Pit '0 no n 10 ,«K0 a rat Pr i omcoatlng to... .|i,o&4 si. - t'uplui iPrDc» ar fc—Tli AGENTS WANTED. » or uia') lUtos. (ion ileiirel, wri cd, clee>rly eut'a^ yoar r^ei'enoj with Ute, County, .■street r.nt Ptimber.' Kor« replu retura mail deilvo by yoar anclosiaii lalfaddrts I or any t? laithfy rarther informa iersicn tfie «iivery win no aasurai JKiivalop» baarlUtf yoar IMPORTANT. Addreu M A. liAI Piuv, **■" brltaus.Ln., 51. A. DAt l'l By M. •ï til' L) :z\ IddriM Registered letter# containing Cur ency to WEW OKI.CANS NATIONAL BANM Ars Orienua, L». HEM KM HEK that th« payi .^UAKANTEkO MT rOlli NiilOLkL IlABfKM of Wow OrUani. and tu* etc not« a-» sinned by tb* Frei» deut °r an lnstltation who«« obartars« ro»ht3 are reco^ntaed ,n tbe bUiaest Oonru for*, beware of all imitation# 0 r noymcc» uhiDiM UWE DOI.I.AII it Wk numeonerod lör die. 1 ro tbe pries 0* tbe si I SSL L k. AnytclDtf (D a Dollar u * twiu Before Leaving for Your Summer Vacation -GO TO ÏIOBSLEN'S 108 ^/L 8 T 7 th ST,, —Am «et yc i supply WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS Esprelully put up for thal Tr r 11. r-, full I. . •I. II V J «•'I 1 FINEKKV WEST CIGARS er TELEPHONE 4-1Ö. jhwaldui W AKA MAKES * lilt OWN. NEW GOODS —FOR FALL ard WINTER Crowding out all the present SFASONAfiLE SUITS Come end tee end you'll find the thiogs you want to day are being let go at euch reasonable prices that you are sure to buy. Serge Suita, $12.00 and $15.00. The Saxony S .'ripes, soit finish and dressy, $1650. (Not heavy nor light, me dium.) Good All Wool Suits, $10. All Wool Trousers as low « $ 3 - OAK HALL, SIXTH AND MARKET PHILADELPHIA. The White Shirts vie sell are superior to any sold in this city. BEE HIVE. 5) U 300 3 Iarket St ANOTHER BIG PLUM. (»»■lits' Si ripe il OUTING SHIRTS. The last 27 dozen the facturer had. Been sold all the season at 50 cents apiece. You can make yourself the happy possessor of them now manu AT 25 CENTS EACH. Seven hundred more of those French Sateen WINDSOR TIES 12 Ji-ccnt ^oods; this lot to go at 7 Cents, 4 for 25 Cents SATF.EN3 MUST GO; prices will make them; 8=., 10c., 12Jc., 18 c; Old prices, 35c. Among the 2 ) <c., 20C., 25c., 12^-ccnt ones you will find some as fine as you handled. How about Dark Chai lis at 5 cents a yard? Or Wide Fine Ba tiste at 8 cents? Bordeau lMaids at 5 cents; been sold ri^ht alon^ at 10 cents. We have some odd Corsets and broken lines, to your interest to see the price It is Of Bussell, Missimei & Co, ic Slu r ty. ^i Mary K. Salic ; Vvâi! iw '!» It.J J! !r. in Vi ill ■h «1. XÏ »iy. I. 1-.= Mas a! ■luhtf iKtity >i> r 11 wrl li 11. T MASMITtHKLL, Burn i suing Undertaker Practical Embalmer. NO. 41Ù lUNCi STULET. Refildence 1105 Madison «trees phone call 318, . MAKTINÜ ~ 1 L ltNI^IIJNG UN DELTA K El: Telo J. KM IIAL.M LR, ' 'LLl STUFET. CALLS attended to NO. 007 lNIGilT promptly. G I MON GUTHRIE, General Furnishing Undertaker NO. (123 EAST SEVENTH »TUEET j THE 35TH *r n is * m PUBLIC SALE TfB PÎ! i -OF e* BUILDING LOTS m L y :i i 'T, LIVING IN TLB SÜBTOB 3 . Oil INSTALLMENTS SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, AT 4 O'CLOCK, Ç V ^ t ■BVM m F uyi] Ir'A On Front, Second, Third, Sixth and Webb streets and Grcenhill, • Gray and Cleveland avenues. - i Fourth, Fifth, - ; (U . LIVING IN TES CITY. Those lots arc in a high, dry, healthy location, with all the improvements going on that could possibly be done to enhance the va lu e of lots. 1 wo minutes walk to the new Public School that the Board of 1 ublic Education are now building at Third and \\ oodlawn avenue, at a cost or over f,20,000. Three min utes walk to Hlth and Union, where a depot is now almost built for the new Eighth street extension electric line. One minute to I-ront and Grt enhill avenue, which is the proposed terminus ot the I-ront and Union Line, extended, and which is to be • electric lme. One minute to Front and Webb, where you can take the Steam cars lor Water and Market or Delaware avenue and Dul ont street every hour for five cents. The B. SiO. Railroad Company have ordered the removal of the buildings now at this point, preparatory to making extensive improvements at that point Hie streets arc all now being graded, electric lights to replace the gasoline lamps next month. Now all wc ask you to do is to conic out and look at this land, price land in other places, consider the matter well and the improvements, location anil the chances to double and treble short time. arc your money in a bank will bring would One hundred dollars in you about $150 m ten years; g too here bring you more than double that in two years, and possibly four times as much. Fora home, contem plate living in a nice cottage, with a little garden surrounding it, shade trees, vegetables, flowers, lruits, porticoes where may sit, instead of front steps, on the pavement, back yard. And all of this for less than you can get a common house for away in the city with an opportunity to own one and ne ver own the other Remember we never pass a title to any one onlv those whom we know tobe thoroughly respectable. Remember these lots are getting scarcer everyday. We offered the same inducements several years ago to sell lots ten squares further in but could not do it to day for five times the price wc got then' with less prospects then than now fur their enhancement. We do not ask you to take our representations, but come and look for yourselves, and don t say it is so far out, for if it was further m you cou.d not buy for three times as much as those lots arc now bringing. Don't expect Market street property for sub urban prices. It costs nothing to look and inquire. Title guar anteed for too years. *' TERMS.—S10 ca-h on each lot as soon as knocked off and «5 per month until paid for; or 5 per cent offfor cash; terms be comphed with on or before the following Saturday! Hacks leave Sixth and Market streets at 3. 30 o'clock. to four you or contracted to TilOS. 31 . <MJEE, 1 'ETEIt J.FOltl». L. VV STIDHAM & SON. Auctioneers. JOSEPH STOECKLES DIAMOND STATE Lager Beer —AND— Porter Brewery $st K ». 3 P v iösu rL WILMINGTON, DEL. Office an J Br« K. W. Cor. Fifth Tdephoue lhd. Depot aud Saloon, bos. k2S and 2J5 Klug btreut. Téléphona E , 'TJ, <«1 Adams Sts :V;v Shipping a Speciality, ii2-6m J-J EADQUAKTERS FOR PRIME FAMILY COAl carefully selected, CAREFULLY SCREgNXD. CAREFULLY DELIVERED. ENNE3EC ICE&COALCC'., «gCOWP AN D KINO STREET*. JOHN M. SOLOMON, —DEALER IN COAL, PLASTEEIRS HAIR, CALCINEE PLA3TEE, FIEE EEICK A1IS FIEE CLAY. WOOD, UKE, CAÏT3, CEMENT. FRONT AND CHURCII STREETS WILMINGTON, DELAWAKE. j MuiuoUice .Vo. U West Third Street. FURNITURE, AND CAR PUTS, 516 Tatnall Street AND S. E, Cor 6th and Tat nail Sts We have received dur ing the past week a few more of those $40 solid Walnut Chamber Suits; on ly, however, enough to last a few days. This is the last we will receive, as the manufacturer refuses to dup licate the suit, having lost money on each one sold. Now Is the chance to get good walnut suit at a fig. ure that will be a joyful sur prise to you. The suit Is a regular size, solid wal nut Tennessee marble tops, bevel edge mir. ror, and consists of bu reau, bedstead, combination washsUnd, hanging towel rack, three chairs and rock e.', all complete lor $ 40 . Don't wait and then ask for this suit, as this positively Is the last lot, and we cannot tell when we can again give you such value for the ■ mo We have also received more of our fast selling $25 antique oak suits. This suit like the above consists of 8 pieces and is exceed ingly cheap, consttucted it is ol hard wood through out and made and finished first-class In every particu lar. Come, look at the suit; we leave the re.t to jour judgment. We have a few baby car riages of the higher grades that we will close reductions. If in one we think it would be the time to make your selection now. The seasonis draw ing to a close and you buy cheaper now. Bright** up your furni. ture by using a bottle of our polish. We recommend it to you as being the best in the market. One bottle will last a year and can be ap plied by anyone. A large bottle for 25 cents. ney. as at reut d of net can M. Kepry & See. Cash or «weekly and monthly paj ments. aul3 Sat Foster'sFifstGfand Combination Sale OF Worses, Carriages, Harness, etc I! On South Side Market Street Bridge, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21st., At .au O'clock, In this sale we make a speci alty of Carriages and will sell road carts, Spindle Wagons buggies, l'liactons, Family Carriages, Delivery Wagons, etc. Kntries close August 19th. I'osition given as entered. No postponement; sell under duct will cover. Terms made k cation. nown on appli Mahlon B. Foster South side. L. \V. Wilnjiugt.D, Del. tidliuui, rt llLIC BALES. Ï 'XECUTOBa BAÎ.I? ' -OF I'ERSONAL l'KOPERTY, ON MONDAY, AUGUST 20tu, At 3 o'cli at public WUI^be «old HUB. 31^321 WEST TEN I'll HTItF.ET, lu city of Wllu>lngt<>n, Del. The follow Inc desortbei pcr*on*l prnjterlr bei« mrliia to the ««Ute of \MlDain ti. Hub I) .f machine and bit*. 1 polishing nia ilnc I clr. mar «er«, i rim mander, I drill ai»! bl a, 1 plaulua mac!.Inc I Jointing tna clit ne, l boring atid morthlng inacbluc, Sturu rant blower, 1 grin utone and f) 1 baud taw and »awa. 1 b rbtue, 1 rj el ba •rna, uiilk « wa, lot t lot in Ilk nagou Lodltp, lot runulug «ears, lot Tic what!wright am rx ult lot "d Property In «u»- 1 rone, lot lumb ■ 5 as, 1 Obl, 1 U> tools, futur. • the wheel«« right ib. bl •p. 111 he jrlv ■ t Ulu „ II. ». UU1.L"CK. William B ' Ki k, de atiii-aAib pUBLIC SALE OF STOCK. will «ell p< ON MONDAY, AUOUHT 19th 1M9. n< li-ttcd rtslrr row*, , «lUuil Item Cumber hr Mr id y, P is r red It. • DI.XY * DA EDWIN. A. C. sal WILMINGTON AND NORTHERN »» RAILROAD. If RANDY WIN F. SPM AND JOAN IlKUiliTrt CAMP MEEITNOB. ! . •** «old fro of Uitrtjr rti t» raturu from Aapuat ip. I7tl ' 1 K u «. t 4Ui, and Htuiday, l train leaves freueli rt . H^r-çUl^ train murnlnK riin thfotftn to Jo lllli 1*1: inettlnjt to Joanna Height Jrly 2«th tu a ki. 13 th, I A. O Mri'A rSI.A N D. RupM. BUWMESs RlilOGS, Ora l l'a.i. a„i •^yiLMINGTOX STEAMBOAT CO. BTEASllrUS C1TÏ OF OHF.8TER & BRANDY WINK Korn »1 and I'hlUtldph lucludril), at 7.00 and Jn . aba i Fur M I ritliadelpbia amt h. 46 y. in. antic nty enliu Ticket* I i ■ Ids JJOWN RIVER EXCURSIONS, mmene • 1 " ne ,8lh - fn iU *irs N.w I u City. Stmr. Wilmington !.«•*»« • Fourth Su wkitrf «tally, (Bundaya u ccpteil), *1 » a. nt. and 2 p. m. Returnln# ita? Kiui t. ■ Aii/uattne Sunnay*; K N< Castle ly. 1 •1 In til ■ ukiluu Pier, Sbo. )tU BOYS' PASTS. If your boys want a pair come to us aud we will show you a gre.t variety of stylos, sizes and at all prices Do you want a suit of clothi st If so, we would like to call your atten tion to our assortment You could not find a bettor oue, aud we aie so anxious to sell just now that we are offer ing t xtra inducements to close cut lots. Wi must have the and we need the cash and anything we do we aro doing to give the peop'e bargains. It a good time to get good clothing cheap. room can is JAS.T. MULLIN & SON, Tailors, 6th & Market, Clothiers, Wilmington. Flour is Down Now is the time to buy, before the price advances again. Try a sample bag of my Royal Brand, only 22 cents for a 7 pound bag; 5 bags for $1.00. All the best brands of flour at the low est prices. Also feed, grain, Lay and straw at ; ! JAtfES C. MORROW, S. E. Cor. 12th and French St. K W• JOltDAN WILLKUN A HACK r. u ,.'"If K" 1 H,';,1 10 'EERLEas DIES Buuöbv Dauouian 1UAIK9 LCAVK M L. AVI..' i i : a di, vs .Ns Guy'.. •it I'm 7 a*, o I* w » ,v> Hub Mil I f«*b I»*» •ion, ft a\ 7 M,' »hL loo, «vas, 7 ai, 8 L»W. «Jo 00. 4 10, • M p. - nia drill tna I »2 1.1, I« A, rj J. 1«*». (W. b i> «la !» In TV Ef norNn Baltim«» •H 4.-.U. |„ dully;«» jy'; l*i SSSf d n.K. ,, °. Uttclnn uû p. ■ #û4 ° l' n. de I und St. L« »■».« bout (111 ; At! «.StilOUA m. dully. ■ und U io d»y .11 4ft 1 •I • I 1 M Philadelphia k day, ft fto. i; bumlav U T 1 "M 11 ,C> "iur Lnudei tiny a c .4«, b bunü.ty« U'/ft tUiVi id llultlinr Il «1 K «1 *ft i>- » id «« . day. « •T&V: PUtaburu .dally, m.,i du V ; »)•. t» ' L 'Hy.M 10 n. *1 :n. I »" 10. 11 au ,, 1.8 Du ft«. Oil TnlfPl, *%. Kl» via any «.tljer 11 €.0.81 (j LL, Nr . AgU Philadelphia, Wilmin £tot\ and BalUmore Railroad, •ll'LY I at. Irai >• will leuie M lluiliiirlou . fifüîl'KîS.'Sî *» IÏ.SO. 1, S'A, i Ï7 tUi'llÀf a tttrwasHrft »iwvs n Fut vutcur nf Lai 1 .5 11 nV'û.'iï. flat«!!,. .10. 10 u, R«« I ui Äissfrifv*-«'". '■ "* B^u. , .,..o,i, | i ,. r „ I o | . u :iu. "M.. . »*• *«• * a «' 1^ Io N Im1>(. ft,, Lln, ' 6 18 p - * HOIllinora and WunlntfUn. •*», s lit*. *1 17, 144. * AoooaamuOAUw«. <> Sb. • • It «4«. 4 0J, 6*s 7 4, * M. 8. •II, r.sstt 'i )• u. iÄ^S. 0 » I *111 , I , b. 9 ) u. ilarrinjrl i>ei»»r, ,1 M^ * P ' m ' tor /t'*rrÎBi(ton, • fto p. m. lor D T|f> UarrlOsaoo, unit, ™|raukUn <ftyV»» ^*? •(•uoaa id a. in., and i axprâ'i I pw roiai ,c«u. Laave -biiMaipau, Broad Bir#g t , wffh ug'uit,. j.r*, 5 , JOU, sw. #67. 11X», A. • Ï { »4 J u p. «I. • §1 - Mur.modattoB, f M, lo 21, », . 417. U»S*» »U ltk 7.7, bJ h ISA J 01 I 01, (J s 11 W. » ». sii. 8 ir, 417, l*i rauaaLpauu. Accoiu Mooahon.' * 1 'WftilïïÆ-s;. kU. 7 U4. am] lo 00 pTm' IIS* ms, ui. rss, U 1217. Vor l âne Old l'oint Ou»fort, «il Norfolk , U 6MHM. . , w , Sur Ned-Oatua, KlrkwuoO, Mldâietowa, ( lay ton Dover, 8»1 ullt-, Hcafortl, L««i»« R&lilinor« nid W Nl"t*l. rk («ipril*«). * IÏ LL I *7. 1 7 Vi, , ' Ai, lata! la iHunokln, i.iijk in» 7 4up. B. »lid l Mrlt'iuorp, S. 00 p.m. *n<1 12 n Sigh Flilladilphia, Kroul ßireeu, .. .. . («'litre«»), 8.80, 7.K>. ».I". n.'i, rVw.** 1 ^ --fi. « "V-"t amto^atlon^S.SSj UJ.l^A. U., U.86,1. », 88. '• •" ^enger. u« o UÖ utUalML eû 1fï: w« & e.i further into the ticket offl r < I»°amTk. p *uiu Ai» «•serai Yaastti XYlliiilngtoii St Ni etTuCl, Jd KuuUium, UlrUauutu, « ayituaui.r« JuucUuii, hernIL Tlnie utile «1.1»'. * w •Uf >■ ua, Bp r» town, Lvba UQ^lbC L recTiiey 01 Lraap* '•and lnWrBtdlat# at.d Intmur tUt# point* M V.tO, 4.' Sunday. 4cip A .r tu ih.?; Ju ? K«r CuuMovuie ,, KoV WÜt &.#• p. ni. - Dally f«r New J.o p. m. and 10.lSp, Bl. .. .. On Sunday for Uaadlac and interne«!!*» point«, tftS.OJa. m. «nd 7 .'«• p. m.. for nprlngfluld and InUrusdUte point» «t M« A,"*. McOAUaLANU, BOWNKH8HKI»»«*, BnperUMadant. Wen fas*. As u ChMUir, 7 ,'jO a. Il r 1 Sgo ^and, Lu W rtao ^ rnilE ARTISANS' SAVING HANK, NO. AOS MARKET STltKLT. iNC't Tut-«.«lay I I,« ell III V„'" <1* poutota, ri» Ot with jry«. lNAUEHMi Vrl.lln, It. II 1. j 11. uy MIkbI'»«. ngton HAIL'D« Jr. ■i V. Dure AloNhï LOANED ON UEO. W X. T. lit W« TO AU I'd. «■■ut, - it. Jos. Math msMmmïïM, PASHBB'I BIIUIS TONIIJ witbout dfiay. A rar« HedtolaM * (hat cares wh*n all «is* lain. Has a Die I tba wo;st oasis ol Daunt», .. . Artbma, Indtaeition, Inward Rain# !*»• haaition- too. at Draxxuu. UINDIBCOHN 1 «. 'it;il Tbe «*to«t, gareat and boot ear« ror buxpon#, fco. tdtop* «U pain. LtittMJ ■ lan to to* r«»t. ^ •< *r i»u« to our«, i» : Druggiot. uiaoux fc OU. W.Ï. IlKTGAt.» ltlfAL ESTATE. tUMEVANI IN I.' Money ■ ï':!aV I. I prep m llj ftly r B' »I property. uml pu GEO. C. MARIS, NO. OOl Sllll'LEY ST* Jy23 inwBtr