OCR Interpretation

The new North-west. [volume] (Deer Lodge, Mont.) 1869-1897, July 14, 1876, Image 3

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84038125/1876-07-14/ed-1/seq-3/

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St.:I e:,i I hu " c ul. n .fr-c m :111
bla, n'~ ..i. , . , 1 , ly i.: it was t]e
he" L ' tc, the td.:. 'i o liur eed in
par:..xys'' unt i d.i vt i: a :u. cicl. Ti.
man w ,: -c.i , o ju ly chc .
m i i ic g, a hva e 'c rcc
c1 I aft Ir flli ;n. c'",i ,: in "ccn Ilice it.
lhe f' " c , u ' i he i.: 111' .-f . :l :rged,' i :
if ,a ', , y d'.,e P vi', fiimc . cl t ickC c ,ai t
cise, he h n a ( u;gi, c rk.
Lt :: that v . r sh ,'ank she
ih; .L: C a h t:.. is :ta l that the
ni 1ht i ' :S d{1 . !, '::i t'b in HAND
ill t, whole -1'i l Iiere
A:t n: o.pt iilt a z:r, t'i, l ci m d zfe, mt 'ili an I wltv .hi
is in ,j !,:c:. in. c., ; . ir: to weu i'n 'the
. itnCr. ;= end .] t he a V. ! ' 111 whit I'
t :·i" , a iby 1. 1:7.:;., o oour ,illa,'
,,t i;,.o,', l ',: ci,;,gar:c, :rcax;:,, a:cr unlhilen
: u:c::t t ir iil "ohive cut t.
hleh t) o! tai:1 even th: nl caies, (f the pcutice.
Itac are Ir . . i)- .- 'le, cn.' t:u.ni a skctch of tfle
;11~ i : 'iu iof t w'CiiOnl :u;1 ric i will prd esent
it t -ii w k. It wi e rb:)ly bt e eH inter
l aC ' t.' I.ciiALEt AND II ':nAi
Ici . c .ci.: lal, ;:th they have l, l treia:-r.
'p:i,. i h,, " -,v, t 1 tl o ' r vic i
(n ,rI : ; !i . l: c a. t iI n p cral' is:. were h olritul
(i l, l he i, i:i::1t ) a d ecntetrc d into fitll.com
hc; i:i,: il' c trutthacr. ''ichl com mtnn ica th t,
ofIi i. ,.?i:;iacs thll hc! ]u W low illu lbr 2t),
'i,- . , T,,"',trh' l iE 'ache(1d morning and even
in ;( I ;lpicy cl;:r io audio 'nces, the setmon of
; :" Tihe rfcf.'re by their fruits 'e . ..,;h!ll
. ,' . c'. ." ct ,It reviewed tle relatin of
('ll iL y ani scir i c nce, showing that inc
yn hac dikcoveritee and rseadrhes
lh si r .s ctfIict writh the imfmraed e
tl rut cs f ohfit - aniy ; that they have thesir
ii,.s h'v" soaen yrfected, h uror sifted r
ut c;cl:e' tuateh lnesof remairch twi twok
will , Du 'c in h tinityn recociliation ar i
ca ethe Spyaking oh tnr ctulch ac the
p' cw and attiecto af t ho knhwledge of
ithe fe: , hr ci : "irrisgiatl;y has been
and i Io oihccr thao ou appror of, h ad
min 'hizcr citie, knowlCdr e and science.
,i w:re : it u as kept swmar and addr d tc
c lie t, ,-n of the omoa; i has forged the
lertes ilt:d onfetd hsnakill and hI on
tL L A Oe i f th
hav te So, and ye om eno r
Af nd ard acuteoef s ofresearoho w he
i: p heavl s I his morting to Jul his
0. c.
Shave jut received direct from the
.;e .:"c of iLe East an immense stock i0
;:hic: tve now offer to public at
I,:' : :lever: c l'ef)re touched by any Ihouse
,u _.:, l tana.
Leau.If'ul a;-ortment of prints at
-1 iLkIcachcl Mlu.Aliil,
by the piec.
( , I ,Jcuat'ie. C:e ,e muslin,
ty the nic-e.
Jl ls. ack v ,rtd ( ircle Combs,
:t ,c-ha!" t he old prices.
:; L P o P ay.
the rieduc, n i~ ain az1..
in .prpormtil.
....I ..LB .CAEPET,
,~SQ .;E2 YAl,5,h).
" . L. . , :" C.v,
The copper minos of Blackfor, citiiated
onu Snow Shoe gulch, ill'lading several
lodes, llree of which are now producing
ore for shipment, are among the most
v,ilulbe discoveries r.aLde in that sectIon
f ir "years. Darr & Arnold, John Gleason,
and Ilarrion Co!; & lDavis are t:.cto m
itho own tie ircoducing vcins'. Quite a
n tmbrr of other lodes have teen itcated
':u, will L.a wore'.:cd this winter.
T11 (',t ^ u ~l:,b clebration at l!ackf,)ot
was a si',e:. :ion. A. A. Prow'; deClivered
: able oiation, Jnlo. C. Moore read the
D'cl u" ion f in'l pcndc;nce, cad followed
Ir. I; ii a fir t rate speech. The ladies
,it a `L:::<1 , si dinner, :nd dancing
whicht was I'fri to all ii the evening, pre
ceded by - i grand display of fir- wooks,
continmud lnl,, t.e wnir! a of the morning
had d(i.sappear:ed from the eastern horizon.
Stno of the bet ; nlms in the Blackfoot
cn mniry will not stop to clean up as long as
the water hOr.l:u out f, r a:ydi'anlicini,
Ju.irl' 1il re:i s ane increase to the
Scolt lh u ., Gdahr whose hogs
jbrcok, ieteo 1:,, c:,mmon .i:st week. A
goo ;tart and L'u:: :h ,!s of dollars might
be epic:: u: n ti.'i ,ay by li ticking to the
,pin:c e i: dr:taulics and nearly as many
liie:cmsi a '.1 ;;,ii ;;.liic ar:: e running inl
Stie !llrc 1orp ':i.il, " m'dl these are aimon
r best in the ActV or.
Now is t e time, to get Supplies at
z lWhiolesale. WM. COLEMAN.
Scuool-, D1 i)i. lODne Co., M. T.
Dlii ' LODEa I. 'ontana, July 1, 187T6.
Cash reported in Treasury and subject
to apportieir:ment, :"177.23. Apportioned
as fo!lows-per e::; ita, 27 cts.
i)ht. No. 1 Deer LoC 6........... 62.91
G" ". 2 Race "i':k.'ik........... 6.75
" " 3 U th` ............... 21.87
'" " r4 Bia;,:r,:ot ............o 14.04
S " 5 L,:it Cr.1! ............ 4.32
" " i;; ,"veC 6 :G'............ 8.01
" G ; 7 Pi;n cc. .............. 8..10
" " ........ 17.2.)
"" Wilow recel;k ......... 8.91
" " 10 levev'og- "'d's.......... 3.24
" " 11 Lincol ......... ..... 3.51
" " 1S IBear o?,:tlh......... ...51
S" i3 Silver E1 w ...........
" " 1:i New (hic.lgo......... .37
" G" 15 I elmvile ............ 3.21
ialance c:'arsid over.............. 2.38
TIl'nsfeircd f,,oei Lineitt Dist. No. 11, to
clmrnville District No. 1 ,'th staun of
A)Uonisux eTrar', Co. Supt.
Butte City, M.nPta .
Rqbert Cirton, r -Proprietor.
Good arcc::mmnduliiona in lodgrs. No tir in nor
Salool litar theo IeoteC.
00atats Will 1:eceive Good Attention.
i ard per Wkc ............... .........$uTi.
B ard per )a' .................:..-..... 1.O
Lodging per Dcs.- ... ............... .....60 i
The ine lin pblir wiltl ix- this.l piRantl hotl,
and their tvtrontngt is respeel:inll.y s
iiroarm, and all kinds-of hxed ammunni
in stook for sale at
as Wi. Cxoat w's
&Uealth P z1rot U`S 8wa*
h eituadrth irrja e ieq 'u ttbe
best jdo of tnhat
whBeoIuo £e etirlatR eais fot .only a.
ble buit p ae aifn ;ysu
the tempo#.ar ioo oq,*si si
uhwt snonft I nes;d
lp th C Of U, to ±
V, 1
SGold in New York-1.11 7-8
SMr. Bailey has put a lumber yard in
A large train for Murphy, Higgins & Co.
unloaded Wednesday.
Quite anumber of children in Deer Lodge
have the whooping cough.
Kennon & Zenor sold three mowers and
one mower and reaper on Monday.
Bishop Tuttle's lecture occurring as we
go to press, no mention can be made this
A band of 850 steers belonging to Con
Kohrs passed through on the way to the
railroad, Sunday.
Wm. Coleman has associated Samuel
Lewis with him in the Deer Lodge tobacco
and variety stole.
Mr. W. A. Clark, on Wednesday brought
down t5,500 of bullion the result of five
days run of the Dexter milll, half battery
The wool crop of this valley is now being
shipped to the States. Six thousand miles
transportation to convert wool into cloths.
Capt. Trufant, of Yamhill, writes us on
the 6th:-" There were two departures
after dark l:ast night and two sluice rob
Centennial Lodge of Good Templars is
organized and working efficiently. It is a
good cause; may it be prosperous and
The Postofiice Store is in receipt of a
lar :gc . 1:.k of etationery, blank books and
general variety goods. Now is the time to
order or buy.
lhevr.rends J. R. Russell and M. N. Gil
beit will hereafter each preach one Sunday
in each month at Butte-the latter on the
last Sunday of each month.
P. J. Smith and John Murphy, of Phil
iplburg. and Jeff McDermott, John Quigley
and Winm. Wilson, of Emmettsburg, leave
here for the Black Hills to-day.
hButt, Bitter Root, Missoula and Phil
ipsburg all celebrated the 4th worthily.
We would be pleased, if circumstances
cpermnitted, to relate the details of each.
Reverend W. C. Shippen, of Helena, will
address the Good Tcmplars and citizens of
Deer Lodge on the theme, "A Temperance
Gospel" on Tuesday evening, July 18, at
the Court House.
.Michael Martin, of Philipsburg, while
out riding on last Sunday, was thrown
from his horse while going at full speed.
lie struck on his head, and it is believed
his injuries will prove fatal.
What are the credentials of Glenn's Sul
phur Soap? Firstly, it is indorsed by
medical men as a disinfectant, deodorizer,
and remedy for local diseases of the skin.
Secondlly, it is an admirable article for
toilet u-;e. Thirdly, it is inexpensive.
The Montana Minstrels did not perform
in Deer Lodge as announced. They gave
two choews in Pioneer and got on a spree.
Mr. Rogers, Manager, advanced their stage
fare back to Deer Lodge and on arriving
two of them struck out on foot for Helena
-leaving him, so to speak, holding the
Mr. Larabic showed us, a few days ago,
a blood stained relic of the stage robbery
in Port N2uf-an envelope torn from a
letter to his wife and smeared with bloody,
sanguinary gore. The rascals robbed the
mails for money, and one of them had torn
his hand on the express box before tearing;
ooen the letters.
Mr. W. K. Brown, of Cable, has struck
a fine lead, called the Luxembourg, near
the Four Johns at Georgetown. The
specimens are wonderful-nearly as large
and as rich as tdie famous Cable specimncnr.
One pan of rock yielded $14. Work is
being prosecuted on is. The lead is owned
by IMr. Brown, Mr. R. S. Kelley and Joseph
ed from England news which will necessi
tare his speedy return home, now offers his
I oods at exceedingly low rates, as he is ob
liged to close out with the least possible
delay. Ile also offers a complete set of
jeweler's tools and his house and lot in Pi
ouccr. For terms 'address him at tihat
place. 359tf.
Charles Blum, who brings the best dry
goods and clothing to the west side, was
up at Butte this week on business. HIe is
satisfied with the outlook, has leased the
best store room in the town--the first floor
of the Masonic Hall building-and next
week will send up a large stock of goods
with i[ r. McMurphy as salesman and
manager. It will be a nice addition to the
business of Butte.
Col. Gilbert and Lieutenant Wordcn, of
Camp Baker, with an escort of cavalry,
passed through Deer Lodge on Sunday en
route to Missoula to select and survey the
site for the military post near that place.
It does not look as though the government
can spare the troops to garrison it this
season unless the Indian situation on that
border should become threatening. In any
event the post should be established and
buildings erected ready for the garrison at
any time, as an imperative mid-winter
demand may be made for troops.
Centennial Lodge of Good Templars.
On Thursday evening of last week, July
Gth, at Odd Fellows' Hall, Deer Lodge
City, Meassona Bullard, G. W. C. T. of the
I. O. G. T. of Montana, organized Centen
nial Lodge No. 55 of Deer Lodge City, 1.
T. During the evening the following
named officers wore duly elected and in
stalled, viz:
Thos W Flowers ................W C T
Miss Maggie B Irvine. ...........W V T
Daniel Stephens ................... W S
Thos H Irvine Sr .................W C
Qeo W Irvin................. W F S
Mifi~Nettle Rogan.... .............W T
Job h 'a1..il.. ................W M
SMrsI OFlowers .............. W I G
8 VYanolewen................. ..W O G
Jdi Marehion...... .......WA S
J-is E Owings .................W D M
Mbq e IKelKley.............WR S
eil ... ............W L H
by:isp ..............P W
' fia`t. present nuomber ninetsea
x rsba r and to prdepects are very in
gfor a raps of menmberehip.
.,: u ui4 L Srrtri~a~
W i e
.4apa~fo CAND1-E& -
weft; low far cask
Messrs. J. C. Robinson, W. W. Dixon
and Conrad Kohrs went to Butte Wednes
Mr. Con Kohrs will leave for Granger
U. P. R. Ii., next Monday. Mrs. Kohr
and children will go east in September.
Dr. James Fuller, of Philadelphia, at
owner in in the North-West mine and mil
at Tower, is at Philipsburg at present.
We are advised that Mr. C. K. Harden
brook and a party of seven from Dry Gulcl
are preparing to leave for the Black Hills
Marshal Glass is in town and informs u1
the agent Mr. Cox brought out has left
Philipsburg withent having accomplishes
Col. M. B. Cox and the agent of hip new
company, Mr. Ballard, of Louisville, ar
rived last week and are looking at Philips
burg property.
Mrs. G. E. Atwood, of Sc. Louis, sister
of E. S. Stackpole, Esq., arrived on Mon
day from the East and will visit with hei
brother during the summer.
Ed. Stone writes June 26th, that Portlanc
is terribly flooded--16 inches higher water
than ever before known. Boats (small)
are rowed back as far as 7th street. The
loss will be millions.
Duncan Dingwall, Esq., manager for
Caphoe & Smith, Emmettsburg, was in
town this week. There are about 25
whites and 35 Chinese working in Hender
son gulch. The bars are paying well.
Messrs. Wm. Coleman and N. McNish
will leave this morning for the Centennial
Exposition, going via the river. Mr. Colo
man will purchase a stock of goods while
Mr. Walker, of Frank, Dallemand & Co.,
San Francisco, one of the best liquor houses
in the country and doing a large and in
creasing business in Montana, is now hero
on his sixth annual visit to the Territory.
Give him your orders.
Rev. Thos. E. Dickey, Episcopal Rector
at Bozeman, arrived on Tuesday evening
and goes off this morning with Bishop Tut
tle and Rev. Gilbert to Blackfoot and Iel
ena at which latter place Reverends Toy
and Prout will be on Sunday next, thus
uniting the entire Episcopal clergy of the
Territory. We are pleased to have had a
visit from Rev. Dickey.
Joaquin Abascal, E:q., has vilited Butte
this week and is enthusiastic over the min
erals, which he says are simply immense.
He thinks there is paying ore enough now
shown up to keep one hundrel stamps
pounding for ten years, and says if Jones,
Sharon, or some of those capitalists would
como and look at Montana quartz there
would be a grand inflax of western capital,
sure. And that's true.
Capt. R. II. Mason and wife, of Jefferson
City, and J. W. Audrcws, Jr., have been on
the West Side streams angling during the
past week and tarried over Sunday in Deer
Lodge. Capt. Mason is a son of ex-Mayor
Mason, of Chicago, and manager of the Clii
cage mill at Jefferson; Mr. Andrews is an
attorney of Chicago, taking a health-seek
ing vacation in the mountains.
Re-Published From the Official Laws.
(The Quartz Law of Montana enacted
last winter differs materially in important
respects from that heretofore existing. In
response to a request and as a matter of
general interest, we herewith give the law
as it now exists. This differs so materially
from the law of the Extra Session that all
quartz-owners should carefully study and
preserve it. Those interests are now be
coming too important to imperil by failure
to comply with the statutes.-En. N. N.
Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly
of the Territory of Montana :
Section 1. Any person or persons who
shall hereafter discover any mining claim
upon any vein or lode bearing gold, silver,
cinnabar, lead, tin, copper, or other valua
ble deposits, shall, within twenty days
thereafter, make and tile for record in the
office of the recorder of the county in
which said discovery is made, a declaratory
statement thereof in writing, on oath, be
fore some person authorized by law to ad
minister oaths, describing such claim in the
manner provided by laws of the United
Sec. 2. q'hat in order to entitle any per
son or persons to record in the county re
corder's office of the proper county, any
lead, lode, or ledge, there shall first be dis
covered on said lead, lode or ledge, a vein
or crevice of quartz, or ore with at least
one well defined wall.
Sec. 3. Claims on any lead, lode or ledge,
bearing gold, silver, cinnabar, lead, tin,
copper, or other valuable deposits hereafter
discovered, shall consist of not more than
fifteen hundred linear feet along said lead,
lode or ledge, and not more than three hun
dred feet and not less than twenty-five feet
on each side from the center of said lead,
lode, or ledge, for working purposes. Pro
sided, that the provisions of this act shall
not be so construed as to include claims re
corded prior to the passage of said act.
Sec. 4. All lode claims heretofore dis
covered and recorded pursuant to the law,
and the possessory title to which shall have
been preserved according to law, shall enti
tle the owner or owners thereof to surface
ground along the course of the vein three
hundred feet on each side from the center
of said vein: Provided, that such width
shall not be permitted to interfere with
any vested or possessory rights of any per
son or persons, corporation or corporations,
whic have intervened and have been pre
served to the time of the taking effect of
this act, but parties desiring to avail them
selves hereof shall so signify by a record
which shall show that they so elect~ or that
they so desire, they may limit :the surface
ground on each side of the center of the
vein to any width not less than twenty-five
Sec. 5. Any person who shall remove
any stake or monument placed on any
mining claim, or who shall obliterate, de
face or destroy any notice placed thereon,
shall be deemed guiltyef a misdemeanor,
and on conviction thereof shall bepuished
by fine not exceeding one hundred dollars,
or imprisonment not exceeding ioe0e9s, or
both suoh fine and i mpr rtin- in the
4iseretiodt of the court.
iSee. 8. 6 All actsad parts, of aets la on
Ailot wlh thiso ame sAlO ss, res A .
recs. 'W. 3 0i a't#::.'i$ be n
ftfroiaS4Mwf ltu-i.,
App &?ew*~~PON~
,,ý .kta '' C :ý
i'ý , ill;·*·:ý - ·
Our Bozeman Letter
iMr. 3aa't r ivo1 Farther Details of Caster'
FPi.t-N-ewm fr the Black rills ; Advice
Not So Encouragiun .
Fax o ra SPEc:A.L Ce. , . . .
BOZEM.N.A, July 8, 1876.
The chronic state of our telegraph linm
prevented despatch to you of the military
news. and by the time this will reach yoi
you will have had the h' e details of the
Custer disaster from jou: rialistic sources.
Upon the scene of the disaster was oppor
tune, as all correspondence from the flelc
agrees in the assertion that the remnant of
the Custer command was surrounded anc
must have been slaughtered within one oi
two days.
Presented a terrible sight. The valley foi
two miles was littered with the bodies of
mutilated men and the carcasses of dead
horses, while one place of sepulture holds
the remains of 204 of the army of the
United States.
Are variously estimated from 350 to 450
but, of course, exact figures can result only
from the official report yet to be made.
Command is supposed to be now at Fort
Pease, but opinions differ regarding the
whereabouts of Crook. In military circles
here it is thought Crook would not leave
Fetterman until the 10th inst., and in that
idea two Crow Scouts have been sent to him
across the country to Fetterman.
Was a magazine of supplies--axes by the
hundred, fry-pans by the wagon-load, wired
in half-dozens as they had loft the factory,
blankets by the bale, skins, meats, etc., in
great quantities, all of which were destroy
ed by Gen. Gibbon.
Followed the massacre. Pockets were cut
out and rifled, uniforms despoiled of orna
ment, and the most horrible outrages were
committed upon the braveo dead of the most
sanguinary field in the history of Indian
warfare. Heads were found strung by
thongs from the ears and hanging upon
stakes, and scores of bodies, first stripped,
were slashed and drawn and quartered in a
manner calculated to strike terror to the
soul of a Cannibal.
Was evidently one of close quarters-per
haps one of surprise. White and Indian
must have fought hand to hand, and once,
it is related, the savages cut the troops
from their horses as the latter were pressed
into the close quarters of the narrow ra
Transpired during the strugglo - bloody
evidences of which remained upon the field
upon the arrival of Gibbon. One letter
states that when complete slaughter seemed
unavoidable, and the yelling horde of sav
ago miscreants pressed upon the remnant
of ]enou's gallant command, the jaded,
thirsty, driven men became unnerved and
sought shelter behind dead comrades and
dying horses. Reno rushed among them,
beseeching courage and struggle to the last,
but it availed nothing until two Sioux
rushed past on horse back, dragging beo
tween them, his brains dashing out upon
the rocks, one poor fellow who was thus
dying for his country and the peace policy
a death of untold horror. " That is your
fate!" screamed Reno, and with another
hope of life the despairing baud rallied and
saved themselves for rescue by the advance
of Gibbon.
May have exhausted itself with the troops,
and perhaps with the Indians as well, as but
little was found upon the bodies of the
former, and as the latter, toward the last,
showered their arrows upon Reno. The
ground was paved with shells, showing a
tremendous expenditure of ammunition,
yet, as the Indians carried off many guns in
their retreat, they may have robbed the
dead of cartridges, as well.
May now be lengthened. We have thought
our troops would return by the last of the
present month, but tlhe situation may
ch:tnge plans. A longer, perhaps a winter
caitxpaign may, as some think, be foreshad
owed in the order to retain the new Ellis
horses at Fort Shaw when they reach that
post after landing at Benton. Surely, it
cannot be the government will now; restrain
its hand until a telling blow be struck the
brutes whose success is a disgrace to the
We here await, not without apprehension,
news trom both Gibbon and Crook. Were
it the Sioux plan to attack and destroy the
commands in detail, Gibbon would not have
been permitted to escape untried in any de
sire to meet Crook. However, the Indians
may have been badly cut up by Custer not
withstanding the annihilation of his com
mand. So far as that unfortunate officer is
concerned, it is yet too early to criticise his
action unkindly, as the history of his attack
may yet prove him guiltless of unwise
haste and more desire to secure all the glory
of a decided battle defeat in which brought
such disaster upon the flower of the army.
Late letters from this bonanza (?) discour
age anti-Montanians somnownat. "Gulches
are taken up," 'Indians prevent prospect
pecting," "I can't advise my friends to
come just yet," "Wait until spring,"
"Some claims are rich; a few are very rich;
many pay only wages." etc., etc.
The Courier, Taylor, reports that near
Fort C. F. Smith he came upon a camp but
just deserted. The fire was hardly out,
bread was still on the coals, coffee in the
cups-all indicating a hasty retreat from
Indians and abandonment of bag and bag
Evidence is conclusive in favor of delay
at least until spring, and it is hardly prob
able many more will leave here, unless, in
deed, a decided change occurs in the situa
Those who, sick of Montana, think of
emigrating to the Hills, should study over
the old saying about swappinghorses while
crossing the stream.
Bunt Fight.
Sa IAxLag O PsPo, Juily 1, 18761:i-"By
coaseatoitthe Carty Council this very enter
tani gwand exhilsratirigdiversionl take
ilatj Fin Luis Obispo, uor the Iut'
.-w ad Tuesday 3uI r*
ýbt a ,ai~1Bn~LBI:- -
asrd Gehuao,
1;b the fermi~tbsh~
Sherman Tells Why in a Courteous Dote
IIELE!A, July 13.--Governor Potts re
ceived the following despatch last night :
WASHINGTON, D. C., July 8.
To Governor B. F. Potts, Helena, Montane
Territory :
Your telegram of the 5th offering the ser
vices of a thousand volunteers for active
duty against the Indians was received yes
terday. Your offer is a generous one and 1
have no doubt that Montana troops would
do good service; but at present there is no
authority of law for accepting them.
(Signed) W. T. SHERMAN,
-"Morose without being exactly crab
bed, and pious without being precisely
moral," is the label which the New York
Tribune affixes to Daniel Drew. There are
other men in the country whom it would
describe without much alteration.
-Just as the harrassed Minnesotians be
gan to congratulate themselves on their es
cape from the grasshoppers they have been
attacked by a new pest in the shape of a
small black fly, which destroys the wheat,
attacking the roots and base of the stalk.
The wheat turns yellow as soon as attacked,
and within a very short time v. ithers and
It is the duty of all persons before start
ing on a journey to ascertain by what route
they can reach their destination with the
least trouble, and if there are two or more
roads leading to the same point, to decide
which is the safest and pleasantest to travel.
We take pleasure in stating, that the
the oldest, and several miles the shortest,
route between Omaha and Chicago. With
in the past two years the road bed has been
put in admirable condition, and alhnost the
entire line has been relaid with steel rails.
The Depot in Chicago is centrally located,
and as their trains arrive there thirty min
utes in advance of all other lines, passengers
can always be sure of making Eastern con
nections. For all points in Northern and
North-Eastern Iowa, you should purchase
tickets via Marshall, Cedar Rapids or Clin
ton. For points in Northern Illinois or
Wisconsin, via Fulton; and if you are going
to Chicago or East, you should, by all
means, purchase your tickets by the Old
Pioneer Route
lhc Chicago dC" North-WPestern.
You will find on all through trains Pull
man Sleepers, new and magnificient Day
Coaches, and the best smoking and Second
Class Cars now on any road in the United
Particular information, with maps, time
tables, etc., may be had at any of the
Through Ticket Offices in the West, or up
on personal or written application to
J. II. MOUNTAIN, Western Traveling
Agent or CHARLES ATKIiS, General
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska, or to
W. H. STENNETT, General Passenger
Agent, Chicago. 345-ly.
Pubishelt Tri-Weekly
Butte City, : Montana,
MILLS & KESSLER, Proprietors.
A Journal Devoted to the MiAJning
Interests of Montana.
Rates of Advertising Very Reasonable.
Subscription by Mail-Prepayment
ONE MONTH, $1 00 SiX 3MONTIIH, $5 00
Paper delivered in Butte and Travona 1 per month
Payable monthly.
Butte City. Montana.
New To-Day.
Proposals for FT'eh Beef.
Oice Chief C. S., Dept. of Ilkota.
st, Paul, Minn., June 27.1.70.G
fStled proposal', in dlnlicate, will be recei id t
tile octc of the A. C. S.. Fort Ellis. M. T., until 12
o'clock loon, July 20. 187l, for fureishinia the fresh
h.eeo required by the SubPi-tence Departmnett. U. S,
Army, at that post. during the ten months conlulmn
cing Seplhmber 1,1876.
]ntormiation as to conditions, payments, c, cani he
obtained on application to theoA C' ., or to thii otltei.
Propoals shollld It endolrsed l Proposals for Freh
Beef." and be addressed to the A C S, Fort Ellis M. T.
Bidders are invited to b, presenrt at the ornlietn o
the bids, and the right to reject any or all li-is i- re
served. B: Du BARRY, Major and C. S., U. S. A.
Audnrew J Davis, plaintiff, vs John F. Allen, defend
To be sold at Sheriff's 50.3 on Saturday. Aignst 5,
1870. at 2 o'clock p m, at the south front door of the
Court Honse, in Detr L-d-e City, Deer Lodge county,
Montana Territory, tie following dCescri. d property,
to-wit: All the right, title, Interest, claim ndl demand
which the above-nanmeI. defendant, Jolm F. Alen.
hadl on the 16th day o: ;,ay, 1872. or now has, in and
to lots No 11 and itf. i:i Block No 3, together uith
foundry building, mn:a hine and Ulacksmith shops and
all other improvemnt.s thereon; And also lot num
bered 16, 17, 18, 19 .d 20 in Block No 8, with all im
provements thereon:, in the town of Travoua, Deer
Lodze connty, Mi ,.tana Territory, according to the
survey made by i'~ ,ton Scott.
Given under ::r hand this 12th day of July. A D
1876, JAS. S. McANDREWS.
31i7- -heriff of Deer Lodge county, M. T.
Williamn T. Allison, plaintiff, vs. Elijah T. Iluson.
To t sold at Sheriff's sale on the 5th dV of August,
1876,:: -I o'clock p m, in front of the Cbert House in
the city and county of Deer Lodge, Montana
Territory, the following described property, to-wit:
All of the right, title anti interest of the defendant in
and to a certain dwelling house situated in the town of
New Chicago, Deer Lodge county, Montana Territory,
and known and formerly used as the residence of said
defendant ; said house being 16x2t feet in size, with
a pouch in front 1x2t4 feet, also the addition to said
house 12x2' feet in size; said house being one and
one quarter stories high, and being sitnated in that
certain pilt of ground in the town of New Chicago,
beer lodge county Montana Territory, fronting west
.00 feet more or less on the street or road running up
Flint Ceek valley from said town. and running bark
4t0 feet
Dated this 12th day of July, A D 18.8. -
f7l-4t Sheriff of Deer Lodgeesunty, M. T.
By E. T Uwsu. UnderSiherlff.
Administrator's Notioe.
Notice Is hereby given to the creditors of the late
Julia Gird, deceased (of Philtp.bsrg, M. T. that i
have beenappointed by the Prebatd Court hf Deer
Lodge county Moniana Territory. admitalsrshog of
her estate, a l thut I have takea k hag the same,
All persons having clams against sadestate are here
by required toexhibit the same for alwa*nc within
one year from the hot Apri A D 13wor they may
hbe preclunded from any benefit of said etate; and it
saeu claims shall not be exhibited and proven within
two years from tit date herein aives they shall be
forever barred. WX. GRAHAM,
Admini of estate of J tird, deesed
Ph~iipabarg. M T., Juty 12, 1 J67-4t
The Mlute ot t- re l e its wewax the1
the ishereby divy a ite dto
m Simpson, *io will pay al .asaid
o.4A, Jul 8 WAZ
%#*1W I
Creighton & Co.,
Commission Merchants
Via Union Pacific and Utah Northern
Terminus Utah Northern Rail
oad, Idaho. 356.
U. S. Wind, Engine and Pump Co.
force and Lift Pumpz
eedlills _Tanks &c. &c.
Having recently added a large stock of all kinds of
Pumps, 1ose, Pipelittings. &c.. to meet the wants of
the trade, can compete with either Chicago or St.
Louis, both in Price and Quality of Goods. 354-6m
We/strn Brw er y,
FENNER & VAN GUNDY, Proprietors
Deer Lodge, Montana.
We are now manufacturing and offer at
Wholesale and Rl$ail
Lager Beer,
Bottled Beer,
Cream Ale and Porter.
(Formerly the Excelsior)
Is now opened by us as a Retail Establish
ment. Drop in and take a drink.
Orders by mail, or personally at the
Brewery or Saloon, for beer in any quantity
will receive prompt attention. Delivers
free in town or at coach offices.
Wholesale Dealer in
Fine Wines and Liquors,
Deer Lodge, , . . Montana.
have just received
A General Stock of
Domestic'and Imported Liquors
Which I offer to the trade
At Lowest Market Rates.
Dealers are sUlicited to examine goods and prices
A. T. DEWEY, GE, II. STRao0o,
W. B. Ewr., INo. L. BOOaE.
Publishers dining & Scientific Press.
Patent Zolicitorz,
San Francisco, Cal.
Dewey & Co's Mining and Scientific Press Patent
Agency, No. 224 Sansome Street, San Francisco, Cal.,
was ertablished in 1850, Thin firm is enabled to do
full justice to applications for Patents for Inventors
il the Pacific States and Territories,
For particulars address as above.
,46 tf DEWEY & CO.
i. T. KE?.~oX, HI. H. ZsEon.
Corner of lst and C Streets
Storage arnd Comnmission Merchauts
Cooking and Heating Stoves,
Celebrated Albany Manu!acture.
Hortsx-gasa HARWAna
Toois,lmplementlMard Wood
ArU Gc*ie. "al .h., E .r, ,EPe.
st N B ms tesgs*. t
ha t, 'ý trwaý Lam'
-{F b -
Chas. Sam, V
In order to make room for my lat
Spring Stock which is now on the wy, t
have reduced all kinds of goods from
25 to 40 Per Cent, in PrIce,
I offer as Special Inducements to Cash
Philip Allen,
And all the Leading Brands of Prints in
light and dark colors at 10 CENTS.
4-4 Bleached uslin at 12 1.2 oenta er Yard
WESSACTOoN, Soft-Finish.
At 15 cents per yard.
and 15 cents per yard.
Domestic Ginghams, 64: Pillow-Case Cotton
84. 94, and 104 Bleached and
Unbleached Sheetings Car
respondingly Low.
Two-Ply Carpets 75 Cents per
Ingrain and
Brussels Carpets'
All reduced in price
Our Stock of Clothing, Gents' Furnish
ing Goods, Hats and
Is complete, and we defy competition in
prices and quality.
In House Furnishing Goods I have a
complete stock.
A large assortment of Satin Finish Wall
Paper, Double Rolls, beautiful designs:
I also call the attention of Miners to my
stock of
(-0, 8-0, 10-0, and 12-0 MOUNTr VQRNo
Two threads heavier than any other man
I have reduced my whole stock of goods
in proportion to the above prices, and ask
the public to call and examine the goods.
Thankful for the past liberal patronage,
I solicit a continuance for the future.
Orders from the country promptly at
tended to.
Samples furnished on application.
Dress ail Illnlry Goods,
Deer Lodge, Montana.
I have just received by express and freight a fill
line of
Hats, Parasols, Fans,
Ties, Huchings, Ribbonds,
Ladies Suits and Dress Goods,
Gloves, Perfumeries,
All new and,best styles and pres marked down to
suit the times'. Ladies wlahing desirable goods at
fair prices will please give me aMall.
June 20, 186. 864-4t
$5 to$2 i, -
F tn f ONper daxat home. Samples worth $1
C END 25cI to G. P. ROWELL E CO, New York, for
3 Pamphletof 100 psgeetatining lilstsofE00news
papers, and estimates showin cost a of asvtnisg.
$12 adayat home. A ts wanted. Outfit and
tewmsree. TRIIE"U] CO., Augusta, Mkaine.
Nothing i."i so insidious as a 'cold or a cough.
Poison does not make a saWifter proress in the system.
Use Promptly the only sure anildote, Hale's Honey of
Hlorehound rd tar.
860 Pike's Toothache Drops cure in one minute.
Mark your Linen, Envelopes. Cards, Etc.; Etc. The
best marknfing inventionin the world. Saves its coat
every month in clothing that would otherwise be lost
in Laundrying. J. F. McLin, manufacturer, will visit
the various camps and make them to order. It is
money saved to use them. Order one and and you
will never be without one again.
Medicated baths are erpeasive. Nots,. however, is
Glenn's Sulphur Soap, a cheap and eflentanubtitute,
which answers the same purpose as the as local dis
cases of the skin,Rheumatiam andgout are concerned.
Nothing racks the frame like a vylot cough; yet
cothing .is more readily cured. It is only neeessary to
tae d ale' Honey Of Hemehojtudand Tar aecrdlag:lo
861 Pike's Toothache Drops cure in one minute.
t Too young to die-Thouands of young prsoaa be..
S tent ges of 16 snd 25 die of eonast mpt. o eey
one of whom might have been saved byt" using Hale s
Honeyor horehoued and Tar When the cough firsl
362 Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in one minute.
Mining Blanks for ale.
I have in stock blank forms for posting and record
ing In the location of quarts claims tst[m blanks as
henetofore tnhplied by ecoerer, RH, . Cmlarl) I wilt
ndostage se repd, to any address for
5 cet e;any number required at Ume rate. Call o
or addres, WM._ WOODWARD,
827-if Post Ofce BStore, Deer Lodge, X. T.
No Physician who has watched the effect of Hale's
.,oney of Horehound and Tar, in chmnle colds. -i
coughs or influenzg, will hesltateto My that It is the
flnest pulmonic yet discovered.
868 Pikos Toothache Dtops cre in one minute.
Volumea of testimony in tavor of Hale's Honey of
Horehound and Tar, as a specllc for throat and hMang
diseases are pouring In from all parrts of the conntry
864 Pike's T.jothache Drops cute In ene mnute.
JIhotograpla Gailery Oiet-sse
Having returned to Deer Lodgere, tted and refay
nished my old gallery, and being .nabled to ike bht.,
t.r pictures than ever, the ndiaens., takPes sapssetr,
In notifying the people of Deer Ldc.ouncts that
.And he will beý pleased to bavdthei.r ealls thea .a..
lery opposIte gBoelqEBarr~oese,
Fortifythe feeble sad -,.Ina s with •ale's
Honej of Hothoun4 ad sTar, Gant tba wil soon as
sluen their e alt nd alar anioi. It up an aba,
85 Pike's Tooehacbp Denpsasuusao oemlanteý
By? X~toE~ EoPihfsjwc~inI tj
adv the icwi.t' haw tiradvanta
ba s Ydably iupdirest.
W m-, L . .+
WL~L .y7 .k
, ~~ T. 4 V<
gý jar ý'M . dir..i.·
Ltqucos,;1 tar .te.,aiwga shon. "' s'
P~ B~ lt~ tP i .5 _ Z
1T 1 Aj"tN,
B AoNr AKIr ...a I ,4zzx,
Fes: 4 - '! top t(

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