Newspaper Page Text
The Avant Courier. THUKSDAY, : FEBRUARY 27. 1s7'j Hew I Wen the Wager. E. H. S , la the Pioneer-Presa. "Beautiful? Well, scarcely. A very Strikin': face, and certainly a noble figure." "You are too fastidious. Doc, If Miss Doane don't realize your idea of beautv." •*A school teacher, yon said. 1 believe T' "Yes. A month ago she took Miss Al lan's place, and. ever since aim of us all to be introduced, but as to calling, no one can get the length of an in tritation." "Does she lire here,—in the village. I mean?*' «•Mo: her lather bought the house and Tot down by the saw mill. Old Ely's place, y ; u know: and she walks in and out every a.iy, though it must be a tniie each way.*' "A proof of lier good sense. 1 think I'll cultivate her acquaintance." "Well, good hick to you: but don't flat- ter your^lf. old fellow ! You haven't the pennies of Dick .Sellers to boast of. nor the good looks of some other of your friends, —ahem ! Yet we are cut off w ith the most distant bow." -Vanity! There might les difference of opinion on tuat point, you know. And ! as to Dick Seller«, no woman of sense could tolerate his conceit." "I fancy our beauty took a little of that out of him yesterday mominsr. We were j standing on the cerner, quite by accident, you understand, when she passed by. at it lias been the j ; j 1 j : pretty quit (be gate." "Good ! And now Frank, what will you I wager that inside of the next month I cali | on your beauty, und by her own invita- j tion ?" "A dinner at Delmonico's. Doc. with all Uiy hef.rt ! Shake hands on it. old boy ! 1 shall bt anticipating a feast at your cx ]>ense every day for the next four weeks." "I wouldn't. Frank. You know w hat I undertake. I always go through with. But there goes three o'clock. I must be off." Frank Elliot was the teller in the Mill ville bank, and .or two weeks I had been a physician in the same t awn. having bought is the practice of Dr. Wylie, the form- r prac- • ^ titioner. and taken up my re«idence with a widowed sister and her daughter Why I had never married need not be chronicied here. Suffice it to say that at this time I entertained no special intere«t in anr ]-.!y of my acquaintance, hut felt a srr -.ver sion for Miss Mathews, whom my ■ icr «et her heart upon seeing .Mrs. Dr. Seal. on Perhaps this accounted for tlie thought of the wager so suddenly protruding it.*elf into my mind, cr may l>e. I* was owing to the nr:;-': Jiv 1 a-iltl- y sta: of t!;e village and tr.y .c: - quc.'it jeisure: but, be thr.t ns It n: Î rr-rt.tinly conceived the fancy to kliow Mil, ville and Miss Do me I could do too •frueted the way. I might have had smooth sailing, but, as it was, no help could be ex pected of my sister, forany one in the light of & rival to 'dear MUIy' would be omin ously regarded. However. I did not despair. On the next no , the the the as 1 would. Had not Miss Mathews ob- less . at than afternoon, giving Miss Doane about five minutes start. 1 invited my little niece to ride (much to the child's surprise. I must their confess) and. of course, drove in the di rection her teacher had taken. fix "O! uncle, there's Miss Doane. Shall we cases ask her to ride': There's plenty of room." "You may." and. stopping tlie horse. I raised my hat in recognition of a lady's preson<e. while Alice nude her request, which I seconded. the by year "No. thank you! I prefer to walk." came in low. firm, but not un musical tone«. I was not disappointed, for I had ex pected this. And I congratulated myself upon having taken the first step toward tlie end in view. I had spoken to her. and if she iiid not already know, she would soon leam that I was Dr. Se*l, the uncle ot ore of her pupils. But time passed on. and I had very little to ofler in reply to Frank's frequent reminders that he was ready at any time for a run down to the city and that Delmonieo dinner. Soon, how ever, fate favored me w ith a rainy day. I awak •ned one Friday morning to tin-1 it raining »steady, dismal pour, and at once was suggested to my mind the plan of accident- ed &1 y overtaking Miss Doane upon the road, •nd inviting her to ri-le. which »he «urely j would he glad to do in preference to wad- ! log tinder a dripping nmbrellm With a gaiety inspired by the *tirety of •access. I was soon driving down a back road which I knew wrotiid bring me to the one usually taken by Miss Doane, at a point souie distance below her father's house. It was not a pleasant ride, ail things considered: rather damp, and lone ly. too: only one other vehicle being sight. That was me. and 1 was preparing to dash by. when lo! whom should I see ii|xin its time-worn cu»hions but Miss I>oane an-l ol-l Deleon Tubbs ! I believe I spoke to tlie -leacon. but there are things I am surer ot. I Jo not know how much ot my disappoint ment showed in my face, but I thought I saw a smile lurking about Miss Doane's Ups. Tlie next attempt was. perhaps, a rash one. but it was planhed in sheer de*|>er:'. tion. Only two weeks of the allotted time was left me. when one Mon-lay morning. Upon a sheet of office paper, and with great haste, apparently. 1 wrote : Mias Doaye:—H ould it be too great an infringement of your rules to excuse my nietx* trout your class in Free Gymnastics ? 1 notice timt she frequently complains of fatigue alter the exerei**. A reply would oblige Howaud Seal. M. [>. This I directed Alice to give to her leach- >*<* er. and then waited anxiously for the re suit. I trusted it would, at least, further our acquaintance, and hoped it would do min-h more. About an hour after the usual time Alice returned, and w ith lier a note tor me. It any missive ever w ore a business-like as peet to its recipient tlie reply n. nlv mat-bed it, for it was written ... : in-hack of a school report. And its chirograph/ was not w luU might have been expecte«I. It read : Dr. Seal. M. D. Miss Doane refer* your note to mo see ? I .'.m the fn.* ee your niece had lest ,ea fc,-. .n I 1 , „»id continue to go on at pr .-eut il ten l will sec raid ulk w ith you on Uw subject. Respectfully. Ezra Ti bbs. as of Wools could I >ut faintly describe my feci ing» upon reading this. I learned tram Alice that she had been requested to re- me; main a few minutes after the other pupils had »Nine home, when site, with Miss an Doane. repaired to tlie deacon's dwelling, *" where the shore epistle was produced. 1 think after this 1 gave up ail hope. Tlie g7' clays passed by until only three were left. a Monday ended the month and this Was Katurday. I was sitting in my office a lit- idert tie before noon, when a boy opened tlie as door and handed im a piece of pa|>er con taininguwo hastily-penciled lines : "Will Dr. heal please call immediately at Mr. Duane's? Haiti an Doa**." Was this Fate? It k Ard like it. Half Wrildered I obeyed uwtnons. and loif 1s7'j • » as muu waiuug an answer to my km«.!», j The door was opened by a rather feeble ! looking old gentleman. who at once show ! « 1 me to my patient, by whose bedside sat Miss Donne. very Miss T' Al to in I and place, every I'll flat- the the most And ! that were j at ••I will tell you frankly. Miss 1 >oane. that Alter concluding my examination and inquiries regarding the case in hand. I gave the necessarv directions, and added : your-' -brother" I was about to add. when she interrupted me with— "My husband." I was dumfounded. "Your husband! And yet you have! the l,wn ca '*' n ^' yourself Miss Doane to the j people who have entrusted their children to your care ! "Never! It was their own choice that .hej called me Miss poanc. 1 applied for, their school, and signed the application Marian Doane. And as such, and only «nch. have I represented myself." Then -he told me her story. Wlten very young **ip was married to her cousin, Harry Doane. a young bridge-builder by trade, some six months ago he fell from a great height and received injuries Irom which he never recovered. His brain w as affected, j •tnd. though never violent, it became neces-j saryto confine him. and he required the same tending as a child. For the better, accomplishment of this tliey had removed from the city to their present home, where -he was able to give the invalid imiclj. of j her time and yet lighten the family ex ; pense» by teaching. j Together—Marian and I—for so I soon ' j learned fo call her. watched by the bedside ; 1 of the afflicted man. though I knew all the j assistance I could render was to make his j hist hours easier, and when, in a few days, j loving wife. I cali | j all 1 cx I a Bailreri» tad Taxe*. New York Graphic. The time is speedily coming when if the Federal Government does not assert in *on.e form its right of supervision over all lines of transportation, the States will at least assess upon them a tax sufficient to j relieve the people of a large portion of ? their present financial burdens. The rail rond tax of New Jersey, adopted in 1S76. j is now adding to the revenue enough to of pay the entire expense of schools, and this is rapidly dim' -Mngthe • ^ îa,n debt. Senator M indern in hi* report a I I the public ; the on transportation rout»*«calied attention to j the startling fu * ..t t itre were four men i who f - ;ii-nti f'ong ? wouli with a stroke n*ro'.r exercise powers w hich : millions ot dollars. He said: "An addi tion.d charge of five cents per bushel on ; en Transport -ion v. !.i:h reduces the value of too property ot this country hundreds of id not venture to wield: who of tlie pen. put a tax on ! of • side our next cries ..... . . . , such no responsibihtv hut to their own stock , ,, , • ... , . of holders, and no principle of action but, AIJen personal and corporate aggramluenient, j the transportation of cereals would liave i Ut-n equivalent to a tax of $43.000.000 on i the crop of 1S73." The day is not far distant, if it has not already arrived, w hen it will be the duty of the statesman to inquire whether there is ! less danger in leaving the property and in dustrial interests of the people thus whollv ; . « « . * CC58Î at the tnerev of a few men who recognize than in adding somewhat to the power and patronage of a Government directly re sensible to tlie people and entirely under *' their control. These imperious railrovls occasionally fix an arbitrary tax. amounting in many ! is ure. weight cases to fifty per cent on the first cost ol : the article, and yet they themselves are j virtuallv untaxed. The revenues collected j by the railroads of New York State last j year were tenfold greater than the entire revenues of the State Government, yet [ there has hern scarcely any effort to ; regulate them.almost no legislation except-! ing in their interest. The railroads of this State could probably be operated for Jjb. 000.000 a year, including ten percent, in terest on capital invested ; but they cost annually S90.fl00.000. which leave* an oner ons tax of $40.000.000. representing no service whatever. Tills wrong cannot per tnanently exist. The public w ill protect itself. Legislatures will by and by wake up to the fact that the most pampered in terest of society, an audacious power which dares to assail and confiscate property with the strong hand of a conqueror in war. is yet practically un taxed and protect ed from the burdens which all other eiti zens have to bear. Neap zens to j SnrrcHfal Farming. The following excellent pajver is from a California source, hut the principles in general are applicable to successful fann ing all tlie world over. In building up an unprofitable farm, the first aim should bo to stop the process ot running down, to make it pay first, ex penses. and then a slight, yet increasing SSf-JärÄ ÎÏUSkrî lalior must be directevl. No matter how cheaply the family has been living, if it is possible to reduce exi»en«es, do so. Cut °A everything except plain food, coarse. warm clothes, a single newspaper. Raise getablos. and sat bill. Pay cash as yiu go. Everything ie delusion and your own vegetable, an-l save on the meat ~ has to be paid for in the end. and the| ion anil , ^'fh and every member of the family whole credit system snare. Enlist the energies an-l whole nature of j in : the one great effort to save the farm, the ) house. Be proud of your utmost econo- i my ; even study the economy of other men. Keep a strict and honest account of everything about the farm, so that you know exactly how you stand. This is the most important of all. Every successful farmer Veeps successful accounts. The value of the account book on a farm is not >*<* ranch (as many suppose) to merely show what is received and wVt is s;»ent. > field or which crop paid best, and where iu??es were in curred, or too >!:. F profits received. Tlie direct ' «• i ing of ?ue.*i know ledge on the lduct of a tarai may be easily ,,ut to show exactly w hi suetv*.-;'ul r under,rood lie fVsi kur« «7 ■•nvew. «•Sure of Heaven?" exclaimed Uncle Thorp iu reply to an interrogation of a Right Reverend, who called to inquire as his soul's welfare, and had remained to ,ea ,0 insure his own corporal body's well being; he had a peculiar w ay of always making his pastoral calls at such a time as would insure a good square meal. "Sure of Heaven? Well. I think I am. I ain't none o' yonr nairow-mimkd religious fail atics. think no one's going to heaven but me; I ain't so bigoted as that. Why. don't Ki, »le say Go-1 loves all o' us worms, an '* don't the Bible say, too* He made us *" Mis awn linage, an' do ye s'pose He's going to bum Himself everlastingly in effl g7' r hr aven," said be as he balanced a dainty morsel of meat on Ids fork in dose proximity to his mouth,while finishing his idert ' " Sure o' heaven? Why, I'm just as sure u' goto'as I am of eating this meat!" Jiut at this juncture the meat fell to the floor, and was qtti-kly eaten by the dog. I'he expression which overspread Unde Thorp's features would have wade an ex cellent frontispiece lor Milton's Paradise loif - - km«.!», feeble show sat kiiiii « luuer SLuold Be. . . that chinist, and also a wide awake, thorough Somebody lays down the rule what every, farmer should be as follows : "Not only 1 an accomplished tiller of the soil, bnt also and an excellent mechanic, a fair harness mak-. gave er. and mender ot slices, a tolerable car- ! penter, a pretty good blacksmith « r ma add. have! the j acquainted with levels and hydraulics, and children ^p^rg 0 f pumps, and. if in addition to that judge and breeder ot stock, knowing how. and caring for thir ailments—not only cat- ! tie and horses, but sheep, hogs, poultry, or ; anything that money can be made out of. With all this he should be a civil engineer. tiiese requirements, he understands hying stone and brick, and putting on plasferin for, ^ we jj M mixing and applying paints, he will find plenty to do. to say nothing ot w hat he ought to know about grain and milling it." This same somebody pictures the good housew ife, but we forbear just now. Efitoaa'i Electric tiff ht. only Then young Harry trade, great he j The great feature of the neces-j ever, at the present time is Mr. Edison's the new Invention for sub-dividing the electric better, light. His experiments on it thus far have proved it to be an entire success. The Sei- ! where enlists who have seen it. pronounce it won of derful. and predict that it will displace to a ex- large extent tlie use of gas. Th« protess j or'* invention re-luces the electric light to soon ' the brightness of a single gas jet and trans ; niits it through wires from aceniral mag the neto-electric machine all over the city at his j an expense much less than that ot gas. days, j Mr. Edison, ordinarily vtry calm about is unusually the prob purpose ot light I the in all at to j the courage to suggest what may be becom of ? jng and proper for the occasion, and for rail- the age and physique ot his patrons. It i* 1S76. j tluit men are now employed in all fin to Herald. A Thriving Bovine*». In New York, there are no less than five male dressmakers. They take the measure of a lady customer, and compose the toilet, hut employ a female assistant to try the dress on the customer. Not one of tiles« man-milliners invents a sivle. but each has large establishments of New York to cut ; trimmings. They are far more exact an«' economical than women in this branch of the business. to j men i Do not grninUe at the low price of your hich : products. It don't help the matter a fait. on fast go to work and sec if you cannot ks* ; en the cost of production so as to leave of voua margin for profit, even at low prices, j of "" " — who on A A Saddea Dratb. There is somthing terrible in the thought j ! of having our friend* stricken down at out ! ide. w ithout a parting w ord of endear • ment or oon*nI-xtion— on? moment at out side in the flu«h of vigorous lit?, cheering our hearts with their loving sympathy: tin next at our feet, pale with death, ck-af to our cries and heediess of our tears. Every ex person is in instant danger o: such a death. Seven-tenths of the vi<fim .. _____ of obesitv die of heart disease or apolexv. but, AIJen . 8 ; nti . Fat , üæ onh leul( , lv f(J| . o(>es . j ifytlM . V regu!-ring the i on i not of is ! in ; 7 * . , , CC58Î VC i T iâi *' ligestion and a*similation of the food. It ! is perfectly harnik **, and its u*e will in ure. in every instance, a reduction of weight from two to five pounds a week. : j j j [ ; HASKINS & MC0URL, HÜSTLET. 90XTA3IA, Neap eonstAotlr on hin t a larga «Lcd wail *• aortad stock of mi« Groceries. Wises, Liqnora Wl KEEP GRAIN Fer KCESE& >L ■n We Plow and and In a Minç and C X G -A_ XIS . i ' Va j luce Girt Tf * •29-iiu Also keep a First-Class House r „.... th# ■ CCPmn3oda "On of tha trar.llng paklie j fft bav« a large rERSY BOAT and caa traaa : ) i por; hor?«« ami wagons aero»» :ha Yellow •tea* riter, l*a ;ij£ rlieni on main ro*é tô Fort Custer. lXASlilSft A Xe«VlL THIS PAPER Ia on file at .It? followinp places: WASHINGTON, D. C. Office of Clnm A Dingman, No 816 T. Street, x. vr. NEW YORK CITT: Office of L T. BOOTH, General Eastern Agent Chicago amt Northwestern Railway, Benton Liue Steamern , 415 Broadway. tUIl AGO: Office of Eutern Manager lten:..n Lina Steam ers, 81 Marker «treet. ST. LOUIS : Office Gao A. Baker, ily Olire Street. PHILADELPHIA: Mercantile Library Room«. SAN FRANCISCO: Mercantile Lihrarj Houma. ST. PAIL. Office of G G. Sanborn, General raeaenger Aft, ! X. Ï'. Railroad. Onr friends in Montana vi.itiny any of the - aboee eirie* are invi'ei to rail lit anv of the ! above mentioned places and read the'ir home (»per. _ Uf AIITFfl XN ENERGETIC AGENT in VV Haw I hU every town ibruusnout the l ai tr-d States aud Canaila to operate fur Foster'? Naw 1 elepboue and I'hnnoerat h. Monev in it sampla outfit »ant on receipt of SI. Territorv Fr««. G. W. POSTER A CO., *31 LaSalle St., Chiiago, Grand i'ao.Ac Hotel f JÎÇT1 I. T. j House, Gilding, ANTI AfteF being » vio HATC ,in to tt* demon UÜI t. Draw, OPJI M, for ) li-covered au Aotidute ibat will - t RE every form of the habit—redlcailv. pain - re-iabir. l'lea-val to take, never'taiiinr i- the draft, while it restore* the opiuni TOUR u ran noieoned to pruiineheallh and viaur. Three to j bv the Iva boxe* guaranteed to cure, or money renind- wani.,1 •d s*nA Atarap for circular to GfcO. T. kiKK BEST" calitiee. Particular» and sanuilee worth U Ikee. : V wanted time. I TRUK •lores you can engage ia SS to per day made by any worker ol either »ex, right in their own te PartJeuIar» and i hetice mf Itiatributton. In the Probate Court of Gallatin County, Mon tana Territory. In the mauer of the Estate ) of Ge»rge H. Miller, de- > ceased. J NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN* that the estate of Georpe H. Holer, late of Gallatin county, M. T., ha? been folly administered, all claim? thorough and demand.? against ?aid e?tate having been every, only 1 also mak-. car- ! ma folly paid, and that the residue of said estât« i? ready for distribution; and that the 13th day ol March A. D , ÎS7S. at ;h« P-ibate Conn room and to how. cat- ! or ; wnaij.Vthitin» ai*T P ~iacw .«tforthr hearing of proof» a? to the i«r?-,u? who ara en tilled to d rétribution of tha re-tdeeof said estate A. D McPUERSOX, Probata Judge Bvzeman, Jan. S. 1S79. [s-st of. engineer. hying he ot and pictures just Edison's electric have Sei- ! won to a protess to trans mag at gas. about prob light Plastering, Bric'tlayiag, St«ie 9» And Jobbing of alt kind« in mj lina do«« ia WORKMANLIKE MANNER. All work guaranteed ta dl7e Satisfaction 1 A »har« of the patronage of tha people a I Bozeman and vicinity i* re-pecifulle aoiicitad JOHN A. SELIN. Xo LACLEDE HOTEL, [LAT* TEZ KZTBOrOUTAAj for It i* fin five toilet, the tiles« has BOZEMAN. M. PHILIP SKEHAN. Proprietor. cut an«' of your fait. Tha proprietor, who peroor.allv »nreriotend •he hou-e. ha? had niruiv year,' ex;»crienee •It» h-.i-ine?.*, aud will cualluue U> make tha I.a eled* a First-Class Hotel. J: i* the larre-t Holal in Bozeman. and all wh may apply ca . be a.'c*.'majv>-ia:eU with beard au iodgiuj. A ?h»ra ?o!ici:e«J. if the public patronage i« respac'ftilri ks* leave j--- j 1353, A FIR*T-<'LASS LIVERY ar*l FEED STABLI •;» ii: cvLuee:»wi:k the Hotel. 7-SSi: Established 1868. AM SCHWAB. ED. I. ZIMMERMAN j out ! out tin our o: . It in of Nos. 37 & 39 Main Street "2EX&EXI&, r.lontana mi« nor«r i« cevtrallt located am THE ONLY FIR>T-CLA«S BRH S AND stone hotel in thecitt. . D. Charges Reasonable. Umsii Kelterer, iud c r cj . r? BLACKSMITHS. lTarina raren'.Ir ope tint out In enr NEW >L \i K-M1I H - îTïA!'. wa acr.nunra ourwlrp ■n hand t.i d i all kiwi« of IUark-miih work mmp'.iy and in ib* m »?t workmanlike masser We uiake a specialty of Plow Work and Horae Shoeing and mak inf Copper Brand* of al! desrrip'ioa» and Copier »no Babbitt meiai ><exea for aaa binary. In 'he ea-: half of onr »h p Mr I J. Konatz a t;r?t-c!a-- wafun maker, i? l> a!ed, thos eaa Minç :h -e uito may tie-ire. have i ' Va E» a Carrlaxe Werk j luce in !ht manner, and all uL<l«rci« ro# Girt n« a cal! a: our new -hopon the sid< Tf \V»it Main -»reel, IV-zemau, Moatar.a. * MÜLVANSY &KETTERXS •29-iiu ! - ! SLOAN & PROMUT PBOPBIETOBS. Wholesale & Bétail DEALE irr» AIL SISD CfF BFATf, BRICK BLOCK, MAIN STREET > f JÎÇT1 Bozeman. Montana. I. T. Thom neon, ! Prank Beqnette THOMPSON A BEQUETTE, j House, Skn, Carriage Sl Ornamenta! PAINTERS, BOZEMAN, MONTANA. Gilding, Graining, Glazinr, Ptointbe Paptr-uzagiiii, Kalao Marbling, Plain minioir, WalM. promptly execati ioriuK. A ed In Ac , Ac., the ) Latest M Most Apprared Styles. TOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. [»-tf u ran make money fa»-er at work for as 'tnc at »nythiug el*e. ( a; i'al not re<inir# we will •art you. $13 ;>er day at hom- umy oe j bv the indu-triou». Mea woman wani.,1 rv,rvul" r.7?. t..»t..:, >7 l * ljt • % *5— : V W ™" uia4 ® wanted everywhere to work far u*. X»v time. Costly outfit aud term* Ire,. *■ Aagu.«-m, M aine. ,ï-SS-ÿ I TRUK A CO. w week in vour ouu |.,wn. ki outnt free No risk Reader if von want a bovine»» at which person* at either set can make great pay all the time they •niewUn m HALLET g CO., I*-«»*» &**** ~ f f ■-* : V ..._ • 5 \ t.::azoy pack .t i Y'.r ». : . . I 1 ! 3 Uloa Ury, ( Cl •■KS« 5 i* -«v«xt »ad .pzC-. w* £Z b •* r, »I, Itoi'anoevt lwn, '.*îj7* ■ f 0*4.1« * »» T»p«« vr»pB-r '*'*-* C" * 1 for r to ( Mon estate county, claim? been i? day ol room en estate [s-st Territo rial O fficers Menait in Ccmfrue. Hon. Martin Maginnis, Helena. Office. Seme Governor, Benjamin F. Potts...... Secretary. James H. Mills......... Auditor,' D. H. inthberT.......- • - Treasurer. T> H. Weston Warden.Penitentianr. J M. Fi-h *np't Public School. Hark V nght Sjjrrevor General. R. Il Ma— <n Residence. .....Helena Deer lolrt ......Helena Helena' .Iieer I.-«iee ..... Heien« ..... Helena ia a M. I.a wh au ^ r Internal Revenue, T. P Fuller......Helena Collector Customs, T. A. Cumming?. He ena Chief Justice, D. Vlrjiat» City Aaaociate Justices, . _ _ . f H K no wie? . Deer Lod*e T S District Att'v, R S. Andersoa Helena ; C. S. Mar-hal. Win. C. Urffkin ..Helena, -ui reme Court Reporter. C. Heize- Jfejena , Clerk Supreme Court. I. R. Aldan Helena : lerk l*t Disc Court. T Mnffly Vtrrlnia t ify j Clerk id Di*i. Coort, O B. CPBanro« D«erI>o.lce - lark 3d Dist. Court. A H. Bc»t:i« •.jer"-' : Botttntn Land OJict. Rejrister. DaTi? Will*on fîeceirer, J. Y. Bogert Boreman ) Bozeman .Helena Helena , 1 Helena Lend OJfict. Register, Ja* H. ........... Receiver, F. P. Sterliaz.......... Territorial Thttriri ANamejt. nrst Die et, R. P Virion ------Virginia City *eroDd District, A. H. Mayherr Dearl^dfe Third Di?trict, J. A Johnatoa. Helena Vnitrd Sleitt Committionri -•eorye Clen-lenin. Jr................ tame* M. Arnoux................... -aac R Alden ..................... <o-e; h J. William* ....... rheophilus Muffler...... Wrn. P Burchard............ .e.irza F Cowan.......... f-hn Potter iront V»'. Irvine (2d). -• >rri!te B O'Hannon rank H. Woody ...... Ix—era Bollard .......... k. D McPherson..... Carrall Benton Helena I 11,1 11 : ___, ; j eer It -■ ^e , 1 wr .a! Viqrini . .Spn Liver ■ .Rader?! unt ' Hamilh Mis-ml« .....Bette . B 'zenum United State* A**ay Office. \*saver, Rn?»ell B. Han-is-jn ....... Meltër, M. A. Meyeudorff.......... Reoittcr* in Benlr -ptcy. Clareuce Ewir.jr (3d Di?trict; Helena I Helena ; Helena Throphilus Muffler. Viryicia City I'ai.'fd Stctn Examining Surgeon. Thomas Reece. GALLATUf COUS TV OFFICERS. Martin, Charles Cotnmi**ionen —lame* E Ancecev and John M Robinson Shcriffiand Aurtxstr —\V. >. McKe-.-ie Clert and Recorder —-. " I.ançii nie Trmturer end Supt of Public Instruction .—J •JcCaman. Judge of Probate —A. t>. McI'h*r?on. Coroner—.1 t >«itz!er. Justice of the Peace—J De>1iwick Consteble—A P. Clark THIS! Wick agents: WE w \\T YrtC j i> ?ell »mr Per; e.ual lafin;- ! it never bera- f-'nt: :• make? nr. j smoke: pive? no di-azre?able -meii: eed» no trimming; break? no lamp chimney*: e- all cleaning of tanip*. and dive- a m—: ' eanlifiil clear, white li/lit, *urja—i. _ r K n *- . vp : ' ery »oft and plea-ant to lb* e:e No new Pur er? needed Exclu-he rizh'? (riven -end! amn f-.r circular, 'tea veut- ea- h: 3 f r si.:*, postage pai l \ddre- . H 'A FO-TEL . < 231 La -aile ?:reet. thicaç -, 111? Alile?« Citv *Vclvert i?*e*uit*iitM. D. W. Uinger. D F. McMillan irery, Feeà & Sals MHm City» Montana, i all Or.r bum 1» Isrce and s'all* j nomy »cd coufiraii», and Lhe hay :ued rut in j exroa. ' i Grain on baud at ail : un?» iud soid Hones tou^h' ■ixire* for hire \ ».ldi# rîrr-#*. Buj;ie« aud ■ reasocable ru:#» F.INGFll Ä MrMILLAV ! •CNStBU •ftMH THIS NEW ELASTIC TRUSS Ha • PW é:f*riæ all «tWn» to pM Merely I» »»i i^it. H i nfekl e lbl**A*T.***J** •McUtf.aeuiUt *u,L Cunin E|*We TniM Co., Chicago IIL, P-i-h • i'iRÇ.uAl. JC Ä L!xft 5«-.» L -c-wf '. Itl-* • ! ri»«H.tireQ> *—i P 9 » a ! « mufiP-A vssutod«« frss. Li C++ a. 4 C-ï :<? a««, texi 09* fid»ar SfiOp'iM fif naher p«l«, »M p^-KRbl* s fc* * L!e Fvffikis, »j i»f W>x. Privtte hoo« u4 i-ns f?r Lffid>o <«n«| itt IS zz> C9 MJ CJ 25 fXZ A W •* r. p»n» 59 era • t* « Hot« r vg c' 5k»cr-. Fa-4, d-'rr c' Wi-r'.-RSP. Or EXZ« cf C#s*rasi«« v t- ****>• * Y nJ JO • % W^W.!A of sal to f rsxr. -r, cf ifîcrwcf l*> Vf à P' TN*. )i«V. Vf cV.-tr« M toU * d kt'cr afitoi.» Mit: br'9i» frm.if b« «iu-wist it. p ZT AidV-. AQ I, BOQK&iïM\ T LLIQT 1 l r :r.p.fî>> Ofiidfi to '»»••'ms * ^ C-1 -J W. i Ch«r-^: A >rrx~ •» Cl ti p- TVr [ WcdiOv <C, «> '.her*, t -.f* U '•* I'.dcncü cl \ ermoeut*. CQKfiC.b e c -d, 9:en..:f in xv,.x*., ___ — ^ A 'n« n &**** fo » us C-?. !)-pt ~ rorapsr sL CLttriif*; dur <». C ne*'. Ç >*. 1 Cn%r.*hiß+1: iDw.;nwN*?»fe> Ä*r rog% h • 9:-x* life p Ai l' Tfirpf, Lfiî rxht» 'T JÖütoÄf« ppv «: vp to A bcu*c ff ■ e, 8c;rncc ft''T»BCrte X->r* tBM **»4 trat f f ■-* *«vr* !, Lip ! : x inc .ed .s^aciSu tb* T «a«"* oM rvoti ty luv !, ve*.:,i i r feite 'T'pProats Medical nu.s? Ba-.;: tr*ets? L r- l s r - V» «**•«: l~ V srr^.p-.f r......_ _____ ores tif.r. t, L) e, ..._ ''Mo-lie-' c-*»:—." • .arturt ca rr»-aDoJ i a V. oœ-.^.— 0 5 lu«« U cne twlTbo-î'd * h:::-, ti. . , ... . \ Opsc-.s tri errr us), uîîra: r-v- ,• r» c.,rv t.::azoy te : :: i. *„r;. txi'n. ui.i pack lis» fez-Hr-'- v - -üi e , ?Tt ti0£ .t 1 T * :r -' ; » f-*»- ■ • vt*.»fc.5t j-.-Bt'».-y rfuii r : t »î..f f. - Lg U U1 h.n i Y'.r n t i!K F. rrt —* ■•!. T -iA ath' r:. ,i «itvrra.ce ». nmcyRtnr*i ».ci»»- ! i „ : : f '■' ■'f ■ • * U -*« t' F t--.-- —r. il I e'-,tm.wi'. . . .-i • t C -ert re • :>t - f , r TU--ittw ci^eiy?. -va yc-ron. tr . - r ( , therar.»» I 1 ! 3 «. f-' ; iue~ R ' Uloa neUr-Ui. < t,-" l»ir—Iri'wa ch*--- ) ji Ury, U t u Et-, fea Loc a, M» IZ.U.I l: .tel U17J ►/^ocrC.fcï 1 .w*aDralera. 'tôïriTSv.2*î«J. • vc r ce Ca r rr < /. D.'tiuaU J t n r* *..»• r *-4t"B4 T T Bj'.V C : sr»ri c-. sert .s, Sx. (C s ;; s t*a U1TJ ( r D^lc-t VigiTSuaated. mMTTu 1;'M- T. T ».-* berry . . T > ' ' ' g * >* **-■ - l %a t_c-r aiïtita,...—..'c*. « PROF. HARRIS* RAD 1 CA!. CURE FOS SPER'iATTOEHCSA. Cl -™r. SEMINAL PÄST2LL5" irî > { - eàji 'i ii*c k.-xrav T'Uo Mark. ■ u ic i b£ZSfa?*2 •■KS« S »nt «S a IfSzatt PfitTV _ *1 Àr iOTsB M JLjpctcrcy br U« en'j i o »ay. vit: L'ireet Al pi icffilkCFw t*. :Nrpria* y Ao -orr tion. *« J txrr >no puiuciùlüv 5 i* 4» : cv.» diwl»»« »Bfl »-JTI .S oi-«' nutcduti» w.uot *nd restor*:!.« .f!»- __L.' -«v«xt amuiu *>.- »■ U*;:.... urtektd tram «ff-«.- . »ad rice*»«, ««fi n t.* drsïs v l. the »> ,tto> n*t .pzC-. ®:nd W C.u» *-d eoa .d yrGm'ry ri£Zi . h»E:=iara»«rSi*.*»t. rem-in» otlacaa.Aem-.en j. X c Cio.e-'d« . w* of praaatere o:fi *ge ?«*. y eetcnmpt -rsi v £Z b ï. ^r L i *' Mi " Eeia 1 Y-icrfî^ie^b. Teuv ''me si f.ha. »w •* r, « t " " I mrmn tm.»„i i. r.,v s peuroanm D-u绫rel.' w«h «rewcîM I» (hcî* truiib: »I, •• can hr, .r * to, »ah hut d t'« it a-, Itoi'anoevt food. T jow* it co Sot.turn about ti- « Prmn lwn, Pr.rt r* i ; h--o-vu r--*bl-. u. t. j? . - viIt ciur-n '.*îj7* ! ,",' r î U «= ---I> rit* &t eu*. ■ . at it ha» hr». in fe-sr., », Ra.^l odafu, f Irrilutoùlo KG te <t« Viltc, ffit.q j- ia | um faiiretil TeTdiîî^* J ZT*****''' ,0 * lhr ' rstiont ; 0*4.1« J ot ne*- hisf si«*l ti.T'-.r* t • V srv or#« •feMIrouto« tw t» veil k»i«i>. 6« ïbe ,.u k* »rrr with toifirrytoao rotny, j,j 4 * aortniH k ai.«! higp*c*. rht Rai- xlr!« »ut »» «ctî l» *,«WBZ ..o imst ïn«*,'-,,. sHdirrX.r a'ÜJÎÎ T»p«« ha >u»i: ** rd f-r ri-T.O < .«Sl- .nîU vr»pB-r [ t-tipFFir... t eezeenS _ '*'*-* ** *» -b-e tel * - <N.. «. ! .1. f.fU.G L7 a C" * 1 ? » <or. =« i»e worw . *t j 7 —Fo i : DOKljosl for r- 7^»'l} F.VCH i'OX 'p-w,» ÖMCripe»* PaeirMn (»Tiez Acev-mVarv few >h*T Mb nrr-.reS v, r^rWc: 1 ' "• " •' •' if »«*•-•- «Varied. " ?*tt Sra rdtornaawioanr ena. &, jo«-;.T) T ,w HARRIS REMEDY CO. MF^LCHCMtSTS to EfcH enfipfC G*«. __ ST. LOL'K'. M^ ( Time*afHal««f «* Cemrfa of M«" tana far Ike Year, A ». 1ST* srrwons conrr. In Hki eva. first MoreUy In January, and Sa oond Monday in Aopbi. FIRST DISTRICT—Hmr N. Jmhre In Madison County, a! Vi«*usia CiTT. - Monday in March; -econd Monday in ^In Gallatin Connty. at Boxmax. «rd Monday in May: fourth Monday in October. In Jefferson County, £' Rat.EBSBt K'. Tuesdav in Aprii; lir-t Tuesday in October fir=t j SECOND DISTRICT—Hiuam Ksowle*. Ju*l?e. In DeerLo-lice County, a: tat Loik;e Cut, •eeoad Monday In A^nl- ran-e First Mon<lat in >e;.ten»:e>r, (i >r a.l can e •hat can be tried wüb-u! a jury, except jo ca-e ^here !ha parie? c-'a-enf tha: a special temre mav i??ue to try the same, i Fir?t Monday ia l»ecemi^r ; , : j : In Mi—ouia County, ai Mi**ori*. i ••-. dar in Juna: -eeoad M-.o-U) in Norem f urth Mon- I ) , fn Beaverhead County, at Ra'Sacs. Sr? 1 Monday in June; second Momiar in octouer. THIRD DISTRICT— D. S. Wann. Jcpo*. In Lawia and Clarke County, a; Heixva. first Monday in Mamh: first Monday in November. In Meaj:h#i C< U Etv, a: Uiaaoso CiTT. P.urth Mon-lay in April; third M .uday in October. [Sot*.—C nited States Court* are held a- Vir ginia Citr, Deer I^j-Ik*. and Helena, a- the dm#» the Tarrilorial District Court? are held a :ho?a place?.] WASTTBD ! I AGENTS FOR CALKIN'*' NOVELTY WA ER hi i:««; f"t>k \ remi m in rv»ry fata iu the Ci.iun: st * d the :e»t : r -even : years: *luu j.erm och ea-il> :iu»da -eiiisz thr-a ; machine?, tzents' -aiuid» *•; Vi send n, ...» , #n | er „ r reri-tered lertcr. o: ?e!.d -'air.; :- rcou ildential ten:.- to a^-ent?. Addre •• W. COS TER A CO.. 231 La Salle »treat, Chicago, 111. , ■ ^ ' 'zenum Helena I Helena ; Helena City Charles 1878. 1878. Nev/ n.:THf EMPI5S Fl«05iH3..M!LL8.sST in? e-'ali!;-!in!»Pt in M late-; »tvla for inaniifaviurihiC and will La furai-hed in her» rr.pldlr appreachinx comyletiau. '.•:fre'?t ami rn >-r complete Sour , ar.ments wi:h maebiuary of the YrtC j lafin;- ! nr. j -meii: m—: ' *- . vp : ' Pur -end! r FO-TEL ISTEAV PROCESS FLOUR (t Will b? fqnlppcil with Tim'n Ran» of lînrr». witli ily ox* Two Iltiuilrod SHck.« of i-'Iour l*er Buy. a Ca be n- t-r ms :» n- '»r r the d l r - line <; enre.t under thi? marke:- : Moniana. rn: lie have ; s\| erienre Turin? e the r,;.r- a,.d U ■ in M Jzlz a!: (Led. ■ its become famous al >. 1 he Km, ire Mill? wii ,e sii.'i e*.» io all the lea-i pr .-e-* machinery has enai led • .••a. y i>f fil e fiours aud are :be o i rote?? ir.acü.uery , ail o.har? *o MadL ^on ilLii." Vra '.elo g -elr.ed aad'wiiike 1= îae r.-a ! su: t«:'er ff j.-r r baa »v»r and mure]«f it THOMAS' FAMOUS EITEA FLOUR. i 'he hiding brand in the metror-oii« for ke >!z vesr=. Till Will be yrfjrared t all kinds of flour an bur mill - tew crop ,h Pro ;he head o' ;be naarke: -lion ' , t «rier» fo; s'all* j in j i GEO. D.&L.A. THOi.lAS BOZEMAN. OR GALLATIN CITY. M * • * - hire \ ! COTTAGE 6-oct UPRIGHT PIANO. to p I, ÜSC—.-^erv yi* % r>«N M re* Fr» oltUHG'S & CG. WB : •" Ar*» sl ms c » TU ■i . patent We invite your attention to oar new SIX OCTAVE COTTAGE UPRIGHT, being the only one manufacture j in the U. S. It is made throughout of the best material and work manship. 1 he action is our patent improved and is the best in use ; it £'."s a long felt want fora hght, portable, handsome and cheap Piano, which will in a great measure supersede the Reed Organ. The Walnut is designed for schools, the nursery and practice. Rosewood is suitable for the most elegant surroundings. Guaranteed for five years. Will stand in tune as long as any piano in the ® ar heL Write for particulars and terms. Liberal discount to dealers, the profession and schools. Address. BILLINGS A.CO. si East Fotbteenth St. New YorkCitjh ORGAN PIANO •34000 Rl a no Upright Parlor Organ, s Octaves, 13 Stops, 2 Knee Swells, for $ 85.00 IC 00 mm. iBenvrS m* KU m iV 3 S This Beautiful Piano r> nglit Cabinet or Parier fissas Ktsa*«Kï fe. Jbcee (S) aet* ot Kee»ts. Thirteen rtSXtora l'Ifÿut IriVoxCrtSS; C) Pnnanal; <») Haat 02) Principal Forte *. 1S> Finte, Five Octavea Up nght Bellows, with in» Ken» power. tn»p*H Lamp Stand* out of Saht when not in uae. Beatty's Improved Knee Swell, aod Beattyt New E»cel •ior Grand Organ Knee Swell. MacnttcSnthSto JwtU aeU tbia fcl Plain finrL _ mod delivered ew Cara $85.00 •Unefaaa leaVetlaa. h* • --- -* »* 1 r°" <»»•«.• by ie tter or tetegrapb. g»» „ ---Walnut anuElejfaal French \ -neered Panel*. AU late Ii provetnenU. Wewbt. w aen boxed, 30 « Ihet It centaine Beatty's new X ox Colette Stop, which why far tlie sweeteatand most perfect that haaev- . erbeenntained. Charm- < in* 1 la the universal ex- i clamation of critics and 1 lovera of sweet murio > who have heard thi. ; ! ros PJTT.Ï Can be ; I >f I • - { U i ! ' he - WetaTOihpthwaya. 1 Là 'niore dTT^". T*,. Îk . "7 w*M .ratura f t Tow tha On* y dive* .Ut >f low».? Aw through ti? Comüînî IR.* 1 raure civiUxed worM «hku four rales are >f LY*. - t »▼«! on this ïÏMtMÎrTi i* y w MW van nn,' «riSCfe | ou CO'S h. f: galets mä a* CA M Stags and Express LINE! •CARRIES the V. s. MA IT?. BOZEMAN AND HELENA COACHES -AND BOZEMAN AND VIRGINIA COACHES teave B-.reman «very morn in* («undaya ax 'l#* v» VteleniTevary morainf (Sunday» a«*pt ed) at 6 a m PASSENGERS AND EXPRESS •»ackaze- carried at reasonable rates 'l n-n a fir-:—la-« »ta-e lie.«.»r diüirance ind «Ver» effort to accommodate my H. V. 6ALE». AGENTS: I i ' V.-ectN-x < UCLZVA Richard I»ck*v - K Buford ,J..ha M. Sweaaay new rail noir East, West or Via tha ax a«*pt Union Pa C jf Utah and Xorfl A»! 1ER o,| uj PULLMAN PALAC E ( VRs TRACK. AND FINEST Eûl? MENT IN ALL 1;^ SPECtS. Montanlam contemplatirr a r die Pacific Coa-t are re:,.!.. travel baa been Ke.i in 1»7<I. and that '!,« . I rowing through 'he rapi i t tall and Xerlhcru Rail uramer <-f ls7& will UuceU |^J Staee Time Redjced to 43 HELENA. VIRGINIA r m DEER LODGE. And Other Prominent I' n Mr,; Sour the Sure Tine, .1 Wonry and |. tlOUH litlayn By percha-ine ticket* via péd, tha-,nly direct ami route, the Union Pacific and Utah 4 *1 "Zenith THOU. !.. I Gen. Pa «-enfer au 1 1 .*• \_ [Idly] OMAHA. •ÏSlItU THE LIGHT-RUBI NEWH Ca al wii lea-i ~-1 ores Hi s & « wvE; V fo; The BEST, LATEST IMPROVE and no« THOROUGHLY SEVVifjG MACHINE wer .. rental: the wearing- pare, are ir.-.-io . f c-.c Cti STEEL, CAREFULLY TE.VPEK and are ADJUSTABLE. It baa the J VTO 3tJ TTC 7 rx? T >S has file JLAAtOAHt BOB HI. • -tlM» Easiest Tlireaded C'.'.uttic The B 033 IBT 8 are YTCCT-'r- 'tiSb HUNIIIMG or rr,vTHn" Ai,NJ . MACHUSE. It hvs a SElF^rmxf} NIT,mu ha.« a 1>i AI. ; • r . w 1. ü WlïtiOt T TE-riNG: : -v - ta. SPACK under the an.:; 1. >•>! - V U' ami has in wepoinU rtACKLUlVai all other u.a.-iu.-ie» t ..non. Johnsen, Clark & Co. 30 UNION SQ'JARÏ, It,' VICTORIOUS! HIGHEST & BEST lad Grand Medal cf Hcnor. Economy . Durability and Ra-id: combined with perfect work, Are Distinguish^? Fearms of ùn cejd*azed Giant Jam ætf steîüs® fi MADE BY A. P. DICKEY, Racine, Wis. Now kavrirtgmsLT'* îate iripr?vffinffn'5. equal to every ccœï: d . ciclt.i: c a.l k ; ntls d Gf* Pexs Bears, Ca^écr Bears. Com ard >csl S* Tbe>- rrade Wbe^t perr t ctly b\ rre hamiliup- J urate Oüs rom W ht aBariev jgg Rye Tbey* very perfect «rrarsf cm rr ts f r dessin g Ti« Clover, Fli* Seed, Or«: hard Grass. *o.d d - Smafl Seetfct. They Oiaff perfect:v, ard every quaMcarba required ta do the bekt tci Che shortest ocoe. [-■; r X S •«•• ■cm n m m » Warehouse arm M ftructet 4 buth kircs requirir^ mod ate the demand, and ir .r a cspucitv £ 1 r J to jeo bushefe per hoer, acc* rva*:ç t> ' * ' r ' They are shipped, b- xed f ro c * : r ". r . »nd ''set i;p" or "knocked c :* r " mla d, as reoueswd : a-?d it all case board Cars or Pteamer. Orders filled c & teceived. M ilîs shipped * ' knocked down zo * cr >f • freight charged as when f rwariieti " et up. ^ IT.iph» and C 'red ars supplied appii*' i,l0n - T will be quoted ùrw aad on liberal let®* TO ADVERTISER! . < i - 1 > ; ! Geo.P. Rowell &Co LOCAL NEWSP; SELECT LIST —OF— to be on'!'; >rs Th' ,Jf e-o» ; Many person* *nppo?e t.i I >f CHE AP. 1->w-j ricc.i i.c.v ; I uiite'Itherwi-e The Cu :il nfiic • - *hat the ^aper- are \Vh«:i tlienatu«. 0 . { U printed iu FCI.L F.V'K TV PL : #; i instance the B> *T pa»*er in 'he ! riuteU iu * APiTALs i; i- 'h ' ,N ' he place. When nriDr*.! in r>mani--. - - - ou» r either the best n >r iho oulv c» y a very x>*hI mm, u." « nil - • ;lll < 5 . .»j dive* the (».pulatiou of a.. • t " ' iatton ot ever* iwtiier 1 j* not xt .Ut IT IS NOT A C HEAP L!' T >f the Catalogue for ea< h stare th- _ low».? which are no: isivetv.1 t>y 'b' 1 ..... :nerate«l. IT IS AN UOSi> I H- 1 • je •haruct for adverti-lne nr puhiishers' schedule Y he Al>! iinftp four weeks iulhe entire list I» t>' ; * v rales of the |>a|>er for lise -n;oe -l'*' ,,|j» are «7. m 35. The It-: iuclu-le- ■ ' t \y >f which l«3are is?ued DAlL\ ( " ,., r ci:i* ,; LY*. They are located in *iv tiiS - owd,; " f - :i-S i ,lie{* I* Life - - •------ . ,, ■uopir ou application. Address t.LO I r ' Ki CO'S NEWSPAPLR ADV RU Uh"