Newspaper Page Text
\n. MONTGOMERY. 203 N. NINTH 1/ SL, piths.. lUrJlablr Medirinva for Cough» Mils, jUtlium. Catarrh. llfonc-hltls. t'onauinp hn. lU-li«:f ï tu 3 days. Advice lr«e, rt« or fining. _ tilt hit I >*ll AUDI'S PINNY It OYAL \f pll, 1,8. $1. Hold bv Drugflattt also by Ip.I iui N? «h 81., Pbl.o. L die* beware of Luiioü». _ fs-tr 8. f or itout. U fc N T.-TIIE DESIRABLE •«■ room including cellar iii r nt No. 1.1 East Second atmet. The ,,1,1-rty insulted for most, uny kind of « iciintilo hualitcaa, ami Is situated „ t>r tbe pi iacitml streets of the city il- trade, lient low nml possession im r-hatcly. A only on premises M .1. F 1811 Ell, CÜU Market .volt no'JO-tf OH RENT.—STORE AND DWELL , No. 16 Market at. TblK will the tobacco «ml cl newapa* riu-liu n* or wl I wake a good gro:ery I provision Höre. Apply on Uie premia*«. od location r I iihliu i* In connection n REST.—THIRD AND FOURTH building southwest coiner r i..i.t and Muikct, suitable for light j :,nl . h luring business; st/.e of rooms 1 ,t |b.v.»7. Apply No. 15 Murket street. UU8 r*oll KENT CHEAP—SEVEN GOOD [t bouses In Western putt of city. An !y to I*. J. FORD. nu7 tt floor Box or ■'(ill RENT. — SECOND STORY, , 404 Merket atrect »r an ortice. Inquire In bat Blora. Nutlcca ' Ol B K.—TAXPAYERS TAKE NO > IKK. ( It ami Hcliool Taxes Tor 1660. 'll,« umlirolgued, ruculver* ol laxca for the liy of Wilmington will be at No. 10 K. flih . trtween Market and King« at*., during Kuat iss», between the morning, and afternoon for i nr* oManj 1 \| 1 -f ol receiving t«i ».! during duly, there •verv dollar, <»r after the flr*t lat without a «/edui Paid on the first fin ruaaed by tbe paid •Aid. •>r bepteniber >11 of 6 |,er ecu tu in on the aiut r. KDMUNI). F. MOODY. 1 iver of Northern District, lncludlug ti.l norih ol fclxth street. *1 Ab'HN .1. MF.ALKY. Hm I»er or Southern District, Including I y 1ft-1( ■ » p«in' au •-•.•ul!» 01 Sixth street. roTIt I. TO FARMERS.— new stable yard my hoaiJing stable «•eli -t'.ict. between Kouitli fth street, l- i tho ancotnudutlon of 1 li.iv e opened u n" others lud «0 und carriages prop attention w ill be given to IVe tiicii u W II id convenient to the bu*l R. B. ARMSTRONG. 'itrcet between Fourth and it u20 3t [MUU'UBALS. 117 TV ut \Y TT good 12 o'clock horn, o„ rau-ty « ine Hundred. Del, lor furntHhlnjr ( Ifou luperfiructyre and for tbp laying or it ut "ne hundred |ârde of maaontry fror Jbe l'n'j.obalb received ; Bids for ' 11 •• «<■«*« u " Unitor. The cdqimtltee reserve the |M to reloet any ar all bids. tw TT WILL (AM j Committee VV TV Pood W TT MONTH cun be ido w orking lor preferred who cun fur torse n\id give their whole ttmo ' Business, fipuro thoinehts may be «•fltubly employed also. ts ii. towns end cities. IN A to., 100» Main . 1 N il—I'lcaso state •v. Never min reply. B. F. J. Jt Co. tt3-wod-0iu Ï 5.2 to * 300.22 * ii, A few vacua n. f. JOIIN Streot, Richmond, ugo and business a about aemllng laiup lu JOTlt E—THERE WILL BE A HACK N Stan from Maryland avenu« and street uvely morning, nt scontl and Muikct. and Fourth Jur-kbou 040 'nth. to tvhurfi ulso nutles _ distance. II. C. DURHAM, aejil.t, ne, cull 51 j jfl-tr 'A LI FORS IA N-i( U! Pari!«'«. Sem. -monthly. Tour ( ar«. Clieap Hair*. Moulhern 'f r l , *-"■ Addrca* K. II AW LEY, Otu'l t«..! 3W Br sad way. New York; It. SMnH - A »«-nr, south ardir.. VhUadcl or * n >' Baltimore A Ohio Ticket Aaeut. Second, l»ililtS, ATTENTION! t tli« Western lluidl, , wllniliiytun, Del., 1 (Mil be at SAT wire ; AH' f'RN'8 AND NAILS. Browji bus opened a eut of the Mai la Biill«lti>k. ry »irret*, whero he will •'■»lux natif without firl a ter* UO a '(« A «- 1 >1 I ' I I I AM IÎ.'KKNXIb! M KRcii ant I Bklpley il, «lyu<t. n-uurtrt, from U4 lo^Jt. nn cxiillitni n Intel» V U uni «* ficHRlDK, •P t . ?7. '- •« MS till. *. polh-fteil. 1 1-1 • s di: PERSON! ALL • i»*. '""X'inf K TillC FOURTH ANNl Al. • .' lUrt .. )N NOG1) 1ST hit I i.l \tiUS HIRE BY DAY, . . A » hi » :u> will ls. paid r b i'l: N '\l: KOl'inil VND KIM. 1 luv. no 1 1 i s. \ N A DE, V l A 1>LK CITY, S uf tills CUV, df-vii ■ I . lull uadi.' y G ^ i lieio lui, llgl.i »ad » F . if.<: fight-.. Only »m.rdlng a «•— • vailing, j l , ' uaauna i. |>Uc«'. Man) "tKitfeb. The I I.KN, I'r.iprTetor, s1 ' t By. New Jersey. MiW ' OLI UIliA, fti'J ' AI'k MAY, N. J. , h '* A.N It" ïlV'mi.DKF.'l II, Hu lintel Lafa\«lt«i, Paul*. »'V HALL ïS"*u -— imiiiüiiw Wi"? ^""ïrfv ' ,5T7 ' 'j" 1 « gun NHV RkKV •d JVÄ-3 T i'o r S. II.,' .. .i^ir ° nu •*'• '• Mask or tv an ta. WÄ-^ohangr a RA RM W 11 III I (1C 14 >n. a florist for by of V. I». CLARK » (X)., Market street. ISI W A S"- T, y.° V/'&RDBRB NEAR station on the 1'. W and it. R. u a imicsfroin city. Apply - ' lOtli und Market sts. SIP®»-'-,«. Qiblnlng, Glazing, Illicit Staining and Penciling h fipeolaltv 8. L. C'OIl NEU SIXTH AND SHIPLEY __ tfrUEBTu. wANTED—HELP FURNI8UEDFÖR "''■'DWJON INTELLIGENCE OF FICR 0,811 _ Ko- *'• Oranxe Street WANTED -A FEW CITY BOARD ■nuih ,.Vr:L W J' ,0k ' < '» n F,lrm ' three inllca touita of Landenberr, Fa,, on very reason »De u-rtu«. Plenty of »K.a- HU l oilier ad Addn m Mr*. t-AKAJI A. FELL HlrkUt-ravIliH. Chunter Co. Pa. au!7-3it ' of im aulO •2M cl W ANTE n._ A YOUNG LADY Box 103, tity, stating salary wanted. aui7-ood-tf .1 ANTED— A STEADY SINGLE • M. VETÄ or to Ur. J. f. l'VLS, Vlo. l«(W«Ut",t ' XIIDDLE AGED WOMAN WISH A»* t* place aa liousekcepsr. Hinall family ahlut* 7 * -•* from 0101 oVclor.k at i S -8t! W ANTED.—BY A YOUNG LADY. a Bliuatlr a a* clerk lu a music «tore. Aouresi M. » , this otllce. au21-Jt \\TAN TED.—WEEKLY REFUBM , "««• orths following date.; April 2fl. 3 * fnr wlilcli 6 cent* will b# paid at this omce - auai-tf-diw W ANTED— «Y A YOUNG MAN A situation us book-keeper, bus laid Boino ex peri«non, references furnished. Address "Bookkeeper" this office. UUUStf WANTED- THREE GENTLEMEN » V huardura at 402 East 4th it. au2u-6lf W ANTED-AGENTS ON GOODS OF merit. Quick salt-*, commU&ton ad p«in' 1 at Befereucs retired. Apply ptu t c WANTEU-BYAN EXPERIENCED n" t isr,"o«us: Andreis * u Teacher" tbls -ltwt W ANTED—A BAlr GROWN GIRL also? Monroe street. au2i-3t \I'ANTED-A N'UJIUER OV EE. brlCfc. auZl-61 117 ANTED—BY A SWEDE GIRL WflO TV is a good cook, a gOfld plpCe. Apply ut 1U2 Hoald struct, ovur Eleventh atix-et _ ao- 2 tt \Y anted— a*yoüng"man TT under*tand( bodkleepiug gnd D a good collector. Add re** Merchant this oiBre. auXO-Xlt i I WANTED—WEEKLY REPUBLI TT cans of January ft, May fti, Ju ; Ccents will be paid at Uili office, m & VV ANfED—BOARDERS, AT NO. 383 TV East 2nd atreet, with pleatant room*. Pood apçptmuudatjpn*. W ANTED— BQABDÏM, FURNlSfi "ri! aar^w' ANTED.—BOARDERS AT 6 0 2 TT Washington atreet. aul>l2t| we at For Solo. |'WO HOUSES FOR SALE -UN— INSTALLMENTS. Ten Dollars Per Mouth Six Booms and Basement Kitchen. Call at once. CLARK & McLEAB, Eighth aud llarkeL UO R HAL E — a ilerjaihlr* ^jlg«, >1 heifers. Family CTHm asalofcUliy. ACbIWI ttuik always uu nSilü fill Stt Mutlatartlon K'Jar inter (1 Bvnvanue Stock Farta. I. w lliDliigtou, Del. lug V >tr TTViR MW.E CHEAP-NICE LOT OF U W indou •. and Poors, Gtupo Atbni, uni II » t w hit»- mu ride inantlus. Ai.idy «* I - I 1 ALI.ET. ill^Fienelt stre. i it 11 J1 3lf L'Oi: SALE CHEAP—A GOOD I' AMI. - .'ÆMir.rÂ. f::.K tnut i aud • » i • f OR BALE—A FlK.- r CLASS s *, nln ly titled s ' ; ' 1 V. nearly . Adiln s . O. I- tills Ii""!: SALE AT SA( UN ICE.—THE U, goodwill ui.d fixtures oi u /''I V.4 '. doing a lee little business. A dd i e*; .. t.-. this ofllee. hit OR BAM GR<)CT RIES OK ALL I. DA N I KLM. 11 L'OR SA LE. VERY «TJEAI* A FA8T I *.,l!in jil inm t>.ml. In I'omnl.-tc order. ■ Ki:IilNs, U SALE CUBA!'.- ONE NICE . m!"i. 1'uoi.K, 1 \ 1.1. \ UK»; b N It' i: TI N y i'l: Apply;* li. fiii W i ■ - ani71; 1/OR BALE AT MODERATE PRICES 1 A rot n »'I lun ui iiuk|nc-i* wttg'in», « j • ruan luv. h wagon», lu Mill ull purposes, \\ . HAM MUM), Secoml aud Freuchat*. OR SALE-A "-STORY BRICK V n ml uulil »»aier. « ql OR SALE CHEAP-A LARGE double eyllnUei 'l ay lor jii tua, juiuH Apply . ! I A R E î \ ) F THE . Apply brukt-r*.'foil!tn auU-iitt F a j l , ' U ( !^ l ^J'?5;,^ l SIX .. «•»!' j'« ÿON >t i. II. A JMarU.l LhM; SALE-CHEAP, A 0 YEAR OLD AppDafhd J/OR SALE. TIIE BAKERY WILLI! fti'J Ea#i Kuurtl: *t. I > A N K8 BROTHERS. ! i 1 1: \ M Y.fiili> Milk mid bm Repairing promptly altet gun ran lee.I und pi ices w ;ig< Id res*» the BANK- BROTH ER". "g-At dSY PILLS : ■ «UAÎîu."Vlj«*»8pfVlsVi».,Vh'i»à«Vtis!**s* RM >n. for a ' and inllca ad ' yOU SEVER W1LI, YOU KEY ER CAN. YOU NEVER DID Have such an offer made you In the whole of your experleuoe as a buyer that which we are now making Ea d which awaits your acceptance at BABCOCK'S Family Shoe House, No. 20G Market Street, ' at ! (above Second.) WILMINUTUN, DEL, 2fl. this To keep our stock On the fêove A laid We make the PRICE DO THE SELLING. OF ad c HAWKINS & CO. 712 Market street. t tbls OUR SPECIALITIES; Real Estate, Mortgages, Invest meu tt». Public and Private Sales, Rent and Interest Collections. Conveyancing, Fire Insurance, Accident Insurance. a f i I Estates Managed. HAWKINS A CO v No. 712 Marfcot Slrool, Wilmington, Dol. 2 CARIUAGES. In order to reduce our stock of ubou fifty new aud secoud-hacd carriages, con slstlng of all the late aud popular styl es we are oflerlng them at greatly reduced prices. All In want of a go:>d carriage at a moderate price, please call and aee them. IST" Repairing and painting a specialty FRIST Si ALLMON Seventhjind Shipley 8treet. PE11IK6T0II SEMINARY LADIES' COLLEGE PENNINGTON, N. J. Convenient, to Wiluiiiigtoii. Opens Sept. 3. odiicati to Offe both sexes. 1 ci ms moderato,. Delight High and healthful. escapes, l'or iuy an ungeineiils. For cuta of Dr. MeCosh, and testl al facilities. FOr fill Stt •'«ling, gas. lug tttuuials, TllOS. HANLON, A. M., D. D., Pres t. WIRE WORK • ch'urrliitl furnUlitd. Ci aud i W. n. ALLISON WIRE WORKS, NO. 1603 \V. FRONT ST , NOW LAN CASTER AVIS. m3 so u /''I AR RI V.4 INC. U.E MAKING . SMITH ci.hR J'lepa hi build vork, rluhtiiq fiiny and anylliing up •eial ; 11 A "111 'i ' I horse shoe Ii. snl^; , led Hlly * .L C HANDLER. G Ev GAS STOVES. Di'birablc n ...culcut for lapid l.uilglfiK anil Haili -1 r, auturnu «filing'In SfitUiK.^Scw» N .-, or ccilliu Btuvea luruGlir»! m .... Âpldy al x«b oibct. of DRUNKENNESS Habit Positively Cm od the Lit by AiliuluUtuiiiig Golden Siieelliu. i. liainua' for It < au be g!vi i wltb !r.» absolu Uly a iLudcrati drinker TTioniandâ in e, whtiher Druiikai .1- b: a tt ho nave tied to ized and drm Win* me liN|iregnate. •i liupuKbU.niiy föt ale uy Z. Jai. . the ftpeellb'. »«J My I ! h\ M i u of the iUleuiout. n NUQh copalli* ciibebi .„„AiHur» .. clions Ull Gull's Giant Globules, : Btrnn^cHt I,nvIgorsn^known. Cure* ^8PÈciFicCO.ri'biUdelpbia.l'a ! mHtuJ-toW [ oitf i now to i'Kopose It Is B. 8. E. M. Chicago Herald. Like all new prop: sltlons, the one that recently came from Mrs. Ella Wheeler Wilcox—"A wllo, like a kiss, should be asked for with the eyes alone called out considerable comment who have answered the Invitation to dls thc matter publicly agree with the poetess of passion, and one old bachelor, with plenty of tlmê on hfs bands, has gone to tho trouble ot Investigating the question through the medium of auch popular novels sa contain veritable pro posais of marriage. Ho asserts that none of the great authors agree with Mrs.Wil cox, "as In no InHtances do the eyes of meu play any part in such an Interesting episode, while tho women ol the world are of the opinion that tho eyes of meu sometimes play false and say more with a glance than they would ho willing to verify with speech. The Idea advanced Is one of those thiugs possible lu tbe millennium come, where lovo is truth and things are always what they seem. It Is very nat ural to believe, too, that the poetess of passion must already dwell in some such realm of bliss, far above aud beyond tills extremely mundane sphere; besides, ehe Is uu attractive little woman, she undoubtedly knows from experience how men do propose—a fact more fully prov ed by the indlsputublo existence of a Mr. I wouder if Mrs. Wilcox has ever read a charming little French monologue wrltton by Edmund Gondinet for that clever actress Mile. Marie Dumas.entitled "Oh! Mousleurl" He author makes his heroine, a young debutante, Innocent and Ingenious, exclaim: • dire q»r Deux mots suUlsent— —Je crois memo Que l'on pourrult s'en passer; «/i, to translate the Idiom, "To say one loves two words suffice,—I believe myself that one does not eyen need any.'' Evi dently the eyes arc enough to look love for iugenuous young persons ol French extraction, as well as for poetesses of perlence. Tho inouologuo is short and may be translated here briefly: A young girl of sixteen summers, a lovely little blonde, Just out of tbe con vent, stood aloue in a drawing-room, the door of which was closed. A little quetLUh, a little dreamy, too, she exam ined the effect of hor metamorphose in the three Venetian mirrors before her. She threaded her curls with hor Augers, tossed ubout her laces a little, and then smiled, for she w as content with herself. The door opened suddenly; ehe grew more red than a cherrv, aud gave a start of surprise. Heavens! It Is her mother, who herself is young, tender-hearted, a widow aud a baron os. "Bertha, why do you show that tlon f Do you think I —has Few the d to H 11 1 I Its so and was ing of l lor tor fect to he tho to to did golug to scold f oul Aud sba kissed her daughter lie nec|i, ft little way she had of show ing pardon. „''Mama, have pity on me, I am afraid. "Afraid? You? Aud ol what?" 4 Of everything. self. "You speak vaguely, what do you mean?" "The world terrifies me. Thoy tell such terrible thiugs oi it at tbe convent; they paint It lb such colors! I dare not speak without mortal terror. I even di-eam of It. Yesterday I was Rlrl; little to-dav I am à ÿoung lady, and 1 must chatter, I must pretend I am tome ohe, aud ëven with my cousin Charles, who Is only a laughing, teasing school timid. If a strauge young I shall always answer, es boy, speaks to 'Yes.' " "Take good you aay that." "Well, then I shall always say: 'No. "That is dangerous, too." "How do you mean, muuima?" " 'Yes' and 'No' get very much mixed Up ou the lips ot a woman; they some thing. " e, my daughter, how times appear t Well, what told here a aud but lor keep llttio that I say, then?" You must say something that does Let me sue. Bay well. You always with a ueed ivthlug. That does 'Oh! m air!' can say It Iu many wayB, pleasing manner. Only great say more than that." "Thank : , mamma; you have ma le : comfortable. 1 much lossy nothing hut 'Ob ! sir! will take and be careful how I ray It. Aud the baroness was going she said to herself: "Those two words will uot got her into trouble " A moment after the door s again opened, aud a tool man, who supposed tbe baroness lo be 6t 1.1 in thu drawing room, announced with a very solemu n!r and h deep voice: "Count Albert do Manaablotv." The count wca a eh inning iellow. He well bul'.l, bad a fair ekiu, but with dark hair. On seeing Bertha alone, her eyes cfitly lowered, he gave a start of cm barra s ment, hut In reality was delighted with thu misadveiil "Milo. Hertha, at Paris! It gives tho treat« St surprise to left thu e t. ly uol d. of B. Bet Del. you! Have •ul f»»r good? Have y home to be the Lie of it, pail ol tbe pleasure ?" "Oh! fir!" "I stand before yon mute with astonish ment, without being able word, to find y so grave and "Oh! sir!" such a grand personage, beautiful!" surprised; you must think perfectly stupid. "Oh! sir!" "lint I last a child, A out 1er fiiveu ccupfed with dress ing your doll ! 1 .suppose you have giveu up that?" "Oli! sir!" "Oh, yes! tlu •ly as lenp ago' Tho dvill will have Dj you to-dav i- lull •r. Y ers, other plays, other enjoyments, like to dance?'' "Oh! sir!" "Yes! you are at tho age when a hall has ebanus; when a girl dreams a month over her toilutte; ull the tulles arc farcy robes, almost with wing6. And now you : rose coquettisuly in your hair; a will To a the dy, B. sale I » little later pe around your i will e tbemsulves ck, and then, maybe, o a collar of rubies and the diamonds of it matron?" "Oh! emeralds, the Mary "it 17 Father but them The you will bf a woman but lu order to have tbu Juwels you will have to have a husband. That's a good thing ! But you for young! "Ob! "We played togeth under the tree Do you remember?" in tliu park. "I see you a little girl with long curls tied back in a nut, your dress just coming to the ankle?. I bèo tho dandelions and And then played at war. Your big brother organ ized and perb combat.?. Ho w were the soldiers. the geacral Do you re by yard, wheat King Oh! sir!" "Oh! Hapity days! Days of ioy and transport! False dreams! Mad My heart is fu ! ol these past happinesses. | Just , but veiled with i They ail cornu before u sadness." "Ob! sir!" "Will they never come again? D.» you 1 (»pen think of them us a frivolous rememhram « j ô-lù of chl ilhood, fleeting aud uncertain firefly the road?" "Oh! Mr!" "But how You I right Come .j you understand lore you, my eyes I No. .cb at t-vculi.g thu sido oi [ oitf I make x me b i flxod OD yours, filled with a happiness I do not know how to tell, and yet I say to you 1 am go unhappy." •*Ohl elrr* "Yes, rou are goofit I ate pity in your eyea. and eo tny sadness aatoulshes you." "Oh! alrl" "You mean you undorßtand me? Is It true? Is It a ilroam? Can I believe you? It Is at auch uiomenta that ouo loues to diel" "Oh! air!" "No, prradlse Is ojicn to voile Iteulf to nay heart; the world Itself Is singing aud everything is bright. Bertha, forgive me, child. I thought myself stronger. Will you bo my wile?" doing wrong, that this la uot the custom; I know uiy parents should ask your baud. But how c wait a week. I can not wait until to morrow. 1 want you to give youraell to "Oh! alrl" "Do you love me as I love you? No! No! that Is too much; tell nie, I urn wait lug to hear. Bertha, do you love little?" ^ "Oh! alrl" At that moment the door opene 1; the baroness entered solemnly. "Ah! madame! madame! you find a transported with joy. Will you give me your daughter?" "Eb! sir! what Is tbia? What do you mean?" "1 lovo her, my heart dotes "Hush, sir, uot before her." "But she loves "What?" "Madame! do not ho cruel." "Oh! mammal'' ''Then, my daughter, you have been talking." "No, mamma, I have (oil wel thy log* to the letter. 1 will follow them always. I cau promise It too |Lee; but everything Is very alarming. 1 hardly dare think of it." onough. need . All "I know that I I To fay one loves two woids I myself believe that one does any. Shiloh's Consumption Cure, This Is beyond question the most cessful Cough Medicine we have sold, a few doses luvArlably worst cases of Cough, Croup, and Bronchitis, while its wonderful of Cousumptl parallel iu the history of medicine. Its first discovery it has been sold guarantee, a test which cine the success in Is without a Since a oilier medi stond. If you have a Cough earnestly aak you to try It. Price lü cents, 50 cents, and fl. If your Lungs , Chest or Back lame, use Shi loh's Porous Plaster. N. B. Dunforth, Second and Market streets. Nye Arrested. The humorist writes in the Pittsburg Dispatch: I had the pleasure of being arrested lu French the other evening,and so got Into the papers. Lest a garbled account of tho matter should reach homo and alarm my legion of friends Lu Amerl , I will give a briol account of it my. _ was on tho 14.lh of July, und, of course, a great national holiday. Paris was filled with life. Pails with excitement. Paris was lull of surg ing humanity. I was there, but did not to attract any attention at first. Fi nally I went past the door of an English grop-shop, aud, as usual, several tables stood outside the door. One bad a glass of wioe on It. I heard tlio glass fall long alter I had passed the place. When l reached the Hotel Caitillogne a waiter followed me in aud requested lor the glass. I said, "acursoly." The grog proprie tor then came und demanded pay for the glass and contents. I replied with per fect polish aud wonderful naiveto that I would 6C6 him dolug time Over yonder before I would do so. "All right, we will 'ave a policeman, then," he straightway to me did make reply. I did not think he would do it but he did. Ho then told tho policeman his story, and the officer would have to accompany him to the commissaire. J said I Lad agreed to go somewhere else that evening, did not understand mu. .Just self. It filled to pay _ n e wero start! ug for tbu station bouse the pro prietor of the CasMIlogno aud tho j'ouug Count de Passa 110, both of whom I had only a moment before. Interfered; told the officer he was barking up the wrong tree, 1 think, though it was all lu Fieuch, so I am not sure ol the exact words. At last he finally hitched up h!s llueu trousers, touched hi« cap 'and hacked away. Do Paatano is a youug Italian here golug tu 6choo],^ui having al a good time already.^Tïe was very pollle aud wanted to pay for tbe glass himself, but l would not permit it, because it was wrong for anybody to go about paying lor ibc general breakage of cr ckiry and glassware in a largo pi; keep it up. 1 was quite 111 at cas llttio while, I will admit, (or It is so -arely that I yet 100 •400 bQO . You cau not fur a arrested nowadays that I hard ly know w hat to tay. Besides, you ci u uol argue with a Freuob poltcemau in English and make that /avoiuble imi would like. Aiuwt'i' Thin (Jiiestlon. Why do so many people w seem to prefer to suffer and be made miserable by Indigestion, Unuitlpatlon, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Coming up of the Fuad, Yellow skin, when fur 70 I o Will sell them Shiloh's System Vilallter, guaranteed to euro them. B. Danforth, wholesale and retail agent, Bet oml and Market streets, Wilmington, Del. *e around nut N. Y V« tiled td, by A peculiar request w; heiulan woman wbu Bridgeport, < ' out In ib»' kitchen 1er carpet, and a I a u fiiveu lo each person who attended r! funeral ade bv a Bo eceutly d ed al East Bbo asko 1 to b» 1 laid the par ! I lo .,e The sandwiches made .vir tldrs'y u k ar ul bu r wa atisfy the placed in thu ers, ai.d alter the funeral a see nd l u tied. Itl'illgilig CillKllIßüS To millions, pleating their pala'ts and cleansing their byMetne, arou.-iug their , Kidneys, 8tomac ha aud B weis to a healthy activity. Buch is the mission of the famous California liquid fruit reme dy, Syrup of ffl/e. All druggists. N. B. Danforth, Second and Maratt, whole sale agent. I » dam After Jus*fee Hi 1 of E'izabethport, N. .T., Monday man led dame» CîÜm Mary Powers. A despatch c»piaius that "it was the third matrimonial veuture of each other for 17 years until Monday, and they de< Ided off-hand to get married. They asked Father Gessner to perfbtui the ceremony, but he rulusod point blank, and chased them out ul thu parsonage." h. They had r r V 1HH0. Many fires this ye by woo»l from A Sergeant'« coal and wood yard, foot ol Mouiou street. Dale, Plue bi. koiy wood In large loads. We guarantee 2.21U Iba, ol'eleau coal in , screened under received, a uew ear load ol Western : also a tiDe lino of baled hay and wheat straw. Central office Seventh and King streel?. Look ior the bi have lie • .1 Just cui tbl* of supervision. (»pen in ô-lù and 5G7. Sign. the evening. Telephone calls, • ... J. k. Now for lood Water right from tho sands of Is'cw Jersey. Come look at them; three thousand juicy Mountain watermelons to-morrow at No. 13 E. Fourth et, ßmeitz & Co. I CLEARING GUT Wc are busy getting ready for our Fall trade and need We have gone over our stock and picked out all our goods and put a price on them to clear them out. Thin coats and vest of all grades at greatly reduced rates room summer Odd Pants, ODD COATS, ODD COATS AND VESTS, ODD PANTS AND VESTS Boys ACME Shirt waist laundered at 50 cents. Boston One-Price Clothing House, 213 Market Street, Wilmington, Delaware. JU8T1B & DAVID 8 OY. Proprietor. 1E0EDENTED ATTRAOTIOH OVER 1 MILLION DISTRIBUUD. pism in a Louisiana State Lottery Comp'y Incorporated by the Legislature, for F.rtu itlonal and Charitable purpoace, and It* iranclilse made a part of the presentState C'on *ar vote** ÄU ° ,r ' ir vvb*lBjlug popu 1T« MAMMOTH DKAWINUI a *»>• Plwoe Menul Amiually (Jane and Uscstobar), aud Its UBAND SIflUU Mf lHBlt flHAW m<4H take place Iu each of the I vauor ten uionioi or ins year, are all drawn In public, at âiadoroy of Mnato. Wew Or lean....... FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS, For Integrity of its Drawings, and Prompt Payment of Prizes, Attested as follows: "We 4o hereby certify that wc «upervUc the arrangeai rmla fur all ti.e Monthly and seuil-Anniial Drawings or Tbe Luutatana claie Lottery fompany, aud In perao axe and control the Drawing* tlienisel tlial tbe same are conflucted a lib honesty. ■*, and In good faith toward kutliorUe tbe Company 10 use tbl* certltt. eate^ with fac-stintles of our signature* attach* Cs miaUsloiers _ We the nnderalgned Banka and Bankers will Fîïtari—*.*? 7,16 , *o»t'»lana State ters^* *"* w 1,10,1 mRy preacuted atuurcuuu R. M. WALMSLEY, Crci. Loulalana Nat'l I tank. P1LKKJJ LANAl'X, Pros. State NoPl Ilk. A. BALDWIN, Pré». New Oilean* N'at'1 Bank. CARL ltOUN, Pres, l ulon Natlou'l Bank e Grand Monthly Drawing; At tbo academy of Music, New Or leans, Tuesday, September 10, 188'J. CAPITAL PRIZE,$300,000 100,000 Ticket* at Twenty Dol Inrs «Mh. Halves ftioj guuneri 00; Team* 8 a; Tweulleibi 81. FRISKS. 1 PRIZE UV fHOO.OOO U. 1 l' ici/. to of lue, O'. IFKIZBOr 10,000 If iPKIZSUr 26,000 1«. kPKl/,B3ur 10,000 6 PRIZES Ur •A FRIZES UP 1,000 100 PRIZE« OP bt'O •400 PRIZES or bQO PRIZES or ! ..t'00,000 .. Itu .00 .. 10,0.0 'ift.OOO .... 80,000 .... '48.000 ...! to|ooo .... .... )oa,ooo AFPhOXlWATlOH FRI4BS. loo priias of » loo do '400 VO, 000 Tr n min at. rni/.KS Prîtes uf tioo ...fou.toî .. 1)9,900 Priess amounting to... .*1,084,80) NoTtt—Ti. k»;U drawing Capital H'i nut iiiUUud to ItTiiibiai FrWus. " le AGENTS WANTED. For Club Ratoa, any farmer irtorma tlon desired, write legibly to the an iorstiin td, dearly stating j oar residence, wita täte, County, Street end number. JUore rapid return mall delivory will bo assured by your euoloalng an Rnvtlopo boarlngyou» I IMPORTANT. ^ Addross 2» A. DA | \. Sow Orleans,I.«., . DAI I'CIIN, ' * V. iiHliln.iou, I». €. By oi'iliuarv l.-tti-r, Excliaii**', 111 K * l,r " at Postal N lildtisi Registered Utters containing Cur ency to Stw OBI.EANN NATIONAL UA.VU Mew Urleau*. A..*. to KBMBäl HBtt that Prîtes «lAKANietff NATIONAL KAMI*« of Haw Orleans, andti.e licueia are si^nad by tbe Presl dam uf an Institution whose ehart-irui ilKhts are reoogulaed In tbe bfabast Uourtl, therefore, beware of all un luttions mimons snheniea UNI Diri.I.AH H the pries o' tbe small' —*-in or friiutlru of a Mciet I.SSI EI» TS4 Id any Drawing. Auvthlng naue oh er cd for tot« th&a a Dollar is a swtn Til V r r JMIE ARTISANS'SAYING BANK, NO. ."»Oi M.VltKFT STUFET. 1NCOUronATED.. ruu«lvc depuili» »1 Saturday The provides th. n vestmuniH, «Xt'.ept nuceiiary cui It y of depoMijr*, 1 shall b^'dlOde l a tbl* depo.-ll' V. Ko manager la allowed to borrow any of tbe tuu.ia dcpoiUcd with Hie coipor.itiou. MANAGERS: f ood Pills. " * Idlu, A .«xaudtt J. i tielle, N. II. Ueuson, • ... u . ... .lowland. Job H. Jaekso... J. !.. Carptnur, Jr., Anthony lllggln?, Henry F. Dure W ashington Hasllugs, MONEY LOANED ON MORTGAGES, w. busii. President k. T. Taylor, Treasurer, Sent Y .ce. Pn kldeut, . M AI il h. H Auditor 0. J. HESS10N. Coal and Wood Flour and Feed Lehigh Coal Schuylkill Coal Lee Coal. All grades of Spring and Win ter Wheat Flour.' Minnesota Flonr Hungarian Flour Lea's Flour In Barrels or Half Barrels. All kinds of Mill Feed at M Prices, Oak or Pine Kindling Wood in Blocks or Split Careful drivers and 2240 lbs. to the ton guaranteed. Try a ton of Lee Coal for Sum mer use. Office, Yard and Warehouse, 617 WEST FRONT ST m9-eodtf JM1E THE ONLY LINE 15YET INVENTED TO HOLD CLOTHES» WITHOUT TINS. Tho attention of tho public Is called to this new invention. Tlio following nro tlio reusous why tills is fur superior to the old way, where pins arc used. 1. Garments cannot blow off. The harder llio wind blows, tho tighter the garments hold to tint line. AC the time they are easily siIppcd out the wi.y they are nut iu In fact clothes »ins w ill not hold clothing on a common ivo when tlio wind blow s hard. "• .This lino is made of galvanized steel spring wire, and therefore cannot even it leit oat of doors all of WOKCE8TER PAT LE»S CLOTH Ed LIN J^NT TIN ! Ihhd Ills li clothing can Ml. Tl'ioi'id Ii hung UN) fee thu eo I. II .• * tint Ibis lino is equal to lJu l'ect oj line. :d for tbiel v heavy ■ ith per P' M. I'« linens, ull r tlio finest it! It i- I; •e 1 sinuot Ii s ib> be easily alipped ml here, anil hen fro foot ill ;i y mu 11 takes It is ado in links, folded Til. U e qmii'k'i " fiel , le hi S It is -< Mit I > ■ 11 ii t i< II in buy, an P . THOM. A> Dl IT V, I IV M.tdi-i tlealer i2I'[l:u ity ^ Real tri e offer. until September lUth oiler our eulire stock ol Monitor oil stoves ; very deiarable ßtovos m «s well at cost. Th well adapted lor w hiter summer. Also we have only tbrci line stoves left, 1 large li burner, 1 two burner, one 1 burner, we offer at cost price. We must close them out In order lot of gaso all handsome I'atlor and Cooking stoves we have already erduud from thu manufac turers. Now 's ibc* time to buy. We guar« oil stove to ail ci give satis taction. Til l: 1'ICKhLS STOY 12 & U EATER CO Mtr» Shipley street. Wilmington Delaware. Are ul' j-4-tf AIALARIA. DR. SIMMS' \ RG hi ABLE mote and LIVER PILLS The only PHD Unown , rickeuluK, weakT bowels costive. M operation, they ar t vu oilvred to disease* ru Medl operate « ■ a in luted uni Fat lrlng Purgative, My They •e lur Kidneys, G Bplendld ^ ^ , g f ood {n Dyspepsia, u perfect Anthl. te tor Sick lead. '»ehe. 4ô cents a hox. Family boxes, li. give multitudes or uu- | doubted reference, of the great Utility ul these , Pills. Sugar-coated. Sold by dealer«. Sent hv null. PRINCIPAL DEPOT, FOURTH AND KING STS J Fjiootfls HITCH FXf.. Furnishing Undertaker r Practical Embalmer, KO. 4A0 MlNii STICKET. Residence 1105 Madison street Tele phone call 312. 11. 31AKTIN. J. FURNISHING UNDERTAKER EMBALM ER, NO. 007 SHIPLEY STUFET. BTNIGUT CALL» attcuded to promptly. gIMON GUTHRIE, General Furnishing Undertaker NO. 033 EAST SEVENTH STREET. II ° s 3 Ï l^o r ti D2J m OK. HARTER'S Wild Cherry Bitters. FRANCIS KELLY & CO., NO. 103 MARKET STREET, Wilmington, Delaware, Have beeu appointed SOLE AGENTS for the State of Delaware for the above •lamed BITTERS. Orders will bo filled and empty bot tle« received at our store here At same price anil terms at Bt. Louis House. JOHN P. DOMliOE, —BOTTLER OF— Ale, Porter, Brown Stoat and Lager Beer, Cider aud Mineral Waters. DEPOT, 517 and 519 OK A MUG ST. Wilmington, Dels war®. Bole agent and depot lor Delaware ot tbo frgVr^axr** Bikwlug Coinpauy'a llucbeitcr M ¥ ae .T * Co. >« Philadelphia SK'ifc.iSTO,/'»" *• ix - C. m &' Ä Telephone connection. yu in to INVESTMENT 4U°'470 1160,470 Capital. __ bin-plus. luaranto* birengih, Reeord ofonr IS YEARS' business. ■ta *F 2tf( Intereat paid axgrogallag !... a* als' 4 * Total paid to Investor« - . . . . e,'"*' We have .014PATRON8. to whom w refer. We do Dot claim to do . largest, but the SAFEdT buslue**. BAVINUd DEPARTMENT Füll ällALU AMOUNT».! c Full iDfuriuaitun furuUhed by J. B . wATKIN!LANI£ JiOimj AGE CO., New York L àlan*< ' ! r' lî li h N hV S LxcK IN 80 N. *19 Broadway. Wilmington Pottery Company. Manufacturers of STONE W ARE .EARTHEN ' r ARE ROCKINGHAM WARE AND TE COTTA PIPES. Have based the old Hare Pottery Building, 212 FRENCH ST., I'l'luH •ill manufiietnro and keep in stock lino oi the above good«. W. T. II a M MON D, Manager. -8-iat r 111' SCIENCE UF 1 LIFE, tho • Medical W ork ? age t>n Manhood, Nit Yuli« am! Physical I >. tal bililv, Pro it .a till I- D< •. Knurs ul Youth l H'c for all J •o. Jil :s. Cloth, *l'ul! i Illustra •e to ull young and middle i tin* next !H' days. Sen.] ward now. Address !»R. M. II. PARKER 1 Bulfl n eh ftreot. Boston Mass. o24-eod-ly Wo* J. script ton gilt, only $1.«) by : god V.Ï» The Utmost Care and attention bestowed upon prescriptions, and the finest qual ity of drugs used. Graduate of Pharmacy charge of this department. their Z. JAMES BELT, tt —DRUGGIST,— SIXTH AND MARKET STS . 1 . Ill Are a spt-e.liic for el.UI». ul' iimlurial disorder j. i»o failed e ail for. In liiglo lutinuc.l cu> mote t^i'aprx-rl and l'Hee 25c a box, b) m cannot be excel'., d, 'j , relieve beads, he. D li .Vi > k r 11 i°u 'Ian r, d un.i.Jefferson bl». .U Is c :n They ST ATI'. •TO \ AM IMi. ■ a uni j»;*flora |ii*cpare«l. Fatale., ami Heal Fat ul«» liuaiiieaa inuiiage.l Kenia and pioiupUy aetlled antocitng tenant. Interest* enlleetod ; My the largeat t el in | , |»ro|ifii). GEO C. PARIS, DR. NO. üoi SHIPLEY ST. &EERLESS DYES J J-21 jar« Ile BIST 8oLDBXDat*Kd*4 ifPIfll practical experience, permanently Tele »<1 ttirtlfln* 5 or'»[" m ***** C ®'' e ® 4M "0*11*S .p*«l»U»U) IN tSST SPECIAL DISEASES AND BLOOD POISON. 1 OHMllSAli; i'M'EKM, KI.OKP* KM. KHI PTIOAN, Pi If PI.KM. MWELLIAGM. INFLAMMATION'! Lost Vitality, flarly Physical and Mehtaf ProstraS •Aon, M elan Cholin. Bladder antf KldncF Ulaeascs. (Acute METHOD Oombloln* _ Eltctrfcity, the 8 J5Ï*2. know. j^cyt Ur ffo*oUuY a rnS' 'prlv's!*''rVaatto? Experience with eicrju . The moat dansi-ron* mlddle-agi-d aud . rath, ex|>o«1b| , claiming U U utiktment ot all Curable to «3 • l) Allopath! I I '.iu ii. .1. SUiproiated *» run •ip.rltno# f . *«ru»em«ou r in"w , 6foh h the/1 ' 1 ■ E 1 iht poor «uSerm U-'AIJ.l' flctirn» of me**iiCholy 1* hoar* *re from 10 laW _ GASOLINE STOVES To be successful need NAPHTHA, Free from smell, Free from smoke, And gives good heat, And most important of all FREE FROM ALL DANGER We have sold thousands ol gallons without a single accident reported to us. bot PHILLIPS & KANE > —PAINT BTORE,— No. 5 E. Fourth street, [Between Market and King ate. J Wilmington, Delaware. tbo - DR. It JILL'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. I'lice, »1.00 per liox. A ooflUve cure for all ordinary case* A ^Ç* n *fthd Dlaeaaua ol the Bladder and Kid* I»i- Bell's TONIC PILLS Price, 83.00 per llox. These rill* are sold in lr.r sufiltleut lor boxes, containing ui uulh'a use. Dr. Bell's Medical Discovery aud Tonlo Fills lor sale ~ Wholesale Depot: 0HA8. W. CIlITTENTON, New York. DruggiaU. 4 * FISHING TACKLE! ,l4Vl M ««•/!*? " »«rge lino or Piahln* lackle, I am prepared to oder them * A&u hoTm 1 prlce3 ' 4-jointed ash hods::::. fi bamboo Huns .... Come to the old eatabU*h«d house uf N. WOINT Ac. Ed wardMelchior 214 KING STREET. WILMINGTON. PriCB-iUl ul USM» U-ÜJ ipul ling ^AEFiNVESJMERl «JB ."J_~ Capital, *700,0 ninai an e urp | us> ose.« «tUAn»)it«9<: n«C Friar!pal an-l int^reot beth foil/ tal and* of ai.iu6.01S. ln *^v>»Dt«sB ras« ÉniBlnBua vtehav* loanad 814,404,600. o*./i*x* *\/ e> | A ft/ V.MM f>%° | 270 ^'SÄSS ■ W to .nveBTOr.'fl delay or the loaf wf a dollar. Ras. M it Mort^aKe and Debenture Sonda 8 Certificates Mwayaon haoö amonnta c4 i Bnvlnwa i u>Barings Dvpnr'iueata, la ward ; In the M n*»oo lVp.n-:tunut. 8300 1 Ward. Full mUrmatioa regarding oui »*no« Wo* Amfiahed J. B. WA TKINS LAND MCRT 6 A£i§ .VÆ? JQ «Hl LAWRENCE, KANSAS) « 1 V.Ï» Vo*fc »«f.«" W*I>* "'fklRFaa »'r '***&, DR. MIESTERFELD ST.. rillt.A., PA. ui'i-il in suitor >* »... .. ii FOLTtl Et-SSOUT Thirty ve* "MejIJi »>■ It . I will their innnev. Patient* who have •cuon lit. liu. tt pare ael'lna :ork. AllaooJ»»i'' i?j*at very 1 o>»» ' -famineour tlso m l*r,(e asiort'. Pocket- Iluoxs. JAMES A. CONNER, t.l FAST I'KTfl STUFET. rATIUCIv FAHEY, »«. 133^ VTJLMT iOlUT! Carpenter, Contractor & Bail Je • r. Kulmatev fumi ■ >' bàll» xuaiauloe inA u:ilm;.\uTOn saw works, 222 WEST SECOND STREEP, unoiuu: ii. \oiuus, THE HENRY DlSSTON A SONS' Celebrated êaws. j^kLP l lib IMI UaxiftlMMAI« DR. PENNINGTON KEUlBiHa^u PHYSICIAN, Women and irregula N.fiUi street. taeeiou promptly aud permanently c by ,U:l11 or °* û ' ;,! ' rajladelpoia, Pa.