Newspaper Page Text
.F t. _- V- 1 ___ _ 9* 191 It I PAT! P;@~I .VVERTI1NG. 7 l:,M ," .. .. . ......... i' ! 1 Ili; I ~ I ·' .: i iIC' '1 5\"c V ' I iIlN li ~t,~un ' A .. ý.. : 4 ". . t "q w:. 2 .) ~VCIanl --ci curgeonl tl it3l"x.t 1'1: - ' . t *, I. ....." fthc CVrW 2: ,Pir Giunal Bank, S . . ........... .. i00,00.r . ]LD O T . , e I In.oin itan ,, CAST: c; ' n u1 n y ; 1 utM r it Propietor ; i. Loif MA!N JA.(CKSON STS. HieIona. ~Montana, rr o o rictors. ------o n 2 :;n LAP.GEST 1'i : E I.ý 1Ut'Itl ill I 1Iv 'i'erri~hrY. 1 itt li -- iL i, a le1se for a lout; term if q ,it-m-,, -1 t;i. ire aid Conimotditious l"iie, SI! I~lt, refirfib'.'Cll at.l d enibel- q li-~ parlors and elegant snits ii ep ns or ptainis will be ý;ý,uic· 1 1 : .t 1 nue to in11 ovCe and keep it < ! , riilci ri I · The tables arc si1 llbiit lile very best tihe mrnarkets afford al l oi 1-1 deb(icacies of tIescason. Ait- t han.ule lt .pflton ie. '['cr105, reason- 1 Warm Zpringz Iotel L, ;7;,A 11alR 4 ProprietOr. iii: '1>10 SnUGllt~ne' thrat tinl shnx~c IOUll SUMMER RESORT ;,·~ ~i· ·· t.., ' cn ro ll ,'" ll cca 'll cnt I~lciliiiea· I., 'ii .t" *I:!d1 with atll te h~liciCIe5 of the Lx1.cllert .31±th Booms; Medicinal Waters MEAL S RVED' TO ORDER APTLY. 't.-~ L 2 i'i ; l" ."' · ·I~l~ the it'arli C i lN ,"SP" ntt ! ly 1il: "rl·1( .ýi. 11, .1, ",t,1,; ttucl w,.)? Y ::1,te r .11 uuiulilent. DRVI% O aii ro A DAY'S ENJOY L 131LAN0Eli? PIKR~Z' DSTATICN Deer Lodgo and Butte Road, I- I ItItLY t AiNCiI ELI'b, Allen Rierse, Proprietofu { "Ij" iNTEflliTI1IlhiT FOl I ti ll It. sl l lO1",ta pnTr Hllll I NIUC ~fil* V 1I PleaSD I i!º l fffltion G;iren to AuiifalS. UE~J~Y IMKAlxl14I~~, WI P HI..LN IRit r;'2 ,7 -?y 4,~ ~ I /'" . " `k ' i `ý L oi t " . L o OFF- Li,-, ` li- ' ;r .". . .. -:. .--.: _c:--:..: .c... :--,z.-... t ..7-,..-.;,..,,.,¢-7 ... z-........ .-... -,..-- ..... . . ............ "-• tnnial O.r-tion. S it. .,, . xv S -om it the th n. ,l,-: , f L : ",.'.i . . n-t 'l' d.& 'd by inW t 1 ' 1t. n IrI c v !i b .;it h'' l N l inigh .,,~r. ~,: : , 0 . . . 'i. '. ., : :thi t I' t ih dl,.i - vi t 1 -t &,u . ,lt t "o ; t.'z'c, Ss,., i . t s uo., f t: , i .h i!' h , i i nh ,t.' ltn ai ii, t ' '',I'" f h-' i i iJuly, i ';". 1' ',lt c ka ' ; in1 c;tln' lhft 1,i,. i , hme in the y earl 10 1., to .., forth ui i cr te' h'aki rCst ipUA i:: et., ll 1ir 'Thi., wahl tmilt silt't d till the, c'ame to :" it 'r'l.t rai' C:ý, w 'ih::h coud!itry they lrainw llt in0 111d3, ( l; lil i , -tii:n c. t ts) they little t9;oulj tt l:a:. th " nlyC'' idi,(cotvurl . an. w II.,i;e fiO l:, t' . thi' r ,ation'l:ti t iad tla it I 1 2 t'one C' tI:itbu.-s woV il' claim it il:'i f 'ti th1,'. ' it would go thr.1 ug1 tilti Ct ''` ," : (of gon-u'!'lii:t 1 ut until a.t last the 1, . ... (':st.;1g - Hl il roi" c: :perim .ieC ts nilI 501 n10: - nv'' y I, t the w I l) ,Ot n b, t l , t 1 1(1 . l l ....1`" o.ý 1' to -Is the Il. .,, nid( i:: . ..I 11i . t',, hres,,-hohl of i :t 1':1t id.t. ,'. a f.ib 1.1;) . 15.011 ' i ove r li!: < nt o' 0 : W a% r, ,COtt"' Uri"ntl c.,n c )!tins than t he 1uilf , stlubbor'n f1:c;' thl . 1h whiih t ht litcon;It'yliu.<s;p]:'s 'l.until lilt.( - 151 from] i the c un ibei. it coim.-, ilo:L puillh l '..nt tlenlatlled to tak " it. p, 1 ,t o!t , t lw t'n th,' nati)1)", Ofte t O1; 1' , and s, ow by it-, li , ry that there i. a IProvidenlcc th::a rul's ltO d .e-ti li,'.,of ; h .tio;501. i, , :t" t1'.1 :. 1 as we n:,Y.' ' t oll I ir, 1, 0.-11 the c lonutry 1+,:1' ', l' 0l l" a, 1 . oh " f il structh• :l t'! 'L('.il of i1:, . i n(,lt eli of .17n1( 1 i.:tl : ci il:zat l,;n a11d n:i5 -in, li - "t \1.'. 11 0 .-.In to.u5, t ab. t, A meoriec -. ti( k' w ; wh, thou"h ti+,:, -n s labor" i "1 '," the oalni;;eme1t of thoii" le ,pe(CtlV(, so,)Vt'ri' gns, wer-'', : vet;1'i It. lets, in tI'iIuIt ue : in 1_0 1',; hands of accolml'lpihain" Lis da0.igs on the Ancric.lil c01t1 net t. Tie work of ln'par'ation was ca 1'1 i.Cd f1rwa ll\ , generation afttir F'elnotti.on ac 0onlli. hinn their mi:.Obion and pt.o<ing awcay. The workmen died ; uitt G(d car riod ,.! the work, t.ll, in the fulhness of time. fi ' ot m ' th1 sv:I-.,ilt -[!ore of lassach u .ats .,is Ir'd tiu ,host wlhoso ever bera ti,)n s,5 , lh'd lroulnd tli wh rld. It i.- (1ulr design this ; fter'nI/ n | ') lo 'e.'l'nt s,501), of t he principal,'s er( nti , of ti:C' lI;kolatit'.n ::nl - ,tqllut.. f;rt's in ('.u'ry, kcv;ing the !,ltr vtiltltt ('..til OIi .' theo' rizi^5 " .7 s5~1n1 't el2 ' ,CC_.lasi nll : ;:' n it mIty 1.:' 1:i0,. ' proper 1y putst'd . tln o11 a ('oentcu:i:, .ýli n 'n i "e ;ul jcet Iai's. (+:'e it n i her iner .u ,Use , it th the ('ln ies t reated theium mlore like s-la 'i.,s than ~ , ns of Iitihsires. Loid ('ihihan in onc of hib imasterlyu 1spee he. in the Lou' of ;ri "t, ,a : " Evenn ti, ,hinmncy ewer'; c r·s t t:he , ti'cets t:lk.' r 1bo;: i.n ly t1 'eil' subic lts in A mIIcICa, and it v,1a l'' g-uin d l l'' E (:; ptll had i o dt o ,';as sie-:a . .antib o Alm ican Colouies a,+utl,1 t1 " quickly as toe slava <ni -va the cl,c .,C i n a. ter. Tl .is : .,. . :s lct -,h 2 l . i "',11 1 : aO . in 1ii.. t1 t I n1 - cia l b alt', stu b, mu i ' rd t,) P a irhlia m;e ! tt, e 'x - hibitt d ::l -x e hitiherto 1-.-r,* dented, s',.t , i_. - 1a dcilet-7'y ' l}L'.C it- i - lin. of .i G;li, t:. . orgC e mi l _ e tilt head cf the ml',:istry and i:nl.ibin.; tie i 74t, a !ai; Act to operate in the A\mer ican Colonies i12oy sioilhd 'tA t, il, uto toward this debt. A c:,!y of tiI- Act was transmittedl to America, and was met with indignation by the pcoile ; whiile the assemblies of New York,, - t Virginia, and Penusylivaniti inuneodiat ly prote-Cted, dccl:iring that tax'ttion whit.oiut representatioln .as reducitlitr thicli to the condition .of slaves. Dr. Franklin was sent to England as representative of the Colo nies and endeavored to impress the minis try with the indiglnation of the people, but in vain ; for on the 22d of March, 17(15, the Act was signed by George III. and became a law. This, of course, caused intense feel ing, but as yet no overt act was perpetrated by the Colonies. Though cast down they were inot forsalken. God was leading thenm by a path they knew ntt ; for it appears-to us to-day, looking back upon the past. as though God allowed the hearts of the Eng lishl inistry to be hardened, and caused King George, within two years from the time of signing the first Stamp Act, to firm a new Cabinet with Charles 'lownsend at its he:ul, a man of Ailli ant wit and clo lnence, wholci power over Parlianteit w s unboihndied; one' who would einforce the old, and make his name notorioul:, by introdutcing another bill to oppress the Col oni':;, making the yoke tliready heavy to gall and chafe, until patience ceasing to be a inlt ue, they wouldl no longer submit. On thi f 2lth of June, 1717, the bill imposing a duty ,on tea, glass, Iape:, and painters' I cob.lo s bt canme a law. W'Ve have learned how thesa, Acts stirred the heads of the people as they found themts.elves reduced to servil- ity. Their condition likened to the child ren of Israel in Egypt, in other words to toil and llabor that (Phnoa Ih) King George alni l'arliament might dress in fine linen and fare sumnptuously every day. ' What matter if the cold, bleak wind swepIt its chilling blast through their cabins, and pill.l the snow upon the c )erlet of their bede. What matter if frail women and hiel;,lcsi children were on the verge of star vation in some sparsely set'ledl sections and tl!ough they called for breador aid it could not be rendered ; and thou(gh their childreul die from expos'ure, thel tax must be paid, or the hirelings of the kinff will seize their farms and hly their, humble dw-,nlliings in ashes ; taxed they were, pay tho tax they must, and that without a bhea' in,, for thcse odious and painfulliaws were imposed by mseen who knew nothing. of:,their walns, and appeared to care lets. -I the intld ration like fire lohog sin rwas detifnel to burst forth in a repidrut flae o patriotism and true manlood,amid which Ahgland and the whole world were to Ihear the voices of our forcefithes, as ncie, c olaiming, " Give tUltCirty or givce t Dea:th!" T ei indicatiojis of the coming storm were heb ind Inthe expressions from the different assemblies of the Colouies, prominent which were the words of Patrick Henry, who, in the niidst of a speech to the ;iassembly ofVirginia, in referring to taxa tion witi ! ''lries.oWC at sn and the tyranny of the tuotltcr country, said: "Ceser had hi I Brtus, Charles I. his Crowell and George III.'" "Treason!" cried tl cr .-n'may profit by their fxample. If tittibe Si treisoi make the miost of it.' t o -oerce Sthu~ Colonies and' particularly the ctiof Thiston, stldier;s were stutt diad there in the autumn of 1768. Atnid t liteF unalppY cir ' tiimstances pecie w-Ispr aiinVi ed itildn th~e - stith of Mabrch177O0 when <º eola oat s mr' aa betwcest thie troops nud citizens or 13,s on andt four of..the.lattr wea,.ill,,d ; woitided.'- Tle British lmiimiý ap. " a . 6 a.ofo s deriving toro ie of' of thi!'r other indignities, was more than t!e p:: ,il could endure; for when the tea arrived, ,i: stead of paying tribute, they cmusd i! :, p-ay tri:bute to the si-:, ca'i it-c ii co.l 11om; the sl,;i, thi: _ : ..; t it, al" 1:.,-t:o IT.:: II, 1'l ,an the fa : ',- teapt, t l r' ,C :11 tie tta E] l,: au!nd sl1 ,'1!,; . 'nd. To 1:-n ish T he tl'I:le for this, the t'olonial c.:t of 'lass,.chlustts was d-m:n:led, and any ,.. rs th"y had heI , fUn :fore eived A,', :ac n from tho . 'c is t chiti r "w s : vt .:c ad.rd by the ctlo n i as'; a satr.'d ctom piit betweel ' I the Lit , dand themsel :s; and wvItn l:in', C( e e't' a:bitra'ily an.tilcd i`t t icy 1o' ici ied they ;ee fron that mllo ,int i:t- i::'rncde' t and f -co from their alIt c·, to' tihe iki ti.ho chro n1. 'The rigt of lriid by j:r, by th i:r: ow c .:uintymcen wats a:' t:.: 0 w'-y,- and ir:s' 5,s aceusced of c:".:ai:n c( es 1 1ro:'Ce o d.eried to Ihtgl:.nd f' r tr'il. Thus t i'ndigt all 1,1;e of dr, ss flt'rom, tl:e nth:-r cou.intry takuen away. they ri ohld t, trust to the God -;f thl. i fa thics and their own rihtarn o iit the wvw(mng lhey 1011d suc I.r:ml, :lid on the .'t! of Sop .,l r, 1771, fifty-two hie', 'tes f'rm 1" clee ,.s a 't n tlhe ' c C y of Pi hil hAlttc' :i- to Jake acti;n fi' theirn utul safety and pro t'ction. Thli wa1 the session of the Con tin., l (.'ony.r:G':.; - h'h was composed at -i1;. of 12 ct0- i.-:, no'c- afterward joined 1yv t "r;.ir:: ll;', 1 ýikii·g !0I', ,r; :in:l 1:3, who,undert ,x,,. wc-'e to ma1, th' dei tinies of a c 'oun try .hat ft, a: ,st, cm" :-.l1ho d 1, "Th :i(d 'f the free, and the hiOint of th '', ,'nuh- I be nrc :'it to duty, did we fa. t, n. i tic I l-.. rif ci i'g devoti on 1 1t. ,: spfit of holy c p t'f lilt 1 ttt actu -it"-'"l:.i, " i dva nct'menlt gr:ted 1r ga; ,. ::< u1kn_.w n amn.. them. Tiy r:t r t, eir " i '"rs g , ;atl. her wel ,'t : s lh .,. , i tix of their mI inds, while i -, l en ro;,uld t 'e hli-'st al.c I'' ofth:i hit-' . Ther clrwtr have ',n ib i.lrl.-o"- u:-i every of Amneric.n l hit ",. A:d , en C l '-, w,.inl w-t- have Sin l ' .'-1 to r ' is h; 'isl.: e h l 1 h v' t t rUl t, .' e', n led tfr'ttf the path of r,.t li:.i u a .i tv. ::e o .:remh:d. th,0m1 of F"a:.. ,hldi-,'rstn, Livingti : , lhu'ris, .-,da;., ,.:ui fr -elf, but fi': t±' t I:il ti ey lovh d n.1 {Ir ,ik , Ut with a 1 wiint.tue::t 1 - h 1t their eh oral i,.eI ns on thC :11,1 f sa icei'' , ti t ti:c c u' try cit'i r t of' i:ct FIo 0h' s, t:'I ' ti 'ed-- thr' " c iv 's, t .i 1 ; 1::::es a::d !. ; . ::. .clod l,, ' . nd l,, :, - in c ,::,k tir:o gh the it t wi ", . to t e:o a cc tic: of ti i:-i , i c x an ' i It'. hI th r x iiit s Il, 1', ct-' t3'd tih'.m, we fcid t -,ucli l u :' :. i. c . i tt. .pt 00y ,ft nu i;:ng t ,1 i1 \i::, hI .i ; ,f ' t ,' :c h t ; in ito Ih 11 , mi e of ri d cit , -ty h x:.v-e 1 I, t: c i',v th1t be t twill -:, u S ,o,:'. : h11"11 'i; d sires. ':, a)lb theo i -I;,'u:. ,: ltn e. devolvin±, up1 ,:' Ilt0',0, I-.s ,'t' ti,:;1 :: (.'to, nander-in-( ef ," , 1 , `. f eft`. Comnprehenle'i..; ' I: i ,' :1' 1:l,1.):sibility amli trlu t they w,,re ,ob:.: :, tVnl.t.i: to .tie iinds of- of Oil ii.:. , ,n : :-:,wi ]s ow finn' iti e wrc:'' l mllnilco itjc:: .'it. :'. Franklin in hi ] ,lac: i; is , u-t ,l t.l hake 1:1 -,,ed "'' :101 '. 1t 1 1,_c bvltc 1,11 C'om.nlu:nder-in-('hief of the army is t.LA.i, 1h1 (.'i,,llain be reqiue 'ted to ii,,,k.- tl:} a)i:.,' l a1' d 1 ,lessin-_c,' and the'w , n1:n}; Lored h1ad -!and s tce0_e he'rt:, they ,e se,'ch the Hul," of the Un1 v' t. 11 '-, thri:lr.llse : 'l\i0 them a mln wh1` t'm-t is in 1he L;.l, it:l will lead thcir tor m: cs tl defulnd tl,,ir country, tlh i:" lov',ed : ,''1s 1n1 1 th e ir l les ,. (G roid : t'ai " a , R '1 n tl , c: .',111 thei, praye' , for wh'n ihe lt,. t 0,1,; tal:cn and the an:1 ; of, (it c. ,ash i::;,'n was Anls' 10l' d, y;:, kl.owtV, " as w, 1h;0, ifever n1;1n Wall, C, dl t , a I pit lr ilal ' 011. ,;,rk;, a.d was 1 's d a-a divilely-,,,oibted in ,tru -, : for the acc1,lplii-.:n nt ,,f Gd' tk ..ig 1.. t . ,,,'ke t` vsh'ld .'ton W,:s 1 Is, m a', w1 ea: tlr:ak the yoke of t],11m::loi. a",l i c t . llnSl nel? nT 1:1" 'L tZ[T r jTY':'I. '' -: : ,. .li!.c: ti._`s 1,- o i] , "..' : irbe :1i i,.` ,'S. Ott th. brooks v it" i c 'eatr :unli 1 i heal L. !ih mn ,,c'sly (1"f this rien-.r:u l. e !: n`.uni5 (,:.q1 : J by 1.. . re atue- . In (,one :ue by this' appiintmient, yet I fc:l bi 5re't cis ress f1'Ome :: cOcscioutisnless t11h1t my cc biloitiieand i miintry experience ar' e n1, equal to the alduous . u: I wi every poweij. pnvses. , in their solrii :is ; d for the support of the glriouut ca:t e, l i,;r t.1 swer. Not only vas tlh, year 177O 1o i,';t't1- r, able Lecaauso of the n:eting of tm; P Continental Congress, but events were a, transpiiing that were replete with int rest, a prominent among ' which was the fiast reil ( i battle of tie war. liertofore the British t: soldiery coming upon defenceless citiznls s h1iad disgRaced the name of soldier by sholt- t! itg them down in cold blood aid Imu'derie g a peixcful inlhabitants like dogs on the streett n of Boston. But the 19th of April dawned p upon men with wholm paticuce had cease, ;a and they resolved to submit no longer to i see their aproperty hirned and their breth- i ren slaughtered by their side, for whenl ti , enemy opened upon them they returned the n fire, and as darkness ci:sed the battle (; a killed, 180 wounded, wilh 2 pri soners, toil how they had puiiished their foe. This on- v gageimet was followed by the brilliant ex- \ ploit of Elhan Allen in capturing 'ion- (1 derga aind Crown Point. Marchiug his v forces up to the fortilication lie demanded I its surrender. The co.maltier' st'-,ri'C. euquired in whose name he made such t demand; when this gallant soldier ill is reply reminding us elf c(ideou's host, said: ' I d'emand the surrender in the namie iio, the Great J.Tehovah and the (ontin'nt:l r Congress." The Iiiiti.hl commniander, ap::'- t SentlJy realizing that the Contincntai's had t becomite the cause of leaven, surrendered t to superior power, and 1t10 cannon, besides 1minunition and stores, became the proper ty of the victors. The year 177v was ushered in finding the colonies struggling against a relentless en emy. WVm Plenn was sent to England the preceding year in hopes that all dilieulti:'s might be adjusted, and retuliuilig home re ported the cool reception he had received, t and that their attemtptl d conciliation ani I compromise had been rejected. Although 1 several en'gagements had taken place and a Colonial Congt'ress had been organiized and they had appointed a General, w ith lii; ar my to carry on the war. yet it was not till the 4tlh day of July. 1770;, one hindred years ago to-day-a day henceforth forever im mortal in the li.story of the world - that a. formal 1)eciartion of Indepeiidence was r lAed, which foiever separated the C(1lo, eies from tie Crown of Great Britain. 'i'hs act prompted England to send reiniforee t ments to her iarmy in America, under Gen. l Howe, whose filres now numbered :O0,000 o well-armed, drilled and equipped. Against these Washington could muster but 9,000 men, poorly armed and unacquainted with military tactic,--but with these lihe unfurls e hisbanner, and after fighting the battle of It Lodg Island leads his army through New it Jersey, and on the 2i;th of )eecember fights k the batttle of Trenton, and gains a triumn c lhiant victory. which was followed seven i- days afterwarni by the battle of Princeton, y with another victory fo.r the Continental d cause. l)uiin; the year 1777 the battles of Braindywi.e, GeIrmantown and Saratoga r were fought, which although undecisive e to the main cause at issue, nevertheless a convinced the enemy that the Americans af would never surrenler. Early in the win 18 ter Washingtoit'O depleted army took up r- their qunaters at Vtalley Forge. Though Ssheltered' from the storms by rude huts, r- the suffering of the army for want of pro s- vision and clothing was indescribable. The id severe winter found the men without shoes p. or stockings and almost naked, while the in the rough an*d frosen roads from White ,d Marsrh to Vtlle, PForge were stained with in blood from the bare and mangled feet of es these heroie ien. ia a short time time the ie miserles of want. amuoiintii.g altost to A famine, were added those of nakedness.a SWassingtfonl -pJi to Oge -'O aid, 1. a we4 t g th .i he Thsevz· ts r4A ti 4~~ti.1 sI : ..i' ii , " ; 1 '' . 1, : l, , .. i: .!tit` "., .: ..,iii ..- i: t: .. i.., limi . I I_' w:.y i:i,:ii' . ,:. ' the wo( .1.4 (.,"- o <:. , a . 1' I i.rd vo.:~ c , a it ti u,"e i i .:1 .,..'; . :.d ' from m1 e was :1 f W;n- : : un , . i..:-",:1 l:t lo. w, lit: 4 tiis n .iirS, anntl tiu iic! ''ii It : 'c l l'. 11oth1e { sto' y il n .. 1 i '. ':lt ic s to cikVwI r: the iin ti l c1 . .ii' ; "'i l o hi 1. ul 'k I'h in l y ltI i, t h:C ini" 1 c t. iih. ''lU" ',V - iu,'e i 'ti tieMd ver . t t 3 h hik::it' " fland the ,, i.; l a. c i, I ,: ' ii -, ,il b esi - thu wspr I il fully n ' Eii IX n-IuI:ti i'titi t:hl e i w France; ftOr o kl lk.l iiit , cihia t,1 (t:ile very day that ::., ::e :' ,ir ,:'-, tWahingtou: suc d dl c'IV <': e ,' in '0 IT of: k'i) thile treaty with Fr:auca i 'k' s tin ttl, " whtic ofane t-he cil onict S t all i:irt 'alI: an i - vtlu::l, uxiliary. Of courii'is, i: ]ill onmy I:heard of the distr"eis of the i'ontinental army wlith ijoy, and anticipaled an easy 1vitoe'y over them in the ensuing campaign.'re, the spring had fully oti'nkd., Washington with his ainy, amid tihe 1oatin i cr11osses the Delaware and oceaIi.s Philadelphia t. the astonishmenlt and consternathou of his enemies. For the three uccelin, years he l1tas the army through all th v i ssiltud es of an arduous eampain, when in the i11 ing of 171;1 he is assisted by tho French forces uider ILaly'etto and An:':i'd Ie :rasse, and unitul they pursue Cornwallis through Virginia to Yorktown, where It,, on the loth of (}etoer, surrwl ."s his s< -word and army of 10,000 mon t, Ge. W:tohngton. And on the 1gto clhof A!il, 1i, the day which completed the eiht yer of the , a cessation of hostilities w, iS 1']lo ]:i+::vt and a short time a't¾ r En101 :. ::d he" whole , d d'l :tlcknw u, : 3l. ,, T h , in ,'d .,'e ., 'uce of ile l niit' '., ;. T! l't t: c 1 ,:: I c nltinked "e Cai(',Mi iv - , ', t lhe ain t'. U ! if w ar an1 I.7 .., ,:. 1 + 1 ,i u'1 d :' i . 1 1t'.' ioc 1;ix' t :: ,r,:ul " y u:.. -an I t, ,iwni'th itino 'I1 .1' tf 10',' s,! i,, : ,f . . ' , , t i: d t : i . ' . ... ' ,;n1i : ii('2'tyfo r . .' thie C el:.: s heam,, ' . ( : 1 , . ;.- ! h. ': ,i .c ! ,c5sc a 1, ' . , 1 S,-tre m .,l : C wh . .c. ' ti:i. s' . n ,' . Shortly aif to:' .,' ,'I I .t',i.. i . '::c: 111, th e c iu n try w a c ,. .:, 1": ,. o ,f l',eu'in ,nin Fr .. ` : - . , , :d 'il,.: "ll(h e r : 1 i : . i . I;1. V : } ; [ ,. - Cite acl ',i ats to s: 1;; .: -. . , , meau, tl t 'n n 11 ' , Ti,, celebran , ('.h , T , w. d : :r'.e C : 1 , '-. as ex ii'CSSi" " h ' d , 1,, :m in':' ",'. of the , _: io't:,an popt.l '\Ii u i i CO"'i~'l;l.Zllt - { ' ",;'t/ cn in"' into I 'situ a1''' i w him whieh i t )'.' i :l '" " i e l 0 1. : - t h e ,, u h .' r . . . , " , i' h er:I: ' .. ci 'kle' fo i r, i e I m .. e Ik i P.11 .i') t , t it'it , ilil.l 1. ''t el I :I " ti t: , ' ) ii . l ll ' t i ' :lt i I'': t I n-' 'l u'lt. i o li"l ' 1 rf Indclpe'n;, tl ; . t . Ia..ý l C' ability and k .wi l., , :,: i , uIt". M. itha simplicity of ha:t i "lt , w ade imh ap 1 te:;' to iliose 1 1)who :: a . It was d hri£ l ig 1l td:nio n i:.:.atl: n a po'tin of 1 the " Far \V s't '" was .mtizl'.e U:, a 5':at and a r;dit' c i ,rtl i e Uii'ni unl r'r titsc name1 of ()hi,. i 1' ' wi n' tp hi- .i,. arso p (1'r~caed f1rom tilt,, ,It f' , 00,00 ' all tie territory c:( ; tl. i:-; flracn tl- Mis-liss ipi tro Iti': ll u 'kv I, ,un:i .s i l: I l the i'I Sniii d i' tmi t he . 1) si:i ti !:' t. c u!' l n ,:,i'al' ira and bhy: i ot c , t( c ,inti ' 1 p.evil fli l. vet. b nt oin l 'iis 'ot it ' In , (:lt. n 'it -i wether Le.:wi , P e" 1r'I,. :1td I," ('t:t irifi \Viti. C.lark, ti cbau. tr t 'tcae nt ttl.i: p - ditix , to tho :.itita..:y tonv t irA wh at was the:u a m: ntt a victryi ihit'. Louis, ascund,' d i f,,; ."i, ,ri in b,..:: To he (r-rt. Fal h e Ei.e0 .vl thne Ina iwa hus" to what is :.: .v h... t et: l.":o-t!. y ! f iG allatin (it v 1'.:.:,, ,; wo :, t liie (',.hl ::' ti river, f. !tl~ the frcs oiti, tLand.ic They made .i'r trit lnl'ia, tiywre yet . t 'rei 117f. itli, ili' ' r ti I ti s ,' e lt% i.i t the c tariac'ye . r ' t: i1 .'li -. " if the in,: 1 1ens, he ,i ; "f butt.(, i d ,,f it-. , t.:l::tai that appeare'i to hold upih.csk. Jhc.'il.s declanid, "g UV dnd i :t ti l .,te,-i exe i.i mob'y jt y f halmsn t, the Uni i i,1 -. Ilanl the otrl a 1.d .c{,in of Laii n1t:+ Clark from the: 1' 'aky iM''ita'i s. ):ing theef arly d n e t e f .r uttes to '.uIl.''< administra.tion sant: dt i n ', i te wt against England. it v,1=, durig: thi. ear that the Ehnglish f:',ig ,e , i, n'rrie7'e, was cap tured by the (Co1t ituti on and' tc' Shalrthon Iby the oo(eo ,on. iParry fo.pein his ship till ' .Str h ck down by the " en 'y, :. - 1( when dyin cr"ied "dl-o 't ;'ve up lthe ship.t JNor was it gi.ven up, and lt!l,,nh t he comman'der lied in the ntmidst of the en Sgabement, thi eattle ctnased not till t: p isnon '' suirrendered and bowed to the sulrvcm cy of the Yankee tars. Co'm. Perry added afiditio ntl lustre to the Amar i:the nary by the ti iumphant victory achiev ed on L-oke Erie. While the navy was thus active, we find that the fore's on iand were not idle, and though the enemy had sic-ue ceeded in invading Maryl.nd an! plunder ing the i)istriet of Columbia, they were yet to meet with overwhelnin;r def'e:ot. Flushed with victory their troops a,!vanced und,.er Gen, PIckenlham toward New Orleans. Advanciln toward the city they were meit by the forces under G(-. Jackson, who re pulsed themn, amn ..mid great slau..''ter caused them to take refit,:; in their slips; they left and never returned to thank Old Ha ickory 'for the warm rcception he ten dered them. Within one week after this battle took place, peace way proclaimed in the Units d Stat's, and1 vewsels sailian be neath tie American flap were honor-el and re,,neet,-d wherever they chose to go. SJante, Monroe succecdrld t Iasri:, to the Presidene. olisadruinistratioa was mak ted by u "it discretion and nis(}nn that it his passed into history at the "cra ,f go,,d feejint." Up to this period each Presidclt elected h=1 taken part in the !or.--iation or in founding the go--veimnent lint with e the election of .1o0re Quincy _1diams a uew s and young r generation came to take the ' place of the fathers who wrotuht so nobly i and well. Iuternal improvementedclcupied ! tlhe al ,ention of the people, aecomn nied [t with a laudable desire for thc°ee werl e fare. Andrew Jackson; the het o ' ow a Oi-'ans was the next Preideelq+,,,; s ing TO A tl'.· .. 1 , .Itv ) as I 1c tti :n toEng ,n i .:;, 1.· itd ,C t.tat-.-; .t1 this tim e, .i, :.ttld :. .1.' 0 4 qu,,ls i,.n con- I cr ni: t1 - 1, an::,.try lin. . betw'' :: .,:: ,!;`th c , i:' ..: i0 ,: :i:l :. dl:e I1 t Oti th 'e ti ic. : 1l, " ',. 1 ". c. l, ,. th:. 1;.:. Cl y r'.:,,c,;.s the v : <t.,l a b , i:ry T :. u. . ,:, < io h , tim':i i, w: ' t i,, it i .r ft..) ':b:l t : , j- -:_ : : ii: .j t i. :·ts sube ,: 1 ':u 14:11 :t t° t;' Sthe I .: .'.: cam 1' .. : chi!e 1 ,f t'e ,-op fr th4 : Pr,.:; i'.sc la 1.1 4 l ii]; ovhr o:, y"at 1:0 , dit-'d, .i tl .l· l F:il,::re, the: .i.:c-i h le t,- , a.F.'su ncd t::> !position and o oiio. M..uch e x citemont existed ,hiring thil gtr,,ial*,e 1),1rt of al :.dluhm i:itration:, becau14';,e of the enact hit of thoe sh:,tie f,-. Certain compro lluise meaulriesl't'>4 we'r0I'1 i n 'ltr [!('Od ced. to ('olln rl'tss by 1101:r'y Clay it"kii;: to t p1't'I 'ful solh thin of t'.t; quetiou l "f ;laver', whic,' w'NIi agitati:l,1l the ' wl.oe co 'try, a'.L d -ti t '-:, partiaiy ,iit'1. ' _t ' 1 1,ubl1' tio 1. i il':nk l ln P i cl e' i '1 c . ,1r . F i;vii! el '" m e1 .... .E .aud tht :-l .r1 "' i' tti ;. ': m ! I f':h:'. i ,1 re'_ ',L byi the ai m i tedl, overtiirov.- ', t.. issouv:r c ,om ise : mi t:. , '1 . the slti '.;ion of Ka,;a; a t :,' 1~ ::t i:. 111(1 :l i ot:n slave or ati-.-lave 5.: . (',.,; : N.. w i I'vy cn, chidc'l t,' lt t _, inh'b:, ) it,, , :h '. t er' it vic. d ,id: t ;- - 1: ': ,t y (ih!, a1.d ,I l b. .rm . .,:, -1' '.1:41 " .-q ,0 : , '." . "_1_' ' f..' 1'1 ! rtu i ,("I'S (i, ,- t :- : ' , ' ,r . . : !, 1 . r: , . 1 , . , . : :, - I oit' P ei' :, . , : t n a few of th.11 :,11 l ' ' tI, ' ! 'I, dSnI t "!:' -; 1 ,f I: . I" ' '1 . t. ;,t I e people 'o- t'ti''ii i .i t m rt: ! i: r lo lic e t'i ll.( , .' 1 1. 1 :1 i :i . , :, :1,:i: ": i ." ! ý ",,: : n1 117c:, u 1 t(1: 111111' 1 1111,11'12-11':: 1, .1 t , a 'd .'i''. .1, :ll . ,,1 " , '" h .: ..2 1:. I . 1 S ,'a i ' bl ivc n the a .t c 1;11 r ; c.'.x , stin 7 1'-,: 1or:bit 4 a -i.tie -::," ,' alie t : t t h; s''rd which ik thoea o ti:-' i cmi 'i : ,:o d:1or ' 'o I i i an .n 'i t:. I t i' em1-o.! ly p,, qer ui t the l :a e:t (.,d y !. es i l ui ' 1 ! ,:: t1i 7 1i 1I , 1 i'.k : at ide n L+ . - .i tt.L, :- .:, : ,t fo" a, u . :it + , 1-,h!usl l'. d t b co : . :t a 1o t1] , of t11.1 ,l' i - 1''it'n tie 1 cc "r 1111^ *' lii 7i I :tit,.e i2n:., ,d :u'il "tS r t:ie s ',f i :i .t . . ' . u ":" l.u '' . ' (11 ' 71 ."t id" '' h ' l "' ::n ' i tc. " , to . :mien 1.111 . I.c : ;ia 1 A I"t,.. n:' i l : 1 : f '. "i :I 'i t 11 '1 o e tit :3 "' 'i'iiii' tx 'it > mli's ikr"i of ;ll+i"1 ialat , t t , i h li it ihlm o .l'c th,-:,tl n .,': ::",1 , i1 s , f ill) , 0 ~Wotr, rh . '1.n ' If. . ." i7c 1 n 10 lion wi th i tht i ,(0,;. i, H :'i l ava':i 'i :' t: .'ti , o .s I :egri c h oel' f i ~n,. l iioy ;ht, i'C ' )::il ol,11 ( io mn I· o 1 '.:l I t o "injlthil ti, si hot "inrllp e j. '-iI d nehI 'o'' ' s ::. 'i [ite nive iutt idev :lopillt 1 : : :k'o11.In 'i; t 'o ' ibi rou:thr; 1 anl: two i:7'r .h o11f. n',lu t xr; .c ire ia nill ,quatoity of fp.!s, s:b:lere-, 'ad1;i bondls, oflainscotitu td a httl.e copr tt.bacco-hardly eniointo g en ,c toit '.nan-;7 of ComillmlerIce. (1:1 Si. '1 i-1 h'l o: alerisuature alone 1a r n1:.w .esti' tI' l t t ) ex ce:l ailntia:ly , 20O,000,O;00,--while the shi. s car'rying our llag have a t it l esti r:ite ofi 0l,000,00 tons. While ( our a fricul tural and commercial iuterolts have girown beyond precedent; tile Manut atailes of the country have kept pac3 with her ist(isr.; (Col;nierce and Agriculture) in advancing the (eneral interest, greatness and hapli I 1.7555 of ot111 people. The total value of (d1',1 - tic manuf, eturies (including the proiducts of toe mines) for the plat year are mad, lratety estimated at twenty-l',gh}t Iuudred miilions of d.lhtu's; and these 1u:'(1117 n ultactlu'ries IiP uiport to '. i,,, ;' p, 1ms in till! Ut.o eld 6ta11t'7 . The1. two fadcs abtie ex:1t this ;,ranch o(f i"dus.;1" to the Oi,,t rank of impor:ante. 3y no 11, e 1 ,7 s t21 le .tt an ,,:, th!1,1 l,""71('cr+ llts of tile ,751t, is th' pr'ogress of u ,.1c2..t1 n and ed:laai-'n:l facilitih s. School 1 :ie -s m,1ultiply t e ol,prtunities for ,,:r7::;, wh1,+ the n+w st:tes of the West i i"ti rti' 10 1,utstrip the older oin s 1f the .'Pa-t in h1: fo- k,,l,.edge. Iliustr'_ t ,e ," Li.- are ,,, 1 .:h :i l nb ldings (,f o0u" ,. : T ,'ril t'ry, tha.t r'. t e 11i, if ll')ts sug - ,u, .. th:0 e 11 "f the lotst, in towns of the 1:,e '71. , Snd p1 pulatimn. One humhrcd I' tmars ,1o b;t. two colleges had existence v in t. r.. lted SPtaes, while to-day we have e six!--!tiht colleges anw tel universities. S(':n1e,5 lDicken, when i:n this countrry, S<k-;larl d" we we75,( :t nta1tion1 of r'aL11er7;. , \h;+,st e-vvry typ.'oof polities or relig ,,13 n 0'Ipap(er that qubeiat til itt" peouil-tr vii ws, While the. Arms 11a7 been, and is S1'_ doutlh often 1prgstituted to vile purposes, it ..p i.- . . i. 1 . c1 . ,+ - i ii t. . e -Us~ The -t.iy a ne -li .. 1, ; nc ,-!: iae, n !ow t;"5 mi:thly ,uLicat i::s i Th iii reas of( , ,iis pic;_ is beyrond parall:li. A sin bli:hi- g :ousec in New York Las turn-.' I , ,rt mr ,ai twelvye bo:iidl boaks a ' :.inute, fir , ivy working n;inute of the y-a, an i.vlicati-'n of the reading matter tactu iy de'nd ai l paid for by the 1 Amcriccan people. And who shall say that i this it:fi.ence, backed by tih' tc-cahin' of Cod's word shall not I:aften the time when ti.m *-1; hall ieanir war no -more, when the -l'-ritus' day :,Shall dawn and the sun shall t hiiino .lisn the IaOtions bound together in i-mnicot dl wedl,'ck anl united in the bol'ds if uniV-:-'r:]l broth r'i ol' d. We dis:tinctlv rletllcet when attending schon in our iboyhood days, being taught t.::,t ail the vltd v:st of the Missouri was a barren, sawly plain, unfit for agricultural : purpO ,es. It .aS -l ullll' i i 1 1ol r geog r ,ph i::s t!i' (:reat American Desert, while Sthe iuitiry the farther side of the iesecrt, known as the 1cl:cy 3Iiutitains, was a "hiohling s;ia-.1rnc:es," lilled with wild ibe'asts anl tr,,'eicherous Indianl, through wh1!it' with fIw ex-ceptions. tihe foot of 1 Sth white man had inever trod. Uiit to-day the scales have fallen from theo eyes of the nation as they se the l)esert blossoming as the r(o1e ; while the Ihowling wilderness of t!io Rlocky Mountatins is lnho-n as tne cgret trcasure house of the nation, if not of the world-and this is our home. The Territory of Montana i-cs a popula tifn of 20 000 earncst, industt ions, thrifty inl:ablitant- , who havie but ju- t ctoinctedt it oten the storehcl, ses of w-ealth, and po:r its rich s from the go:l, :i!ver, lead, oli- ejr andl iron mines into the lap of the ::.,,:, lih:-t twith fert:la va.l11eys and ::, al with a climate as 1 :id as many ,f t, h,' 1 . ra t,'rl cState , w i lth n'c alt i Il ";..;"1 .";101':11 1'`0'ot:e.' s ilnexhanll lable, we 0 i, vo o1 r Tict rrit' l1on', wit: its 1i, i o s o, miles, is to-day capable oti sus t.ii, .I: ~: :,1·0t of peopl-'. Our Tcrrito :'i.11 c p.,ts last year amounting to t. ,50 0, O{,1 is t tile nation, like Noah's dove rI:i nin:; wit - thui e le r f, a h.tlbiniger, that iier1 th. inhl -bitanttl of the over-crowded cile.s u' -uroie andl the East may come -:, find fo-i , th- i tn:- l'-c foit.unes, hoines i.,i ,', .- i,-k at theo immense strides of n :.v:,ll:lri during the past century, our :.<: are ov,:rwhehnied with the thought l,: r:. p': idi tt; of is growth, and the vast u:.., o(if I1 rit- ry- . Using the facts of iý l-tas a basi:.s1- , might all,.w our" i nta;! - -i't.:,s ti l]ii ei America one hun ]: ' . . ti , 11 1'c -' ; y:u l t titholl..t'1 lsu5' .iJ - lent i t t: : , ,vI th- I co cclt\ 'v: corect, - 1 Iici --t N-v X ;:" 5it : i _j"; .:i, 1 ti,'t ](n:t ýi 1 W- b>'er, i ;t h, i ' c : : ,clli, d :t NewC York C'iy in I . . Lil i - tit .. ...... yea in f-oi ,wa1 , tI Atb.:e 1; t 1 ." d .ar'ed him t', b. 10! entllhu si a l v'--iin;y. As1 wee ..- the I t -, ' - - :. '... '.ast, a dmi wonl ii-'rul _ 'i:: of t111 \," , we 11o ( ot thliln we sh4 ! e 1 h:,r:B ,ill fa'ti,, 11 in d chu-i -ct -1.s sh- di eI i o-ntana ..-il e 1n-'. a Stjat", sha, l hI ve' cities ,.loon'e containing a 1. ,il i :1 i of millit-i ; with railrond.d rl i l t:,1 ,li,.i ' kll:,:1,, ;1_th auid breadth of he1 , ; ca'yin' thti pr.ldcits from her - ile ,;i- l a- - - iie iraliS firomt her mil-esi i'. t, tile n u:.0 f11. u , es of ?hIl w ,:o'ld, while 111ill-s i i:t i"ii of t trav e frs 1 '5 ,m ( ),`.il and Aft ict:. s1:1:l v.-it 1her fuar-1an1ed os, for the Y all,'ato:e shall then be the L - 1,g. ran,', Sa'atoga. or Newport of .\,Ame ica. P: ';sing from thence :n their -v ay to th Paciiic, riding in comtfolitable a.l.ce car.t, a --i fl tile valleys, ounhetd !;y )), u:tlfins whose peaks point towarud Sheiavtnc-c- their ancestors have g.:ine-td, thiy hall a; pa-sin-:- be entranced with the .etnery anid ercptul'ed with thit- -udsc,-ei ,t 1 s c , ta tly uni li:t bg it-,- " to;i- . . i,".', ad:_ overw,-hehl ed by th,' u k ne u and the evidenices ,of the power au 1 ::~iht o ;i' 1ld, as s.en in his creati-, ill bo : tl ir heads ii i atoraion a :d ti a- 1. i.; ug, _i h: 'n ..t be n "1< 1'. ... t :i -t of their mei ,itatii s t : :,; . s i o :t -ily te .ing; wi,0 ..', wetiile Li:oliintn s tu)'On tho sal i.s : )- i.1_k an.. faith over its well p1, ved ar l,ited :,mr.t<. h:ik:llints of g tani. pi - ,ti.,. i-ti: u'seda i. - : , I ." c," W 1 ,hh r, 111-;le palatial ,ie-. c' ( La-l'," b iltt t e fluti st ." ''1 .i: ; . - i:-, ( t tnut " ( ', . :;L 'b '. , (li i ... , '! c - a f l. .- - t eve- th.i,'t'_ re. IAsitotett:l ý.: . . , re t _4'v.e,. ';t! ad a i 1ot of 11he cit, - ftis -:.. . ! ' I 1: , i::,e b ut -C - i' questiin by crying out, " Deur Lodge; ; twenty mintles for refreshments :! l eas ontilg fIrom analioy t.hre is no greater falh:ey in this imn- gery, than in Web;;ter nw:h inf his decl:uatin':,, for events are -.;.i . h t,'uth ,i" his a.ssLt rtion. as it ,. i' i f. 'waid to a tre r' unt certain filltilll im .' . 1 .'i0 :til !:t 1 1 . L t ::G 1 i ,1 : (i ' ll' i :i.I: l'ot ll'_t l -11'111 ' .. t ii ii Y'-", ti i ntd' I! hi 'on i.of ltn: . a. r ourday w ith . . es ha I'i " ar: 'stl uin S)', m t i. bn l, il t. h , w S.' Ii';[i1i"t.i \\I i . l': i "'tbI Al l,, Ii ".e ' 1 1npl p et;1 , o s io , "r tiny realized a , 't" lt ha tI d'"i et t 's fi'i ads iths h h ti .'vy an-1 di' consIi late, and saw tier it ', iiV ilvn o" ly to be . cris tilling ,t, ta" thlat .t ohers might ran' the fruit of ,torerte .'ith', nd dying, not ipermitted to occl t hE it n which tihe body of their i . h , i t ltl l if.ullilr-er to (dust. F ;ol:'ti te p ' f t'i Old World were tad ti, ,fd the heel of the tyrant. For rentruris t'hnlyr cries dni groans ascended to he: a.n nutti t last the froke was broke, i shakin;, oftf the iiitickles that h tini Itbm', they were en abled to greet the i :I " is'. and enter it as joyfully as tile lti oen f Israel entered the Promised iLid . Then, after a lapse of years, the hand was ratn I rio enslave and make their ne orne ia lanid oif bondage. But the air of Ameri-ca wafted Freedom upon every breeze. and to be free became one of the first principles of their societies ; and the equality of all iiirii before the law, the fonudation of aill their liberties. Never, never, while life listed, would they again submit to tyranny : and uniting their all in one coIimmon cause against the oppressor, they ..cotinued the struggle till the name Ameurica became synunymonsswith freedom the world over. Its glad song sounded ni)on the cars of tlhe hardy sons of the North, finding an echo amid the tropics of the South: greeting the sun with its sym Sphonies as it rises in the East, while its music s:autes the ear alike sweet vespers of praise it is sung by those of the West; till now at last, after the clouds and mis's of years have rolled away, and the can of peace and unity shines upoen, our Centennial Anniversary, the whole world rises utip to this d eology to the glory of God and She honor of the land. "" tilre tht' on i nhamely f.v-re (lhine, W it-ar hie Lte alr amnd :' tint.. hlelon.1rt ian tILhol ' crt ,-i:- so r, kix kine ' mI. fot r a' t.l:t " And now how shall the second century be made as pro'perous, and our growth as great, and development as rapnil as the contory past ? We answer i First-By unity y Iluowiug no North, S.;th, East or West, but living, w-rking and aeting as one: rjoieing im the success and prospel ity of each part of the country; rememtwring that the happiness and pros perity OOf one.p."rt adds to the sucess of. al; econd--A di errot solectiion of *tki., wit 4 3t aice 1wpnailiJ ': a ji thur authority. The eaactwezt wa , ,rat 4r fosbnlaos "-h ms's r, peculate or abstract one dlollar from thlo public funds; applying the law with equal force to County, City, State, and National mbovernmrwuts. This will kill at least one lialf of the politicians, destroy the peace of many a clique and disrupt multitudes of combinations that exist only by robbing public treasulies. liht it will restore con idence and bring additional prosperity to the whole land. Third--By education. Giving our chil dren and the nationalities who shall come to us, an education that will enablo them to have proper conceptions of their duties toward the State and toward one another, and thus, with free schools, free colleges and a free press, and with all in the full -njoyment of civil and religious liberty, they will be preplared to lift the human family to a higher plane of true manhood, and hasten the cra of the universal brother hood of man. Fourth-Obedience to God an:d the teach ing of Ills Word. For compliance with all His comimands is the true secret of happi ness and success. The history of the past teaches us the truth of the declaration that, "Rlightousncss exalteth a nation, antd sin is a reproach to any people."' Thus, with the precepts of the Most HIgh enstamped upon our hearts, we go forward and the glory of the second century shall as far outshine the glory of the first as the merlidian sun exceeds the early morning light. I have read that while the Continental Congr:ocs at Philadelphia were engaged in discussintg the Declaration of Independence, that crowds of people congregated around the Old State House, waiting for the final declaration that should declare the Colonies free and independent. Knowing the eagerness of the people, the Speaker had placed a, man at the door, another one on the stails, and the third one with his hand on the rope of Old Independence Bell. As soon as the act had passed and the ballot was announced declaring the thirteen Clounics forever free and independent, the S. f:ker cried to the man at the door, Siiig I " and the man at the door cried to the maan on the stairs, "Ring!" and he to the min with his hand on the bell rope, "Ringg ! " aln with joyous heart, and amid the loud acclaim of the assembled thou sands, rang oat a peal thiat caused the nations ,of to earth to rejoice, and whose reverberations are still sounding in our ea:s, " procluiming Liberty throughout all the land, uato all the inhabitants thereof." Ani, to-day, standing in the doorway of t!he second century of American Independ ence, we cry to the generations half way up tie second Centennial " Ring freedom and equality to all undet the sun," and their shall reach through the path •.IwV of years to the privileged one standing iy ch r Ine.pendeneo Bell in 1976, who I:: the loud acclaim and the triumphant h 'l:.h;:jahirs of a people whose borders shall iteoal over the whole American Continent, havinlg but one Star S)angled Banner as the e miiiblem of their nationality, and bowing to one who is the Supreme Ruler the .hcl:ov:;h of heaven and earth, amid the ..:"phonis of the swelling doxologies of praise, will cause the Old Bell again to ii)' out universal liberty to all the nations of the earth. -Italy set,'i hat: made of bamboo shav ings to France. -The Eastern question--lWhat part of the Thikey (do you prefer a --The therm ometer is among the earliest ri:;c-rs these mornings. -When I:en. Butler asked the "blessing" I at a pi'nic the other day the silence was --n .\:iz ,.,ia editor says that George Eliot i-: a fair writer, conusidering that he is :an Igihl nan. . ...,: -, 1, is4 NOW - ere `...! .;h, n :i, -'Y , boda wraters' goo ; 'ls like your l . I ;; a Jeep." --J.o, t. ;axe is lying seriously ill at his residence in Brooklyn. ile expresses doulhs h ;imslf of his recovery. -is there anything ominous in the fact t ('neiinllti a.tands between St. Louis an'I W'' shin ,ton?-N. r:. Herald. --TIle ih:itialr of the iames of theRepub lic::ii ca:iil.liltcs are the first letters of the saLuIme, Iuin lu:ckeyc HIayes Who Always Wins. -\ re battles healthy ? Thirty-two of thit i.:lers 'h.l took prt in Waterloo are aiil, ai:li'gh thant istitlo was fought 01 Iy Scr:'s ago. -Sir Charles Adderly has invented a phrase. In speaking the other night in the British House of Commons about Ameri can seamen lie described them as United State:-unen. -l)ore for over a year studied human faces in the operating ward of a Paris hos pital in order to study the varying express ions of misery in those who were being op erated upon. -Ii oliry Ward Beecher has been engaged by the IRedpath Bureau of Boston tolecture I eighty nights the comiing season for $40, t0):0. 3Iuik Twain will write and deliver so:en new sketches for a limited numnber of -An Aiki'n as professor says that for i10,L00 he h ill drive the Indians out of the Black HIills in two weeks with ballons and sharpshooters. A Sioux once saw a small balloon at a circus in St. Paul, and he fell back dead. -The l'ilatka (Fla.) Herald says that the inexhaustible supply of palmetto in that State has suggested the idea of a large en terprise in utilizing the pith or bud of the root, sometimes called cabbage, for pickles, which is far superior to the cucumber for for that purpose. -Curran, being angry in a debate one day, put his hand upon his heart, saying: "I am the trusty guardian of my own honor." "'Then," observed Sir Boyle Roche. "I congratulate my honorable friend on the snug sinecure to which he has r appointed himself." -The Emplneror William is also a gift taker in his way, his subjects delighting in making him presents. Last year he re ceived 41,371 presents, including books, f pieces of music, charts, works of art, table delicacies, articles of clothing, household " furniture, boots, slippers, and even sus penders, s -Leo Miller, the free lover of Minnesota, "spiritual" brother to Vic Woodhull and "so so" husband of Miss Mattie Strick I land, lectured in the village of Waterford, Minn., a week or two since, on his "affini ties," and was frcquently encored with spoiled eggs. It is. proposed to end: this man's mental miry by hanging him to a derrick if hoe er eoiea back to town.: e -The Fargo AL) a1sca asks : "What do you think of u'hbroken furrow six miles long? That'shat yotaian.see any day by going to Elm ns RPlve. Tsej sXi Dalrymple 4G Oraidin a#sr©. g`) The teams $kt int a s one rostiu ra ii Q tt inthe *fr e, ~ ~ ha TERMS-Payas. One Year..... ........... Six M onths....... ................... Three Month. ........................ NEWSPAPER DECISIO, 1. Any one who takes a paper regularly f m!dc-e-whether directed to his lname or an whether he has subscribed or not--is responsible payment. 2. If , person orders hil paper discontinued, hbe o - ray all arrearagos, or the publisher will continue t"" s~nd it until payment is madle, and collect the whole amount. whether the paper Is taken from the oflice or not 3. The rt lorts have declded that refusing to take the newspapcn - r p.riedicals from the P<Tt-office, cr remov. ing and I avin_ tihnm uncallcd for, is primeafactl evience of intentih.nal fraud. Papers rnlered to any address can be changed t. :la:oth or adlai al t the option of the subscriber. r,Pe:i:anos by draft, check, money order, or registrt " letter. nuly be sent at our risk. All Petmastcr s are r, <'tiri'd t.,rci-iter letters on application. E -ANGELICAL CORNER. Mrs. Lincoln is worth $81,000. Apple bloss:ms are favorite decorations for hats. "Ivory " is the newly adopted name for cream color. Brocaded cambric is the newest thing manufactured. White muslin dresses arce trimmed with fluted flounces. The chatelaine braid is now as much favored as ever. Little boys and girls now wear buttoned shoes without heels. Croquet sets are now sold under the name of "matrimonial encouragers." Marriage is described by a French cynic as a tiresome book with a very fine preface. A girl's best chances of marriage are while she is between twenty-one and twenty two. Old hats are made into now shapes by turning the front and back around to the sides. Mrs. A. T. Stewart's gifts to public charities have amounted $100,000 since her husband's death. Parasols, with queer locking pointed tops, called steeple, canopy and pagoda tops, are popular. Julia Sinclair, an American girl, has just received the degree of M. D. at the University of Zurich. The most popular black gi enadines are those with. stripes of the "Mexicaine" patterns, which were worn last year. Maggie Mitchell, the favorite actress, it is reported, is in very poor health and will soon retire from the stage permanently. Large veils of thin gauze or tulle have taken the place of the small mask veils ; wherefore persons with common sense are joyful. The custom for ladies to ride horseback sideways was introduced in the 14th cen tury by Anne of Bohemia, consort of Richard II. Cream color is the favorite shade for cravat hbows and neckties ; and the favorite materials are crepe, lisse, batiste, Brussels net and Cashmere lace. The Detroit lady who used one of the "blooms of youth" on her face during March and April was made blind in May and has bloomed around in goggles ever since. It is still an offense punishable with fine and imprisonment in Maryland to be a "common scold." A Baltimore lady, a vender of fish, was convicted of the offense a few days since, and fined ten dollars. In his address, read at her grave, Victor IIugo said:-" George Sand will be the pride of our age and our country. Nothing was wanting in that glorious woman. She had the heart of a Barbes, the wit of a Balzac and the soul of a Lamartine. Lace scarfs, tied close around the neck, inside the collar, are a great deal worn in door and out of doors. The real lace is b$20. They consist of a piece of insertion and wide lace edging and can easily be made at home. Mrs. Tilton sews for a living now. She seems to be the only one of the entire set that is trodden down and stoned. Theo dore earns a respectable competency and is somewhat lionized by his lectures. Henry Ward B. scoops in cash by the ten and hundred thousand dollars at a time. The 3 poor woman is turned out to live the best way she can.--Washington Capital. f At the Centennial the Philadelphia ladies s cry out, " Isn't it cunning?" New York i ladies, "How superbly lovely!" Boston ladies, "AAh, how exquawsite !" Louis Sville ladies, " Be-utiful, fo' shuah !" a Chicago ladies, "Oh my-I wish I owned that!" whhile the genuine Yankee girls I from the rural districts exclaim, "Gee whimminy, but ain't that 'ere a stunner, no nw! " Abdul Aziz ended his life where many editors began theirs-with the scissors. Commercial Bulletin. There is a firm in Boston named Gray & Lunt. Half of their letters come to them addressed Lay & Grunt. Shrinks it.-Stop this progress. When a train can go from ocean to ocean in three days this country of ours begins to look small.-Reading Review. Governor Straw, of New HaImpshire, called to see Governor Hayes on his way home from Cincinnati. There are some things which the mind involuntarily shrinks from commenting upon. This is one of them.-Danbury News. "Woman," said the fat man on the cracker barrel, reflectively, "woman is like a boil. When another man has her we laugh at him ; when we have her ourself we cherish and protect her."-Norwich Bulletin. Cherries are green enough. now to pick, and the small boy will soon be going around with his hands clasped across his equator, looking as if he didn't care how soon the republic went to pieces.-Brooklyn Argus. Shall Turkey be divided ?-New York Graphic. We should say, yes-about next Thanksgiving day, if not earlier. But don't call on us to divide it, for we are a miserable hand at the carving.-Norristown Herald. The first gambler mentioned in the Scrip care was Alpha. Alphabet-every one knows it.-NorwioA Bulletin. Not so. Didn't Adam find a par-a-dise in Eden long belore ever Alpha bet a cent. -Eureka &entinel. We don't know, but would like to know how long ago the above took place before the was-played against Pharaoh at the lea,-White Pine News. Eve Mt4 sport. She played Adam t played-smash in that a 'brut R*1erprise. S_ :. A the whbaf yester Dtpnouon tbh. f oniations. ie don Itui votes i el. kmb for Itow, a aeeg dfld ,