Newspaper Page Text
THIRD ED1TIQN.I ' Tl»® Experiments were inado In this city y Urday with Dr. Browu-Sequard's rejurl natlng elixir, the first being by I)r. Charles K. Allmood tad Dr. Wil'latn J. Truitt, two young homeopathic physic lana residing at No. «24 West streat, elJ No. 714 French Street, res{)tctively. Yes terday morning they procured the neces sary glands of a lamb and prepared tho mixture. This is dune by cuUiug up glands and theu rubbing it In a mixture of glycerii e and water, until it l.i thorough ly Incoporatid, after which It is carefully Dr. All fi at ojjeratcd upon, and atout twenty drc]» Injected by uieaus of a by po ieriulc syringe Into the rieht si do of the abdomen. The next experim Lt was p r formed on L'r. Truiu, who had aa t al quan ity injected into bis body, but effects. tr of ui*. strained and is ready for moud licit I any 1 m media *r. attei ward- experimented Thomas J. Lawson, ol the grocery 'I he firm of John I*. AI! f< Urlb experiment w Dewey, by Dr. Truitt, tut the pat. •aid that be did d & Co. v Wilis .y effect, R'chard Wliliauis, a colored m No. 6 New street, who is 78 for the past eleven h rheumatism, ti e filth experiment. feel aiding years ol ag.-, ■n afflicted was the subject About one drachm ot the Jected in the ma did not fee cave will be wau-hrd w tent of the menu ol the discovery. B. Frank Perkl.s, the wetl-kno bricklayer, was alio «*x]»erlmouli.'d ujion, but he, the same as the others, said that he did u-t foci any effect*. It Is the opinlou ot the phyMiuIaux tl a*, the ode will hours, and in so Dr. Morgan alro experimented with the liquid yesterday siding ..o Wlls from he which consisted of injectingt 1 uld waa ,ti , ned although lie iy imnodiu'e et!» tho he felt lor at leu«l twenty-four instances lor a colored street, who is eufferiug disease. Alter t-e nty drops Into each arm, he said that he felt much tetter. i'ng experiments were madc At the office of Dr. John P. Wales upon Dis. «hortlidge aud Wales, and neveial citizens. In each Instance the liquid wa* Injected in tin aims of the pat ent«, but with the exception of a slight uumbuen no other effect aas felt *lhe result of these experiments will be watched with tiderablo intereet by physicians aud Ot I'craouals. MD* Joséphine Johns lives ne Charles A. Bourdon, wife ««ho have br 1 child, spending a week tu At lantic City, returned horns yesterday. M'. George A. Taylor, the popular Third gone on a w.ek's visit to Alia bis health. c City Wm. H. Blihvny of Philadelphia called a few of Lis old trlcndi in city thla in/, being on his way to vielt L!« , E«q., of N »»•le, Richard Ja a. Cattle Hundred. "Kid" Eugk*. the popular and good looking typo <J this cilice, leaves next ur through la and New -tains of Peu York. We wish till y: a plcai-unt trip. JoKl L. Wiley, Thom U Hah. id Horace FrUt are 15 ahum Fa;k b ay. We expect to .:ie8 wbl I hear turn this aix j ound«, being caught. *■ good^fish cy aud Amutei One of the » of Wilson s min at the Op ra Rouse atmee In the altér rel periurui Saturday noon. The »roupe ha* been greatly pr v.-d this ce and Wlisor »! The foil->w vrtth thl* -bursters: | d, Ha than o , •* : • Ing 1 a I«ew 1'ene.lict, Hi Tom W ami Arno, George Gale aud other burnt cork : Sts ill be a ni b 1.1. will .„pe.r »t th. Opera Hook In ••I.lttl. Puck," to ihiir.d., .1 Ft.iay nvrainp., ill« i'AI .„.1 JJ Inn. It Un t.r. ■■, n.d . r.iUou of Vers»' ' ad a "Fal. MjL" ii»ji 11 King Seller, About 0 0 Pierson William H. Pie employed in ov- rwork, wh slung and asked Mr. I'l^rson if he not give 1.1m a halt dollar for ring, as be was short that amount to take hi ve the in o'clock lx.-r evening George ho door of the 1 .v Son, where ; uuw j IS rar and just needed m to Baitlmor ou< y, but he e rj„râ : i*pi. ï ,Vt Mr. Merton the jingle of a numb« r of ClOf* w his •I. Ü e.l acres» tho i confederate. Officer Ritten lx alcii / about this he bad a »»lug e-ted the roa cuped. At tho ; but til«* 1» I i .-«■ 10 gavfa his lie will have Th Dau h< faring this ing. tken 1 •f Ct About hfalf-pxfi* 12 o'clock this Ing » couple ot Hahn i hat. a colore- 1 of the railroad at Sixte» Landiith kuocked down procce:cd to the place, when th tried to secret blimelf, hut he caught him and found that th« back part of lia h°ud bruised, but he di l Lot believe that be wai struck by a tralD. II«: gave I is u st Henry Mliicr, and with hlra w a basket containing eight young cblck -'*• He fe'.iid he waM cu the wuy fi Wyoming to Wilmington. • ltd Officer i lay at the bide I , as if be had 1..-. y a train. Th-offl t. to Atlantic Ci»y to-morrow Aug. 15th. with DuPont Po, t, J, G. A. it. AJult tickets only 11.25. Chil lrea'a ticket 15 u hour - at the seashore, via ut, 1 We t Jersey mil road-. r . of French ttreet at tj.:;o Keiuruing leave At' L W d 15 ' a. in., bharp. City I »id Not Co Tlie imtiiitig match that was tn Lave on Albert| J. George t»roves, from Maiket bridge, did not Like place, owing Bow« rs bucking out. The distance whs ■warn by Grov»e, and he was awarded the purse of t'-d. iff lafit evening I» Boweis eti i rlmd» Kxeurs The grand annual excursion of Excel •lor Council, No. 4, United Friends of Amt-rics, will take place on Friday ning, ; yertèrdiy. d Ii a» inadvertently unnounced a moonlight cxcur er Six« Ii Hirt Inlay given a very °nicg by her orate tho A d all Beshle Starkey w; pleasant f.urprl6e 1 other, 1n r 1er to ■ i h tlrth. %>er of childr.:i were present, Joyed themselv«-.- very highly. » y Creamery but , 12 and 1 > & Blokcl, J (i E. I .L êt. * and 23 cents; chick •yj per lb.; crabs, clams, apples, pears. Spicer I Dota] Butter taffv at Fergueon'a, 11 K. 3d. Dr. Simms' eye cure, the famoua eye remedy. Real PhU. J. Walsh A Ce.'s advertise tirât page. Try Taylor's L>. kit, Phils. Several hands at the Pusey A Jones works were I ay cd off lust tvenlug In the foundry. Balance of *ce coolem and ft reduced prices; slho tinware at No. 222 Klug street. Express, 210 Mar Millard F. Davis, the Jeweler, Na 0 East Second street Bash's, Freuoh street wharf, fs the place The finest tintypes in the city at IIol at-d's, St>7 Market street. Dr. Slmrnii' blood purifier, tho great remedy to make p Hoard by the day coal. buy hit od. week at the Dela . No. 513 Market street. U Watches and Jewelry neatly and promptly repaired at Davis', No. 0 Second street. 'I »Hug, spouting, old roofs re paired and painted. A. Chum ben, No. 222 King street. I« y to get good peaches and fruit of all kinds go to dmeltz & Col, 13 E. Fourth street. Go to Plunkett's, 10« West Front st. and buy a bag ot Blenton Flour, aud make your wile happy. '-j-iallty in everything guaranteed, and bo extravagant ptice*. E. B. Fell, drug gist, 5th aud Poplar st*., Hartman's old ttauO. It c sts loss to build a house dry ground th a* Greaton and aav Office, 712 Market street. Trusses gusrauterd to fit mied; j-rivate room; long N. B. Danfortb, graduate 2*1 aud Marktt. high, a low lot. Then buy cy. a ♦h. money r Don't p big pr' bargains by go'ng to S wholesale and retail commissi No. 18 E. 4th . when you A Co., home, Ions t the L We sell ï, ing but flrst-cln if 'S * y buy ol' Ö me and •Uloupes, of J Co , 13 E. Fourth itreef. Mi. and Mrs. George McLsughlln, Mr. *F Masters val and Mrs. Joseph Hi , hen Willie Hit* beu and Frank Roge sojourning at Atlantic City. Mist Stirling, daughter of Dr Johu Stirling of Philadelphia, Is visit'nv Mr. John IJ. «tlillug's family, mills. DuPont's Gouley's Fight-seeing exrurslon New Y up the Hub *on-y M Thursday, August w 1 1 leave the P., W. A B. at at loti at". T eke's, 93.00. Rev. Dr. August! Woerth, pastor of rt Church, will preach In ftf. P.ul's Catholic Church tomorrow Ing at 9 o'clock. the S .cr*-d H Jennie M. Weaver, of 10 1 West ing fur a i' vim to IDptlstown, N. J , Fourth Mn. Moitié Hob streu», und Miss :.'la'a Hob' lug friends a'. Inglenlle, Md. Miis Ells Newliu, a<-oomp.iuk-d by her friend, Mms (Jarrlo Kit g. boa gone to »'heater Couuty friends. *u, of fit Adams e visit. vielt ttlalivcs uLd Elmer Raisin and Cot - .-*! Hook, well v kr own throughout iLe visit this tnorulng. bis hand bandaged, by ol uu accident. d t*opuli 1 : Dot i I a ■ «Mend, a tu All the mi.dEy c lino, and w 1 sight mail I)r. Man. Eye C, d. It dy In! ait, k cannot be- l talced <o old a e Wilmington, Del. If you feel languid or weak, bottle of Wine of Q d ÔJ ctj. Depot, 1 ..' . sppotite, get a p Beef ui.d Iron, foi 50 cents, from drug store, 5th and Boplar ht». E. B. Fell, nianufacturc-r of pu'e medicines. There w ry largo •mlan at the- Brandywine isv. ' r V .U-M,» ,pr . ft 1 . ,ltr ''Ï c,t I'.tl'Jlu Bayne, th : good t teilt r at the Opera llou-»-, »•»king thne w.-ek»' v*> lion at the Brandywine Su grounds, will leave tho we. at the i<rashore. Eddie U rrry anJ aays be Las hud a . camp. a*rowing ii. popu. the Wilmington of the best an l Is u red and llglbg tie Who haï l some te® d great III eit j *>"»• Ot c tho tact b ;<1 In prices, bu*. w. P r ® .,..1 ». t .' V *aui a '!ilb .«'b. Still we thank you : We ar*s boon 1 u. Rc-.pectitiMy, Ch •> East 3rd street. keep her » ,7th id Orang ', »»I BEST IN TUB WORLD. I Further Great Cures of Skin Diseases by the Cuticura Remedies. < Ih.jr on •I half old. «1 i I »> *ipt* *y c di. ■aw 1 'i i iKl: . ' Tr.» I a: i id ip. stand by tu.' n. y. file Skill I>t* Ksi My 1 * I Ho. . f ," u r , l: f.» FI tr Cattoui'ii ICsinodloi «ly nu<1 pimply <l! ' it-ning ! Let Fr ;i> sales iTy i>i ■ .Id •l ice, Cut I , tl. 1*1e Bo ■ . 'Ä . U I t( *fl.. t4 ] testimonials. - ! f.»w Skin Dli llluillu - rit ■ BABY'SSS •l scalp pr itilled by Ll ;d »i«»liit<Ty p « PAINS AND WEAKNESS Of female. UuUntly r Âî..,ï^ï Iff till 1 tS'Äffi tl ! tl untiuieuus pun I' 1 ""* An Attachment Cnee. Constable Harry 8 bar pi er locked up the boreea and hack Pierce of this mit Camp, on Tuesday afternoon, attachment issued by Squire Shortlldge of Ctucordville, at the Instance of Robert Buck of this city, who nlle.ed that Pierce owed him 903 12 for a bill of groceries contracted while he was keeping store at Rockland, some two or ihre years ago. Pierce claimed that a friend of bla bought the goods aud be merely went his secur ity. This plea did not satlafy the officer, and Pierce came to th's city to raise the money. The ten ladies be carried up to the camp Impatiently awaited his return until a late hour In the evening. of Elam, of George city, at Brandywine Bum ivited to Atlantic City to morrow Aug. 15tb, with DuPont Post, 2, G. A. P.. Adult trcketsoDly fl.25. Children's ticket 15 cents Seven hours at the sea shore, via P. W.&B., sod West Jtreey railroad*. Leave depot foot of French street at fl.80 a. rn , sharp. Returning leave Atlantic City at 5.30 p. m. Yc Go ltlvervl The camp meeting Kiverview la a , and last evening the Rev. Mr. able sermon. At lug th» services will ba PU <u preached 7.80 this ducted by the Rev. E. W. Scott of Mary land. Services will be held every evening and all : invited To Wot k tlie « eator Mines. ok. 111., Aug. H -Al le of the large coal operaU y are arranging to bring lake M lu tills vl from places of the striking miners. Many of the latter nay they offered, but radical In the majority. other points willing to go back at the ratet, prevented by the and foi eignere, who You ni At'antic Ci'y rewmorr. wltii DuPont Post, No. 2, G. A. R. Adult tickets only 91.25. Child the Jersey railroad*. «1 80 . 15th, A 's ticket 15 shore via hours Y. W. A B., aud \V ve dejiot fofjt of Fr-nch a. m., sharp. Returning leave Atlantic City at 5.3 j p. m. r. A Wagon Mulle, I. A wagon loaded with rail» for the n<-w Eighth street was loruicg at Seventh , snl after considerable gotten »-car railway e tailed this Oran difficulty it bIKU. n»ln in the Uth h Ki L I fl ul»y d* d M. it!. in P 11 N < Ki I dmigh d ray •t - fill »f dly .lly «1 1 the f »1» on Sim, Vilminj id linn y T NdSli the dd* .J, I lu! 1 d. 1 ,'K' th. Illht M< di-t r •el '••nth st ; ! . tc Mt. 1c t WILSON'S j Undertaking rooms,OiG Kin^ St Telephone Signal, 1G8, |2f"Open all night . WILSON. Funeral Wm. B. Sharp & Co Mourning — AN l>— Black Fabric. Ni i'b V ei l'riiicotto, C lariet hife II« irtetta. Ct Llotla, Trlcotlaa, Armure, In lue Cloth, ha tin l-ouLteuue, I »rap'd* Alma, Couitiauld (rape», Ciroa Grain Rh damn«. The Best Black Goods to Wear The Best Black Goods to buy. The Best Assortment 11 ere. roti ill A Mi X KT RTHKKTV ^ T OTItE. -I, LAWRENCE (JL'RR \N, the . > VfcuiBteKi^a, ooanty ■if lielaware, In ff.uulr«in«Ltn of th« tu- city ew Oaitic General mvle and pr.Tldtd, notice that 1 (hall apply In tha Court of General Sea-ions d Jail Delivery ol Stata ijl l»elawaro, to and for New Ooanty, on Monday, the ; ? b day et Sem» A. D , la«» being - lourt.for a liceuio tor tavero, for tLa aaia therein of lntoxtoatlaa liquor« ln I drunk reij actable c taacd tne said appl'oatlon, to hereby g wrtuu^ M quan:itlo« than o the premise», and said /offuwins 'l! 1* ■ j. >, • ■Id U L A w It KN CE C L RI*. A N j,.: Ol- 'OSA 18. ■r •; e.Iock Idy. 1 I' 11-. J Tl.« cut«! rinlit 1 M .LIAM N. ^yANTKI — A ^GCjOD^ STOUT^ ER A COLORED^O HL IN o J^OR SALE pm BALE-CHEAP, A O-YEAR-OLD We»t8e^ndifrett. nd l ' arU ^ <i ' A,,p, 1# j pORSALI RENT. — SECOND STORY, hi A GOOD BABY ('OACII 'HEAP,A BABY COACH I Ta> y l: *•* A VETERAN. ! was wound«! In the legal the tiattle of Stone River. Dec. 81»t. IBM. My blow! was I» from the effects of the wound, and 1 ural size, and The poison extended . and I suffered a the I the a do its ■wrs th*. Nothing did me any g>*»d until 1 'a Specific, which took the poison o my eyatcin. and enabled mo to feel myself u in again, S. S. h. 1» the of nody for blood po:*on. on wav. Dindon, O. J Blood and Skin Diseases Tr i*a.. Drawer 1. Atlanta, IMPROVED Purple Top Ru'a Sega Purple Top Flat Turnip 'U Wh le Egg Shaped Turnip Amber Globe Tirnip Golden BallTuin'p Aberdeen Tum'p all good, fresh stock at J. J. SMITH'S, FOURTH & EHI1LET STS. tViiinuigtou, Del. jr CHARLES L MEILER, (bate Powdcrmnker Bros.) ï j Xo. 507 Kin*; Ht root FRESH AND SCORED HAMS CORNED BEEF, BEEF. VEAL, MUTTON, LAMB. PORE, YORE STATE RUTTER. LEAF LARD. 3 TRY OIK CALIFORNIA SUGAR CURED HAMS ; j 11 CENTS PER Put SO. CHABLES L. « 9 EILLR Lute Row •nnaker Bioi.j No. 507 King mt root. TcP-ph,,, JUS. At Goldey's Wilmington Commercial College H.IIoOL OF Shorthand A M J AND rypewriirig. \ tin .1 d al 1: It. ll > •I , ' 1 ' •>3 : '»P. I h: ..)»:• , <1. il» Li » y I m. 1 . 1 . II. -v 1* -U ACKS I Medium Sizs 2* •ail Size Lar^c and Small Scro' Jacks. I. arge and Small Lifting Jacks. For sale, or will let them out by the day on moderate terms. ! I I t >o. 15 Market Street, Wilmington, Del. ZH&XNUft SUPPLY DEPOT',, Belting, Oils, Steam Packing, etc. _j'JO t A CARD. i, n •i> .1 : . I rill tl. rill 'iff ! , r ; U». ' *t * tö »It • w «d atroTc are in exceplbni t«. T. 1». mow, ol» M AN TO WIRK know •iy ■ill it. •lb- li ». l rk. A "EERLE88 DYES SSI^mSSS iiy liait M id '1 ODBTH EDITION. I Town IiiauvcUoua. Secretary E. B. f with John R. Hartmann, Esq., visited yesterday the following towns: *ew Cas tle, Dr. Stewart reports the health of the city and country fair. W hoc ping cough has yrevaiitd lor Mime time; it Is uow about snbsided, is uot of the best; pump water. The old privy ba< k of the jail laatill there; worse than a x months i to the city. I IllUbHA.SA. raser, in company malaria. Water >y citizens use Dr B. B. Pekra upi rts U.ut malaria prevails on Iron Hill and high lands, ug children, soi Water is hard, but fair They have board of health, and government, of a mild type In Tliey e soar throat bowel trouble. drinking water. commissioner there Ih head Considerable s!< ku the surrounding country. ctlng a new schiol houte. This town should awake up. Doctor* Whistler and Kollock that there Is but little sick progr« salve town, thereto— poit in thu.r country adja rcik tor the the uch w physicisui. The sanitary condition of is \eiy good. Pleasant inter views wrre had «Ith Dr. Raub, of Delaware College; General Armstrong, Justice Mc K cowan, Mr. Mothers]!, merchant, and others. Th is a dead cow |u White Clay creek about mile from the town, and complaint has been m.tJe to tbc town Board of Health for it* removal. Justice MeKeowan will have the dead burled to-day. The questloo Is, who Is to bear the expemeef My oplul asked,land I raid the Levy Court of New Castle County. Newark has an active and lntellltrnt Board of Health, and the L-glsIature h«t> i-ouferred upon all local hoards of health In the State ample autbori y strict » in the opinion ot tLe hoard may adopt and ou force. t tan ton * a-, vblted, but not find ngany (»erson who knew who ('-ominlasloni-is, and no physician residing Ihere.I moved tornard u» Newport, wh I found Dr. Booth, who said tho sanitary condition of the town shoul 1 b. improv ed as to dralnace. t l.olen.-Inlai.tum él ut of a mbd healthy. While at New Cattle we invited to look through Dav d Boulden, Eaq's beautiful y«.rd and gar den and partake of his fine pears, which did with pie bvwsldonl T beodore enforce id regulations, luted to rio*o,i for Thr« About ti o'clock yesterday m<>rnlng, the I'ol ad-ipkla Height pack, passing through Third street bridge, o ol them collided with the eae' end * ! the draw, aud damaged If so bad that It Is •el, and consequently It he used any bought a tow weeks since by the Diamond «tat.- Iron C had two colored m.-ii t attend to it. At the time not safe tor will . This d panv, who have look alter ' the collision tiny to ploces, they the draw, aud «obig jumped luto tho ail Mit wo k 1 th.- new draw wd I thought that It will take at least Ihtee month« plcto It, « c i.M-quent I y the bridge will i lotcd during The Germania Social Club, livening, gave * ot the Y uug I* German Lut ment» con* - cd ni loup'*, p Ht liey's over Third street br dg*, room »a* handaoinelv d Chine e lantern«, wht.-h in a very prêt y effect. The tho officers: Win. G. Kl.dcstub r, Ü ; F. Fi neks, vhe-president; K .Vot rk, treat-ur. r; K. Ht-nrecording hecictai y ; FroJerick Gradwohl, F Grudwohl, Louis Nehcr, F llLanciulsM-rrUrb*. Monday t out »K-'s A»*o ft) of 1 he »urch. The I red ud p. . If. given The »ted With le tho s 1 . derick Kle.t/., IX tt Di-I.ih. Ia*t Monday altvru J. Turner, d »S7 yearr formerly <: donee lu I' New V h'a Carbon, 1' ,i Mr. Turne ol Thomas and Fà.lzabeth T brother ot Mis. F this cl tv, atilt (nur Castle, ï <1 n abclh S ' ï W. 1 I New 1 l* 11 . •I ! 1 »1*1 1 h h at th I 1 ' at d 1 r mperiutendent of the Sunday lie w; try yea :hool. d highly res peeled. !»• At nl. . I*. C.. Aus 14. —The i in >i ia, the expo ^ul Reck with r.-porti I to the Department of State, hr.s been >.» It llriO island-, dant I prove 1 di* i hi ok ti tho furtne 1 In < 1 the money i b the winter aud thing to the general [ P r, *l* rlty. Trade :n arrowroot U lalltug I off', but tue growing of Raitern Idle» t r ed States is iccreadug "I tlook f. promiting. Fotatoe*, b uatois addul u. • 1 port I at the Ubfu -day, In the la: 7 o'clock 1U o'clock 12 o'clock 7b bf The We« To promises to be from fair her warmer, with sho m. Kt i lay I u d;ir. ut u-' « loariug, with a slight lull mpe.atuir. Mi.tu A, Pa., A . 18.—'1 large barn the rin of Jo-cph lica "■"•■S; '1 o ship, ! shout « o'clock th's I wüli the o stock .and these were jo I The and '-»ntei.te arc partly lu d In tlie D-lawarc County Mutual ance Company. as d "lug. ' »I». Ti Ul« fi ept two Lore :: the b out ' j - nr«. I 'itv I to Go AtlhCt c with I»ul* tickets only i\ 2 l>3fct*. irrow Au?. 15th, Po No. ii, (i. A. R Adult Chi dr« ii' the 6"a siiure vi siscy railresdt h street • Returning leave Atlantic P. W. «k B.^ fair West J Leave depot foot of F City I torso». iraye«! ■e yard of the Ke Coal Company on T Tao bay hm stolen ifhic lee and sday night, .1 may be Heen by advertisement in another : oulumn. Any luforiiiaiicn in regard . I them will Lo h jitab y rewarded. f ! 'J bc ladies connected wltii the Pnsby ; terun Cbuich a'- btanton will give a ' supper in the tali In that town *t 18th and 14 th « f 8ep * ; irientii arc Invited t« ■ id all their . _ call and « njoy the goui thingn lhat they will provide lor the occasion. tier, Wumiii Two I fneti t"» were recently ■»t» ea«:h by Squi gbun for cutting flebing poles in Bran dywinc Park. Thla sh »uld b» a w ,'«011.«. .otto commit a. resteJ and Mona ing OUI Bl r. 1 Hfuur?. A d«: patch from Birmingham, Ala., Mil that three negro meh, while under the influent» ot a religious delusion that they would pass through the flie nnbarm cd, walked Into the cupola ot an Iron furnace near Iieeemer, and perlahed. They were persuaded to do eo by negro, Toblaa Jackson, who proclaims blmtclf "Daniel the Prophet. * The Arlington Hotel and a other bulldlnga at Ate binon, Kan., unroofed on Monday by a heavy wind peeled by tor rents of rale. E. Wankler was fatally Injured by a falling porch, and a young woman bad a narrow escape from being carried Into a sewer by the tloed of water. number of storm, which was arc John Bloom and Louis Biff, two men who returned to Helena, Montana, from a trip to the Crur de Aienes, report that r Murray, Idaho, they were taken by forest fires, and, abandoning their horses and wagors, took reiuge in u deserted tunnel, where they prisoned lor five days without food. A preliminary Injunction restraining the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company from appropriating aud fencing a piece of grouud belonging to John Oc James I to! »son at the Kails of Bcbuyl ktli, laktn tor the purpose of wldeniug its t acks, was Issued yesterday by Court of Common Pleoa No. 4, in Philadelphia. At a meeting of citizens and represen tatives of the various commercial bodies of Baltimore yoaterday resolutions adopted dcclailog that Washington "Is the only prop«/ site" for the Exposition of lkt*2 lit honor of the 4U0tn anniver sary of Columbus's discovery of Amer Im ica. The British Legation at Washington has informed the Slate Department that the Governor General of Canada, under the powers gl by the laws of the Dominion, has reduced the ei|K>rt duty pine lo.s from |3 to |2 a thousand , board measure. I ' A despatch from Fahyan's, New Ham tu t of Mt. W ivered with shir*, t»ys that the iugton to the depth of that the Inch and a half, and 'a 'iudulged In a lively game ye. ,-balling." During a fight uigbt, Peter Kelley was of the head with a knife, had his J ken aud ribs fractured, It U alleged, by Matthew Rodgers, who waa arrested. eivei at the Hut Washington, aunounc lu Pbl!a«l»dphla last In the back A telegr. slan Legation, log the death, In Kuisu, of Math e, wife of the Uusvlau Minister to the United States. Tho first ha'e of dtlivered at L I p upland «*ot Duke, Florida, to «avaimab. It W. U. B llson ol la. ahat-see. A disastrous flood i« reported at Lin coln, Nebraska, »crlcui damage being done to railroads, and 500 people driven from I heir homes. An epidemic of diphtheria baa broken out at Auburn, New York whore, within three w< ek*. 21 bten rr'ported. shipm«' and 12 dt-aths Lave 'T / TRADE O MARK EDY-PAlK IT CONQUERS PAIN. R?!!e RHEUMATISM, Toothache, Sprains, N i:|,' HA LG I A, J imilSKH, Sciatica,Lambaqo. Bdrne and Scalds Il KA DACH E. At lirngcut* ami Itealera. THE CHAItU-8 A. VOUELIR CO.. Baltimore. US Stacks after Stacks Ol Men's Husiness and work ing Suits at prices you sec quo tcel in our windows and if you'll take the time and trouble to ex amine them you'll I money saving is going see where on and where the big values arc being offered in order clothing into cash. We've placed the price clipper into active a: 1 over the house, anti we're going to make clean work of this great sale—We Mean Business. to convert serv | HARM HART The N. Y. Clothing MinuRicturinj Ci ÎHO Market treet. Baipins in BmtsSi Shoes week nly? ltGniNsON'S No. 113 Eh A lull line ol choice sum mer goods to be sold regard j 1< bs of cost, to make for Fall stock. Gentlemen, Ladies' and Children, in a large variety, all sizes. No auction or soiled goods. Open for inspection on jSaturday, Aug. 17th. Sale to com mence ou Monday, Aug. i 9 , and continue one week. room Robinson's 113 E, Fouilh SI, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. 4t gTHATED AWAY OK WERE î'brbt. ré' K > burl«' «ne a bar*« year- ol-l^w'l'tfi 1 lack . ir j£.:, KEN Is til EC ILL ink Sf! Will K ' lead'na to their •L* COAL CO.. AYffuilnituu, Del. U-lf The choicest brands of wine, liquor and cigars at the Delaware House. Dodo Bparks, Sr., of this city, has been summoued to the deathbed ot his sister, Mrs. Mary J. Clayton ot Camden, N. J. Mr. Richard IL WblUraft, or Omaha, Nebraska, was a guest of Miss U. A. Whltcralt, this city. Morris Grubb, bookkeeper for Joseph 8tocckle, visited his family at Brandy wine Summit camp last evening. Mrs. F. T. Sawdon, wife of Councilman .Saw don, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. W. If. lUwke, aud her sister, Miss Amy, left this morning for Ca|* May for a week or teu days' visit. John Parker, of No. 103 East Second street, has returned from a week's visit to Chiccoteaguo Island, greatly refreshed and Invigorated. llyntt's Military Bsud will give their Augustine Pier moonlight ezeurslou to morrow night. Messrs. Cooney atJ Mulrlne's dancing •chcol will open the latter part of this month. I L. H. Springer has completed the plan for the ervolr to »»commodate the new engine, and the contract for the same will be given out. building at Cool Spriug Res lored voters of the Fourth ward will meet at Jsuu-t A. Anderson's cigar »re, No. 310 East «th street, this (Wed ntsdayj evening at H o'clock. k W. Ö. Glasgow. REMOVING SALE! —AT THE— BOSTON BRANCH j No. 2 West Second Street, WILMINGTON, DEL. This calls for some personal preparation. The very articles needed wc will begin this morning to make a special reduction on. Nowhere else will you find just what is wanted at correspondingly low, with excursion rates. prices LOOK OVER THE LIST. 3 JPKRCENT 01)1111 COST. G OODS MUST (3-0. Ladies' French Kid hoc, worth £3.50, only ge.25, with h rcnch heel, medium heel and low heel. Opera toe, square toe a nd round toe. Ladies' Dongola Kid Shoes, worth S2.25, only Si.25. I-idies' French IJongola Shoe, worth $2. 75, only 81.49. I-adics' Latent Leather Lace Shoes, worth S3.50, only Also the finest lot of samples in Ladies' Shoes, Slippers and SI. 50. Tics. THE GREATEST SLAUGHTER —IN — GEITT'S G-OODS. Gent's Imported French Calf Shoe, worth Î6.00 and $7. only *2.75. American Calf, OO, 'orth S3.00, only g2.oo. Medium Quality, worth S2.75, now $ 1.65. Veal Calf, worth $2.00, only Si.25. IN ALL SHAPES AND STYLES. It will pay you to come from away, way off to see our Bar gains. You will goods must go. save 50 per cent, on every dollar. These RUSSET ANU TENNIS GOOUS FOll ALMOST' ISTOTITllsro. Gent's Velvet Embroidered Slipoers, worth gi.->r only Go cents. ' ' Gent's Velvet Brocaded Slippc worth $i.oo, only 50 r cents. Ladies' Opern Toe Slippers, worth gi.oo, only 50 cents. Ladies' Opera Toe Slippers, with Headed Satin Hows worth g 1.75, only gi.oo. ' Oxford Ties, cut-in-half prices. Fathers and mothc.s, when you want to see the latest styles m Misses', Hoys', Children's and Infants', goods. Open your eyes and go to the Hoston Branch Shoe Store at No 2 west Sec ond street. We are throwing thousands of pairs on the pave ment for your inspection which we sell for almost nothing. Such prices were never known before in Wilmington at the ° BOSTON BRANCH, No. 2 West Second Street/ _WILMINGTON DEL. PRICES WAY DOWN NOTIONS. NOTIONS. NOTIONS. Coats' Cotton, 4 cents a spool; 44 cents a dozen. Mihvard's Needles, 5 cents; paper 50 cents, Hixby's Shoe Hlacking, 2 boxes C cents. Uixby's Shoe Polish, 9 cents a bottle. Fancy Toilet Soaps, 5 cents a cake. » yards Hasting Cotton, 2 spools for 3 cents. Eureka Silk, too yards, 8 cents a spool. Eureka Twist, 10 yards, 2 cents a spool, 14 rows Pins, 2 papers Hair Pins, 1 cent. 200 yards Barbour's Linen Thread, 7 cents a spool. 1 ' 11 h line ol Kancy Beads and Jewelry. 7VH ^p-if fu, ^ lineof Saxony, Germantown Wool Splash * idle», 1 illow Shams, Embroideries and Lacj, which we will sell 50 percent, below the regular price this month. 20 « cent. CT POSNER & CO., NEW YORK BAZAAR, NO. 805 MARKET STREET, WIL, DEL. William T. Tull, the g«»*rtl the History of the Johnstown uow delivering the book to the many subscribers In this city. This I« a per manent history of the terrible disaster in Cooemaugh Valley, by which lions of dollars of property were swept I thousands of Urea lost. The story of the bursting of the dim and the destruction which followed Is told In an Interesting and graphic manner, which makes this book something that should be in every house. agent nr Flood, is n away and OfT Fislilug. Mr. Wallace, the genial and enterpris ing proprietor and editor of the Chester Times, left yesterday afternoon \yltb fishing tackle, being accompanied by his two boys, euroute lor three days' tlshlug at Octomro Junction, Md. Mr. Wallace is a great admirer of old lsaac|Walton, ol piscatorial fame, and can wait*a* quietly a rock for the hungry U»h to nibble. We wlah him luci. - »t.-d We are selling «lien's white dree from 93.75 to |2.&0. from 91. V> up. A full line ol ladi«*' silk gloves ami mitts from 25 cents up. J. ? Sooy, 212 King street. large line of chll below cost. Dresses Boys' white dresses mIumw Robinson, No. 113 Rant Ft » m-lling out their very th street, •ck of bools and duccd rates, In order t » Beo adver make room fur fall goods. UmumL FIFTH E1I!I 1>oIIh»w Citum H | AI i|r ~ Evangelist Do! bow » h . ' roeetug at Pltm;w, ■ afternoon, that L y> camp, ami before tie •ay: I ' ""i 1 . on M Wa« isi.„m blu '• JM »0 he , h.»op ol SüÄfiE» hymn with mui :h „„tilli"? woman In yu.k.r t»it, 11 with a scream turn. \ muiul.nÄ and theu fell in a hwooii it, th e • " woman near I,,. 1 »„ (lll „**■ •wooued, while in the an u, flf ' hundred In and out . j ti... ttl ., " scarcely a dry check \\, ^ hysterica and wept of tin* ti Pitmai Thursday tUCU «t|| "1- TUi u:; ' cling r- e«, ■1 « n eased close GihmI Sermon ▲ splendid services Church, last Sunday n, treated to a flue 1 - James H. Cook, of text: Romani *t; : tj,« u rl r Purnell failed to be j rc-ent l. ; s ] !m, di. ace mW the l*us A Tilt-Ik V 'T ■ * l «rie, ba preached a very at»!< of the el, night with Rev. James H. Co k • most forcible and > , , delivered In this , • Pecllon ol u : V» rd onekl 3: 10. The 9300. The pastor, the congregation w, i.t j 4 . The pastor wan'- to : the people th ui 1 ti i/ir* la liberally. * 1 ; fi«* Ki On Wednesday, T:h li.-tant. the w Clifton, Captain ihor.m fi ^n,m | ibis city for a trip 1 wn the Drita bay. In additiou to the upt.loU« C. Smith, George II J n«-*, Alfred Ik nl* and Thomas .«ml :, J... r... board. 1 he party ch.ovedrLemrelv«^ different iioluts down tj,• toJ « Monday reached the fishingffiosadsnn Cape May. Fishing »a coaimenci yesterday morning. ai.<\ a about or hours they caught .C»7 tl' «■ v\Voa: s ».«i of which weighed over i^tauhs. T yacht reached this city ubout \u o'eM last night, ami i.iputu Smith, «111 usual g»-u« rosily, divided the a among his friends. The fish ... teilen», and highly appreciated t}l who received them. .,!• -A Mot IlKLBMA, M T. Aug. Id-IM vention to-day flntihe-1 c<>n- hrtaa the article adopted :u Convention passed a which all -tit utioin. 1: of the Const i-itl« 1 The vote wi , r ■ the Democrat« ho; their Stute ticket with c tione. luuns.- excitement prevsUM the town after the reeult t„-came ;•» Csmlidates have beco since this re-elects tlo-m "■Hfl re -ein led. Htierlfl* Sheriff' Allen sold tha p*-r ria!pray of Erlward R. Wilson of Ne« ark at ; Monday, and a lie aale waa quite a large prseeut, prices ruled rather h funds realized will fall f«r - fying the claims, which nearly »20,(Hk». It is ui suppose that the best h over) thing, and Creditor« should hereafter that collecting bills by (Lia pri very expensive. . ' IM : Itf.bsi tea uM ml A Fatal .1 b» ! A young w stranger In Eighth street IL Railroad, by tho locomotive atUj north, at u killed at .1 the V., NV to th® express train going 1.16 o'clock thN afternoon. H«r was alm.jst Instautaneou». Immediately se at the station, and !r gue, to await recognition l y iruuds. Ibrr* to the dr » ! L UU the Till. Judge Ball, though report'd I» till, inornlus, It dueine I I'liiJnl him not to .iteud the fouit, lu ol quence, all the cas»'8 that W0U |_,J been heard this uutll this Deputy Judge Lyuam, who In, »t Ocean Ctly, »W be t. Judge Grubb, who and If temporary Deputy Judge. X .■uinij. It also away, *«« v will apport bo 1 « C ity. the heirs of tte K« im suff I >«•«*«! *'«l t«» For many property Eighth, h simple, and street au arrangement ha» with Mrs. A. C'. Pepper, wlim-i-y dcH-del 10 II years ti Rodney ■e held tbu prt petty is to Opr» been »Ü« It was dtwiro of the street has be lu consideration ol the a street will have purchased lots will fitted. of IL ,1 tho*« be opeiH 'l. You ure Invite. to Atlantic City to morrow Auf with DuPont Post, 2, (». '• " tlckots only 9L2Ö. Chihlreu ceuta. Soven hours at the •<« P. W. «St B., and West Jetsej Leave depot foot of Frocch ^ Keturuing U'* .fi. short] lo t StW rc Atilt* . m., sharp, City at 5.1 lVItitlow llr«»K — Some miscreant last night rtf' 1 * of li- t. N«»« cr ol Ut'l*» lUf 1 ,1 stclo » trto the bulk window drug store at the uue ai.d Lincoln «•«., — . from about 50 ceuta' worth •>* , Is of Miiall value cotupH of the window,valued at t has no knowledge of who the tbiei » what was his object for ®ucu " amount of plunder. 1 with v.. A Chance for Isaac N. Qiubb, «balrman ol >•* mltue of the Levy Court, ad vt ] ^ l»roj osais Tor the erection of « D , «. Harvey station, Brandywine . Tho plans and specifications, I " t* r . A. Klmtney, civil englnctr. cn at the Court House on «PF» at the Jsoltor.^ being made You are Invi 1« to Atlantic City to-morrow A"* with DuPont Poet, No. Adult tickets only »L-5. „g ticket 15 cents. 8even hour* a , ^ shore via P. W. & B , * 2* c rf B< railroads. Leave depot toot ' #1 . street at 6.30 s. m.. •harp. leave Atlantic City st 5.30 A are Invited «o G Yt to Atlantic City to-morrow Aa* |' Ja wlLh DuPont Post, No. 2 G. A. { tickets only fl.25. Children • cents. Seven hours at the ee* .ii f0 mk P. VT. A B.. and West J« re ' > ",,6* Leave depot foot of French etr ltcU i a. m., sharp. Returning leave City at 5.30 p. m. When the l'owers Will be ,|c " r '* ^. lfJ 8 t. PiTEKÖDUBO, Aug. 18.—1■ ' fb Vremya, in on Inspired «rtL» ' b T lS eivi outside Powers will ®*®jJ,- I J?liilsii | sorely felt when the triple alliant its reoi object; that is, war.