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StheZe r ortb-Wett DEER LODGE, MONTANA. RATES O ADVERTISINQ. . 4 - r. . Ma . a a ti 1 lunL ....... ........ $2 .$3 $7 $8 $10 20 $30 . 5 6 10 12 15 25 40 .. 47 8 2 14 20 33 48 1 11unth................. 5 810 14 16 26 38 55 7 10121 18 24, 35 60 07 3 9 12 15 22 30 50 70 100 .......... 15 5 50 75 100 160 1Year .................: 1625 40 55 70 90 ,140 250 h:, ;,lar advertising payable quarterly, as due. 'l'r,.1,ient advertising payable in advance. srcial Notices are 50 per Cent. more than reg u·i: wiv.rtisements. lial advertising, 15 cents for the first Insertion; I) centy per line for each succeeding insertion; il .',ounted in Nonpariel measure. J.!b Work payable on delivery. ATTO ItN1 .S W\. 1' SANNDEs. W. F. CULLEN, SANI)DElt & CULLEN, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, II ELENA, - - MONTANA. Phiiyticlaial nt anid !1urgeons. CHAS. F. MUSSICBROD, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE AT THE CITY DRUG STORE. Deer Lodge, - - - - - - Montana. Will attend to professional calls in town. 2,7 A. H. MITCHELL, M. D., I'lh ysiceiaii and burgeon. -Office one door north of Postoffice 1)DE It LODiG, - - - - MONTANA. Prompt a:ttention by night or day to patients in town or country. E. W. FINCH, I, D. Late of Richmond, Virginia Physician and Surgeon, Itutte City. : Montana. i(alls promptly attended to in town and country. 333 I ANIIA EItS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK - -or - I)E;ER LODGE. W. A. CLARK. President. R. W. DONNELL. Vice-President. S. E. LARABIE. Cashier. Draw Exchange on All the Principal Cities of the World. NEW YORK CORRESPONDENTS, Donnell, Lawson &, Co., No. 92 Broadway. 79-1y Firzt National Bank, Illeena, IMontana. T. lAUsER, D. C. ColRIN, President. Cashier, T. HI. KLmINSCHnMIT, Ass't Cashier -0- DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY OP THE UNITED STATES. -o- Authorized Capital....... ....$500,000. Paid Up Capital ........ ........ 100,000. Per.:.nent Surplus Fund ............... $50,00.000 Ihivlednd paid March 4.1874............. 0..000 00 Average Dlepoits preceedin. six months, 485,000.00 lhtvetted in U. S. Bonds ................ 214,000.00 We transact a general Banking business. and buy, at hi,-hcht rates. (;Gold Dust, Coin. Gold and Silver Bul biit, and Local Seruritics; Sell Exchalnge and Tele graphic Transfers, available in all parts of the United States, the Canada,. Great liritain, Ireland and the Continent. COLLECTIONS made and proceeds remitted promptly. Our facilities for handling SILVER ORES are particularly good, and this branch of our business will receive special attention. ('ash advances made npeon Ores, and same shipped for account of owners. OR WE WILL BUY FOR CASH at the very best rates allowable. Owners of mines will consult their interests by calling upon us. 275 . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . McBurney Houz DEER LODGE, MONTANA. Aylesworth & McFarland, PROPRIETORS A share of Public Patronage is solicited. 815 Deer' Lodge, Montana. SAM. SCOTT, : Proprietor. 260 ST.1.OUS HOTEL ENTRANCE FROM MAIN & JACKSON 8TB. Helena. Montana, sMil IA iB7 d` ZIMJMERMAN, Proprietors. -0- THE LARGEST First Class Hotel in the Territory. --- Having secured a lease for a long term of years of this large and commodious house, I have renovated, refurnished and embel lished its roomy parlors and elegant suits of rooms, and no expense or pains will be spared to continue to improve and keep it on first class principles. The tables are supplied with the very best the markets afford and the delicacies of the season. At tendance unexceptionable. Terms, reason ablA. 822. Warm Springs Hotel l)eer Lodgo Valley, Montana. L. BELAHiQR, Proprietor. TIIE Proprietor annonees that the above well SUMMER RESORT It now open for the season with excellent facilitIes for the lhorouglh Entertainment of Guests The tables supplied with all the delicacies of the Season. Excellent Bath Rooms; Medicinal Waters. MEALS SERVED TO ORDER PROMPTLY. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited and assnrance given that every effort will be made to give them botpltable and satistactory entertanmenmt. DRIVE OUT FOR A DAY'S ENJOT MENT L BELANGEI. PIERSES' STATIONX Deer Lodge and Butte Road, --FORMERLY STANCHFIELD'S, Allen Pierse, Proprietor. GOOD ENTERTAINMENT TOR TRA VJELERS. IAVINO taken the above siation I am now Iparedl to entertain guests a mn assutar bsC tory to all who like a rood meal, sad will be plied to have the patronage of traveler. (;oud Attention Gives to Auisils. sift. ALLAZN T11R HENRY IMKMP,. wiwotlesse****r W m VOL. 8, No. 3. DEER LODGE, MONTANA JULY 21, 1876. WHOLE No. 868 .... ... 0· G | |O TN~~ JU Y f AN ORATORICAL GEM. lion Win. II. ClageU, Deer Lodge:. DEAR Ba: We the undersigned, residcutsof Phil lpsburg and Flint Creek Valley, who listened enrap tured to the eloquent speech delivered by you upon the Centennial birth-day of American Liberty, tally believing that other fellow-citizens scattered far and wide over our favored land would be, by its publica tion, thrilled with the same pleasurableemotions that we more favored enjoyed upon that memorable occa sion, do most respectfully request you to consent to its publication in full in our county paper, Tu: Nuw NonTu-WEsT. John Caplice John Ullery Chas H hmith Alexander Thornton W C Darnold Joshua Jennings F W Caplice Wm Farnsworth i B Waterbury J M Comegys J Pardee David Simmons Con Murphy T H Williams J M Merrell E Byrne Henry Imkamp Dan Berry J P Tiernan C N Freeman B P Tilden J M Roberts M B Cox F Vollmer William Lang Wm Weinstein MT Kelley W B Fouts A Rutherford John McLeod Samuel P Wilson Lawrence Pence John Thompson John Rule Wm Larken Chris Guth Hugh Bell W Darlington Henry Edgar. G Fernie L S O'Bannon Christopher:Hart N B Ringeling Alex McRae Hector Horton A Grillith P Cain D B Jenkins B Levy , and others. oeirtenli Oration DELIVERED AT PHILIPSBURG, MONTANA, JULY 4, 1876. By HON. WM. H. CLAGETT. Ladies ana entuernen : In every age, in every clime, the great epochs in the history of the people have been deemed worthy of commemoration. A nation's fame is recorded in the biogra phies of its great names. The noble ambi tion which, despite the blandishments of ease, the stains of obloquy or the mena ces of power, still drives the chosen few on their appointed course, lifts the body of the people as well to the level of the same elevated plane and surrounds them with a halo of beauty. The gross misrepresenta tions, the bitter calumnies, the vile suspi cions, which, like black-robed ministers of evil, ever attend the life progress of the honored great, die in the obscure deaths of those who gave them birth and leave the great central figures of their time, elevated upon the pedestal of their achievements, the cynosure of all eyes--objects of heart felt gratitude, bright and shining exam ples for patriotic imitation. No good deed was ever done in vain. No word fitly spoken was ever lost. The heart of the gray haired sire may fail, as he sees his wise counsels spurned by headstrong and heed less youth, yet he sagely knows that those counsels have entered into the sum total of youth's experience, sooner or later to bear abundant fruit. The young mother who coos her warm love into the ear of her smiling babe, knows with the pre-vision that would shame the schoolmen, that in all;the,temptations that will afterward beset, her tender accents will rise and fall upon his memory, like the soft, sweet strains of an AFolian harp. The voices which have, from age to age, sounded the trumpet-call of Freedom, may have wakened no respon sive echo in inert souls, and may have ap parently died away upon the wanton air but; the blast has somewhere made the pulses thrill and kindled some heart with a God-like zeal. To the superficial eye the world is full of failures; yet He who made the world permits naught to fail. For good or for evil, all things are a success. The multitude of apparently unsuccessful ef forts, in the line of human freedom, which preceded our own, were not wasted. Each one served to dissipate some error, or make some truth more clearly visible. The in stinct of liberty which in its earlier mani to be taught a stern obedece to law. The great lesson had to be learned that Justice and Mercy to others as well as to ourselves are the divinely appointed burdens which Freedom has to bear. And so the accumulating patriotism of the world rolled on from century tp centu ry, gathering wisdom from defeat, and fresh impulse from disaster, until at last, sad-eyed and a-weary, it found a home and a resting-place with us. A virgin conti nent was reserved for the promulgation of the Treat primary political and moral truth that "all men are by nature cre ated equal." Nearly two thousand years before He "' who spake as never man spake" had formulated this truth in that summary of His divine mis sion, "Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you do ye even so to them." With this command given with equal au thority as those that were issued amid the thunuderings of Sinai, the flat went fofth which, itself striving without force or vio lence, was destined to work like a leaven amid the lusts of power, and selfish greeds of men until, illuminating first the human conscience in its personal relations, it was, by slow and imperceptible degrees, to wi den out until it finally embraced within its comprehensive scope the recognition of the rightful political relations between the gov erning and the governed. The declaration of Jefferson that .' all men are by nature created equal " is but a human paraphrase upon the Golden Rule that was spoken by our God. "To do unto others as we would have others do unto us," is to recognize and put into practical operation in our dealings with our fellows the maxim "that all men are by nature created equal," equally entitled to justice and to mercy in the eye of the law. In the highest and noblest sense, the Re public was not founded by the fathers, but sprang a fresh creation from the handsof the great "I am." The positive affirmation by Jefferson of the equality of human rights was (unconsciously, it may be,) but the sug gested counterpart of the divine afrma-. tion of the equality of human duties. The two ideas of right and duty blend together in perfect harmony. To recognize that we owe daties to our neighbor, is to discover that our neighbor also owes duties to us. This idea of the reaiprcity in duty. inevit ably suggests the idea of the natural equal. ity of rights. If all are bound to respect the rights of others then each must have rights equally with all others. Throughout the ivilised woorld, tradition has suggested, the hiatoriRa has recorded, the phiisopher has reasoned of, and the poet has chanted "the divine rghts of Kings." Thrones established by the powerof. the sword, reared by the enfond labor of pq willing hands, and whose fondauati io are washed by seas of humt. bloo-thea umostrous aalons of humaswroug have, by the adUlie*o of the syc~phbaM sa the cowardie of all, been esdwed wait_ the quality of Dilne etabiIb at, . Know ye, citizens of the Repubi that tsn but one government that in mtb linhed, and that b ueaa it f put Divine law. • What! shall we then be tghwol sacrifies made. in the l am otu freedom ajour Reroluti6 t hll we rob the;em of tuleJile t praies whih our heartes5 to . <n which beng paid le wslth a hp es o tuM. flled? W ,I tw peated rest--ass s Ma eart a it bsee 1aul d , Ia d h creation, "their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor," they placed upon the uncertain hazard of the die. Through every heart-breaking discouragement, in every affliction, deserted by the weak and betrayed by .the strong, with no visible fu ture save inevitable disaster - before them the bullet, behind them the scaffold-for eight long and eventful years they fought the good fight, for us and for all mankind, content to die, if need be, but never to surrender. We are here to-day to commemorate their virtues, to prove that Republics are not ungrateful, to summon them once more from their honored graves, and, by the hallowed memories that cling about them as a garment, to pray that they will conse crate and dedicate us, their children, to the noble work that is set before us. Joy to all the living of the earth, and to the hon ored dead ALL HAIL! Since that eventful morn on the 4th day of July, 1776, a hundred years are gone -years filled with human misery, yet brimming full with hope. Iconoclastic years welded by time into a hundred stranded mace with which progress has s dashed in pieces the images of political su perstition throughout the civilized world. i Mankind struggling toward a higher ideal, i but dumb with its own unutterable e thoughts, had at laa.",--. td) - a va s at all misen are by t nature created equal." This assertion, fi charged as it was with a glowering menace, a to every form of oppression, fell like a thunder-bolt upon the startled and stunned I senses of Europe, and filled with dismay Ti every supporter of hereditary monarchy d and so-called divine right. Little did they li who made it realize the tremendous conse quences that were to issue therefrom. Given e: forth to meet a particular emergency, it e was the signal for universal revolt, and by a thrustming forward the individual man as the n central fact of all creative force, it unchain all the numberless possibilities of man's ei achievements. Listen to a few of the won- a ders it has wrought: f Its first response came with the opening ii scenes of the French Revolution, a savage g protest against the degredation of ages tI whose panoramic views were lit up with co the lurid flames of wars that filled the world with terror and caused all Christendom to cG stand aghast. From France the infection t( spread like a contagion to that green isle in iJ the midst of the stormy Atlantic, where li since the days of Strongbow, the C Niobe of nations had sighed in vain sc for freedom, and wept because It was o1 not, resulting in the rebellion of '98 which a by reviving the drooping energies of an al- b; most despairing people and creating for the ft first time a practical unity of patriotic sen- co timent, was in its far reaching consequences 01 almost tantamount to a successful revolu- ei tion. A Next came the establishment of the Mex- Si ican, the Central and South American Re- ti publics, founded upon the ruins of the es Spanish Monarchy in the New World, copy- fo ing almost to a line the ground work of the cr Federal Union, but pre-destined to a faulty in and incomplete development, in that they at failed to recognize the absolute freedom el of conscience, preferring to present to the E world the spectacle of religion enslaved in vi States nominally free. lx From the cloud-capped top of Ben Nevis fo to the pleasant waters of the blue Danube, St all Europe was convulsed with the throes th of an approaching new birth of Freedom. of Burke did not hesitate to declare that the en successful resistance of the colonies to the w: aggressions of the mother country, had nc saved his own liberties to the Englishman at cu home. The popularizing of the idea of the al God-given and inalienable rights of man, mi led by slow degrees to the extension of the at suffrage throughout the British Isles, until th now their government responds to the popu lar will almost as quickly as our own. The th ever-pressing demand for the recognition of wi these rights has led to the modifieation of fx the land tenures in Ireland and the removal fo of those blighting restrictions upon her be trade, which so long enforced poverty and an ur unwilling exile upon her people, until it th may be safely predicted that comparatively gi a few years more will bring free homes to a ev free and prosperous, if not an independent m' Struggling to compass for herself the in- he estimable boon of popular government, go France has passed through the inconceiva- tel able turmoil of a hundred years, to find th peace at last in the arms of a Republic fash- op ioned after our own, and showing full ca- th CmI1,Y W pJWIunue wL uasl iury IsDLLnu1U uy law that furnishes the only safe guarantee for perpetual duration. Germany taught by the bitter humilia tions of the Napoleonic wars that her safety lay not in feudal laws nor the prerogative of kings, but in the strong arms and willing hearts of her people, bas borrowed fromI the Union the working plan of subordinate States, with an Imperial government over all, and by the simple application of these primary truths promulgated by Jefferson has at last, after centuries of disorder, found that rest and union which neither Philip II., Charles V. nor the great Charle magne with all their mail-clad legions could give. By the application of the same truths Ita ly is free,-no longer the prey of petty des pots intriguing against each other, and agreed in nothing saye in the common in stinct which led them to grind the faces of the poor - but united as one people from Sicily to the Alps and blessed with a gov erument nominally a monarchy, but prac tically a Republic. Hungary finds repose in the recognition of this same right of local self-government, a right which is only an outward and 'viei ble sign of the internal and natural right of men to pursue their own happiness in their no" m v _. 'v onwu way. Outwardly the nations of Europe eave preserved their forms of government. But these forms have in most instances been materially modified, or where not modified have been made to yield to new interpreta tions of significance. Except Russia and Turkey, there is not now a single Enropean power which has not a Constitution, the laws under which are enacted by a parlia ment of the people. In some the suffrage is restricted; in others universal. Consid ered with the past, the press is compara tively free, and mere and more do princes and potentates, smitten with the iron hand of revolution, seek to establish their author ity, not upon the bayonets of their soldiery, but upon the resistless power of public sentiment. The freedomn of the people is still bamperd with many uselessnd ex asperating rsritIo}s from which we are happily exempt; but during the a un e years all progress hap been in the line of the advanement of Winan rights. The first impulse to this never-ceasing pgmicu was the great wDe ration which bee- n rad iayour hearing today. The si o rtab fs which has kept this pro gawes 4 n yin its ourse has been the saeklaoeb lded by the American iaout .hs or a nble, with no <or established chu 0h . the p.l b the i tfqr the peopula e andfhr tene ' e copied of all soular as brawd anoth k, ~ sodrr the md U -oidd lished by the long line of their own able udges. The code of civil practice and procedure, designed to do away with the artificial technicalities that encumbered the admin istration of Justice, first enacted by the State of New York more than thirty years ago, and which is now substantially the law in twenty States and all the Territories of the Union, was adopted last year by an act of the British Parliament, as the basis for the re-organization of the English Courts and in order that a speedy, adequate and eco. nomical admistration of justice might be afforded to -those seeking to have their rights judicially declared. These are but a few of the many instances that might be cited, in which the science ofjurisprudence has been enriched by the contributions of America. The fields of literature have also been richly fertilized with the product of Amer ican genius. Bancroft, Hildreth, Prescott and Motley have taught history a new vo cation, and illustrated afresh the truth of the maxim that it is but "Philosophy teaching by examples." Poetry has caught a new inspiration from the songsof Bryant, Longfellow and Poe, while the rollicking in imitable quality of American humor would, if it could be concentrated in one supreme ,reff.ot j gi I ffg hitaugh ter. Fiction has gathered fresh charms from the exaggerations of the mountains 4 and the prairie; the physical sciences re- I joice, as nature unfolds her secrets to a Henry or a Draper, while the telescope of Mitchell sweeps the starry dome, and draws I draws down new worlds from out the il limitable wastes. Fulton first applied the power of the steam f engine to plow the rivers and the seas, and eighty thousand miles of completed railway attest the heartiness with which the loco motive of Stephenson has been adopted. 1 The anaesthetic agents of chloroform and I ether found here their first discovery and I application in alleviating the pangs of suf rering humanity and rendering painless the c inevitable passage to the tomb. Morse gave to the world the electric telegraph i that annihilated space and harnessed to the e ear of progress the thunderbolts of heaven. 3 But why pursue the theme? It would ronsume the whole of the coming century a to fitly detail the achievements of the one r just closed. The inherent right of religious i liberty, tie right of every man to worship i lod according the dictates of his own con- d science, absolutely free from the dictation r f the State, or the domination of eeclesi istical authority, the right first preached by Roger Williams and afterward rein- c Forced by Calvert, has in the course of the t century so fiercely assailed the strongholds t )f religious bigotry, that their walls are a .verywhere crumbling to the dust. The , tmerican idea of a free church in a free ( 3tate, echoed by Cavour, and finding a par- v ,ial exemplification in the overthrow of the r established church in Ireland, is, by the t *orce of its inherent truthfulness, slowly s crowding its way against the ecclesiastical a nterests and hide-bound prejudices of ages, ad will end, at last, as all truths inevitably o end, in absolute and assured triumph. In t Lngland, in Germany, in France, the ad- o anced thinkers, followed closely by a large ody of the people, are already clamoring or the absolute divorce of church and State, that unholy union which has filled he world with blood and put back the dial if time for a thousand years. The new o entury which begins to-day, ushered in rith golden promises on every hand, will tot close before the last vestige of this fi urse of mankind shall have been swept way. Press on, press on, ye angels and rinisters of light- the body and the mind ti t last are free. God speed the freedom of ha human inll the human soul. Far back in the history of the nation, in the deep and dark recesses of the primeval wilderness, the Pilgrim Fathers hewed out from the lusty trunks of the giants of the forest the homely logs wherewith they builded the first rude temple dedicated to universal intelligence. There, chilled by the blasts of an almost Arctic winter, gnawed by the constant pangs of hunger, ever threatened by the menacing hand of massacre, they atherydl the you "ilflars hour-book of knowledge should e the golden sceptre of Republican power. At tended by the wealthy and privileged few, the sages of old had their schools of philos ophy in which laureled teachers explained the ancient myths of pagan tradition, or reasoned of life and death and the immor tality of the soul. The middle ages, rich in objects of historic interest, had their cloistered cells made musical with the chimes of convent bells, where hooded Friars cop ied their illuminated manuscripts and sa ered missals,deeming them too precionsfor vulgar use,and leaving the common herd of ignorant kerns to feed on vapory supersti tions and gloat over their own intellectual degredation. In the luxurious homes of the rich, in the palaces of the great, the scanty stores of knowledge gathered from the past were hoarded with the jealousy of priceless treasures. Then, as now, Knowl edge was Power,and since power was deem ed the heaven-given privilege of the an nointed few, knowledge must therefore be withheld from the many, let them thirst as they might to drink from its limpid spring. To the first settlers, who were the original founders of the Republic, is due the dis covery that all temporal power is of right the attribute of the people; from which discovery the deduction swiftly grew that knowledge, which is the mother of power, should be madp universal. The coming Republic was to rest upon the ballot; thetefore the ballot must be educated, so that they who should use it might use it wisely and well. The Territory of New England first, and after. ward the whole Union, was divided into townships, in the eentre of which was placed the school-house, so as to be easily accessible to all. For the first time in the history of the world the theory obtained that the universal intelligence of the people was the only sure bulwark that could pro tect the State against the insidious wiles of the demagogue and the enoroachments of arbitrary power. There were to be no en nobled orders, no special privilege,no unjust discriminations. The cotter's child of un known lineage suddenly became as pre cious to the State as one who could traee back a line of a thousand years. No mat ter how poor, how obscure bemight be, the cup of knowledge was freely tendered him, with the cordial invitation that he would drain itto its dregs The rude siboolhouse buit upmq the rop.h-bmud coast of New .I two ari s half , ba o since crmbed into dust, but the though, which it symbolized has grown strong ad stronger with the passing years. From the forest glade wherw rings the falling axe, blazing the way .of empire in its western course-fromi the Ittle hamlet nestling'mid the hill, redoleat with the odors of new mownn bay and. mu i.estwith the laughter of itte children from huge eties hoarse with the "our of multitudes and the di: and cl..gordf .su.o aesfuel tr , reher ever swells the d scoral syphon of praise to thoe w w t in erwhoer the i u t bhs band in Bhai with tb. dessed for teii fTa n is an ie fetltli`in mt aule g:. ia ot - their villages, and call in vain for the wives and chltdreu they will see no more. The groundinut plantations of Angola are de. stro e4 and for three thousand miles from the MO.rtains of the Moon to St. Paul'sde Loanda.he slave yokes lie scattered thick. To the Worth, to the south, to the east, to the we*, the ocean groans with the com merce devised in hell. The unholy greed of men is feeding upon the bodies and souls of men, and a transcendental speeles of Caniualism rules the world. Pandemoni um is let loose, and the elements quiver with the yells of fury and the despairing cries of death. Hark! above the wild uproarn d resounding din there comes a voice ft out the western world, calm as fate a*' rrible as N'emesis, "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are be nature created equal." The storm lulls. "J~Jstice and Truth are met together, Mercy and Peace have kissed each other." A short respite is given to the iniquity by the Federal Constitution. A thrill runs through ~e estates of the realm, as Wil berforce ijes in his place in Parliament and declares that the air of the distant colonies, . that at home must be made so pure *at a slave cannot breathe within It.:'Te Czar of all the Russias Nile, Brazil ears no more the songs of the slave, and Columbia weeps at last her tears of grateful joy. The slave ports are closed, the blood hound has cesed to breed, and from the Boreal pole to the Straits of Magellan, the waves are gently lapping two continents that ring with the anthems of the free. The tri-une man of body, mind and spirit, is emancipated at last; slavery is gone that chained the trembling flesh; universal intelligence is bred in the common school ; and the spirit soars on pinions of light, untrammeled by the laws of men, to hold sweet communion with Him from Whom it came. Free ! all free ! Done by the labors of our honored dead. Ye men and women of the Republic whose freedom was bought by the precious blood so freely drained from the bleeding veins of your revolutionary sires; ye adopted child ren of the State drawn from far off lands across the distant seas to sign, with willing hands, the covenant of the free ; ye lisping babes, Columbia's fair hope, first striving now to syllable the names of the heroic dead, stand ye forth clothed in the free panoply of your dear won rights, and gaze with moistening eyes and beating hearts upon the mounting years of the century to come. Draw from the contemplation of the hallowed past that high inspiration that treads in glory's path, that you may sleep at last in honor's bed and be to your children what our fathers are to us. And while the Centennial drum-beat is iolling 'round the world, and the glad songs of freedom are rising on the air, we will fling to the breeze the rainbow flag of promise, kissed by the sunlight into the maiden blush of morn,and as its streaming beauty goes straining to the wind as witnesses to its glory, we will write our humble names upon its sacred folds,and take it as the solemn bond and covenant of our everlasting love. NEWV NOR'- WES ERS. -If you intend todo amean thing put it off till to-morrow. -Saratoga has thirty miles of street and fifteen of water mains. -A $40,000 diamond necklace at the Cen. tennial is placarded "Sold." -Within a year seven members of the Boston bar have been convicted of various crimes. Dom Pedro leaves us forever this month. May he live long and be happy. He paid his way. -Texas has a population of 1,850,000, with 2,000 miles of railroad and 2,500 miles of telegraph in operation. S V.illiamC * -Chlan R theaaasn.h6 t president ef Williams College to succeed president Hopkins. -"This bank is a bad place for colds," said a punning cashier; " so many drafts passing through it all the time." -A judge in sentencing a man to death observed, "Prisoner at the bar, you will soon have to appear before another and perhaps a better judge." -Sergeant Bates propose to make a water voyage of 10,000 miles long. The Detroit Free Press offers him $500 to make the first mile of it under water. -Michigan claims tp have 6,000 pretty school-ma'ams. You know what that means in Michigan. They don't happen to have warts on their noses.-Rochester Democrat. -Harvey discovered the circulation of the blood before he was thirty-four. Yet some editors get to be over a hundred be fore they can discover the exact circulation of their own newspapers. -A Yankee advertising for a wife, says : "It would be well if the lady were possess ed of a competency sufficient to secure her against excessive grief, in case of appidept nra nertnn In her 1Amnanian 21 =-In the ease of Rev. Mr. P. Kendrick (Baptist) of Columbus, Ga., in the affair with a girl of thirteen for nearly a year,the "pious man" was let off with a fine of $500. -A merchant manufactured a stock of silk handkerchiefs a short time ago made like a flag, and having the Declaration of Independence printed on them, and five thousand of them were sold in almost no time at all. -The Boston Globe is informed on good authority thaait their coming session in Philadelphia the book publishers intend to recommend the trade to mark down the re tail prices of books in the United Sta ep about op0fthb, -In this warm weather the country road is of powdered dust; the bashes are as heavily white as if covered with hoar frost; the winking frog sits disconsolately where was once a puddle, but where now is 'a baked, cracked patch, and over it hangs a bouquet of motionless yellow butterflies- N. Y. Herald. -Formerly rain was unknown upon the northern part of the Red BSe; bat sines the bailding of the Sues (lua rPatsawe have fallen rgula$y about ones afinlgh Tbh result has beea t 1o ert mup vegqea.o, pye luo the s latio aideits he m* weo - tr ulust(rnr. If things gscruss they 2eWgun, the sands of the Isthmus will be eso gcre with forests t anotherafty or sixty :etl sothat it wf spkbaqe tew nr, ad aftpaa it fab in PULL DOWN YOUR VEST. An Incident of the Oincinnati Conven tion. The Indianapolis ,Journal says : But the funniest incident of the whole session was when Richard H. Dana was addressing the convention, the joke being at his expense. He is a fat,fluffy sort of a man, with a gen eral disposition on the part of his body to 1111 his clothes quite full and run over a lit tie. He was seconding the nomination of Bristow, and assuring the convention that no other man could carry Massachusette, etc. His remarks were not well received, his manner was oiensive, an4 the conven tion made no concealmentof it impatience. Finally, at the chse ofIpg0 o Mr. Dana's sentences, when he paseed a moment to gather breath and inspiration, some .s. in the gallery shouted, " pulldown your vest';." The idea of saying such f g - blooded gentleman frou 8nitel hit was at once so audacious and so palpa ble that the convention fairly shouted, and the dignified gentleman from Massachu setts was himself visibly embarrassed. He probably goes home more fully convinced than ever that Western civilization is a failure, and that the true, the beautiful,and the good find their only safe abiding place in Massachusetts. Clothes for the Heathen. About a year ago the ladies of a certain Dorcas society made up a large quantity of shirts, trousers and socks, and boxed them up and sent them to a missionary station on the west coast of Africa. A man named Ridley went out with the boxes,and stayed in Africa several months. When he re turned the Dorcas society of course was anxious to hear how its donations were re ceived, and Ridley, one evening, met the members and told them about it in a little speech. He said : "Well, you know, we got the clothes out there all right, and after a while we distrib uted them among some of the natives in the neighborhood. We thought may be it would attract some of them to the mission, but it didn't, and after some time had elapsed and not a native came to church with those clothes on, I went out on an ex ploring expedition to find out about it. It seems that on the first day after the goods were distributed one of the chiefs attempt ed to mount a shirt. He didn't exactly understand it, and he pushed his legs through the arms and gathered the tail up around his waist. He couldn't make it stay up, however, and they say he went around inquiring in his native tongue what kind of an idiot it was that constructed a garment that wouldn't hang on, and swear ing some of the most awful heathen oaths. At last he let it drag, and that night he got his legs tangled in it somehow, and fell over a precipice and was killed. " Another chief who got one on properly went paddling around in the dark, and the people, imagining he was a ghost, sacrific ed four babies to keep off the evil spirit, as they tbought. "And then, you know, those trousers you sent out? Well, they fittted one pair on an idiot, and then they stuffed most of the rest with leaves sad set them up ssa worship them. They say that the services were very impressive. Some of the women split a few pairs in halves, and after sewing up the legs used them to carry yams in,and I saw one chief with a corduroy leg on his head for a turban, "I think though the socks were most popular. All the fighting men went for them the first thing. They filled them with sand anC used them as boomerangs and war clubs. I learned that they were so much pleased with the efficiency of these socks that they made a raid on a neighbor ing tribe on purpose to try them, and they say they knocked about eighty women and children on the head before they came home. They asked me if I wouldn't speak to you and get you to send out a few bsa rels more, and to make them a little stron ger so's they'd last longer, and I said I would. " This society is doing a power of good to those heathen, and I've no doubt, if yon keep right along with the work, you will inaugurate a general war all over the conti nent of Africa, and give everybody an idol of his own. 411 they wanit is enough socks and trousers. I'il take them whon I goout again." Then the )oreas passed a resolution de claring that it would, perhaps, be better to let the heathen go naked, and give the clothes to the poor at home. . Maybe that is the better way.-Philadeiphda BulleiUn. Mr. Beeober's experience on the witness stand has made him a little cautious. In the recent suit brought by a dentist to re-, cover the price of "toothing " the Beecher family, H. W. cheerfully admitted that "from an early period of her life his wife had been cotnpeilet to depend upon auals ry eleme~ut in eating" ; but degpined to state whether any of the ( auxiliary ele ments" were teeth of the plaintiff's con struction. "Auxiliary elesentat" is geod and some composer of dentrifi ip ay yet thankt the pastor of Plymouth for suggest hog a combination which will. "work up"' so sweetly on the roadside fenee or on the natural bill boards in the mountainous port stems of the country. The number of railroard aoldents i the United States bor ty year endlng May 1, was 1,oo00 by w.bieh a9persoea were kIaId and itajured. The largest number e aidetast in un one meuth oeeumd n septemher, whm thees weea 11 6, the death of 50 erunes ad t. of cumber of peasesgers re i ibaar gIEt `arm Ih i e h Ui as > oraeý *i turlsa anabl e II eqigeohaenatathepa~ettW The War Cloud on the Danube. )(urad Effendi, the suenossor of Abdul Azziz, is early realizing the dil+eultles that surround the Sultan of the Turkish Ra pire. Servia, the most warlike of the Danubian principalities, has taken the field, Bulgaria has issued a proclamation of independence, the troops in Montenegro are ordered in readiness to move, and the revolution in Herzegovina is anything but quelled. The uprising of Servia is another illustration of the power of tradition to move communities to patriotic action. The town council of Belgrade, the capital of Servia, not long since issued a manifesto calling upon " Servians to rise and restore the ancient Empire of Servia.' The ap peal was to the sentiment that animated the Servians four or five centuries ago, before the time that the Crescent had triumphed over the Cross in the domain of 0tb4. F a. founded by Constantine the -that appeal has been answered is a r atv rtnez? lnm-ir'cnam - bilities that in the course of a few days the Sorvians will meet their ancient enemy. It was not without a severe struggle that the ancient Empire of Servia was broken up by the Mohammedans. In 1389, on the plain of Kossova, the Turks gave battle to the Servians. The latter were defeated with great loss, but the Sultan Amurath was killed by a Servian nobleman. Then the Turkish conquest was not complete, ane it was not until 1521 that the Sultan Solyman II. found himself in the possession of Belgrade, the Servian capital. Servia remained a part of the Ottoman Empire until 1717. In 1718 the Austrians were in possession of Belgrade. In 1739 the Principahty was again given up to the Turks, and was finally restored to the Ottoman Empire by treaty in 1791. Since that time there have been continuouso revolutions against Turkish rule. In 181 a partial independence of the Turks was secured by Milosh Obrenovitch. The province has remained a suzerainty of the Turkish Empire until this time. By the Treaty of Paris in 1856, this state of semi independence is guaranteed by the Euro pean contracting powers, but the people have remained restless under the despotism of Turkish rule. Servia, of all the principalities, is per haps in the best condition for throwing off the Turkish yoke. It is the most prosper ous of them all. The people are warlike. The population in 1873 was 1,400,000. The finances are flourishing and the coun try is free from the blessing of a national debt. The army, with the mihtia, con sisted in time of peace of 80,000 men, and the country would ere this have been en tirely independent of Turkish rule but for the restraining influences of the great. European powers. It is not surprising that Bulgaria should have declared itself independentof Turkish Sule after the severe cruelties which, dur ing the present rebellion, have been com mitted in that province by Ottoman troops. The telegraph a few days ago stated that thirty-seven villages had been destroyed and from 18,000 to 30,000 lives sacrificed. The Bulgarians are described as a peace able, industrious and intelligent people. They are principally engaged in agricul ture, but also work the coal mines which more directly under the rule of Constanti nople than Servia. The population of the province is estimated at 2,500,000, of whom not one-fifth are followers of Islam. Montenegro, another of the Danubian provinces reported as ready to take up arms, contains a population of about 180, 4)00, chiefly Selaves. The people, although not numerically jarge, are hardy and brave, similar to those races who inhabit a moun tainous region. Watching the Rosebush. The Detroit Free Press says:-Over the rains of a house, which was half burned, on a dreary, unpaved street in the eastern part of the city, a rosebush isslowiyclimbh ing. It is so small yet that the passer who glances at the blackened beams and rafters would not notice it, but for months it had no one to cut away the rank grass, give it water and help it in its struggle. to hide the sad work of fire, One day a little lame girl discovered the stunted bush and her eyes filled with joy. A fither buried b. yond the sea-.* mother in Elmwood-she lived in a cottage near the rosebush with a queer old couple, whose hearts felt kindly toward the orphan, but who saw nothing in the rosebush beyond what they might have seen in a weed. It was early spring when the child found the bush, and she carried it rich earth, lifted the poor twigs with tender hands and talked to it as if it were a playmate. Rough boys soon die. covered why she visited the jias, and at frst they were a mind to pU up the bush tosee her weep over their work. They rephemered that she was lame, an they went in and lielpd her soave thebbdha e timbers flay by dayetbils til wahteli the bash. When the wind mroaned modly ashe trembled for fear it would injure the bushb, and when the rainiops Vtu she hoped they would nt strike the leanes too harsly. 1i wataber was ever more srig. Mlta iIitfunl and patiM. lShenta one her plans. One umoeratngaweft rag she found a bad, Rrery td, * r da and days, dw bad pe- ahang the laveaseto see if asu4 w fori`litda..l day sAe h3l I disapp u ted, *tl a hsi. brase and epeMl kearbu herbl haverdespaired, she aifI thl beAbb aund thu, badeAe neth la th uS bu 8el time l't. t*Ttagrh7 i gr Sea *4i " la nd %.4that massht aMs grn ' T - Io~~''~"wA ~in ~ek bw~l~masCdl odtt: uma~e.1ndwA rl~idat hw ~ Whtui t fr~~~ g~ R" IO a-.4.iO s 80 tbe kn a )IortBýWeif TflDeER -h a, 1O* Ya!74 T1EBY$1--Psbsh kr rill 1a sprar One sear .,,.. »» _ ,...... ::. l~~~~~~ as Six Monthr..... ...,.........,~~~_~~Q0 Three MIonths,......,...... ..,,,~~,~ ~ 1 5 NEWSPAPER DECXSION& 1. And ones Rho fates } grý;ofsr~ tirs 6 Poe'c og a' ewhethe directed n ?b r s*iotbere, or whet e r he tic saobe ihe or $of nr plolrilbb fr the S. If a puma mtwusl -1 dbaaoodue, he mni t orea th po>ºm iu n men a bla i b "ao ps l d ik itls~dril , l'wa evidence .r s at tllbJ I c o -]a rtD t r wr° ` Neomtanoee by draft, dmonimy oder, or registered letter, sm be msot at our . ems 7Efl asre r. elred to register Ietbet t s EVANGELICAL COlRNER. Mrs. Hayes is a Kentuckian. An expensive wife makes a pensive hus band. Lace mite are slowly but surely coming into style again. It still remains fashionable to make dresses of two colors. A fine quality of grenadine ribbon is a new and pretty trimming for hats. Bunches of flowers either real or artifl cial are worn in the belt at the left side. The wife of Governpr Hayes is a Ken tucky woman, who freed all her slaves of her own will. There were but one hundred and fifty buttons on a dress reetly sent homem from One of the late Sultan's wives went into the millinery business, but the others ordered summer bonnets on. credit and rained her. Rose Eytinge denies in a letter to the press that she attempted to take her life because of cruel neglect by her husband, George H. Butler. A hat for a married lady is of black chip trimmed with cream-coloied grena dine ribbon and feather to match, a small spray of red berries and leaves, low in the back and one in the center of the. face trimmings. To avoid having too many bands of underskirts pass around the waist at the same place, small buttons may be placed under each other on the corset, to which each waistband may be fastened, and prevent the thickness of figure about the hips. This is the way in which the Kentucky ladies enthuse over the Republican nomi nations :-" Born, at Lexington, to the wife of Isaac Stevens, June 17, twin boys, Rutherford Ifayes Stevens and William Wheeler 8tevens, after the nominees for" President and Vice-President of the Repub lican party." On a recent Sunday, two girls, pupils of an Illinois seminary, were about leaving their room for church, when a dispute arose as to which had occupied the most time in dressing. The discussion waxed warm, a bet was made, to be decided on the'spot, and three other girls were called in as judges. The contdstants removed all their clothing, and at the call of "time" sprang to the contest. For a few moments the air seemed filled with flying bits of feminine drapery-shoes, stockings, gar ters, etc.-and the winner was all "hooked up" and had her bonnet on in seven in-. utes and thirteen seconds, the other girl coming out in less than half a minute behind. Dom Pedro's Father' Visit -to the Uni ted States-A Staving Trip. Appropos of Dors Pedro's visit to this country, an interesting story is told. It will be remembered that in 1822 the Bra ed their independence, and conferred the imperial crown on Dorn Pedro, the son of John VI. of Portugal, then regent during his ihther's absence. ThIawas. the father of the present Dom Pedt. ro ..-uled till 1831, when forced to atby. gmwlng.issatis faetion, which culminated i a- short .but violent revolution, he abdieated, favoc aQ.f his son. Popular feeling against:him was very bitter, and his personal safety was threatened so that he was forced to conceal himself. It was at this juncture that a Stoningtos vessel put into Rio Janeiro with a cargo consigned to the British consul at that place. Her master was Captain Thomas Dunbas, of Stonington, an old sailor, with the courage of a lion and the heart of A child. He lay in port some days discharq. ing and receiving cargo, and was at length ready to uail. The night before his depar ture the British consul sent for him to come to the consulate, and after a long preliminary conversation, told him that the emperor was in hiding in his house, and asked Capt. Dunbar to -aid in his es cape. This the latter at once consented to do. The question then arose how should it be effected. The wharves and water fronts were lined with police. and soldiers, watchingr for the royal fugitive, and escape seemed almost impossib.. A plan was finally Agrea upon, and In the eand proved suecessful. The bship which lay at one of the wharse was get ready for se the next morgipg and was on the pontof getting under way. when the captain saMealy recolllected that. he had forgotten to take his, ship-bread aboard.. A niessenger was accordingly despatched, and Ini some way it was pro caed at this onsistate. A waigon load of biscuit In barreis waisent down and rolled eraoes the wharf and into the vessel's hold. In one of tha wasPedro I. The ship got under way,.and when safe from pursuit, th eask was opened and he was tliberated, nearly exhausted by his position. The ship ca..e to Stontgton, whe the fan - rr was lantded sreeegsi .-anb d whene heleftfe flor pe. X.sasik e t. DuAbsr a pmenat of f0'ri Bt saf es., which atth t e *u eeisIsee aa mualisent s-s Cae ap n ll fte Er d eyrehates edi eightl ad dish *hir years ago at w4i t 4l qom n 4s lawCoan, Bt.w 11a, )6WWUirt~s V R lrP~ b disel"