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"................. .. . 6 to I-. 156 I I 0
•th 5...... 7 12142 ;L 485
................. 12 1 2 0 7 5
i ........... "- 92 0 B 6 0 7 0 te o
. yr ........... 16 4 8 M 701
f: arn at dvertising
Tr.d-ienlt advertising
ýH" "Il Notices are
II,! olve\.rtisementll .
,M."nl advertiing.150 cetnt
,,,ls er line for esch
,,s ,6 1(red in Nonparlel
, b Work payable on dlivls.
rsrA oMu B
Will practice in all the Couttsaof the Territory.
0. B.. 'BANNON;
la i A alit all A ,orae
J¬cr L s - Moni na.
County Shrveyorr Q01. k C u ginar and'
U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor,
Deer Lodge, - - 3ont:ana.
Office with O. B. O'Bannoa. Orders for;ur
veys of Mineral and Agricultural .ands will re
ceive prompt attention. Orders can be left with
Mr. O'Bannon in my absence. 519.
Willow Glen P. 0. - - Montana.
Ciil Engineer, Deputy U, S, inera lrsvyo
g~Orders left at the office of R. L. Davis, or
addressed to me at Deer Lodge P. O. will
receive prompt attention. 8:3
PRICES-Gold & Silver....................3 ` 50
Silver . ............
Copper ..................... .....
S-ample , sent by mail promptly attended to
Physicians and Surgeons,
Prompt attention given p-ofessionall calls in town
and surroundfqg country. .
)Phy ici an and Surgeon,
Office-Kleinsclmidt Building, formerly oc
cupied by M. M. Hopkins.
A)e4er Lodge, - Montann.
-Calls in town or country will receive prompt at*
tluntion. 842
Eye, Ear and Throat Surgeon.
Recently atteridant upon the large eye, ear and
tthrojt hospitals of Europe, (Vienna, Berlin,
Paeis, London and Edinburgh)
l'he eye, car and throat .a special and exclusive
)rac! ire.
iSl.lWctl -s ecientlfically fitted to the eye.
Ctarrh of the nose and throat successefllv treated.
OFe ICK--JACKSON sTREIq. 859 lyr
Veterinary Surgeon,
Deputy Territorial Veterinary Surgeon,
Having Jotated in Deer Lodge will promptly
attend all calls for diseased stock. Refers to
Phil. E. Evans, W. B. Miller, S. E. Larabie and
others. Charges reasonable. l88tf
Office Opposite the City Hotel.
De me.'al Bankilog Business and Draw
Exchange on
All tno Ptrau~pal Oltlet ef the World.
First Mationl ant, ev Yor, , 1Y.
Firzt National Dank
Paid up Ca.Ital..... O.Q.
Su rplus and Profits 88,000
S. T. IlaUSEB., S - President.
A. J. DAVIS, ' - Vzce-Presient.
.. w. CMIGOR, . - .a
T. H. KLU[ISOHaIDT, - Adsti' ah.
Wetranealt t general Bang besinelsdaUcbSJa
ighest rates, Gold Dust L, Vei0. andsllr-r ...
asu, and Leeal baritte dl 1baale Aile
rphc'rrasnu ers, availaible in all perlet .o .e Uhnite
Sites, the Canada Great Bri].n, Irahihd ag. the
CJntlneat ot. IOuaolut med. and priasndamrittUl
O setos.t "__
,JOHN II. MIN., - J, P.- mOInB,
TC.POWtR, B. i.'P34'.WI
Saft. sootn, P'ropretf.
Main.& Se.oo*. 0
Thbo,,oghl1 Oer
All Dr'aks is+a
Pb. .esd%
;tw'5 B
-- O L " . . . . . . ... ... ....., .... ...I . . ., , ~.., ,... .. . , ... .- --" ·.,B~ " 'i -`;.o ·r~"t'.' - ,..,. . ,..(," -'", :(. .,. ,gT... ~..... " . .... /"-:- -- -..; .'/ "t..",- :-,,.=.'.-,. ., . ,.. - -T-..
I L. INo I. 33. -i
New, toasbes I condemn ye
D5st ties of love to me!
te little white-winged messengers,
That breathed of love so mute,
Not all the ancient sages
Thy Ioa could e'er compute!
• Nvol.
Eacba wy-leaf -curls up it scorn
And mocks me, I sweet faith had sworn;
And now I fling it to the flame,
Bach sheet grows rosy red with shame::
Then as these links in love's dear chain
'Are parted, IitOt meq s,
wir pale seoke rises b'er my vision
In elfish shapes, wild with derision.
And while I view the devastation,
I croon o'er them an incantation,
And try to lure back to their places
Th' uncanny forms, with eerie faces;
But, no-they dances in wildest glee,
And leer, and scoff, and laugh at me;
With fiendish mirth they well-nigh choke,
Then, lo! they disappear in smoke.
-Hester Crawford Dorsey.
The Great Canal-Maker a Itemarkable
Man-His Hardy Children.
Let me transcribe a passage from a daily
journal It is imaginary, but truthful to
the letter. It is the family diary of ML. de
Laeeeps, The date is. 1885. Entry No. I:
"November 19-Count Ferdinand de Lesseps
celebrates the eightieth anniversary of his
birth." Entry No. 2: Dee. -Mmae. de
Lesepes presents to her liege lord her and
his twelfth child." Of both thees events the
count is wished-and expects-"many happy
returns." Entry No. 3: Dec. 6-Count de
Lesseps goes out for a gallop; his horse
stumbles, throws him to the ground, and
falls upon him heavily. Entry No. 4: Dec. -
This evening Count de Lesseps gives a grand
dinner, being himself in the best of health
and spirits" And yet our English cousins
boast of their "Grand Old Man!" Indeed,
the great canal-maker is a remarkable man.
It is a fine sight to see him in the park
with his family-eleven children, with in no
case more than two years nor less than
fifteen months' difference in the age of two
consecutive scions! And now appears No.
12, "a duodecimo edition of my works." re
marked the count, joculary, to a friend who
congratulated him upon the advent This is
family-raising reduced to an exact science.
And when you see the eleven drawn hp in
line you notice that their sizes are mathe
matically graduated. Their father intends
that if possible, they shall live to as
good and vigorous an old age as he enjoys
He inures them to hardship. In summer
time he makes them run bare-footed, bare
headed, bare-legged, bare-armed, and, in
fact, as nearly naked as the usages of civiliza
tion allow. And at his country home he
has a fenced-in play-ground for them in
which they spend an hour or two daily in the
original garb of Adam and Eve.
As a result their skins are as tough and
healthy as that of an Indian. They never
catch cold. They are never sick. In these
respects they differ much from most French
children, who, as a rule, are what the Eng
lish would call "coddled" too much. They
are kept indoors. When they do go out
they are overdressed. They never romp
and play like English and German children.
Taken out for a walk, they are ket in lead
ing-strings, and must keep step and walk in
an exact line. They have no liberties, u.o
amusements. As a result they ares tender
as hot-house plants and as artificial And
when they come of age-ah, well! They
make up for lost time, that is .all! It is a
pity the example of the De Lesseps family
Is not imitated throughout France. And
this in the number of children as well as in
the way of bringing them up, for
small families or no children at all is now
the rule in France. In many parts of the
country and in many cities and towns tbhe
oumber of births does not nearly equal that
at deaths, so that the population is decrers
ing.-Paris Letter.
Jewelry of the Present Day.
The foreign manufacturers can not com
pete with the Americans in a good many de
partments of the jewelry trade where hand
made work has been replaced here by deftly
made machinery. In watch chains the
Americans are now ahead of any country;
they get the same effects in a watch chain
a; in a hand-made chain abroad, and the
labor on an old-fashioned watch chain
amounted to a good deal more than the
metal used. Consequently one can now es
timate the standard value of his chain or
other jewelry of gold better than he could
when he paid three-fifths for the labor and
two-fifths for the metal.
Jewelry in the United States is worn by
the multitude, and abroad only by the few;
consequently we make jewelry of thin lfeat
lngsofgo!d with full reference to the dis
play and design, and any one who can
look back thirty years will readily. see
how more versatile and thorough
are the jewelry designs of the present d6y.
Indeed, jewelry has been mad~ so cheap by
the American manufacturers that there is
but little reliance to be placed onornamtnts
as a badge of solvency and distinction. The
designs of the present day are aimed at the
populaoe and not much at the select .
The influence of chemistry on silver ware
is also very noticeable. Plate which was
once the possession of princes has become
the familiar friend of the million. The poor
man's baby can have a very pretty silver
cup or semi-silver cup. Excessively ex
pensive Jewelry is a great burden to some
people; it has to be stored away in flreproot
places or insured, and does not often lo0o
better than platesd ware which gives the
owner no concern about thieves and plmnder
ser-George Alfred Townsend.
Soanduer's Aiasing Mystery of HaLd.
Among the many aneedotes of 8.ir Edwin
Landseer contained in a biography is one
about the famous artist's smasng mastery
hand. At a large party in Lostdon the con
versftion turned on the dexterity and
tfacility in fteats of skil with the hand. A
lady remarked: "Well, there's one thing
nobody has ever done, and that s to draw
two things at onos" "Oh, I can do rat,"
said Landseer. "Lead me two pencl, and
I wilshow you" The pencils wemrgiv
him, S piece of paper. laid on the table, sal
ir Edwin drew, "sisnult4eaously anl with
out hesitation, with one hand, the preule of
a stag's head and *1B 1 Its antlers complete,
and with the other bhand the plrit profile
of a horse's head." Both drawings we
said to be fuill of ife and energy, a$ the
drawing of the let hand not Interior to the
ons made with the right - New York
Hemaldt -'
A Ma.'. *ei·.
Arni taus iW love the lath 5 mule
soe down with a hinking brilge slm~ply be
aaene he can't help it; but it seldose doem
hmr any =prmemat inf irnT.- Tbs sbeje of a
naps;.the weep of aspeyr the wave of a
sad trip him up ad mett.les hi. mphi with.
oat en istant o0 warming, end thebe" u,.
the blue kjind of a capti4e, atuit gori.
arp she ew fascinaait heuebu the tharm
thbt binds him. He is pett sares' t love
RIls is rhCL~brog U bheep whie be Ia ubmist
it, but the tvbie is, his flawb . O W ant.
to be Dises* Jt4*i siWtD& b ageyo`
ý lives , and
A Raw Justice Perfoerms he Ceremony
In His Own Way.
[Capt. Jack Crawford in N. Y. World.]
Back in the early days, when the ship of
civilization was endeavoring to push its
prow up the valley of the Platte and brawny
workmen were spiking down the rails of the
Union Pacific railroad, the proceedings in
some of the courts of justice were peculiar.
.Lawyers were about as scarce as they are in
the promised laud, and justice, not being pro
vided with the traditional scales, performed
some remarkable guesswork. At that time
I was in the Indian service and for a time
was stationed at Lone Tree, in the beautiful
valley of the Platte. The town consisted of
a half dozen hastily constructed houses, the
majority built of sods. There were a efew
settlers near the town-hardy pioneers who
had taken up government land andwho lived
in constant danger of attack from Satan's
earthly corps, the Sioux.
One of the eccentric characters of the
town was Jimmy Crane, a time-beaten
frontiersman, uneducated, unpolished and,
as a traveling missionary once said, un
godly. His life had been spent west of the
au urn waters of the Missouri, and he
knew as little of the ways of civilization as
an Apache indian knows of the modern plan
of salvation. He was adead shot with the
rifle, an ardent lover of whisky and an ex
pert at draw poker, but aside from these he
had no religious accomplishments worth
speaking of.
Bill Bennett, the justice of the peace in
and for that precinct, had a misunderstand
ing one night with Jerry Manson over the
very important point of wha played low in
a game of seven-up, and after the funeral it
became necessary to elect a man to succeed
him. With that spirit of recklessness which
characterizes the frontiersman and as a rich
joke the boys nominated Jimmy, and, to
carry out the joke, elected him. The high
honor so unexpectedly thrust upon the old
Sman broke him all up, but he at once rose to
the dignity of the position and began to
comb his hair daily. His knowledge of law
and of the duties of his position was limited
-in fact, he didn't know the difference be
tween a writ of replevin and an act of con
gress, and couldn't distinguish a peace war
rant from the ten commandments, but he
assumed the responsibility fearlessly, and
smiled benignly when the boys addressed
him as "Judge."
A few days after his installation in'o
office a young couple appeared before him to
be married. Jimmy was in a quandary.
He had never seen the marriage ceremony
performed, but determined to worry
through the embarrassing affair; as he best
could. Bidding th co :p:e to stand before
him, he said:
'Dearly beloved. fe! ow citizens, these
young folks now aprer r before. you to in
dulge in the holiness o' mstermony, accord
in' to Scriptur' an the laws o' this court. If
any of you knows any can e why they
shouldn't make the play, you want to squeal
right at this stage o' the game, or corral
yer jaws on the subject furevermore."
No objection was heard, and the justice
"Hol' up yer right han'a."
The couple blushingly obeyed.
"Do you an' each of you solemnly sw'ar
that you will marry each other :i the pres
ence o' thisc-ourt; that yout will do the squar'
thing by each other; that you will give
everybody else the go-br, an' cling to each
other through life till death calls upon you
to cash in your earthly checks,' an' that you
will be to each other husban' an' iife, ac
cordin' to the law an' the prophets an' the
rales an' regulations o' this honor'b!e court,
inosieh cawss made an' pervided, so help ye
The couple so sw6re.
Jimmy was sweating profusely over the
exertion, and after scratchinghis head to
collect his thoughe, continued:.
"Then I, James Crane, justice of the
peace, annmounee you as hu.ban' an' wife
now an' furevermore nor;d without end.
.Amen; an' if the stylt don't suit you, you
have the legal right to appeal to the supreme
court at Omaha any time within sixty days.
Now light out, an' me an' the boys '11 go an'
drink yer health."
The couple seemed to be perfectly satisfied,
said walked away hand in hand, their sun
tanned faces -wreathed in smiles of unmis
takable happiness
Conversion Would tuin Hinsm
"My dear friend," sail .a long-haired
Sconuntryman to the bio r'phical expoun ler
of a dime museum, 'is that unfortunate be
lingreally aCannibalf and be indicated a
south sea Islader from Cork who was sit
tiag on a divan.
"Yes, sig, that great living cuarlosity was
captund while in the act of roasting a
Presbyterlan mi·sionary over a slow fire."
"Have you been able to convert timi"
."Convert him?' said the biorapher, with
disgust. "Do youn s'poe the great American
public would pay ten cents to see a
Os.rstian'" _
PIs of DePgb, Probably.
INew Yark Time]
Yong physician (to patient)-Did you to1.
low my direations in taking the little pills-
every three heari -
Ptent-Well--er-you see, oo
"oung phyellan--Grat heavensl Yea
didn't take them oftener than thati
Patlen:-I dida't take any. My little boy
goti.tio. the tLottle in the night had ate
thnm all ns
founig physcian ..tlly)-Whare is the
fPatint--Th. last I heard eo hm he was
out in the back yard stoning oat •
Hri.. rs Ue Worst o·.r,
these pr.I e
The 1renq$ vrgabond hat a ixsed Idea
thait tbs asflstst dadmg Is ak oke. That
in the iaasou thatsuch criaLoal rspoeases ar
·-natl*sailybihaW hM~!~fl
Oh(nges Wrought in Fifty Yearp---Flowe
for Fair fside--Tihe Oartney--EngMsh
Weddings-Treatment of the Do
meatic-Hints, Helps, Notes.
Fashion periodicals give directions for mak
ing children's ball dresses. Daily papers mpu
lish account of society events in whi.h the
belles and beaux range between 6and 12yean
of age. Little creatures who ought to be in
bed at 9 o'clock after a supper of bread and
mifk aMfriefts$ a t "rties idmbait -iril iid
riight daminyg, eating indigestible tetl' and
learning all the shoddinea, thep ettyrivalries,
the stean desires which are the most promi
neat characteristics of that part of a com
munity which is called "society." How is it
possible to produce a high grade of 'physique,
intellect or soul upon such a regiment
Children learn too fast. They are crammed
at school, forced in social knowledge and
negletce d at home. The longer it takes a life
to mature the longer it will last and the
stronger will be all its powers. The longer a
child can be kept young and innocent the
more complete will be its development, the
stronger and healthier will be its manhood or
womanlhood. What if it is at school a class
lower than another poor strained, congested
little mind of the same age? What if it is bash
ful and awkward anlong strangers? What if it
tears its clothes and gets dirty? Let it alone
entirely rather than harden it into a prema.
ture manhood, which i3 only an arrested de
velopment. If it can be a healthy, growing,
happy child at 18 all the better. It will be
more likely to live beyond the three score and
ten and to escape suffering during middleage.
Iiealth, strength and beauty are the most
attractive attributes even in society, and the
man or woman who has been a child the long
est will outshine the artificial product of
whom everybody has tired before it was
grown. Parents who think they fulfill a duty
by spurring their children rapidly toward
literary and social knowledge are wofully
mistaken. Any horse breeder can tell them
better. A precocious 6-year-old child is like a
precocious yearling colt. It has done its best,
and at maturity its unnoticed comradewill be
worth twice as much. People do not seem to
understand that an overwrought young nature
can not gc on developing. The process pro
vents development.
The race will never reach its best until the
children are kept youngand growing as long
as possible. If animal life lasts but- three
ti:nes as long as it takes to mature, a human
being whose growth is stopped at 15 or 16 will
probably die before 50 or if it does not die its
forces will be exhausted, in which caseit were
better dead. Insteqd of being proud of pre
cocity, a parent ought rather to fear it as if it
were a deadly disease.-Kansas City Times.
Changes Wrought Ia Fifty Years.
In domestic life the change wrought by the
last fifty years is even more wonderful than
that brought about in public affairs and gen
eral business. Ask a woman what most she
counts upon fair comfort in housekeeping,
and she would hardly be able to decide be
tween a Happy Thought range and a friction
match; between a sewing machine and a pa
per of solid-headed pins; between the coal
that has supplanted wood, and the kerosene
that has supplanted the tallow candle, The
life of a housekeeper fifty years -ego was a
toilsome. and never-cnd!ding round of sewing,
spinning, knitting, alternating with cooking,
dipping candles and making soap. Now even
the butter and the cheese are made at facto
ries, and all fabrics are woven in the
power looms by steam. Not even a can of
peaches or tomatoes on our table! We had
not learned to eat tomatoes, and tropical
fruits were a luxury, only read about it in
the weekly newspaper. Now the banana is
almost as easily procured by'poor families as
are apples, and oranges are frepuently a glut
in the market.
But this is nothing compared to our own
gardens. Fifty years ago our strawberries
were to be gathered in tiny morsels from the
wild pastures; our raspberries grew in fencd
corners, and all small fruits were really in
significant, inferior and scarce. Our potato
of today is a thing of culture, superb and
luscious, compared with what our fathers ate.
The Seckel, Sheldon and Bartlett pears are a
marvel of the creative skill' of our horticul
ture. And what can be said to do justice to
the fact that by the simple process of canning
we can have the choicest sununer vegetables
and fruits in mid-winter! It is not saying too
much to say that no dream of a fairy's palace
and of magic, could; in 1836, have pictured as
fair a scqne as . is fulfilled in every home of
1886.-.8-. tLouis Globe-Democrat.
How They Get Married In England.
The ltlmt thing in English fall weddings is
for the bridemalds to carry bunches of grapes
in place of flowers. If the weddingis in
church the bride is led to the altar by her
iathaer or next fried, although some of the
midwinter brides are to be given away by
their mothers, after the fashion of her maj
esty, Queen Victoria. Forthetravelingdremss
at this season there is nothing much prettier
than a jlain suit of homespun, with a jacket
-to match, trimmed with fur, ed a neat vel
vet or felt bonnet. Such aostrome is really
more pleasing to a lady of del~cate and retir
ing nature, who does not care to advertise the
happy event at every stopping-place.
There is a growing preference that the
father or other escort shall not entirely re
linquish the bride until the answer to the
question, "Who giveth this woman to be mar
ried to this man!" is made, with the rzsonse,
"The bridegroom receives her.' Thisis cer
tallin hi accord with good seae, and the ae*
renders more Imprmveeive the statement of gir.
in.g. Wedding costmes differ but little from
last seasonm, andtbere are no ae$mry roules
that govera minor mattera Aleaidig a
thority says: "The fahioniouf Agih'g bride
maids Is for t1ie teneaausppaded,.a 5inatiate
riend or a sister Latle only femal. attendaat,
eil sde iscorted b7 a male mmabar of the
bride's family. The bestmasemalysswth the
.bwriderooam aM the clams of te rms -y.
-a-ncinnati Eanqurw
Felt lweers for fae F laid.
Natunal Sowe e. to bewore n -ti hitr.
ALigretescaomapsed if asu vieleb er pale
rosrm. wll be mused .or bIs p.rpo. faweld
,am Pliko well wtha see1ya bn inds if
heir. oG emias aBre e flower teete beodte
timtrn e tsy areJmade tp la thle ssrys
that rheb fumn the hoiideer in &d as so
tkatmear Seraldameasaemo Ispse tel tbsie
Isgdwdreseas to ear StmbrasemiEr mth
The bumnzdne far hfrsw.sposea im uwdesis
rp..;lie .nd 1m an'.vidr, ~su hell
ihdros, trails Se wawtefw yasrsds L lmmgth
assratereeombnta tIhu msaueerinsuit
one otf ihe oidatf Lbs dhame,meeitiemia
Tsabaesbsda ralesn t o· he weal was
4imtasp)*f al that tr)squsat thin eel
~l&*~i~~ji~k1bsymi-iia cc~~jj.8evwere
·aCn~ diisbtit& sfUa
1 h 4~Qiri~. a i
-:~-~ ~Tgp
fond 'wlien wecosning a friend. I
ea , eashilnable prestige in 'ier
niarxiedl so at Mr. Winthrop'
his daughter end her chaperon
and graceful eurtseys to each a
as they otesed. Thore was som
ekinugton three winters ago of. re
bit of tatelinees, but, as a rule, i
to eagtly coincide with our na
retsson of .pitality and friendls
again, as Miss Tillie Frling
"There ,*very few who can di
Allister Lmaghton can make th
y and sweeping curtsey, the ver?
t of the charming manners.fo
is noted, anad her curtseys are a
envy andal admiration of all. Wash
perhapsp because of their attend
proeideuti i receptions, think a shalg
t*sasa'exprsesmooa dculity 0s
' nalht3y, and this idea is so well groundt
that if a lady receiving in the line with th,
presidoeat or the ladies would omit to shahk
hands with each one introduced, she wouk
inmo.liat ly be pronounced as lacking in thi
qualitiis of a friendly spirit which is expectsd
to prevail there. As the notion now rules, a
lady is expected to shake hands with end
com.er, when assisting the president, but it
her own house she can revive the curtaey
with perfect freedom and knowledge tha
there her intent will not be misunderstood.
Chicago Tribune.
Better Treatment of the Domestle.
It a majority of matrons would qualift
themselves and then try to impart to servant
their knowledge of the various trades that an
comprised in housework, the aggregate ad
vantage would in a short time be great.
girl with corn non sense can learn to cook at
plain food m two or three months. It wouk
certainly pay to send her to the laundry for s
few lessons. Half a dozen lessons in "second
work," followed up by a not too oppressive
supervision, will make a complete housemaid,
This tutorage will indeed consume a con.
siderable amount of time, but it does not up
set the family as doesthe recurring and dreoad
period of "changing girls."
But the fact that some womenhavesomuct
worse luck with girls than others can only bh
logically explained by the supposition thai
they are wors'mistresses. "But what are we
to eat while.Bridget is learning?" inquires a
new little wife, before whom the problem be
gins to loom darkly in the domestic horizon.
It is no worse to bear the blunders of one whc
is improving the time than tobe experimnented
upon by a dozen strangers, none of whom are
competent. And who can doubt that the
father and the boys will prefer to excuse mis
takes smoothed over by kind and hopeful
words from the mistress than to hear running
fire of weak complaints, month after month,
from a house mother who does nothing to be
ter affairs?-Congregationalist.
A Piece of Ueas.ble Advice.
Never go out of the hbee until you have
eaten some thing, is very sensible advice. It
is constantly reiterated by parents who have
the physical welfare of thelrchildreiat heart,
whether they live in smalreil distriets or In
salubrious localities. Thissage pecept is cred
ited to an ancient Arabian philosopher, who
said: "M}y son, go not out of the house in the
niaening till thou hast eaten something; by so
doing thy mind will be more firm; and
llouidlt thou be insulted by' any person, thou
wilt finadthyself more disposed to smaer pa
tiqntly; for hunger dries up and disorders the
hunger diminishes the bodily strength, thus
Irritattegenfeeblinug the mind. It study
+t 4 toh in 'a dMsk winter mornings,
have the room warm and some light food pre
pared tortho student. Irritability is often
the.s.lt oS;hunger. Some persons, who are
aatmrally amiable, will become disagreeable
snarers when they are hungry. A dear old
lady once told me that in the course of her
life she had always traced every feeling of ir
ritability to hunger. The instant she felt the
sligltest inclination to be dissatisfled with
matters and things she immediately had
something to cat, and thus averted disagree
able resuks.-Courier-Journal.
The Increased Demand for Heip.
When stationary washtubs were unknown,
when every drop of water must bedrawn
from well or cistern, when spices must be
pounded, sugar drushed and eggs or cream
whipped by hand, the active housekeeper who,
even with a large family, kept more than one
maid, was. phenomenally rare Now, with
hot and cold water pipes, set tubes, bowls and
Kinks. dumb-waiters, carpet~eweepers, and
p.wnct egg-beaters, the demand for help has
incre. ied. Not only the heavier work of
cooking, w.shing nnd ironing must be taken
in charge By the Teutonic or Hibernian im
portation, but the more delicate culinary oper
aionts and tue daintier parts 'of homsework,
the care of dining-roota, bed-rooms and par
lor, are too frequently given over to her care.
Query: How muchl has been gained by the
changet No woman who can avoid it should
make herself meore household drudge. But
ii thlqre not aj ustmxedinm between her devot
ing herself so entirely to minor duties thatashe
has wither tnime nor ilination for anything
else and her yielding up these 'same ,cares so
completely that she loses much of the delight
of home-making both for herself and her
family--Christine Temhune Herrick.
ecsentrlelties of Soelety Womne.
I r~eently heard a description of the novel
it ' of pets introduced by some eccentric s
Si.-y wormen at their boxes at the opera. One
'. a turtlewearing a- red ribbon; another
':~s a white mouse decorated with bqs, that
ir: along the e of the bex, easemd by ts
owner's slender 'g- stey came to
me from behind at dem Ido not see why
a womana should not aelvertise herself by the
means of trtles jmnd mie as well as by walk
hag .m.dldriving aout with dogs blanketed ad
ated in far, velvt or cloth, embroidered
and mosoogreemd, witb colars richly enough
- $wesdr a lady's, bracelet Indeed, the
-~do fe.arei p like a dude's srm, are attn
ecistewith bracelet; and they wear
lCarts violetor sprays of white hyacIgh ta
ia thatbsene sowerthat the doMata dsin
ti fastens her buttos-hale.P'Pritan" In
Ni Yor _$ir
d%, -as that, to, -in Us httstmkind,
4ymetaha higstsaperstsaein thelsath. 4
gpatlqkan who liivedeght years in Japan
ui hnlash. b hiateny a tim sree a man site
tingleh ahage hashlb while has wife made a
iiadltd aeuladerusett l The tuniyty ba
tsh-ovglw ~with a smali frneae
ussesCIse~athr tie water is smade hot
bag'Pusd44lk frma 41y-ajy aits the
el latdy whosiioaka
.K cmapae t, ~h Jr~aprs is
lacR Shpa e ve andhersehn
as toft - a s 4.pp s . Wilapeth
A*hgise s t is i oUfplat '*u aah
tosrIhe~wrawhayae me her, timteiselos
cti~arefic ~i~rsanisedeesrayiipaeb
~iel~r qr Limp' Asawt~PP55rraet·
tq~opa~,~ dqec ,x'eev~W~M
t society jotter wtaiM olybe blf- wayeiat
ameb ale might be foigtwen'her.-r hmae
Garieton in ladianapis Herald.
The Women of Aneleat Egypt.
iyamndt Dickatson, -ho Is delivering e
course of lectu in a in oeson the Egyptians,
devoted a poonu f hi last lecture to the
condition of womep among them. He said
thAt though there was no trace left of a mar
sage ceremony, there wee laws and con
k tractin fordc that made .the women equal,
and even superior to the men in prpoerty and
social rights. He read severil_ marriage con
tracts to show the gradual pogrssinfredeomd
and;nfluence of Charrled women. In 181 B.
0C. the decree of Philopater that no wife
sloald dispose ot her property without ,the
consent of. her husband, actually killed
wdmen's rights, and from that time It would
s-in that 'the '-deth~anement of wcmen. was
t ah i bd s sad end ixirrag det*n mates'rm
gstuistersvwas lawful the marriage o isf
and Osiris among the gods forming thebaals
for this. Monogamy was the rule.
A Hint to Anxious Parents.
However it may be with themselves, parents
want their children to- be better than they
were last year. Why not take a turn, then,
at trying to enlarge the bump of veneration
on their craniums? The difference betweem a
crude, raw turnip and a rare ripe peach is not
so great as the difference between a flipphat,
conceited, shallow-souled boy, and one hal
lowed by the first fu.hing sense of a deed at
a character high enough to command his rev
erence, Trying to teach others always car.
ries one advantage with it toa man or vwotas
with a ray of conscience inside. It makes
them feel they must manage themselves to
keep ay least one lesson ahead of the pupil.
-Boston Herald.
A Girl and Her Seniors.
When a girl is pert and bold toward her
seniors, the reason may be because she has not
been perfectly trained; but when sho is over
bearing and unkind toward servants or work
people, I am afraid it is because she has not a
good heart. Perhape, however, it is only be
cause she is thoughtless--Youth's Corn.
panion. ______
Bustling Women in the Bounding West.
The ladies are getting to the front in Ne
braska. Out of the 5,000 school tenchers in
the state, 4,000 of them miu women, and
thirteen of the county useirintendents are
women. We say hurrah for Nebraska l Come
west, young ladies, and help our country to
grow up in the way it should.
To Make Corks Water Tight.
Corks may be made air and water tight by
keeping them for five minutes under melted
parailne; they must be kept down wth a
wire screen. These corks have a perfectly
smooth surface, and 'may be introducqd or
drawn out easily and seal perfectly.-Coitrier
Itis getting to be the fashion in the east for
the debutantes of the rasaor to give "coming.
out dinners" at meah othrs' houses before
venturing upon the more perilous gayeties.
A novelty in dismer cards has a little: um
brella made of wooden tooth picks, tied opr
with a narrow satin ribbon.
The woman who marries a man to reform
him undertakes a job that will ruin ber com
plexion.-Chicago Ledger.
The woman who never takes an interest in
the fashions needs medicine.-Chicago
The man who is too lazy to weak generally
marries a woman who isn't.
A Novel eSheme to Hold the Boy.
The aristocratic ladies' fashion of leading
or dragging pug dogs, mastiffs or grey
hounds along the crowded streets having in
measuresubsided, an fiigeniousdevotee of new
ideas has practically iecured an acceptable
substitute, furnishing at the sametime a com
plete answer to the long-vexed question as tc
what shall be done with the small boy. A tall
lady, fashionably attired, attracted gregh at
tention recently as she walked down Cheitnut
stredt, apparently indifferent to the curious
stares of the 'pedestrians.
The lady who was theobjeetof so muah at
tention was absorbed in the task of holding a
heavy gold chain, with a bright little :boy
circled about the neck, at the other end of it.
The little fellow was dressed in 'a dark plush
suit, with turban to match, and did not ap
pear to be disconcer~d. When the ad ad
vanced too far in the burging crowd a sudden
tugging would warn him that the end of the
chain had been reached, and he would refun.
"Well," said a passer-by, "it would be so map
propriate it the girls would manage the dades
in that style, so pug-like, you know."--Pii
delphia Record.
A Hexiean Merehant on the Line.,
"Bustamente," said the Texan, "is a writ
kled and aged Mexicaniwho keep, a store It
La Noria, a little miang camp, one-halt of
which lies in Arizona and the other it Mexica
The old man built his atei. rilght acrcs the line
which divides the two &republle One counter
isin Mexico and tbe otr is in the Ujited
States. At the Mexican counter he sellU aPl
the goods which. If trasferred to the other
counmter, would have toepy tribute to Uncle
(Ska while on the Aziserican ~lde he rselle
everything liable far' 4utg Mexico paotl
governments have been after Buhamente hbut
he continues to sturaddlitbe line bet'wm tip
tIue -h.'-.iCiesgo New.- ,
A Club Mam's 50ello5 on the-sidewalk.
.rI e Jl a. e l d
wsan lape upl It feels very ehilly.,
A Pelnt of Law.
'l"The jury with0d to bhe informed on a
point of law, y oihour, d mad the court
"'Let thlam be shown into the court," re.
plied the judge .
"'We. wish to hkow," explained the fore
meal 'Iftag'ofwhisky in the Jbary roa.,
it pald for by ourseltes, would be contrary
to Iaiss, your hooi"r
Yipatlt," the the jedge, "I
"Webasmatgot to th-.,c yeft/ asicthe
-: tm, and thenthkey l.,i ou.
" iQFs GeSA 'r l#lnff"tl.r e.t d.
-lelmsp-oYarour'lb as t s dsath made.a
very profound lmplresso. o0 st ant dew
a ) It & prei Josn. mad I thak Jo0s
Io.. me . d: -t has J oqa c ,oad snugi
.Mrs . t at' ttn e rsoh larda
Hobetin ,~ ean'-mnin thse ethings.
MlNrluaka 'n past adl Cthgats4 les
.... deac+assanI.
A'+/+ -" + .. . - +s .
14V+ .. . ++
°t".-- r:. of the 'Cat at Gsry's W'erry itsraid,
RILAvEI.PHIA, Jan. 27.-The subject stl'
igitaiipg railroad cirle.T is the eritrance of
tit Ih:timnore and Ohio railroad into New
York ':t , vi., Stat n Island. Th only way
of approach se.mced heretafore to Le thraegh
Jorsey City. But it.wid seem a strange faot
to tmany of our readers` that every'foot of
the Jersey City tater font is already owhed"
by rairoad companies, ithich are, of course,
hostile to the en.rance of the Lattimore and
There are many whq will welcome the Bal
timore and Ohio to New York. To get there
it was nece sary for this' popular road to
build a new linefrom Philadelphia to New
'Sork. 'Ihe picture ws the wo:k at
Ora7'si Ferry road Phlidehilsl At the
point named the new lin croses the Schurl
kill. Here is a lone out, tunneling under
Gray's Ferry road. The cut at its deepest is
thirty feet ' he Baltimore and Ohio line
passes under the Pennsylvania Railroad
bridge .and through the grounds of the
arsenal and naval asylmn. It also cuts the
groundiof the old Harmar mansion, where
Thom~, Jefferson lived when he was secre
tary of State. In Philadelphia proper another
tunnel leads the road under Twenty-fifth
street' to Pennsylvania avenue
The Baltimore and Ohio company had the
greatest diflfiulty in getting the right of
way tlirou-h Philadeiplp .: Money and in.
nuence sought to stop them; and was for
some. time successtu. The road .t lengtl
has bieorme too b'g a thing to sto:', however,
and now it goes threough the Quaker City.
'In connection with the Staten Island end
of the iine, our rewvlers will have noticed the
name of Mr. Erastus Wiman "bobbing up
serenely" in the newspapers with consider
able regularity of lae. The greatest effort
of hisjife was his argument before the com
mittees of the two houses of congress in
favor of bridging Arthur Kill. This is the
name of the strait
between Staten
Is:and and New
Jersey over which
the drawlridge of
the Baltimore and
Ohio is to pass.
Being a matter be
tween two states
the consent of the
United States gov
ernment is nediss
sary to accomplish
the scheme. Mr.
Wlman's argument
' - was a mqrTlgludy
a W . o able and brilliant
one, and will call
attention still more to the rising railroad
king. Hon. William Walter Phelps made
the opposing argument.
He started in life a poor country boy. He
was born in Peel county, New York state,
in 1834. His parents removed to Toronto,
Cjnada, when he was very young. He
never had any education except what he got
in the; public schools,' and that closed early.
But by sheer force of brain and will he made
his way in the world. - He chose the printer's
trade As an apprentlee he was an earnest,
steady worker. He: shiowedr the same vim
that he now manifets in the larger walks.
From- being a compositor he took the man
agement of a commercial news room.
He founded a comic weekly, and met his
fadlikenln a -
Te, having recovered from that blow,
he entied G-! .. Dun & Co.'s commercial
agency, as their Montreal manager. This
ras in ISB0. In every enterl~icin wfich
lie w engaged, excepetheeoraia weekly, Ihr.
Win. enlarged the business,;and attracted
attention to himself by his energy and re
mark b ability. This btofght him at
length to New York He i> wia who made
tl.enove to unate theWasterit Union tele
graph lines with t ose of Canada.
Aer that he was attrtacted to Staten
Ilas l. He is as good A.HnLter as worker.
He crushed oppoeltion o~eftii hn even that
of men much richer and' more inflnential
than hmnself. He frst '41 4mself owner
of the ferry line betWeen. New York aria the
north shore of Btaten islhud. ,Next he be
camepraleiat of the .belB railway around
hiisland; He has doe'-"mneh to develop
thegesourcesof the old island though they
dO sry he ought tolower the rate of fertH
age to New York. Doubtless this will be
done when the Bslatefr and Ohio road
coas to stay. Bat .I-muh admire is
in'.hsebll club history, iad known, chiey
~lnBl capUcity of a se(sidat il ghter. The
ooputry aby no; mweaeard the last of
hiassareiLrea and ager. . 8Aaaa KNGo.
SJeaqan M1iller's lofty Deam
avew Yrk Courresiendeace Bsatoa Berald.]
Jeaquin Miller used -to lt. in an apart
men~houie down in Thirty-third street; He
bhadfor or five roosas up on. the top Sdaor,
and they were fxed'upaftter the style which
he edsghb to.s'eet. 1 'oors werss
cove-ed with skins, and -the bed on
.--Cighi nal to strstt his poetlo
limbhe was-also c-ashioned in hide, of
wild beasts His only serrvant was a
little boy, 1pid-a there was never any sweep
;nJ mhdaP tl sldomayi washi, it
romoverwerk. His piai.daty w so
tseinve m 4wafae tsr, we need
tea bIir beisC sad not ~sertfcularfy inb
~theiqn at --eat h- his mala I
iet tp t p- 11b ' on W-- u m in this lofty
aede ole h9p nmsmr day. By the time
I reacheJ the roof of the high buildi4 :
the atmosphereb was hotthr than the f.r
acorne of a fterandcie, stiri sight of the
furs which aweep9thats isi thoe p1.rC
Ia eccastifllty, pes-spratcs sad happluemi
lsitresoit d ffor-a fs miautes, my Bvery
pel doig tea duty with the utmo.t tie
seiaratlds, and than Blls go up asd
l-iitd me to have a ia of ca.
TShLe wera' any gI.E \u& we co:s
cladaet tbua we e lblld o at me
wie uho eat wawRim
ss-e attens issutaw himl -mlia tigala&
Je.. pisnlilities-e 4tggeleR of Dsgp.
Joaquin the wiater
rwaeeemr1yn sran. s
1eij 6il~arn ii hea, lana':)
ODeYear............................. .....$4 (
ix Mortht .......... .................
Tiee oluths.;.......................... 1 (
Whes sepapapid in advaane therate will be Fir
Dellae per year.
1. Anyone who takes a paper reenlarly fro I I,
P.t.oe--whether diseead hi nMame or ant hr.'
or whetthrhe ha subscribed or not--is repousibtle
'ur Ihepavmnent.
0.- AlRprtonordershls paper dleconunno, It.
mst pay all arreatages, or the publiher will con.
itinueto send it until payment iamada and ollet the
wIo'e amount, whethe ththepaper It taken flonr tb
'111ce or not.
t. ' ttllcosrtebavedecided that seofnstr to take
thbeoew n reor. odical, from the Poetstltr. or
rem uiir nd leaving them uncalled for, is prif
fatci evidence litent al.flgse
Papers ordered to any adress can be chanrl to
- nthier addres at the op of the ubecrthrr.
eaeltttzeasp id ewsuyrseheoreyeta.
Vtt.mmre.!;.r. e aa. k htL pI J:etmteture
Cloud Masses and egs To Be Seen in
Nevada.-A Lakqe of Silver.
Our towins stands on the eastn face of
Mount Davidson, it a elghdtit if owe?,500
feet above the level of the sea, theesfeoe 1ee
ar frequeptly above or in the lidst of the
clouds" At times the coude "drag their
ibw length along" at an eieva to shWt~ht
that they collide with th reoac ad .A
bowes A tfew weeks ago, abeoout I
maw from the window at which I.wr a
very beautiful and perfect rainbow oiised
upon a mass of clounds that rested upon the
roots of the buildlngp of the city, asome 50J
yards to the nofrti r"
However, we di.tinphs atwpeas eaud
masses and fog. The clpuds cmarppe
yond the Sierras-frou,tbhq -ý oocshb
while the fogs are of blssue seo; tre
vraporns rising freoma e . isiL The lg
of which I set out to speik wea to the eat
ward of the city, and far below it To the
east of us at a distance of six miles (at the
foot of our mountain) the Carson riyer
winds through a large valley,. ordering
-which is one desert twenty-two miles in
width, and another which has a breadth of
forty-four miles and extends to the sink of
the Carson and Humboldt lake.
For two or three mornings all the dsrts
and valleys eastward were covered to a
depth of 210 or 800 feet by a sheet of fog as
level as the water of a lake The full light.
of the sun shining upon this gave it the ap
pearance of a sheet of silver, and'thetopa of
rocky hills rising through it appeared of'Isl
ands. The phenosmeon lasted for several
hours, and the whole 'lpace of country' so
much resembled a great island-studded bay
or an arm of thL8a that old sailors told of
places in vonrl oo the world of which
the view reminded them. Strangers arriv
ing by rail asked what giaat lake it was
that lay to the eastward, and could hardly
be made to believe that what they saw was
not a sheet of water, It extended eastward
some eighty miles, to the base of the Hum
boldt range of mountains.
On these same eastward-lying deserts are
occasionally seen beautifully and puzzling
mirages; and at times iii- summer columns
of sand over 1,000 feet high are to be seen
alowing waltzing to and tfr Half a dozen
of these are oaten seen at once, and move
about unbroken for hours. The same
phenomenon is to be witnessed on th3 deserts
cf Europe and Asia. The sand pillars cor
respond with what at sea are called water.
spouts, and are raida by whirlwinda-Vir
ginia City Cor. Cincinnati Enquirer.
Jobn Russel Young on Bisamarek.
"How did Bismarck impreas you.",
"I think that the -e;aonal impression Bis
marck makes justi[es his great fame I re
member (en. Grant saying to me or; his re
turn from his tour around the world-that be
had met four really great men--Bkmarek,
Beaconsfield, Gambetta and Li Hung Chang,
the grand secretary of China Bismarck
impresses you--as I remember him-as a
man born to govern nations-the strongest
character since Napoleon; audacious, arro
gant, proud, with a vein o.humor permeat
nhe his conversation, aid the eibodiaient of
wti terage and an moppea sem.as. should
may he was the embodiment of abl.olato pm
mon sense and justice, with a courage at
feared no antagonism, " ad staiing
and vivid with intellect and jsbihee
and a determi 'an to carry his point
against the whlorld. He was person
ally a strong, virile man, and woild say the
most unusual and extraordinary thinga
aud, more than that, he would carry the .
out He had a purpose and a polir. ::al
he did it in a way that reminded you very
much of what you read of Frederlek the
Great, or Marlborough, or any of tho..
greet neon who have been callal on by
Providence to do great thiu m
"Prince Bismme'u , ae k .tf him as I
recall his personal appearance and n tumer,
bad a resemblance e..o Ge. Butler and to
Ge. Sicklea He had Gin. Butler's aodd
way of stating things in' a sentntliou,,
htnedrmie iphrase, and. howas brotngy- like
'GeaiStsklea in his manner. -f HIspoe.Ng
list fairly ~well, slowrly, t~i ou.iW l4ike a
.na ee - New ..........
Tke Advantages of Manual TraIinng. -
Mpndsitaaping in itself no mean ape.
eeotlisain {es one now
glovin elai reii thei Intense
indere--witth 'which, a , b ferst
aarse4, bhow pice of boadl api. be dgve
tailed sp as . form a neat ba.withlopt the
use of asin sal? Can k ocall sib visit
of the perjlntetlc counfry dklit. wie drst
revealed to him tbshe myyter~i , . soh If
son, hlt nlot y duy that.ie B bral- 7a
never wore e4ly*, syrp 'uysw~ver
wthoas t6 themoe lt~ ieiets of s
ad e~adst..tused to bhieglsma . lhis
stll epratieal ednrriosn amada
Eve. r dhance nein ectdu th thsnad M
of the kf inderrten.the - boratore,
buyh]fie thnat d des" latil-- 4mli L
Wh mtimneglawith the workqt teSitn
tian room, but the one is n wrahver t
withsut the other. "Tnite ~-e ,of
those d.isoa which prop'ry forias of
the pbirb sebhel oeiwtbeourae lhoIh
teraining nbeb L thme daepAmeeS of
hel-work which t in wt a.Ith .itrat e
the mslbjpct of the tet-i~k, eid elucation,
Ilsted at a espirdehal aid&'nasmnntbil no
cempli~abi bemosmes a rmdada sue
ally, manual training hbaemog with ay
myatem that pretends to educate to Lbte
youth of the nation for the work of the
busy life that lien before thein-t 1'aml
All Amrluas have bnanspsed with the
tories which bitte neatly iiuterein the -
newsmpapws oWi th hMteilatef ellt3t -
meet to which the Wa i people have
aBowed temmetces to hek upqed by tealesc
tionajuat eclsed. T1ahm is, dl coarme, good
rmasoe for the dlference in Aslmfeian and
Engish eleoain maerm.. ha Na 2weaag.
isidtrabeany whieb the pomtreased Ge
mida ate ly' as pas which teke
thie mee Intreat in aplleS "This baeag
a.p is oaglte arprine me morths a large
qprincling of the mimda dbjiedid to the
strain and excitement attendat ol s ea
oral election ahould i yoratina
ertais proportion afa brains taold
than protreated mnetatdl " Ia this to
be ~ mas fairateto at thdebet
inEhS o4Oen brato 46 we LUpgiga nt He
paithaeztes enau i-gqiwsi e... sso n
(beset the aetbk the
wua beyivde~ s**, *arad dneatet by
eMk i ~a, 'aiitreai ek se the
p at userteol engs res i i
bnlclemS i for
-9-n lre
·-~YI~'V Sor
dur Ja~l(9
tuhren I 2~J i~ er