RATES OF ADV.RTISING. ,' ........ I... ... >t {s 5 10 8 110 125 i 4 8" i.... .... 4, 112 14 201 83 48 V.!uiitli...... 5 8 10 14 16 25 8 s55 9 12 15 2230 50 70l10 16 12;40.55 70 90140250 r,..p lar nIvertising payable quarterly, as due S ,i'nlt advertising payable in advance. -, Nati,,eý are 50 per cent wore than reg. lverti.cments. a .I vi'.rtising. 15 cents .,r the first insertion; ,, ats per line for each succeeding lnsertion; l o. 1 d.(l i Nonparlel measure ; , Iw. : pa.I ble on delivery. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS. A. S. HIGGINS. AT(O) IRN EY-AT-LAW, _ANACONDA, MONT.- Will practice in all the Courts of the Territory. 718 O. B. O'BANNON, Lanid gent anl ittornly D)eer Lodgee, - - Monlana. -0-- G. A. KELLOGG, County Surveyor, Civil Engineer and U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor, Deer Lodge, - - Mtontana. Office with O. B. O'Bannon. Orders for bur veys of Mineral and Agricultural Lands will re ceive prompt attention. Orders can be left with Mr. O'Bannon in my absence. 519. JOHN R. EARDLEY, NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEYANCER, AND UNITED STATES LAND AGENT, Willow Glen P. 0. - - Montana. 8o8 . ,I BDAVIS, Civil ngineer, Deputy UI, , Mineral kuveyor DEER LODGE, M. T. L"Orders left at the office of R. L. Davis, or addressed to me at Deer Lodge P. O. will receive prompt attention. 832 DAlV IS & BENNETT, ASSAYERS, BUTTE - - - MONTANA. PRICES-Gold & Silver.................. 60 Silver ............................ 00 Copper....................... .. 00 Wr5ample sent by mail promptly attended to 5 1 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. A. II. MITCHELL, M. D. GEO. C. DOUGLL, M. D. MITCHELL & DOUGLAS, Physicians and Surgeons, DEER LODGE. MONTANA. Prompt attention given profcesionall calls in town and surrounding country. OFFIt E-OPPOSITE TIlE SCOTT HOUSE. 859 JOHN H. OWINGS, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Office-Kleinschmidt Building, formerly oc cupied by M. M. Hopkins. l)teor Lodgte, - Moni ann. Calls In town or country will receive prompt at ~entlon, 643 DR. H. H. WYNNE, IIELENA, MONTANA, Eye, Ear and Throat Surgeon. Ieeren tl/ attendant upon the large eye, ear and Ihr,.rd hospitls of Europe, (Vienna, Berlin, PIri, London and Edinburgh.) the e.ve, ear and throat a special and exclusive ITractlicr. Sp,ecttrles vcientlflcallyv tted to the eye. (',rarrh of the nose and thbroat successfully treated. iOFt I.I--JACKSON STREET. 859 lyr HERBERT HOLLOWAY, Veterinary Surgeon, Depaty Territorial Veterinary Surgeon, Having located in Deer Lodge will promptly attend all calls for diseased stock. kefers to Phil. E. Evans, W. B. Miller, S. E. Larabre and others. Charges reasonable. l32tf A_ J_ 13 TFFY, DENTIST, Office Opposite the City Hotel. DEER LODGE, MONT. BANKS AND BANKERS. W. A, CLARK, S. E. LARABIE, CLARK ; LARABIW, BA.NKE~'ElS, DEER LODCE, M. T. Do a General Banking Business and Draw Exchange on il t, o Princlpal Cities of the World. NEW YORK CORRESPONDENTS. Firnt National Bank, New York, N. Y. First National Bank! ILELENA, - MONTANA. Paid up Capital...... .00.000 Surplus and Profits 5325,000 s. T, HAUER, - - President. A. J. DAVIS, - - V,ce-President. E. W. JKNIGHT. - - Cashier. T. R. KLEINSCHMIDT, - Ass:t Cash. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY OF THE UNITED STATES. We.ransact a general Banking bnuiness,and boy, at lhest rates, Gold Dust, Coln, Go!d and Silver Bul us, and Local becurities; Sell Exchanee and Tele r:phic Pransfers, available in all parts of the United SBted,the Canada. Great Britain. Iriland 'and the Cintinent. CoLLnrosous made and progmerdrecdtted 8rrotptly. Directors. .. P. HIIAUSER, TOHN CURTIN. 4. 1. IIOLTER, R. S IASITOS. /OHN ii. MING,, C. P- IIIGGI.. 5. W. KNIGlIIT, A. J. DAVIP. T. POWER, . M. PARUEN,, T I. KLEINSCHMIDT, r08s Soott lou s. Sam. Scott, Proprleter. Bo0il Per Day $20.o SinleIas1 , 50c THE FAVORITE SALOON PETERSON & CONNIFF, Pro'nr. Main &Second, DEER LODGE. Thoroungh, Overhsaled, Repaired and ReaeSited. 4U tlrais add Cigars, , 1-Zo ZSach. Pb. Best'. Milwakee Beer ON TAP. & YWAYS nLgASBD To) 833 o0tra FemIDS. .o i I--1-- -.-- - VOL. 17, NO. ~34. DEER LODGE, MONTANA; FEBRUARY 19 .18886. WHOLE NO. 867. THE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE. The Seers are dead and gone, my dear, Who vainly sought that mystic stone Which turned to gold this mundane sphere, Performing wonders now unknown. Fates read in stars were never true: Astrologers told naught of life, No good could from their laws accrue, Their edicts brought us simply strife. Yet Stella, is thy neart that stone On which my bane or bliss depends, And should I gain it for my own, 'Twould gild life's path where e'er it wends. I aarp Wedy P tar!-more bright Than' Venus-e'en when Mars dotl rise. My fate, I read by pale moonlight. My Stella, in thy deep blue eyes. "G. E. T." in Town Topics. The Sultan's German Confectioner. One of the sultau's weaknesses is a fondness for confectionery, and a story coming fresh from Constantinople shows that he does not spare expense in indulg ing in it. "A short time ago," writes a correspondent, "a German confectioner traveled from Moscow to Constantinople in the hope of securing & situation. Be ing of an inquisitive turn of mind he de termined to get a sight of the sultan, and so kept a lookout in likely places. At last the opportunity came, and as the sul tan was driven past his German admirer vigorously saluted him. Unaccustomed to such an exhibition of cordiality, one of the sultan's officers thought it best to in quire if it had any significance, and so the German for the time was taken pos session of. His explanation proving satisfactory and his innocence clear, and the avowal of his avocation, moreover, creating evident interest, the man was dismissed with a present and an injunction to turn up the next day with clean skin and new clcthes. The result of the second inter view was that the confectioner was set to making pastry as a test of his powers in that art, and his success was so com plete that he was engaged right off at a salary of 500 piasters per month. But better luck still awaited him. The pastry found its way to the sultan's table, and his highness was so pleased with it that he made the stranger from Germany his confectioner at once with 1,000 piasters a month for making tarts. As both sides are pleased with the arrangement made -the sultan with his confectionery and the German with his pay-the outside world has nothing to say.-Pall Mall Gazette. Burial Customs of Modern Greece. A correspondent at Athens gives an account of many curious burial castoms peculiar to Greece which lately came under his notice. A piece of linen as wide as the body and twice as long, was doubled and a hole large enough for the head cut out of it. In this the body was wrapped and then dressed in new clothes and more especially new shoes. Beneath the head was placed a pillow full of lem on leaves. In the mouth was put a bunch of violets, and around the temples a chaplet of flowers. These are used )nly for the unmarried, and must be white. Both head and feet were tied with bands made for the purpose, which were unloosed at the edge of the grave when the coffin was about to be closed. A small coin (a relic of the fee to the ferryman) was placed in the palm of the hand. At Athens a sou is dropped into the coffin. The greatest attention is given to this point. In removing the body the feet always go first. A priest came on three succes sive days to sprinkle the room, fumigate it, and repeat certain prayers, as for that period after death it was supposed to be haunted. After burial women are hired to keep a light burning over the grave until the body is supposed to be decomposed. To assist this, the bottom of modern Greek coffins is of lattice work. Every Saturday the poor of Athens place on the graves of their friends, eatables of the sort they used to like.-Foreign Letter. Babies in a Photograph Gallery. Mothers are the same, whether they dress in silks and satins or are con strained to wear calico and perform mental duties. They are impressed with the fact that baby has reached that stage in life's journey from the cradle to the grave when his or her backbone is suffi ciently pronounced to hold the little hairless head up, and when such be somes a fact baby is carried to a photo graph gallery and a negative is secured. It is quite an event in baby's life, as for several months after such a picture is taken it furnishes the fond mother with. a day from which she can date little at tacks of the colic, croup or other unen joyable features of infantile existence. It is also something of an event in a pho tograph gallery. Baby visitors do not take kinkly to the camera. They entertain some kind of an idea that it must go off, and hence they are afraid of it. Others delight inthe novelty of the sight and want to play with it. No matter what the feel ing, the result is the same-they cry. Babies yells may be the proper thing in the well regulated family circle, but they are not so regarded in a modern gallery where likenesses alone are perpetuated. -St. Paul Pioneer-Press. A specimen of Ituskin's Vanity. Labouchere thinks the following pas sage from Ruskin's "Prseteritae" is about as good a specimen of egregious vanity as any eminent man has ever favored the world with. Little Johnny had found his first piece of copper pyrites, and thus moralizes on the event: "If only then my father and mother had seen the real strength and weakness of their little John, if they had given me but a shaggy Welsh pony, and left me in charge of a good Welsh guide, . . . they would have made a man of me there and then, and afterward the comfort of their own hearts, and probably the first geologist of my time in Europe."-Chicago Tribune. A Joke That Tiokles All Russia. Gloomy Siberia has furnishe.l a joke of her own that has made all the Russias laugh. Ivan Petroff, a merchant and mayor' of the city of Gorki, of the Tomsk province. dicd a while ago. The citizens raised 20( roubles the procure a painting of the dead mayor. They sent the money to-Mr. Skotti, the well-known painter of Mo.scow, asking him to make a portrait of tha mayor. They did not inclose any photograph, but gave thisdescripto:a: "Age, .I2 years and 6 months; stature, 5 fret ti inches; hair and eyebrows, auburn; eyes, gray; nose, mouth, and chin, ordinary; face, clean. He had no special traits except stammering."" The artist laughed, and gave the curious order to one of his young pupils, Ast:akhoff, who in a few days painted the portrait -of the stammering mayor and sent it to Siberia. In a few weeks Skotti received a letter fgom tbe Gorkians, saying: "The relatives of the late Mr. Fetroff and the rest of the citi sens believe that no better likeness could have been n.ada "--Chicago Tribune. The Young Idea, Yhiladeiphia Cau.l Mamma-Do you know the ten commana aenti, my deart l]e Ilebees-Ye;, mamma "Well, repe t them." "I cant, mamma. I doj't know them b. eart. 1 only know them when I se tLe:e . . Looking Down en the Crowd. A young lady from Massachusetts vis ited the New York stock exchange. the other day, and on looking down on thd mad crowd beneath her exclaimed: "They are lghtingl" and fainted away. The late bishop of Manchester owed his extrnordulury mastery over his voice to ha rig lived for years withadetfmlther MME. YTURBIDE AND SON. A PATHETIC STORY OF MATERNAL ANGUISH AND REGRET. A Grandson of the Emperor Yturbide Adopted by Maximilian and Car lotta-A Mother's Tribula tions-United at Last. The Yturbides, who have spent the best part of their lives in Washington, are heirs t1' the threas W Mbsxiec The Thsipeor Au gustin Yturbide had been an officer in the Spanish army when Mexico was a depend ency of Spain. Having been cashiered for cruelty to prisoners, he revenged himself by heading the re'volt which freed Mexico from the Spanish dominion. This was in 1821. But being a man of powerful ambition as well as extraordinary powers, he managed to have himself proclaimed emperor of Mex ico. Revolution followed, and on the 19th day of July, 1824, he was shot as a traitor. The Mexican congress exiled his fam ily, but, remembering Yturbide's services in freeing Mexican soil from the foreigner, settled a handsome annuity upon them. The emperor's only son, Don Angel de Yturbide, was sent to the United States to be educated, and while a student at the Jesuit college at Georgetown he fell in love with and married Miss Alice Green, a woman of spirit as well as beauty. They had one child, Augustin, who is now 21 years old. At the critical point in poor Maximilian's fortunes he thought it would be a measure of conciliation toward the Mexicans if he were to offer to adopt the grandson of the Emperor Yturbide and make him heir to the throne. The proposition was, therefore, conveyed to the family, who had been allowed to re turn to Mexico. It was coupled with the promise of a large grant off money to the Yturbides, which was, however, nothing but the payment of the pension due them from the Mexican government, and also that they should all leave Mexico at once. Dazzled by the brilliant prospect opening, as she thought, before her children, Mme. Yturbide contented to the arrangement. The young Augustin, then not 3 years old, was to be treated as the child of Maximilian and Carlotta, and Mme. Yturbide felt that she was giving him up to another mother. The papers were signed and Mme. Yturbide and her hurband set off for the United States ANGUISU AT THE SEPARATION. But, from the moment- she turned her steps away from her child, she was possessed with anguish at the separation. Every hour her distress increased, and when she reached Puebla she haltel and wrote a pa thetic note to Marshal Bazaine, then in com mand, begging him in eloquent words to induce the emperor and empress to restore to her her child. She could not await the marshal's answer to her letter at Puebla, which had been her intention, but seeing from her windows the diligence about to start for the City of Mexico, she ran down and hastily packing up a few necessaries took her place in it for the city where her child was Immediately on reaching Mex ico she communicated with Marshal Ba zaine, who behaved with great kindness to her, and through him she addressed a touch ing letter to the Emperor Maximilian. To this letter a verbal answer was sent request ing that Mme. Yturbide come to the palace to confer with the emperor and empress. At an appointed day a royal carriage was sent for her. Mme. Yturbide, ekgsnitly dressed in the Mexican fashion, with a mantilla over her head, entered it. Instead of driv ing to the palace they turned into a road leading out of the city. "The court, I suppos"., is at Chepaltepec," said Mme. Yturbide to the officer who accom panied her. But she was soon undeceived. It was the road to Puebla. Adiligence met them. Mme. Yturbide, on leaving the royal carriage, sat down on a rock on the roadside and refused to go further; but she was taken up by main force, put in the dili gence, and taken to Puebla, where her hus band, Don Angel de Yturbide, met her. But Mme. Yturbide could do something else be side write touching lettera She found out that the arrangement she had entered into and so bitterly regretted had no legal force according to the Mexican laws She inter ested Mr. Seward, then secretary of state, who made strong representations to the French government in Mme. Yturbide's favor. The Empress Carlotta was on her last visit to Paris, making her final desper ate eTort for assistance from the Emperor Napoleon. Mme. Yturbide went to Paris, where these ,two unhappy women had an interview. The empress received her coldly, and the interview was very unsatisfactory to Mm.n Yturbide. MOTHER AND SON UNITED. Meanwhile, Maximillan's fate was fast overtaking him. When he saw the catas trophe was at hand he determined to save young Yturbide, and with the assistance of the archbishop of Mexico hI conveyed word to Minme. Yturbide that her child would be placed on a certain steamer reaching Havana at snoh a date-and it was there Mme. Ytur bide was united to him after a separation of two years. Maximilian and Carlotta had surrounded the young prince with all the elegancies of royalty, and he retained many of their royal gifts. His father was then dead and his mother had sole charge of his eduzation. He was educated partly abroad and partly in this country. During her residence in Washington dur ing the last two years Mine. Ytirbide lived in a fine house on the corner of Nineienth and N streets, but last O:tober, her son be ing nearly 21, she sold h..r house and re turned with him to Mexicn. His intention was to enter the army at once, but by the advice of his Mexican friends he entered the national military, college for a course of study before taking his commission. He is a handsome young man, very quiet and pre possessing. His abilitisa can scarcely be judged so far, but he always conducted him self with great good sense. Mme. Yturbide is now with him in Mexico, but she has never wholly abandoned Washington as her homp and is still a large property-owner here. Her family all reside hera She is a woman of much beauty of person and great dignity of manner, and in her long contest for her child she maintained the spirit and determipafion of a true American.-Wash. ington Cur. Chicago News Would Not Be a Boy Again. Why is it that so many foolish folk look backward to their boyhood for their halcyon days? Somehow you could not be induced to go back. You have gazed back and en joyed it. But if you have lived a decent and healthy life you have come to a larger place and fuller joys. You had a good home and have never dishonored it. But the boy was less than the man. The youthful fret was as great, the cares as many and the struggles as great as the man's, according to his strength, and the homes were not like the mart of trade where now you strive for masteries. Your hands may shake with their present burdens; but you prefer the shaklng to the blistering of iron catches on the old winter's mornings, if only one's manly hands have no blisters of moral wrongs. You have, or should have, a thou sand. sources of enjoyment now where you had ten then. For your sorrows youhavethe strength and the faiths of a full grown man. No; better days are before us, not behind us.-Rev. Emo y. J. Haynes. fWhere Mosqultoes are Not Treuilesome. "Good Heavens, Washington, how does rour mast-r live in such a mosquito-ey hole is this" '"elL ash, the fat am. at night Mirs 3eorge am so intoxilled be don't give a ouse 'or the skeeters, and in de morning de sktt. .rs am so mtoxitied they don't give a cucs. !or.Mars George" In the efo:"t to rid Montana of daagero wild animals'.ounties were paid during 1881 ese more thas. ,0JO wolves, 1,800 coyotes, 500 # ears, ad .J meountain Hoes J.sring t1a& sýhe howsae.s were still greates,--h gct Thew tkliUsa's Proposa Senators. spe -sll Correspondence.l :S.triNOTON. Jan. 27.-Our young adts. Iliicota. a ho is seeking to make her debut and join the society of her sister sates, dtws L."t t::p up covly and modestly and ask th4 :ri.t r:we or forbearance of her full grow~. sisters in givi.ng her the proper 1. troductions amd guiding her aright in the usages a. tablished on such occasions by Ipece dent, but she swoops down on:us V like the .blizzsd for which she i3 famous, and at tempts to capti vate us by her dash GIDEON C. MOODY. or "nerve." At any rate, she is the talk of the town here, as young ladies pos sessing her boldness are likely to be. Whether she will be able to win the heart of congress remains to be seen. On Dec. 16 last was'the first notice received by the country that a legislature was in ses dion at Huron. where Judges Edgerton and Moody were elected United States senators. Judge Gideon L. Moody, of Deadwool, was born in Cortland, N. Y., in 1832 He entered the Union army at the outbreak of the war, enlisting as a private from Jasper county, Indiana, and gradually rising in the service until he was made a colone!. Removing to Dakota he was made speaker of the assembly in 1868 at I was re-elec.ed to the same posi- 't tion in 1874. In the years interven ing he st rved as a % mmmber of the house. He was sent ". as a delegate to the constitutional con veution of 1831 an I ser vetl as chairman rf tl.e committee ALONZO G. EDGERTON. appointed to Iprepare the memorial to the president and congress, setting forth Dakota's claim to sisterhood in the family of the United State:. Alonzo J. E Iger.on was born in Rome, N. Y., and is 57 years of age. He was gradu a'ed folnt Wesleyan university at Middle. town, Conn., in 1.il. When still a young man he remloved to Minnesota. and has been il.t muately and prominently identified with the history of tha, state.. He was a member of its lezislature in 1858 59 and in 1877-78, snlll in 1876 was chosen a presidential elec t :r. Fromn 1871 to 1874 he occupied the psition of railroal commissioner, and in ls81 was appoin:ed as United States senator, succeeding Mr. Windom when the latter be came secretary of the treasury in President Garfield's cabinet. Dec. 26, 1881, he was made chief justice of the sunreme court of Dakota. Both men have been in Washington some time, and attract considerable atten tion. PERRY BARTON. Joaquin Miller and His Daughter. [Special Correspondence.] NEw YORK. Jan. 27 -The recent story of the destitution of th: e det daughter of Joa quin Miller seems to be a sequel to the life of her gifted though eccentric father. From the thne he left his Ind:ana home as a boy to try his fortune in California till this very Jay he seems to prefer to rough it than en joy the comforts of civilizationt. He is at present the husband of a daughter of Wil liam Lelan 1, of hotel keeping fame, but he lives in a rou-h log cabin at the outskirts of Washington rather- than stare ths comforts of a pleasant home life in New York with his wife. lie has bkeu a wanderer from boy hood. Starting in life with very little eda cation, he tramped for seven years with no visible occupation other t'lan to write occa sional verses. In 181i.. at the age of 19, he returned home, and wa; preva:led upon to settle down. He entered a lawyer's olfice, but the old roving spirit got the best of him, and the next we hear of him hb was an ex press agent in the gol I mining districts of Idaho. Then he ma. editor of a Democrat:c paper at Eugene, which becamue so unpatri otic that it was suppressed by the government. He then opened a law office at Canon 4 j . City, and for four years prior to 1870 was a country judge. It was here he published his first collection of charming poems. which brought him the title of "Poet of the Sierras." In 1JOAQUIN he marred JOAQIN tILEt Minnie Theresa Dyer, "Minnie Myrtle." who obtained a divorce from him in 1870. Maud, who has created the present sensation, is th daughter of the poet by his first wife. She was edu cated in the convent of Jesus-Marie, at Sillery, near Quebec. Four years after Maud's admiss on to the convent school sha was summoned to New York to her mother's deathbed. The mother died of consumption. ;dr. Mill-r buried her and took Maud bac.t to Ganada. The girl carried with her the manuscript of an unfluishel story by h~r mother. She left the convent at the age of 18, and lived with her father and stepmother in this city. She went to Europa as travel ing companion with a friend of Mrs. Miller's. remained abroad six months, and on her return visited a good deal at the house of Mrs. Peet, of Perth Amboy, whose first hub band was Steele Mackaye. There she met young Mackaye and became engage to him. Her father forbade the marriage on ac count of her youth, and the elder Mackaye also wished . his son to wait. But the young people would not wait, and on th eve of Ash Wednesday, two years ago, they were married. The bride went .to live with her mother-in-law, Mrs Feet. The husband remidned in New Ybrk at his father's home, and went to Perth Amboy on Saturdays. Mrs. Mackaye was not content to live in idleness, and with out consulting her relatives, went on - the stage. She played at a small salary with poor traveling compan les, among others one that set out on the road with "rhe ' Danites." Hereshe l.ui KLtLE. was advertised as Joaquin Miller's daughter. Her father saw her act in it at Baltimore and seemed to appear proud of her. The next we hear of her was that "The Danites" company had collap ed at Louis ville, and Maud was stranded and in poverty in Chicago. She arrved last week in lNew York with Loudon McCormick, her late manager, whom sue recently married in Chicago. A conversation with Miss Maud Miller Mackaje McCormick, the lady of the five Ms, gives one the impression that she il either sligh:ly demented or that hit the un tamed eccentricity of her father and mother has been intensified in her natire. Picture Blocks for Yeung Children. No more satisfactory plaything has been in. vented for young children than picturt blocks. The plain, old-fashioned cubes at better for building Louses, fences and railwsc trains than the dissected edifices the little cta can notput together unaided. Every thL, he poee one block upon another without he;l he learns a lesson self-reliance and peraL verae that counts for one step in the a efplne ef life.--Philadelphia Call. Hope the Bllzzard Straighteaed It Oat. lDetron tree }re. pianner, the mao wie th3 lightning struck autogr.mph .' h. we used to wem lome on do la:- b ., i. cnmnlag out in a tent in Florida. .,'w h. litced tol col snap is not known, bu" ther.- ars grave tfars tlhn his sigusture ih- sten t trietvably fiWa titain I'ASHIION SPO('I TI,. A QUEER PHASE OF METROPOLITAN DRESSMAKING TRADE. Sh arp-Eyed Women Who Earn a Llvell Lo..o and Keep Up with the Times by lPirating Patterns and Counteifeit ing Costames. I:ot nmany days ago tbe reporter chanced in his round to spend a little time in one of the great dry goods caravanseries that abound in New York, and there observed the newest phase in the great art of dressmaking. lIe stood in the cloalt-room, when all at ones there was a colmonltion above the confusion of tralii'., and he saw, as did others in the roe:. , tha store detective take a tastefully d. .-.. young woman by the arm and gently but firmly eject her. There followed a whis pered chorus among clerks and customers of "Is _-ho a: hoplifter t" and "What has she done?" At the (closing of the door the detective re suined his former disinterested air, and kept it u:ltil lasked what the lady had done to be so sudi :ul. , turned out into the cold. Then he answerld: "Oh, she's what we call a fashion spotter." The reporter's ideas of spotters had always centered on the reprehensible individuals whe deeive tendler-hearted bartenders on Sun days, and he waited for more. It came. LATEST FASHION OF PARIS. "It's a new line of business among some of the mIost lure turn and snobbish dressmakinlt anld millinery establishments in this city. that's got to be quite the caper lately, and just now as their opening season is commenc ing they are out to spot and get on to every wrinkle they can at some one else's expense. You see such houses as ours send every year a special buyer or order to Europe to secure all the newest styles in the cloak, millinery and dressmaking lines, especially for their con cerns. This is done to keep each other well supplied against the competition of outside or private trades, and at the same time to not al low their houses to fall behind in the latest fashions of Parisian or other foreign designs or novelties. About a year ago it was im possible to excel these large establishments ii: procuring such goods, and when a lady of fashion desired to get anything recent, out side of importing it herself through some fri-,nd abroad, she was compelled to come to our stores and departments. "It was this pinch to secure patterns and styles from some perfect specimen or mode; :made in Paris that brought into existence the class to which belongs that woman you just saw me lead out of the store. These concernt get a man or woman in their employ who ih possessed with a knack for at once 'spotting' or catching at a glance the color, Inateria and design of any new dress, bonnet or cloak. Such parties must be experienced in this linm of trade and when the season for new style, and European novelties is about opening at the leading establishments they are sent out on their important mission to provide design for their employers, and upon them rests the gi~:at responsibility of the winter's work ant trade. The 'fashion spotter,' after looking through the advertising columns of the pa i")o, notes the announcements of the leading s:.,;J' opelnings and at once starts on her mis s:,:l. First oneestablishment of standing if entered and if the house deals in millinery. each sample bonnet is picked up and every detail in its nmaterial and make mentally noted. This is the millinery fashion spotter', job. Then, so it goes on with the cloakmak ers' and dressmakers' spotters. DETECTIVES ON THE ALERT. "The heads of big stores at length deter mined to keep detectives on the alert for the fashion spotters and to keep them out of the show-rooms. We are getting on to them as set now, through shadowing and keeping regular description list of them at headquar. ters. "The best time to nip these damsels is or wet days, when regular customers do not care to venture out. They all seem to have plenty of leisure in rainy weather, because their trade is also dull, and, beside, they think they can accordingly take time by the forelock There is no law to prevent or punish them for stealing fashionable ideas and turning then to their own advantage, but of course a mar has a right to forbid t person frequenting his establishment whom he might deem objection able. Then when you look at it, the business does seem a regular.piratical piece of work. I do not believe the style can be copyrighted. but it seems almost as much of an offense as the plagiarism or piracy of a book or play. Yon must understand these houses pay a pretty bit premium for securing the first importatior and exclusive use of these styles in America.' -Brooklyn Eagle. The Mahogany Desks of the Senate. The mahogany desks used by the menle bers of the United States senate are, witl few exs e )t:oos, seventy-five years old. The; were built away back in 1810 i2. Like old wine they have improved with age and are apparently as strong and durable as when first placed in po'ticn. Capt. Bassett, who has been a sort of factotum about the senate for half a centary is the only person living who can point out the desks used by the great men of the past, and he, it is unneces FarT to say, guards his et-ret well. If he did not the relic-hunters would chop them to pieces within a.month. When Mr. Tabor, of Colorado, was a member of the senate he endeavored to learn the history of his desk, but Capt. Bassett declined to gratify his curiosity. Tabor is ,aid to have replied: "Never mind; I'll at least leave my mark upon it, so that posterity may remember me by that, is nothing else." He wore at that time a pair of gold sleeve-buttons with a large solitaire diamond setting in the center. With these he gradually made two indenta tions in each corner of the desk, and doubt less flattered himself that he had outwitt I the captain. But the latter as soon as Mr. Tabor retired from the senate, plugged up the holes so deftly that no trace of their ex istence remaina--Washington Cor. Chicago News Why Hunting Parties Wear Pink. An attempt has lately been reported." says the 'Book of the Horse,' "from the fashionable English hunting counties to bring black coats into fashion, instead of the accepted pinks, 'which have become too common and vulgar.' It is quite safe to prophesy that this bit of exclusive affecta tion will not survive many seasons. The advantages -of pink are many; it can be seen far off; it s a good letter of introduc tion at every inn and turnpike gate for the man otherwise well appointed; most men look well in it; properly treated it wears longer than bIack. Formerly it was con sidered the correct thing to wear a scarlet coat much stained. Even artificial means were used to produce the desired effect; but of late the custom has been the other way, and hunting valets have discovered some mains of making two or three hunting coats look new every day of the season." New York Town Topics English Anecdote of Horsee Greeley. We suspect that wealthy Americans get "the people" crammed down their throats till thley g ow as weary as the late Horace Greeley, a most liberal giver, "who once answeted a request for money 'to save a few souls' with the snarl: "Get out! There ain't half the souls damned that ought to be "-London Spectator. A Long Felt Wait in Africa. English enterprise will soon supply a want whi' h has been long felt in west Africa, via:I an investing and commercial bank. The company is now Leing formed, with a capital of £1,000,000 sterling&. The head office will be in Liverpool, with branche at Lags, Sierra Ioan., and Cape Coesh--aE Eassage Knowa Twenty Centurls Ags. Massage, or the art of cmaing diessms by rubbing, Lneading, and utrokiig, is acdto have Le,~a known to the Chines three hundred years before the Christian era, while the ancient Persians, Greeks, sa Raomi pnr sed smiuar umwthed--Ci ~iasmq UN7 PROTECTED WORKERS. HOW CHILDREN ARE OVERWORKED IN GERMANY. Evils Which are Exciting the Attention of the Government-Fearful Mortail ity of Children Employed in Fas torles-Tiade , egulations. How totally unprotected the German working population is ftw people~ know oa side the sufferers and the men and women whose lives are spent in arousing discontent and revolutionary hatred among them. In England and Switzerland, and to some extent in America, factory inspectors are especially instructed to prosecute for breach of the factory acts. In Germany they are especially instructed not to do so. They re port to the governments of the several prin cipalities and kingdoms, who revise and ex cerpt at discretion and then forward the re sult to the government of the empire, which carries the process of dissection one step further and then publishes as much of the twice mutiliated remains as it thinks proper, and still the reports, even after they have been twice mangled by the ministerial shears, are most painful reading. The trade regulations forbid employers binding their hands to work on Sundays. So no one is bound, but every one works for fear of dismissaL Necessaries of life, it furnished to the hands by employers, must be supplied at cost price, but tools and ma terials may be furnished at any price that the employers see fit to set upon them, and the encrmous profits demanded by a firm in Bielefeld were the cause of the strike, tu mult and uproar and consequent institution of actual military siege in that town last summer. The employers of sewing women in the preparation of ready-made clothing, too, carried their exactions of profits upon the sewing materials which they supply so far that, when the motion to impose a tax upon sewing cotton was before the reichstag, a committee was appointed to canvass the employes of all such establishments in Ber lin and compare their statements with those of the employers. The result was the revel ation of extortions almost incredible. THE EMPLOYMENT OF CHILDREN. Children under 12 years of age may not be employed in factories and the terribly rigorous enforcement of compulsory educa tion up Lo 12 years of age probably secures obedience to this command of the law, but children from 12 to 14 years of age may be employed six hours per day. The teachers of the empire at their convention in Darm stadt last summer called attention to the fact that in 1883, when the last available statistics were published, 18,9W5 such chil dren were employed in those industries ak n3 which were under the surveillance of the factory inspectors, while the number employed in industries carried on by the workers in their dwell ings and in handicrafts was probably much larger, and the speakers laid due weight upon the damage inflicted upon these thou ran Is of poor little toilers by their too early r. moval from school Even in the mines there are children employed, both boys and girls. But the worst aspect of the children's em ployment evil is in relation to the factory inspectors. There are not one-tenth as many of the s3 functioiiaries in the first place as there ought to be and the few who cxist are ex pressly forbidden to prosecute for breach of the law. Hence the abuse of the employ ment of children goes sc far that such a sheet as The National Liberal Leipsicer Tageblatt recently observed: "If the inspectors would pause in many a place in Saxony towards 9, 10 and 11 at night in the vicinity of ma chine made lace works they would see how many children are employed beyond the legal hours, among them children from 7 years on." years on." FEARFUL MORTALITY OF CHILD'":N. According to The Conservative Monthly there are in Germany no less than 480,474 children under 15 years of age supporting themselves. Of these, 142,863 are engaged in manufacture, 28,629 of them being girls There is scarcely a branch of industry in which children are not employel In mines and salt works alone 5,500 children are em ployed. Brick, porcelain and glassworks employ 5,744 more children, a large propor tion of whom are employed at home in glass-hlowing, a kind of work especially hurtful for breathing apparatus which is still in process of development. In spinning mills there are 6,942 children. The figures touching the spinning industry are very complete, and the conclusions which inev itably follow from them are terrible. Be sides the 6,942 child spinners, there are 34, 000 persons ranging in age from 15 to 20 years, 31,000 in the years between 20 and 80, and but 15,700 between 80 and 40. The majority of these workers are women. The natural consequence is the fearful mor tality of children in spinning and weaving districts such as Silesia, a mortality which has increased of late years In Breslau, for instance, this mortality has increased from 277 per. 1,000 children as the average of the years from 1876-1880 to 290 in 1883. In Leignitz, during the same time, the in fant mortality increased from 288 to 290 per 1,000. In Oppelu it increased from 211 to 226 per 1,000, and in the whole province from 255 to 266 per 1,000. But these figures are by no means the worst In the actual seats of manufacture the statistical showing is frightful. Beuthen and Waldenburg have a very dense population, chiefly employed in mining and smelting. In both the pro portion of deaths of children was 430 per 1,000. The population of Landeshut is oc cupied in textile manufacture and here the mortality reached 486 per 1,000. Yet the employment of children, according to the latest reports of the factory inspectors, is everywhere steadily increasing.-Foreign Cor. Philadelphia Times. Rays of Sunshine. [New York sun.] THn SECRET OF SUCCESS, Small Boy-A cent'r worth of peanuts, aunty. Aunty-Arrahl be of wid ye. D'ye think t's meself that would be afther sellin' a cent's worth of peanuts? Small Boy (around the corner)-Gimme a cent's worth of peanuts, Garibaldi. Garibaldi-S., signor, vera gooda peanut, fresha roast. A LITTLEZ mISUDERSTANDING. Angry Purchaser-You told me the horse wasn't balky. Seller-No, I didn't. Angry Purchaser-You certainly did. You said that when it came to pulling that horse was there every time Seller-Yes, that's what I said. He's there, but the trouble is he stays. I used to build a bonfire under him. AN UNFOBESEEN ACCIDENT. "Yes," sighed a recent widow, "we are very unfortunate. Poor John was out of work for a long time, and when he obtained a gool job he died." "What job did he get?" she was asked. "He joined a circus and got $20 a week for p. ting his head in the lion's mouth twice a day.- That's all he had to do. Itseems hard he should have died." ' What did he die of"? "The lion bit his head offt" THINK WELL OF THE COUNTRY. "Shine'ea uppa.' said an Italian bwot black to Pats just landed. "Phat's the chargef' asked Pat. "Five cents." "'* "Begorra," said Patlas, he seated himself in the chair, *itb is a folne counthry, Amer iky, where a poor Oirishman can get his boots blacked by a glntlemon wid goold rings in his ears." Milk Prodaee4d I 4Rrewers' Grain. The mineral coistituenls are largely Imeched out of barley in malting, and con isqueatly the material for boae growth is lacklag. But milk from brewlrs' grains is for this very reaonu the lest fdtr adults What is nse'ei for aults is wat-prducing feod, to supp.y waste,. not bono ead ~ 'k - ._dfe teal -to assit growth. - THE LIME KILN CLUB. Portraits of a Visiting Delegation and Brother 'Yhl eiole laowker. [Detroit Free Pre.J] During the past week a distingui.hed dele gatioh from Marietta. 0., cons:sting of the Hon Cole. Strawder. Hon. C'uh ileudoer son and Deacol F.etcher. h trye been visitiru the Lime Kim. clu j. 'ih, obj'.-t wa, to e. cure "pointere" for the b nefit of the colri.l tociety in Marietta, known as "i he So emn Band of Gideon." 7he deleCation had never tackled a town of over 4,000 inhabitants be fore, ani were rather "off color" in Detroit. -- 1 r THE VISITING DILEGATION. The Hon. Strawder, for instance, insisted on walking in the middle of the road. and in using lard and lampblack on his boots. The Hon. Henderson lost his wal!et, con taining $10, while buying re inuts on the market, and had to raise his fare home Ly spouting his silver watch. Deacon Fletcher mailed two letters in fire alarm boxes, fol lowed a brass band a mile and a half in the mud, and was foolish enough to mix up in a dog fight, and get knocked down by the man who owned the se ond best canine. The Delegates went away happy, however, and chock full of information for the benefit of their band. They were granted a charter to work to the thirty-second degree, and start out with sixty-seven members, every one of whom has a ball spot on top of his head. and knows the difference between a spring chicken and a motherly hen. Pickles Smith offered a resolution to the effect that a committee he appointed to in vest'gate and pronounce on the skull of Demosthenes, now hanging on a nail in the museum, and labeled: "After Using." He had heard serious doubts expressed as to whether the skull was genuine, or one made to order in New York, and would like the fact settled. "Brudder Smith, sot right down!" ex claimed the president as he brought his gavel Sown with a bang "When we label and sang up a sk ull in dis museum we have gone too fur to back water. Dat am not only supposed to be de skull of Demosthenes, but it am 'spected dat etery individual member of dis club am read to take off his coat to support de supposishunl When you start out to make a museum de first great step am nebber to doubt your own labels." The case of Whalebone Howker was then called up by Sir Isaac Walpole. Several weeks since Brother Howker signed a paper recommending a certain b and of stove blacking, and sold the maker the right to use his picture on the package. This is in violation of by-law No. 17, and Howker was suspended for six months and fined $600. Sir Isaac desired to appeal in his behalf. The suspended brother lived next door to him, and the way he took on o' nights kept his neighbors awake. He had lost flesh at the rate of a pound a day, and his lamily were greatly concerned for his health. The fine hung over him like a ten-ton grindstone, and his suspension seemed more than he could bear. "Whar am Bradder Howker jist now f' asked the president. "In de aunty-room sah." "You kin bring him in." Brother Howker was brought in. He had tightened up his belt to the last notch, so as to ap pear fearfully emaciated, and walked with a step which seemed to prove -that this vain world had no further charms for him.- He also man aged to get off three or four groans which seem ed to come from dowi among the shoo pegs. "Brudder How ker,' said the presi dent, "friends have / interc~led in your behalf.: and I hev - 5 decided to remit your fine and rein- 'BRUDDaER' HOWKER. state you as an active member of dis club. Doan let dis sol emn warnin' go unheeded. From dis time out I want to see you a changed man. You kin now take your accustomed seat behind de stove, an' I'd advise you to let dat belt out about two inches afore it cuts you in t wo. "SamueliShin will now sound de triangle to bring dis meetin' to a stop, an' befo' lock in' de alley doah he will see dat de b'ar traps am properly sot to embrace any vile pusson who may seek to enter do hall by dat route." Weather Prophet of Delaware County. For more than thirty-five years preceeding the establishment of the weather bureau by the gosernment Isaac Yocum, of Paschal ville was the rcognized weather prophet for the people of Delaware county. If the breast, bone of the goose, the hog's melt, the ground hog and other well-established weather sign corresponded with Isaac Yocum's predictions. well and good; if not, they were at fault that year and everybody so understood it. Mr. Yocum was gathered to his fathers soon after the establishment of the weather bureau de partment, but were he living to-day he would say in his jocular way: "Every snow this win ter will be a rain." Weather Solon Yocum was a butcher, and one of his theories respecting the weather was the set of the wind at the turn of the seasons. If, for instance, during the season of the fall equinox--say from Sept 15 to '22--the wind was generally in the east, shifting southward and finally clearing up by shifting round to the souhtwest, thento northwest, Mr. Yocum would make a contract at a very low figure to pasture cattle on the Hog island pasture lands until about Dec. 20. He would take a run through Delaware eointy, purchase a large number of thin cattle at low prices and would invariably have three months of warm weather and the best of pasture for his cattle, which he would fatten and sell at high prices. During the winter solstice, along about the 20th of December of 1885, the wind hung around the southeast and fdally veered to northwestward and back again by the south ward, thus betokening, according to the Yocum theory, which invariably held good thirty years ago, a warm winter, with much more rain than snow, and, when three or four days of cold weather overtook us, to be fol lowed suddenly by warm spells.-Philadelphis Times. A Whole Dsme Novel In Fifteen Lines. A Shoshone Indian just in from Big Horn reports finding, about two weeks ago at the base of a precipice, the skeleton of a man and a silver-tip bear. The bones lay within each other's embrace, and the living bodies had evidently clasped in a death grip, fallen from the dissy edge far abov. The bones of the man were herculean in eise, and the silver-tip, or Rocky mountain grizzly, had been one of the largat of its kind. Both of the powerful frames were badly broken, and bear and man were doubtless inStantly killedby tih fienrl fall A raucy hnting knitfa with a b aebors handle lay ausi4 the rits of ts grissly; t b e ds Lrive boma -Chqsae(W. Tribine TERMS -INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. Ou Year ............... ...........'....) Cp ilx Months ..................................... t .) 'Thec Months .................................. 1 (to When not paid in advance the rate will be Fit- e Dollars per year. NUWSPPPER DECISIONls. 1. Ary one who takes a paper reaularly from h Piet.lmce-whether directed to his name or another's or whether he has sbsecribed or not--Is responsible for the payment. 2 It a person orders his paper diseontuned, be must pay allurrearsees, or the publisher will con lintle to Pedn it until payment in made and collect the wbo'camount, whether thepaper it taken from th ,f rec or not. 3. Thecourtshavedcrirhkd that trtesir' to3 tLak the newspapers or periodicals trom the Portotlece or removing and leaving thent uncalled for, is prima f.cis evldence of inteIntional fraud. Papers ordered to any address can be changed to anstrher address at t he option of the ssbecriber. Remlttances by draft, chjck, money order, or relis rer,d letter may te sent at our rlk. AllPoetmaster, are required to register letters on appliheation. A LITTLE LECTURE ON FACES. What Noses Mean and What China In dicate-Eyes and Aps. "If Cleopatra's nose had been a quarter of an inch shorter it would have changed the face of the whole globe," said Ednlund Russell the other night, quoting a French writer. Then he drew the outlines of three chins on the blackloard-the normal; the projecting, which accomplishes saul, t uing in the world; the retreating, which bilougs to people who may be good thinkers and good critics, but who never amount to much be cause they lack physical energy. He also drew mouths that expressed the meaningless society smile, that is often accompanied by a tired expres ion of the eyebrows, thus pre senting a facial contradiction. A long upper lip often goes with energy, unless the individual be coarse and lacking in other characteristics, when it expresses mere doggedness The normal mouth, that would be found in a boy, may tighten into a line, indicating mentality in the course of ten years, or it may droop and soften and project, indicating sensuality. As man differentiates from low to higher types the features develop their special ex pression. In low types the nose is flat, like that of an animal, and the face is broad. In high types the face reaches up into the spiritual and elongates. All expression starts from the normal and that is most capable of expression. A man who habitually diverges from the normal becomes one-sided. The mouth emphasizes the expression of the eye, as in surprise. Great poets, great artists and great lovers never lose their childlike expression of won der. Mental expression is concentric; physi cal expression eccentric. Ruskin says that "the thinking man turns himself into a two edged sword, to cut, while the receptive man turns himself into a four-cornered sheet, to catch. "-Brooklyn Eagle. A Wooden-Legged Man's Joke. speaking of wooden legs, there is an old soldier employed in the government office in this city who has had some ex perience with an artificial limb, his meat one having been taken off at the knee. Among the most amusing was one with a sleeping-ca:' porter. This pampered rail way tyrant rarely earns his quarter all 'round by his pretense of blacking shoes and flipping dust from his victim's back, but it is the habit of this wooden-legged man to utilize the darky in taking off that leg and making him earn his hire. On one train he struck an uppish sort of a porter-a brother to the insufferable swell who sings out "last call for dinnah in the dinning cah?" That darky stood around with a languid dignity that would that would make a street-corner dude sick at heart. The man with the wooden leg made up his mind he would "wake that nigger up" before he shipped in his quarter. He told a couple of men in the car his purpose, and they joined in with him. He wears his shoe firmly fastened to the wooden leg, having no need to remove it, and having fallen once from a loose shoe. After his berth had been made up he went to the dressing room and unstrap. ped his leg, keeping hold of the strap, and then got to his berth. Then he called the porter. "I've got rheumatism and can't bend oA-er," he said, "and I wish you'd pull off that shoe." The por ter untied the shoe and tried to pull it off, but it wouldn't come. "Pull hard," said the passenger. The darky gave it another pull: "Oh, brace against the berth and pull," said the passenger, The porter had blood in his eye. He put his foot against the berth ::nd pulled like a dentist. The passengar let go the strap and the darky fell back with the shoe and the leg. "My God! You've pulled off my leg'!" shrieked the passenger. The porter dropped it, and with his eyes bulg ingandhis teeth chattering, he broke from the car. He concealed himself in a corner of the baggage car, and pretty soon the two other conspirators came in, pretended they didn't know where he was, sat down on a trunk and talked over the awful condition of the man whose leg had been pulled off, and about the penalty the darky would have to suffer if he should be caught. The porter was of no service to anybody that night, even after they explained the joke to him. Milwaukee Sentinel. The Southern Negro Farm Laborer. The married negro farm laborer is a much better fellow than his single broth er. The latter is more of a nuisance than a help. When you hire him he will cheerfully attach his valuable autograph -middle name X-to any ironclad con tract you may draw up, and as cheerfully break said contract the next day, if it suits him so to do. He is surly, insolent and disobedient. He demands a holiday every Saturday. Nearly every night, when he should be wrapped in sleep, dreaming of unlimited 'possum and roast 'taters, he is prowling over the country, on amorous thoughts intent. In conse quence thereof he appeals the next morning half asleep, and fulfils his daily task in a slipshod manner. Should he be plowing in the field and a strange negro be seen passing along the road, he will arrange it so that they meet at the fence, and an hour or-more will be given up to intellectual conversation. Doubtful points in political economy and theology are settled, and after a brilliant inter change of ideas Sambo will resume his reluctant work. Never cross him if you can avoid it. He will submit to no dictation. You must always be polite, even obsequious to him. He is a strick stickler for eti quette, and will leave you in a moment If you infringe on his self-esteem. Insult him and he has a covert revenge. He is too shrewd to resent openly. To get even with you he will put pounded glass or poison in the feed-box, and the soul of some valuable horse or mule will wing its way to the land of somewhere, re gardless of your weeping and wailing. Or some dark night he will put fre in your sunburnt fields. At times he may pen your pet cow in a corner, and upon the poor dumb beast vent his ill-nature through the persuasive influence of a broken fence-rail. I can imagine nothing crueler than the ordinary negro. All this is probably the result of teaching of years of slavery. Where a large number work together they get along better. They love to work side by side and keep up a constant noisy chatter. Best of it all is where families are employed. There is then some at tachment to the soil they eultivate. The female portion do the washing for the planter, and by a liberal use of potash to save labor-a renewal of linen is made necessary about four times a year.-Live Oak (Fla.) Cor. New York Sun A Mexican Voleano in Litigation. The ancient volcano Popocatapeti has got into the courts. Not that it has been boldly transported into the halls of liti gation, but it is the subject of a novel puit at law. For many years Gen. Ochoa has been the owner of the volcano, the highest point of land in North America, together withall its appurtenances. The crater contains a fine quality of sulphur, which the general has been, extracting, giving employment to Indians who cared to stay down in the vaporous old crater. The property was at one time fairly profitable, but now it appears that the volcano was, some time ago, mortgaged to Mr. Carlo Recamley, who brings suit of. fo.eclosure. The papers have been joking about the matter, some asking -what Mr. Recamier intends to do with his volcano when he gets legal peesie.io. He bqi.e solemnly warned- that the law forbids the carrying out of the coun try of ancient monuments and objects of historical interest' -Probably there are preeedentsin law for thefofeeleoing of rollcaAe property, but, yo nor I -have never heard of thes betfore.-Mxeioo Letter. -.. ... ., .