Newspaper Page Text
The Daily Republican Published Dally Bundtty Excepted.) —AT— The REPUBLICAN Building iMnl and Hing Street«, WUumigtom l»e —by— Y he BrpuLllenn I'ublUliing Compun fJOTICI-ALL COM MC NIC A TICK N fl ÄV checke, poetnl not«-« or «tlirr besiss: Y »beeid b« direct, .1 to UuniLiu^ 1'tkLibU *<i A ftUMTU'U comfakv. Entered at the Prst Office at Wilming ton, Del., «eooud ol mall matter. TtESUAY, AHitsr 21 UK). Some of the New York papers are commencing to see that the Une cause of the multiplicity of murders in that city is caused by the delay in trying and punishing the perpetrators, and the many loopholes that are found by •Chtffclng lawyers through which a prisoner can escape and cheat the gallows of its just dues. The New Tork Herald, in speaking oi this matter Bays: *'That terrible Brooklyn murder calls foe swift justice. peaceful, law-abiding to death to bis own I «The slashed presence o! his wife anl chlldrcu, with a rccktv S) atrocity that wai '-imply fiendish. There is no doubt that Mc Kl vame Is the murderer. He w«* caught fleeing the scene of the trag*dy bloody hands aud the dead y knife, lie has even confessed the crime. "This is not a case for delay, pernicious sentimentality aud legal hairsplitting Which hsve male our criminal practice •otorlous In dealing with "MoKIvalne should bo indicted ami tried at once and if found guilty mudo to expiate his heinous crime on tbc lows withtu CO days. There cun be better subject for an example of swilt, certain and severe justice "It 1» time to ton the puniehment of murderers. The four culprits hanged In the Tombs on Friday Were hanged for crimes committed than a year ago. Such delays destroy all deterrent effect of the death penalty. Swiftness oi justice is protection of society." The erocer wub m ms, derors. leaf fn al to the delay in the trial and puniehment ot murderers \ revail» it other places besides New York, and wo heartily believe in the World's plan, of either executing or acquitting A murderer within sixty days after the irrest. Let all such case« be taken up At once aud pushed to the end withe delay dilly-dallying; then and not until then, thcru will bu a dccicase in the number of murderB committed. W oils Co'.oncl Ingereoll 3 address •t the funeral ot bis friend, Horace Beaver, in Hœton, last Sunday, grand in its eloquence and beautiiul in its conception, we have no doubt but it fell tlat to those of hta hearers who believe in the immortality of man. There was nothing to convey a hope beyord the dark and cheerless tomb, and the friends ol the deceased, whose belief is the same as that of Colonel Ingersoll, grieved as those without hope. A noted French infidel, when on his death bed, remarked, "I about to take a leup in the dark,*' and Colonel Ingersoll tried to impress upon the minds of his hearers that this is what they all would be obliged to do. Christianity, however, teaches us dif furent, and the death bed evidence of thousands, some of whom were poor and unlearned, shows that they were wiser and richer in accepting Its truths thau Colonel Ingersoll, with all his brilliant oratory and ihctoric. WU8 Whenever there is & Btrike In this country the free tiade journals call at tention to it as one of the results of protection. Now however, there is one of the greatest strikes that ever oc- , . curred in free trade England, and ® tbeso same journals have but very lit lie lo say about U. Ten. of,1. ©1 men arc engaged in this strike, and although everything has been peace able thus far there is danger of a bloody riot breaking out at any time. This will certainly be the case it the dock companies undertake to carry out their threats of importing laborers to take the places of the strikers. At prepent London is filled with an influmable element which, it the first blow is struck, will be difficult to control. Surely there are other causes besides protection which leads to strikes aud riots, and it w«,uld be well tor free traders fb make a note ol the fact. WnF.5 Asbury Park wab founded by Jamea A. Bradley, be intended it as a religious resort, and eßpecially stipu l»ted that under should intoxicating liquors be Bold on the grounds. Now, however, after several years ol trial, Mr. Br&db-y writes a letter to the Philadelphia Press, in which he urges the adoption of a high license and restrictive liquor law. Heretofore Mr. Bradley has lieen considered a leading and uncompromis ing prohibitionist, but in this com munication he admits that prohibition at Asbury Park has proved a failure. Mr. Bradley not only forbid the sale of Intoxicating liquors at this summer re sort, but be also, to do, interdicted its use by those who visited the place, and although he w sustained In this by the majority of the resident a, he ia mit that it lias all proved " vexation of spirit," and that he is obliged to resort to high license to check the traffic. circumst 1 1 r lie abh forced to ad d.V d The attempt nf a man recently re leased from the lVmnsyjvania IVniten liary to rob a train on the Pcnnsyl vania Railroad, is another illustration tioD. This man is not only a thief, but he is a murderer at heart, and the porter of the car, who now lies in the bospUr.Uiadly wounded by two bullets, need not II, »nk bim a, nt in, i 8 living to-duy. Buch nun should not bave their liberty, as they are as dan. erous n. ä ä taw» by which sutli n. n wouUl be % 8 % 2 , S'J'LS-»f n w JÆS «ueh thug« ore'n'.iu Ù , m uiiar^c The State owes it to its dlixtns to jin tect their lives and prop-rty hut this cannot be fully accompli.-i., ! until the law is rnotle so that it will dc : . •' : lawless class of the power of d< iug kurrn. ; 11 i Th» Democratic State Convention meets in Ohio to-day and it I« expected that It will continue In >eftrfon two days. During that time it will nomi nate a candidate for Governor and oth er State officers. It wi.l also adopt a platform, which there is every reason to believe will be similar to the one adopted in Virginia a few weeks since, which was made to spread over every thing, but covers notbiug. The party might as well save itself the trouble of nominating a ticket, as the only ques tion in the next campaign is the size of the majority for Foruser and the entire Republican ticket. Democracy dead in Ohio, and dead beyond hope oi resurrection. This fact is well known to the leaders of tho party that it seems strange any one can be found to accept the empty but expen sive honors of a nomination. is the Yourself, Aud heed theapjteals for assistance put forth by your liver, when the organ is of order. Among these are distress In the right aide »nd through the right shoulder blade, yellowness of the hk n and eyeballs, farnd tongue, sour breath, 6ick headache, aud, above all, irregular! ty of the bowels. The mercy yon extend to the atRictod organ Is wisely shown by a prompt courn,. «>t medication with Iloa e Stomach Ritters, most genl.-.l «if uhe-aiivc-s and the hepatic gland early rtoiprocatea the deeerved «ttentlon bv mining Its secretive functions actively und regularly. Among the accompany ing nooJ results are renewed digestion, 'reedotn from headicbe«, and a renump ti n ol activity < f the I oweii. All bil ia sy 1 Uptons duapin-ar, und appetite ! aleep improve. Rouefloeut «fleets of the bitters in malarial disease, kidney disorder, rheumatic ailments aud nervouanesa. He Merciful a t! a the V.l r Complaint. Is ft not worth the small price of 73 cents to frie y of these dhtrts-ing think ol Shiloh's Vital lier. Every bottlo has a prlntel guarantee and If It does yc nothing. N. B. retail ugent, Second and Market streets, Wilmington, Del. Dyspepsui f of every symptom plaints, 11 y store and get a bottle call ul accordingly, good It will cost you Dauforth, wholesaU) : fn ■ World. coiilinue ILU unMl nom« body tieats the great lung curative ag Dr. Bituma' We me bite i'uiuionto BaLam, aigti. Mr. L. vV hllRuy, contractor at Clifton, Df! saye lie wilt take in it up rod aller belug considered ie. lor cougbs.feoru throat, etc. Depot, Fourth and vta, Wilaklimtou; rLUaclcl;»kia, bmilh Kline Co.. 4dl Arch street King We have a apeedy aud positive Curo for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker Mouth, and Headache, fn aillLOU'ff CATAKKII REMEDY. A Nanai Injector free with «•h bottle. Use it ff you desire health _jd sweet breath. Price30 cents. N. B. Danfortb, wholesale and retail agent, Second and Market struts, Wilmington, Del. in in Fire» for 18SO. Fire» for 18SO. Many Urea this year have be by w'txxi 1 yard, foot ol Monroe utrwt. Oak, anti hickory wood in large loads, guarantee 2,240 lbs, of dean coal in euetl started d wood A Hrrgeaut's coal Wc snpcrvlsion. Juot received, a new car load o! We ; aleo » line Hue of baled hay atolraw. Central office Seventh and King street*. Look lor the » Oueu In tho cvoulug. Tole'^boue calls, 545 and 587. 1er I and fc'-n. No »Good Wat iclon right from the sands of New Jersey. them; three thousand juicy Mountain watermelons to-morrow No. 13 K. Fourth at. 3 Cf tz &. Co. Dr. Slimn«> Choie The great and certain andclironlo dlarrlnea,dysentery, choie inorbus ami cholera infantum, 3 Main depot, Fourth and King Wilmington, Del. Hold by druggists. Syrup. for acute et«, , . ® tree J> cod-ilah, corgles, butter lieh, J,» ? am ' pï^lth. .ityH is Th« ItAllahte. D. A. Powell,Nos. :*j 8 and B20 Madison !l .• • • LK'S. BUiLAPSLfiiiA, Tue«.lay, Au Some of ihe new TricotK are in sight. All wool, sea sot able shades, 374 cents for 36 inch goods. southeast of centre. $5 a pair for heavy all wool Blanke ts, 70 x 82 inches. You will hardly save money on them in this way when the host begins to nip. Here's another straw from our trade-wind in bed cov H o n e v-c o m b by a on lieen of re who of is to j e rings: Spreads (Marseilles pattern) C 7 x 82 inchfis, 80 c. Southwest of centre. The very latest wrinkle in Women's Turbans; straw, velvet trimmed, and with a big straw and feather ro sette In front. J aunty shapes, picturesque effects. red ami black black and white light and dark blue abh ad d bla-k gray Lock ai if they had come to stay. $4 25. Thirteenth and Chestnut streets corner. re . _ _ . „ A Lace Curfain Stretcher v»*th binges is handiest be thief, CRUEe it IS SO snug to pack the away . With hinges d V ith the . ... ^ OUt, It kills One Ot the big living ,,. et L ace Curtain worries. bave _ erous Dry as many as JOU please at , üüce - iiot one can be askew. Vi " nd 14 feet. With hinges, I3.50 and $3.75; jin ft a »nrl ft'l KO this WllllOUt ' * ô ftRC1 VO.OU. the •' : iug orlbi est of centre. John Wa«amaker. ana up. NEW SYSTEM OF CREDIT, A A NEW CREDIT HOUSE. A NEW AND SELECT STOCK. A Kew Furniture, Carpet and Stove House CREDIT Given to everybody without se urity or tee, and the bill can be settled in small Weekly Monthly Payments, at Frank J. Murphy's Reliable Credit House, i 17 Market Street and 116 Shipiey street. any guaran or duiuntiture:. KP Parlor Suites, Chamber and Dining Room Furni ture, Libriry and Office Furniture, Reed and Rattan Goods, Mirrors, etc. CARPETS. Velvets, Mdquettes, Body Brussels, Thrte Pij, Ingrair.s, Rag Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, etc. BTOYE 8 . r< l*. U A Rangfs and Cooking Stoves of all kinds, Ileoting and Parlor Stoves of every variety and style, Tinware. Refrigerators, ana a general line of Housekeeping Good*. TERMS: $20.00 worth of Goods for $1.00 Cash and $1.00 per Week or $4.00 per Month. ' .• $10.00 worth of Goods for $1.00 Cash and 50 Cents per Week or $2.00 • per Month. LARGER BILLS IN PROPORTION. b We hive fitted up the large four-story warehouse 117 Market street, running through to Shipley street and filled it with a complete and varied assortment of the most desirable Goods for Housekeepers, in the j Latest Styles and Designs, manufactured and selected for their durability and serviceableness, which we will „ .., TT 8e ^ on ' jrc " lt t0 an y responsible Housekeeper as low as a the same Goods are sold elsewhere for cash, and ro on Teim- within the reach of every one, at FRANK J. MURPHY'S be pack ith big With Reliable Credit House, 3STO. 117 MARKET STREET THROUGH TO 110 SHIPLEY. GIVE ME A CALL. A HANDSOME SOUVENIR TO EVERY VISITOR ttul3-t ',»-th-sa-15t i At Goldey's Wilmington Oommerclal College AND ßCHOOL OF Shorthand * ND .. Typewriting. Moitni ss students from 84 plaeei. Aide forji» of Student* ul<Vd Situation«, lto-opo *nd.,wlth » nil ana room«. Admitted fi up. In«truotk>n mainly gh Practical and Kdiicatfon. 2d7 year, coming «. *4 ladles. 14 y • dividual. id huntl Drop a lxtHtal for tho not sotneat (bscrlnrivc entai «tato, contiilnfng abnnd »kiln and allowing w in etudente are eiin«lmi II. K. GOl.Ph Y lie in the * of testi nmny for id I* Frlnc-ipul 'J'WO HOUSES FOB SALE -ON— INSTALLMENTS, Ton Dollars I'cr Month Six Rooms and Basement Kitchen. Call at once. , CLARK & McLEAB, Eighth and Market. CRATE F UL-CO VI FORTI V 3 Epps's Cocoa. BREAKFAST. ••nr» r ditfosiioa foWfe I Mr. KP I I V 1 1 ■ia:. i 1 die Hy I. I nil a* », die w. fi -rly rl«h • î». piv lr in half pound Chemist. London?kanlaad'. iii?i J° of CAPi MAY, ATLANTIC CITY, St\ ISLE CITY, and OCEAN CITY. N. J VIA PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, r< ATLAN clphla by uatisier ct. n Wilmington 7.0», 8.10 A. M., 12.W. 2.27, 2.33. and 4. an 17.00 A. M.. 2 27 1*. II., uiakl;;. ... - - 'VEST JVitbLV and CAMDEN A ATI.ANTI C l*. M 10 U A I I.HOA B M A. M.. and 2.27 P. M 5unday«, i.: A. M., onuect ng at PhtU<tel|ihU KY UA1I.KOAI). IN M. Sundays fil» •e WEST JE it ■ RAILROAD. EXCURSION TICKETS. aide ATLANT I CAPE MAY. BEA LE CUT. OCEA N CITY, N . Valid for t, *3/ 12-75 2.7» I Broad atree ide RATHS Mtatlou to 1 CHAH. E. PtJUll, ANRKKR (»P PAnsF.NOF.R3 barf, Phlla<l«lp J. I KID, >. W. BOYD, Asr>'lGcn 'I r«S8'r A* tim tho Nia Jy1S-3ht. 1 JOSEPH STQECKLE'S DIAMOND STATE Lager Beer —AND— Porter Brewery »p| -, 111 Mm WILMINGTON, DEL. Ul Office atii Brewery, V. W. Cor. Fifth and Allai Telephone 183. Depot and Saloon, Noe. S423 and 235 King Street. Telephone 23d. do Sts Shipping a Speciality, fi2-6m of |~j EADQUARTERii FOR PRIME FAMILY COAL •I.' CAREFULLY SELECTED, as CAREFULLY SCREENED, CAREFULLY DELIVERED. on Kennebec iCE&coALCo ■I J> iKCOND AND KINO STREETS. JOHN M. SOLOMON, —DEALER IN COAL, PLASTEP.INS HAIR, CALCINED PLASTEE, ï ILE LP.ICK AND FILE CLAY. FRONT AND CHURCH STREETS W1LMINUTON, DELAWARE. Maiaoincc K«j.3 West Third Street. WOOD, LIME, SAND, CEMENT. THE LEADER I» 720 Market St JACKS Large SHze Medium Size Small Size { Large and small Screw Jacks. Large and small Lilting Jacks. For sale, or will let them out by the day on moderate terms. ?! I. JOHN i HUDSON & CO, IVo. 13 Market St reel, Wilmington, Del. , EÏÏ3INJJE3 SUPPLY BEPOT Beltiug, Oils, 8team Racking, etc. j'Jff-t Flour is Down. Now is the time to buy, before the price advances again. Try a sample bag of my Royal Brand, only 22 cents for a 7 pound bag; 5 bags for $1.00. All the best brands oi tionr at the low est prices. Also feed, grain, bay and straw at JAMES C MCRHOW S. E. Cor, 12th and French St. BEE HIVE. V « 300 Market St. ANOTHER BIG PLUM. dents' Striped OUTING SHIRTS. The last 27 dozen the manu facturer had. Been sold all the season at 50 cents apiece. You can make yourself the happy possessor of them now AT 2 « CENTS EACH. Seven hundred more ©f those French Sateen WINDSOR TIES 12 ^-cent goods; this lot to go at 7 Cents, 4 for 25 Cents SATEENS MUST GO; prices will make them; 8c., 10c., 12Jc., 18 c; Old prices, I2>ic., 20c., 25c., 35C. ones y as you handled. Among the I2j/-cent will find some as fine How about Dark Cliallis at 5 cents a yard? Or Wide Fine Jia tistc at 8 cents? Bordeau Plaids at 5 cents; been sold right along at 10 cents. Wc have some odd Corsets and broken lines. It is to your interest to see the price of Bussell, Missimei L Co. RAYMOND'S RAYMOND'S VACATION EXCURSIONS All TravellDK Uipw Included 10 AUTUMN TRIPS li IN Till-: 5IONTI1 OF NlCrTEMHER. of from nine to six o UiuRng iFr'"* chi Com prlalng en dav ri, with Mulls to ounttun. Like, lUvcr, Kpr N aide Resort a I York. N including t îâ fTir Mi tli pi ay f HioalB. 1 old Or ' ■ rd Be kes (If ad Pliicid, Aiisablo luck Mo II nd Lake Kivci plain Adln i. tho k, V nil ev, \V at kin a Glen, Thousand Islunda. tim W ii 'it) la, tho St. J.uwreuco River and Kainds, mi Falls, Rutland, Bobton, Long Nia 1 island No K« pten.lMir O — Néron d • Yellow id Lust F.j mo Natlo •si g •ond Tour tho North tho I i fits Ritllroml; als. Cultforiila via Km und tho Nantu Fo I.i •si lire Ciiy rs-sc igntvting the purlieu oscriptlvo^clnjulnr^ des M&TMOND« WUIfUOSB, , an 1er UonUnantal Hofol Philadelphia, Pa. for 111 H. Ninth 123-21 D" rUKHSTH' 1 ' NNM.-HUTIUIS-I, . C ARTMLLL.DraaxlBt of t ltanoe ( qulremeuiB of U-\J wl Ul Oaneral in »ueh cane made and provided, •y h 1 vo nottofe that 1 «hall apply in tc the Goart of lieoersl Nea*tons of I At.' do writfag the Peace and Jail Delivory of the Btute ol Delaware, and for Now oartle Gounty, Blond*y. the uiih day of Sept. A.D.,1118, kein« the that day ot the next of a»td oenrt, for a lntoxinat'na; November ter llqnorr «1 rrth. the city of Wtl ty; the routai val -tlei h Is f. foll.l ward r jmuitni •I.' J. Tanl L H Jar Wm. ('. Bli D. W. Man . 11 !.. K.rri L J. tvf'II. B Bradford r rV' E. T. DU wo Honard ogle riank Sparks T. Ü CABTMELL L*. L Brow it n Birst W. Frank Pu uu24-2tdJ( w *yyiLMlNGTON STEAMBOAT CO. CITY OF CHESTER & BRANDYWINE Philadelphia, KIT.AM HUB cnc'.nir dally, J> cl I 7.U0 ail'd look, 7 clphla. P iky trip *1.60. Telephone, No. 87. leu JJOWN RIVER EXCURSIONS. 1*1 aîc'^u.p d Delaw a . June for A IT« LS ipinir at rc city. Stmr. Wilmington Leaves Fourth SL wharf dally, (Sundays e X . H ie." . For N( astje onfy.^l "ti .fend »»title l*ler. Goff's Giant Globules, Btrr InvlKt US 'Lt Tki BPEClVic CO. l ,'l*h )X PHOTOGRAPHYJ, EERLESft OTES ^ me liKHT. Buu>sr Uacuiuna rVDLIO BAU». pUliLIO 8ALE OF REAL ESTATE . I.« unilerdened widow «nd In lr-atUw of John Holland, dvc «». U Ute of Mill Creek Hand red, will eipoae to puido »aie, — BATURDAY, 8EI»T. 14, 1830, the hotel of Jacob 1L Hyatt. tn^tho wlllafio f Stanton. N •liowlno de*i lid '*> bu Hoi JiÄÄÄ >1 «Usefl t>ea es follow«, . I' 1 I . John <1. Monlnn, Andrew McKee. Bober* end by tno^ public ! i telni»M > Attendant« knowa -- ■* - KI.I-EN HOLLAND MICH A MI. Il I.I.ANI) ' 2 •y dralrable prorerty, rroiu Stanton, onfl-Quarter It A U Railroad, N. H.-TM« lot ôVümîû t > mill«. fi nl llOola and hedredj well wateretf. and f l!. n W. Bti: ■ I ie purchase , Auct. In ■ hum"* Ho lonry ftul9-llwA*ud-ta pUBLIC BALE Kentucky sad Southern Ohio Sfs Æflt ife® HORSES. ■ I.M.., Mm. ChsAUir, P«., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST, 23, at 1.10 o'clock p. m., an head of Kentucky and Houth Ms. Thl« will b«- a «(Kid lot ol » Pt *eraf n »u l | r# In caulo«**^ Two him! four inoâtli* ctedll. A. >1 TYRON. 1,. W. Btlilli I Will I IU and 2. »ell at niii.lto sale Ka-t Flfill »treot Hor will Imre bust 1 h 1 Televln.n , Auu ». A äu£M* JJUBLIC SALE OF COWS. The ■ the Dr'— ** public «ale, ». ailon, I».. W & TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1839, r. w... »eil I Ul, I.luwuod t. p. rii w rtybea.i offtcili d springers. One «< for H. I., POBERTS. !.. . Ftldlism A Train that IllK.U lime for ill a ti and sale. suXt-U pUBLIC BALE OF COWS. 'III h# Cat New Cut MONDAY, REIT. 9. 1889., frr*h rt These 1 juitty, lU lit Lar A credit of 1 yj day*. ROBERT MRltKO'K. UlSB-dAw pUBLIC BALL OF STOCK. >. i'o.. ON MON fully I, KEPT., 1«I18H>. \u .1 of. .lair, c(m. er«, Ul ty, Fa. ,D\V <1 Ft LEY A •Oo A. C. Stiarpl pRIVATE BALK. '• 1 Idlngb li i I ilV*;, Jolnh »hip, che«t( s llolllnadw r. k. j chi «."ii 1 » it A l M itciutif. r-2ld au21-8 CLOTHING AT COST FOR CASH or to responsible parties on Weekly ofMily Payments My entire stock of Cloth ing must be sold, es alter removal to my new stand I will discontinue the sale of clothing. Come at once and secure bargains,as I must close out by the first week in Septem ber. CHAS.J.H.BECKETI 726 Market Street. WILMINGTON, DEL. P. 8.—On or about Sep tember ist. 1 will open at 809 Shipley street with a full line of FUR?tlTU3E, CABPÊTS AND STOVES. Upholstering and repair ing of Furniture fn all its branches by experienced workmen. Give me a share of your patronage. H, BECKETT, Bai-T'Mob^ouioba.uio,,' • Express train«. »KwYoux.wenk day»,*! i 3 r , a , *. . . *1* UB, •* «H, #a OH, »0 7 Kkw You«, Hun liuv % •* i V J. '. I'h ii .a i a, week Uiivh ew. 7M, •« no, »oa »iotu' i'; . ! 1 •libs, 1 00, «2KS, iJ oo, 4 10. «ftu,> 1 •0 411, 7 05 8 35, *J5J p. * **-* IMli.AliKLflllA.Humlllva •« I t »Oft, 10 .lift, in., *12 08 1 nil •> •6 0S 52.5, fl 10, *0 40, A35 *.»» woolc diiVH.*-.» 13 * ?» ,y- n ' * liKI, *-J3>, 8 00, 4 10, *Q|>S r 705, ft:i5.>t ai p. m. • CnnütK 10 25. n. I •ÛÜ8, ( .'S, tty 1««>, * o id, fc35, »it ..v, N. .1., m a. m., Km, (I2.M8 on 10 , lay ' 2 . 38 . a. , 5.W I». 1>. m. •1145U.IH a;."*? w l\ dully. Ifg. •8 4<li Chicago, *8 4« a. daily. Clnolmiftti and 8t. Loul« .. And *H05 p. in.; both dully/ 11 ^ «• HINUKHI.Y Accox MU1>A 1 it 1 11 I'M». III. dully. p • 4 I I. P • ; hot! drtya, C.4o.ll I 4ft I 2.4?. d p Mai bin lTilhulutphl:. week dftv«: ft Mi. c, :tft. s ao, l| ;n 2 A5.3 ftù p. ui. Hundiiv«. I! i'. u. I. 85.» p. Ill For liai tim II aft w » ! « ! k day •» 80 p. For Lnndonbcr, day d h daily except Sitnduy. JUis ' * 1,>J Chicago •« HU a. m.. day; *6 :J l'ittah .. dully, except Su.,. »moduli)-. P dully, except Sun .. dallv. Liuvu l'n 11. a me i. )'n I a D ully. «4 lo, »8 1ft, noon, M 8ft, i 40,8 «1«, 10 lo, II 80 p.m. y, excopf H.indny, r, 46, *3 80 and ft 2ft p. m. Wm, .'4 15, 4 3 ! 05,1: .1 •7), • 1 *1 «; TH . No. m 1 to weiten iß Vfii C.U.bCb'LL, Oeit'i i'ua*. AgU .1. ! I'!l Gt Philadelphia, Wilmington auj Baltimore Kailroad, Jt I 1«», Ti follow* «OinnioUaUoiu ««n ■ at*» £ " »\ 1M.404 > 1, I ti ioV i', . V Igtll 7ft\ «bd jffSKVSb i r.;,^ »«. : ' 3 îi'aud Aft ' ^ '**. «*. ..V w JSfelï"«,!"?!?*?.*" 15 "*■ jialttmore and Bay Line, 6 13 p. ». Baltimore and Waatilugtun. •*». 6 i nVw'cmU e ,, '' ,ÄW * lr6 w, vi»ioa 1 lb p. m., and IK 411. 12 U 2*1. «S3, .r> a. tu., i.-i Beaforrt ( .rc«'jm «iatloi.K f,2» P- ». rrtanjon. D«i»ar, and w«T J3», tor äanriaXton, ■ eo p, ». for U Têr , Harrt ok loo, «a a Ufel '•g.-rTi i'olat .00». l^ava pUUiwieipttU, Bro»lfttrMt. tot W11 BüugiOD 1 (expreu), 3 at, 7% 727, n., »1«. 10 W. 11 ia, 11 lii, m.. • - ' 8 »A 8 01. «is «M • w.ftti. -ft4*. eu AoooinrnO'latlou, (B, » 1UÏT. Uft^saT I X Ultauei nbi I, a. ».i IW, 7 « AUAlNft. 7 OS and D40 p.aj. .. 181ft. »»*. «D I« a » 10. il It a m,i 1219. iK. ti). For «Vw> Oi, £S r Klrk . o ' WMhlngtoa, *k, *»i. 0> u *. in.. 12 06. 4 8*. *• SA 6.42, »«Up.». 'dss®?»'»:'"' 11 a.^ommodatlon^B.^tt.^A, M., U,U,2."3, I n format'.oci paWf "» «^* leket offloa at the «tatioa. lt«lM>lezprtf,i , via Lamokln. (18 a, ■ . Potut Oomfort, ul Middle to iru, NiHur. LW. ILS ».10. 8.M. For further f er red to the tl__ Tralnn warkeft wouu , •SBfevaiPaaseiuar a i t«acir>u # s® Mènerai Msnaa« Wilmington A Northern U. 1L eOect, Jane leave WUiulugtou (freaoli «Ueet* ae tot ReaUlurf, mrdebufWi Joaaa» eld, VvayneeburK JuucUun,Manor.Pou. . uioqua, Alliiutown, Lebanon. We point* ou the FUlUielj kl J< Vur : "Soriaxïekh * föriSLnt 4 'junc . villa. KuioreevUe, Lenapn. ChadT * ad Dupi'iii'« aud \nw»«diaV« polnu. ' meaut« P® laU ** E " j.lO. «.50*nl .**)*». Trill. Sprin; iiu.c K »ad fi • ■ «eayllie For' We«t Cheat * P L»«diy except Baturday and Bonday. For New hrllgi aud lutermoctate 1,17^. m. and on Baturday only 'j P Bundn^ for Uaadluf ^xnd lnter»edl»w Sprln«|ats\d' ano Intermediate pointa at 6.11 . 7.00 a. • I »H7 h IV «■. Wc.CAIJSLAWD, B»)WNKWB8I»OI, ■uDferlnUudaat. «**" *"••*■*• VTF.W JEK8EY AND WILMINGTON lx Furry Company. Tlmo Ut»l«* betw<**M Wilmington «ml I'enussrove, tuklu* eilet* ay, June 80, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY ä', i.t\ 8 00 p. m., 12.05, 8.05 ««rore^ftj 9.Vt m. in.. 1.34. ! '• : I. J: 34, «.Oft p BL'NDAYB ONLY. a\ oxv 2. L e Wllinlngt 10, l ft, . 1 . I .10, 6. 7.i\ P.M. a. Atlantic City Wilt ?,iîï lés c Atlantic City «.to d. tn. jsaenxera Tor WUmtnjDou m. ol the boat and UkaWlUnln a nil Cape Ms I. McOAUBLANl). BapurlnlcudeaL k^J-eodtf A\7ILMINGTON AND NORTHERN YV RAILROAD. BRANDYWINE BTIMMIT AND JO H&1UIITB CAMP MEK1TNGB. ticket» w »ANNA I c «old fr< SffiE\ 3 £ at for fvu,: nelu-l< u«t 4th 1 , and ^und*y spécial rot*h to Jo :ef "ä Msr vä . in m J, ly 2»ih to IT fail BOW N EBB 11HIUUS, Ul Lui 0 PAHKU'ft «»«lia TON IO wituout delay. ▲ rar» m*d ioior.1 compoanJ that our»» when all »Do MID. Ha* oar»<i the worn ea»M ol 0#u«;h, Wfeox Lanj*. A it tuna, Indl«e«Mon, inward Palm Li hauation, Me. at DrugrfUtf. s i JUINDCBOOBXM. The taiaiv, wr «Bt and t>e»t oar» tot Oor«* JBunlont, «to. atop» alipata. ftiniaf»» a*« lett to the Mat, jir« tails t< MOflgtfl. "_ sur». 1» o»a« UlSOOX a oo. R.Ï*