Newspaper Page Text
TTTTl MORNING- HRIiAi n Ut i WILMINGTON. DEI,.. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 27.1876. VOL 2. NO- 65. ONE CENT. ± WANTS. A D\Y AT HOME-Ageutt wanted, hi Outfit an1 terms free. TRUE * GO. jugnsta. Maine._ mW - | Y <lo<1 ' Four large life-like Steel Eu S ivlngs of tbe Presidential ndldates sell rapidly. Se^d IiiTaDAY fur circular N. >. Engraving £ « Wall street. Box 8236 N. Y. aug3ltf lBEXTS FOK MALE. vORSALF—WILLC 'XA GIBBS «kW I INC* MACHIN e An order on Wlllcox OlbDS lor on account of au a"to > atlc wing machine; will be sold a'-a discount. THIm OFFICE. ply at tf POR PA l x-- One thousand cords of I good, dry, bard wo»d, ctieap lor cash quantities to suit puichasers; a so some hlie poplar trees, still standing, winch lud utilized for lumber orf.r the mauu Lctnre pap r. the wood can be teen on [v farm above G ay inont. 3 R R S'. H T ARMSTONG. FOH MENT NOR RKN1'.—wtore, oiaugUwr house ami I premises, No 881 Tatual street, with ituies, AC. • o session given in two weeks im time ot application. Apply to MARY AHRENS, 1415 Delaware Avenue. AoTltlEM. FoTICh!.—N ATU KA L.I Z aTION.— A liens N may declare their Intentions before the th. District court and obtain tbelr first [pers on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Lins, from 7 80 to 8 3u o'clock, until after fc general election. r 8. R. SMI i II, C.ejk. Ifflce, Second-story Post-office Building. llU-lm POLITICAL. [DEMOCRATIC MbEiING.—A meettDg J o tue Democrats of Wilmington aim (cinity will be held at Fourth and K mg frets on 1-rlday evening, October 27ih, o'clock. Addresses will be detlve 90 Benjamin T. Biggs, Chas. Beasten. J r„of iltlm,,re, and James H. ahakspear. Esq. [Philadelphia. oct24-2t 0T1CE. l.tsiMocRATic City Executive Committee ro*m October 23d, 1876 . GENERAL ORDERS. It. Is ordered and directed that tbe follow 2 meetings and pul'ede takepluce.aud ihe iec.itlve ( ommlttee ol tbe several wards t directed to at once communicate B committee lor the purpose of carrying {these orders: First and Ternu Words—Mass meeting to held at Front aim Jeff rson streets on iday, October /7lh, at 7J4 o'cloca. 1-venth Ware— Logan House, Monday, tob-r :<nth, at 1% o'clock. Ninth Ward—lutsday, October 31, at l'/ t Slock. lecond Ward—Wednesday November 1st. [o'clock, ut corner Heald and New castle enue. rhiid and Fifth Wards—November 2d, 7 y t stuck at Fourth and, Washington. November 3d. general parade ot all clubs. November 4t.n, German, sixth and King (eels. 7 ;/ 2 o'clock. November 6th, tslxt.h aud Eighth Wards, [h and Market si reek*-. Thoma R. I ally, President,p, t. IJest. K. B. Frazer, secretary, p, t. fliero will be a Democratic meeting at [laware City on Friday nigli*., October lit; to be addressed by lion, e it Sauls p.v, fc,. Myers, Esq., and Colonel William iNtwton. It. (itorge's Satur lay evening October lb; to be addressed ny Hon. James L. Iliaiiuigham. Colonel William H. New Band h, Myers. Esq. |irk\vood Tuesday night,, October 31st; Iteuild eesed by Ji m. 11. nj min i'. Mag.*, PM-d \\ lllism Reynolds and Colonel ■Ham H. Newton. Vi'Uiit Bridge, j but meeting •Wa, Red Lion and Penesat ■Is; to be addressed bp Hon. B. T. Big, s. ■tral Reynolds and oih rs. I by order ol the ' ounty Committee. it j, of St. er Hun EMOCRAT1C MASS MEETING Will be held at i'S HOTEL. BRANDYWINE BANK* I Christiana Hundred, [THURSDAY, Novembf-r 2d, 1876, at ~'A I o'clock in the evening. le meeting will be addressed by IUGE GRAY, F.sq., of New Castle, HE.nRv OL\K '1'UrtNEH, Esq., harry sharpley, Esq 6 " iltnlngt.on rampnign Clubs will be tut and participate in a grand torch Pipcession on the occasion. 'order p-7t COUNTY FX. DOM. • r 'LY! BOYo! RALLY I [democratic mass meeting "® 6 la the village of j ETaNTON, 1 Mill Creea Hundred. P'JNImY, Oct. 30th, at 7 o'clock P. M. f meeting will be addressed by pOHN^GMHYRriE. Esq, UBNL WM REYNOLDS. ItR SWIlHlN CHANDLER And others. pKImira Cornet Band of Newport will ■ ttiionUuDco. Come o„e, come all. [order FMOC1UTIC EXECUTIVE r-OM, Mill Creek Huud'id, {[I s it. BUDDY, Paris Millinery, in?,'° u| h Thirteenth street, between ul " and Wuluul atreet, ruHmiel ocl24.n* w SfuKU. N D. 1212 ICING STREET. Mrs. JON R. HBAYLIS, |WUi1m in urms her trlundssnd the m gi nerai thut abe 1 us • pencil a tne tiiiiive-u 1 toed pl«ce, where Will *. 11 Koo 1 stoea of an,, Vfi* Tlu 'IMINO'H.HTATIONERY u MlsCKEI.AiV ECUS G< tuDH. r^Huliy ash* your patronage. Low "til lijir dealing is lir motto. all couvinced Don't torget Hi" place, _ Ml. 121 ICING ST. Boo! I! oriHl 1 I'OCM-o tor Preserving n urn.« Dh'iiil using ice or embalming cai ' b= place 1 to suit the a.ully Ice u * k or in'-re. Le»s expensive In,,' r'Tsonal attention night or day. e r,,n» i™ 1 ' O'tui'e made to order. H ire lan t a lar *" all d good class of «ec ) l'n??! !" r, i which will be soH 1 U. PETERSON, Agent Fourth and Shipley ■«. Jyl at mm. DRY GOODS. &.C. OFFERING AS A Special Bargain. OREGON XX BLANKETS AT $5.00 Per Pair. Acknowledged to be the best value for the Quantity R rlce ever sold; formerly $7. mined. Also, now open a full assortment of MEBIN0 UNDEBWEAB. ALSO, MEDICATED FLANNELS, SHAKER FLANNELS, BLANKET SHAWLS. AND CHILDREN AND LADIES FANCY HO SIERY. 6. WORRELL, MASONIC TPMPLE. oct21 tf OPENING NEW STYLES OF Ladies' Cloaks, THE PRETTIEST AND B r ST GOODS EVER IMPORTED. EIGHT PIECES OF Black Dress Silk, AT LOWER PRICES THAN CAN^BE PURCHASED TO DAY. 100 PJilRS OF BLANKETS. A GOOD PAIE FOE AN ELEGANT PAIR FOR $5.00. $3.00. AN ASSORTMENT OF £4 AS LOW AS St.SB A PIECE. M. L LICHTENSTEIN, 226 MARKET STREET. UBT OPENED; A VERY CHOICE ASSOR1MENT OF J HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND GAUZE MERINO UNDERWEAR. RUFFLING.?, LAOIS, TIES, OORS ITS AND NOTIONS, IN GREAT VABIE5 'V S. H. STAATS, i Vn 4l7Mnr)rpt S1 vb EDU 'ER PRICKS. HAM Lb.I . Laundry. Sixth A Mar k«t. Gent's List. Price. I adles' List. Ptrlor, Shirts, 10 Wra. pets, $3 Collars, 4 Dre«s, plain Drawers, 8 sleeves. Under Shirts, 8 Polonaise, v Ight Sit ris, 8 V nlsts, p aln, 15 to 25 W, ol Shirts, 8 t-klrts. plain, )5 to 25 Socks, 4 Chemise, 15 to 20 Handkerchiefs, 4 C' lseis, 15 to V'li Cuffs, per pair, 5 Overskirts, 50 to2.1 0 Nec t es, 4 Draw rs. Bosoms, 8 Stockings, Vests, 2510 60 Collars, Pants, woo 1 , 25 to 31 Cuffs, per pa ir " Ilneu,25tu50 Nlg'.t I ress es,10to2l Towels, 5 Aprons, 10 to 25 Napkins, 5 <'ouiHerpai»es,50to$l ,ov'a,15to75 Blanket-, 50to#l Sheets, 10 Curtains. 2.5 to 31 PI lowSIlps 10tov.5 (Shawls, 2oto$ ! Bed licks, 5* Bols er OoT'l, SO tofl Rollers, 10 Tidies. 6 to 10 Work taken every day of t'a» week and returned on tbe t-ilrd or four h day there after St'angers wis iing their clothes de livered mas', pay in advance. N ■ allowance on clot* es *a d to be lost unless reported within 24 hours after deliv ered. Family e'otbes, small and \arge, $ ; all large pUeescharg'd *1.50. For work done in less than three days au extra t rl e W'l ba o' arged. No an tele dell eer> d uaitl pi aid for. Goo's not called for In Suda yswlllbesold Oot23-lw R .50 ' 10 Co 25 75 t ► $1 i0 to 2 5 5 to tl 0 5 to II I U a n Mice to tKe Ladies. Best quality of SEWING MACHINE OIL, and all kinds of tawing Machine Needle s at the Singer office. No. t J5 Market Street. sepl-27tWAS ■ N.I1H2.ER API STOWES AND FIXTURES. REDUCTION. Stoves! Stoves! The subscriber at the old stand NOS. 7 & 9 EAST FOUBTH ST. r* selling stoves at. prices t suit the limes The largest ass ltn.eot uf stoves ever offered for sale in ths State. We have flx> d the prices so low that we defy ooui uetil Ion. All pt sons In want of stoves are Invited calf and see for themselves. to H. F. PICKELS, \ Nos 7 * » E. FOUR 1 H 8T. octl9tf Now is the Time v—TO— GET YOUR NEW HEATER PUT IN, Or get your old one repaired and put In good condition for the winter. WE HAVE SAMPLES IN STORE Of the best manufactures of Portable and Bricked HEATERS We employ none but first-class mechanics in our heater depart- ent, and you are sure of getting good work. as-A gents for tne Standard Heater. Also Spear's "Golden Sun" fire-place heater and dpear's parlor stoves. Send lor olrculars with cats. Flinn & Jackson, No. 219 MARKET STREET. octlO-ly-eod COAL. COAL! COAL! Arctic Coal and lee Co., ©FS'ICE: NO. 2 EAST SECOND STREET Have the best coal In the market and are selling at very low rates. Call and see us. Guaranteed full weight (2210 lbs.) J. B. CONROW A SON. octl3-6m J^HE SHAWNEE and other celebrated coal, free from slate *ad dust, reduced one dollar per ton of 2240 pounds, dellveredat the door. -a n Kip.ner htritbt new YORK a «0..?;SPRUOE 8TREET, NEW YORE. * C. W. WELDIN, Market St„ South side, Christiana, sept] 24m PRICES REDUCED $1.00 PER TON. TURKEY RUN LEHIGH COAL, The above ib a very superior article, pre care for FAMILY USE. Try It and you will always want It. ADAM GRUBB A SON, Twentieth and Market. 9th Ward, w p. with our Patent Dump Wagon we will deliver it directly Into cedars. pared with great HEAP COAL. c FOUT Hos reduced the price of his ENTERPRISE I Mai UNE DOLLAR PER TON. JOSEPH FOUT, West and Water, aud Orange and Water Sts } j^HAWNEE COAL, SHAWNEE, The favorite everywhere. Wecure yonr supply now for whiter us-. Schute wagons place u In cellars without dirt. OH AS' WARNER A CO,. Market street Wharf. ^JRaX'S ferry PRINTING INK WORKS, CITY COUNCIL. the coal oil contract to bb INVESTIGATED. Streets Ordered to be Graded and Paved— The Centennial Committee Make their Pinal Report. Minutes of meetings of October 12th, 18th and 19th were read and approved. The Street Committee on the communi cation of A. Gillespie asking damages done his property by repairing Church street, reported adversely. The same committee, on the petition of Amos Eistburn and others asking repairs made on New Castle avenue, reported favor able. Ou the petition ol James Mitchell and others, asking that Jackson street be grad ed, curbed and paved, reported In favor of paving said afreet., and on motion of Mr. Pickels the balaLce of petition was referred to tbe Committee on Opening S tee's. On the petition of Joseph Flanegan, ask ing to rent the s one quarry ou Eleventh street, tbe committee reported adversely. The committee reported that the overflow of water complained of in the communica tion of Enoch Moore, Jr., bad been attended to, and t lie evil removi d. Ou tbe petition of Drake & Co., asking space in front of their store on Fourth street, the committee reported In favor of granting a space of twenty feet. On the petition of H. F. Dure and others, asking that Read street be graded from Har rison to Van Buren, reported favorable. On tbe communication of John Gallagher, asking for a donation to assist him in pa} lng expenses Incurred by him, on ae count of injuries sustained by his daughter, caused by carelessness of city employees. The.committee reported unfavorable. Tbe same committee, on the petition of E. G. Shortltdge, President of Board of Educa tion, asking the paving of sidewalk on west side of Harrison street near the school house, made an adverse report. Ou tbe communication of Benj. Lee, M. D , complaining of deposit of city dirt on tbe saud ljt, reported that the evil In this case had been remedied, t The Water Cjmmittee reported, that the horse, wagon and harness had been sold for sum of $124.45. The Committee on Public Buildings, on tbe petition of Mrs. John Reaves asking for the use of the City Hall during Christmas week, reported in favor c-f granting the request. The Law Committee reported: The ordi nance to repeal an ordinance providing for the appointment of a Clerk of the Registry Bureau, and the ordinance making extraor dinary appropriations were in conformity with the city charter. The same committee, on the communica tion from the Bo .rd oi Health in relation to impurbles in the Brandywine water reported, that in theft opinion it was not expedient to pass an ordinance at present as tbe Chief Engineer bad full control of the matter and could stop running the pumps at any time If he thought tbe water not fit to use. The City Treasurer reported in the Union National Bank for week ending October 19, to the credit of the city : For current ex penses, $3,504 90; Cool Spring Reservoir, ♦71.51; redemption bonds, $700; total, $4,276.41. And for the week ending Oct. 26' It: For current expenses, $3,539,64, Cool Spring Reservoir, $7151; redemption bonds, $700; total, $4,311.15. The City Audi or reported that he had examined the accounts of several city officers, and found their accouuts to be correct. The Street Commission reported 48 men, 5 double teams and 8 single teams employed in his department for week ending October 24th. The pay roll of the Street Department, amounting to $312.68, and the pay roll ol the Water Department, amounting to $164.75, were read, and on motion ordered to be paid. In compliance with a resolution offered by Mr. Pickets, at a former meeting, tbe Clerk of Council presented a ll«t of persons who had paid claims to the city, but bad not received proper credits on the leln book, wbicb on motion of Mr. Pickets was adopted, aud tbe clerk authorized to make the proper credits. The following petitions and communica tions were read and referred to the proper committees: From Joseph C. Seeds and others, asking an extentiou of water pipes on Pennsylvania avenue. From James Davis, asking extentlon of wa'cr pipes on Buena Vista street. From John Palmer and others, asking that Vandever avenne be completed and placed in a good condition for travel during the coming winter. From Wm. Forrest and others asking an extension of water pipes to Thirteenth and CJAymont streets. Mr. JVbluer presented a deed from Joseph and William Tutnall, for a portion of Van dever avenue. Mr. Lynch presented and bad read a pre amble and resolution returning thanks of Connell to the P. W. & B. K. R. Co. for courtesies exteuded by the company to mem bers of Council and city officers on Dela ware Day. Which on his motion waa adopted, and the clerk instructed to for ward a copy to the superintendent of the cempauy. Ou motion of Mr. Feblger, the Auditor was directed to credit the account of Henry Grant with $11.36, and the account ot Joseph Tat ns II with $10,the) being charged with those amounts bv mistake. Mr. Pickels presented and had read the intcest list due Nov. 1st, amounting to $1,097.57; which on his motion was approved and oruered to be paid. Mr. Jones, Chairman of the Lamp Com mittee, reportedthut the contractor bad not furnished oil to the city stnee October 8, and since that time the city had been without oil and asked instructions from Council. Mr. Pickels moved '.hat tbe Committee on Lamps be Instructed to advertise for new pioposals, being in his judgment tbe best that could be done. Mr. Baker stated that the contract bad been taken from tbe clerk's offl e, and thought that the contractor should be com- pelled to furnish the oil; at tbe suggestion of the clerk, who stated the contract could be pr ven, which would, in the City Solici- tor's opiuiun be all that was requited. Mr. Pickets withdrew his original mo— mittee be Instructed to proceed under the advice of tbe City Solicitor. During tbe evening the following, order* were directed to be drawn: Francia Vincent, $7 60: Robert Bruce, $148 34. Adjourned. Porsonal, Mr. J Marion Emerson, for many years on the Commercial, but, who recently took charge of a paper at Ansonia, Conn., is no * on a visit to this city. He is doing well in his new home. Store Mobbed. Wednesday afternoon while Mr. Aiken and Mr Wood were in front of their store, at Front and Orange streets, attending to tbe shipment of stoves, the store entered by sneak thieves and everything in the drawer taken out. was "Ere'e Tour Applee and Istere ." Yesterday morning a petition was received by the Mayor, signed by nearly all tbe busl ness men on Water street, asking that the boys and girls who sell fried oysters be com pelled to discontinue their peddling opera Mods which are complained of as a nuisance The Mayor gave orders to have them kep 1 off the cars, but be would not Issue any orders to have them driven from the street The Sons of Temperance. At the annual session in Philadelphia, ot Wednesday, the Grand Division Sons oi Temperance, of Philadelphia, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Grand Worthy Patriarch, Joseph CJough: Grand Worthy Associate, George O Cobh; Grand Scribe, John C. Magulgan; Grand Treasurer, George C. Hagner; Grand Chap lain, Wm. G. Balnbrey; Grand Conductor Hahlon L. Richards; Grand Sentinel, W. P. Pontsler. The West Chester Suicide, Walter J. Hibbard, Jr., who committed suicide in West Chester on Tuesday, wa.* subject to fits of melancholy, and had befort made an attempt upon bis life. He went '0 the Sherman House upon arriving from Philadelphia, where be had been 111 for sev oral days, made arrangements to bosrd wltl his parents, went to his room osteoslbly to get a night shirt be stated, but the real pur pose was revealed shortly afterward when tie was found In the bath room with bis hroat cut, and dead. He was a man about forty years ot age, and of considerable Intel ligence and at the time of his death was deputy Coroner of that coanty. That Mysteriously Man. The man that came to Wilmington on last Monday with a wagon and horses, and who sold a lot of flour which he nad to Mr Walter of East Water street, now proves to have come from West Chester. The West Chester paper eays his name fa. Martin Myers and gives the following: John Miller, proprietor of Southampton Mills, New Garden township, Chester county, gave employment last summer to a man who came along hunting work. Time passed on smoothly, the fellow proving industrious and trustworthy, until Sunday night, 15th inst. Mr. Miller had informed his workman a short time previous that he would not need his services much longer, but In the meantime had interested hitusell to secure work for him elsewhere. Ou the above named night the "hand" harnessed up his employer's horse and wagon, pro ceeded to tbe mill, loaded two bags of flour and drove off. The Surrounding Country. Chester opened her evening schools o Monday night. They have a rule up In Chester that any speaker who occupies over an hour, shall receive the compliment* of the club—a stuffed one. A man from Chester county drank a pint of whisky, and declared this campaign was one of staggering arguments. A Reading man says "much droubles aboud yust now." Two buffaloes were roasted In Reading, yesterday, and the Democrats hid speeches I'rjm General McClellan and Hiester Clymer. Tbe West Chester "Local News' ' says: "We learn from a reliable source that the business of the Peacfabottom Kallroad has increased very much during the past year. The past six months the road has earned $20,935 02, which is over 62 per cent, more business than it had done tbe same six months In 1875." The West Chester "Local News" adver tises for a mahogany secretary. There le old disabled one called Belknap, that might be procured cheap. Wm. Michener, a farmer of West Grove township, Chester county, was thrown out his buggy in West Chester, last Tues day, while tbe horses attached thereto were running off and badly injured. Domestic Markets. The following were the ruling prices lu the street markets on Wednesday : Butter, 35 @ 40, per pound; eggs, 28 30c per doz ; tomatoes, per half peck, @ 20c; white potatoes, do. 12®15c; sweet potatoes, do. 16@20; egg plants, 4<cy piece; apples per half peck,10@12c ; pears, do. 10@ 15c; onions, do. L5@IS:; beans, do. 8@10c; cabbage, per head, 5@ 12c; dried fruits, per pound,8@10c,do,pared 15@20 do; honey,25@35per Ib; oranges,35@ 40c per doz.; lemons, 40@50c do; cattte loupes 5@10e apiece, 75@$1 25 psr basket ; cucumbers, 8@15 cents per dozen ; 2@6c apiece; currants, 10@12c per quart; radishes, 2@3c per bunch; string beaus, 10c per half peck; squashes, 2@5c each; beets, 50c per basket! corn, 10® 12 per doz; watermelons, 8@50c apiece; plums I 10@12 per quart; crab apples, 20@25c p, r half peck; grapes, 10@25c per pound; oats, 30@38c per bushel; pears, per half peck, 15@25c.; plumbs, per quart, 15@18c. Beef steak, e2(gd6 per pound; choice, 15 @18 do; roasts, 10@12 do; sirloin, 14@18. do; stews, 5@10 do; corned beef, 6@10;mu' ton, 10@20; chops, 16@20; cutlet, 20@22; lamb, U@15; veal, 10@20; roast, 12@2tt; bulogny sausage, 13® 10; pork steaks, 13@ 15; ham, 17@2S; flitch, 12@15; lard,15;tripe raw, 5; cooked) 10; sorappel; 8. Flsh.—Eel*, 8c * pound, mackerel, fresh, 25; Spanish do, 15; lobster*, 15; haddock, 8, sturgeon, 8; black b*w, 15: Halibut, 25; flounders, 151 white perch, 12U; rock, 15;, blue Sell. a TUB DEMOCRATIC PARADE. Reason Why the Clubs did not Visit Rew ork. It was not only a matter of surprise to the different clubs that they did not go to Newark last night, but a terrible disappoint ment, for they fully prepared themselves to make an imposing display,which they would utidoul t diy have dune, Judging from the very excellent parade that was afterwards made through the streets of Wilmington. It was a little difficult for awhile last even ing to find out the true reason of the disap point uent. Some said that It was because the Kallroad Company was fearful of an ac cident, and for that reason had refused to allow the lr cars to be used. Or hers contend ed hit those were to blame who had been entrusted with the power to make tbe rangvments After considerable hunting and Jos ling about. In the crowd, one or two were discovered who knew something about It, and the blame all rests, as it should, on 'be ratlrood company. At a meeting ot the County Executive Committee held several days ago, Gen. 'Vllllam Reynolds kindly offered to procure he cars for the committee for the trans i port at Ion of the club to Newark, and the committee was lead to believe that, a train could be hired from the railroad company, he train to consist of ten cars, and at he price of two hundred and fllty dollars. There must, have been some misunder standing, for tha money had been appro urlated by the committee, and could have been obtained by the railroad company In an hours' notice. Upon further Inquiry ■arlng made into the matter yesterday It was discovered that the company would not allow the train to leave unless only by the sale of tickets to each passenger. This vas not made known to Chief Marshal Brady until It was too late to make any further arrangements about tbe trains, and he therefore ordered that, there be a street parade, which was carried out. The torchlight procession was a very im p >sing one. There were at least one tbous utd men In line, and they were loudly hcered In all tbe afreets through which they passed. It was tbe firat appearance of be First ward club organized on Monday night, and in the costumes of a ridiculous kind, created cons! lerable laughter. What 1 he people of Newark missed the people of 'Vilmington gained, In seeing an excellent procession. ar Political Meetings. This evening at the Democratic head quarters, there will headdresses delivered oy Hon. Ell Saulsbury and B. T. Biggs. Ou Thursday eveniug, November 2nd, there will be a Democratic mass meeting, at Toy's hotel, Rising 8un. It will be ad iressed by George Gray, Esq., H. Clay Turner, Harry Sharpley and others. The same day there will be a grand Dem ocrat !c rally held at Middletown, at 2% and ~ l A o'clock P. M. Address will be deliv ered by Hon. Thomas F. Bayard, Hon. Helster Clymer, Hon. James B. Groome, of Maryland, Hon. Wm. G. Wblteley, Col. John O'Byrne, Hon. Wm. T. Hamilton, of Maryland, and others. Installation of Officers. The thirtieth annual session of the Grand Division Sons of Temperance, met yesterday morning at Temperance Hall, McClary'S building. After the transaation of minor buisiness, the Grand Division adjourned un til ' p. tu., and in the evening a session waa iiel which the following officers were ins'ailed for the ensuing year: G. W. P., Benjamin Murgatroyd. G. W. A., Sarah J. Kerbaugh. G. 8., George Stradley. G. T , Robert McCuulJ y. G. Con., AnDle C. Campbell. G. Chaplain, John E. Babcock. G. S., John Narvil. Trustees, Robert McCaulley, Z. Pickels. E. T. Maxwell. Minor Leeate. A new oyster depot has been opened at tbe corner of Orange and Ninth streets* Owing to severe hoarsenesss, Col. John O' Byrne was unable to attend the meeting at. Newark, lust night. Bush's Shenandoah Coal and their patent wagon for putting It In the cellar without dust, are both unequalled. A merehant down town sells more of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup than all other medi cines together. It surely must be the best remedy lor a cough. It was a strange affiliation to see Demo crats and Republicans marching together In Market street last evening. The two processions got slightly mixed. There will be a special sale of fine silver plated and fancy goods at 3U2 Market street, 'iinroencing at 10 o'clock on Friday morn sold. ug, and c. u timing until all are The si earner Jersey Blue will convey tl o itiip .igri clubs tram New Castle, Ibis eve log, 'o D. laware City, where there will le torchlight procession and speaking. Newark Last Night. The Democratic mass meeting at New <rk, last night, wasoue of exoelient success. Tnere was a graud torchlight procession, which there were over four hundred men on loot aud horseback. Tne Newark Cornet Baud lurulshed music, and one of the features of the parade was a company of diraslters Irom Cecil county, Maryland. Considerable disappointment was expressed the failure of the Wilmington clubs to appear. When our informant left, Hon. Eli Saulsbury was speaking. After an illness uf live or six weeks Franklin Q Flimt died at his residence,near Ne a port, ou Wednesday evening. He was t Iti.s 03d Mr F was president of the Newport National Bank, for several years, was au active business man, and was es tunned by all. IIis decease Is a loss not only to ids lainily but to the community at taree. His leninlns will beinteredooSat urday, at the Wilmington and Brandywine cemetery, leaving the House at 11 o'clock, M. Tht -*•«*** The jury In the Philadelphia "Times" 11 tel suit have not yet rendered * verdict. No reliance le to be placed upon tbe rumors a* how they st-nd. Tbe strictest orders have been Issued to prevent communication Death of Prnnklin Q. Flinn.