Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW NORTH-WEST. JAMES H. MILLS, PUBLISHER. ENTERND IN THE DEER LODno, MONTANA, PoserrrrcE FOR TRANSMISSION AS SECOND CLASS MAIL MATTER. THE Red Mountain mines, near Helena, are being boomed by specials to the Minne apolis Tribune. HENRY WATTERaON, of the Courier Jour nal, was very seriously ill a week ago, but his recovery was anticipated. TaH New York World is making a bitter fight against Attorney General Garland for his connection with the pan-Electric Tele phone Company. THE Great Falls Tribune feels much elated over the prospect of railroad construc t.Ln to that point. A railroad there would commence a great era of prosperity at the Falls. THE Natilnal Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic will commence in San Francisco, Tuebday, August 3d. It is ex pected 80,000 visitors will be present from thq East.. THE remains of Ex-President Garfield were last Saturday placed in a bronze metal sarcophagus, weighing 450 pounds, which cost $20,000. The military guard will be continued until June. Sxow fell to the depth of four inches at a town within four miles of the City of Mex ice, ten days ago. This is the first snow fall there for thirty years, and is heavier than there has been in the Deer Lodge valley this winter. HANCOCK, "the superb," has fallen. And now again, will be told the story of his manly life that was glorified at Gettysburg, Freder icksburg, and Spottsylvania Court House by heroic deeds the world will ever honor. On all the glorious roll of fame there is no name whose lustre is brighter than that of Winfield SCott Hancock. 1N the Senate Tbursday of last week the bill passed by a vote of 32 ayes to 22 nays dividing the Territory on the 40th parallel of latitude, providing for the admission of the southern portion as a State under lhe name of Dakota and the organization of the northern portion as a Territory under the name of Lincoln. KANSAS is pushing ahead. In 1875 the population was 529,742; now it is 1,268,562. In ssessed valuation, in number of bubbels of wheat and corn produced and cattle raised, and railroads built the last ten years show an increase of from 100to200 per cent. The number of acres under cultivation in 1875 were 4,749,901, while in 1885 there were 13,011,533. A HELENA correspondent of the Benton Press writes from Helena Feb. 6Lh: At least fifty miles of the railroad to Great Falls will be constructed this season, which will take it as far as the mouth of the Dear born, and possibly it will be built to the mouth of Sun river. I have this from the highest source of information and you can count on it as being correct. Ax Ltem in Eastern; papers sa)s: "The decision of the NorthBrn Pacfic Directors last week to build the Cascade branch was something in the nature of a death warrant for the last of the Villard interest. They staved off the lettingnf the contracts as long as they could to save thle Oregon Railway & Navigation Company; but the influences in that Board are dead ;against them nowa days." DEATH is decimating the rapidly the ranmi of the old Uniont Army-Grant, Mc. Olellan, Hancock amdog the more eminent of the generals failing within the past few months, and tens of thousands of lesser note. We see it mentioned the average age of the survivors of Ahe war is now forty eight years. They will melt away now faster than In the years of battle-go on the sick list never to report back "for duty," aod their national barying groand will be in every habtable land of the earth. STa~s telegrams announce a mob expelling the Chinese from Seattle and the prompt * guppresrlon of the rioters by the authorities and citizens. Thilis right, To attempt to expel any people here under protection of the United States laws is a gross crime, and the weaker the people the more c~wardly the qet. Mobs may make trouble of this kind delsewhere but it can only result one way. The qauthority of the government will be sus tained. Riotous assemblages are not supe ior to the law and they will be suppressed. Tax Adjutant General of this district, R. D. Drum, in speaking of the enlargement of Fort Ellis, says: "When a military reason exisis for enlarglog the post in question, I will approve it; but under the present con dltibons 1 am obliged to disapprove." These v iews have been concurred in by the Secre tary of War,so itmay be set down asea sertalniy that an enlarrgement will never be made. Under these circumstances, would I it not be a good idea to petition for the I abandonment bf. the fort and to have the 1 valuable reservation thrown open to settle- 1 ment? -AvanP .Courier. WarIL we are not prepared to say that princlpal Democratie odoesm of Cleveland's Administration are eternally swamped under the exposures relating ~olfr pan-telephone stock ,wmplications, It yet appears indls potable that Lsey ae as badly in the mire in relatloh to that as any Repubilcan offclals were lnbhe mud concerning Credit Mobiller stock. 'The trouble always seemed to aus ino regard to the latter wastockhbolders denslng a ownership. Clevelamnie Cabinet olemersr vbo appear to hold the pay·lg-end of the Poa - Telephone °Compam, seem to have studied this matter out, and do not deny their stock. They may mire down, notlwith -tandiog. SDnurMNT, the appainted Surveyor General of Uth, whoi went East to look after his Seonflirmatlon, s in a badt row of damps, and is not likely to be confirmed. He went to Wehlgtoe, usad, like a good many other people, worked his mouth lively, telling what moeattonp fmrgds he had uanearthed in d he land butalss of Utah, and exploited simelf with all the vigorof a well trained law. 8ooe newspaper men er among his, -udltors and publihad his elub-room exli tatlons. Utah bowled and Dement denied. Thereupon the newspaper men ked a bear. hag beroe the comistee, teeted as to De. inmet' statements, w'ob testimony be did bustny ud wro~id .rot behuar, uand so De meat, like aime, ~ baged hslaelf on bal own gallows. W W ar glad to pe the Nonkes Pacle I buas oder essetmpltlo he esteason of a braebh tram . mram.ase-te bLtbSrgghagg- I some Ihinpg-er hg5r. J a6t bk-buit fe a s ,i thls. ense*t-,hi ,some -Daem ihms, ltss I r aUde. min -, thqiglis ~r hawrisee, la OrNERAL HANCOCK DEAD. The death of General Winfield Scott Hancock takes from the country one of the I most distingihed and exemplary soldism- A, oneDS woib base had become the synocpm CD of all the soldierly virtues, and who, not withstadling he was once a nominee for the Presidency, bad not tainted blehis record with '' partisanism nor engagqd in. the many con e- rovses in which his compeers have shown so little that is creditable. Gen. Hancock was 62 years old lacking but fvi days, and at has been for years in command of the gnest department in the United States, wich head quarters at Governor's Island. He was born er in Montgomery county, Penn., graduated at or West Point in 1844, served with distinction e- In the Mexican war, and against the Sem inoles and Mormons, was serving in Lower California when the rebellion broke out, was relieved at his own request, went into c- service with McClellan on the Peninsula, Id fought up to Richmond and back to Harri re son's Landing in the Seven Days' battles, was at South Mountain, Antietam, Freder id icksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, in (where he succeeded Reynolds after he was . habot, held the field till Meade arrived and m he was himself badly wounded), and then down through the Wilderness Campaign where his corps did splendid service. In Id November, 1864, he was relieved at the front at to organize the Veteran Corps. He had :h command of the Fifth Military District, in e cluding Louisiana and Texas, in 1678-8, and on General Meade's death succeeded him in the Department of the East. In 1880 he was the Democratic nominee against Garfield for the Presidency but failed. He was a soldier but not a statesman, and the demonstration is of this fact had much effect on the campaign. The defeat did not spoil him, and he could well rest on his laurels. At the time of his id death General Hancock was commander of ly the military order of the Loyal Legion. It r- was companions of this order who had >y charge of General Grant's remains, and they in doubtless now constitute the Guard of Honor ie to the remains of the late commander. He Id was a true patriot, a model soldier, and a splendid gentleman. The nation gives uni versal tribute of honor to his memory and ie sorrow at his death. FEES UNDER THE SALARY BILL. 'e We publish in this issue an opinion by 1e Attorney General Hunt on the collection of e fees under the Salary bill enacted last session. The opinion is in response to an e Inquiry by Ex-Governor Potts, who advo cated the salary system in the Legislature, I and wants this law to have a fair trial al. le though it was changed, very materially to its detriment he believes, from the bill as originally introduced. While we have never taken the same view the Governor does of this system, we are very willing indeed to see it have a fair trial and, if convinced it is the better system for the people, to support n it. Of course it has not yet been sufficiently ,t tested to demonstrate that matter. rt The matter at. issue now we do not deem h an important one for or against the law, further than the advance payment of fees e may make it unpopular with some persons, e and an aggravating inconvenience to others n until they have become accustomed to the systsm. Doubtless the Attorney General is cqirect that there is nothing mandatory in e this particular act about advance payments, R and the authority of officefs in the premises ls derived from preceding ones. But we t believe the officers have dohe right iu requir F ing fees to be paid with thb work, and that g If they did not do so individually, the Coun e ty Commissioners should, as they have done in this county and some` others, establish that "regulation." Under the fee system if a county officer saw; proper to credit a per son because he was "good," or because he was a political or personal friend, or one he 1 wished to favor, he could do so. It was his personal andodlvidual matter and if he lost it the loss fell on himself. It was not the business of any other person, or of the I County Commissioners whether he collected I hbis fees or not. Under the salary system the case is different. .The officer is now on - a salary of a certain amount paid to him out I of the county funds The county has no E personal friends and it is not a candidate for office. To it every man is alike. If it does r does the work it expects its pay and it can- I not afford to have thousands of its accounts a unpaid and uncollctable, perhaps, exceit e at greater coat than the amount. The posi tion of the officer is also changed. Under i, the fee system he was responsible to no one Ia but himself for extending credit.; Now he is an employe of the county and simply act- a ing"in a clerical capacity in the collection of h fees. He should not he allowed to, and n should not be requlyed to exercise a discre- E tionary power in collecting fees-trusting p this man 'and refusing thabt, and perhaps 1 Incurring thbe censure of the Commissioners U for his acts. Beside, this salary system is urged as one of economy to the public, and it that a very material reduction of fees can be b; made uader it. This cannot be accom-o plished if there are heavy losses on unpaid E fees, nor is it fair that in de4ling with the hi county one may pay and another not. With I the officers deriving their pay exclusively fr from ithe fee system it waould hardly be right fu to compel them to collect fees in advance, di but they were allowed discretionary power i in the premises. With tile countly conduct- he ilg the business and the officers on salary it at seems to us that the law should be made c mandatory in this respect. - The credit sys dl tem would be ruinous. Our friends who to advocate the salary law appear to think this w course ofeash payments was adopted to s render the measure objectionable. We are to free to express bellef that this 1w itself ds does not compel cash payments. But the p Commissloners have dlrected otfeers under pa pre existing laws to so collect, and we accept he tli odium of sayinglt is lhe proper course am to pursuae. -- - wi A wuw weeks ago the Alseond o published notice of an-ar~Sm (ggat between mi the U. P. and N. P. omapanies that post- of poned the extension of the Northern Pacific to Butte this year. • We copied and credited co the news. Two weeks ago we received ad. foi s les that there was no good foundation for oa the artiele in the Resiess,al stated It'in terms covertlog the fact, th eeediess to our ~ctemporary. The Bewid ~M at take it amiably. We said nothing ip replty, and do not st this time, except to rerer the Be setew to the statement of Vies President Ohkas, pubisbed in the telegrate, that, "If U "arangemets are not made in the lej me e "bdlatefatut whereby the Northern Paecle lea "a ruan its own ears nlato Butte, we will trw "balid our own line there andthal tno ma -dlstant day." Of this psapose we were 5 advised whsa we wrote the items uehed to. 'y The Anti-Pelt Telmlphem loft. Nuw Yoe, Feb. a--The work ef pasper. iag be iltl i emplasint in the sai whibh the Goveetsen is btia to ~koing to teat Ut svalidity of the Bell teisphbos paeit, iLs al ready well advandc , mad Ir w peg that. ae doeaument warl he empleted aUkplaese -t In the hnds of Soiltol r eseLi6dnb to- ol arrow. Wen this ls ba bilrGee. he seal Goode wl1 anessawe Ie etor s c 'is? A oiONDON MOB. Lt London was, last Monday, the scene of one I of the greatest mobs that has ever assembled - there, the crowd at one time aggregating n 40,000 to 50,000 people, who took possession o Trafalgar Square, were oqsted by the a police, and traversed the stret4, breaking b open stores, mobbing houses and objeetion i- able people, and threatened the government a dlces. It was finally ispersed after re k peatedly being driven from one point to 4 another by the police, who expelled the it squads into side s'treets and then broke - them up in detail. The meeting was called n by mechanics, who really appear to be in a it bad way, but the London Socialists took n advantage of the opportunity and got pos t- session of the meeting. They were beaded tr by Burns, the notorious Socialist of Notting t, ham, who made incendiary speeches, and 0 with the sacking and pillaging of liquor t, houses, his audi-tors soon became an uncon i- trollable mob. The pollee expelled them s, after repeated attacks, and then the Socisl r- ists and anti-Socialists had a battle, in which i, the Burns gang triumphed, and they paraded as the streets, carrying a red flag, taking pos d session of some of the principal streets, n and sacking objectionable houses. They n steered clear of the military barracks. Al n though $400,000damage was done to property, it it is remarkable that no one was killed; and d notwithstanding the riot lasted six hours, i- the military were not called out. London d has some bad citizens, and their immunity n from punishment in an outbreak like the s above is likely to result in greater violence. ir - r A SUBSCRIBmB wishes to know our posi n tion on railroad tariffs forgetting, perhaps, that we have expressed our views on this d matter long since. The local passenger and freight rates are simply enormous. The is fact that it costs nearly as much to travel by ,f rail as it did in the old days of stage coaches, and that it only costs twenty-five cents more per hundred pounds to lay Bozeman flour down in the London market than it does in y Butte is sufficient proof of this, though the r latter proposition would seem to indicate e that through freights were quite reasonaole. But we do not see how anything is to be accomplished by an agitation of the matter at this time, When Montana becomes a 1 Stats Its legislature will have an apportunity of regulating it; but until such time the only hope of any reduction must come from the building of rival lines and the competition thus instigated. Railroad corporations are soulless and never make concessions until obliged to. We had as well besiege a bat f tlenent with a pop gun as try by persuasion or any other means within our reach to t induce a reduction of our local rates. We o believe, however, that it would be a business stroke to do so; that a low rate would induce enough more travel to more than make up for the reduction, that it would operate like cheap postage and cheap car fare in the r cities, and ultimately railroad companies may see it in this light; but until they shall or competition is instituted by rival lines or r legislative enactments car be had there is no remedy.-Husbandman; 4th. The Husbandman states the case correctly. The NEW NORTII WEST hammered away at the railroad companies on these matters two or three months last year, and aside from the fact that there seemed to follw a more liberal dispositlon to give "excursion" rates there was no concession in rates of trans portation. Newspapers cannot compel com panies or corporations to do right, if their wrongs are not illegal: and while the people universally, so far as we know, approved our endeavor there was never a public meeting or any other concerted action by the people to secure redress of- grievances. the press, generally, stood in earnestly and steadfastly to secure concessiotns from the companies in rates and fares, but it had not even the expressed support of the many more vitally interested. Local freight tariffs and passen ger Tares in Montana are simply extortionate. But what can we do about it? DEATH OF GENERAL HANCOCK. The Distinguished Soldier and Civilian Dies Suddenly at Governorls Island. NEW YORK, 4 p. m., Feb. 9.-The follow. ing official notification of the death of Gen. Hancock has just been received: GOVERNORES ISLAND, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1886. -Major-General W. S. Hancock, of the United States Army, died at 2:35 this after noon. W. W. WHIPPLE, A. A. G. Gen. Hancock's death was the result of a malignant carbuncle on the back of hi neck wbhichb had confined him to hbls bed for sv- c eral days. No serious alarm was felt, how ever, until shortly before be expired. The news caused the profoundest sorrow in commercial and financial circles as well as among the business men generally. When 1 the sad news was known in the exchanges and at the Custom House, the -flags were immediately ordered at half-mast. It.had 0 not been generally known that General Hancock was ill and his death was unex- d pected. General Hancock was in Washing- C ton d week ago and was obliged to return b without paying his respects to the President. The Larbuncle which caused his death made its appearance on the General;s neck at the O base of the brain. . P The Commercial Advertiser says General ' Hancock has been ailing for some time,and P has been unable, actively, to attend to his a military duties on the island. He suffered from a.complication of diseases, but still R fought saairst the ailment, but the recent development of a carbuncle while he was at Washington coi' pelled him to remain in h!s ci house. From.this attack he'did not rally, a and his condition has been considered pre cariouns for a day or two past. His only son died last autumn and.since then hie has not been given the strength to resist the disease with the determination hl e had previously exhibited. Whei he eplred hisa wfe sas best. him. Upon thannouncement of h is deathltbe flag at his headquarters was dis play.i.. t halfmast and telegraphic dis- iI patchb e sent to army stations in the harbor, army belidingsat Houston it and aasees and tbe Navy Yard, asa well as to Washilgton mad other pliaes. ._neral BancoeCk' condition has been a saonrce of much anxiety to bhe offlcr. and men of bhis department ese the beginning of the year. On rseceipt of the news the Pres.ident sent t condolence to Mrs. ~ancak and issued a formal order placing tl flags at bhalf-mast on the executive buildingsp. as Remarks of Collector Welch. Paovr Press 1B~d. B HELnA, MoYst., Feb. 2--To the Editor: I k notice In the Pioneer Press of Jan. 28 a dis patch giving a false stateament made in the United S&atss Seate byr Mr. Morrntll co uaonuig mJwe. nr. aornu UDOUW 5151 lerar Aoc ad then aone -himself to the troth. I Wa nt . iuot m d. I wrote sad mailed iy reign a on JS.Ln 1 Neither m I a dtItv. hem )vimde, but slways in my olce tesdlog to WY dutis. Were Ih reach .f the BSasteor I chulad islt on an Immediate wetrastloc. vat* Jr. WurLOw, comteto Intern'l Uesmune, - Dhwtrot of Boath. V~Ae wF feJe~se Now. *I.M n *m WtWh a aptese t. b lert esrrtvt ný General of the civil war. wl*tqhI o r, em.. When he innsd. 0.24'* ,iss tt every one of bhi comrades Vie.. h od, he will prams t iYe r :ýcrsa a Is~l~l~iir~?sar Otint'iVlittl*5, re`. t p e -ho th ar h W ase II hef aiters the r A Ouie Ba.toie, ve NEWS NOTES AND MhNTioN. Would it not be a good plan for every city, town and Viillage in the Territory to hold public toee nga to give expression to the kentiments oVfthie people in regard to the ad mission of the Territory as a State? There is no doubt bht that the majority of the peo ple desire Statehood, but let na expraes those views for the benefit of the National Con gress, and also let us hear the arguments to be presented against admission. The ques tion has seldom been discussed except in a general way, and though we believe the only argument against Statehood is that of the cost, still it may be well to give the opposi tion a fair opportunit to present their rea sons for their faith aiouliai. The theme is a timely one. The Deer Lodge Lyceua has invited a diseasiion of it by a query submitted to Judge Batterton. It is well that our people should consider what is involved in the issue of admission. But so far as it effecting the results in Congress is concerned, we, think it useless. 'The elec tion on the issue ir of record, and the aver age Congressman would pay no attention to the action of a town meeting. Astronomers are beginning to discuss some what earnestly a corona, of copperish or red. dish light, surrounding the 'sun at noonday. Its radius is about fifteen degrees. It has also been noticed, in lesser degree, arpund the moon. This corona first became visible in November, 1882. It is called "Bishop's ring," after its first observer. This ring, with the bluish glow nearer the sun, has been quite noticeable here within the past two years the most distinct we ever noticed being on emerging from Cole's circus. This is no joke, but just to establish the day. There appears to have come into our a~iosphere some new element, and it is probablle "Bish op's ring" and the "red sunsets" owe their origin to the same cause. Frontiersmen are not over particular as to the style of their language. Some time ago a 9t. Paul lady was in bMontana. Jn conver sation with a son of the frontier she •hap pened to say, "I stop at the Re-an when at home." "Wlhat?" he queried. "At the Ho tel Re-an," she replied. The pronunciation of what was simple "Ryan" to him startled him. A few moments later, at the dinner table, he turned to his St. Paul friend and said, "Can I help onu to some re-es (rice)?" He had caught on.-Pioneer PresI . It is believed that the word Pan in the Pan Electric Telephone Comrn pany now stands for Pandeimonium.-Independent. The philologist editor of the Independent knows well enough that the word "pan" means "to join or close together," and was derived from the California argonauts, who would. "pan" their gold dust-washing off the dirt and "panning" the grains of gold close together. After this it was carried out to the nearest saloon and dispursed again. If the Independent proposes to go outside of this and seek a new signification applying to the stockholders, we suggest stevw-pan. THE NEW ENGLISH CABINET. THE NEW ENGLISHX CABINET.' The Ministry Selected by Gladstone. Lt LONDON, Feb. 3.-The new Cabinet is o officially announced as follows: Mr. Glad n stone, Prime Minister and First Lord of the .e Treasury; Sir Farrer Herschel, Lord High s Chancellor; Earl Spencer, Lord President of the Council; Mr. H. C. H. Childers, Home - Secretary; Earl Rosebeny, Secretary for ir Foreign Affalas; Earl Granville, Secretary Is for the Colonies; Earl Kimberley, Secretary for India; Mr. H. Campbell Bannemnann, g Secretary for War; Sir William Vernon Har e court, -Chancellor of the Exchequer; the Marquis of Ripon, First Lord of the Admi Sralty: Mr. J. Chamberlain, President of n Local Government Boeard; Mr. G. O. Tre e vellyan, Secretary for Scotland; Mr. A. J. Mandell, President of the Board of Trade; Mr. John Morley, Chief Secretary for Ire land. The following appointments' have been made under the new administration: Earl Sidney, Lord Steward of the Qureen's Household; Mr. Arnold Morley, Patrbnage Secretary; Mr. Charles Russelr, Attor ey a General. The composition of the Cablret has caused great surprise. It thought to show marks of a compromise. LOND,.N, Feb. 6.-The members of the late Ministry left London. for Osborne at 9:30 this morning, to deliver up the seals of office to the Queen, and the members of Mr. Gladstone's Cabinet proceeded to Osborne at 11::10 to receive them from Her Majesty. The House of Commons to-day ordered writs to be issued for the re-election of those members who have been appointedto office since the House was last in session. The House ha adjourned until the 18h inst. WHAT OAKBS SAYS. The Northern Pacific Cars will -o to Butte. ST. PAUL, Feb. 3.-Oakes, Vice President of the Northern Pacific. says in an interview: "If arrangements are not made in the imme diate future whereby the Northern Pacific cart run its own cars into Butte, we will build our own line there, and that at no dis tant day." Regarding the proposed big land sale east of Missouri, he says negotiations are still pending, and the prospects are that the sale will be completed. It covers all of the com pany's land east of the river, some 4,000,000 acres. If madelt will wipe out about $10, 000,000 of the company's preferred stock. Rumors of an alliance between the Northern Pacific and Wisconsin Central are without foundation. "The Transcontinental Asso ciation," added Oakes, "is in a precarious condition. Upon the result of the meeting to be held in New York hangs Its life. The reprt that the Canadian Pacific had de manded admittance and fifty per cent, in the allotment of percentages Is without founda tion. No demand whatever has been made. If there were, I would have been officially Informed of it ere this. When the Canadian road Is ready to come in it will be received into the fold and treated as any of the other roads. We'do not expect any-trouble from I it, nor does Its management propose cresting anyjowrw -e - Logan Looming Up. CnczraxAT!, Feb. 6.-The New York I letter to the Engafrer says: Ex:-Poitmaster General Hatton, who has been in Washing ton for a week, came back here to-day ad announced himself for Logan as the Repub- I lican Presidential caadldate in 1888. The sigificant thing about this is thattheHatton and Arthur crowd up to a week ago were i quietly canvassing Bob Lincoln's trengthb for that nomination. • Hatton found that Blaine was so strong that be can only be broken by dividing the Blaine fbrces, and ( thinks It can best be done with Logan. t When the Blaine men were caucuasing after b his nomination at hicago with George Win. Curtis and others as to how the tiet should a be completed, Willam Walter Phelps ob- t jected to the selection of Loga. on the b gound that it would. makeup ikaet of the usme in~ Natons uenferenie ford i Loganews obemeto be based en the ides d a. widely Mespned by the New-esey poll tiOlan, tiat ESalaw and Logs. appeiallike* to the arpasse. iasees, aned htI if Zogan 8 IIkely to Iew Mattee a WrgM66.u toneag Ppkr 8.- otig feawle see teessria~ ~~lt Id i re ersuesm: 4 1. ANTI-C1iNESE OUTLAWRY. A Seattle Mob Evicts Chinese and Withstand, Id the Officers. S P LAN , Ore., Feb. 7.-The Oregon t. Sdia Seattle special says: At last the long io drawn out anti-Chinese agitatolohas reached s- a sclminating point so far as Seattle is con ' cerned. It was thought by many when the United States troops were withdrawn from a here that the agitation was dead, and°as weeks e went by without the commission of any Sovert act this opinion was strengthened. As -. events show, however, the feeling was not evendormaut, and the agitators have been .r quietly laying plans all the while. An effori it was made to put these plans into executlon It to-day, though with what success cannot yet be said. An anti-Chinese meeting was held t last night at which a committee was ap it pointed for the ostensible purpose of visiting w Chinatown and as:ertaining whether the c- city sanitary regulations were being properly r- observed by the Chinamen. This committee o commenced its work at 7 o'clock this morn. ing, and headed by Acting Chief of Police Murphy and accompanied by an enormous crowd, which had apparently come togethel e- by previous understanding, It pIoceeded tc SChinuatown. The mode of procedure was r. simple. The committee would approach a s Chinaman's housa and knock at the door; d when the occupants appeared they asked n questions concerning cubic air and othes city ordinances, and while the conversatior was in progress a crowd would enter the 16 house and begin packing the contents upot a wagon, which would appear at that june - ture. It was useless for the Chinamen tc n resist, and they generally acquiesced witl o as good grace as possible. When the mov *e able goods were loaded in the wagon the e Chinamen were also placed on board and driven to the ocean dock, where the steamer "Queen of the Pacific" was lying ready tc Ir sail for San Francisco. Not the slightest warning of this movement had been given, and the authorities were totally unprepared o for it. The police force generally sided o with the crowd, and made no effort to stol the work of removal. Sheriff McGrew was soon on the scene and commanded the mob to disperse, but they paid no attention to t him. When he would collect a few citizens '- and attempt to interfere, the crowd would n cease operations at that point, but carry it a on without cessation in other quarters. This r continued for several hours, Sheriff Mc d Graw, Judge Green and Mayor Geslez making such efforts as they could in behalf of law, but without avail. About 10 o'clock Governor Squire, who is in the city, issued the following proclamation: a To the People of Washington Territory: J WHEREAs, It is represented to me by the Msyqr of the city of Seattle as follows: "Hon. W. C. Squire, Sir: The Chinese residents of this city of Seattle are being a unlawfully removed from this city by a mob o unlawfully gathered together, the authority fR of the city is not sufficient to keep the peace or preserve order. I appeal to you for aid and assistance. HENRY L. YIESTER, Mayor." Now, therefore, I, Watson C. Squire, a Governor of Washington Territory, do here B by publish this my proclamation, warning all persons to desist from such breach of the peace and that peaceably disposed persons shall retire to their homes, except' such per sons as are disposed to assist the sheriff and the duly constituted civil authorities in maintaining order to enroll themselves un der the sheriff immediately for that purpose. B Furthermore I order the military of the city to immediately place themselves under B arms, and that the commanding officer of each company report forthwith to the sheriff of King county for the purpose of rendering f him military assistance if ,need be in main 3 taining the law. r None at Seattle' this seventh day of Feb ruary, 1886. (Signed) S WaTSOn C. SQUIRE, Governor. V When this was read to the crowd it was received with.howls of defiaice and it had absolutely no.pacifying effect. An attempt was then made to ring the fire bells but they were soon silenced. The two local com panies of militia and three companies of f Lome guards, organized at the time the United States troops were withdrawn, how ever, responded as quickly as possible, and by the time they were ready for action there seemed nothing for them to do. About 400 Chinamen were huddled together in a ware house on the ocean dock and an immense crowd prevented them from returning to their homes, Indeed a majority of them I showed much Inclination to remain, as they were thoroughly cowed and eager to get away. The officers of the steamship, how ever, refused to receive the Chinamen with. out ttickets. They prepared hot water hose and took every precaution to defend the vessel from any attempt to force the China men on board. In this dilemmaacollection was raised and enough.subscribed to pay the passage of about 100. These were received on board, each one expressiung a desire to go, and declining the offers of the. officials to protect them from violence if they remained. The steamer should have sailed at 1 p. m., but was detained in the hope that some arrangement would be made for the passage of the remaining Chinamen, who were bud died on the dock unable to return to their homes and perfectly willing to go. About 5 p. m., the militia marched down to China town arnd took possession. It was thoroughly deserted, except by a few merchants, who had been allowed to remain temporarily. At 6 p. m., a writ of habeas corpus was issued, charging that the Chiunamen were illegally restrained of their libert' on board the steamer. The writ was made returnable at 10 this evening, and in the meantime the steamer was enjoined from sailing. The situation at this hour (9 p. m.) is uncertain. A dismal rain is falling and the mob has largely dispersed. The Chinamen who are not on board the steamer are huddled to gether on the ocean dock; two companies of militla'and the Home Guards are patrolling the streets. The Oregon Improvement company also has eighty men guarding the docks and- warehouses. The authorities are determined that no Chinamen will leave nowillingly. Every effort will be made to avoid bloodshed, but the utmost determination is expressed on this point. Gov. Squires, in addition to Issuing hbls proclamation, has sent the fol lowing telegram to the Secretary of War, Sectetary of Interior and Gen. Gibbon, come manding Department of Columbia: "SEATTLE, W.T. Feb. 7.-An immense mob are forcing the Chinese to leave Seattle. The civil authorities are arming a posse comistatus to protect them and a seriouts con. flict lis probable. I respectfully request that United States troops be immediately sent to Seattle. The troops at Fort Townsend can arrive soonest and probably will be suffi cient. Have issued a proclamation. WarsoN C. Sqouzas, Governor. The troops at Pbrt Townsend and Van couver are ready to move, and are only awaiting orders from Washington. Much asurprise is expressed that the. movement was arranged so quietly. The city is full of strangers, asd it is hard to tell whence they come. It is believed by manythbt the plans were made in Tacoma, as many of the prom-" lilent agitatei from that place as well as reporters of both the Tacoma papers ar.rved here yesterday. Mayor Weisbhach, of Taoo me, is also bhere, ansd it is freely asserted that he Is engineering the movement. Gen. Gibbon has answered Gov. Squire that he could not send troope withetadireet orders from the President. These have not been received. The report that the Knights of Labor headed the mob to uexpel the Chinese seems to hive no foa dflre. While members of that organlsaatl .ere in the mob; there is no evidence whatever that the Knights as an organization oaaselled.d4he measure. SAarTE, W.T., Feb. 8.-AL an early hour this morning the militia and Home Guards.marched to the Oceanm dock, where the Chinamen were. cosoned, and took chargeof them. Warrants had previously h. .n imeed for the arrest of the prominent agitors, iad before daylight the work s.f arresting them began and by 8 o'cluock all the laders were in jail :Thy were, bow ever, lmmedlately balled out. All the 8C l semen on board the steamer were marched to the court boseby the militla in answer to a writ of /abe corpus sworn oaukyjester day. - No oppositLo was made to tlis move. Jedge Greene informed each Chinaman that hewas atpset esit Ib to goorMay, as he -dese. A vat eiOa se to leave, and ( winwere eeeduBl sqestd to the steam erm nd tl w hed to seta were ea Senated tthelo om UI to bths time -atss wea nowded. At se-ae hanewer, a1.aihpeads, asd dwere mg ally l baire a55d 4U.iab' avoelley Shieas wound been taken by the War Department in regard to the anti-Chinese trouble at Seattle, Wash a ington Territory. The President has not been called on for troops, consequently he did not order any sent there. SEATrLE, W. T., February 8.-From g the hour of the shooting the excite 1 ment and bitterness increased. Denuncia tions of the Home Guards were beard on all Ssides, and prominent citizens belonging to the organization-were threatened with bang. : ilug by the mob. At last a warrant was sworn out in the police court charging five I Home Guards with shooting with intent to I kill. A constable attempted to serve the i warrant but Judge ..rene declared the t Guards were officers of his court and that he would not have them molested. Just before t the warrants were Issued, however, Governor I Squire had determined to take vigorous action. It was plain the most extreme measures were necessary and Governor Squire issued a proclamation with a long and calm preamble reciting the situation and closing as follows: "Now, therefore, be it known, that I, Watson C. Squire, as Governor of said 5 Territory, and - commander in chief of r the military forces thereof, do hereby assume military command of the city 5 of Seattle, and do hereby order that no . person exercise any office or authority in said city which may be inconsistent with 1 the laws and constitution of the United r States or the laws of said Territory, and I I do hereby suspend the writ of habeas corpus s and declare martial law within said city." This, of course, stopped all judicial pro ceedings at once. Gov. Squire at the same tie telegraphed President Cleveland stating that the city was in a state of actual insur rection and urgently requesting aid. Major A. E. Alden was appointed Provost Marshal and the military authorities took complete possession of the city. Orders were issued closing all the business houses between the hours of 7 p. m. and 6 a. m., closing the saloons indefinitely, and giving a warning that all persons found on the streets without passes after 7 p. m. would be arrested. By a subsequent order the drug stores, hotels, restaurants and newspaper offices were allowed to keep open day and night on a permit from the Provost Marshal. The following order was also issued: MILITARY HEADQUARTERS, SEATTLE, W. T., Feb. 8, 1886. General Or der No. 5. All persons willing to enlist in the service Sof the Territory to serve in the city of Seat tle, are hereby called upon to report as recruits to the Provost Marshal at the court house in this city. All persons disposed to violate any law of the Territory of Wash ington or any law, treaty or constitution of the United States, are hereby warned and commanded to leave the city forthwith. By command of the Governor, WATSON C. SQUIRE. G. O. HALLER, Adjutant General. In answer to the call for volunteers, the citizens are responding in large numbers, and recruiting is going on rapidly. The authorities have plenty of rifles and ammu nition, and men are organized into com panies as soon as enrolled. At this hour (0:45 p. m.) the authorities appear to have complete control of the city, but there is an ugly feeling In the air. Rumorsof all kinds are rife, and the greatest apprehensions are entertained. The Chinese question seems to have been entirely.lost sight of, the only feelings now are revenge on one side and a determination to uphold the law on the other. Many prominent leaders of the anti-Chisese move ment are openly on the side of law and are making every effort to restrain their late followers. The militia and Home Guards have been on duty continuously since Sun day morning, and they are about worn out and cannot stand the strain much longer. Appeal after appeal has been sent for United States troops but for some reason ho orders were issued from Washington until this evening, and troops cannot possibly arrive before the morning. PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 8.-Eight conmps nies of the'Fourteenth Infantry were placed on board the river steamer "Lurline," this evening, ready to go to Seattle as soon as orders came from the President. -They number250 ment under Lieut.-Col. DeRus sey. When the orders come the boat will go to Kalama, where a spec al Northern Pacific train will be kept in waiting. It is thought the orders will not come to night. Latest advices from Seattle state that quiet prevails. The regular troops have relieved the militia and the mob Is subdued. In Olympia the citizens organized. under the sheriff and stopped any attempt at outlawry. Three ringleaders in Tuesday's demonstra tion were arrested for riot and bound in $2,000 each. TELEGRAMS IN BRIEF. PARIs, Feb. 6.-The Chamber of Deputies, by avote of 347 to 116, has rejected the propo sition of the Radicals to extend amnesty too political offenders. BoME, Feb. 6.-The Chinese envoy had an audieuce t'-dsy with the Pope. As a result ofthe interview the Vatican will In the future be represented at the Chinese Court and China will send an embassador to the Vati can. ST. JOHNs, N. B., Feb. 7.-The British schooner "Miller and Woodman," from New York for St. Johns, before reported over doe, has been given up for lost. Itis supposed the vessel foundered with all hands in the gale of January 2. Three of the crew leave large families in St. Johns. The Lorillard Fortune. NEW YORK, Feb. 5.-The World says: At the time of his death Lorillard's fortune wuas estimated at $2,000,000. His share of the estate of rls father, Peter Lorillard, which amounted to $1,000,000, was placed in trust, and he sold his share in the tobacco factory in Jersey City to his brother, Pierre, for $225,000. By careful ipvestments he almost doubled the original amount. One million dollars of the money e1~ goes to his widow, and the other million in trust will be divided among his brothers and lsisters, as-Lrillard died without Issue. As to the future of his horses, all of them are disqual ifed for the stake engagemen.ts made for them in 1884 and in 1885, to ron this year 1 and in 1887, including those made by letter 1 from Nice to be ran at Sbeepshead Bay in June. In this reqpect George .Lorillard's death is a greater loss to the turf than Pierre Lorillard's retirement. It has been Intl. mated that the transfer may have been by 1 George Lorilard either to Louis Lorllard t or possibly to one of Pierre Lorillard's sons. ' If such la the case It is not known. The a chancqs are that the whole property will be( sold in due time. "Lucky" Baldwin'a 'Breach ot Promise." Los Ai.oanrs, Cal., Feb. 4.--The testi-. mony in the breach of promise casueof Louise 1 E: Perkins vs. E. J. Baldwin. for e500.000 damages, began to day. The pialntiff, it giving her testimony, dsecrlbed the growth of the acquaintanceship between her and Baldwin up to the ,time she was Indueod alleged promise of marriage, made to her in the Baldwin Hotel in April, 1880; to travel with him as his wife to Sacramento and San Jose. She completed her testimony to day by stating that after Baldwinwas married to Miss Bennett, he called on her and sid he would get rid of blh wife and marry the plaintiff. A number of letters and an engagement ring were also intro duced as et idence. Forfeit of Northern PacAdc .and Grant. WAsaHIeToN, Feb. .-The House Publir Lando Committee has conaidered the ques tion of the forfeiture of the laid grant to the Northern Padlfi Railroad Company from Dulutb toPungt 8ound. This grant is eighty miles wide, bata large portola of It has al ready been patented apd canopt be forfeited. The milroad compeany was spresersed by Mr. Sthpemo, of Boston, wb. elamed that the ladt, in question was ap ga to aid4 h the esetruetion of the roam , ad was not limit ilo tis~ e. u I bise. thbe eoa mitti4 Im o aseaemam d th tfeiwra of all lad Sa tbiagrsan i *patestad. WA mTeNow, aFeb. .-. Comuisslouer p*rhof the Genral Laud 0$a is said to to mush diSesshse with th Pasts aents ý iaftit awI. sre, b ested be the wtrariots DRAFT STALLIONS FOR SALE! MIres, Fillys all all Classes of ilosos for P le. We have for sale a large number of young Imported Draft Stallions. Also Full Blood and Grade Stallions of our own raising, which we offer for sale on reasonable terms. -WE OFFER FOR SALE THE "PRINCE OF WALES," Who won the First Prize at the last Territorial Fair for the best Draft Stallion of any breed. Also "LORD ESKDAILL , "MENDICK," Who won First Prizes as Three-year-olds. [7"Several of the Grade Stallions also won first prizes. We invite horsemen to call and examine the horses before purchasipg elsewhere. Remember, the horses are thoroughli acclimated, and will be sold cheaper than you can buy them from importers East. 07-We have also for sale some fine JERSEY COWS, HEIFERS AND BULLS, AND GRADE HOLSTEINS. Come and Look at the Stock, if you Don't Buy, B, F. POTTS,+ Manager. ToWnsend, Montana, (on N. P. R. R.), Feb. 8, 1886. 866 3m 5 NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. t Col. J. C. C. Thornton has gone East. The Drum Lummon produced over $100, 000 during January. E. G. Leiter, ex.Treasurer of Butte, has been released on bail. Bozeman has a Chautauqua Circle of four gentlemen and eleven ladies. Lawrence Barrett suggested the name of Rimini for the Red Mountain postofice and it was adopted. Mrs. Mattie E. Roberts, wife of George M. Roberts, of Butte, died Tuesday, aged 26 years and 8 months. The reduction works of the New York and I Montana mining and milling company, at Virginia City, are now ready for operation. Hodgson & Stein, architects of the Helena court house, have resigned. The commis sioners accepted the resignation "with re gret." E. E. Farman, 2d, writes to acquaintances here from Warsaw, N. Y., that he has re pented of his evil deeds and wants to come back.-Miasoulian. The sale of towni lots, by the Anaconda Town Site Company, for the last thirty days has exceeded any month, since the organiza tion of the company. Col. C. A. Broadwater havingbeen unable to serve on the Bi-Metallic Association from Eastern Montana, Major Maginnis has been designated as his alternate. Mr. Eric Mussigbrod, son of Dr. Mussig brod, of Deer 'Lodge, left last evening for a trip to Berlin. He will return some time in May, accompanied by his motlier.-Miner, 5. A man named Radley stole $2,200 from' S. C. F. Cobban, south , Butte. He was fol lowed and arrested in Portland, Monday, by R. M. Cobban, with $2,200 in his possession. Jurgens & Price have taken a contract to get out 50;000 ties for the new railroad to Rimini.. They have established a logging camp about four miles from Rimiani. Herald. The Utah & Northern Railroad Company is daily looking for -the forty miles of steel rails, which will be laid between Dillon and Anaconda wherever the track is in need of repair.-Miner. The Missoula Times tells of a fatal snow slide on the night of January 25th, in Echo Valley, four miles from Mullan, which killed A.D. Richards and Simon Christianson, who were sleeping in a tent. Mrs. A. A. Forbis, of Butte, mother of Mrs. E. H. Irvine and Mrs. J. R. Russel, and other well known Montanians, fell and broke her left hip at her home Sunday morn ing. She is 62 years of age. Mr. Saville will build a. new barn on his Brookbank dairy immediately. It will be 100 feet long by 26 wide and two stories high. The Montana Lumber and Produce Com pany has the contract for building it. At a special session of the board of county commissioners last Saturday the contract to build the new bridge over the Beaverhead was awarded to Estes & Archer, of Dillon. The contract price is $1,350.-Madisonian. Theo. J. Harrison, lessee of the Puller Hot Springs, Madison- county, was thrown from a wagon last week and received injuries of which. he died the following Friday. The Madisonian speaks very highly of him. Robert Lynch, a representative of the Montana Cattle Co. at Miles City, suicided at Fort Assinnaboine Feb. 4th, with a pisto'. The only words he spake after the shooting were "Pull off my boots." Cause unknown. John Alderson recently visited Livingston, and as a proof of the force of the winds that blow over that town from the south, he says that the mountains are two miles nearer town than they were three years ago.--Bl lings Gazette. The Northern Paciffe Express Company have shipped east $128,000 in bullion during the past week. Granite Mountain, one week's run, $50,000; Drum Ltummon, clean. up for January, $28,000; Boston & Montana, .,o000.-Independent. . Clara L. Chlinton, alias Madame Amle, a Butte fortune teller, has sued that city for $13,000 damages, alleged due for permanent injurles treelved from a fall caused by the bad condition of the pavement, resulting in the dislocation of her hip. A sensation has been caused at Bistmarck, Dakota, by the arrival" of John C. Badean, who says he has authority to purchase arms and ammumntion for the Indian followers of Louis Blel, who contemplate an uprising In the spring. He is thought to be a crank. Joseph H. Saville's Brookbank dairylharas, near Butte, were burned about 1 o'clock laat Sunday morning. There were two horses rand 67 milcab cows burned. About 140 head of cows and seven borses were reescued. The total loss is estlmated ast 813,800; insurance, -,81o0. It easts the Butte district 12,380 per month for salaries of teachers and the rent of extra school room. Of this amount el,O910 id di vided among twenty-tire teachers, an aver- I age of only a little more than 75 Peach per moath-and this foronly ten months in the wmr. Our teachers should be better pasid - 1 he cn'nt and. amount of 80,00 were 611.4 out this week and signed by Chaircman )Znuion, Clerk sad Eectrder Leat a$ ?rZmnSner Wiliams.. They have been sold to the Corbin Dashing Copny, of New York, and will be forwarded immnedi. and county warrants win probably be a h badred cents on' the dollar here. 'On- Jangmy 3SI&a: Gabriel Deront', tl efit ri j..e Bfrom her.iz Cr.. Indins. ýI º s* he Wopehwesa bel eqouncil sta o*D t, f ortiel'. linouga tbe~is.~bsP" nark' Poet AinIpaarer Ther witCAM I~ l~b~O to relr·3ishng I~b.4~U~3~4jIe S i- i The Benton River Press wants to know: "Who in thunder are Wadsworth and Har mon, who have corralled about all the star routes in Northern Montana? They have clearly got some big undertakings on their hands." It is understood here that these sue. cessful contractors are representatives of Gilmer, Salisbury & Co.-Herald. r By'the following item clipped from the Rathdrum Courier, it would seem that a if former Montanian is at his old tricks: d "Legh R. Freeman, who gobbled up the stock of the Capital Publishing Co., at Yaki. ma, forcing the other stockholders out, has ; been enjoined from continuing the businas In the name of the company, collecting its bills or using its franchise in any way, by recent decision of Judge Turner." A carp, 15 inches long and weighing three pounds, was on exhibition at W. G. Preuitt' store this morning. It was killed by sone men cutting ice on the pond at Hundleyand Preuitt's ranch. It is one of a hundred placed in the pond a year ago last Novem. ber. They were then very young and about an inch and a half long. The size and weight of the dead one shows how they have flour. ished in Montana waters.-Herald. We have been informed on competent an thority that as soon as the charters for ths construction of the Gals railway are received from the Canadian government, and the e final arrangembents are completed in London, S 8ir Alexander Gait will visit Fort Beutou, traveling over the proposed route; at the same time surveyors will leave Dunmore to make a thorough survey. Sir Alexander a will visit Fort Benton in April or May. River Press. The Theatre Comique, Butte, a veneered building, burned last Friday,morning. The building was owned by MDr. J. E. Van Gnndy, Deer Lodge, and leased by Stei.brennerA Gordon. The building was valued at about $6,000, and there was $3,000 insurance on it. Quite a number of actors and actrgeses who slept in the third story lost heavily in money, costumes, diamonds, etc., and some of the ladies barely escaped with their lives. The Theatre will be Immediately rebuilt-this time of solid brick and iron. The shipments of bullion by the Pacidfo Express Company, of Butte, for the week. ending Feb. 6, 1886, were as follows: Bars. Pounds Alice ........................... i :2,8 Lexington ...................... 14 1,77 M oulton......................... 10 92 Silver Bow...................... 4 40 Clark & Larabie............... 1 9B Total ........................ 59 6.010 Value........................... $96304 -I-ter-Mountaln. T. C. Power has recently purchased three sections of land (1,920 acres) situated on the Musselshell river, in the vicinity of Lavinm, of the Northern Pacific Railroad Compal7, paying $3 per acre for the same. It is his intention to establish a large cattle ranch at this point. A. Samples. of Fort Benton, i now on a tour of the Indian Territory, with a view to purchasing astock of young helfels for the ranch. Should prices suit, he will purchase something like 5,000 head. It i his idea to buy Texas heifers and brad them up.' A note from Glendale, of the 3d inst., Mas that on that afternoon (Wednesday), Jlames Steens, an agent of the California Mutual Accident Association, was caught in a snow slide on Lion Mountain, near Hecla, asnd killed. The fatal accident occurred late il the afternoon. The whole force of the Heeal Co. was engaged for three hours in recover" ing the body. Deceased was an Euglishlas by birth, and was interested in mining opent ations near Helena. At the time of the as cident he was visiting Glendale and vicinlty on business.--Dllon Tribune. Col. E. B. Pike died at Emigrant Gulch, a mining camp thirty miles south of Living' ton, Feib. 4th, at the age of sixty-one year=. His remains were taken to Li vigston sland takeq in charge by the Masonic fraternity, of which order he was a Royal Arch mem ber. During the construction days of the Northern Pacific Railroad from Billings west, in 1882, Col. Pike was a member of the engineer corps, and ranked as first assistatt under Col. Ulough. Early in 1883, he becWP interested in placer mining in Emigriat Gulch, since which time he had devoted hb. entire attention to the pursuit of placer mining. Lssd OImee Noilee. UNITKD SwAThe LAND OFFICE, HELENA,oM. T. Feb. 4, 1816. to elil ojfeers atrehotiaed to take rfidfris and proof in publie lasd case : Your attention is especially called to the fIollowing instructioas in which entries will be snspendedi until they are obeyed. 1. In cases of final proofs and of eLt'Y applicatiton, the parties, whether applicait., claimants, or witnesses, must be propelY Identfled before you. Attesting officers (in ctliding Registers and Receivers) must car tify that the parties appearing are personally known to them or that their identity is sartis factorily established. The names of persoas vouching to identity must be stated. Ideoti ynlog alldavits should be required in all ca5s where necessary. 2 In answer to "Ques. 1," on the proof blank," What is your occupation, and where is your residence ?" you will hereafterre quire the witnesses to state their resideunei to be in the particular section, township af range ain which they actually reside, or wssa saidsets of the town, that fact may be st5t Instea. 8. W. LasonoNaz, tegietr. All papers in this land district are reqdU " e1 to dopy. ditio. of Final Entry. U. 5. LAND OVFl'C!i Rdma M. T., FMruaary 5.ra Nlotwe. Is heeby £1.e that the following MSP 5SlUr bas amadc " his fa tionh to make $04 )soot In euppet of hi claim and tihat'ad Prf Usl ilaem. uipef Dbmertet CoetS of I'* 00 otW d ('n t. a TeCbuyA s Dt $at lust, to wi _ L Me .AtIhS .. mdYz: it. 3n R ;ýý a t ý raot AQ fNº(q